The Parts That Were Left out of the Kennedy Book

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The Parts That Were Left out of the Kennedy Book "This war is, I believe, a war for civilization." —Francis Cardinal Spellman ■-•-':.0.7y3 • 1.1%....0. 4,10 14'.0'. f.A.- 444 The Parts That Were Left Out of the Kennedy Book •■••• ■••■••■••■■ An executive in the publishing industry, who obviously The senior Kennedy had predicted that Germany would must remain anonymous, has nuole available to the Realist defeat England and he therefore urged President a photostatic copy of the. original manuscript of William Manchester's book, The Death of a President. Franklin D. Roosevelt to withhold aid. Those passuges which are printed here were marked for Now Johnson found himself fighting pragmatism with deletion months before Harper & Row sold the serialization pragmatism. It didn't work; he lost the nomination. rights to Look magazine; hence they do not appear even Ironically, the vicissitudes of regional bloc voting in the so-railed "complete" version published by the Ger- man magazine, Stern. forced Kennedy into selecting Johnson as his running mate. Jack 'rationalized the practicality of the situation. but Jackie was constitutionally unable to forgive John- At the Democratic National Convention in the sum- son. Her attitude toward him always remained one of mer of 1960 Los Angeles was the scene of a political controlled paroxysm. visitation of the alleged sins of the father upon the son. Lyndon Johnson found himself battling for the presi- dential nomination with a young, handsome, charming It was common knowledge in Washington social cir- and witty adversary, John F. Kennedy. cles that the Chief Executive was something of a ladies' The Texan in his understandable anxiety degenerated man. His staff included a Secret Service agent referred to a strange campaign tactic. He attacked his opponent to by the code name Dentist, whose duties virtually cen- on the grounds that his father, Joseph P. Kennedy, was tered around escorting to and from a rendezvous site— a Nazi sympathizer during the time he was United either in the District of Columbia or while traveling— States ambassador to Great Britain, from 1938 to 1940. the models, actresses and other strikingly attractive females chosen by the President for his not at all infre- quent trysts. (Continued on Page 18) No. 74 May, 1967 35 Cents irreverence is our only sacred cow Letter from a Homosexual connection between MSNY and the For some time now I have been a Committee to Fight the Exclusion, etc. Sir Realist: fan of the Realist. I find it interesting, We would also like to make it clear to stimulating, thought-provoking and, all your readers that, not only did we not in all, a great publication. Your analy- participate in their leafleting campaign, sis of major and minor events is su- but we heartily disapproved of it, be- perb. For these reasons I cannot help cause it splits the homosexual com- Letter from a Rightwinger . munity into pro-war and anti-war fac- I occupy a political position which, I but wonder why the Realist seems to tions. am sure, would be anathema to you, i.e., be anti-homosexual—or at the very best, not informed of the work of the John L. Timmons, Secretary conservative. But I nevertheless find Mattachine Society of N.Y. your publication lively, legitimate and Mattachine Society Inc. of New York. interesting. Also I am curious as to why For an instance, I found "The Fag Editor's note: Fighting the exclusion you have never realized that the con- Battalion" [issue #69] to be as ob- of homosexuals from the armed forces servative (particularly the Goldwater- noxious to me as I do "The Committee would certainly qualify as a civil- style) position is basically libertarian, to Fight the Exclusion of Homosexuals rights activity; if that form of dis- anti-establishment and thus closer to from the Armed Forces." We at the crimination is ever remedied, then those yours than, for instance, that of the Mattachine are aware of the activities homosexuals who don't want to be institutional socialist. of this very small group of people, and drafted will no longer be able to ex- Karl Hess we have received a great deal of unde- ploit their deviation rather than face Washington, D.C. served criticism from their activities. the consequences of conscientious objec- tion. Letter from a Leftwinger Your juvenile editorial treatment of Letter from a Heterosexual I understand that homosexuals held Leo Bernard and the Socialist Workers Party ["Mind Over Martyr," issue e nationwide demonstration in protest #69] is an illuminating example of yel- of the armed services policy of exclud- low journalism at its very worst. Con- ing their ranks from military employ. gratulations, and cancel my subscrip- Wouldn't it be a gas if they composed tion. some sort of fight song,. possibly The The sick and puerile nature of your Ballad of the Pink Berets. article excludes adult response; never- Warren Simpson theless, certain observations must be Dept. of Sociology made. One is that in this issue of . the University of Alabama Realist, you have gone round the bend from merely degenerate to openly re- HEY, HEY, LBJ actionary. All of which leads me to the conclusion that before "their revolu- (Continued from Page 20) tion" is accomplished, you will have The President's neighbors could hard- earned a one-line obituary on the com- ly be less congenial to the Park. As far ics page—somewhat to the right of as they're concerned, Lyndon Johnson Little Orphan Annie. is simply using the power of eminent And, when another unemployed taxi domain to enlarge the LBJ Ranch driver enters your office. and confronts where the power of dollars has failed. The attitude of local landowners is you for being "anti-administration," I would like to use this opportunity will you then know why? neatly expressed by Joe Chapman Jr., to point out that we are not only non- a San Antonio real estate man who W. Blumenthal related groups, but that MSNY vigor- bought his 16-acre parcel across the Montreal, Canada ously disapproves of their stated policy. Pedernales after plans for the Park MSNY is a civil-rights group; noth- had been announced: "If Lyndon John- Letter from a Freethinker ing more, nothing leas. Some of us vig- son craves my land as much as he ap- I find myself renewing with a goodly orously oppose the war in Vietnam, pears to, I will sell same at a profit to number of qualms. As a reader from whereas others in our group favor it. him or his agents. In my view, this the very beginning, I think I have the Since the goal of this Society, and the park is most peculiar." right to register a squawk or two. homophile movement, is to procure the Earl W. Sweeney, who raises peaches, What ever 'happened to the old Paul legal rights denied the homosexual by plums and pecans directly opposite the Krassner? Did you get old and ideo- law and to educate the public in regard Ranch, has led a two-year fight to logically hidebound? Whatever hap- to homosexuality, we refuse to mix is- make the Commission abandon the pened to "freethought criticism and sa- sues by engaging in foreign policy. Our Park. His suit for an injunction against tire"? Some of the stuff you've been main goals are difficult .enough to the condemnation proceedings is still printing lately is just plain repulsive. achieve. in the courts. The retired marble dealer, Any time 1 want to find how glorious MSNY is not a social organization; who bought his 70 acres 7 years ago, life is in the DDR, all I have to do is nor is its purpose to apologize for ho- has had 53 of his acres condemned. find Radio Berlin International on my mosexuality. We are activists who are Sweeney claims that his land is worth short wave set. Any time I want to find convinced that the time for asking to $162,440. W. C. Brown, an Austin real out about weird objects inserted in the be treated as human beings is past— estate broker representing the trustees rectum, all I have to do is call up my we are demanding our right to human of the Park, set the value at $46,000. favorite proctologist. For that kind of dignity now. We use the methods of Finally, a board of special commission- dreck I don't need the Realist. leafleting, picketing and court-action to ers split the difference and called it Let's face it, Paul—we're all getting achieve our goals. $62,000. a little older. Why not become a little This is the other side of homosexual- If you can't find out about the Lyn- more responsible in your radicalism? ity, the side I would like to see pre- don B. Johnson State Park from the I've done it. sented in the Realist. If nothing more, officer at the main gate, just march Leo Sirota we would appreciate a statement in across the road and ask Earl or Martha Baltimore, Md. your pages to the effect that there is no Sweeney. 2 The Realist President's wife as Lady MacBird. Out of that, there developed a play whose only purpose then was to enter- Editorial Giggies tain her fellow demonstrators. She submitted the manuscript to the Realist. I re- jected it because the targets had already been verbally Accept, Evade or Confront? goosed so often in these pages. But when they even- Up Tight With the Draft? is a pamphlet published tually began holding backers' auditions, I decided to by the War Resisters League, 5 Beekman St., New gamble—sight unseen—because so many people who York.
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