Mid India Industries Limited Corporate Office: 405, Princess Centre, 6/3, New Palasia, Indore-452 001 (India) Phone: +91-731-2543402, 2433231 Fax: +91-731-2530916· Email:
[email protected] CIN: L17124MP1991PLC006324 Date: 17/06/2020 To, The Secretary, Corporate Relationship Department, Bombay Stock Exchange Limited Phiroze]eejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai-400001 Sub: - Compliance under Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015. Ref: -MID INDIA INDUSTRIES LTD (ISIN No: INE401C01018; Script Code: 500277) Dear Sir, Pursuant to Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find enclosed herewith the press notice published in News Paper i.e. Free press Mumbai & Indore (in English) and Choutha Sansar (in Hindi) & Nav Shakti on 17th June, 2020 informing about the Notice of meeting of the Board of Directors scheduled to be held on 29th June, 2020. You are requested to please take the same on record. COMPANYSECRETARY& C ACS-25819 Regd. Office & Works: Textile Mill Area, Mandsaur - 458 001 INDIA Phone: +91-7422-234999. Fax: +91-7422-234374 Fm~il' mic1inc1iamds{Q)omail.com RAHUL: MORTALITY RATE EXPOSES GUJARAT MODEL NEW DELHI: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday took to twitter to show tweeted: “PM Modi, these tragic times dictate putting money directly in the hands how the COVID mortality rate exposed the Gujarat model, oft-repeated by the BJP of middle class and poor. STOP profiteering from their misery.” Rande ep Singh LOCKDOWN since Modi was the CM. He tweeted some mortality rates: Gujarat 6.25%; Maha - Surjewala tweeted, “The economic tragedy of Coronavirus is it snatched away 6 ra shtra 3.73%; Rajasthan 2.32%; Punjab 2.17%; Puducherry 1.98%; Jharkh a nd income of 62% in cities and 50% in villages.