Income Trom the Telephme Mtttee
- ~": ..--- .. ISBA ~tAt£ UIG~ loe UOO • aT 18 pages ' :i'Fi :::::' ..... ::""';;, three sections HERA Ocr ar ... NINETY ·TlllRD YEAR Second Cislis Postage Paid at Wayne, -NIOOIER'II'TY'IIEVDI Absentee, Blind, Disabled Voters Should Take Steps to Vote Tuesday ack of Quorum Slows Work Voterll who are gotng to be abient from Wayne County m their ballots m Tue8da.Y, Weible Tuollday have ml,y mtll Set ...• stated. dllJ( to appl,y In writing for an Following Is a ",omplete list absentee ball(t,accordfngtoNor ing ct where Wayne COtnty vot~ s Council Meets Tuesday ria Weible, eounty clerk. Ap ers are to cast their bellots: -+---------- ~ck rt • quorum ItOIlI>Od tho pUcatim can be made at the Wayne, First Ward (south d city c....,11 from dolnr..,..h d .lGI to ltart work within 30 cotllty clerk's dftce In the Wayne Filth Street and those In Wrledt's .. bualne .. Tueo4ay nllht, 1U day. and complete the job ..tthkl C 0tIIty courthouse. secood addltloo south or east d ,atch Out For C.....,II ..... Ed Smith rot out d 210 day,. H the vlXer does not make out Valley drlve}-Fire Hall; Secood hll sick bed lq encqb to per 8«i.h low bidden were .,ked the written appUcattoo he wtIl Ward (north cI. Fifth and east d UHle Goblins mit the ('OI.I\cll toapproveclalmJ. to .ubmit deltan lpecUlcatlon1 Mafn}-Publlc Library; Third not be able to cast an ahllentee lC1llgti Is that special nlghl: wid "III a retoll'lm r1 nece ... for eommlttee It~ Wednelday taUot In Tuesday' 8 general elec Ward (north ci Fifth and west d ci'l the year when little goblbts, Itty Cor the creatloo d Storm momlna· ttm, Weible warned.
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