Herever They Went, They Went Clattering, Until They Swerved in a Swift, Circular Line to the Right, Because of the Firecat
Harmonium 1 BORZOI POETRY FALL, 1923 THE PILGRIMAGE OF FESTUS Conrad Alken BITTER HERBS Harmonium C. A. Dawsan-Sittt THE PROPHET Kahlil Gibran Wallace Stevens With twflvt drawlitft 6j thi authtr WHIPPEROINNY Robirl Gravtt THE TEMPLE AND OTHBR POEMS Translattd from thi Chintlt hy Arthur Waley New York Alfred ' A ' KnOpf Mcmxxiii COPYRIOll'J', 1 928, Bf ALl'RED A. KNOPF, l:SO. Published, September, 1913 To MY WIFE Bet 11p and pri11 ted bv the Vail-Ballou Oo., B inghamto n, N. Y. Paver f1trnis l1 ed b11 lV. F. Ethcri t1oton & Co .• New York. Bound bu H. WolU Eataio, New York. MANOFAC'rURIOD IN Tlllll UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The poems in this book, with the exception of The Comedian as the Letter C and a few others, have been published before in Others, Secession, Rogue, The Soil, The Modern School, Broom, Contact, The New Republic, The Measure, The Little Review, The Dial, and particularly in Poetry: A lvfagazine of Verse, of Chicago, edited by Harriet Monroe. Contents Earthy Anecdote 15 Invective against Swans 16 In the Carolinas 1 7 The Paltry Nude Starts on a Spring Voyage 18 The Plot against the Gi,ant 20 Infanta Marina 21 Domination of Black 22 The Snow Man 24 The Ordinary Women 25 The Load of Sugar-Cane 27 Le Monocle de Mon Oncle 28 Nuances of a lfheme by Williams 34 Metaphors of a Magnifico 35 Ploughing or. Sunday 36 Cy Est Pourtraicte, Madame Ste Ursule, et Les Unze Mille Vierges 3 7 Hibiscus on the Sleeping Shores 39 Fabliau of Florida 40 The Doct.or of Geneva 41 Another Weeping Woman 42 Homunculus et la Belle Etoile 43 The Comedian as the Letter C 46 The World without Imagination 47 Concerning the Thunderstorms of Yucatan 50 Approaching Carolina 54 The Idea of a Colony 58 A Nice Shady Home 62 And Daughters with Curls 66 9 Frogs Eat Butterflies.
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