THE AMERICAN LIBERAL Theamerican Liberal The
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NOVEMBER, 1962 Th~merican Liberal CORE In The Negro Uprising r r J Corresponding with the Editor A Democrat Opposes Utt A Sudeten German's Hope Waterway of the World's Future I am the Democratic condidate for Congress in I am a barn Sudeten Ge rman with first-hand At last I've got round to reading your paper. the 35th Congressional District, opposing incum knowledge of the Sudeten German people. Th e In extenuatio n-but not excuse-le t me adm it my bent James B. Uti. tragedy about . Sudetenland started when the 80 years. It was your question about changing It has been brought to my atlentian that the American President Wilson, in spite of his great your paper's name that really put the bite an me September issue of your magazine contains an concern for self-determination of all nations, becouse I am strong ly of the opinion it should article discussing Uti's alleged support of the ignored the wishes of the three millio n Sudeten be changed. As a nome liTh e Californian" is Sudeten German Landsmannschaft, a nea-Nazi Germans and handed them over to the Czechs. small, it is cramped. One o f the titles you sug organization. Please let me correct you o n one point con gested I should be most happy to see on your I would appreciate it very much if you would cerning the number of Sudeten Germans allowed ma,thead-"Th e Pacific Monthly." send to me a reprint of this article, or a copy to remain in their old homeland after the second In college I studied qeography undAr Prof. of the issue in which it was published. I would world war. According to the decree by the late Torr. He told us the Pacific was the waterway of also appreciate being advised of whatever veri Czech President Benes in 1945, only 100,000 the world 's future, and historv is bearing him out. fications and their sources which you might have Sudeten Germans out of 3,000,000 were given I see your sponsors contribute on an average in this matler. Such information may prove to permission to stay. about $5 a month . Encl osed please find check be goad ammunition in the fight to replace this I wish to point out that before the German for $50. Next year I wili send another $50 if man in Congress. Nazi Soldatesca overran Czechoslovakia, an awful you need it. -BURTON SH AMSKY lot of provocation and discriminatory measures on -HARRIET W. PATTERSOi'1 Solana Beach, Calif. the side of the Czech ma;arity aga inst the Su Roch ester, N. Y. d ete n German minority occurred, with the Czechs • There's no "alleged" about it; UII wired his • WIP shares Harriet Patterson's feelings and best wishes for the Sudeten German ' Day, 1960, holding la rge anti-German rallies, shouting and The Pacific magazine wi ll be published half along screaming hate-inspired slogans and songs. Iso the lin es she suggested and half along the lines and this was reported in German newspapers. A lated violence against the Sudeten German set forth in the October issue of The American better election issue, however, is Utt/s introduc population was reported; some I myserf was wit Liberal if the World P--c~ ConvAntion idea tion of a bill to prevent deportation of Andrija nessi ng o n more than one occosion. The Sudeten materializes and there is sufficient support. Artukovic, chief Nazi in Croatia, whose decrees Germans in retaliation held their massive pro were responsible for the deaths of thousanrls of - Editor vocati ve demonstrations in quite military fashio n Serbs, Croats and Jews. -Editor with their gray and black uniforms marching If More Were Like Her _ . _ through streets decorated w ith Nazi Germany swastika flags and demanding secession from In an effort to get o th ers in terested in this Helping NTS-in Different Ways Czechoslovakia and annexation to the Reich, not having the slightest idea about the enorm ous magazine, I a lways give my copy to someone mess that was awaiting them during and after interested in some article, or to someone w ho does not know the magazine- or, lacking this, I The maior purpose of our lillie organization the second world war. leave it in a public p lace where magazines are here, DIRECT ACTION, is to raise dollars for Sudetenland is a benutiful little country where placed for the co nvenience of the customer (such the NTS [he spells it out "Narodna Trudovoi have spent my chi ldhood and the happiest as a launderette), hopin g that someone wi ll see Soiuz," but the U.S. State Department report years of mv life. I am dreaming of return ing it and become a subscriber. used as the authoritv bv WIP has it "Natsional there one dav. I predict that the Germans and 'no-Trudovoi Soyuz"-Editor]. Czechs con li ve alongside in harmony in the -SUDIE MAl HODNETTE San Francisco, Calif. I wanted to point out that having NTS at not too distant future unde r o ne roof called the tacked by the likes ~f you is very helpful to European Federation or Th e United States of our cause. Europe. It's the attacks from the Right, accusing NTS -ALBERT JURA The Liberal IS Everywhere of b~inq Infiltrated. or of being' socialistic, too Milwaukee, Wis. sympathetic to "rebel" Communisls like Evtushenko, Wh il e visiting Fallon, Nevada this month, I etc., that make our work mare difficult. A Minister Aooroves found your magazine in a lillie magazine shop -DON MACDONALD, President (I have never seen such a magazine around Direct Action It would be much better to use your new title Reno). If I had not seen that word liberal, I Box 268 and stick to it. Another change, backward or for would not have picked it off the shelf. I believe Forest Hills, N.Y. ward, is not going to do you any good. too many humanists (at least you sound like • It's a favorite gimmick of right-wing fanatics In the meantime be assured that the stand you humanists) mask unintentionally their views under these days to make appeals to respectabilitv by toke on many important issues, particularly in not tao earth-shaking words. I think the public stating that they are being allaeked the hysteria of meanin"less anti-communism, and should be hit in the eye w ith their views. as too socialistic and suft on communism_ But it your attacks on the self-appointed protectors of I will say that this is the first magazine in Is difficult to see how a fascist organization such reaction, are appreciated. Some day I shall many years that I have read from "kiver to as NTS, whose official publication recommends e xpress myself somewhat more critically of some kiver." Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf as the guide for social of the language you use, but this can wait. -BERKELEY W. BLACK action, would win that accusation from anyone. -REV. R. M. BENNETT Reno, Nevada - Editor Toronto, Canada • Who you calling a humanist? - Editor Students are Attracted Foreign Correspondent $5 for Peace We fling in your teeth a challenge (since we Your magazine in its new form has attracted If the United States has the most freedom with note the addition of "Staff" names), the inte rest of many of my fe llow college students, the maximum opportunity fo r the individual to You haven't guts sufficient to include alter especially your articles on American Nationalism. asse rt hi s initiative, the n we should lead the typographers, " Tiger Tucker, Foreign Corres Do n't waste your magazine on petty Ca lifornia world in the quest for peace. We should be able pondent for Texas." p" lit ics. On the national scene it provides stimu to have a people's movement for peace that -TIGER TUCKER lating co~trasts to our textbooks, and isn't' the would make other movements see m puny in com .. Expensive Real Estate Appraiser nationwide audience more important than that parison. I rise to your challenge of calling the Ho usto n, Texas of one state? bluff of all liberals, by sending you my check for $5 to be used in furthering th e efforts for -WALTER E. NEELY • Oh, yes, we do. Ty pographers, Tiger Tucker, a World Peace Conve ntion. Foreign Correspondent for Texas, biggest state Lehig h Universi ty - R. T. BARRETT except for Alaska. Bethlehem, Po. Clear TV -Editor South Laguna, Calif. • Money is nice, but we need organization of local committees, World Peace Convention chap ters in every community. How about it? -Editor A Different 'Featherbedding' Back to Third Grade read with interest your issu e of the May Re my verse scheduled to come out in the Californian and, in particular, the article on The Jefferson Quote October American Libe ral: it should read Francis " Feathe rbedding in Hospitals." Scott Key, not Keyes. It seems to me that this article fo r the most -WILLIAM MA THES part is composed of ha lf -truths a nd information OK, let's get the record straight about the J eff erson quote fp. 26. col. 2, Editor's note, J uly Sa n Francisco, Calif. token out of context. wh ich in dicates th ~t e ith e r the author did not inte nd to present the full case 1962 issue" I have before me wha t appears to • Th e e ditor is preparing to sit in during the o r on ly the portions of the case wh ich tended to be a photostatic copy of Jefferson's letter of history and spelling hours of the local third prove his point.