Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



Student Number: 124214017





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



Student Number: 124214017




A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis


By GATOTWIKANTO Student Number: 124214017

Approved by

Drs. irmawan Wijanarka. M.HuID. July 18,2019 Advisor

Adventina Putranti M.Hum. July 18,2019 Co-Advisor


A Sarjana Saslra Undergraduate Thesis


, By GATOT WIKANTO Student Number: 124214017

Defended before the Board ofExaminers On July 24,2019 and Declared Acceptable



Chairperson : Drs. Hinnawan Wijanarka, M.Hurn.

Secretary : Adventina Putranti, S.S., M.Hum.

Member 1 : A. B. Sri Mulyani

Member 2 : Drs. Hinnawan Wijanarka, M.Hum.

Member 3 : Adventina Putranti, S.S., M.Hum.

Yogyakarta, July 31, 2019

...... -/_~•. Tatang Iskarna



I certify that this undergraduate, thesis contains no material which has been

previously submitted for the award of any other degree at any university, and that,

to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material previously written by any other person except where due reference is made in the

text ofthe undergraduate thesis.

Yogyakarta, July 18, 2019

Gatot Wikanto



, Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma

Nama : Gatot Wikanto Nomor Mahasiswa : 124214017

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang beIjudul


Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan(bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin kepada saya maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian surat ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal 18 Juli 2019

Yang menyatakan,

Gatot Wikanto


“What’s Important is to be sure.”



“What’s Important is to be sure.”






First of all, I would like to say thanks to Allah SWT for everything You have given to me. I know that sometimes I forgot to pray to Him, but somehow,

He still gives me blessings and time to finish my study.

My greatest gratitude goes to my advisor, Drs Hirmawan Wijanarka,

M.Hum and my Co-Advisor Adventina Putranti M.Hum who support me and advise me throughout the writing process of my undergraduate thesis with their patience, knowledge, critical mind and willingness.

Furthermore, I would like to thank my mom, my dad, my sister, and my brother for always being supportive and showing never ending encouragement so that I can finish my study. I dedicate this thesis to all my friends in English

Department, Angkringan Odhe, Horde of Kopmasus and Mabar kuy squad, Alex,

Amos, Antony, Anjar, Baped, Bella, Christa, Clinton, Dida, Doyok, Dwigo,

Dhanny, Dryan, Doni, Gimbal, Gelen, Gondes, Ikhsan, Inno, Ipik, Jampes, Kevin

Jon, Kevin Khalista, Mbak Ninik, Niko, Nopen, Odie, Papam, Penyik, Rian,

Sandy, Shuko, Si om, Toto, Yudha, Wibi, Wisnu and Simbok KOPMA. They all mean a lot to me and thanks for the endless friendship, togetherness, and motivation.

Gatot Wikanto




CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 4 C. Objectives of the Study ...... 4 D. Definition of Terms ...... 4

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 6 A. Review of Related Studies ...... 6 B. Review of Related Theories ...... 8 C. Theoretical Framework ...... 11

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ...... 13 A. Object of the Study ...... 13 B. Approach of the Study ...... 14 C. Method of the Study ...... 15

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ...... 16 A. The Description of Apollo ...... 16 B. The Conflicts Faced by Apollo ...... 32 C. The Messages as Revealed through the Apollo’s Conflicts ...... 47




ABSTRACT GATOT WIKANTO, The Messages Revealed through Apollo’s Conflict in Rick Riordan’s The Trials of Apollo book one The Hidden Oracle. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2019.

The object of this study is a novel entitled The Trials of Apollo book one The Hidden Oracle which is written by Rick Riordan that tells about a God named Apollo who becomes a human as a punishment from his father , he must complete every trials that have been given to become a god again. The purposes of this study are: first to identify the description of main character, Apollo; second, to identify the conflicts faced by Apollo; and third, to show the messages as revealed through the conflicts faced by Apollo. The writer uses New Criticism as the approach to analyze this novel. The writer also includes some studies about character and characterization, conflicts, and message. Then, the writer applies the theories from those books into the analysis to answer the problem formulations. The method which is used in this study is library research. The writer can reveal some potential messages from the conflicts that was faced by the main character, Apollo. Apollo has five characteristics: brave, smart, curious, obedient and selfless. Then those characteristics lead Apollo to handle the problem that he faces everyday and to survive in the human world without his godly power. Apollo’s conflicts are divided into two, internal and external conflicts. The internal conflicts happen when Apollo feel confused whether he focuses only in his task to become a god again or focuses on everything that happens around him. Next, the writer divides the external conflicts into four conflicts. First, when Apollo and friends fight against the Nosoi when they were on the way to half-blood camp. Second, Apollo and Meg have different ideas when they are going to search the missing children. Meg is helping Nero to open the gates of grove of dodona, Apollo tries to persuade Meg to not help Nero. The third, is the conflict after Apollo becomes a human. When he does not know about anything that he have when he becomes human in this life, he was robbed by two thugs. Next is the conflicts between Apollo and Nero. When Apollo knows Nero kidnaps the childrens and want to control the grove of dodona Apollo take an action and prevent that to happen. The writer also finds the messages that are revealed through the conflicts of Apollo which are,sacrifice everything, dare to take a risk, and never giving up.

Keywords: messages, conflicts, Apollo



ABSTRAK GATOT WIKANTO, The Message Revealed through Apollo’ Conflicts in Rick Riordan’s The Trials of Apollo book one The Hidden Oracle. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2019.

Objek penelitian ini adalah novel berjudul The Trials of Apollo buku satu The Hidden Oracle yang ditulis oleh Rick Riordan yang menceritakan tentang dewa Apollo yang menjadi manusia sebagai hukuman dari ayahnya Zeus dan sekarang ia harus menyelesaikan setiap cobaan yang diberikan untuk menjadi dewa lagi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: pertama untuk mengidentifikasi karakter utama, Apollo; selanjutnya, mengidentifikasi konflik yang dihadapi oleh Apollo; dan terakhir, menemukan pesan melalui konflik yang dihadapi Apollo. Penulis menggunakan New Criticism sebagai pendekatan untuk menganalisis novel ini. Penulis juga memasukkan beberapa studi tentang karakter dan karakterisasi, konflik, dan pesan. Kemudian, penulis mencari dan menerapkan teori-teori dari buku-buku itu ke dalam analisis untuk menjawab rumusan masalah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi pustaka. Penulis dapat menemukan beberapa pesan potensial dari konflik yang dihadapi oleh karakter utama, Apollo. Apollo memiliki lima karakteristik: berani, pintar, rasa penasaran, patuh, dan tidak mementingkan diri sendiri. Kemudian karakteristik itu menuntun Apollo dalam menangani masalah yang dia hadapi sehari-hari dan bertahan hidup di dunia manusia tanpa kekuatan dewanya. Konflik yang dihadapi Apollo dibagi menjadi dua, konflik internal dan eksternal. Konflik internal terjadi ketika Apollo merasa bingung apakah dia hanya fokus pada tugasnya untuk menjadi dewa lagi atau fokus pada segala sesuatu yang terjadi di sekitarnya. Selanjutnya, penulis membagi konflik eksternal menjadi empat konflik. Pertama, ketika Apollo dan teman-temannya bertempur melawan Nosoi ketika mereka sedang dalam perjalanan menuju perkemahan orang berdarah campuran. Kedua, ketika Apollo dan Meg memiliki ide yang berbeda ketika mereka akan mencari anak-anak yang hilang dan ketika Meg membantu Nero untuk membuka gerbang hutan dodona, ia mencoba membujuk Meg untuk tidak membantu Nero. Yang ketiga, adalah konflik setelah Apollo menjadi manusia, ketika dia tidak tahu tentang apa pun yang dia miliki ketika menjadi manusia di kehidupan ini dan dia dirampok oleh dua penjahat. Berikutnya adalah konflik antara Apollo dan Nero. Ketika Apollo tahu Nero menculik anak-anak dan ingin mengendalikan dodona, Apollo mengambil tindakan dan mencegah hal itu terjadi. Penulis juga menemukan pesan-pesan yang terungkap melalui konflik Apollo yaitu adalah: mengorbankan segalanya, berani mengambil risiko, dan tidak pernah menyerah.

Kata kunci: messages, conflicts, Apollo





A. Background of the Study

A literary work comes from the author’s inspiration. The author usually creates a literary works such as poems, drama and novels. An author creates a literary work after observing the society in life. He/she often use their literary work to appreciate, criticize, or express their life experience that happens in their daily lives.

One type of literary works which is good to be analyzed is a novel.

Usually, a novel is an imaginative literary work which comes from the author’s imagination, Abrams states that

The term "novel" is now applied to a great variety of writings that have in common only the attribute of being extended works of fiction written in prose. As an extended narrative, the novel is distinguished from the short story and from the work of middle length called the novelette; its magnitude permits a greater variety of characters, greater complication of plot (or plots), ampler development of milieu, and more sustained exploration of character and motives than do the shorter, more concentrated modes (1999: 190).

Because a novel is a part of literature work there must be some important messages. Those important messages can relate to human beings. The novel can help readers understanding the situations or problems which may exist in the society. The novels can enrich many valuable things about being human. Wellek and Warren stated that



Literature is the reflection of human feeling toward his life. It is closely related to human experience through which we can learn the image of human beings that is expressed in the written way. It can also be defined as the work of arts which represents human life (1956: 94).

It can be concluded from the statement above that there is a connection between literature and daily lives. From both quotations above, it can be concluded that literature is another way of how humans express their feelings through imagination and from their imagination they create a literary work, that can give people a lesson, reflection, moral value, etc.

In this thesis, the writer wants to analyze one of the novels by the auhor

Rick Riordan, The Trials of Apollo Book One: The Hidden Oracle. There are several reasons that make the researcher chooses this novel. First, the literary work of Rick Riordan mostly tells about how human’s life when he or she is different from other human. Second, it is the way how Rick Riordan expresses the relationship between parents and children, through main character’s past life and some humors in the words chosen. Third, The Trials of Apollo Book One: The

Hidden Oracle contains several moral messages through the conflicts that can become reflection to the reader.

In The Trials of Apollo Book One: The Hidden Oracle the story centers around the life of God Apollo which is punished to become human by his father

Zeus. He stays in Manhattan as a human named Lester Papadopoulos, a sixteen years old boy . He does not know what is wrong with his behavior that makes his father punish him. He always complain about it, even though he has experienced it twice. He thinks that if he can pass his father trials in the human world he can PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


become a god again. Then he meets a mysterious girl named Meg McCaffrey, a .

She helps Apollo from two thugs who are trying to rob him a moment after arriving in earth as a human. She agrees to help Apollo to pass his trials and makes apollo her servant. First, their goal is to go to Half-Blood camp to search for Apollo’s friend, but only a demigod who has been there knows the whereabouts of the place.

The main conflict starts when Apollo and Meg arrive in Half-Blood camp.

When Apollo arrives, he feels that there is something different with the camp. His friend in the camp tells him that some students have been lost also they cannot see the prophecy. His friend also tells that this incident is related to Apollo’s punishment. He also learns that the cave of source of oracle has been taken by his enemy, Phyton. Then one day the oracle comes to visit the camp. In there, she tells Apollo about their enemy informations and their goals. After hearing that, Apollo and his oracle realize about one place of oracle source which is still missing. Then Meg decides that Apollo and her to search that place.

From the conflict in the story and plot, there are several messages that the reader can get and learn. Those messages become the reason why the writer chooses this novel as the object of the study because the messages of the story are representations of human life. There are many messages that are suitable for modern people even though the novel is just author’s fantasy. This study focuses on the messages which are revealed through Apollo’s conflicts. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


B. Problem Formulation

1. How is Apollo described in this story?

2. What are the conflicts faced by Apollo?

3. What are the messages revealed through Apollo’s conflicts in the story?

C. Objectives of the Study

By observing the problem formulation, there are three objectives of this study. First is to identify Apollo’s characteristics in the story. Second is to find

Apollo’s conflicts from the beginning until the end of story. Third is to find out about the messages that are revealed through the conflicts that Apollo faced in

The Trials of Apollo book one: The Hidden Oracle.

D. Definition of Terms

The followings are the terms that are used in this study to provide an accurate analysis and a clearer explanation in order to avoid misunderstanding.

The first term to define is characters. Characters are the important elements of literature because they inhabit the story and build the reader’s interest.

Abrams says that characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it—the dialogue— and from what they do—the action (1999: 32).

The second term is conflicts. According to Holman and Harmon conflict is,

The struggle that grows out of the interplay of the two opposing forces in the plot. Conflict may be an argument between opposing forces, like man PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


against man, nature, fate, society or perhaps the internal one between the two opposing parts of man’s personality (1986: 107).

The third term is messages. Message is one of the other elements in literary works. A message in literary is sometimes explicit and sometimes implicit. A message often gives a lesson to the readers as a human being which is the lesson that is exists in the society. Barry states that literature is overwhelmingly moral; its purpose is to teach us about life, to transmit humane values (2002: 20).




A. Review of Related Studies

In this study, the writer finds several studies that are related to this study.

The first is “The Messages as Revealed by the Characters’ Series of Tragedy in

Lemony Snicket’s a Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning” written by Natasha Godeliva (2011) from Sanata Dharma University. She explains that

It is important for any works of literature, especially novel to communicate the messages that are intended by the author, so that the reader can understand what is intended and gain some good points and better perspective in their life (Godeliva, 2011: 17).

In her undergraduate thesis, she has three points in writing her thesis. First, she wants to know the moral message which is revealed by the characters. Second, she wants to find the children’s characters and characterizations. Third, she wants to describe the tragedy that happens in the story.

It is the same study with the writer who wants to find the messages of the story. However, the difference of this study to Godeliva’s is that this study is more focusing on theory of conflict in order to find the message inside of the story.

The second study is thesis by the writer is called “The Messages Revealed through the Way the Main Characters Solve the Conflicts in Anne Schraff’s Lost and Found” by Chintia Arlita Eka Wijaya of Sanata Dharma University.

Message in literary work can be taken from the way the main character solve the conflicts. Message can be taken when the readers interpret the conflicts in the story (Wijaya, 2015:21).



The study above and the writer’s studies are a likeness in the way of the messages.

She wishes she knows about the message through how the main characters solve the conflicts. Then, the message can be found when all of their conflicts have been solved. But, the differences with this study is that this study does not concern on whether Apollo solves his conflicts or not, but on the way how he develops when he faces his conflicts are the messages that the writer wants to express.

The third study is a review by Ashley in entitled “Review:

The Queen of the Tearling” by Erika Johansen. She explains that how Kelsea characteristics from what she does for Tearling. Kelsa does not depend on her people. She does everything by hersel. Ashley describing her as a responsible queen.

Gibson stated,

Kelsea was a fantastic main character. There’s nothing not to like about her. She’s fair, just, imperfect, gets her hands dirty, and a natural queen. She could be fierce and demanding, but always for good (just) reasons. I loved how she wasn’t the kind of queen to sit up in her ivory tower and send her warriors to do her work. She actually got in there and made things happen. She went right into the fray if necessary, knife and all. (Gibson, 2014)

The similarities that can be found between the review and this study is shown in how the Main Character characteristics through the conflicts that they faced on the story.



B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

According to Abrams,

Characters are the persons characterized in a story, who are interpreted by the reader as being gifted with specific moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from characters’ conversation and their distinctive ways of saying it and from what they do (Abrams, 1999:32).

The writer also provides the details about characterization by M.J Murphy

(1972:161-173). a. Personal description

The author can describe how the character looks, like physical appearance, face looks, or the attire that is worn. The description can determine how the character life is, like if he or she is rich they will use luxury clothes. b. Character as seen by another

The author can describe a character from other character’s perspectives. A character’s characteristic will be seen from other point of views through the story. c. Speech

The author can describe how character’s characteristic based on what they say in the story. Their conversation can make the readers understand how the author decribe the character’s characteristic. d. Past life

The author tells some character flashback about their past life to make readers know what happened to the character before. It also make the readers understand about how the character’s characteristic.



e. Conversation of others

The author gives the reader about the character characteristic based on what the other say about the other character in their conversation. f. Reaction

The author tells the reader about a character’s characteristic through the character reaction when he or she faces a certain situation in the story. g. Direct comment

The author tells the readers an information about the character’s characteristic through his or her character. h. Thought

The author gives an information to the readers about the character through his or her way of thinking through the story. i. Mannerism

The author describes the character mannerism, or habits through the character attitude when facing a certain situation or condition. That also give some information to the reader about the character characteristic.

2. Theory of Conflict

According to Stanton, conflict is divided in two, internal and external conflict. a. Internal Conflict

It is conflict between the Man vs Himself. It happens inside the protagonist mind. The conflicts usually happen when the protagonist wants to make a decisions or do something. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


b. External Conflict

It is conflict between the character against other character. The protagonist is opposed by another character. Frequently he fights with a single person or more than one (1965: 16).

According to Holman and Harmon conflict is the struggle that grows out of the interplay of the two opposing focus in the plot (1986: 107). They said that conflicts can happen in many situations like : a. A struggle against nature

It is conflict between the character against the nature, such as storm, tornado, hurricane and etc. b. A struggle against another person

It is conflict between the character against another characters. c. A struggle against society

It is conflict between character against people society or certain group of people. d. A struggle against fate or destiny

It is conflict between the character against their God. Usually it is shown when the character tries to change their own fate.

3. Theory of Message

Henry Hudson states that, a good message is a message that discloses new a large possibility they do not realize, most writers would try to tell and to show those possibilities by using their work. A good messages does not tend to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


follow general pattern or norm but it creates new pattern based on human values

(1958: 23).

According to Beaty and Hunter, a message is defined as the real meaning or some easy conclusion that can be simply stated or summarized inside a work of art (1989: 899). In other words, Message can be called as the idea of the work of art.

Sinclair said that:

Messages is something important in the story, message can evaluate us for better life. Message is defined as an idea that someone tries to communicate to people. It is also the meaning, thought or idea that is intended to express (Sinclair, 1956: 490). Based on that theory, message is an element for the readers to understand the meaning of life. It can make the readers to value their own life because life only happens once and make the readers solve the problem they have wisely.

Meanwhile, to reveal the messages from the story, first thing first, the writer tries to search for the main character. After the writer knows who main character is, he tries to find the characteristic of the main character.

Later, the writer looks for the relation between the main character and the other characters. After knowing those elements above, the writer then search for the conflicts of the story. From the conflicts faced by the main character, the writer try to reveal the messages from the story.

C. Theoretical Framework

In this topic the writer wants to discuss about the messages that are reflected through the conflict faced by Apollo in The Trials of Apollo book one: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The Hidden Oracle. The theories above are the guidance for answering the questions in the problem formulation.

The theories of character and characterization are used to answer the first question, to inspect the character of Apollo, the main character of the story. It is important because it is necessary to know the characteristic of Apollo first before the writer can inspect his conflict in the story.

The next theory is theories of conflict. It is used to answer the second question. Theory of conflict can help the writer to know what conflicts are faced by Apollo in the story. The theory will be also used to support Apollo’s description.

Another theory that are used to analyze this novel is theory of message.

This theory is needed to reveal the message through the character of Apollo. The writer can also analyze the lesson from the character of Apollo in his conflicts.

Then, the writer can see the lesson that is shown by Apollo about how he becomes the messages of this story.




A. Object of the Study

The writer analyzes Rick Riordan’s novel entitled The Trials of Apollo book one: The Hidden Oracle. The book The Trials of Apollo book one: The

Hidden Oracle consists of 376 pages and it was first published in May 3th 2016 by


Rick Riordan is the author of four internationally bestselling series : Percy

Jackson and the Olympians and the Heroes of Olympus, based on Greek and

Roman Mythology. He also the author of Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, based on . He was born and raised in , Texas. Now he lives in Boston, Massachusetts, with his wife and two sons. series inspired from his son.

The Trials of Apollo book one: The Hidden Oracle tells the journey of

Apollo, a Greek God of the sun, propechy, music, and healing. Based on the novel

Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto, and the twin of Artemis. He wakes up in dumpster. He tries to remember what happen to him and why he becomes a human. He is turned into human by Zeus, because Zeus thinks he is the cause of war between gods and Gaea. In his human form he gets new identity and his human name is Lester Papadopoulos. Then He meets a demigod called Meg. She protects Apollo from two muggers. Because of this Apollo feels in debt to her and becomes his servant until his debt is paid. Then they go to a meeting with Percy



Jackson to get help. After they meet, Apollo tells them that he can find something that can turn him into God again in Half-Blood camp. Meg and Percy decided to help Apollo to go to Half-Blood Camp. Because only Half-Blood people know the location of the camp. Without his god power and now become a servant of demigod he must face all the trials that given by Zeus to turn to be God again.

B. Approach of the Study

In this work, the writer uses the new criticism to analyze Rick Riordan’s

The Trials of Apollo book one: The Hidden Oracle. A New Criticism is used because the writer wants to analyze the intrinsic aspect of literary work.

According to Wilfred L Guerin a new criticism approach has more focus on the literary work itself (1979:20). From that, it can be concluded that a new criticism is an analysis based on the text itself.

Selden, Widdowson, and Brooker stated that new criticism is a method that does not speak about context – historical, biographical, intellectual and others in analyzing literary work. But, a new criticism only focuses on analyzing the

“text in itself”, with own language and organization. New criticism does tell the way the text ‘speaks itself’ (2005:19).

New Criticism is used because the writer does not analyze the external context from the literary work, the writer only focusing on the written context of the literary work. Beaty and Hunter stated that, the real meaning and easy conclusion that can be deduced and understood in an art is actually the meaning of the message (1989:899). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The new criticism is not affected from outside context of the novel. The writer also believes that this approach is the most suitable approach to help the writer in analyzing this study.

C. Method of the Study

The writer uses library research method in order to analyze this study. The writer uses two sources in this study. The first sources is the Rick Riordan’s The

Trials of Apollo book one: The Hidden Oracle. The second sources are taken from some books,internet, journals and articles. The writer also uses some studies that related on the novels and internet reference in order to provide additional data.

The writer did a few steps to analyze the novel. The first step was reading and understanding the object of the study, Rick Riordan’s The Trials of Apollo book one: The Hidden Oracle. Second, the writer decided the topic of the study that is going to be discussed and created the problem formulation about the study.

Third, the writer tried to understand the conflicts of the novel before analyzing what messages that can be concluded from the story.

Fourth, the writer decided the most suitable approach for this study and collected sources and references from internet and book to support the arguments or evidences for analyzing the story. Fifth, the writer analyzed the conflicts that faced by Apollo then understand the possible messages through the character conflicts. In final step, the writer made the conclusion from the analysis in the study. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



This chapter consists of the analysis of the literary work in order to answer the problems formulations. The analysis is divided into three parts. First, the writer explains the description of Apollo in the story. Second, the writer explains about the conflicts faced by Apollo in the story. Finally, after knowing the description of Apollo and his conflicts, the writer explains the messages which can be acquired from the story. However, the writer only focuses on the messages which are revealed through the conflicts faced by the character of Apollo.

A. The Description of Apollo

1. Physical Appearance

Apollo is God of Sun, who lives in Olympus Mountain. He also known as god of poetry, prophecy, healing and more. Apollo is the son of Zeus and probably lives for four thousand six hundred and twelve years as he mentions himself.

In my four thousand six hundred and twelve years, I have done many things. I inflicted a plague on the Greeks who besieged Troy. I blessed Babe Ruth with three home runs om game four of the 1926 World Series. I visited my wrath upon Britney Spears at the 2007 MTV Video Music Awards (Riordan, 2016: 3).

Based on his narration it can be seen that Apollo already lived long enough. In his

God form he had already done many things to the people on earth. He was witnessing the trojan war. He also watched the baseball match in 1926. Apollo also still lives in 2007.



Apollo did not know the reason why he becomes a human. As far as he knows that his father must blame someone for causing the war between gods and .

The only thing I knew for certain: my punishment was unfair. Zeus needed someone to blame, so of course he’d picked the handsomest, most talented, most popular god in pantheon: me (Riordan, 2016: 4).

He thinks that his punishment was unfair, because he feels that he does not do anything wrong. He thinks the reason he is punished by Zeus is because he is the popular god and his father needs someone to blame.

As his punishment his father makes him into a teenage boy as he mentions.

I inspected my new body. I appeared to be a teenaged Caucasian male, clad in sneakers, blue jeans, and green polo shirt (Riordan, 2016: 5).

In this human form he inspects his body. He sees that in this live he becomes a teenager who is wearing a blue jeans, and a green polo shirt also a pair of sneakers. He is also a caucasian boy.

Then he searches his pocket to get information about this boy. He also hopes that he gets something from his father to protect himself in this world.

I fumbled through my pants pockets, hoping I still had the keys to my sun chariot. No such luck. I found a cheap nylon wallet containing a hundred dollars in American currency lunch money for my first day as a mortal, perhaps along with a New York State junior driver’s license featuring a photo of a dorky, curly haired teen who could not possibly be me, with the name Lester Papadopoulos. The cruelty of Zeus knew no bounds! (Riordan, 2016: 6).

Based on the quotation it can be seen that Apollo found a wallet and finds that his body name is Lester Papadopoulos. He also does not find anything from his godly item in this life. Apollo only finds money and driver license with photo of this PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


boy. It also can be seen that this boy have a curly hair based on the photo in the driver license that Apollo found.

In this work the writer uses name of Apollo instead of Lester

Papadopoulos to avoid confusion. The writer can understand human from of

Apollo description based on his narations, his conversations with his friends and his activity. There are many characteristics that can be seen from Apollo. Those characteristics will be explained in the next section.

2. Personal Characteristics a. Brave

Apollo can be described as a brave person because Apollo risks his life to defend himself even if he is a human. Based on Hornby, the meaning of brave is willing to do things which are difficult, dangerous or painful; not afraid (2007:


The evidence that Apollo just a god who becomes a human and he does not know that in this life he does not have his god power. He thinks that he has a power because in his previous life he had some of his god powers. Even though he does not know, he is still proud of his bravery that he is a god and tries to fight robbers.

“I am Apollo,” I announced. “You mortals have three choices: offer me tribute, flee, or be destroyed.” I wanted my words to echo through the alley, shake the towers of New York, and cause the skies to rain smoking ruin. None of that happened. On the word destroyed, my voice squeaked. (Riordan, 2016: 7)



He tries to intimidate his enemies hoping that he can use his godly power as

Apollo, but his intimidation is not working in this human form. He only intimidate and is not working and only his little voice that comes out.

The other evidence can be seen when he stands up to defend his mortal body from thugs who are going to rob him.

I was not going to allow two young mortal ruffians to take Lester Papadopoulos’s wallet. I stood up straight, hoping Cade and Mikey would be intimidated by my regal baring and divine beauty.(Surely those qualitites could not be taken from me, no matter what my driver’s license photo looked like.) I ignored the warm Dumpster trickling down my neck (Riordan, 2016: 7).

Based on that quotation it can be seen that Apollo is brave enough to save his human body from the two thugs. He hopes that he can use his godly intimidation in his human form. He even does not care about his own and try to protect his human body.

Apollo also breaks his oath to save his human companion. Even though he knows what may happen if he breaks an oath but he does not care about it.

I had sworn not to use a bow until I was a god again, But i had sworn not to play music, and i had already broken that part of the oath in the most egregious, Neil-Diamondy way possible. The curse of the River could kill me in its slow cancerous way, or Zeus could strike me down. But my oath to save Meg McCaffrey had to come first (Riordan, 2016: 254)

From the quotation also tells that Apollo is brave enough to risk everything to save his friend. He knows about the oath and he still risk that. He also know that the curse from breaking the oath is really bad and it can kill him anytime. Apollo also brave to break some oath to keep another oath for saving his friend. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Another situation is when Apollo using his human form to curse his father because his father endangers his friend.

I turned my face to the sky. “If you want to punish me, Father, be my guest, but have the courage to hurt me directly, not my mortal companion. BE A MAN!” (Riordan, 2016: 254).

Based on the quotation above it can be seen that Apollo even challenges a God to save his human companion. He wants his father not to include his friend in his punishment, he wants his father to only punish him not his friend too.

Another fact that Apollo is a brave person is when he buys some time for

Meg to make her escape from her cocoon. He distracts the monsters from him even though he does not have any weapon left.

This time, I had less luck. The arrow embedded itself in the packed earth with a dull thunk. The ants took another step forward, acid dripping from their mouths. Behind me, Meg struggled to free herself from her cocoon, which was now covered in a shag carpet of purple flowers. She needed more time. Out of ideas, I tugged my brazilian flag handkerchief from my neck and waved it like maniac, trying to channel my inner Paolo. “BACK, FOUL ANTS!” I yelled. “Brasil!” (Riordan, 2016: 261).

Based on the quotation it can be seen that Apollo is a brave person, who risks his life to ensure his friends are safe. He distracts the ants even though he does not have any weapon left. He does that to make sure that Meg can escape from the cocoon and they can get escape from there together.

Another fact about Apollo’s bravery is when Apollo tries to search for his children but prevented by Meg.

“You’re not going,” Meg told me firmly. “What? You can’t-” “That’s an order,” she said. “No going into the woods until I say so.” I dug my fingernails into my palms. “ Meg McCaffrey, if my children die because you wouldn’t let me-” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


“Like said, you’d just get yourself killed. We’ll wait for daylight.” (Riordan, 2016 :183).

From the quotation it can be seen that Apollo is trying to search his children even though it means that he can die from it. He tries to risk his life by searching his children at night and without preparation, but Meg stops him.

Another bravery from Apollo can be seen when he and Meg arrive in dodona grove. When they are trying to release the kids who were gone missing.

Two people come from the entrance.

“Germani.” Instinctively, I moved in front of Meg. The elite imperial bodyguards had been cold-blooded death reapers in ancient . I doubted they’d gotten any sweeter over the centuries (Riordan,2016: 270).

From the quotation above it can be seen that Apollo tries to protect Meg from possible danger even though he does not sure if he will win or not. His bravery comes when he and his friends are in danger. He is also always know the dangerous people and always act instinctively to protect.

When Meg and Apollo meet the emperor Nero, Nero tells him about his purpose. He also tells the truth about Meg. When Nero tells him the reason why he is capturing the demigod. Apollo lost control and tries to attack the emperor.

I lost control. I let out a guttural howl and charged the emperor, intending to wring his hairy excuse for a neck. The Germani would have killed me before I ever got that far, but I was saved the indignity. I tripped over a human pelvis and belly-surfed through the bones (Riordan,2016: 279).

Based on that, Apollo’s bravery also comes when he cannot control himself after hearing a story that endangers his friends and his children. He even does not think that this will make him die because he is alone, but he is lucky to stay alive from his action. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


b. Obedient

According to Hornby, obedient is do what you are told to do; willing to obey (2015: 1028).

Apollo can be described as an obedient person because he is always do the thing that Meg orders. In the story, Apollo becomes a human and to become a god again he must serve a demigod and complete the task that is given.

“Then that’s my first order! We’re going to find this guy to take us to the camp place!” I sighed miserably. It was going to be a very long servitude. “As you wish,” I said. “Let’s find Percy Jackson.” (Rioran, 2016: 19).

Based on the quotation, it can be seen that Apollo always follow his master’s order to gain his god position. He follows his master’s order even though the order is just a simple order and does not have a benefit.

The other fact is when Apollo wants to help Meg to escape from her cocoon. He wants to cut the cocoon but he does not have a sword. Then, Meg tells him to take a packet of seeds that Meg dropped.

“You dont’t need to cut me out. When the ant dumped me here, I dropped the packed of seeds. It should be close” (Riordan, 2016: 260).

It can be seen that when Apollo is trying to free Meg, Meg tells him to search a pack of seed that Meg has dropped before. He then search the seeds by looking at the ant’s movement so that it will not endanger him and Meg. After he gets the pack of seeds, Meg tells him to throw it on the goo.

I crouched and scooped up the packet. A quick glance inside told me half a dozen seeds remained. “Now what, Meg?” “Throw them on the goo,” Meg said. I gestured to the geraniums bursting from her neck and armpit. “How many seeds did that?” One” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


“Then this many will choke you to death. I’ve turned too many people I cared about into flowers, Meg. I won’t-” “JUST DO IT” (Riordan, 2016: 261)

Based on the quotation above it can be seen that Apollo always follow his master’s order even though it endangers his master’s life. But he also pays attention to his master’s life so that his master is sure about the order.

Another fact that he is always being obedient is when Apollo and Meg in dodona grove and try to open the gates. Even though Apollo already knows that

Meg is working for Nero and uses him to open the gates.

Meg swallowed. “Apollo, don’t make it harder. Please... help me open the gates.” I shook my head. “Not by choice.” “Then I-I command you. Help me. Now.” “Fine,” I told Meg, my voice turning bitter. The truth was, i had no choice. I could feel Meg’s command sinking into my muscles, compelling me to obey. (Riordan 2016, 283).

He follows his master’s order even though he knows that this will endanger the dodona grove. It also tells that Apollo does not want to follow the order but he is bound by the oath that Meg is his master and he should follow all his master’s order. c. Curious

According to Hornby, the meaning of curious is having a strong desire to know about something (2007: 286).

Apollo can be described as a curious person because he is always have a question in his mind and wants to know why it is happened. He also asks questions about something to know the answer. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The evidence can be seen when Apollo is saved by a girl. He looks curious about the girl and asks her name. Also he thinks that she is a demigod because of her power that no human can do.

“Name is Meg,” she said. “Short for Megara? Or Margaret?” “Margaret. But don’t ever call me Margaret.” “And are you a demigod, Meg?” She pushed up her glasses. “Why would you think that?” “Well,” I said, “you obviously have some power. You chased off those hooligans with rotten fruit. Perhaps you have banana-kinesis? Or you can control garbage? I once knew a Roman goddess, Cloacina, who presided over the city’s sewer system. Perhaps you’re related...? (Riordan, 2016: 15).

When Apollo asks that she does not answer the question. But it is revealed that she is a demigod when Apollo explains what will he do to make him back to be a god again. When she does that Apollo asks again to make sure if she is a demigod or a god in disguise.

With great difficulty, I resisted the urge to weep. “Are you sure you are not Artemis in disguise?” “I’m that other thing,” Meg Said, counting my money. “The thing you said before. A demigod.” “How do you know?” “Just do.” She gave me a smug smile. “And now I have a sidekick god named Lester!” (Riordan, 2016 :19).

Based on that it can be seen that Apollo asks her if it is true that she is a demigod because he can not believe that he will become a child’s sidekick. Even he begs his father not to make him a child’s sidekick.

Another prove that Apollo is a curious person is when he is curious about

Meg. He is curious about her background. Because his curiosity then he asks Meg

“Where are you from?” “I told you. The Alley.” “No, but...your parents? Family? Friends?” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


A ripple of discomfort Passed over her face. She returned her attention to her twenty-dollar airplane. “Not Important.” (Riordan, 2016 :22).

Based on that it can be seen that Apollo does not get answer for his questions, also she feels uncomfortable when talking about her past. Apollo also feels weird when she does not answer his questions. Also he thinks that Meg is hiding something. He also asks if she knows about Camp Half-Blood.

“And you’ve never heard of Camp Half-Blood? Or Camp ?” “Nuh-uh.” She tested the airplane’s point on her finger tip (Riordan, 2016 :23).

Based on the conversation with Meg, Apollo is still curious about Meg’s background even though he does not get answer from asking Meg some questions. d. Smart

Apollo is a smart person. His intelligence can be seen from how he deals with his problems in the story. According to Hornby, the meaning of smart is the same as with the meaning of intelligent. Intelligent means good at learning, understanding and thinking in logical way about things; showing this ability

(2007: 1119).

The fact that Apollo is a smart person is when he still can think what will he do after he is beaten by thugs and is saved by Meg. Also he can think about what happens if he does it alone.

Even if I made it to Long Island, my new mortal eyes might not be able to find Chiron’s camp in it’s magically camouflaged valley. I needed a guide to get me there someone experienced and close by.... (Riordan, 2016: 17).

Based on the quotation it can be seen that Apollo knows that his human form can not find the camp, he needs someone who knows the camp to guide him. He then make an agreement with Meg to help him and will give her reward when he PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


becomes a god again. He needs Meg to find a camp because the camp could only be seen by people who had connection with gods, and because Apollo had transformed into an ordinary human he can not see the camp. He needs Meg because Apollo knows that Meg is demigod.

“I have an idea.” I stood up as straight as my injuries allowed. It wasn’t easy to look confident with a bloody nose and coffee grounds dripping off my clothes. “I know someone who might help. He lives on the Upper East Side. Take me to him, and I shall reward you.” (Riordan, 2016: 17).

It can be seen that Apollo is smart enough to ask Meg’s to help him to meet his friend. Apollo also offers Meg a reward if she helps him to meet his friend. Then

Meg asks his plan that can make him back as a god. He then tells her a plan about how to be back as a god again. He can make the plan because he has become a human twice before, and he plans to do the same thing like before to make him a god again.

“Usually Zeus requires me to work as a slave for some important demigod. This fellow uptown I mentioned, for instance. He’d be perfect! I do whatever tasks my new master requires for a few years. As long as I behave, I am allowed to back to Olympus. Right now I just have to recover my strength and figure out” (Riordan, 2016: 18).

Apollo tells that he will work for some demigod until Zeus forgives him and makes him god again. He also feels that his friend that he will meet, is his best chance to do the work. He also knows that this task can not be completed in short time, he thinks that this will require a few years. After he tells his plan, he also thinks quickly to solve his problem. He also tells Meg where they should go first and meet with.

Another fact that Apollo is a smart person is when they arrive in Half-

Blood camp. After arriving in Half-Blood camp, he passes out. When he wakes up PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


he then meets Chiron, he and Meg then talk with Chiron about the oracle and why the oracle is not working. He also tells Meg about the oracle.

“Who Rachel?” Meg asked. “Rachel Dare,” I said. “The Oracle.” “Thought the Oracle was a place.” “It is” (Riordan, 2016: 98).

Based on the conversation with Meg it can be seen that Apollo has a smart characteristic. He knows everything about Oracle and Rachel. He tells Meg that the oracle is a place and a person. He then tells more information about Oracle and Rachel.

“The original Delphi was a place in Greece,” I told her. “A cavern filled with volcanic fumes, where people would come to receive guidance from my priestess, the Phytia. “Phytia.” Meg giggled. “Thats’s a funny word.” “Yes. Ha-ha. So the Oracle is both a place and a person (Riordan, 2016: 99).

From the quotation above, Apollo tells how oracle work and the connection between Oracle and Rachel. Apollo also knows the origin of the oracle. He also knows the first priestess.

“I brought the Oracle here to continue speaking prophecies on my behalf. The power has passed down from priestess to priestess over the years. Rachel Dare is the present Oracle.” (Riordan, 2016: 99).

Apollo also knows how the oracle work from time to time. He also tells that oracle is working for generations and now the oracle for this era is Rachel Dare.

Apollo also tells another thing that make an Oracle stops working. And how he gets the Oracle of the delphi. Rachel Dare is today’s Oracle. Every Oracle is revealed from time to time. The task of an Oracle is to know about the future predictions of Grove of Dodona PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


“Now, the way I gained possession of the Oracle of Delphi in the first place was by killing this monster called Phyton who lived in the depths of the cavern.” “A phyton like the snake,” Meg said. “Yes and no. The snake species is named after the monster, who is also rather snaky, but who is much bigger and scarier and devours small girls who talk too much. At any rate, last August, while i was... Indsposed, my ancient foe Phyton was released from . He reclaimed the cave of Delphi. That’s why the Oracle stopped working.” (Riordan, 2016: 99).

Based on his explanation about Oracle to Meg, it can be seen that Apollo has a smart characteristic because he remembers everything about oracle. And because of that, now they know what makes the Oracle stops working. He also tells that the way he takes over the oracle because he kills the Python. He also knows the reason of why the oracle stops working. He thinks that the oracle has been taken over by Python.

Another smart thing about Apollo is when he is bluffing in front of Julia and Alice that he does something to their shoes.

Meg wiped her mouth on the back of her hand. “These two wanna know our plans for the race.” “I’m sure they do.” I plucked a small magnetic listening device from Meg’s coat sleeve and tossed it back to Alice. “No, of course not,” I said. “In the same spirit, I hope you won’t mind what I did to your shoes. Have a good race!” The girls shuffled off nervously, checking the soles of their sneakers. Meg looked at me with something resembling respect. “What did you do to them?” “Nothing,” I said. “Half the trick to being a god is knowing how to bluff.” (Riordan, 2016: 154).

Based on that it can be seen that Apollo is smart enough to expose Julia and Alice plan for race, also Apollo has deceived them that he does something to their shoes. It tells that Alice and Julia are talking about the race with Meg in order to get information about Apollo and Meg’s plan in the race. Apollo also exposes PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


their plan by removing the device from Meg’s coat. Apollo also tells them that he does something to their shoes for race. Apollo also tells Meg that he does not do anything to their shoes, he tells that he is just bluffing.

Another fact is when he talks about the race with Meg. He thinks that the race will be dangerous for them. Apollo tells Meg to be careful about anything that can happen in the race.

I steadied my breathing. I had to remind myself that I was no longer a god. I had to put up with insults from mortals without being able to blast them to ashes. “Just be on guard,” I said. “But the race doesn’t even go through the woods.” “Nevertheless... we are not safe. If you can summon your friend Peaches, I would welcome his company.” (Riordan, 2016: 155).

Based on that it can be seen that Apollo already get used to be a human in this life. He thinks by using human logic, not using god logic. He also tells Meg to be careful when the race is started. Also Apollo’s smartness can be seen through how he figures out that the race is dangerous because the previous incident that made the children gone, he also makes a plan for both of them by telling Meg to summon her friend. He feels that if Meg called Peaches, then Peaches would protect them during the race. He also feels that Peaches is a strong creature because Peaches could protect them from Nosoi's previous attacks. e. Selfless

According to Hornby, the meaning of selfless is thinking more of the needs and welfare of others than of one’s own (Hornby, 2007: 1066). In the story

Apollo can be described as a selfless person when he is trying to save the grove of dodona. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


“I glanced at Meg. Sadly, I could tell that we were in agreement. We were stuck with each other. We couldn’t risk anyone else. “Meg is right,” I said. “We have to do this ourselves. We should leave immediately, but-.” (Riordan 2016, 207).

Because it is too dangerous for many people, He and Meg agree that they do not want to involve anyone in this journey. Even though he is actually scared as a human being at the time, he is not selfish about his purpose to remain safe. He does not ask any companion and it is only himself and Meg who is going to save the children.

Another fact that Apollo is a selfless person is when a group of myrmekes monster attacks Meg and Apollo in geyser. He breaks his promise not to play a music before he becomes a god again, even though he knows the consequences.

“My next decision I could blame on my head injury. I could tell you I wasn’t thinking clearly, but that isn’t true. I was desperate. I was terrified. I wanted to help Meg. Mostly I wanted to save myself. I saw no other option, so I dove for my ukulele. I know. I promised on the River Styx not to play music until I was god once more. But even such a dire oath can seem unimportant when a giant ant is about to melt your face off.” (Riordan 2016, 231).

He plays the ukulele and breaks his promise to save Meg from the monster’s attack. He plays a music and also endure the pain that he gets from the monster attack. But his action is not enough to save Meg. The monsters then take Meg, also Apollo falls unconscious because all of his energy is drained out from singing a song and playing the ukulele. Because if he is selfish, he will keep his promise and save Meg in another way and the time needed is not enough.

Another fact that Apollo is a selfless person is when he tries to save Meg from the the monster’s nest. After he falls unconscious from the fatigue and

Meg is taken by the monsters he goes to the geyser to ask Pete where the nest is PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


located. Pete tells him the location but he tells Apollo to get some help for his wound, but he insists that he will go to save Meg with his conditions.

I tried to make sense of that. It was difficult with a swollen brain. “Which way is the nest?” “North of here,” Pete said. “Half a mile. But, man, you are in no shape-” “I must! Meg needs me!” (Riordan, 2016: 236).

He wants to save Meg after Pete tells the location of the monster’s nest. But Pete tells him to recover and take care of his injury but Apollo does not care because his priority now is to save Meg from the monster. He does not care about his situation at that time. If he is selfish he will prefer to go home and wait for help to save Meg. He might prefer to be recovered first and let others to save Meg.

Another situation that can make Apollo is a selfless person is when he makes another oath. When Apollo asks Pete how Paulie goes into the nest, Pete tells that Paulie does not tell him how to get there because Paulie feels that the nest will be dangerous for Pete. Pete also tells Apollo that in the nest Paulie sees a group of guys that he thinks they are also searching for the grove of dodona. After hearing the story, Apollo makes another sacred oath to Pete. Even though he already broke one oath with Styx river.

“Pete,” I said, “do you still oversee sacred oaths?” “Well, yes, but-” “Then hear my solemn oath!” “Uh, the thing is, you’ve got this aura around you like you just broke a sacred oath, maybe one you swore on the River styx? And if you break another oath with me” “I swear that i will save Meg McCaffrey. I will use every means at my disposal to bring her safely from the ants’ lair, and this oath supersedes any previous oath I have made. This I swear upon your sacred and extremely hot waters!” (Riordan, 2016: 238).



Pete tells him that if he broke his oath then the geyser will come from the ground where Apollo stands, but he still does it and does not care about that because his priority now is saving Meg from the monsters’ nest. He will not care about Meg's life if he is a selfish man. He will go to camp and seek for help so that others will save Meg and he cares only about himself. But he does not do that. He even make an oath to save Meg. He will even save Meg with everything he can do.

All of quotations above show his selfless characteristic because he is willing to risk his life, so that he can save Meg from the danger that they are facing. He does not care about his own safety or about his broken oath.

B. The Conflicts Faced by Apollo

In this part, the writer finds the conflicts happens to the main character,

Apollo. Then, the writer also describes each conflict in details.

1. ’ Internal Conflict a. Apollo’s Dilemma

Based on Stanton, internal conflict is defined as kind of conflict which identified by term Man vs. Himself. It takes place inside the character, meaning that he or she is arguing with himself or herself. He spends the entire day arguing with himself about what to do before something finally happens that forces him to make decision (1992:16).

Apollo’s internal conflict can be seen when he meets Meg for the first time. He faces a dilemma whether he will accept her as his master or not, because he does not know which demigod Meg is. He feels unsure to Meg because her answer whether she is a demigod or not. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


With great difficulty, I resisted the urge to weep. “Are you sure you are not Artemis in disguise?” “I’m that other thing,” Meg Said, counting my money. “The thing you said before. A demigod.” “How do you know?” “Just do.” She gave me a smug smile. “And now I have a sidekick god named Lester!” I Raised my face to the heavens. “Please, Father, I get the point. Please, I can’t do this!”.(Riordan, 2016 :19).

Apollo accepts Meg as his master because this is the only way to make him a god again by giving service to another demigod and complete the task that is given by his master. He is surprised because the sky has accepted the claim, and he must follow Meg as his master. Seeing Meg's behavior, Apollo feels that if Meg is not a right demigod for him. He wants to reject the agreement but he needs a demigod to complete his mission to become a god.

Another situation is when Apollo is badly injured after fighting the monster. He tries to go back to camp, but he does not have energy left.

All these thoughts rambled through my bruised brain. I staggered from tree to tree, leaning against them, grabbing their lowest branches like handrails. You cannot die here, Daphne whispered. You have work to do. You made an oath. Yes, my oath. Meg needed me. I had to.... (Riordan, 2016: 241)

He wants to rest a bit, but he thinks that he does not have much time to rest he needs to save Meg as soon as possible. He needs to get help for his injury and then helps Meg from Myrmekes’ nest. But his body can not stand the fatigue and then he is collapsed on the ground. He wants to keep his promise, but his body can not do it. Therefore, he still insists on saving Meg even though his body could not do a thing. He feels that his body will be able to save Meg even though his condition is seriously injured at that time. But different with his mind, he wants to take a break so he will have a little energy to fight. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


His conflict can be seen when Meg tells him to sing.

“Sing,” Meg told me. “Sing like you did before.” “I-I can’t. My voice is almost gone.” Besides, I thought, I don’t want to risk losing you again. I had freed Meg, so perhaps I’d fulfilled my oath to Pete the geyser god. Still, by singing and practicing archery, I had broken my oath upon the River Styx not once but twice. More singing would only make me more of a scofflaw. Whatever cosmic punishment awaited me, I did not want them to fall on Meg. (Riordan, 2016: 265).

He wants to sing but he can not because he thinks that if he sings again it will broke his promise and make the punishment more heavy. He also feels if he sings, the punishment will fall on Meg too. He is also confused whether he should sing or not, because his voice is almost gone, but if he does not sing their lives will be in danger again. Apollo wants to save Meg but because of his exhausted voice, he can not do it. He also has a promise that he will not sing again before he becomes a god. But Apollo also wants to save Meg, so if he sings then he will break the promise but he will still fulfill his promise to protect Meg.

Another situation when Apollo has conflict within himself is when he agrees to open grove of dodona gates. He agrees to open the gate because it is an order from his master even though he does not want to.

I could not refuse Meg’s orders, but perhaps i should have protested more vigorously. Meg have backed down if i called her bluff. But then Nero or Peaches or the Germani would have just killed me. I will confess to you: I was afraid of dying. Courageously, nobly, handsomely afraid, true. But afraid nonetheless (Riordan, 2016: 285).

From the quotations it tells that Apollo wants to refuse Meg’s order but he is still thinking about his life and afraid of death. Apollo also thinks that if he opens the gates the grove will be destroyed by Nero. Apollo is actually very scared of death but he does not want Grove of Dodona to be destroyed. He feels that if he does PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


not open the Grove of Dodona’s door, he will be killed. Apollo also can not reject

Meg's orders because of the promises he made. A promise that a servant cannot refuse his employer's orders.

I closed my eyes. Is sensed the trees’ implacable resistance, their mistrust of outsiders. I knew that if I forced open these gates, the grove would be destroyed. Yet I reached out with all my willpower and sought the voice of prophecy, drawing to me. (Riordan, 2016: 285).

Based on that Apollo still thinks about the consequences from this action even though this is wrong. Because of his obedient characteristic he must obey it. b. Apollo’s Guilty Feeling about his Past

Another fact is when Apollo blames himself for becoming the reason that

Daphne becomes laurel tree.

The stories say I chased her on a whim, that she was just another pretty dress. The stories are wrong. When she begged Gaea to turn her into a laurel tree in order to escape me, part of my heart hardened into bark as well. I invented the laurel wreath to commemorate my failure- to punish myself for the fate of m greatest love. Every time some hero wins the laurels, I am reminded of the girl I can never win (Riordan, 2016: 240).

Apollo feels that this was his fault so Daphne becomes a laurel tree. He even make a crown to remember her. He feels guilty after knowing that Daphne wants to become laurel tree to escape Apollo. Apollo then make a memento from laurel tree to remember Daphne also to punish himself. After Daphne’s incident Apollo make an oath.

After Daphne, I swore I would never marry. Sometimes I claimed that was because I couldn’t decide between the nine Muses. A convenient story. The Nine Muses were my constant companions, all of them beautiful in their own way. But they never possessed my heart like daphne did (Riordan, 2016: 240).



He feels guilty for what has happened to Daphne, so he makes an excuse for himself. He even make an oath that he will never married. His heart really hurt when Daphne becomes a tree. He is always hurt when someone wins the laurel because he thinks about the girl he can not get. Apollo feels guilty for his actions towards Daphne. He feels the cause of Daphne being turned into a Laurel Tree is because of him. Even though it is all caused by Eros's arrow. Because Eros's arrow make Daphne hate Apollo, and Apollo loves Daphne very much. And that's why he is very in love with Daphne and caused Daphne turned into the Laurel

Tree and until now, Apollo still blames himself.

Based on the conflicts, Apollo’s internal conflict happen when he thinks about his friends. He did not want his other friends to get a trouble because of his action. He also thinks that his guilt for Daphne was his fault and his current situation was something he had received because of that incident, even though it was not Apollo's fault. Because Apollo has a smart characteristic he always thinks about the consequences of his action whether it is good for him and his friends or not. He also blames himself if something bad happens to his friends.

2. Apollo’s Against his Surroundings

Based on Holman and Harmon, conflict is the struggle that grows out of the interplay of the two opposing focus in the plot. They also state that conflicts may occur in the struggle against nature, against another person, against society, and the struggle for misery. Conflicts may be an argument between opposing forces, like man against man, man against nature, man against fate or perhaps an internal one between the two opposing parts of man’s personality (1986:107). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


a. Apollo’s Fight against Thugs

In the story Apollo meets many conflicts against people. The first conflict

Apollo meets is when he will be robbed by two thugs. It happens after Apollo becomes human, still in the same location he fell from the sky. He is going to be robbed by two thugs and their names are Cade and Mikey.

Blocking the alley’s exit were two young men: one squat and platinum blond, the other tall and redheaded. Both wore oversize hoodies and baggy pants. Serpentine tattoo designs covered their necks. All they were missing were words I’M A THUG printed in large letters across their foreheads (Riordan, 2016: 6).

Before he realizes the two thugs already stand in his exit way. The two thugs wear hoodies and baggy pants. Apollo also thinks that this two men is not good people.

Because of that Apollo tries to protect himself without knowing that he does not have any power. He thinks that in this form Zeus gives him a power to protect himself from danger.

I knew my immortality had been stripped away, but i still considered myself the mighty Apollo! One cannot change one’s way of thinking as easily as one might, say, turn into a snow leopard (Riordan, 2016: 7).

He tries to protect himself by using any of his power that he possesses. Apollo feels that he still very strong to defeat the thugs. He thinks that he just lost his mortality ability. He also feels that he is still an old Apollo so he dares to protect himself. He thinks that because in the previous punishment when he becomes a human he has a power to help him.

Also, on previous occasions when Zeus had punished me by making me mortal ( yes, it had happened twice before), I had retained massive strength and at least some of my godly powers. I assumed the same would be true now (Riordan, 2016: 7).



He thinks that, but in this life he gets no power. Apollo tries to release the power he had to defeat Mikey and Cade. He does it based on the experience of his previous life. But what he does is useless, he does not have any strength in the present life. Mikey and Cade beat him and stole all of his money, before he is saved by Meg who then beat the thugs.

Based on the all quotations above, Apollo still thinks himself as a God. He thinks that his power can be used to protect him from thugs. Because his bravery characteristic he still challenge the thugs without knowing that he become a mortal without his godly power. b. Apollo’s Fight against Nosoi

The conflict between Apollo and Nosoi happens when Apollo and friends try to go to Half-Blood camp. First Meg feels that they are followed by blue blob when they are heading to Percy Jackson’s home.

At front steps, Meg stopped as if she’d run into an invisible barrier. She stared back toward Second Avenue, her dark eyes turbulent. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Thought I saw them again.” “Them?” I followed her gaze but saw nothing unusual. “The thugs from the alley?” “No. Couple of...” She waggled her fingers. “Shiny blobs. Saw them back on Park Avenue.” (Riordan, 2016: 26).

When they almost arrive in Percy’s home, suddenly Meg stops and Apollo asks her about it. She tells that she sees something. Apollo asks if it is the thugs, she tells that it is something different and she tells that it is shiny blobs. Apollo believes that the blobs are dangerous things. Then he tries to look at the street to make sure that the blobs are not following them. Meg thinks that the blobs are not dangerous thing, so she does not tell Apollo about that. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


My pulse increased from an andante tempo to a lively allegretto. “Shiny blobs? Why didn’t you say anything?” She tapped the temples of her glasses. “I’ve seen a lot of weird stuff. Told you that. Mostly, things don’t bother me, but...” “But if they are following us,” I said, “That would be bad.” I scanned the street again. I saw nothing amiss, but I didn’t doubt Meg had seen shiny blobs. Many spirits could appear that way. My own father, Zeus, once took the form of a shiny blob to woo a mortal woman. (Why the mortal woman found that attaractive, I have no idea.) (Riordan, 2016: 26).

Apollo thinks that the shiny blobs are something bad, but Meg does not think like that. She does not tell Apollo because he thinks it is just weird stuff. He tries to make everything is fine before meeting Percy Jackson. After Apollo and Meg arrive at Percy Jackson’s house Apollo tells Percy that he becomse a human now and he serves Meg to accomplish the task so he can regain his god status again.

After telling that Apollo asks Percy’s help to guide them into camp Half-Blood.

Then Percy help them and guide them to the camp. On the way they are followed by the blobs again.

“I don’t care about that,” she said. “There are three shiny blobs now.” She pointed behind us. “Look.” Weaving through the traffic, closing on us rapidly, were three glitery, vaguely humanoid apparitions-like billowing plumes from smoke grenades touched by King Midas. (Riordan, 2016: 50).

Meg tells that they are followed by three blobs. After knowing that they are being followed by blobs, they go to the beach. Because Percy feels that he will fight better when he is close to water. But when they almost arrive in the beach, one of the blobs ambushes them and instinctively Percy who drives the car dodges it.

Their car is stuck in the mud. They are trying to get out from the car. Apollo manages to get out but he sees the three blobs advance toward them. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The three smoky figures had stopped at the edge of the orchard. Now they advanced slowly, taking on solid shapes. They grew arms and legs. Their faces formed eyes and wide, hungry mouths (Riordan, 2016: 53).

The three blobs now become something with arms and legs, they become like a human. Knowing that he tries to deal with the things and buy some time so that

Meg and Percy come out from the car.

“STOP!” I bellowed at the spirits. “I am the god Apollo!” To my pleasant surprise, the three spirits stopped. They hovered in plae about forty feet away. (Riordan, 2016: 53)

Apollo tries to distract them so that Percy and Meg can escape from the car.

Apollo makes the three spirits turn their attention to him. He wants the three spirits not to attack Meg and Percy. Apollo then approaches the spirits.

Instead, they solidified into ghoulish corpses with yellow eyes. Their clothes were tattered rags, their limb covered with gaping wounds and running sores (Riordan, 2016: 53).

The spirits take a form of human corpse. After looking at the spirits Apollo then remembers what it is.

“No,” I said. “I remember what they are: nosoi, plague spirits. Also... they can’t be killed.” (Riordan, 2016: 54).

After knowing what they are, Apollo also knows the motive why they are chasing them. It is revealed that the Nosoi wants to take revenge on Apollo. The Nosoi wants to be free and not to be controlled by Apollo. Apollo feels that nosoi can not be killed, he also did not know how to kill the nosoi.

“Yes, I know. You’ll destroy me. Then you’ll spread every known malady across the world. You’ve been wanting to do that ever since Pandora let you out of that jar. But you can’t. I will strike you down. (Riordan, 2016: 56).



Apollo figures out that the nosoi wants to spread disease to the world and destroys

Apollo. After that the nosoi attacks them. Apollo and the others try to protect themselves. But Apollo tells them that the nosoi must not be touched. Apollo says if they touch Nosoi they would be infected by the diseases brought by Nosoi.

After they resist the attack from Nosoi, Meg gets a new power and defeats all The

Nosoi. After the incident, Meg then has the ability to summon Peaches, something in the form of a baby made from the roots of a tree. c. Apollo’s Arguments against Meg

The conflict between Apollo and Meg is started when Meg betrays Apollo by working for Nero. When Apollo and Meg found the missing children in front of dodona grove gates. Someone appears from the way they come. It is Nero and his bodygouard. Apollo then realizes that Meg is trying to make him come here for Nero’s purpose. Meg then forces Apollo to open the gate of dodona grove.

Meg wants to follow Nero’s order but Apollo does not want it because he thinks

Nero can not control dodona grove.

“If we do this,” I told Meg, “Nero will destroy the grove.” “He won’t.” “He has to. He can’t control Dodona. Its power is too ancient. He can’t let anyone use it.” (Riordan, 2016: 284).

But Meg still wants to open the door. She tells Apollo that she does not want to make Nero angry, because she thinks that when Nero is angry he becomes someone else. Apollo knows that Nero would not be able to control the power of

Grove of Dodona. He does not want Meg to follow Nero's words. Apollo also knows that the power of Grove of Dodona is too old to be controlled by Nero. If

Nero can not control it, he will destroy Grove of Dodona. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Meg place her hands against the trees, just below mine. “Concentrate. Open them. Please. You don’t want to anger the Beast.” (Riordan, 2016: 284).

She follows Nero’s order so that both of them will not get something inside

Nero’s anger and endanger them. At first Apollo does not believe that Meg is working for Nero. Meg tells Apollo that Nero is the one who takes care of her so she works for him to pay his good deeds. Nero then tells Meg and Apollo to open the gates of dodona grove but Apollo does not want it. Meg tries to warn Apollo that when Nero is angry, he will become wild and look like someone else or another creature. Apollo tries to convince Meg that Nero is a bad guy.

“Meg,” I said, “he’s a madman.” At her feet, Peaches hissed protectively. Meg’s chin quivered. “Nero cared about me, Apollo. He gave me a home. He taught me to fight.” “You said he killed your father!” “No!” She shook her head adamantly, a look of panic in her eyes. “No, that’s not what I said. The Beast killed him.” (Riordan, 2016: 283).

Meg wants to repay the kindness that Nero has given to her. Apollo is failed to convince Meg, but she still wants to follow Nero’s order. Apollo reminds that

Nero is the person who killed his father. But Meg still insists that the one who kills his father is not Nero but the creature that is inside Nero. Meg also thinks that by following Nero’s order can make Nero to release her missing friends.

Another situation that makes Apollo and Meg have conflict to each other is when they go to forest to search for the missing children. When they are making a preparation before going to the forest. Meg offers Apollo to take a bow because she thinks it is his best weapon.

From the weapon rack, she pulled out a long bow and offered it to me. I recoiled. “No.” “It’s your best weapon. You’re Apollo.” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


I swallowed back the tang of mortal bile. “I swore an oath. I’am not the god of archery or music anymore. I won’t use a bow or a musical instrument until I can use them proprely.” “Stupid Oath.” She didn’t slap me, but she looked like she wanted to. “What will you do, just stand around and cheer while i fight?” (Riordan, 2016: 211).

Apollo is still thinking about his oath before and it makes Meg feels annoyed. She thinks it is just a stupid oath because it makes only she who will fight and she must protect Apollo too. Apollo does not want to fight while searching for the children. Then he picks a sword to protect himself and does not break his oath.

That had indeed been my plan, but now i felt silly admitting it. I scanned the weapon display and grabbed a sword. Even without drawing it, I could tell it would be too heavy and awkward for me to use, but I strapped the scabbard around my waist. “There,” I said. “Happy?” Meg did not appear happy. Nevertheless, she returned the bow to its place. “Fine,” she said. “But you’d better have my back.” (Riordan, 2016: 211).

Apollo feels that he must bring a weapon so that Meg will relieve even without his bow, so he takes a sword to be his weapon. She finally backs down and accepts what Apollo takes as a weapon as long as it can protect himself and her.

Apollo also feels confident about protecting Meg. d. Apollo’s Argument against Nero

This conflicts happen after Apollo and Meg meet with Nero. Apollo feels that two men who appear is someone that he knows, he looks at their tattoos and recognizes it that they are elite bodyguards from ancient rome. After recognizing them then someone appear from the back it is Nero.

“Emperor Nero,” I said. “The Beast.” He curled his lip. “Nero will do. It’s good to see you, my honored ancestor. I’m sorry I’ve been so lax about my offerings during the past few millennia, but”-he shrugged-“ I haven’t needed you. I’ve done rather well on my own.” (Riordan, 2016: 271).



Knowing that it is Nero, Apollo wants to strike him down. But his action is stopped after seeing his two bodyguards. Nero is a descendant of Apollo. He is a

Roman Emperor who lived long before this era. Nero, who can still live in the modern times, claims that he no longer needs Apollo's help. He feels that he could live independently. Also Apollo feels that he does not strong enough to fight against three people using his strength now. Apollo then tells Nero to release the children and Meg. But Nero wants to make an agreement with Apollo.

“It’s me you want,” I said. “Cut these down from their stakes. Let them leave with Meg. They’ve done nothing to you.” Nero chuckled. “I’ll be happy to let them go once we’ve come to an agreement. As for Meg....” He smiled at her. “How are you, my dear?” (Riordan, 2016: 272).

Apollo tells him that his problem is with him not with the children. He does this because he does not want the children drown in the problem between Apollo and

Nero. Apollo also does that because his main goal is to save the lost children.

Nero also knowing Meg, Apollo also learn that Cade and Mikey are Nero’s servants. Nero tells Apollo that he has many loyal servants, even he tells Vince to stab a spear into his chest but he then stops his order. Nero also tells Apollo that

New York is his city. Nero tells Meg and Apollo that he needs Meg and Apollo to open the gates of dodona grove. But Apollo rejects it because he thinks that Nero will destroy the grove.

Nero’s eyes gleamed. “Straight to the point. I’ve always admired that about you, Meg. Really, it’s simple. You and Apollo will open the gates of Dodona for me. Then these six”-he gestured to the staked prisoners-“will be released.” I shook my head. “You’ll destroy the grove. Then you’ll kill us.” (Riordan, 2016: 274).



Nero wants Apollo and Meg to open the gates of Grove of Dodona for him, so he can master the Grove. He also promises to release the prisoners if they open the gate for him. But Apollo thinks that Nero will kill them also the prisoners because he already gain his purpose in the dodona grove. He also thinks that Nero will destroy the grove. Nero also tells Apollo that he wants to control the dodona grove and takes it from Apollo’s responsibillty when he is a god.

The emperor made that horrible bark again. “Not unless you force me to. I’m reasonable god-emperor, Apollo! I’d much rather have the Grove of Dodona under my control if it can be managed, but I certainly can’t allow you to use it. You had your chance at being the guardian of the Oracles. You failed miserably. Now it’s my responsibility. Mine... and my partners’.” (Riordan, 2016: 274).

Nero wants Apollo and Meg to follow his words, so he does not have to take out his other form. He wants to master the Grove for himself and does not want

Apollo to master the Grove. Nero thinks that Apollo is failed to take care of the grove when he is still a god so he wants to take over the grove from Apollo. Nero also does not want Apollo to use the oracle. He thinks that Apollo has already failed to protect the oracle. Nero also tells the reason why he captured the demigods.

“And the five demigods?” I demanded. “Did you ‘use’ them, too?” “Of course. I didn’t plan on luring them here, but every time we attacked the gates, the grove started to wailing. I suppose it was calling for help, and the demigods couldn’t resist. The first to wander in was this one.” He pointed to Cecil Makowitz. “The last two were your own children-Austin and Kayla, yes? They showed up after we forced Paulie to steam-broil the trees. I guess the grove was quite nervous about that attempt. We got two demigods for the price of one!” (Riordan, 2016: 279).

Nero explains that he actually catches them accidentally. But because he often attacks the gates of Grove of Dodona, the children come to him. He also catches PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Paulie the Geyser, a friend of Pete. He tells Paulie to spray hot water on the tree.

Nero also does not explain how he uses the children. He only explains how to take advantage of Paulie. After hearing this story about the prisoners Apollo feels angry and suddenly attacks the emperor, but his action is prevented by his own mistake. Apollo slip over the bones around him.

Another situation is when Apollo tells Meg that Nero is bad person even when he is still an emperor, but Nero denies it.

“Meg,” I said, “Your stepfather watched as seventy percent of Rome was detroyed. Tens of thousands died.” “I was thirty miles away in Antium!” Nero snarled. “I rushed back to the city and personally led the fire brigades!” “Only when the fire threatened your palace.” Nero rolled his eyes. “I can’t help it if I arrived just in time to save the most important building!” (Riordan, 2016: 280).

Apollo tells that Nero only focuses on helping himself and only does something that favors him, but Nero denies it, he tells Apollo that he cannot come in time.

Apollo tells Meg that Nero only watching when the Rome was destroyed. Apollo even explains that hundreds of people died of fires that happened in Rome. Apollo also says that Nero does not pay attention to the people at the time. Hearing all of this Meg tells them to stop fighting.

Another situation about Apollo and Nero conflicts can be seen when Nero promises Meg that the prisoners will be released when Apollo and Meg open the gates of dodona grove. Nero also promises Meg that the prisoners will not be hurt, but Apollo does not believe it he also tells that Nero is a liar.

Meg’s face turned green. She gazed at the unconscious prisoners on the stakes. “Nero, you wouldn’t-” “They will be released,” Nero promised, “as long as Apollo cooperates.” “Meg, you can’t trust him,” I said. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


“The last time he did this, he strung Christians all over his backyard and burned them to illuminate his garden party. I was there. I remember the screaming.” (Riordan, 2016: 281).

Apollo tells Meg that Nero has never kept his promise. Nero once says that he would release his prisoner, but he kills them instead. Apollo says that because he was at the scene. Apollo could even hear the cries of the Prisoners. Nero denies what Apollo said, He tells Meg that what Apollo said is not true and only propaganda from his enemy. Nero tells that they will be released if Apollo cooperates but Apollo does not believe it because the incident that happened long time ago. But Meg still believes in Nero and decides to open the gates of dodona grove with Apollo’s help, even Apollo does not want to.

C. The Messages as Revealed through Apollo’s Conflicts

In this point, the writer tries to analyze the messages through the conflict faced by Apollo. The writer provides only three messages because he aims to reveal the most dominant messages shown by the main character’s conflicts.

According to Beaty, a message is defined as the real meaning or some easy conclusion that can be simply stated or summarized inside a work of art (1989:

899). Based on that it can tells that message is the main essence which can cover the whole idea of the work of art or literary work.

There are some messages which occur in this story relating to Apollo. The messages which are revealed through Apollo’s conflict are ready to sacrifice everything, daring to take a risk, and never giving up. All those messages will be explained by the writer in this section.



The First messages that is found by the writer as revealed through

Apollo’s way of solving his conflicts based on his brave and selfless characteristics he is willing to sacrifice everything even it means that he will lost his life not only his life he willing to broke his oath to save his friends. He really cares about other people not only his friends, he also cares about people in the camp. He is brave enough to sacrifice himself even though he does not know whether it will work or not as long as his friends are safe.

When Nero wants to burn dodona grove with other prisoners, Apollo tries to prevent that. He attacks Nero and his bodyguards even though he is no match for the bodyguard yet he still fights them.

I was angry enough to be reckless. I grabbed the point of his weapon and yanked the spear up, smacking Vince under his chin. He fell, stunned, and I grabbed fistful of his hide armor. He was easily twice my size. I didn’t care. I lifted him off his feet. My arms sizzled with power. I felt invincibly strong-the way a god should feel. I had no idea why my strength had returned, but I decided this was not the moment to question my good luck. I spun Vince like a discus, tossing him skyward with such force that he punched a Germanus-shaped hole in the tree canopy and sailed out of sight (Riordan, 2016: 294).

When he tries to prevent that suddenly he feels that his power is comeback. He defeats all Nero’s bodyguards using his godly strength. But when Apollo is ready to take down Nero suddenly Nero takes his cigarette lighter from his pocket and he burns the grove. When Nero escapes he feels that he can capture Nero and kill him but he does not do that. He chooses to save the prisoners and try to save them from fire.

The closest was Austin’s. I wrapped my arms around the base and pulled, completely disregarding proper heavy-lifting techniques. My muscles strained. My eyes swam with the effort. I managed to raise the stake enough to topple it backward. Austin stirred and groaned. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


I ran back to the stakes. I repeated the process uprooting Kayla, then Paulie the geyser god, then the others. By the time I pulled Miranda Gardiner to safety, the fire was a raging red tidal wave, only inches from the gates of the grove (Riordan, 2016: 296).

Apollo is trying to protect everyone when the fire is getting bigger and burn everything. Even Apollo body is still injured because the fight he still help the children without thinking about himself. Apollo then take the children one by one to the place that safe from the fire. When he is trying to search for Meg, his body feels tired because he thinks that his body inhale a lot of fire smoke that burn the grove of dodona, he then unconsiously faint. When he is desperate suddenly he gets hallucinated and that hallucination miraculously saves him and his friends.

2. Daring to Take a Risk

Because Apollo is smart person he gathers every information he knows from his past life as human to get back to become a god. When he meets Percy

Jackson, he tells Percy that he needs his help to go to Half-Blood camp. Percy warns Apollo about the dangerous the journey that they will get. He also has brave characteristic that makes him still wants to do it.

Percy frowned. “Apollo, if you’re really mortal, like, one hundred percent mortal, can you even get in to Camp Half-blood?” The seven-layer dip began to churn in my stomach. “Please don’t say that. Of course I’ll get in. I have to.” “But you could get hurt in battle now...” Percy mused. “I’m sure I’ve retained some powers,” I said. “I’m still gorgeus, for instance, if I could just get rid of this acne and lose some flab. I must have other abilities!” (Riordan, 2016: 44).

Based on the quotation above Apollo still take the risk that can kill him even he does not know wheter his plan is successful or not. He also believes that he can reach the camp with his current condition. He believes his power will get back PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


later so he is confident to get there. Then Meg tells Percy about the shiny blobs that follow her and Apollo. Apollo thinks that the blobs cannot hurt them when they arrive in Half-Blood camp.

Percy sat back in his armchair. “Any idea what kind of spirits are following you?” “Shiny blobs,” Meg said. “They were shiny and sort of...blobby.” Percy nodded gravely. “Those are the worst kind.” “It hardly matters,” I said. “Whatever they are, we have to flee. Once we reach camp, the magical borders will protect me.” “And me?” Meg asked. “Oh, yes. You too.” (Riordan, 2016: 43).

Apollo believes that they will be safe when they are in the Camp. Apollo believes that he must take a risk to go to the camp because his condition right now and he believes that he will get his answer when he arrives. He also already thinks about the way to handle the shiny blobs and his condition right now based on his past life as human.

3. Never Giving up

Because his obedient and brave characteristics, Apollo become someone who never gives up. He keeps his oath to save Meg with all he can do. For example is when Meg is captured by myrmekes Apollo tries to search for her after knowing the nest of myrmekes. Apollo believes that he must save Meg before it is too late, but Pete the geyser does not agree with Apollo plan because Apollo still badly injured and must recover first. Apollo agrees then he comes back to the camp. In the camp after he is awake he immediately be prepared to search for


I staggered back to my cot. I fumbled through my meager supplies and found Percy Jackson’s Led Zeppelin T-shirt. I tugged it on. It seemed PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


more appropriate than ever. Will hovered nearby. “Look, Apollo, I don’t think you’re back to a hundred percent.” “I’ll be fine.” I pulled on my jeans. “I have to save Meg.” (Riordan, 2016: 252).

When Apollo gains consiousness and feels that his body feels good enough.

Apollo immediately prepares to search for Meg. He never gives up even if his body does not fully-recovered. Will try to stop him. But Will failed to stop Apollo then he goes to save Meg even his body does not fully recovered. Apollo thinks that his condition is already fine and ready to save Meg. Apollo also want Will to the camp safe when he search for Meg.

Another situation is after Apollo tries to save the children from the fire that burn the dodona grove, he still can bring them to safe place. When Apollo is about ready to die then some dryards come and save him. Apollo then search for

Meg after he just recovered from life dead experience. Because his curious characteristic without giving up he search for Meg in the Grove of Dodona.

I scanned the grove. No sign of Meg. I called her name. The trees responded by raising their voices, driving me cross-eyed with dizziness. I steadied myself on the nearest oak. “Meg!” I called again. Still no reply. The grove did not seem so large. How could she not hear me? How could I not see her? (Riordan, 2016: 300)

He searches Meg around in the grove. Apollo believes that Meg still in the grove.

Then when he searches the center of the grove he finds Meg. Apollo feels that the grove is not a big place to search for Meg. Even he feels dizzy he still search for


Finally, I reached the center of the grove. On the far side of the largest oak tree, Meg stood with her back to the trunk, her eyes closed tight. The wind chimes were still in her hand, but they hung forgotten at her side. He brass cylinders clanked, muted against her dress (Riordan, 2016: 301). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


After his hard effort he arrives in the center of the grove and then he finds Meg below the big oak tree. Apollo finds Meg alongside with the Peaches. But Meg thinks that this is just illusions from her mind. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


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Tarigan, Dwigo B., “The Messages Revealed Through Thomas’ Conflicts in James Dashner’s The Maze Runner”. Yogyakarta, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2017. Wellek, Rene and Austin Warren. Theory of Literature. New York: Hartcourt, Brace and World, Inc., 1956.