SEPTEMBER 2009 Future Operating Concepts for Maritime Geospatial Forces & Defending in the Australia Pacific Century Same, Same but Different; A Personal Perspective on the Requirements for a Future Submarine

One Schoolie’s War: Instructor Lieutenant Commander George Lawrence Hogben DSC, US Bronze Star, RNZN, 1939-1945

HMS Amethyst. Simon the ship’s cat, & John Kerans, the black sheep of the RN

Personnel Retention In The Ran

Don’t call me ‘Sir’… the Use of Titles & Names in the

Honour: Fundamental Value

Journal of the

Issue 133 3 Contents

Reader Response 4

Future Operating Concepts for Maritime Geospatial Forces and Defending Australia in the Australia Pacific Century 5

Same, Same but Different; A Personal Perspective on the Requirements for a Future Submarine 12

HMAS Sydney arrive in New York , steaming up the Hudson river, Sunday July 19, 2009 One Schoolie’s War: accompanied by warship USS Mahan Instructor Lieutenant Commander George Lawrence Hogben DSC, US Bronze Star, RNZN, 1939-1945 16

Personnel Retention In The RAN 27

Don’t call me ‘Sir’… the Use of Titles and Names in the Royal Australian Navy 30

HMS Amethyst. Simon the ship’s cat, and John Kerans, the black sheep of the RN 33

Honour: Fundamental Value 39 Front page: Talent Management – An organisational HMAS Ballarat analysis 42 during a scenic sunset at Cumulative Hazard Risk Modelling for anchor off the coast of Egypt Naval Platforms 47

A Look at some of the Implications of Climate Change upon the RAN 51

Visions from the Vault 55

Issue Number 133 ANI Online Guide 56 Printed by Everbest Printing Company HMAS Sydney steams past the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor, Sunday July 19, 2009 Style Notes for Contributors 57

ISSN 1833-6531 Australian Naval Institute Info 58 - RAYTHEON AUSTRALIA - BOOZ & company - AUSTAL - Thales naval GROUP - Defence Maritime Services - QUINETIQ Design & DTP: ANI Membership Application Form 59 Diane Bricknell - AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE CREDIT UNION - ATI - EDS - LOPAC - SAAB [email protected] Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 4 Reader Response

Sir, and Defence Forces are ultimately ‘face time’ with fleet units is absurd. I commend the Naval Institute for accountable. The stated content of the paper included an “offer of recent their efforts in promoting informed Furthermore, the author fails to examples of operational military surveying in a naval context”. writing and discussion through the achieve the stated intention of the One of these examples is contained in the one sentence of inaugural award of CDRE Roberston paper (detailed in paragraph 6) through paragraph 22 (United States Naval Service), and according to Essay. However, in bestowing the award impenetrable grammar and archaic the footnotes is the sum total of conversations held over three for 2008 on a substandard piece of language, overuse (and incorrect days between the author and the Operations Officer on the work “Remilitarising the Australian use) of acronyms, pretentiousness, USNS Henson. Hydrographic Service (or (Why the overemotional language, incomplete The discussion on hydrography in the also Droggies Need Disbanding)”, (Headmark, research and most alarmingly, disloyalty appears totally informed by a recruiting leaflet, theHMS March 2008) the Institute does itself to fellow officers and the Service. Enterprise website and a discussion with the Executive Officer a disservice and damages the future I have puzzled long and hard over of HMS Enterprise. The author claims that nautical charting reputation of this award. the meaning of several sections without responsibilities have been transferred from the Royal Navy The paper fails on a number of levels. success, including the following: “An to the Foreign Office and references the statement through Most notably the author fails to position evolved AHS with wartime antecedent footnote 14 to the above website and discussion. This website the discussion within the current would suggestively leave the extant, states: strategic context and priorities as stated contemporary AHS wishing to “In addition to surveying in overseas areas, [hydrographic] in the Defence White Paper, but instead evolve in its wake when comparing ships of the flotilla are constantly engaged in updating the charts harks back to the supposedly “glory days” appropriateness of equipment, attitude covering the waters around the ” in a very different context of World War of officer, and maturity of doctrine, This is clearly at variance with the statement in the paper II covert operations. The White Paper procedures and product.” and brings in to question the reliability of both of the personal (page 47) states that: I find it appalling that the author has communication sources. More specifically the author fails “The key to defending Australia is been rewarded for launching a scathing to inform that the national charting responsibility is a joint to control the air and sea approaches and unfounded attack on his fellow venture between the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and to our continent, so as to deny them officers (paragraph 13). The author Ministry of Defence, the latter being a key supplier of vessels to hostile ships and aircraft, and feels no compunction to provide any and man power (as indicated above), and the immediate provide maximum freedom of action hard data to support his statements hierarchy to the UK Hydrographic Office. for our forces. That means we need concerning the four “types” of While the author finds no problem with hydrographic ships a fundamentally maritime strategy. Hydrographers or his offensive inference in the Royal Navy requiring “close escort in a potentially hostile Our strategic geography, our relatively that the Hydrographic service is a environment” he dismisses the force protection requirements small population and our comparative dumping ground for disinterested and/ of Australian ships as “baby-sitter operations”. advantage in a range of technologies all or incompetent and/or “soft” officers that The author places great emphasis on warfare skills but dictate that our defence should focus on can’t make the grade at the “sharp” end. seems to have forgotten some of the basic requirements of an our air and sea approaches.” Neither is the comparison between officer in the Royal Australian Navy and should take some time Given this strategic context, the the two specialisations for Maritime to re-acquaint himself with the Navy values of Integrity – “the current role of the Hydrographic Service Geospatial Officers – Hydrography display of truth, honesty and fairness that gains respect and is very clear, and flies directly in the face or Meteorology and Oceanography trust from others” and Loyalty – “being committed to each of the discussion paper subtitle “Why the (METOC) valid. METOC specialists other and to our duty of service to Australia”. I congratulate the Droggies Need Disbanding”. The author’s are dealing with the highly dynamic author on his recent selection for promotion, and trust that suggestion that only main fairways and atmosphere, with a specific task of in his new rank he will do more to uphold and mentor these ports need to be surveyed to adequately managing constantly changing data values. defend the Nation is an astonishingly within the battle space of a Task Group. This essay contains few facts, very little discussion and naive assumption. For Hydrographers, the same real-time appears to be the platform on which a disgruntled member can In a thinly veiled slur to his superiors data manipulation capability is not air his grievances. The basic structure of an essay is absent, with and the government of the day (“The required, as their aim is the collection the sweeping (and unsupported) statements of the concluding AHO... will continue to commit military and correlation of data for use at a paragraphs having no substantive place in the body or indeed operational support to a lower priority strategic or operational level, well before the introduction. in order to achieve accountable-to- the tactical situation develops. The In closing, as the first recipient of this award, this winning Canberra measurable goals”) the author suggestion that hydrography is not a essay sets the bar very low for future entrants. seems confused as to who the Fleet maritime warfare enabler due to a lack of Matthew Templeton Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 5 Future Operating Concepts for Maritime Geospatial Forces and Defending Australia in the Australia Pacific Century byC oMMANDER Stewart Dunne

“To be, or not to be: that is the question” future plans for the development efficiencies and long term cost savings. – Hamlet (Act III, Scene I) of Force 2030, including the major Importantly, this will also address capability investments that will need to seagoing capacity that has been a ike all high level Defence be made in the coming years. feature of current survey platform documents post the delivery This will directly impact on the limitations, allowing a degree of ofL the Defence White Paper 2009 Hydrographic Survey Force (HSF). flexibility and deployability in how (DWP) there will be a need to revisit, The 100 or so words pertaining to and when the platforms can be used in if not substantially rewrite the way the HSF future are embedded in the future. that business will be conducted in the Offshore Combatant Vessels section future. of chapter nine, which detail the New Role, New Function? This is no less relevant to the rationalisation of the small fleet of maritime geospatial world, where vessels with such a large job within Navy is the lead agency for future operating concepts, based Defence. The Government has directed hydrography in Australia. The on traditional modes of operations Defence to develop proposals to role is delivered by the Australian will have to undergo fundamental rationalise the Navy’s patrol boat, mine Hydrographic Service (AHS), the investigation to ascertain whether counter measures, hydrographic and collective title for the Australian the new requirements of the Defence oceanographic forces into a single Hydrographic Office (AHO), White Paper can be met and modular multirole class of around Hydrographic Survey Force (HSF) and importantly what capability delta will twenty Offshore Combatant Vessels the Directorate of Oceanography and Royal Navy Multirole exist when the document deliverables combining four existing classes of Meteorology. The Hydrographer, head Hydrographic and are achieved. vessels.1 of the AHS, is directly responsible Oceanographic In particular, this new Defence This initiative has the potential to the Chief of Navy for delivery of Survey Vessel, HMS White Paper lays out the Government’s to provide significant operational Australia’s national hydrographic Echo (H 87)-photo by Michael Nitz

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 6 Future Operating Concepts for Maritime Geospatial Forces and Defending Australia in the Australia Pacific Century services.2 The Hydrographic, to special forces, and missions in modules onto the wharf, embark three Meteorological and Oceanographic support of security and stability in the large high speed RHIBs and a module Force Element Group (HMFEG) immediate neighbourhood.4 containing boarding party equipment maintains the Defence capability While the concept is yet to be and potentially a UAV . TheOCV(P) for hydrographic, meteorological developed in detail, it could well would then deploy for its border and oceanographic operations and eventuate that platforms configured protection duties after conducting a provides maritime, military geospatial for hydrographic survey (OCV(H)) short work up and readiness evaluation information for the Australian.3 will be re-roled to meet specific Before the White Paper, Plan Blue In reconciling a new operational operational needs. Configuration will recognised the need for multi-mission concept, the future Maritime be task oriented or dependant on platforms comprising adaptable, Geospatial Force will need to be the predominant threat at the time. flexible mission systems and identified developed with a clear understanding Primarily the introduction of the OCV that there is a need to lessen costs of how present roles and functions, will allow the HSF to exploit recent through reduction in crew numbers, along with the present methodology (and future) advances in mechanical increased automation and system of conducting operations, will change and electronic technology and and platform commonality. The with any acquisition of replacement future proof the ability to upgrade challenge in replacing the current platforms. This is particularly platforms simply and quickly during minor warship fleet with a common important noting the concept hinges the course of the life of the ship. platform, modular based payload on the use of automated technology. Modular functionality will allow this functionality, is in embracing the The Defence White Paper details exploitation, negating the need to concept without assuming the ‘jack of the Offshore Combatant Vessels as upgrade when new classes of ships all trades’ mantle. This would suggest a maritime force capability priority are introduced or the need for long that the “best” equipment would have for Force 2030. Two things jump out refit periods. It may also help lessen to be procured to offset specialist ship here. Firstly, the fact that this future the acquisition lag that plagues capability. That is, the mission based replacement to the current maritime technological based upgrades. The payload is effectively the platform’s survey force has been identified as a modular concept, housed in a common major weapons system and needs a priority capability and secondly the platform should also help cap purchase significant investment. This increase in name Offshore Combatant Vessel, and operating costs and realise cost initial investment for a platform with a arguably brings a different capacity savings demanded by the White Paper. flexible, multirole capability is a better and concept of employment to the Using an Australian based scenario, investment against a ship with limited hydrographic world. Whatever more platforms could be used for employability. This initial cost will be the intent, the name has certain border protection operation but with offset in savings through commonality connotations. This concept relies a future change in threat, platform in generic platform systems, training on the use of modular unmanned tasking could be slewed towards synergies and administration. underwater systems for hydrographic MCM, without having to procure To some degree the platform, as a tasks and goes some way in recognising new hulls. Think of operations in carrier of this modular functionality, is the growing synergy with mine the recent past and today where less important as long as it provides the countermeasures. Hydrographic Survey Force platforms required endurance and range required These systems are envisaged to be and MHCs have been involved in by the strategic intent. It might be containerised and portable modules border protection operations under useful to use the parlance of the United capable of being used in any port the auspices of Operations Relex and States Navy in their description of the or loaded onto any of the Offshore Resolute. These units have contributed Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), in that the Combatant Vessels or other suitable enormously to the desired outcomes, smaller Offshore Combatant Vessel vessels. In keeping with the principle arguably in platforms not best suited should be viewed less as a traditional of flexibility, the vessel will be able to this role. Conversely, envisage the warship, and more as a “battle network to undertake offshore and littoral OCV with its mission based modular component system”, that is, a sea warfighting roles, border protection payload. When identified to deploy frame offering a “basic” hull and highly tasks, long-range counter-terrorism to a border protection operation the capable systems.5 However, strategic and counter-piracy operations, support OCV(H) would crane its survey related guidance will determine this mix. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 7

There are two key capability would necessitate protection from a. two Leeuwin class Hydrographic attributes which stand out from the major fleet units in certain operational Survey Ships (HS) and their White Paper guidance as a requirement scenarios that require layered defence. embarked Survey Motor Boats of the future force, ‘deployability’ and Although small crewed combatants (SMB), ‘flexibility’. The Offshore Combatant themselves appear to be ill-suited for b. four Paluma class Survey Motor Vessel certainly has the potential to missions where the area of operations Launches (SML), provide the required fflexibility, and is contested, should they be capable c. a Laser Airborne Depth Sounder in addition, maximizing affordability of employing unmanned systems, (LADS) aircraft, of the platform. It is also necessary to they may be able to make a valuable d. a Deployable Geospatial Support consider the requirements for global contribution in such contingencies by Team (DGST), and deployability, particularly, as a member operating from stand-off ranges.7 This e. two Mobile METOC Teams of a larger Task Force or Advance premise is in its infancy and has to be (MMT). Force. This has not often been the proven through fleet experimentation operational space of the hydrographic and assessing the concept as it is used Currently the strategic roles attributed platform, largely due to lack of speed and developed by other navies. The to these assets are: and poor communications. Seakeeping future OCV will primarily be involved ability, endurance, self-protection in its niche specialist roles, but has a. to meet Australia’s obligations for measures and speed have been the flexibility to be used where the the provision of hydrographic and limitations marked by all classes of employment of major fleet units is oceanographic services by: Paluma class survey 8 ship HMAS Benalla minor vessels in the current inventory. unsuitable or not cost effective. i. supporting Australia’s docked at Darling On a cautionary note, any advantages national infrastructure; Harbour during the provided by a future larger hull must The Future Maritime ii. satisfying Australia’s 2008 Sea Power be tempered by the realisation that the Geospatial Force: Military international obligations under the Conference. Behind larger the hull, the lesser numbers will versus Civilian United Nations Convention of the Benalla is Huon class be likely acquired due to affordability Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) for the minehunter HMAS Gascoyne. Under issues. But using the patrol boat The current Maritime Geospatial provision of national hydrographic new concepts one development as a guide, the previous Force (MGF) in being comprises the services; hull would replace three classes of patrol boat brought following MGI collection assets: iii. satisfying national and four. (Image courtesy into service have increased in size and international obligations to Saberwyn) capability. These attributes will be provided to the future HSF through the multi role platform, how this capability is captured and transitioned to hydrographic activity is vital to the HSF Concept of Operations. Early involvement in the concept development process and acquisition of Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) technology is essential to this transition period.6 In addition, it is vitally important to draw on the lessons learnt and conceptual validity provided by the experiences of others. Another realisation that should be met is that the future OCV, despite a high degree of flexibility and employability, will not be a major warship. The future platform will in all likelihood have design features and lesser levels of survivability that Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 8 Future Operating Concepts for Maritime Geospatial Forces and Defending Australia in the Australia Pacific Century

Royal Navy Multirole manage oceanographic data; elements of the HMFEG are currently and the data gathered in pursuit of Hydrographic and Oceanographic b. to deliver Maritime Geospatial administered and supported by the these roles treated as a by-product Survey Vessel HMS Information and services to enable HMFEG Headquarters located at that would be passed to the civilian Echo (H 87)-photo by Defence assets to operate safely the Australian Hydrographic Office charting authority. The national Michael Nitz and effectively; and in Wollongong, NSW. Noting this charting responsibilities of the MGF c. to conduct constabulary, future developing OCV concept, the and associated UNCLOS and SOLAS diplomatic and ancillary roles such recently promulgated New Generation obligations will continue to impact as search and rescue, surveillance, Navy (NGN) FEG structure might be upon the tasking and organisation border protection, defence aid to strengthened by linking Patrol Boats of the survey fleet. There is a need to the civil community and disaster with MCM and Hydrographic elements conduct strategic national survey tasks relief. at this stage, separate from Submarines, that not only deliver to Defence but creating a ‘Littoral’ FEG in anticipation meet delegated obligations. There is a Drilling down into these roles, Military of the introduction of the replacement continual risk of competition between Geospatial Information and Services platform. Perhaps the FEG military tasking and the strategic and capabilities are provided to ADF composition might be better delineated national survey obligation. operations through: by functional groupings rather than It could be argued that this friction • direct support to mine warfare, environment, particularly, if platforms will only increase with the delivery of amphibious, air and submarine are re-roled, for example, from a the OCV, noting the greater capability warfare and other related hydrographic platform to a patrol the future platform will potentially operations platform. In the Joint Force framework, offer and the potential roles and • provision of maritime the MGF integrates as required with employment identified in the DWP.10 geospatial and environmental the HQJOC Joint Environmental Cell There are, however, synergies between intelligence for enhanced (HQJOC-JEC) to provide the Maritime the two functions. For example, the battle-space knowledge, MGI and products required to assist present MGF is facilitating more • conduct constabulary, the production of the REP in support of effective operations for Border diplomatic and ancillary roles ADF operations. Protection Command (BPC) activities such as; search and rescue, There is a persistent undercurrent in the north of Australia. There is a surveillance, border protection, suggesting civilianising components of priority to survey areas within the Defence aid to the civil the AHS, in particular the functions of Torres Strait, which have commercial community and disaster relief.9 the AHO and the survey fleet, which and defence value. This area contains will allow Naval hydrographic assets large areas of poorly charted waters Both the Hydrographic and METOC to concentrate on core military roles and ongoing survey activity will Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 9

remain vital to BPC’s capacity to in accordance with the survey plan since 1996. The UKHO also operates access northern areas to implement outlined in Hydroscheme and Military a Government Owned Company, Government border protection Hydrocscheme.11 Admiralty Holdings Ltd, which acts as policies. A precedent has been set The civilian charting responsibility an additional vehicle for commercial however, whereby civilian industry could be handed to a Federal activities.12 has been contracted to augment the Government department or agency but In a 2007 Review of the UKHO, survey activity in the Torres Strait to this would be at a significant financial the study concluded that a major hasten the activity. The Australian cost, as the current naval survey benefit of the current Trading Fund Hydrographic Office long term survey capability may have to be replicated or model is its proven ability to sustain program needs to be reviewed to survey tasks outsourced to commercial key Government to Government identify those areas where significant interests. As indicated previously, relationships for the exchange of commercial survey input could provide recent outsourcing of contract surveys data, and its provision of a clear justifiable benefit. in Torres Strait is an example of this. Government identity for Admiralty At the end of the day someone has The United Kingdom Hydrographic brand charts, enabling them to be to do it. A purely military HSF has its Office (UKHO) may be a future model widely accepted by nations for use by performance judged in the main by for a civilian organisation. Headed their fleets as official charts.13 A Royal its ability to meet forecast Unit Ready by a civilian CEO the organisation is Navy retains the title of UK Days (URD) and Mission Capable responsible for providing a national National Hydrographer and Deputy (MC) days. That is the number of days civilian program to the Secretary of Chief Executive (Hydrography). With the unit is available for operational State for Transport and a defence the restructuring of the RAN under tasking and the number of days a unit program to the Parliamentary Under- NGN, the Hydrographer will come is capable of performing those assigned Secretary of State and Minister for under the umbrella of Deputy Chief of Survey vessel HMAS tasks. The HSF are also measured Veterans. The UKHO is an Executive Navy (Head Navy Capability) and the Paluma during ex against Hydroscheme days which are Agency of the Ministry of Defence HSF will fall to the responsibility of Kakadu 08-photo by days where surveys are undertaken and has operated as a Trading Fund the Undersea Forces FEG. This poses Chris Sattler

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 10 Future Operating Concepts for Maritime Geospatial Forces and Defending Australia in the Australia Pacific Century a significant cultural change, but could Get off-board: The reliance on off- of the future operating environment, also be the catalyst for further change. board systems would allow future ships the potential to analyse this data and Whatever the future holds, the to adjust their range from the shoreline optimise systems and weapons for MGF of 2020 will arguably require the depending on the prevailing enemy tactical advantage will be greater. following attributes: threat. This is particularly relevant noting Get unmanned: Unmanned the Rapid Environmental Assessment • High degree of deployability. systems (in the air, on the surface and (REA) capability needed in amphibious • Flexibility in both mission and under the sea) feed modular mission operations. This approach has tasking. packages, especially as they become close links to the Task Group Mine • Capable of conducting self more autonomous in their operations. Countermeasures (TGMCM) defence against low-medium Autonomous systems are expected CONOPS whereby similar highly level threats. to lower the training burden on crew deployable teams, sensors and MCM • Capable of sustained members, who will be able to focus effectors are scoped to deploy with operations with high their efforts on the interpretation of the Task Group. With the withdrawal availability. data derived from off-board sensors of the Task Group there may be a • Capable of conducting all REA and systems rather than on controlling requirement for ongoing hydrographic activity types from 1-4. their operation. surveys, route surveys, channel • Interoperable with an Get fast: Exploitation of platform conditioning and support for MCM indigenous or coalition ATG. speed to gain informational, temporal, operations. At the same time MCM and positional advantages over an units for stabilisation tasking, which enemy. may last for a considerable period after Deployable and Flexible Get connected: Create networks the Task Group has departed), will also HSF – A New White Paper of platforms consisting of overlapping be working closely with MGF units. Emphasis? sensor, command and control, and In the near future, the developing engagement grids linked by numerous synergies between hydrography, It is not envisaged that the roles and webs of man-to-machine and machine- oceanography and MCM will see functions of the HSF will change to-machine interfaces. closer cooperation between MCM significantly in the period out to The growing importance of Forces and the MGF. In terms 2020. The level of organisational deployed task group operations of REA and Task Group MCM effort to introduce a new class of particularly those of the Amphibious operations, there will be considerable ship is considerable, however, the Task Force, with the delivery of the opportunity to share facilities, need to embrace and understand LHDs, will require the deployment of equipment and personnel. This trend the future capability early is critical. MGF capabilities within the deployed of closer cooperation between the The envisaged increased demand for Task Group. The OCV concept two forces will also be manifested maritime MGI products and services, hinges largely on the technological in the conduct of General Route coupled with the significant cultural advances in automated technology Survey Operations in both peace time shift away from traditional employment and the MGI sensors that they will and conflict. The OCV will almost of the HSF with the delivery of the house. Platforms and modular systems certainly see the responsibility and OCV will require a shift in emphasis will bring both opportunities and conduct of this activity will be shared of operations and activities both at sea burdens, opportunities in terms of the and promote further collaboration. and ashore. superior understanding of the physical This will necessitate a much greater The USN has taken a pragmatic battlespace and the optimisation of interaction in exercises and training approach to their future combatants sensors and weapons, and burdens activities in the future. These common with their concept of operations in terms of the impost on the Ship’s operational and doctrinal links need centring on the following goals14: Company for the collection, analysis to be better identified, to produce Get modular: That is, emphasize of the data and the production and modern CONOPs reflecting the modular payloads, open system dissemination of the products. The likely employment of the OCV. architectures, and modular re-roling ability to collect environmental data While there are different technology appropriate for the mission. in greater amounts will be a feature requirements for each specialisation, Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 11

indications are that in some areas Offshore Combatant Vessel carrying Bibliography these are becoming more common its mission based payload challenges ADDP-D.3 — Joint Operations For The 21ST as technology develops. But there traditional concepts and provides Century, Department of Defence, Defence have always been common needs for exciting options for the makeup of our Publishing Service, Canberra, May 2007. Australian Hydrographic Service Annual data processing, precise navigation, future force. The MGF will play a major 2007/2008. small boats, communications etc but enabling role for the RAN of the future. Defence White Paper 2009, Defending Australia in the Asia Pacific Century: this will expand to include common The provision of timely maritime Force 2030, Commonwealth of Australia, unmanned technology, training and MGI will continue to underpin ADF Department of Defence, Canberra, 2009. Force 2020, Department of Defence, maybe employment of personnel in planning and operations processes. Defence Publishing Service, Canberra, 2002. future. This is particularly pertinent as In the coming decades all the RAN’s Future Maritime Operating Concept – 2025, Department of Defence, Defence Publishing squadrons of OCV’s may deploy for a twenty six minor fleet units will be Service, Canberra, 2007. specific operation. In the 2020’s, the replaced by the OCV, a concept that Plan Blue 2006, Department of Defence, Defence Publishing Service, Canberra, Maritime Geospatial Force will need to must be embraced early by the military November 2006. be multi mission, mobile, flexible and hydrographic specialist.  United Kingdom Hydrographic Office Structural and Ownership Options Review deployable and able to integrate with November 2007, UK Ministry of Defence, other concurrent activities. London, 2007. Commander Stewart Dunne joined Work, R.O, Centre for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments Paper, February Conclusion the RAN in 1990, graduating from 2004, “Naval Transformation and the Littoral Combat Ship”, . sea before attending Hydrographic challenges for the future HSF. Contributing to this, will be how Officers Basic Course at Penguin. He Footnotes (Endnotes) to meet strategic national charting has commanded HMAS Benalla as the 1 Defence White Paper 2009, p.72. obligations, in light of the operational Charge Surveyor and HUNTER TWO 2 AHS Annual , p.8. 3 AHS Annual , p.9. requirements and demands of the during Op RESOLUTE. He is now Deputy 4 Defence White Paper 2009, p.73. future modular platform. The OCV 5 R.O. Work, Naval Transformation Director Patrol and Hydrographic in and the Littoral Combat Ship, Centre for capability concept provides options Strategic and Budgetary Assessments that specialist platforms in the Maritime Development Branch. He Paper, February 2004, retrieved 13 May 09, past have not been able to provide , p.50. operational circumstances, affording a 6 Anecdotal evidence from other navies University. suggests that an early involvement with surge capability. These options must be unmanned technology is crucial. recognised as a substantial advantage 7 R.O. Work, Naval Transformation and the Littoral Combat Ship, Centre for over other navies with a conventional Strategic and Budgetary Assessments inventory. It also highlights the need Paper, February 2004, retrieved 13 May 09, , p.ii. 8 WP, p.73. importantly not be bound by dogma. 9 AHS Annual, p.11. The mindset must be one of “We can 10 WP, p.73. 11 AHS Annual , p.54. if, not we can’t because”. Conventional 12 UKHO Structural and Ownership forms of military power obviously have Options review November 2007, p.2. 13 Ibid, p.6. their limitations, showing a need for 14 R.O. Work, Naval Transformation diversification and flexibility in future. and the Littoral Combat Ship, Centre for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments This adaptability and flexibility allows Paper, February 2004, retrieved 13 May 09, involvement across the spectrum of , p.75. assets have been involved with in the 15 Force 2020, Department of Defence, Defence Publishing Service, Canberra, 2002, past but the future OCV will see this as p.6. a guaranteed modus operandi.15 The Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 12 Same, Same but Different; A Personal Perspective on the Requirements for a Future Submarine C PSaPTAIN eTER cott

he paper briefly discusses the a suite of characteristics and advantages sensors and Twhich define the submarine as a pre- weapons. It eminent naval weapon system, before is a living, leading in to an exploration of the breathing important distinction between what we and vibrant might want the future submarine to be thing; a and what we actually need it to do. creature The implications of those needs, of the or requirements, will be addressed, as sea, quite will any constraints that they impose. literally The paper highlights the enduring sinewy features of submarines as they are and steely relevant to Australia’s circumstances, at once. I and identifies achievement in the areas am describing that combination of Enduring Characteristic of operational effectiveness and the man and machine that coalesce to One – Submarines are human dimension as the principle form a sensitive, cognitive, adaptive, crewed by PEOPLE. determinants of success. responsive and tremendously powerful I know what the future submarine Let me start by describing for you, instrument; that can prowl the ocean will look like! It will look like just like or at least reminding those of you who domains unsuspected, undetected AE1 and AE2. It will be remarkably have lived this and known it, just what and unmolested. Ensign furled, but similar to the firstOxley and Otway. It an Australian submarine can be. An unequivocally Australian. will bear an uncanny resemblance to Australian submarine - properly built, the Oberons and to the Collins Class maintained, supported and armed; The Important Distinction – as well. Indeed, in many respects, it fully crewed and worked up, well led Wants and Needs will look like every other Australian and appropriately tasked, is a superb You may expect that in delivering my submarine class in our history. example of naval weaponry. personal thoughts on the requirements The most glaringly obvious An Australian submarine can train of a future submarine, I will express an similarity is that the future submarine and exercise our fleet, test the skill and opinion on those specific capabilities will be crewed by Australian officers expertise of our allies, it can represent and technologies that we will most and sailors. People. The muscle, sinew us in multi-national exercises and in need in the future. Thankfully, because and bone, the lifeblood, nerves and the harbours of our neighbours. Big they are important subjects, there are brain of a submarine. No submarine is Deal! What else can it do? many others who will address these a weapon of war without a skilled and An Australian submarine, points during the conference. But I motivated crew. Like every submariner underway and dived, can also conduct wish to take a different approach, and before them, the people who man the surveillance, reconnoiter, and collect discuss those enduring characteristics future submarine will endeavour to intelligence against an adversary. It can and associated advantages of Australian know and understand their mission, deter an adversary from action against submarines which define them as a their environment, their platform, our interests; consume his thoughts, pre-eminent naval weapon system, including sensors and weapons, and, of energy and resources; or deny him the and explore the important distinction course, their adversary. sea and strike him down! between what we might want the In a warfighting sense, the Both a symbol and a tool of national future submarine to be and what we submariners are the submarine. Well will, what I am describing is something actually need it to do. equipped, well trained and well led, much more than a pressure hull with they are capable of remarkable feats. As Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 13

warfighters, they continually amaze me platform and systems, with an need to embrace simplicity, wherever and exceed my expectations. But it’s equally complex array of sensors and we can find it. In doing so, we will give worth recognizing that the submariners weapons. Technical complexity, then, the crew an opportunity to fight the of the future will be no more or less is the second enduring characteristic enemy with the submarine; rather than intelligent, no more or less diligent, which will feature in the future having to fight the sea, the submarine no more or less capable or even good submarine. The point that I would and the enemy. Naval effectiveness, looking than the submariners of like to stress here, however, is that not technical complexity, is the real yesterday and today! this is by necessity, not by desire. measure of success. The primacy of the people factor And nor should it be by design. I am extends beyond the billeted crews; not a Luddite; I am a mariner, and a Enduring Characteristic there’s more to a submarine force submariner. And I tell you, technical Three – the environment than the just the dolphin wearers. complexity is not an objective! It is demands RELIABILITY It extends equally to the design borne solely of the demands of the Complexity is not an objective for authorities, the workshops, the schools environment in which the submarine our future submarine, but reliability and headquarters staff that will build, operates. is an absolute necessity. A recent maintain and support the force at sea We might want a submarine that advertisement for Omega boasted the and strive to hold onto an edge over the is at the cutting edge of technological technological advancements that had life of the class. The first requirement to advancement and innovation in every been achieved over decades of Olympic achieve the submarine of which we are field, but we need a submarine that competition. But the accompanying capable, is that every consideration and can be inhabited, understood and article made the point that these every related decision must take the wielded by the Ship’s Company. There advancements had never been people into account. is no glory or prestige in creating the introduced at the games themselves Enduring Characteristic Two – the world’s most complex submarine and and stated “the Olympics are not the environment invokes COMPLEXITY designing or engineering complexity time for the very latest in equipment so A reasonable starting point is into our submarines doesn’t prove we much as the absolutely proven”. to examine the most fundamental are clever – designing simplicity into There is a lesson for us here and or broadest overall requirements our submarines proves we are clever!! there are two aspects to it. In a of a future submarine. In other Recognising the inevitable levels submarine at sea, we want the latest, words, what will we demand of our of technical complexity, but recalling we need the proven. Why is this submarines in the future? Regardless the fundamental fact that people will so? Because application of reliable of the mission, notwithstanding need to live in, operate and exploit the technology in reliable equipments in the task, we will require that they advantages of the platform in the most a reliable platform is a fundamental can contend with the considerable demanding conditions, we actually necessity of safe, sustained submarine demands of the sea, and of the depths. We will require that they can sustain human life in complete isolation from material support or replenishment. We will require that they can generate the situational awareness necessary to so dominate the information environment that they can maintain tactical advantage and achieve strategic, operational and tactical effects, in whatever role they have been tasked. We will require that they achieve all this across vast distances and over extended periods of time. No wonder then that, as with their predecessors, the future submarine will be comprised of a highly technical Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 14 Same, Same but Different; A Personal Perspective on the Requirements for a Future Submarine operations. In doing, so we become! negligent in the In setting to sea, and diving, so we extreme. Bearing become submariners. In sailing this in mind, a Australian and regional waters, so we fourth enduring become Australian submariners. characteristic is There is no doubt that you can that ultimate tenet teach someone to fly in a simulator, of submarine but you cannot make him an airman. operations Similarly, you can instruct a sailor – stealth. in the classroom alongside on the Preservation art of good submarine practice ad of stealth nauseum, but he will not know and fundamentally understand his submarine, he will not shapes the way know and understand the sea or the a submarine environment, and will not be able to operates and is getting this wrong are likely to be contend with an adversary who does. operated. And again, regardless of measured in terms of both blood and Without the ability to reliably and the actual mission, it is inevitably the treasure, and may yet be borne out consistently proceed to sea and operate exploitation of stealth which gives the with the Collins Class. the submarine, no defence force can submarine its advantage and permits maintain and sustain a professional the desired military effect. However, Enduring Characteristic high quality submarine force. the pre-eminence of stealth is not Five – force CONTINUITY The second aspect to reliability is confined to noise quieting technologies A single submarine is not a submarine that when a submarine commanding built into the platform and astute force and a submarine force is more officer and crew are absorbed with tactical handling of the submarine. than a collection of hulls. It is the fighting their own submarine because Nor does the battle to preserve stealth coalescence and synthesis of platforms, they are overwhelmed by defects, start when a submarine sails on patrol weapons and sensors with a body of inconsistencies and uncertainties sometime in the 2020’s. The battle to knowledge, skill and experience. It onboard, they are again denied the preserve stealth, the backbone of the takes years, perhaps decades to build capacity to know and understand what submarine’s tactical advantage, needs a fully functional and professional really matters; their mission, their to start now. submarine force. Once born, in the environment, and their adversary. Mere mortals as we are, having set absence of enemy action or attrition Design concepts for any future naval out to create the future submarine, we through some other cause, it can be vessel which seek to maximize the will want to boast of our successes. We continually re-generated. However, application of new and unproven will want to build the best submarine just as a hull can degrade over time technology for its own sake, without in the world and tell the world about it, or in the absence of proper care due regard for the crew capacity step by step. What we actually need to and attention, so too can the softer or risks to schedule and reliable do is to protect the capabilities of the elements of a submarine force. People performance at sea, will fail to produce submarine which can give the force its get rusty quicker than steel, and the forces that we need. Reliability is advantage and make it a world beater the consequences of a hole in the an objective! on the days it really matters. Equally experience base of a crew can be just as we need to protect the vulnerabilities dire as a hole in the hull. Enduring Characteristic that could render the submarines It follows that the fifth enduring Four – Submarines are impotent through circumvention requirement – I do hesitate to describe reliant on STEALTH or, worse still, lead to their defeat or it as a characteristic of Australian It is an entirely reasonable assumption destruction by a calculating enemy submarines – is continuity of the that the future submarines will, at sea. The actual capabilities and force. We need to achieve continual at some time in their service, be limitations of the future submarine re-generation of the submarine force, aggressively targeted by an enemy. To need to be a complete mystery to any regardless of which platform is being presume otherwise or to let this slip potential adversary, until it is unleashed sailed, and avoid giving birth to a new from our consciousness would be upon him. The consequences of leviathan every thirty years. We might Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 15

want to spend years studying the politically or militarily, by an adversary. fact that we are in the business of generating sea power to problem to death, but recognize that It is worth mentioning here that ensure the security of the nation. the timely introduction into service of we quite properly want Australian This brief paper has sought to highlight the enduring the future submarine will be absolutely industry involvement; for reasons features of submarines as they are relevant to Australia’s critical to the retention of perishable of finance, employment, skill and circumstances, and identify achievement in the areas of skills and levels of experience within technology transfer and advancement, operational effectiveness and the human dimension as the force. Continuity is also critical and strategic control. To achieve the principle determinants of success. It has drawn your to avoid exposure to the strategic risk continuity of the force, we need a attention to the need to: focus on achieving a streamlined of opening a gap in capability with maritime industry which is structured introduction into service; protect the capabilities and a subsequent erosion of deterrent to support the Navy; an industry which limitations of the force to preserve stealth; demand absolute effect which might be exploited, either understands and is motivated by the reliability; acknowledge complexity, but honour simplicity; and remember always that it’s not the submarine, but the people who do the warfighting. Regardless of the eventual specifications and particulars of the future submarine, I am who can call on the convinced that if we meet with success in each of these, we will once again have a boat and a force that rightly demands expertise the respect of ally and enemy alike.  of 3,500 PHDs dedicated to solving important defence technology problems?

Captain PMJ Scott, CSC, RAN

Joining the RAN as a Midshipman in 1983, Peter Scott joined submarines in 1988 and qualified the same year onboard HMAS Oxley. He served at sea in three more Oberons and two Upholder Class submarines before passing ‘Perisher’ in 1997. In 2002 he was decorated with the Conspicuous Service Cross for his command of HMAS Collins. He thoroughly enjoyed his subsequent command of HMAS Dechaineux.

Scott has served in numerous Joint roles, most notably as Chief of Staff, HQJTF 633. Based in Baghdad, he saw active service in Iraq, the Persian Gulf and Afghanistan during 2006-07, and was subsequently awarded a Commendation for Distinguished Service in the Australia Day Honours List 2008. Scott recently completed a posting to Fleet Headquarters as the Director Submarine Operations and Commander Task Group 627.0. He is currently serving as Chief of Staff to the Vice Chief of the Defence Force.

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 16 One Schoolie’s War: Instructor Lieutenant Commander George Lawrence Hogben DSC, US Bronze Star, RNZN, 1939-1945 byD F eNIS aIRFAx

n March 1943 a brief entry in the London Gazette announced the Iaward of the Distinguished Service Cross to a young RNZN officer for ‘bravery and skill in Northern Waters’. This was a veiled allusion to the Battle 1 of the Barents Sea and Temporary Instructor Lieutenant George Lawrence Hogben, known as Larry to his friends, had just become the first instructor officer serving in the Royal Navy to be decorated for gallantry in a 2 naval action. On 3 September 1939, as a 24-year- old Oxford undergraduate on a Rhodes scholarship, and part way through an educational tour of Russia, Hogben had knocked on the door of the British Embassy in Moscow and informed a startled official that Britain had declared war on Germany. He had first called at the American Embassy Instructor Lieutenant which, unlike the British on that fateful 19th century separate naval instructors, eight all had first class honours degrees Commander G.L. morning, had a working radio. Keen to responsible for training midshipmen in and in October 1939 settled into the Hogben DSC RNZN get back to England quickly, Hogben mathematics, writing and navigation, august precincts of the Royal Naval being decorated with pawned his suit for the cost of an were beginning to be employed. College for three months of training. the US Bronze Star airfare to Stockholm and, travelling via In 1918, with very few combined Amongst other subjects, the course in London, February 1946 by Colonel Bergen and Newcastle, was in London chaplain/instructors left, the specialist covered navigation to a high level, naval 3 C.M.Thiele, US ready to enlist a few days later. naval instructors had been given architecture and gyroscopic compass Army. (Photograph A naval acquaintance suggested the ranks of Instructor Lieutenant, theory – in the last of these, Hogben courtesy Sandra that he should apply for the instructor Instructor Lieutenant Commander, etc. topped the class. Greenwich was a Hogben, London) branch of the Royal Navy.4 After Their principal duties remained the rather different environment from the doing well at Auckland Grammar instruction of midshipmen. In 1922, small mining town of Thames, in the School, Hogben had graduated from when the minimum qualification for Auckland province, where Hogben was Auckland University College in 1938 the branch became an honours degree born, and Auckland, where his solicitor with a first class MA in Mathematics in science or engineering, all entrants father had moved his family in 1920. and the University of New Zealand to the branch were sent to the Royal But a naval life had always been in his Cook Memorial Prize. The instructor Naval College, Greenwich, for basic mind ever since, as an impressionable branch was a natural home for such a training that emphasised becoming an seven-year-old, he had seen the mathematically-able young man. acceptable naval officer.5 battlecruiser HMS Hood on her 1924 Although the educational needs Although chastised for his late visit to New Zealand with the Special of young officers and sailors had application by the presiding officer, Service Squadron. historically been met by the ship’s Hogben impressed the selection board At the end of the three months chaplain as a sideline to his spiritual and was one of only eight entrants Hogben took a course in meteorology. and pastoral work, by the middle of the selected from 400 applicants. The This was a common path for Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 17

instructor officers. In 1937, the Naval Meteorological Service had been established within the Admiralty Hydrographic Office and this new specialisation was particularly suited to the expertise of the instructor branch. By 1939 the ‘majority of meteorological officers employed as such were Instructor Officers’.6 In wartime a further change was to be made to the duties of an instructor officer, a change that was, eventually, to lead to Hogben’s DSC. In ships with only one instructor officer, the academic training of midshipmen, if any were borne, became secondary to the vital role of ship’s plotting officer. In a compartment directly underneath the bridge the plotting officer, assisted by a midshipman and a small team of ratings, took charge of the ‘plot’. The plot was the master chart on which the positions of the ship and any accompanying vessels were continuously recorded from data provided by the navigating officer on Bismarck at anchor the bridge above. (The information Sir James Somerville. Force H had From early November 1940 until came by voice-pipe but the captain been formed in June 1940, after the May of the following year, Sheffield and navigating officer would come fall of France and the entry of Italy was frequently in company with down regularly to inspect the chart for into the war, to work in the western Ark Royal and on escort themselves.) If an engagement with an Mediterranean and to cover the duty for warships on passage to the enemy force was imminent, a routine Atlantic convoy routes to Britain Mediterranean Fleet at Alexandria but somewhat complicated task was to from Gibraltar and Freetown in Sierra and merchant vessels taking supplies transfer position and course data from Leone. The squadron comprised the to Malta. On 27 November, with the a small-scale to a much larger scale battlecruiser HMS Renown, the fleet whole of Force H escorting a fast chart. In action, the positions of enemy carrier HMS Ark Royal and eight convoy of merchantmen, there was ships and aircraft had to be recorded destroyers as well as Sheffield. a sharp but inconclusive hour-long as soon as possible. These vital plotting Sheffield was the first to be engagement with a strong Italian tasks were considered appropriate to fitted with surface search radar, which squadron off Cape Spartivento at the the skills of the mathematically inclined gave it a vital role in the squadron.7 Ark southern end of Sardinia. The routine instructor officers. Royal was not at that time equipped of convoy escorting was interrupted With his training over, Hogben with radar and Hogben was able to use briefly in the early hours of 9 February was posted to the cruiser HMS Sussex, this new tool to identify enemy aircraft 1941 when Force H (reputedly which was involved in Atlantic convoy for the carrier. The radar operator acting on a signal from Churchill to duty. However, the ship was bombed would report the bearing and distance Somerville demanding ‘a bit of action while in dock in Glasgow and he was of enemy ships and aircraft and in the Mediterranean’) conducted a soon transferred to the Town-class Hogben would apply this information sea and air attack on Genoa, Leghorn HMS Sheffield, based to his master chart. Incorporating radar and Spezia. Great damage was done to at Gibraltar as a unit of ‘Force H’ echoes soon became a major part of his shore facilities but Force H returned under the command of plotting routine. to its base unscathed. In this action, Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 18 One Schoolie’s War: Instructor Lieutenant Commander George Lawrence Hogben DSC, US Bronze Star, RNZN, 1939-1945

Hogben plotted the Italian targets for repaired at Brest. The two ships left ended. In the afternoon, Suffolk had Sheffield’s gunfire. After the war he was Gdynia on the 18th and after a stop near taken advantage of a fine spell to search much embarrassed when his father, Bergen in where, inexplicably, the edge of the pack ice and at 7.22 in having just visited Genoa, remarked only the Prinz Eugen was refuelled, the evening was startled to observe on the disgraceful British shelling of a they proceeded northwest to the the German squadron steaming on a beautiful church there – ‘Pop, that was Denmark Strait between Iceland and parallel southwesterly course about me!’ was his rueful rejoinder. the Greenland pack ice. Lütjens had seven miles astern of her. Slipping into received orders to avoid action with the curtain of fog on the landward The Bismarck action British capital ships and concentrate side and tracking the Germans with on destroying merchant shipping. By her radar, Suffolk signalled the first As a notable hockey player both in the 23rd they were steaming southwest, of many enemy position reports. An New Zealand and at Oxford, Hogben confined to starboard by the ice fields hour later both Suffolk and Norfolk unsurprisingly was made Sheffield’s and to port by a British minefield thirty sighted the ships in a clear interval sports officer and captained not only to forty miles away. This minefield, laid before retreating into the fog again, the hockey but also the ship’s rugby in November 1940, barred much of the although Norfolk, too close, was fired and soccer teams. On 23 May 1941 Strait northwest of Iceland. on by the Bismarck without effect. Sheffield’s men were playing hockey On the 20th, the Admiralty had Norfolk’s report of this attack was the against Ark Royal’s pilots at Gibraltar learned through Swedish sources that a first received by Sir John Tovey some when the game was interrupted at German battleship and a 600 miles away, as the earliest of the half-time by a call for all men to go were moving north, possibly to the reports from Suffolk did not in fact get back to their ships. Early next morning Atlantic. The cruisersHMS Norfolk to the Home Fleet. The two Force H sailed into the Atlantic on a and HMS Suffolk(the latter equipped continued to shadow the Bismarck northwesterly course with orders to act with the latest model of search radar) and Prinz Eugen as the German ships as an escort for the troop convoy WS8B under the command of continued their high speed dash for the at an early stage of its progress from the W.F. Wake-Walker were already ice-free Atlantic to the south. 8 Clyde to Egypt via the Cape. patrolling the Denmark Strait off Vice Admiral Holland with Hood The events that led to this northwest Iceland and were ordered to and Prince of Wales was only 300 urgent call on Force H had their particularly watch the area close to the miles away and with Wake-Walker beginnings earlier in 1941 when, in edge of the pack ice. The Commander- advising the position, course and speed a two-month Atlantic voyage, the in-Chief Home Fleet, Admiral Sir John of the enemy, was fast approaching German battlecruisers Gneisenau and Tovey, sent the battlecruiser HMS on a converging course. Shortly Scharnhorst had destroyed 116,000 Hood and the battleship HMS Prince after midnight on the 24th, knowing tons of allied shipping. To the German of Wales with six destroyers (Vice that Bismarck and Prinz Eugen had Naval Staff this striking success Admiral L.E. Holland) north from eluded the shadowing cruisers and demonstrated that major warships the fleet base at , Orkney, believing they had altered course could usefully supplement U-boats, to Hvalfiord in southwest Iceland. At to the southeast, Holland deviated disguised raiders and land-based this stage it was not known whether northwards from his westerly course. aircraft in the drive to fatally disrupt Lütjens would attempt the lengthy Two hours later, he realised the enemy allied sea trade. A further foray into the Denmark Strait route to the Atlantic warships were still on their original North Atlantic was soon planned for a or choose the much shorter but more southwesterly course, turned back powerful force consisting of the 42,500 hazardous direct route from Norway to the south and then resumed his ton battleship Bismarck accompanied through the Faeroes-Iceland gap. For westerly intercepting course. This by Gneisenau, Scharnhorst and the several days, as Lütjen’s force ploughed two-hour deviation and the fact that, heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen, all under north, air reconnaissance was foiled by unknown to Holland, Prinz Eugen the command of Admiral Gunther bad weather and Coastal Command was now leading the Bismarck (whose Lütjens. Various delays postponed RAF could not help the Admiralty to forward radar was unserviceable) were the operation until late May and in pinpoint the ships’ location. to have a decisive role in the outcome the event Lütjens had to sail with just Late on the 23rd the suspense of not of the imminent battle. Bismarck and Prinz Eugen, as both knowing the exact location of Bismarck By 3am the cruisers were again Gneisenau and Scharnhorst were being and Prinz Eugen was dramatically in contact with the enemy and the Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 19

necessary reports streamed in. At 5.35 in the clear morning light of an Arctic spring day Holland and Lütjens sighted each other’s ships. Approaching from astern at a fine angle, in a tactically unfavourable position, Hood and Prince of Wales were able to fire only from their forward turrets. In addition, Holland mistook Prinz Eugen for Bismarck, and Hood concentrated her salvoes on the wrong ship. (Prince of Wales ignored Holland’s order and fired on theBismarck .) Bismarck and Prinz Eugen, however, made no mistake in recognising a vulnerable enemy. Full broadsides from both were directed at Hood and on the fifth salvo from Bismarck an armour-piercing shell plunged through the battlecruiser’s thin deck armour and exploded one of the main after magazines.9 Hood spectacularly blew up, taking all but three of her 1415 men with her to the bottom. Prince of Wales, savaged by the concentrated fire of both enemy vessels, soon disengaged and retreated under cover of smoke, unaware that two cruisers, were directed to leave Catalina, it was confidently assumed An instructor one of her shells had put two big their convoys to join in the hunt for that her destination was Brest. Of all lieutenant reads off bearings as the holes in Bismarck’s bow and caused a Bismarck, while Tovey in HMS King the British units, Force H was now battleship HMS serious fuel oil leak. Another shell had George V with HMS Victorious and in the most favourable position for a Warspite prepares put a boiler-room out of action. This his cruisers steered southwest to head decisive interception. to bombard German damage spelled the end of Lütjen’s off the German battleship on her new Ploughing into stormy seas on the shore batteries Atlantic mission. He decided Prinz course. An aerial torpedo strike by afternoon of the 26th, Sheffield was during the assault on the island of Eugen would be detached to carry on Victorious was ineffective andBismarck instructed to find and shadow the Walcheren, 1 with commerce raiding while Bismarck then eluded Wake-Walker shadowing Bismarck while Ark Royal armed her November 1944. would turn southeast and make for a with his cruisers and Prince of Wales. Fairey Swordfish ‘String Bag’ aircraft (Picture Post, Nov. dockyard in occupied France. On the morning of the 25th Lütjens with torpedoes. In the plotting room 18, 1944) The news of the destruction of broke radio silence to announce his of Sheffield a radar ‘blip’ indicating a Hood was received with consternation victory and advise his intention to head large vessel was reported to Hogben and grief by the Navy, not least in for France. British direction-finding and soon after Bismarck was sighted Force H where, as Hogben reports, stations picked up the transmission, from the bridge. The navigating officer ‘we heard the news, wept and swore allowing the Admiralty to send dictated a sighting report to Hogben revenge.’ The Admiralty’s response Bismarck’s coordinates to Tovey, but who added the Sheffield’s position and was swift and wide-ranging. Force H they were wrongly plotted in King sent off the signal to Somerville in the was ordered to abandon its intended George V. This error led to a confused Renown. This was the first report to convoy protection and steer to the steaming away from Bismarck’s track give Bismarck’s position exactly and northwest. The battleshipsHMS for several hours, allowing Lütjens owed its accuracy to the combination Rodney (from west of the Clyde), HMS to gain a hundred miles. To conserve of skilful astro-navigation and the use Ramillies and HMS Revenge (from fuel, Bismarck had reduced speed and of radar. In Hogben’s words, ‘we knew the western Atlantic), together with after a sighting by a Coastal Command exactly where we were!’ Unfortunately, Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 20 One Schoolie’s War: Instructor Lieutenant Commander George Lawrence Hogben DSC, US Bronze Star, RNZN, 1939-1945 the copy to Ark Royal was not decoded the steering gear and jamming convinced Tovey that Bismarck was, before the carrier’s aircraft took off, and the twin rudders. This was to seal indeed, heading northwest. Sheffield this oversight led to a near-disaster for Bismarck’s fate, but was only observed herself had ventured too close and Sheffield. The cruiser was shadowing when Hogben, plotting the German now received a salvo from Bismarck. some 20 miles north of Bismarck battleship’s movements by radar, Making smoke and retreating, she when Ark Royal’s torpedo bombers noticed that after a few unexpected was straddled by a second salvo which were sighted. Hogben was at the plot turns the ship was heading slowly killed five men and put the surface discussing the chart with Captain northwest. This report was signalled to Charles Larcom when he looked out Tovey, who initially did not believe it. through the scuttle (which should have In his view, an unharmed Bismarck was been closed in action) and spotted Ark still slinking off southeastwards to Brest Royal’s Swordfish. Assuming they were and Sheffield had made a seriously headed for Bismarck, Hogben merely incorrect assessment of her direction. remarked ‘Here are our planes’, but He rammed home his poor opinion of soon realised Sheffielditself was the Sheffield with the insulting comment target. He shouted ‘My God, they’re that she had ‘joined the reciprocal dropping!’ The captain leapt up to the club’. Fortunately, further signals bridge and ordered ‘Full ahead port, Swordfish in the air hard astern starboard!’ In Hogben’s recollection, the engine room staff ‘in slight panic did the exact opposite’ and the ship heeled sharply to port. Some of the torpedoes exploded on hitting the water while others came at the ship but, through Larcom’s skilful combing of their tracks, missed. One, to the horror then relief of the watchers, went right underneath the ship without exploding. Fortunately one of Hogben’s late hockey opponents, intent on machine-gunning the deck, recognised Sheffieldand, as he swept past, flashed ‘Sorry for the mouldy’ – an apology that was received with mixed feelings by Sheffield’s shaken bridge team.10 There was one useful result from this botched torpedo strike. The Swordfish pilots realised their torpedoes fired prematurely (perhaps because of magnetic interference) and the magnetic firing pistols were replaced by contact pistols. A second strike from Ark Royal, guided by Sheffieldand this time getting the target right, took place that evening with dramatic results. By turning to port to clear the track of one of the thirteen torpedoes, Bismarck actually enabled the torpedo to explode in her unprotected stern, damaging Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 21

radar out of action. Soon after, Captain of Bletchley Park to determine the 18 destroyers. The convoy came under Philip Vian with his five destroyers positions of the supply ships waiting sustained day and night air attack, but swept past Sheffieldwith the intention for Bismarck and on 12 June Sheffield only one ship was lost and 85,000 tons of further disabling Bismarck by a surprised the tanker Friedrich Breme of supplies were successfully delivered torpedo attack. in mid-Atlantic. The tanker scuttled to the island. Bismarck was now essentially herself as she was fired on, with In early October, Sheffield and the unmanoeuvrable. Her rudders were Sheffieldrescuing 88 survivors. Hogben cruiser HMS Kenya were detached jammed at 15° to port, which thwarted was lucky to survive this action. At from Force H to search for a German every desperate attempt to steer for one stage during the search, there was tanker believed to have left Brest to Brest. The ship was actually following talk of sending out Sheffield’sWalrus supply raiders and U-boats. This was an erratic northwest course, towards amphibian (a spotter-reconnaissance the Kota Penang, her destination the Tovey’s fast approaching battleship biplane affectionately known as the South Atlantic and the Indian Ocean. squadron. On board Sheffield,Hogben ‘shagbat’), with Hogben as observer. Intercepted north of the Azores she judged Larcom to be ‘exhausted, but A tactful reminder to the captain that was sunk by the Kenya. still very belligerent’. Quoting a maxim more than one observer had been lost Very soon after, Sheffield’s probably learned in World War 1, during tricky retrievals kept the Walrus association with Force H ended and life ‘cruisers shadow by day, torpedo by firmly on board. for her 700-strong ship’s company got night’, Larcom was determined to much colder and more precarious. The launch a torpedo attack on the limping The Mediterranean and ship was assigned to the 18th Cruiser battleship as daylight faded. He had Arctic waters Squadron of the Home Fleet, which to be forcefully dissuaded from this was based in Iceland to escort Russian plan by Hogben and the navigator. After a refit at Rosyth Dockyard during convoys. The presence of the enemy They argued that not only were Vian’s July and August followed by an Atlantic battleship Tirpitz lurking at Trondheim destroyers present for just that task convoy, Sheffield rejoined Force H not only was a constant threat to the but that were Sheffield to get within in late September 1941 in time to convoys on their long voyage around torpedoing range, she would very participate in ‘Operation Halberd’, the northern Norway but also presented likely be sunk by Bismarck’s accurate third and last major support convoy the alarming possibility of a break- fire. That was effectively the end of for the island of Malta that year. The out into the Atlantic, which would Sheffield’s part in the action. During escort for nine transports comprised challenge the Home Fleet. the night, in very heavy weather, Vian’s the battleships Rodney, Prince of Wales In the midst of the bitter cold and destroyers launched determined but and HMS Nelson, the carrier Ark Royal stormy seas of a northern winter, D-Day invasion unsuccessful torpedo attacks. Just on for air defence, plus five cruisers and escort duty was difficult and dangerous routes 9am on the 27th, Tovey’s force was in position to open fire on the wallowing enemy, the 14-inch and 16-inch shells of King George V and Rodney assisted by the 8-inch guns of the cruisers Norfolk and Dorsetshire pounding her into a blazing wreck. Three torpedo hits from Dorsetshire, combined with the effects of scuttling charges, finished her off. At 10.39am, with flags still flying,Bismarck sank. From her crew of 2200, 110 survivors were rescued by British warships and five by a U-boat and a German weather ship. Sheffieldreturned to Gibraltar but was soon on the move again. A captured cipher machine and other intelligence had allowed the decoders Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 22 One Schoolie’s War: Instructor Lieutenant Commander George Lawrence Hogben DSC, US Bronze Star, RNZN, 1939-1945 work. All who were in the Arctic Archangel. In January and February disaster very much in mind convoy convoys shared the grim knowledge of 1942 Sheffield in turn with the PQ 18 in September was well provided that should one’s ship be sunk, one’s cruisers Kenya and HMS Trinidad with escorts, was kept in a very tight chances of survival in the icy waters was engaged in patrolling the heavily cruising order and was the first to have were nil. But the convoys were critical mined Iceland-Faeroes gap. Detached an escort carrier, HMS Avenger. In spite and as Hogben puts it, with supreme from this duty to escort a Russian of very determined torpedo-bomber understatement, it was ‘helpful for us convoy, Sheffield detonated a mine attacks 27 of its 40 ships reached to be there.’ Essential to the work of off northeast Iceland on 4 March, the Archangel. Sheffield accompanied this escorting convoys was the ability to explosion killing one marine sentry. convoy to the Barents Sea and then, know exactly where the ships were. After temporary repairs by the ship’s with the cruiser HMS Cumberland, With his meteorological training staff, the cruiser spent three months delivered personnel and supplies to Hogben was able to assess the local in dock at Newcastle, not returning the garrison on Spitzbergen before weather patterns more accurately to the 18th Cruiser Squadron until late escorting from Archangel the west- than the regular forecasts that came July. In early July 1942 the Admiralty, bound convoy PQ 14, which lost three from the Admiralty. This assessment overestimating the likelihood of attack ships to U-boat attacks. gave him a better feel for the weather on convoy PQ 17 by the enemy capital to be expected for the next few days ships based at Altenfiord in northern Operation Torch The Bismarck and helped him to estimate where a Norway, ordered the convoy to scatter Action, May 1941. scattered convoy ship might be. and the escorting force to withdraw. A welcome change for Sheffield’s ship’s (Map adapted from Ludovic Kennedy’s On 1 December Sheffield joined This calamitous decision resulted in 23 company came in October 1942 when Pursuit (1974) - the escorts of convoy PQ 5 and the six vessels being picked off by Luftwaffe the ship returned to the Mediterranean courtesy London merchant ships were brought safely to bombers or by U-boats. With this in support of Operation ‘Torch’, the Review of Books)

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 23

Allied landings in North Africa. With Admiralty insisted, however, that the engaged with some of Hipper’s a US Army combat team embarked, accompanying cruisers remain with destroyers and a confused action Sheffield joined the escort for troop the convoys and their escorts right into ensued as the senior officer of the convoy KMF 1. Having transferred the the Barents Sea, not leaving them off escort, Captain R.St.V. Sherbrooke Americans into landing craft, Sheffield northern Norway (at 25°E) as was the in HMS Onslow led his destroyers became part of the Eastern Naval Task earlier practice. towards the enemy while the merchant Force covering the assault on Algiers on Flying the flag of Rear Admiral R.L. ships continued steaming east making 7, 8 and 9 October. Once Algiers was Burnett, Sheffield (now commanded by smoke. secured, the push to Tunis required Captain A.W. Clarke) with the cruiser From the bridge of Sheffield the the more easterly ports of Bougie and HMS Jamaica and two destroyers took flashes of gunfire could be seen on Bone to be seized and at dawn on the the 16 ships of convoy JW 51A right the horizon. About fifteen minutes 11th Sheffield escorted three transports through to Kola Inlet, the approach to later Burnett received a report of the landing troops at Bougie. The assault Murmansk. The voyage was without enemy presence, just after Hipper had was unopposed, but a collision with the incident and the convoy arrived safely appeared on the scene and begun a HMS Cadmus damaged on 25 December. However, the voyage punishing attack on Onslow. Burnett’s Sheffieldand she returned to Scapa of the 14 ships of its twin convoy JW force turned and proceeded south at Flow for repairs. A sojourn in the bleak 51B, which left Britain on the 22nd, full speed. Meanwhile Hipper had sunk confines of Orkney did not please men was to be very different. After several a minesweeper and badly damaged who had hoped the repairs would be quiet days, it was beset by unusually two destroyers. Lützow was also very done in a mainland dockyard. But strong gales, with some ships losing near the convoy, which was shielded by keeping Sheffield there allowed her to sight of the main body. Most eventually a snow storm. In the racing Sheffield, be available to intercept any enemy rejoined it but two proceeded to Hogben was busy calculating ranges warship attempting to pass through Murmansk independently. Burnett’s from his radar traces and feeding them the Orkney-Faeroes gap. By mid- squadron left the inlet on 27 December to the gun director. At about 11.30am December Sheffield was back in Iceland to support the escorts of JW 51B on its Hipper, unaware of the cruisers’ ready for more Russian convoy duty – final leg but couldn’t find the convoy. proximity, came under accurate fire and another bleak winter. The Home Fleet had given the convoy’s from a seven-mile range. With Hipper position incorrectly and Burnett passed damaged by three hits, Kummetz ahead of it. In fact, in spite of the action disengaged his force and retreated The Battle of the Sheffieldand Jamaica were about to to the west, followed by the cruisers. Barents Sea engage in to protect the convoy, the Two fleeing enemy destroyers were two ships never sighted the convoy at intercepted by radar and were attacked, Russian convoy defensive tactics had all. with Sheffield sinking Friedrich Eckholt, been reviewed after PQ 18. This review On the morning of the 31st, while the other, fired on byJamaica , brought to a head marked differences Burnett was some thirty miles north escaped without harm. Near midday, in outlook between the Admiralty of the convoy while a German force, Lützow opened fire on the convoy, and the C-in-C Home Fleet. The consisting of the heavy cruiser Admiral damaging one ship. The convoy had Admiralty wanted to continue with Hipper (Admiral Oskar Kummetz) and turned away making smoke when large convoys while Admiral Tovey three destroyers had crossed its wake Hipper suddenly appeared, firing considered that small convoys were twenty miles astern. At the same time, for a short time on the escorts. This better suited to the winter conditions. the pocket-battleship Lützow with attack did not last and the enemy force He believed that as daylight lessened, three destroyers was fast approaching continued its retreat. About 12.30 the enemy air reconnaissance would from fifty miles to the south. In cruisers again engaged briefly with the become less effective and thus a contrast with the wintry gales that enemy without damage to either side small convoy had a greater chance of were so common on the Murmansk and the pursuit was abandoned about evading attacks. A small convoy was convoy route, the weather was fairly 2pm. All fourteen ships of JW 51B also more easily reformed if dispersed clear with low cloud and a slight sea. reached Kola Inlet on 3 January 1943. by stormy weather. Tovey’s views on Nevertheless, the ships had a good The northern midwinter day was, convoy size were accepted and the next covering of ice. of course, very short and Admiral convoy, JW 51, was split into two. The One of the convoy’s escorts soon Burnett’s report emphasised the Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 24 One Schoolie’s War: Instructor Lieutenant Commander George Lawrence Hogben DSC, US Bronze Star, RNZN, 1939-1945 importance of radar, especially six hours and the synoptic charts were course the weather. in tracking the enemy ships. It put together for one, two, three, four All three sections analysed the same was Hogben’s skill in the practical and five days ahead. meteorological data, which included application of radar that earned him In late 1943 Instructor Commander German observations decoded by his DSC. Captain Clarke wrote that John Fleming (the second instructor Bletchley Park. However, the British Hogben ‘displayed great coolness officer to gain a DSC) became a and the Americans held fundamentally and the highest ability. His duty as meteorological adviser to Admiral divergent theories of forecasting, officer-in-charge of the plotting office Sir Bertram Ramsay. In October and this made it difficult to arrive was, in the conditions of visibility, of Ramsay had been given command at a consensus. The USAAF men, vital importance, the success of the of ‘Operation Neptune’, the naval both from the California Institute of tactics employed by the force being component of ‘Overlord’, the allied Technology, were convinced that their greatly dependent upon the accuracy invasion of northwest Europe – the analogue method of comparing the and precision of the plot. All this was invasion that Hogben had been waiting current prediction with weather maps provided by him in full measure.’11 for. Fleming recommended that from the past would give reliable 5-day Hogben himself recalls of this time Hogben and Instructor Lieutenant forecasts. The British, knowing their that at one stage during the pursuit Commander Geoffrey Wolfe be the changeable maritime weather patterns of Hipper the admiral standing next two naval members of the six-man at first hand, were sceptical of this to him said the right course should D-Day forecasting team.13 The others approach. They considered that a one- be 145°. Hogben corrected him, ‘The were C.K.M. Douglas and Sverre day or, at the most, a two-day forecast course has got to be 175, not 145,’ and Petterssen from the United Kingdom was the realistic limit of reliability. With the admiral called ‘Course 175’. Noting Meteorological Office at Dunstable the gifted Norwegian, Petterssen, in the citation ‘for bravery and extreme and two Americans of the USAAF.14 the Meteorological Office section, the skill’ and Hogben’s dismissive ‘I don’t Although the six men met each other, British approach was a dynamic one see this bravery racket’, the navigator they did not work as a group. The three using RAF-supplied high altitude wind remarked ‘the man who contradicts the sections remained separate, sharing and temperature data. In addition, the admiral in action is brave!’ their analyses and forecasts – and two naval members not unexpectedly reaching agreement – by telephone. thought they were the only ones who D-Day forecasting Coordinating all this and presenting really understood the vagaries of the the agreed forecast to Eisenhower’s Channel. These divergences meant In February 1943 Hogben left Sheffield senior officers was the task of his chief the discussions leading to an agreed and the excitement of battle. He meteorologist, Group Captain James forecast were often quite lengthy and was interviewed in London by the Stagg, an official seconded from the heated, giving Stagg an unenviable task Director of Naval Education, who, Meteorological Office.15 in trying to get the necessary consensus very pleased to have a decorated Once June had been decided upon from the team to present to the senior instructor officer, offered him a posting as the best month for the landings Overlord planners. as a senior meteorological officer in in Normandy, there were many A particular problem of wartime an . Hogben, however, considerations in setting the exact date forecasting was the paucity of preferred a different job – although for D-Day and the time of the initial observations from out in the Atlantic there were, obviously, no details, it was landings (H-Hour). A tide that would Ocean. Not only were the numbers of common knowledge that the Allies be high three hours after underwater ships reduced but the restrictions on were preparing to retake Europe and obstructions had been cleared was wireless transmissions gave weather Hogben wanted to help prepare for necessary for the landing craft. Ease data a very low priority, so for the this invasion, wherever and whenever of navigation required a moonlit D-Day forecasts special arrangements it came. This he was permitted to do, night, and this was also important for were made for this data to be joining the forecast section of the bombing and the parachute assaults. transmitted from ships at sea. Naval Meteorological Branch, which These predictable phenomena gave The question of the reliability of was then housed in the basement of only five possible days – 5, 6, 7, 19 five-day versus two-day forecasts 12 the main Admiralty Building. The or 20 June. On 8 May Eisenhower was resolved to the satisfaction of analysts worked 45 hours on duty, 24 provisionally decided 5 June would be Eisenhower and his staff in May. hours off duty. New data arrived every D-Day. The unpredictable factor was of During a run of fairly settled weather Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 25

the five-day forecasts proved to be invasion fleet sailed early that morning have been made. quite unreliable while 18 reasonably from the Portsmouth area. A following After working on the D-Day forecasts, Lawrence Hogben accurate two-day forecasts of westerly breeze (Beaufort 5) brought continued with the Admiralty Meteorological Branch, acceptable weather for the invasion swells and choppy seas, causing some working on plans for the invasion of until the end were made. The crucial date of D-Day of the smaller craft to be swamped, of the war. He declined the offer of a commission in the would thus be determined by a two-day but by dawn the following morning all RN, choosing instead to complete a PhD in meteorology forecast. assault convoys were in place and the at Imperial College, University of London. He was finally At the beginning of June a settled greatest seaborne invasion in history discharged from the RNZN in July 1946. For several years Atlantic anti-cyclone centred to the began. The moonlit night had allowed he was involved in commercial forecasting, in particular west of Portugal began to give way to a bombers to operate and parachutists for the film industry. In 1948 he joined Imperial Chemical number of impending North Atlantic to land. The Germans, aware that the Industries (ICI), finishing his career as head of public depressions, with their associated moonlight and the tides from 5 June relations in ICI Europa. In 1978 he retired to live in Soyans, fronts bringing unsettled weather to 7 June would be advantageous for near Crest, in the Rhone Valley, where he was active in local to the Channel. A calm period was an invasion, were nevertheless great civic affairs. Awarded French nationality, he lives there still ending on Friday 2 June but what believers in the efficacy of long-range with his wife, Elaine, whom he had met at Oxford in 1939 weather conditions would follow, and forecasts. They had thought the and married while on leave after the Bismarck action.  when? The team concurred in the conditions predicted for most of June expectation of a major change about to be unfavourable and the senior army Tuesday the 6th, but in fact the change and navy commanders were absent as A graduate of Otago and St Andrews was clearly happening by Saturday the first Allied troops streamed ashore Universities and a Fellow of the Royal and that evening was to be the time of on the coast of France. Back in England, Geographical Society, Commander the decisive forecast. By 4am on the six forecasters and their presenter Denis Fairfax served as an instructor Sunday morning the six forecasters waited in some trepidation as the officer in the RAN and RNZN. He is were united in predicting strong winds, Normandy assault went ahead. Would overcast low cloud and rough seas the assault convoys get to France and the author of Navy in Vietnam and for Monday the 5th. Eisenhower was effect successful landings or would the The Basking Shark in Scotland and advised accordingly, and two hours period of favourable weather they had has contributed naval articles to before the main invasion force was predicted prove to be too short? Would the Australian Dictionary of Biography, the Dictionary of to leave he reluctantly postponed raging seas, gales and thick cloud New Zealand Biography and The Oxford Companion to New the landings for 24 hours. With wreck the whole great enterprise? a weakening depression evident, Or would the Normandy landings be Zealand Military History. vigorous debate went on all through successful and turn the tide of the war? Sunday as the deadline approached for They were, of course, successful and a finalising Tuesday’s forecast. While the grateful Eisenhower awarded the US two Meteorological Office men were Bronze Star to Lawrence Hogben and more cautious, the Americans and the his colleagues for their efforts. naval members of the team agreed that It could, however, have been very a strengthening ridge of high pressure different. Had the weather on 6 June following the expected rain and winds been unsuitable for the invasion, all of the Monday would bring in its train would have hinged on the forecast Acknowledgements a short period of suitable weather, even for the 19th. For that date, the six if, as it turned out, it was only marginal. members of the forecasting team Dr G.L. Hogben, DSC, Soyans, France.

At the 9pm meeting on Sunday, were unanimous in predicting calm Erick Brenstrum, Wellington; Roger Carter, Paraparaumu; Eisenhower provisionally agreed to ‘go’ seas and clear skies. They were John Crawford, Wellington; Instructor Commander J.C.L. Davies, RNZN (Rtd), Lower Hutt; Petar Djokovic, RAN Sea Power Centre, on Tuesday and as the forecast firmed wrong. A sudden, severe northeast Canberra; Heather Johnson, RN Museum, Portsmouth; Librarian, up during the night he confirmed his gale destroyed one of the ‘Mulberry’ NZ Meteorological Service, Wellington; Library, Ministry of Defence, Wellington; Commander R.J. Martin, VRD, RNZN (Rtd), decision at 4am on Monday. artificial harbours and drove some 800 Wellington; Oral History Centre, Alexander Turnbull Library, Monday’s predicted storm arrived small craft ashore. As Hogben says, Wellington; Sound Archive, Imperial War Museum, London.

but lessened as the day wore on. The ‘it would have been a meteorological I am most grateful to my wife, Beverly, for her skilful editing. first groups of the cross-Channel disaster’ – and a different history would Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 26 One Schoolie’s War: Instructor Lieutenant Commander George Lawrence Hogben DSC, US Bronze Star, RNZN, 1939-1945 REFERENCES Mason, G.B., ‘Service histories of Royal 3 The principal sources for G.L. Hogben’s early life and his naval Navy warships in World War 2...HMS career are four taped interviews: G.L. Hogben – HMS Sheffield and Bassett, R., HMS Sheffield: The life and Sheffield’. (Electronic resource: www.naval- the Bismarck action; G.L. Hogben in Admiralty Meteorological times of ‘Old Shiny’. London, Arms and Team; George Lawrence Hogben interviewed by Hugo Manson; Armour, 1988. Ommaney, F.D., Flat-top: The story of an Transcript – Interview with Dr George Lawrence Hogben. The Bates, C.C. & Fuller, J.F., America’s escort carrier. London, Longmans Green, general naval background is taken from Roskill, War at sea 1939- weather warriors 1814-1985. College 1945. 1945, vols I, II, III part II and Mason, Service histories for HMS Station, Texas A&M University, 1986. Petterssen, S., Weathering the storm: Sheffield. [Bishop] Papers of Instructor Rear Sverre Petterssen, the D-Day forecast, and 4 Hogben joined the RN for ‘Hostilities Only’. The New Zealand Admiral Sir William Bishop, 1923-1939. the rise of modern meteorology (ed. J.R. Division of the RN became the RNZN on 1 October 1941 and by Royal Naval Museum, Portsmouth (RNM Fleming). Boston, American Meteorological July 1942 all ‘Hostilities Only’ New Zealanders in the RN had been 1984/59, 1987/497/1-97). Society, 2001 transferred to the RNZN. Administratively, there was little change Brenstrum, E., ‘The most important Roskill, S., The War at sea 1939-1945 but one consequence was better rates of pay. (See Fairfax, ‘Royal forecast in history’. New Zealand (History of the Second World War…), vol. Navy in the Second World War, New Zealanders in’). Geographer, no. 22, April-June 1994: 11-16. I The defensive; vol. II The period of balance 5 The educational needs of ratings were met by warrant Fairfax, D., ‘Royal Navy in the Second & vol. III The offensive: Part II .London, schoolmasters. By early 1944 most schoolmasters were university World War, New Zealanders in’. In HMSO, 1954, 1956 & 1961. graduates and the instructor/schoolmaster distinction seemed MacGibbon, I. (ed.) The Oxford companion Stagg, J.M., Forecast for Overlord June 6 artificial, especially as at sea both types carried out plotting officer to New Zealand military history. Auckland, 1944. London, Ian Allen, 1971. duties. Schoolmasters were absorbed into the RN instructor branch Oxford University Press, 2000: 456-459. Sullivan, F.B., ‘The naval schoolmaster in 1946 and the RAN and RNZN soon followed suit. For a general Fairfax, D., Transcript: Interview with Dr during the eighteenth century and early account of the instructor branch and schoolmasters see Lewis, George Lawrence Hogben…12 September nineteenth century’. Mariner’s Mirror, vol. England’s sea-officers. For the training and duties of an instructor 2005. [Wellington, Ministry of Defence] 62, no. 4, November 1976: 311-326. officer in the pre-WW2 RN see Letter dated 20 February 1984 in 2005. Sutcliffe, R.C., ‘James Martin Stagg… ‘Papers of Instructor Rear Admiral Sir William Bishop’ and for the George Lawrence Hogben. Interview by President of the Royal Meteorological duties of a schoolmaster in the same period see Lawrence, Naval Hugo Manson, 30 June 2004, New Zealand Society 1959-1961.’ (Obituary) Quarterly schoolmaster: 51. Rhodes Scholars Association Oral History Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 6 Gt Brit. Admiralty, Naval Meteorological Service: 19. By Project. Oral History Centre, Alexander vol. 102, no. 431, January 1976: 273-274. mid-1940, most regular RN instructor officers who were senior Turnbull Library [Wellington] Waters, S.D., The Royal New Zealand lieutenants and above were denoted (Met) in the Navy list. During OHColl-0730. (Tape recording.) Navy. (Official history of New Zealand the war, many RNVR (Special Branch) officers were also given Gill, G.H., Royal Australian Navy 1939- in the Second World War 1939-45.) meteorological training. For the experiences of one of these in an 1942. (Australia in the War of 1939-1945.) Wellington, Department of Internal Affairs, escort carrier, see Omanney, Flat-top. Canberra, Australian War Memorial, 1957. 1956. 7 Sheffield and the battleship HMS Rodney were the ‘only two G.L.Hogben in Admiralty meteorological Wilson, A. & Callo, J.F., Who’s who in radar-fitted ships that were operational’ when World War 2 began. team for D-Day landings. n.d. [2003]. Sound naval history: From 1550 to the present. Sheffield’s first radar was an air-warning Type 79Y (Howse,Radar Archive, Imperial War Museum, London London, Routledge, 2004. at sea: 25 & 30.) Subsequently, Sheffield was also equipped with (IWM 28402). (Tape recording.) Wright, M. (ed.) Torpedo! Kiwis at sea in surface-warning radar. G.L.Hogben – HMS Sheffield and the World War II. Auckland, Random House, 8 This account of theBismarck action is based on Hogben, Bismarck action. n.d. [2003?]. Sound 2007. ‘Diary’, 19 April 2001; Transcript: Interview…Hogben; Roskill, War Archive, Imperial War Museum, London at sea; and Kennedy, Pursuit. (IWM 17490/1/1). (Tape recording.) 9 This has been the received explanation for the destruction of Gt Brit. Admiralty, Arctic Convoys. (Naval Endnotes Hood. For an exhaustive analysis suggesting other possible causes Staff History Second World War: Battle of the disaster see Jurens, W.J., ‘The loss ofHMS Hood: A re- summary no. 22). [London] Admiralty, 1954. (Endnotes) examination’. Warship International no. 2, 1987, nos. 2. 3 & 4, 1990. Gt Brit. Admiralty, The Naval 1 Fourth Supplement to the London (Electronic resource: Meteorological Service. (Histories of Special Gazette, 16 Mar 1943: 1261. 10 ‘Mouldy’ is RN slang for a torpedo. Subjects 1939-1945.) [London] Naval 2 The second RN instructor officer 11 Quoted in Waters, RNZN: 479. Meteorological Branch, Admiralty, 1948. to be awarded the DSC was Instructor 12 In late 1943 the Naval Meteorological Branch (within the [Gt Brit. Admiralty] The Navy list… Commander John Fleming (later Instructor Hydrographic Department) was staffed by one captain, three February 1944 [London] HMSO, 1944. Rear Admiral Sir John Fleming), Fleet commanders, three instructor commanders, five instructor Hogben, [G.]L., ‘Diary’. (Cover : ‘The most Meteorological Officer and senior plotting lieutenant commanders, three instructor lieutenants, four RNVR important forecast in the world’.) London officer inDuke of York, for services in the special branch officers and one WRNS officer.Navy ( list, Feb 1944: Review of Books, vol. 16, no. 10, 26 May sinking of the Scharnhorst. (London Gazette 1892). 1994: 21. no. 36411, 4th Supplement to 3 March 1944: 13 This account of the D-Day forecasting is based on Brenstrum, Hogben, [G.]L., ‘Diary’. (Cover: ‘Lawrence 1113 and Wilson & Callo, Who’s who: 109.) ‘The most important forecast’; Hogben, ‘Diary’, 26 May 1994; Hogben sinks the Bismarck’.) London Review However, considering instructor officers Hogben, ‘Further light’; and Roskill, War at sea, vol. III, part II. of Books, vol. 23, no. 8, 19 April 2001: 36-37. and schoolmasters as one group, both 14 Petterssen, a Norwegian, was temporarily on the staff of the Hogben, G.L., ‘Douglas and the D-Day Hogben and Fleming were preceded by Meteorological Office. He was a distinguished upper air forecaster forecasts’. Weather (Royal Meteorological Schoolmaster (later Instructor Captain) and a world expert in his field. (See Petterssen,Weathering the Society), vol. 55, 2000: 95-96. Richard Fennessy RAN. Fennessy was storm.) For Douglas’ views, see Hogben, ‘Douglas’. The USAAF Hogben, [G].L., ‘Further light on the awarded the DSC as plotting officer in the forecasters were B. Holtzman and I.P. Krick. (See Bates & Fuller, 1944 D-Day forecasts’. Weather (Royal HMAS Nestor when the U127 was America’s weather warriors.) Meteorological Society), vol. 49, 1994: 432- sunk in the Mediterranean 15 December 15 Group Captain J.M.Stagg, OBE, RAF (Meteorological 433. 1941. (Gill, RAN 1939-1942: 408 and Third Branch). Although he had practical meteorological experience in the Howse, D., Radar at sea: The Royal Navy Supplement to the London Gazette 6 Feb Arctic and in Iraq he was not a forecaster and was not held in much in World War 2. London, MacMillan, 1993. 1942: 653.) From perusal of the wartime esteem by the D-Day group. His difficult temperament is explicitly Kennedy, L., Pursuit: The chase and Navy lists there seem to have been only mentioned in his obituary. (See Sutcliffe, ‘James Martin Stagg’ and sinking of the Bismarck. London, Collins, three instructor/schoolmaster officers especially Petterssen, Weathering the storm, chapters 16-20, for 1974. decorated for gallantry, although many were much comment on Stagg and on the Overlord forecasting process.) Lawrence, I.D., A naval schoolmaster acting as plotting officers. For one account Stagg’s diaries of the time form the basis of his own book Forecast looks back. Worthing, Churchman, 1989. by a plotting officer see Schoolmaster (later for Overlord. In the book, Stagg is critical of the forecasters – for his Lewis, M., England’s sea-officers: The story Instructor Commander) S. Hermans RNZN comments on the RN forecasters and on J. Fleming reporting direct of the naval profession. London, Allen & in HMS Leander 1941 (Wright, Torpedo! to Admiral Ramsay, see pp. 55-56 & 103. Unwin, 1948. 50-56).

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 27 Personnel Retention In The Ran bySbL u - iEUTENANT Matthew Norris

career in the has long been seen as aA long-term commitment, offering job security, excellent training and benefits with opportunities to travel and make great friends. Back in the 1970s and 1980s, personnel numbers in the Royal Australian Navy were much higher than today, with all shore establishments manned by RAN members. Civilian contractors were not used at the levels they are today and retention was not seen as a big issue. So what has changed? This article looks at some of the issues the RAN is facing problems with retention of personnel, and offer some possible solutions.

What Has Changed

Society changes constantly. We are all aware of the differences between the Front L-R: Able generations and that with each new home and family whilst at sea. This is The Lure Of The Dollar Seaman Marine generation of people, values, ideals and a fundamental cornerstone of a career Technician Jamie outlooks change. The public image of in the RAN. With the improvements Money is a big driver in how people Coombes and the RAN also continually adjusts. As in technology, we should be aiming choose their careers these days. Seaman Combat Systems Operator a result, the reasons people join and to make this time at sea away from Unfortunately, the RAN finds it hard Ashley Hodson. choose whether or not to remain in loved ones as trouble free as possible. to compete dollar for dollar with Middle L-R: Able the RAN have also changed. Combine On many RAN units, internet access the mining companies and other Seaman Boatswains this with the fact that there is much is a major problem. The ability to commercial organisations. The extra Mate Paul greater competition in the workplace communicate with family and friends allowances that the RAN offers and Holthouse, Petty Officer Clearance between defence and civilian jobs and back home is important for members. extras such as medical and dental Diver Michael it is clear that we need to adjust the It improves morale and creates a benefits certainly add up to make Kuipers. Back L-R: way we recruit and retain members. stronger sense of normality about the an attractive package. However, Leading Seaman To ensure the RAN gains and retains job by being able to communicate with one reason many members are still Boatswains Mate the required number of members to the outside world, while being out at leaving the RAN is to change to a Benjamin Jones, operate efficiently, we need to be smart sea. If the RAN dedicated more money job where they will earn a higher Leading Seaman Communications and in how we recruit, and be aware of and resources into finding a workable wage. The RAN has addressed this Information Systems these changing needs of current and system that allowed for broadband problem to an extent through the Navy Stuart Wylie, Leading prospective future serving members. internet access to all members and Capability Allowance. Whilst this is a Seaman Marine facilities such as ‘Skype’ internet great incentive, it merely keeps some Technician Duncan Technology phones to be used during quieter people signed on for the minimum Sharp periods of transit etc, then members time required, 18 months. One way At the end of the day, the basis of would benefit by being able to to encourage people to stay longer in all jobs in the RAN is to serve and communicate with families and friends the RAN would be to offer a reduction protect the interests of Australia. This more readily than they can now. in their income tax rate in return for will invariably mean time away from time served. This gives them a financial Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 28 Personnel Retention In The Ran incentive to serve for a longer period, for the RAN is to develop a programme The Mining Sector and they see the result of the incentive with the RN, USN, CF(N) and our each fortnight in their pay packet. other allies to provide more visits to In the past, the RAN has lost a large each other’s ports which in turn allows number of members to the mining Travel for visits to more diverse locations. sector. The lure of a much higher wage It would also improve the morale of is the main driving force for their Many young members that I spoke the respective Navy crew, provide for departure. However, as with all booms, with on a ship I served in mentioned greater working relations between the the mining industry is sure to slow that one main reason for them joining navies whilst working with one another down in the future, and many of these was the chance to travel and see and encourage individual members to people will be looking for work once overseas ports as part of their work. A excel so that they may be chosen to be again. The RAN should be taking steps job in the RAN certainly provides great included on such exchanges and visits. now to develop initiatives to encourage opportunities to visit International Another option would be have people to rejoin or choose the RAN ports, so long as you are posted to the longer periods alongside in foreign over the mines as a career option. right ships that are going to the right ports. Currently, most port visits last The mines don’t offer the same levels places. With the cheap cost of air travel about three or four days. By the time of superannuation, accommodation these days, it is very convenient and the member holds a duty watch, they benefits, reunion travel entitlements, Sailors all over the world navies have more cost efficient to take a holiday to don’t get too much time to see the medical and dental coverage, uniform similar problems. Asia independently. Younger people sights. By providing a longer time allowances etc that the RAN does. Damage Controlman are travelling more and more, thus in port it will enable members to When personnel leave the ADF they 2nd Class Adam reducing the incentive to join the RAN experience more of the area they are soon miss the entitlements and benefits Burg talks about for the opportunity to travel. visiting, making the time away seem to which they had in the past and also the ram fans used to remove smoke from After speaking with sailors from an more worthwhile. Longer periods miss the structure and strength of their an area after a fire RN Ship recently, they too commented alongside overseas ports also allows for ADF jobs. Many may be encouraged is extinguished to that they did not get as many trips spouses and families to journey from back to the RAN if they were able to Nigerian Sailors (US abroad as they would like. One option Australia to join their loved one. negotiate returning at a level similar Navy photo)

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 29

to that as when they had left. It may The options discussed in this article well be a case that the grass isn’t always all involve cost and effort. In some greener on the other side. cases, considerable cost. However, if The RAN Reserve is another option the RAN is to solve the problem of that could be better utilised to assist retention, it must outlay money and with RAN retention. Presently, it is resources to be able to source workable primarily made up of members who long-term solutions. Initiatives to have left the permanent Navy, as they promote retention should consider transition into civilian life. If it were real time, tangible benefits that provide more actively promoted, such as the an ongoing incentive for members way the Army Reserve is, we would be to remain in the RAN. Options that able to source many skilled individuals reward longevity of service should be who could provide their services to the strongly considered foremost, as we RAN on a limited basis. They would be don’t want to lose the strong knowledge able to experience life at sea without base that we built so far. Sub-Lieutenant Matthew Norris RAN giving a full time commitment, and in Failure to invest in the addressing joined the Navy as a Direct Entry return, the RAN gains experience and of retention and recruitment problems Officer in January 2007. After previous personnel where they need it most: at will result in a continued decreasing employment as a coach driver around sea. A follow-on benefit could be some number of RAN members. There is a Europe and Australia, he is now of them signing up to the permanent bright and exciting future for the RAN RAN. with the investment in Air Warfare completing his training to fulfill a Destroyers and Amphibious Landing career as a Supply Officer. Career Management Vessels. However, these vessels are not going to achieve their maximum Sub-Lieutenant Norris was the One advantage to a career with the efficiency if we don’t have the inaugural winner of the CDRE RAN is the variety that the job brings. personnel to man them. The last thing Harry Adams essay competition for Each posting to a new ship or shore we want to see is Major Fleet Units Midshipmen and Sub Lieutenants. establishment brings about a change sitting idle, because we don’t have the His prize was a return airfare to the in the job at hand. The opportunity personnel to man them, similar to our for promotion also brings a renewed current submarine fleet. United Kingdom including $500 approach to each job, as responsibility Australian society has changed spending money. As part of the prize and roles change. For sailors, the career dramatically over the last 20 years or Sub-Lieutenant Norris spent a week management programme is currently so, and now the focus on retention of at Britannia Royal Naval College very well managed. They have access RAN members must also change to Dartmouth. At the time of writing this to a poster who can plan out their keep up with our ever-evolving society. career and locations with a fair degree Failure to do so could be disastrous.  paper Matthew Norris was serving in of certainty. For officers, however, the HMAS Sirius. situation is very different. Having one poster for each Primary Qualification (PQ) overburdens the individual in that position. If more resources were to be implemented to help officers plan their careers, this may in turn gain increased commitment. This would be achieved by creating more poster positions, in turn having more regular contact with officers to gauge their performance and ambitions, and being able to provide them with a more structured and defined career path. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 30 Don’t call me ‘Sir’… the Use of Titles and Names in the Royal Australian Navy byL J iEUTENANT ulian O’Shea

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” – William Shakespeare

[“Not if you called them ‘stench blossoms’.” – Bart Simpson]

he culture of Defence and indeed wider Australia has seen Tchanges in recent years. Some aspects of Naval life, however, have remained constant for decades. This essay looks at one of the most consistent and recognisable parts of military life – the use of names and titles within the Royal Australian Navy – and compares it with contemporary society to see how appropriate current practices are within 21st century Australia.

Australian Society and Japanese has different vocabularies was commonplace there has been a Language for men (stronger and superior) and distinct move away from this practice women (passive and feminine) which from almost all facets within wider Like most languages, the Australian further underlines their hierarchical Australian society. The reference English of today owes a lot to history society. for written communications within and cultural influences. This language The use of slang and language Defence is the Australian Defence and its usage in turn further shapes reinforces one of Australia’s core Force Publication ADFP 102 – Defence current culture and society. The result values – that all people are equal. This Writing Standards. we have today is a language similar to egalitarian view has grown from our In contrast, at the highest level British English, with influences from nation’s humble beginnings and has politicians are sending the message to other nations and a uniquely Australian become a true part of the national Australians that calling them by their twist. psyche. As a broad cultural rule, first names is preferred. This was Prime English, particularly the version Australians value modesty, sincerity Minister Kevin Rudd’s approach as used within Australia, is an anti- while loathing pretentiousness (tall he rode the wave of ‘Kevin07’ into the authoritarian language where the use poppy syndrome). Lodge last year. Mike Carlton (Sydney of words changes very little when Morning Herald) along with other addressing people of higher and lower The Use of Names journalists started referring to the status. While it possible to show previous leader of the Opposition as respect through tone and the additions Most written correspondence within “Just-Call-Me-Brendan” (Nelson) for of titles such as Mr/Mrs, the language the Australian Defence Force is done his style with members of the public. and word-use is largely the same. in a manner which neglects to use It is important that politicians are seen This is in stark contrast to languages individuals’ first names, even for to be able to connect to the man on the such as Japanese where the language communication amongst people of street, and calling yourself Mr Rudd, and vocabulary changes significantly the same rank. This practice relies Mr Turnbull or Dr Nelson makes this a when talking to people of different on the old-fashioned principle of harder proposition. status – parents, strangers, managers, using titles, initials and surnames for From politics to pop culture the customers and elders. Additionally, identification. Whilst in the past this shift is the same. Pick up any gossip Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 31

magazine and you will find yourself and madame on a first name basis with all the (my lady). A-list celebrities who you have never In modern previously met: Britney, Paris, Brad and Australia Angelina (well, perhaps ‘Brangelina’ is outside of the more likely). uniformed Within Defence, ADFP 102 does environments formally provide flexibility with these titles are the use of given names in written not commonly communication. An extract: “The used – signature block is set at the left-hand predominantly margin, is single-spaced and usually only used when contains the following information: addressing (a.) initials (or given name) and family customers, name (in all upper-case bold typeface).” in formal ask for her autograph, a request she This means that both of the following correspondence and to strangers. The politely declined, but later provided in formats are acceptable: full phase “Madam” is even rarer, used private correspondence. in titles such as “Madam Speaker” or The purpose of using these titles J.A. COLLINS (and in sharp contrast) to mean the such as “Sir” and “Ma’am” is a sign of LEUT, RAN woman who runs a brothel. respect to the individual and position. The Australian Defence Force, While the language does appear or as with other militaries around the to serve this task, mandating that world, has retained the use of “Sir” all subordinates use the title seems JOHN COLLINS and “Ma’am” for use when addressing to somewhat defeat this purpose. LEUT, RAN superior Officers. Historically the title There is a huge difference between has been used when addressing people an individual who uses the phrase of Despite this, each of the examples of different social standings or age, their own volition as opposed to one included within ADFP uses initials although with the ADF being an equal who says it because they are required exclusively – a practice which has opportunity employer with entry being to. There are some parallels to the become the norm with the RAN on merit, the use of these titles is based staunch republicans who toast the and has led to many people having on rank alone. Queen during mess dinners – symbolic the mistaken belief that it is the only Australia’s egalitarian attitude does behaviour which reflects no true correct format. For correspondence not lend itself well to the use of these personal beliefs they hold. outside of the Australian Defence Force titles, with most people feeling more Recruits at HMAS Cerberus were this is particularly problematic as it comfortable to speak as equals. A predominantly born in the late 1980s fails to tell the recipient one of the most good anecdote which highlights this through to 1990. Most of them may important pieces of information: the was when cricketer Dennis Lillee met have never called another person “Sir” full name of the sender. Noting that the Queen in 1972 where he greeted or “Ma’am” before in their lives. This one of the core principles of written her with “G’day, how ya going?” This means they are not using the titles communication is to effectively get was a very Australian approach to out of a personal sense of respect to the information across as clearly both the language and the attitude to an individual, but because this is what as possible, this makes current hierarchical society. Unsurprisingly, they were taught to do. The claim that Defence practice dated and, at times, members of the British public thought says the use of these titles is required counterproductive. this was a flippant and inappropriate to maintain respect and discipline is way of addressing the monarch. One a false argument. Respect is earned Sir / Ma’am analyst wrote however, “In Dennis’ through actions and is shown by action, mind, he was just treating the Queen not simply using titles and giving The origins of the words “Sir” and as an equal. After all, it wasn’t her fault salutes. There are thousands of other “Ma’am” (short for Madam) are she couldn’t play cricket.” Lillee did organisations and leaders that function from the French words sire (lord) think highly enough of the Queen to outside the Defence environment Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 32 Don’t call me ‘Sir’… the Use of Titles and Names in the Royal Australian Navy References: without relying on this concept. for practical purposes but have since Homer Simpson: “Maybe, just once, A further example of Defence become ceremonial, and are done as someone will call me ‘Sir’, without adding, ‘…you’re making a scene’.” requirements which is out of sync with part or preserving our history. For Australian society is for formal letters. example, bells are no longer used to Australian Defence Force Publication 102 – Defence Writing Standards, Australian When completing this correspondence mark the passage of time on a ship, yet Defence Force, 1998 the reference (ADFP 102) requires we ring the ship’s bell each morning Carlton, Mike, Anzac Bridge farce shows that the RAN complimentary close during Colours. The use of the titles how ‘security’ has cost us our freedom, is used: “I have the honour to be, “Sir” and “Ma’am” could be put into this Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney, 2008

Sir, your obedient servant.” This is category, retained in formal settings, Daily Telegraph, The Things they Said, uncomfortable language and I submit such as on parade grounds or on the United Kingdom, 2005 that most individuals would not bridge, but removed from normal office Schonfeld, Alexander, Manifestations consider themselves, or indeed their and workplace functioning. of Gender Distinctions in the Japanese Language, 1999 subordinates to be “servants”. As Navy workplaces evolve to Swanson, Chad, How the English Language has Shaped Australian Culture, Summary and Future include more and more civilian and Convict Creations, Accessed Sep 2008 contracted staff the current culture of The Royal Australian Navy is a modern, titles based on rank will become less professional organisation which should and less relevant. To retain and attract strive for best practice and embrace the best people we should seek in every Australian values and ideals. How we way to celebrate the contribution by are perceived both within the RAN individual and create an environment and by the wider community is very where people feel comfortable and important. enjoy; this will ensure we get the best In its history the Royal Australian out of the next generation of sailors.  Navy has overcome some significant social challenges, including becoming a navy independent from England and the introduction of women at sea. These changes were required by the maturity of Australia as a nation and through societal evolution. There is an expectation that the Australian Defence Forces continues to evolve to meet the requirements and expectations of Australian people now and into the future. The way Australians communicate with each other is one area which has Lieutenant Julian O’Shea is the seen changes over recent years and Manager and Weapons Electrical in which the RAN has failed to keep Engineering Officer of the West Head up. We now have a system based on a Gunnery Range in Victoria. Julian class model which dates back hundreds completed his Telecommunications of years and there can be changes which could improve efficiency within Engineering degree at the University Defence. The requirements that of Adelaide and has a Masters degrees exist for written communication are in Engineering Management from the outdated and often fail to recognise the University of New South Wales. His importance of the individual. most recent sea posting was to HMAS The Royal Australian Navy has many traditions which started out Newcastle. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 33 HMS Amethyst. Simon the ship’s cat, and John Kerans, the black sheep of the RN

LCDR Desmond Woods discusses neutral power in the civil war wracking whether HMAS Shoalhaven might China and this led the Admiralty to have made a difference in this naively believe that RN or RAN ships, strange tale from 1949 well marked with white ensigns and national flags, would continue to be allowed to pass on the Yangtze ‘ on n Australia it is a little remembered their lawful occasions’ as they had done fact that 60 years ago, in April 1949, for a century. Ithe Admiralty came close to sending Their Lordships were sadly the RAN frigate HMAS Shoalhaven, mistaken. The Communists, who held then serving with the RN and fortified the north bank of the great HMS Amethyst Fleet, into an unwinnable fight with river, planned to cross it within weeks. at Nanking. Her relief ship would Chinese communist gunners. It was They had no intention of allowing their never get there. a only a wise appraisal, and timely waterway to be used by Chiang Kai HMAS Shoalhaven would have decision, made first in Canberra by Chek or any foreign power in support been that unlucky relief ship had the the Menzies Government and then of the Nationalists, or as a neutral Australian government not decided by the Flag Officer Far East Fleet highway for foreign commerce. The that she should only be used if there that prevented the ship’s company of old pre-war ‘Rules of the Game’ had was a clear and definable humanitarian Simon Shoalhaven from being put in mortal been altered forever by the Japanese role for her in rescuing foreign Amethyst’s cat with Dickin danger on the Yangtze River and being occupation and the consequent rise nationals from peril. It was decided medal needlessly killed and wounded. of the PLA. The continued existence in Canberra that she was available for (closeup of In April, 1949 as Nationalist forces of the old RN China Station was now mercy missions, but not for guardship medal below) were being defeated across China, a fiction rather than the reality it had duties. In Chiang Kai Chek’s beleaguered been during the pre-war decades when practice government hung on to a shrinking China was effectively run by the West. the foreign perimeter in Nanking, two hundred Neutrality was a meaningless concept delegations miles up the Yangtze from Shanghai to Mao. started to and the sea. Also in Nanking were The destroyerHMS Consort, evacuate many international delegations the Nanking guardship, was due Nanking by made up of diplomats who, despite to sail from Nanking on 19 April. road and rail their status as neutral and protected The plan was for her relief ship to as soon as persons. Their governments feared sail simultaneously upstream from it became they might need to be guarded from Shanghai and the two ships would obvious that Communist attack. For that purpose pass on the river. The timing of the Chiang Kai the Royal Navy’s 3rd Frigate Flotilla and guardships’ changeover was considered Chek’s forces 8th Destroyer Flotilla had provided a critical and needed to be completed were unable to guardship at Nanking. before the expected Communist hold his capital, so Quite what the guardship’s function crossing of the Yangtze to engage the river based mercy would be in the event of a Communist Nationalists on the south bank. What missions were not attack on Nanking was not made clear. no one in the Far East Fleet high needed. Her purpose was to ‘show the flag’ command appreciated was that the When and could only be symbolic. In theory Communists ‘ever victorious army’ the Menzies she could provide a place of safety for would swiftly occupy Nanking on 24th Government made diplomats and evacuate them down of April. Consort being scheduled to known its decision river. In practice this was never a likely sail on 19 April would mean she would not to permit or practical scenario. Britain was a be just in time to escape being trapped Shoalhaven to be Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 34 HMS Amethyst. Simon the ship’s cat, and John Kerans, the black sheep of the RN used solely as a Nanking guardship, the company. both medium and heavy Admiralty might have reconsidered On her first night on the river artillery, causing more its whole position on the Yangtze. Amethyst anchored where Chinese damage and casualties to Their Lordships might have decided nationalist warships normally did so. the ship. Weston ordered that if the Australian government was It has been speculated that this was the uninjured to prepare to unprepared to hazard sailors’ lives, the initial cause of the Communist repel boarders with Bren for no achievable aim, then a prudent gunners mistaking her for an enemy guns and rifles. policy might be to bring Consort down ship. Whatever the truth, within 24 With her bow aground the river and not to relieve her. There is hours of her sailing from Shanghai the on Rose Island, the ship no evidence that any change of policy illusion that a declaration of British was a sitting target only was considered either in London or in neutrality would protect the Amethyst, some 200 yards from the the Far East. Instead the Flag Officer was shattered by communist small communist shore batteries of the Far East Fleet, Vice Admiral A arms fire from the river bank. Thinking which continued to pound LCDR John Kerans C G Madden, aware of the Australian this was not aimed at him, but part the frigate. To save lives Weston reservation on Shoalhaven’s use, of the regular general firing between ordered the immediate evacuation of decided that the next available frigate, combatants, Skinner ordered the most of the crew. Everyone capable of HMS Amethyst, was to come out of unfurling of the Union Jacks over his swimming to the bank was ordered refit in and under the sides. This made no difference to the over the side, while the non-swimmers command of Lieutenant Commander rapid fire which was soon accompanied and walking wounded used the only Bernard Skinner sail from Shanghai by artillery shells. Amethyst was hit one of the ship’s boats left undamaged. for Nanking. By now the river was the hard and often and Skinner was 59 ratings and four Chinese mess boys immediate front line in the civil war mortally wounded on his wrecked made it to the Nationalist controlled and was about to be crossed by the bridge. The combination of a jammed southern bank, but several more were Communists to attack their enemies. starboard engine telegraph and an cut down in the water by PLA machine For any foreign warship to venture injured coxswain resulted in Amethyst gun and artillery fire before they could up the river under these changed going aground on Rose Island. Though reach safety. Those that survived were circumstances was, to say the least, a also seriously injured Lieutenant taken to a nearby Nationalist Army “courageous” decision. It could also Geoffrey Weston, the First Lieutenant, hospital, and returned to Shanghai. be characterized as a foolhardy and took command and ordered the after Amethyst now had left onboard pointless one. guns to return fire at the PLA batteries. only 40 unwounded men, 12 wounded, Possible interdiction or challenge Chinese shells exploded in the sick and 15 dead. The shelling had stopped, by PLA artillery was anticipated by bay, the port engine room, and finally but no one could move on the upper Madden, and both Amethyst and hit the generator. Weston with great deck without drawing the attention Consort were ordered to sail in a state coolness signaled: ‘Under heavy fire. of PLA snipers. Damage control of readiness to meet the fast changing Am aground in approx position 31.10’ parties plugged shell holes below the developments in the civil war. The North 119.50’ East. Large number of waterline with bedding. Amethyst had ships’ main armaments were to be casualties.’ sustained 50 hits from heavy shellfire provided with ready use ammunition The angle at whichAmethyst went and had been repeatedly raked with in case of the need to open fire without aground meant neither A or B gun machine gun fire and was full of holes. delay and they had large Union Jacks mountings could be brought to bear While the ship’s doctor, Surgeon prepared on their upper decks which on the PLA batteries, leaving only the Lieutenant Alderton and his sick berth could be displayed over their sides at twin stern mounting to return fire. attendant worked at speed to treat the the first sign of any trouble. As Skinner 30 four inch shells were fired before growing number of wounded another took his shallow draft frigate out into the mounting was hit, knocking out shell exploded nearby killing them the strong currents of the Yangtze one of its two guns. The remaining both instantly. For the next six days Amethyst started a tragic four month gun returned a few more shots until Lieutenant Peter Berger, the navigator, trial by fire from which the shell ordered by Weston to cease fire and Weston dosed themselves on shattered ship would eventually return, in the hope that this would cause morphine and benzedrine so they but which would cost him, and the the PLA to do likewise. The shore could remain awake and able to treat RN, his life and those of 22 of his ship’s batteries, however, continued to fire the wounded, and prepare to defend Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 35

the ship against the expected boarding by the communists. On hearing of the attack on Amethyst the Consort sailed from Nanking with seven white ensigns flying and large Union Jacks unfurled over her sides. She steamed to the rescue, with all guns’ crews stood to, at 29 knots with the river current behind her, a speed never before attempted and which made her hard to keep on course. As she neared Amethyst she too came under heavy accurate shore fire to which she replied very effectively with rapid 4.5 inch salvoes which knocked out one shore battery. However when she slowed to prepare to pass a tow to Amethyst she was then hit several times. Like Amethyst her bridge and wheelhouse HMS Belfast in her were badly damaged. Her captain was have to run the gauntlet. There were from Shanghai up river with officers later, present-day role as a museum wounded and her coxswain and nine critically injured men onboard and they and a steaming party standing by to ship in the Thames others killed. Both 4.5 inch guns were were without a doctor or sick berth relieve Amethyst’s exhausted ship’s put out of action and she was forced attendant. Without effective treatment to steer from aft, no mean feat for a Skinner had died of his wounds ship manoeuvring at high speed in and Weston, now in command, restricted water and under fire. But was seriously injured. Supplies of given Consort’s damage and casualties, medicine and dressings were ebbing further attempts to tow Amethyst were swiftly, along with morale, as the ship’s out of the question and reluctantly she company stifled in the summer heat. was forced to clear the area and pass Madden, flying his flag in the Town down river. Consort had taken 56 direct class heavy cruiser HMS London, HMS London hits and suffered not only nine killed decided to try to extricate Amethyst company. The plan was to escort the but 30 men wounded. She had no from her deadly trap. He asked the RAF battered frigate back to the fleet under choice but to leave Amethyst to her fate to try and get a replacement medical the protection of the guns of the big or suffer the same one herself. officer to the frigate and a Sunderland cruiser but London and her escorts Under cover of darkness Weston flying boat, carrying a doctor, duly ran into trouble very swiftly. London and his exhausted men floated departed from RAF Kai Tak in Hong made a huge target for the communist Amethyst off the sandbank moved Kong for the 800 mile flight. On gunners. She and her escorts came her into the middle of the river and its second attempt the Sunderland under accurate and heavy fire and anchored. The ship was still within managed to land on the river close although Madden blasted at the gun artillery range but not that of small enough to Amethyst to disembark the batteries with London’s eight inch main arms fire. Notwithstanding this success doctor, before it had to depart in a armament and all ships fired their 4 their situation was still desperate. They hurry, as Communist artillery ranged inch guns they were all hit hard and were 170 miles upstream and seven on it. often. With 23 sailors killed and 20 hours steaming from the fleet and Madden was determined to go more wounded it became obvious to safety. Between them and Shanghai to the frigate’s rescue himself in Madden that he stood to lose far more were numerous PLA artillery pieces his flagship and withBlack Swan than he could possibly gain by forcing and the six inch gun batteries of the and the damaged Consort as his a passage to Amethyst. Reluctantly Woosan Forts past which they would escorts. He took his three ships he took his ships back to Shanghai for Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 36 HMS Amethyst. Simon the ship’s cat, and John Kerans, the black sheep of the RN repairs and to bury his dead sailors. understandably believed themselves to acting C-in-C HMAS Shoalhaven provided the firing be beyond salvation. Far East Fleet, party for the burial service in Hung-Jao Throughout May, June and July Admiral Brind, cemetery. By now the PLA had lost 252 a diplomatic game was conducted Kerans decided gunners killed in these artillery duels between the UK Foreign office to risk all and with the Royal Navy and were not in a and Mao Tse Tung in an effort to make a run for it forgiving frame of mind. Amethyst was get the stricken ship released. The on the moonless still as far from safety as ever. Communists were determined that night of 30 July. At this point a most remarkable this would not occur unless the This was the figure enters the story. Lieutenant British made a grovelling apology ship’s 101st day Commander John Simon Kerans, the and confessed that they had opened of captivity. assistant naval attaché in Nanking, fire on 19 April without provocation. Timing was all was the only RN executive officer This untrue statement the RN and important. The remotely close enough to be able to get the British government categorically river was as to Amethyst and to take command. He refused to give. Consequently high as it was Chiang Kai Shek was an unlikely hero. Kerans had faced Amethyst became a pawn in a going to get and one Board of Inquiry after another, geopolitical seismic shift in world as the river charts in the wheelhouse with offences which included running affairs as the PLA triumphed over had been destroyed in the attack on ships aground. He had even faced a all its Nationalist enemies and Mao the bridge it was essential that the court martial for accepting bribes of proclaimed the People’s Republic of dangerous shoals and sandbanks were wine. He had been posted to Nanking China. well covered with water. Kerans would as a punishment for having become Conditions onboard the cramped be sailing in darkness and at speed ‘over refreshed’ ashore in Malta on frigate deteriorated further in the heat through treacherous waters he had a Saturday night and deciding on and airless humidity of high summer. never navigated before and without a Sunday morning to swim back to his The ship’s systems were seriously river pilot. battleship. He arrived in a state of damaged by shellfire and short of the Kerans’ yeoman managed to get a dripping disorder on the quarterdeck ability to make fresh water. The gyro rudimentary homemade encrypted during divine service, which the compass was beyond repair. Fuel for signal off to Admiral Brind alerting Admiral and his wife were attending, generators was getting low and food him to his intention and asking for all still clearly unfit for duty and missing was rationed. Rats, and the risk of possible support on the morning of 31 many essential garments. Nanking was disease they brought, were increasing July abreast of the guns of the Woosan as far from the fleet as their Lordships rapidly and the physical condition of Forts. The faithfulConcord duly moved could send him; so they did. Now the the ship’s company was diminishing up river to give Amethyst covering fire Royal Navy’s pride and the survival of along with morale. But the ship’s cat, if she was attacked. All other frigates Amethyst’s ship’s company depended Simon, despite being seriously injured in the flotilla prepared to go up river on this seaman officer and black sheep by shell splinters and burns, not only and fight it out with the PLA batteries of the fleet. Comes the moment, comes recovered from his wounds but took on if necessary. RAF Sunderlands were the man! the rat population including the fattest on standby to pick up any survivors Kerans knew that there would be and most fearless rat on board, named, if Amethyst was sunk or had to be no more costly rescue attempts from inevitably, Mao Tse Tung, and slew him scuttled on her seven hour, 100 mile Shanghai. It was now up to him to in single combat. He then put himself dash to the open sea and safety. get on board and turn Amethyst back down for duty to protect the ship’s At sunset on 30 July Kerans manned into a warship capable of moving and dwindling food stores from all rodents. his B gun mounting, the only one with fighting again. It is hard to imagine a With the Foreign Office having ammunition. There were not enough more daunting leadership challenge. failed to win permission for the ship fit hands on board to man the other He bribed a sampan owner to take him to move down river it became obvious two mountings and 4 inch ammunition down river and boarded her under to Kerans that he and his men had was limited after the expenditure of cover of darkness and river mist. Then no alternative but to break out before shells. Almost as soon as she moved he started the process of restoring they lost the ability to do so. With the the ship came under fire and was hit. It hope to traumatised men who encouragement and blessing of the seemed to the anxious Admiral Brind Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 37

and his staff waiting aboardHMS the mainbrace. George R” Belfast monitoring Keran’s signals Once his story was known Simon, that courage and a stiff upper lip were the ship’s cat, became an instant not going to be enough to save the celebrity and was awarded the Dickin situation. But the hit was not serious Medal, which is the British serving and Amethyst worked up her boilers animal’s equivalent of the VC. Despite to maximum power and moved out of a difficult start to their relationship range. With the river running in flood Simon and his new CO had come to behind him, steaming at 22 knots with appreciate each other’s importance to no charts, no compass, no moon and the ship and it was Kerans who wrote little fuel Amethyst surged down the the bravery citation and put Simon Australians as the British government Artists river. It was an act of desperate bravery up for his medal. Once the award was once again losing young servicemen’s impression of HMS Amethyst and reckless faith made necessary by an made known thousands of letters were lives with the same nonchalance acute lack of alternatives. Kerans the written to Simon, so many that one allegedly shown throughout both world ‘black sheep’ of the fleet was proving to of Amethyst’s officers was detailed wars. Memories of Gallipoli were be the ‘man of the match.’ solely to answer Simon’s post. Sadly still fresh and the recent As he neared the halfway point and he died while under quarantine in debacle a matter of deep division and was approaching the six inch guns of UK due to an infection from his war bitterness. The passionate enthusiasm the Woosan Forts, Kerans sent a two wounds. His funeral was attended by with which the young Queen was word flash signal in clear toConcord hundreds including Amethyst’s ship’s greeted on her tour of Australia in somewhere downriver from him. It company. In 1993 Simon’s Dickin 1954 confirms that most Australians was a masterpiece of brevity; it simply medal was auctioned for $US32, 000 in that era were still intensely loyal to read, ‘Come quick’ Kerans’ close friend, and is now displayed in the Imperial the British crown. Notwithstanding Commander Rodney in Concord, had War Museum. this undoubted affection for the person anticipated him and was waiting for HMS Amethyst was repaired and of the sovereign, dead Australian him in the pre dawn darkness with a refitted and returned to duty and saw sailors would have been a potent cause welcoming smoke screen into which action off Korea. She played herself for anger directed by the Australian Kerans steamed Amethyst at speed in the film version of her 1949 escape government and people at the British while she too made smoke. As the before she was scrapped in 1956. John government. sun rose illuminating the forts both Kerans was promoted to Commander Menzies’ decision to restrict ships passed them unchallenged. and awarded the Distinguished Service Shoalhaven’s use was not only ‘Fancy meeting you again’ signalled Order. However given his chequered strategically correct but also politically Rodney; to which Kerans signalled early career he was clearly not destined astute. He set aside his anglophile by light ‘Never, never has a ship been for a glittering career as a senior officer. instincts in denying his permission more welcome’. Kerans then made the After being eased out of the Navy he for the RAN to be placed in harm’s signal to Admiral Brind which was became a British conservative MP way. ‘Pig Iron Bob’ might have found splashed across newspapers in Britain and died in 1985 aged 70. It was himself at the centre of national fury if and America and which made him a Lieutenant Peter Berger, the intrepid he had not acted to protect Shoalhaven household name – ‘Have rejoined the navigator, who went on to be a Vice and her men from predictable disaster Fleet south of Woo Sung. No damage or Admiral. with unknowable consequences for his casualties. God save the King’. It is only possible to speculate on career. King George VI on hearing of the possible political ramifications If is impossible now to assess the the escape of one of his smallest that might have flowed in Australia’s long term political consequences of ships signalled: ‘Please convey to relationship with Britain had the an Australian frigate being shelled or the commanding officer and ship’s Menzies government permitted sunk on a Chinese river 60 years ago company of HMS Amethyst my hearty Shoalhaven to attempt to become one can reasonably assert that if it had congratulations on their daring exploit the last Nanking guardship. Had that been not Amethyst but Shoalhaven to rejoin the Fleet. The courage, skill and happened and had 22 RAN lives been that made her daring escape down the determination shown by all on board lost to PLA shellfire the disaster might Yangtze the event would still be well have my highest commendation. Splice easily have been widely interpreted by remembered in Australia, taught in Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 38 HMS Amethyst. Simon the ship’s cat, and John Kerans, the black sheep of the RN school history classes and celebrated LCDR Desmond Woods has served in every year in all RAN messes. The the RNZN, the RN, the British Army and extraordinary events that unfolded on the RAN. He is currently on the staff of the Yangtze, as the PRC was being born the ACSC in Canberra His most recent in the summer of 1949, can be fairly appointment was as Course Officer for considered to have resulted in a very lucky escape for Amethyst and the RN the Junior Officers’ Management and and also indirectly for Shoalhaven, the Strategic Studies Course at RANC, HMAS RAN and Australia.  CRESWELL, where he also lectured in Naval History. His specialist interests include the exploration of the Pacific in the 18th and 19th centuries, the exploration of the polar regions and the rise and fall of British naval capability in the 20th century.

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Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 39 Honour: Fundamental Navy Value

BL Cy iEUTENANT ommander Richard Adams

his article takes up points arising that clearly explain a core part of what from a contribution by CMDR the RAN stands for. TMullan; ‘What’s Wrong With the The imperative for military Navy’s Values?’ (Headmark March 09, operations to be supported by powerful pp. 5-8). ethical thinking is underlined by CMDR Mullan cites Plan Green, reference to the massive failure which asserting ‘reputation management… was Abu Ghraib – an atrocity, which seems to be an important reason for has brought about ‘a significant the RAN’s values program with the upheaval’ in the way US soldiers are perceptions of serving members and ‘morally and ethically prepared for the public as to how the RAN treats its combat’. personnel seen as very important for Correctly, CMDR Mullan argues recruiting and retention’. that this sort of dreadfulness should Taking this point further, the ‘RAN’s have provoked RAN values to be existing values program (is observed rewritten. The published values are a to be) essentially focussed inwards, logical hoax, the philosophically frail towards its members and how they contrivance of reputation management, treat each other and behave within the far from professional military organisation’. Such a narrow focus, scholarship and very far from valuable uninformed by the importance of as the keystone of ethical service on ethical perception on operations, is operations. identified as a failing typical of military Among the least convincing of ‘values sets’. Navy values, CMDR Mullan identifies Rules, in contrast, are operative, Captain Von Muller of Critical of the RAN values ‘honour’ as a ‘semi-coherent’ ‘noble enforceable and much beloved by the the Emden programme for the dearth of an ideal’. He believes ‘the RAN would be coxswains. Though Navy has more ‘important focus outwards,’ CMDR better served by removing honour than enough rules, they are neither Mullan makes an important point, as a discrete value…and ‘replacing more nor less practical then values. observing that Navy has legal capacity it with another, more practical and Rules and values are different, serving to enact disciplined violence at understandable value’. distinct albeit compatible purposes. direction of the State. The presumption Leaving aside the rest of CMDR Navy does not need to cast honour that such capacity entails an obligation Mullan’s constructive commentary, aside. Rather, Navy needs to define for developed ethical thinking I take issue on this point. Though I honour – which is entirely precious highlights a responsibility Navy fails agree that honour, as it is presently as a value - with precision. Properly conspicuously to acknowledge. defined by the Navy, is a philosophical defined, honour is core to military muddle concerned more with public professionalism, illuminating right relations mileage and reputation than conduct within the Service, and by the CMDR Mullan argues: SMS Emden aground with conduct befitting the profession of The RAN has no explicit values arms, I disagree that honour should be dealing with these issues, nor does displaced. it mention these (issues) within I disagree particularly with existing values descriptors. Given the reasoning that honour should be great responsibility the Australian replaced with ‘another more practical people see fit to bestow upon and understandable value’. CMDR members of the RAN, ignoring this Mullan objects to the nebulous fundamental requirement in the Navy’s nature of honour. Yet, this objection organisational values is potentially very is unsound. Values, by their nature dangerous and does not produce values are ideal, nebulous and unformulated. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 40 Honour: Fundamental Navy Value

Service in engagement with the nation Honour is thus and global community. The Service has a concept of moral esteemed honour since its inception. complexity and Equally, honour has been long- insight. A long way recognised as central to the western from the ‘suspect miliary ethos. professional virtue,’ The 1922, Royal Australian Navy which inspires Lectures Suitable for Junior Officers effervescent courage; and Petty Officers considered honour honour demands ‘based on our own self-respect and technical judgement esteem. Honour (asserted the Lecture) and personal comes to us through our conscience’. resolution. For this Such notions are elemental to military reason, honour MIDNHammond receives the RAN College Sword in 1964 service, which Clausewitz considered operates to avert ‘a special calling (which) if it is to be unrepressed fighting followed with success requires peculiar which, no matter how valiant, will distorted militarism, which lionizes unrestrained fighting qualifications of understanding and entail nothing but shame, ‘a feeling of and unmindful physical courage. Subtly and profoundly, soul’. Writing in 1832 in address of ‘the inward humiliation’. honour is an engine of professional self-possession. Honour Genius for War,’ Clausewitz put across Contra the argument of CMDR is not, as CMDR Mullan would have it, ‘a noble ideal but not the ‘noble’ spirit of martial honour, Mullan therefore, honour appears a useful value’. Rather, honour enables the profession of arms which endures today. entirely meaningful. Acknowledging to engage the world with integrity; in peace and in war. Clausewitz lamented that honour that military capability may give rise to Of equal significance, honour entails awareness of was depreciated by unworthy pure violence, employed viciously for professional qualities which, being internal to the profession association with greediness for renown evil ends; honour invokes a professional of arms, differ from expectations within civilian society. As or glory. He understood the sense of ideal, which demands more than skill Osiel notes: something noble and aspirational; a in technical war-fighting. Honour The individual is free to choose, of course, whether or staunchness of will and moral purpose includes living and fighting according not to seek membership of his county’s (armed forces). But driven by an intricate fusion of to culturally embodied principles. he is not free to decide what it means to be a professional individual character and professional Thus, whoever fails intrinsic standards (serviceman), much less an excellent one. The meaning of acumen. Framed by tradition, bound of practical accomplishment and meritorious (service) is determined by the practices and by shared understanding, such a sense personal character is devoid of honour. traditions of the professional community. of honour conveys what is worthy or As military professionals, we The relevance of honour as a keystone of armed service discreditable. So it is, the 1922 Lecture should not underestimate the virtue is amplified by Osiel’s acknowledgement of tradition. holds we ‘are in honour bound to do a of physical courage and toughness. Capturing the inherited cultural legacy of western arms, certain thing’. Neither should we trivialise war as a honour adds depth to notions of professional community Failing to appreciate the intricacy sort of overworked moral theatre. We bound by a shared ethical sense, rather than national of the construct, CMDR Mullan has should nevertheless, understand the borders. The perspective is significant, and underlined by argued for honour to be discarded – frailty of morally insensible skill, and foundational experience of the Royal Australian Navy. particularly because he perceives a the menace of untrammelled ferocity Recalling his capture after the epic 9th November, 1914 nebulous concept, which affords no without honour. The profession of arms battle between HMAS Sydney and SMS Emden, Franz basis upon which the Service may demands recognition of the: Joseph, Prince of Hohenzollern remarked: relate professionally to the global Reflective understanding one finds (We received) an order from the War Office by which community. again and again in letters and war the King of England returned to us officers and subordinate But this is to miss the point. Honour memoirs…the sense that the enemy officers our swords. This was in so far meaningless, as we articulates the moral meaning of soldier, though his war may well be had no swords with us, but doubtless the order was intended Service, connecting to situations in a criminal, is nevertheless as blameless as an honour for the Emden, and as such it greatly pleased way explicit rules cannot; informing as oneself…a poor sod, just like me, us. integrity, shaping conscience and trapped in a war (he) didn’t make. My (Later, transferred as prisoners to the) Hampshire, we influencing notions of pride and self- moral equal. were received by Captain Grant, the captain of the cruiser, respect and shame. Honour is thus quite different from with great cordiality. It was noticeable at once that we Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 41

were among members of our own The virtue remains fundamental expression enabling us to articulate the moral meaning of profession. Wireless messages were to western arms and to the Royal Service life. As we observe the moral riddle of terrorism, coming in daily about the war, which Australian Navy; very far removed let us be reminded that the conduct of men and women in contained fascinating news for us. from the oblivion to which CMDR uniform defines the moral legitimacy of our Nation, and the Thanks to the kindness and chivalry Mullan would consign it. moral footing of killing and dying in defence of our way of of Captain Grant, we were given the Recollection of the past is evocative life. So it is that Australia aspires to be recognised as, a ‘force messages to read…. and meaningful, underlining the for good and an agent of progress,’ in Afghanistan where Underlining the point, the London western honourable ideal; an inherited ‘military operations will not in themselves, rebuild…a stable Daily Chronicle and the Daily News appreciation of ‘the moral world,’ and dependable country’. observed: understood to be sufficiently intact that Honour is thus so very much more than a superfluous Captain (von Muller of the Emden) we can ‘still be said to share it with our ideal, out of place amidst indiscriminate barbarism, which proved himself to be not only a brave ancestors’. The sense is that we learn has defined the global war on terror. The term is applicable, and capable officer, but to possess ‘how to act among our contemporaries because the terrorist offensive is not an assault upon states chivalry in his treatment of the by studying the actions of those who but upon the collective ideals and principles underpinning passengers and crews of the captured have preceded us. (Our forebears) western civilisation. ships. The English nation has now only give stability and coherence to our We may well remember the words of Stephen King-Hall one regret, and that is that a great part moral lives – and to our military who, writing in 1941, held that, ‘it is our destiny to save of the Emden’s ship’s company lost their lives. Notions about right and wrong Western civilisation both by our efforts and our example,’ not lives. are remarkably persistent’. In other by mere brutalism.  Recalling Sydney’s victory over words, our recognition of honour Emden, saturated by chivalry, redolent now is informed and enriched by the with the principled timbre of a fair traditions of honour we have inherited. fight, we observe the first triumph The tradition is a living one; an Lieutenant Commander Adams is presently Staff Officer of the infant Australian Navy. The appreciation of an indistinguishable (Leadership and Ethics) to the DG Navy Transformation remembrance is significant; confirming ‘constellation of independent and non- and Innovation. He earned his doctorate (military moral the honourable foundation of the Navy, specific virtues,’ which have particular philosophy and sociology) from the University of Western just as the present fruition of terrorism relevance in the context of military Australia in 2004. defies concepts of professional honour, service. Moral virtue intermingles which have formerly been taken for with physical virtuosity, in a construct granted. of martial honour, which demands ‘Pitted against adversaries who fight ‘considerable sustained effort,’ and Royal Australian Navy Lectures Suitable for Junior Officers and Petty without any rules or restraints (who) which encourages pride in practised Officers, Vol 1. Lecture 13, p. 4. SPC-A archive. employ methods that are rightfully talent and professional judgement. Clausewitz, C. (1832, 1982), On War, London: Penguin Classics. viewed as horrific and appalling by Honour connects morally to pp. 138, 146, 155 Osiel, M.J. (2002) Obeying Orders: Atrocity, Military Discipline the rest of the civilised world,’ we are situations in a way explicit rules cannot. and the Law of War, New Jersey: Transaction. p. 14. dismayed by a type of conflict we Honour informs integrity, shaping Clausewitz, C. (1832, 1982), On War, London: Penguin Classics. p. 149 understand as dirty. Understandably we conscience and influencing notions Walzer, M. (2000) Just and Unjust Wars; New York: Basic. p. 36 conjure ways to bring the full force of of pride, self-respect and shame. (syntax altered) Osiel, M.J. (2002) Obeying Orders: Atrocity, Military Discipline western arms to bear. Understandably, Thus, honour operates as a more and the Law of War, New Jersey: Transaction. p. 17 we lament what appears to be timidity, authoritative construct than notions Franz Josep, Prince of Hohenzollern, Oberleutnant z.S (1928) Emden, London: Herbert Jenkins Ltd. pp. 244, 258, 264-265. (several excessive caution and unwarranted of legality, identifying ‘the proper passages, syntax amended) regard for the cultural sites and course,’ when regulations or laws French, S. (2003) The Code of the Warrior, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 233, 234 civilian population of a notorious offer uncertain guidance. Clausewitz Walzer, M. (2000) Just and Unjust Wars; New York: Basic. p. 16 deceitful adversary. Yet it would be described ‘military virtue’ which (syntax altered) Osiel, M.J. (2002) Obeying Orders: Atrocity, Military Discipline dishonourable, ‘a violation of our own transcended the ‘vanity of an army held and the Law of War, New Jersey: Transaction. pp. 18, 19, 33 values for us to engage in a war with no together merely by the glue of service- Clausewitz, C. (1832, 1982), On War, London: Penguin Classics. pp. 257-258 rules,’ with sense neither of honour or regulations and a drill book’. Frewen, Colonel J. (2008) ‘Contested Nation-Building The shame, nor of gallantry or heroism. Such a sense of honour is not an Challenge Of Countering Insurgency In Afghanistan’ in 2007 Journal • Volume V, Number 1 • pp. 19-37 Heroes, not ruthless fanatics, explicit term capable of definition in King-Hall, S. (1941) Total Victory, London: Faber and Faber. p. 38 bequeath the western sense of honour. precise language, yet it is a powerful Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 42 Talent Management – An organisational analysis byL M iEUTENANT ark Wilson

t is unambiguously stated in the selection of strategies in an attempt organisational dilemma: if adequate NCA FAQ sheet that ‘The Navy to arrest the decline in its workforce. support and training is not provided, Iis presently facing the most serious These include strategies such as: (the the talent will go - on the other hand, if training personnel shortfall since the list is not exhaustive) Multi-crewing, these facilities are provided the talent early 1950’s’1 (DGNPT website). The Mentoring, Sea-change, the Defence may still go… Clearly the resolution of current Plan Blue also paints a sobering Home Owner’s Allowance Scheme this paradox, in collusion with many picture declaring that: (DHOAS), a revised superannuation other related issues - pose significant ‘The future Navy faces increasing plan (post MSBS), the Graded Officers’ challenges to today’s Navy. competition from the private and Pay Scale (GOPS), the Navy Capability Whilst it is acknowledged that public sectors for a decreasing number Allowance (NCA) and eventually - the Navy has employed a selection of skilled and talented young people. the Graded Other Ranks Pay Scale of retention strategies to maintain Navy must be considered as an (GORPS). capability, this essay’s primary focus employer of choice to recruit and retain Reflective of these challenging will be on talent management as an talented people in the future.’2 times the recent literature is abuzz additional stratagem. Reflective of These statements illustrate that with the latest HR strategy - ‘Talent the relatively recent developments today’s organisational milieu is Management.’ Claims that the ‘…rules regarding talent management, research considerably more challenging than for managing people are dramatically for this essay was sourced significantly it has ever been. Forecasting this changing,’4 and that ‘For many from a selection of relevant peer development, Sparrow et al affirmed organizations, it has become a strategic reviewed journals and to a lesser that, ‘The world is becoming far more imperative’5 are replete, particularly extent , academically researched texts competitive and volatile than ever amongst the respective HR journals. (due to the lack of available material). before’3. A significant realisation of this A discussion with a work colleague In seeking to answer key questions development lies in the diminishing regarding the subject highlighted a regarding talent management, this pool of adequately skilled personnel. sobering perspective, one that the article approached the topic in a This contention is based upon several more this writer pondered, the greater considered and pragmatic fashion, People join up not factors, most notably: a rapidly aging its significance appeared. In answer to with an eye to separating rational just to serve their workforce, the need for an increasingly “Do you think we talent manage?” my conclusion from corporate hyperbole, country but also to technological skill-set, and an colleague stated, “We don’t manage but foregrounding talent management see the world - HMAS increasingly mobile, diverse workforce. talent, we prepare them for their next as a potential strategy that may be SYDNEY departs Faced with these contingencies, the job [elsewhere]!” On a simplistic employed by the Navy’s career and Sydney harbour for a world cruise. Navy has recently embarked upon a level, this exchange illustrated an personnel management systems. Photo by Chris Sattler

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 43

What is talent management? savings and competitive advantages’12 . by any employer, irrespective of its TM appears to be a strategically origin. According to the literature, the term determined function, which has ‘Talent Management’ (TM) enjoys shifted HR from its traditional base of Why should the Navy a broad interpretation, particularly ‘Training and development,’ towards embrace TM? with regard to its implications for HR. more holistic considerations such Meisinger suggests that HR leaders as ‘…organization development and As a system based as it is on a ‘…need a deep understanding of the career development’13. Ashton & meritocratic model, it could be argued labour pool’s evolving knowledge base Morton concur with this view stating that the Navy already utilises TM as in order to recruit, acquire, develop and that ‘TM is a strategic and holistic a matter of course, by virtue of its retain high potential, high-performing approach to HR…a new route to regular and rigorously conducted talent’6. Similarly, Oakes identifies this organisational effectiveness’14. To personnel assessments (SPARS, function as the ‘…bringing together - in narrow this definition into something NOPARS and their precursor’s). The a unified technology platform - the more substantial, Ashton & Morton RPL process is another example of functions of recruitment, selection and have devised that TM falls into five the organisation’s flexible approach to assessment, learning and development key component’s15, they are listed and the recognition of experience as well management, workforce planning, described as follows: as more formalised qualifications. compensation and (insert other HR Other notable strategies such as the related functions here)’7. Somewhat a. Ethos – the creation of ‘talent Officer mentoring and the Defence more usefully, Oakes refines this mindset’ culture, supporting the belief Assisted Study Scheme (DASS) also definition to three particular elements, that everyone has potential. contribute to professional and personal the ability to ‘…attain, train, and retain development. As worthy as these a workforce’8. b. Focus – the identification of approaches are, these example’s work As a consequence of the challenges particular jobs that are key to the within the rigid constraints of the currently faced by employers, the organisation’s success, and to ensure policies contained particularly within oft-heard mantra ‘people are our that the right people fill these jobs at ABR 10 and ABR 6289 respectively. greatest asset’ currently appears to the right time. The identified constraints regard the enjoy greater resonance. ‘The rhetoric promotional arrangements for career has become reality: An organization’s c. Positioning – the championing of advancement and recruitment. The success is directly linked to the talent it the TM ethos from the top down, to following examples are illustrative of employs’9. Consequently, the strategic make this a management, not an HR the limitations of the current policy: involvement of HR has increased initiative. commensurately. Pfeffer articulates a. Sailor career progression - this belief, concluding that, ‘People and d. Structure – creating policy Irrespective of a sailor’s performance how we manage them are becoming and processes to ensure a rigorous (or experience) through the ranks, more important because many other application (accountability). he or she cannot be accelerated for sources of competitive success are less promotion beyond 12 months between powerful than they once were’10. The System – ‘facilitating a long-term and the ranks of PO, CPO and WO. value of talent is clearly perceived as holistic approach to generate change’. critical to the bottom line. ‘Companies A cursory look at the previous b. Officer career progression - are dependent on their top performers chapters may give the appearance of For the officers, there is no facility to innovate and provide services that corporatese, HR doublespeak designed for accelerated promotion in their differentiate them from their fierce to enthuse the converted and bemuse promotional continuum, beyond the competitors. They’re reliant on their the cynical. However, strip away the rank attained on entry. human assets to thrive’11. On a more undeniable emphasis on ‘competitive tangible level, the cost benefits of talent advantage’, and other bottom line c. Sailor recruitment – Irrespective retention appear substantial. As is oriented material -there is considerable of an applicant’s curriculum vitae, or clearly stated by Ellet, ‘Holding on to commonality. In particular, the work experience there is no capacity to your most talented and hardworking recruitment and retention of personnel engage a recruit beyond the base rank people translates directly into cost in today’s climate as a challenge faced of Seaman. Additionally, he or she may Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 44 Talent Management – An organisational analysis

not be accelerated through the ranks beyond the existing guidelines. The experience gained within each rank is undoubtedly the rationale for the first two previously stated limitations. But is this consideration necessarily the true measure of an individual’s ability to perform at the next rank? Yes, to a significant extent this requirement coupled with a track history of performance appears to be a reasonable criterion, particularly from an organisational perspective – as it provides a measure of capacity on the part of the individual. However, this linear progression has no capacity or flexibility to recognise an individual’s ability beyond these constraints. This Finding and keeping apparent intransigence is likely to within the existing recruitment and the proposed solutions stated later highly skilled people stymie an individual’s ambitions and as career progression policies. These within this same document signals - HMAS Newcastle such may be exacerbating the rate of are considered emblematic of an the intention to ‘…apply best practice berthing recently separations. inflexible approach to TM. Although in personnel management … [by at Garden Island, The latter example (Para 9, Sub-Para these examples are specific, TM is using] innovative ways of matching Sydney. 18 Photo by Tim Pruyn c.) regarding sailor recruitment beyond not limited to these particular topics. people with jobs’ . Its method of the base rank of seaman, coupled As alluded to previously, TM is a implementation is considered key with no opportunity for accelerated holistic approach intended to act as TM in this guise is particularly promotion is also considered as an as an overarching philosophy, not a innovative. impediment to attracting potential prescriptive set of instructions. Equally, recruits. This model is considered ideal it is not meant as a wholesale approach Three key strategies when recruiting from school age - that treats everyone as ‘talent’, this The following three key strategies however, anecdotal evidence suggests unrealistic approach would essentially are proposed to resolve many of the that the age demographic of recruits negate any perceived value. As stated issues raised previously within this has increased exponentially over the by Ingham ‘…an organization’s essay. For the purposes of brevity and previous decade. Presumably many of relationship with its talented employees their broadly contextualised utility, these members will have had previous needs to be fundamentally different they will set out what is considered 16 jobs or careers prior to joining. Whilst from that of other employees’ . the most significant aspects of these tertiary qualified members may be This consideration would represent strategies according to the available readily identified for commission, a seismic shift in the organisation’s literature. They are grouped into three what of the remainder? For example, existing approach to TM, which key areas: recruitment, performance a member joins the Navy as a cook. realistically could prove challenging to development, and career planning. He was an experienced chef with 10 successfully implement. For information, these headings were 19 years experience in possession of an derived from an article by Rands . Advanced Diploma of Hospitality How can organisations (Management). Whilst his skills and manage the talent within Recruitment experience will probably assist in his them? progress through the ranks, his full The necessity for an organisation potential may not be maximised for an The Navy Strategy – Charting the to be perceived as an employer of extended period. course to 2025 draws emphasise to choice appears crucial in attracting The above examples are intended to the ‘Changing societal expectations high calibre employees. Rands refers 17 demonstrate perceived inefficiencies about the nature of work’ . One of to this exigency in reference to ideal Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 45

recruitment, stating that ‘…employer organisation. Ingham suggests that that may be employed to assist in of choice is what most organisations recognition of the talent’s potential, and combating the issues of recruitment 20 aspire to achieve’ . Ingham regards their increased involvement in higher and retention. The recruitment and an employer of choice as one that has level, strategic functions is a worthy retention of personnel represents a ‘…developed and promoted itself in approach. ‘It’s…important that those challenge today as it will be for the such a way that…its talent would never assessed as talent are assigned to (and foreseeable future for all employers. want to look anywhere else (perhaps can contribute towards) high-value … The unique and appreciably more 25 only to add a bit more variety to their roles’ . This belief is echoed by Kaye’s demanding conditions of employment 21 career)’ (2006, p. 20). The importance research regarding ‘What keeps them’. within the Navy serve to exacerbate of gaining such regard is acknowledged She states that ‘…dollars don’t drive the dilemma. That it suffers greater within the Navy Strategy - Charting retention. Exciting work and challenge attrition rates compared to the other the course to 2025, ‘[the] Navy continue to be the leading factors for two services is further evidence of 26 will address shortcomings in some engaging and retaining talent’ . its magnitude. Talent management employer of choice characteristics is intended not as a panacea, but as 22 and project positive images’ . Today’s Career planning part of the overall strategy to attract diverse and talented workers are more and retain personnel to and within discriminating in their employment Not all talent is destined - nor the organisation. The creation of a choices, many of these same individuals necessarily wishes to be the CN. ‘talent mindset’ culture - that has at its have yet to experience a different Equally, it seems reasonable to assert core the belief in the opportunity for economic environment... that there is talent throughout this everyone to realise their ambitions in organisation’s structure, in many a less predictable, but entirely merited Performance and different careers and at many different manner is considered an efficient development levels. Rands discusses the presence and effective way of managing the of careers beyond the typically talented. The Navy’s existing career Once recruited, the talent needs hierarchical model, suggesting that and personnel management systems to be identified and subsequently there are many different definitions are tried and tested, and are at the developed. Scheduled, individualised ‘…within the organisation: the career vanguard of HRM practice. With an appraisals of performance may assist manager, the career expert, the eye to continuous improvement of in identifying talent amongst the career salesmen, the career customer these practices, TM is put forward as 27 employees. The utilisation of Key service person, the career courier’ . a complimentary device intended to Performance Indicators (KPIs) may An effective career-planning model, assist in these endeavours.  provide a useful association with the cognisant of this notion, appears best appraisal process, particularly when placed to capitalise on the specific measuring performance outcomes. goals of the individual. For example, KPIs are described as ‘…quantifiable, the career Subject Matter Expert specific measures of an organization’s (SME) possesses significant corporate 23 performance’ . To assure rigour knowledge, otherwise described by in the assessment process, Walker Aiman-Smith et al, citing Leonard 28 recommends that assessments should & Swap as ‘deep smarts’ . These ‘…consider performance in multiple deep smarts are discussed as ‘… 24 assignments in different contexts’ . the experience based store of tacit This is asserted to distinguish talent and explicit knowledge that allows more effectively, with a view to people to understand issues, put identifying and developing potential. together patters, and come to correct Lieutenant Mark Wilson has served 29 The existing appraisal processes within conclusions with startling swiftness’ . 25 years in the RAN. He began his Navy are ideally structured to make Needless to say, the loss of this career as an RP, changed category to these determinations, it is the context corporate memory has a net cost to NPC in 1990 and reached the rank that would alter. efficiency and/or effectiveness. of CPO. On attaining a B. Ed in Adult The development of talent appears Talent Management can be pivotal to its retention within the promoted as a distinctive strategy Education he gained a commission in Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 46 Talent Management – An organisational analysis the Training Systems PQ in 2003. He of Talent Management,’ Training and 2006, p. 29. Development, ASTD, April 2006 Ed. p. 21. 20. ibid p. 31 has subsequently completed Masters 8. ibid p. 21 21. Ingham, J. ‘Closing the Talent Management Gap,’ 9. Meisinger, S. ‘Talent Strategic HR Review, Melcrum Publishing 2006. p. 20. studies in Adult Education. He is Management in A Knowledge-Based 22. The Navy Strategy – Charting the Course to 2025 (2008) currently serving in HMAS Success as Economy,’ HR Magazine, May 2006 Ed. p. Part B – Chap 1, ‘People,’ para 1.18 10. 23. Lockwood, N. ‘Maximising Human Capital: the Training Management Officer. 10. Pfeffer, J. (1994) ‘Competitive Demonstrating HR Value with Key Performance Indicators,’ SHRM Advantage through People,’ Harvard Research Quarterly 2006. p. 2. Business Press, p. 10. 24. Walker, J. ‘Talent Results: The Best and the Rest,’Human 11. Kaye, B., and Jordan-Evans, S. Resource Planning, 2003. p. 13. Notes ‘Retention in Tough Times,’ Training and 25. Ingham, J. ‘Closing the Talent Management Gap,’ Development, ASTD, Jan 2002 Ed. Training, Strategic HR Review, Melcrum Publishing 2006. p. 23. 1. DGNPT Website – NCA FAQ Vol. 24, No. 5. p. 32. 26. Kaye, B., and Jordan-Evans, S. ‘Retention in Tough 2. Plan Blue 2006 12. Ellet, B. ‘Plug the Drain,’ Training Times,’ Training and Development, ASTD, Jan 2002 Ed. Training, 3. Sparrow, P., Schuler, R.S. and and Development, ASTD, Nov 2005 Ed. p. Vol. 24, No. 5. p. 34. Jackson, S.E. (1994) ‘Convergence or 77. 27. Rands, A. ‘Opportunity Knocks for Star Performers,’ divergence: human resource practices 13. Garavan, T., Costine, P., and Training Journal, Sep 2006, p. 32. and policies for competitive advantage Heraty, N. ‘The emergence of strategic 28. Aiman-Smith, L., Bergey, P., Cantwell, A. and Doran, worldwide,’ The International Journal of human resource development,’ Journal of M. ‘The Coming Knowledge and Capability Shortage,’Industrial Human Resource Management, Vol. 5, No. 2. European Industrial Training, Vol. 19, No. Research Institute, Jul-Aug 2006 Ed. p. 15. p. 267. 10, MCB University Press. p. 6. 29. ibid p. 15 4. Tucker, E., Kao, T., and Verma, 14. Ashton, C. and Morton, L. N. (2005) ‘Next-Generation Talent (2005) ‘Managing talent for competitive Bibliography Management: Insights On How Workforce advantage,’ Strategic HR Review, Vol. 4, Issue Appelbaum, S., Close, T. and Klasa, S. (1999) ‘Downsizing: an Trends Are Changing The Face Of Talent 5 Jul/Aug 2006. p. 30. examination of some successes and more failures,’ Management Management,’ Business Credit, Jul/Aug 2005 15. ibid p. 30 Decision, Vol. 37, No. 5 pp 424-436. Ed. p. 20. 16. Ingham, J. ‘Closing the Talent Horwitz, F. ‘The emergence of strategic training and development: 5. Ashton, C. and Morton, L. Management Gap,’ Strategic HR Review, the current state of play,’Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol (2005) ‘Managing talent for competitive Melcrum Publishing 2006. p. 20 23, No. 4, pp 180-190, MCB University Press. advantage,’ Strategic HR Review, Vol. 4, Issue 17. The Navy Strategy – Charting McCracken, M., and Wallace, M. (2000) ‘Towards a redefinition 5 Jul/Aug 2006. p. 28 the Course to 2025 (2008) Part B – Chap 1, of strategic HRD,’ Journal of European Industrial Training, MCB 6. Meisinger, S. ‘Talent ‘People,’ para 1.5 University Press. Management in A Knowledge-Based 18. ibid para 1.44 Economy,’ HR Magazine, May 2006 Ed. p. 19. Rands, A. ‘Opportunity Knocks Scott, G. (1999) ‘Managing workplace improvement in Education,’ 10. for Star Performers,’ Training Journal, Sep Change Matters, Allen & Unwin, Sydney. 7. Oakes, K. ‘The Emergence

HMAS Ballarat and HMAS Sydney conduct a Towing Exercise (TOWEX) in the Mediterranean Sea

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 47 Cumulative Hazard Risk Modelling for Naval Platforms BL Dy iEUTENANT amon Craig

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.

Goethe (1749–1832)

or the last decade the Australian Defence Force and in particular Fthe Royal Australian Navy has had to come to terms with and embraced quantifying Hazard and Risk in its workings1. This has been formalised in the Navy Technical Regulation Framework and associated documentation ABR 6492. These documents are a subset of the ADF regulatory regime and safety management doctrine. Technical Regulation is based on controlling risks to fitness for service, safety of personnel, and environmental compliance, which occur during design, construction and maintenance of ADF maritime materiel 2. There are a variety of tools to assess and manage risk, from simple checklists to more elaborate Rifles in public spreadsheets and web based Whereby the organisation, in this case mathematical or statistical approach. but a minimal application 3. However, there does delegated by Command, must evaluate Even though this process is founded risk - RAN Royal not exist a methodology within the all activities conducted by with a view in science, it can become an art form Guard members relax before parade fleet to approach and manage risk in a to both finding and reducing hazards. in making a valued assessment of 8 - photo by Glenn cumulative model to asses the current Whilst the process of assessing the probability . Crouch risk being accepted by the use of a Hazard is detailed under the Navy platform. Technical Regulation Framework, the The Hazard Risk Index This paper discusses how risk is ethos to drive the process is contained This processes outlined above have assessed and reported, and proposes within Safety Systems policy with an been combined and formalised a number of Cumulative Hazard Risk aim to a safe culture 5. This process into the Hazard Risk Index (HRI). models to account for the overall risk relies heavily on experience of the On evaluation of the Severity and of operating a platform with those organisation to identify and treat Likelihood, an index from 1-20 can hazards remaining. The fundamentals hazards and can become subjective be assigned to the situation to allow of Navy Hazard Risk Assessment given the differing backgrounds and better overall assessment and handling (HRA) are a useful addition to the experience of members of the team 6. of the hazard. This Index is used in the content of the paper. allocation of a priority of a technical Risk assessment defect otherwise known as the URDEF Hazard assessment A risk is the chance of some event process 9. It can also be used to asses A Hazard is defined as a source of occurring that will have an impact the safety of a variety of evolutions and potential harm or a situation with upon mission and outcomes. It can be activities. The HRI can be assigned to potential to cause loss that will have an quantified in terms of likelihood and a number of standard evolutions to impact upon mission and outcomes 4. consequences 7. It in effect becomes a create Standing Risk Profiles. These Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 48 Cumulative Hazard Risk Modelling for Naval Platforms

profiles are evaluated for a series of in a work package known environmental influences and or maintenance adjust for variations from the normal. schedule 10. A HRA that results in a HRI of 10 The following implies that there is a remote risk of a scenario will be critical hazard. This gives a resultant used to assess the index of the danger of the outcomes as Cumulative Hazard 50% of the available indexed scale. Risk models. The Ship has Combined Probability a base line of 30 Combined probability is the net result outstanding HRA; expressing the chance of all of a series Of these, there are of related outcomes being achieved and 20 ‘Priority 2’ defects can be expressed as follows: (Where with a HRA of 6,7,8 Risk management P is the probability of risk or event or 9; This additive model also does not mitigated by training occurring) The remainder are ‘Priority 3’ respond to the weighting of an - an NH90 Cockpit {Eq.A} P Total = P1 x P2 x P3 x P4 x P5 defects with a HRA of 10-17; and operational or Safety defect as follows: Simulator 1 ……… x Pn Some ‘Priority 1’ defects with a {Eq.3} Sum (priority x number of HRA of 1-5 will be introduced to defects) = (1 x 1.5) + (20 x 2) + (10 x 3) Cumulative Probability evaluate the model = 71.5 Cumulative probability is the net result expressing the chance of any one of PROPOSED MODELS Averaging model a set of independant outcomes being Additive model As the previous model does not achieved and can be expressed as A simple model for Cumulative respond well the addition of high follows Hazard Risk is to add all the HRA. priority defects nor does it give a useful {Eq.B} P Total = P1 + P2 + P3 + P4 + P5 This is a quick and effective method of result to command another model ……… + Pn evaluating the amount of risk on board. needs to be proposed. The way ahead is However it does not account for the to look at taking an average of the HRA METHOD severity of each component HRA. The /defect priority. This is still a quick Further sections of this essay will Resultant HRA for this model would be and effective method of evaluating the propose some models for accounting {Eq.1} Sum (priority x number of amount of risk on board. The Resultant for a Cumulative Hazard Risk defects) = (0 x 1) + (20 x 2) + (10 x 3) HRA for this model would be: associated to operating a platform = 70 {Eq.4} {Sum (priority x no. of defects)} / given a series of known and generally total defects = 70/30 = 2.33 unrelated Hazards already accepted When a ‘Priority 1 defect’ is added to for the Ship. The methodology for the the model, very little is to be gained When a ‘Priority 1 defect’ is added calculation of each risk will be accepted from the result and it does not allow to the model, again very little value is as correct in order to make a valued for a greater picture of the platforms added by the result to and no better comparison of the cumulative model. Cumulative Hazard Risk. The intent of view of the Platforms fitness for service The models will also, to avoid length Australian Fleet General Orders and is gained as shown: calculations, group the HRA to an of current maintenance philosophy is {Eq.5} {Sum (priority x no. of defects)} / associated URDEF priority as detailed that the ship will proceed or remain total defects = 71/31 = 2.29 in ABR 5230, thus taking the 20 levels alongside with a ‘Priority 1 Safety’ of HRA to 4 levels of priority. To defect or be unable to continue This additive model also does not assist the modelling, ‘Priority 1 Safety’ operations with a ‘Priority 1 Operation’ respond to the weighting of an defects will have a greater weight than defect: operational or Safety defect, and the ‘Priority 1 Operation’ defects. It {Eq.2} Sum (priority x number of actually gives a false impression that also currently will not look at ‘Priority defects) = (1 x 1) + (20 x 2) + (10 x 3) the ship is now safer as detailed: 4’ defects given that some ships may = 71 {Eq.6}{Sum (priority x no. of defects)} / have over 500 of these for inclusion total defects = 71.5/31 = 2.30 Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 49

Generally, this model has improved priorities. The model also now includes risk and probability in general needs the understanding of the associated a baseline co-efficient. This number to be made. In treating the Risk, it has risk to the platform, but still remains is a constant and would be varied for been assumed that whilst each defect unresponsive to thigh priority defects. the age and operation history of the is different and unrelated, they are platform. It allows for the intent that all sources of hazards that effect the Averaging model with adjustment for high Naval Platforms are an inherently overall safety of the platform. This is in priority defect hazard environment and that whilst contrast to the cumulative effect of the a baseline risk is accepted the fleet repeated exposure to a known hazard In order to account for high priority should not become risk averse. The or probabilistic situation. This can be defects/risks, the above model is to model accepts the test case of thirty shown to either increase or decrease be adjusted directly to account for the defects as our baseline thus gives a a risk given the long term exposure 11. presence of this defect. The Resultant result of zero percentage risk above A similar treatment of cumulative non model can be expressed as follows: baseline as follows: related risk could be applied in this {Eq.7} {Average Priority x (20/4)} - (Pri {Eq.11} Sum (weight x number of situation; however it would require a 1 Safe x 2) - (Pri 1 Ops x 1) defects) = percentage risk probability for each defect or hazard Baseline coefficient to be known prior to the calculation. It must be noted that this model takes This methodology has been excluded the average priority and converts it {Eq.12} (Pri 1 Safe x 8)+(Pri 1 Ops x due to the cumbersome nature of back to a simplified HRA using the 4)+(Pri 2 x 2)+(Pri 3) = percentage risk the mathematical process (iterative factor ‘20/4’. It also accounts for the 50 histogram). intent of operational policy to force a The methodology of deducing a ship alongside with a safety related high Therefore the amount of risk in our Cumulative Hazard Risk of failure from priority defect. The resultant HRA is as baseline case can be expressed and a number of otherwise independent follows: compared to the high priority defect variables is supported by the availability {Eq.8} {2.33 x (20/4)} - (0 x 2) - (0 x 1) cases as follows. of integrated Cumulative Hazard = 11.65 {Eq.13} (0 x 8)+(0 x 4)+(20 x 2)+(10) = Risk models in other fields of risk 100% management12. This additive model now responds well 50% to both an operation and a safety defect USE OF MODEL BY respectively as shown: {Eq.14} (1 x 8)+(0 x 4)+(20 x 2)+(10) = COMMAND {Eq.9} {2.33 x (20/4)} - (0 x 2) - (1 x 1) 116% 28. One of the most appropriate = 10.65 50% uses of this model is to have the Cumulative Hazard Risk Index {Eq.10} {2.33 x (20/4)} - (1 x 2) - (0 x 1) {Eq.15} (2 x 8)+(1 x 4)+(20 x 2)+(10) = included in routine reports from the = 9.65 142% Ship to Fleet Command. The index is 50% appropriate for and could be used in the following situations: Revised additive models with ‘baseline This model is perhaps the most a. Monthly URDEF Summary – coefficient’ effective at comparing the current to give an overall indication of the status of the platform to the baseline technical integrity of the platform; Initially in the assessment of HRA risk, it also allows for the percentage b. Report of proceedings – to track model, the concept of chance and risk to be below the baseline risk value. the performance and technical health probability was discussed. The final This is perhaps not a realistic measure of the platform (perhaps limited use); model proposed proposes a resultant of safety but it is a comparative quality c. Senior Officer Status Report – probability of failure as opposed to a of this model not provided by the to highlight capability concerns and resultant index. This model also takes alternative proposals. long term operational impact of the into account a weighting of the defect platform status; and priority. It should be noted that this VALIDITY OF METHOD d. Departure / Entry Harbour Briefs model, to ensure robustness applies In order to validate the above – to provide a command focus on the an exponential weighting to the defect methodology, some assessment of inherent risk of taking the ship to sea, Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 50 Cumulative Hazard Risk Modelling for Naval Platforms

or proceeding through pilotage waters. Further training be provided to Notes Engineers and Command in order 1. Department of Defence. 1998, Report Hazards will, for the foreseeable future, to make use of these new models in of the Board of Inquiry into the fire in HMAS be part of the business of operating a adding value to Reports and returns WESTRALIA on 5 May 1998. Defence Publishing Services, Canberra. p 11, para 62. frontline warship. The management of from Fleet Units; 2. Fleet Command – Engineering these risks will remain an important Whilst the recommendations are Division. 2008, Navy Technical Regulatory System Available from the FWEEO Website part of the working routine of the crew not, in this case tied to a time line, and managers. To avoid becoming risk the sooner they are implemented will sites/WEE/ 3. Department of Defence. 2006, ABR averse, a culture must be established guarantee a more accurate assessment 6303 NAVY SAFETY SYSTEMS MANUAL. that allows open and honest reporting process of Navy Technical Integrity.  Defence Publishing Services, Canberra. part 1, para 2.13. of all hazards and associated risk. 4. Department of Defence. 2003, ABR In order to increase the value of this 6492 NAVY TECHNICAL REGULATIONS MANUAL (NTRM). Defence Publishing process, a Cumulative Hazard Risk Services, Canberra. vol 2 chap 1 annex A. model has a variety of benefits as 5. Department of Defence. 2006, ABR 6303 NAVY SAFETY SYSTEMS MANUAL. shown above. Defence Publishing Services, Canberra. part Whilst Ships remain on operation 1, para 3.8. 6. Barnes, Paul. H. 1996 ‘Life as a Coiled with tolerable risks subject to periodic Spring’; Hazard and Risk Perception in the and continuous review, the risk Queensland Fire Service Griffith University. management process must also be p 197 7. Department of Defence. 2003, ABR subject to some form of review, in 6492 NAVY TECHNICAL REGULATIONS order to ensure that serving in the MANUAL (NTRM). Defence Publishing Services, Canberra. vol 2 chap 1 annex A Royal Australian Navy is synonymous with a safe working culture that meets 8. Idrus, Captain T. 2007 A note on cumulative risk email.. if not exceeds industry best practice. 9. Department of Defence. 2004, A ‘Priority 1 Safety’ defect will still ABR 5230 SHIP MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION MANUAL. Defence imply that a ship is unable to proceed Lieutenant Damon Craig joined the Publishing Services, chap 5 para 5.7. to sea, as will a ‘Priority 1 Operations’ RAN in 1997 as a RCTET. After a posting 10. FFG Systems Program Office 2008. Main Work List IMAV 24 – HMAS SYDNEY defect prevent the completion of to FISSO, he was commissioned and spreadsheet a mission. The Cumulative HRA 11. Sappenfield, W. Long, S. Elrifaei, attended RMIT University, graduating H. and Rosenberg, D. 2000 Calculating proposed above is not, at this stage, in Communication Engineering with the Cumulative Risk of First Time Teen expected to remove this constraint, Pregnancy. CDC MCH Epidemiology First Class Honours, and awarded Conference Call. Powerpoint Presentation nor is it to force a ship to alter its 12. Argonne National Laboratory. 2008, programme. It is however proposed the RMIT Engineering Faculty Kernot Cumulative and Integrated Risk Available from the Argonne Website http://www.ead. as an essential modelling tool for Medal and the University medal, command to asses the tasking of the the J.N. McNicol Prize, for academic Bibliography platform in view of the total risk. achievements and contribution to the In view of this paper, it is Comeau, S 2003 NASA engineer says society more risk averse than before recommended that; University. He has served in the Middle Concordia’s Thursday a. The Director of Technical East in HMAS Darwin and Tobruk and Report vol 28 no 4 23 October 2003 Regulation – Navy and Fleet Concordia is currently posted to HMAS Sydney Craig, Lieutenant D.S. 2007 A note on Command - Engineering Division as the DWEEO. Craig has also served cumulative risk email conduct further analysis of Cumulative Idrus, Captain T. 2007 Fleet Engineering at Cerberus when he was the Military Conference II 8 August 2007 Agenda Fleet Hazard Risk Modelling for Fleet Units; Command b. The averaging model with Development Officer. Minute with Annexes Proctor, Lieutenant Commander M.S. adjustment for high priority defect 2007 Untitled email {Equation 7} and the revised additive Wikipedia Web Encyclopaedia. 2008, Nash Bargaining Available from the Website model with ‘baseline coefficient’ {Equation 11} be further evaluated as Wikipedia Web Encyclopaedia. 2008, Pareto Efficiency Available from the Website possible models for use within Fleet Command; and Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 51 A Look at some of the Implications of Climate Change upon the RAN B y MIDN JeREMY Baumgarten

uman Induced Global Climate period of time, the Earth’s atmosphere Change (also called Global is able to accommodate the increases Warming)H has been a passionately in CO2, that has been largely caused debated issue for the past 20 years, by industrialisation. However this has regarding whether it exists or not been occurring for more than 200 and if so to what will be the extent years, and since the end of WWII CO2 of its the impact. Whilst there are emissions have been occurring at a rate no certainties as to the existence of exponentially greater then any other Global Climate Change, the reality period of human existence3. is that the proof is building, through Overtime the slow and slight the enormous body of research that increase in temperature will increase is being published weekly as well as to a faster and greater rate. Humanity by the changes to the environment is currently on the verge of climate that we are all experiencing daily. This change getting to a point where it will article examines the impacts that global take thousands of years to recover from climate change could potentially have the effects. There are a considerable upon the Royal Australian Navy, by amount of effects that can arise from breaking them down in to two areas the changes to global temperature, of discussion: National Implications ranging from increased frequency and and Regional Implications. Whilst severity of both storms and droughts, there are a myriad of reports that heat waves, reduction in agricultural model the future climatic changes to output, increased sea levels due to the the planet, this article bases its facts melting of polar ice caps, and ironically upon those contained within the there is a theory that an Ice-age could Citizens of Puerto “Intergovernmental Panel for Climate result (as Dennis Quaid so elegantly change to Australia, resulting in an Cabezas rush to get Change’s (IPCC) fourth assessment demonstrated in The Day After eastern shift in the Australian climate, Meals Ready to Eat on climate change” published in 2007, Tomorrow4). which has the effect of slowly spreading (MRE) that were which is generally considered to be one The Summer of 2008/9 the deserts of central Australia closer dropped from an of the more accepted predictions. This demonstrated that Australia may towards the main population centres MH-60S Seahawk report is based on historical facts and already be experiencing some of these of Eastern Australia. What has also helicopter figures and basis its future assumptions effects, with record heatwaves in been observed is that there have upon these. the south being matched by massive been an increase in the amount and cyclones and wide spread flooding severity of destructive weather driven Background in the north. This in the opinion of natural disasters over the past 20 years. Scientist have been aware the earth the author demonstrates that there is Examples of this include the Sydney has been getting warmer since the damage caused to the earth as a result hail storm of 19995, Cyclone Larry of 1930’s1 and have attributed this to of climate change and its implications 2006, Cyclone Ellie and the subsequent what is called the greenhouse effect, are very relevant in the short term. floods of 2009 and the nationwide where the increase in numerous heatwaves of 2009. Clearly there is very gases in the atmosphere, in particular Effects to Australia and little that the RAN can do to prevent Carbon Dioxide (Co2), causes heat Implications on the RAN these events, however it is the Navy’s from the sun that ordinarily would As has been seen in Australia in recent role as detailed in the ‘Australian have been reflected off the earths crust years the climate is getting warmer and Maritime Doctrine’ (AMD)6 to, when back into space, to be trapped within drier. There are numerous explanations required provide “Defence Assistance the Earths atmosphere2. The result of why this occurring ranging from to the Civil Community“, (DACC) is that over time the earth’s average El Nino / La Nina cycles through to something that is particularly necessary temperature increases. Over a short what is believed to have been a climatic during times of disaster relief. As is Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 52 A Look at some of the Implications of Climate Change upon the RAN further stipulated by the AMD; ‘ship borne helicopters can be particularly useful and ships may act as logistic support bases, hospitals and command posts for long periods, the specialist skills available in ships also mean that their personnel can be invaluable resources of trained manpower for rehabilitation and repair work”7. Thus it can be seen that in the event of natural disaster the RAN may be called upon to react. So what does this mean with a predicted increase in the frequency and severity of natural disasters as a result of global climate change? The outlined advantages that a naval unit can bring to a natural disaster zone seem to mirror those that the upcoming Canberra Class LHD’s will have. Will the potential increase in natural disasters affecting Australia mean that Australia’s ability to produce its own environment9. The islands of South HMAS Kanimbla at sea on her way from an LHD will have to be available in the food. As a result Australia may have Western Pacific also is one of the most Darwin, Australia, to event of such an event and as a result to become increasingly reliant upon vulnerable to climate change, due to Indonesia to support will its primary task as an amphibious imports. This where the Navy’s role high population densities and that tsunami disaster assault ship to support joint will come into this symptom of climate they are low lying in comparison to relief operations expeditionary operations be reduced? change since it is one of the RAN’s the ocean10. Sea levels will always vary Or will there always be a need to have primary responsibilities to ensure the over time, however it is predicted that another vessel present in Australian safety and security of our Sea Line by 2100, the worlds average sea level waters, to provide relief? Or will there of Communications (SLOC). Whilst will rise by approximately 0.5-1.4m need to be a new strategy considered SLOC today see the vast majority of as a result of the melting of the polar by ADF as part of future planning on Australia’s imports and exports pass ice caps11. The combination of the how the Navy will respond to provide through them, with a reliance on predicted rise in sea levels, combined assistance to the civil community? them for food their importance will with the South Western Pacific states’ In addition to the above stated be greater, and also more vulnerable vulnerability to them, has led some to challenges caused by the increase in - if Australia suffers from reduced consider them to be the worlds ‘canary freak climatic events, the very slow food output then it is likely that other in the coal mine”12, with regards to changes to Australia’s climate may have nations will also. The result of this global warming, as the major results their own effects upon the Navy. If could potentially be that Australia’s of the predicted climate changes current levels of atmospheric pollution maritime and border security may will likely affect these regions first. continue it is predicted that Australia come under increasing threat as there Whilst the island nations that will be will face an average temperature could be significant increases in piracy particularly affected, such as Kiribati rise of around 2°C over the next 30 and illegal fishing being found much and Tuvalu, may not necessarily see sea years8. Although this may seem closer to our shores. levels rise to the extent that their whole small its effects will be exponentially nations are covered in water, what may greater then a normal summer day Effects to the Region and occur is that there is a sea level rise in Sydney being 34° as opposed to Implications for the RAN significant enough to introduce large 32° - the Australian continent will According to the AMD the South quantities of sea water in fresh water become significantly hotter and drier. West Pacific is one of the fundamental supplies, thereby reducing the ability to This will have implications upon regions of Australia’s strategic irrigate crops, as well as drinking water Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 53

(Endnotes) supplies for population centres. These 1 Moss, Norman, London Defence floods are already being recorded at Studies 1990-1: The Politics of Global Warming, London UK: The Centre for 13 much greater frequency than in 1981 Defence Studies, 1991, p8 and also have the effects of damaging 2 Archer, David: Global WarmingUnderstanding the Forecast, infrastructure and contaminating Madden USA, 2007, pp 4-7 fertile land for agriculture. 3 2007, Climate Change 2007, Fourth Assesment Report, Intergovernmental Panel If these sort of trends continue it for Climate Change may be necessary for the Australian 4 The Day After Tomorrow,2004. [Film], Directed by Roland Emmerich, USA: 20th government to provide assistance Century Fox to our neighbours - apart from New 5 Climate Change 2007, p 515 6 “Australian Maritime Doctrine (RAN Zealand we are the only country Doctrine 1); RAN Sea Power Centre, 2000, in the region with the resources pp 70 7 “Australian Maritime Doctrine”, p 71 and ability to do so. What may also 8 2007, Climate Change 2007, Fourth occur is a requirement to conduct Assesment Report, Intergovernmental Panel MIDN Jeremy Baumgarten joined the for Climate Change large scale evacuations of whole 9 “Australian Maritime Doctrine”, p 31 communities as their land becomes RAN in January 2006. After graduating 10 Barnett, Jon: Global Warming and the Security of Atoll Countries, Christchurch uninhabitable. Whilst this is very from the RANC in June 2006 and a New Zealand, Macmillan Brown Centre for real possibility in the future, many brief period aboard HMAS Manoora, Pacific Studies, 2004, p 9 of the Pacific Island nations refuse 11 Rahmstorf, Stefan: “A Semi Empirical MIDN Baumgarten commenced Approach to Predicting Future Sea Level to discuss it, although the Tongan Rise”, Science, January 2007, vol 315,pp 369 Prime Minister in 2006 stated that studies at ADFA in January 2007. MIDN 12 Shibuya, Eric, “Climate Change and Small Island States: Environmental Security he would like to purchase land in Baumgarten is in his final year at ADFA as National Security”, in: Shibuya, Eric and New Zealand and relocate his people Rolfe, Jim Ed. Security in Oceania in the completing a Bachelor of Arts degree. 21st Century, Honolulu Hawaii: Asia-Pacific there, notwithstanding numerous Centre for Security Studies, 2003, pp 148 cultural, political and economic 13 Patel, Samir; “Climate science: A sinking feeling”, Nature, April 2006, vol 440, issues.14 Australia may become the Acknowledgements p 734 new home for several island nations The author would like to acknowledge 14 Samir, 2006, p 736 15 Barnett, 2004, p 19 as their own land becomes unusable, the invaluable assistance of CDRE Ray with the nations offering their Griggs and CAPT Jaimie Hatcher in Economic Exclusion Zones (EEZs) as production of this article. payment15. This would increase the area of responsibility for the RAN in protecting an EEZ that extends well beyond mainland Australia. This article demonstrated several potential impacts of global climate changes and what the results could be for the RAN. It does not categorically prove the existence and results of climate change or what will be its definite effects. However it shows what current scientific data is predicting, what could be the future for Australia and the region resulting from this, and what subsequently could be the effects upon the RAN. 

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Shipyards: Australia and USA Email: [email protected] Fax +61 8 9410 2564 Tel: +61 8 9410 1111

WWW.AUSTAL.COM Issue 133 55 Visions from the Vault VisionsVisions from from the the Vault Vault

n 1998 Vic Cassells placed the Sailors have always had a tendency and paid off in 1928, possessed a following note at the beginning to adopt mascots. Before the onset bulldog named Peggy during the latter Iof his book Shipmates, a collection of the information age live animals of part of her career. Whether she was of illustrations and tales of the all kinds were a major contributor to on board at the time this photograph mascots carried in RAN ships and morale, providing a touch of warmth was taken is unknown, but it serves as establishments: ‘This book is dedicated in the otherwise stark confines of a a reminder that if all else failed a sailor to all the creatures, of whatever kind warship. The light cruiserMelbourne , could always feed the seagulls! who have eased the sailors’ burden’. which entered RAN service in 1913

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 56 ANI On-line: A guide to the new website.

Our new website is now on-line! In addition to the features available on the Changing your details previous site, the new site also features a library of past journals, a discussion When your account is created, only your member ID and password are forum, a news section and member list. This short guide is designed to help stored in the system for privacy reasons. However, you may provide other details that are visible to other ANI members. In order to change you take full advantage of the new features. your details, login and click the “Change Your Details” menu item (figure 5). Then select the “change” link (figure 6) next to either your personal details or password. Change the text appropriately and click the “save” button (figure 7). Figure 1 The personal information that you provide will be visible to other Obtaining an account members of the ANI but will be hidden from members of the general In order to access the new features of the site you must have a user public. You may provide as much or as little detail as you wish but account for the website. If you have a current subscription to the ANI, none of the fields are compulsory. However, you may not change your navigate to the website using your web member ID as it is the link between the on-line database and our off- browser (figure 1), click the “Members Login” menu item (figure 2), line records. then click the link to download an application form. Fill in the form, then fax or post it to the ANI Business Manager. Once your account has been created, you will receive an email that outlines your member ID and password.

Figure 7 Figure 8

Participating in the forum In order to post topics and replies in the discussion forum, first login Figure 2 Figure 3 and click the “Forum” menu item (figure 8). Then select a forum that Logging in to your account you would like to view by clicking its “View Topics” button (figure Once you have your account details, you are ready to login and access 9). Select a topic that you would like to read by clicking its “View this the new features of the site. In order to login, navigate to the website topic” link (figure 10). If you are not interested in any particular topic, (figure 1) and click the “Members Login” item (figure 2). Enter your you may add your own by clicking the “Add New Topic” button (figure member ID and password as they were provided to you, then click 10). Similarly, once you are viewing a topic, you may post a reply by the “Login” button. The case of the member ID and password are clicking “Add New Post”. Fill in the heading and body of your reply and important: i.e. “CaSe” and “case” are considered entirely different words click the “Submit” button to add your reply to the topic. If you change by the authentication system. Each letter of the password will appear as your mind while writing your reply, you may click the “Cancel” button a single “*” to prevent others from seeing your password as you type. and your reply will not be added to the topic. If you have entered your details correctly, you will be presented with the news page. The grey status bar at the top notifies you of the account you are using (figure 4). You are now able to access all of the new features of the site.

Figure 4 Figure 9 Logging out of your account In order to protect your identity and to prevent malicious use of your account by others, you must log out of the site when you are finished browsing. This is especially important on public computers. In order to log out, click the “Logout” link in the grey status bar (figure 4). Figure 10

Further questions If you have specific questions regarding website features or even a Figure 5 Figure 6 feature request, post a topic in the “Website Questions” forum and a site administrator will reply. Otherwise, happy browsing!

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 57 Thinking of Making a Contribution? Style Notes for Headmark

In general, please present your work publication: publisher, year of that Commander Bill Crabbe, or Jack Aubrey, or Reverend James with the minimum of formatting. edition. Moodie. At the end of the article, please supply full honours So: - Lieutenant Commander Bill Crabbe, CSC, RAN - unless Paragraphs: Adkin, Mark. Goose Green. London: you would prefer not to use them. Then please supply a Don’t indent, and leave left justified. Leo Cooper, 1992. paragraph on yourself, to a maximum of 50 words, including Separate paragraphs by one line. Single Adler, Bill (Ed.) Letters from Vietnam. any qualifications you would like listed, and any interesting spacing only. Use one space only after New York: EP Dutton and Co., 1967. biographical aspects. If possible please supply a colour or stops and colons. Articles use quotation marks around greyscale head and shoulders e-photo of yourself for use Conventions: their title, which is not in italics. alongside the article title. Use numbers for 10 and above, words If citing web sites please use the Illustrations: below. Ship names use italics in title convention: Do not embed graphs or figures in your text without case; prefixes such asHMAS in capitals Australian Associated Press. “Army sending a separate file as well. If supplying photographs use and italics. Book and Journal titles use admits mistakes in SAS investigation”. a minimum of 300 dpi. We are keen on colour images but italics. 17 February, 2004. Please send to the Editor on Endnotes rather than footnotes. Use So, web site name. Article title. Full footnotes to explain any points you date of accessing the site. Full URL. Editorial considerations: want the reader to notice immediately. Bylines: The Editor reserves the right to amend articles where Book titles follow Author surname, Supply your everyday title for use at the necessary for the purposes of grammar correction, and to first name, title if any. Title. Place of beginning of the title, so: Lieutenant delete tables or figures for space considerations.

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 58 Australian Naval Institute

The Australian Naval Institute was formed as a self- considered. As much of the RAN’s attention Editorial Board. supporting and non-profit making organisation; incorporated operational and administrative history Articles of greater length can in the Australian Capital Territory in 1975. The main is poorly recorded, the recollections of submitted to the Sea Power Centre- objectives of the Institute are: members (and others) on these topics Australia for possible publication as • to encourage and promote the advancement of knowledge are keenly sought. a Working Paper (seapower.centre@ related to the Navy and the maritime profession; and Views and opinions expressed in • to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas concerning Headmark are those of the authors and subjects related to the Navy and the maritime profession. not necessarily those of the Institute, the Editorial Board Membership subscription rates are located on the next page. Royal Australian Navy, the Australian The Board is largely drawn from Further information can be obtained from the: Defence Organisation, or the institutions the ANI Council but key roles are Business Manager, Australian Naval Institute, the authors may represent. undertaken by the following members: PO Box 29, Red Hill ACT 2603, ph +61 2 62950056, The ANI does not warrant, guarantee Chairman: LEUT Tristan Skousgaard RAN fax +61 2 62953367, email: [email protected] or via the or make any representations as to the Editor: Dr Tom Lewis, OAM website at content of the information contained Strategy: RADM Ray Griggs AM, CSC, RAN within Headmark, and will not be liable History: Dr David Stevens Sponsors in any way for any claims resulting from Shiphandling Corner: The Australian Naval Institute is grateful for the continued use or reliance on it. CAPT Mal Wise OAM, RAN support of: ANI Friends; Raytheon Australia, Booz & Articles and information in RAN Book Reviews: Dr John Reeve Company. Our Gold Sponsors; Austal, Thales Naval Group, Headmark are the copyright of the Defence Maritime Services, QinetiQ. Our Silver Sponsors; Australian Naval Institute, unless Bequests LOPAC, SAAB, ATI, Australian Defence Credit Union. otherwise stated. All material in As a self-funding organisation the Headmark is protected by Australian Institute relies on membership Patron copyright law and by applicable law in subscriptions and sponsorship to Chief of Navy: VADM Russ Crane AM, CSM, RAN other jurisdictions. maintain its activities. Financial A CDROM of the Journal of the donations and/or bequests are welcome Council Members Australian Naval Institute covering the and will assist the ANI in undertaking President: RADM Davyd Thomas AO, CSC, RAN period 1975-2003 is available for $99; see its activities. Vice President: RADM Ray Griggs AM, CSC, RAN the next page for ordering information. Secretary: CMDR Kirk Hayden RAN Pen Names. Contributors can publish Sea Power Centre-Australia Treasurer: Mr Nick Tate under a pen name. The Editor must be Research Collection Councillor: RADM Steve Gilmore AM, CSC, RAN advised either in person or in writing The Sea Power Centre-Australia Councillor: CHAP Gary Lock RAN of the identity of the individual that research collection incorporates the Councillor: CAPT Martin Brooker CSC, RAN wishes to use the pen name. The Editor ANI library, to which members have Councilor: CAPT Jaimie Hatcher AM, RAN will confirm in writing to the member access. The research collection is Councilor: CMDR Ian Campbell RAN seeking to use a pen name that the normally available for use 0900-1630 Councilor: CMDR Paul Hornsby RAN name has been registered and can be each weekday, but it is not possible Councillor: LCDR Desmond Woods RAN used. More details are available on the to borrow the books. Members are Councilor: MIDN Jeremy Baumgarten RAN Institute’s website. requested to ring the SPC to confirm Councilor: MIDN Sarah McDonagh RAN Article submission. Articles and access, particularly if visiting from Councilor: MIDN John Abbott RAN correspondence should be submitted outside Canberra. Website Manager: electronically in Microsoft Word, with The ANI/Sea Power Centre-Australia Mr Ernst Power (non membership position) limited formatting. (See the style guide in will gladly accept book donations on Public Officer: this issue for further details.) naval and maritime matters (where they LEUT Tristan Skousgaard RAN (non mem. position) Articles should ideally range in size will either be added to the collection from 3000-7000 words, but smaller or traded for difficult to obtain books). Journal of the Australian Naval Institute articles will be considered, as will The point of contact for access to the Headmark is published quarterly. The Editorial Board seeks the occasional larger piece of work. collection, or to make arrangements for letters and articles on naval or maritime issues. Articles Submissions should be sent to the Editor book/journal donations, is the SPC-A concerning operations or administration/policy are of in the first instance. Information Manager on (02) 61276512, particular interest but papers on any relevant topic will be Email: [email protected] and mark email: [email protected] Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Issue 133 59

The Australian Naval Institute ABN: 45 988 480 239 PO Box 29 Red Hill ACT 2603, AUSTRALIA PHONE: +61 2 6295 0056 FAX: +61 2 6295 3367 EMAIL: [email protected]

Membership/Subscription Rates Individual 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years Individual Concession 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years Australia/New Zealand* $60 $115 $167.50 Australia/New Zealand* $40 $77.50 $112.50 Asia Pacific Region† $75 $145 $212.50 Asia Pacific Region† $55 $107.50 $157.50 Rest of World† $82 $159 $233.50 Rest of World† $62 $121.50 $178.50

Institutional Australia/New Zealand* $60 $115 $167.50 Asia† $75 $145 $212.50 Rest of World† $82 $159 $233.50

* Please note that no GST is payable in relation to ANI membership † Includes air mail postage

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute on CDROM The Australian Naval Institute is pleased to announce that a complete set of theJournal (1975-2003) is now available on a 2 disc CD ROM for $99. Sets can be ordered using the membership application form below. Membership of the Australian Naval Institute I apply for membership of the ANI in the category of Student / Individual / Institutional (select/circle one).



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Journal of the Australian Naval Institute HMAS Ballarat and HMAS Sydney conduct a Towing Exercise (TOWEX) in the Mediterranean Sea