Congressional Record—Senate S14346

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Congressional Record—Senate S14346 S14346 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 27, 1995 Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, I do under- posals without any public hearing, EPA funding, that there be 1 hour di- stand that the Democratic leader has without having experts come in. We vided in the usual manner and in the consented to six other committees to have not done that at all. We should usual form, that at the conclusion of meet during today’s session of the Sen- not be doing that. Mr. President, this that 1 hour the amendment be set ate. is supposed to be a deliberative body aside, and that the Senator from Wis- I have six unanimous-consent re- and it is supposed to be a representa- consin, Senator FEINGOLD, be recog- quests for committees to meet during tive democracy. We are supposed to be nized to introduce an amendment on today’s session of the Senate. They all careful about the impact of what we do insurance redlining, that there be 45 have the approval of the Democratic on the lives of people we represent. I minutes divided in the usual form and leader. would just say that I am very proud to under the usual procedures, and at the I ask unanimous consent that these be a part of this objection because end of that debate that a vote occur on requests be agreed to en bloc, and that somebody, somewhere, sometime has or in relation to the Lautenberg each request be printed in the RECORD. to say to people in the country that amendment and that no second-degree The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there these changes are getting ramrodded amendments be permitted, and that objection to that request? through the Senate. That is what is the following amendment, the vote on Mr. DOLE. That does not include Fi- going on here. The proposal came out the Feingold amendment, be 10 min- nance. yesterday, I say to my colleague from utes in length and no second-degree The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Maryland. amendments be permitted, but that the objection, it is so ordered. I will tell you, as you look at these vote occur on or in relation to the (The text of the requests is printed in specific proposals, I can tell you as a Feingold amendment. today’s RECORD under ‘‘Authority for Senator from Minnesota that I know The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Committees to Meet.’’) there is going to be a lot of pain in my objection? Mr. DOLE. I thank my colleagues Mr. FEINGOLD. Reserving the right and the managers. State. I believe, Mr. President, that the Finance Committee needs to have the to object. Mr. LAUTENBERG addressed the The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is public hearing and I believe that Sen- Chair. no reserving the right to object. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ators need to be back in their States Mr. FEINGOLD. Mr. President, I ob- ator from New Jersey [Mr. LAUTEN- now that we have specific proposals, ject. BERG]. and we need to be talking to the people I simply want to clarify a point with Mr. WELLSTONE. I wonder if my who are affected by this. the manager. colleague will yield for a moment? Let us not be afraid of the people we Ms. MIKULSKI addressed the Chair. Since I was a part of this objection represent. Let us let the people in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. There with the minority leader, I wanted to country take a look at what we are was objection. Has the Senator ob- take 2 minutes, if that would be all doing. What this effort is, is an effort jected? right. to say ‘‘no’’ to this rush to reckless- Mr. FEINGOLD. I simply wanted to Mr. LAUTENBERG. Yes. ness, ‘‘no’’ to this fast track to foolish- ask clarification with regard to the Mr. WELLSTONE. Mr. President, the ness. The committee ought to have a unanimous-consent request. I was only minority leader and I have issued an public hearing. I think it is unaccept- attempting to make sure that I can objection to the Finance Committee able. make that clarification before the meeting. The reason for that, Mr. Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I object. unanimous-consent agreement is en- President, is that I just think that Mr. WELLSTONE. Do I have the tered into. what is going on right now here is a floor? I ask unanimous consent to ask a rush to foolishness. Mr. BOND. The Senator from New question of the manager with regard to Mr. President, in my State of Min- Jersey—— this request. nesota, we just found out a few days The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ago that as opposed to $2.5 billion in ator from New Jersey has the floor. objection, it is so ordered. Medicaid cuts, we were going to be see- Mr. WELLSTONE. I will say to my Mr. FEINGOLD. I thank the Chair. ing $3.5 billion in Medicaid cuts. It was colleague from New Jersey, may I have Under our time agreement, our time is just yesterday that we finally got the 1 more minute? 45 minutes. My understanding is we specifics of what is going to happen in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- would have 30 minutes on our side. Is Medicare. And I just will tell you, Mr. ator from Minnesota no longer has the that inconsistent with the Senator’s President, that I am pleased to be a floor. The Senator only yielded for a understanding? part of this with the minority leader question. Mr. BOND. I ask there be an hour because when I was home in Minnesota, The Senator from New Jersey. equally divided. I found that it is not that people are Mr. LAUTENBERG. I thought the Mr. FEINGOLD. That will be fine. I opposed to change, but people have this time the Senator asked for would be thank the manager. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there sense that there is this fast track to considerably shorter, and I ask that we objection to the request as so modified? recklessness here, that we are not care- have a chance to move. Without objection, it is so ordered. fully evaluating what the impact is Mr. WELLSTONE. May I have 30 sec- Mr. LAUTENBERG addressed the going to be on people. onds? Chair. What people in Minnesota are saying Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I object. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- is, what is the rush? You all do the Mr. WELLSTONE. Enough has been ator from New Jersey. work you are supposed to do. How can said. People have heard it. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR a Finance Committee today go ahead f Mr. LAUTENBERG. Mr. President, without any public hearings on these DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AF- first, I ask unanimous consent that a filed proposals, pass it out of the Fi- FAIRS AND HOUSING AND URBAN detailee in my office, Lisa Haage, be nance Committee, and then put it into DEVELOPMENT, AND INDE- granted the privilege of the floor. a reconciliation process where we have PENDENT AGENCIES APPROPRIA- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without limited debate? objection, it is so ordered. Mr. President, it seems to me that TIONS ACT, 1996 AMENDMENT NO. 2788 there is no more precious commodity The Senate continued with the con- (Purpose: To increase funding for Superfund, than health care and the health care of sideration of the bill. the Office of Environmental Quality, and the people we represent. This objec- Mr. BOND. Mr. President, it is impor- State revolving funds and offset the in- tion, with the minority leader, is an tant that we move forward on this bill. crease in funds by ensuring that any tax objection to a process. And this process We have reached an agreement I be- cut benefits only those families with in- right now I think is really way off lieve on both sides. comes less than $100,000) course. I ask unanimous consent that the Mr. LAUTENBERG. Mr. President, We have no business—the Finance Senator from New Jersey be recognized on behalf of myself, Senators MIKUL- Committee should not pass out pro- to introduce an amendment on the SKI, DASCHLE, BAUCUS, KERRY, BIDEN, VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:57 May 28, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA15\1995_F~1\S27SE5.REC S27SE5 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS September 27, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S14347 MURRAY, SARBANES, PELL, and KEN- OIL SPILL RESPONSE (2) REPEAL.—Paragraph (1) is repealed ef- NEDY, I send an amendment to the (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) fective as of the date that is 1 year after the desk. For expenses necessary to carry out the date of enactment of this Act. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Environmental Protection Agency’s respon- (b) PLAN APPROVAL.— clerk will report. sibilities under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, (1) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator of the The bill clerk read as follows: $15,000,000, to be derived from the Oil Spill Environmental Protection Agency (referred Liability trust fund, and to remain available to in this subsection as the ‘‘Adminis- The Senator from New Jersey [Mr. LAU- until expended: Provided, That not more than trator’’) shall not disapprove a State imple- TENBERG], for himself, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. $8,000,000 of these funds shall be available for mentation plan revision under section 182 of DASCHLE, Mr. BAUCUS, Mr. KERRY, Mr. BIDEN, administrative expenses. the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7511a) on the Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. SARBANES, Mr. PELL, and PROGRAM AND INFRASTRUCTURE ASSISTANCE basis of a regulation providing for a 50-per- Mr.
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