Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1949-08-27

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1949-08-27 On the Inside , The Weather Parnell Wins 20th Partly cloudy with thUDdenhowen to­ •. Page 2 day. Fait cmd cooJ.r tomorrow. Bloh to­ Short Hair·Do Nee<ia •. Paqe 3 al. owan day 90: low 69, y ..terday'. hiqh 91b R.bellion in GA 1; Page , low 59. &'1. 1868 - AP Leased Wife, AP Wireph;,ta, UP Leased Wire _. rive Cents Iowa City. 'Iowa, S!Jturd cry , August 27, 19 9 - Vol. 83, No. 229 ~--~==~~----------------------------------------~ Maragon Has No Answers Hurricane Rips Florida ·Coast; for Probers WASHINGTON UPI One Killed~ 15 Hurt. By Gales )'laragon, whose While House rontaets enabled him to collect fat tees as an ,"influence sa le~m an," • I Miami Missed, rfs1erdny re!UEed to "incriminute" himself by testifying whether he -Murr y ps ever short-changed the govern­ lIlent on his income taxes or But Carolinas worked (01' gambling king Frank­ ie Costello. Steel Melho s May Be Next The ll8ually lalkaUve Iittlp NEW YORK "11'1 - eTO Pr i- Gmlt·Amerlcan sat glum and MurrllY ye t :odoy WEST PALM BEACH, FLA. 1\11 IItfVOU as senate "Ylve p r­ ~ l f'! IndlJ~try wa - The worst hurricane ever to etour" investigllt!lrs spent 32 creutmg a n tioll-wille "strtk be recorded in Florida hit 250 miles oU the coast last nl,n! mlnut~ tryinlr to prod him Into hy.tetl'l" by 0 Ilrop«gandn cam­ wltb winds up to 155 miles an la1klnr about his actlvltes and paign ngain!:t wBEe demand of hour and then roared Inland to­ kis friend hlp with Maj. Gen. t Unl'ed Steel Work rs of Am­ ward Lake Okeeel!obee. Barry Vaughan, President Tru- el'Jca. The hurricane blotted out 1liiO'S military aide. MUTT:!:r, winding up the uninn) eommunlcaUoDl. Fracmenbry Faced witl~ demands by Sen. cas lor a 30-cpnt "p3C'ka' " in­ reporu sbowed at lealt one dead Karl Mundt (R-SD) that he be ~r ase belore the Pr .hl nl', t ·1 and 15 InJurecL Score. of Imall prosecuted for perjury and evad­ fOC't-findinlf-bo rd, ~aid th. public ooa" sanK. Others were beach­ Ing taxes on early $90,000 in 01- hyst ria hod grown out ot "propa­ ed or IPUntered. gedly unreported income, the sand, m'lnatinp Irom the h . 1- I RadIo tow rs buckled and broke, qutnt I'S" of ,·t I cumponi· one ·tlme Kansas City shoeshine I and stalely palm trees bent hori­ boy sought refuge in the constitu­ Th 10 leodr _ ulso uccu.l:d the zontal and snapped betore the tion and refused to answer ques­ industry oY making a "viciuu.. (lnd roarin, winds. DOllS which might lead to prose­ insulting" p rsonal attack on him The hardest hit areas in the Six Firemen Overcome Battling Blaze I Iirst phase at the awesome storm ru tion . in an oU mpt to tUI'n I)ubllc ot­ THE DOWNTO\'VN SE TION of ToledO, Ohio, was covpred with heavy moke ye terdny from a. lire tention away from th fourth­ were Ft. Lauderdale, swank Pa1.rl\. He had a ready answer to only wl;lch Fire Chief Patrick Daly estimated cauBt'd $1 00,000 damag . ',x firemen were overcome lilhtlnl round wag dpmands of the 1- Beach , the adjoining city ot West me question linked directly with tbe stubborn blaze. A crowd 01 10,000 watched the fmultt'-t'atel's Iraln fire hoses 011 the names. million memb l' union. Palm Beach and Lake Worth. All :he committee's three-weeks-old He m de the ac~usatiun in re­ the communities are clustered ",Q uiry into the capital's busy plying to charg s against him about 90 miles north 01 Miami 'mfluenc industry." mad by Enders Voorhees, dit ct­ which escaped the worst part of He was asked if he kn w Food Prices Drop or and chairman at the !inanc the blow. Vaughan, whose many favors for u.s. Sub Explodes in Arclic, commitLee at the Unit d States The winds unroofed .beltera Maragon already have been de­ Cuts Living Costs, St el corporation, befor the bere and at Lake Worth Includ­ scribed. board last Monday. Ina' acbool hoWIH and a akatin, "Yes," he replied, smiling Voorhees said the union's de­ rink. Fiorlda'i ever - ready dl - 1(r~wman, 6 Rescuers Dead uter creWi somehow moved slightly. Says Price Index mands [or $125 monthly pensions several thousand, to other build­ There was a burst of laughler O!4U.\ NOR\Y'A ¥ (AP) - '1'be United Htnt!'s 1l1lU IIl<il'illt' WASIUNGTON (IP) - Living for steelworkers w l'C due "sulelY from committee mt'mbers. re­ to personal competion" between Inr. wtthout ealuaUltl, aecord­ ('ol'llillo exploded, bUrlwd omI . SU lik ill Arcti c wlIl{'r ' (,HI'I,I" yt's- costs have uged downward agaIn. Inr to early reporu. porters and a small handful of tfl I'd ":V. I That's what the 1I0vernment re- Murray and United Mine Work rs .. ·,1e second pnase of the outer lpeetalors who had hoped to (liw l'lH'mbpr of thl' ochino' ('ompltIIIlPnt, II l'i\'ilillll \,',·h- ported yesterday in releasing its PresIdent John L. Lewis, who had arc ot the doul!hnut shaped storm, .ear trom ~Iaragon's lips the /Iil'iall , WIIS lost, and six tlU\'y subnUII'illl'"s ubuUl'(1 lL sistt'I' <.; liip. latest consumers price Index. It oLtoined $lOO-a-month pensions (A P Wlr.pboto) was slamming the West Palm explanation of wlty Vaughan 'l'IISI" isliell uuriug' l't'bClle Opt'l'otiOIlIl. [[1'/lV.V S\\,(ll't showed u living expense decline lor hIs miners. til(' p ~ 1 ~"!I~ Beach lIl'ea last nl'ht and at 9 bad befrIended him. __ thl'm OWI'bOlll'd. I"iw WI'II' ('1\. or six-tenths 01 on percent be- To other queslions regarding tween mid-June and mid-July. p.m., Iowa time, advisory from the Crewmen Prepare lor Storm Miami weather bureau ext~nded hl! various bank accounts, his IL tt'd mt'1! and lin!' II lil'ntl' llIlnt The drop came mainly because FI"nnlOsh Communl"sts The Cochino's 78 offi(,pr~ nnd men or lower prlc s for food, wearing the hurricane zone from Titusvllle income tax returns since 1943, GM Decides Against POLICE (·RElY. tAN b d :l I.Usy Ume III Miami, Fla.. ye.terday to St. Au,ustlne on the upper east Ind the tees p:lid to him by were sav d. apparel and house lurnishings. T W nlornllll a the), currl d a bout the st.reets lakin, down traffIC The twu vesfiels, \flY-ether with Rents and miscellaneous goods and coast at the Florida peninsula. clienis, Maragon intoned the same ry alk Out Plan Igna! b fore a burrlenn Hiruck the south ..' lorida CO~8t durlnr Employe Pay Slash the submarines Toro and Corsair, services went up slightly during the afternoon. fI'hat would make the hurrIcane reply in strained English that re­ were on cold-w tl'r trumin . man- the m(jnth. HELSlNKJ, FlNLAND liP) front 250 mUes from Ft. Lauder­ l'ealed bis Or ek<incestry. WASHINGTON 1lP\ - General euvers when an explo~ion in the The governrnent index, prepared FInnIsh ommunf t trlKp 1 'ad n dale to St. Augustine. "On advice of counsel, T refuse Motol's corporation yesterday an- Cochino's battery room lenl the by the bur au of labor statistics, b gan 10 throw tr ah torc s Y(5- The storm was moving up the 10 answer Qn grounds thilt my nounced an agreement with the American craft to the bottom. Is always necessarily a month terday Into a lullor battle c;lesign­ R~uther. Charges Police penlruula betwee.n northwest and Inswer might tend to incriminate United Auto Workers (CIO) to The four subs, temporarily as· behind, so the mid-August living ed-the government charges - to north-northwest about 12 to 14 me." head off a scheduled pay cut for signed to U.s. naval forces in cost level can only b" euessed at. wreck Finland's C'onomy. miles an hour, 358,000 nnployes on the basis of European waters, left PorI. mouth, But the experts say there's ev- M tal Industry worke 1'" pro- Its center at 9 p.m. Iowa time D 'Brushed Off' Witness new decline lin the cost of Eng., Au g. 12. ery reason to expect another de- ducers of most ot the Finllish war was near the eastern shore at Senate Votes Cut living. The Tusk put In a~ Hammer- clIne when the August index reparations goods, walked out at Lake Okeechobee. Beele Glade, on The agreement, pegging GM test, In northern orway. wilh corn.es out. One reason they ,ive one center and others nearby r~\\' YOltK ( lTI') - Yieto!' HI'II11It' I', information t1il ~('. the eastern side of the lake, re­ For wage scales at present levels at the survIvors of thl' blast fitter is that loods are seasonably down threat n d to stop work Monday luI' III' tiLl' luilt·d "ulo WO!'kl'I'S (C IU), Yl's tl'rdllY clill!'geLl De· Airforce Units ported 120 mUe winds at 9 p . ~. least unlil December, was made having been met at lIf' by Nor- In August. Another is that cloth- Spoke m n lor tne trude union I!'oit pnlire !-(a\l' "IIH' hl'm,hul'r" to u witlle!:;.,; who lhought he A 220-100t radIo tower blew down WASHINGTON fU'l - The sen­ public aftH th e bureau of labor weglan naval and ail'prces un- ing is selling cheaper ,jIow at re- tederation and the melal worker> ~'(l\I l d idt'lIliry tlll' j{Ulllllt'l1 who ll·ii'd tu kill him last Ma".
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