Nicholas Nicholas

Fortes (December 16, 1966), Press Secretary Bill Moyers (December 26, 1966), and Special Special and 1966), 26, (December Moyers Bill Secretary Press 1966), 16, (December Fortes

traveling party. party. traveling

Assistant Robert Kintner Kintner Robert Assistant

exaggerated exaggerated

the galleys galleys the

[chuckles darkly] But it is a hell of of hell a is it But darkly] [chuckles

him-seff! Called up and he came. He didn't bring Miz Kennedy, and he may have have may he and Kennedy, Miz bring didn't He came. he and up Called him-seff!

DJ: I didn't force him to come to Texas. Hell, he wanted to come out there there out come to wanted he Hell, Texas. to come to him force didn't I DJ:

told her that he didn't want to come because he brought some other people.' people.' other some brought he because come to want didn't he that her told

', Manchester, 'William

'Johnson may allude to to allude may 'Johnson

'Johnson's remarks in this Prologue are are Prologue this in remarks 'Johnson's

'Such as Jim Bishop, Bishop, Jim as 'Such

'Some of the the of 'Some

'Harper & Row, 1967, 1967, Row, & 'Harper

nedy "looked into the face of the life he was about to take ... fired and quickly quickly and fired ... take to about was he life the of face the into "looked nedy

senseless," Johnson cajoled him into a deer hunt at dawn, during which Ken- which during dawn, at hunt deer a into him cajoled Johnson senseless,"

turned back to the car." car." the to back turned

President-elect Kennedy visits the LBJ Ranch eight days after he and Johnson Johnson and he after days eight Ranch LBJ the visits Kennedy President-elect

win the 1960 election.' election.' 1960 the win

LBJ offered his own memories of November November of memories own his offered LBJ

asking for advice on how to muffle the political damage of Manchester's book, book, Manchester's of damage political the muffle to how on advice for asking

seize power and insensitive to the dead President's family' While privately privately While family' President's dead the to insensitive and power seize

authors she distrusted,' Manchester's book was said to show a Johnson eager to to eager Johnson a show to said was book Manchester's distrusted,' she authors

of a President.' President.' a of

wanted a single authorized history to overshadow other books being written by by written being books other overshadow to history authorized single a wanted

was alarmed by early reports about the soon-to-be-published book book soon-to-be-published the about reports early by alarmed was


Katzenbach (December 6, 1966, and January 25, 1967), Supreme Court Justice Abe Abe Justice Court Supreme 1967), 25, January and 1966, 6, (December Katzenbach

(Assassination (Assassination

Manchester writes that although Kennedy believed that "all killing was was killing "all that believed Kennedy although that writes Manchester

its hostility to to hostility its

In Manchester's narrative, the fatal trip to Texas is foreshadowed when when foreshadowed is Texas to trip fatal the narrative, Manchester's In


early published and and published early

author of of author

The Death Death The

(December (December

by William Manchester. Inspired by Jacqueline Kennedy, who who Kennedy, Jacqueline by Inspired Manchester. William by

rile, Lyndon Lyndon rile,

him. These These him.

the presence presence the

after John Kennedy was murdered in , Lyndon Johnson Johnson Lyndon Dallas, in murdered was Kennedy John after

Thr Day Lincoln Was Shot Shot Was Lincoln Day Thr

of a a of hearsay hearsay

20, 1966). 1966). 20,

B. Johnson Johnson B.

included included

President, President,

Prologue Prologue

of at least one unattached woman in the Kennedy Kennedy the in woman unattached one least at of

a a

heard in in heard

note. note.

reports reports

a a

report by a Johnson Johnson a by report

pp. 118-19. 118-19. pp.

Library). Library).

taped conversations with Attorney Attorney with conversations taped

on Manchester's hook that that hook Manchester's on

22, 1963, 1963, 22,

(Harper, 1955). 1955). (Harper,

and its prelude.' prelude.' its and

aide who who aide

reached reached

had had

The Drath Drath The

obtained obtained

General General Johnson Johnson

him to put up the fish in the Fish Room that he caught on his honeymoon, but but honeymoon, his on caught he that Room Fish the in fish the up put to him

LBJ: My forcing him to go to Texas! I never never I Texas! to go to him forcing My LBJ:

damned sure didn't force him to put up anything. It is just a manufac- a just is It anything. up put to him force didn't sure damned

to to

Macdonald, a Democratic Congressman from Massachusetts, and his aide Kenneth O'Donnell. O'Donnell. Kenneth aide his and Massachusetts, from Congressman Democratic a Macdonald,

It was Macdonald who had trouble with the deer. deer. the with trouble had who Macdonald was It tured lie. lie. tured

LBJ: My calling him up and making him put a deer head in his outer room and and room outer his in head deer a put him making and up him calling My LBJ: man man he didn't want to? I never called him in my life on it. He had his fish up there there up fish his had He it. on life my in him called never I to? want didn't he

[sarcastically:) But even if we had made the the made had we if even But [sarcastically:)

that he caught on his honeymoon.' He put his deer head up there. there. up head deer his put He honeymoon.' his on caught he that

and and

He insisted on killing a a killing on insisted He damned thing. thing. damned

he wasn't within 250 yards from it... . He shot it and he jumped up and hoorahed hoorahed and up jumped he and it shot He . it... from yards 250 within wasn't he

LBJ: Forcing that poor man to go hunting? Hell, he he Hell, hunting? go to man poor that Forcing LBJ:

dent' .. , and we wanted him to have have to him wanted we and , .. dent'

tent to be President if he-1 think it is the greatest desecration of his memory memory his of desecration greatest the is it think he-1 if President be to tent

Poor little deer—he saw it in his eye and he just could not shoot it ? Well, Well, ? it shoot not could just he and eye his in it saw deer—he little Poor

on killing one for Torhy O'Donnell and we just worked so hard. It took three three took It hard. so worked just we and O'Donnell Torhy for one killing on

them have got a rule—they will not let you kill but one. But he was the Presi- the was he But one. but kill you let not will rule—they a got have them

that an "impotent an that

hours and 1 finally gave up. I said, "Mr. President, we just can't do it."I it."I do can't just we President, "Mr. said, I up. gave finally 1 and hours

12 12

'Actually President-elect. President-elect. 'Actually

'Kennedy had also hung a sailfish he had caught on his 1953 Acapulco honeymoon. honeymoon. Acapulco 1953 his on caught had he sailfish a hung also had 'Kennedy 'Johnson confuses the names of Kennedy's companions—his old Harvard roommate Torbert Torbert roommate Harvard old companions—his Kennedy's of names the confuses 'Johnson

'The Fish Room was later renamed the Roosevelt Ronm by President Richard Nixon. Nixon. Richard President by Ronm Roosevelt the renamed later was Room Fish 'The

'Manchester referred to Johnson as "virtually impotent in his own state" by 1963 (p. 31. 31. (p. 1963 by state" own his in impotent "virtually as Johnson to referred 'Manchester

"Manchester, "Manchester,

postpone postpone

put it right on the fender of the the of fender the on right it put

to put up a deer head here along with his fish-1 do not know who forced forced who know not do fish-1 his with along here head deer a up put to

Kennedy-Johnson ticket ticket Kennedy-Johnson


Connally, and and Connally,

Johnson had failed to resolve the the resolve to failed had Johnson

nearby Fish Room.' Room.' Fish nearby

Manchester, Manchester,

and "heal the inner scar." Johnson had the deer's antlers and head mounted. mounted. head and antlers deer's the had Johnson scar." inner the "heal and

play play

After Kennedy became President, Johnson persistently suggested suggested persistently Johnson President, became Kennedy After

told his wife the "distressing" story in order to to order in story "distressing" the wife his told

Manchester wrote that Kennedy came to Texas in November November in Texas to came Kennedy that wrote Manchester

his trophy in the the in trophy his

As Manchester Manchester As

it. Told him our popularity was too low. low. too was popularity our him Told it.

The The

. .

Death of of Death

the the

- -

their political enemy, the liberal Democratic Democratic liberal the enemy, political their

Vice President' could force this strong man to do a god- a do to man strong this force could President' Vice

President, President,

second! second!

a a

had it, based on his interviews with Jacqueline, Jacqueline, with interviews his on based it, had

President, President,

Oval Office. Although "inwardly appalled," according to to according appalled," "inwardly Although Office. Oval

in Texas, Texas, in

as a "favor" to Johnson, allowed it to be hung hung be to it allowed Johnson, to "favor" a as

One took two hours and then, by God, he insisted insisted he God, by then, and hours two took One

raot.ocur raot.ocur

p 3. 3. p

car car

whatever whatever

"petty dispute," which threatened the the threatened which dispute," "petty

between LBrs old protege, Governor John John Governor protege, old LBrs between

so he could kill another one.... Most of of Most one.... another kill could he so

tragic tragic

heard heard

he wanted.... He wasn't compe- wasn't He wanted.... he

"rid himself of the recollection" recollection" the of himself "rid

mistake of forcing this this forcing of mistake

of it. Matter of fact, I tried tried I fact, of Matter it. of

not not

only killed killed only

Senator, Ralph Yar- Ralph Senator,

1963 because because 1963

that JFK dis- JFK that

one one

Kennedy Kennedy

in in

1964 1964

poor poor

deer. deer.

hell, hell,

the the

1963. in Austin, were so slow-selling that LW flew to Texas early to ensure that the President President the that ensure to early Texas to flew LW that slow-selling so were Austin, in 1963.

would not be embarrassed in Johnson's home state. state. home Johnson's in embarrassed be not would

or get out of the party.' There was no disagreement of any kind and no violence violence no and kind any of disagreement no was There party.' the of out get or Yarborough had refused. refused. had Yarborough

the Oval Office. Office. Oval the

... told me that he just thought that it was an outrage, that he had heard what what heard had he that outrage, an was it that thought just he that me told ...

and about ... whether she would go or not to this Spanish thing. The President President The thing. Spanish this to not or go would she whether ... about and

Yarborough had done, that he had told him that Yarborough Yarborough that him told had he that done, had Yarborough

had an argument with him in my life. life. my in him with argument an had


All I can remember was Miz Kennedy was practicing, talking about her Spanish Spanish her about talking practicing, was Kennedy Miz was remember can I All

months and Connally put him off several months. Didn't want him to come. Told Told come. to him want Didn't months. several off him put Connally and months

didn't want to.... And 1... had to call my personal friends long distance to to distance long friends personal my call to had 1... And to.... want didn't

him it was a mistake for him to come. And he finally called Connally ... secretly secretly ... Connally called finally he And come. to him for mistake a was it him

to the White House, and he didn't tell me a thing about it. And Connally agreed agreed Connally And it. about thing a me tell didn't he and House, White the to

them them

And he'd been to Massachusetts and done the same same the done and Massachusetts to been he'd And

that if he'd wait two or three months, he would help him with with him help would he months, three or two wait he'd if that

here because he wanted to raise a million dollars and try to improve improve to try and dollars million a raise to wanted he because here

That's a great myth, that he came here to settle things for me. He came down down came He me. for things settle to here came he that myth, great a That's in June, and then, because because then, and June, in

nonpolitical." And he told him that in the spring—April'—and he told him that that him told he spring—April'—and the in that him told he And nonpolitical."

Vice President President Vice

secret meeting with him.' ... And he told John the reason he didn't tell me: "The "The me: tell didn't he reason the John told he And ... him.' with meeting secret and would not let me know he was calling him and he came up here and had a a had and here up came he and him calling was he know me let not would and

going to think that all the Kennedys want out of Texas is money....1 would would money....1 is Texas of out want Kennedys the all that think to going

suggest you make one money-raising speech and whatever else you do totally totally do you else whatever and speech money-raising one make you suggest

Kennedy insisted for two years that he he that years two for insisted Kennedy

speeches and he' finally told him in my presence, said, "Mr. President, they are are they President, "Mr. said, presence, my in him told finally he' and speeches

'Asked to ride in the Johnson motorcade car to demonstrate unity among Texas Democrats, Democrats, Texas among unity demonstrate to car motorcade Johnson the in ride to 'Asked

'William Manchester, Manchester, 'William

'Tickets for the scheduled fund-raising dinner, planned for the evening of November 22, 22, November of evening the for planned dinner, fund-raising scheduled the for 'Tickets

'In October 1963, Kennedy had staged a fund-raising dinner in Boston. Boston. in dinner fund-raising a staged had Kennedy 1963, October 'In

'The "secret meeting" between President Kennedy and Connally was on October 4, 1963, in in 1963, 4, October on was Connally and Kennedy President between meeting" "secret 'The

'1963. '1963.

'Connally 'Connally

hotel manager thought that he "looked furious."' furious."' "looked he that thought manager hotel

LBI's treatment treatment LBI's

line was rehearsing her Spanish, preparing to speak downstairs to a Hispanic- a to downstairs speak to preparing Spanish, her rehearsing was line

—Kennedy complaining, "expressing himself with exceptional force," about about force," exceptional with himself "expressing complaining, —Kennedy

American American

Johnson had his final private meeting meeting private final his had Johnson

to to

This Manchester stuff about Kennedy and I having an argument—I never never argument—I an having I and Kennedy about stuff Manchester This

put put

At the Rice Hotel in Houston, Houston, in Hotel Rice the At

up up

is is

group. According to Manchester, the the Manchester, to According group.

in order for 'em to even have a respectable crowd.' crowd.' respectable a have even to 'em for order in

not enthusiastic." enthusiastic." not

The Death Death The

of Yarborough in Texas—and that when Johnson Johnson when that Texas—and in Yarborough of

1 1

would not encourage it, by God, he called him up up him called he God, by it, encourage not would

of of

a a

President, President,


• •

• •

- -

• •

on Thursday evening, November November evening, Thursday on

- -

• •

with Kennedy. In the next room, Jacque- room, next the In Kennedy. with

p. 82. 82. p.

come come

• •

• •

and make five money-raising money-raising five make and

First Lady heard "raised "raised heard Lady First

thing.' I I thing.'

had had

put him off several several off him put

a a

to ride with us us with ride to

dinner. And he he And dinner.

departed. the the departed.

21, 1963, 1963, 21,

him-self. him-self.

voices" voices"

get get 13 13


- -

t...tA And the thought that I should go to a plane that did not have the Bag' and did did and Bag' the have not did that plane a to go should I that thought the And t...tA

— —

a a

LBJ: The reason I went to the airport and didn't take it in the hospital was, first, first, was, hospital the in it take didn't and airport the to went I reason The LBJ:

communications. communications. as you can because you was least vulnerable there. Flying, a missile doesn't get get doesn't missile a Flying, there. vulnerable least was you because can you as

bor-style attack by the Soviet Union against the United United the against Union Soviet the by attack bor-style

you. A plane doesn't get you. You have time to think and you have adequate adequate have you and think to time have You you. get doesn't plane A you.

second thing was McNamara' had always told me that . if you got a warning warning a got you if . that me told always had McNamara' was thing second

have been carried onto any aircraft. aircraft. any onto carried been have

[of possible nuclear war] ... the thing they ought to do is get as high in the air air the in high as get is do to ought they thing the ... war] nuclear possible [of

is inconceivable to me. me. to inconceivable is

not have the communication—by God, after this terrible thing had happened— had thing terrible this after God, communication—by the have not And when would the mites be be mites the would when And

LBJ: One place they say I slumped. had a vapor inhaler, and would not take any any take not would and inhaler, vapor a had slumped. I say they place One LBJ:

leadership, and the next day I was so arrogant I was bossing everything. everything. bossing was I arrogant so was I day next the and leadership,

supposed to accompany the President at all times. Actually, as Johnson knew, the "Bag" could could "Bag" the knew, Johnson as Actually, times. all at President the accompany to supposed raised that question, and nearly everybody that was with me raised it. it. raised me with was that everybody nearly and question, that raised

down there, who would they shoot next? next? shoot they would who there, down

of any kind. kind. any of

What raced through my mind was that if they had shot our President, driving driving President, our shot had they if that was mind my through raced What

and and

14 14

ment of any kind, it was the President talking about Yarborough. Yarborough. about talking President the was it kind, any of ment

there with his shirt off and left. We had had We left. and off shirt his with there

wanted to be able to talk to the the to talk to able be to wanted

'The "Black Bag, "Black 'The

'Johnson suspected that the assassination might be the forerunner of of forerunner the be might assassination the that suspected 'Johnson

'William Manchester, Manchester, 'William

'Robert Kennedy. Kennedy. 'Robert

'Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense. Defense. of Secretary McNamara, 'Robert

1 1

ately. ately. bedroom on Jacqueline Kennedy's bed and made telephone calls. One was to to was One calls. telephone made and bed Kennedy's Jacqueline on bedroom

the late President's brother, Attorney General General Attorney brother, President's late the

up the steps to to steps the up

Virginia. Johnson later insisted that that insisted later Johnson Virginia.

Presented Presented

taken in an unmarked car to the Dallas airport, Love Field.' Field.' Love airport, Dallas the to car unmarked an in taken

vice presidential backup plane, Johnson chose the President's aircraft and was was and aircraft President's the chose Johnson plane, backup presidential vice

nedy's death death nedy's

that a "dazed, silent" LBJ was "far readier to to readier "far was LBJ silent" "dazed, a that

"slumped figure" was seen "sniffing "sniffing seen was figure" "slumped

had not asked to see him anyway. If she heard anybody having a disagree- a having anybody heard she If anyway. him see to asked not had

With the shades on on shades the With

At At

The next day day next The

According to Manchester, drawing on interviews with Robert, no opinion opinion no Robert, with interviews on drawing Manchester, to According


1:33 P.M., P.M., 1:33

very friendly thing. And he and I had a drink together, and he sat sat he and together, drink a had I and he And thing. friendly very

a choice between flying flying between choice a

- -

containing instructions instructions containing

was was

Air Force One, One, Force Air

The Death of a President, President, a of Death The

announced at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Johnson's Johnson's Dallas, in Hospital Memorial Parkland at announced

heeding a Secret Service agent's shouted order, Johnson ran ran Johnson order, shouted agent's Service Secret a heeding

came the assassination. According to Manchester, after after Manchester, to According assassination. the came

the the

plane plane


coming?' coming?'

Attorney Attorney

where he prepared to take the oath as President. President. as oath the take to prepared he where

back to Washington on on Washington to back

yanked shut, Johnson sat in the Presidential Presidential the in sat Johnson shut, yanked

for Presidential Presidential for



no no

from a vapor inhaler." Manchester wrote wrote Manchester inhaler." vapor a from

pp. 229-32. 229-32. pp.


Mat Mat

General' and get the oath. And the the And oath. the get and General'

I thought it was a conspiracy and I I and conspiracy a was it thought I

debate or no argument or no report report no or argument no or debate

advised him to take the the take to him advised

Stales. Stales.

Robert Robert

was going on in Washington? Washington? in on going was

take take

use use

orders than issue them." them." issue than orders

Kennedy, at his home in in home his at Kennedy,

in use of nuclear war, is is war, nuclear of use in

Air Force One One Force Air

a a

surprise, Pearl Har- Pearl surprise,

oath immedi- oath

or the the or


or too anti-Johnson. (The suit was withdrawn later that month.) Mrs. Kennedy told Johnson Johnson told Kennedy Mrs. month.) that later withdrawn was suit (The anti-Johnson. too or

"the treatment of of treatment "the

Manchester had disparaged his calling her her calling his disparaged had Manchester

I think 1 would call people "honey" if I felt they they felt I if "honey" people call would 1 think I

I called Miz Kennedy "honey." I think that's their idea of "you-all" and "comin' " " "comin' and "you-all" of idea their that's think I "honey." Kennedy Miz called I

dignified, very reserved.' reserved.' very dignified,

report that made its way to Johnson. Johnson. to way its made that report

Manchester's publisher to remove material from his book that her advisers thought too personal personal too thought advisers her that book his from material remove to publisher Manchester's

Lyndon Johnson." Johnson." Lyndon

—C-O-M-I-N—and this sniff they write about Texas. Texas. about write they sniff this —C-O-M-I-N—and

have him call in." in." call him have

never believed it. I have held her kind of up on a pedestal and been very reserved reserved very been and pedestal a on up of kind her held have I it. believed never

for the John F. F. John the for

with her, as her letters to me will indicate—very proper, very appropriate, very very appropriate, very proper, indicate—very will me to letters her as her, with

LBJ: "He lumbered out of the room as she came in"? Well, now, lumbering—I lumbering—I now, Well, in"? came she as room the of out lumbered "He LBJ:

very well said that to Miz Kennedy, although I never felt that way about her and and her about way that felt never I although Kennedy, Miz to that said well very

else. else.

You know, know, You

don't know. I guess that's their way of saying I walked out. But he didn't see me me see didn't he But out. walked I saying of way their that's guess I know. don't

walk out or he doesn't know whether I lumbered or trotted or walked or anything anything or walked or trotted or lumbered I whether know doesn't he or out walk

me, which he did. did. he which me,

LB]: 1i LB]:

implication made to me was that he thought it it thought he that was me to made implication

There's also an implication that Bobby didn't want us to take the oath, when the the when oath, the take to us want didn't Bobby that implication an also There's

"He sprawled out on the bunk"?' I didn't sprawl. I sat and talked on the phone. phone. the on talked and sat I sprawl. didn't I bunk"?' the on out sprawled "He

President of this country at that moment. I was fearful that the Communists Communists the that fearful was I moment. that at country this of President

were trying to take us over.... I think that Bobby agreed that it would be all all be would it that agreed Bobby that think I over.... us take to trying were

would have somebody call me to give me the oath, and he did.' did.' he and oath, the me give to me call somebody have would

right to be sworn in. He said he wanted to look into it and he would get hack to to hack get would he and it into look to wanted he said He in. sworn be to right

'Jacqueline Kennedy wrote lohnson by hand in that she too had heard that that heard had too she that 1967 January in hand by lohnson wrote Kennedy 'Jacqueline

'William Manchester, Manchester, 'William

'This sentence does not appear in the final version of Manchester's book, only in an early early an in only book, Manchester's of version final the in appear not does sentence 'This

'The somebody was Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach. Katzenbach. Nicholas General Attorney Deputy was somebody 'The

'William Manchester. Manchester. 'William

'Honey.' "4 "4 'Honey.'

stared after them." Then Johnson returned to offer condolences and "called her her "called and condolences offer to returned Johnson Then them." after stared

lumbered past her," followed by his secretary, Marie Fehmer, while "the widow widow "the while Fehmer, Marie secretary, his by followed her," past lumbered

found Johnson "reclining" on her bed and "came to a dead stop." stop." dead a to "came and bed her on "reclining" Johnson found

return to to return

that Johnson wait until he landed in Washington so that John Kennedy could could Kennedy John that so Washington in landed he until wait Johnson that

was offered offered was


fi'ouglit fi'ouglit

According to Manchester, when when Manchester, to According

if I call some guy's office to get him, I say to his secretary, "Honey, "Honey, secretary, his to say I him, get to office guy's some call I if

Kennedy Kennedy

the capital one last time as President.' President.' as time last one capital the

Jackie" Jackie"

t e most important thing in the world was to decide who was was who decide to was world the in thing important most e t

by the the by

1 1

don't think that that think don't

The Death Death The

Library, Library,

The Death of a a of Death The

was one matter "which made me bitter—unhappy, at least—with least—with at bitter—unhappy, me made "which matter one was

Attorney General, General, Attorney

which which

of a a of

President. President.

was sealed for fifteen years, Robert Kennedy said that that said Kennedy Robert years, fifteen for sealed was

President, President,


• •


"honey." By By "honey."

said that to anybody. And I I And anybody. to that said

• •

who would have have would who

pp, 310,316. In a 1964 oral history interview interview history oral 1964 a In 310,316. pp,

Mrs. Kennedy boarded the plane, she she plane, the boarded Kennedy Mrs.

pp. 238-39,266-72. 238-39,266-72. pp.

• •

was was

then, the former First Lady was suing suing was Lady First former the then,

were were

better to take it there, that he he that there, it take to better

"honey." And I might have have might I And "honey."

sentimentally preferred preferred sentimentally

don't don't


think that that think

"hastily "hastily 15 15

change (Jacqueline Kennedy to Lyndon Johnson, undated. January 1967. Johnson Library). Library). Johnson 1967. January undated. Johnson, Lyndon to Kennedy (Jacqueline change

successors. successors.

kern and the author of seven books books seven of author the and kern

She added that no matter how his feelings toward her might change, she would always remain remain always would she change, might her toward feelings his how matter no that added She

fraud. fraud. twisted everything. Honey was a a was Honey everything. twisted

that Manchester's reference to his calling her 'honey' was was 'honey' her calling his to reference Manchester's that fond of Johnson: Once she decided that she cared about someone, nothing could ever mate her her mate ever could nothing someone, about cared she that decided she Once Johnson: of fond

as best we can. can. we best as

into an argument or a fight or a knockdown, and go on and do our job every day, day, every job our do and on go and knockdown, a or fight a or argument an into

ing agencies, how to handle manuscripts, how to handle book writers.... So I I So writers.... book handle to how manuscripts, handle to how agencies, ing

believe that we know how to handle public relations and how to handle advertis- handle to how and relations public handle to how know we that believe

ence, by tradition, by personality or financially to cope with this. I just do not not do just I this. with cope to financially or personality by tradition, by ence,

written. And I think the best way we can write it is to try to refrain from getting getting from refrain to try to is it write can we way best the think I And written.

think they're' going to write history as they want it written, as they can buy it it buy can they as written, it want they as history write to going they're' think

My feeling on the Manchester book is ... that wes are not equipped by experi- by equipped not are wes that ... is book Manchester the on feeling My

bitch. bitch.

dirty, low-down stuff. stuff. low-down dirty,

All of it makes Bobby' look like a great hero and makes me look like a son of a a of son a like look me makes and hero great a like look Bobby' makes it of All

be—accommodating would be a good word. good a be would be—accommodating

popularity. I don't think my wife wants to be popular. But I think she wants to to wants she think I But popular. be to wants wife my think don't I popularity.

me. And I hate for them to use my friends to do it.... My friends don't know it, it, know don't friends My it.... do to friends my use to them for hate I And me.

not to see Teddy White.' I think they're agents of the people who want to destroy destroy to want who people the of agents they're think I White.' Teddy see to not and they want to he popular and they just do it. And I don't say it's so much much so it's say don't I And it. do just they and popular he to want they and

refused to see him. I asked my people not to see him.... Just as I asked them them asked I as Just him.... see to not people my asked I him. see to refused LBJ: I took the position when Manchester was was Manchester when position the took I LBJ:

16 16

'Journalist and author author and 'Journalist

'Lady Bird Johnson did agree to to agree did Johnson Bird 'Lady

'The Johnson circle. circle. Johnson 'The 'lohnson was right to be worried that Manchester was no LBJ fan. But as a World War II II War World a as But fan. LBJ no was Manchester that worried be to right was 'lohnson

• •

am just going to keep my counsel and try to endure it. But it is vicious, mean, mean, vicious, is it But it. endure to try and counsel my keep to going just am

Kennedy. Kennedy.

The Kennedys. Kennedys. The

On Manchester and his hook: hook: his and Manchester On

of of

The Making of the President: 1960 1960 President: the of Making The


be be

loving' word, and she hoped he would call her that again, again, that her call would he hoped she and word, loving'

before before

interviewed by Manchester, Manchester, by interviewed


• •

The Death of a President, President, a of Death The

• •

• •

, ,

• •

selected selected

so so

typical of how the author author the how of typical

(Atheneum, 1961) and its its and 1961) (Atheneum,

that he was a fraud.' I I fraud.' a was he that

Manchester was not not was Manchester

had had

Force Base, outside Washington. Washington. outside Base, Force

that follows were recorded by the Signal Corps, which monitored them from Andrews Air Air Andrews from them monitored which Corps, Signal the by recorded were follows that

was at the time. time. the at was


VOICE: Stand by by Stand VOICE:

ROSE KENNEDY: Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? KENNEDY: ROSE

VOICE: Roger, one moment now, please. please. now, moment one Roger, VOICE:

VOICE: Just a moment, Mrs. Kennedy. Kennedy. Mrs. moment, a Just VOICE:

going to put Mrs. Rose Kennedy on the the on Kennedy Rose Mrs. put to going


3:15 3:15

Mother of John F Kennedy Kennedy F John of Mother



'Secret 'Secret

'Unbeknownst to Johnson. his conversation with with conversation his Johnson. to 'Unbeknownst

'Central Standard Time. All times provided in this volume are local, based on where Johnson Johnson where on based local, are volume this in provided times All Time. Standard 'Central


First Lady shouting through static and over the shriek of jet engines. . . engines. jet of shriek the over and static through shouting Lady First

steward, the quavering voice of the dead leader's mother, the new President and and President new the mother, leader's dead the of voice quavering the steward,

mother of his murdered predecessor. murdered his of mother

phone from a walk outside the Kennedy house at Hyannis Port. The sounds on on sounds The Port. Hyannis at house Kennedy the outside walk a from phone

this tape proclaim emergency—the shrill cries of the telephone operators and and operators telephone the of cries shrill emergency—the proclaim tape this

the new President makes his first telephone call after the the after call telephone first his makes President new the

Service code code Service

, ,






1, AF 1,

1, AF 1,

name name



One, One,


1, AF 1,

1, 1,

please stand by. We have Mrs. Rose Kennedy. ... I'm I'm ... Kennedy. Rose Mrs. have We by. stand please

for the the for

now, please. please. now,


1, 1,

from CROWN,' come in. in. come CROWN,' from

White House. House. White

Chapter One One Chapter

after after

Air Force Otte Otte Force Air

line line

1 1

Rose Kennedy is summoned to the tele- the to summoned is Kennedy Rose

now. now.

President President

leaves Dallas for Washington, Washington, for Dallas leaves

Kennedy's mother and the the and mother Kennedy's



in to to in

one one the the

of Texas—Mrs. Connally. That's the Governor's wife. Go ahead. ahead. Go wife. Governor's the That's Connally. Texas—Mrs. of 3:30 P.M. P.M. 3:30





Goodbye. Goodbye.

nally's wife. Is that a roger? roger? a that Is wife. nally's

bye. [she hangs up] up] hangs [she bye.


hurting hurting LADY BIRD: BIRD: LADY

know you loved Jack and he loved loved he and Jack loved you know LADY BIRD JOHNSON: Mrs. Mrs. JOHNSON: BIRD LADY

he simply said "Mr. Johnson" Johnson" "Mr. said simply he

ROSE KENNEDY: Well, thank thank Well, KENNEDY: ROSE


ROSE KENNEDY: Yes, all right. right. all Yes, KENNEDY: ROSE

LBJ: Mrs. Mrs. LBJ:

ROSE KENNEDY: Yes, yes, yes, Mr. Mr. yes, yes, Yes, KENNEDY: ROSE

ROSE KENNEDY: Thank you. Hello? Hello? you. Thank KENNEDY: ROSE

LBJ: 1 wish to to wish 1 LBJ:


airplane. airplane.

that we were grieving with you. you. with grieving were we that



18 18

AYRES: Yes, Mrs. Kennedy, I I Kennedy, Mrs. Yes, AYRES:


AYRES: Yes, we are ready. Can Can ready. are we Yes, AYRES:

VOICE: I'm reading reading I'm VOICE:

you ready with with ready you

VOICE: Roger, Roger, VOICE:


'Ayres later recalled that he almost slipped and said "the President,' but that, wary of of wary that, but President,' "the said and slipped almost he that recalled later 'Ayres

'Chief Steward on on Steward 'Chief

Code Code

of Texas Governor Connally John Governor Texas of

gressional secretary secretary gressional

Mrs. Kennedy's Kennedy's Mrs.

name for Lyndon Johnson. Johnson. Lyndon for name

Can you hear us all all us hear you Can


Air Force One. One. Force Air

AF-1 AF-1

Hello, Mrs. Kennedy. Hello, Mrs. Mrs. Hello, Kennedy. Mrs. Hello,

Kennedy? Kennedy?

We're We're

God God

from CROWN. Mrs. Kennedy on. Go ahead, please. please. ahead, Go on. Kennedy Mrs. CROWN. from

VOLUNTEER?' Go ahead. ahead. Go VOLUNTEER?'

roger, roger,

thought and prayers— prayers— and thought

Air Farce One. One. Farce Air

there was something that I could do and I wanted to tell you you tell to wanted I and do could I that something was there

[weeping] Thank you very much. Goodbye, goodbye, good- goodbye, Goodbye, much. very you Thank [weeping] Yes, Yes,

feelings with a brutal reminder that her son no longer held that title, title, that held longer no son her that reminder brutal a with feelings

glad that the nation had your son as long as it did— did— it as long as son your had nation the that glad

you loud and dear. I have Mrs. Kennedy standing by. by. standing Kennedy Mrs. have I dear. and loud you

she's coming on now now on coming she's

in 1939, who was also wounded in Kennedy's limousine. limousine. Kennedy's in wounded also was who 1939, in

would like a patch with Mrs. Connally, Governor Con- Governor Connally, Mrs. with patch a like would

calls the wife of the close friend who had become his con- his become had who friend close the of wife the calls


thank you. you. thank

well, thank you very very you thank well,

right, over? over? right,


have—uh—Mr. Johnson for you here.' here.' you for Johnson have—uh—Mr.

Kennedy, we feel lucky— feel we Kennedy,

you for that, Lady Bird. Thank you very much. much. very you Thank Bird. Lady that, for you

you put her on and I'll turn over to him, over. over. him, to over turn I'll and on her put you

Manchester. Manchester.

you. you.

this is is this

President. President.

Air Force One. One. Force Air

The Death of a President, President, a of Death The

Kennedy. We're talking talking We're Kennedy.

like a patch to Governor Connally Connally Governor to patch a like

much. That's very nice. I know. know. I nice. very That's much.

Do you read us, over? over? us, read you Do

p. 371). 371). p.

from the the from

Are Are

land land

7:10 7:10



NELLIE CONNALLY: Yes, it's going to be all all be to going it's Yes, CONNALLY: NELLIE

LBJ: Give him a hug and a kiss for for kiss a and hug a him Give LBJ:


LBJ: God bless you, darling. darling. you, bless God LBJ: it? it?


Thirty-fourth President of the United States States United the of President Thirty-fourth



had just gotten done operating on him. John John him. on operating done gotten just had

LADY BIRD: Nellie, I I Nellie, BIRD: LADY

VOICE: Uh, Mrs. Johnson- Johnson- Mrs. Uh, VOICE:

almost certain, unless something unforeseen happens— [static] [static] happens— unforeseen something unless certain, almost


his call. call. his

sounded so reassuring. How about about How reassuring. so sounded

over the TV. We are are We TV. the over

LADY BIRD: Nellie? Can Can Nellie? BIRD: LADY

Mr. Mr.

residence residence

contact her now. Stand by, please.... please.... by, Stand now. her contact

VOICE: Roger, Roger, VOICE:

VOICE: Oh, roger, roger, we have Dallas on on Dallas have we roger, roger, Oh, VOICE:


AYRES: Roger, he he Roger, AYRES:

AYRES: Is a roger. roger. a Is AYRES:

VOICE: Stand by for for by Stand VOICE:

VOICE: Roger, roger, stand by One. One. by stand roger, Roger, VOICE:

'Actually Mrs. Connally was contacted not at the "Connally residence' in Dallas but Park- but Dallas in residence' "Connally the at not contacted was Connally Mrs. 'Actually

Memorial IlospitaL IlospitaL Memorial

Johnson if he can get to the phone parch.' Go ahead. ahead. Go parch.' phone the to get can he if Johnson

P.M. P.M.

man, the Supreme Commander of World War II in Europe still had a vast vast a had still Europe in II War World of Commander Supreme the man,

hower. hower.

living former former living

in in

Johnson had an amiable relationship with with relationship amiable an had Johnson

helicopter to the White House. From his old vice presidential office, office, presidential vice old his From House. White the to helicopter

[shouting into telephone] telephone] into [shouting

love you, darling, and I know that everything's going to he all right, isn't isn't right, all he to going everything's that know I and darling, you, love

the Executive Executive the



Arrea Arrea

in Dallas is on the line, and and line, the on is Dallas in

As Democratic leader of the the of leader Democratic As

Air Force One One Force Air

stand by just a moment. moment. a just by stand

Presidents—Herbert Presidents—Herbert

to which the wounded wounded the which to

wants specifically to speak with her. Go ahead. ahead. Go her. with speak to specifically wants

Office Office

up in the plane, but the surgeon speaking about John John about speaking surgeon the but plane, the in up

on, please? Mrs. Connally is on the line, standing standing line, the on is Connally Mrs. please? on,

the Connally Connally the

Good luck! luck! Good

The same to you. you. to same The

can't hear you too well. well. too you hear can't

The important thing was true. That was the the was That true. was thing important The

Building. west of the the of west Building.

you hear hear you


lands at at lands

Nellie, do you you do Nellie,

it? it?

me. me.

Air Force One One Force Air

call. call.

me? We We me?

Andrews Air Force Base, Base, Force Air Andrews

Mrs, Connally is available to speak with with speak to available is Connally Mrs,

Senate throughout the Eisenhower years, years, Eisenhower the throughout Senate

Kennedy Kennedy

Hoover, Harry Truman, Truman, Harry Hoover,


Ike. In 1963, 1963, In Ike.

are are

right. right.

hear me? me? hear


and Connally had been taken. taken. been had Connally and

is going to be all right, we are are we right, all be to going is

1, AF 1,

White House, he telephones the the telephones he House, White

the the

hearing some reassuring news news reassuring some hearing

from CROWN, the Connally Connally the CROWN, from

line, and we are trying to to trying are we and line,


1, 1,

from CROWN, would would CROWN, from

unlike Hoover or Tru- or Hoover unlike

Johnson flies by by flies Johnson

Dwight Dwight

surgeon that that surgeon

Room 274, 274, Room


by for for by 19 19

—the man who drove him to the building where they work.' the building from from building the work.' they where building the to him drove who man —the

his mother—he kept a rifle like this wrapped up in a blanket which he kept in in kept he which blanket a in up wrapped this like rifle a kept mother—he his

the important thing at the time is that the location of the purchase of the gun by by gun the of purchase the of location the that is time the at thing important the

HOOVER: A. Hidell is an alias that this man has used on other occasions, and and occasions, other on used has man this that alias an is Hidell A. HOOVER: the house. On the morning that this incident occurred down there—yesterday there—yesterday down occurred incident this that morning the On house. the

where the shots came, said that he had a package wrapped up in paper.... But But paper.... in up wrapped package a had he that said came, shots the where

LBJ: Now, who is A. Hidell? Hidell? A. is who Now, LBJ:

according to the information we have from the house in which he was living— was he which in house the from have we information the to according

could kill the President of the United States. States. United the of President the kill could

dollars, and it seems almost impossible to think that for twenty-one dollars you you dollars twenty-one for that think to impossible almost seems it and dollars,

thing is that this gun was bought in Chicago on a money order. Cost twenty-one twenty-one Cost order. money a on Chicago in bought was gun this that is thing

identification. As soon as we finish the testing of the gun for fingerprints ... we we ... fingerprints for gun the of testing the finish we as soon As identification.

will then be able to test the one bullet we have with the gun. But the important important the But gun. the with have we bullet one the test to able be then will

LBJ: Yes, I told the Secret Service to see that that got taken care of. of. care taken got that that see to Service Secret the told I Yes, LBJ:

that one.' We have what we call slivers, which are not very valuable in the the in valuable very not are which slivers, call we what have We one.' that

only one full bullet that was found. That was on the stretcher that the President President the that stretcher the on was That found. was that bullet full one only

HOOVER: That's right. We have the gun and we have the bullet. There was was There bullet. the have we and gun the have We right. That's HOOVER:

was on. It apparently had fallen out when they massaged his heart, and we have have we and heart, his massaged they when out fallen had apparently It on. was

tion of it. it. of tion

post office box in Dallas, to a man—no, to a woman by the name of "A. Hidell" Hidell" "A. of name the by woman a to man—no, a to Dallas, in box office post

the gun was purchased and the shipment of the gun from Chicago to Dallas, to a a to Dallas, to Chicago from gun the of shipment the and purchased was gun the

charged him with the murder of the President. The evidence that they have at at have they that evidence The President. the of murder the with him charged

the present time is not very, very strong. We have just discovered the place where where place the discovered just have We strong. very very, not is time present the

HOOVER: I just wanted to let you know of a development which I think is is think I which development a of know you let to wanted just I HOOVER:

very important in connection with this case—this man in Dallas.' We, of course, course, of We, Dallas.' in man case—this this with connection in important very

10:01 10:01

Dirrefor, Federal iftorau of Imrstigation Imrstigation of iftorau Federal Dirrefor,



22 22

'Wesley Frazier drove Oswald to the Texas School Book Depository. Depository. Book School Texas the to Oswald drove Frazier 'Wesley

'. Oswald. Harvey 'Lee

'The official view later had it it had later view official 'The

We had it flown up last night, and our laboratory here is making an examina- an making is here laboratory our and night, last up flown it had We

been murdered by an international conspiracy. conspiracy. international an by murdered been

assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, which suggested to LBJ that Kennedy may have have may Kennedy that LBJ to suggested which Oswald, Harvey Lee assassin,

likely. Forty minutes before this call, lohnson had been briefed by CIA Director Director CIA by briefed been had lohnson call, this before minutes Forty likely. John McCone. The CIA had information on foreign connections to the alleged alleged the to connections foreign on information had CIA The McCone. John

might blame it for lapses that might have made Kennedy's assassination more more assassination Kennedy's made have might that lapses for it blame might

with with RI knows about the murder. Hoover is eager to impress the new President President new the impress to eager is Hoover murder. the about knows RI

Johnson, his friend of decades and longtime Washington neighbor, on what the the what on neighbor, Washington longtime and decades of friend his Johnson,

A.M. A.M.


the the

Bureau's efficiency, partly out of concern that Johnson and the public public the and Johnson that concern of out partly efficiency, Bureau's

that that

Director of the nu, who detested Kennedy, reports to to reports Kennedy, detested who nu, the of Director

the bullet was on Connally's stretcher. stretcher. Connally's on was bullet the


rTerations, mail from the Soviet Union to the United States was was States United the to Union Soviet the from mail rTerations,


giaphed by the Agency in concert with with concert in Agency the by giaphed

might be lolled before he could could he before lolled be might

and talked in a Soviet vice consul whom the CIA knew as a KGB expert in assassination and and assassination in expert KGB a as knew CIA the whom consul vice Soviet a in talked and explained. explained.

officer.' officer.' t•ahotagc. The memo warned that that warned memo The t•ahotagc.

LBJ: !Wonder if you will get me a little synopsis and let me have what develop- develop- what have me let and synopsis little a me get will you if !Wonder LBJ:

the dy. dy. the

IWO Then he returned to to returned he Then IWO

HOOVER: Yes, yes, he had had he yes, Yes, HOOVER:

theater.' There at the theater was where he had the gun battle with the police police the with battle gun the had he where was theater the at There theater.'

HOOVER: That is an entirely different gun. gun. different entirely an is That HOOVER:

fired the gun and throw the gun away and then went out. He went down to this this to down went He out. went then and away gun the throw and gun the fired

LBJ: You think he might have two? two? have might he think You LBJ:

found were found on the fifth floor! But he apparently went upstairs to have have to upstairs went apparently he But floor! fifth the on found were found mail is delivered to the embassy without being examined and opened by us, so so us, by opened and examined being without embassy the to delivered is mail

of course, is a definite trend. trend. definite a is course, of

that the bullets were fired from the fifth floor, and the three shells that were were that shells three the and floor, fifth the from fired were bullets the that letter which was written by Oswald to the Soviet embassy here in Washington, Washington, in here embassy Soviet the to Oswald by written was which letter

LBJ: It definitely established that he—the same gun killed the policeman? policeman? the killed gun same he—the that established definitely It LBJ: found on the sixth floor in the building from which it had been fired. I think think I fired. been had it which from building the in floor sixth the on found

process all mail that goes to the Soviet embassy.' It's is very secret operation.' No No operation.' secret very is It's embassy.' Soviet the to goes that mail all process

questioning of his wife by the FBI. FBI. the by wife his of questioning denied everything. He doesn't know anything about anything, but the gun thing, thing, gun the but anything, about anything know doesn't He everything. denied

inquiring as well as complaining about the harassment of his wife and the the and wife his of harassment the about complaining as well as inquiring enough to be able to get a conviction.... Now if we can identify this man who who man this identify can we if Now conviction.... a get to able be to enough

HOOVER: No that's one angle that's very confusing, for this reason—we have have reason—we this for confusing, very that's angle one that's No HOOVER:

was at the ... Soviet embassy in Mexico City.... This man Oswald has still still has Oswald man This City.... Mexico in embassy Soviet ... the at was up here the tape and the photograph of the man who was at the Soviet embassy, embassy, Soviet the at was who man the of photograph the and tape the here up

person who was at the Soviet embassy down there.' We do have a copy of a a of copy a have do We there.' down embassy Soviet the at was who person

Mexico in September?' September?' in Mexico

using Oswald's name. That picture and the tape do not correspond to this man's man's this to correspond not do tape the and picture That name. Oswald's using

voice, nor to his appearance. In other words, it appears that there is a second second a is there that appears it words, other In appearance. his to nor voice,

able to establish that last night. night. last that establish to able

that we know what they receive.... The case, as it stands now, isn't strong strong isn't now, stands it as case, The receive.... they what know we that

a money order apparently to the Klein Gun Company' in Chicago—we were were Chicago—we in Company' Gun Klein the to apparently order money a

LBJ: Have you established any more about the visit to the Soviet embassy in in embassy Soviet the to visit the about more any established you Have LBJ:

• •

'The Texas Theater in Dallas, where Oswald was apprehended. apprehended. was Oswald where Dallas, in Theater Texas 'The

'In Washington. Washington. 'In

'A CIA memo written that that written memo CIA 'A

'After defecting to the Soviet Union, Oswald had married Marina Prusakova in Minsk in in Minsk in Prusakova Marina married had Oswald Union, Soviet the to defecting 'After

'Actually the three empty cartridge cases were found on the sixth floor. floor. sixth the on found were cases cartridge empty three the 'Actually 'The tape and photograph came from CIA surveillance. The discrepancy has yet to be hilly hilly be to yet has discrepancy The surveillance. CIA from came photograph and tape 'The `Iloovers early information was wrong. I.D. Tippit was killed on a Dallas street. street. Dallas a on killed was Tippit I.D. wrong. was information early `Iloovers

'Actually Klein's Sporting Goods Company. Company. Goods Sporting Klein's 'Actually

Between 1953 and 1973, although the CIA was forbidden by law to engage in domestic domestic in engage to law by forbidden was CIA the although 1973, and 1953 Between




ome your way during the day and rry to get to me before we dose up for for up dose we before me to get to rry and day the during way your ome

the the

day day

United States. States. United

reveal it to U.S. authorities (National Archives). Archives). (National authorities U.S. to it reveal

reported that that reported

if if

two two


Oswald had indeed been part of a foreign foreign a of part been indeed had Oswald

the the

guns.... The one that killed the President was was President the killed that one The guns....

Now, Now,


Oswald had visited Mexico City City Mexico visited had Oswald

of course, that letter information—we information—we letter that course, of

We We

also have that gun.... gun.... that have also

covertly covertly

opened and photo- and opened

conspiracy, he he conspiracy,

in September September in

23 23

!sic] through the White House switchboard.... M.0-Y-E-R M.0-Y-E-R switchboard.... House White the through !sic]

LBJ: LBJ: around with you all the time. [both laugh] laugh] [both time. the all you with around

expected an invitation to the funeral. How are they handling that that handling they are How funeral. the to invitation an expected

YOUNG: Well, I mean, what time is the service? service? the is time what mean, I Well, YOUNG:

YOUNG: Thanks so much. What What much. so Thanks YOUNG:

come through, tonight ? ? tonight through, come

eats out our national existence. existence. national our out eats

my family and I'd almost take you as my guest if I can get an extra ticket. Let Let ticket. extra an get can I if guest my as you take almost I'd and family my

30 30

LB': (joking:] No wonder he hasn't been worth a damn to mel He's running running He's mel to damn a worth been hasn't he wonder No (joking:] LB':

injustice—that's why we've got to have a civil rights bill. It's It's bill. rights civil a have to got we've why injustice—that's

YOUNG: Right, right. That's wonderful. wonderful. That's right. Right, YOUNG: to Sargent Shriver" and he said that he'd work it right out. out. right it work he'd that said he and Shriver" Sargent to

LBJ: (back to Young:] Noon.... Now, if you don't, you can call Bill Moyer Moyer Bill call can you don't, you if Now, Noon.... Young:] to (back LBJ: YOUNG: YOUNG: LBJ: Damned if I know. [aside, to aide:] What time—when will the invitations invitations the will time—when What aide:] to [aside, know. I if Damned LBJ:

6:23 6:23

YOUNG: One thing more—and I haven't heard anything about it—we sort of of sort it—we about anything heard haven't I more—and thing One YOUNG: WHITNEY YOUNG YOUNG WHITNEY me see about it. I don't know. Bobby' is handling it. But I'll check it. it. check I'll But it. handling is Bobby' know. don't I it. about see me

tant.' tant.'

mestically—and just say that this hate that produces inequality, this hate that that hate this inequality, produces that hate this that say just mestically—and

produces poverty, that's why we've got to have a tax bill—the hate that produces produces that hate bill—the tax a have to got we've why that's poverty, produces Deputy Director under the Kennedy presidency. as 'Moyer.' 'Moyer.' as presidency. Kennedy the under Director Deputy

ceremonies on behalf of the . family. Kennedy the of behalf on ceremonies

LBJ: God bless you, and I was thinking of you. you. of thinking was I and you, bless God LBJ: LBJ: I have no idea under the sun, but let me inquire on it. I'd sure—I'm taking taking sure—I'm I'd it. on inquire me let but sun, the under idea no have I LBJ:

LBJ: [agrees:] I dictated a whole page on hate—hate international—hate do- international—hate hate—hate on page whole a dictated I [agrees:] LBJ:

'Roy Wilkins. Wilkins. 'Roy

'The late President's President's late 'The

'Johnson sometimes referred to Mayers. his old Senate aide who had become Shrived' Shrived' become had who aide Senate old his Mayers. to referred sometimes 'Johnson

Robert Kennedy. Kennedy. Robert

P.M. P.M.

That invitation will come through to you and Roy' tonight.... We talked talked We tonight.... Roy' and you to through come will invitation That

Yes, I know him. Had him speak at our conference last summer. summer. last conference our at speak him Had him. know I Yes,





law, law,


Director Director

time time

is that? that? is

of the the of

Peace Corps, who is organizing organizing is who Corps, Peace

[sir]. [sir].

a a

cancer that just just that cancer

He's my assis- my He's

the the

must be so sweeping and extensive that they leave no room far the imagination of the morbid, morbid, the of imagination the far room no leave they that extensive and sweeping so be must

analysis and canvass of every scrap of relevant information. The disclosures and conclusions conclusions and disclosures The information. relevant of scrap every of canvass and analysis

the propaganda of the left or right, or the sheer fantasy of the irresponsible." irresponsible." the of fantasy sheer the or right, or left the of propaganda the

inquiry by means that assure the most objective, the most thorough and the most speedy speedy most the and thorough most the objective, most the assure that means by inquiry

"no state or local inquiry" would be enough: "The Federal Government must prosecute this this prosecute must Government Federal "The enough: be would inquiry" local or state "no

his first night as President, horrified to learn that Dallas prosecutors were threatening to charge charge to threatening were prosecutors Dallas that learn to horrified President, as night first his

Oswald with killing Kennedy to further "a Communist conspiracy," LB) ordered aides to get get to aides ordered LB) conspiracy," Communist "a further to Kennedy killing with Oswald

pressure on him to wage some kind of revenge assault against Cuba or the Soviet Union. On On Union. Soviet the or Cuba against assault revenge of kind some wage to him on pressure

the Dallas district attorney in line and to encourage a Texas Court of Inquiry Inquiry of Court Texas a encourage to and line in attorney district Dallas the

speculation about Oswald's foreign connections to forestall public outrage that might lead to to lead might that outrage public forestall to connections foreign Oswald's about speculation

Post, Post,

and I wanted you to know about it. One—we believe that the way to handle this, this, handle to way the that believe One—we it. about know to you wanted I and

going to,run an editorial if we don't do things.° Now we're going to do two things things two do to going we're Now things.° do don't we if editorial an to,run going

checking up on every shooting scrape in the country, but they've gone to the the to gone they've but country, the in scrape shooting every on up checking

we think would be very bad and put it right in the White House. House. White the in right it put and bad very be would think we

that's where the suggestion came from for this presidential commission,' which which commission,' presidential this for from came suggestion the where that's

Post Post

LBJ: Apparently some lawyer in Justice' is lobbying with the the with lobbying is Justice' in lawyer some Apparently LBJ:

J. J.

10:30 10:30

will start talking and and talking start will just tell 'em I'll have to go home? I've asked you for three days to do it! it! do to days three for you asked I've home? go to have I'll 'em tell just


LBJ: Let Let LBJ:

LB]: LB]: like that 'cause I'll get right talking with J. Edgar Hoover and you and Juanita' Juanita' and you and Hoover Edgar J. with talking right get I'll 'cause that like

VOICE: Yes, sir. sir. Yes, VOICE:

10:29 10:29



'Indeed 'Indeed

'To investigate Kennedy's murder. murder. Kennedy's investigate 'To

'The 'The

'Robert Kennedy's Justice Department, which, as Johnson knows, is Hoover's nemesis. nemesis. Hoover's is knows, Johnson as which, Department, Justice Kennedy's 'Robert

'Suspecting that that 'Suspecting

'Juanita Roberts, a Johnson secretary secretary Johnson a Roberts, 'Juanita


November 14. 1993). 1993). 14. November

now to get 'em an editorial, and the the and editorial, an 'em get to now

investigate the Kennedy assassination. assassination. Kennedy the investigate

in a bad humor, is is humor, bad a in

FBI Director for help. help. for Director FBI

tion to the FBI and state of Texas.' Knowing that Hoover will agree, he asks the the asks he agree, will Hoover that Knowing Texas.' of state and FBI the to tion

Washington Post. Post. Washington

A.M. A.M.

(angry:] Everybody just keeps coming on. Now I can't work with an office office an with work can't I Now on. coming keeps just Everybody (angry:]

the Post Post the


Yes, sir.... Mr. Mr. sir.... Yes,

me me

find it— it— find

ran an editorial the next day saying that to investigate the assassination, assassination, the investigate to that saying day next the editorial an ran

Kennedy Kennedy

saying saying

was killed by a conspiracy, Johnson wished to close off public public off close to wished Johnson conspiracy, a by killed was

under pressure pressure under

Hoover on on Hoover

hello. If the telephone system can't can't system telephone the If hello.


funeral ceremonies are to begin in an hour Johnson, Johnson, hour an in begin to are ceremonies funeral

2383. 2383.

to appoint a presidential commission to to commission presidential a appoint to

He He

Post Post

would would

is calling up and saying they're they're saying and up calling is

prefer prefer

to leave the investiga- the leave to

work, will you you will work,

Post' Post'

We We

(Washington (Washington

can't be be can't

because because 31 31 32

as we said yesterday—your suggestion

available to the country in whatever form may seem desirable. Second—it's a command, making a full report to the Attorney General and then they make it

and very cooperative with you. He's going to run a Court of Inquiry, which is

state matter, too, and the state Attorney General' is young and able and prudent

outstanding jurists in the country. But he's a good conservative fella and we don't provided for by stale law, and he's going to have associated with him the most and he's for it.... Now if you get too many conks messing with the broth, it'll

start invading local jurisdictions that way and he understands what you're doing

happening and they can expect Waggoner Carr, the Attorney General of Texas, mess the state holds Courts of Inquiry every time a law is violated, and the FBI makes

• can offer them your full cooperation and vice versa.... these investigations.... You ought to tell your press men that that's what's

HOOVER: We'll both work together on it. to

just picking out a Tom Dewey lawyer from New York LB): And any influence you got with the

on new facts—this commission thing

HOOVER: It's a regular circus then.

LBJ: That's right. HOOVER: Because it times a commission that's not trained hurts more than it helps.'

113J: [laughs] You told me that once before. I just want your people to know LB): Just like an investigating committee. HOOVER: Exactly. I don't have much influence with the

don't read it. I view it like the

JOSEPH ALSOP the facts, and your people can say that. And that kind of negates it, you see?



ALSOP: You know what I feel about you and you know how I

all in the letter

was Johnson's image

contrary to Johnson's memory,

make an announcement this morning, to have a state inquiry and that you


'Thomas Dewey, former New York Governor and twice Republican

'Farmer President Hoover chaired two




it up.. , . These two are trained organizations and the Attorney General of




old American Communist Party gazette.



WaShInglon Post

Johnson a letter




of a Wall Street

mums one

colleagues against the notion of a commission. '

ll be covered by TV and everything like that.


of praise on his succession


Daily Worker.'


generally accounted a success.


the most powerful columnists of the time to turn


Mr. Herbert Hoover tried that and some-

that you put every facility at your

Post . ..


to the presidency.

point out to them that ...


and sending him down



nominee far

because I frankly

Harry Truman that,

well, I put it


ney General".... He will have associated with him one or two of the outstanding probably right after the funeral—a state Court of Inquiry headed by the Attor- LBJ: [reading from notes:] "He has ordered—or will order during the day,

of America or Dean Storey,' or- Attorney General in the Fifth Circuit Negro case,' or the head of the trial lawyers civil liberties jurists in the country." Perhaps laworski, who represented the LBJ: No, they're going to have FBI from outside Texas, but this is under Texas ALSOP: You mean, somebody from outside Texas? law' and they take all the involvements and we don't send in a bunch of carpet

baggers. That's the worst thing we could do right now.

LBJ: 1 FBI that's going to the bottom of it.... But paralleling that is a blue-ribbon state ALSOP: You think so? him, somebody like, say, John Garwood, Will Clayton's son-in-law, who was a Pearl Harbor

brilliant Supreme Court Justice, that's retired'—somebody like Roberts did at Court of Inquiry headed by the brilliant Attorney General people running over each other and everybody agrees. Now I know that some of I had to leave Mrs. Kennedy's side at the White House and decisions. We decided that the best thing to do to counterattack is, number one, ALSOP: Nobody, nobody, Mr. President, lobbied me. I lay awake all night. we just can't have them lobbying against the President, when he makes these to put the FBI in full force, number two, to put the state the lawyers—they thought of the blue LBJ: No, not you. [irritated:] They lobbied

Service and FBI to proceed immediately. I spent yesterday. [more shrill:] I had the Attorney General from Texas fly in here.... And the FBI is of the opinion that the wisest, quickest, ablest, most effective way to go about it is for them to thoroughly study it and bring in a written report to and resurfaced in 1973 as the second Special Prosecutor to pursue Richard Nixon's Watergate the Attorney General' at the earliest possible date, which they've been working

Senator from Texas. On behalf of Robert Kennedy's Justice Department, Jaworski scandal. In 1960, lawatski defended LBJ's right to run simultaneously for Vice President and prosecuted Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett for defying Methodist Law School in Dallas. black students to enroll at the University of Mississippi. Congress declare presidential assassination, kidnapping, or assault to be federal crimes. of those

ments. His daughter. Ellen Garwood, appeared during the Iran•contra hearings in 1987 as

rebels. Clayton's

Roosevelt to investigate the Japanese attack on Pearl I brim


1 'Of Texas_

'M. Robert Storey,

'Will Clayton was a wealthy Texan who served in the Roosevelt and Truman 'Assassination of a President still fell under state law in 1963 Only two years later did

'Texas. • 'U.S.

Leon Jaworski of Houston prosecuted the first major war criminal at Nuremberg in 1946

01 Texas,

Rohen Kennedy.

Supreme Court Justice Owen Roberts chaired a commission


who had


... Now, if we have another commission, hell,

raised private


former president of the

there's any question about a Texas operation, they've got an

John Garwood, was



in league with Colonel Oliver North for the Nicaraguan

American Bar Association and dean of Southern


ribbon commission first, at Justice, and

a Texas Supreme Court Justice


last night! I spent the day on it.



Fifth Circuit Court order to allow

of my day


in full force,



and associated with



and ask the Secret


gonna have


by Franklin this thing






- 34 TAKING CHARGE MICHAEL R. LIESCHLOSS 35 on since twelve-thirty yesterday. Number one—and they have information that ALSOP: I just wouldn't put it on Bobby and Nick Katzenbach....1 think it's is available to no our, that has not been presented thus far.... Number two, to unfair to put it on Bobby. It is his own brother's death. in Texas, where parallel that, we're having a blue-ribbon Court of Inquiry LBJ: I'm not going to put it on Bobby. ]growing more irritated:] We're putting this thing occurred. it on the finest jurists in the land.... Then we're putting it on the top investiga- ALSOP: Mr. President, just let me give you my political judgment on the thing. tive agency and asking them to write a report. I think you've done everything that could probably be done- ALSOP: , I'm just suggesting ... this very small addition to the admirable LBJ: We just don't want to be in a position—I'll make this one more statement machinery that you've already set up.... And I now see exactly how right you and then I'm through-1 want to hear you. We don't want to be in the position are and how wrong I was about this idea of a blue-ribbon commission. of saying that we have come into a state, other than the FBI.... Some outsiders LBJ: Now, you see, Katzenbach suggested that and that provoked it. The lawyers have told them that their integrity is no good and that we're going to have some that counsel me just hit the ceiling. Said, "My God Almighty!" carpetbag trials. We can't haul off people from New York and try them in Jackson, Mississippi, and we can't haul off people from Dallas and try them in New York. ALSO?: . . What I am suggesting is not at all what Katzenbach suggested.... I worry about this Post editorial. I'd like you to get ahead of them. ALSOP: I see that, Mr. President, but let me- LBJ: I worry about the Post, period, but— [chuckles] LBJ: It is their constitutional right. Go ahead now ALSOP: ... If you make this derision and have Moyers call Friendly or Kay' ALSOP: Let me make one suggestion because ... I think this bridges the gap . . they'll be flattered.. And I hate to interfere, sir. rani}, dare to do so because which I believe and Dean Acheson' believes still exists.... Friendly' is going to 1 care so much about you. come out tomorrow morning with a big thing about a blue-ribbon commission, LB): I know that, Joe. which he thought of independently.... I'm sure you're right except there's one missing piece. I suggest that you announce that as you do not want the Attorney ALSOP: What I'm really honestly giving you is public relations advice and General to have the painful responsibility of reporting on his own brother's not legal advice. assassination, that you have authorized three jurists to review all the evidence LB): Well, I'm not grounded. I don't have the depth in the civil liberties picture by the FBI and produce a report to the nation for the nation.... If you'll get out that some of the folks that have worked on this with me. I had a lawyer' left my such an announcement this afternoon, you're going to make a marvelous—well, house around midnight and spent, I guess, three or four hours going over this you've already made a marvelous start. You haven't put a damned foot one thing from A to Z and we thought that this was the best way to handle it, and I've never seen anything like it.— I'm sure that quarter of art inch wrong, ALSOP: Mr. President ... I must not keep you because you'll be late getting Washington Post if Moyers rails Friendly, you'll have terrific support from the into your trousers. and from the whole of the rest of the press instantly. LBJ: I'll ruin both procedures we've got, though.... My lawyers, foe, tell me that ... the President must not inject himself into local killings. MCGEORGE BUNDY ALSOP: I agree with that. But in this case it does happen to be the killing of 4:00 PA!. the President.... LBJ: I know that. JUST ATTER KENNEDY'S BURIAL at Arlington National Cemetery, Johnson returns to the White House anxious about what will happen when the national ALSO?: Mind you, Mr. President .. I am talking about a body which will take day of mourning is over. all the evidence the F131 has amassed.... That, I think, you see, that is not an interference in Texas. LBJ: The Securities Exchange, commodity markets, and so forth—I'm a little LBJ: No, but it's- worried about them tomorrow. You know what they did—they dropped—after ALSOP: Wait a second, now That is a way to transmit to the public ... and in Eisenhower's heart attack' So that's the main reason we really wanted to speak' a way that will carry absolute conviction what the FBI has turned up. Tuesday. We hoped that we could hold 'em. But I wonder if you wouldn't mind talking to Dillon and Martin' and seeing if they've got any suggestions. LBJ: Why can't the FBI transmit it? ALSOP: Because no one ... on the left—they won't believe the rm. And the FBI doesn't write very well. 'Katharine Graham, Washington Post Company president since her husband's death by his own hand in August 1963. LBJ: They'd believe Nick KatzenbachP 'Johnson's longtime friend and close counselor Abe Fortes. 'Eisenhower suffered a massive coronary in September 1955. 'Tice Truman Secretary of State had become a Washington lawyer. 'To a Joint Session of Congress. *Allred Friendly, managing editor of the Washington Post. 'Secretary of the Treasury Douglas Dillon and Federal Reserve Board Chairman William "Robert Kennedy's Deputy Attorney General. McChesney Marlin. 36 rasziNG CHARGE MICHAEL R. SESCiSLOSS 37

BUNDY: I talked in a general way to Doug yesterday and he was not worried, O'BRIEN: I know that, Mr. President. but let me check again, because that's twenty-four hours old. LW: I don't expect you to love me as much as you did him, but I expect you LBJ: I think both of them might make some kind of statement about the con- will after we've been around awhile. tinuity, stability, or something. and express their confidence—it might help. O'BRIEN: Right, Mr. President. They ought to be imaginative enough to find something that they think could L131: ... 1 wanted to congratulate you, too, on that Mundt vote up there) I stabilize it. think it would be a terrible thing to Kennedy's memory to have this wheat sale BUNDY: Your Latin American idea ' is regarded a ten-strike and we're going to thing repudiated.... I did tell Mansfield that I thought it would be ... a hell of organize that for tomorrow afternoon. There's some problem of where, but well a way to launch a nets, administration. have a recommendation on that for the morning. De Gaulle is the senior of these O'BRIEN: Right, I agree. three men you're seeing this evening.' I think you probably ought to see him first. You'd be seeing them all three in order. He's very protocol-etre and the LB): And so I want somebody to give it a little attention and let me know other two don't care. The other two, you see, are not heads of state. tonight or in the morning if there is anything that I need to know about it if it's not well taken care of.... And then you let me know any suggestions you have LBI: All right. because we're in this thing up to our ears. BUNDY: Does that bother you? LBJ: A little .3 I thought I'd sandwich him in, but if you think it'd be disagree- able. You see, he urged—what time do we have to see him? MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. BUNDY: Well, we hope you'll be through with the reception and certain private President, Southern Christian Leadership Conference interviews, and you could see him at seven and then have Pearson and Ikeda' 9:20 Rm. right after that. They're both tickled pink. LB): All right, I'll follow your judgment on that. LEO.: A good many people told me that they heard about your statement, I guess, on TV, wasn't it? KING: Yes, that's right. LAWRENCE O'BRIEN LB]: I've been locked up in this office and haven't seen it, but I want to tell you Special Assistant to the President for Congressional Relations how grateful I am and how worthy I'm going to try to be of all your hopes. '1:04 P.M. KING: Well, thank you very much. I am so happy to hear that and I knew that you had just that great spirit and you know you have our support and backing. his pitch to Kennedy's congressional liaison, who has JOHNSON MAKES We know what a difficult period this is. returned from the Kennedy burial with a fellow member of JFK's Irish Mafia,' Kenneth O'Donnell, in a deep state of melancholy. LBJ: It's just an impossible period. We've got a budget coming up that's ... practically already made and we've got a civil rights bill.... We've just got to not LB): Needless to toll you, I'm most anxious for you to continue just like you let up on any of 'em and keep going. And I guess they'll say that I'm repudiated. have been, because I need you a lot more than he did. But I'm going to ask the Congress Wednesday to just stay there till they pass 'ern all. They won't do it, but we'll just keep them there next year until they do O'BRIEN: Mr. President, Ken is here with me. Dia you have any immediate and we just won't give up an inch. problem? LBJ: No, no, I just wanted you to know how strongly I felt about you and Ken KING: Uh-huh. Well, this is mighty fine.... I think one of the great tributes that we can pay in memory of President Kennedy is to try to enact some of the and all the rest of the staff, and I had talked to some of them individually, but I great progressive policies that he sought to initiate. hadn't had a chance to run into you, and I think you know the confidence I have in you and admiration 1 have for you. LBJ: I'm going to support 'em all and you can count on that. And I'm going to do my best to get other men to do likewise and I'll have to have you-all's help. I 'Johnson had asked Bundy to arrange a special meeting with a hundred representatives of never needed it more'n I do now. Latin American nations to reaffirm his commitment to Kennedy's Alliance for Progress, de- signed to improve relations among the Americas, 'Republican Senator Karl Mundt had sought to block JLK's financing of the sale of surplus 'At the aforementioned State Department reception. wheat to the Soviet bloc through the U.S. Export-lmport Bank. At Kennedy's death, the 'De Gaulle's relationship with the United States was rocky in 1963, thanks in pan to his administration lacked the votes to defeat him. By casting the issue as a vote of confidence in opposition to British membership in the Common Market and to the American-Soviet-British she new President, Johnson managed to turn around nine Democrats and one Republican to partial nuclear test ban treaty thwart the Mundt bill by 57 to 35. 'Prime Ministers Lester Pearson of Canada and Flayato Ikeda of Japan. 'Stating confidence in Johnson's leadership. su 1AKING CHARGE. MICHAEL B. BESCHLOSS 47

night at dinner and how what you and Phil had said about me and how touched He calls Eastland to talk him out of holding separate Senate hearings on the she was, and how she remembered it and what the President had said to her assassination. several times about it. We just kind of had a real lovely session for about thirty minutes here. We're going to name Cape Canaveral Cape Kennedy' and- LBj: Jim, on this investigation—this Dallas situation—what does your com- mittee plan to do on it t . . ALSOP: Yes, Kay and I after your speech this morning—she lunched with me —and we both sort of had a ridiculous cry because Phil wasn't there to see how EASTLAND: We plan to hold hearings and just make a record of what the right he'd been. proof is. That's all Show that this man was the assassin.... We've had a great LBJ: Did you see what she sent me that he had written? number of Senators that have tome to us to request it, beginning with Morse.' ...Now if you want it dropped, we'll drop it. ALSOP: No, I didn't. LBJ: I had this feeling—this is very confidential and I haven't proposed it to LBJ: We'll have to have you and Susan Mary' some night. anybody and I don't know that I would—but we've got a pretty strong states' ALSOP: Your speech was a triumphant success, Lyndon. rights question here and I've had some hesitancy to start having a bunch of LBJ: Was it? Congressional inquiries into violation of a state statute,' and it might- ALSOP: And i have to tell you because I'm going to write it. I've never thought EASTLAND: You see, we've got a bill in to make it a federal-1 that speaking was your long suit. I've thought that acting was your long suit — LBJ: I know it. but you haven't got any law and it might set a precedent that action, not oratory. But it was everything that one hoped.... And good luck to you wouldn't want to have. I talked to some of the fellows about is day before you and let me come and see you. yesterday. Russell' was down here for luncheon. LBJ: I sure will, sure will. EASTLAND: Now, there's one of them that's urged it. LBJ: Now my thought would be this, if we could do it—we might get two members from each body. You see, we're going to have three inquiries running as it is. EASTLAND: Well, I wouldn't want that. That wouldn't do. LBJ: And if we could have two Congressmen and two Senators and maybe a THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1963 Justice of the Supreme Court take the FBI report and review it I think is would—this is a very explosive thing and it could be a very dangerous thing for the country. And a little publicity could just fan the flames. What would you JAMES EASTLAND think about if we could work it out of getting somebody from the Court and Chairman. Senate Judiciary Committee. Democrat of lilssissippi somebody from the House and somebody from the Senate and have a real high- level judicial study of all the facts/ 3:21 Itst. EASTLAND: Well, it would suit me all right. Now you'd have—there's going to be some opposition on the committee.... Now JOHNSON is swinging around to the idea of a presidential com- LBJ: If it is all right with you, I'm not worried about your committee, I know mission, suggested by Katzenbach and the Washington Post, that will hold what-you can handle. closed-door hearings into the Kennedy assassination. He believes that a com- mission may have the best chance to preempt other investigations that might get out of control, exciting the public about Oswald's Cuban and Soviet tics.'

'At Johnson's suggestion, after Mrs. Kennedy asked him to do something to commemorate JFK's support For the space program. 'Mr'. AimP- 'Tar_ w-Lo L4,0441,-t to. 'On November 25, Katzenbach had written Moyers, *It is important that all of the facts surrounding President Kennedy's assassination be made public in a way which will satisfy people in the United States and abroad that all the facts have been told and that a statement to 'Wayne Morse. Democrat of Oregon. this effect be made now. I. The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin, that he 'Knowing that Eastland is a strong champion of states' rights, especially in blocking federal did not have confederates who are still at large and that the evidence was such he would have integration plans, Johnson uses this approach to derail the Senator's intentions on the Kennedy been convicted at trial. 2. Speculation about Oswald's motivation ought to be cut of( and we assassination. should have some basis lot rebutting that this was a Communist conspiracy or (as the Iron 'Eastland was considering a bill making an assassination attempt on a President or other Curtain press is saying) a right-wing conspiracy t_o blame it on the Communists" Oohnson high administration offides a federal offense. Library). cAAAA.4.1.1 (1,...41 ki t i tx . ft Lak) it 4,463 .., ji....e...... 'Senator Richard Russell, Democrat of Georgia.

/k1,6271/ lq,. GtitnAl I

avalanche avalanche

record. record.

ing. And my life is the Hill, as I said the the said I as Hill, the is life my And ing.

reins of government. government. of reins

Hill Hill

how you can help us get that tax bill out.... Every businessman I've talked to to talked I've businessman Every out.... bill tax that get us help can you how

about the Congress.' ... There is some merit to some of the things they're say- they're things the of some to merit some is There ... Congress.' the about could, we ought to show some evidence of progress. And you be thinking about about thinking be you And progress. of evidence some show to ought we could,

since I've been in here—from the tops on down ... says every one of them are are them of one every says ... down on tops the here—from in been I've since

the other day' because they thought that we were going to be stable in business, business, in stable be to going were we that thought they because day' other the

a week.... They've got the MacGregor Burnses and the rest of them writing writing them of rest the and Burnses MacGregor the got They've week.... a

waiting to see whether they're really going to pass one one pass to going really they're whether see to waiting

manly can to keep that within bounds.... Everett . . Everett bounds.... within that keep to can manly

before before


LBJ: ... Now Harry Byrd is very interested in seeing what this budget'll be be budget'll this what seeing in interested very is Byrd Harry Now ... LBJ:

home. If we don't, why, we're going to get a bad press. press. bad a get to going we're why, don't, we If home.

world we're going to get some little action between now and the time we go go we time the and now between action little some get to going we're world

LBJ: I want to talk to you and Charlie' in the next day or two about how in the the in how about two or day next the in Charlie' and you to talk to want I LBJ:


right now.' now.' right

BOGGS: Don't worry. She's got a flock of letters and things she's working on on working she's things and letters of flock a got She's worry. Don't BOGGS:

got to be careful who she asks to help. help. to asks she who careful be to got

LBJ: You're mighty wonderful. Bird wants Lindy to help her on a gond many many gond a on her help to Lindy wants Bird wonderful. mighty You're LBJ:

few few

11:40 A.M. A.M. 11:40

BOGGS: You were magnificent last night.' We sat down—Lindy' and and down—Lindy' sat We night.' last magnificent were You BOGGS:

11:35 11:35

things. So tell her to be as charitable with my little girl as she can because she's she's because can she as girl little my with charitable as be to her tell So things.

Assistant !loose ilajorii !loose Assistant

were utterly magnificent. magnificent. utterly were


96 96


'Mrs. Boggs. Boggs. 'Mrs.

'lames MacGregor Burns Burns MacGregor 'lames

'Congressman Charles Charles 'Congressman

'Mrs. Boggs was already already was Boggs 'Mrs.

'Boggs refers to Johnson's Thanksgiving evening television speech from the Oval Office. Office. Oval the from speech television evening Thanksgiving Johnson's to refers 'Boggs

'When the stuck market opened after the Kennedy funeral, it made the greatest advance on on advance greatest the made it funeral, Kennedy the after opened market stuck the 'When

At the Joint Session. Session. Joint the At

m an influential book of the same name (Prentice-Hall. (Prentice-Hall. name same the of book influential an m

of our warm friends—and just cried. God, what a job you've done and you you and done you've job a what God, cried. just friends—and warm our of


This was widely ascribed to the smoothness with which Johnson had taken over the the over taken had Johnson which with smoothness the to ascribed widely was This

he he

;.M. ;.M.


of of

reports this tax bill out.... I've already done everything that I hu- hu- I that everything done already I've out.... bill tax this reports

mad. mad.

lialleck of Indiana, the Republican House Minority Leader. Leader. Minority House Republican the Indiana, of lialleck

had decried what he rolled "the deadlock of democracy" on Capitol Capitol on democracy" of deadlock "the rolled he what decried had

working at the Johnson house to help help to house Johnson the at working

■ ■

Leader. Democratic Congirssnian of Louisiana Louisiana of Congirssnian Democratic Leader.


other other

day,6 but I do think that if we we if that think do I but day,6

1963). 1963).

we can pass the tax bill in in bill tax the pass can we

That market market That

Mrs. Mrs.

Johnson with her her with Johnson

went up up went

I, I,

and a a and

microphone. microphone.

Illinois Senator's old reservations about civil rights, the time was now, Dirksen was going ro going was Dirksen now, was time the rights, civil about reservations old Senator's Illinois

call on the Chief Justice, see, see, Justice, Chief the on call

so the way way the so

and January. why, we're in a hell of a shape.... They ought to pass pass to ought They shape.... a of hell a in we're why, January. and

left behind, and that this this that and behind, left

civil rights bill, and he is already beginning to work on Dirksen, suggesting that despite the the despite that suggesting Dirksen, on work to beginning already is he and bill, rights civil

books. books.

Then ... every businessman in this country would have some confidence. And And confidence. some have would country this in businessman every ... Then an obligation to the Congress. And we've just got to show that they can do do can they that show to got just we've And Congress. the to obligation an




LBJ: All right. How many men on the commission are we going to have? have? to going we are commission the on men many How right. All LBJ:

DIRKSEN: I'll be hack there Monday and and Monday there hack be I'll DIRKSEN:

the House and Senate and 411 over over 411 and Senate and House the

FORTAS: I I FORTAS: LBJ: Progress on the Court? Court? the on Progress LBJ: from the Senate, then the Chief Justice— Justice— Chief the then Senate, the from

Senate like I ran it, you being pretty patriotic. And you cooperate.... We've got got We've cooperate.... you And patriotic. pretty being you it, ran I like Senate

LBJ: , , LBJ:

something because we can't pass civil rights. kVe know that= that= know kVe rights. civil pass can't we because something because they think we're going going we're think they because

to invoke cloture and abort the inevitable Southern Democratic filibuster. filibuster. Democratic Southern inevitable the abort and cloture invoke to

you'd probably pick up a bunch of Senate seats' because you're running the the running you're because seats' Senate of bunch a up pick probably you'd

Johnson knows that he must must he that knows Johnson

friend. friend.

1:15 nal. nal. 1:15

llaslangfort llaslangfort

'Allen Dulles, former Director of Central Intelligence. Intelligence. Central of Director former Dulles, 'Allen

'The prospect of a commission. commission. a of prospect 'The 'Meaning 'Meaning

'Archibald Cox, later the first Watergate Special Prosecutor. Prosecutor. Special Watergate first the later Cox, 'Archibald

'Iohnson 'Iohnson

'Johnson 'Johnson

'Ratzenbach. 'Ratzenbach.

argued argued

presidential commission commission presidential

asked Fortas to help persuade Chief Justice Earl Earl Justice Chief persuade help to Fortas asked

bleshooter had had bleshooter

federal district court judge kept Johnson's name off the election ballot. ballot. election the off name Johnson's kept judge court district federal

Johnson's fabled eighty-seven-vote margin was due to voting irregularities. a a irregularities. voting to due was margin eighty-seven-vote fabled Johnson's

from Texas. When Johnson's Johnson's When Texas. from

We need it right quick, though, because they're already announcing it) in in it) announcing already they're because though, quick, right it need We

If If

actually believes the the believes actually

wants a military man man military a wants


that LBJ, at the moment, cannot summon the two thirds of the Senate necessary necessary Senate the of thirds two the summon cannot moment, the at LBJ, that

we we

If you had Dulles* and the general,' and two from the House, two. two. House, the from two and general,' the and Dulles* had you If

Congress is to function at all and can't pass a tax bill between January January between bill tax a pass can't and all at function to is Congress

his case before before case his

Attorney and Partner, Arnold. Fortas Porter Porter Fortas Arnold. Partner, and Attorney

know.... know....

worked it out is that Nick) Nick) that is out it worked

and I've been trying to handle this this handle to trying been I've and

defended I.RJ I.RJ defended

was was

recruit Senate Senate recruit

Dirksen's chance to establish a place for himself in the history history the in himself for place a establish to chance Dirksen's

Justice Justice

exact exact

on the commission. commission. the on

instead of my doing doing my of instead


on the assassination. assassination. the on

opposite. opposite.

opponent, opponent,

Hugo Black, who ordered it restored. Now LB) has has LB) Now restored. it ordered who Black, Hugo

to to

after the the after

be frugal. But you've got to help me, me, help to got you've But frugal. be

New Deal Deal New

the the

Republicans to support cloture in order to get a a get to order in cloture support to Republicans

damned place. Like talking into a big big a into talking Like place. damned

and the Solicitor General' General' Solicitor the and

Governor Governor

1948 1948

friend, intimate counselor, and trou- and counselor, intimate friend,

talk to Harry. Harry. to talk

Democratic primary for for primary Democratic

it. it.

Warren to to Warren

Coke Stevenson, charged that that charged Stevenson, Coke

with the greatest tact, and and tact, greatest the with

chair his his chair

As As

it in a a in it

in the House.. House.. the in

are going tcp tcp going are

proposed] proposed]

Senator Senator

Fortas Fortas

week. week.


491 491

be be

, ,

1963. 1963.

FORTAS: That's wonderful. wonderful. That's FORTAS: Rovere to a famous famous a to Rovere

LBJ: What do you have to get through? through? get to have you do What LBJ:

LBJ: He's agreed to that. that. to agreed He's LBJ:

then head of the Chase Manhattan Bank was identified by the the by identified was Bank Manhattan Chase the of head then

House investigation. investigation. House

FORTAS: I mean just the agreement that they'll do this in lieu of a Senate and and Senate a of lieu in this do they'll that agreement the just mean I FORTAS:

figure. figure. LBJ: And McCormack has agreed to it, I would guess. What's his name—that name—that his What's guess. would I it, to agreed has McCormack And LBJ:

assassination to to assassination

FORTAS: That's what I mean and I thought maybe this would help get it it get help would this maybe thought I and mean I what That's FORTAS:

the highest highest the

LBJ: Well, he's talking all the goddamned time. He's a good fellow, but he's he's but fellow, good a He's time. goddamned the all talking he's Well, LBJ:

done announced it in the House.' House.' the in it announced done

through. through.

FORTAS: Oh, I would too. Yes sir, for anything I'd rather have him.... him.... have rather I'd anything for sir, Yes too. would I Oh, FORTAS: LB): I'd like to have Russell and Cooper' be my two. two. my be Cooper' and Russell have to like I'd LB):

FORTAS: No, sir. I think on the contrary, you know all these editorials are are editorials these all know you contrary, the on think I sir. No, FORTAS:

FORTAS: That would be marvelous—simply marvelous. On the House side, side, House the On marvelous. marvelous—simply be would That FORTAS:

we could get Hale Boggs. Boggs. Hale get could we

be a great thing, Mr. President, for them and for the country. country. the for and them for President, Mr. thing, great a be LBJ: Who would you think about in the Senate? Senate? the in about think you would Who LBJ:

have Russell than Eastland,' Eastland,' than Russell have

FORTAS: Yes, sir. sir. Yes, FORTAS: LB): Do we infringe upon the Congress in any way in doing it? Reflect on them them on Reflect it? doing in way any in Congress the upon infringe we Do LB):

in any way? way? any in

saying this would he a shame to have all these investigations. I think the country country the think I investigations. these all have to shame a he would this saying

will think the Congress had started acting wisely for a change. I think it would would it think I change. a for wisely acting started had Congress the think will

of mine. I'm devoted to him. him. to devoted I'm mine. of

LBJ: Let's think along that line now. Can we do this by executive order? order? executive by this do we Can now. line that along think Let's LBJ:

FORTAS: I think that'd be great. He's a wonderful man and a very dear friend friend dear very a and man wonderful a He's great. be that'd think I FORTAS:

minority member of the Judiciary Committee and similarly on the House.... House.... the on similarly and Committee Judiciary the of member minority

is Norstad.' Norstad.' is

LBJ: Who do you think of as the general? general? the as of think you do Who LBJ: LBI: Yeah, but CeHer!' Cod I hate io—Celler and Eastland! I hate to have them. them. have to hate I Eastland! and io—Celler hate I Cod CeHer!' but Yeah, LBI:

What would you think about John McCloy' instead of General Norstad? Norstad? General of instead McCloy' John about think you would What FORTAS: Only one I can think of—and 1 don't know many of those fellows— fellows— those of many know don't 1 of—and think can I one Only FORTAS:

50 50

'Emanuel Celle., Democrat of New York and Chairman, House Judiciary Committee. Committee. Judiciary House Chairman, and York New of Democrat Celle., 'Emanuel

'Johnson is far closer to Russell than Eastland and sees him as as him sees and Eastland than Russell to closer far is 'Johnson 'General Lauris Norstad had been Supreme Commander of NATO from 1956 until January January until 1956 from NATO of Commander Supreme been had Norstad Lauris 'General

'At noon that rl. - Boggs had irked lohnson by telling the House that he could stare 'on 'on stare could he that House the telling by lohnson irked had Boggs - rl. that noon 'At 'Roosevelt's Assistant Secretary of War, Truman's High Commissioner to Germany, Germany, to Commissioner High Truman's War, of Secretary Assistant 'Roosevelt's

'Senator John Slo-mian Cooper, Republican of Kentucky. Kentucky. of Republican Cooper, Slo-mian John 'Senator

uthntt.y" that there would be be would there that uthntt.y"


Sn I thought we'd probably have to take Eastland and the ranking ranking the and Eastland take to have probably we'd thought I Sn

it any "unseemly scramble for hearings." hearings." for scramble "unseemly any it

1962 1962

Esquire Esquire

article as "the Chairman' of of Chairman' "the as article


a "very "very a

high level" nonpanisan inquiry into the the into inquiry nonpanisan level" high

the the

a a

more large-minded, national national large-minded, more

Ameriran Establishment. Establishment. Ameriran

New New

I'd a whole lot rather rather lot whole a I'd

Yorke-, Yorke-,

writer Richard Richard writer

and and

have a rash of investigations on this thing. thing. this on investigations of rash a have

States. States. one to evaluate your report and put somebody that's pretty good on it that I can can I that it on good pretty that's somebody put and report your evaluate to one

LBJ: Well, Well, LBJ:

HOOVER: No, I haven't heard of that....1 think it would be very, very bad to to bad very very, be would it think that....1 of heard haven't I No, HOOVER:

LBJ: Are you familiar with this proposed group that they're trying to put put to trying they're that group proposed this with familiar you Are LBJ:

together on this study of your report and other things—two from the House, House, the from things—two other and report your of study this on together

bellyache. bellyache.

two from from two


FORTAS: I see. see. I FORTAS:

1:40 1:40 FORTAS: Yes sir. sir. Yes FORTAS:

LBJ: All All LBJ:

LBJ: No, he announced there was going to be a high-level commission. commission. high-level a be to going was there announced he No, LBJ:

FORTAS: Oh, Lord! I thought you meant he'd he'd meant you thought I Lord! Oh, FORTAS:

LBJ: LBJ: going to appoint them, don't we? we? don't them, appoint to going

happening. happening.

1.133: They've already announced it. it. announced already They've 1.133: ing, so he got down on the floor of the House. Some jerk got up and said said and up got jerk Some House. the of floor the on down got he so ing,

going to investigate. investigate. to going

something, so he thought he had to show his knowledge. knowledge. his show to had he thought he so something,

FORTAS: Who's announced it? it? announced Who's FORTAS: LBJ: Hale Boggs grit down, you sec. 1 had to tell him what we were contemplat- were we what him tell to had 1 sec. you down, grit Boggs Hale LBJ:

Justice may not want to do this, but I'll call Nick immediately and see if he's got got he's if see and immediately Nick call I'll but this, do to want not may Justice

hotfoot. hotfoot. 1,131: ... It might be a slap at Hale if we did that.... that.... did we if Hale at slap a be might It ... 1,131:

FORTAS: Yes sir, I wonder if we aren't stuck with Hale.... Now ... the Chief Chief the ... Now Hale.... with stuck aren't we if wonder I sir, Yes FORTAS:



a report yet. He should have gone over there right away. I really gave him the the him gave really I away. right there over gone have should He yet. report a

fellow McCulloch—he's the ranking Republican.' He's pretty good. Or Jerry Jerry Or good. pretty He's Republican.' ranking the McCulloch—he's fellow

'House Majority Leader, Democrat of Oklahoma of Democrat Leader, Majority 'House

'Republican Congressman from Michigan, later Vice President and President of the United United the of President and President Vice later Michigan, from Congressman 'Republican

'William McCulloch of Ohio, ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee. Committee. Judiciary House the on Republican ranking Ohio, of McCulloch 'William

P.M. P.M.

, ,

covering about the murder. murder. the about covering

commission, Johnson is sidetracked by fascination with what the FBI is dis- is FBI the what with fascination by sidetracked is Johnson commission,

I would think Jerry Ford would be good for the Republicans. Republicans. the for good be would Ford Jerry think would I

, . I I . ,

the the


right. God ...I think we ought to order them to do it and let them them let and it do to them order to ought we think ...I God right.

guess we have to talk to these fellows before we announce we're we're announce we before fellows these to talk to have we guess

the only way we can stop them is probably to appoint a high-level high-level a appoint to probably is them stop can we way only the

Senate, somebody from the Court, a couple of outsiders? outsiders? of couple a Court, the from somebody Senate,

, How about little old Carl Albert / Albert Carl old little about How ,


the FBI Director about names for the Presidential Presidential the for names about Director FBI the

You You

call him back and see what the hell is is hell the what see and back him call

, ,

3 3

just just

announced the House was was House the announced 51 51

consider him as high-class as you do. And it is a mighty gracious thing to do. do. to thing gracious mighty a is it And do. you as high-class as him consider

HOOVER: That's mighty nice of you, Mr. President, indeed. We hope to have have to hope We indeed. President, Mr. you, of nice mighty That's HOOVER:

And we'll he mighty happy. We salute you for knowing how to pick good men. men. good pick to how knowing for you salute We happy. mighty he we'll And

LBJ: He's kind of the author of the resolution. That's why. Now Walter tells tells Walter Now why. That's resolution. the of author the of kind He's LBJ:

me—Walter lenkins'—that you've designated Deke' to work with us, like you you like us, with work to Deke' designated you've lenkins'—that me—Walter HOOVER: 011, yes, I know Boggs. Boggs. know I yes, 011, HOOVER:

did on the Hill, and I tell you I sure appreciate that. I didn't ask for it 'cause ...... 'cause it for ask didn't I that. appreciate sure I you tell I and Hill, the on did other the TV on him saw I him. know don't I but him, of know I 1100VER: know you know how to run your business better than anybody else.... We We else.... anybody than better business your run to how know you know

LBJ: You know Boggs? Boggs? know You LBJ:

night for the first time and he handled himself well on that. that. on well himself handled he and time first the for night

at at

this thing wrapped up today, but could be we probably won't get it before the the before it get won't probably we be could but today, up wrapped thing this LBJ: ... Me and you arc just going to talk like brothers.... I thought Russell Russell thought I brothers.... like talk to going just arc you and Me ... LBJ:

Deloach, Deloach,

LBJ: Do you know Ford from Michigan? Michigan? from Ford know you Do LBJ:

HOOVER: That's right. right. That's HOOVER:

HOOVER: Yes, 1 think so. so. think 1 Yes, HOOVER:

could kind of look after the general situation, see that the states and their refa- their and states the that see situation, general the after look of kind could LBJ: And I thought Cooper might look after the liberal group.... He's a pretty pretty a He's group.... liberal the after look might Cooper thought I And LBJ:

of those on it. it. on those of that would award the FBI Director his salary for life. life. for salary his Director FBI the award would that

LB): Cooper is kind of border state. It's not the South and it's not the North. North. the not it's and South the not It's state. border of kind is Cooper LB):

HOOVER: No, no, no. Javits plays the front page a lot. lot. a page front the plays Javits no. no, No, HOOVER:

judicious fellow but he's a pretty liberal fellow. I wouldn't want Davits' or some some or Davits' want wouldn't I fellow. liberal pretty a he's but fellow judicious

lions— lions—

HOOVER: I'm not as enthusiastic about McCloy.... I'm not so certain as to to as certain so not I'm McCloy.... about enthusiastic as not I'm HOOVER:

HOOVER: Russell would he an excellent man. man. excellent an he would Russell HOOVER:

L131: ... I thought maybe I might try to to try might I maybe thought I ... L131:

LBJ: What do you think about John McCloy? McCloy? John about think you do What LBJ:

maybe try to get Dick Russell and maybe Cooper in the Senate. Senate. the in Cooper maybe and Russell Dick get to try maybe HOOVER: Good man. man. Good HOOVER:

HOOVER: I think he would he a good good a he would he think I HOOVER:

LBI: What about General Norstad? Norstad? General about What LBI:

HOOVER: It would he a three-ring circus. circus. three-ring a he would It HOOVER:

the matter of the publicity that be might seek on it. it. on seek might be that publicity the of matter the

get a a get

select ... and tell the House and the Senate not to go ahead ... bemuse they'll they'll bemuse ... ahead go to not Senate the and House the tell and ... select

LBJ: What do you think about Allen Dulles? Dulles? Allen about think you do What LBJ:

52 52

'Cartha "Deke" DcLoach of the FBI, whom fohnson fohnson whom FBI, the of DcLoach "Deke" 'Cartha

'Walter lenkins had been Johnson's close aide since 1939. 1939. since aide close Johnson's been had lenkins 'Walter

'Republican Senator Senator 'Republican

Hoover's request, DeLoach railed on the Senate Majority Leader and and Leader Majority Senate the on railed DeLoach request, Hoover's

lot of television going and I thought it would be bad. bad. be would it thought I and going television of lot

Hoover's Hoover's


Jacob 'arils 'arils Jacob

Regnery. Regnery.

1995, pp. 371-75.) 371-75.) pp. 1995,

of New York. York. New of


man. man.

get get

Boggs and Jerry Ford in the House, House, the in Ford Jerry and Boggs

has known known has


was happy to accede. (See Cartha Cartha (See accede. to happy was

and liked since 195B, 195B, since liked and

asked him him asked

for a bill bill a for

when, when,

on September 18 discussing assassinaton and taking money from someone inside the Cuban Cuban the inside someone from money taking and assassinaton discussing 18 September on

assassin was being moved from the Dallas jail. jail. Dallas the from moved being was assassin

embassy. McCone wattled that this information was 'as yet yet 'as was information this that wattled McCone embassy.

LBJ: Was he ever in his bar and stuff like that ? ? that like stuff and bar his in ever he Was LBJ: LBJ: LBJ:

Archives). Archives).

Eusebia Aacue Aacue Eusebia

named Gilberto Alvarado had told the U.S embassy in Mexico City that he had seen Oswald Oswald seen had he that City Mexico in embassy U.S the told had Alvarado Gilberto named

HOOVER: There was a story that this fellow had been in this nightclub' that that nightclub' this in been had fellow this that story a was There HOOVER:

is a striptease joint, that he had. But that has not been able to be confirmed. Now Now confirmed. be to able been not has that But had. he that joint, striptease a is Cuban visa. On November 26, John McCarty had had McCarty John 26, November On visa. Cuban

LBJ: [laughs] Have you got any relationship between the t%vo' yet ? ? yet t%vo' the between relationship any got you Have [laughs] LBJ:

almost as much of a shyster. shyster. a of much as almost

doubt whether the lawyer will allow it. He's one of these criminal lawyers from from lawyers criminal these of one He's it. allow will lawyer the whether doubt

the West Coast and somewhat like an Edward Bennett Williams' type—and type—and Williams' Bennett Edward an like somewhat and Coast West the

there- there-

lie detector test but his lawyer' has got to be• of course, consulted first and I I and first consulted course, of be• to got has lawyer' his but test detector lie

made by this machine and that evaluation is made by a human being... On the the On being... human a by made is evaluation that and machine this by made

it a lie detector because what it really is is the evaluation of the chart that is is that chart the of evaluation the is is really it what because detector lie a it

shown definitely that he had done these various things together with the evidence evidence the with together things various these done had he that definitely shown

other hand, if this Oswald had lived and had taken the lie detector test and it had had it and test detector lie the taken had and lived had Oswald this if hand, other things we have. This fellow Rubenstein" down there—he has offered to take the the take to offered has there—he down Rubenstein" fellow This have. we things

to it. There is no question but that he is the man now—with the fingerprints and and fingerprints the now—with man the is he that but question no is There it. to

that we very definitely have, it would just have added that much more strength strength more much that added have just would it have, definitely very we that

where there's been embezzlement—and a person will confess before the lie detec- lie the before confess will person a embezzlement—and been there's where

have again arrested this woman Duran,' who is a member of the Cuban embassy embassy Cuban the of member a is who Duran,' woman this arrested again have

test will show them guilty psychologically.... Of course, it is a misnomer to call call to misnomer a is it course, Of psychologically.... guilty them show will test

lie detector.... We've found many cases where we've used them—in a bank bank a them—in used we've where cases many found We've detector.... lie LBJ: Can you pay any attention to those lie detector tests? tests? detector lie those to attention any pay you Can LBJ:

HOOVER: HOOVER: tor test is finished. They're more or less fearful of of fearful less or more They're finished. is test tor

... and we're going to confront her with the original informant, who saw the the saw who informant, original the with her confront to going we're and ...

him....' him....'

money pass, so he says, and we're also going to put the lie detector lest on on lest detector lie the put to going also we're and says, he so pass, money

but the information was that he was there on the 1Sth of September in Mexico Mexico in September of 1Sth the on there was he that was information the but

of September and he was in Mexico City on the 28th. Now the Mexican police police Mexican the Now 28th. the on City Mexico in was he and September of

and then coming hack to this country with it. We're not able to prove that fact, fact, that prove to able not We're it. with country this to hack coming then and

City and we are able to prove conclusively he he conclusively prove to able are we and City

then they've changed the dates. The story came in changing the dates to the 28th 28th the to dates the changing in came story The dates. the changed they've then

the story there is of this man Oswald getting 156,500 from the Cuban embassy embassy Cuban the from 156,500 getting Oswald man this of is there story the

first of the week. This angle in in angle This week. the of first

lark Ruby, Ruby, lark

'Ruby and Oswald. Oswald. and 'Ruby

'Legendary Washington Washington 'Legendary

'Melvin Belli of San Francisco. Francisco. San of Belli 'Melvin

'Ruby's nightclub was called the Carousel Club Club Carousel the called was nightclub 'Ruby's

'While in Mexico City in September, Oswald had talked to Silvia Duran about obtaining a a obtaining about Duran Silvia to talked had Oswald September, in City Mexico in 'While 'Silvia 'Silvia

Duran, Duran,

née Jacob Rubenstein, who murdered Oswald with a revolver as the accused accused the as revolver a with Oswald murdered who Rubenstein, Jacob née

... No, at the present time we have not. There was a story down down story a was There not. have we time present the at No, ...

a Mexican Mexican a

I wouldn't want to be a party to sending a man to the chair chair the to man a sending to party a be to want wouldn't I

attorney attorney

woman who was secretary secretary was who woman


and and

Mexico Mexico

one of Hoover's many pet pet many Hoover's of one

is giving us a great deal of trouble because because trouble of deal great a us giving is

informed Bundy Bundy informed

was was

to the Cuban Cuban the to

completely completely

in New Orleans that day. Now Now day. that Orleans New in

the fact fact the

by memo that a Nicaraguan Nicaraguan a that memo by

dislikes. dislikes.

unevaluated.' (National (National unevaluated.'

consul in Mexico City, City, Mexico in consul

that the lie detector detector lie the that

on a a on

53 53

HOOVER: They were aiming directly at the President. There is no question question no is There President. the at directly aiming were They HOOVER:

about that. This telescopic lens, which I've looked through—it brings a person as as person a brings through—it looked I've which lens, telescopic This that. about

hospital on the w.iy to the hospital, they apparently loosened that and it fell off off fell it and that loosened apparently they hospital, the to w.iy the on hospital

LBJ: Were they aiming at the President? President? the at aiming they Were LBJ:

and and

The third shot is , complete bullet and that rolled out of the President's head. It , , It head. President's the of out rolled that and bullet complete , is shot third The

onto the stretcher.' And we recovered that.... And we have the gun here also. also. here gun the have we And that.... recovered we And stretcher.' the onto

President—he w .. hit by the first and third. The second shot hit the Governor. Governor. the hit shot second The third. and first the by hit .. w President—he

ballistics expert able to prove that they were fired by this gun.... The The gun.... this by fired were they that prove to able expert ballistics

at the President v. ere splintered but they had characteristics on them so that our our that so them on characteristics had they but splintered ere v. President the at tore a large part of the President's head off and, in trying to massage his heart at the the at heart his massage to trying in and, off head President's the of part large a tore

LBJ: All three at the President? President? the at three All LBJ:


LBJ: Any of them fired at me?' me?' at fired them of Any LBJ:

HOOVER: Three. Three. HOOVER:

another pierced Kennedy's throat throat Kennedy's pierced another

HOOVER: All tlitee at the President and we have them. Two of the shots fired • • fired shots the of Two them. have we and President the at tlitee All HOOVER:

LBJ: How many shots were fired? Three? Three? fired? were shots many How LBJ:

number of stories come in, we've tied Oswald into the Civil Liberties Union in in Union Liberties Civil the into Oswald tied we've in, come stories of number

never made any moves, as the pictures show, even when they saw him ap- him saw they when even show, pictures the as moves, any made never

New 'York, membership into that and, of course, this Cuban Fair Play Committee, Committee, Play Fair Cuban this course, of and, that into membership 'York, New skull—and that the bullet found was discovered discovered was found bullet the that skull—and

Oswald's stomach. Oswald's

extent, by the Castro government. government. Castro the by extent,

niacs." Likes to be in the limelight. He knew all the police in that white-light I I white-light that in police the all knew He limelight. the in be to Likes niacs."

have daylight. He should have moved him at night.... But so far as tying tying as far so But night.... at him moved have should He daylight. have

as a convenience and at the request of motion-picture people, who wanted to to wanted who people, motion-picture of request the at and convenience a as

out of him and throw him out of the place.... He didn't drink, didn't smoke, smoke, didn't drink, didn't He place.... the of out him throw and him of out

Rubenstein and Oswald together we haven't as yet done. So there have been a a been have there So done. yet as haven't we together Oswald and Rubenstein

him as kind of a police character, hanging around police headquarters.... They They headquarters.... police around hanging character, police a of kind as him

proaching this fellow and got up right to him and pressed his pistol against against pistol his pressed and him to right up got and fellow this proaching

district ... and he also let them come in, see the show, get food, liquor, and so so and liquor, food, get show, the see in, come them let also he and ... district

which is pro-Castro,' and dominated by Communism and financed, to some some to financed, and Communism by dominated and pro-Castro,' is which

boasted about that. Ile is what I would put in a category of one of these "egoma- these of one of category a in put would I what is Ile that. about boasted

then moved.... The Chief of Police' admits that he moved him in the morning morning the in him moved he that admits Police' of Chief The moved.... then

to push him away or grab him. It wasn't until after the gun was fired that they they that fired was gun the after until wasn't It him. grab or away him push to

54 54

forth. That's how, I think, he got into police headquarters. Because they accepted accepted they Because headquarters. police into got he think, I how, That's forth.

there and couldn't pay his bill completely, Rubenstein would beat the very devil devil very the beat would Rubenstein completely, bill his pay couldn't and there

fighter, and that sort of thing—and in the place in Dallas, if a fellow came in in came fellow a if Dallas, in place the in thing—and of sort that and fighter,

this fellow Rubenstein is a very shady character, has a bad record—street brawler, brawler, record—street bad a has character, shady very a is Rubenstein fellow this


'lesse 'lesse

'Escorting Oswald. Oswald. 'Escorting

'This refers to Ruby's shooting of Oswald on Sunday Sunday on Oswald of shooting Ruby's to refers 'This

'Searching 'Searching

"'Hoover's "'Hoover's

'Hoover probably means means probably 'Hoover

Fidel Fidel

Vice President President Vice

Curry, Dallas Chief of Police. Police. of Chief Dallas Curry,

Castro, the Communist leader of Cuba. Cuba. of leader Communist the Castro,

information here conflicts with the later official view that one bullet missed, missed, bullet one that view official later the with conflicts here information

for evidence of conspiracy, !Anson knows that bullets fired at both the President President the both at fired bullets that knows !Anson conspiracy, of evidence for

might might

, ,

Neither of the police officers' on either side made any move move any made side either on officers' police the of Neither

mean a plot to bring down the government. government. the down bring to plot a mean


red-light." red-light."

and and


struck Connally, and a third fatally struck the President's President's the struck fatally third a and Connally, struck

on on

Connally's stretcher. stretcher. Connally's

sixth floor. floor. sixth

not have been in the way. way. the in been have not

They had quite a struggle with him. He fought like a regular lion and he had had he and lion regular a like fought He him. with struggle a quite had They

rying a gun.... He went into the theater and she notified the police and the the and police the notified she and theater the into went He gun.... a rying

headquarters.... headquarters....

HOOVER: Oh, yes, oh, yes, we can prove that. Then he walked about another another about walked he Then that. prove can we yes, oh, yes, Oh, HOOVER:

police and our man down there went in there and located this particular man. man. particular this located and there in went there down man our and police

ing the tickets,' she was so suspicious the way he was acting, acting, was he way the suspicious so was she tickets,' the ing

shot from behind and above, Connally, who sat in the jump seat in front of Kennedy. would would Kennedy. of front in seat jump the in sat who Connally, above, and behind from shot

course, and killed the police officer. Then he walked. walked. he Then officer. police the killed and course,

and the police officer who was killed' stopped him, not knowing who he was and and was he who knowing not him, stopped killed' was who officer police the and

not knowing whether he was the man, but just on suspicion. And And suspicion. on just but man, the was he whether knowing not

to be subdued, of course, and was then brought out and ... taken to the police police the to taken ... and out brought then was and course, of subdued, be to

two blocks and and blocks two

LBJ: You can prove that? that? prove can You LBJ:

out to his home home his to out

needn't hold him." They let him go.... And then he got on a bus.... He went went He bus.... a on got he then And go.... him let They him." hold needn't

entrance of the building, he was stopped by a police officer and some manager in in manager some and officer police a by stopped was he building, the of entrance

On that floor we found the three empty shells that had been fired and one shell shell one and fired been had that shells empty three the found we floor that On

the building' told the police officer, "Well, he's all right. He works there. You You there. works He right. all he's "Well, officer, police the told building' the

that had not been fired.... He then threw the gun aside and came down. At the the At down. came and aside gun the threw then He fired.... been not had that

building where we found the gun= and the wrapping paper in which the gun was was gun the which in paper wrapping the and gun= the found we where building

wrapped ... and upon which we found the full fingerprints of this man Oswald. Oswald. man this of fingerprints full the found we which upon and ... wrapped

HOOVER: No, the President wasn't hit with the second one. one. second the with hit wasn't President the No, HOOVER:

HOOVER: He would have been hit three times from the fifth floor of that that of floor fifth the from times three hit been have would He HOOVER:

LBJ: Would the President've got hit with the second one? one? second the with hit got President've the Would LBJ:

LBJ: LBJ: I think in that turning, it was where he got hit. hit. got he where was it turning, that in think I HOOVER: I think that is very likely. likely. very is that think I HOOVER:

HOOVER: Oh, yes, yes, the President would no doubt have been hit. hit. been have doubt no would President the yes, yes, Oh, HOOVER:

LBJ: if he hadn't turned, he probably wouldn't have have wouldn't probably he turned, hadn't he if LBJ:

LBI: I say, if Connally hadn't been in his way?' way?' his in been hadn't Connally if say, I LBI:

man because no one man could fire those shots in the time chat they were were they chat time the in shots those fire could man one no because man

HOOVER: Connally turned to the President when the first shot was fired and and fired was shot first the when President the to turned Connally HOOVER:

LBJ: How did it happen they hit Connally? Connally? hit they happen it did How LBJ: close close

fired. fired.

been some stories going around around going stories some been

fact that you could fire those three shots shots three those fire could you that fact

:Like the three empty cartridge cases, cases, cartridge empty three the :Like

*Julia Postal. Postal. *Julia

'Roy Truly. Truly. 'Roy

'The Texas Theater in Dallas, where Oswald was apprehended. apprehended. was Oswald where Dallas, in Theater Texas 'The

'Johnson 'Johnson

Tippit. Tippit.

to you as if they were sitting right beside you. And we also have tested the the tested have also we And you. beside right sitting were they if as you to

He He

misunderstands. Presuming that Hoover was correct in arguing that the gunman gunman the that arguing in correct was Hoover that Presuming misunderstands.

would have been hit three times. times. three hit been have would

went went

and and

to the theaters and the woman at the theater window sell• sell• window theater the at woman the and theaters the to

got ahold of a jacket ... and he came back downtown ...... downtown back came he and ... jacket a of ahold got


Oswald's rifle rifle Oswald's

that there there that

R. arscutoss arscutoss R.

was actually found on the Depositnry's Depositnry's the on found actually was

within three seconds. There had had There seconds. three within

must must

got got

have been more than than more been have

hit ? ? hit

she she

said he was car- car- was he said

he he

fired, of of fired,

one one 55 55

HOOVER: That was a picture taken of the parade and showing Mrs. Kennedy Kennedy Mrs. showing and parade the of taken picture a was That HOOVER:

books for the Dallas schools there and therefore he had access ... to the fifth floor floor fifth the to ... access had he therefore and there schools Dallas the for books before the assassination took place. He was seen there so that— that— so there seen was He place. took assassination the before

climbing out of the back seat. You see, there was no Secret Service man standing standing man Service Secret no was there see, You seat. back the of out climbing

HOOVER: Yes, he was seen on the fifth floor by one of the workmen there there workmen the of one by floor fifth the on seen was he Yes, HOOVER:

HOOVER: Oh, no. There was no picture taken of him shooting. shooting. him of taken picture no was There no. Oh, HOOVER:

LBJ: Did anybody hear, did anybody see him on the fifth floor or— or— floor fifth the on him see anybody did hear, anybody Did LBJ:

on the back of the car. Usually the presidential car in the past has had steps on on steps had has past the in car presidential the Usually car. the of back the on hooks and some books would be on the first floor, second floor, third floor, and so so and floor, third floor, second floor, first the on be would books some and hooks

LB): Did you get a picture of him shooting? shooting? him of picture a get you Did LB): and to the sixth floor. Usually most of the employees were down on a lower floor. floor. lower a on down were employees the of most Usually floor. sixth the to and

LB): Well what was this picture that that fellow sold for $25,000V $25,000V for sold fellow that that picture this was what Well LB):

HOOVER: He didn't have any particular office.... Orders came in for certain certain for in came Orders office.... particular any have didn't He HOOVER:

LBJ: But where was his office? office? his was where But LBJ:

HOOVER: He had access on all floors. floors. all on access had He HOOVER: standing on those steps.... Whether the President asked that that not be done, done, be not that that asked President the Whether steps.... those on standing

still getting it wrong. wrong. it getting still

country, she might cooperate. 1 told our agents down there to give her that that her give to there down agents our told 1 cooperate. might she country,

forth.... He was just a general packer of the requisitions that came in for school school for in came that requisitions the of packer general a just was He forth.... the back, next to the bumpers, and there's usually been one on either side side either on one been usually there's and bumpers, the to next back, the

sold his home movie of the assassination to to assassination the of movie home his sold cooperate, speaks ... Russian only. She did say to us yesterday down there that that there down yesterday us to say did She only. Russian ... speaks cooperate,

assurance ... and I sent a Russian-speaking agent into Dallas last night to inter- to night last Dallas into agent Russian-speaking a sent I and ... assurance

pro-Castro, he .vas strongly anti-American, and he had been in correspondence, correspondence, in been had he and anti-American, strongly .vas he pro-Castro, some word on today. This woman, his wife, had been very hostile. She would not not would She hostile. very been had wife, his woman, This today. on word some

HOOVER: T'at's what we're trying to nail down now, because he was strongly strongly was he because now, down nail to trying we're what T'at's HOOVER: ... None of those letters, however, dealt with any indication of violence or con- or violence of indication any with dealt however, letters, those of None ...

HOOVER: I think that is correct) correct) is that think I HOOVER:

American Civil Liberties Union and with this Committee for Fair Play to Cuba. Cuba. to Play Fair for Committee this with and Union Liberties Civil American

view her.... Whether she knows anything or talks anything, I, of course, don't don't course, of I, anything, talks or anything knows she Whether her.... view

if we could give her assurance that she would be allowed to remain in this this in remain to allowed be would she that assurance her give could we if

nor turned. turned. nor

LBJ: (4) That there is no connection between he and Ruby that you can detect detect can you that Ruby and he between connection no is there That (4) LBJ:

which we have, with the Soviet embassy here in Washington and with the the with and Washington in here embassy Soviet the with have, we which

now. And (5) s liether he was connected with the Cuban operation with money, money, with operation Cuban the with connected was he liether s (5) And now.

know and won't know till- till- know won't and know

LBJ: Well poi Well LBJ:

nor was the Pit.sident; (c) h h (c) Pit.sident; the was nor

LBJ: Where did he work in the building?' On this same floor? floor? same this On building?' the in work he did Where LBJ:

templated assassination. They were dealing with the matter of a visa for his wife wife his for visa a of matter the with dealing were They assassination. templated

you're trying trying you're film of Mrs. Kennedy climbing onto the car's trunk to UPI for $5,000. $5,000. for UPI to trunk car's the onto climbing Kennedy Mrs. of film

to go back to Russia. Now there is one angle to this thing that I'm hopeful to get get to hopeful I'm that thing this to angle one is there Now Russia. to back go to 56 56

'Since he presumes that the shots came from behind and above the late President, Hoover is is Hoover President, late the above and behind from came shots the that presumes he 'Since

'Johnson may have seen a report that , Dallas garment manufacturer, had had manufacturer, garment Dallas Zapruder, Abraham that report a seen have may 'Johnson

The Texas School Book Depository. from which Kennedy was presumed to have been shot. been have to presumed was Kennedy which from Depository. Book School Texas The

- -

conclusion is: (a) he's the one that did it; (b) the roan he was was he roan the (b) it; did that one the he's (a) is: conclusion

he would have hit hit have would he


1,4 1,4

h h

Time-Life Time-Life

h h

for $25,000. had sold his his sold had Nix Orville $25,000. for


h h

ree times, times, ree

except the the except

Gover- Gover-

, ,

onlcmkers onlcmkers

Cathedral, where the funeral service was held. The press was told thin by marching. LBJ had had LBJ marching. by thin told was press The held. was service funeral the where Cathedral,

overruled the wishes of Secret Service agents by saying. "I'd rather give my life than be afraid afraid be than life my give rather "I'd saying. by agents Service Secret of wishes the overruled

Lincoln Continental. It was usually used to protect the passengers from rain while Allowing Allowing while rain from passengers the protect to used usually was It Continental. Lincoln

to give it' (William Manchester Manchester (William it' give to

much opposed to that marching from the White House House White the from marching that to opposed much

or five days. We got one about this parade the other day that they were going to to going were they that day other the parade this about one got We days. five or

try to kill you then and I talked with the Attorney General about it. I was was I it. about General Attorney the with talked I and then you kill to try

done. Now we've gotten a lot of letters and phone calls over the last three or four four or three last the over calls phone and letters of lot a gotten we've Now done.

capacity of a so-called prisoner because without that security, anything can be be can anything security, that without because prisoner so-called a of capacity

LBJ: You think those entrances all ought to be guarded though, don't you? you? don't though, guarded be to ought all entrances those think You LBJ:

I think we've got four, one on the West Coast, one in New York, and and York, New in one Coast, West the on one four, got we've think I

it at the ranch there. ft is perfectly easy for somebody to get onto the ranch. ranch. the onto get to somebody for easy perfectly is ft there. ranch the at it HOOVER: Oh, I think by all means.... You've got to really almost he in the the in he almost really to got You've means.... all by think I Oh, HOOVER:

pictures being taken of it if it's handled properly. But I think you ought to have have to ought you think I But properly. handled it's if it of taken being pictures

There is a concern, I think, out in Cincinnati, where we have our cars bulletproofed. bulletproofed. cars our have we where Cincinnati, in out think, I concern, a is There and I think it can he done quietly, without any publicity being given to it or any any or it to given being publicity any without quietly, done he can it think I and

down at your ranch there, the little car that we rode around in when I was down down was I when in around rode we that car little the there, ranch your at down

HOOVER: I would certainly think so, Mr. President. It seems to me that that car car that that me to seems It President. Mr. so, think certainly would I HOOVER:

LB]: You mean, if I ride around my ranch, I ought to be in a bulletproof car? car? bulletproof a in be to ought I ranch, my around ride I if mean, You LB]:

like the President was.... was.... President the like

guard and still a sniper can snipe you from up in the window if you are exposed, exposed, are you if window the in up from you snipe can sniper a still and guard

there, I think that ought to be bulletproof. l think it ought to be done very quietly. quietly. very done be to ought it think l bulletproof. be to ought that think I there,

ought to always he in a bulletproof car. It certainly would prevent anything like like anything prevent would certainly It car. bulletproof a in he always to ought

he could stand up and wave to the crowd. Now it seems to me that the President President the that me to seems it Now crowd. the to wave and up stand could he

this ever happening again.... You could have a thousand Secret Service men on on men Service Secret thousand a have could You again.... happening ever this

assassinations have been with guns... I was very much surprised when !learned !learned when surprised much very was I guns... with been have assassinations

de Gaulle, you know, with that sort of thing. But in this country, all of our our of all country, this in But thing. of sort that with know, you Gaulle, de

—the top to it was down. Of course, the President President the course, Of down. was it to top —the

that this bubble-top thing was was thing bubble-top this that

along the street. Of course, we don't do those things in this country. In Europe, Europe, In country. this in things those do don't we course, Of street. the along

car to take care of a hand grenade or bomb that might be thrown out and rolled rolled and out thrown be might that bomb or grenade hand a of care take to car

can bulletproof the entire car, including the glass, but it means that the top has has top the that means it but glass, the including car, entire the bulletproof can

that is the way they assassinate the heads of stale.... They've been after General General after been They've stale.... of heads the assassinate they way the is that

stand that the Secret Service has had two cars with metal plates underneath the the underneath plates metal with cars two had has Service Secret the that stand

place where anybody is hidden in, we use the bulletproof car on that because you you because that on car bulletproof the use we in, hidden is anybody where place I use it here for myself and if we have any raids to make or have to surround a a surround to have or make to raids any have we if and myself for here it use I

to remain up.... But I do think you ought to have a bulletproof car.... I under- I car.... bulletproof a have to ought you think do I But up.... remain to

HOOVER: I think you most certainly should have one.... I have one here.... here.... one have I one.... have should certainly most you think I HOOVER:

LB): You think 1 ought to have one? one? have to ought 1 think You LB):

HOOVER: Oh, yes 1 do. do. 1 yes Oh, HOOVER:

LB): Do you have a bulletproof car? car? bulletproof a have you Do LB):

a damn anyway because it is made entirely of plastic and, much to my surprise, surprise, my to much and, plastic of entirely made is it because anyway damn a

the Secret Service do not have any armored cars. cars. armored any have not do Service Secret the

we don't know. And the bubble-top was not up.' But the bubble-top wasn't worth worth wasn't bubble-top the But up.' not was bubble-top the And know. don't we

'Jacqueline 'Jacqueline


e e

'bubble-top' was a clear plastic top that that top plastic clear a was 'bubble-top'

a a

view of the President. President. the of view

and and

Robert Kennedy led a march from the White House to Sr, hiothew's hiothew's Sr, to House White the from march a led Kennedy Robert

The Death of a President. President. a of Death The


not not

bulletproof in any respect and that the plastic plastic the that and respect any in bulletproof

could could

have been attached in Kennedy's open open Kennedy's in attached been have

p. 573). 573). p.

had had

insisted upon that so that that so that upon insisted

one one

very very

here here 57 57

Chairman, Senate Armed Services Committee. Democrat of Georgia Georgia of Democrat Committee. Services Armed Senate Chairman,

I inover, I couldn't have carried nut my responsibilities as Commander-in-Chief. Period. Dick, Dick, Period. Commander-in-Chief. as responsibilities my nut carried have couldn't I inover, I


Nixon. Nixon.

4:05 oak oak 4:05

and and

you will come to depend on Edgar He is a pillar of strength in a city of weak men" (Richard (Richard men" weak of city a in strength of pillar a is He Edgar on depend to come will you

I'd like to at least advocate them as my opinion. opinion. my as them advocate least at to like I'd

LBJ: Thank you, Edgar. Thank you. you. Thank Edgar. you, Thank LBJ:

HOOVER: I'll be very glad to indeed. I certainly appreciate your confidence. confidence. your appreciate certainly I indeed. to glad very be I'll HOOVER:

anything happening to your family. family. your to happening anything

involve you or quote you or get you in jurisdictional disputes or anything, but but anything, or disputes jurisdictional in you get or you quote or you involve

LBJ: Well, l'm going to lake every precaution I can ... and I wish you'd put put you'd wish I and ... can I precaution every lake to going l'm Well, LBJ: but they were ha .king at the parade. parade. the at .king ha were they but

IRDOVER: IRDOVER: down your thou your down

HOOVER: Absolutely Absolutely HOOVER:

the Federal Bureau. As far as I'm concerned, you're my brother and personal personal and brother my you're concerned, I'm as far As Bureau. Federal the

you just put down some of the things you think ought to happen and I won't won't I and happen to ought think you things the of some down put just you


while they had 1,,lice assigned along the curbstone looking at the crowd, when when crowd, the at looking curbstone the along assigned 1,,lice had they while Pennsylvania Pennsylvania

cause it was even worse than down there in Dallas—you know, walking down down walking know, Dallas—you in there down than worse even was it cause

friend. You have been for twenty-five to thirty years.... I know you don't want want don't you know I years.... thirty to twenty-five for been have You friend.

the center of the •trees. •trees. the of center the

LBJ: %Veil, the Secret Seri ice told them riot to, but the family felt otherwise. otherwise. felt family the but to, riot them told ice Seri Secret the %Veil, LBJ:

LBJ: ... I've got more confidence in your judgment than anybody in town.' So So town.' in anybody than judgment your in confidence more got I've ... LBJ:

the parade cam.. along, the police turned around and looked at the parade- parade- the at looked and around turned police the along, cam.. parade the HOOVER: An HOOVER:

HOOVER: Thai's what Bobby told me.... me.... told Bobby what Thai's HOOVER:

58 58

'In December 1968. Johnson told President-elect Richard Nixon, "If it hadn't been (or Edgar Edgar (or been hadn't it "If Nixon, Richard President-elect told Johnson 1968. December 'In

'See Doris Kearns, Kearns, Doris 'See

Robert Dallek, Dallek, Robert

call the old man "Uncle Dick."" Now Russell gracefully treats his old pupil with with pupil old his treats gracefully Russell Now Dick."" "Uncle man old the call

as he reached the Senate in 1949, 1.131 had maneuvered himself into a place on on place a into himself maneuvered had 1.131 1949, in Senate the reached he as

Johnson had the shy bachelor home for Sunday meals and had his daughters daughters his had and meals Sunday for home bachelor shy the had Johnson

Justice, LBJ does not mention that he has asked Warren to come to the Ova) Ova) the to come to Warren asked has he that mention not does LBJ Justice,

persuade him to join the presidential commission on the assassination. As soon soon As assassination. the on commission presidential the join to him persuade

the powerful Georgian's committee as the only way "to see Russell every day." day." every Russell see "to way only the as committee Georgian's powerful the

the deference due a President. Knowing how much Russell dislikes the Chief Chief the dislikes Russell much how Knowing President. a due deference the

Rh.': The Memoirs of Rithoril Nixon, Nixon, Rithoril of Memoirs The Rh.':

Ilaughst Ilaughst

Yes, yes, that's that's yes, Yes,



Loire Slar Ruing, Ruing, Slar Loire


) somebody on the sidewalk could dash out. I noticed even on on even noticed I out. dash could sidewalk the on somebody )

hich was the worst thing to do. They also had a line of soldiers, soldiers, of line a had also They do. to thing worst the was hich


Lyndon !Anson aid the American Dream Dream American the aid !Anson Lyndon

ts on that a little bit, because you're more than the head of of head the than more you're because bit, little a that on ts

right. right.

lint! lint!

viewed the procession coming hack from the Capitol, and and Capitol, the from hack coming procession the viewed

at his home seat in Winder, Georgia, Johnson tries to to tries Johnson Georgia, Winder, in seat home his at

(Oxford, 1991), pp. 378-80. 378-80. pp. 1991), (Oxford,


Grosset Ix Dunlap. 1978, p. 358). 358). p. 1978, Dunlap. Ix Grosset


was very much opposed to it be- it to opposed much very was

(Harper, 1976), pp. 103-07, 103-07, pp. 1976), (Harper,

you feel about this CIA, but they're worried about having to go into a lot of this this of lot a into go to having about worried they're but CIA, this about feel you LB): I know you don't want to do anything, but I want you to. to. you want I but anything, do to want don't you know I LB): benefit, it would really save my life.' I declare I don't want to serve. serve. to want don't I declare I life.' my save really would it benefit,

RUSSELL: Really, Mr. President, unless you really think it would be of some some of be would it think really you unless President, Mr. Really, RUSSELL:

this is important enough and you'll see why. Now, the next thing: I know how how know I thing: next the Now, why. see you'll and enough important is this

LBJ: ... No, I can't have a Texan. Texan. a have can't I No, ... LBJ:

RUSSELL: I know you wouldn't want Clark hardly.' hardly.' Clark want wouldn't you know I RUSSELL:

man. I think we might get John McCloy , and maybe somebody from the the from somebody maybe and , McCloy John get might we think I man. LBJ: And I think that Cooper as a Republican and you're a good states rights' rights' states good a you're and Republican a as Cooper that think I And LBJ:

Court.... Who would be the best then if l didn't get the Chief? Chief? the get didn't l if then best the be would Who Court....

RUSSELL: They're both solid citizens. citizens. solid both They're RUSSELL:

good. They're both pretty young men. men. young pretty both They're good.

states' rights man in there' and somebody that the country has confidence in. in. confidence has country the that somebody and there' in man rights states'

And I'm going to have Boggs Boggs have to going I'm And

LBJ: —Jerry Ford. It is not going to take much time but but time much take to going not is It Ford. —Jerry LBJ: RUSSELL: I haven't got time. time. got haven't I RUSSELL:

LB): Now wait a minute, now I want to try to get— to try to want I now minute, a wait Now LB): RUSSELL: Oh no, no, no, get somebody else now. now. else somebody get no, no, no, Oh RUSSELL:

member of the Court. I'm going to try to get Allen Dulles, I'm going to try try to going I'm Dulles, Allen get to try to going I'm Court. the of member

Senator Russell and Senator Cooper from the Senate— Senate— the from Cooper Senator and Russell Senator

of that Court of Inquiry, Hoover's report, and all of them would go to this group. group. this to go would them of all and report, Hoover's Inquiry, of Court that of

LBJ: ... They're taking this Court of Inquiry in Texas and I think the results results the think I and Texas in Inquiry of Court this taking They're ... LBJ:

RUSSELL: Yeah, I understand that, but I think it he mighty well if that thing thing that if well mighty he it think I but that, understand I Yeah, RUSSELL:

was kept quirt another week or ten days. I just do. do. just I days. ten or week another quirt kept was can't talk about. about. talk can't

LBJ: He's going to turn it over to this group and there's some things about it I I it about things some there's and group this to over it turn to going He's LBJ:

RUSSELL: Well, but he ain't going to publish the damned thing. is he? he? is thing. damned the publish to going ain't he but Well, RUSSELL:

LB): And he'll probably have it out today. Al most, on Monday. Monday. on most, Al today. out it have probably he'll And LB): RUSSELL: Oh-oh. Oh-oh. RUSSELL:

report too soon. soon. too report

LB): He's ready with it now and he wants to get it off just as quick as he can. can. he as quick as just off it get to wants he and now it with ready He's LB):

RUSSELL: I agree with that, but I don't think that Hoover ought to make his his make to ought Hoover that think don't I but that, with agree I RUSSELL:

LB): I talked to the leadership on trying to have have to trying on leadership the to talked I LB): five going in the opposite direction. direction. opposite the in going five

to evaluate I loover's report.... I think it would he better than ... having four or or four having ... than better he would it think I report.... loover's I evaluate to

'Russell suffers from emphysema. emphysema. from suffers 'Russell

'Supreme Court Justice Tom Clark, an old Texas friend of Johnson's. Johnson's. of friend Texas old an Clark, Tom Justice Court 'Supreme

'Johnson resorts to the same approach he had used with Eastland Eastland with used had he approach same the to resorts 'Johnson

Now here's who I'm going to try to get on it.... I don't think I can get any any get can I think don't I it.... on get to try to going I'm who here's Now

Office twenty-five minutes from now in an effort to overcome Warren's resis- Warren's overcome to effort an in now from minutes twenty-five Office

tance to chairing the commission. commission. the chairing to tance


• •

I think that Ford and Boggs would be pretty pretty be would Boggs and Ford that think I

• •

• •

• •

about a seven-man board board seven-man a about

we've we've

And And

got to get a a get to got

I think that that think I 59 59

low. low.

had a splendid record.... I've even kept Margaret Chase Smith' off that commit- that off Smith' Chase Margaret kept even I've record.... splendid a had

LB): I just told him how much I loved Georgia and he told the press that his his that press the told he and Georgia loved I much how him told just I LB):

RUSSELL: , Snow of those fellows have got no business there ... and we've we've and ... there business no got have fellows those of Snow , RUSSELL:

grandpappy came from there. Ilaughsj Ilaughsj there. from came grandpappy RUSSELL: Yes, well, he's a good boy. boy. good a he's well, Yes, RUSSELL: committee?' committee?'

mittee, mittee,

60 60

problem at all. all. at problem

give you to just quietly let Fulbright and Hickenlooper come into your CIA CIA your into come Hickenlooper and Fulbright let quietly just to you give

LBI: Well, Georgia is a good state. That's what I like about it. it. about like I what That's state. good a is Georgia Well, LBI: LBJ: LBJ:

hadn't invited him up here. Never heard of it. it. of heard Never here. up him invited hadn't RUSSELL: Yes, you didn't tell me you'd invited him up here.' here.' up him invited you'd me tell didn't you Yes, RUSSELL:

LB': That's all we make it now. now. it make we all That's LB':

get ahold of him and tell him I wanted to see him before going back. Hell, I I Hell, back. going before him see to wanted I him tell and him of ahold get

LBI: I didn't invite him up here. here. up him invite didn't I LBI:

Senate established permanent committees on intelligence. high CIA officials would periodically periodically would officials CIA high intelligence. on committees permanent established Senate

tee, even though I've got a lot of faith in her. her. in faith of lot a got I've though even tee,

LBJ: Oh well, they—they heard that he was coming, you you coming, was he that heard they—they well, Oh LBJ: LB,: I had a nice visit with your Governor' and told him— told and Governor' your with visit nice a had I LB,:

consult quietly with Russell and the ranking Republican on his Senate Armed Services Com- Com- Services Armed Senate his on Republican ranking the and Russell with quietly consult mit tee. tee. mit

me that afternoon that he was coming and so they wanted some Southerner, Southerner, some wanted they so and coming was he that afternoon that me

stuff with the Foreign Relations Committee. How much of a problem would it it would problem a of much How Committee. Relations Foreign the with stuff

RUSSELL: As long as it is confined to those two, it wouldn't present any any present wouldn't it two, those to confined is it as long As RUSSELL:

RUSSELL: Oh, I saw where he was in the box there with Lady Bird.' Bird.' Lady with there box the in was he where saw I Oh, RUSSELL:

got up the list for the folks and I guess we got— got— we guess I and folks the for list the up got RUSSELL: Well, you couldn't have have couldn't you Well, RUSSELL:

some outstanding Southerner"— Southerner"— outstanding some RUSSELL: Yes, it it Yes, RUSSELL:

RUSSELL: Well, how did he happen to get ahold of you? you? of ahold get to happen he did how Well, RUSSELL:

RUSSELL: ... I just was surprised you didn't say something about it. it. about something say didn't you surprised was just I ... RUSSELL:

LBJ: No, I didn't know at the time I'd seen you that he was invited. See, Bird Bird See, invited. was he that you seen I'd time the at know didn't I No, LBJ:

his state. state. his

"Republican "Republican

'Russell is offended that Johnson Johnson that offended is 'Russell

'Carl Sanders. ',See luseph Alsop conversation, November 27, 1%3, above.) above.) 1%3, 27, November conversation, Alsop luseph ',See Sanders. 'Carl

'At the the 'At

'Rather than Russell for the commission. commission. the for Russell than 'Rather

J. J.

lolnsan is getting himself in deeper here. here. deeper in himself getting is lolnsan

William Fulbright of Arkansas was the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Com- Relations Foreign Senate the of Chairman the was Arkansas of Fulbright William

Bourke Bourke

Address Address

1 told him that you said he was going to have lunch with you and to to and you with lunch have to going was he said you that him told 1

Senator from Maine. Maine. from Senator

Hickenlmiper of Iowa its ranking member. In In member. ranking its Iowa of Hickenlmiper

to to

the joint Session. Russell is trying to catch lohnson in a fib. fib. a in lohnson catch to trying is Russell Session. joint the

15 15

a good state, Mr. President. See if you can get someone someone get can you if See President. Mr. state, good a

had not not had


done done

checked checked

better. lie's an awful nice young fel- fel- young nice awful an lie's better.

with him before inviting the Governor of of Governor the inviting before him with

those those

days before the House and and House the before days

see, see,

when you told told you when

mission. mission.

tion. tion.

dent dent

Lill: Okay. You be thinking. thinking. be You Okay. Lill:

outstanding Circuit Court judge. judge. Court Circuit outstanding

got some smart boys there around you who can give you the name.of some some name.of the you give can who you around there boys smart some got

Chief Justice—but they're nor known all over the country.... This thing in in thing This country.... the over all known nor they're Justice—but Chief

magnitude magnitude

television and radio has narrowed the group of celebrities. I don't know. You've You've know. don't I celebrities. of group the narrowed has radio and television

the highest Court.... If you would have some top-flight state Supreme Court Court Supreme state top-flight some have would you If Court.... highest the

RUSSELL: The only argument about it is that, of course, in a matter of this this of matter a in course, of that, is it about argument only The RUSSELL:

RUSSELL: That's probably the theory of it.... it.... of theory the probably That's RUSSELL:

LB): Give me the arguments why they ought to. to. ought they why arguments the me Give LB):

RUSSELL: Afraid it' might get into the courts? courts? the into get might it' Afraid RUSSELL:

LBJ: I guess so, so, guess I LBJ:

LB): I know. That's why he's against it now' now' it against he's why That's know. I LB):

RUSSELL: They put them on the Pearl Harbor inquiry, you know. know. you inquiry, Harbor Pearl the on them put They RUSSELL:

President assassinated but every fifty years. years. fifty every but assassinated President

of a judge in the next thirty or forty minutes.... minutes.... forty or thirty next the in judge a of

RUSSELL: Oh, that's right, that's right. It wouldn't do.... Let me see, if I think think I if see, me Let do.... wouldn't It right. that's right, that's Oh, RUSSELL:

LBI: ... What do you think about a Justice sitting on it? ... You don't have a a have don't You ... it? on sitting Justice a about think you do What ... LBI:

LBJ: No, it is his report. report. his is it No, LBJ:

aren't you? you? aren't

RUSSELL: Well, you going to have Hoover on there? there? on Hoover have to going you Well, RUSSELL:

LBJ: No. Uh-tih. Uh-tih. No. LBJ:


have to he calling you every every you calling he to have


Lill: You get your rest. I don't want to bother you anymore, but I'm going to to going I'm but anymore, you bother to want don't I rest. your get You Lill:

RUSSELL: You're going to run it the next nine years.' I'll be dead in another another in dead be I'll years.' nine next the it run to going You're RUSSELL:

two or three three or two

RUSSELL: No, no, that would never do. do. never would that no, No, RUSSELL:

LBJ: Well, it would too. The country would be in a hell cif a lot better shape. shape. better lot a cif hell a in be would country The too. would it Well, LBJ:

LW: If I can, I will. But I'm not gonna. This country has a lot of confidence in in confidence of lot a has country This gonna. not I'm But will. I can, I If LW:

t nu and if I had it my way, you'd be in my place and I'd trade with you. you. with trade I'd and place my in be you'd way, my it had I if and nu t

'This refers to Chief Justice Warren's refusal of the Katzenbach-Coa Katzenbach-Coa the of refusal Warren's Justice Chief to refers 'This

'The prosecution of Ruhy and other aspects of the legal process connected with the assassina- the with connected process legal the of aspects other and Ruhy of prosecution 'The

'Under 'Under

and and

serve nine years. years. nine serve

the Twenty—second Amendment, Johnson was indeed eligible to run twice for Nest- for twice run to eligible indeed was Johnson Amendment, Twenty—second the

Well, you know I'm always available. available. always I'm know you Well,

years. years.

the American people would feel reassured to have a member of of member a have to reassured feel would people American the


don't know. know. don't

you're going to let the Attorney General nominate someone, someone, nominate General Attorney the let to going you're

once once


in a while. while. a in

plea to chair the the chair to plea

com- 61 61

Union. Union.

chief roadblock to the administration's pending foreign aid bill. bill. aid foreign pending administration's the to roadblock chief

he walked out, I wished I hadn't known it. known hadn't I wished I out, walked he

I've found out since I've been down here: in my relations with a hundred and ten ten and hundred a with relations my in here: down been I've since out found I've

other nations, about all I've got is a foreign aid bill to deal with them with and and with them with deal to bill aid foreign a is got I've all about nations, other

don't want you to repeat it to anyone, but you've been my friend. The one thing thing one The friend. my been you've but anyone, to it repeat to you want don't

knew this was Kennedy and you're the only one that knows it now. And when when And now. it knows that one only the you're and Kennedy was this knew

we've got more damned problems than you ever saw. I just finished talking to to talking finished just I saw. ever you than problems damned more got we've LBJ: Otto, remember this. Remember this. This is just between you and me. I I me. and you between just is This this. Remember this. remember Otto, LBJ:

... I'm not going to make it any harder than I have to. I was in here conferring conferring here in was I to. have I than harder any it make to going not I'm ... an easy thing. but if and when- when- and if but thing. easy an

the Chairman of the Atomic Energy Committee and he said the only one who who one only the said he and Committee Energy Atomic the of Chairman the


with our great Speaker' a little while ago about foreign aid. It is not going to be be to going not is It aid. foreign about ago while little a Speaker' great our with

PASSMAN: Mr. President, how are you? God bless you and remember that I I that remember and you bless God you? are how President, Mr. PASSMAN:

LBJ: I wish I could trade jobs with you, Otto. Otto. you, with jobs trade could I wish I LBJ:

here! Mr. President, here's Otto.... Otto.... here's President, Mr. here!

will cooperate in every way that I possibly can.... can.... possibly I that way every in cooperate will

Passman in here. in Passman him. him.

LBJ: Okay, you betcha. I've got a Pakistan Ambassador waiting on me since since me on waiting Ambassador Pakistan a got I've betcha. you Okay, LBJ: McCORMACK: [calls to Passmanl Otto! Otto! Hurry up! The President is is President The up! Hurry Otto! Otto! Passmanl to [calls McCORMACK:

McCORMACK: Oh that. I've been doing it now. Listen, outside, I had Otto Otto had I outside, Listen, now. it doing been I've that. Oh McCORMACK:

McCORMACK: How am I going to take care of them? them? of care take to going I am How McCORMACK:

assassinated."' ... You can see what that'll lead us to, right quick.... You take take You quick.... right to, us lead that'll what see can You ... assassinated."' LBJ: Just keep them from investigating! investigating! from them keep Just LBJ:

says, "I think Khrushchev planned this whole thing and he got our President President our got he and thing whole this planned Khrushchev think "I says, care of the House of Representatives for me. me. for Representatives of House the of care

four forty-five, but put him on. on. him put but forty-five, four

LBJ: We don't want to be testifying, and some fellow comes up From Dallas and and Dallas From up comes fellow some and testifying, be to want don't We LBJ:

4:55 nat. nat. 4:55


62 62

'Congressman Otto Passman, Democrat of Louisiana, nicknamed 'Otto the Terrible." the the Terrible." the 'Otto nicknamed Louisiana, of Democrat Passman, Otto 'Congressman

'This presumably refers to Johnson's briefing on the effects of a nuclear war with the Soviet Soviet the with war nuclear a of effects the on briefing Johnson's to refers presumably 'This

'Passman clearly cares more about buttering up up buttering about more cares clearly 'Passman

'Nikita Khrushchev was the leader of the Soviet Union. Union. Soviet the of leader the was Khrushchev 'Nikita

Warren to chair what will now be called the . Now he asks asks he Now Commission. Warren the called be now will what chair to Warren

the Speaker of the House to help clear the way on Capitol Hill. Hill. Capitol on way the clear help to House the of Speaker the



know that you do, but remember that my prayers are with you. you. with are prayers my that remember but do, you that know

, ,

... I want to call him in and would like for you to say hello to to hello say to you for like would and in him call to want I ...


Johnson has just persuaded Chief Justice Justice Chief persuaded just has Johnson

4 4

the the

Speaker than the new President. President. new the than Speaker


but I think I'm going to try to get him to head head to him get to try to going I'm think I but

going to try to get the Chief Justice to go on it.' He declined earlier in the day, day, the in earlier declined He it.' on go to Justice Chief the get to try to going

about it. It's got some foreign complications—CIA and other things—and I'm I'm things—and other and complications—CIA foreign some got It's it. about

President because this thing is getting pretty serious and our folks are worried worried are folks our and serious pretty getting is thing this because President

issue an executive order tonight on investigation of the assassination of the the of assassination the of investigation on tonight order executive an issue

LB,: Charlie, I hate to bother you but ... I've got to appoint a commission and • • and commission a appoint to got I've ... but you bother to hate I Charlie, LB,:

good for you. you. for good

HALLECK: [laughs] Arsenic? My friend, friend, My Arsenic? [laughs] HALLECK:

arsenic in it! it! in arsenic

HALLEtK: I'm going to kill one of these turkeys. turkeys. these of one kill to going I'm HALLEtK:


LBJ: What are you doing? doing? you are What LBJ:

6:30 6:30

House Minority Leader, Republican of Indiana Indiana of Republican Leader, Minority House


any worries. I am not a candidate, candidate, a not am I worries. any

LBJ: All right, all right. [both laugh] laugh] [both right. all right, All LBJ: HUMPHREY: By God, Mr. President, I'll tell you I'm not going to give y:Ciu y:Ciu give to going not I'm you tell I'll President, Mr. God, By HUMPHREY:

and tell them that. that. them tell and

HUMPHREY: Well, wasn't that nice of him? him? of nice that wasn't Well, HUMPHREY:

Lill: He said that you were probably going to run, so you'd better answer it it answer better you'd so run, to going probably were you that said He Lill:

LBJ: Yes, he nominated you for President. President. for you nominated he Yes, LBJ:

HUMPHREY: Dominick nominated me today? today? me nominated Dominick HUMPHREY:

pal pal

'Johnson conceals the fact that Warren has agreed. agreed. has Warren that fact the conceals 'Johnson

LBJ: Fellow named Dominick. Do you know Dominick? [sardonically:] Is Is [sardonically:] Dominick? know you Do Dominick. named Fellow LBJ:

didn't know we had them at our convention." convention." our at them had we know didn't

hUMPHREY: [laughs nervously] nervously] [laughs hUMPHREY: LBJ: Some damned Republican nominated you against me today and I said, "I "I said, I and today me against you nominated Republican damned Some LBJ:

6.211 6.211

of yours? I've got to check. check. to got I've yours? of

P.M. P.M.

House Republican Leader on a Thanksgiving turkey-shooting trip in Indiana. Indiana. in trip turkey-shooting Thanksgiving a on Leader Republican House

[laughs] Well, you kill one one kill you Well, [laughs]

P.M. P.M.

himself by talking to Humphrey. Humphrey. to talking by himself

Humphrey might run against Johnson for President in 1964. Johnson reassures reassures Johnson 1964. in President for Johnson against run might Humphrey




Chief Chief

Justice Warren? Warren? Justice

Dommicx, Republican of Colorado, has speculated that that speculated has Colorado, of Republican Dommicx,


for the Warren Commission. Johnson locates the the locates Johnson Commission. Warren the for

for for

so so

me and bring it back now and don't put any any put don't and now back it bring and me

you can sleep better tonight: tonight: better sleep can you

I'd fix fix I'd

it up so that it would he real real he would it that so up it

he a a he 63 63 69 TANING CHARGE MICHAEL R. SESCHL055 65

Lill: Yes. FORD: I thought your speech was excellent the other day. HALLECK: I think that's a mistake.... LBJ: Thank you, Jerry. Jerry, I've got something I want you to do (or me. LBJ: I'd be glad to hear you, but I want to talk to you about—he thought it FORD: We'll do the best we can, sir. was a mistake till 1 told him everything we knew and we just can't have House LBJ: I've got to have a top blue-ribbon presidential commission to investigate and Senate and FBI and other people going around testifying that Khrushchev this assassination. I'm going to ask the Chief Justice to head it and then I'm killed Kennedy or Castro killed him. We've got to have the facts, and you don't going to ask John McCloy and Allen Dulles and 1 want it nonpartisan.... You have a President assassinated once every fifty years. And this thing is to touchy forget what party you belong to and just serve as an American. , .. I want some- from an international standpoint that every men we've got over there is con- body on Appropriations who knows CIA over in your shop.... I'm going to ask cerned about it.... Hale Boggs and you to serve from the House.... HALLECK: cooperate, my friend. I'll tell you one thing, Lyndon—Mr. FORD: You know very well 1 would be honored to do it and I'll do the very President—I think that to call on Supreme Court guys to do jobs is kind of a best I can, sin mistake. LBJ: You do that and keep me up-to-date and I'll be seeing you. LBI: It is on all these other things I agree with you on Pearl Harbor and I agree with you on the railroad strike.' But this is a question that could involve our losing thirty-nine million people? This is a judicial question. J. WILLIAM FULBRIGHT was a little HALLECK: I. of course, don't want that to happen. Of course, I Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Dentocral of Arkansas disappointed in the speech the Chief Justice made' talk to you real plainly. 7:11 P.M. He's jumped at the gun and, of course, I don't know whether the right wing was in this or not. You've been very discreet. You have mentioned the left end the JOHNSON ANO FULORIGHT had been sufficiently close in the Senate that LBJ right and 1 am for that. tried to get the newly elected Kennedy in 1960 to appoint the skeptical Arkan- san Secretary of State. Here a relationship that in time will grow badly strained over Southeast Asia begins with warmth. GERALD FORD Republican Congirssman from Michigan LBJ: I was talking to Dick' earlier today and I expressed the hope that he would invite you and Hickenlooper to sit in with him on his CIA 6:52 P.M. committee for these briefings.... I think it is very important that you know all they tell them. And LBJ: Happy Thanksgiving! Where are you? then I want to be talking to you from time to time and get your judgments on it. FORD: I'm home, sir. FULBRIGHT: Sure, sure. Be glad to. LBJ: You mean Michigan? LBJ: All right. You just wait until he invites you because I told him to extend the invitation because it'd be better for him to do it than for me to be saying who FORD: No, no, l'm here in Washington.' served .on his committee.... LBJ: Thank God there's somebody in town1 I was getting ready to tell Mac- Gregor Burns he's right ab ut the Congress—they couldn't function. FULBRIGHT: Good, good, good. LBJ: How's Betty? Is she still living with you? '"The railroad strike" presum,bly refers to the presidential commissions appointed by Eisen- FULBRIGHT: Fine, and she and I both want to tell you we thought you were hower and Kennedy to deal with labors opposition to changes in outmoded railroad work rules, such as featherbedding, Its M.n• It 1963, the Supreme Court ruled that railroads had the right absolutely marvelous at the speech the other day really. 'Course I know you've to change such rules, and that ,.,ilroad unions had the right to strike in protest. been told it, but it was absolutely first-rate. 'Johnson is arguing that if Americans conclude that Khrushchev or Castro was behind Kennedy's murder, they will demand a retalitory nuclear response against the Soviet Union, LBf: Is she there? which could result in the loss Id shirty-nine million Americans. FULBRIGHT: Yes. 'At the Capitol Rotunda ce, ninnies the previous Sunday, the reformist Chief Justice had declared, "What moved some hguided wretch to do this horrible deed may never be known LB]: Let me talk to her. to us, but we do know that nib acts are commonly stimulated by Forces of haired and FULBRIGHT: Oh, fine, she'd love to. Hold on a second. You really were won- malevolence, such as today arc -.tying their way into the bloodstream of American life. What a price we pay for such fanaticiso.' " Ihis was at the time that some American highway billboards derful, Lyndon. [apologizes for his familiarity:] 1 may slip now and then. Don't said, IMPEACH EARL WAR! EN." Conservatives like Halleck not only considered Warren's hold it against me. words a swipe against them hot pointed out that the right could scarcely be held responsible For Oswald, an avowed Marxist. 'Ford and his family actually lived in the Washington suburb of Alexandria, Russell. 66 TAKING CHARGE MICHAEL R. BESCHLOSS 67

LBJ: That's all right. 1 make it myself. RUSSELL: Now, Mr. President, I don't have to tell you of my devotion to you, FULBRIGHT Hope you don't mind until I get used to it. but I just can't serve on that commission. I'm highly honored you'd think about me in connection with it. But I couldn't serve mit with Chief Justice Warren. I LBI: You know I'm like that little Jewish boy. He said, "How can I trust !key don't like that man. I don't have any confidence in him at So you get when I don't trust myself?" [both laugh] I can't blame you for something that I John Stennis.' do myself.... LBJ: Dick, it has already been announced. And you can serve with anybody for BETTY FULBRIGHT: Mr, President! the good of America. And this is a question that has a good many more ramifica- Lin: Hi, Betty, hoW are you. honey? tions than on the surface, And we've got to take this out of the arena where BETTY FULBRIGHT: I just want to tell you you've never been so eloquent or they're testifying that Khrushchev and Castro did this and did that and kicking delivered so beautifully in all your life. I was just sending Bird a note about it. us into a war that can kill forty million Americans in an hour. And you would LB]: Well, you're a mighty sweet girl and I just wanted to tell you how much I put on your uniform in a minute. Now the reason I've asked Warren is because loved you and that old Bill Fulbright is a jealous man, but he just got in there he is the Chief lusrice of this country and we've got to have the highest judicial first. people we can have. The reason I ask you is because you have that same kind of temperament and you can do anything for your country. And don't go to giving BETTY FULBRIGHT: I know he is me that kind of stuff about you can't serve with anybody. You can do anything. LBJ: And tell you, he's got a lot of men that are pretty envious of him. RUSSELL: It is not only that. 1 just don't think the Chief Justice should have BETTY FULBRIGHT: I hope he's just jealous as can be of you and he has served on it. reason to be. You were wonderful. LBJ: The Chief Justice ought to do anything he can to save America and right LBJ: Well, I love you and if you run into any pretty things when you're now we've got a very touchy thing. And you wait until you look at this evidence. shopping for Christmas, pick them up and send me a bill 'cause I'll have a lot of . Now I'm not going to lead you wrong and you're not going to be an Old Dog women 1 want to send things to. And men too, so I won't ask you to do all that Tray.' you do for Dick Russell. RUSSELL: I know that but I have never— BETTY FULBRIGHT: I'm writing Bird.... I know she has lots of friends who LB!: You've never turned your country down. This is not me. This is your she knows better but ... you tell her I would love to do anything I can any country.... You're my man on that contntission and you're going to do it! And time. don't tell me what you can do and what you can't because I can't arrest you and LBJ: Thank you and she'll want you and she'll need you and she's so shy that I'm not going to put the FI31 on you. But you're soddaturtted sure going to serve she'll never tell you. But I'll tell you now she does. And she was asking me —I'll tell you shall And A.W. Moursund is here and he wants to tell you how yesterday about would it be all right for her to ask a couple of friends to do some much all of us love you.' Wait a minute. things that she just couldn't do because she doesn't get but ten thousand letters RUSSELL: Mr. President, you ought to have told me you were going to name me. a week. LBJ: I told you! 1 told you today I was going to name the Chief Justice when I called you. RICHARD RUSSELL RUSSELL: You did not. You talked about getting somebody from the Supreme Court. You didn't tell me you were going to name him, 8;55 rm. LBJ: I told youl I told you I was going to name Warren.... Foams, the President has simply announced that JUST AS HE HAS TOLE RUSSELL: Oh no! ...1 said Clark wouldn't do. Russell will be on the Warren Commission. Learning that he has been outfoxed, Russell reacts with astonishment, indignation, then the weary resignation of LBJ: No, that's right, and I've got to get the highest Justice I can get. He turned one who has been dealing with LBJ for years, Bobby Kennedy down I Bobby and they talked to him and he just said he wouldn't

LBJ: Dick, I hate to bother you again but I wanted you to know that I made 'Democratic Senator from that announcement. Mississippi. 'A reference to Stephen Foster's ballad: "The morn of life is past / And evening comes at RUSSELL: Announcement of what? Isst.../ Old Dog Tray's ever faithful... / He's gentle, he is kind; / I'll never, never find / A better friend than Old Dog Tray." LBJ: Of this special commission. 'A.W. Moursund is a Hill Country insurance man, ea-judge, and LB] intimate with whom RUSSELL: Oh, you have already? Johnsonatlayed dominoes, hunted, and dealt in can le, ranching, real estate, and banking. Russell knows Moursund because just as LBJ made his family Russell's family, he had made his friends LBJ: 'Yes. May 1 read it to you? 'reads from statement] Russell.' friends. 68 TAKING CHARGE MICHAEL R. BESCItLOSS 69 serve under any circumstances) I called him down here and I spent an hour with RUSSELL: You know damned well my future is behind me, and that is not him and I begged him as much as I'm begging you) I just said, "Now here's the entering into it at all. situation I want to tell you." LBJ: Your future is your country and you're going to do everything you can to RUSSELL: You've never begged me. You've always told me. serve America. LBJ: No, I haven't. No I haven't. RUSSELL: I just can't do it. I haven't got the time. RUSSELL: Mr. President, please now- LB): All right, we'll just make the time. LBJ: No! It is already done. It has been announced. RUSSELL: With all my Georgia items in there. RUSSELL: You mean you've given that- LBJ: Well, we'll just make the time. There's not going to be any time, to begin LBJ: Yes sir, I gave the announcement. It is already in the papers and you're on with. All you're going to do is evaluate the Hoover report he has already made. it and you're going to be my man on it and you just forget that. Now wait a RUSSELL: I don't think they'll move that fast on it.' minute. A.W. wants to say a word to you and I'll be back. LBJ: Okay, well then, we won't move any faster than you want to.move.... A.W. MOURSUND: Hello, Senator. We were just sitting here talking and he The Secretary of State came over here this afternoon. He's deeply concerned, says, 'Tye got one man that's smarter than all the rest of them put together." Dick, about the idea that they're spreading throughout the Communist world RUSSELL: You don't have to butter me up. that Khrushchev killed Kennedy. Now he didn't. He didn't have a damned thing to do with it. MOURSUND: I ain't buttering you up, Senator. You know I'm not that kind of a fellow. I just heard that and I wanted you to know it. Hell, he's depending RUSSELL: I don't think he did directly. I know Khrushchev didn't because he on you. You know that. thought he'd get along better with Kennedy.' RUSSELL: .. A.W., I don't know when I've been as unhappy about a thing as LBJ: All right, but we've— I am this. RUSSELL: I wouldn't be surprised if Castro had. MOURSUND: I know but you can rake 'em. Cod Almighty, you've taken it LB]: All right then, okay. That's what we want to know•. And people have got for years and the hard ones and the tough ones, and you can take care of it and confidence in you and you can be just surprised or not surprised. They want to you can take care of yourself. know what you think.... RUSSELL: [changes subject:] How are things down in Texas? Kill any deer RUSSELL: You're taking advantage of me.... down there? CBI: No, no, no.... I'm going to take a hell of a lot of advantage of you, my MOURSUND: But you come see us. But don't say you can't do anything 'cause friend, 'cause you made me and I know it and I don't ever forget. And I'll be you're the best can-do man there is. going to be taking advantage of you a good deal. But you're going to serve your RUSSELL: Oh, no, oh, no. country and do what is right and if you can't do it, you get that damned little Bobby' up there and let him twist your tail and put a cocklebur under it. Where LBJ: Dick? Nnw we're going into a lot of problems.... I saw Wilkins' today is he? and had a long talk with him. Now these things are going to be developing' and I know you're going to have your reservations and your modesty. RUSSELL: I don't know. He's in Atlanta tonight. RUSSELL: [disgusted:] Oh— LBJ: Well, you just tell him to get ready because I'm going to need him and you just tell him that. LB]: No wait a minute! Wait a minute! Now your President's asking you to do these things and there are some things I want you in besides civil rights' and, RUSSELL: I saw he and Vandiver' this afternoon for about thirty minutes. by God, you're going to be in "em, because I can't run this country by myself. They came by herr. LBJ: Just tell either one of them that I just would like to use them anyplace because I'm a Russell protkge and I don't forget my friends and I want you to 'Johnson's desire to show that he had succeeded where Robert Kennedy had failed has overcome his strict adherence to the truth: it was Katzenbach and Cox who had appealed in stand up and be counted and I don't want to beg you, by God, to serve on these vain to Warren. , 'Actually the President's meeting with Warren lasted twenty-five minutes (President's Daily RUSSELL: I know, but this is a sort of rough one. Diary, Johnson Library). 'Roy Wilkins of the NAACP. 'The forthcoming battle over passage of the civil rights bill, which will throw Johnson and 'Russell proved to be right. Russell into grand confrontation. 'Russell means better with Kennedy than Johnson. 'In other words, despite their differences on civil rights, LB) intends to consult Russell on 'Russell's nephew Robert Russell. presidential business as no other President ever has. 'Former Georgia Governor Ernest Vandiver, husband of Russell's niece.

President. (See Robert Dallelc. Dallelc. Robert (See President.

LB]: ... I'm going to have you on a good goddamned many things that I have have I that things many goddamned good a on you have to going I'm ... LB]:

Norton, 3982, pp. 373-75.) 373-75.) pp. 3982, Norton,

about it but but it about

A.W. Moursund. Moursund. A.W.

tion: if Russell failed. he would use his influence to get Pinson onto the ticket as Vice Vice as ticket the onto Pinson get to influence his use would he failed. Russell if tion:

command as long as I'm here. here. I'm as long as command

with a Negro, or if you have to serve with a thug—or if you have to serve with with serve to have you if thug—or a with serve to have you if or Negro, a with

RUSSELL: 1 do wish you be a little mom deliberate and considerate next time time next considerate and deliberate mom little a be you wish do 1 RUSSELL:

anything you want me to do. do. to me want you anything

when the Georgia Senator made made Senator Georgia the when

with a Republican, if you have to serve with a Communist, if you have to serve serve to have you if Communist, a with serve to have you if Republican, a with to decide.... I've served under you and I don't give a damn if you have to serve serve to have you if damn a give don't I and you under served I've decide.... to

not going to say any more, Mr. President. I'm at your command and I'll do do I'll and command your at I'm President. Mr. more, any say to going not

think it is a wonderful idea. idea. wonderful a is it think

LW: All right. Do you think I'm kidding you? you? kidding I'm think you Do right. All LW: LBJ: You damned sure going to be at my command! You're going to be at my my at be to going You're command! my at be to going sure damned You LBJ:

RUSSELL: No, I don't think you're kidding me. [laughs] But I think—well, I'm I'm think—well, I But [laughs] me. kidding you're think don't I No, RUSSELL:

RUSSELL: Yes, I think I do. do. I think I Yes, RUSSELL:

and I'll do it for you, for that matter.... matter.... that for you, for it do I'll and When we had breakfast there one morning?' morning?' one there breakfast had we When

LBJ: Dick, do you remember when you met me at the Carlton Hotel in 1952? 1952? in Hotel Carlton the at me met you when remember you do Dick, LBJ:

RUSSELL: If it is for the good of the country, you know damned well I'll do it it do I'll well damned know you country, the of good the for is it If RUSSELL:

LBJ: Well, if you think—now Dick, do you think think you do Dick, think—now you if Well, LBJ:

king kidded, but if you think- think- you if but kidded, king

now.... I'm not afraid to put your intelligence against Warren's. Now by God, 1 1 God, by Now Warren's. against intelligence your put to afraid not I'm now....

RUSSELL: I don't know about the intelligence, of course, and I feel like I'm I'm like feel I and course, of intelligence, the about know don't I RUSSELL:

RUSSELL: I haven't got any confidence in him. him. in confidence any got haven't I RUSSELL:

113J: Of course, you don't like Warren, but you'll like him before it is over with. with. over is it before him like you'll but Warren, like don't you course, Of 113J: LBJ: Well, you can can you Well, LBJ:

RUSSELL: Well, 1 just don't like Warren. Warren. like don't just 1 Well, RUSSELL: LIII: What do you think I've done wrong now by appointing you on a commis- a on you appointing by now wrong done I've think you do What LIII:

want a neon on that commission and I've got one! one! got I've and commission that on neon a want

stopped some other way.... way.... other some stopped

RUSSELL: I didn't say you'd done wrong. I just said said just I wrong. done you'd say didn't I RUSSELL: sion? sion?

RUSSELL: ... They shouldn't have done it. it. done have shouldn't They ... RUSSELL:

LBJ: Of course, but how do I stop it? How do do How it? stop I do how but course, Of LBJ:

investigation going, Dick, with the TV up there. They had the House Un- House the had They there. up TV the with Dick, going, investigation

that I've worked all day and done wrong. wrong. done and day all worked I've that

American Activities Committee in it. it. in Committee Activities American

LBJ: No, it is not rough. What is rough about this? ....They had a full-scale full-scale a had ....They this? about rough is What rough. not is it No, LBJ:

70 70

'This may refer to to refer may 'This

if you've done this, I'm going to ... go through with it and say I I say and it with through go ... to going I'm this, done you've if

a a

secret arrangement Johnson was said to have made with Russell in 1952, 1952, in Russell with made have to said was Johnson arrangement secret

give give

Lane Star Star Lane

him some confidence. Goddamn it! Associate with him him with Associate it! Goddamn confidence. some him

a a

quixotic campaign for the Democratic presidential nomina- presidential Democratic the for campaign quixotic


Rising, pp. 417-18, and Ronnie Duggec Duggec Ronnie and 417-18, pp. Rising,


stop it, Dick? Now don't tell tell don't Now Dick? it, stop

I'd I'd

kid you? you? kid

it could have been been have could it

The Politician, Politician, The

me me

LB): I do. I do. I know you're for your country and—period. Now you just get get just you Now and—period. country your for you're know I do. I do. I LB):

ready to do this and you're my man on there. there. on man my you're and this do to ready

RUSSELL: If you hadn't announced it, I would absolutely be— be— absolutely would I it, announced hadn't you If RUSSELL:

RUSSELL: Mr. President, you know—I think you know me. me. know you think know—I you President, Mr. RUSSELL:

LBJ: I'm going to have it 'cause I haven't got any daddy and you're going to he he to going you're and daddy any got haven't I 'cause it have to going I'm LBJ:

it. And don't just forget that. that. forget just don't And it.

LBJ: No ... I just want to counsel with you and I just want your judgment and and judgment your want just I and you with counsel to want just I ... No LBJ:

RUSSELL: For whatever it's worth, you've got it. it. got you've worth, it's whatever For RUSSELL:

Mr. Johnson says." says." Johnson Mr.

LB): I know that. that. know I LB):

Bobby' and Ernie' are two of the most loyal friends you've got on earth. earth. on got you've friends loyal most the of two are Ernie' and Bobby'

RUSSELL: They both called me up and said, "You've just got to do whatever whatever do to got just "You've said, and up me called both They RUSSELL:

your wisdom. wisdom. your

RUSSELL: I didn't didn't I RUSSELL:

mother. mother.

RUSSELL: You've made me do more things I didn't want to do. do. to want didn't I things more do me made You've RUSSELL:

LBJ: No, no, that's true. I've bothered you more and made you spend more more spend you made and more you bothered I've true. that's no, No, LBJ: LW: No no, I never made you do anything that was wrong. I never— never— I wrong. was that anything do you made never I no, No LW: hours with me telling me what's right and wrong than anybody except my my except anybody than wrong and right what's me telling me with hours

mother. mother.

RUSSELL: [laughs scoffingly] scoffingly] [laughs RUSSELL:

RUSSELL: Goddamn it, they're harder for you than was—remember? was—remember? than you for harder they're it, Goddamn RUSSELL:

LB): No, nobody nobody No, LB):

RUSSELL: Those boys will help you if you need them. them. need you if you help will boys Those RUSSELL:

LBJ: Well, I need 'em. 'em. need I Well, LBJ:

LBJ: Who in the hell is going to help me besides you? you? besides me help to going is hell the in Who LBJ:

I got him on there. He's making as much money as I arn. arn. I as money much as making He's there. on him got I

LBJ: What about Vandiver? Vandiver? about What LBJ:

RUSSELL: He's been appointed to the Georgia Court of Appeals. Now you see, see, you Now Appeals. of Court Georgia the to appointed been He's RUSSELL:

give up that fruitful law practice he's got. got. he's practice law fruitful that up give

RUSSELL: Well, he's running for Governor next time and he'll he elected.' elected.' he he'll and time next Governor for running he's Well, RUSSELL:

it any further Mr. President. I'll serve. serve. I'll President. Mr. further any it


LB): Okay, Dick, and give Bobby my love and tell him he'd better get ready to to ready get better he'd him tell and love my Bobby give and Dick, Okay, LB):

RUSSELL: And if I can serve with A.1V. Moursund, I would say, "Mr. Chair- "Mr. say, would I Moursund, A.1V. with serve can I if And RUSSELL:

LBJ: Well, you may have to serve with A.W. Moursund! Moursund! A.W. with serve to have may you Well, LBJ:

serve with a Chinaman. Chinaman. a with serve

RUSSELL: I can serve with a Communist and I can serve with a Negro. I can can I Negro. a with serve can I and Communist a with serve can I RUSSELL:

'Russell. 'Russell.

'Vandiver. 'Vandiver.

'Fie was not. not. was 'Fie

an, I am pleased to serve with you, Judge Moursund." But—we won't discuss discuss won't But—we Moursund." Judge you, with serve to pleased am I an,

ever ever

say say

has been more to me than you have, Dick—except my my Dick—except have, you than me to more been has

"wrong." I said more things I didn't want to do. But But do. to want didn't I things more said I "wrong."

M1CII',LL R. RESclitoss RESclitoss R. M1CII',LL 71 71

RUSSELL: Yes, I would Yes, Yes, would I Yes, RUSSELL:

read you one report." And I just picked up one report and read it to him, and I I and him, to it read and report one up picked just I And report." one you read

LBJ: ... Warren told me he wouldn't do it under any circumstances. Didn't Didn't circumstances. any under it do wouldn't he me told Warren ... LBJ:

conic. I insisted he come. He came down here and told me me told and here down came He come. he insisted I conic.

LBJ: You want me to tell you the truth? truth? the you tell to me want You LBJ:

before a camera that lie killed this fellow and that Castro killed hint and all I I all and hint killed Castro that and fellow this killed lie that camera a before LBJ: No you wouldn't. No, you wouldn't. wouldn't. you No, wouldn't. you No LBJ:

anything that would give him any publicity. publicity. any him give would that anything

72 72

"Now I don't want Mr. Khrushchev to be told tomorrow—and be testifying testifying be tomorrow—and told be to Khrushchev Mr. want don't I "Now

pulled out what Hoover told me about a little incident in Mexico City' and I said, said, I and City' Mexico in incident little a about me told Hoover what out pulled

Two hours later, I called him and ordered him down here and he didn't want to to want didn't he and here down him ordered and him called I later, hours Two

think a Supreme Court Justice ought to go on.... He said a man that criticized criticized that man a said He on.... go to ought Justice Court Supreme a think in World War I, fat as you are,' and would do anything you could to save save to could you anything do would and are,' you as fat I, War World in

said, "Okay, now, forty million Americans involved here." here." involved Americans million forty now, "Okay, said,

you did wrong in getting me. But we'll both do the best we can. can. we best the do both we'll But me. getting in wrong did you Stares, would turn me dawn." And he started crying' and he said, "I won't turn turn won't "I said, he and crying' started he And dawn." me turn would Stares, RUSSELL I think you did wrong in getting Warren, and and Warren, getting in wrong did you think I RUSSELL

are. Good night.' night.' Good are.

RUSSELL: I may be wholly wrong But I think think I But wrong wholly be may I RUSSELL:

LBJ: I I LBJ: RUSSELL: You ought not to be so persuasive. persuasive. so be to not ought You RUSSELL:

down! down!

one American life. And I'm surprised that you, the Chief Justice of the United United the of Justice Chief the you, that surprised I'm And life. American one

and determine who who determine and LBJ: I think I ought to. to. ought I think I LBJ:

you down. I'll just do whatever you say" But he turned the Attorney General General Attorney the turned he But say" you whatever do just I'll down. you this fellow that went on the Nuremberg trial—Jackson. Nuremberg the on went that fellow this

them went up to see him today and he turned them down cold and said, said, and cold down them turned he and today him see to up went them

want you to do is look at the facts and bring in any other facts you want in here here in want you facts other any in bring and facts the at look is do to you want

Warren was sk. sk. was Warren

the internation.. military tribunal that tried leading Nazis at Nuremberg afrer World War II. II. War World afrer Nuremberg at Nazis leading tried that tribunal military internation.. the

'As a Supreru a 'As

'Oswald's visit to the Soviet embassy and the Cuban consulate. consulate. Cuban the and embassy Soviet the to visit 'Oswald's

'See 'See

'So Johnson claims, anyway. anyway. claims, Johnson 'So

'Warren was of robust physique. physique. robust of was 'Warren

the Appendix of of Appendix the

think that's what you'll do. That's the kind of Americans both of you you of both Americans of kind the That's do. you'll what that's think


, ,

uical of Jackson's decision to accept the dual role. role. dual the accept to decision Jackson's of uical

Court Justice, Robert Jackson served as chief counsel for the prosecution in in prosecution the for counsel chief as served Jackson Robert Justice, Court

killed killed

this book for release of the the of release for book this

the President. And I think you put on your uniform uniform your on put you think I And President. the

I would. would. I


You You

Warren Commission Commission Warren

know what happened? Bobby and and Bobby happened? what know

Mr. Mr.

, ,

Warren would serve on on serve would Warren

tin—twice. tin—twice.


And I said, "Let me me "Let said, I And

know damned well well damned know

report. report.

And And

"No." "No."


just just

of the Korean War. War. Korean the of

Library. Library.

Rules Committee investigated LBJ's disputed 1948 hairbreadth Senate victory over over victory Senate hairbreadth 1948 disputed LBJ's investigated Committee Rules

lonesome for you. you. for lonesome

LB): I want to be be to want I LB):

me because that's the great problem.... For instance, we got nobody to run the the run to nobody got we instance, For problem.... great the that's because me

venson. and and venson.

just want to philosophize with you a little bit.... I don't want to mess up any of of any up mess to want don't I bit.... little a you with philosophize to want just

Everybody else up here I've talked to says the same thing.... thing.... same the says to talked I've here up else Everybody

COOK: ... May I say something? ... You've been a magnificent President.... President.... magnificent a been You've ... something? say I May ... COOK:

your business, but you try to figure out if you you if out figure to try you but business, your

war in Vietnam for us. We need the ablest man that we've got, the toughest toughest the got, we've that man ablest the need We us. for Vietnam in war

LBJ: I appreciate your memo' very much, and thought it was excellent and I I and excellent was it thought and much, very memo' your appreciate I LBJ: —on —on

Secret Service accompanying her on all of her dates. (chuckles] (chuckles] dates. her of all on her accompanying Service Secret

LB): LB):

They tell me you were down at Saks Fifth Avenue. Avenue. Fifth Saks at down were you me tell They

COOK: I had a youngster in town for the Thanksgiving holidays and I had to to had I and holidays Thanksgiving the for town in youngster a had I COOK:

take him down and keep him from being naked.... naked.... being from him keep and down him take

LBJ: You're already out spending all that money you fat cars make up there? there? up make cars fat you money that all spending out already You're LBJ:

1:I ti rm. rm. ti 1:I


l'irsident, American Electric Potter Company Company Potter Electric American l'irsident,


.. Maybe you can have dinner with us.... There's not anything, except I'm just just I'm except anything, not There's us.... with dinner have can you Maybe ..

'On the tax cut bill. bill. cut tax the 'On

'Memorandum of conversation, November 24, 1963, and Tom Wicker oral history, history, oral Wicker Tom and 1963, 24, November conversation, of 'Memorandum

'By now a New York utilities executive, Cook had served sporadically as Johnson's counsel counsel Johnson's as sporadically served had Cook executive, utilities York New a now 'By

a House Naval Affairs subcommittee studying World War II production, when the Senate Senate the when production, II War World studying subcommittee Affairs Naval House a

Asia go go Asia

shape other countries in its own image. The main job now, now, job main The image. own its in countries other shape

Johnson insisted that he was not going to be the President who saw Southeast Southeast saw who President the be to going not was he that insisted Johnson

considerable misgivings. Strong voices in Congress, he said, felt that the United United the that felt said, he Congress, in voices Strong misgivings. considerable

the South Vietnamese resist those using force against them. After the meeting, meeting, the After them. against force using those resist Vietnamese South the

office with the U.S. Ambassador to Saigon, Saigon, to Ambassador U.S. the with office

had acquiesced. On Sunday November 24, 24, November Sunday On acquiesced. had

During the meeting, Johnson said he approached the problem of Vietnam with with Vietnam of problem the approached he said Johnson meeting, the During

right course in toppling toppling in course right

earlier, the South Vietnamese President, Ngo Ngo President, Vietnamese South the earlier,

States should get out of Vietnam. He wondered whether they had had they whether wondered He Vietnam. of out get should States

Secretary of State Dean Dean State of Secretary

first adviser, Ngo Ngo adviser, first

. Well, I've got a sixteen-year-old sixteen-year-old a got I've Well, .

when Johnson's Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee investigated the conduct conduct the investigated Subcommittee Investigating Preparedness Johnson's when


the way China did.' did.' China way the


Dinh Nhu, Nhu, Dinh

and I want you to start looking for some good people for for people good some for looking start to you want I and

Rusk, McNamara, Bundy, McCone, and other other and McCone, Bundy, McNamara, Rusk,

on the deepening problem of Vietnam. Four weeks weeks Four Vietnam. of problem deepening the on

Diem Diem


were assassinated assassinated were

and complained that that complained and

girl girl

can come down Monday Monday down come can

and she's very unhappy about the the about unhappy very she's and

LBJ met in his vice presidential presidential vice his in met LBJ

Dinh Diem, and and Diem, Dinh

Henry Henry

in a coup to which John Kennedy Kennedy John which to coup a in

America tried tried America

Cabot Lodge, as well as as well as Lodge, Cabot

he said, said, he

his brother and and brother his

afternoon. afternoon.

too hard to to hard too

was to help help to was

Coke Ste- Coke

taken the the taken

Johnson Johnson

officials. officials. 73 73 78 TAKING CHARGE MICHAEL R. BESCHLOSS 79

JOAN McCONE ALEXANDER: It looks that way.. „ I started to call A.W., but I didn't know Director of Central Intelligence where to go from here.... 3:14 PM. LBJ: He's in the office right now.... He and Don Thomas came up to work some of our private business things. MCCONE HAD BRIEFED LB/ that morning about Gilberto Alvarado, the " ' • Nicaraguan in Mexico City who had claimed to see Oswald taking money and ALEXANDER: [anxious:] Lyndon, what am I supposed to do when these news- speaking of assassination at the Cuban Embassy in September.' paper people call? LBJ: Oh, I'd just tell them as little as I could. McCONE: We got a phone call from Mexico City that this fellow Alvarado that was telling you about this morning signed a statement that all the statements ALEXANDER: That's what I do, but if you don't say anything, they prim that he'd made in connection with that matter have been false. you didn't say anything. I just don't know what to do.... I'm afraid somebody's going to take a pot-shot at me! LBJ: [chuckles] LB]: [laughs] I think I'd just tell them you-all have talked it over in the family McCONE: ... Apparently there's no substance in it at all. He explained that he and ... you're not going to be conducting interviews because, just very frankly, had wanted to ingratiate himself to the United States interests in order to gain you don't have the fadlities to handle them and the time either, that you have to admission to the United States and to work with the security forces here. So do your own work and you just hope they'll understand. Sam Houston and we're sending down a whole series of questions to be sure this isn't misleading, Rebekah' gave out a good interview, I see. but this is the opinion of our stations and, I guess, the FBI.... This looks to me like it probably washes that out entirely. ALEXANDER: I haven't seen LBJ: Okay, my friend, thank you. LBJ: ...The Press was the mean one, wasn't it?' ALEXANDER: Yes, the Press was the mean one. This woman ... appreciated LUCIA JOHNSON ALEXANDER my position, but ... they asked where Birge worked, and I figured if I didn't say something, they'd make something out of nothing.... She told me she'd call me Sister of !Amnon Johnson before she printed anything ... and when I came back, why, it was all over the 3:16 RM. front page.... LBJ: Okay, well, I just wanted to tell you I love you. JOHNSON HAD LAST SEEN his sister when he took her and her engineer . . . . husband, Birge, who lived in Fort Worth, to meet President Kennedy in his eighth-floor suite at the Hotel Texas in Fort Worth, two hours before the ALEXANDER: Honey, you kitow how I felt when everything was happening. assassination. Kennedy had said, °We're going to carry two states next year if LBJ: I guess you're one of the last ones to talk to him' we don't carry any others—Massachusetts and Texas." These proved to be the last words JFK ever spoke to LBJ. ALEXANDER: That's right, but it was you I was worried about—and John:" LBJ: God bless you and see you. LBJ: Hi, my darling.... This is the first moment I've had to try to get anybody on the phone and I just wanted to tell you I was thinking of you. ALEXANDER: Well, you know we've been thinking of you. LBJ: I sure do. I wish you were here. ALEXANDER: I don't know I think rather be in my place than yours. LB]: [laughs] I'd like to trade with you. ALEXANDER: I went up to Johnson City and looked at the wallpaper.' LBJ: Llh-huh.... It's going to EOM a million dollars to rebuild that old $5,000 house, isn't it? 'Johnson's brother and other sister. 'The Fort Worth Press ran a front-page article, headlined -Sister Tells of 181 Devotion to 'See LBI conversation with I. Edgar Hoover. November 29, 1963. JFK," two days after the assassination. The Alexander' disliked it. 'The CIA station in Mexico City. 'Kennedy. 'Johnson's boyhood home was being re-created. 'Connally,

and I'll run by on my way to dinner. dinner. to way my on by run I'll and

ness. ness.

LBJ: ...I'm at the office and I'm going to be here about another ten minutes, minutes, ten another about here be to going I'm and office the at ...I'm LBJ:


along? along?



LBI: I'm doing as good as I could under the circumstances. How are you getting getting you are How circumstances. the under could I as good as doing I'm LBI:

LIPPMANN: Oh, how do you do, Mr. President? President? Mr. do, you do how Oh, LIPPMANN:

5:46 5:46


Columnist. ‘Vashfogion ‘Vashfogion Columnist.


P.51. P.51.

ton ton

American journalist of his time. Lippmann is at his home, next to the Washing- the to next home, his at is Lippmann time. his of journalist American

National Cathedral. Cathedral. National

Could I drop by and bum a drink from you? you? from drink a bum and by drop I Could



Oh, you certainly could. Conic right along. along. right Conic could. certainly you Oh,

I'm very satisfied with you, but you know it is a tragic busi- busi- tragic a is it know you but you, with satisfied very I'm


his courtship of the press with a call to the most influential influential most the to call a with press the of courtship his

Post Post

Chapter Two Two Chapter

1.131: 1.131:

"reflect a relationship in which the press is closet ro government than journalises ought to br- to ought journalises than government ro closet is press the which in relationship a "reflect

one of them with a bottle of whiskey." Mrs. Graham wrote that her husband's exchanges with LB) LB) with exchanges husband's her that wrote Graham Mrs. whiskey." of bottle a with them of one

... you might be willing to speak to them.... them.... to speak to willing be might you ...

counteract the reputation he had as a conservative, sectional and (oil and gas) interest-motivated interest-motivated gas) and (oil and sectional conservative, a as had he reputation the counteract

gave LBJ advice on how to improve his national image, "arguing that that "arguing image, national his improve to how on advice LBJ gave

GRAHAM: GRAHAM: at least today. However, for those times, for that decade, it it decade, that for times, those for However, today. least at

spective Johnson opponents opponents Johnson spective

GRAHAM: Don't you do that too much. I know you have to no but I hope hope I but no to have you know I much. too that do you Don't GRAHAM:

we stop it soon. Mr. President, I'm calling you really on behalf of the newspaper newspaper the of behalf on really you calling I'm President, Mr. soon. it stop we

ner ... at the Waldorf, and they hope very much that this April 23rd, Thursday Thursday 23rd, April this that much very hope they and Waldorf, the at ... ner Goldwater or Nixon' or somebody. somebody. or Nixon' or Goldwater

politician' She was not pleased when, during their 1956 visit to the LB/ Ranch, Johnson, Johnson, Ranch, LB/ the to visit 1956 their during when, pleased not was She politician'

GRAHAM: Now that's going to set me up for the month, Mr. President! President! Mr. month, the for up me set to going that's Now GRAHAM:

just three or four of us sit around. around. sit us of four or three just

publishers.' ... Every year, as you probably probably you as year, Every ... publishers.' GRAHAM: I'm I'm GRAHAM:

and I can't ever get to see you. 1 just hear that sweet voice and it's always on the the on always it's and voice sweet that hear just 1 you. see to get ever can't I and down on my ranch. lump a fence. [both laugh) laugh) [both fence. a lump ranch. my on down

LBJ: Not at all, not at all.' all.' at not all, at Not LBJ:

LBI: I would. Who else is speaking? speaking? is else Who would. I LBI:

having "put away a good deal of whiskey, of deal good a away "put having

LBJ: I've been here till after oh, ten, eleven every night. night. every eleven ten, oh, after till here been I've LBJ: GRAHAM: Well, I'm fine. Are you? you? Are fine. I'm Well, GRAHAM:


telephone and I'd like to break out out break to like I'd and telephone


11:10 11:10

LBJ: You You LBJ:


Prrsident.ton Post Company Company Post Prrsident.ton

'The American Newspaper Publishers Association. Association. Publishers Newspaper American 'The

Ifohnscm once again deflects what he thinks are worries about his heart condition. condition. heart his about worries are thinks he what deflects again once Ifohnscm 'Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona and former Vice President Richard Nixon—rwo pro- Nixon—rwo Richard President Vice former and Arizona of Goldwater Barry 'Senator

'Mrs. Graham recalled in her memoirs, memoirs, her in recalled Graham 'Mrs.

saw saw

before this conversation, had been close to Johnson since the 1950s, when he he when 1950s, the since Johnson to close been had conversation, this before

dent to speak at a publishers' publishers' a at speak to dent

did.' Having taken over the company, which owned the the owned which company, the over taken Having did.'

an an

Newsweek, after after Newsweek,

Hello, my sweetheart, how are you? you? are how sweetheart, my Hello,

Now that's true. But ... we've got to get us together some evening and and evening some together us get to got we've ... But true. that's Now

A.M. A.M.

LB) stream of consciousness. consciousness. of stream LB)

possibilities in the Majority Leader that fess that Leader Majority the in possibilities


know, know,

Anytime. Anytime.

worried about you. you. about worried

the only one thing I dislike about this job is that I'm married married I'm that is job this about dislike I thing one only the

her her

for for

husband's husband's

1964. 1964.


- -

dinner, not knowing knowing not dinner,

of here here of

complained about the press, saying. 'You can buy any any buy can 'You saying. press, the about complained

death, Mrs. Graham innocently asks the Presi- the asks innocently Graham Mrs. death,

Personal History (Knopf, (Knopf, History Personal

Philip, who took his own life four months months four life own his took who Philip,

I don't want to to want don't I

and be like one of these young animals animals young these of one like be and

remember ... they have a a have they ... remember

was was

, ,

outside Texas and the the and Texas outside

not unusual' (p. 237). 237). (p. unusual' not

that that

she would would she

get in a debate with with debate a in get

1997). that her husband husband her that 1997).

Waslthison Waslthison

the the

Senator needed to to needed Senator

be be

huge din- huge

treated to to treated

Post Post

Senate Senate


GRAHAM: Oh, of course, they wouldn't have anybody else. LBJ: I'm going to, I'm going to. LBJ: ... My answer would be 1 wouldn't hesitate the slightest if you had Phil GRAHAM: I know you did. Incidentally, that little girl of his' said to me that here. If you'd just go up in heaven, get him, bring him back where he could sit "President Johnson has been art angel to Ted." And so, she knows- and advise with me awhile. But it's so difficult—I just—it was tragic the other LBJ: l've done as much as I can and have any pride and self-respect left. I just— night. 1 had Abe Fortas in my bedroom till two-thirty 'fore I got my message GRAHAM: No, I know what you did and I think he's going to come bark from out to the Congress and 1 was—I could have just blown everything and fallen on the weekend and be all right and I just hope he is. I do think he can be just my head—and I'm glad Russ Wiggins' said he wouldn't change a word.... But terrible. it was such agony that I haven't recovered from it. 1 didn't do that when Phil was here. He'd siddown and write in longhand in thirty minutes what we were going LBJ: Kay. here was our feeling. He did the best job, the fastest job that you ever to do and after talking it over and fighting about it and arguing, why, we'd get saw, but I had Stevenson and he had some good things that I wanted to say. Abe it. I don't find anybody that's that easy with me anymore. I've got all these Forms had the action in that speech. He just meant civil rights ... and "the time temperamental people. And he didn't care if you took half his stuff out. He didn't for action is now." We are not only just going to continue. Now, the speech that give a damn whether you took any of it. What he'd do—he was just trying to came in was a great tribute to a great man but the Congress expected a little help a human being and a country and not trying to help himself. But they ... sump'n else? They wanted to know how I was going to sinrid on these things, all go and cry and they say, "Well, Abe Fortas put this paragraph in and took my and I had to say so and I had to say "action now" because—I've got to talk to paragraph out."= But Adlai did a wonderful job, bless his heart, and I want you you about it, and no better time than right this minute, although 1 am thirty to thank him on behalf of your children for being a big man. He came in here minutes behind on my appointments and I've got the Cabinet waiting out here.) when this happened, he brought in a speech of his own that he had personally But I've got to ask you this. written, he said, "I am at your service.' And a good deal of it was in the message GRAHAM: Mr. President, I- delivered? I don't want that in the paper.' But he was a big man and most of the LBJ: [getting more intense, interrupts:] Howard Smith, said to the Speaker of rest of them were, but— the House that—I quietly and judiciously asked to go talk to him about civil GRAHAM: Mr. President, can I say one thing on behalf of somebody whom I rights—that "you'll have to come back and talk next year, January, and we'll all don't think looked very well but I think is a great man? And that is Ted Sorensen. be late coming back in January.' ... He won't even give 'em a hearing, he won't LBJ: Yes, I think he's just absolutely indispensable. even call a meetin'. He just said, I'm out at my farm and 1 can't have any hearings," . . We thought Oswald ought to have a hearing! We are upset. That's GRAHAM: He's marvelous and he is very hurt and I encountered him and I why we've got a commission.' ... So they are going to try to sign a petition that know the mood he was in and I don't forgive him for it' but I- will give 'em a hearing in the House so they can discharge the Rules Committee LBJ: He did it to me, going up to deliver it. We spent the whole time arguing and bring it out. and I said, 'Well, you've got 80 percent of your stuff in there."' GRAHAM: Right. GRAHAM: He was just unforgivable, and yet I think that we all have to just LBJ: Now every person that doesn't sign that petition has got to be fairly imagine how he feels and he's a man who, instead of crying, he did this really regarded as being anti–civil rights.... I don't care if he votes against the bill naughty trick, but—of being cantankerous and hurt—because he had that pecu- after he gets a chance to vote an it.... But I don't think any American can say liar relationship with President Kennedy. that he won't let 'em have a hearing either in the committee or on the floor. That LBJ: Well, the President' took out a good deal of his stuff— is worse than Hitler did. So we've got to get ready for that and we've got to get GRAHAM: But, Mr. President, I think he's gonna come around and I think ready every day. Front page. In and out. Individuals. Why—are—you—a-gainst that if you just give him a little love and- —a—hearing? And point 'em out and have their pictures and have editorials and

11, Russell Wiggins was executive editor of the Washington Post (and. in 1968, Johnson's final Ambassador to the United Nations). 'Sorensen was seeing a schoolteacher named Sara Ann Elbery, whom he married in lune 'Johnson here is referring to Sorensen's unhappiness that Johnson did not use his draft for 1964 and later divorced. He had been divorced from his first wife in July 1963. the Joint Session address intact. 'Sorensen had wanted lohnson to say, for example, 1 who cannot fill his shoes muss occupy "Along with Galbraith. Ft:Inas, and Humphrey, U.N. Ambassador Adlai Stevenson, the 1952 his desk." (See William Manchester, The Death of a Prrsicieni, p. 605.) and 1956 Democratic presidential nominee, was one of those Johnson had solicited fora draft, 'Here LBJ flagrantly exaggerates. His Daily Diary shows that his Secretary of Commerce, Almost cenainly the President is making a point of praising Stevenson to Mrs. Graham out of Luther Hodges, was the only one waiting for him, but it was more flattering to suggest to Mrs. knowledge that Mrs. Graham's mother, Agnes Meyer, was one of Stevenson's closest friends Graham that her call was important enough to keep the entire Cabinet waiting. and most stalwart supporters. 'Chairman of the House Rules Committee, the eighty-year-old Virginia Bourbon segrega- 'Johnson does net want the public to think that the controversial Stevenson for anyone else, tionist was blocking a House vote on the civil rights bill by saying that he had 'no plans" to for that matter) is writing his speeches. schedule floor action before the end of the year. T is compelled the administration to request a 'This refers to Sorensen's complaints about Johnson's failure to use his entire draft. discharge petition, requiring signatures of more than half the House members to bypass Smith's *Some of this argument took place in Johnson's car an the way up to Capitol Hill. committee. 'Kennedy. 'The Warren Commission. 84 TAKING CHARGE MICHAEL R. BESCHL055 85

have everything else that is in a dignified way for a hearing on the floor.' ... GRAHAM: Yeah? Once we get that. then these cowards will all vote for the bill. But we've got to LBJ: I talked all day long and into the night on that, including talking to try to appeal to the Southerners—a few of 'em in border states—to sign that you, but they—Justice Warren turned . . the Justice Department down. Nick petition. We've only got 150 Democrats, The rest of 'em are Southerners. So Katzenbach and them went to him and he wouldn't do it. I had ro come in here, we've got to make every Republican. And we ought to say, "Here is the party of plead with him and finally got him to do it. Everybody else wanted to turn it Lincoln. Here is the image of Lincoln." And whoever it is against a hearing and down. Dick Russell—I had to talk to him four times. But we went through with against a vote in the House of Representatives is not a man that believes in giving all that thing. Now, you know where I had to talk to 'ern? Russell was in Winder. humanity a fair shake. Vote against it if he wants to. Let him do it. But don't let Dirksen was in Illinois. Humphrey was on the beach. Mansfield was on the beach him refuse to sign that petition! Now if we could ever get that signed, that would in Miami in houses that people who've become popular have lent to 'em. Charlie practically break their back in the Senate because they could see that here is a Halleck was out hunting turkey. Now there wasn't a human here. And they're steamroller that can petition it out and they'll put cloture on and the psychology not here now. And they are not working now. And they are not passing anything! would be just like Texas' won every game this year—that they're a going outfit. And they are not going to! (growing shrill:] Now somebody has got to—instead GRAHAM: Right. of just writing the stories about how the pages live or about Bobby Baker's girl.' LBJ: Otherwise—now they're saying Johnson's a great magic man. Well, I'm Whether he had a girl or whether he didn't is not a matter that is going to not. But you want to bear in mind that Mr. Kennedy was able and he was settle this country. But whether we have justice and equality is pretty damned popular and he was rich and he had young giants helping him—and much more important. So I'd like for them' to be asking these fellows, "Where did you spend enthusiastic helping him than they are me—and he had the newspapers helping your Thanksgiving holidays? Tell me about it, was it warm and nice?" And write him and he had everything else. But his tax bill? The last conversation I had with a little story on it ... because if you don't, they are going to start quitting here Phil, he said he had asked the President to make me take charge of the tax bill about the 18th of December and they'd come back about the 18th of January and and pass it because it would never be passed until I did.' Ask Gerry Siegel.' That's then they'll have hearings in the Rules Committee till about the middle of March the last thing he said in a conversation with me, and he—it's almost unbelievable and then they'll pass the bill and it will get over and Dick Russell will say, "It's how prophetic he was, and I'm sitting here today—and the tax bill—he came Easter and Lincoln's Birthday." And by the time you get him, he will screw them and got me and just was real ugly to me. to death, because he's so much smarter than they are. GRAHAM: (sympathetically:] I know. GRAHAM: Yeah, yeah. LBJ: And he said mean things to me. But he was trying to drive me into action LBJ: He advocates going home at four-thirty and Mansfield's wife says he can't on the tax bill. But the President's tried for a year and he hasn't been successful meet after five o'clock. And you can't ever beat this crowd doing that. You can't in twelve months. Now I hope in twelve months I can be. But he tried since run your business doing that! Now you had better take these broad outlines and May on civil rights and he hasn't been successful, So they better not be too give to your broad people' and say ... "I don't care what you cover in the sex quick to judge it. If this Mickey Mantle that's got a batting average of .500 and route, but let's cover some of these folks' vacations." Not in a mean way, but just is the star of the Yankees—if he couldn't do it, how do you expect some plug-ugly point up that ... these things haven't been done and we've paid 'em to do 'em. from Johnson City to come in and do it pretty quick?' But we're working on it. And if your reporter didn't show up all this time—and, of course, a part of their So you can tell your editorial board that this Rules Committee has quietly jab's at home, and in an election year they'll be at home, but they oughtn't to go said they're not going to do anything. And somebody ought to be asking these home until they do something to go home to talk about' leaders. I can't do it. But you know what I tried to do in appointing your commis- sion the other day—the Kay Graham Commission?'

'Johnson is asking Mrs. Graham to have the Washington Post vilify those who are blocking the civil rights hill in the House. The University of Texas. 'Kennedy was not thrilled with the suggestion. From the start of his administration, remem- bering LBJ's old dominion over the Senate, he was wary of giving Johnson much influence over 'Reporting on the growing scandal involving LB1's old pratOgi and es-Secretary of the his relations with Capitol Hill. Senate Majority, Bobby &Arc the Post told of the women who were habitues of Baker's Capitol 'Gerald Siegel, the Washington Past counsel in 1963, had worked for Johnson in the Senate Hill town house. in the 1950s. 11.e., the Washington hist 'Actually, June. 'At the Past. 9n his current mood of deference to Kennedy's memory, especially while talking to those he 'Mrs. Graham passed the gist of this talk on to her editors but did not ask them to carry out considers to be JFK friends. like Mrs. Graham, Johnson is being exaggeratedly self-deprecating Johnson's wish, believing that for the Post no write about congressional vacations in the manner in a way that he does not actually feel. the new President described would have been "ridiculous." The following evening, the Johnsons 'Johnson refers u. the Warren Commission as the "Kay Graham Commission" here in had her and the Joseph Alsops for dinner at The Elms, telling them over drinks that that day, homage to the fact that the Post had been one of those who had originally suggested a `the Kennedy men had come in, one by one, to give him their resignations (USA Today, blue-ribbon panel to investigate Kennedy's murder. December 12,1996, and Katharine Graham, Personal History. pp. 354-55). Titrouoar SoarnisEN (1928-

JOHN 558


MAXWELL TAYLOR (1901-1987). ALBERT THOMAS (189S-1966).




Eownq 1Arcist., CARL VINSON







Rurus YouracaLoon (1921-1996). Secret Service agent.



ruary 1964).

WHrrE (1923- dent, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

dor to South Vietnam (beginning July 1964).

1964). wald

Democrat of Georgia.

1964). York.

Advancement of Colored People.







(1924-1963). Dallas policeman, allegedly killed by Lee Harvey Os-


SR (1901-1995). Democratic Senator from Mississippi.


(1901-1981). Executive Secretary, National Association for the

(1891-1974). Chief Justice of the United States.

(1883-1981). Chairman,

(1884-1972). Thirty-third President of the United States.

(1908-1975). Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (beginning July

(1910-1991). Democratic Mayor of New York,

(1921-1971). Executive Director, National Urban League.

(1919- (1900-1965). 1952 and 1956 Democratic nominee for Presi-

(1896-1972). Partner, Simpson, Thacher

(1905-1994). Syndicated columnist.

(1903-1996). Democratic Senator from Texas.

). Associate Counsel to the President.

). Special Assistant to the President.

). Deputy Secretary of Defense (beginning January


(1931-1993). Personal secretary to the President.

). Democratic Governor of Alabama.

Democratic Congressman from Texas.

Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Ambassa-

). Special Counsel to the President (until Feb-


Armed Services Committee,


Bartlett, New

RICHARD RUSSELL RUSSELL: That danged Warren Commission business, it whupped me down

RUSSELL: I'm just worn out, fighting over that damned report. home. 1 didn't even have a toothbrush. 1 didn't bring a shirr.. , . Didn't LBJ: Why did you get in such a rush? my pills—antihistamine pills to take care of my em-fy-see-ma. 7:54 LBJ: Well, you ought to have taken another hour and gone gel your clothes.

so. We got through today. You know what I did? 1 ... got on the plane and came RUSSELL: No, no. They're trying to prove that the same bullet that hit Ken- FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1964


Harvey Oswald, that Oswald had been killed by another lone gunman, Jack

its report was released, Johnson calls Senator Russell at his home in Winder,

Georgia, to ask about what it contains.

September 1964, the Warren Commission released its controversial report, conspiracy to kill President Kennedy that originated in his city. Ruby, and that no conspiracy foreign or domestic, was involved. By 1967, New

finding that the thirty-fifth President had been killed by a lone sniper, with questions raised by the assassination that ushered in his presidency. Ire

the Garrison Investigation



The Warren Report and

District Attorney James Garrison was pursuing the possibility of


of the Warren Commission's deliberations, nine days before


in the White House, Johnson


forced to deal]




a C4-4121



nedy first 560 hand, his hone, and into his leg examine all of 'em. But I did read the record.... I was the only fellow there that

good report. always scares me. I like to put my own views down.

RUSSELL: Well, it don't

LBJ: Well, commission believes that the same bullet that hit Kennedy hit Connally. Well, I don't believe it.

LBL I don't either. RUSSELL: And so I

directly to the contrary and I'm not gonna approve of that. So I finally made 'em

in the neck on one shot and knock his head off in the next one—and he's leaning say up against his wife's head—and not even wound her—why, that wasn't so. And 'course if a fellow was accurate enough to hit Kennedy right pletely with that third shot. But according to their theory, he not only missed

... But anyhow, that's just a little thing.

shot to put two bullets right into Kennedy, he didn't miss that whole automobile. the whole automobile, but he missed the street! Well, a man that's a good

RUSSELL: just that he was did it for been satisfied anywhere he was on earth—in Russia or here. And that he had a LBJ:

desire to get his name in history.... I don't think you'll be displeased with the

report. It's too long.... LB): Unanimous? RUSSELL: Yes, sir. l and trade me out of it by giving me a little old threat.'

So did Hale Boggs and John Sherman Cooper Bin Russell was theonlitane who felt so strongly unanimous report, John McCluy brokered a deal to use compromise language. saying that there

that he balked at signing a report affirming full confidence in the theory. Insistent on a Russell approved, went on to say that testimony by Connally had 'given rise to some difference was "very persuasive evidence from the experts to indicate that the same bullet which pierced of opinion as to this the President's throat also caused Governor Connelly's wounds." McCloy's language, which

Book Depository' (Sec Kai Bird, that struck Kennedy and Connally "were fired from the sixth floor window of the Texas School

been two gunmen firing at them in Dallas, and hence a conspiracy. struck by separate bullets, with another shot missing the cat; suggested that there may have

all itself unanimous in its conclusions. interest. lie thus fashioned the aforementioned compromise that allowed the commission to , suggested any change whatever in what the staff got up.' This staff business

'Russell was not the only commission member who questioned the "single bullet" theory.

'Actually it could have meant a world of difference. For Kennedy and Connally to have been

'The Warren Report. 'McCkiy had insisted that a report that was not unanimous would damage the national

there was

What's the net of the whole thing? What's it' say? Oswald did it ? And he



what difference does it make which bullet got Connally?



the one that hit Connally, went through? him and through his



couldn't sign it. And I said that Governor Connally testified

tried my best to get in




The Chairman,


the commission, in that

but all commission members agreed that all of the bullets


general misanthropic fellow, that he had never


much difference.'

couldn't hear all the evidence and

Simon & Schuster,


dis-sent, but they'd come 'round


But we

part of 'em

they said that ... the



got you a pretty

didn't miss com-

pp. 564-66.)

believed that






quite understand why he' was messing back and forth with Cuba and what connection that had with it. And they was messing around in Mexico fellow

They had the stuff on Oswald but didn't give it to the Secret Service. LBJ: I'm and quick. daughter protected and my wife—somebody I love—by FBI. They're sharp, fast,


Acting Attorney General SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1967


on must 10:39 CLARK: I down

was saying that Garrison was saying—privately around town—if though that it could get confused and obscured.

'What motive Oswald had to kill Kennedy.

'In New Orleans. 'House Majority Whip, of Louisiana. 'The FBI. 'Garrison. 'Oswald.


murder. keep discreet track of Jim Garrison's freewheeling investigation

"Deke" DeLoach, the FBI liaison to thi Johnson White There's a good deal of feeling that maybe the Cuban thing—they don't

Honestly, just 'tween us, on the whole I'd rather have you protected or my


A.M. there'

be the


going to

for wanting to kill him.' He was going hack and forth to Russia. He

talked to Deke further about it yesterday....

in '62, '63.... 1

associations that Oswald had in the three, four months he was

who was about to become LEll's third Attorney General, and Cartha

try to get Hoover and the Secret Service together....

think that the subject is so volatile and emotional

with the


don't quite



find the motive yet that this

had heard that Hale Boggs'

What he' is



of Kennedy's

traced back helped LBJ



25, 1976). 1976). 25,

runs out in November.... November.... in out runs Eisenhower and and Eisenhower

LBJ: ... I think it would look had on us if we'd had it reported to us a number number a us to reported it had we'd if us on had look would it think I ... LBJ:

CLARK: You know, I've heard that much. I just haven't heard names, places. places. names, heard haven't just I much. that heard I've know, You CLARK: involved that was brought in to the CIA with a number of others and instructed instructed and others of number a with CIA the to in brought was that involved

effort against Castro Castro against effort

LBJ: No, I don't think so.... Drew Pearson' came and gave it to me. Said Said me. to it gave and came Pearson' Drew so.... think don't I No, LBJ: by the CIA and the Attorney General to assassinate Castro after the Bay of Pigs. Pigs. of Bay the after Castro assassinate to General Attorney the and CIA the by

by Robert Kennedy, in his drive against union corruption, lioffa had been been had lioffa corruption, union against drive his in Kennedy, Robert by

Clark. He had suspected Cuban involvement in the assassination from almost almost from assassination the in involvement Cuban suspected had He Clark.

Kennedy was killed. killed. was Kennedy

trying to get Castro, but Castro got him first" first" him got Castro but Castro, get to trying of times and we ... just laughed, if this is true.... He said that the limitation' limitation' the that said He true.... is this if laughed, just ... we and times of

Morgan told him—Hoffa's lawyer him—Hoffa's told Morgan

Morgan had confided what he had learned to Drew Pearson, who who Pearson, Drew to learned had he what confided had Morgan

Robert Robert

we were running a damn Murder, Incorporated, in the Caribbean" and that "Kennedy was was "Kennedy that and Caribbean" the in Incorporated, Murder, damn a running were we CLARK: Does the Bureau have it ? ? it have Bureau the Does CLARK:

jury tampering tampering jury

considered considered

LBJ: I think you ought to have that. It's incredible. I don't believe there's a a there's believe don't I incredible. It's that. have to ought you think I LBJ: LBJ: I've had it from three or four. I've forgotten who's come in here. I'll have have I'll here. in come who's forgotten I've four. or three from it had I've LBJ:

LBJ: ... Has anybody ever told you all the story? story? the all you told ever anybody Has ... LBJ:

about it. it. about

CLARK: No. No. CLARK: CLARK: Who would I get it from? from? it get I would Who CLARK:

LBJ: You know this story going around about the CIA and their trying to get get to trying their and CIA the about around going story this know You LBJ:

to check. check. to L13.1: Ito Watson:) Hale tell you you tell Hale Watson:) Ito L13.1: —sending in the folks to get Castro? Castro? get to folks the in —sending

CLARK: To assassinate Castro. Castro. assassinate To CLARK:

CLARK: Apparently hlarvin. Apparently CLARK:

MARVIN WATSON: Privately he was using your name as having known known having as name your using was he Privately WATSON: MARVIN

think you ought to know about it. it. about know to ought you think

thing in the world to it.' I don't think we ought to seriously consider it. But But it. consider seriously to ought we think don't I it.' to world the in thing

eyes and ears.... Either that or this guy Garrison is completely off his rocker. rocker. his off completely is Garrison guy this or that Either ears.... and eyes

there—said that this was traced to me, or something? something? or me, to traced was this that there—said

LBJ: Who did Hale tell this to? to? this tell Hale did Who LBJ: or if if or

that. The Bureau says they haven't heard any such thing and they've got lots of of lots got they've and thing such any heard haven't they says Bureau The that.

562 562

"Edward I'. Morgan, lawyer to Teamsters union union Teamsters to lawyer Morgan, I'. "Edward

'The 'The

'Marvin 'Marvin 'This refers to CIA-Mafia efforts to have the Cuban leader murdered under Presidents Presidents under murdered leader Cuban the have to efforts CIA-Mafia to refers 'This

'Edward P. Morgan. referring to the the to referring Morgan. P. 'Edward

you you

Kennedy's possible possible Kennedy's

syndicated columnist. columnist. syndicated

a a

could he found in it someplace, which—I can't believe he's been saying saying been he's believe can't which—I someplace, it in found he could

Watson of the Johnson White House staff. staff. House White Johnson the of Watson

lever for use against !UK, if it ever became necessary. necessary. became ever it if !UK, against use for lever

and and

Kennedy. By By Kennedy.

mail fraud. He had appealed the verdict. Morgan had been told of the CIA CIA the of told been had Morgan verdict. the appealed had He fraud. mail

(See (See

by another another by

Chapter One.) lie later said that he was shocked to be informed informed be to shocked was he that said later lie One.) Chapter

role role

deflecting the story so airily, Johnson may nut be leveling with with leveling be nut may Johnson airily, so story the deflecting

in authorizing the murder attempts, which Johnson may have have may Johnson which attempts, murder the authorizing in

of of

his clients, the Mafia boss John Roselli, who was involved. involved. was who Roselli, John boss Mafia the clients, his

, ,

statute of limitations. limitations. of statute


, ,

He says that they have a man that was was that man a have they that says He

that this fellow—the district attorney down down attorney district fellow—the this that

(Atlantic, (Atlantic,

president James James president

July 1973, and and 1973, July

conveyed it to to it conveyed

Hoff.. Pursued Pursued Hoff..

Nrw Nrw

convicted convicted

York York

111J—including 111J—including

the the

Times, Times,

since since

in 1964 1964 in

moment moment


1957 1957

lune lune

that that

of of


morning on NBC. NBC. on morning

LBJ: Maybe you don't need to do either. You be the judge. I'm just telling you you telling just I'm judge. the be You either. do to need don't you Maybe LBJ:

name in it.... I didn't document it, but I can do that. that. do can I but it, document didn't I it.... in name

what Abe told me he thought we ought to do. This had a pretty good run this this run good pretty a had This do. to ought we thought he me told Abe what

CLARK: I did everything that you said last week, except I didn't mention your your mention didn't I except week, last said you that everything did I CLARK:

considered that you be sure that it is presented to me.... 1 think that his local local his that think 1 me.... to presented is it that sure be you that considered

—without interfering or obstructing in any way the local investigation—to he he investigation—to local the way any in obstructing or interfering —without

you weren't ... totally uninterested in pursuing it. it. pursuing in uninterested totally ... weren't you

sure that if there's anything to this or any scintilla of evidence that should be be should that evidence of scintilla any or this to anything there's if that sure

people there are watching it anyway probably, but I think that would show that that show would that think I but probably, anyway it watching are there people

say the President has seen this on televisiori and read of it and he says to tell you you tell to says he and it of read and televisiori on this seen has President the say

LBJ: You can be your own judge about it, but I would think what you ought to to ought you what think would I but it, about judge own your be can You LBJ:

do is either write or call Deke—and take notes on what you say to him—and him—and to say you what on notes take Deke—and call or write either is do

percent untrue. But that's something think we ought to know has been reported reported been has know to ought we think something that's But untrue. percent

and you-all ought to do what you think ought to be done to protect yourself. yourself. protect to done be to ought think you what do to ought you-all and

give 'em to you. He's the only one I can remember now.... 1 credit it 99.99 99.99 it credit 1 now.... remember can I one only the He's you. to 'em give

pay much attention to it.... Anyway, I'll try to think of the other names and and names other the of think to try I'll Anyway, it.... to attention much pay

sounded just like you're telling me that Lady Bird was taking dope. I just wouldn't wouldn't just I dope. taking was Bird Lady that me telling you're like just sounded LBJ: He' came to see me in the mansion, I would say, a month ago.... It It ago.... month a say, would I mansion, the in me see to came He' LBJ:

of 'em. But I've forgotten who the others are. They were reputable people or or people reputable were They are. others the who forgotten I've But 'em. of

There have been two or three here circulating it to me and Pearson was just one one just was Pearson and me to it circulating here three or two been have There

Then they also claim that you-all' have tapped ... Hoffa's lawyers' telephones telephones lawyers' Hoffa's ... tapped have you-all' that claim also they Then

and haven't admitted that yet and that they're going to have to explode that.. explode to have to going they're that and yet that admitted haven't and

just take care of that." So then he called Oswald and a group in and told them them told and in group a and Oswald called he then So that." of care take just and and

about this meeting and go set it up and get the job done. Now that's their story story their that's Now done. job the get and up it set go and meeting this about

like they report these things to us and we just throw them overboard.... But But overboard.... them throw just we and us to things these report they like

they wouldn't have gotten in here. here. in gotten have wouldn't they

anyway, that following this, Castro said they had these pills and they were were they and pills these had they said Castro this, following that anyway, supposed to take 'em when he caught 'em And they didn't get to take their pills. pills. their take to get didn't they And 'em caught he when 'em take to supposed

So he tortured 'em and they told him all about it.... So he said, "Okay, we'll we'll "Okay, said, he So it.... about all him told they and 'em tortured he So

morning because one of my lawyer friends told me I ought to call you and talk talk and you call to ought I me told friends lawyer my of one because morning

LBJ: No, this individual.... There's There's individual.... this No, LBJ:

LBJ: That's what what That's LBJ:

every day. I don't pay any attention to 'em, but maybe I was was I maybe but 'em, to attention any pay don't I day. every

to you about it so you'll have a file that protects you, that you don't just look look just don't you that you, protects that file a have you'll so it about you to CLARK: Pearson is? is? Pearson CLARK:

not for a concealed situation. situation. concealed a for not

CLARK: It'd be six years, all right, which would mean November probably. But But probably. November mean would which right, all years, six be It'd CLARK:

tell it. it. tell

'Pearson. 'Pearson.

'The Justice Department. Department. Justice 'The

rertas, appointed by LBJ in 1965 to the Supreme Court. Court. Supreme the to 1965 in LBJ by appointed rertas,

1 1

talked to Abe' about it first and he just said, "Well, it's so incredible." ...... incredible." so it's "Well, said, just he and first it about Abe' to talked

I'd I'd

think. But But think.

anyway anyway


just just

all kinds of things that come to me me to come that things of kinds all

he says in November he's going to to going he's November in says he

a a

little worried this this worried little

563 563

.. ..

in a situation vaguely comparable to this not immediately reporting to them.... them.... to reporting immediately not this to comparable vaguely situation a in

Garrison. He's afraid that Garrison would try to use him.... I had thought at at thought had I him.... use to try would Garrison that afraid He's Garrison.

evidence of foul play. It's all a pretty sordid mess.... I'd given kind of a back- a of kind given I'd mess.... sordid pretty a all It's play. foul of evidence

ground to some press people yesterday, saying that I thought Garrison had to to had Garrison thought I that saying yesterday, people press some to ground

bear responsibility for anything he had to the Secret Service and the FBI immedi- FBI the and Service Secret the to had he anything for responsibility bear

ately, that that ately,

The SAC' down there just can't talk with him. He just has no confidence in in confidence no has just He him. with talk can't just there down SAC' The eleven-year-old boy with him when he was discovered, but they don't have any any have don't they but discovered, was he when him with boy eleven-year-old

one time for me to call on him ... myself. But I'm afraid he would use that to to that use would he afraid I'm But myself. ... him on call to me for time one

try to escalate the thing.... That's what we have on Ferric. It sure took a bad bad a took sure It Ferric. on have we what That's thing.... the escalate to try

LW: [chuckles grimly] grimly] [chuckles LW:

turn today. today. turn

off from using Ferrie as his way out of what I think is his predicament. predicament. his is think I what of out way his as Ferrie using from off

referring to. So fortunately, unless he tries to change, he's apparently cut himself himself cut apparently he's change, to tries he unless fortunately, So to. referring

have been part of the discussions, he wasn't one of the people that he was was he that people the of one wasn't he discussions, the of part been have

volved, that he's checked it out, his plane wasn't suited ... that while he may may he while that ... suited wasn't plane his out, it checked he's that volved, going to sue him for slander.... He wanted to know what the Bureau could do do could Bureau the what know to wanted He slander.... for him sue to going

gone to Dallas long before President Kennedy's trip was known of. , , of. known was trip Kennedy's President before long Dallas to gone

to help him with this nut. Garrison has apparently said that Ferrie wasn't in- wasn't Ferrie that said apparently has Garrison nut. this with him help to

happened. The plane that he had was not suited for the purpose. Any idea that that idea Any purpose. the for suited not was had he that plane The happened.

it'll take two to three days to complete that.... The FBI interviewed Ferric in in Ferric interviewed FBI The that.... complete to days three to two take it'll

commercial pilot and there was some allegation at the time that he may have have may he that time the at allegation some was there and pilot commercial real possibility. In addition to that, of course, Oswald had left New Orleans and and Orleans New left had Oswald course, of that, to addition In possibility. real

November of '63 because he had known Oswald in New Orleans. He was a a was He Orleans. New in Oswald known had he because '63 of November

that he was quite a sick man and he was just disgusted with Garrison. He was was He Garrison. with disgusted just was he and man sick a quite was he that the plane would be used to take Oswald to Cuba after he did this' is just not a a not just is this' did he after Cuba to Oswald take to used be would plane the

CLARK: The Special Agent in Charge' down there ... says that they are quite quite are they that says ... there down Charge' in Agent Special The CLARK:

convinced the death was by natural causes, that it was a small cerebral hemor- cerebral small a was it that causes, natural by was death the convinced

flown Oswald to Dallas. All the evidence at that time indicated that that had not not had that that indicated time that at evidence the All Dallas. to Oswald flown

rhage.... The only part of the autopsy that's not complete is the toxicology, and and toxicology, the is complete not that's autopsy the of part only The rhage....

6:40 ant. ant. 6:40 RAMSEY CLARK CLARK RAMSEY


564 564

'Special Agent in Charge_ Charge_ in Agent 'Special

Ferrie was a homosexual. He had a long list of arrests. And there was an an was there And arrests. of list long a had He homosexual. a was Ferrie

Of the FBI. FBI. the Of

Kennedy's assassination. assassination. Kennedy's

Ferric denied it all quite vociferously. He called the Bureau Saturday and said said and Saturday Bureau the called He vociferously. quite all it denied Ferric

New Orleans. Orleans. New

arrested as a conspirator in the Kennedy assassination, was discovered dead in in dead discovered was assassination, Kennedy the in conspirator a as arrested



couldn't imagine any half-responsible district attorney in the country country the in attorney district half-responsible any imagine couldn't

rim rim


David Ferric, whom Garrison was about to have have to about was Garrison whom Ferric, David


. nothing about. about. nothing .

had told him the same thing and and thing same the him told had

came to me—Drew Pearson. Told me that the lawyer Edwin [sic] Morgan here here Morgan [sic] Edwin lawyer the that me Told Pearson. me—Drew to came

tried for and acquitted of conspiring to assassinate Kennedy. Kennedy. assassinate to conspiring of acquitted and for tried

asked him to come and relay that to us.... A week or two passed, passed, two or week A us.... to that relay and come to him asked

when the limitation' ran out.... Our lawyers said they couldn't believe there there believe couldn't they said lawyers Our out.... ran limitation' the when New Orleans.... Orleans.... New

LB]: Good. This is confidential too. We've had that story on about three occa- three about on story that had We've too. confidential is This Good. LB]:

Kennedy. That Lee Harvey Oswald was a member of the team operating out of of out operating team the of member a was Oswald Harvey Lee That Kennedy.

a reprisal measure, sent four teams into the United States to assassinate President President assassinate to States United the into teams four sent measure, reprisal a

sions and the people here say that there's no basis for it.... I've given a lot of of lot a given I've it.... for basis no there's that say here people the and sions

a team into Cuba to assassinate Castro. That then one of Castro's lieutenants, as as lieutenants, Castro's of one then That Castro. assassinate to Cuba into team a

thought to it. First, one of Holies lawyers went to one of our mutual friends and and friends mutual our of one to went lawyers Holies of one First, it. to thought

extremely close to President Kennedy did. They did not name the man, but the the but man, the name not did They did. Kennedy President to close extremely

into Cuba. Some of 'em were captured and tortured by Castro and his people.... people.... his and Castro by tortured and captured were 'em of Some Cuba. into

President Kennedy did not give the order to the CIA but that some other person person other some that but CIA the to order the give not did Kennedy President

inference was very clear ... that it was his brother' who ordered the CIA to send send to CIA the ordered who brother' his was it that ... clear very was inference

Khrushchev had made a deal to leave Castro in power. But about six months after after months six about But power. in Castro leave to deal a made had Khrushchev

the Missile Crisis was over, the CIA was instructed to assassinate Castro and sent sent and Castro assassinate to instructed was CIA the over, was Crisis Missile the

going on the air at all ... that after the Missile Crisis, President Kennedy and and Kennedy President Crisis, Missile the after that ... all at air the on going

of this thing for the past day.... In Cuba they found ... and all of this is not not is this of all and ... found they Cuba In day.... past the for thing this of

Ferrie, plus one one plus Ferrie,

information.... One of the teams teams the of One information....

interviewed by the nu and the Secret Service, but did not reveal a great deal of of deal great a reveal not did but Service, Secret the and nu the by interviewed

himself, but one of his lieutenants. One was picked up in New York ... and and ... York New in up picked was One lieutenants. his of one but himself,

office ... that Garrison has information that would prove that there were four four were there that prove would that information has Garrison that ... office

fellow Shaw' that has just been arrested in New Orleans yesterday and the man man the and yesterday Orleans New in arrested been just has that Shaw' fellow

assassins in the United States sent here by Castro or Castro's people. Not Castro Castro Not people. Castro's or Castro by here sent States United the in assassins

interview me again. They have a long story on the radio tonight, over WINS, WINS, over tonight, radio the on story long a have They again. me interview break some stories on this conspiracy thing. based on what this fellow, this D.A. D.A. this fellow, this what on based thing. conspiracy this on stories some break

know nothing about it. But a newsman named Paul Smith has just been here to to here been just has Smith Paul named newsman a But it. about nothing know in New Orleans talked about—Mr. Garrison.... Of course, I just simply say I I say simply just I course, Of Garrison.... about—Mr. talked Orleans New in

the radio station here in New York ... from a man who saw the files in Garrison's Garrison's in files the saw who man a from ... York New in here station radio the

CONNALLY: All day today, today, day All CONNALLY:

9:22 RM. RM. 9:22



'Statute of limitations. limitations. of 'Statute

'Ruben Kennedy. Kennedy. 'Ruben

'Clay Shaw, a New Orleans businessman who was another Garrison target He was later later was He target Garrison another was who businessman Orleans New a Shaw, 'Clay

WINS Radio Radio WINS

acy acy

rumors about the Kennedy assassination. assassination. Kennedy the about rumors


his had some reporters ...... reporters some had his

other man.... And there there And man.... other


have been interviewed up here. They continue to to continue They here. up interviewed been have

they would tell all [he story after November, November, after story [he all tell would they


was was

composed of Lee Harvey Oswald, this this Oswald, Harvey Lee of composed

were two other teams that that teams other two were

in Cuba working on various angles angles various on working Cuba in

from Ness' Yolk with with Yolk Ness' from

more conspir- more

and and

Pearson Pearson


know know 565 565

of prison. They may have hoped that Johnson might he willing to intervene at the last minute minute last the at intervene to willing he might Johnson that hoped have may They prison. of

But five days after this conversation. Hoffa entered prison to begin a thirteen-year sentence thirteen-year a begin to prison entered Hoffa conversation. this after days five But

be sure and we just want to be sure. sure. be to want just we and sure be

as the price of lumping down down lumping of price the as

which was commuted in 1971 1971 in commuted was which

LBJ: The FBI thinks that both Ferrie and Shaw are frauds—I mean, that Garri- that mean, frauds—I are Shaw and Ferrie both that thinks FBI The LBJ:

mind. mind.

son using them is a fraud—. They do not give any credit to it. But we can we But it. to credit any give not do They fraud—. a is them using son

into it and I appreciate very much your calling me and I and me calling your much very appreciate I and it into been feeding stuff to Garrison, as they did here. I don I here. did they as Garrison, to stuff feeding been

any basis for it or not.... It not.... or it for basis any

of these same sources that that sources same these of and that Ferrie died of natural causes causes natural of died Ferrie that and

what Castro did.... As Abe As did.... Castro what

other fellow very carefully and closely and the fellow claims that he got a call call a got he that claims fellow the and closely and carefully very fellow other as he can can he as

President,' I have talked some more about it and I and it about more some talked have I President,'

him tinder surveillance said that he wasn he that said surveillance tinder him

it with him again ... so I loover and them could watch it very carefully. They say say They carefully. very it watch could them and loover I so ... again him with it

Castro and knotvs Castro that could be confirming all this? ... So we will look look will we So ... this? all confirming be could that Castro knotvs and Castro

23rd, and he was under very heavy sedation. And that the Shaw thing is a phony, phony, a is thing Shaw the that And sedation. heavy very under was he and 23rd,

structing structing

that there's not anything to the Garrison story. At least, Hoover' says so, as near near as so, says Hoover' least, At story. Garrison the to anything not there's that

from Oswald, but that they can't find any record of it. And the doctor that had had that doctor the And it. of record any find can't they that but Oswald, from

lawyers ... a kw months ago, He evaluated it pretty carefully and said that it it that said and carefully pretty it evaluated He ago, months kw a ... lawyers

to see me tomorrow night to spend the weekend with me. I thought I thought I me. with weekend the spend to night tomorrow me see to

was ridiculous. ridiculous. was

Was Was 566 566

'The Attorney General, Ramsey Clark. Clark. Ramsey General, Attorney 'The

'LB) refers to the desire of Morgan and other Hoffa allies to keep the Teamsters leader out out leader Teamsters the keep to allies Hoffa other and Morgan of desire the to refers 'LB)

'). Edgar Hoover. Hoover. Edgar ').


This This

Fortas. Fortas.

Now with the CIA thing breaking and the thing turning, as it did, did, it as turning, thing the and breaking thing CIA the with Now

any limitation on a conspiracy. I talked to another one or two of our good good our of two or one another to talked I conspiracy. a on limitation any

may refer to to refer may

the requests that were made of me back there right after I became became I after right there back me of made were that requests the

tell. He He tell.

requests for Johnson to resume covert covert resume to Johnson for requests

says that they interviewed Ferrie and they interviewed this this interviewed they and Ferrie interviewed they that says

public revelations revelations public

by by

were were

President Nixon. lout years later, Hoffa disappeared. disappeared. Hoffa later, years lout Nixon. President

t t


said, who is it that it is who said,

s pretty hard to see how we would know directly directly know would we how see to hard pretty s

preventing trying to involve this jail thing' have have thing' jail this involve to trying preventing


and and

about the C1A-Mafia conspiracy against Castro. Castro. against conspiracy C1A-Mafia the about


t in a position to talk on November the the November on talk to position a in t

that that was a phony. But that some some that But phony. a was that that



s seen Castro and heard from from heard and Castro seen s

ve got the A.G.' coming down down coming A.G.' the got ve

anion anion


against Castro. Castro. against

t know whether there's there's whether know t


ll try to bear this in in this bear to try ll

and recon- recon- and


d go over over go d


t ever ever t

, ,

. priority, to open its entire collection of tapes, from from tapes, of collection entire its open to priority, .

Library—I have for three years experienced nothing but high high but nothing experienced years three for have Library—I bara Billie, Juanita Hannusch, Yolanda Boozer, Claudia Anderson, Regina Grecnwell, Grecnwell, Regina Anderson, Claudia Boozer, Yolanda Hannusch, Juanita Billie, bara preferred distant, embellished memories of what he said and what others said to him, him, to said others what and said he what of memories embellished distant, preferred

Linda Hanson, Mary Knill, Philip Scott, Ted Gittinger, and the others in the Johnson Johnson the in others the and Gittinger, Ted Scott, Philip Knill, Mary Hanson, Linda ism. Processing a collection with such complex demands as the five years of Johnson Johnson of years five the as demands complex such with collection a Processing ism.

independent independent

emerged from the printer. printer. the from emerged

tions open will almost certainly irritate some of those around LBJ who would have have would who LBJ around those of some irritate certainly almost will open tions

mentary. My editor, editor, My mentary.

tapes would strain the resources of any presidential library. Throwing these conversa- these Throwing library. presidential any of resources the strain would tapes of a multivolume edition of the Johnson tapes, with annotation and historical com- historical and annotation with tapes, Johnson the of edition multivolume a of

Library official or other member of the Johnson circle would see the book before it it before book the see would circle Johnson the of member other or official Library

private Johnson in some of the conversations that the Library had opened. During During opened. had Library the that conversations the of some in Johnson private

in in

in light of the public outrage when Richard Nixon's recording system was revealed revealed was system recording Nixon's Richard when outrage public the of light in

be anything but riveting. In September September In riveting. but anything be years were were years

as we have known from a rich offering of journalism, memoir, history, and biography, biography, and history, memoir, journalism, of offering rich a from known have we as in book form. Not only was this the only time a President had ever taped himself himself taped ever had President a time only the this was only Not form. book in

shelf after shelf of Dictabelts and reel-to-reel tapes in their large, walk•in vault, speak speak vault, walk•in large, their in tapes reel-to-reel and Dictabelts of shelf after shelf talk with Middleton in his office, we all concurred that my book would be strictly strictly be would book my that concurred all we office, his in Middleton with talk

with archivists who were processing them, and listen, with rising enthusiasm, to the the to enthusiasm, rising with listen, and them, processing were who archivists with

was such such was Assassination Records Collection Art of 1992, the Library had decided, as its highest highest its as decided, had Library the 1992, of Art Collection Records Assassination

some some

from the beginning until the end of his presidency (or almost certainly ever would, would, ever certainly almost (or presidency his of end the until beginning the from

a series of Johnson White House tape recordings in response to the John F. Kennedy Kennedy F. John the to response in recordings tape House White Johnson of series a

Library, and the Washington lawyer Harry McPherson, who worked for for worked who McPherson, Harry lawyer Washington the and Library,

the Senate and White House, and his wife. Middleton mentioned that having opened opened having that mentioned Middleton wife. his and House, White and Senate the

Washington, D.C., D.C., Washington,

1973). it would also be a vital vital a be also would it 1973).

From Harry Middleton and his colleagues—Patrick Borders, Tina Houston, Bar- Houston, Tina Borders, colleagues—Patrick his and Middleton Harry From

My literary agent, Esther Newberg. shared my view of the potential importance importance potential the of view my shared Newberg. Esther agent, literary My

Tiff Tiff

historian historian

a a

NonoN of this book sprang from a dinner I had at the Jockey Club in in Club Jockey the at had I dinner a from sprang book this of NonoN

different person in private from in public. public. in from private in person different

a a

and and

pivotal moment in American history and that the private private the that and history American in moment pivotal

should transcribe, edit, and annotate a selection of the conversations conversations the of selection a annotate and edit, transcribe, should

unauthorized. I would have no privileged access to the tapes. No No tapes. the to access privileged no have would I unauthorized.

Acknowledgments Acknowledgments

in June 1994, with Harry Middleton, Middleton, Harry with 1994, June in

Alice Alice

Mayhew, instantly agreed, observing that the Johnson Johnson the that observing agreed, instantly Mayhew,

new means of understanding Lyndon Lyndon understanding of means new

1994, 1994,

we three flew down down flew three we

1963 to 1969. 1969. to 1963

Director of the Johnson Johnson the of Director

archival archival

I replied that if so, so, if that replied I

to Austin to to Austin to

Johnson, Johnson,

LBJ could not not could LBJ


LBJ in in LBJ

who, who,

view view

both both a a

August 1997 1997 August

Washington, D.0 D.0 Washington,


their lives. lives. their

ruptions that the relentless, demanding voice of Lyndon Baines Johnson imposed on on imposed Johnson Baines Lyndon of voice demanding relentless, the that ruptions

through the work on this volume)-for tolerating the many distractions and inter- and distractions many the tolerating volume)-for this on work the through

to whom this book is dedicated-Alexander and Cyrus (who was born two thirds thirds two born was (who Cyrus and dedicated-Alexander is book this whom to

materials, Sandi Fox to check facts. facts. check to Fox Sandi materials,

Spodak contributed. Maryam Mashayckhi helped the author to assemble research research assemble to author the helped Mashayckhi Maryam contributed. Spodak

copyright law. Dolores Figiel oversaw much of the word processing, to which Lisa Lisa which to processing, word the of much oversaw Figiel Dolores law. copyright

and Fred Chase, of Laredo, Texas, who copyedited the manuscript. Don Reuben Reuben Don manuscript. the copyedited who Texas, Laredo, of Chase, Fred and

generously gave me the benefit of his long and distinguished history in literary and and literary in history distinguished and long his of benefit the me gave generously

anski, Michael Accordino, Edith Fowler, Wendy Nicholson, and Theresa Homer- Theresa and Nicholson, Wendy Fowler, Edith Accordino, Michael anski,

Selleck, Victoria Meyer, Pamela Duevel, Marcella Berger, Eric Rayman, George Turi- George Rayman, Eric Berger, Marcella Duevel, Pamela Meyer, Victoria Selleck,

extreme skill and good humor. I am grateful also to Liz Stein and Lisa Weisman, as as Weisman, Lisa and Stein Liz to also grateful am I humor. good and skill extreme

larly Roger Labrie, who met the challenges of a complicated publication process with with process publication complicated a of challenges the met who Labrie, Roger larly judgment and sangfroid. Stephen Messina oversaw the book's copy editing with with editing copy book's the oversaw Messina Stephen sangfroid. and judgment

well as Jonathan Newcomb, Jack Rotnanos, Carolyn Reidy, Michele Martin, Michael Michael Martin, Michele Reidy, Carolyn Rotnanos, Jack Newcomb, Jonathan as well

beginning to end, as did all of her superb colleagues at Simon Simon at colleagues superb her of all did as end, to beginning another book in order to create this volume and made working on it a pleasure from from pleasure a it on working made and volume this create to order in book another

America than Alice Mayhew. She made it possible for me to interrupt work on on work interrupt to me for possible it made She Mayhew. Alice than America

Sloan Harris, David Schmerler, John Delaney, and lessica Green. And I now know know now I And Green. lessica and Delaney, John Schmerler, David Harris, Sloan

firsthand why so many authors I admire insist that there is no better editor in in editor better no is there that insist admire I authors many so why firsthand

wisdom-practical, literary and historical. In this she was abetted by Jack Horner, Horner, Jack by abetted was she this In historical. and literary wisdom-practical,

thwart whatever legal challenges historians might have raised to their closure. closure. their to raised have might historians challenges legal whatever thwart

instructions to keep the tapes under seal until at least 2023 and used lawyers to to lawyers used and 2023 least at until seal under tapes the keep to instructions

A different kind of library director might have attempted to hide behind LBJ's spoken spoken LBJ's behind hide to attempted have might director library of kind different A

instead of reality. There is no better evidence of Middleton's commitment to openness openness to commitment Middleton's of evidence better no is There reality. of instead

than his insistence on opening all of the recordings as quickly and fully as possible. possible. as fully and quickly as recordings the of all opening on insistence his than

568 568

Most of all I thank my wife, Afsaneh Mashayckhi Beschloss, and our two sons, sons, two our and Beschloss, Mashayckhi Afsaneh wife, my thank I all of Most

The incomparable Esther Newberg was a constant source of enthusiasm and and enthusiasm of source constant a was Newberg Esther incomparable The

R. R.



& &


American Broadcasting Company (ABC), (ABC), Company Broadcasting American

American Bar Association, 33n, 512 512 33n, Association, Bar American

Alvarado, Gilberto, 53n, 78 78 53n, Gilberto, Alvarado,

Alsop, Stewart, 288-90, 291n 291n 288-90, Stewart, Alsop,

Alsop, Joseph, 85n. 293n, 290 290 293n, 85n. Joseph, Alsop,

Alexander, Birge, 78-79 78-79 Birge, Alexander,

Alexander, Lucia Johnson, 78-79, 245n 245n 78-79, Johnson, Lucia Alexander, Alliance for Progress, 36, 41-42, 74, 87, 87, 74, 41-42, 36, Progress, for Alliance

Albert, Carl, 187, 328, 346, 394 394 346, 328, 187, Carl, Albert,

Alaska, earthquake in, 299-300, 303n 303n 299-300, in, earthquake Alaska,

Air Force One, One, Force Air

Agriculture Department, U.S., 244, 328 328 244, U.S., Department, Agriculture

Agency for International Development Development International for Agency

Africa, Cuban militarism in, 234 234 in, militarism Cuban Africa,

Adams, Sherman, 192, 399 399 192, Sherman, Adams,

Acheson, Dean, 34, 553n 553n 34, Dean, Acheson,


on LBJ's presidential campaign, 97-98 97-98 campaign, presidential LBJ's on

Vietnam War and, 262-63, 357, 410n 410n 357, 262-63, and, War Vietnam

on LBI's address to Joint Session of of Session Joint to address LBI's on

on JFK assassination, 32-35 32-35 assassination, JFK on

Warren Commission and, 51 51 and, Commission Warren

ariclUar on Poverty, 360, 384-85, 396, 396, 384-85, 360, Poverty, on ariclUar on foreign aid, 110n, 112-13 112-13 110n, aid, foreign on

Coffin appointment and, 86 86 and, appointment Coffin

civil rights and, 89-90, 450 450 89-90, and, rights civil

pro-Castro Cuban threat to, 252-55 252-55 to, threat Cuban pro-Castro

after JFK assassination, 14-15, 17-20, 17-20, 14-15, assassination, JFK after

Green's funeral and, 124-25 124-25 and, funeral Green's

27, 258, 275, 287n, 292, 447, 484n 484n 447, 292, 287n, 275, 258, 27,

Congress, 45-46 45-46 Congress,

101n. 179n, 280n 280n 179n, 101n.

503n, 510 510 503n,

27, 91 91 27,

(AID), 151, 156n, 179n, 259 259 179n, 156n, 151, (AID),

Company Company

see see

American Broadcasting Broadcasting American

100, 133n, 294n, 422n 422n 294n, 133n, 100,

Index Index

Baker, Bobby, 170n. 186-90, 215, 271n- 271n- 215, 186-90, 170n. Bobby, Baker,

Bailey, John, 2.36-38, 240-41, 291, 355 355 291, 240-41, 2.36-38, John, Bailey,

Associated Press (AP), 2I2n, 274, 279, 279, 274, 2I2n, (AP), Press Associated

Arabs, 277-78, 348 348 277-78, Arabs,

Anderson, Robert, 153, 493-94 493-94 153, Robert, Anderson, women and, 85, 104, 158-60, 272n 272n 158-60, 104, 85, and, women

Anderson, Jack, 215, 220n. 356n 356n 220n. 215, Jack, Anderson,

Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), (ADA), Action Democratic for Americans

Russell and, 159-61, 173, 175-76, 350, 350, 175-76, 173, 159-61, and, Russell

American Newspaper Publishers Publishers Newspaper American Senate investigation of, 92-94, 101-2, 101-2, 92-94, of, investigation Senate

press coverage of, 85, 176, 179, 182, 184, 184, 182, 179, 176, 85, of, coverage press

LBJ's presidential campaign and, 271, 271, and, campaign presidential LBJ's

DeLoach on, 285-86 285-86 on, DeLoach

Jenkins and, 92-94, 101-2, 166-67, 186, 186, 166-67, 101-2, 92-94, and, Jenkins

gifts to 1.131 from, 92-93, 180-82, 184n, 184n, 180-82, 92-93, from, 1.131 to gifts

Vietnam War and, 379-80, 494, 495n, 495n, 494, 379-80, and, War Vietnam

on LBJ's presidential campaign, 987-88, 987-88, campaign, presidential LBJ's on

on Baker scandal, 195-96 195-96 scandal, Baker on

195n, 196-99, 271n, 282, 286n, 351, 351, 286n, 282, 271n, 196-99, 195n, 353-54, 356-57 356-57 353-54,

128, 158-61, 166-67, 186-88, 190, 190, 186-88, 166-67, 158-61, 128,

354 354

275, 285-86, 351 351 285-86, 275,

186, 188, 194n. 220n, 239, 242, 272n, 272n, 242, 239, 220n, 194n. 188, 186,

272n, 980 980 272n,

286n. 351 351 286n.

188, 192-93, 196-99, 220, 239, 285, 285, 239, 220, 196-99, 192-93, 188,

186-87, 194-96, 223-24, 271, 286 286 271, 223-24, 194-96, 186-87,

273n, 290n, 310, 321, 328, 350-51 350-51 328, 321, 310, 290n, 273n,

330n, 332, 487, 500 500 487, 332, 330n,

497n, 500n 500n 497n,

494 494

517, 521 521 517,

Association, 81-82 81-82 Association, 560 APPENDIX nedy first was the one that hit Connally, went through him and through his hand, his bone, and into his leg.... I couldn't hear all the evidence and cross- examine all of 'em. But I did read the record.... I was the only fellow there that ... suggested any change whatever in what the staff got up.' This staff business always scares me. I like to put my own views down. But we got you a pretty good report. LBJ: Well, what difference does it make which bullet got Connally? RUSSELL: Well, it don't make much difference) But they said that ... the commission believes that the same bullet that hit Kennedy hit Connally. Well, I don't believe it. LBJ: I don't either. RUSSELL: And so I couldn't sign it. And I said that Governor Connally testified directly to the contrary and I'm not gonna approve of that. So I finally made 'em say there was a difference in the commission, in that part of 'em believed that that wasn't so. And 'course if a fellow was accurate enough to hit Kennedy right in the neck on one shot and knock his head off in the next one—and he's leaning up against his wife's head—and not even wound her—why, he didn't miss com- pletely with that third shot. But according to their theory, he not only missed the whole automobile, but he missed the street! Well, a man that's a good enough shot to put two bullets right into Kennedy, he didn't miss that whole automobile. ... But anyhow, that's just a little thing. LBJ: What's the net of the whole thing? What's it 3 say? Oswald did it? And he did it for any reason? RUSSELL: Just that he was a general misanthropic fellow, that he had never been satisfied anywhere he was on earth—in Russia or here. And that he had a desire to get his name in history.... I don't think you'll be displeased with the report. It's too long.... Four volumes. LBJ: Unanimous? RUSSELL: Yes, sir. I tried my best to get in a dis-sent, but they'd come 'round and trade me out of it by giving me a little old threat.4

'Russell was not the only commission member who questioned the "single bullet" theory. So did Hale Boggs and John Sherman Cooper. But Russell was the only one Who felt so strongly .1 that he balked at signing a report affirming full confidence in the theory. Insistent on unanimous report, John McCoy brokered a deal to use compromise language, saying that there was -very persuasive evidence from the experts to indicate that the same bullet which pierced the President's throat also caused Governor Connally's wounds." NIcCioy's language. whiat Russell approved, went on to say that testimony by Connally had "given rise to some difference of opinion as to this probability," but all commission members agreed that all of the bullets that struck Kennedy and Connally "were fired from the sixth floor window of the Texas School Book Depository." (See Kul Bird. The Chdirrtratt, Simon F..: Schuster, 1992, pp. 5&4-66.) =Actually it could have meant a world of difference. Fur Kennedy and Connally to have been hate struck by separate .bullets, with another shut missing the car, suggested that there may been two gunmen tiring at them in Dallas, and hence a conspiracy. The Warren Report. 'McCoy had insisted that a report that was nut unanimous would damage the interest. He thus fashioned the aforementioned compromise that allowed the commission call itself unanimous in its conclusions.