
Copeia, 2005(1), pp. 12–19

Herbivory Imposes Constraints on Voluntary Hypothermia in


Animals that are unable to meet their metabolic needs should adopt compensatory behaviors to mitigate their energetic deficits. Voluntary hypothermia is one such energy-saving strategy. Physiological constraints associated with the digestion of plant tissues, however, may limit the thermoregulatory options of herbivorous ec- totherms. In this laboratory study, selected body temperatures of Desert Iguanas (Dipsosaurus dorsalis), subjected to two different rations of a carnivorous and a her- bivorous diet, were measured in a laboratory thermal gradient. Lizards fed a car- nivorous diet and rationed to 50% of their daily energetic requirement selected significantly lower body temperatures than did lizards in the other diet/ration treat- ments. Lizards fed a herbivorous diet selected higher body temperatures than did the same lizards fed a carnivorous diet regardless of ration. Our study indicates that selected temperatures are influenced by both diet quality and quantity. These results support the hypothesis that herbivorous require elevated body temperatures to digest plant tissues. Our findings do not fully support the behavioral hypothermia hypothesis, which posits that diurnal lizards will seek cool temperatures at night to reduce their energy expenditure. Thermoregulatory strategies of Desert Iguanas and other herbivorous lizards may be influenced by the need to balance high body tem- peratures to digest plant material with the high metabolic costs of maintaining high temperatures.

OLUNTARY hypothermia, selecting cool ken Lichtenbelt, 1992), and food passage takes V microsites in a heterogeneous thermal en- longer and has a higher thermal minimum in vironment to reduce body temperature, is well herbivores than in carnivores (Zimmerman and documented in many species (Huey, Tracy, 1989). Digestion in herbivores, therefore, 1982; Underwood, 1992; Angilletta and Werner, is more thermally constrained than in carni- 1998) and has been hypothesized to be an en- vores. For herbivores, then, the benefits of sus- ergy-conserving strategy that can be adopted by tained digestion at high body temperatures may reptiles during periods of inactivity (Regal, outweigh the associated increase in metabolic 1967). Reducing energy expenditure should be costs. Consequently, herbivorous lizards should adaptive in desert environments where food re- select high body temperatures throughout the sources can be seasonally limited and energetic day and night regardless of the amount of food consumed. costs can be high because of high environmen- We tested the competing hypotheses that tal temperatures (e.g., Case, 1976; Zimmerman food-limited lizards should reduce body tem- and Tracy, 1989; Zari, 1996). perature to conserve energy and that herbivores The efficacy of voluntary hypothermia in at- should regulate to high body temperatures to taining energy balance appears to depend upon maintain digestion by measuring body temper- both diet and an ’s energetic state. For atures selected by Desert Iguanas (Dipsosaurus example, when fed less food than required to dorsalis) fed different diets and rations in a lab- meet metabolic needs, carnivorous Collared oratory thermal gradient. These lizards were Lizards (Crotaphytus collaris) selected cooler tem- force-fed a carnivorous or herbivorous diet that peratures at night compared to temperatures se- either exceeded or was insufficient to meet lected by fully fed lizards (Barnes, 1989; Sievert, their metabolic needs. Specifically, we tested the 1989). Herbivorous lizards, in contrast, appear hypotheses that (1) diet quantity (percent of to require high body temperatures to digest maintenance needs) and (2) diet quality (car- plant diets (Troyer, 1987; Zimmerman and Tra- nivorous or herbivorous) would influence tem- cy, 1989; van Marken Lichtenbelt, 1992). Diges- perature selection by these diurnal herbivorous tive efficiency is relatively thermally indepen- lizards. dent in carnivorous and herbivorous lizards (Waldschmidt et al., 1986; van Marken Lichten- MATERIALS AND METHODS belt, 1992). Passage time, however, is thermally Experimental and their husbandry.—We dependent (Waldschmidt et al., 1986; van Mar- studied Desert Iguanas (D. dorsalis) because, al-

᭧ 2005 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists TRACY ET AL.—THERMAL CONSTRAINTS OF HERBIVORY 13 though they are principally herbivorous (Nor- To verify the corresponence between chest and ris, 1953; Mautz and Nagy, 1987), they also con- cloacal temperatures, we simultaneously mea- sume some animal matter in nature (Minnich sured these temperatures for an individual and Shoemaker, 1970; Stebbins, 1985) and can placed in different locations along the thermal thrive on carnivorous diets in captivity (pers. gradient. Insulated chest temperatures correlat- obs.). Adult Desert Iguanas (N ϭ 6; mean Ϯ 1 ed well with cloacal temperatures (Chest tem- SD body mass ϭ 69.1 Ϯ 2.6 g), were collected perature ϭ 1.503 ϫ cloacal temperature from the Mojave Desert near Twentynine Palms, Ϫ15.541, r2 ϭ 0.99; Flack, 1991). Body temper- California (34Њ09ЈN, 116Њ03ЈW). For approxi- atures reported here are chest temperatures mately two months before experiments began, transformed to core temperatures. Measuring lizards were maintained in the laboratory on a chest temperature avoided potentially con- diet of lettuce, carrots, mixed vegetables, boiled founding factors associated with water loss dur- eggs, and canned dog food and provided water ing long-term temperature recording through ad libitum. Before and between experiments, the cloaca. Chest temperatures were recorded the animals were housed in enclosures (1.15 ϫ every 15 min throughout the experiment using 1.20 ϫ 0.75 m) with a sand substratum and ac- a Campbell௡ CR5 Digital Recorder data logger. cess to elevated perches. In these cages, lizards Trials were interrupted each morning for about were provided a 12:12 photoperiod via two 150- 3 min while the animals were fed. W incandescent flood lamps positioned 0.75 m Lizards were fed by oral gavage once daily at above the sand. Lizards maintained body mass approximately 0900 (3 h into photophase). The and appeared to be in good health at the time herbivorous diet was Ralston Purina௡ (St. Louis, of the experiments. MO) high-fiber rabbit chow (HF 5326) that had 6.69 kJ/g in the neutral detergent fiber fraction Experimental apparatus and procedures.—Body (40.9% NDF) and 9.62 kJ/g in cell solubles temperatures were measured in a thermal gra- (14.5% protein, 1.7% fat, 8.9% ash, 42.4% N- dient (2.40 ϫ 0.45 ϫ 0.65 m) that was equally free extract, ϳ10% vitamins). The NDF and cell partitioned lengthwise to allow two lizards to be soluble fractions were estimated to be 50% and tested simultaneously, one individual per lane 90% digestible, respectively (Zimmerman, (see Barnes, 1989; Nussear et al., 1998; Siman- 1989). Hence, approximately 12.0 kJ/g were dle et al., 2001). Substratum temperatures in available to animals fed the herbivorous diet. the gradient were maintained by five electric The carnivorous diet of Friskies௡ (Carnation heating coils on one end and one copper cool- Company, Los Angeles, CA) liver and chicken ing coil containing circulating refrigerated wa- cat food (nearly 100% digestible) had approxi- ter (ϳ4 C) on the opposite end. The floor of mately 24.3 kJ/g of available energy (15% pro- the gradient was lined with 2 cm of sand, and tein, 5% fat, 1% fiber, 2.5% ash). Both diets substratum temperatures were recorded at 15- contained 80% water by mass. Desert Iguanas min intervals by eight thermocouples (Cu-Cn, were acclimated to experimental diets (herbiv- 24 ga) placed at 30-cm intervals beneath ϳ0.5 orous or carnivorous) for at least two weeks pri- cm of sand. Substratum temperatures were or to trials. Animals were acclimated to the ex- monitored during experiments to ensure that a perimental rations (50 or 150% of mainte- constant and gradual thermal gradient was nance) for six days prior to the experiments. maintained along the length of the testing are- Lizards were weighed daily to the nearest 0.1 g na. Temperatures on opposite ends of the gra- during the acclimation period to determine the dient ranged from 10–60 C. A black plastic appropriate amount of food required to main- blind surrounded the gradient to isolate lizards tain them on a particular diet ration (Appen- from occasional ambient disturbances (Suger- dix 1). man, 1980). The gradient was illuminated on a 12:12 photoperiod by two 40-W fluorescent Experimental design.—Lizards were subjected to lamps suspended 1 m above the gradient floor. four experimental treatments, in which the an- The gradient was also continuously illuminated imals were fed (1) 50% or (2) 150% of the daily with a 4-W tungsten bulb (‘‘night light’’) so that energetic requirement of a high-fiber herbivo- the testing arena was never totally dark. rous diet, and (3) 50% or (4) 150% of the daily Body temperatures of the lizards were mea- energetic requirement of the carnivorous diet. sured by duct taping a thermocouple (Cu-Cn, The amount of food fed to a 69.1 g individual 30 ga) to the chest of each lizard and covering (mean body mass of lizards in this study) in the tip of the thermocouple with styrofoam (ap- each of the diet/ration treatments was 13.5 g/ proximately 1 cm2 in area and 0.5 cm thick) to day (herbivorous/150%), 4.5 g/day (herbivo- insulate the thermocouple from the substratum. rous/50%), 6.7 g/day (carnivorous/150%), and 14 COPEIA, 2005, NO. 1


WITH MEAN SELECTED BODY TEMPERATURE (TSEL;AV- ERAGED OVER THREE DAYS) AS THE DEPENDENT VARI- ABLE. Overall, lizards selected higher temperatures during the day than they did at night. Lizards fed the herbivorous diet selected higher temperatures than they did when fed the carnivorous diet. Differences

in Tsel based on diet, however, depended upon ration (i.e., the diet ϫ ration interaction was also signifi- cant). Individual lizards selected significantly differ- ent temperatures, and there was no significant effect of ration.

Source df SS F-value P-value Lizards 5 80.73 2.44 0.0375 Diet 1 50.61 10.69 0.0024 Ration 1 5.26 1.11 0.2989 Diet ϫ ration 1 44.94 9.50 0.0039 Day/night 1 80.26 16.96 0.0002 Fig. 1. Mean selected body temperatures (Tsel; Ϯ Residual 15 170.38 1 SD) during the day and night of lizards fed 50% and 150% rations. Lizards fed 50% of maintenance on the carnivorous diet had significantly lower (F1,39 ϭ 13.47, P ϭ 0.0007) Tsel both during the day and at Abacus Concepts, Berkely, CA) was performed night (36.8 Ϯ 1.1 C, and 33.0 Ϯ 1.8 C, respectively), with selected body temperature (Tsel) as the de- than did lizards in the three other treatment groups pendent variable. Five independent categorical (150% carnivorous: 38.3 Ϯ 0.8 C day, and 36.4 Ϯ 1.4 variables were included in the model: (1) day C night; 50% herbivorous: 39.3 Ϯ 1.2 C day, and 37.6 Ϯ 1.9 C night; 150% herbivorous: 39.2 Ϯ 0.7 C day, versus night; (2) ration (50% vs 150% daily en- and 36.3 Ϯ 0.8 C night). ergetic need); (3) diet (herbivorous vs carnivor- ous); (4) day (each of the four 24-h periods); and (5) each individual lizard. The last variable 2.2 g/day (carnivorous/50%). Daily energetic was included to separate the effect of differen- requirements were estimated using an equation ces in responses of individual lizards from the from Andrews and Pough (1985), along with es- effects of the treatments on those lizards. Se- timates of energy expenditures and reported lected body temperatures were averaged into body temperatures (Appendix 1; see also Nus- mean values, for daytime and for nighttime, and sear et al., 1998). for each lizard over each of three 24-h experi- In this repeated-measures or within-subjects mental periods (excluding the first 24 h, which design, six Desert Iguanas were subjected to were considered a period of acclimation to the each of the four experimental treatments, be- thermal gradient). ginning with the herbivorous diet. Animals were randomly assigned to either the low or the high RESULTS ration, allowed to acclimate as previously stated and then run in the gradient. Rations were There was a highly significant difference be- switched, and these animals were run again in tween Tsel of Desert Iguanas fed herbivorous the gradient following acclimation to the ration. and carnivorous diets (Table 1). Lizards under- After the experiments with herbivorous diets, fed the herbivorous diet selected mean body lizards were given a two-month hiatus, after temperatures 3.6 C higher than those selected which the second half of the experiment with by lizards underfed the carnivorous diet (Fig. the carnivorous diet was conducted using the 1). When lizards were fed 150% of their ener- same procedures as those described for the her- getic needs, however, there was no significant bivorous diet. For each trial in the thermal gra- difference in Tsel between the two diet treat- dient, two animals, each fed either a 50% or ments (F1,14 ϭ 1.05, P ϭ 0.32; Fig. 1). The dif- 150% ration, were tested simultaneously in each ference in Tsel between lizards fed herbivorous half of the gradient for four consecutive diel and carnivorous diets, therefore, was influenced cycles. by ration and driven by the significant interac- tion between diet and ration (Table 1, Fig. 1). Data analyses.—A general linear model repeat- In particular, lizards fed a reduced ration (50%) ed-measures analysis of variance (SuperAnova, of the carnivorous diet selected significantly TRACY ET AL.—THERMAL CONSTRAINTS OF HERBIVORY 15

Fig. 3. Mean change in measured body mass as a function of food intake. Values are given as a per- centage of daily metabolic costs, which were estimated from Equation 1 (Appendix 1). Interpolation indi- cates that animals will not change body mass when consuming approximately 100% of their daily ener- getic need (r2 ϭ 0.99).

atures than did lizards fed 150% of their energy needs; and when fed the herbivorous diet, liz- ards thermoregulated at relatively high temper- atures regardless of ration (Fig. 2). At night, lizards fed the 50% ration of the carnivorous diet selected significantly lower Fig. 2. Interaction plot between diet and ration. body temperatures than did lizards in all other Error bars are 95% confidence limits. Lizards fed a treatments (F9,15 ϭ 6.53, P ϭ 0.015). During the 50% ration of the carnivorous diet selected a signifi- day, however, selected temperatures of lizards cantly lower mean temperature (34.9 C) than lizards across all four treatments were not significantly underfed the herbivorous diet (38.5 C) and both well- different (F9,15 ϭ 1.35, P ϭ 0.30). fed treatment groups (37.3 C for canivorous diet and 37.7 C for herbivorous diet). DISCUSSION Ration and diet interactively affected ther- lower body temperatures than did lizards in all moregulatory behavior. Desert Iguanas fed a other treatment groups (Fig. 1). submaintenance carnivorous diet selected sig- Overall, Desert Iguanas selected higher body nificantly lower temperatures than those select- temperatures during the day than they did at ed in all other treatment groups (Figs. 1, 2). night (Table 1, Fig. 2). Lizards fed the herbiv- This result is consistent with studies of a natu- orous diet on a ration of 50% of their daily en- rally carnivorous lizard, Crotaphytus collaris ergy requirement selected warmer temperatures (Barnes, 1989; Sievert, 1989), and may be ex- and had a smaller difference between daytime plained by the advantage of voluntary hypo- and nighttime body temperatures, than did the thermia as a means of conserving energy during same lizards when fed the carnivorous diet on quiescent periods (Regal, 1967; Barnes, 1989). a 50% ration. When lizards were fed 150% of For Desert Iguanas fed an herbivorous diet, their daily energy needs, however, they selected however, the thermoregulatory pattern was dif- similar body temperatures regardless of diet ferent. These lizards selected higher body tem- quality (Fig. 2). When fed the carnivorous diet, peratures than they did on carnivorous diets re- Desert Iguanas consuming only 50% of their gardless of ration (Figs. 1, 2). Our data, and in- daily energy needs selected lower body temper- formation on the difficulty of digesting plant 16 COPEIA, 2005, NO. 1 material (Zimmerman and Tracy, 1989), suggest moregulatory behavior of Chuckwallas in the that herbivorous lizards do not (indeed, may laboratory appear to be unaffected by long pe- not be able to) employ voluntary hypothermia riods of food deprivation (Case, 1976) or dif- as part of a thermoregulatory approach to ferences in food quality (Nussear et al., 1998). achieve or maintain energy balance. Chuckwallas in nature, however, abandon day- Herbivorous lizards, such as Desert Iguanas, time activity and apparent thermoregulatory be- Chuckwallas (Sauromalus obesus) and Green haviors when confronted with an absence of Iguanas (Iguana iguana), may require more succulent foods in low rainfall years (Nagy, time at elevated body temperatures to digest re- 1973), as do Desert Iguanas (Mautz and Nagy, fractory components (e.g., cell wall) of plant 1987). A less parsimonious conclusion (suggest- material (Troyer, 1987; Zimmerman and Tracy, ed by a reviewer) that can be drawn from these 1989; van Marken Lichtenbelt, 1992). For ex- data is that lizards on a carnivorous diet have ample, neither Desert Iguanas nor Chuckwallas certain isozymes activated for digestion only at are able to digest plant foods if their body tem- cooler temperatures. These isozymes might be peratures fall below 27 or 28 C, respectively employed when lizards have low food rations to (Harlow et al., 1976; Zimmerman, 1989). More- extract needed energy from food at low tem- over, when available, both of these species select peratures. high body temperatures at night when digesting The patterns of thermoregulatory behavior herbivorous diets (this study; Case, 1976; Much- reported here could stem from factors other linski et al., 1990; Nussear et al., 1998). For De- than energetic need, such as hydroregulation or sert Iguanas, as with other herbivorous reptiles, gut fill. In particular, Desert Iguanas underfed maintaining high body temperatures may be re- the carnivorous diet might select lower temper- quired to sustain gut microsymbionts (Schall atures than those in the other treatment groups and Dearing, 1994; King, 1996; Nussear et al., because these lizards were not given as much 1998) that aid in digesting plant cell walls (Troy- water to balance water losses. Although both di- er, 1991; Bjorndal, 1997). Additionally, high ets in our study contained 80% water, the car- body temperatures might be required to pre- nivorous diet was more energy dense and, vent impaction associated with the intake of therefore, contained less water per unit of en- nonstructural digestibility reducers (potentially ergy. Thus, lizards fed the carnivorous diet re- toxic compounds) found in plants eaten by ceived less water than did the same lizards fed some herbivorous lizards (Swift, 1987; Schall the herbivorous diet. In a laboratory study of and Ressel, 1991). Desert Iguanas dehydrated to 80% of their fully High body temperatures are attainable by De- hydrated mass, however, neither the upper nor sert Iguanas during much of the activity season, the lower thresholds for Tsel were affected by which generally extends from March to October hydration level (Dupre´ and Crawford, 1985). (Norris, 1953). Desert Iguanas stay in burrows Regarding gut fill, lizards fed the smallest ration at night (Norris, 1953), and body temperature of food (50% carnivorous diet) selected signif- equilibrates with burrow temperature (Moberly, icantly lower temperatures than did those in the 1963). Burrow temperatures during midsum- other diet/ration groups (Figs. 1, 2), suggesting mer are approximately 39 C (see DeWitt, 1963, that gut fill may have influenced temperature in Minnich, 1970). Earlier and later in the ac- selection. Differences in the amount of food fed tivity season, burrow temperatures are cooler, to individuals in the other diet/ration groups, ranging from the low-mid 30s C (McGinnis and however, were not reflected in patterns of tem- Dickson, 1967; Mautz and Nagy, 1987). Thus, perature selection. Thus, although separating nighttime temperature selection may be con- the mechanisms underpinning the thermoreg- strained at the onset and end of the activity sea- ulatory patterns reported here will require son, but temperatures matching those selected more data, the energetic hypothesis seems the by Desert Iguanas in this study (Fig. 2) are avail- best supported by the available evidence. able during much of the activity season. Time between testing animals on herbivorous Temperature selection during the day and and carnivorous diets may have been a factor in night is likely determined by many interacting our results, as in studies of temporal effects on factors in natural habitats. Body temperatures of body temperature selection by lizards (e.g., Pat- some reptiles are known to depend upon nutri- terson and Davies, 1977; Firth and Belan, 1998; tional status, but altering body temperature se- but see McGinnis, 1966; Licht, 1968). Mean lection in response to feeding, or following pe- temperature selected at night by lizards under- riods of inanition, is not universal (e.g., Gatten, fed the carnivorous diet, however, was the only 1974; Lang, 1979; Touzeau and Sievert, 1993). temperature that differed from those selected Daytime body temperature selection and ther- at night by lizards in the other treatment groups TRACY ET AL.—THERMAL CONSTRAINTS OF HERBIVORY 17

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ted: 17 July 2003. Accepted: 27 Aug. 2004. those reported by DeWitt (1967) and Brattstrom Section editor: S. J. Beaupre. (1965) for Dipsosaurus dorsalis. daily energetic need APPENDIX 1 ϭ 0.5(RMR ϩ activity ϩ digestion)

Estimated daily energetic need for each lizard was ϩ 0.5(SMR ϩ digestion) (1) calculated using the method of Zimmerman (1989) We estimated activity as 2RMR (after Nagy, 1977; Nagy by taking the sum of the estimated daytime (12 h) et al., 1984) and digestion as 0.5RMR (after Benedict, and nighttime (12 h) energetic costs of activity (Nagy, 1932; Roberts, 1968; Gatten, 1980). 1977; Nagy et al., 1984), digestion (Benedict, 1932; The balance of energy costs and gains can be de- Roberts, 1968; Gatten, 1980), and basal rates of me- termined, according to the conservation of mass prin- tabolism (Andrews and Pough, 1985). Resting meta- ciple, by changes in mass of the animals. Thus, lizards bolic rate (RMR) expresses basal metabolism of an fed more food than required to balance energetic ectotherm during the day, and standard metabolic costs will gain body mass, and those receiving less will rate expresses basal metabolism of an ectotherm at lose mass. Interpretation of data for lizards fed differ- night. RMR ϭ 0.013 (m)0.8 ϫ 100.038 (T) ϫ 100.14, SMR ent amounts of experimental foods supports the ef- ϭ 0.013 (m)0.8 ϫ 100.038 (T), where m ϭ body mass (g), ficacy of Equation 1 for calculating energetic costs. T ϭ modal body temperature (C), and units ϭ ml Specifically, it is estimated that animals receiving

O2/h (Andrews and Pough, 1985). Temperatures of 100% of their daily energetic need will neither gain 39 C during the day and 28 C at night were based on nor lose body mass (Fig. 3).