Academia Journal of Agricultural Research 6(7): 264-267, July 2018 DOI: 10.15413/ajar.2018.0400 ISSN: 2315-7739 ©2018 Academia Publishing

Research Paper

The first occurrence of vitegenella Clemens, 1859 (: ) on L. in Bulgaria

Accepted 20th August, 2018


The leafminer Phyllocnistis vitegenella Clemens, 1859 (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) is reported as a new species for Bulgarian fauna. Mines in grapevine leaves were observed in July 2018 in a private vineyard located in the northwestern part of the country (village Butan). Probably the species entered Bulgaria from Romania, Katia Trencheva* and Georgi Trenchev where it has been detected since 2013. The species was found on Vitis vinifera L. Department of Plant Protection, University of and Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch. This is the sixth record of the Forestry, 10, Kliment Ochridski blvd, 1756 leafminer in Europe after Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland, Hungary and Romania. The Sofia, Bulgaria. American grape leafminer has a potential to become a serious pest for Bulgarian

*Corresponding author. E-mail: vineyards. [email protected]. Tel: +359887627279. Key words: Phyllocnistis vitegenella, Bulgaria, Vitis spp.


Among invasive herbivore , leafminers represent an Ukraine, Turkey, Georgia, Kazakhstan,Uzbekistan, and important group. Many leafminers are known as economic Turkmenistan (Nieukerken et al., 2012; Cean, 2014; Fauna pests of agricultural crops (Kirichenko et al., 2018). They Europaea, 2018). This is the sixth record of the American are introduced to new continents and spread through grape in Europe after Italy, Slovenia, various pathways such as horticultural trade and accidental Switzerland, Hungary and Romania. The species has a transport of adults and pre-imaginal stages in containers potential to become a serious pest for Bulgarian vineyards. and vehicles. They may also spread long distances with air This study reports P. vitegenella Clemens, 1859 currents (Kirichenko et al., 2018). Due to the lack of natural (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) as a new species for Bulgarian enemies in the new habitat, their effective control may be a fauna and a new pest on Vitis vinifera L. in the country. real problem. According to Kirichenko et al. (2018) in recent years, leafminers have attracted much attention due to increasing invasion records. Last few years, two species MATERIALS AND METHODS of leafminers originated from , invaded Old Continent and they are now being considered as serious Mines in grapevine leaves were observed in July 2018 in a pests for vineyards. These species are Phyllocnistis private vineyard located in the northwestern part of the vitegenella Clemens, 1859 (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) and country (village Butan). The leaves with symptoms, larvae Antispilla oinophylla van Nieukerken and Wagner, 2012 and adults were collected. The observations were recorded (Lepidoptera:Heliozidae) (Cean, 2014). In Europe, the with a digital camera. The biological materials (infested native leafminer, which is known to attack vineyards is leaves, larvae and adults) have been deposited at University Holocacista rivillei (Stainton, 1855) (Lepidoptera: of Forestry, Plant Protection Department, Laboratory of Heliozidae). It was recorded from French mainland, Greek Entomology, Sofia, Bulgaria. The nomenclature used here mainland, Italian mainland, Malta, Sicily, Slovenia, South for the Phyllocnistis Zeller, 1848 was according to European Russia, Spanish mainland, Croatia, Bulgaria, Fauna europaea (2018). Academia Journal of Agricultural Research; Trencheva and Trenchev. 265

Figure 1: Mine of Phyllocnistis vitigenella Clemens, 1859 on Vitis vinifera L. (original).

Figure 2: Mine of Phyllocnistis vitigenella Clemens, 1859 on Vitis vinifera L. (original).

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Italy, but it was recorded in 1997 (Posenato et al., 1997a; 1997b). In Slovenia, the species was detected in 2004 Genus Phyllocnistis Zeller, 1848 is one of the more speciose (Seljak, 2005). In Switzerland, it was recorded in 2009 in genera in the Gracillariidae and currently, 90 valid names Ticino (south part of Switzerland) (Cara and Jermini, are known across the globe (Davis and Wagner, 2011). 2011). Later in 2014, the species was observed in Hungary In Europe the genus Phyllocnistis Zeller, 1848 is (Szabóky and Takács, 2014). In Romania, P. vitegenella was represented by 10 species, 4 of them known are from found for the first time in 2013, in the eastern part of the Bulgaria - Phyllocnistis labyrinthella (Bjerkander, 1790), country (Ureche, 2016). While in Bulgaria, mines made by (Zeller, 1839), Phyllocnistis feeding larvae were detected in private vineyard in July unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) and Phyllocnistis 2018 on V. vinifera L. Probably the species entered Bulgaria valentinensis Hering, 1936 (Drenowski, 1909; Beiger, 1979; from Romania, where it has been detected since 2013. De Prins and De Prins, 2018; Fauna Europaea, 2018). The Several mines made by Phyllocnistis vitegenella were American grape leafminer is the fifth species from genus observed in each affected leaf (Figures 1 and 2). Although it Phyllocnistis found in Bulgaria. P. vitegenella was observed is a monophagus species and has a restricted host range, in Europe for the first time in 1995 in the north-east of occurring on Vitis spp., we found also several leaves with Academia Journal of Agricultural Research; Trencheva and Trenchev. 266

a b

Figure 3a and b: Mine of Phyllocnistis vitigenella Clemens, 1859 on Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch.. (original).

Figure 4: Adults of Phyllocnistis vitigenella Clemens, 1859 on Vitis vinifera L. (original).

mines on Parthenocissus quinquefolia (Vitaceae) in the same diapause (Baldessari et al., 2011; Ureche, 2016). In private vineyard (Figure 3a and b). Sapfeeding instars Romania, P. vitegenella completes three generations per create a long serpentine, subepidermal mine on the upper year, and the overwintering adults appear in October surfaces of the host leaf (Davis and Wagner, 2011). The (Ureche, 2016). In Italy, it develops four generations per slender mine leads in a terminal widened pupation year (Baldessari et al., 2011; Ureche, 2016). In Bulgaria, chamber. The whole length of the central part of the mine adults and larvae were observed and collected at 14thof has a broad, dark and cloudy frass line (Urehe, 2016). The August (Figures 4 and 5). American grape leafminer P. vitegenella develops three to According to Lips and Jermini (2013), P. vitigenella had four generations per year and overwinters as adults in no negative influence on growth and yield quantity and Academia Journal of Agricultural Research; Trencheva and Trenchev. 267

Figure 5: of Phyllocnistis vitigenella Clemens, 1859 on Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch. (original).

quality of grapevine Merlot in Southern Switzerland, but its De Prins J, De Prins W (2018). Global Taxonomic Database of Gracillariidae rapid spreading in the last few years in several European (Lepidoptera). World Wide Web electronic publication ( [Last updated: 13 March 2018] countries suggests a great potential to become a real pest Drenowski AK (1909). Neue und von wenigen Fundorten bekannte Arten soon (Nieukerken et al., 2012; Ureche, 2016). aus der Lepidopterenfauna Bulgariens. Periodische Zeitschrift. 70: 602- 638. Kirichenko N, Augustin S, Kenis M (2018). Invasive leafminers on woody plants: a global review of pathways, impact and management. J. Pest Sci. CONCLUSION pp. 1-14. Lips A, Jermini M (2013). Harmfulness of the American grape leaf miner From the practical and research perspective regarding P. Phyllocnistis vitegenella on the grapevine 'Merlot' (Vitis vinifera). vitigenella in Bulgaria, further research is required in order Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research EAER. Agroscope. pp. 1-15. to evaluate the biology, ecology and measures for effective Nieukerken EJ, Wagner DL, Baldessari M, Mazzon L, Angeli G, Girolami V, control of this pest, as well as its spreading rate and habitat Duso C, Doorenweerd C (2012). oinophylla new species in the country. (Leipdoptera, Heliozidae), a new North American grapevine leafminer invading Italian vineyards: , DNA barcodes and life cycle. Zookeys. 170: 29-77. Posenato G, Girolami V, Zangheri S (1997a). La minatrice americana un REFERENCES nuovo fi llominatore della vite. L’Informatore Agrario. 15: 75-77. Posenato G, Tosi L, Marchesini E, Miotti G, Malagnini V, Sancassani GP Baldessari M, Delaiti M, Zottele F, Angeli G (2011). Minatori fogliari della (1997b). Prime segnalazioni di Phyllocnistis vitegenella Clemens in vite in Trentino, FEM Centro.Trasferimento Tecnologico Rapporto. pp. vigneti italiani. Atti Incontri Fitoiatrici, Grugliasco (Torino). pp. 3-4. 46-48. Seljak G (2005). Kačasti listni zavrtač vinske trte (Phyllocnistis vitegenella Beiger M (1979). Materials to the knowledge of mining insects of Bulgaria. Clemens) že v Sloveniji [Phyllocnistis vitegenella Clemens occurring also Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne. 49: 485-534. in Slovenia], SAD. Revija za Sadjarstvo, Vinogradništvo in Vinarstv. 16: Cara C, Jermini M (2011). La mineuse américaine Phyllocnistis vitegenella 13-14. un nouveau ravageur de la vigne au Tessin. Revue Suisse de Viticulture, Szabóky C, Takács A (2014). The first occurrence of American grape leaf Arboriculture, Horticulture. 43(4): 224-230. miner (Phyllocnistis vitegenella Clemens, 1859 – Gracillariidae) on Cean M (2014). Holocacista rivillei (Stainton, 1855) (Lepidoptera: grapevine (Vitis vinifera) in Hungary): Növényvédelem. 50(10): 467- Heliozidae) – a leafminer species recorded on Vitis vinifera L. from 469. southern Romania. Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy. 57: 385-388. . Davis D, Wagner D (2011). Biology and systematics of the New Ureche C (2016). First record of a new alien invasive species in Romania: World Phyllocnistis Zeller leafminers of the Phyllocnistis vitegenella Clemens (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). Acta genus Persea (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae). Zookeys. (97): 39-73. Oecologica Carpatica. 9: 133-138.