MISSION As a trusted catalyst for lifelong learning, WFYI public broadcasting engages and enriches our community through distinctive programs and services.


Me s s a g e f r o m t h e Pr e s i d e n t a n d t h e Ch a i r m a n o f t h e Bo a r d ...... 1

WFYI Pu b l i c Te l e v i s i o n ...... 3

WFYI Pu b l i c Ra d i o ...... 4

IRIS & On l i n e Se r v i c e s ...... 5

Le a r n i n g Se r v i c e s /Ou t r e a c h ...... 6

Co mm u n i t y Ev e n t s ...... 7

Vo l u n t e e r s ...... 8

Aw a r d s ...... 9

Fi n a n c i a l Re v i e w ...... 10

Ma j o r Do n o r s ...... 11

Co r p o r a t e Sp o n s o r s /Gr a n t s ...... 19 Message from the President and the Chairman of the Board

As we reflect on the past year of service For the third consecutive year, WFYI Public to the Central Indiana community and look ahead Television was recognized as the Non-Commercial to the new year, we would like to take a moment Station of the Year by the Indiana Broadcasters to thank you for your commitment to WFYI Public Association. Two of WFYI’s television productions Broadcasting in 2008. With your help, WFYI has and one radio production also earned Spectrum been able to provide distinctive programs and Awards from the IBA. Local productions also services that enrich and engage the community earned six Regional Emmy Awards and nine through our multiple media assets. awards from the Society of Professional Journal- ists. WFYI Public Radio collected six SPJ awards It was an exciting year, with our move to WFYI’s and two honors from the National Public Radio new home at 1630 N. Meridian St., a dedication News Directors Incorporated. WFYI’s development ceremony and public open houses, a new logo and department also earned national recognition with brand identity, a $900,000 capital challenge grant the PBS Award of Excellence for Overall Member- from the Kresge Foundation, and completion of ship and an Overall Development Award. the $20.2 million Phase I of the Campaign for the Future: The Power of Possibilities .

1 | WFYI WFYI TV 20 continued its commitment to provide quality programming in 2008 with a variety of of- ferings like The Natural Heritage of Indiana, Judy O’Bannon’s Foreign Exchange and Path Breakers – The Eiteljorg Fellowship for Native American Fine Art. WFYI Public Radio built on its local news of- ferings and kept voters informed with lo- cal election coverage, live candidate call in shows and special coverage of the gubernatorial debates. WFYI also added an HD radio channel, launching 90.1 FM HD2 – The Point in October, complement- ing 90.1 FM and 90.1 FM HD1.

Beyond the airwaves, WFYI remained committed to serve as a catalyst for lifelong learning. Educa- tors across Indiana gained valuable professional development through PBS TeacherLine and other training opportunities. WFYI’s outreach efforts also encouraged community conversations about living with cancer, access to health care and local environmental issues.

Your commitment to public broadcasting allows WFYI to provide entertaining and enlightening programs, but it also does much more. Because of your support children are ready for school, adults are improving their lives through education, engaged citizens are casting educated votes and Indiana’s history and heritage are being preserved. Thank you for being our partner as we work to enrich the Central Indiana community.

Lloyd Wright David G. Sease President & CEO Chairman of the Board WFYI Public Broadcasting Metropolitan Public Broadcasting

From the left: WFYI President & CEO Lloyd Wright cuts the ribbon with Gay Burkhart, daughter of WFYI founder Ardath Y. Burkhart, and WFYI Board Chairman David Sease; Richard Trethewey, of Ask This Old House, with Greenwood homeowners Dan Brooks and Amber Allen. WFYI’s satellite dish moves to its new home at 1630 N. Meridian St.; Matthew Socey, host of The Blues House Party and Film Soceyology, with NPR Arts Reporter Neda Ulaby. Kevin O’Connor and Norm Abram, of This Old House, particpate in a campaign to promote awareness about the conversion to digital television.

2008 | 2 WFYI Public Television

For the third consecutive year, WFYI was recog- nized by the Indiana Broadcaster’s Association, as the 2008 Station of the Year in the non-com- mercial television category. The station delivered quality entertainment, public affairs and educa- tional television on its analog channel (TV 20) and three digital channels – WFYI-HD 20.1, DT 20.2 and WFYI-Plus 20.3.

WFYI broadcasts the quality national program- ming associated with PBS, and remains commit- ted to producing engaging, local programs like Indiana Lawmakers, Indiana Week in Review, Across Indiana, Judy O’Bannon’s Foreign Exchange, Indiana Expeditions and Inside INdiana Business with Gerry Dick .

In 2008, WFYI’s local productions collected 10 Regional Emmy Awards along with honors from the Society of Professional Journalists and addi- tional recognition from the Indiana Broadcasters Association.

Among the local documentaries was the visually stunning documentary series The Natural Heri- tage of Indiana, based on the book of the same name that explores the evolution of Indiana’s landscape. Other local documentaries included Path Breakers – The Eiteljorg Fellowship for Native American Fine Art, which highlighted the work of contemporary artists; and Dreamtime, a look at what our subconscious is telling us through dreams. From top: Indiana Expeditions host Rick Crosslin with students during WFYI also highlighted the accomplishments of the production of the show; Guests peek Central Indiana arts community with local pro- into the control room for WFYI’s Studio ductions like All Access and Front Row Center. A; Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard records a television spot at WFYI. WFYI promoted civic engagement and dialogue among its viewers with national PBS Vote 2008 election coverage and local broadcasts of the Indi- ana Gubernatorial Debates. It also produced and broadcast Ready to Read – A Community Conver- sation on Literacy .

In addition to the high quality local productions, nationally produced programs on WFYI included favorites like The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, Nightly Business Report, Frontline, American Expe- rience, Nature, Masterpiece Theatre, Mystery! and Antiques Roadshow . “I l o v e e d u c a t i o n a n d WFYI Pu b l i c Te l e v i s i o n k n o w l e d g e . Th e r e a r e s o s e r v e s n e a r l y m a n y w o n d e r f u l p r o g r a m s y o u o f f e r o n TV, a n d I l o v e 475,000 h a v i n g t h i n g s t o t a l k a b o u t w i t h my f r i e n d s b e s i d e s w o r k .” h o u s e h o l d s a c r o s s 27 – Roberta, a member in Indianapolis c o u n t i e s 3 | WFYI WFYI Public Radio

WFYI Public Radio provided quality local and national public affairs, arts and news programs in 2008, and continued its commitment to provide state and local news with reports from the State- house and local news updates during weekday morning and evening drive times.

News coverage on 90.1 FM HD1 earned six SPJ awards and two honors from the National Public Radio News Directors Incorporated in 2008. Bravo Butler!, produced in partnership with Butler University, earned a Spectrum Award from the Indiana Broadcasters Association in the Cultural Programming category.

WFYI’s award-winning news team kept voters in- formed throughout the 2008 election season with national coverage from NPR; live broadcasts of In- diana’s Gubernatorial Debates; live call-in shows with statewide candidates and live local election night coverage.

In 2008, WFYI welcomed Sharon Alseth to its news team and debuted Dick Wolfsie’s weekly commentary.

WFYI Public Radio also launched a new HD ser- vice, 90.1 FM HD2 – The Point. This new public radio channel delivers entertaining and informa- tive public radio talk programs like Talk of the Nation, Le Show and The Sound of Young America . It also provides a fresh dose of music on XPoNen- tial Radio featuring an array of artists like Neil Young, Bjork, The Posies, The Clash, Bob Marley and many more. From top: WFYI News Director Mary Hartnett interviews then candidate Barack O’Bama during a stop at the WFYI television studios six months before he would become President; Matthew Socey, The new channel complemented 90.1 FM HD1 left, helps a young visitor record a radio spot during WFYI’s Open House in October 2008. and its mix of national and local arts and public affairs programs like Indiana Week in Review, Indiana Lawmakers, The Art of the Matter, The Blues House Party and Sound Medicine – a part- nership with the School of Medicine. “Th e t h i n g s I l e a r n f r o m l i s t e n i n g WFYI continues to reach listeners beyond Marion a r e i n v a l u a b l e , a n d t h e s h e e r County through its community partnerships b r e a d t h o f t o p i c s c o v e r e d i s a l w a y s with Franklin College, in Johnson County, and a s t o u n d i n g . It k e e p s my m i n d s h a r p Wabash College, in Montgomery County. WFYI a n d my e y e s o p e n t o t h e w o r l d provides NPR, PRI and BBC programming on the o u t s i d e my o w n .” student-run radio stations. The simulcast agree- – Emily, a member in Fishers ments allow WFYI to reach listeners throughout Marion County and much of Bartholomew, Hen- dricks, Johnson and Montgomery counties.

WFYI Pu b l i c Ra d i o s e r v e s m o r e t h a n

111,000 WFYI’s HD radio services are available on wfyi.org as live audio streams. l i s t e n e r s e a c h w e e k

2008 | 4 IRIS

Indiana Reading and Information Services (IRIS) serves the Central Indiana community and be- yond as an around-the-clock communications link for who are reading impaired.

IRIS staff and volunteers provide a service for those who cannot read normal print – due to blindness, low vision, physical impairments, ill- ness, learning disorders or illiteracy – allowing them to stay connected with their community through local news and information, or to relax with a good book.

IRIS served more than 900 individuals through the Nina Mason Pulliam Statewide Dial-up Ser- vice, plus an additional 938 individuals across the state through radio broadcasts and the Web. IRIS volunteer Ken Almon

Every day, IRIS provides readings of regional The Nina Mason Pulliam Statewide Dial-up Ser- newspapers and many other Indianapolis publi- vice connects 16 communities across the state cations to certified listeners with special, custom- providing residents with print impairments with built radio receivers – provided free of charge to a selection of 19 daily and weekly newspapers, use as long as they are needed. and several other publications. IRIS also added 38 radio programs to its selection on the dial-up IRIS broadcasts are also available via audio service in 2008. streaming on the World Wide Web, allowing users to access the service anywhere there is an Inter- net connection and Windows Media Player.

Online Services

In 2008, more than 300,000 unique visitors (those coming to the Web site for the first time) clicked to wfyi.org.

On the site, visitors found schedules for TV 20, digital channels WFYI-HD 20.1 and WFYI-Plus 20.3, radio programs on 90.1 FM HD1 and 90.1 FM HD2 – The Point. The Web site also de- livered information about WFYI’s special events, upcoming volunteer opportunities and profes- sional development for Hoosier educators at PBS TeacherLine.

Throughout the year, the Web site continued to grow its library of audio and video podcasts, in- cluding archives of interviews and shows featured on 90.1 FM and streaming video archives of WFYI Productions like Across Indiana, Indiana Lawmak- ers and Indiana Week in Review .

WFYI Public Radio provided a realtime Web “WFYI h a s f a n t a s t i c p r o g r a mm i n g stream, allowing Central Indiana residents to stay t h a t I l i s t e n t o d a i l y o n t h e We b . connected to their community from anywhere in WFYI n o t o n l y s e r v e s t h e p e o p l e the world through the Internet. The station also o f Ce n t r a l In d i a n a b u t t h e w o r l d , simulcasts its HD offerings through the Web, mak- ing them available to those without an HD radio. a n d I’m c e r t a i n l y a n e x a mp l e o f t h a t . Th a n k y o u s o m u c h .” – Joseph, a member in Houston, Texas

5 | WFYI Learning Services / Outreach

Public broadcasting is unique in its public service mission, and WFYI’s community outreach and learning services department set it apart from other broadcasters by providing these opportuni- ties.

Established in 1991, Learning Services comple- ments radio and television programming through community workshops, forums, training opportu- nities and educational outreach.

In 2008, WFYI continued to provide Indiana educators with online professional development through PBS TeacherLine. The convenient online courses are one way teachers and schools can meet student achievement goals and earn credits to maintain their certification.

WFYI’s outreach efforts provided a forum for dia- logue in the Central Indiana community. In 2008, the outreach department partnered with other community groups for Community Conversations centered around several PBS documentaries.

The History of Prayer in America, a documentary series about the role prayer has played through- out the history of the United States, provided one opportunity. The discussion and series were part of a partnership with the Christian Theological Seminary’s Faith Learning Initiative and The Spirit and Place Festival .

WFYI also partnered with the Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library, The American Cancer So- ciety and The Wellness Community for screenings From top: The Truth About Cancer; Childcare Providers of the Year honored as Hoosier Heroes by of the PBS documentary The Truth About Cancer the Indiana Pacers. and public discussions with medical professionals about living with cancer.

WFYI continued its commitment to promoting literacy and education in 2008. The learning ser- “Th e e n t i r e c o mm u n i t y w o u l d b e a vices staff informed local parents and early child- p o o r e r p l a c e w i t h o u t w h a t y o u d o . hood educators about brain development, child Yo u a r e a pp r e c i a t e d f o r w h a t y o u d o development and literacy programs like Parent- a n d t h e v a l u e y o u b r i n g t o e v e r y d a y ing Counts and Ready to Learn. And, more than l i f e i n In d i a n a .” 1,200 educators learned about PBS’ educational – Ray, a member in Terre Haute resources through presentations and educator conferences.

In addition to its workshops throughout the year, WFYI also sponsored the 14th Annual Reading Rainbow Young Writers and Illustrators Contest, which received more than 450 entries from young authors and artists in grades K-3. The winners were recognized during the opening ceremonies of Let’s Meet PBS KIDS in the Park and their stories were combined to create the local Emmy Award- winning WFYI Reading Rainbow Special .

2008 | 6 Community Events

WFYI fulfilled its mission to be a center of discov- ery for all ages by sponsoring and participating in several community events in 2008.

In February, the Ice Miller Indy Wine Fest, host- ed by WFYI and presented by Clark Appliance, attracted wine enthusiasts and novices to the Indiana Roof Ballroom. Wine experts shared their knowledge of fine wines from across the state and around the world during this elegant evening.

WFYI’s Let’s Meet PBS KIDS in the Park returned in June for the 15th year. The daylong, free, family celebration, presented by Riley Hospital for Children and Marsh Supermarkets, attracted approximately 40,000 people to Veterans Memo- rial Plaza and American Legion Mall in . The largest PBS KIDS event of its Above: The Ice Miller Indy kind in the nation boasted non-stop entertain- Wine Fest, hosted by WFYI and ment and included educational activities that presented by Clark Appliance, reflected WFYI’s commitment to getting children featured wines from across Ready-to-Learn. Indiana and around the world. Left: Super WHY greets a fan at Children and parents were treated to face-to- the Penrod Arts Fair. face meetings with several of the colorful, cuddly walkaround characters they love and admire most on PBS – including Arthur, Bob the Builder, Curi- ous George and Sesame Street characters Abby Cadabby and Grover.

For the 11th year, WFYI hosted the Speaking of Women’s Health® conference at the Indiana Con- vention Center in September. More than 1,200 attended the daylong event that featured engaging presentations of physical, mental, financial and spiritual health from local and national speakers. Several Central Indiana health-related organiza- tions also hosted informative interactive booths during the event.

WFYI continued to serve the community through a variety of civic engagement opportunities. TV 20 “WFYI i s t h e c o mp l e t e p a c k a g e . It and 90.1 FM HD1 simulcast Gov. Mitch Daniels’ State of the State Address. The two stations also i s q u a l i t y a c r o s s t h e b o a r d : r a d i o , provided voters with quality local and national TV, c o mm u n i t y , e v e n t s , e t c . Th e r e i s coverage of the historic 2008 election season. n o o n e r e a s o n t o s u pp o r t , r a t h e r s o m a n y r e a s o n s t h a t m a k e i t d i f f i c u l t WFYI participated in the Broad Ripple Art Fair in n o t t o s u pp o r t .” May by hosting the children’s area and stage. It – Doug, a member in Indianapolis also participated in the Penrod Arts Fair in Sep- tember, sponsoring the Blues Stage and Chil- dren’s Stage. WFYI Public Radio broadcast The Art of the Matter Live from Penrod throughout the day.

Right: Elmo and fans at Let’s Meet PBS KIDS in the Park; Speaking of Women’s Health Conference Chair Emily Freeze (center) with keynote speakers Kathleen Passanisi and Stewart Knowlton; Sid the Science Kid and Word Girl welcome guests in the WFYI lobby during the October open houses.

7 | WFYI 2008 | 8 Volunteers

WFYI was founded through a spirit of volunteer- ism and dedication to public broadcasting. That spirit remains strong thanks to the hundreds of annual volunteers who donate their time to help WFYI build communities and strengthen families in Central Indiana.

More than 800 individuals volunteered with the various departments at WFYI and provided over 18,000 hours of service. The dollar value of this service is more than $342,000.

WFYI volunteers lend a hand with a variety of tasks, from answering the phones during televi- sion and radio membership drives, to preparing weekly mailings every Thursday morning. They are a crucial part of Indiana Reading and Information Services, reading during live and recorded broadcasts every day for individuals who are reading impaired.

Volunteers are also vital to WFYI’s efforts to connect with the community through signature events like WFYI’s Let’s Meet PBS KIDS in the Park, The Ice Miller Indy Wine Fest, hosted by WFYI, and Speaking of Women’s Health®. They even staff a water stop each year during the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon .

From top: WFYI volunteers lend a hand with Back Pack Attack; WFYI’s 100 Hour Volunteers.

Volunteers Honored WFYI honored its volunteers during the annual Mo r e t h a n Volunteer Recognition Luncheon in April 2008. The honorees were: 800 IRIS Listener Choice Award - Dave Harold 100 Hour Volunteers Bright Ideas - Jim Carr and Allen Wright Ken Almon Dr. Pedro Ortegon Vo l u n t e e r s c o n t r i b u t e d o v e r B.E.S.T. - WFYI Technical Operations Center Joyce Arterberry Richard Owens Steve Jensen, Nate Pass, Josh Heymig, Cedric Freeman Robert Bowser Peter Polomski Mike Goode, George Fowler, Larry Mullins, Lamont Preston, Linda Caldwell Nancy Prosser 18,000 Christopher Capper Joan Rapkin Ben Kinder, John Lathrop, Joseph Hatcher h o u r s o f s e r v i c e . Ardath Y. Burkhart Award - Julie Davis Ann Dettwiler Mary Rinck Martha Sterrett Service Award - Bernadette Hengesbach Reid Duffy Jane Root A v a l u e o f Tomas C. Hasbrook Award - The Indiana Talking Book and Judy Dunson James Rosebro Braille Library Charlene Ebbott MaryLou Rothe Youth Award - Brittany Oliver Emily Freeze Charles Schisla Carl Wodicka Award - Angie Chau Dave Harold Sarah Scranton $342,000 Don Sandstrom Rookie of the Year Award - Steve Hubert Bernadette Hengesbach Ella Stotts f o r WFYI and Becky Bower Julie Keller Erin Thorpe Community Involvement Awards – Chipotle and Ruth Kroll R. Dean Willey Marco’s Pizza Bryan Luellen

2008 | 8 Awards

2008 Emmy Awards Best Magazine Format Program: Across Indiana - Best Social Justice Reporting - Radio Clayton Taylor, executive producer; Jim Simmons, First place: Working Poor - Marianne Holland, Indiana series producer; Aric Hartvig, segment producer; Chris- Public Broadcasting Stations’ Statehouse reporter topher Elberfeld, videographer; and Kaleb Giddens, Second place: Darfur segments - Marianne Holland videographer. Best Magazine Feature Story: Naked Santa, Best Education Coverage - Radio Across Indiana - Jim Simmons First place: Marianne Holland Best Program Writer: Dancing Shadows, Across Indiana - Jim Simmons Best Coverage of Government - Radio Best Science Program and Best Program Photographer: Second place: Marianne Holland The Natural Heritage of Indiana - produced and photographed by Samuel Orr Best Radio Spot News Best Children/Youth Special: WFYI’s Reading Rainbow Second place: Spot coverage of Indiana’s cigarette tax Special - produced by Kyle Travers increase - Marianne Holland Third place: The resignation of WellPoint’s CFO - 2008 Spectrum Awards Marianne Holland Non-Commercial Television Station of the Year Best Cultural and Performing Arts Television Program: National Public Radio News Directors Incorporated Good as Gold Best Investigative and Enterprise Reporting - Small News- Best Community Involvement (Television): rooms. First place: Series of reports on Indiana Eugenics Spotlight 2008, Teen Roundtable Show - WFYI Public Radio, Mary Hartnett, news manager. Best Special Interest and Cultural Radio Program: Bravo Butler! Best Public Affairs Program - Small Newsrooms. Second place: Sound Medicine - Pam Perry, executive producer; “Best in Indiana” SPJ Awards Nora Hiatt, senior program producer; Barbara Lewis, (Society of Professional Journalists) host; Kirk Butler, sound engineer; Colleen Iudice, reporter, Television Feature and Mary Hartnett, WFYI news manager. First Place: Naked Santa, Across Indiana - Jim Simmons, Vinnie Manganello and Eric Poland PBS Award of Excellence Second Place: The Meal behind the Mask, Across Indi- Overall Membership and an Overall Development Award ana - Scott Hutcheson and Vinnie Manganello Third Place: Running for Those Who Can’t, Across Indiana - Vinnie Manganello, Brian Paul, Aric Hartvig and Kaleb Giddens

Television Documentary or Special First Place: Path Breakers - Viki Anderson, Vinnie Manganello, Chris Elberfeld, Kaline Schounce, Mike Jensen, Jerold Prince, Brian Clark, Collin Brownlee and Judi Border Third Place: The Natural Heritage of Indiana: The Indiana That Was - Samuel Orr

Best Medical/Science Reporting Second Place: The Unreal Gets Real, Across Indiana - Jim Simmons The Natural Heritage of Indiana earned Emmy Awards in the Best Science Program and Best Photography categories. Best Social Justice Reporting Third Place: Migrant Healthcare, Across Indiana Diane Willis and Vinnie Manganello

Best Television Feature Videography Second Place: Mr. Silent, Across Indiana - Vinnie Manganello and Aric Hartvig Third Place: Reggae Festival, Across Indiana - Chris Elberfeld, Kaleb Giddens and Aric Hartvig

9 | WFYI 2008 Financial Review

4% 5% So u r c e s o f Re v e n u e n Campaign for the Future* $4,055,533 31% 6% n Membership/Individuals $3,335,638 25% n Underwriting/Corporate $2,162,356 16% 31% n Government Support $1,769,398 13% 13% n Grants & Other Support $855,659 6% n Special Events $630,649 5% 16% n Miscellaneous $468,517 4% 25% Total Revenue $13,277,750 100%

* Includes contributions from individuals, corporations and foundations.

Ex p e n s e s 11% n Program Services $7,587,933 55% n Fund Raising $3,053,599 22% 12% n Management/General $1,657,883 12% n Building Costs $1,552,226 11% 55% Total Expenses $13,851,641 100% 22%

WFYI r a i s e d

$2,162,356 i n c o r p o r a t e s u pp o r t i n 2008

2008 | 10 2008 Major Donors to WFYI

THE VISIONARY CIRCLE Richard & Cindy Miles Mr. John E. Toth & Ms. Stacy Reifeis Mr. & Mrs. Courtenay Weldon WFYI’s Visionary Circle was established to increase annual unrestricted support to the station. Through special functions, Mr. Franklin I. Miroff & Mr. & Mrs. Robert Turner Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. West unique benefits, opportunities for interaction with PBS and NPR personalities, and listings in WFYI publications, the Dr. Susan Maisel Mr. & Mrs. John L. Vahle Anna S. & James P. White Visionary Circle recognizes and involves those individuals who contribute a minimum of $1,000 annually. Dr. Arthur Mirsky & Dr. Seema Vishnu & Mr. Jeff Whorley Jr. & Dr. Patricia S. Mirsky Mr. Sekhar Sundaram Ms. Lisa Haynes Chairman’s Committee Mrs. Myra J. Borshoff-Cook & Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hamby Mrs. Ina M. Mohlman Mr. John Waidner & Donna Wiley ($10,000+) Mr. Frank M. Cook Ms. Dottie Hancock Mr. James T. Morris & Ms. Patrice C. Waidner Scott Williams Barth Electric Co. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Boso Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hanna Mrs. Jackie Morris Ms. Susan L. Wakefield & Mr. & Mrs. Bill Williams Mr. Melvin Simon & Ms. Bren Simon Brad & Norma Boyd Dr. & Mrs. Donald R. Hardman Mrs. Wanda L. Morrison Mr. Daniel B. Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Wise President’s Council Ms. Wendy W. Boyle Mr. Bill O. Harrington Mr. Ben Morriston & Dr. Emily Walvoord & Ms. Susan Wisely & ($5,000 - $9,999) Dr. & Mrs. R. D. Braun Ms. Anita Harvey Ms. Judy I. Morriston Dr. Greg Bauwens Mr. Michael Gunason Jeanelle & Russell Adamak Dr. & Mrs. Richard C. Bump Mr. Michael N. Heaton Robert & Judy Muessig Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Warne Mrs. Mary D. Wisely Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Appel Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Caito Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Heidelman Brenda Myers & Jim Lindgren Mr. & Mrs. Brad Warnecke Ms. Pamela S. Young Cohen & Malad, LLP IOLTA Mrs. Debby L. Camper & Dr. Charles H. Helmen Dr. Lee Anne Nazer Dr. & Mrs. Jeff R. Weidner Dr. & Mrs. Philip D. Zaneteas Mr. Rollin M. Dick Mr. Daniel E. Ball Mr. & Mrs. John P. Hengesbach Blake L. & Carolyn L. Neubauer Carol A. Weiss Michael Zieger Financial Enhancement Group, LLC Mr. & Mrs. James Carlino Richard E. & Martha J. Hennessey Ms. Monica Nyby & Dr. Greg Hale Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Welch Mr. & Mrs. Darell E. Zink Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Glick Mr. & Mrs. James M. Carr Mr. Jerry Henricks & Mr. Joseph K. Orr Mr. & Mrs. William F. Welch Bankruptcy Law Office Amy & Clay Robbins Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Carter Ms. Beth A. Henricks Mr. Kevin F. Osborn & of Mark Zuckerberg Mr. Neal F. Rothermel & Mr. John Carter Nora & Tom Hiatt Ms. Tina F. Osborn Mandy J. Moore Dr. Gerard Carthy Mr. & Mrs. Nathan B. Higbie Mrs. Victoria C. Palmer-Smith & Mr. Erik W. Streib THE SOUND VISION SOCIETY Mrs. Yvonne H. Shaheen Mr. & Mrs. George C. Charbonneau Ms. Lois L. Hoffman Society continues to be WFYI’s donor recognition program for donors Mr. Lloyd Wright Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Claffey Ann C. Holcombe Mrs. Genevieve W. Parsons & between $250 and $999. Benefactor’s Club Dr. & Mrs. Charles M. Clark Jr. David & Gayle M. Holtman Mr. John Parsons ($2,500 - $4,999) Mr. & Mrs. David Clemants Dr. Sharon L. Hoog & Nate & Rhonda Pass Executive Producer ($750-$999) Mr. Charles E. Schalliol & Mrs. Jenny Schalliol Paul M. Bain Alan & Susan Cloe Mr. Ken Remenschneider Timothy Peck Mr. David Bauer Mr. Peter Schmutte Dr. Teresa D. Beam & Mr. Alan H. Cohen & Dr. & Mrs. Robert Hooker Ms. Sheryl Peoples Mr. & Mrs. Ben Blanton Mr. Eric A. Adolph Mrs. Linda M. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. James W. Hubbard Perelman Charitable Foundation Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur V. Brown II Dr. Brigitte E. Schoner Richard M. Bramer Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Corbitt Mr. & Mrs. V. William Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Woody Peyton Mr. & Mrs. Lee A. Casebere Albert E. Schultze & Marcia Kolvitz Michael & Barbara E. Branic Dr. & Mrs. Michael Coscia Mr. & Mrs. Stan C. Hurt Dr. William M. & Gail M. Plater Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Corcoran Ms. D.Melissa Sedam Mr. & Mrs. Don B. Earnhart Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Crandall Ms. Margaret E. Hutchinson Rebecca C. & Jonathan Polak Ms. Audrey E. Corne Mr. Daniel E. Sellers & Ms. April E. Edwards-Selle Dr. & Mrs. Bruce H. Frank Cummins, Inc. Ms. Mary F. Hutton Mr. Peter P. Polit & Mr. Pat Corsi Mrs. Anne Cooper Smith Mrs. C. Perry Griffith Mrs. Mary Emily S. Davisson Mr. & Mrs. Ken Inskeep Dr. Tammy L. Polit Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Cranfill Ms. Diantha V. DeGraw Mr. Thomas R. Price Mrs. Evelyn L. Crawford Mr. David B. Steiger & Mr. Gary A. Heck & Robert E. & Susan M. Ivancevich Dr. Elizabeth J. Galbreath Mrs. Jean Palmer Heck Mr. Donald Distel Mr. Gary P. Price & Ms. Rita M. Deruntz J and J Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John H. Tynan Mr. & Mrs. Clifton E. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Dorman Mrs. Brenda C. Rising-Moore Mr. Craig D. Doyle & Mrs. Lee Doyle Mr. Franklin L. Jackson Ms. Donna J. Walle Dr. & Mrs. Richard Knapek Ms. Barbara Duke Sams Mr. Michael Quimby Dr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Duman Mr. & Mrs. John Jansen Sunni L. Waterman Mr. & Mrs. P. E. MacAllister Dr. A. Keith Dunker & Mr. & Mrs. David A. Resnick Mr. French L. Eason & 40/86 Advisors, Inc Dr. Thomas E. Woerner Sara H. Murphy M.D. Ms. Ya-Yue J. Van Miss Mariel K. Reynolds Ms. Janet M. Eason Mrs. Carlyn Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Woods Dr. & Mrs. George F. Rapp Dr. David W. Dunn & Dr. Pam Christy Dr. & Mrs. Merrill A. Ritter Mr. Kim Ebert Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Johnson Ms. Jamie K. Young Mr. Howard C. Riemensperger Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Dutton Mrs. Fern W. Roesch Maria Estes-Horton Johnson-Weaver Foundation Producer ($500-$749) Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Sieck Mr. Daniel G. Edelman George & Jan Rubin Mrs. Dawn E. Everidge & Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Johnstone Mark Alberts & Meg Zachwieja Dr. Holly L. Simpson & Lori Efroymson-Aguilera & Mrs. Priscilla B. Ruddell Mr. Douglas D. Everidge Mr. & Mrs. Gary V. Kaiser Mr. Charles Alexander Dr. Bill Beechler Sergio Aguilera Michael & Pegg Kennedy Mrs. Nancy Russell & Mr. & Mrs. David T. Fronek Mr. Frank E. Russell Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius M. Alig Johannes Tauscher Mr. William R. Ehrich Mr. Thomas Kinney Ms. Donna L. Garland Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Russell Mr. Bruce W. Allen Thomasson Foundation Mr. Kevin R. Erdman & Ms. Lynn D. Kippenhan Mr. & Mrs. Avrom Handleman Dr. Lois Sabo-Skelton Norris E. & Carole M. Allen Dr. Rosalind H. Webb Adrienne J. Provenzano Mr. & Mrs. David I. Klapper Mrs. Martha N. Hardacre Patron’s Club ($1,000 - $2,499) Dr. & Mrs. Nagy A. Farid Mr. Jason M. Sadler & Mr. Michael W. Hester Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Allington Miss Tracy E. Knight & Mr. Mark A. Schuster Mrs. Ellen Annala Mr. & Mrs. James F. Ackerman Jack & Sonja Farr Mr. Nicholas Grahame Ms. Susan G. Hudnut Mr. Johnny L. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. George Antony Dr. Kaye V. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Lavon S. Ferger Mr. & Mrs. John M. Koke Mr. Todd A. Huettemann Dr. Mary L. Sanders Mr. Cliff Arellano Mr. Thomas M. Ahmann Ron & Susan Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Krivi Mr. Dave Jongleux & Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schloss Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Aspy Dr. & Mrs. Alfonso J. Alanis Mr. & Mrs. Steven Fleenor Ms. Kathleen M. Krueger Ms. Lynn B. Jongleux Mr. Mark Schutte Dr. Melvyn Baez & Dr. Elena Baez Michael P. Alerding Mr. Russell Fortune Gareth Kuhl & Amy Kotzbauer Mr. & Mrs. Mike Kelly Mr. & Mrs. David G. Sease Wilma Ann Bailey Ms. Pamela V. Allen Mrs. Indra N. Frank & Dr. & Mrs. Ned Lamkin Jr. Ms. Rebecca O. Kendall Dr. and Mrs. Gene Sease Mr. & Mrs. John J. Baker Mr. & Mrs. David S. Allen Mr. Mark S. Frank Ms. Lisa McKee Lanham & Mr. Joseph G. Kenny AMG Engineering & Machining, Inc. Chris Fretts & Claire Dana Mr. Michael Halstead Mr. Robert J. Shaw & Ms. Lydia A. Landry Mrs. Charlotte A. Barnett Ms. Susan McNeely Ms. Rosanne E. Ammirati & Phyllis & Ed Gabovitch William V. & Catherine W. Lawson Dr. Eric S. Leaming & Mr. Donald A. Barnett Dr. Marguerite K. Shepard Kevin R. Krulewitch Mr. Gregory Gaich & Mrs. Carol Gaich Dr. Beverly J. Leddy & Dr. Rosalind D. Leaming Mr. Gary Bartlett Dr. Pamela W. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gaither Mr. Roger Zaring Mr. Frank Sheski Shawn T. Long Ms. Audra Baumgartner & Mr. & Mrs. Bob Anker Ms. Pearl Gasper Ms. Beth A. Leedy Ms. Gina R. Shockley Dr. & Mrs. Carlos Lopez Mr. Nicholas S. Ide Mr. & Mrs. Bob Armitage Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Gilbert Dr. James E. Legrand & Mr. Chetan Shukla Kevin Malley Mr. Spencer Bavender Leah M. Austin Mr. Eric L. Gillispie & Dr. William A. Mirola Mr. E Paul Smith Ms. Marjorie May Mr. Keith Bean Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bader Ms. Pat T. Gillispie Dr. Neil H. Levine & Ms. Pamela J. Smith Mrs. Peg Meek Mrs. Barbara T. Beaton Ms. Sarah C. Barney Mr. & Mrs. Irving Glazer Dr. Louise R. Levine Jack & Susanne Sogard Mr. & Mrs. Todd Miller Dr. Kathleen A. Beck-Coon & Dr. Robert J. Beck-Coo Rena & David Barraclough Janice A. Goodman & Steven Pattison Mr. & Mrs. Bill Longest Dr. & Mrs. Naval Sondhi Ms. Nanci Miller Mr. John R. Beeler Mr. & Mrs. Merton R. Barry Mr. Joseph R. Grahn Mr. & Mrs. J David Maas Miss Virginia Sparling Mrs. Carol Moulton Mr. & Mrs. James W. Bell Mrs. Constance K. Bash Dr. Brian W. Grant & Ms. Kathryn S. Maeglin & Ms. Antoinette D. Sprague Ms. Blessing Ndubisi Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Bellows Ms. Akimi Bash Rev. Claudia E. Grant Dr. Albert J. Allen Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Stack Mrs. & Mrs. Sylvia Neal Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Bennett Frank & Katrina Basile Mr. Vance M. Greening Mr. & Mrs. Ray Maltby Mr. John R. Stafford Brianne N. Nelson Erma B. & Beth Ann Bennett Mark & Carolyn Bates Dr. & Mrs. Christian Gries Ms. Cassandra L. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. William E. Stanley Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Nicholls Mr. Robert M. Benson Ms. Elizabeth Ann Beck Mrs. Gerry E. Griffith & Dr. William G. Mays & Dr. Rose Mays Mr. Karl Steegmann Mr. Sheldon C. Ort Ms. Barbara G. Bernhard Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Bedel Mr. William C. Griffith I Dr. Robert McDonald & Mr. James L. Stevens & Susan Jaken Debra K. Pease Ms. Jean S. Blackwell Mrs. K. N. Bennett Ms. Jacqueline A. Griswold Dr. Mary Walsh Derrick Stout Mr. Heinz E. Reim & Mr. Lynn Guse Ms. Melissa A. McHaffie Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Strohmeyer Jr. Ms. Laura A. James-Reim Ms. Grace L. Blanchard & Craig Berkley & Gail Daly-Berkley Mr. Evan G. Finch Mr. David Biedenkopf Mr. Herman P. Haas & Marni McKinney Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Sutphin George E. Revtyak & Ms. Kathy J. Slusher-Haas Diane E. Richards Ms. Mary B. Blue BMW Constructors, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. E. Kirk McKinney Jr. Ms. Diane Taylor Tom & Susie Hacker Mr. William R. Robinson & Ms. Joyce A. Boadt Dr. Robert Boeglin Mr. & Mrs. David Meisenhelder Dr. David L. Tetrick Mr. & Mrs. Ian A. Hall Ms. Carol Robinson Ms. Martha Boden Ted & Peggy Boehm Dr. Raymond V. Meldahl Ms. Patricia A. Thiem Mrs. Gail Hall Dr. Scott J. Savader & Mr. & Mrs. David Bodenhamer Mr. & Mrs. Leeland Boren Mr. & Mrs. Hans Mengering Mr. Gerald L. Thompson & Dr. Robert W. Hall Mr. Horst Michaelis Dr. Jean Miller Dr. Barbara L. Savader Mr. Eric R. Boes & Tobias Family Foundation Mrs. Tatiana M. Foroud 11 | WFYI 2008 Major Donors to WFYI

Mrs. Eleanor F. Bookwalter Mr. & Mrs. John M. Fritch Mr. Tim J. Konich Mr. Robert L. Ransone Mr. & Mrs. Peter Wegner Ms. Julie A. Barnett Mr. & Mrs. Forrest B. Bowman Jr. Mr. Brian E. Frost & Ms. Victoria Kordel Ms. Jane Rapinchuk & Mark Kowala Ms. Natalie Weir Mrs. Patricia Barnstead Dr. & Mrs. Robert Boyd Ms. Julianne Frost Kurt & Judith Kroenke James & Patty Rapp Mrs. Kathryn Weirick Mr. Matt H. Bassett & Mr. & Mrs. Herman Briggeman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fruehwald Ms. Lydia B. Kuykendal Dr. Scott L. Ray & Dr. Patricia G. Ray Dr. & Mrs. William J. Wheeler Ms. Susan C. Cassada Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Brooks Dr. Edward T. Fry & Mrs. Kathy Fry Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lancaster Dr. Rachel Reams Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. White Mr. Gary Bauer Ms. Alice W. Brown Ms. Gail D. Gainer Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Learned Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reiberg Don Whitridge Teri Baxter Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Brown Ms. Shery Galambus & Joan E. Lefevere Dr. & Mrs. Doug K. Rex Ms. Carolyn M. Wiley Ms. Sharon Baxter Mr. & Mrs. Tim M. Bruemmer Mr. Mark Galambus Mr. Jeff Lewis & Mr. & Mrs. Gary Reynolds Ms. Virginia Z. Wilkie Mr. & Mrs. Brandon J. Beasley Dr. & Mrs. William C. Buffie Ms. Doris Gargula Ms. Paula Schmidt-Lewis Mr. & Mrs. George Ringer Mr. & Mrs. Archie C. Wills Dr. Ken R. Beausang & Dr. Carol C. Ms. Gay Burkhart Mr. Craig A. Garrett Rev. & Mrs. David L. Livingston Mrs. Peggy L. Robinson Mrs. Edie R. Wilmot Beausang David & Lisa Burr Megan & Fred H. Garver Ms. Dusky L. Loebel Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Roe Mr. Franklin R. Wilson Patricia A. Beidelman Mr. & Mrs. Roy Cage Mr. Robert L. Gauss Dr. Amy C. Lossie & Ms. Judith B. Roepke William Witchger Ms. Loralee Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Tom C Caldwell Ms. Alice J. Gerlach Mr. Andrew Glomski Dr. Franklin Roesner Mr. Carter Wolf & Mrs. Kim Gattle Mrs. Cynthia Bennett Ms. Linda G. Caldwell Mr. Bob Giacoletti Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Lurvey Dr. Humberto E. Rojas Mr. & Mrs. James G. Wolf Mr. & Mrs. Richard Z. Bennitt Ms. Nancy H. Callahan Ms. Linda L. Gibson Mrs. Grace M. Luther Angela L. Rollins Mr. Bob E. Wolf Mrs. Lynn Berkebile Miss Virginia Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Gillan Dr. John T. Mail & Mr. & Mrs. Jim Rosensteele Jane Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Bigley Mr. William Campbell Ms. Sharon Goble Dr. Ingrid E. Mason Mail Mr. & Mrs. John Ross Ms. Gretchen Wolfram Mrs. Nicole R. Bingham Mr. & Mrs. Vince Caponi Bert & Martha Gorman Dr. & Mrs. James K. Malone Ms. Margaret Martin Roth Ms. Susan L. Woodling Mrs. Karen E. Bittinger Ms. Nancy L. Carder Mrs. Elizabeth L. Graves Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Mangus Jane S. Rothbaum Mr. Harry A. Wright Mr. Harry E. Black & Mr. & Mrs. Jim R. Carpenter Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Masica Ms. Anne E. Rourke Rev. & Mrs. Brent Wright Ms. Mary E. Black Mr. Robert E. Carrell Mr. & Mrs. Gregory B. Greene Mel & Trudy Massey Ms. Sarah Rowland Mr. & Mrs. David Wright Rev. Effie M. Blair Ms. Burdellis L. Carter Dr. Gerald A. Griffin & Sharon Maurer Mr. David Royston Mr. & Mrs. William R. Wuestenfeld Miss Mary F. Blake Mr. Jeremiah J. Carter & Mrs. Molly S. Griffin Ms. Margaret M. Maxwell Mr. George T. Rush Mr. Joseph R. Zborowski Leona J. Blake Ms. Ellie S. Carter Ms. Ann B. Grimes Patrick C. & Elayne F. May Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Rust Mr. & Mrs. Mark Zelonis Peggy Blower Mr. & Mrs. Henry Carter Tom Grote Mr. & Mrs. James R. Maybury Mr. Andreas Sashegyi Charles Zika Mrs. Tiffany L. Bogard & Mr. & Mrs. James Carter Mr. Carl Grothouse Mr. & Mrs. Dann Mayo Mr. James Schlink Mr. Gerald W. Zimmerman Mr. Micha W. Askelson Dr. Elizabeth A. Case Edith Gulley Mrs. Joan McCain Mr. John Schmedtje Mr. & Mrs. Alan Zimmermann Michael R. Bohlander Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Caswelch Mr. & Mrs. James Hackleman Jessica & Oscar McGill Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Schmenner Director ($350 - $499) Ms. Mitzi Boilanger Pat Chalkley Dr. John E. Hale & Dr. William C. McGraw & Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Schultheis Ms. Beatrice Abernathy Margaret Boling Mullin Mr. & Mrs. John B. Challman Ms. Laura V. Hale Dr. Susanne Blix Marion E. Scofield Charlene J. Abraham Mr. & Mrs. Charles Boll Mr. Marc Champagne Mrs. Jean A. Hall Dr. & Mrs. Carl L. McMillian Mrs. Pinkey D. Shah & Mr. Dilip Shah Mr. James S. Ackerman Jill Bomaster Bond Miss Brenda k. Christianson Mr. & Mrs. Greg A. Hall Mr. Stephen G. McWlliams & Mrs. Carolyn A. Sharp Mr. John W. Adams Kathy Bond Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Christoffersen Ms. Cris Halter Mrs. Judith K. McWilliams Mrs. Helen Sheeks Ms. Gloria Adams Mayra Bonet Linda And Steve Classey Mr. & Mrs. Paul Harrington Dr. David Mendel Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Shideler Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Ahern Robert E. Bonwell Clifton Gunderson LLP Mr. Greg S. Harrison Mr. George Messoroch Mrs. Georgann Shufflebarger Ms. Judy C. Ahring Mr. Daniel A. Bookheim Mr. & Mrs. David Cobb Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Hartman Kathy D. & Jeffrey P. Miller Ms. Mary Jane Sievers Mrs. Linda Alexander Douglas E. & Meg V. Born Miss Caitlin E. Cocker Mr. & Mrs. Stanley H. Heiskell Dr. Michael D. Miller & Eric L. & Barbara Simpson Mr. Ronald J. Allen & Mr. Michael C. Borschel & Mrs. Stacy D. Miller Patrick F. & Julie K. Comer Dr. Paul Helft Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Skehan Ms. Linda J. McKiernan-Allen Rev. Audrey L. Borschel Mr. & Mrs. Milton Miller Mr. & Mrs. James Conine Dr. Edward Hellman & Mr. & Mrs. Richard Skrzynecki Ms. Loretta Allen Mrs. Judith J. Borton Mr. Richard Miller & Ms. Ellen Miller Ms. Kathleen A. Corcoran & Dr. Laura Reuter Joseph & Vicki Smith Ms. Carol L. Allen Priscilla & Erwin Boschmann Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd H. Milliken Mr. Brian M. Carlson Barry E. & Deborah A. Herring Mr. Jim R. Smith Patrick Alles Mrs. Tammy Bott Mr. Steven J. Milner Mr. & Mrs. William E. Corley Mr. & Mrs. David K. Herron Mrs. Virginia Smith Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. Amick Marvin K. Bowman Dr. Cherri M. Miner Ms. Christine M. Cowdin Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Hester Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Anderson Mr. John Boyer Mr. Kevin M. Modany Mr. & Mrs. C. Dennis Cryder Andrew J. & Tiffany S. Hine Mr. & Mrs. Steve Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Anderson Ms. Patrice A. Bradley Ms. Rodean A. Moerdyk Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Cunningham Ms. Patricia A. Hittle Ms. Betty Snyder Mr. James R. Anderson Ms. Catherine M. Brady Ms. Judy Kay Mohr Mr. Arthur E. Cutler Mr. & Mrs. David Hoggatt Mr. & Mrs. James R. Sommers Mr. Benjamin J. Anderson Miss Patty J. Bragger Mr. James B. Moore Mr. Robert H. Daniel & Mr. Howard E. Holden & Brandon Sorrell Ms. Camilla Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Bramlage Ms. Susan M. Holden Mr. Steve Morton Mr. David R. Miller Mrs. Bret Sperry Mrs. Pamela Anderson Mr. Dennis Bramlett Mr. Tom Holian Ms. Patricia B. Moss & Mr. Richard S. Davis & Ms. Julie St James & Mr. Eric Bryant Ms. Kristin L. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Bray Mr. William K. Horin Mr. Gary K. Moss Mrs. Mary M. Davis Ms. Therese M. Staublin James E. & Linda J. Anderson Mr. Jonathan E. Bricker & Peter W. & Emily G. Howard Ms. Terry A. Mumford & Dr. Susan D. Sutton Ms. Tracy L. Davis Nick & Marti J. Steussy Mr. William A. Andrews Ms. Mary L. Huber Mr. Lewis J. Mumford Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Bridgewater Mr. John Deegan Mr. & Mrs. Eric E. Stoll Mr. & Mrs. John J. Andrews Dr. & Mrs. Scott C. Denne Bret E. & Bret Huff Ms. Judith B. Murphy Dr. Walter C. Bridgewater Ms. Beverly S. Musick Dr. Anna Maria V. Storniolo & Mr. Stanton M. Angermeier & Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. DeVoe Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hunter Mrs. Rhonda Bowers Mr. & Mrs. Greg Bright Ms. Nancy R. Myers Dr. Joel C. Scherer Mr. Louis A. Dezelan & Mr. & Mrs. Joe J. Hunter-Lattak Don B. Ansel Mr. & Mrs. Alan Brockman Mr. James T. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Jim Strain Mrs. Susan Wollenweber Garth Hurd Mr. & Mrs. Mark Argentine Ms. Susan Broderick Mrs. Clara Nicholson Ms. Susan Stratman Ms. Tamra A. Dill Miss Rosemary Hurst Ms. Nancy Arkins Christine & Robert Broughton Mrs. Florence M. Norton Reinhold M. & Margaret M. Strnat Ms. Judith K. Dunson International School Of Indiana Mrs. Darlene Arnold Mrs. Rebecca J. Brown Jeannette H. Noyes Ms. Joy Stukey Mr. & Mrs. James L. Durbin Ms. Eunice D. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ascroft Mr. Mike Brown Perry Nystrom Ms. Sheryl Sulzberger Scott & Janice G. Early Mr. Monte F. Jines Mr. Paul J. Atkinson Ms. Barbara Brown Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. O’Callaghan Mr. John Taska Miss Johannna Egan Mr. & Mrs. Ron E. Jobe Ms. Glenda M. Aul-Jordan Mr. Dave Brown Steven Ojala Mr. & Mrs. Norman H. Terando Mr. & Mrs. Joe W. Eikenberry Ms. Cheryl L. Johnson Ms. Nancy Aurand-Humpf Ms. Sherry Brown Steve A. & Debbie A. Oldham Ms. Joyce Thayer Ms. Rebecca Elliott Mr. Robert A. Johnson Cheryl I. Autry Ms. Tammye Brown Dr. & Mrs. Adrian Oleck Lorna & Tim Thomas Ms. Mary K. Emery Ms. Kathy Jones Ms. Joy Avant Mr. W. Brown Sharon K. Overley David Thomas Dr. & Mrs. William G. Enright Mr. Stacey M. Kaneshiro & Mr. & Mrs. John S. Ayre Mrs. Susan L. Browning Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Paine, Jr. Ms. Mary Titsworth Chandler & Ms. Rosemary Ervin & Dr. Mary A. Ott Mr. Bryan J. Chandle Michael L. & Suzanne L. Baach Ms. Marie Bruett Mr. Andy M. Palm Mr. Richard Schevitz Mr. & Mrs. Rahul Kapur Ms. Elizabeth Torsner Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Bagot Natalie & Wally Bruner Mr. & Mrs. Munro Peacock Mrs. Julia Evans Dr. & Mrs. Marvin D. Kemple Mr. & Mrs. Edgar A. Towne Dr. Stephen K. Bailie & Ms. Karen Brunso Melissa & Bruce Pennamped Ms. Kari A. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Kennedy Ms. Eloise Valinet Mrs. Barbara Bailie Dr. Lynn Bryan Mr. & Mrs. William F. Perkins Ms. Carol J. Feeney John Ketcham Dr. William C. Vladuchick Ms. Rebecca S. Baker Ms. Sharon L. Bryant Ms. Jodi F. Perras Mr. & Mrs. Fred Fehsenfeld Jr. Mr. Michael D. Kinder & Mr. William Vlantis Ms. Shannon W. Baker Mrs. Penny L. Buchko Ms. Jerri S. Kinder Ms. Jean Perrin Mr. Leo E. Feldhake Ms. Lisa M. Wagoner Mrs. Henrietta Baldauf Mr. Robert E. Buck Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kinnett Mr. & Mrs. Nigel T. Phealon Craig Fenimore Dr. Don J. Wagoner & Peter Baldwin Ms. Lois M. Buell Mr. & Mrs. Mathew J. Fisher Mrs. Theresa Klassen Ms. Anne L. Phelan Mrs. Marilyn L. Wagoner Mrs. Melody S. Barber-Hence & Mrs. Cleo A. Burgard Jane A. & Richard Flis Ms. Mary R. Klein Mr. Ray Piercy Dr. & Mrs. Paul Waitt Mr. Ricky D. Hence Darla Burgess Mr. Jon Ford Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Kline Bob Post Leigh Wall Harris & Gary Thompson Ms. Lisa D. Barberio Mr. Aaron B. Burkert Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Frank Kay F. Koch & Bryan Molloy Mrs. Karen T. Powell Mr. & Mrs. Steve Wallen Mr. Hugh A. Barker Mr. Robert Burkett Mr. & Mrs. Myron H. Frasier Mr. & Mrs. Mike Koenig Dr. Valerie A. Purvin David & Betty Lou Walsman Mr. & Mrs. Charles Barker Ms. Lorene M. Burkhart Susan Freese Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Koleski Anna M. & Eenne M. Quets The Rt. Rev. Catherine E. Waynick Mr. & Mrs. Charles Barnett Mr. & Mrs. Woody Burns 2008 | 12 2008 Major Donors to WFYI

Mr. Howard H. Burroughs Ms. Kathleen V. Dagley Ms. Bonnie Fraley Ms. Kaylene Harrison & Ms. Kari B. Jahr Mrs. Rosemary P. Laycock Mrs. Anna Burton Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dapp Ms. Mary M. Frank Mr. Todd D. Harrison Mr. Steven A. Jamerson Mr. Bob Leader Ms. Madonna Burton Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Darlington Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Frazer Mrs. Diane Harrison Mrs. Pamela James Ms. Elizibeth Lee Mr. Daniel Butler Ms. Michelle Daron Mr. & Mrs. David R. Frick Ms. Bonnie Hart Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Jenkins Mrs. Young L. Lee & Gerar Marek Jennifer Butts Ms. Suzette Davidson Tina Friskey Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Hart Ms. Martha A. Jennermann Ms. Rebecca Lee Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Bye Ms. Eileen Davis Miss Janice Frost Mr. Dale Harvey Ms. Nancy Jezyk & Mr. & Mrs. Julius K. Lees Mr. Mark J. Caito Lisa Davis Laura & Nicolas M. Furiak Jeffrey S. & Cindy Haverly Mr. Dale E. Greenwood Mrs. Linda S. Leonard & Mrs. Joan W. Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Dawes Rose Ann Furney Donna Hays Ms. Kathleen M. Johann Mr. Stephen G. Kozey Ms. Mary L. Callahan Ms. Margarita De La Torre Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Gable Mr. Kevin P. Head Mr. John Johnson Mr. Jay W. Lesandrini Dr. & Mrs. John N. Calley Mr. Jeffrey L. Dean & Dr. & Mrs. Ted H. Gabrielsen Mr. Ledger Heavilon Doug Johnson & Mary Hickel Ms. Janet K. Levy Mr. Randy B. Cameron Ms. Tamara L. Hoffbauer Mrs. Maria Gaeta Mr. Robert B. Hebert Mr. Ernest L. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. John Lewis Dr. Peter C. Campbell & Marcia Debock Dr. & Mrs. Paul Galley Mr. Stephen D. Heider Dr. Kristin A. Johnson & Mr. & Mrs. Luke Lewis Ms. Emily H. Sagor Mr. & Mrs. Steve Decot Mr. John E. Gallina & Mr. Bernard P. Heidt Dr. Sandy Geeganage Mr. Shuyu Li Mrs. Judy Campbell Eric Denney Mrs. Barbara C. Gallina Mrs. Johana Helphinstine Kay Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lindgren Ms. Cynthia N. Cardona Mr. Hiram Denney Mr. Thomas Gannon Dr. Patricia Hendershot Mr. Robert H. Johnson Ms. Susan Lindstrom Mr. Fred C. Carey Ms. Hannah Desrosiers Mr. & Mrs. Doug Gard Mr. & Mrs. William Henderson Shirley Johnson Mrs. Ruby M. Lineback Ms. Katharine M. Carr Ms. Lori J. Dettman Suzanne Gard Mr. Kelly Hendricks Ms. Kathie L. Johnson Ms. Patricia A. Linehan Dr. & Mrs. Elmo B. Carver Mr. John Dichtl & Dana M. Ohren Ms. Cheryl L. Garman Mr. & Mrs. Russell Henney Mrs. Geraldine F. Johnson Little People’s Prep & Hope K. & Lawrence F. Casey-Allen Ms. Lisa A. Dick & Mr. Jeffrey R. Dick Mr. Claude R. Garnett Mr. Gary Henriott & David Johnston Arlington Elementary #1 Ms. Patricia Castaneda & Ms. Kimberly L. Dickerson Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Garramone Mrs. Shelly Fitzgerald-Henriot Dr. Brian H. Johnstone & Mr. & Mrs. James T. Livers Mr. Carlos Sosa Mrs. Mae Dickinson Ms. Phyllis I. Garvey Mr. Wesley Henry Ms. Karen A. Johnstone Ms. Virginia C. Livingston Suzanne Causer Dr. & Mrs. Russell S. Dilley Mr. Lloyd W. Gaylord Ms. Jill E. Henry Heather Johnston-Nicholson Ms. Carrie M. Loftus Mr. Eugene G. Caviston Mr. Michael Dinius & Joan L. George Ms. Bonnie J. Hensley Alada Jones Mr. & Mrs. Bill Logan Mr. Jay Cevelo Jeannie Regan-Dinius Mrs. Anu George Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hermann Ms. Kim Jones-Owen Ms. Cathy A. Long Donna Chambly Ms. Cathleen S. Dionne Mrs. Mary Gerlach Mr. & Mrs. F Vincent Hernly Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jordan Ms. Annemarie Lopeman Mr. Ming L. Chan Mr. Robert Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Doug Gettelfinger Mr. & Mrs. John Herrin Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kane Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Lorenz Robert & Theresea Chapman Miss Andrea D. Dosey Mr. Ron Getz Ms. Joyce M. Hertko & Ms. Patricia S. Kappes Ms. Nelda Lovelace Ms. Cynthia A. Chappell Mr. & Mrs. John D. Downer Mrs. Susan M. Gillison Mr. Jeff D. Miller Yassir Karam Shirley A. Lovelady Mrs. Bhadrani Chelladurai Mr. Max C. Downhaur Mr. Gordon B. Gish Mr. & Mrs. James Hetherington Mrs. Ruth V. Kellar Ms. Phyllis J. Lovgren Mr. Angelo T. Chinni & Mrs. Kristin Doyle Dr. & Mrs. Karl W. Glander Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Hetrick Mrs. Catherine L. Kelley The Loyalty Research Center Ms. Kathryn M. Lauten Ms. Patty Dresser Mr. Richard L. Glendening Miss Elizabeth J. Hewett Mary P. Kelly Dr. Julio R. Lozano Mr. & Mrs. Curt D. Chuvalas Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Duhm Mary A. Glick Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Hewitt Ms. Lisa A. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Luttrell Pam Clark Mr. Jerry L. Dunn Mr. Charles A. Glomski Barbara Hewitt Mrs. Jackie Kenney Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lynam Ronald & Claudia O. Clark Clara Dwenger Slobodanka Glusac Mr. & Mrs. Michael Heymann Mr. Tracy Kerlin Marion Mackey Dr. Brian D. Clarke & Dr. & Mrs. Craig R. Dykstra Mrs. Luella B. Godlove Mr. Eric Higbie Mr. Francis Kiessling Stacey Madden Ms. Renita Clarke Mrs. Nancy J. Dynes Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Goheen Joy Higgins Dr. John C. Kincaid & Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Mallitz Mr. & Mrs. David Clase Mrs. Lori Earley David J. Goldstein & Lisa J. Heid Tracey E. High Miss Mary E. Soper Mr. & Mrs. Greg Malone Cynthia Clay Mr. Howard East Mr. & Mrs. Alfred P. Gomez Mildred Hill & Donald Barnard Mr. Charles W. Kindermann Dr. & Mrs. Karl L. Manders Ms. Wanda Clay-Petty Mr. David C. Eckard Dr. & Mrs. Robyn Goshorn Mr. Jerry D. Hill Dr. Lucy Jane King Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Mankey Deborah Clem Patricia O. Edwards Dr. Kenneth E. Gould Mr. & Mrs. Scott Himsel Mr. & Mrs. Jim M. King Mr. Julius P. Marburger Mr. Daniel R. Clendenning & Mrs. Brenda J. Edwards Mrs. Selma Grant Mr. Matt Hinsman Ms. Karen L. King Mr. Charles E. Marsh Miss Hilary Spalding Mr. Charles Edwards Mr. & Mrs. David Gratner Ms. Lynne D. Hirschman Ms. Mary Kirk Edwin & Marilynn W. Marshall Ms. Jan Clifton Mrs. Teresa Eisenbise Mr. Ronald C. Green Ms. Narcissa D. Hocker Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Kirkpatrick Dr. Matthew Martin & Ms. Dru Clingman & Dr. Ruth M. Ekangaki & Ms. Emily W. Greenland Mr. Allen Hoey Ms. Susan F. Kleinman Mrs. Stephanie Martin Mr. David Clingman Dr. Abie Ekangaki Jim & Victoria Gregory Marcus & Kathryn Holcomb Ms. Elizabeth H. Klimes & Mr. Stephen Martin & Ms. Phyllis Cloud Mr. & Mrs. James D. Ellars Mr. & Mrs. Eric Greulich Ms. Marva Holland Mr. David R. Klimes Ms. Mary L. Mayer Mr. Ralph A. Cohen & Mr. William J. Emmitt Ms. Gloria Griesinger Ms. Eleanor A. Holleman Mr. G. David Knoble Ms. Wendy A. Martin Ms. Andrea L. Cohen Mr. John E. Emmons Ms. Pamela Griffin Ms. Thomas S. Hollett & Dr. Suzanne Knoebel Dr. & Mrs. Freeman Martin Janice Cole Mr. & Mrs. John Engel Patracia A. Griswold Ms. Claire Hollett Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Knotts Ms. Mary Ann Martin Mr. Billy J. Colegrove Ms. Nora R. Enyart Mrs. Joyce A. Gross Karen M. & William D. Holmes Mrs. Nancy Komenda Rapp Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Martin Tony Coles Mr. David Ervin Ms. Tina M. Grow Barbara Honea Ms. Velta J. Kopacek Ms. Carol L. Martinez Mrs. Elizabeth A. Collins Miss Veronica Erwin Mr. & Mrs. James B. Guffey Dianne Hovermale Mrs. Addie Kothe Mr. & Mrs. Loren Masley Ms. Susan E. Colvin Mrs. Amy Everson Mrs. Janet A. Gulden Ms. Barbara A. Howard Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Kovach Rev. Pam Mason & Elverna Comer Ms. Christy Fall Ms. Janet L. Guthridge Mr. & Mrs. Hansen Hsiung Ms. Katina J. Krambeck & Mr. Dan P. Mason Mr. William S. Connor & Mrs. Elizabeth Farr Mrs. Janet Hubbard Dr. Daniel D. Marble Heather D. Mathews Ms. Telene A. Edington Mrs. Carol R. Gwynne-Vaughan & Mr. Craig E. Fenneman Mr. Robert H. Gwynn Ms. Kathryn Huehl Mr. Victor E. Kraning Jan Mattingly Marty Constantine Walter & Nancy Ferdon Dale E. & Susan E. Habegger Mr. & Mrs. Robert Huffman Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Kreager Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Maxwell Mr. James M. Cook Ms. Maria P. Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Don Hafer Ms. Lois B. Hughes Sherri Kreiger Mr. & Mrs. David H. May Mr. Walter Cook Ms. Vickie Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Haffley Mr. Michael Hughes Diane A. Kreisher Ms. Sherrie L. Mayes Ms. Norma J. Cooke Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Ferrara Mrs. Daneen Haggard Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Hugon Mr. Richard J. Kremer Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Mays Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Robin G. Cooper Dorothy Finley Joylyn F. Hague Mr. Charles B. Hume Ms. Mary Ann Kriner Mr. Perry McCain Jr. Ms. Hannah Corbin & Jill A. Fisher Mr. Robert L. Hummel Mr. Wayne E. Kruger Mrs. Sheryl K. McCane Ms. Hannah N. Corbin Dr. Alvin J. Haley Mrs. Alyce M. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Humphrey Miss Janice F. Kubelsky Ms. Tena McCarthy Ms. Betty J. Cowherd Mr. Wayne Hall Mr. Tom R. Fitton & Ms. Rebecca L. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Fredric Hunn Ms. Christina P. Kus Mr. & Mrs. Ed McClain Vickie & David Cox Dr. Eileen M. Udry Mrs. Lana Hunt Mr. Peter Lachmann Mr. Raymond H. McCloud Ms. Kimberly D. Coy Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hallam Ms. Margaret Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Keith E. Hamilton Pam Hurless Ms. Marta T. Lah Mrs. Rosa McCool Dr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Coyle Mr. & Mrs. Dan C. Flickinger Ms. Jacqueline Hurt Dreama Lamb Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. McCormick Mr. & Mrs. Jack Crane Laura Hammer Mrs. Grace L. Flynn Raquel Hampton Richard A. Huser & Ms. Elizabeth A. Lamping Kenneth P. & Karen A. McCune Sondra L. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Follstad Laura A. Campbell-Huser Ms. Anita E. Land & Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. McDougal Ms. Delphia E. Croft Mr. Bernard M. Hanley Doris Forcum Ms. Margaret A. Hannon Mr. Bruce L. Husselman Mr. Jeffery Land Mrs. Jackie G. McDougall Mrs. Charlotte Crooks Mr. & Mrs. David Ford Rev. Ann Hutchins-Case Mr. & Mrs. Carey Landry Mr. Thomas C. McGinley Terri & Rick Cuellar Mrs. Deborah L. Hannon Ms. Brenda S. Foreman & Mr. William P. Hardin Martin & Lynn Hynes Mrs. Mary Anne Lang Mr. Gerald McGuire Mr. William W. Cummings Mr. Robert B. Foreman Mr. Douglas S. Ingersoll Michael W. & Caroline Langellier Ms. Pamela McIntyre Donna & George Cunningham Mr. Paul G. Harding Mrs. Dottie Forth Holly A. Hardsaw Ms. Nancy S. Inui & Ms. Ann Lankford Mrs. Astrid U. McLean & Jennifer K. & Chris J. Curran Mr. Byron Fox Dr. Thomas S. Inui Mrs. Dorothy A. Larimer Mr. Keith O. Hamm Mrs. Mary L. Curry Ms. Gail Harmon Mrs. Cheryl Fox-Frazer & Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Isenhower Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lathrop Barry & Vicki McMaster Mr. Gary Curry Mr. Bryan Frazer Ms. Elsa M. Iverson Ms. Deborah L. Law Ms. Heather McPherson & Ms. Julie Cusick Mr. Richard A. Harris & Mrs. Pat S. Foxworthy-Mason Mrs. Vickie L. Dacey Eric M. Iverson Mr. David Lawler Mr. Malcolm Smith Dr. & Mrs. John Custer Ms. Erma Lene Harris Mary & Andy Jackson Ms. Jodie Lawrence Cynthia & George Meade 13 | WFYI 2008 Major Donors to WFYI

Ms. Tamara A. Menke Mr. Dan Paliganoff & Ms. Lucy Rogers Mrs. Roberta A. Smith Ms. Hsiao-Ming Tong Mrs. Marion Wolen Mrs. Viola Merie Mr. Dan Paliganoff Mrs. Sharon K. Ronan Debra F. Smith Ms. Rene Torrella Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Wood Rosemarie Merkle Ms. Melinda K. Palmer Mr. Stanley H. Rorick Ms. Julie L. Smith & Johanna G. Tournier Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wood Ms. Jann L. Metelko David A. & David A. Paquette Mr. & Mrs. Steve W. Rosenbaum Mr. Barry J. McCown Mr. Thomas F. Townsend Dr. Patty Wood Mr. Lawrence Meyer Mrs. Marilyn Parker Ms. Joan Ross Ms. Michele Smith Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Trentman Ms. Rovene Woody Ms. Libbi Michael Mrs. Amy Paterson Dr. Mary R. Rouse & Mr. Tom Rouse Ms. Michele C. Smith & Dr. Randall C. Trowbridge Mrs. Gana C. Worgum Ms. Merri Kay Mikoryak Mr. & Mrs. John W. Patten Ms. Barbara Roy Michael A. Staszak Ms. Kim A. Truttschel & Sonia & Everitt Workman Ms. Sharon E. Milburn & Alice B. & George D. Patterson Rev. & Mrs. James Rudiger Ms. Marjorie E. Smitherman Ms. Stacy Potts Mr. James A. Wortman Mr. Richard Mileski Berntsen Paul Ms. Jane E. Ruff Ms. Leza A. Smyth Ms. & Mrs. Patty Tucker Dr. James C. Wright Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Larry Miller Ms. Joan S. Paulin Mr. Nicholas J. Runnebohm Miss Donna Snapp Mr. Michael P. Turberg Ms. Mary Beth Wright Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Miller Ms. Linda Paulk Mr. Gary P. Ryan & Ms. Lynn W. Ryan Ms. Michelle Snow Connie Turkali Mrs. Constance A. Wright Roger D. & Linda K. Miller Ms. Michele S. Pavokovich Dr. Robert C. Ryan Ms. Mary Jane Somers Mrs. Barbara C. Turner Mr. Walter E. Wright Vidya G. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Payne Dr. Zeynep Salih Ms. Marie Sorensen Mark F. Uchida Mrs. Georgeanna Wright Mrs. Beverly Miller Mrs. Sue Payne Louis H. Salla Mrs. Judith Sorrell Patti Valerio-Spellman Dr. James J. Wright & Ms. Kay S. Miller Ms. Sylvia M. Payne Ms. Laura Sample Mrs. Saundra K. Sowders Vance C. & Laura B. Van Matre Ms. Janet B. Wright Mr. Tim Miller Dr. Stephanie Peabody Mr. & Mrs. Victor Santoro Paula Sowers Dr. Rebecca Van Voorhis Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Mincy Ms. Sharon Pearson Shirley C. Sauer Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Spahr Mrs. Frances Vandermeulen William & Pamela Wurster Mr. Charles Mitch Sally A. Pedersen Katherine & David W. Savage Chris Spannuth Mrs. Ruthe Vaughn Mr. Charles Wyeth Ms. Carolyn A. Mock Mr. John Pelton & Ms. Linda A. Sawicki Mr. & Mrs. John Sparks Ms. Candace A. Verhey Mr. John T. Wyeth Ms. Roberta A. Mock Mrs. Mary F. Pelton Dr. & Mrs. Scott Saxman Mr. & Mrs. J Richard Sparks Mr. Michael J. Vlantis & Mr. Scott A. Wynn John & Nancy Molitor Dr. & Mrs. Steve Pennal Kathleen Say Dr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Spaulding Ms. Patricia R. Vlantis Mr. Kimberly S. Yager Joan Monniger Jr. Dr. Nithila P. Peter & Mr. William Scanlon Mrs. Naomi Spearman Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Vogler Mr. Narry Yates Mr. Albert Moore & Dr. Anil C. Peter Mr. Brad Scarlett Ms. Mary Spitznogle Mr. Geoffrey Vonburg Mr. Jeffrey A. Yegerlehner Mrs. Doris J. Moore Ms. Ella S. Petrey Rev. Shermie Schafer & Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Srour Barbara M. Vonnegut Ms. Dianne Youmans Mr. Benton J. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S. Petry Dr. Bernard J. Baca Ms. Donna M. Stader Ms. Leslie J. Voorheis Ms. Carol J. Young Mrs. Donna Moore Miss Jane Pettijohn Mr. Gary N. Schahet Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Stage Ken R. & Lynn H. Wakefield Dr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Young Susan Moorman Mr. Charles L. Phelps Ms. Pauline A. Schiavone Ms. Eileen J. Stanford Mr. Philip Walden Mr. Adam Zabell Ms. V. Lynn Moran Mr. Mark R. Phelps Miss Jeanne Schilder Ms. Elizabeth Stanton Mr. Douglas Walker Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Zembrodt Ms. Linda Morgan Mrs. Cathleen Phillips Mr. Scooter Schildknecht Ms. Carrie Stein Charlotte & Charlotte Walker Mr. & Mrs. John F. Zimmerman Ms. Philena J. Morgan Ms. Lynette E. Phillips Ms. Catherine A. Schmelv Ms. Faith M. Stephens Martin D. & Mary Walker Linda Zimmerman Mr. Jack P. Morgan Mrs. Marietta Pickett Ms. Roberta A. Schmidt Ms. Angela Stergiopoulos Mr. Douglas L. Walker Ms. Dawn Zolnierek Mr. & Mrs. Tony M. Morreale Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Pizarek Ms. Donna M. Schmink M. Jeanne Steuerwald Summer L. & Elizabeth B. Walters Associate Producer Mrs. Frances C. Morris Mr. & Mrs. George Plews Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schneck Miss Mary Jane Stevens Ms. Denise J. Walters ($250 - $349) Ms. Joann Morris Ms. Deborah L. Pollak Mrs. Cheryl Schrock Marianne E. Stevens Mr. Carl Warner Mrs. Marianne Ackmann & Miss Judy Morris Ms. Lois Polley Kristin Schuetz Annie Stewart Jamie A. Warren Mr. Stephen Ackmann Ms. Lisa E. Morris G D & Adela Pollock Jane H. Schwartz Miss Shelley Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Chet Warren M. Mary C. Adams John Morris Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Poorman Rev. & Mrs. Larry Schwartz Dr. Mary P. Stickelmeyer & Mrs. Marie Z. Warshauer Mark S. Adams Building Corporation Dr. & Mrs. James G. Moseley Ms. Barbara A. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Schwettman Dr. Henry A. Havel Ms. Sherry L. Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Adams Dr. Adolph J. Moser B. Jeannie Potter Mr. Mark Scott Dr. Robert Stirling & Mrs. Michelle Watt Mr. Dennis M. Adams Mr. Harry E. Mossburg Ms. Holly Powell Mr. Carl E. Scott & Mrs. Marie Stirling Mr. J Edgar Webb Ms. Tia M. Agnew & Mrs. Judith Mountcastle Ms. Marie H. Predmore Mr. John M. Stubblefield Mr. Kevin D. Stokes Mr. John F. Webber Mr. Brett A. Canaday Ms. Judith Mueller Laura K. Price Ms. Dana L. Scruggs Dr. Randall W. Strate & Thomas P. & Becky A. Weber Mr. Ryan Ahlgrim Dr. Keith Mulholland & Ms. Kathy Price Ms. Linda E. Search Dr. Bonnie Strate Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Weeks John & Eileen Ahrens Dr. Leyna Mulholland William & Florencia Province Dr. John L. Searight Mr. Frank Straub Robert M. & Barbara T. Weetman Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Ainslie Mrs. Patricia A. Murdock Mike Quigley Ms. Pat Seaver Mr. Arthur R. Stricker Mr. & Mrs. Henry Weiner Stan K. Albright Ms. Katie Murphy Ms. Patricia A. Rains Mrs. Anne Sering Mr. & Mrs. John E. Striewe Mr. & Mrs. John M. Weissenborn Ms. Kathleen M. Allen M. Sarah S. Murphy The Ralph Family Laura W. Sexson Cheryl Strode-Gregory Miss Jackie R. Welch Samantha Allen Ms. Cindy A. Muse Mr. Shirish Ranade Dr. Robert B. Sexton Ms. Patricia E. Strong Kevin & Rachel Wentink Mr. Phillip R. Allen Mr. Bernard Myer Mr. Greg Ransom Linda Sexton Mr. Kenneth M. Stroud & Mrs. Barbara Wever Mrs. Dorothy J. Anderson Mrs. Sara V. Myers Ms. Alicia T. Rasley Mr. Charles S. Shaner Ms. Angela Stroud Mr. & Mrs. L Alan Whaley Ms. Aline Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Tim Nation Ms. Bernice A. Raymer Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Shannon Ms. Shan Sturgeon Mr. Nathan A. White & Joseph M. Anderson & Mary E. Keiser Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Nation Ms. Christi Redmon Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Sharp Mr. Charles Sullivan Mrs. Kristy Bryan Mrs. Patricia Anderson Ms. Beverly A. Nay Mrs. Janice Reidelbach Marilyn W. Sharpe Ms. Virginia Sullivan Mr. Robert Whiteside Mr. Scott E. Anderson Mrs. Agnes Nedeff Miss Dorothy M. Resnick Dr. & Mrs. K Donald Shelbourne David P. & David Sundin Mr. & Mrs. T A. Whitsitt Mr. & Mrs. Karl P. Anderson Ms. Elizabeth Needler Mrs. Victoria L. Reynolds Mrs. Virginia Shepard-Derome Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Surak Mr. & Mrs. Ron Whittern Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Anger Mr. & Mrs. David L. Nelson Ms. Donna L. Reynolds & Mr. Thomas Shine Mr. Richard A. Surber Ms. Carol A. Whyde Mr. & Mrs. Sarto Antao Ms. Sharon R. Nelson Mr. David P. Whitman Mr. Joe Shoemaker Mr. John Tan Mrs. Cheryl A. Wickman Mr. & Mrs. John Aplin Mr. James L. Nevin & Mr. Nathan W. Rich & Ms. Kathleen Shortridge Ms. Kathleen M. Tandy Dr. Ken Wiesert Mr. David B. Aramant Ms. Cathleen L. Nevin Mrs. Naomi A. Deal Mr. John F. Shouse Dr. & Mrs. Jack A. Tatom Mrs. Tracy Wilborn-Phillips Debby Armstead Mr. & Mrs. Dane Newman Mr. William H. Richardson Mrs. Nancy Sichert Joshua Tatum Thierry H. Wilbrandt Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Armstrong Mr. Richard W. Newsome Mr. & Mrs. Brian Richardson Shayla K. Sickels Ms. Lisa M. Tavormina & Ms. Katherine M. Wiles & Mrs. Janet D. Arnold Anthony Nicholson Ms. Rita L. Richardson Dr. & Mrs. Aslam R. Siddiqui Mr. Jeff G. McClain Mr. Todd A. Lothery Mrs. Eleanor Arnold Mrs. Ruth L. Nightenhelser Mrs. Karen Richardson Wilma Sidebottom Ms. Audrey M. Taylor Ms. Linda D. Wilkins Mr. & Mrs. Ravi Arora Ms. Carla L. Nolte Ms. Erin L. Richardson & Rose & Thomas W. Sigborn Ms. Connie J. Taylor Ms. Nancy S. Williams & Nancy Mr. Thomas Asbury Mr. Donald Norris Mr. Stephen D. Perrott Ms. Anita Simmons Vivian Taylor-Fleming Shelton-Williams Mary & Pate F. Baechle Mrs. Saratiina Numminen Mr. & Mrs. David L. Richardson Mr. James M. Simmons & Jeff & Lori Teal Ms. Brenda K. Williams Mr. John C. Baenziger Jennifer O’Bannon Ms. Sarah Riester & Mrs. Ruth Simmons Mrs. Christine M. Teipen-Parrott & Ms. Joy K. Williamson Mr. & Mrs. Howard G. Baetzhold Debra J. Ochs Mr. Timothy Bodenreider Mr. & Mrs. Richard Skooglund Mr. Ben R. Parr Mr. & Mrs. David L. Wills Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Bailey Miss Monica S. Oclander Mrs. Lee Riggs Mr. Eric D. Slessinger Ms. Diana J. Terry Mr. John B. Wilson Ms. Janet D. Baines Cathy & Charles J. Ogg Shelley A. & Patrick A. Rigsby Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Slickers Mr. & Mrs. Michael Thomas Mrs. Theresa Wilson Mr. Dale Baker Helen W. O’Guinn Mr. Michael W. Risinger Mr. & Mrs. William I. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert Q. Thompson Mrs. Sharon L. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Ganesan Bala Mr. & Mrs. Dennis D. Oklak Miss Mary Ritter Ronald L. Smith Ms. Linda M. Thornton Mr. James H. Wilson Mr. Thomas E. Bambrey Mr. John Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Paris Roach Ms. Marilyn R. Smith Mrs. Eleanor Thurston Ms. Andrea S. Wilson Mr. Morris Bank Mrs. Mary Kay Orr Joseph G. & Leanna Roberts Michael Smith Mrs. Patricia Tillery Ms. Teresia O. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S. Banning Mr. & Mrs. Brad Ostrander Ms. Charlotte Robertson Mr. & Mrs. William C. Smith Ms. Suzanne H. Tilton Ms. Delores Wines Mr. Lawrence V. Barclay & Mr. Brendan G. O’Sullivan-Hale Mr. & Mrs. Jeff P. Robinson Ms. Jean M. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Timmis Herb & Bertel Wingard Dr. Regina Turner-Barclay Ms. Lotta M. Oswalt Mrs. Mark Rody Dr. & Mrs. James W. Smith Mr. Michael Todd Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Wise Mr. Scott R. Barker Ms. Marilyn J. O’Tain & Steve Weber Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Roesch Dr. John H. Smith Ms. Judy Todd Dr. Marianne S. Wokeck & Mr. James Barkley Mr. Oscar F. Ovelton Mrs. Patty Roesch Mrs. Babbie Tollerson Dr. Peter M. Harris Gilbert H. & Barbara Barnes 2008 | 14 2008 Major Donors to WFYI

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Barnett Mrs. Marsha Brentlinger Mr. Ronald Clarke Dr. Martin Deafenbaugh Ms. Jo Ann R. Felrtinelli Mrs. Barbara Gibson Col. & Mrs. Robert Barnett Mr. & Mrs. Craig S. Bretzman Ms. Jenni R. Clarkson & Deb Doty Martin & Myrna K. DeAgostino Janet Fendley Ms. Mary C. Gibson Mrs. Ann Barr Mr. Harold Brewer Don E. Claycomb Ms. Georgette Burvee & Ms. Judith O. Fenoglio Mr. Ron D. Gifford Matthew Barron Ms. Karin D. Bridges Robert T. & Diane E. Clayton Ms. Victoria Deak Audeen W. Fentiman Mrs. Sue Anne Gilroy Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barth III Ms. Barbara J. Briggs Mr. & Mrs. James Clemens Mr. Robert K. Dean Dr. & Mrs. Allen Ferreira Ms. Ellen F. Goldberg Mr. John W. Bartle Mr. Michael Broady Mr. & Mrs. Edwin T. Coates Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Dean Mr. Donald R. Ferren Mr. Donald Good & Ms. Sue Good Mr. Robert Basile & Mr. Frederick Brockhurst Mr. Richard J. Cockrum Dr. & Mrs. Frank Deane Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Ferries Mr. & Mrs. Charles Goodloe Ms. Lauren Roche-Basile Mr. Wayne Brooks Angela C. Coffman Dr. Manuel Debono & Mr. G Thomas Fields Mr. David C. Goodman Mr. Kenney Bastin Mrs. Barbara D. Brookshire Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Cohen Mrs. Sally E. Debono Ms. Shirley Fields LaRee A. Gordon Gemma & Edward J. Bastyr Mrs. Sona Brown Carolyn F. Colee Mrs. Deanna DeBrier Dr. Rose S. Fife & Dr. Kenneth H. Fife Mr. Gregory M. Gotwald Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bates Mr. Charles F. Brown Victoria B. & Mason G. Coleman Mr. Dennis Debruhl Bonnie Fijal Lois Gotwals Mrs. Sharilyn Baugh Mr. Cleve M. Brown Mrs. Mildred Collins Ms. Carolyn Dederer Dr. Beth L. Fineberg Mr. Bradley T. Gough & Ms. Elissa Mr. Alvin Bazquez Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Brown Mr. William J. Collins Jr Dr. & Mrs. Mark A. Deeg Mr. Ron Finley Gough Mr. & Mrs. William Beard Valerie Brown Lee T. & Mary Lee Comer David & Ellen Deeter Ms. Janice Fiori Mr. Steve H. Graham Ms. Carla Beard Mr. Andy Brown Mr. James Comfort Mr. & Mrs. Don Degenhardt Mr. James Fischer Dr. Shaun J. Grannis & Mr. & Mrs. Terry A. Beaty Mrs. Eleanor Brown Charles R. & Sheila I. Connett Ms. Kathleen Delaney Ms. Sarah E. Fisher Dr. Sharron P. Grannis Mr. Jack R. Bebiak Mr. Frank B. Brown Mr. & Mrs. John D. Cook Nan L. & Jeanne Denaro Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Flanagan Mr. Thomas A. Grant Mr. William C. Bechtel Jeffrey J. & Helen Brown Rev. Dr. Judith A. Cook Ms. Marcia S. Denny Thomas A. Flaten Mr. & Mrs. David Gray Mr. Orlando Beck Rev. Marsha E. Brown & Kim Cook Dr. Michael J. Detke Mr. John D. Fleck Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Gray Mrs. Janet E. Becker Mr. Ron Bickerstaff Mr. Raymond Cortez Ms. Ann Dettwiler Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Fleck Ms. Jane Green Mr. & Mrs. Ralph K. Bedwell Ms. Alma L. Brownfield Mr. Paul J. Count Mrs. Mary G. Devine Ms. Debra J. Fleshman Mr. Robert K. Green Dr. & Mrs. Steven C. Beering Mr. Hal Broxmeyer & Mr. Chris Countryman & Mr. Harry R. Dewey Miss Anita H. Flominski Dr. & Mrs. Frank J. Green Mr. & Mrs. John C. Bell Ms. Beth Broxmeyer Mrs. Karen E. Spear Dr. Federico Dies Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Flood Ms. Abigail Greene Mr. Mark E. Benge Ms. Jane Bruhn Ms. Marion Courtney Marian Diez Ms. Pat A. Fogleman Dr. Dennis Greene Mr. Robert Bennett & Mr. & Mrs. Steve Bruhn Pamela S. Cowper Mrs. Geneva W. Diller Ms. Michelle Folz Linda Gregory Ms. Dagrun Bennett Mrs. Linda Bryant Mr. James D. Cox Ms. Elizabeth M. Dinnin & Mr. & Mrs. Tim M. Forden Richard & Sharry L. Gregory Ms. Nancy J. Bennett & Dr. Cathy A. Bryant Mr. Standiford Cox Mr. Bill Dinnin Mr. Michael Forge Mr. Benjamin D. Gregory-Cole Dr. Lawrence E. Bennett Mr. David M. Buchanan Dr. & Mrs. David Crabb Mr. Timothy F. Donahue Mr. Richard H. Forster Thomas & Nancy J. Grembowicz Mr. R W. Bennett Mr. Clint Bucher Diane & Jeffrey Crabtree Ms. Rosemary Dorsa Ms. Marjorie G. Foster & Mr. Thomas E. Griffin Ms. Pamela J. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Andrew B. Buckner Mrs. Paul Crane Ms. Patricia Douglass Jack Schmeckebier Ms. Zelda Griffin Ms. Rebecca Berfanger Mr. Kenneth Buckwalter Mr. Larry D. Cranfill Mr. & Mrs. A Eugene Dove Dr. Beverly D. Fowler Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur E. Griffin Sr. Mr. Jerome L. Bessler & Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. Buehner Mr. & Mrs. John C. Craun Mr. John Dowden Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred L. Fox David A. Grimes Dr. Astra M. Liepa Tony & Karin Buford Mr. James P. Crawford Dr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Downs Mrs. Shirley M. Fox Mr. & Mrs. John D. Groce Ms. Nancy Bettis Beasley Mr. Jesse J. Bullens Mr. Michael Craycraft Thomas Drake Mr. & Mrs. David B. Foy Carol A. Grourke Ms. Patricia E. Biddinger Jeffrey A. & Anne Burgess Dr. Kelly M. Credille & Dr. Rob Maier Miss Merle Draper Mr. & Mrs. Andy Fraizer Mr. & Mrs. Mark Grove Deborah F. Billmire Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Burnett Mrs. Kelley B. Creveling Mr. & Mrs. Barry Dreikorn Ms. Arlene Franklin Ms. Jane Gunsenhouser Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Bingham Richard & Faye Burnette Mrs. Lisa A. Crews Mrs. Elaine Drew Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Frazier Mr. Jerry Gutierrez Ms. Janice L. Bingham Randy C. Burnison Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Crews Ms. Helen R. Driscol & Ms. Debra L. Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Jeff C. Hadden Mr. & Mrs. Gary Birch Rep. Dan Burton Wayne E. Crist Mr. Daniel T. Dawson Emily & Craig Freeze Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Hagan Dr. & Mrs. Gary Bischoff Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Butler Sharon K. Crist Mr. & Mrs. Tom A. Drook Adam W. & Amber C. French Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hahn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Bishop Mr. Frederick M. Butler Nancy Crofs Mr. Dave Drzewiecki & Mrs. Janet M. Freshour Mrs. Marianne Hahn Mr. & Mrs. Willis Black Mr. & Mrs. Donald Buttrey Mr. & Mrs. David E. Crook Mrs. Cathy Drzewiecki Dr. & Mrs. Fred W. Frick Fredrick R. & Patricia Hale Ms. Karen Black Mrs. Rita Butts Mr. Donald Croshaw Mr. & Mrs. Berkley W. Duck Mrs. Carol Frohlich Ms. Lillian C. Hall Mrs. Suzanne B. Blakeman Mr. Timothy W. Butz Ms. Marty Crossland Suzanne B. & Richard Dugann Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Frommeyer Mr. James H. Ham Jr. Ms. Melinda J. Blakesley Miss Lela Jo Camp Ms. Elizabeth Crouch & Stephen K. & Connie M. Dumm Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Frye Mrs. Rita K. Hamilton Dr. Ilene Block Ms. Gloria Camp Mr. Matthew Crouch Mr. David V. Dunn Jim & Janis B. Funk Mr. Robert W. Hamilton Mr. Tom Bogenshutz Mr. Michael Campbell Ms. Rebecca J. Crum Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Dunscombe Mr. Richard L. Funkhouser Mrs. Jewel R. Hancock Mr. Steven E. Boggs & Sondra L. Campbell George & Linda Cullinan Dinah C. & Dave Duvall Dr. Dale M. Gaddy Mr. James A. Hanna Ms. Mary Beth O. Boggs Mr. & Mrs. James G. Campbell Dr. & Mrs. James R. Cumming Ms. Patricia R. Dyer Ms. Marlene C. Gallagher Ms. Jean Hanway Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bohlsen Mr. William Campbell Jerry J. Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Todd Eads Mrs. Kay Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hardacre Ms. Helen-Louise Boling Mr. & Mrs. Martin T. Carlin Anne G. & Larry Curless Ms. Lisa Eagleson-Roever & Ms. Bonnie L. Gallivan & Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Hardin Mr. & Mrs. William C. Bonifield Mrs. Berniece Carlino Mr. & Mrs. Dave Curtiss Mr. Douglas Roever Mr. Philip Bayt Mr. Arthur Hare Mr. & Mrs. William Boothe Ms. Sharon Carlino Mrs. Wendy L. Curto Mr. & Mrs. Lante K. Earnest Ms. Phyllis E. Gamage Mrs. Amy K. Hargis Peltz & Nancy Boots Ms. Sally E. Carlsen Mr. Curt E. Cutshall & Mr. & Mrs. John Earnest Mrs. Annette Gambill Mr. Jim E. Peltz Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Bormett Ms. Debra Carlson Mrs. Cheryl L. Cutshall Marilyn A. Eback Ron Gambill Mr. & Mrs. Glen Harland Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Borum Carmelite Monastery Terri Czajka & Stephen L. Hester Mr. Larry Edward Mr. Charles G. Gamble Mr. Robert E. Harman Glenn A. & Bobbi S. Bosch Mr. & Mrs. Lee Carpenter Mr. Dave Damin Ms. Judykay C. Edwards Ms. Marilyn J. Gamblin Dianna S. Harmon Mrs. Mitzi Bosley Dr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Carr Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert Daniels Mrs. Robin Edwards Ms. Mary Lee Gambone & Ms. Andrea L. Harmon Dr. William F. Bosron & Ms. Susan K. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Jeff A. Dannemiller Ken & Sara Edwardsson Doug Brodes Mr. Lamoine Harrell Dr. Sheila A. Barton Mr. & Mrs. Richard Carson Ms. Anita I. Dansker Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Einhorn Mr. Terry A. Gans John Harrington Ms. Treva Bostic Mr. & Mrs. L Robert Carter Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Dansker Mr. & Mrs. George C. Elliott Ms. Christi G. Garcia Dr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Harris Mr. Thomas J. Bottorff William A. & Carolyn A. Carter Rev. J Nicholas Dant Mrs. Evelyn Elliott Mrs. Patricia M. Garcia-Sanchez Mr. Bryan A. Harrison Mr. Donald A. Bouchard Mrs. Barbara Case Ms. Deana M. Darnell Mr. J Patrick Endsley Mr. & Mrs. Ray Gardner Nancy J. Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Ray Boucher Jr. Lindy Chaffee Mr. & Mrs. Byron W. Daugherty Kathryn Engstrom Ms. Jackie M. Gardner Ms. Anne-Marie C. Hart Mr. Jeff Bowen Mr. Stephen C. Chaleff Mr. J Kelly Daugherty Dr. Judith B. Erickson Meenakshi Garg Mr. Michael A. Hart & Ms. Gloria J. Bowling Mr. Hiroki C. Chalfant Mr. Michael J. Daum & Richard & Judith Essex Linda Garringer Ms. Sue A. Shadley Mr. Greg H. Bowman Ms. Julie E. Champagne Mrs. Paula K. Fike-Daum Mr. & Mrs. James E. Etzel Mr. J A. Gaskins Ms. Mary Harte Mr. Byron S. Boyd Mr. Jimmy Cheek Ms. Ingeburg C. Davies Ms. Karen Ewing Ms. Sandy Gastineau Mr. Donald J. Hartling Carol Boylan Mr. Peter Chen Mrs. Lucinda Davies Ms. Nancy Ewing Mr. & Mrs. James M. Gawne Jim L. & Lee Hartsock Mrs. Kathy Boyle Mrs. Amy Chenevert Mr. & Mrs. George E. Davis Mr. William S. Fabianic Martha & Catherine Gaylor Mary A. Hartzler Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Braden Charlene K. Childers Lotsi Davis Dr. & Mrs. Brian J. Fahie Mr. Larry R. Geddes Angela J. & James Hauck Mr. & Mrs. Robert Braitman Mr. & Mrs. Carey D. Chisholm Ted E. & Ida Davis Ms. Linda S. Fahrenbach Mr. Lesley Geddes & Mrs. Doris Hauck Ms. Jeanette Branch Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Christian Sondra Davis Mr. & Mrs. James P. Fairfield Ms. Holly Geddes Dr. & Mrs. A D. Hauersperger Ms. Joan C. Brand Ms. Christine T. Ciosek Mr. & Mrs. William Davis Mr. Herbert D. Falender Mr. Thomas Gerber Mr. & Mrs. Paul Haut Mr. Derek R. Brandon Wayne Circle Mr. Wilbur A. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Ross Faris Mr. Randall Gerhart Mr. Edgar A. Hawk Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Brashaber Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Claffey Mr. Joe Davis Mrs. Lynn Farmer Ms. Amelia Getz Mr. Theodore Haynes Ms. Peggy E. Breidenbach & Mr. John C. Clark Mr. Charles R. Day Mr. Thomas D. Feigenbaum Mr. & Mrs. Lance Gibbs Mr. & Mrs. Rod G. Haywood Jr. Dr. Greg R. Wahle Charles J. & Heidi H. Clarke David R. & Brenda C. Day Dr. Richard D. Feldman & Ms. Janet J. Gibbs Steven & Xiaohua He Ms. Mary A. Breidenbach Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. De Chant Dr. Rebecca Feldman Mr. Rex A. Gibbs Mr. & Mrs. Irving M. Heath 15 | WFYI 2008 Major Donors to WFYI

Jean L. Heffron Mr. Andrew Jacobs Jr. & Mr. Lance E. Kolenda Mr. Terry J. Little & Mr. & Mrs. William McNiece Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. Newlund Ms. Linda N. Heitzman Ms. Kimberly Hood Dr. Jill K. Kostick & Nicholas A. Rogers Mr. Callon Joe Little Mr. & Mrs. John R. McShea Brent Newman Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Helke Mr. & Mrs. Howard Jansen Dr. Angelika R. Kraft & Mr. David Little Mr. John G. McTaggart & Mr. & Mrs. Norman R. Newman Mr. Larry Heller Ms. Letitia Jarrett Dr. Rainer A. Kraft Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Litwack Miss Betty McAlister Mr. Donald L. Nicholas Mr. John Helmling & Mr. & Mrs. Steve Jensen Mrs. Irene D. Krahulik Lee Livermore Mr. Fred McWilliams Mr. Wade R. Nichols Mrs. Mary A. Helmling Mr. Ronald R. Jerge Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Kramer Mrs. Agnes M. Lokke Mr. John M. Mead Ms. Cathy F. Nickels Mr. R M. Henderson Dr. Terri R. Jett Dr. Elizabeth C. Kramer & Cheryl Love Mr. & Mrs. George Mears Mr. William A. Nicoll Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Henry Mr. Vanchit John Mr. John B. Kramer Mr. Clifford Lowery Mr. & Mrs. Boris E. Meditch Mr. Dewayne Nidds Mr. Louis S. Hensley Jr. Ms. Ruth W. Johnson Ms. Eleanor R. Kraus Owen H. & Labrine Lucas Dr. & Mrs. M P. Meisenheimer Dr. Mara Nitu & Dr. Alex Nitu Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Herd Greg Johnson Karen Kreighbaum Janet Lucas Mr. Michael L. Menefee Ms. Lois E. Nolte Mr. Tim E. Herd & Mr. Randy J. Johnson & Mrs. Karen Krepcik Mrs. Clarice J. Lucius Mr. & Mrs. David Mercer John E. & Mary Jane Norman Ms. Jerrilyn S. Herd Ms. Sylvie Vanbaelen Susan E. Kriegbaum Ms. Robin L. Ludek Ms. Christine Merkel Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Norton Mr. Fred Herport Mr. & Mrs. Thom Johnson Mrs. Martha L. Krimendahl Ms. Jeanine A. Lugo & Mr. & Mrs. Roger Merkel Mr. Roger A. Ocker Miss Rebecca Herrera Gregory A. & April Johnson Linda J. Kriner Mr. Nobel Lugo William & Jane B. Merrill Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. O’Connor Mrs. Doris Heuring Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Johnson Miss Marjorie Kroeger Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lukes Philip H. & Sharen M. Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Richard Oglesby Mr. & Mrs. William D. Hewett Mrs. Leah Johnson Mr. Jonathan E. Kroehler Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Lupton Dr. Beth E. Meyerson & Jill German Mr. John D. O’Hara Ms. Patricia Hickman Dale Johnson Mr. Martin J. Kroot Mr. William L. Lurvey & Mr. Mike Michael Nick & Ruth Olson Ms. Kay Hicks Mrs. Judy Johnson Ms. Rose Kuntz Mr. Willam L. Lurvey Rev. Sandra B. Michels Mrs. Janice O’Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Calvin E. Higgens Dr. Karen R. Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Kurlander Catherine Lutholtz Bridge Ms. Marty Miles & Mr. Jim Olson Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Orr Dr. James I. Higginbotham & Mr. Philip Johnson William & Beth R. Kurlander Mr. Carey Lykins Mr. Patrick D. Miles D R. Osborn Dr. Carolyn R. Higginbotham Priscilla & Sandy Johnson Dr. Paul Y. Kwo Mrs. Irene A. Maberry-Purcell Mr. Frank Miller Mr. & Mrs. Greg M. Otolski Ms. Kristen F. Highfield Mr. & Mrs. Ted R. Johnson Ms. Noreen L. Lacy Mr. & Mrs. William Macias Mr. & Mrs. Gary Miller Mr. Walter Overdorf Mrs. Janet L. Hill Mr. Thomas E. Johnson Dr. Alan P. Ladd Mr. James M. Maddox Ms. Lucille Miller Ms. Suzannah Overholt Mr. & Mrs. William K. Hilton Mrs. Johanna M. Jones Mr. & Mrs. William A. Lagoni Mr. David E. Magee & Mr. Jon F. Miller & Mr. Robert M. Owen Mr. Barry E. Hindman Ms. Meredith W. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lahr Dr. Paula A. Magee Ms. Ashley M. Miller Beverly S. & Gerry S. Oxford Ms. Patricia K. Hirsch Dr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Jones Dr. Gina Laite & The Magic Bus Mrs. Barbara Miller Ms. Kimberly Oyler Ms. Naomi A. Hocker Mrs. Beverly Jones Dr. Anantha Shekhar Mr. & Mrs. Paul Maier Mrs. June Million-Haase & Stephanie L. Paine Crossin & Dr. & Mrs. Steven Hockett Dr. Michelle Jones Singer & Mrs. Marjorie Lake Ms. Stephanie J. Malancuk Rev. Donald L. Haase Mr. James A. Crossin Mr. Brad Hodson Mr. Terry Singer Mr. Geoffrey Lamb Mr. Kirk B. Mangold & Ms. Marian J. Mills Dr. & Mrs. William L. Pak Mr. Alan Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jordan Mr. Dwight E. Lamb & Mrs. Patti J. Mangold Miss Lori A. Mills Mr. & Mrs. James L. Palmore Mr. Jack M. Hogan Mark & Nancy Jungemann Ms. Nancy L. Otten Miss Patricia Marbaugh Mr. Michael Mindel Dr. & Mrs. John Pankhurst Mr. John G. Hohenberger Dr. Louis N. Jungheim & Rev. Richard L. Lancaster Edward Marcum Mr. & Mrs. David Miner Ms. Mary F. Panszi & Mr. Robert E. Hoke & Dr. Thalia I. Nicas Mr. James Land Ms. Barbara A. Marks Mrs. Marilyn Minich & Mr. Allan W. Reid Mr. Jeff A. Hostetler Ms. Linda A. Kaiser Mr. Thomas D. Lane & Mr. Thomas G. Marks Jr. & Mr. David Minich Barbara J. Parker Mark Holbreich, M.D. Mr. Chris Katterjohn Ms. Pamela S. Perry Ms. Robin Marks Lou Ann Mitchell Mrs. Elizabeth F. Parks Mr. Mark M. Holeman Marc & Dana Katz Ms. Marie E. Lang & Mr. Doug Marlatt Mr. Robert S. Mitchell Mr. Russ Pascual Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Holmes Dr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Kauffman Ms. Becca Sweeney Mrs. Ommilee Marlin Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Mitchell Mr. James Patterson Virginia Home Dr. Stacy J. Keding & Mr. Jon Laramore & Ms. Janet McCabe Ms. Tina Marple Thomas E. Mixdorf & Mrs. Helen J. Patterson Mr. & Mrs. James S. Hook Dr. Paul R. Leplae Joelle J. Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Ryan E. Marquette Holly A. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. James P. Patterson Mr. John M. Hoover Ms. Sharon Kedsling Mr. Gary Larsen Ms. Andrea K. Marsh Mr. Glenn Moak Ms. Eloise Paul Mr. James E. Hoover & Mr. Richard P. Keller Ms. Adele M. Lash Mr. & Mrs. John Marsh Mr. Russell Mobley Mr. Hubert Paul Ms. Carroll Hoover Mr. & Mrs. William Kemle Dr. Antoinette L. Laskey & Mr. & Mrs. William E. Marsh Mr. John D. Moe & Dr. Sharon M. Moe Ms. Mary A. Payne Mrs. Erika K. Horan Mr. & Mrs. Luke Kenley Mr. James G. Laskey Mr. Donald E. Marsh Sr. Mr. Mark J. Molter Ms. Karen A. Payne Dr. & Mrs. Michael E. Horn Ms. Margaret E. Kennedy Mr. Mohammad S. Latifi & Mr. & Mrs. David W. Martikke Amanda Mondloch Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Payton Mr. Arman Latifi Mary S. & Ronald T. Horton Ms. Tracy D. Kennedy Mrs. Mary Lou Martin Jon W. Montgomery Alisa A. Pearcy Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Kenneth Lau Ms. Janet Horton Ms. Sue Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Tomas Martinez Ms. Kara Moorcroft Margaret E. Peck Mr. Lawrence Lawhead Ms. Sherryl Hoss Mr. Gary Kent Martins Emporium Mr. Roland E. Moore Mr. John C. Peer Mr. Jerry Layne Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Hovish Susan Keown Mrs. Editha Masters Mr. Mark S. Moore Mr. Allen Pekarek Mr. & Mrs. Steve Leak Mr. & Mrs. Peter Howe Dr. Vasiliki Keramida Kenneth A. & Christine Mather Rev. & Mrs. & Mrs. Elsworth W. Morack Ms. Marie A. Pellerin Ms. Terri M. Leake Candice L. Howell Ms. Carole Kern Mrs. Ruth E. Matney Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Moran Kathy Peoples Ms. Gail N. Lee Pamela S. & Todd W. Hrubey Miss Mary Ellen Kessler Mr. & Mrs. John J. Maxwell Mr. & Mrs. D William Moreau Jr. Mr. Rob Perisho Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Hudson Mrs. Sharon Kettler Mr. Phil A. Lee & Mrs. Suzanne B. Mayes Ms. Rosalie Morey Mrs. Kimberly Graham-Lee Lynne Perkins Socey & Christie A. & Neil A. Huff Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kiefer Ms. Kim McAdams Mr. Tom Morris Matthew A. Socey Mr. & Mrs. Steve S. Lee Mr. Greg Huff Mr. & Mrs. James Killen Dr. Angela B. McBride Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wayne Moss Mr. & Mrs. Bernard S. Perry Mr. & Mrs. David Lehman Mr. Curt J. Hufty Mr. Larry Killman Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. James McCain Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Moulder Dr. Mark D. Pescovitz & Mr. Timothy J. Hulett & Mr. Alan R. Kimbell Mr. Glen Lehman Mrs. Melinda M. McCarthy Mr. James B. Mowry & Dr. Ora H. Pescovitz Dr. Sharon M. Haley Mr. Jeffrey T. King Mr. Ernest Lehman Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCauley Ms. Judith Jacobi Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Peterson Mrs. Barbara B. Hulse Mr. & Mrs. Ross J. King Mr. & Mrs. Ron Lehrman Mary McClintic John Mullin Mr. Ray Petronzio Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Hummell Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D. King Ms. Elaine Lelakowski Mr. David McCombs Mr. & Mrs. Colin Murphy Mr. & Mrs. David C. Pflum Mr. Mitch Humphress Mary Lou Kinney Dr. & Mrs. James A. Lemons Mr. Marshall McConnell Rev. Samuel Murray Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Phenis Dr. Ann Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kinnick Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Leonard Dr. Sara McCracken Mr. & Mrs. William L. Muth Mr. Gary A. Phillips Mr. Stephen E. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Ross Kipka Mr. Raymond J. Leppard Ms. Joan M. McCullough Monique E. Myers Ms. S. L. Phillips Mrs. Marie A. Hunt Ms. Wendelyn H. Kirby & Lance N. Lepper Mr. Harry McCullough Frieda E. Myers Warren & Mildred Phipps Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Hunt Mr. Edwin S. Kirby Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Lesniak Anne McDaniel Mr. Daniel Mytelka Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Pierz Mr. Joseph M. Hunt Mr. Martin Kirkwood Ms. Herta A. Lewis Mr. Edward McDonald Ms. Susan A. Naanes Ms. Margaret E. Piety & Ms. Alice V. Hunter Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Kirsch Mr. David M. Lewis Ms. Christine McDonald Ms. Nancy Nauman Mr. Josef M. Laposa Richard T. Hunter Mr. Mike P. Kirschner & Mr. & Mrs. James Lewis Dr. & Mrs. David A. McEwen James & Susan Naus Mr. Phil Piggott Mr. Ted L. Huppert & Ms. Robin L. Kirschner Mr. Dominic L. Li Mr. James E. McGroarty Mrs. Patricia A. Neal Mr. Jay Pittas Ms. Martha L. Crosley Mr. Ernest Kitterman Miss Susan Libke & Dr. Lisa E. McGuire & Mr. David Needler & Mr. Charles Platz Ms. Terry Hurn Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Klatte Mr. Mathew Libke Mr. Cameron A. McGuire Mrs. Abby Needler Mr. Melvin Pleiss & Mrs. Judith Pleiss Mr. Nicholas B. Hutson Mr. & Mrs. David Kleiman Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Lightfoot Dr. Paul McHenry B R. & Maxine Nelson Dr. Leo Plouffe & Dr. Eve White Mr. David C. Hyde Ms. Jane Kleinhans Mrs. Brenda E. Lilley Ms. Patricia A. McKinley Kari Nelson Mr. Josh Poertner & Mr. Kristan L. Hylden Ms. Dagmara Klesmith & Ms. Nancy C. Lilly Mr. & Mrs. Phil McKnight Ms. Robyn L. Nelson & Mrs. Bobbi Byrne Mr. William R. Ihrer Mr. Albert Radomski Dr. Sharon M. Lim Mr. Glenn McManama Mr. Michael O. Nelson Mr. Donald Poole Mr. & Mrs. Roland Inskeep Miss Patricia J. Knight Mrs. Karen D. Lindig & Nicole McMillin Mr. Mathew M. Nemcek & Ms. Joan Porten Mr. & Mrs. William Irwin Mr. & Mrs. Howard Knight Mr. Gary R. Bond Mrs. Barbara McMullen Ms. Susan E. Dolan Mr. Stephen Potier T. R. & Deni Jacks Mr. Michael Knowlton Ms. Carol Lindsey Rita A. & James R. McNabb Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nemecek Ms. Carole Potter Mrs. Shirley Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Kohart Mrs. Juanita A. Linn Mr. Morris E. McNally Mrs. Gail Neuwirth Geisler & Ms. Debra K. Potts Mr. Albert R. Jackson Mr. Richard Kohler Mr. & Mrs. James W. Linville Mr. Hugh M. McNeely Mr. Alan Geisler Mr. & Mrs. Felix Pousardien 2008 | 16 2008 Major Donors to WFYI

Ms. Margaret Powers Marvin & Susan Rytting Mr. William A. Sigman Mr. & Mrs. Steve L. Swango Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Walker Rebecca Williams & Theresa Shoup Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Poyser Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Saager Mrs. Moe Silverman Patrice E. Sweeney Mr. Todd K. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Willing Mrs. Jane E. Prather Ms. Maureen T. Sage Mr. & Mrs. Mark Simmons Mrs. Sharon R. Sweet Steven Wallace Ms. Barbara B. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. J Howard Pratt Mr. Raymond C. Sahm Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Simon Mrs. Charlotte M. Swenson Timothy Walton Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Glenn D. Pratt Mr. Robert Salach Ms. Jennifer R. Simone & Ms. Echo Swinford Dr. & Mrs. Peter A. Walts Mr. Thomas A. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Preece Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Sampson Mr. Jim A. Simone Judy & Wayne Sword Mr. & Mrs. E Michael Warden Ms. Lisa A. Wilson & Mrs. Ann Preston - Hall Ms. Joanne M. Sanders-Gearns Mr. Jack A. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Avon R. Tabor Mrs. Eunice A. Ware Mr. Brook A. Farling Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Price Mrs. Paulette E. Sankofa Cornell Sims Mr. Stanley Talesnick Mr. Charles Warren Ms. Janet L. Wilson Mr. Nelson Price Mr. John M. Satter Mrs. Christine I. Singleton Mr. & Mrs. L. Gene Tanner Ms. Joan M. Warrick Mr. & Mrs. William J. Winn Mr. & Mrs. Ray Prieto Mr. Floyd C. Satterlee & William H. & Marilyn R. Sisson Mr. & Mrs. Randy Tatlock Mrs. Charlotte Watson Ms. Gayla C. Winston Mr. Gene E. Pruitt Ms. Michelle A. Stoneburn Dr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Siurua Miss Laura J. Taube Mr. Garnett Watson Jr Robin E. Winston Bruce Pulliam Mr. Terence Sauer Mr. & Mrs. Jack V. Skillman Ms. Kitty Tavel Joseph Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Frederick G. Winters Jeffrey A. & Peggy A. Purvis Ms. Jill K. Sauerburger & Mr. & Mrs. Alex Slabosky Clayton M. Taylor Jr. & Julie Koegel Mr. & Mrs. David Weaver Mrs. Betty Wise Mr. Robert Quackenbush Mr. Mark F. Sauerburger Mrs. Jayanna K. Slayten Mr. John H. Taylor Mrs. Ronald Weaver Mr. Christopher J. Wishmire Mrs. John Raber Mrs. Elizabeth R. Saulsberry Mr. Dennis A. Sleeth Mr. George M. Taylor Mr. Bruce E. Webb Ms. Emily Wissel & Mr. Darrel Radford Mrs. Beverly Savage Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Howard R. Taylor Joel N. & Janet H. Weber Mr. William Wissel Mr. & Mrs. Roger M. Radue Kenneth A. & Lisa A. Savin Ms. Sandra K. Smith Mr. Merle V. Tebbe Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Webster Mr. David A. Wohlreich Mr. Don Rainer Mr. & Mrs. Jeff C. Savitsky Mr. Ernest H. Smith Miss Pamela Terrill Dennis Weeden Dr. Christian K. Wolf & Mr. & Mrs. Bill R. Rainwater Dr. & Mrs. Todd Saxton Daniel H. & Diana Smith Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Test Mr. Carl W. Weissgerber Mrs. Elaine J. Holden Ms. Patti Raley Mr. & Mrs. Chris Scanlon Mrs. Joan Smith Ms. Theresa D. Tetrault & Mr. & Mrs. Leo Weitzman Ms. Sarah M. Wolf Miss Lolly Ramey James P. & Mary Beth Schafer Wendell C. Smith Mr. Todd G. Tetrault Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Welch Mr. Cary R. Wollenweber Miss Steven Ramlal Ms. Barbara Schaller Mr. & Mrs. Charles Smith Ms. Jacquetta D. Thayer Ms. Tina M. Weldon Ms. Rose Wolter Mr. & Mrs. Richard Randolph Mr. Juergen F. Schallwig Mr. George S. Smith Mathew Theobald David & Connie Welsh Mr. Russ Woodard Dr. Suzanne M. Rankin & Mr. William Schantz Mr. & Mrs. Ellison W. Smith Mr. Evan Thomas & Ms. Mary E. Welter Mr. Andrew Woods David O. Magnante Mr. & Mrs. Phil Scheffsky Mr. Robert E. Smith Ms. Tammy Christenberry Ms. Marilyn Wence Marjorie E. & Charles W. Worrell David A. Rea Dr. & Mrs. John A. Scherschel Ms. Elizabeth A. Smith & Mr. Norman Thomas Edward L. & Mary P. Wheeler Ms. Susan E. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Rearick Ms. Linda M. Schirtzinger Mr. James W. Ganey Miss Nancy J. Thomas Mr. Ron Wheeler Mr. Thomas Wright & Mrs. Sandra Reed Mr. Herbert M. Schlotterbeck Gary Smith Dr. Gary D. Thompson Mr. James J. Whelchel Ms. Anne H. Wright Mrs. Rebecca A. Rehbein Ms. Cornelia A. Schmitt Mr. & Mrs. Jack Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Kyle S. Tierney Ms. Joyce White Mr. Timothy Wright Mr. Joseph P. Reidelbach Miss Rebecca Schmitt Ms. Denise L. Solso Maureen M. & David Timm Ms. Sandy L. White Mrs. Tresa Wright Dorothy Resneck Ms. Pamela G. Schneeman Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Sonnenberg Dr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Tolle Mr. Mitch D. White Mr. James Writt Ms. Kristina M. Reuille & Ms. Dr. & Mrs. William H. Schneider Col. & Mrs. John M. Sparks Mr. & Mrs. John L. Tompkins Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd C. White Ms. Gail J. Wyse Elizabeth A. Jones Mr. & Mrs. John P. Schroeder Dr. Lucia M. Spears & Mr. Jay Smith Rev. & Mrs. L Eugene Ton Ms. Patricia Whitehouse Bill & Debbie Yates Mr. John R. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Pete Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Louis Speller Mr. & Mrs. James W. Torke Ms. Elaine Whitfield Mr. & Mrs. Roy C. Yates Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J Reynolds Mrs. Dorothy Schulz Michael Spencer Mr. Jason R. Totten James & Shirley Whitman Mr. Charles Yeager Mr. & Mrs. George M. Rhoderick Mr. & Mrs. David Schwarte James L. & Barbara J. Spitler Ms. Joyce Tovsky Richard T. Whitman Bridgett Yeary Mr. Stevan Richards Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Schweitzer Dr. Thomas Spolyar Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Fred O. Towe Ms. Barbara Whitworth Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Yee Ms. Rebecca A. Richardson & Marc & Tara Sciscoe Christine A. & Steven J. Sproull Mr. & Mrs. Leon Trachtman Ken & Karen Wichman Mr. & Mrs. Terence T. Yen Mr. Scott D. Pankow Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Scism Mrs. & Mrs. Becky J. Sramek John F. Triplett & Kathleen A. Whalen Mrs. Katherine Wichmann Mr. & Mrs. Richard Yoho Chelsea Richardson Dr. John B. Scofield Mr. Andrew P. St Angelo Mr. & Mrs. Jeff S. Trotter Ms. Phama A. Wickizer Mr. Clarence Young Ms. Roberta K. Riddell Mrs. Eileen M. Scott Mr. & Mrs. John Stack Ms. Kathryn A. Tsai Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Wiler Mrs. Nilah Youngman Roger Riddle Mr. & Mrs. Fred D. Scott Jeff Stafford Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Tully Dr. & Mrs. David W. Wilhelmus Mrs. Jill L. Zaniker Linda D. Ridlen Mr. Monty Searcy Mr. Harold W. Stanley Mr. & Mrs. Dominic C. Tumminello Joyce Wilhite Ms. Christian Zeller Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Riegner Mr. & Mrs. George H. Searfoss Mr. & Mrs. William Staruszkiewicz Mr. Arthur B. Turner Ms. Harriet Wilkins Ms. Pamela Zeman Mr. & Mrs. John F. Rihm Roger D. & Patricia Sears Mrs. Mary A. Stasic Ms. Maria Turner Ms. Natalia Wilkins Dr. Dawn M. Zimmer Mr. Richard J. Ripley Mr. & Mrs. James Seatter Edward & Sondra Stattmann Mrs. Virginia M. Tyler Mr. William Willen & Mr. & Mrs. Karl R. Zimmer Mr. Forrest G. Risser Mr. L Ramon Secrest Ms. Sandra L. Stauffer Ms. Adele Tyson Ms. Cherry L. Willen Mrs. Ruth L. Zimmerer Ms. Nancy Ritchardson Ms. Tara M. Seeley & Mr. Kent Steele Mr. Lawrence R. Ulrich Mr. R. Dean Willey Mr. & Mrs. John L. Zimmermann Mrs. Marsha Ritenour Mr. David A. Flockhart Melodie Steele Mr. Ed L. Van Alstyne Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Williams Mr. John M. Zimmermann Mr. Chris Ritz Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Seitz Ms. Debra C. Steinhauer Lowell & Mildred Van De Mark Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Williams Mr. & Mrs. John Zinser RN Consultants & Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Semo Richard & Evalyn Steininger Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence W. VanArendonk Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Zyromski Ms. Betsy Blanchard Dr. & Mrs. W H. Senft Ms. April A. Sterling Mr. Hugh D. VanDemark & Mr. & Mrs. Neal R. Roach Jr. Mr. Larry J. Sernyk Linda & Daniel Stewart Mrs. Abby VanDemark The Visionary Circle and Sound Vision Society listings reflect major donor Mr. Tim Robb & Ms. Linda Robb Mr. Stephan Sever Dr. Barbara Stilwell & Ms. Maeve Vankuren contributions $250 and higher between January 1, 2008 and December 31, Sandra Roberson Kenneth Sexton Dr. Ramon S. Dunkin Ms. Shirley Vann 2008. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. Please Ms. Diana M. Roberts Mr. Wade Shafer Mr. Martin Stob Mr. Rip Vanwinkle accept our apologies for any inadvertent errors or omissions. Please send Mr. & Mrs. Dale J. Roberts Ms. Frances C. Shallow Ms. Kathy E. Stoeffler Shirley K. Vargas corrections or questions to Theresa Tetrault, director of development & Mr. Michael W. Robertson strategic gifts, WFYI, 1630 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46202; Dr. Marie-Claude Shanafelt & Ms. Kathy L. Stolz Dr. Nanci R. Vargus call (317) 614-0439 or e-mail [email protected] Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Robey Dr. Armen Shanafelt Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Stoneberg Mr. & Mrs. David L. Varie Ms. Eileen M. Robichaud Ms. Wanda L. Shaner Mrs. Lynda R. Stoops Mark A. & Ann Varnau Mr. & Mrs. David Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Harlan E. Shannon Ms. Dana L. Stopczynski & Dr. Michael Veenhuizen Freda Rogers Mr. Steve Sharer Mr. Joe A. Eakins Venture Catering Dr. & Mrs. Mac C. Roller Miss Ada C. Shaum Miss Sheridan Stormes Mr. Kent J. Vernon IRIS Mrs. Laurie Rolston Ms. Madiejane Shaw Dr. Diane R. Stothard Ms. Sharon Vester WFYI’s Indiana Reading and Information Services (IRIS) provides around- Dr. Deborah A. Ronco Mr. Ray Shearer Mrs. Peggy A. Stout Mr. & Mrs. Ken W. Vieth the-clock access to the written word through both local broadcast service and Mr. Joe Rondella Mrs. Suzanne W. Shelby Mrs. Linda K. Stout Ms. Susan Vinicor a statewide toll-free telephone access system. Each day over 3,200 Hoosiers Ms. Patricia G. Rooney Mr. Anthony Shemezis Mr. & Mrs. Larry Strauch Mr. & Mrs. James C. Vogel with reading-impairments have access to newspapers, magazines, literary Ms. Joan Rosemeyer Mr. Seth W. Shields Mr. & Mrs. Tony L. Strong Mr. & Mrs. C J. Votava works and more through IRIS. Thank you to the more than 400 community Mr. L Joe Roswog Mr. & Mrs. Charles Shirk Mr. Robert M. Stroup volunteers who help make this possible. Thank you also to the following Mr. Kevin J. Wachtel donors who contributed $250 or more during 2008. Mrs. Carolyn W. Roush Ms. Marian Shogren Mrs. Natalie Stucky Mr. Robert Waddy Mr. & Mrs. John Rowings Mr. & Mrs. James C. Shook Ms. Julia Stumpff & Mr. Alan Mr. & Mrs. Ara Wade Mr. & Mrs. Frank Alderson Ms. Robin J. Meyer Kilbarger Dr. Stephen Ruberg Ms. Sandee K. Shriner Mr. Clark Wade Baldwin & Lyons, Inc Dr. Francis Price Jr. & Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Rudesill Mr. & Mrs. Don K. Shuck Dr. Danise R. Subramaniam & T.D & Ann M. Wadelton Mr. & Mrs. Pat Corydon Dr. Marianne Price Dr. Vaidyanathan Subramaniam Mr. & Mrs. Matthew C. Rueff Dr. Vipula K. Shukla Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Wagner Mrs. Jane H. Fortune Mr. & Mrs. David L. Richardson Mr. Tien Shung Sun Dr. Rick L. Ruegg Miss Katherine E. Shults Mr. Mark Wagner Mr. Russell W. Fry Mrs. Patty Roesch Mrs. Lisa S. Sutphin Ms. Gloria Rush Mr. Joe D. Sibray Mr. Philip P. Waid Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Glick Jane S. Rothbaum Prof. Robert Sutton & Mr. & Mrs. James B. Russell Mr. Thomas L. Siddall Ms. Deloris Wakefield Mr. & Mrs. William A. Hasbrook Leigh Wall Harris & Gary Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Russell Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Siegel Prof. Susan D. Sutton Mr. Larry Walker Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ryan Roger Sieloff Mr. & Mrs. Brent K. Sutton Ms. Leesa D. Walker 17 | WFYI 2008 Major Donors to WFYI

PLANNED GIFTS GRANT SUPPORT WFYI recognizes and honors viewers and listeners who have planned for the continuation of great public broadcasting programs through their General Operating National FFA Organization estate plans. The consideration of the donors listed below ensures the Christel DeHaan Family Foundation O’Bannon Foundation Fund success of public broadcasting in our community in perpetuity. For more The Clowes Fund, Inc. John & Jane O’Connor and children information about including WFYI in your estate plans, please contact Corporation for Public Broadcasting Sean, Craig, Rachel, Brendan, Theresa Tetrault, director of development & strategic gifts, at Health Foundation Nicholas and Nathan (317) 614-0439 or [email protected] of Greater Indianapolis Penn State Public Broadcasting State of Indiana Dr. & Mrs. George F. Rapp Mr. Hoover Baker* Mrs. Mildred McCafferty* W C Griffith Foundation Trust Dr. Lois Sabo-Skelton Roseanne Bonjouklian Bernice M. Penrod* WFYI Foundation Veolia Water Indianpolis, LLC Mr. Don A. Brown* Dr. & Mrs. George F. Rapp TV Production Warren County Gen. Branigin Estate* Miss Sally Reahard* American Society for Training Community Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Herman A. Dettwiler* Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Riegner and Development Radio Production George Elliott Trust* Virginia L. Roberts* Bible Family Fund Indiana University WFYI Chairman of the Board David Sease and Lloyd Wright, Christi G. Garcia Dorothy L. Roby* Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Blickman School of Medicine president and CEO of WFYI, with WFYI Board Member Dorothy G. Helmer* Alice M. Ross* Eiteljorg Museum of Penrod Society Yvonne Shaheen, recipient of the 2008 Alice M. Ross Award. Kimberly S. Hignite* Mr. E. Paul Smith American Indians and Western Art Purdue University Louise Lage Kirtland* Clara Van Dyke Endowment* C. Grant Fay IRIS Howard V. Kuder M.D.* Howard S. Wilcox* Friends of Indiana State Archives, Hook Drug Foundation Ruth MacDaniel Endowment* R. Dean Willey Indiana Historical Bureau Hoover Family Foundation Gordon College Nicholas H. Noyes, Jr. Hancock County Memorial Foundation Community Foundation, Inc. Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation MEMORIALS & TRIBUTES Mr. John Herbst Telecom Services Board, What a wonderful way to honor or pay tribute to a friend, loved one or Indiana Department of Education City of Indianapolis someone special in your life. WFYI accepts both honor and memorial gifts. Indiana Grantmakers Alliance Outreach Please call (317) 614-0439 for more information. Indianapolis Jazz Foundation Indiana Public Broadcasting Indiana State Museum Stations, Inc. In Honor of Mrs. Barbara E. Branic In Memory of Paul Markusfeld Indiana State University KCET Central Indiana Chapter of RMA Ms. Michelle H. Markusfeld Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra National Center for Outreach In Honor of Mr. Ashis Das In Memory of Dr. Ralph L. Nicholson Outreach Extensions Megan Greulich Heather Johnston-Nicholson Robert E. & Susan M. Ivancevich Public Broadcasting Service In Honor of Emily Rock In Memory of Ann Willey Riggins Laura Hare Charitable Trust Talaris, Inc. The Capital Group Companies Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kiefer, Madison County Community Foundation, Inc. University of Indianapolis In Memory of Mr. C T. Eller Mr. & Mrs. John B. Rinck, Mr. Robert G. Porter Mr. R. Dean Willey Mayo Charitable Foundation University of Wisconsin In Memory of Michael Fenwick In Memory of Ms. Barbara Taylor Midwest Alliance for Health Education WGBH Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fenwick Ms. Rita Kohn Midwest Pipe & Steel Inc. Zula USA, LLC Margaret Boling Mullin In Memory of Lynn Thomsen Lynn D. & Jean L. Rundle Mr. Clifford A. Hull In Memory of Linda Fish In Memory of Larry Tusing John & Brenda Clark Mary F. Mcclish In Memory of Mrs. Sherry Fortner In Memory of Mrs. Elza Vuskalns Mr. Gerry Fortner Ms. Susan Sylvester In Memory of Lewis M. Goodwin In Memory of Marion Wente Jean Goodwin William & Sue Jane Bloss In Memory of Brad Grenard Mrs. & Mrs. George G. Miller Nancy C. Grenard Dr. & Mrs. Paul F. Muller In Memory of Mr. William C. Griffith Jr. Therese A. & David M. Obrein Mrs. Gerry E. Griffith & Mr. & Mrs. John J. Quinn Mr. William C. Griffith I Ms. Nancy Rust In Memory of Mrs. Virginia Handley Marti & Steve Stigers Mr. Neil S. Handley In Memory of Don Whitridge In Memory of Louise Lage Kirtland Ms. Jane Malless Mrs. Eleanor Thurston In Honor of Mr. Seth Kresovsky Stephen J. Knaus President and CEO Lloyd Wright, Executive Vice President Jeanelle Adamak, Board Chairman David Sease and Executive Vice President Alan Cloe with Board Member Julie Davis, recipient of the 2008 Ardath Y. Burkhart Award.

Me mb e r s c o n t r i b u t e d $3,335,638 i n s u pp o r t o f WFYI i n 2008

17 | WFYI 2008 | 18 Corporate Sponsors

MISSION SOCIETY Capital Campaign Goodwill Industries Indiana’s Credit Unions Burnett, LLC Shideler Dermatology Group The Mission Society is the highest Carmel Care Center Goulding & Wood, Inc Indy Baroque, Inc. Muslim Alliance of Indiana Shiel Sexton Construction level of corporate giving to WFYI. Carmel Redevelopment Commission The Great Frame Up Indy Jazz Festival MXI Corp. Silver in the City Mission Society members allow Celtic Thunder Green Way Supply Indy Reads My Health Care Manager Small Box Web Design WFYI to fulfill its mission to serve Center for Inquiry Indiana Gregory & Appel Insurance Indy Wine Fest National Alliance on Mental Illness Sommer Barnard PC as a community resource by Central Indiana Cancer Centers Gymboree IndyGo National City Bank The Spirit & Place Festival providing educational, and cultural Central Indiana Half Price Books IndyMoms.com Natural Living Festival St. Olaf Orchestra services and entertainment through Community Foundation Hamernik & Associates, LLC International Interfaith Initiative Nature Conservancy of Indiana St. Paul’s Episcopal Church television and radio programs, Charley Creek Foundation community outreach and activities. Hamilton Facial Plastic Surgery International School of Indiana Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic St. Peter’s United Church of Christ Children’s Museum of Indianapolis Hancock Telecom International Violin Competition Netwise Resources St. Vincent Health Children’s Theatre Institute of Indianapolis Butler University Hanover College National Institute for Fitness & Sport Stewart & Irwin, P.C. Chinese Culture Network Invoke Studio Clowes Memorial Hall Hawthorne Publishing Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust Stock Yards Bank of Butler University Christian Theological Seminary Health Foundation of Greater I-STEM Noble of Indiana Storytelling Arts of Indiana Eiteljorg Museum of CIPROMS, INC Indianapolis IU Business Conference Noblesville Tour of Gardens The Stutz Artist Association American Indians and Western Art CIT E SCAPES Heartland Film Festival IU School of Liberal arts Nongame & Endangered Species Fund Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc. Fairbanks Clarian Health Heaton & Eadie IUPUI Library Norma Boyd Supportive Systems, LLC Goelzer Investment Management Clarian Health Partners Herron School of Art and Design J.D. Resley Associates North Central High School Sura Spa Ice Miller LLP Clark Appliance Showcase HH Gregg Fine Lines Jacquies Gourmet Catering Northminster Presbyterian Church Sustain Indy Indiana Historical Society Classical Guitar Society Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Janice Bilby, MD Northview Church of the Brethren Tabbert Hahn Earnest & Weddle Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra Cohen Garelick & Glazier Honda/Washington DC Japan-America Society of Indiana Northwestern University Tabernacle Presbyterian Church Marsh Supermarkets Colliers Turley Martin Tucker Honeywell Center JCC O.K. Program of Indiana Townsend and Townsend and Crew LLP Nightingale Home Healthcare, Inc. Concordia University Hoosier Park JGC/United Publishing Corp. Off the Streets Traders Point Dental OneAmerica Confucius Institute in Indianapolis Human Resource Association Johnson Grossnickle & Assoc., Inc. Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak, Traders Point Horse Show Conner Prairie of Central Indiana Josephson Wallack & & Stewart Trinity Episcopal Church Conour Law Firm Humane Society of Indianapolis Munshower Neurology Old National Bank Troy Risk, Inc. CORPORATE Conrad Indianapolis Huntington National Bank Juvenile Diabetes Reasearch Olin Business School / Washington The United Package Family of SPONSORS Cool Planet Awnings Co. I.D.O. Foundation / Roche University Beverage Shoppes 5 Metacom Country Mark I.U. Jacobs School of Music Katz & Korin, PC OmniSource United Way AAA Insurance Crew Technical Services I.U. Medical Group Katz, Sapper & Miller Orchard in Bloom University High School ACLU of Indiana CTS Counseling Center ICVA Kelley School of Business The Orchard School University of Indianapolis Actors Theatre of Indiana CyberKnife Center of Indianapolis IDADA Keltie’s Catering The Original Pot-Tee Prize Grab Bag University of Notre Dame Advanced Interventional Pain Center Damar Services Idealist Fair Key Bank Our Lady of Lourdes Urology of Indiana AEG Live David Byrne IHETS/ Indiana College Network Kightlinger & Gray Outback Concerts Veolia Water AIT Laboratories Delivra IMAX Theatre Kno-Zone Panera Bread Viking Sewing Galleries American Cabaret Theatre Delta Dental Indiana Abraham Lincoln Kroger, Gardis & Regas Paradise Landscape & Nursery Virtual Scavengers American Pianists Association Doehrman Chamberlain Bicentennial Commission Larry Carlton/Robben Ford Park Tudor School Warren Performing Arts Center American Red Cross Domino’s Pizza Indiana Academy of Science Leaf Software Solutions Pepper Construction Wasatch Lake of Greater Indianapolis Drug Free Marion County Indiana Appraisal Institute Lee & Ryan Environmental Phillips Music Guild Westview Medical Campus American Theatre Organ Society Duke Energy Indiana Building Green Symposium Consulting, Inc Phoenix Theatre WFIU Americrawl D’Vine A Wine Bar Indiana Campus Compact Leland’s Piano Solutions Whitewater Valley Railroad Andy Mohr Mitsubishi Earlham College Indiana Credit Union League LePeep Restaurants Picture House/Mongol The Whitfield Agency Angie’s List Earth Day Indiana, Inc. Indiana Dental Association Live Nation Pike Performing Arts Center Wilson, Kehoe & Winingham Anthem Blue Cross Earth House Collective Indiana Department Lockerbie Methodist Church Pipedreams Live! Woodard, Emhardt, Naughton, and Blue Shield, Indiana Easter Seals Crossroads of Transportation M & I Bank Planned Parenthood of Indiana Moriarity & McNett Apparatus, Inc. Rehabilitation Center Indiana Dept. of Environmental M & I Wealth Management Plews Shadley Racher & Braun Woodley Farra Aronstam Fine Jewelers Economic Club of Indiana Management Corporate Port-to-Port Consulting Work Smart Systems The Art of Living Edinburgh Premium Outlets Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance Maggiano’s PPI Mana Writers’ Center of Indiana Art on the Avenue Eli Lilly and Company Indiana Historical Society Major Hospital Printing Partners YMCA of Greater Indianapolis Arthur Murray Dance Studio Employers Security Indiana Organ Procurement Manor House Antique Mall Priority Access Young Audiences of Indiana Arts Council of Indianapolis Insurance Company Organization Mariam Rahmani ProLiance Energy, LLC Young Voices of Indianapolis Association for Women in Science Encore Vocal Arts Indiana Repertory Theatre Marian College The Promotion Company Zeller Realty Group Auralex Acoustics Ensemble Music Society Indiana Soybean Alliance Mark M. Holeman, Inc Puccini’s Smiling Teeth Zest Exciting Food Creations AV Framing Gallery Epic Roots Indiana State Fair MarketWise Solutions Purdue Convocations Café & Catering Axis Architecture & Interiors Equal Employment Opportunity Indiana State Historic Sites Mass Ave East End Shoppes Purdue Research Park BabyPlus Company Inc. Commission Indiana State Museum Mass Ave Wine Shoppe Purdue University Baker & Daniels Euroloft Furnishings Indiana State Park Inns Mastercard Purdue University Relations Executive Media Communications Indiana University Kokomo McCready and Keene Inc. R J Pile & Company Barnes & Thornburg Consultants Indiana Wine Grape Council Meridian Health Group Inc R.E. Dimond and Associates Barrington Jewels F.C. Tucker Indiana Youth Group Meridian North Imaging Center Ratio Architects Barth Electric Families Thru International Adoption Indianapolis Airport Authority Methodist Arts & Antiques Regions Bank Bates Art Supply Family Service of Central Indiana, Inc Indianapolis Art Center Methodist Health Foundation REI Investments Benefit Associates Fifth Third Bank Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce Methodist Medical Group Return to Forever Bepko Scholars and Fellows Program Fisher College of Business Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra Metropolitan Planning Franciscan Center The Best Chocolate in Town Fishers Music Society, Inc. Indianapolis Children’s Choir Organization for Global Studies Bethany Christian Services Five Rivers Outdoors Indianapolis City Market Midland Arts & Antiques Riley Hospital for Children Bingham McHale Flanner & Buchanan Indianapolis Civic Theatre Midwest Peace and Justice Summit Rising Sun Festival of Fine Arts Bio Crossroads Funeral Centers Indianapolis Home & Milestone Advisors & Crafts Bluegreen Corporation Food, Farm and Energy Gathering Remodeling Show Mind Trust Rivers Institute at Hanover College Borshoff Forecastle Festival Indianapolis Irish Festival Mindfulness at the Center Riverview Memorial Foundation Bose McKinney & Evans Forever Tango Indianapolis-Marion County Mitchell & Associates Road Pictures Bosma Enterprises Foundation for Responsible Television Public Library Mobius Labs Ronen Chamber Ensemble Brebeuf Jesuit Prep School Fountain Square Merchants Indianapolis Museum of Art Mode’ Salon Runnebohm Construction Brick Street Gallery Walk Association Indianapolis Museum of Money Smart Week Indiana Russell Martin and Associates Contemporary Art Broadway Across America - Franklin College Montessori Academy of Ruth’s Chris Steak House Indianapolis Frasier’s Gourmet Foods Indianapolis Opera Indianapolis San Francisco Opera Company Busey Bank Gibson Insurance Group Indianapolis Power & Light Company Morty’s Comedy Joint Second Presbyterian Church Butler Ballet Gilmore Keyboard Festival Indianapolis Public Schools MP Rathke, Inc. Shepherd Community Center Global Gifts Indianapolis Symphonic Choir Mundell & Associates, Inc. Camp Delafield Sherman & Company Goelzer, Inc. Indianapolis Theatre Fringe Festival Murphy, McClary, Stover & Sheryl Crow 19 | WFYI WFYI

Me t r o p o l i t a n In d i a n a p o l i s Pu b l i c Br o a d c a s t i n g WFYI Se n i o r St a f f Director of Accounting Bo a r d o f Di r e c t o r s Kathy Billiard President and CEO Chair Board of Directors Lloyd Wright David G. Sease Dr. Pamela Wang Anderson Director of Building Services Dan C. Appel Jerry Herald Executive Vice President Past Chair Michael Barth III Jeanelle Adamak Norman G. Tabler, Jr. Frank M. Basile Director of Engineering Theodore R. Boehm Nate Pass Executive Vice President Vice Chair Jim Carr Alan Cloe Barbara E. Branic Richard J. Cockrum Director of Information Services C. Dennis Cryder O’Brian Childs Vice President of Audio Services Treasurer James W. Freeman and TV Programming Director of Learning Services David A. Resnick Frederick Garver Richard Miles Michael N. Heaton Gail Thomas Strong Secretary Richard S. Idler, M.D. Vice President of Communications Director of Media Relations Charles M. Blair Eric R. Johnson Rena Barraclough James P. Kappel Lori Plummer President Donald J. Koors Vice President of Engineering Director of Membership Lloyd Wright Gareth W. Kuhl Steve Jensen Carey B. Lykins and Donor Relations Michael Sharp Executive Committee Members Jim Morris Vice President of Finance Julie A. Davis Dr. James G. Moseley Anthony Lorenz Eric L. Gillispie Vop Osili Director of On-Air Promotions Myke Perrey Cathy W. Lawson John Pelizzari Vice President of FYI Productions Richard P. Roberts Patricia A. Poehler Clayton Taylor Yvonne H. Shaheen Rebecca C. Polak Director of Production Operations David DeMunbrun Peter P. Polit Vice President Organizational Relations Neelu Sondhi Judy Muessig Debra Simmons Wilson Director of Strategic Gifts and Capital Campaign Allen Wright Theresa Tetrault Life Directors Director of TV Graphics Diana W. Davis Judi Border Robert Moorhead John R. Walsh

WFYI production staff with then candidate Barack O’Bama at the WFYI television studios six months before he would become President.

Ed i t o r i a l St a f f Vice President of Communications Editor Rena Barraclough Doug Jaggers Executive Vice President Communications Design Manager Jeanelle Adamak Russ Wadler Copyright © 2008 Metropolitan Indianapolis Public Broadcasting, Inc. All rights reserved.

The WFYI staff. 19 | WFYI 2008 | 20 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Indianapolis, IN 1630 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46202 Permit No. 3283 wfyi.org