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How Dangerous Is ?

† ‡ John R. Montford* and Stuart Linas*

*Division of Renal Disease and Hypertension, Department of Medicine, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado; †Renal Section, Medicine Service, Veterans Affairs Eastern Colorado Health System, Denver, Colorado; and ‡Division of , Department of Medicine, Denver Health and Hospitals, Denver, Colorado

ABSTRACT Hyperkalemia is a potentially life-threatening disorder appreciated with lower the resting cardiac membrane po- greater frequency in patients with renal disease, failure, and with use of certain tential. This decreases the threshold for such as renin angiotensin inhibitors. The traditional views rapid phase-0 Na+-dependent depolar- that hyperkalemia can be reliably diagnosed by electrocardiogram and that partic- ization resulting in an increase in cardiac ular levels of hyperkalemia confer cardiotoxic risk have been challenged by several conduction velocity.7 By electrocardio- reports of patients with atypic presentations. Epidemiologic data demonstrate gram (ECG), these changes are manifes- strong associations of morbidity and mortality in patients with hyperkalemia but ted by “peaked” or “tented” Twaves these associations appear disconnected in certain patient populations and in differ- most prominent in the precordial (V2– ing clinical presentations. Physiologic adaptation, structural cardiac disease, medi- V4) leads. With larger acute rises in ex- cation use, and degree of concurrent illness might predispose certain patients tracellular concentration, presenting with hyperkalemia to a lower or higher threshold for toxicity. These conduction delay becomes prominent factors are often overlooked; yet data suggest that the clinical context in which in the atrioventricular node and His– hyperkalemia develops is at least as important as the degree of hyperkalemia is in Purkinje system due to determining patient outcome. This review summarizes the clinical data linking shortening and prolongation of phase-4 hyperkalemia with poor outcomes and discusses how the efficacy of certain treat- diastolic .7,8 Indeed, pro- ments might depend on the clinical presentation. longation of the PR interval, P-wave am- plitude, and increased QRS complex J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 3155–3165, 2017. doi: https://doi.org/10.1681/ASN.2016121344 width are ominous findings in patients with advanced hyperkalemia that can precede a classically described “sine-wave” INTEGRATED DISCUSSION processes. Blunted potassium redistribu- pattern on ECG.9 Thus, hyperkalemia tion typically occurs through predisposes to both cardiac hyperexcit- Introduction deficiency, decreases in aldosterone bio- ability (ventricular tachycardia, ventricular Hyperkalemia is an electrolyte distur- synthesis or action, diminished adrener- fibrillation) and depression (, bance occurring with increased fre- gic signaling, and osmolar disturbances , interventricular quency among patients with CKD, including hyperglycemia. Renal failure, conduction delay, and ), both of diabetes, heart failure, and use of certain and/or failure to augment distal tubular which can be fatal. medicationssuchasreninangiotensin potassium secretion, is largely respon- Despite a wealth of animal data dem- aldosterone system (RAAS) inhibitors sible for the maintenance of hyperkale- onstrating cardiotoxicity from acute and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory mia. Many studies reproducibly identify hyperkalemia, these presentations are drugs.1–4 Extracellular potassium con- common clinical risk factors that are as- centration is usually kept within a narrow sociated with the development of hyper- physiologic range by redundant and kalemia regardless of the clinical setting Published online ahead of print. Publication date highly efficient homeostatic mechanisms (Table 1). available at www.jasn.org. that simultaneously control internal po- The fatal consequences of rapid in- Correspondence: Dr. John R. Montford, Division of tassium redistribution while regulating creases in extracellular potassium con- Renal Disease and Hypertension, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Research 2, net potassium excretion. Hyperkalemia centration have been demonstrated in Box C281, 12700 E. 19th Avenue, Aurora, CO 80045. occurs when rises in extracellular potas- the setting of acute intravenous potas- Email: [email protected] 5,6 sium concentration are accompanied by sium loading in animals. Early rises Copyright © 2017 by the American Society of one, or additive, defects in these two in extracellular potassium concentration Nephrology

J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 3155–3165, 2017 ISSN : 1046-6673/2811-3155 3155 BRIEF REVIEW www.jasn.org

Table 1. Risk factors for the degrees of hyperkalemia and only ap- to 7.32). Furthermore, as compared development of hyperkalemia proached minimal predictive power with survivors with hyperkalemia, Clinical Risk Factor Exposure with potassium levels of 7.2–9.4 meq/ nonsurvivors had higher increases in se- 17 6 Male sex Potassium supplements L. In patients on with hy- rum potassium preceding death (1.1 Non-black Penicillin G perkalemia, ECG-diagnosed 1.3 versus 2.261.5 meq/L change in DM “tenting” did not predict the serum potassium from admission, re- CVD NSAIDs potassium and substantially lost its sen- spectively). Most cases of hyperkalemia CHF ACEi/ARBs sitivity with increasing patient age and developed during hospitalization (in AKI MRAs presence of diabetes.18 Specificity for hy- 60% of the cohort) with a mean admis- CKD b-adrenergic blockers perkalemia and sudden death at follow- sion potassium level of 5.761.5 meq/L Acidosis up was improved with evaluation of the rising to 7.160.7 meq/L after an aver- Urinary obstruction , T:R wave amplitude in these patients, but ageof17daysoffollow-up. , sensitivity was also diminished. In another retrospective review of Hyperkalemia has also been associ- .39,000 patients admitted to the inten- DM, diabetes mellitus; CVD, cardiovascular disease; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory ated with a host of nontraditional ECG sive care unit at two teaching hospitals in drugs; CHF, congestive heart failure; ACEi, changes including T wave inversions19 Boston, Massachusetts between 1997 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, and pseudonormalizations,20 bundle and 2007, incident hyperkalemia inde- angiotensin receptor blockade. branch,21 bifascicular,22 sinoatrial pendently predicted mortality at the exit,20 andatypicbundlebranch time of critical care initiation.32 This as- overall uncommon in humans. Reports blocks,8 and ST depressions and eleva- sociation was graded, with even minor of acute hyperkalemia precipitating car- tions.15,23,24 There are even reports of elevations in serum potassium (to levels diac arrest typically involve intravenous profound hyperkalemia with minimal 4.5–5.0 meq/L) conferring an increased potassium loading, massive turnover, or no discernable ECG changes.21,25,26 risk of death (OR for death within 30 or shift of potassium in the setting of Additionally, ,27 left days, 1.49; 95% CI, 1.38 to 1.59), and 10–14 surgical anesthesia or critical illness. ventricular hypertrophy,28 early benign remained significant after adjusting for In these cases, the measured potas- repolarization,29 and acute coronary is- many potential confounders prevalent sium concentration was usually normal chemia30 are known to induce T wave in the critical care setting (adjusted OR, shortly before cardiopulmonary arrest; “tenting” in patients with normal serum 1.18; 95% CI, 1.09 to 1.27). Further- and only with rapid increases in serum potassium. Because there are currently more, failure of serum potassium to cor- fi potassium did the ndings of tachy- and inconsistent data supporting the utility rect by .1.0 meq/L within 48 hours after bradyarrhythmias associated with hy- of the ECG in predicting the degree of, initial measurement continued to pre- perkalemia become apparent. These and prognosis with, hyperkalemia, we dict death; whereas, this association extreme situations constitute a small must turn to published data that exam- was attenuated among patients achiev- minority of clinical hyperkalemia in ines the relationship between hyperkale- ing this degree of correction. Khanagavi humans which is often incidental, mia and cardiovascular outcomes. et al.33 reported on hospitalized patients asymptomatic, and of unknown duration. with serum potassium .5.1 meq/L, Additionally, there are many published Hyperkalemia in the Setting of finding that duration of hyperkalemia reports demonstrating a large disconnect Critical Illness and mortality increased substantially between degree of hyperkalemia and ex- Compelling data link hyperkalemia with with concomitant tissue necrosis [haz- pected ECG findings in humans. heightened adverse outcomes in the crit- ard ratio (HR) for death, 4.55; 95% CI, The ECG was observed to be some- ically ill population. In a retrospective 1.74 to 11.90], metabolic acidosis (HR, what unreliable in older studies of pa- analysis of 932 hospitalized adults in 4.84; 95% CI, 1.48 to 15.82), and AKI tients with potassium levels ,6.5 meq/ two Korean medical centers, high rates (HR, 3.89; 95% CI, 1.14 to 13.26). Total L.9,15 Modern studies and case reports of (in 35.2%) and cardiac ar- duration of hyperkalemia was also asso- also support that extreme hyperkalemia rest (in 43.3%) occurred in patients with ciated with death, although the associa- is accompanied by inconsistent findings. serum potassium levels .6.5 meq/L.31 tion was less robust (HR, 1.06; 95% CI, For example, a prospective study exam- Nonsurvivors in this cohort had a higher 1.02 to 1.09). ining treatment strategies for acute hy- prevalence of comorbidities which inde- Data from these studies suggest that perkalemiarevealedonly46%ofall pendently predicted death including not only the absolute level, but the veloc- patients with a serum potassium .6.0 multiorgan failure (odds ratio [OR], ity and duration of hyperkalemia are as- meq/L had ascribable ECG changes.16 7.64; 95% confidence interval [95% sociated withpooroutcomes with critical In another study of hospitalized patients CI], 4.00 to 14.57), malignancy (OR, illness. Although compelling, these stud- with serum potassium levels .6.0 meq/L, 2.88; 95% CI, 1.68 to 4.96), AKI (OR, ies are limited by their retrospective de- the ECG was noted to be completely insen- 2.17; 95% CI, 1.27 to 3.71), and need for sign and weighed down by the severity of sitive at diagnosing mild-to-moderate intensive care (OR, 3.62; 95% CI, 1.79 illness in the subjects. Mortality was high

3156 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 3155–3165, 2017 www.jasn.org BRIEF REVIEW

(30.7%) in the cohort by An et al.31 and failure post-AMI also supports that a se- risk of death.43 Potassium increases dur- many patients needed cardiopulmonary rum potassium .5.1 meq/L is associated ing longer intradialytic intervals, and (32%), the majority for with higher risk of death (HR, 2.3; 95% many have attempted to link these fluc- reasons unrelated to hyperkalemia. Al- CI, 1.4 to 3.6).39 tuations to the higher incidence of sud- though initial and sustained hyperkale- The studies by Goyal et al.37 and den cardiac death in patients with ESRD. mia predicted mortality in the study by Grodzinsky et al.38 are strengthened by In a 3-year study of community dwelling McMahon et al.,32 there are no data re- use of robust adjustment models that patients on hemodialysis, the presence of garding the disease-specificclinicalim- control for baseline risk, medications, hyperkalemia (defined as three or more provement or lack of improvement in PCI use, and other pertinent factors. averaged serum potassium levels .6.0 the patients who suffered in-hospital Nevertheless, residual confounding in meq/L over a 6-month period) was one mortality. Furthermore, these studies very ill patients is common in retrospec- of the strongest single predictors of sud- were unable to adequately control for tive analyses, and outcomes in patients den death (HR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.3 to the severity of patient illness due to a with serum potassium .4.5 meq/L in 5.9).44 lack of physiologic data. the study by Goyal et al.37 were ultimately A recently published retrospective driven by a small number of individuals observational trial of 52,734 patients Hyperkalemia during Acute (11%, 2%, and 0.6% of the entire cohort on a Monday/Wednesday/Friday hemo- had potassium levels 4.5–5.0, 5.1–5.5, schedule revealed that serum Hyperkalemia was not originally identi- and .5.5 meq/L, respectively). These potassium levels 5.5–6.0 meq/L were as- fied as a potential risk factor for poor patients also had substantially higher co- sociated with higher risk for subsequent outcomes during evolution of acute morbidities, and lower rates of PCI, as- hospitalization, emergency department myocardial infarction (AMI),34 despite pirin, RAAS inhibitor, b-blocker, and visits, and mortality within 4 days of the existence of strong biologic plausi- statin usage. The analysis by Krogager measurement.45 Of note, the association bility in animal models.35,36 However, et al.39 suffers a similar limitation, in- between hyperkalemia and hospitaliza- modern approaches, including percuta- cluding very few patients with serum po- tion was magnified among patients neous coronary intervention (PCI) and tassium levels .5.1 meq/L. In the study entering a longer intradialytic interval more widespread adoption of RAAS in- by Goyal et al.37 there was also a para- (adjusted OR for hospitalization, 1.12; hibitors, b-adrenergic blockers, and doxic dissociation between rates of ma- 95% CI, 1.0 to 1.24; OR, 1.04; 95% CI, receptor antagonists lignant and rates of overall 0.94 to 1.16; and OR, 1.68; 95% CI, 1.22 (MRAs), have drastically improved pa- mortality in higher versus lower ranges to 2.30 for patients with potassium mea- tient survival while also predisposing of hyperkalemia and normokalaemia, in surements performed on Monday, the post-AMI population to more fre- which both associations were more con- Wednesday, and Friday, respectively). quent hyperkalemia. One widely cited gruent. The authors hypothesized that The association of mortality with hy- retrospective trial of 38,689 hospitalized poor coding of arrhythmias associated perkalemia also appears to extend to pa- patients with AMI treated in the modern with extremes of hyperkalemia, such as tients with earlier stage CKD. Einhorn era demonstrated an independent in- sinus arrest and asystole, led to this et al.2 conducted a retrospective analysis crease in mortality among patients with discrepancy. of 245,808 United States adult veterans potassium levels .5.1 meq/L (OR, 3.27; with and without CKD, showing potas- 95% CI, 2.52 to 4.24) which persisted in Hyperkalemia with CKD sium levels of .5.5 meq/L predicted patients with serum potassium levels of One of the first studies to demonstrate an death just 1 day after measurement. 4.5–5.0 meq/L (OR, 1.99; 95% CI, 1.68 independent association of hyperkale- In another study of 36,000 patients in to 2.36).37 A subsequent analysis of this mia and risk of subsequent death the Cleveland Clinic system with same cohort showed elevated in-hospital involved a large retrospective study of an eGFR,60 ml/min per 1.73 m2,sus- mortality with exposure to a higher Japanese patients with advanced CKD tained hyperkalemia (defined as an aver- number of hyperkalemic episodes presenting for dialysis initiation.40 An age serum potassium level .5.5 meq/L (13.4%, 16.2%, and 19.8% increase in initial serum potassium level .5.5 over 2.3 years) was also associated with mortality with one, two, and three or meq/L at dialysis vintage was the stron- increased all-cause mortality.46 more potassium measurements .5.0 gest single independent predictor of However, an interesting paradox is meq/L, respectively) and maximum mortality after an average of 15 years of documented in these later studies regard- achieved serum potassium level (4.2%, follow-up. In patients on hemodialysis, ing the relationship between CKD stage, 11.1%, 16.6%, 26.6%, and 31.7% in- potassium levels .5.641 and .5.742 hyperkalemia, and mortality. In the study crease in mortality with potassium levels meq/L have been associated with higher by Einhorn et al.2 the strongest associa- ,5.0, 5.0–5.5, 5.5–6.0, 6.0–6.5, and mortality. This is also reflected in pa- tion between hyperkalemia and 1-day .6.5 meq/L, respectively).38 Another tients on peritoneal dialysis, with one mortality involved patients with normal retrospective trial analyzing 90-day mor- study suggesting hyperkalemia .5.5 renal function (OR, 10.32 and 31.64 for tality in 2596 Danish patients with heart meq/L is associated with a heightened serum potassium ranges $5.5 and ,6.0

J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 3155–3165, 2017 How Dangerous Is Hyperkalemia? 3157 BRIEF REVIEW www.jasn.org and $6.0 meq/L, respectively), and de- CKD population and could lower ar- generalizations that can be made from clined as CKD stage progressed; with rhythmogenic potential with concurrent this study. stage 5 CKD associated with a much hyperkalemia. All of these factors could There is conflicting data regarding the lower relative risk (OR, 2.31 and 8.02 be further compounded by changes in outcome of patients with hyperkalemia for serum potassium $5.5 and ,6.0 individual solutes, rapid osmolar shifts, exposed to MRAs. Post hoc data68 from and $6.0 meq/L, respectively). Patients high ultrafiltration rates, and myocardial the Post–Acute Myocardial with ESRD in the study by Nakhoul stunning during dialysis treatments. Infarction Heart Failure Efficacy and et al.46 also seemed to be protected Thus, persons with CKD might be Survival Study (EPHESUS) trial indi- with hyperkalemia relative to the entire uniquely predisposed or uniquely pro- cates that eplerenone maintains a mor- cohort (adjusted HR for death, 1.20; tected from cardiotoxicity with hyperka- tality benefit in patients with CKD and 95% CI, 0.91 to 1.58 versus 1.65; 95% lemia relative to other populations, and eGFR,60 ml/min per 1.73 m2 while si- CI, 1.48 to 1.84, respectively). Further- further studies should be performed multaneously predisposing these pa- more, An et al.31 showed a graded de- with these apparent inconsistencies in tients to higher rates of hyperkalemia. crease in risk of death among patients mind. Unfortunately, patients with more ad- with extreme levels of hyperkalemia vanced CKD (serum .2.5 (.6.5 meq/L) as CKD stage increased Hyperkalemia with Selected mg/dl) were excluded from both the (OR for death with stage 2, 3, 4, and 5 Medication Exposure original EPHESUS trial69 and the earlier CKD, 0.52; 95% CI, 0.35 to 0.78, 0.31; Hyperkalemia that develops while ex- Randomized Aldactone Evaluation 95% CI, 0.21 to 0.46, 0.13; 95% CI, posed to certain medications could alter Study.70 It is important to note that no 0.06 to 0.26, and 0.17; 95% CI, 0.11 to the threshold of cardiac toxicity. Cases of hyperkalemia-associated deaths were re- 0.27). Similar results were observed digoxin poisoning have illustrated quite ported in either of these trials. However, among dialysis versus non-CKD patients dramatic rises in serum potassium with in an analysis of the Eplerenone in Mild with hyperkalemia and AMI in the studies associated arrhythmias.64 In the studies Patients Hospitalization and Survival performed by Goyal et al.37 and Grodzinsky performed by Khanagavi et al.33 and Study in Heart Failure, patients with se- et al.38 One prospective observational McMahon et al.32,butnotAnet al.,31 rum potassium levels .5.5 meq/L had a analysis of sustained hyperkalemia and potassium supplementation with hyper- higher risk of all-cause mortality.71 MRA outcomes in patients with creatinine kalemia was linked to heightened exposure was also associated with more clearance ,50 ml/min demonstrated mortality. With regard to the risks of hyperkalemia (.5.0 meq/L) and higher that hyperkalemia in the ranges of 5.0– hyperkalemia while exposed to RAAS in- mortality in a study of 15,803 United 6.0 meq/L (using an average of six mea- hibitors and b-adrenergic blockers, pa- States veterans with established cardio- surements per patient) appeared to be tients in the study by An et al.31 had vascular disease (OR for death, 1.50; well tolerated.47 lower observed mortality. Conversely, 95% CI, 0.40 to 5.64).72 Patients with Adaptive increases in circulating cat- critically ill patients in the study by eGFR,60 ml/min per 1.73 m2 in this echolamines, aldosterone, and augmen- McMahon et al.32 were not afforded study had even worse outcomes while tation of renal and gastrointestinal (GI) similar protection with either agent. Un- on MRAs (OR for death, 1.74; 95% CI, potassium elimination are thought to fortunately, there is no data on patient 1.11 to 2.71). Another recent study ex- blunt hyperkalemia development in mortality stratified by exposure versus amining use in 27,213 CKD and could partially explain this ap- nonexposure to RAAS inhibitors and b predialysis patients in Taiwan demon- parent disconnect in mortality relative to blockers in the studies performed by strated that exposure was independently non-CKD patients.48–53 However, phys- Goyal et al.,37 Grodzinsky et al.,38 and associated with increases in hospitaliza- iologic adaptation incompletely explains Krogager et al.39 Patients with higher tions for heart failure (adjusted HR, why mortality risk could be diminished mortality in these studies were less likely 1.35; 95% CI, 1.08 to 1.67), infection- once hyperkalemia has already been es- to be exposed to either agent. Other data related deaths (adjusted HR, 1.42; 95% tablished. Furthermore, patients with indicate that RAAS inhibitor use is CI, 1.16 to 1.73), and all-cause mortality CKD might be uniquely predisposed to linked with more profound hyperkale- (adjusted HR, 1.35; 95% CI, 1.24 to more not less toxicity with hyperkalemia mia and death in the elderly65 and in 1.46).73 due to a higher prevalence of metabolic patients with diabetic versus nondiabetic derangements (e.g., , aci- CKD.66 In the randomized controlled Implications of Data Supporting an dosis, and elevated uremic solutes) and Hypertension in Hemodialysis Patients Association between Hyperkalemia structural heart disease. Left ventricular Treated with Atenolol or tri- and Mortality hypertrophy,54,55 atrial fibrillation,56,57 al,67 lisinopril predisposed patients To date, the published studies demon- variability,58 heart failure,59 on dialysis to more hyperkalemia strating an association of mortality silent myocardial infarction,60 QT ab- and higher cardiovascular morbidity with hyperkalemia are largely limited normalities,61 and pulmonary hyperten- than atenolol; although, the lack of a to retrospective analyses that do not pro- sion62,63 are all highly prevalent in the control group is a limitation to further vide evidence of causation. Much of the

3158 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 3155–3165, 2017 www.jasn.org BRIEF REVIEW published data are also cross-sectional in although clinician adherence was low. efficacy of these drugs in patients with nature, potentially raising more ques- We conclude that prospectively designed lower renal function. Indeed, absence tions than answers. Furthermore, there randomized trials of treatment for hy- of usage is associated with the are sparse data to suggest that treatment perkalemia should be performed with development of hyperkalemia in at-risk of hyperkalemia modifies risk. In valid endpoints (e.g., target potassium patients.47 Patients with CKD and pa- the study of critically ill patients by levels) and outcome measures (e.g., tients who experience diuretic braking, McMahon et al.,32 theriskofmortality mortality, arrhythmia, and health care in which response to a diuretic becomes with hyperkalemia was attenuated in pa- utilization) in mind. Awell designed trial blunted over time, are known to need tients achieving a .1.0 meq/L decrease using accepted therapies to lower serum higher diuretic doses, diuretic rotation, in serum potassium within 48 hours; al- potassium in noncritically ill monitored or combination to maintain a though, it is unclear if this represented hospitalized patients with hyperkalemia therapeutic effect.75 Therapies directed an actual treatment effect. Other studies would be the safest initial study to per- at augmenting GI potassium excretion suggesting that longer durations and form. Presently, we will review the com- have been in use for many years, princi- failure to reverse hyperkalemia are asso- mon treatments for hyperkalemia and the pally with polystyrene sulfate ciated with mortality suffer from similar potential pitfalls in using these agents. (SPS). Generally, SPS has been shown limitations. Of note, An et al.31 attemp- to be unreliable in the acute setting al- ted to control for the effect of treatment Treatment of Hyperkalemia though data on chronic management by giving individual therapies a weighted Many reviews have been published on might support its use.76 Newer agents, score which was plotted against patient this topic and we will only brieflyhigh- such as sodium cyclosilicate survival. Although increasing number of light these strategies. Acute treatment of (ZS-9; AstraZeneca) and the recently targeted interventions for hyperkalemia life-threatening hyperkalemia necessi- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)– was associated with improved patient tates infusion of intravenous to approved (Veltassa; Relypsa), survival, there was no control for other protect against malignant cardiac hyper- have been demonstrated to effectively treatments that were directed at revers- excitability followed by agents which lower serum potassium when administered ing the underlying illness. It is interest- have been proven in humans to rapidly in patients with chronic hyperkalemia at ing to note that when hemodialysis or and effectively shift potassium into levels ,6.5 meq/L.77–80 Furthermore, se- continuous renal replacement therapy the intracellular space. Insulin appears rum potassium may be rapidly lowered were included as treatments for hyper- the most well studied treatment in this within hours by both ZS-979 and pa- kalemia in this study, the improvement regard and its rapid action to shift potas- tiromer,81 suggesting a previously unrecog- in patient mortality was eliminated. Ex- sium is not dependent on receptor- nized role of the upper GI tract in potassium tracorporeal elimination of potassium is ligand signaling and downstream protein regulation. the most efficient and definitive therapy synthesis. Unlike b-adrenergic agonist Correction of by for life-threatening hyperkalemia. and bicarbonate therapy, insulin does mineralocorticoid administration may Therefore, it is surprising that these thera- not lose its efficacy, and might be en- be an effective therapy to reverse hyper- pies were not associated with improvement hanced, in the presence of renal fail- kalemia. Data indicate that urinary losses in mortality whereas others (withdraw of ure.49 Intravenous dextrose is usually of potassium only partially explain the offending medicines, intravenous cal- given to prevent and fur- treatment effect, suggesting a role for en- cium, insulin/dextrose, etc.) were, espe- ther stimulates endogenous insulin hanced intracellular redistribution or cially if hyperkalemia is presumed to be production. Studies suggest that oral augmented GI excretion.82,83 This ther- the proximate cause of mortality. loading may also be an effective apy has enjoyed some recent resurgence, Abrupt incidence and more rapid ve- strategy to increase insulin and reduce with several reports demonstrating suc- locity of hyperkalemia are salient features serum potassium in patients on hemo- cessful treatment of hyperkalemia due in studies such as those performed by An dialysis.74 There is conflicting data re- to a range of causes.84–86 However, small et al.,31 Goyal et al.,37 and Grodzinsky garding the efficacy of b-adrenergic randomized placebo-controlled trials et al.38 More rapid development of hy- agonists and to re- using oral fludrocortisone in patients perkalemia is potentially more cardio- liably shift potassium; however, we ob- on hemodialysis with hyperkalemia toxic, and directed treatment might serve that these agents are often used in have demonstrated poor efficacy87 or have more protective effects in this pop- the acute management of hyperkalemia. modest efficacy88 at lowering serum po- ulation compared with others. Never- Ultimately, acute hemodialysis may be tassium. It is important to note that the theless, we can find only one published necessary for the extracorporeal elimi- doses used in these trials were relatively attempt at protocolizing treatment of nation of potassium in life-threatening low (0.1 mg fludrocortisone daily), and patients who develop hyperkalemia situations. older data indicate that patients with re- while hospitalized.16 This study demon- Diuretics are often underappreciated nal disease require much higher doses strated no significant changes in patient as an effective treatment of hyperkalemia (up to 1.0 mg daily) to effectively reverse outcome with prescribed protocols, owing to misconceptions regarding the hyperkalemia.82

J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 3155–3165, 2017 How Dangerous Is Hyperkalemia? 3159 BRIEF REVIEW www.jasn.org

Perhaps the most underused of all nephrolithiasis, and gout flares. SPS has Global Outcomes nor the Disease therapies to combat hyperkalemia in- been linked with numerous cases of in- Outcomes Quality Initiative have pub- volves reduction of dietary potassium testinal necrosis,97–99 which has given lished guidelines in the treatment of hy- intake. Careful screening of the diet for this drug a warning label by the FDA perkalemia. The Investigator Network potassium-rich foods is not often per- and limited its modern appeal. Newer Initiative Cardiovascular and Renal Clin- formed due to time-crunched clinician potassium exchange resins are not with- ical Trialists recently published guide- visits and poor dietary education given to out potential side effects and have been lines104 on workup of hyperkalemia health care providers. A careful review of shown to induce hypomagnesemia,78 and treatment strategies in patients potassium intake and directed counsel- hypercalciuria,100 and even edema80 at with serum potassium .5.1 meq/L, but ing might prevent incident hyperkalemia high doses. Long-term effects from these doesn’t stipulate exactly who should be and serve as an important adjunct with drugs are unknown and neither of these treated. other therapies in the treatment of hyper- newer agents have been shown to be Onthebasisofthepublisheddata kalemia. However, we can find no human efficacious in patients on dialysis. Exog- demonstrating disparate risks of hyper- data that dietarycounseling is an effective enous are not com- kalemia in different patient populations, strategy in the prevention or treatment of monly used for hyperkalemia given the safety profile and reliability of agents hyperkalemia. Data on the effectiveness concerns for precipitating volume over- to reduce serum potassium, and our own of dietary potassium reduction in hyper- load and significant cardiopulmonary experience, we propose a step-wise strat- kalemic individuals with advanced CKD complications.82 egy for the prevention and treatment of (who often have relatively fixed levels of Central line insertion for acute dialy- hyperkalemia in the following sections urinary and GI potassium excretion) is sis access can predispose to a host of per- which is applicable in a range of clinical particularly needed. iprocedural complications and trauma to settings. We propose treatment on the the central veins that vitally feed future basis of clinical presentation of the pa- Adverse Events Linked to dialysis access creation. Very low potas- tient rather than degree of hyperkalemia, Potassium-Lowering Therapies sium–containing dialysate solutions which poorly predicts cardiotoxicity in Clinicians employ these therapies to pa- (,2.0 meq/L) are sometimes employed humans. Although we support a thresh- tients with hyperkalemia, but to what for severe cases of hyperkalemia but the old for initiating therapy in certain pa- target level? And at what cost to the pa- consequences of achieving a rapid tients, we do not support that any upper tient and the health care system? It is (within minutes) reduction in extracellu- limit of hyperkalemia constitutes an important to highlight that many of the lar potassium concentration are unknown. “emergency” on the basis of the serum treatments used in management of hy- Data suggest that lower potassium–con- potassium concentration alone. Further- perkalemia may have untoward or even taining dialysates are associated with sig- more, we do not recommend guiding unrecognized side effects. Acute infu- nificant morbidity and mortality101–103; therapies on the basis of ECG findings sions of elemental calcium can induce which has largely led to abandoning this given their inherent variability. We heart block in patients with digoxin- practice. Finally, unnecessary hospitali- have found that relying on the ECG with- induced hyperkalemia89 and precipitate zations and clinician hypervigilance out extensive knowledge of the patient’s acute dermal calcifications.90,91 Given may predispose an already frail patient prior cardiac history, velocity of hyper- the higher prevalence of hyperphospha- population to a cascade of unpredictable kalemia development, and baseline temia in patients with CKD, intravenous iatrogenic effects. ECG (all are almost never present) can calcium infusion carries the theoretic distract from addressing the underlying risk of creating or worsening existing cause and interfere with appropriate tar- metastatic vascular calcifications. WHO IS MOST LIKELY TO BENEFIT geted therapy. Hypoglycemia and tachycardia can FROM THE CORRECTION OF accompany insulin and albuterol admin- HYPERKALEMIA AND HOW TO Prevention and Supportive istration, respectively. Large intravenous ACHIEVE IT? AN OPINION-BASED Treatment of Hyperkalemia infusions of sodium bicarbonate may SET OF RECOMMENDATIONS Toreduce the incidence of hyperkalemia, precipitate acute hyperosmolarity,92 in- at risk patients, as defined in Table 1, cluding case reports of central pontine Despite decades of knowledge regarding should be identified and managed in an myelinolysis.93 Sodium bicarbonate in- the potential risks of hyperkalemia, the anticipatory fashion, with dietary mod- fusions also risk development of acute high incidence and prevalence of hyper- ifications, avoidance of medications pulmonary edema,94 ionized hypocalce- kalemia in patients with certain comor- which might worsen risk for hyperkale- mia,94,95 and worsening of AKI and mor- bidities and medication exposures, and mia, and surveillance for common clin- tality in patients undergoing cardiac the availability of effective potassium- ical scenarios that create additive risk. surgery.96 lowering therapies, there are no guide- We advise all patients with existing hy- Diuretics can induce volume contrac- lines to advise who should be treated. perkalemia (.5.0 meq/L) to reduce po- tion, dysnatremias, hypomagnesemia, Neither the Kidney Disease: Improving tassium intake to ,40 meq/d. 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Table 2. Strategies to urgently treat hyperkalemia Steps Clinical Question Strategy 1. Increase urinary Is the patient volume contracted or euvolemic? Yes, administer trial of volume expansion with or without potassium losses Is the patient volume overloaded or hypertensive? Yes, stratify and treat: a. eGFR.60 ml/min per 1.73 m2 and diuretic-naïve Start low dose loop or -like diuretic b. eGFR,60 ml/min per 1.73 m2 and diuretic-naïve Start moderate dose loop diuretic c. currently taking diuretics Double existing diuretic dose and/or add loop diuretic, thiazide-like diuretic, or carbonic anhydrase inhibitor 2. Increase Does the patient have a contraindication (recent abdominal No, consider a limited trial of patiromer, ZS-9, or SPS gastrointestinal surgery, ileus, obstipation, history of ischemic bowel) to potassium cathartics? elimination 3. Mineralocorticoid Does the patient have a contraindication (greater than stage 1 No, consider a trial of fludrocortisone 0.1 mg daily 3 3–5d replacement HTN, volume overload, history of heart failure) to (In patients with moderately advanced CKD consider mineralocorticoid administration? maintaining or increasing diuretics in tandem) 4. Dialysis Is the patient currently on maintenance dialysis? Yes, optimize dialysis delivery: optimization or Assess delivered dialysis dose, duration, and frequency initiation Screen for patient noncompliance with dialysis and patient/caregiver burnout Address any access dysfunction including poor blood flows, recirculation 2 Assess dialysate K+ and HCO3 concentrations No, revisit steps 1–3 and consider hospitalization and urgent dialysis initiation if hyperkalemia persists SPS, sodium polystyrene sulfate; HTN, hypertension. dietary reductions are advised in patients clinical presentation, is to maintain these incident hyperkalemia with blood prod- with eGFR,30 ml/min per 1.73 m2 and drugs unless other supportive measures uct administration, sepsis, multiorgan in patients with eGFR.30 ml/min per fail to correct the hyperkalemia. failure, myonecrosis, and rewarming 1.73 m2 but prone to hyperkalemia. In We advise cautious administration of of a cooled patient. Patients on dialysis at-risk patients with high-to-normal lev- higher RAAS inhibitor doses and MRAs should have access interventions and els of serum potassium (4.5–5.0 meq/L), in patients with diabetic CKD, advanced other operations scheduled away from proactive dietary screening is advised to CKD, and those with a prior history of long dialytic intervals to minimize the identify and mitigate large potassium hyperkalemia. Combination RAAS in- periprocedural risk of hyperkalemia. Fur- loads. We readily admit these dietary hibitor regimens should be avoided be- thermore, monitoring postprocedural se- recommendations are not based on ev- cause these therapies place patients at rum potassium in patients on dialysis idence supporting efficacy, and they special risk for hyperkalemia without with higher prevalent hyperkalemia is could have the adverse effect of steering proven benefit. Hyperkalemia which de- advised. patients with CKD away from more velops on a diuretic should prompt an nutrient-rich foods. investigation for factors which might Emergency Treatment of Providers should seek to limit or ab- causediureticbrakingandlimitdistal Hyperkalemia stain from exposing higher-risk patients nephron sodium delivery, and thus po- A “Hyperkalemia Emergency,” which we to medications listed in Table 1. In cases tassium secretion. define as a serum potassium .6.0 meq/L where avoidance of these agents is not Hyperkalemia out of proportion to or a sudden increase in serum potassium possible, close monitoring and frequent changes in eGFR should prompt a rigorous 1.0 meq/L above 4.5 meq/L within 24 laboratory checks are advised. The data investigation for urinary obstruction, insu- hours associated with cardiopulmonary on avoidance of b-adrenergic blockers in linopenia, acidosis, and disorders which arrest, evolving critical illness, AMI, or patients prone to hyperkalemia is con- predispose to hypoladosteronism, such as of neuromuscular troversial, because b blocker usage is one adrenal insufficiency. Patients with ad- weakness, should be treated with agents of the few established therapies in CKD vanced CKD, including those on dialysis, that rapidly and reliably shift serum po- and non-CKD patients which is associ- who newly develop hyperkalemia should tassium into the intracellular space while ated with lower risk of cardiovascular be evaluated for new constipation or bowel preparations are made for elimination of events. Our own practice, depending obstruction. In hospitalized patients, the total body potassium (TBK+). Infusion onthedegreeofhyperkalemiaand clinician should be attentive to the risk of of intravenous calcium, insulin, and

J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 3155–3165, 2017 How Dangerous Is Hyperkalemia? 3161 BRIEF REVIEW www.jasn.org dextrose, and lastly inhaled or intrave- higher-risk patients without the need significance in . Arch – nous b-adrenergic agonist therapy to employ intravenous calcium, insulin, Intern Med 169: 1156 1162, 2009 b 3. Weir MR, Rolfe M: Potassium should be administered only in these ex- dextrose, -adrenergic agonists, and bi- and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system treme circumstances. Consideration for carbonatethathavelittleuseoutside inhibitors. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 5: 531– sodium bicarbonate administration emergencies and are wholly ineffective 548, 2010 should be given in cases of hyperkalemia at removing TBK+. The inclusion of 4. Lafrance JP, Miller DR: Dispensed selective fl accompanying severe metabolic acido- mineralocorticoid administration is and nonselective nonsteroidal anti-in ammatory drugs and the risk of moderate to severe sis. 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J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 3155–3165, 2017 How Dangerous Is Hyperkalemia? 3165