Wordperfect, December 1984, BYTE Magazine
SOFTWARE REVIEW WordPerfect Thousands of years ago, people put 100, the Zenith Z-100, and the Tandy 2000. Powerful their thoughts down on clay tablets. WordPerfect is actually a collection of capabilities It was inexpensive and permanent, several closely integrated programs, includ- and they never ran out of ink. However, they ing a bundled 30,000-word dictionary with -and some had to write quickly before the clay tablets room for 10,000 user-included words, and had a chance to dry. Later they wrote on extensive mathematical and merge func- annoyances sheepskin parchment-better all around, ex- tions. It provides automatic text reformat- cept for the sheep. Now everyone had time ting, automatic footnotes, proportional to compose ideas and write them more spacing, document encryption, and macro BY RICARDO BIRMELE clearly. However, mistakes were expensive; instructions. The package comes on two there were only so many sheep. non-copy-protected disks: one contains the During the Middle Ages, people used program and supporting files and the other feathers plucked from birds to write on contains the dictionary. A comprehensive, paper made from wood and cotton. It was well-written tutorial/reference-style manual a time-consuming process and hard on the is also included. local bird population. Then the typewriter Instead of extensive on-screen menus, appeared. People could write clearly and WordPerfect provides a keyboard template quickly, fix mistakes easily, and not bother and key stick-on labels for the various word- the local fauna. However, they were limited processing commands. It uses all the IBM's by paper size.
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