Merlet, Agnès, dir. Artemisia, writ. Patrick Amos & Agnès Merlet (France, Ger- many & Italy 1997; 98 min.). Miner, Michael, dir. The Book of Stars, writ. Tasca Shadix (USA 2001; 111 min.). Morris, Errol, dir. The Dark Wind, writs. Neal Jimenez & Tony Hillerman (USA 1991; 104 min.). Page, Anthony, dir. The Missiles of October, writ. Stanley R. Greenberg & Robert F. Kennedy (USA 1974; 150 min.). Penn, Arthur, dir. Little Big Man, writ. Calder Willingham (USA 1970; 147 min.). Pontecorvo, Gillo, dir. La Battaglia di Algeri [The Battle of Algiers], writ. Gillo Pontecorvo & Franco Solinas (Algeria & Italy 1966; 117 min.). Reiner, Rob, dir. Misery, writ. William Goldman (USA 1990; 107 min.). Scott, Ridley, dir. Thelma and Louise, writ. Callie Khouri (USA 1991; 129 min.). Sholder, Jack, dir. Renegades, writ. David Rich (USA 1989; 106 min.). Shyler, Lisanne, dir. Getting to Know You, writs. Joyce Carol Oates & Lisanne Shyler (USA 1999; 96 min.). Silverstein, Elliot, dir. A Man Called Horse, writs. Jack DeWitt & Dorothy M. Johnson (USA 1970; 114 min.). Spielberg, Steven, dir. Schindler’s List, writ. Steven Zaillian (USA 1993; 197 min.). Stone, Oliver, dir. JFK, writ. Jim Marrs & Jim Garrison (USA & France 1991; 206 min.). ——, Natural Born Killers, writ. David Veloz & Quentin Tarantino (USA 1994; 122 min.). Sturges, John, dir. The Magnificent Seven, writ. William Roberts & Walter New- man (USA 1960; 128 min.). Welles, Orson, dir. Citizen Kane, writ. Orson Welles & Herman J. Mankiewicz (USA 1941; 119 min.). ——, dir./writ. Mr. Arkadin (France, Spain & Switzerland 1955; 105 min.). Winner, Michael, dir. Chato’s Land, writ. Gerald Wilson (USA 1972; 110 min.). Witney, William & , dir. The , writ. Franklin Adreon & Ronald Davidson, fifteen episodes (USA 1938; 264 min.).

Internet Sources American Indian Film Festival in San Francisco: http://www.aifisf.com Annual Taos Talking Picture Festival: http://www.ttpix.org/native_copy.html Aboriginal Peoples of Canada: A Demographic Profile, 2001 Census: analysis series: http://www12.statcan.ca/english/census01/products/analytic/companion/abor/pdf /96F0030XIE2001007.pdf Aboriginal Peoples Television Network: ¹ Bibliography 385

http://www.aptn.ca/corporate/corporate_home_html Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner – webpages: http://www.atanarjuat.com/about_isuma/index.html http://www.atanarjuat.com/art_direction/costumes/index.html http://www.atanarjuat.com/art_direction/props/caribou_goggles/index.html http://www.atanarjuat.com/art_direction/props/hunting_tools/index.html http://www.atanarjuat.com/art_direction/props/qamutik/index.html http://www.atanarjuat.com/art_direction/props/qajaq/index.html http://www.atanarjuat.com/art_direction/sets/index.html http://www.atanarjuat.com/cast_characters/index.html http://www.atanarjuat.com/legend/esp_legend/legend_land.html http://www.atanarjuat.com/media_centre/index.html http://www.atanarjuat.com/production_diary/index.html http://lot47.com/thefastrunner/about_Ancient_Crafts.html http://lot47.com/thefastrunner/about_Inside_action.html http://lot47.com/thefastrunner/about_Roots_of_project.html http://lot47.com/thefastrunner/About_the_filmmakers.html http://lot47.com/thefastrunner/reviews.html Beltmann, Eric. “Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner: A Lot 47 Film”: http://www.flipsidemovies.com/atanarjuat.html Blue Hill Productions: http://www.Dougcuthand.com/project.html http://www.dougcuthand.com/index.html Canadian census of 2001 – Aboriginal Peoples of Canada: http://www12.statcan.ca/english/census01/Products/Analytic/companion/abor/ca nada.cfm#5 Churchill, Ward. “Smoke Signals: A History of Native Americans in Cinema,” LiP Magazine (1998): http://www.lipmagazine.org/articles/revichurchill_35_p.htm David, Jennifer. Aboriginal Language Broadcasting in Canada: An overview and recommendations to the Task Force on Aboriginal Languages and Cultures, Debwe Communications Inc., 26 November 2004, 1–45: http://www.aptn.ca Documentary Educational Resources: http://www.der.org/films/itam-hakim-hopiit.html “Explore North: Milestones in Television Broadcasting in Northern Canada”: http://www.explorenorth.com/library/weekly/more/bl-milestones.htm. “Flaherty’s Man of Aran”: http://www.iol.ie/~galfilm/filmwest/19aran.htm Green, Pamela. “Big Bear: Rain or Shine, the Show Must Go On,” SAGE (July 1998): http://www.ammsa.com/sage/JULY98.html#anchor222342.