Ol.R:L.Lr Lagochilus A5.5La-Tf
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THE GENUSLAGOCHITUS (LABIATAE) II{ IRAN Z.lamzad Jamzad, 2.L988. 12 . 31'j[he. genus Lagochilus (Labiatae) in Iran. - Iran. Journ. Bot. 4 (1): 91 - 103. Tehran. A revision of the genus Lagochilus (Labiatae) in Iran is presented. Altogether 6 species are recognized from lran. A new species, L. quadridentatus and 3 new subspecific taxa including L. aucheri subsp. heterophyllus, L. aucheri subsp. aucheri var.elegans andI. aucheri subsp. aucheri var. tomentosrrs are described. L, lasiocalyx is the new combination, based on L. aucheri vax. lasiocalyx. L. ar,rcheri vat. perhispidus is treated as a synonym of L.lasiocalyx. Ziba Jamzad, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, P,O.Box 13 185 - 1 16, Tehran. Iran. ol.r:l.lr Lagochilus u-." ol.;,".7 e; i.1l a5.5la-tf ? gl*e*jl ..rrcra:fldrll ,J Lagochilus q+)lrsts-r u.f L. quaclridentatus a:95 , ol.--, o.r,l o:;L,l ,l-l ,.r .2*-a 6-l ;l o-95.--+ H .$ c;ta.r-|, crl- o.r)L . os€l. ,,-f* s 6rliLt: q.r7 , .!;q.L*6 rt'J-, rrtlj5. lr.S+.+ 15.r-:_,6rJ 6lrr_19 ;rl;_. L. aucheri iubsp. heterophyllus, L. aucheri subsp.aucheri vax. elegans, L. aucheri subsp. aucheri var. tomentosLts. L. aucheri vil. lb o.L\_toS,--l 6J:r?,_S; L. ksiocalyx a-eS oT-i.rlr:- L. aucherivar.perhispidus 9 .:9,2*. r:;L lasiocalyx or.l.r. olljS IRAN. JOURN. BOT. 4(1)' 1988 92 Z. Jamzad or long patent' The ses- Introduction short appressed sile glands are present on the calyx in genus from the Labiatae Lagochilus is a most species. The stems ale covered by 60 species from which family with about short appressed tomentose hairs in some genus has its wide 6 occur in lran. The taxa. The long patent hairs mostly at .dsia. Boissier disribution in Central the nodes and some on the other parts' Parsa (1949) (1879) mentioned 6 species, usually fall'in age. The leaves in most and two varieties mentioned 6 species species are covered with hairs on the ribs and Rechinger (1982) recognized 5 and punctate glands mostlY on the species from Iran' lower surface. The indumentum is one of naming herbarium In the course of the characteristics that can be used in dis- genus Lagochilus in the materials of the tin guishin g varieties. herbarium of Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands (TARI)' a taxonomic complexity in L. au cheri group LEAF was noticed. Also a new sPecies was The shape of the leaf in Lagochilus recognized from Iran and finally I came species, is a reasonably constant character' to the conclusion to do a revision of the Most of the Iranian species have dissected genus in Iran. leaves. The Ieaf shape varies in ouUine' This work is based on the study of about they are triangglat, ovate, or linear - 100 herbarium specimens, which belong lancolate. The leaf segments apices are to the herburia of TARI and Plant Pests spiny and acute in L. macracartthus and and Diseases Resealch Institute (EVIN). L. aucheri subsp. aucheri vat'tomentosus or obtuse almost without a spine in I-' Valuable taxonomic characters quadridentatus. Tlne margins are revolute in some and almost flat in others' INDUMENTUM Heterophylly is seen in L. macranthus Calyx indumentum shows a variation and L. aucheri subsp. heterophylhzs' The within a species, ranging from glabraus leaf shape is one of the useful characters and to more or less lanate.In some collections in distinguishing different species both glabrous and hairy calyx occur subspecies. Figure I shows the leaf shape together. They are usually more frequent in different species, subspecies and varie- on immature flowers. The hairs are either ties. IRAN. JOURN. BOT. 4(1),1e88 Lagochilus in Iran 93 CALYX emarginate; lower lip B - lobed. the two laterals small, the middle larger. Stamens The calyx is tubular - campanulate, 4. Style with two equal lobes. Nuilets usually 5 toothed but 4 in I. quad- trigone with a truncate apex, glandular ridentatus,The teeth are linear- lanceolate or hairy. with acute spinose tip or obtuse - spi::ose. The length ratio of calyx teeth Key to the species and subspecific taxa to the tube is different. The length of 1. Calyx teeth 4; the teeth 4 b mm calyx tube and teeth are more or less - wide. equal in L. macracarrthus and L. alutaceus. 4. L. quadridentatus Jarnzad. In other species, the calyx teeth's length Calyx teeth 5; the teeth 2-4 mm varies from 1.5 to 2.5 times as long as wide. the tube. 2 2.Calyx teeth shorter or equal to the lenght of the tube. NUTLETS All basal and cauline leaves trifid or trilobed. g The nutlets are trigone, truncate at the Calyx teeth evidently longer than the apex, usually with a glandular surface or tube. Basal and cauline leaves dissected coverd with long hairs (in L.lasiocalyx). or simple and trifid. 4 3. Upper floral leaves simple, lanceolate. Verticillasters remote. Lagochilus Bunge in Benth. 6. L. macracanthus Fisch. & C.A. Mey. Bunge in Benth., Lab. Gen. sp. 640 (188a); All leaves trilobed. Verticillasters closer DC. Prod. XII: 514(1848); Boiss. Fl. Or. than obove. IV. 768 (1879); O.E. Korring Fl. of the 5. L, alutaceus Bunge parsa, USSR XXI: 160 (1954); Fl. de 4. Calyx with a ring of hairs in the throat. l'Iran IV, 821 (1949); Rechinger, Fl. Plants totally covered with stiff hairs. Iranica L50 ;227 ( 1982). Nutlets hairy at the apex. Small erect shrub with spiny bracts. 2. L.lasiocalyx (Stapf) Jamzad Leaves simple, trifid orpinnatisect. Calyx Calyx without a ring of hairs in the . tubular - campanulate, b or 4 toothed, throat, glabrous, tomentose, lanate or the teeth terminating to spines. Corolla covered with long, patent hairs. Nut- bilabiate with a ring of hairs inside near lets not hairy. b the base of tube; upper lip erect, hairy, 5. Calyx small, LG - 20 mm long; the IRAN" JOURN. BOT. 4(1), 1988 94 Z. Jamzad glabrous or teeth 11 -- 15 mm long. (in subsp. heterophylhzs), cm, the 2- L. cabulicus Benth' hairy, 2.5 - 3.6 x L-5 - 4.5 Calyx and teeth longer (1. L. aucheri segments oblong, linear. Bracts spiny, Boiss.) 6 glabrous or hairY, t0'- 20 mm long' glabrous or hairy, 6. Basal and some cauline Ieaves simple, Calyx campanulate, linear. 16 - 30 mm long; the teeth 1.5 - 2 times subsP. hetetoPhYllus Jamzad as long as the tube' Nutlets Allleavesdissected' (sub sp. aucheri,)' 7 glandular at the aPex. ?. Calyx glabrous or more or less lanate' glabrous or covered with short Stem 1a. L. aucheri Boiss. subsp. aucheri var. 8 hairs. aucheri C^V and stem coverd with short or long patent hairs. 9 Stems glabrous, whitish. Leaves triangular 8. Calyx and stem glabrous, or ovate in outline, dissected almost vat. aucheri from the base into Iinear segments with Calyx more or less lanate' Stem revolute matgins, glabrous, glandular pubescent. dotted beneath or tomentose on both var. k o tschy anus (Boiss.) Bomm. sides. Calyx glabrous, covered with 9. Calyx coveted with long patent hairs' punctate glands; the teeth linear, acute, Leaves dissected from 1/3 of their terminating into a spine, the margins length into oblong obtuse segments. ciliate. var. elegans Jamzad Distribution Iran (endemic). Calyx tomentose. Leaves dissected from the base into acute linear Azarbayejan: Mianeh to Tabriz, 100 m, --- segments. Sabeti L2882. Kordestan: Sanandaj to vat. tomentosus Jamzad Marivan, Pass Ariz, 2200 -'2350 m' Termeh 14487 E; Marivan, 1800 - 2100 m, Iranshahr & Termeh 12311 E; Bijar, PI. Or. Nov. 1. L. aucheri Boiss., Diagn. Salamatabad, 1750 m, Iranshahr & 38 (1844). ser. 1,5: Dezfoulian s.n.; E. Sanandaj to Mahabad, Perennial, 15 - 35 cm high. Stems 1800 m, Furse & Synge 7680. --Hamadan: numerous, erect, glabrous or hairy. 3 km W. Hamadan, 2O7O m, Pabot L477. Leaves pinnatisect or simple and trilobed - Lorestan : Aligodarz-Sholabad, Ghalikuh IRAN. JOURN. BOT. 4(1),1988 Lagochilus in lran gb 9 Fig. 1-10. Basal leaves in Lagochilus. .-L. L. quadridentatus (x L.b). -2. L. macracanthus (x 2).-g- L. cabulicus (x2).-4. L. alutaceus (x 2). -.d. L. aucheri subsp. aucheri vat. botschyanus (x 1). - 6. var. aucheri (x 1). L 7.- vax. elegans (x 1). var. tomentosus (x- 1.b). -g. --- subsup. heterophyllus (x 2). -10. L. lasiocalyx (x 2). IRAN. JOURN. BOT. 4(1)' 1988 96 Z. Jamzad 22OO- 3500 m,Mozaffarian & Sardabi Bomm. comb. nov. 4237L 42255. Tehran: Damavand, & - Syn. L. kotschyanus Boiss. in De, Prodr. 45013, Homande Absard, Mozaffarian L2 5I5 (1848); L' aucheri Boiss. var. Rostamabad,2400 m, Dini & Firuzkuh, kotschyanus (Boiss' in DC. ) Bornm. in Arazm 12885. Beihefte Bot. Centralbl.22,2 (1907) p. 734. '- var. tomentosue Jamzad var' 1b. - - Stems numerous, covered with short and nov. scattered long Patent hairs in the pinnatisect; the Caulis erectus, tomentosus. Folia 3 - inflorescence. Leaves lobata usque ad basin divisa; lobis segments linear - lanceolate with revolute with hairs on both sides. linearibus, margine revolutis. Calyx 22 - margins, covered with 25 mm longus, tomentosus, glanduloso Calyx campanulate;the tube covered hairs with the - punctatus. tomentose and long villose appearance of lanate form indumentum. Stems erect, tomentose' Leaves 3 -lobed, divided almost to the base into linear, Distribution Iran (endemic). revolute segments. CalYx 22-25 mm Mazandaran: Kandavan ' 2400 m, Pabot with short hairs and sessile Iong, covered 4878 & Termeh & Matin E. --Tehran: glands. road to Firouzkuh, Sarbandan, 2050 m, Distribution, Iran. Amin 12892. Typus. W. of Tehran, Souleghun, 1500 - 2000 m, Jamzad, 57063' (HolotYPus, 1d. - - - var. elegans Jamzad, var. nov' TARI). Caulis erectus, pilis patentis obsiti.