Cemig (Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais, listed and traded in São Paulo, New York and Madrid), in accordance with CVM Instruction 358 of Jan. 3, 2002 as amended, hereby reports to the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM), the São Paulo Stock Exchange () and the market as follows:

Cemig’s affiliated company Transmissora Aliança de Energia Elétrica S.A. (‘Taesa’) has today published the following Material Announcement:

“Transmissora Aliança de Energia Elétrica S.A. (B3: TAEE11) (“Taesa” or “Company”), pursuant to CVM Instruction No. 358, dated January 3, 2002, as amended, hereby announces that the , at a meeting held on this date, elected Mr. André Augusto Telles Moreira as Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Erik da Costa Breyer as Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer, and Mr. Fábio Antunes Fernandes as Business and Ownership Interest Management Officer. Messrs. André Moreira, Erik Breyer and Fábio Fernandes will take office on November 16, 2020.

Mr. Marco Antônio Resende Faria, who was temporarily cumulating the CEO position, will remain as Chief Technical Officer and temporarily as Chief Legal and Regulatory Officer, and the Company and its Board of Directors would like to thank him for the dedication and relevant services provided to the Company and its employees. Taesa also informs that Mr. Marcus Vinicius do Nascimento remains temporarily as Chief Implementation Officer.

Mr. André Moreira has a degree in Electrical Engineering from Universidade Federal de Itajubá – MG (EFEI), with a Postgraduate degree in Quality from UNICAMP, an MBA from AmBev University, an MBA in Public and Private Company Management from FAAP, courses of Management at ESADE (Spain), IMD (Switzerland), MIT (USA) and of Board of Directors member from the Brazilian Corporate Governance Institute (IBGC). He was recently serving as Distribution Executive Officer at Neoenergia. He was previously Chief Executive Officer of Coelba, having also held the positions of Chief Commercial and Market Planning Officer and Chief Trading Officer, in addition to the positions of Chief Operating Officer and Superintendent of Engineering and Planning at Elektro for over 11 years. He has over 30 years of professional experience, having also served in executive positions in large companies such as Dell, AmBev and IBM.

Mr. Erik Breyer holds a degree in Law from Universidade Federal Fluminense, a Master’s degree in Business Strategy from Fundação Dom Cabral/PUC-MG, as well as an MBA in Finance and Capital Markets from Fundação Getúlio Vargas and in Business Management from Fundação Dom Cabral. He was recently acting as CFO, Investor Relations and Ownership Interest Officer at BB Seguridade Participações S.A., having previously held the positions of Chief Capital Markets and Infrastructure Officer at , Chief Executive Officer and Financial and Administrative Vice-President from Invepar, Chief Financial Officer of Neoenergia, Chief Financial Officer of Coelba – Companhia de Eletricidade do Estado da Bahia, and CFO and Investor Relations Officer of Itabi Geração de Energia Elétrica. He was also a member of the Boards of Directors of several companies, including Eletropaulo, AES Tietê, Alog Data Centers, Metro-Rio, GRU Airport, and Cremer.

Mr. Fábio Fernandes holds a degree in Economic Sciences from Faculdade Cândido Mendes, a Postgraduate degree in Business Economics from the same institution, an MBA in Corporate Finance from IBMEC, and a wide professional experience in several financial areas, such as M&A, economic and financial valuation, financial planning, treasury and capital market operations. He joined Taesa in 2007 where he worked in several areas. Before taking up the position of Taesa’s CFO and Investor Relations

Av. Barbacena 1200 Santo Agostinho 30190-131 , MG Tel.: +55 31 3506-5024 Fax +55 31 3506-5025

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This text is a translation, provided for information only. The original text in Portuguese is the legally valid version.

Officer last May, Mr. Fábio led the area responsible for prospecting and evaluating the Company’s new businesses. Prior to Taesa, he held executive positions in the financial market and in large companies, such as Banco Brascan (currently BRKB DTVM), Tim Brasil, Wilson Sons, among others.”

Belo Horizonte, October 23, 2020

Leonardo George de Magalhães Chief Finance and Investor Relations Officer

Av. Barbacena 1200 Santo Agostinho 30190-131 Belo Horizonte, MG Brazil Tel.: +55 31 3506-5024 Fax +55 31 3506-5025

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This text is a translation, provided for information only. The original text in Portuguese is the legally valid version.