Tandy's Little Wonder, the Color Computer 1979-1991
Tandy's Little Wonder, The Color Computer 1979-1991 A complete history and reference guide to the CoCo and all related hardware, software, and support sources. by F.G. Swygert published by FARNA Systems "the FARNA Fox!" writing conventions used in this book.... In the course of writing, some standards were set so as not Jameco Electronics to confuse the reader. 1355 Shoreway Road Belmont, CA 94002 * Hardware modifications, upgrades, and repairs are Order phone 415-592-8097, call for catalog. $20 minimum referred to throughout this book. At times, the references order plus 5% shipping and handling. Catalog usually has given may not seem clear. They are written in such a way that some IC pin-out information and RAM/EPROM cross ref- a person with some understanding of electronics and the erence... good reference source. CoCo can easily figure out what to do. If you do not understand the directions, you probably should not at- * The following abbreviations are used: tempt the operation alone... get help! THE AUTHOR, A/L - Assembly Language PUBLISHER, NOR PRINTER ARE RESPONSIBLE IN ANSI - American National Standards Institute ANY FASHION FOR THE RESULTS OF ANY ASCII - American Standard for Computer Information In- PROJECTS OR REPAIRS MENTIONED IN THIS terchange BOOK, TO INCLUDE BODILY HARM, LOSS OF BASIC - Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code EQUIPMENT, OR LOSS OF DATA! BPS - Bits Per Second CCx - Color Computer, x = 1, 2, or 3 * All references to hexadecimal addresses are written as CMOS - Complimentary Metal Oxide Silicon (chip con- “&Hxxxx”. The “&H” is used to precede the actual hexa- struction) decimal value when poking into memory to let the computer CoCo - Color Computer know the value will be in hexadecimal.
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