APPENDIX 6 Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 ATTACHMENT 1 LIST of MUNICIPAL PAYMENTS - Payment Detail for Month of May 2012

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APPENDIX 6 Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 ATTACHMENT 1 LIST of MUNICIPAL PAYMENTS - Payment Detail for Month of May 2012 CEO's Delegated Payments List - Regulation 13(1) APPENDIX 6 Local Government (Financial Management) regulations 1996 ATTACHMENT 1 LIST OF MUNICIPAL PAYMENTS - Payment Detail for Month of May 2012 Payment Payment Payee Invoice Description Contract Invoice Payment No Date Amount Amount Payments 092675 4/05/2012 3 AUSTRALIA 205.00 788421393 - RANGERS MOBILES 205.00 24/03-23/04/12 EF024996 31/05/2012 3M AUSTRALIA 8,624.00 LSQ00004850 - SERVICE MTCE 8,624.00 AGREEMENT FOR 3M LIBRARY EQUIPMENT TO 30/06/12 EF024775 31/05/2012 A & L TOWING SERVICES PTY LTD 500.50 29321 - TOWING SERVICE 10/4/12 198.00 29341 - TOWING SERVICE 18/4 88.00 29300 - TOWING SERVICE 23/3/12 88.00 29302 - TOWING SERVICE 27/3/12 126.50 EF024779 31/05/2012 A & S LAWN SUPPLIES 5,342.20 13381 - NEW TURF AREA - PENNISETUM 037/08 1,402.12 CLANDESTINUM 13380 - SUPPLY, DELIVERY & SPREADING 037/08 3,940.08 OF SAND FOR EF025035 31/05/2012 A & S PUGLIA STONEMASONS 6,097.30 255 - ADD EXTRA CAPPING TO LIME STONE 2,029.50 WALL AT MULLALOO MAAC CLUB 256 - LIMESTONE WALL AT FENTON PARK 1,259.50 TENNIS COURT 254 - REPAIR LIMESTONE WALL & PILLARS 2,808.30 IN ILUKA EF024469 4/05/2012 A BALANCED VIEW LEISURE 7,150.00 119 - CONDUCT OPERATIONAL REVIEW AT 7,150.00 CLC 092848 18/05/2012 AARON FELLOWS 21.00 MAY-12 - REIMBURSEMENT COMMUNITY 21.00 ART EXHIBITION EF024782 31/05/2012 ACADEMIC TASK FORCE 330.00 9198 - VARIOUS LIBRARY MATERIALS AS 330.00 SELECTED EF024609 14/05/2012 ACADEMY SERVICES (WA) PTY LTD 492.80 253448 - CLEANER (SUNDAY) CLC 25/3/12 023/11 492.80 EF024777 31/05/2012 ACADEMY SERVICES (WA) PTY LTD 30,659.56 253508 - CLC CLEANING SERVICE APRIL 023/11 19,845.98 253593 - CLEANER (SUNDAY) CLC 15/4/12 023/11 492.80 253502 - DLC CLEANING SERVICES APRIL 023/11 4,823.06 253503 - HLC CLEANING SERVICES 023/11 5,497.72 EF024467 4/05/2012 ACTION GLASS & ALUMINIUM 1,067.00 B24223 - REFIT WINDOW WARWICK COMM 330.00 CNT B24151 - REPLACE BROPKEN GLASS COJ 737.00 ADMIN EF024766 31/05/2012 ACTION GLASS & ALUMINIUM 2,309.88 B24497 - REGLAZE BEAUMARIS COMM CNT 1,702.02 B24542 - REMOVE SASH FRAME 132.00 HEATHRIDGE LEIS CNT B24400 - REPLACE BROKEN GLASS CLC 229.02 B24522 - REPLACE GLASS BEAUMARIS 246.84 COMM CNT EF024764 31/05/2012 ACTION LOCK SERVICE 954.80 R6035 - DG50 LOCKS 954.80 EF025041 31/05/2012 ACTIVE WINDOW CLEANING PTY LTD 154.00 3365 - EXTERNAL HIGH WINDOWS 154.00 CLEANING Page 1 of 75 CEO's Delegated Payments List - Regulation 13(1) Local Government (Financial Management) regulations 1996 ATTACHMENT 1 LIST OF MUNICIPAL PAYMENTS - Payment Detail for Month of May 2012 Payment Payment Payee Invoice Description Contract Invoice Payment No Date Amount Amount 092757 11/05/2012 ADAM BLACKMORE 10.00 27/4/12 - DOG REGISTRATION REFUND 10.00 EF024763 31/05/2012 ADELPHI TAILORING CO 836.00 19935 - CORPORATE UNIFORM 836.00 092762 11/05/2012 ADRIAN AND SAMANTHA MURPHY 153.35 122658 - RATES REFUND 153.35 092759 11/05/2012 ADRIAN KENNY 20.00 1211835 - DOG REGISTRATION REFUND 20.00 092821 18/05/2012 ADRIAN REYES 150.00 01/05/12 - SPORTING ACHIEVEMENT GRANT 150.00 EF025036 31/05/2012 ADSHEL STREET FURNITURE P/L 4,467.32 40035726 MARCH - 1,992.32 21688 - 2 PANELS THINK GREEN CAMPAIGN 990.00 21695 - HILLARYS SHARED PATHS 495.00 90608 - ORDER 83688 CITY OF JOONDALUP 990.00 EF024645 14/05/2012 ADVAM PTY LTD 220.11 13571 - TRANSACTIONS APR - SUPPORT 220.11 FEE MAY 2012 EF024644 14/05/2012 ADVANCED INSTALLATION SERVICE 125.00 990 - REPAIRS TO HANDSFREE KIT 125.00 EF024545 4/05/2012 ADVENTURE WORLD WA 292.50 8006 - ENTRY FOR UP TO 30 PEOPLE 292.50 092873 22/05/2012 AEC SYSTEMS PTY LTD 1,100.00 SOR004870 - ADVANCED CIVIL 3D 1,100.00 EF024785 31/05/2012 AFM PLUMBING SERVICES 3,822.50 E121 - SUPPLY OF DOUBLE SHOWER 3,822.50 POST/FOOTWASH EF024607 14/05/2012 AGENT SALES & SERVICES PTY LTD 747.45 194506 - ANNUAL SUPPLY MINOR 919.05 CHEMICALS C48265 - RE INV 194506 -171.60 EF024778 31/05/2012 AGRISEARCH ANAYLITCAL PTY LTD 643.50 4974 - MATERIAL TESTING - EXT CONT 643.50 092687 4/05/2012 ALEX MACIVER 122.56 19/04/12 - RE-IMBURSEMENT FOR PRINTER 122.56 PURCHASE AT OFFICE WORKS 092815 18/05/2012 ALICIA FORTE 200.00 08032 1/5/12 - SPORTING ACHIEVEMENT 200.00 GRANT EF024733 31/05/2012 ALICIA WYATT 42.42 15/05/12 - RE-IMBURSEMENT FOR LABELS 42.42 PURCHASED FROM OFFICEWORKS FOR CIVIC FUNCTION INVITES 092699 4/05/2012 ALINTA 596.10 120776540 12/4/12 - BROADBEACH BVD 155.65 7/1-3/4/12 180001311 18/4/12 - FORREST PARK COMM 36.15 SPORTING FACILTY 12/1-11/4/12 280000222 19/4/12 - PADBURY COMM HALL 19.80 13/1-14/4/12 806461650 27/3/12 - PAYMENT OF ACCOUNT 309.00 FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOP 862001320 16/4/12 - PERCY DOYLE 14.05 CLUBROOMS 4/10/11-4/4/12 249999240 11/4/12 - SEACREST PARK 24.10 6/1-4/4/12 212999739 20/1/12 - WHITFORD SENIOR 19.80 CITIZENS CNT 12/10-18/11 Page 2 of 75 CEO's Delegated Payments List - Regulation 13(1) Local Government (Financial Management) regulations 1996 ATTACHMENT 1 LIST OF MUNICIPAL PAYMENTS - Payment Detail for Month of May 2012 Payment Payment Payee Invoice Description Contract Invoice Payment No Date Amount Amount 212999739 23/4/12 - WHITFORDS SENIOR 17.55 CITIZENS CNT 18/1-18/4 092771 11/05/2012 ALINTA 457.85 436998530 30/4/12 - BEAUMARIS COMM 19.60 23/1-23/4/12 618099630 2/5/12 - FLEUR FREAME 28/3-28/4 85.85 513001324 30/4/12 - GIBSON PK COMM CNT 24.30 20/1-19/4/12 642498400 2/5/12 - JOON ADMIN 28/3-27/4 5.80 646675300 2/5/12 - LIBRARY/CIVIC 5.80 28/3-27/4/12 155999950 - PAYMENT OF ACCOUNT FOR 316.50 COMMUNITY DEVELOP 092851 18/05/2012 ALINTA 2,026.95 834136000 2/5/12 - CLC 28/3-28/4/12 1,573.60 201998987 - PAYMENT OF ACCOUNT FOR 339.90 COMMUNITY DEVELOP 543672740 - RECEP/CIVIC 28/3-27/4/12 113.45 092904 25/05/2012 ALINTA 626.65 405185710 2/4/12 - PAYMENT OF ACCOUNT 626.65 FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOP 092660 4/05/2012 ALISE SELSMARK 60.00 MAY-12 - WINNER - EMPLOYEE 60.00 EXCELLENCE AWARDS JAN/FEB 2012 EF024784 31/05/2012 ALL EARTH GROUP PTY LTD 3,325.58 34067 - LANDSCAPE - PLANTING - EXT MAT 3,325.58 EF024780 31/05/2012 ALL FENCE U RENT PTY LTD 5,225.00 2769 - FENCING HIRE - JOONDALUP 5,225.00 FESTIVAL EF024773 31/05/2012 ALL PARK PRODUCTS 7,629.60 41300 - FURNITURE - EXT CON 7,629.60 092894 25/05/2012 ALLAN CINCO GERMONES 73.50 P183195 - INFRINGEMENT REFUND 73.50 EF024768 31/05/2012 ALLERDING & ASSOCIATES 8,578.04 JOO WIN AP-2012-108 - CONSULTANCY 024/09 8,578.04 SERVICES EF024759 31/05/2012 ALLMARK & ASSOCIATES 191.95 100439 - PROVISION OF P 50 STAMP RED 191.95 INK EF024769 31/05/2012 ALLSTAMPS 296.50 88833 - CUSTOMER SERVICE DATE SELF 101.65 INKING STAMPS 88647 - TRIM RECORDS SELF INK RED 194.85 STAMP EF024781 31/05/2012 ALS LIBRARY SERVICES PTY LTD 2,902.98 6312 - LIBRARY BOOKS 2,902.98 092902 25/05/2012 ALYSHA WILSON 100.00 22/05/12 - THIRD PRIZE FROM BUSH TO 100.00 BEACH PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION EF024546 4/05/2012 AMCOM PTY LTD 792.00 47871-080412 - ADSL LIBRARIES MAY 2012 792.00 EF025037 31/05/2012 AMCOM PTY LTD 22,271.75 47871 9/5/12 - ETHERNET JUNE 2012 792.00 3788 9/5/12 - INTERNET SERVICES JUNE 21,479.75 2012 092769 11/05/2012 AMP LIFE LTD 742.88 F/E 27/4/12 - SUPERANNUATION PAYMENT 742.88 092850 18/05/2012 AMP LIFE LTD 309.72 Page 3 of 75 CEO's Delegated Payments List - Regulation 13(1) Local Government (Financial Management) regulations 1996 ATTACHMENT 1 LIST OF MUNICIPAL PAYMENTS - Payment Detail for Month of May 2012 Payment Payment Payee Invoice Description Contract Invoice Payment No Date Amount Amount F/E 11/5/2012 - SUPERANNUATION 309.72 PAYMENT EF024743 31/05/2012 ANDREW GASIOROWSKI 131.05 4720038 - MOTOR VEHICLE LICENCE 131.05 TC6945 092886 25/05/2012 ANGELA CHALLIS 500.00 MAY-12 - PAYMENT OF ACCOUNT FOR 500.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOP 092884 25/05/2012 ANGELICARE PTY LTD 1,110.11 BID8892/8890/8894 - REFUND OF HIRE FEES 1,110.11 092657 4/05/2012 ANITA MCINTYRE 60.00 MAY-12 - WINNER - EMPLOYEE 60.00 EXCELLENCE AWARDS JAN/FEB 2012 EF024524 4/05/2012 ANITA STILIAN 50.00 MARCH 12 - TENNIS BOOKING PAYMENT 50.00 MARCH 12 092682 4/05/2012 ANKICA KONCAREVIC 50.00 MAR-12 - TENNIS COURT BOOKINGS 50.00 092669 4/05/2012 ANNETTE HIBBERT 100.00 02/05/12 - WINNER OF EMPLOYEE 100.00 EXCELLENCE AWARD JAN/FEB 2012 EF024786 31/05/2012 ANTI WAVE AUSTRALIA 1,650.00 10742 - 8 DIVE BLOCK COVERS 1,650.00 EF025048 31/05/2012 ANTONINA BIVONA 250.00 100 - FACILITATION OF A DISCOVERY 250.00 SESSION EF025042 31/05/2012 APRICOT ACRES FARM 178.20 258 - PLATINUM ADVENTURE VISIT 178.20 EF024787 31/05/2012 AQUASOL 31,680.00 1000413 - 50% DEPOSIT IRON REMOVAL 31,680.00 SYSTEM 092891 25/05/2012 AQUILA REALTY 380.00 MAY-12 - PAYMENT OF ACCOUNT FOR 380.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOP EF025040 31/05/2012 ART SHED FACTORY OUTLET PTY LTD 179.88 7002 - SCHOOL A-FRAME EASELS 179.88 EF024606 14/05/2012 ARTEIL WA PTY LTD 1,181.40 52295 - CAMBRIDGE VISITOR CHAIR 1,181.40 EF024761 31/05/2012 ARTEIL WA PTY LTD 396.00 52478 - SAPPHIRE MK1 PB (NO ARMS) 396.00 CORNALL DUOMAT 092772 11/05/2012 ASGARD SUPERANNUATION 232.35 F/E 27/4/12 - SUPERANNUATION PAYMENT 232.35 092852 18/05/2012 ASGARD SUPERANNUATION 232.35 F/E 11/5/2012 - SUPERANNUATION 232.35 PAYMENT 092843 18/05/2012 ASHLEE ADAMS 150.00 08032 - SPORTING ACHIEVEMENT GRANT 150.00 EF024762 31/05/2012 ASLAB PTY LTD 5,004.07 15578 - ANALYSIS & TECHNICAL REPORTS 362.30 15577 - ASPHALT TESTING 4,641.77 EF024466 4/05/2012 ASPHALTECH PTY LTD 15,304.40 8437A - PAYMENT OF VARIOUS DOCKETS 902.99 8437A - PAYMENT OF VARIOUS DOCKETS 024/11 14,401.41 EF024760 31/05/2012 ASPHALTECH PTY LTD 223,004.68 8487 - AC10 MARSHALL BLOW 50 - SUPPLY, 024/11 68,948.46 LAY & IN Page 4 of 75 CEO's Delegated Payments List - Regulation 13(1) Local Government (Financial Management) regulations 1996 ATTACHMENT 1 LIST
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