Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA § 301.76–2
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA § 301.76–2 that the Administrator determines is or any State, territory, or possession of likely to persist for the foreseeable fu- the United States. ture. [75 FR 34332, June 17, 2010, as amended at 77 Inspector. An individual authorized FR 59712, Oct. 1, 2012] by the Administrator to perform the duties required under this subpart. § 301.76–2 Regulated articles for Asian Interstate. From any State into or citrus psyllid and citrus greening. through any other State. The following are regulated articles Limited permit. A document issued by for Asian citrus psyllid and citrus an inspector or person operating under greening: a compliance agreement to allow the (a) All plants and plant parts (includ- interstate movement of regulated arti- ing leaves), except fruit, of: Aegle cles to a specified destination, for spec- marmelos, Aeglopsis chevalieri, Afraegle ified handling, processing, or utiliza- gabonensis, A. paniculata, Amyris tion. madrensis, Atalantia spp. (including Moved (move, movement). Shipped, of- Atalantia monophylla), Balsamocitrus fered for shipment, received for trans- dawei, Bergera (=Murraya) koenigii, portation, transported, carried (wheth- Calodendrum capense, Choisya ternate, C. er on one’s person or by any other arizonica, X Citroncirus webberi, Citropsis means of conveyance), or allowed to be articulata, Citropsis gilletiana, Citrus moved, shipped, transported, or car- madurensis (= X Citrofortunella ried. For the purposes of this subpart, microcarpa), Citrus spp., Clausena movements include any type of ship- anisum-olens, C. excavata, C. indica, C. ment, including mail and Internet lansium, Eremocitrus glauca, Eremocitrus commerce. hybrid, Esenbeckia berlandieri, Nursery. Any commercial location Fortunella spp., Limonia acidissima, where nursery stock is grown, propa- Merrillia caloxylon, Microcitrus gated, stored, maintained, or sold, or australasica, M.
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