
Nasal Septum Reconstruction- DeviatedNasal Septum

"Whatis nasal septum reconstruction?

Nasal septum reconstruction, or nasal septoplasty, is a procedure in which the doctor straightens the nasal septum. This is the central wall that divides the two of the nose. "Whenis thesurgery performed? Indications forsurgecy include the following:

• The septum is deviated (bent out of shape) and you have difficulty through your nostrils. • You have recurring sinus infections or pain due to a deviated nasal septum. • The septum has a hematoma (blood clot) as a result of an injury and does not allow you to breathe normally. An example of an alternative is to choose not to have the surgical treatment, recognizing Preparationsthe risks of your condition.for Septoplasty:

You should plan well for your care and recovery following the operation. Allow sufficient time for rest and ask family members or friends for their assistance with your daily activities. Plan to take a week off from work.

Follow all instructions that your physician has given to you. If you will be under general anesthesia, eat a light meal, the night before surgery; but nothing to eat or drink after midnight or the morning of the procedure. "Whathappens during thesurgery?

A general anesthetic will be given to relax your muscles and make you fall into a deep sleep. It will prevent you from feeling pain or discomfort during the operation.

The surgeon makes a cut in the lining of the nose, he will drain the blood clot/reshape the bones and , so the nose will heal in a normal position. The doctor may choose to put splints in to assist in the healing and placement of your nose. The surgeon may additionally choose to pack your nose with a material that will control post-operative bleeding. Post-Operatively you can expect:

Septoplasty is typically an outpatient procedure, meaning the patient be able to �o home same day. Should you have packing in your nose, you will have that removed durmg the post-operative period. Your physician will instruct you how long the packing will remain in your nose and when it will be removed.

Avoid all heavy lifting for at least one week and do not stress, push on or move the nose while it heals. Refrain from blowing your nose.

The office or surgical facility will schedule a post-operative appointment for you no later that one week after surgery. If your surgery date changes for any reason, please inquire about changing your 1 week post-op appointment as well.

Whenshould I call the doctor?

Call the doctor immediately if any of the followingoccur: • You develop a fever • You have difficulty breathing. • You have a significant .

• Don't blow your nose. Swelling after the surgery causes some breathing Furtherefforts Instructions: to increase. This swelling will diminish during the healing process. • If you feel that you have to sneeze, try to do so through your mouth. Trying to hold back a sneeze may result in increased nasal pressure. • Use several drops of nasal saline spray. The moisture applied to the nose will add in the healing process as well as irritation. • Avoid injury to your nose • Return to the office if you have a fever over 101.3, develop nasal pus, or increased nasal tenderness persists. • Use SPF 15 over the nose when exposed to the direct sun during the·next 6 months. • Abstain from smoking • No heavy lifting and straining, light exercise is acceptable.