February 17,1887
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““ .. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862---V0L. 24. PORTLAND, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 17, 1887. HJ^WSHSO PRICE THREE CENTS. NPECTA1. NOTICE*. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, LEGISLATORS DEBATINC. work as much longer as they and their em- orderly persons having no visible means of THE DENISON PAPER CO. deed. The only remaining bodies at th FROM WASHINGTON. election at Chadwick's gin house, but, being Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the ployers may agree, provided they get pay for support, neglecting all lawful calling or em- morgue were this morning fully ideutilied a 111, was requested to select some good man Mr. Shaw’s was an idle and those to serve In his he Hearings Before Committee on Rail* PORTLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, it. speech loudly ap- ployment ; and disorderly per- of Peter McLain of Acton, Que., am stead; for this purpose The ; he seemed to outline a common sons who all lawful railing or em- of Creditors at Diendoune of N The House Favorably Reports a Bill of attended the ami remained all day. roads, Telegraphs and Expresses. At 87 Exchange street. Portland, Me. Ten-Hour Bill Still Under Con- plauded neglect Large Meeting Maigret Sbawinigoa, Que. polls ground on which many objectors to the two ployment and misspend their time by question has yet in any manner arisen at th Question by Senator Spooner—"Was there EKBBITAKY Terms- Dohars a Year. To mall sub- sideration- frequent Auburn Yesterday. Mr. Mllliken’s. IT. bills could stand. ing disorderly houses, houses of ill-fame, morgue as to identifications made, be an election there that day The on scribers, Seven Dollars a Year. Ur to advance. proof hearing petition of K. T. C.ile to build At the conclusion of Mr. Shaw’s houses or tippling shops.” ing ample in each case and all is “No, sir.” street in town of Eden is Kates or Advertising—One A ->t space speech, gaming satisfactory railway pestponed to Mr. Fogg this to No well-founded are ‘‘Wen, that?” 17. the length of column, or twelve in. *4 presented amendment, be Tiie committee report an act to Liabilities inquiries now belnj House Committee on the why—won’t you explain February A Vote of II9 to 22 to Accept the added to the bill as an additional judiciary Statement of the Firm’s made of The Agree 1 am Also an act relating to Mouson constitutes a “square.” L,, section: showing proof more deaths. Well, almost ashamed to state. I Railway, post- the Boothbay Water Company. couldn t poned to February 17. $1.60 per square, daily, first week; 76 Cc Ac. Majority Report- “The provisions of this act shall not apply, incorporate and Assets. Belmont Retaliation Bill. get any one who could write. There week three insertions or as committee were three Petition of James Adams and others for charter after; less, $1.00, except to minors, where a special con- The legal affairs have decided or four who could write, but they other after first FOREICN. for the Medway and Mt. Kalhadiu Railroad Co tinning every day week, 60 cents. tract is mado between and em- on Dr. Gerrish’s didn t wish to serve.” Half three insertions or employer to report adversely proposi- Hearing February 17. square, less, 76 cents; for extra hours of labor/’ to About Senator Witness said that at the last election one 60 cents week f atter by No Means Yet Settled ployes The Liabilities Amount New Bills Presented by IFrye prior EKHKCAKY 43. week, $1.00; per after. Mr. tion to intlict capital punishment by the in- to that which was Special one-third Harrington of Norridgewock, pro- the subject of Investiga- a Notices, additional. the House. of Another Conflict in Ireland and An act to insure more speedy transmission of Under head of by posed a series of amendments that would jection morphine. $500,000. Betweer Congressman Dlngley. tion serious trouble had occurred at and "Amusements” and “Auction Chapel telephone telegraph messages. Postponed to Sales,” scalo down the of the bill Police and Hill, when two men, one an election February 23. $2.00 per square per week; three Inser- penalties Looney the People. being tions or less. 81.60. one half. officer, were shot. The ballot box was taken An act to incorporate the Calais Portland River Railroad Fogg and Shaw of Opposed Then there was [Special to the Press.] Another Lot of Pensions for and the Co. February 23. THE talk of re-committment but SESSION. vote suppressed. Witness did not MAINE STATE PRESS, as it was then 1 an XUXtli CONGRESS—SECOND 10.—A meeting of the know that this occurrence h'ammid 61. sec. of the Re- to the Looney Bill o’clock, adjournment was Lewiston,.Feb. Fetes In India th« Maine Claimants. had the effect of ,Al> 76, made Commemorating the colored vised Statutes relating to railroad crossings. Feb- Published every Thursday Morning, at $2.60 until 4.30 p. m. creditors of the Dennison Paper Manufac- deterring men at Chadwick’s a if in Queen’s Jubilee. from as election ruary^. year; paid advance, $2.00 a year. When the House assembled at 4.30 o’cloc was held serving officers; did not To inquire into the Advertisements inserted SENATE. turing Company of Mechanic Falls expediency of paying the in the “Maine State The Bill Finally Recommitted to the a very large number of spectators were pres- (Special to tbe Press.) think it did; there were only four ot the Railroad Commissioners a Instead of Press” (which has a circulation In in the Auburn Council House Wednesday salary per large every ent. The members were all present. Washington, Feb. 16. Feb. freedmen who could write; two were not diem. February 23. part of the State) for $1.00 per for first In- Committee. nearly Washington, 17. square The afternoon debate was heated. The credentials of Senator-elect Turpie of morning. Dublin, Feb. 16.—A conflict occurred to and one of the others had been In An act to amend chap. 43H, and sertion, and 60 cents per square for eaoli suhse very The House Committee on American present, private special amendments were submitted and referred. day between a force of police on their way ship- the and for that reason was 1SW6, entitled ail act to the quent insertion. Many were presented or sug- Indiana, About 75 firms were represented. Morey penitentiary, °,f incorporate Mr. from the committee on com- to execute a number of eviction orders, and building and ship owning Interests, have not the voters were Blddeford aud Saco Railroad Co. 23. Address all communications to gested, but Mr. Looney fought vigorously McMillon, & competent; present, bnt febl2sntd February Friends of the Majority Report Much back the House river and Co. of Boston, Train, Smith A Co. and a part of the of a JAMES F. HAWKES, Sec. PORTLAND OO. any attempt to modify the bill. But the merce, reported population Dingle, seaport favorably reported Mr. Mlllikin’s bill “to repeated efforts to organize a board failed; PUBLISHING and heaviest town of The Disappointed. amendments kept in. Mr. Clark of harbor bill with amendments gave notice Smith, Winchester A Co. are the County Kerry. people barri- section 43X1 of the witness said he announced about 10 o’clock coming caded the in amend Kevised .Statutes, Calais, otfered one the under he would move to take it up to-morrow after creditors. of Boston toads, some cases building In the morning that there would be no Notice. putting age Mr. Van Dyke appears of documents of vote, THE WEATHER. winch no minor work the hour. stone walls across them. The police were at requiring copies temporary but later he said he misunderstood the The Committee on Affairs, will a may more* than ten morning as counsel for Train & Co. Mr. Geo. ques- Legal give hours at On motion of Mr. Evarts the of Smith, first driven away and to retire. vessels to be dated at their home The tion, and that it was about on Feb. 17th. at 2 Vs m., New and Powerful Recruits to Assist fifteen instead of eighteen years, printing compelled ports.” that time he an- bearing, THURSDAY. p. taken in the C. has of the Dennison Com- reformed and then nounced his in the senate at on an Act to Feb. 17. and another from the manufactur- the testimony being Texas in- Wing charge They charged with law now that vessels of readiness to deliver the papers Chamber, Augusta, Washington, in the Bill. excepting riflles provides registered crente tile Roman Catliolic of the Diocese Passing ing “saw mills used for the vestigation was ordered printed. pany’s affairs. batons and clubbed upon the pope- whenever a competent board should be or- Bishop, The indications for New establishments, the United States may be enrolled and of Portland and his successors a corporation sole. Maine, Hamp- manufacture The resolution offered yesterday by Mr. lace, compelling them, after a severe strug- ganized. In answer to Senator wit- of long and short lumber.” The meeting was called to order by Mr. Spooner, DAVID H. COLE, I shire "and Vermont are (fair weather, lower Then Mr. Hoar to have the committee on privileges gle, to give way. A number of men were in- licensed upon giving up their register in any ness said he thought no oue was Chairmen. Pattangall of Pembroke, offered who punished JAMES8. WRIGHT,} The Back Cove Bill Passes the Sen- and election as to whether the dis- Wing, called on J. L. Blabon of the jured. for the FliU one AMOK L.