The Handy Guide for Foreigners in Taiwan
The Handy Guide for Foreigners in Taiwan Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, Executive Yuan November 2010 A Note from the Editor Following centuries of ethnic cultural assimilation and development, today Taiwan has a population of about 23 million and an unique culture that is both rich and diverse. This is the only green island lying on the Tropic of Cancer, with a plethora of natural landscapes that includes mountains, hot springs, lakes, seas, as well as a richness of biological diversity that encompasses VSHFLHVRIEXWWHUÀLHVELUGVDQGRWKHUSODQWDQGDQLPDOOLIH$TXDUWHU of these are endemic species, such as the Formosan Landlocked Salmon (櫻 花鉤吻鮭), Formosan Black Bear (台灣黑熊), Swinhoe’s Pheasant (藍腹鷴), and Black-faced Spoonbill (黑面琵鷺), making Taiwan an important base for nature conservation. In addition to its cultural and ecological riches, Taiwan also enjoys comprehensive educational, medical, and transportation systems, along with a complete national infrastructure, advanced information technology and communication networks, and an electronics industry and related subcontracting industries that are among the cutting edge in the world. Taiwan is in the process of carrying out its first major county and city reorganization since 1949. This process encompasses changes in DGPLQLVWUDWLYHDUHDV$OORIWKHVHFKDQJHVZKLFKZLOOFUHDWHFLWLHVXQGHUWKH direct administration of the central government, will take effect on Dec. 25, 7RDYRLGFDXVLQJGLI¿FXOW\IRULWVUHDGHUVWKLV+DQGERRNFRQWDLQVERWK the pre- and post-reorganization maps. City and County Reorganization Old Name New Name (from Dec. 25, 2010) Taipei County Xinbei City Taichung County, Taichung City Taichung City Tainan County, Tainan City Tainan City Kaohsiung County, Kaohsiung City Kaohsiung City Essential Facts About Taiwan $UHD 36,000 square kilometers 3RSXODWLRQ $SSUR[LPDWHO\PLOOLRQ &DSLWDO Taipei City &XUUHQF\ New Taiwan Dollar (Yuan) /NT$ 1DWLRQDO'D\ Oct.
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