Evolution of the Nasal Structure in the Lower Tetrapods
AM. ZOOLOCIST, 7:397-413 (1967). Evolution of the Nasal Structure in the Lower Tetrapods THOMAS S. PARSONS Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada SYNOPSIS. The gross structure of the nasal cavities and the distribution of the various types of epithelium lining them are described briefly; each living order of amphibians and reptiles possesses a characteristic and distinctive pattern. In most groups there are two sensory areas, one lined by olfactory epithelium with nerve libers leading to the main olfactory bulb and the other by vomeronasal epithelium Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/article/7/3/397/244929 by guest on 04 October 2021 with fibers to the accessory bulb. All amniotes except turtles have the vomeronasal epithelium in a ventromedial outpocketing of the nose, the Jacobson's organ, and have one or more conchae projecting into the nasal cavity from the lateral wall. Although urodeles and turtles possess the simplest nasal structure, it is not possible to show that they are primitive or to define a basic pattern for either amphibians or reptiles; all the living orders are specialized and the nasal anatomy of extinct orders is unknown. Thus it is impossible, at present, to give a convincing picture of the course of nasal evolution in the lower tetrapods. Despite the rather optimistic title of this (1948, squamates), Stebbins (1948, squa- paper, I shall, unfortunately, be able to do mates), Bellairs and Boyd (1950, squa- iittle more than make a few guesses about mates), and Parsons (1959a, reptiles). Most the evolution of the nose. I can and will of the following descriptions are based on mention briefly the major features of the these works, although others, specifically nasal anatomy of the living orders of cited in various places, were also used.
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