Media Monitor

2006 May - June

Media Monitor 11

A Word

Looking at Ourselves

Eighty seven per cent (87%) of Sri LankanLankan journalistsjournalists believe that the Sri Lankan mediamedia is failing ttoo provide accurate, balabalancednced and fair informainformation.tion.Eighty per centcent (80%) of Sri LankanLankan journalists believe that the mediamedia is biased toward one ethnethnicic group or another. More than 50% of stories in are based only on one source. Sinhala and Tamil newspanewspaperspers use only selected sourcessources for information.

AndThe Sinhala 80% of andjournalists Tamil press think is their selective sources in sourcesare not accurateaccuused.rate or reliable. Only half of Sri Lanka’s jourjournalinalistssts are aware of the Code of Ethics. Only 11% of them have a copy of the Code ofof Ethics.Ethics. Less than half of them have receivedreceived trainingtraining in ethics.ethics. These figures and information are from a survey we conducted last year.year. We conducted a similar survey this year too. The results were again similar. In this survey we asked the journalists, what they thought were the commonest of all news that is published.published. They said, in the order of most published news category, they are accidents, crcrime,ime, public needs and what is said byby political personalities.personalities. When asked, if they were to decide the order of news categocategoriesries and how it would be, their order was,was, public needs first and then the peace initiative/process, with corruption and fraud coming thereafter. When asked why there was a dearth of public servicservicee news reports, the answer was political pressure, business interesinterests,ts, state- and private-sector ownership issues, and then editorial decisions. We did such a survey with editors too. According to them, the present news agenda starts from public needs and runs down as public needs, crime, corruption and fraud, acciaccidentsdents and others. If the editors themselves were to decdecideide the order of news categories, their order of importanceimportance would be publicpublic needs, the peace process, corcorruptionruption and fraud and then accidents,accidents, they said. They also said their editorial independence was restricted by institutional procedures, lack of resources, business interests and political pressure. According to them, the reason for the decline in public-service news was political needs, commercialization and state- and private-sector ownershipownership issues. In short, our reflection is as follows.  We are not very much interested in our own professionalprofessional standards.  Within our media, there is no interest in public-spublic-seervicervice reporting that provides a voice to the voiceless,voiceless, for diverse views and search for solutions.  We do not have editorial independence. If thertheree is editorial independence, public-service interestinterest reportingreporting would be given importance.  Reasons for the above are sseeneen as political and businessbusiness interests and also institutionalinstitutional limitations.  But, it was accepted that this situation should chchaange.nge. It was also accepted that the state media shshouldould first change to public service media. Challenges anandd targets we face are clear. The next step is to collectivelycollectively draft a path in fafacingcing the challenges andand achieving the targets.

Towards Public Service Media

2 2 Media Monitor

CONTENTS 44 PPrroommoottiinngg GGeenn-- 1166 NNaattiioonnaall der Equality in Languages, News the News Room - Media and Peace some challange Sunanda Deshapriya Jacqueline Park 1188 WWhhaatt SShhoouulldd Editorial Team 66 KKiilllliinngg ooff Journalists Do? Students in Christopher Warren Sunanda Deshapriya [email protected] and Our News 2200 UUnneetthhiiccaall Uvindu Kurukulasuriya Asoka Jayawardane Commercial Ads [email protected] That Promote 88 HHooww a SSiinnhhaallaa Racketeers Daily Covered Jayantha Gamage Layout the Killings of Trinco Students Suganthi Manimaran Rajith Keerthi Tennakoon

Centre for Policy Alternatives Media Unit 1111 TTrraaiinniinng g 24/2, 28thth Lane, Needed- Off Flower Road, Co - 07 for Ethical WebsiteTele: : 2565304/6 Reporting Upali Tennakoon 2211 SSrrii LLaannkkaann Women Journalists Call Cover Photo for Gender Equity in Media Laxmi Murthy

2233 CChhaannggee BBeeggiinnss with You Mike Dobbie By - Manjula Wediwardane 1122 TThheerree’’ss NNoo Media without 26 Government Ethics Radio and the Ariyananda Tamil People Dombagahawatte K. Sivathambi

1133 DDoo YYoouu WWaanntt 10, 29, 30 Other Side Published by Credibility as a Asoka Jayawardane Journalist? VOR Johan Romare Centre for Policy Alternatives 1144 SSiivvaarraamm

frompersonal the fatelnotes day Website :

Media Monitor 33

ot so long ago, journalismjournalism was an Working Party, which was first almost exclusively male established in 1992, decided that in Promoting Gender N profession. Female journalists order for the IFJ to adopt a realistic and were the exception and women were effective equality working programme Equality in the discouraged to enter jjournalism.ournalism. a survey of the current conditions of Today more and more women are women journalists was needed. employed as journalists. In some Powerpoint – slides on women in News Room - countries, women make up the majority Journalism and in the unionsunions of working journalists. A questionnaire was sent to IFJ some challanges Despite the increasing number of member unions, which addressed three women in the profession, there is a long key areas: battle ahead for women before theireirth 1) Statistics: Women in journalism and Jacqueline Park values and voices are equally women in the union. represented in the media. 2) Equal Pay: Law and practice. Around the world, there continues 3) Portrayal of Women: An issue for thethe to be a disproportionate number of union. men in decision-making roles Answers were received from 39 within news organizations. countries representing almost 70% of IFJ There have been many members and 37% of the countries improvements achieved by and for represented in the IFJ at that time. women in journalism, but many Even though the sample is limited, problems remain as yet. the responses came from all regions and

Women journalists continue to be denied opportunitiopportunitieses to cover some areas, particularly what are seen as traditionally male topic areas like sports, politics and defence.

Journalists’ unions at national, this fact gives an indication of the status regional and global levels have a of women journalists the world over. responsibility to address these The consequence of this imbalance inequities. at the senior professional level is that Women journalists are aware women’s values continue to be under- that because their movement has represented. Women’s voices are been successful in many areas there limited. is the danger tthathat journalists’ unions On the other hand, an increase in the may feel that enough has been done presence of women in newsrooms, and to ensure equality in media even even in decision-making positions, does though inequities still remain. For not guarantee that women will have jo jo urur nanalilistst s’ ororgaganinizazattioionnss ttoo more visibility in reports, that improve the conditions for women representation of women will be less journa journalists,lists, they often have toto stereotyped or, less still, that reports reform their own will promote gender equality. structures — to The media cannot hope to present e n s u r e the truth to readers, viewers and female listeners if women are sidelined as contributors. This is not only with representation regard to journalists, but also to the e e y y in the union’s policy- opinions that fill our newspapers. k k l l a a making and governing Male professionals are W bodies. referred to in media reports far e e h h T T Some have adopted equality more frequently than female - - n n policies aimed at improving the status professionals. t t i i o o of women in the profession and in the Women need to provprovideide valuable, r r a a t t s s union. educated contributions to the debates u u l l I I l l The International Federation of in their society. We all need to seriously Jo Jo urur nanalilistst s’ (I(IFJFJ’’s)s) gegendnderer eqequiuittyy think about how to achieve this.

4 4 Media Monitor

Women journalists continue to be men, we will never break into the boys’ We need access ttoo child-care, flexible denied opportunities to cover some club. hours or part-time work, so we can areas, particularly what are seen as We also need to look at keeping better manage the competing demands traditionally male topic areas like women in the media as it seems too of career and family. sports, politics and ddefence.efence. This means many are leaving the profession Our choice ttoo have children should that often women’s perspectives in this disappointed. Virtually everywhere, not be an obstacle in the media area are missed. women are leaving news organizations workforce. Maternity and paternity Female journalists are more often because they feel the road to the top is leave, of an appropriate duration, is likely to be ghettoised in traditional blocked by male establishments, with essential for job security regardless of women’s beats. outdated ideas about the news, who family choices. We need to find ways to overcome make it and how it should be presented. So where do we go for change? the entrenched male value system that Women are also leaving because of To really improve gender equality dominates the profession. salary differences, sexual harassment, we need the support of our unions to Equal access to promotion, sexist and stereotyped attitudes and advocate such change. We need the employment and assignments and fewer opportunities for promotion. support of all our colleagues at work, reporting areas is the hot-button issue According to a study conducted by my men and women, to campaign for for women journalists the world over. union in Australia, Media change. Promotions should not be based on Entertainment and Arts Alliance (1996), Unions and journalists’ collectives gender, but on experience, productivity, twenty-three per cent of women are a valuable mechanism for change. capability and working achievement. journal journalistsists intervieweinterviewedd statedstated that they Advertising all available positions, had left their jobs due to discrimination. rather than relying on word-of-mouth Nearly forty-five per cent of information, ensures that women will women journalists interviewed by have access to promotions that are often the American Press Institute and publicised only in male circles and often the Pew Center for Civic informally. Journalism (2002) expected toto be offered a job in another

They are leaving not only because of lack of promotion but also because workplace policies don’t accommodate family commitments and responsibilities.

Introducing transparent interview communications medium or leave the Indeed, our unions have a responsibilresponsibilityity and selection procedures would ensure industry for good. to address gender issues and take action a fair promotions system. They are leaving not only because to promote women’s rights in the media Ensuring that both genders are of lack of promotion but also because workplace. present on selection panels ensures tthathat workplace policies don’t accommodate And we, as women, need to be active the there is more diverse perspectives family commitments and in the union collectives. We need to be on what are desirable skills and responsibilities. there when the decisions are made; we attributes when selecting candidates. We need our workplaces to need to make sure our agenda for Remember, like selects like. And if men understand our needs and family gender equality is a central part of the keep selecting men to replace other responsibilities, and to assist us, not union agenda. We need to be sure that impede us. when our union negotiators sit down with management that they are going to push for the things we care about. Jacqueline Park, Our unions need to be open to Asia-Pacific Regional Director, women – and to do this they must also the International Federation of Journalists and consider their internal policies. If unions Editor of the Walkley Magazine. can establish gender eqequalityuality internally, within the organization, it is far mmoreore

See Page 22

Media Monitor 55

Killing of Students in A brief review Trincomalee by Asoka Jayawardane This is how that news was reported in the Sinhala pprintrint media on and Our News 33rdrd January. – lead story; Six titigersgers die from a bomb explosion while on the way to attack tthehe army – lead story; Five students in Trincomalee who triedtried to plant a bomb die from an explosion – lead story; Five titigersgers die when the bomb they broughtbrought There were reports to say five youth were killed by an to attack the army exploded explosion in the city of Trincomalee, on 02nd January, – front page, single column news; Five die of an explosionexplosion in Trincomalee 2006 around 07.50 in the night, near the Gandhi Divaina and Lakbima had no hesitation in making the youth roundabout in close to the beach. A few more youth were “tigers”. DivainDivaina,a,Lakbimaa Lakbim and Lankadeepa reported the story of the bomb the youth were supposed to have carried, in threethree ddifferentifferent ways. seriously injured too. Except for the government-controlled Dinamina, all other newspapers All of them were Tamil youth and on the same day it reported the youth died due to the explosion from the bomb they carried. was known they were students. On the following day, it The English newspapers of the Wijeya and Upali Groups, also was revealed at the medical inquest that they had died of carried the same news interpretations, with their own styles. Dinamina said it was not revrevealedealed whether the bomb that explodedexploded gunshot injuries to their heads. was carried by them or was thrown at them. It was this news that -based Tamil newspapers carried headlines should have been published by any news editor, who believed the

the following morning to say the students had been killed mediaThe has Tamil to carry newspapers the truth reported and nothing the news else.e.els as follows. by shooting in their heads. But the Colombo Sinhala and Veerakesari and reported the deaths were due to English media quoted security sources to report that the shooting. They also used witnesses to report the Army had shot at the youth. First, a group in a three-wheeler that passed that way had students died of a grenade explosion, and that they were thrown a bomb and then the Army had fired, the reports said. carrying it when it exploded. The government-controlled provided a 02 inch news story to say five people had died of a bomb blast iinn Trincomalee. No Sinhala media showed that when reporting these reason was given. These deaths had no value for this newspaper to incidents, ethnic bias takes priority instead of media gain more than 02 inches. Neither Divaina nor Lakbima reported they were students. All professionalism and media ethics. A short account on how newspaper offices knew they were students by then. Divaina andand all media in Colombo reported this incident is given Lakbima hid that news from the public. Why? That is a questtionion we must ask ourselves. separately. How savage is it to report that the students who were shot dead had died due to a bomb they carried exploding? If that had happened in the South, how would these newspapers have reported the incident? All Sinhala newspapers restricted their source of information to the Police and the Army. None of them had approachedapproached the people to gather more information. Can a news report based on information provided by the Police, “the most corrupt instituteinstitute”” in Sri Lanka as perceivedperceived by the people, have credibility? The following day, the Judicial Medical Officer (JMO) who conducted the medical inquest, decided the deaths were due to shooting. That confirmed the information provided by the people, the previous day. If there was any editor who respected his own profession, s/he would have published the JMO’s verdict in his (her) report the next day and rectified the mistake done on tthehe previous day. That is because the media is bound to provide the people with true and correct information. That is the duty of the media.

6 6 Media Monitor

But, Divaina and Lakbima totally ignored the JMO’s report. This behaviour of those editors was in fact a violation of their own code of ethics on truth. These newspapers carried the same bomb story the following day, 04thth January. Most unfortunately, their readreadershipership may be still living in the dark with that distorted information. Lankadeepa was the only newspaper that gave due prominence to the JMO’s report. That way the newspaper retained its credcredibility.ibility. Also the newspaper gave due prominence to the news item that the President had ordered a special inquiry into the inincident.cident. It was only , a Leader publication that had the courage to say the deaths of the 05 students were kkillings.illings. On the other hand, the Tamil newspapers switched to very emotional reporting, the next day. They had exaggerated explanations to make the news very emotional. Sudar Oli in its front page carried coloured photos of the 05 bleeding heads of the students. It was argued the photos were carried to prove the students were shot in the heads. If that was the necessity they could have been carrcarriedied inside inin a smaller size.

Can a news report based on information provided by the Police, “the most corrupt institute” in Sri Lanka as perceived by the people, have credibility?

This media behaviour that makes every Tamil a tiger is not only unfortunate, but a crime too. When the police attack in the South, they are thugs. But in the North, they are heroes. In the South when killed, they are innocent people. But in the North, they are tigers.

Tamilnet web news service that covered the whole incident from the beginning, carried photos that showed the bodies dressed in white. That was a very exemplary way of publishingpublishing photos. Except for the Morning Leader, none of the Sinhala or English newspapers carried any photos till the 04thth.. Even the news that the President had ordered a special inquiry was carried in most newspapers as one that had no value. This media behaviour that makes every Tamil a tiger is not only unfortunate, but a crime too. When the police attack in the South, they are thugs. But in the NortNorth,h, they are heroes. In thethe South when kilkilled,led, they are innocent people. But in the North, they are tigers.

PS. In the South, there was a report that 03 in the same family had drowned to death in a car accident. The carried it as the lead news with photos. Dinamina published a colour photo of the family on the front page. Other newspapers too gave mmuchuch prominence to this news story, with photos. But none of them publishedpublished a photo of the students killed.

Media Monitor 77

How a Sinhala Daily Specialities, shortcomings, violations of ethics and positive features of Lakbima coverage.

Covered Lakbima (Ja(Jann 03rd rd ) )  (Target) “Bus carrying navy personnel after duty” – “tiger the Killings of Trinco cadres” – “another bomb with tthehe dead youth” – “A navynavy bus scheduled to pass this place” – “the hand bomb that Students exploded being one that was improvised as a heavy explosive bomb” are all comments without any basic qualifications. Rajith Keerthi Tennakoon  The statement that there was a navy bus scheduled to pass the place, which was denied by the Military Lakbima – 3rd rd January, 2005 spokesperson, Clearly, the statement did not mention a Filed by Tissa Raveendra Perera/Mangalanath source. Liyanarachchi  As there is very littlittlele probability of a hand bomb killing Headline – Five tigers die when the bomb they brought to 05 persons immediately, the phrase “i “improvisedmprovised as a attack the army exploded. Two ccriticallyritically injured,injured, in hospital heavy explosive bomb” is just an addition. The contents of the report:  Although it was known the youth were students, tthathat fact  Two were injured and five tigers killed, when a bomb had been deliberately dropped from the news item. they brought to attack a bus that carried navy perspersonnelonnel  The dead youth had been termed as “tigers” without any returning to the camp after duties, exploded base.  Police have found anotanotherher hand bomb  While only one party to the conflict, the police, had been  When the police arrived, 07 were fallfallenen at the placeplace of the quoted, other sources were fictitious. incident. They had been immediately hospitalized  The bus carrying navy personnel was scheduled to pass Lakbima (Ja(Jann 04thth ) ) that place at 08.00 p.m.  “Tiger cadres who died” – “Shops and institutes  The bomb that exploded was a hand bomb or one that belonging to Tamil people” – “Parents came and took had been improvised as a high explosive bomb away children who came to tthehe Sinhala schools” – “LTTE“LTTE Source – SP Trincomalee, KKapilaapila Jayasekera would have trained them to attack security forces” – “Bomb they carried had exploded” – “among the restless Lakbima – 4thth January, 2005 crowd were relations of victims and tiger activistsactivists”” were Headline – Tigers launch hartal in Trincomalee. Civil life all slapped in without any proof or evidence curtailed. Tamil shops and schools closed. Tensed  Nowhere in the report is mentioned that according to the atmosphere in town. Medical Inquest, ststudentsudents had died from gunshot injuriesinjuries The contents of the report: in the head.  LTTE has declared a hartal in the name of the five ddeadead  The word “students” is only used once in the report. ThThatat tigers too in the part where the report says they have been  Normal life has come to a standstill trained by the Tigers. All such inclusions have no source  Hartal was launched accusing the security forces of killing of information and are very sensationally written. the five tigers  The report says, “Tamil shops and institutes have been  Tamil shops and Tamil schools were closed closed due to the hartal”. The implied message is that  With a tensed atmosphere, Sinhala parents had come to Sinhala and Muslim schools and shops had remained schools and taken away their cchildrenhildren open. This is a false assumption.  Although no rioting was reported, riot squads were  The report then says, Sinhala parents came and took away positioned to strstrengthenengthen security their children as the situation was unruly. This hadhad been  A navy bunker was attacked and set on fire. Two other included to substantiate the earlier claim that onlyonly Tamil abandonabandoneded bunkers were also set on fire schools were closed which claim itself is false.  Names of those who died and injured given  In an attempt to cover the fact that the students had died  Three of the dead were university students and security of shooting in the head, the news report repeated SP sources say they would have been trained to attack the Kapila Jayasekera’s quote that the deaths were due to the security forces. Military spokesperson Brigadier PrasadPrasad explosion of the bomb which they carried. Samarasinghe says although the LTTE is trying to pass the responsibility to the security forces, the security forceforcess A comparison of the Lakbima coverage in relation to the don’t indulge in such low tactics incident as a whole

  seenThe bodies in a boisterous were in the mood. hospital Among and them Tamil were people relation weres Fromthe incident, among allLakbima Sinhala, carriesTamil and the English most number reports oofn of the dead and tiger activists unqualified news snippets, with no proper sources of Source – SP Trincomalee, Kapila Jayasekera, Military information. spokesperson and “security sources”.

8 8 Media Monitor

Lakbima – 33rd rd January, 2005 Five tigers die when the bomb they brought to attack thethe army exploded. Two critically injured, in hospital

 The Editor/reporter ignores the fact that even the

passArmy the spokesperson place of the deniesincident a navyat that bus time. was The to inclusion of the news about the “navy bus” without any news source confirming it could therefore be a myth.  The news reports do not provide any insight as to how the 05 youth who died were identified as “tiger members”. But the “tiger” label hadhad been thth securely fixed on them. Lakbima – 44 January, 2005:  While all other newspapers identified the explosion as Tigers launch hartal in Trincomalee. Civil life curtailed. Tamil shops due to a hand bomb or grenade, Lakbima alone mentioned and schools closed. Tensed atmosphere in town. about an “improvised high explosive bomb”. The phrase “improvised high explosive bomb” is rarely used in  Lakbima avoided any mention of the medical inquest into defence reporting and this perhaps could be the first time the deaths. This is a clclearear violation of the right of the reader it was used. The most probable assumption is that the to know the truth and details of information. It is Lakbima editorial coined such a phrase to substantiate impossible to assume that a newspaper, which had access the news, as it would never be believed a hand bomb to information regarding the atmosphere at the place could kill 05 persons, injuring 02 others. where the medical inquest on the deaths was held, had  The restless, tensed situation that prevailed in the no access to the verdict of the inquest. Trincomalee town on the following day, was reported as It only proves the newspaper had intentionally withheldwithheld all a “hartal declared by the LTTE for tiger youth who died”. important information relevant to the incident from the  The report implies that it was only Tamil people who readers. joined the hartal and the SinhalaSinhala and Muslim peoplepeople werewere thereby inconvenienced.d.inconvenience  Lakbima is the only newspaper that did not acknowledgeacknowledge the fact that the youth who died were students.  Lakbima is ththee only newspapernewspaper that says 02 universityuniversity students were trained by the LTTE. It is included moremore as a comment by the editorial.  News on the situation that prevailed at the time of the inquest is reported with the statement “the behaviourbehaviour of the relations of victims and LTTE activists was unruly” to justify the claims made in the Lakbima coverage of the incident.

Media Monitor 99

Other Side i i h h c c h h c c r r a a a a Death of Thamil Selvam u u a a p p h h u u k k and o o L L a a h h d d Defence News Sources d d r r u u u u n n Asoka Jayawardane A A

ow should journalists report a war? Should it While covering this news the Lankadeepa newspaper depend on a single source? Should it be only one created a headline story that suggested the death ofof Thamil H contending party? Or should both parties be used? Selvam as confirmed. This news story said 18 LTTE cadres Should independent sources be used too? In fact, good along with 02 leaders had been confirmed dead. journalism uses all such sources for its coverage ofof war. Lakbima sasaidid an LTTE convoy waswas attacked, and added In a situation where such sources are not available,available, what that according to information available 27 including tiger could journalists do? Should they restrict themselves to leaders had died. Accordingly, there had been not only a information from government sources or the LTTE and heavy explosion, but also an attack. present sketchy information as truttruth,h, unearthed by them? Divayina said – 17 Wanni Tigers had died from a heavyheavy Let us study this news. On 2121stst morning, morning, a heavy blast bomb blast. Unofficial reports indicate Thamil SelvamSelvam had was heard from a place in Mannar under LTTE control. The died in the blast, it said. The implied news is that,that, the death government security sources said it was from a bomb laid of Thamil Selvam is certain. On the day following the for a convoy of vehicles that was carrying a leader. They incident, which is the day prior to the report, TV news also said, it is suspected LTTE political section headhead Thamil showed Thamil Selvam walking along with Anton

The state-owned Dinamina carried an essay on Thamil Selvam’s profile in its front page. This too implied that Thamil Selvam was dead. Both TV channels owned by the state carried the death of Thamil Selvam as their main news story.

Selvam was in the convoy. The security sources informed Balasingham. Yet the Divayina defence writer opted to those journalists who keep contact with them that thethe bomb maintain that Thamil Selvam had died. was to target Thamil Selvam. The state-owned Dinamina carried an essay on Thamil No newspaper queried as to how the security sources Selvam’s profile on its front page. This too implied that came to know the details. Thamil Selvam was dead. Both TV channels owned by the The news that Thamil Selvam had died from the state carried tthehe death of Thamil Selvam as their mainmain news explosion, spread like wild fire, based on this information story. that had no witnesses, was not confirmed and was only Just like Prabhakaran who walked back to life afterafter the speculative. Most Sunday (22ndnd) newspapers could not carry media in the South killed him with the Tsunami, Thamil this news. Therefore, the newspapers had one whole day to Selvam too walked back to life. clarify the informatinformationion and carry it on Monday. On the same Wouldn’t the editors who fabricate such news storstorieiess feel day, the LTTE had denied the news. sorry about themselves, even if they don’t feel sorry about In any war, the warring factions organize misinformation readers who get fooled by their stories?

jour journalistflows.nalists In strying should to be get careful carenewsful acrossnot to as get soon caught as poss in such ible, misinformamisinformation.tion. One step is to cross - checkcheck with the opposing party. And still, if the news has to be carried, it could be limited to confirmed facts.

10 Media Monitor

Training Needed for Ethical Reporting

Upali Tennakoon

Are you satisfied with the way the media Code of Ethics, Governments, politicians and political parties come and introduced by the Editors’ Guild, is being practisedpractised within go. Journalists should not ggoo behindbehind them as stooges. They media institutes? have to be very careful in their work about state security This Code of Ethics was introduced by both the Editors’ and people’s safety. For all that, the media should have a Guild and the Press Complaints Commission. The Press Code of Ethics. Complaints Commission follows violations of this Code of Provincial journalists claim that ethics are violated at Ethics in its workings. Most Editors are familiar with this times by those in media institutes and therefore they Code of Ethics. Also, copies of this have been given to all should be given a training. How do yyouou react to this,this, as the media institutes. At the EditEditors’ors’ Guild, no follow-follow-upup has bebeenen Editors’ Guild? done to find out how journalists have been influenced by Provincial journalists have at times told me about that. this. Publicity given to the Code of Ethics by other media There are provincial journalists who work according to the institutes has generated an interest in the Code of Ethics Code of Ethics. But most look only for the news valvalue.ue. They among journalists. just write and send what they have written to the main office.

Governments, politicians and political parties come and go. Journalists should not go behind them as stooges. They have to be very carefulcareful in their work about state securityysecurit and people’s safety. For all that, the media should have a Code of Ethics.

There is a suggestion that the Editors’ Guild should Competition among newspapnewspapersers is also a factor. The editorial amend the Code of Ethics every year. The Editors’ GuildGuild is at the main office should also look into the reports of planninplanningg to appoint a Committee to studystudy what needs to be provincial journalists. It is important that they are edited included anew in the Code of Ethics and then take themthem for according to the code. Honestly, we have to strive to work discussion. according to the code and that needs trainingtraining.. Then not only All in all, there are journalists who are interested in and the readers but also provincial journalists and editorialeditorial staff work according to this Code. There are also those whowho think would develop credibility with the newspaper. That is a Code of Ethics is not necessary. All of them need attention.attention. important. Its within that context that one could be satisfied with the During a discussion between the FMM and the Press practice of the Code of Ethics. Complaint Commission, members of the Commission Do you think the media does not necessarily need a noted that editors generally don’t like to carry corrections. Code of Ethics? Is this true? How a Code of Ethics for the media is practised dependsdepends That situation has arisen at times. But ooftenften editorseditors have on the interest paid by journalists. Yet, any profeprofessionssion should publishpublisheded Press Complaints Commission decisions. The issue have a Code of Ethics especialespeciallyly the media. Our media works is about publishing a summary with the statement instead for the country, for the people. For such work, a Code of of carrying the whole statement. But the Press Complaints Ethics is absolutely necessary. Commission should take the responsibility for gettigettingng their Now with this national issue in our country, there is also decisions published. These could actually be settled through a terrorist problem. There are people’s aspirations. PPeaceeace has negotiations with newspapers and that’s important. to be promoted. So, journalists have to work very carefully.carefully. Isn’t there a discussion within the Editors’ Guild, when their own Code of Ethics is being violated? Upali Tennakoon, Attention is being paid to improving the skills of the President of the Editors’ Guild and the journalists, apapartart from amendingamending the Code of Ethics. SuchSuch a Editor of nnewspaper,ewspaper, interviewed by Athula Vithange. programme is already being carried out through the Press Institute. The Editors’ Guild expectexpectss to remove obstaclesobstacles that hinder work in an independent atmosphere and also to provide journalists with training on, and an understanding about, the Media Code of Ethics. Media Monitor 1111

Is ignorance on ethics, the only reason for their breach There’s No Media by journalists? Those who enter the media don’t do so after a training. And that is a major reason for the breach of ethics. AAlso,lso, some without Ethics journa journalistslists do iitt quite unconsciously.unconsciously. It is quitequite evident when reports on the ethnic conflict are perused. Some reports tend Ariyananda Dombagahawatte to heighten ethnic divisions. During the immediate past, ttherehere was a war situation in the country. Our journalists are not aware how a war should be reported. The media is accusedaccused for their coverage on rrapeape and child abuse. Lack of training As an editor, do you think the media should have a code on conflict reporting is another reason for the breach of ethics. of ethics? Provincial reporters claim their factual reports get My stand is that the media should have a codcodee of ethics.ethics. distorted after they reach the media office. As an editor, For any society, there has to be a code of ethics. If there are how do you see this? no codes of ethics, tthehe media will not survive. But that should I don’t accept that, but there are accusations. It couldn’t be to keep the media moving and not to turn it be a lie anyway. But that’s why I maintain it is better to train round. We know that in the past society was disturbed by those within media institutes than training amateur the media on many issues, as it did not have a code of ethics. journal journalistsists.. That would be an answer to the provincial provincial In a war situation, our journalists did not know how to cover reporters. On the other hand, provincial reporters too need ethnic conflicts to restore a peaceful environment. A lot of a good formal training. They also blunder at times. Media damage was done due to that. Therefore, to improve the institutes cannot go after provincial reporters to supervise media field, there has to be a code of ethics. them. We too have problems when their reports affecaffectt people.

It’s true there is a code of ethics formulated by tthehe Editors’ GuildGuild.. But as far as I know the journalisjournaliststs have not been made aware of it. We don’t find ethicsethics being practised simply because they are formulated or because they were discussed here or there. It is also very doubtful whether editors themselves practise them in their own newspapers.

Isn’t there a code of ethics for the media now, But we have to trust provincial reporters, we have a formulated by The Editors’ Guild? responsibility towards them and tthat’shat’s why we publishpublish their It’s true there is a code of ethics formulated by the Editors’ reports. Guild. But as far as I know the journalists have notnot been made If there had been good training these errors wouldn’t have aware of it. We don’tdon’t find ethics being practised simply arisen. And in Sri Lanka, we don’t have full-time provincial because they are formulated or because they were discussed reporters. They are mostly part-time reporters. It’s time we here or there. It is also very doubtful whether editors promoted them to full-time provincial reporters. It is only themselves practise them in their own newspapers. I through trained people that we could solve the issue of therefore feel ethics would have to be ddiscussediscussed brbroadlyoadly with breaching of ethics. journalists, before formulation. There is no point in giving Isn’t there complaints against editors that erroneous them wide publicity, if they are not practised in ourour media. reports are not corrected immediately? Therefore, a broad dialogue on this should be started within There is a school of thought – quite ignorantly thothoughugh – media institutes. that the newspaper would lose its credibility and respect, ifif On the other hand, the Code of Ethics formulated by the it goes on correctcorrectinging news reports regularly. I perpersonallysonally feel Editors’ Guild is limited to the print media. This should that is wrong. We have a responsibility to accept what’s extend to the electronic media totoo.o. There is a need to embrace wrong and ask for forgiveness for having wronged. I think the media, as a whole. it is not morally right to avoid correcting somethingsomething wrong, because the newspaper may lose its credibility. This situatsituationion has arisen due to shortcomings in howhow news is collected. We don’t have the habit of cross-checking news. News is often published on trust and due to friendship. There is no Ariyananda Dombagahawatte, motivation to ask the other party for their comments on the Editorof the ofFree the Media SundaSunday Movement, Ly Lankadepaankadepa interviewed and a Trustee by news. This happens due to lack of awareness in our media. Athula Vithanage

12 Media Monitor

as a journalist. To be credible you have to be independent as Do You Want well. And you have to be perceived as independent. A professional journalist is working on behalf of the public; not the politicians, not the private companies, not Credibility as a the NGOs and not the religious leaders. One of the main roles of a journalist is to make sure that those with powpowerer are held Journalist? accountable to those with less power. And to make suresure that Stay away from party politics. And don’t the stories of those with less power are told. To be able to do that year after year, we have to be independent from all do the politicians any favours interest groups in the society. Otherwise, we might end up being megapmegaphoneshones of various interestinterest groups, which is hardly Johan Romare what journalism is about. But how far do you have to go in order to be independenindependent?t? I’ve met journalists who aarere not even accepting a chair onon redibility is the epicentre of good journalism as the board of their children’s scout associations in order to all other aspects of professional journalism spin stay independent. The argument goes like this: “If I’m part C around it. Even the best interviewer in the world, of the scout board, how can I write a story on scouting and the most creative storstorytelleryteller or the most thorough researcher be perceived as independent?” is lost without credibility. If the public has little reason to The key word here is “perceived”. To be independent and trust the journalist, it doesn’t matter how good the story is, to be viewed as independent are not necessarily the same or how well it is presented. Without credibility journalism is thing. It is possible, and highly likely, that a professional dead. jour journalnalistist can write write a balance balancedd and accurat accuratee story story onon So what gives credibility? A Sri Lankan journalist traitrainedned scouting, even if she is active in the scout movement. It is in the west some decades back even possible, but quite

catchyremembered formulas one of those that The answer is simple. To be active in journalistunlikely, can that write the a balanced same journalism handbooks are soso and accurate story on fond of: a+b=c, meaning that party politics is a no-go area for corruption in the scout aaccurate and balanced professional journalists. At least if movement, and at the same reporting creates ccredibility. time be part of it. True enough, as there are few you want to stay credible. Credibility The question however is things more damaging to is about trust, and who would trust how the readers will perceive journalism than badlybadly checked a journalist who is also active in the journalist. Will the readers “facts” and stories that are one- trust the journalist who is sided. politics? writing on an organization he As a regional news editor or she is part of? Hardly. We some years back, I spent quite all know that it’s far more a number of hours on the phone with angry readers who difficult to be objective of something you are part of. So if had found inaccurate articles in the paper and argued that this is the case with the example on scouting what about “if you can’t even get those simple facts correct, how can we being a member of a political party? trust your paper at all?”. Very often the inaccuracyinaccuracy was on The answer is simple. To be active in party politics is a minor fact like the spelling of names, which shows how no-go area for professional journalists. At least if you want important it is to check every statement in order to gain to stay credible. Credibility is about trust, and who would credibility. The same argument goes for balanced reporting. trust a journalist who is also active in politics? There is always more than one side of a story (and ofteoftenn more What is more complicated is that it’s not enough to stay than two), and to remain credible we have to make sure that away from party politics for a journalist. To stay credible we we include them. have to keep the politicians at arms length as well,well, which is But the formula a+b=c is not hundred per centcent valid. difficult since we have to have a professional relationship Unfortunately, as it is quite a catchy one itis not enough to with them to do our job. get your facts right and the story balanced to stay credible Some years back, I was the local correspondent for a regional paper, covering a small town on an island off the Swedish East coast. It was a fantastic job, since I reported on each and every aspect of life in town. My office door was Johan RomRomareare , always open, and I had a lot of visitorvisitorss coming by to discuss JournalistSri Lanka aandPressnd fofojo representative to ththee one issue or another. Of course, the local politicians dropped by as well, to share their latest ideas and try ttoo persuade me to cover them.

See page 22 Media Monitor 1313

Sivaram personal notes from the fatal day

was at home at Kurunagala after 12 continuous Buddhika himself, who phoned me to tell the story of days in Colombo. MyMy wife and I werewere about to go abduction, had become the target of a hate campaign to bed, having watched a film with the family. It unleashed by extreme nationalist forces over photographs I was around 10.45 p.m. when we switched off the he took of an anti-LTTE para - military group camp he TV. publishepublishedd some two months ago. We all knew Siva as a friend My mobile phone rang. It was not unusual to get a callcall atat and good news source and used to ask him whewhetherther he was that time of the night. The last such call also came from a taking precautionary measures againagainstst known threthreatsats to his journalist in a day before SinhaSinhalala and Tamil NewNew personal safety whenever we met over a glass of beer or a Year. On that occoccasion,asion, a journalist had been remanremandedded on shot of arrack. charges of trespassing because he took photographs of a hotel Buddhika was at home, 12 km away from Colombo, being built by a powerful politician on the reservationreservation of an where the abduction took place. Prasantha and Kusal Perera, important reservoir. The caller wanted the Free Media two peace activactivistsists who were with Siva when he was forcibly Movement (FMM) to phone the Inspector at the Head abducted had phoned him. Buddhika in turn was making Quarters of the area police and also to release a press desperate calls around to see what FMM could do. statement. The phone rang without respite. The Convener of the On this occasion, it was Buddhika on the other side of FMM, Victor, also had got into the act, making calls and my phone. His voice was trembling, and through it came the looking for any help. fearful message. Sivaram had been abducted some 30 We decided to do two things: Inform local and minutes ago. Buddhika is an FMM activist working papart-timert-time international media organizations about the abduction as on monitoring freedom of expression violations. Journalists much as possible, and inform his wife to see how we could have known Buddhika as the point person of FMM to be make a complaint to the police. contacted in any emergency. FMM entrusted Buddhika to inform as many people as The news of Sivaram’s abduction came as a huge shock.shock. possible and to contact Sivaram’s house immediately. Sivaram alias Taraki has been known as a prominent vovoiceice Kusal Perera, who was with Siva at the time of abduabduction,ction, in the Sri Lanka media landscape for well over a decade.decade. He was too terrified to come out of his hideout that night. We was one of the best politico-military commentators in the contacted a Tamil parliamentarian and asked for help. He two-decade-old ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka, which began on promised to get a lawyer to go to Bambalapitiya polpoliceice if we account of unresolved grievances of the Tamil peoples in Sri could get Kusal Perera to give him an eye-witness account. Lanka, giving birth to one of the most talked about and It was a near impossibility, given that Kusal Perera’s ruthless armed struggles in Asia, led by Liberation Tigers of phone had gone dead by that time. And to our dismay,dismay, the Tamil Eelam (LTTE). parliamentarian’s phone too went dead after midnight. Sivaram who hailed from a wealthy family in Eastern Sri By this time, the Colombo civil society had come to know Lanka dropped out from university to become a full-time that Sivaram had been abducted and our phones got jammedjammed cadre of the leftist radical Tamil militant group called PLOTE with incoming calls. People who called Bambalapitiya police in the early '80s. He left the movement after some difficult to find out what had happened were told that no comcomplaintplaint years, got married and settled down in Colombo, and took had been made to that effect. to journalism. At the time of his death he was the senior A prominent journalist who phoned the army commander member of the editorial board of Tamil Net. to inform him about the incident had to explain to him who Sivaram was a Tamil nationalist with leftist ideals and Sivaram was. pushed limits of press freedom in the South of Sri Lanka by The only option left was to get his wife to make a expressing, at times, hard line Tamil nationalism in his complaint. Again it became difficult to get someone to go columns written for an English daily. Widely read and there, and it was left to Buddhika and two fellow jjournalistsournalists travelled, having first-hand experience in the political- to drive up to Sivaram’s house by 12.30 to bring her to the

wasmilitary intellectually struggle forchallenging a separate and Tamil politically homeland, threatening Sivaram to policeFinally station. a complaint was made. many exponents of hardline Sinhala-Buddhist groups. He Meantime, I was at home sitting at my laptop sendingsending an tested, in a way, the tolerance in media discourse by betting urgent alert to press freedom organizations worldwide. At his life with the columns he wrote. 11.15 p.m there was an explosion, probably a transformer

14 Media Monitor

nearby going off and power went off. Working with candlecandle initiative was already underway to organize a joint protest. light the first alert went out at 11.57 p.m. Batteries in my A poster was planned, slogans decided and invitations sent laptop and mobile were new, so I could work through the from FMM too. night. We buried Siva in Batti oonn 2nd May 2005. It was a ssimpleimple For the next two hours my computer registered dozens ceremony. I spoke in Sinhala and appealed to stop all political of outgoing alerts to almost all international press freedom killings on behalf of the Free Media Movement. That was organizatiorganizations.ons. And they started to call back. The Committee the main slogan we decided upon. to Protect Journalists, Reporters without Boarders, BBC Next day was the International Press Freedom day. Sinhala service, Article 19 were among them. Some of tthemhem Around a thousand people gathered to protest in front of knew Siva personally. the Fort Railway Station, Colombo. It became an anti-war We were hoping that if we could generate enough gathering, more than a press freedom gathering. Journalists, pressure on whoever had artists, writers, trade unionists, abducted him there might be peace and human rights activists, some chance of saving his life alternative groups were all there. by the morning. We displayed our placards, Calls kept coming asking marched peacefully, shouted for more information until slogans and held a short meeting. dawn. As the sleepless night On Sivaram’s name we showed passed away Champika that in order to defend the right to Liyanaarachchi from Daily life, peace and democracy, we too Mirror called me at home could take over the streets, not just around 7.00 to share in our extremist groups. That was our helplessness in the face of the tribute to Sivaram. ongoing political killings. And His killing shows that dark to talk about Siva. forces are out there lurking for the She called me 30 minutes blood of dissenting voices. Sivaram later to tell me the news tthathat we was not just well known locally. didn’t want to hear. She had His reputation as a knowledgeable overheard that a journalist and analytical journalist had doing the police roundup say spread internationally..internationally something like a bodbodyy had been At the same time he was a found in the TaTalangamalangama police traitor to some others. So he was area. She then saw him hang killed. up. She got him to call back The chronology of Free Media Talangama police to get it Movement’s Freedom of confirmed and breaking the Expression report (3rd May 2004- news to me said “I hope it is 3rd May 2005) starts with this not Sivaram”. entry: Within a few minutes May 2004: Sri Lanka Police Asanga, a colleague at CPA raided the Colombo home of and Buddhika were at the journalist, Mr. Sivaram scene. Then came the Vigil on world Press Freedom Day : Remembering Dharmeratnam (“Taraki”), a confirmation. They had shot Journalists KilleKilled.d. Photo by : Lakruwan Wanniarachchi political affairs columnist for English him dead. Our second alert, and Tamil papers published from which said that journalist Sivaram was found dead, was out Colombo and a member of Tamilnet’s editorial board at 8.27 am. The report ends with this entry: Another round of phone calls ensured, radio and April 28 2005, veteran Tamil journalist and editor television stations carried the news quoting our release and of the Tamilnet website, D. Sivaram (Taraki) was Talangama police called me at home to find out the source abducted and killed by unidentified gunmen while he of our press release. was walking along the Galle Road in Colombo. His body was released to the family by the police and His death is a grim reminder of times we journalists funeral arrangements were decided by them. live in. A number of the most prominent international press We are back at work and read many articles of Sivaram freedom organizations issued releases condemning and on the web, where he has left his footprints. He edited the protesting at his death. We too sent out our third release on most sought-after website on Sri Lanka and it is a fitting Siva in just two days. tribute that his memory lives on online. We felt that it was all over and decided to meet in Colombo to see how best we cocoulduld pay our last respects.respects. An sdsd

Media Monitor 1515

College supported the same policy by introducing the Tamil- National medium in their schools. UnfortunateUnfortunately,ly, the Sinhala only Act in 1956 severely mitigated these valuable experiments in multi-culturalism. Languages, News One notes the efforts of the to introduce Tamil as a national language in 1957 whicwhichh failed Media and Peace on account of the opposition by Sinhala nationalistnationalist groups. Thus, as a result of the one-language policy, Sri Lanka was not able to develop a multi-lingual educational and Sunanda Deshapriya cultural policy that would have resulted in the creatiationon of a society which better understands and communicates with each other. Unfortunately, what we have today are two- polarized and mono-lingual langualanguagege communities. AlongAlong Sri Lanka is a multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi- with the , English as well was pushed into a cultural country. Its total population was 18.73 million at corner in the public educational system until recently. For the time of the last census of 2001. Sinhalese are the largest instance, it is almost impossible to find a Member of ethnic community which accounts for roughly 75% of the Parliament from the Sinhala community who ccanan understandunderstand population. Tamils account for 17% and Muslims 8% of the and converse in Tamil. Neither a single Executive PresidentPresident total population. No official statistics for the wholewhole country since 1977 nor a single Prime Minister since Independence is available because no census was done in the Northern has had the ability to speak the Tamil language, sincesince all of Province for last twenty years. them were from the majority Sinhala community. Sri Lanka has been a country with conflictual relations Lamentably, Sri Lanka never had anything akin to the three- within and between its two major ethnic groups for nearly language policy in India. five decades. Language is at the heart of the conflict from A research conducted among the youth in Sri Lanka (2001)(2001) the mid 20thth century onwards. This root cause contributed to shows that only 5% of Sinhala youth have friends from otheotherr the development of a full - blown war between the ethnic communities, the number of Tamil youth being 14% Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) and the Liberation TigersTigers and the numbnumberer of Muslim youth beingbeing 22%.22%. Tamil and of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). Muslim youth speak the same language. Sinhala is the mother-tmother-tongueongue of the Sinhalese community,community, while Tamil is the lingua franca of the Tamil community as Language and mainstream media well as of the Muslim community. Sinhala and Tamil are Sri Lanka has media in all three languages, Sinhala being State languages while English is considered a link language. the prominent medium especially when it comes to the No survey has been done to determine the English literacy electronic media. There is no full-time terrestrial Tamil rate among the population but it is cconsideredonsidered to bebe around langualanguagege TV channchannelel from either tthehe state-controlled media 10%. or private media, based out of Sri Lanka. Out of eight TV After the independence from the British in 1948, Sinhala–Sinhala– stations there are only two part-time Tamil language channels Buddhist revivarevivalismlism took a political form, which waswas starkly (one state, one private). The same is to some extent true for evident in the 1956 election victory of the Sri Lanka Freedom the radio stations as well. Party (SLFP). The SLFP came to power on the promise of The mainstream media is mainly concentrated in making SinhaSinhalala the official languagelanguage in 24 hours. Tamil as a language was ignored. Although the Sinhala Only Act was andColombo. three EnglishThere are dailies four publishedSinhala dailies,da ilies,in Colombo. four Tamil ThereThe dailiesre are born as an ethno-nationalist response to the domination of eight weekend Sinhala papers, four English and four Tamil. English in the public service, the resulting alienationalienation of the But there are four Tamil dailies and weeklies in Jaffna, the Tamil language created systematic institutional heart of the Northern Peninsula of Sri Lanka, where the discrimination against the entire TTamil-speakingamil-speaking population.population. circulation of Colombo-based newspapers is minimal. Only the Leftist parties had the foresight on the ethnic One daily newspaper is published by the LTTE in the polarization that could be the result of the SinhalaSinhala Only Act. areas of the Vanni held by them. They have a rradioadio station During the parliamentary debate on the Act it took the and a TV production house. The LTTE runs its EnglisEnglishh and position of “one language – two countries, two languages Tamil language PeaPeacece SecretariatSecretariat website from Vanni. one country”, which has sadly proved an accurate prediction It is obvious that SrSrii Lankan media is divided on eethnicthnic at the time of the last few decades of Sri Lanka’s bloody lines. Sinhala-owned media establishments do not publish history. Tamil grievances developeddeveloped into a full-fledged TamilTamil in Tamil. Tamil-owned news establishments do not publishpublish nationalist movement for secession and autonomy, with in SinhalaSinhala.. This is also more or less true for electronic media language-based rights as one of the pillars of the movement. as well, with the exexceptionception of one large media group. State The Jaffna Youth Congress, probably the most forthrightforthright media, which constitutes the largest media establishmentestablishment in anti-colonialist movement in pre-independence Sri Lanka Sri Lanka, is neither independent nor public-service - espoused the policy of ttwowo national languages,languages, making the oriented. State media is oftentimes used by politicians to Sinhala language compulsory in Tamil-medium schools in project parochial agendas. As the state power rests with the the North. Leading figures in Colombo schools like Ananda Sinhala majority in a majoritarian parliamentary system, allall

16 Media Monitor

t t o o o o h h P P e e i i l l F F

Prime Minister BBandaranaikeandaranaike addressing crowds gagatheredthered in support of Sinhala only Act, 1956.6.195

powerful state media have been under Sinhala ideological Sri Lankan newspapers of the three language media cater and political domination for tthehe last 30 years. to sets of individuals who live in language silos that, in turn, As the Report of the Committee to Advise on the Laws colour their appreciation of national and world events. affecting Media Freedom and Freedom of Expression (1995)(1995) Though Sri Lanka is geographically small, the gulf that notes, there is currently no equitable balance between the separates these language groups appears to be ever- three languaglanguagee services of the state media. The report states: widening, particularly between the Tamil readership and the rest. An analysis of the reportage of the North-East war “Disparity in the service provided in the two official demonstrates that these differences are not day-to-day languages, is no mere technical denial of the constitutional mistakes. They are a reflection of deep ideological rights but a serious deficiency in the process of trying to differences. For any lasting solution to the ethnic ccrisisrisis to be build a just and harmonious society. It is necessary that meaningfumeaningfull these ideologicalideological differences need to be brought the law also articulate the principle that the state-run or to the surface and addressed openly. public-funded media should at every level of its activities recognise and reflect the multi-ethnic, plural nature of Community media our society and the issue of language rights.” There is no real community radio in SSriri Lanka althoughalthough the government has been very liberal with issuing licenseslicenses Another disturbing develdevelopmentopment is that, in tthehe recent past, to commercial establishments. For the last 25 years, civil Tamil-speaking MMuslimsuslims have started to look for their own society organizations/universities have been waiting for media, mainly because of the bias in the mainstream Tamil licenses to start community radio stations. The community language media. Within the same language group, political radio could have been a powerful example of serving the differences between the Tamil and Muslim ccommunitieommunitiess as public interest of communities cutting across ethnic, cultural, writ large in the issues of representation at the officialofficial peace political and religioureligiouss barriers. For example, with its relative talks, have started to manifest themselves in the media. See Page 28

Media Monitor 1717

What Should Journalists Do?

a a Christopher Warren y y i i r r s s u u l l a a u u k k r r u u ometimes, as journalists, we spend a bit ttoooo much timetime u u K K complainicomplainingng about how we’re treated. What we need u u d d S to do is less complaining and more actioaction.n. We all kknownow i i n n v v there is much in our media for us to be concerned U U Here in Sri Lanka, a recent poll showed that 87 per cent of Sri Lankan journalists believe that the media is failing to provide accurateaccurate,, balance and fair information. AboutAbout 80 per cent believe the media is biased to one ethnic group or another. This demonstrates a profound failure of confidence in ourselves. If we aren’t confident in what we do, how can we expect the communities we serve to have confidence in us? Our challenge is to reclaim the media for the values of journalism, to createcreate a media space thatthat we can work in, that encourages the practice of independentindependent ethical journalism. That battle to recreclaimlaim the media takes place on foufourr fronts.

First, we have to adopt a ssimpleimple principle: Change Begins with me. We need to changechange ourselves. We have to embrace within ourselves the ethical principles, the public service values of journalism.

Change begins with me ––Strive Strive forfor qualitlityqua y – toto do thethe veveryry bebestst we can First, we have to adopt a simple principle: Change Begins ––Be accuraaccurate,te, balancbalanceded andand honesthonest – allall thethe time with me. We need to change ourselves. We have to embraceembrace By internalizing within ourselves the principles of within ourselves the ethical principles, the public service journali journalisticstic independence independence in everything everything we do, we can values of journalism. properly fight for journalistic autonomy within the media It’s a truism that within Sri Lanka,Lanka, society is excessively and within society. and unnecessary politicized, both between and within ethic Learning and growing and religious groups. As journalists, we are expected to take The second front is proprofessionalfessional development. sides, to align ourselves with this group or that. And our Journa Journalismlism is a skilledskilled craft. It requires continuedcontinued trainiiningngtra

workAs is individuals, expected to rereflect offlect course, that alignment. we bring our views and andin dealing education with for the us challenges to keep up ttothato standard. society throwsWe neeneed dat training us. We opinions to our work. But that doesn’t mean we have to make need to understand if we are to inform. We need to be the transition to biased political partisanship. educated if we, in turn, are to educate the communities we We need to place the principles of our craft over politics.politics. serve. Those principles are simple. They can be summed up in We need training in the skills of journalism, particularparticular as one word: Respect — Respect for truth. Respect for the the technological revolution is transforming those skills. public’s right to know. Respect for the views of others. This requires a commitment from us as journalists to We do our cocommunitiesmmunities no favours when we mislead or commit time and energy to training – both formal and when we conceal. informal. That is, through courses, through reading, through That’s why, as journalists, each of us as individuals needs keeping up to date. to accept our individual responsibility to: ––Commit Commit to democrdemocracy,acy, plurapluralismlism andand toleratolerancence

Speech by Christopher Warren at Journalists Conference at Tholangamuwa. Warren is the President of the International Federation of Journalists.

18 Media Monitor

It requires a commitment from employers to provide the that we see in too many countries in Asia, including south time and funding for training and development. And it Asia. requires them to respect the knowledge that we havehave.. Yet, there has been never-ending harassment and And it requires a commitment from society through intimidation by political forces, including governments of governments to provide the infrastructure for training. different political parties. Indeed, over the decades ttoooo many The responsibility of employers political forces have given the impression that theythey consider Third, we need respect and autonomy from our press freedom to be simply the freedom to agree with them. employers – both private and government. What we need rather is to entrench within society the This means they need to recognize the independence of principles of that great French journalist Voltaire who said: journalists to carry out their job. They need to recognize the “I disagree with what you say, but I will fight to the death values of our craft. for your right to say it.” This means that there are times when journalists – either The past few months have seen this harassment and individually or collectively – will disagree with their intimidation move to a new level. Indeed, we can say that employer. There will be times when a journalist’s ethics will the murder of Sivaram Dharmaretnam earlier this yearyear has clash with something their employer wants them to do. taken it to a new, vastly mmoreore violent level. Employers need to accept that this is a necessary priceprice they Of course, words are one thing and deeds another. But pay for quality journalism. there is no doubt that we have heard too many threathreateningtening Although this principle is easy to grasp, it is not one that words from too many political leaders. And in this climate, many employers naturally embraembrace.ce. It can result in conflict we should not be surprised that some have decided toto turn and disagreement when employers fail to accept that those words into deeds. journ journalisalistictic indepenendenceindep dence also meansmeans inindepedependenndencece fromfrom our It seems too short a step from threatening journalists to employer. killing them. That’s why the IFJ encourages agreed documents on The leaders of all the political movements have a editorial independence that spell out the rights and the responsibility for leading Sri Lanka back from this abyss. obligations of editorial staff – to our principles, our They need to recognize that entrenching a culture of a free communities and our employers.

We need to place tthehe principles of our craft overover politics. Those principles are simple. They can be summed up in one word: Respect — Respect for truth. Respect for the public’s right to know. Respect for the views of others.

journ journalisAndalists it’sts to why comecom employerse togethertogether collectivelycolle needctively to recognize in independindependent the rightsent trade of spoilsand democratic of office. society is more important that the ttransitoryransitory unions that can collectcollectivelyively bargain on both professionalprofessional and Change begins with us industrial issues. Just as change begins with each of us as individuals, itit These challenges are exacerbated when the employer is begins with us as a collective. also the government. That’s why in government-owned Employers, governments controlling state-ostate-ownedwned medimedia,a, media organizations, public service values have to be political forces…..none of them are going to change of their incorporated into charters that transform state-run media into own volition. They will change because of what we can do public service media. to force change. Governments must recognize that state-owned media are, That’s as true in Sri Lanka as it is in every country arouaroundnd in truth, held in trust for the public, not for the benefit of the the world. government of the day. That’s why journalists in almost every country come What about political forces? together to form independentindependent trade unions and associations The fourth front of struggle is with the political forces. of journalists and media workers. And that’s why those A climate of true freedom requires a commitment by all organizaorganizationstions come together in the International FederationFederation political forces – both within governmentgovernment and without – to of Journalists – the global voice of journalists. the principles of press freedom. Here in Sri Lanka there are strong roots for collective At one level, Sri Lankan journalists are fortunate that ttheyhey action among journalists. The survival of the Sri LankanLankan have never had to endure the sort of absolutist repression See page 22

Media Monitor 1919

money order to the value of Rs. 500, 1,000, or 1,5001,500 along with Unethical Commercial Ads the application. If we set out responding to an advertisement appearing in That Promote Racketeers the press, to trace the office of an institution with an authoritative title attached to it, we would certainly find a small room hidden somewhere in an insignificant back alley Jayantha Gamage of a suburb. An advertisement of this nature appearing the weekend national press could attract thirty to forty thousand, unsuspecting job seekers. If a sum of Rs. 500 were collected he media’s mission is to expose fraud and corruption. from each applicant the bogus job provider could easily grab15

manoeuvreThis is a revelation media to of further deeds theirof some ends. racketeers who abandonmillion rupees. the temporarily Once the moneyrented roomorders and are disappear.cashed he would “Sir I am a government pensioner. My daughter who has For instance, the newspaper of 01.06.03, carried Tpassed the A/L Exam applied for a job in response to an an advertisements calling applications from youth wishing advertisement that appeared in the “Silumina”. According to to be trained as teachers under the programme for the advertisement, the job existed in the computer field, and establishment of local educational research and training the applicant was required to send Rs. 750 to get qualified to centers - 2003. 28000, persons had responded to the sit for a written test. We sent a money order to the vvaluealue of the advertisement, for which a fee of Rs. 200 was charged from stipulated amount and waited for a reply. Nearly a month each applicant. Money thus colleccollectedted amounted to 5.5.66 million elapsed without any response from that end. rupees. The transaction had taken place in a small room in “Finally, I traced the address to a small room in a back Welawatte, obtained for rent temporarily. MoMoneyney ordersorders were alley of Mahara, Kadawata. It had a light board which read to be sent to be cashed at the Wellawatte post office. When “International education consultation’”. When questioned the the officers of the fraud bureau, following an exposure made occupant of the room about the appointment I was asked to by a journalist raided the place, racketeers had already got wait for another month. So I waited without success. Then I away with a large sum of money in the form of cash. A sum of

allowwent there such again racketeers to find to the use office national was gone. papers Sir, to why deceive do you the custody.Rs. 2.8 million collected from applicants, still lies in judicial public? In response to a recent large-scale advertisement entitled This was a complaint made to the Silumina EditorEditor by a Programme for 15000 computer scholarships, the amount of government pensioner. Extortion of money by racketeers money channeled to the Kollupitiya post office stood at Rs. through placing advertisements in 3.3 million. the print and electronic media is a An extensive publicity campaign longstanding practice in this AdvertisementAdvertisementss are a crucial launched through electronic and print country. Of late, this has assumed media announced that the reputed Tech large proportions. Despite constant sector that contributes to the Sri Lanka Institute had planned to exposures by the newspapers they continued existence of media establish 8,000 computer centres to themselves have not rejected the provide 48,000 job opportunities while acceptance of such fraudulent institutions. the Varuna Group and Infortech advertisements. Institutes would provide 19,500 and Advertisements are a crucial 59,450 job opportunities, respectively. sector that contributes to the Thus the amount of money they continued existence of media institutions. Numerically collected from the unemployed youth in the country exceeded increasing newspapers and electronic media channels make 400 million rupees. way for a fierce competition among themselves to receive None of these Institutions provided anybody with advertisements. employment. Even after this largelarge seal racket was exposed However, the absence of a constructive policy in accepting by the Silumina, they still resort to continue this deception. advertisements is a grave misconduct on the part of media Tech Sri Lanka Institute, in the pretext of helping Tsunami- institutions. Prevailing unemployment in the country provides affected children used fraudulently the name of national child fertile ground for racketeers, who promise young people protection authority to camouflage its large-scale money- employment opportunities as teacher trainees, computer grabbing project. assistants and so on. When a customer who brings an advertisement to be When advertising these racketeers take care to give their inserted in a newspapenewspaperr is questioned by the mediamedia institution organizations some resemblance of a government institution. to ascertain the genuineness of the facts stated therein, he has “Programme for the institution of local educational and other places to go and get his job done without any difficulty. training canters - 2003 and The foundation for the Therefore, no media institution would question a customer. development of international educational consultation and Although computer training centers in thousands exist in management” are two examples. the country, not a single one has got itself registered with the They insert a half or quarter page advertisements in vocational training authority. Nor does the authority take any newspapers, promising attractive wages and other benefits interest in enforcing legal requirements. ThThee same is true with for successful applicants. Once a reply is received from a job the media institution when accepting advertisements. seeker he is promptly informed by return post to send in a

20 Media Monitor

a a y y i i r r Sri Lankan Women a a p p h h e e s s D D Journalists Call for Gender a a d d a a n n Equity in Media n n S S u u Laxmi Murthy

he small coastal town of Beruwala in Sri Lanka witnessed a historic Summit of women journalists T on 13thth and 14thth March. More than 70 women journalists representing the FederationFederation of MediaMedia EmployeesEmployees Trade Unions (FMETU), Sri Lanka Working Journalists’ Association (SLWJA), Free Media Movement, Sri Lanka Participant of the FemaleFemale Journalists Conference Tamil Media Alliance (SLTMA) and the Sri Lanka Muslim Media Forum (SLMMF) came together to discuss issues of In ““Invisible or Too Visible: The Parodoxical Portrayal of concern. Women in the Media”, Laxmi Murthy, Program Manager with The Summit was organized by Sri Lanka’s Centre for the IFJ outlined some of the issues with the skewed Policy Alternatives in conjunction with the Voices of representation of women in the mass media, and put forth Reconciliation Program with the assistance of Canada’s some suggestions to redress the imbalance. The discussion Institute for Media, Policy and Civil Society (IMPACS) that followed revealed many common concerns for Indian through funding from CIDA and Ausaid, and with the and Sri Lankan women journalists. support of tthehe International FederationFederation of Journalists (IFJ). The interactive session “In conversation with Sri Lankan Delivering the opening address, Jacqueline Park, Asia- Women in Media” saw a lively discussion between Pacific Regional Director of the IFJ emphasized that participants and senior women journalists, includinincludingg Nishani journal journalists’ists’ unions at national,national, regionalregional and globalglobal levellevel have Dissanayake, Hana Ibrahim and Thewa Gowry. Besides a responsibility to address gender inequity. Equal access to sexual harassment at the workplace, a concern that promotion, to employment and to assignments, is the hot repeatedly cropped up was the issue of what was termed button issue for women journalists the world over, she said. “sexual favouritism”, or women employees gaining Highlighting the crucial role of the journalist privileges on the basis of sexual favours rather than on merit organizations, Park said, “Women journalists are awareaware that or seniority. The discussion moved from condemning women because their movement has been successful in many areas who might take such a path to upward mobility, to there is the danger that journalists’ unions may feel that understanding the power dynamics at workplaces that enough has been done to ensure equality in media even excluded women from positions of power. though inequalities remain,” she said. Laxmi Murthy, also a member of the Network of Women Park pointed out that in order for journalists’ in Media, India, presented the work of the Network, which organizations to improve the conditions for women aims to provide a forum for women in media to share

journalists,— to ensure they female often representation have to reform in their the union’sown structures policy- awarenessinformation and and ethics, resources, and exchangework for ideas,gender promote equality media and making and governing bodies. “Our unions need to be open justic justicee withinwithin the media and society.society. The VishakhaVishakha guideguidelinlineses to women – and to do this they must also consider their on sexual harassmenharassmentt at the workplace issued by the Supreme internal policies. If unions can establish gender equality Court of India in 1997, and its implications for women internally, within the organization, it is far more likely to journ journalistsalists were alsoalso discussed.discussed. The need for such legislationlegislation have success promopromotingting gender issues externally,”externally,” said Park. in Sri Lanka emerged as a pressing need. “Taking simple steps to make it easier for women to be Group discussions on issues such as: The key gender involved are necessary. For eexample,xample, holding family-friendlylyfamily-friend equity issues for journalists in Sri Lanka; priorities in order union meetings on a Saturday in a park, rratherather than at night of importance; barriers or obstacles to achieving these during the week, when many women will be required at priorities; a strategy and action plan to achieve them. Issues home with children,” added Park. that emerged were familiar concerns for all women media professionals: lack of access to promotions, sexual harassmenharassment,t, verbal abuse, rumour-mongering, hostilehostile work Laxmi Murthy, environment, lack of security for night shifts and lack of Journalists and the South Asia Coordinator, IFJ access to professional training and avenues for skill development.Thdevelopment.Thee journalists present endorsed the “Charter Of Gender Equality For MMediaedia and Journalism in Sri Lanka”.

See Page 22

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Promoting Gender Equality.... What Should Journalists Do? ..... CContinued from page 5 CContinued from page 18

likely to have success in promoting gender issues externally.externally. Working Journalists Association as the largest organizationorganization of Like the situation of women in the media workplace, journalists. The collective trade union acactiontion of the FederationFederation increasincreaseded numbers of wowomenmen in influential roles within a mediamedia of Media Employees Trade Unions in defending the rights of union will further encourage the advocacy of women’s rights all media workers. The campaigning of tthehe Free MediMediaa Move- in the media. Unions should actively pursue women as valuable ment to defend and extend press freedom. ThThee work ooff the TaTamilmil advocates for change in order to gain as much support as and Muslim organizations in advancing rights of journalists possible. from minority communities. How can we make our unions more representative of both The strength of this diversity proviprovidesdes avenues for activity women and men? Taking simple steps is necessary to make it easier for women to be involved, for example, holding family- forworked many together jjournalists.ournalists. in a And true Ispirit know of these solisolidarity darityorganizations for press have freedom often friendly union meetings on a Saturday in a park, rather than at and journalists’ rights. night during the week, when many women will be requiredrequired at Yet, we have ttoo acknowledge that we can do more. We need home with children. to think how to strengthen the links both practically and Some unions establish women’s committees that guarantee organically. time and energy are dedicated to the promotion of gender rights, We need to recognize that too many journalists stand aloof regardless of other preoccupations within the union. from any of these organizations. We need to think ooff steps that Similarly, some unions ensure that a minimum number of will engage the entire journalistic community. women are on the board or executive positions of the We need to admit that too many journalists remain divided organization. For example, the rules of my own union in along ethnic and religious lines. As a craft committed to Australia require that one-third of the decision-making positions pluralism and tolerance, we need to bring journalists together. are filled by women. Similarly, the IFJ requires that one-third And we need to acknowledge that too many journalists are of participants to IFJ workshops and trainings are filled by excluded from these structures. In fact, it is the poorest and most women. (Speech by Jacqueline Park at the Female Journalists powerless provincial journalists who are most likely to be Conference at Beruwala at March 2006.) missing out. Collectivism enables the strong to help the weak. But it is precisely here ththatat we are failing and we need to think about how to link provincial journalists in the all-island Do You Want Credibility as a Journalist?... journalistic comcommunity.munity. CContinued from page13 So, where do we go from here? This historic meeting gives Sri Lankan journalists an One day, one of the local politicians burst into my office opportunity to build on our strengths to address these with an election poster in his hand. “Machan” he said, “this is weaknesses. the first poster printed for the upcoming local elections, isn’t This, in turn, provides the means to encourage and promote that a good story!” a society that embraces our core beliefs: respect for truth, respect Obviously he wanted some free publicity for his campaign. for the public’s right to know and respect for each other. And obviously he was asking me for a favour, using a friendly So we need to agree on precisely what it is we agree on. approach. The man was quite influential in town, and was in a That’s why a combined declaration is important. It provides a position to do me one or two favours if I had asked him. But focus we can build our strength around, a shared set of belibeliefsefs my answer was no, since I saw no public interest in his we can campaign around. It would have been easy for me to publish a picture of the More than testing journalism, it provides a test for Sri Lanka. poster with a short caption. It would have kept the politician It provides a template for a free media in a democratic society. happy, and it would probably have made it easier for me to It makes clear what we hold ourselves to as journalists.journalists. And it cover his campaign later on. (And it would have helhelpedped me to makes clear what we expect from our employers and the ask him for a favour if I had wanted to). But I refusedrefused to do him countries’ political forces. the favour, which made him leave the office a bit aannoyed.nnoyed. It’s a big challenge. But there is one thing we know as While he left the office annoyed, I remained with my journalists: if we don’t do it for ourselves, no-one else will do it credibility. What to publish and what not to publish is an for us. independent editorial decision. If editorial decisioonsns are made (Speech by Christopher Warren at Journalists Conference at as favours to politicians, credibility is lost. And that iiss the end Tholangamuwa on September 2005.) of journalism.

Sri Lankan Women... organizations and the media itself. To view the full charter CContinued from page 21 please click (www. The coming together of women journalists across ethnic The charter sets out the minimum standards, principles and divides that for decades have fractured Sri Lanka’s social and actions needed to underpin gender equity in the media in Sri Lanka political life, was an unprecedented landmark in ’s and outlines a practical program of action to support the history. Forging unity as professionals and working collectivelcollectivelyy achievement of equality in media workplaces, journalists’ to achieve gender equity were iindeedndeed encouraging.

22 Media Monitor

While two incidents were assaults on TV crews covering Change Begins with You political rallies, a more bizarre act was the alleged assault on the news director of the SLBC by its chairman’s own security guards, following a heated debate over SLBC’s Mike Dobbie coverage of the campaign. According to the Free Media Movement, SLBC’s news director had ensured a coverage that favoured the ruling party’s presidential candidate. Bias isn’t confined to electioelectionn campaigns. MonitoriMonitoringng of Sri Lanka’s media shows that more than half of all newspaper stories cite only one source and both Sinhala and TamilTamil press hy would a newspaper gloat over the death and are highly selective in the sources they use. destruction of the Boxing Day Tsunami? The day Sri Lanka’s journalists know the score. According to a W after the disaster, one Sri Lankan paper carried a survey conducted in mid-2004 for the International story that boasted the headline “Huge Damage to Tigers - Federation of Journalist’s (IFJ) research report On the Road 1200 Sea Tigers Perish”. to Peace, 87 per cent of Sri Lanka’s journalists believe the The story gleefully reported the impact of the waves on country’s media fails to provide accurateaccurate,, balanced and fair military camps in areas of eastern and northern Sri Lanka information. Four out of five journalists believe thethe media is controlled by the Liberation Tamil Tigers of Ealam (a biased to one ethnic group or another. Worse still, 80 per February 2002 cease - fire agreement has halted two decades cent of journalists don’t believe what sources tell them, of war). complaining that they are no accurate or reliable. The story appeared within hours of 31,000 Sri Lankans A lack of journalist ttrainingraining is part of the problem.problem. Only being killed and 443,000 made homeless. Not only was the half of Sri Lanka’s journalists are aware of their professionallprofessiona

A lack of journalist training is part of the problem. Only half of Sri Lanka’s journalists are aware of their professional code of ethics; barely 11 per cent have a copy of the code and less than five per cent have never received ethicsethics training.

story repugnant, it was likely wrong. The Tigers claimed only code of ethics; barbarelyely 11 per cent have a copy of the code and six of its pepersonnelrsonnel had been killed in the tsunamitsunami.. While the less than five per cent have never received ethics training. truth is not known, and certainly wasn’t sought in the Slowly though, Sri Lankan journalists are working for reporting, inflammatory stories like this demonstrate the gulf change. In November, five leading journalist associations, between partisan propaganda and credible journalism. including those representing Tamil and Muslim journalists, As the country tries to rebuild itself from the civil war came together to sign a media charter committing their and the tsunami’s destructdestruction,ion, misleading and sensationalistsensationalist members to developing a democratic and pluralist media reporting hampers these efforts. And despite the cease-fire, culture and to protect their professional rights. TThehe charter ethnic, political and religious chauvinism still results in death. includes a two-year action timetable. On April 29, Sivaram Dharmeratnam,Dharmeratnam, 46, a senior editorial The charter notes that responsibility for ethical condonductuct

Colombo,board member hours ofafter unidentified was men found had abducted shot dead him in restsfor drawing with media up codes professionals of ethical “who conduct should and be who resporesponsible shonsibleuld from a restaurant. On August 12, journalist Relangi establish credible and accountable systems of self- SelvarSelvarajahajah and her husband were killed by unknown gunmengunmen regulation”. However, the existing code of conduct is in a daylight attack. Relangi worked for the government- currently under review by a panel that includes only one owned Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC). Two journa journalist.list. weeks later, the security guard at Tamil newspapernewspaper Sudaroli’s The media charter also demands legal guarantees for printing press was killed when grenades were hurled at the freedom of expression, press freedom and freedom of door of the building. Journalist Iliya Abdulla, proofreader association. It seeks the creation of an independent media Kamalanathan and a visitor were injured. complaints commission, freedom of information laws, and a In just one week during the electelectionion campaign for a new single nationanationall body for journalists. The charter also wants national president, there were three attacks on journalists. editorial independence protected by agreements with state and private media. The journalist associations’ commitment is not isolated. Mike DDobbie,obbie, Coincidentally, a public campaign for public service values former(Fairfax). managing manag He recentlying editor spent of sharesthree monthsmagazine magazine in in Sri Lankan media has begun, aimed at uncoupling state- Sri Lanka under the Asia Alliance program, owned media from direct political control and improving supported by the Myer Foundation. the quality of journalism. And a prize program has been initiated to promote journalistic excexcellence.ellence. See Page 30

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Under the Endless War Anuruddha Lokuhapuarachchi / REUTERS

01 - Woman crying near the coffin of 16 years old Tamil boy Pukiyarasu Baskaran, at the Kanniya village in Trincomalee, eastern Sri Lanka, April 23, 2006. After the funeral villagers fleeing from village, they believe Baskaran was killed by government soldiers, but the army denies this. His body was recovered near one of the Claymore explosion sites called Mihindupura on Friday night. Sri Lanka’s Tamil Tigers rejected a deal on transport of their commanders on Saturday that could have allowed peace talks with the government to go ahead, as more violence raised fears of renewed civil war.

02 - A Sri Lankan Tamil woman Rani Rajan, crying next body of her nephew Pukiyarasu Baskaran, who was killed by unidentified gunman in Trincomalee, eastern Sri Lanka, April 22, 2006. Ethnic clashes rocked Sri Lanka’s

Tamilnortheast Tiger on rebels Friday killed after mineat least attacks three blamedin a wave on of the 1 violence that has raised fears of a return to civil war.

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03 - Dhanushi Nayanika, a nine-year-old ethnic Sinhalese girl, cries next to the coffin of her father, Thilak Dhammika, in Kalyanipura village, outskirts of Walikanda, north-eastern Sri Lanka, May 31, 2006. Nayanika and two other children lost their fathers after the massacre of 12 construction workers by suspected Tamil Tiger rebels on Monday.

04 - Sri Lankan soldiers search as hands tied bodies of 12 ethnic Sinhalese civil construction workers assassinated by suspected Tamil Tiger rebels in village of Omadiamadu on the outskirts of Welikanda, northeastern Sri Lanka, May 30, 2006. Sri Lanka’s Tamil Tiger rebels warned on Tuesday a European Union ban that diplomats say will freeze their assets would shake the island’s teetering peace process, but said they remained committed to a truce.


05 - An elderly Sri Lankan woman grieves in front of war memorial as respect of fallen soldiers during a commemoration ceremony of over 22000 dead soldiers in two decade long civil war with Tamil Tiger rebels in national war memorial in Mailapitiya, outskirt of Kandy, June 7, 2006.

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a a y y i i r r s s u u l l a a u u k k Government Radio r r u u u u K K u u d d n n and i i v v U U the Tamil People

here is an enthusiasm in the present day world about There are two main transmissions in the Tamil channchannels.els.

ofthe the use media of the is media. the connectioconnection The primaryn between aspect the of themedia activityactivity andand commercialOne of them service. is the Thenational commercial services. service The tooother is inis twothe culture. The media are used in relation to the marks in parts. One is the “Thendul” service and the other is the culture.T The propagation of the media is lessened if it ddoesoes commercial services. What should be important at the not proceed along culture. national level is the national service. What is its position? Due to this very reason the culture of the people is The Tamil national service has no channel of its own. The important to the memedia.dia. When culture is mentioned languagelanguage channels in the Tamil commercial service are used for the and religion play an important place in it. ReligionReligion has been Tamil national service too. The national service morning occupying an important position in post-colonial transmission starts at 5.00 a.m. and ends at 8.00 a.m. From undeveloped countries. In our country too Buddhism has 8.00 to xx there is the transmission of the MuslimMuslim service. got an important place. The Radio or the TV is relevant to Later, the Tamil commercial service too is transmitted people who cannot go to a temple or religions place.ce.pla through the same channel. The nationanationall service starstartsts at 6.00 Although it is true the printed media have achieved some PM and goes on till 11.30 xx again. During this period there progress in Lanka, the radio as an electronic medium covers are two transmissions of news, the B.B.C. and the “Thamil the whole country. In the remote areas the radio takes the Osai” programme. At the same time, anti-Tiger transtransmissionssmission place of the TV. Due to that very reason the radiradioo takes some from Europe are broadcbroadcastast from 7 to 8. From 8 to 9 are Muslim position of importance. programmes. In this manner many matters are made clear I propose to find out what the radio has done to the Tamil when the allocation of time is examined. people in the last 20-25 years. 1. There is no educational transmission in the Tamil Whatever our politicians may say, tthehe sense of a ununitaryitary medium. state comes to the citizens on the basis of the shareshare they gegett 2. Particulars about village cultivation are broadcast at in the country. Instead of presenting negative matters, truth 9.20 p.m. must be declared for the purpose of identifying the problem. 3. No programmes of dramas. With this background it is necessary to put forward some 4. Not even one is allocated for Karnatic music. particulars between the broadcasting service and the Tamil This is not all. If there are cricket matcmatches,hes, transmissiontransmission people. Let us not rerelatelate private broadcasting servicesservices to these of the Tamil national service is suspended from morningmorning till statements. evening and on some days till night, and cricket commentaries are broadcast on that wavelength. When matches are played in Australia the evening programmes Prof. K. Sivathamby, are suspended and if they are played in western countries inSocial the FieldScientist, of Art Critic, and Culture.Activist the forenoon programmes are suspended. When the administration of the Tamil national service is considered, there is one post of a director. There are no sections for programmes like those devoted to drama and women. The selection of discs of KarKarnaticnatic music is done by a

26 Media Monitor

clerk. So far as tthehe announcersannouncers are concernedconcerned there are a large commercial service had a recognition in India is not sound. number of them and it is difficult to find out who are Media persons like Sivapathasundaram, V.N. permanent, part-time or full-time. Some of them have not Balasubramaniam, N. Shanmuganatha, S. Parannilla Raja even heard Karnatic music. and V.N. Navasivayam had a high recognition. The national service must be considered before the Sivabalasunderam’s book on the radio “The art of commercial service is examined. This service not wellwell heard broadcasting” written in Tamil also received a prize from in the North and the East. This has been the condition that India. Well-known Karnataka musicians who came to Lanka had prevailed even from its inception. Important religious tried to bring out a concert of theirs through the Tamil festivals were broadcast through the national Tamil service. national service. Important religions occasions like the festival of the carts at It is true to say that this situation started due toto problems the Nallur kovil, the carts festival at Munneswaram, the that arise in politics. There is another fact too. When great Maha Siva Rathri, the Tiruketheesvaram were broadcast live. media persons retired through the administration, new There is information that a regulation has been imposed that appointments were not made systematically. Typists have a sum not less that Rs. 50,000 must be paid at present for got appointments as programme producers and programme such broadcasts. But I am not aware of the true details. There directors. The Tamil medium has no provincial services as were no live broadcasts in the Tamil national service from the Sinhala service has. The provincial transmissiotransmissionn available the Kovils like those of Tiruketheeswaram and in Jaffna is available for use by the military. The sosouth-eastuth-east Munneswaram on the last Sivarathri night. Traditions that service started in the East recently. We do not know its effects. had lasted for years were terminated last Sunday ninight.ght. Is this the kind of cocommunicationmmunication link that the governmentgovernment There is another important matter. There is no information expects to establish with the Tamil people? available on the journalistic competence of the officers in Is there no one who thinks about this? There is somethiethingng charge of these programmes. Even a direct discussion of it is that should be recorded about the commercial service. It is in a sad state of affairs. ComparativComparativelyely how many journalistsstsjournali the Tamil and Hindi service which earn foreign exchange

This is not all. If there are cricket matches, trantransmissionsmission of the Tamil national service is suspended from morning till evening and on some days till night, and cricket commentaries are broadcabroadcastst on that wavelength. When matches are played in AAustraliaustralia the evening programmes are suspended and if they are played in western countries the forenoon programmes are suspended.

are there directing tthehe Subharathi programmes in thethe Sinhala for the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation. It is thisthis Tamil national service, and how many Tamil journalists are there commercial service which South Indian people listen to in the Pavan Tamil programme?. In the political programmes mostly. Even now people of South IndiaIndia listen mostly to of the Tamil service, words used in the JR era are used in this commercial service. It is not necessary for the introducing the President and the ministers. (i.e., His government to spend for the development of the Tamil Highness the president). A eulogistic language is used in commercial service. A part of this profit made will be referring to the president and the ministers. We do not blame adequate for the purpose A good management is enough the journalists for it. If they to do so their johs might be in for the purpose. But does that happen? danger. There will be petitions against them, some say. For what purpose is the commercial service channel used The question that arises from this is: What is the in the serviced called Tandul? Are there no other channels communication available to the Tamil people, whether they for cricket matches? WWhathat politics runs through this?this? be Christian or Hindu? This is a country which has been interested in langlanguagesuages In the 1960s there was a great gap between the ordinaryordinary and religions for a period like 50 years. What ddoesoes not respect Tamil people and the broadcasting service. However, there the Tamil people, language and culture? The present-day was no such gap in matters lilikeke drama, music and literature. Tamil people go to private broadcasting channels like Could things happen in this manner if the government had “Suriyan” and “Shakth“Shakthi”i” for news. Another example is that some feeling about the public acceptance there was among the obituary notices too, which were generally important in the Tamil people for these matters? TThehe present stastatete of affairs the Lanka Broadcasting Service, are handed over to private can be realized if it is compared with what had prevailed broadcasting channels. 20-25 years ago. It will also be possible to realize its There is an English saying that the cart shshouldould not be sent seriousness, through that. before the horse. A matter that I humbly declare to the From the 1950s until 1975-1985 when the radio came to politicians, who discuss is, can the need for unitarians be Torrington Square the Tamil national service was on the pointed out in sectors like language and culture. OOtherwise,therwise, world Tamil Propaganda plane. Many people today do not there is no room at all in the democracy mentioned by these know about the high standard that prevailed in it. Some had politicians for the idea tthathat one should submit oneselfoneself in one’s wrong kinds of thought too. The view that the Tamil own country. Are not the founts of separatism clear? Media Monitor 2727

National Languages... of language can undermine efforts at conflict resolution and in continue From Page 17 countries such as Sri Lanka, inadvertently prevent the process of creating a plural and democratic polity and society.

freedom from the state-owned Sri Lanka Broadcasting Using English? Corporation, the Uva community radio station has been a ppositiveositive Curtailing efforts to address these gaps and implementing development in this regard. However, provincial journalism that creative media reform initiatives is the severe lack of English cuts across language lines and serves different language language proficiency amongst journalists in Sri Lanka, which communities does not exist in Sri Lanka. prevents them from using the knowledge resources widely available on the web, internet and through leading international The language of identity and violence jou journarnalislistt and media media orgorganianizzazzationtion s. Learnin Learningg Englislish Eng h was It is said that the link between language, media and violence regarded as something contra-nationalistic by the subaltern youth is symbiotic. That is, the violent actions elicit certain responses after the Sinhala only culture, resulting in the decreasing number from the media, which can in turn, shape the violent actions of learnt English even as a means of subversion. themselves. State media, alternative media and media of non- In Sri Lanka, language determines socio-political discourse state actors are in a continuous struggle to win public support as well. While the peace discourse takes place mainly in the for their actions through the use of language. English language, nationalist discourses are mainly taking place Failing to use language accurately, impartially and in Sinhala and Tamil. For instance 80% of peace research and responsibly may reinforce negative stereotypes. The challenge is publications by Colombo-based research advocacy NGOs remain therefore to present members of different gender, ethnic, racial, in English, a rrecentecent survey has found. There is no peace discourse religious and other identity groups fairly and accurately by which is carried out simultaneously in all three languages. carefully choosing words, and avoiding clichés and generalizations. Looking to the future In Sri Lanka, for example, the media is grappling with To transcend the myopia of language policies in Sri Lanka language to describe aspects of the socio-political context after a requires us to envision multi-cultural and poly-lingual media ceasefire agreement. Words like community are conflated with frameworks that reflect the aspirations of all communities. ethnicity and minority. False lines between language media create Some urgent steps needed for this transformation are reflected further difficulties for the sensitive use of language. Often, in the Memorandum of Recommendations released by the OffOfficialicial communal tensions become ethnic hatred and minor disputes Languages Commission (OLC) in June 2005. Sections 4.1, 4.10, become ethnic conflagrations when reported in the vernacular 4.12, 4.14 and 4.20 dealing with language training and English as press. Definitions of "majority" and "minority" are often twisted a link language are of particular importance to media reform in to fit a certain argument – minority in the Sinhala press is often Sri Lanka. used pejoratively to undermine the legitimacy of "other" Though Tamil was declared an official language by the 13 thth communities. Conversely, the use of the term "majority" in the Amendment to the Constitution in 1987, the following 19 years Tamil media to represent the Sinhalese community is often have seen little in the form of using the legislation to engender unreflective of the diversity of opinions and political ideologies Tamil language rights in Sri Lanka. This must change. The media that are interwoven in its fabric. must act as a harbinger of the societal change necessary in Sri Colloquialisms also present problems for the media. Lanka by adopting multi-lingual policies that encourage "Minority" in Sinhala is suluthara but most of the time media and journalists to learn Sinhala, Tamil and English in order to frame politicians use sulu meaning small. Terms used to describe a news accurately, impartially and fairly. member of the Muslim, Tamil or Burgher communities in the However, English is making a slow comeback. After 1996, Sinhala language are thambiya or or marakkalaya;; demala and lansiya, many schools have introduced English as a medium of studies. respectively. Words like demalun referring to the Tamil Institutions such as the Sri Lanka Press Institute (SLPI) have, in community and marakkalayo referring to the Muslim comcommunitymunity the past, conducted English courses for journalists, but these are derogative. When the word minority itself is problematic, courses need to move from an ad hoc basis to those that are in usage of sulu is insensitive and discriminatory. There are no keeping with the recommendations set out by the OLC report respectable nouns to describe minority communities in the mentioned above. majority community language, Sinhala. In Sri Lanka, not only We can only wonder what Sri Lanka might have been if the for minority communities but also for almost all castes other than Sinhala Only Act was not passed in 1956 and both Sinhala and the so-caled highest caste, govigama, there are derogatory terms. Tamil languagelanguagess were elevated to be at par with English. Perhaps Language reflects and reinforces this social political hierarchy, a media culture more tolerant of difference and celebrated creating a vicious circle. diversity would have emerged. Perhaps all communities would Stereotypes and the bedevilling of communities are ineviinevitabletable have seen their aspirations and voices in the state media. State results of long-drawn ethnic violence. A Tamil suspected of any media itself may have been more responsive to the unique and crime is automatically labelled a terrorist, while a Sinhalese is shared concerns of all communities in Sri Lanka, which would given the benefit of the doubt in Sinhala newspapers. Tamil, have been a multi-cultural and multi-lingual country in their real terrorist, LTTE – words that cannot be used interchangeably - sense. are often conflated in the same news report. It is never too late to enact change. While the shortsightednertsightednessss Due to the emotional nature of political violence, including of the previous decades will take longer to heal, the media can terrorist actions and the responses those actions elicit, the use of and must nurture the social transformation needed to help Sri language by the media plays a key role in either inflaming or Lanka along its tryst with peace. managing violent conflict. Media creates the foundation in We, the media, need to speak the language of peace in Sinhala, societies to understand, address and prevent the emergence of, Tamil and English if we want a future free from violence. and regression into, violent conflict. Insensitive and careless use

28 Media Monitor

Other Side

Wimal, Chandana and Media

“Irudina” newspaper recently published an article, dealing with the lineage of Wimal Weerawansa of the JVP.

Mr.The article Weerawansa that ttookook belonged the form toof an exposure oppressed had caste toto ssay ay in that the island. Even the change of his name was considered in the articrticle,le, a matter that needed questioning. The sentence that mentioned about the caste was the article’s headlineheadline printed in large bold letters. Clearly, the purpose of the article was to defame Mr. Weerawansa. Mr. Weerawansa is known for his anti-media stand. Also it is true that he directs eethicallythically unacceptableunacceptable attacks on his political opponents and social activists who do not share his views. Nevertheless, attacks based on one caste and the change of family name run counter to accepted values of journal journalism.ism.

The media should refrain from leveling attacks on people, making use of their birth, caste, and religion race, or health problems. If we were to effect a change in our media culture, it is necessary to evoke an effective dialogue and a system of self-criticisself-criticism.m.

Notwithstanding the claims of refraining on moral organizer for Senkadagala. The article described him as a grounds from mentioning about an alleged illness which Mr. person of outlandish dissension with no rightful claim to the

symptomsWeerawansa cited was insaid the to article be suffering makes from, diagnosis the accou possintble. of nameThus of Suriyabandara.Suriyabandhe is not onlyara. accused of assuming a name, whiwhichch Furthermore, the article contains some references to Mr. he is not entitleentitledd to, but is also called a mull, because of his Weerawansa’s mother and sister, without any relevance mixed origin. This is a violation of good trtraditionaditionss of media whatsoever. culture. Thus, the said newspapernewspaper either indulges in self-deception This is a misconduct totally unacceptable for a newspaper or in deceiving its readers. Because it trtriesies to hidehide its unethical published in a country with communal diversity. It not only practice behind the cover of media ethics. disseminates the myth of a pure Sinhala race but also This goes to show that Mr. Weerawansa, like many otherother ridicules a section of the local public. leaders in the country, is seeking to get rid of his caste label. What is the ethical norm of this paper when stating that Although the JVP does not recognize the existence of a caste it does not reveal the name of the said person’s sister for oppression in the country Mr. Rohana Wijeweera took care ethical reasons, while disclosing the identity of thethe brother. to do away with the caste label attached to his surname. His Both papers, The Irudina and The Lanka take refuge behind real name was Don Nandasiri Wijeweera, and not Rohana. the word “morality” to deceive their readership. Changing ththee name to remove the caste label is a right of The media should refrain from leveling attacks on people,people, citizens. There are millions in our country who face social making use of their birth, caste, and religion racerace,, or health injustice due to the caste label attached to their surnames. problems. “The Lanka” is a JVP-oriented newspaper. In its Octooberber If we were to effect a change in our media culture, it is - 2 issue it ttoooo carried a similar report regarding Chandana necessary to evoke an effective dialogue and a system of self- Suriyabandara, once a journalist and the present UNP criticism.

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h h Q Q ß ß i i = = , , l l = = r r e e l l ú ú ÷ ÷ Tiger Hartal W W and Sinhala Hartal

hartal was on in Trincomalee from January 12thth to to newspapers don’t call them “Tamil” hartals. 1414thth. Most Sinhala newspapers dubbed that “hartal” The reason is, when a hartal is named a Sinhala hartal, it A as the “Sinhala” hartal. But not all Sinhala people is justified without question. It is accepted as “legitimate”. supported that hartal. The best example for that is, even the JVP parliamentarians opposed it. Newspapers reported that it’sWhen different. named Then a “Tiger” it derives hartal, some it does legitimacy. not happen Does thisthat meanway, he was beaten by those who organized the hartal, when he these newspapers are biased ? In real terms, the hartal should went to distribute a pamphlet against the hartal. be named after iitsts organizers in newsreports. Or thethe objective (The chauvinist Tamilnet first reported the JVP MP was of the hartal should be given as the name. An example could assaulted by Sinhala people when he went to organize the be “Hartal against the killing of navy personnel” or “Hartal hartal. On the following day, the Tamilnet carried a correction against the killing of students”. by the MP) If it is necessary to introduce the names of organizezersrs behind Nevertheless. most Sinhala newspapers preferred to call the hartal, then it would have to be a featfeatureure writingwriting and not it a Sinhala hartal. It is common knowledge that the hartal a news report. That is how conflict-sensitive reporting should was organized by a racist Sinhala organization. use “words”. All incideincidentsnts should have a common stastandard.ndard. When pro-Tamil organizations call a hartal, these Sinhala “Tiger” hartal (if not called for by the LTTE) and “Sinhala” newspapers call it a “Tiger” hartal. These newspapers have hartal are not facts. They are reviews. “Facts are holy and no hesitation in naming the organizers as “Tigers”. It could reviews are independent” is a valuable lesson in journalism be correct or wrong. The question therefore is, why these that these news coverages have vulgarized.

Change begins with you.... The independent newspaper has just concluded Continued from page 2323 five months of training that resulted in it adopting a charter of editorial independence, a house code of ethiethics,cs, corrections In addition to the public appeal, in-house training policy and guidelines for investigative reporting, and a programs are underway for Sri Lankan journalists. I spent checklist to ensure diversity of sources, balance and fairness. three months in Sri Lanka as part of the Myer Foundation’s The IFJ is conducting additional training as part of Asia - Alliance program, conducting workshops for UNESCO’s campaign to promote public service media and jo joururnanalilistssts.. ThThee tratrainininingg ususeses Austrstr Au alaliaiann exexamamplpleses toto the European Commission’s Towards Public Service Media demonstrate practical solutions to the issues confronting Sri project. The training introduces public service media values Lankan journalists, including the Media Alliance’s code of to encourage quality ethical reporting, editorial ethics and model charter of editorial independence, The independence, and to ensure that the media is responsive to Sydney Morning Herald’s rules on sources and accaccurauracy,cy, and community needs. the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s code of practice. The feedback on the training has been overwhelmingly Other examples included the 2003 Colombo Declaration on positive. “Up until now I thought I was a real journalist.journalist. But public broadcasting values, The Seattle Times diversity I had not been exposed to training on ethics or an checklist for journalists and editors, and The New York Times understanding of the role of the journalist in socisociety.ety. I realize corrections policy and handbook of ethical journalism values I have to re-learn my profession,” said an SLBC journalist. and practices. First PublisPublishedhed - The Walkley Magazine

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a a n n n n Inside Back Cover a a g g n n u u D D h h s s j j e e a a R R

Vincent Jayam - Jaffna JournJournalistalist after a Police assault.

Journalists Lead the Struggle

A year has elapsed, since King Gayendra put his iron boots down on the democratic rule of Nepal in February 2006. The conspiracy of King Gayendra also curbed media freedom. From then onwards, journalists and the media took upon themselves the struggle to re-establish democracy. In March 2006, in a protest that was held in Kathmandu, 13 jourjournalistsnalists werewere arrested. This photo which shows the arrest of Kanak Dixit the Editor of the South Asian magazine “Himal” by secsecurityurity forces, waswas taken by photo journalist Rajesh Dunganna.

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