September 7, 2017
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Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo English Edition Vol. XLVIII No. 17 September 7, 2017 4 firearms seized in Nueva Vizcaya RED FIGHTERS of the New People’s Army (NPA)-Cagayan (Venerando Villacillo Com- mand) seized four high powered firearms from a successful am- bush against soldiers of the 84th IB. The ambush was staged in Sitio Maglan, Barangay Dine, Kasibu, Nueva Vizcaya around 7:30 a.m. last September 1 wherein a K3 light machinegun and three R4 rifles were con- fiscated. Six were killed from the 84th IB including SSgt. Dexter John Tagacay, Cpl. Jayson Sabado and Cpl. Rusty EDITORIAL Galan. The 84th IB is active in Isolate and resist suppressing the struggle of the residents in the moun- the US-Duterte regime tainous portions of Kasibu. The people, including the he Filipino people's outrage is rapidly accumulating against Rodrigo Bugkalot and Igorot tribes, Duterte over the blood being spilt under his repressive tyrannical rule. protest the widespread de- structive mining operations in TThey indict Duterte for the suc- snuffed by the three wars he has the area. Notorious among cessive killings of several youths launched: the Oplan Tokhang "war these are the large companies these past days by his armed minions: against drugs," the Oplan OceanaGold and Royalco, both from Australia. Kian delos Santos, 17 years old, Carl Kapayapaan war of suppression and Meanwhile, the NPA-Sor- Angelo Arnaiz, 19 and Reynaldo de martial law in Mindanao and the anti- sogon (Celso Minguez Com- Guzman, 14, who were all tortured Moro war and destruction of Marawi. mand or CMC) meted out pun- and killed by stabbing and shooting The people detest Duterte for re- ishment on SPO1 Nestor by the police in the "war against peatedly ensuring protection and Austero, an element of the drugs;" and Obillio Bay-ao, 19, Lumad giving incentives to police and sol- PNP-Bulan who is active in youth in Talaingod, Davao del Norte, diers for blindly following his kill or- counterinsurgency operations. who was shot and killed by paramilit- ders. According to Ka Samuel ary forces. Duterte's hands drip with blood Guerrero of the CMC, Austero The people indict Duterte for the in his wars of death and destruction. is active in organizing a net- thousands upon thousands of lives His soldiers and police run amok. "4 firearms. ," continued on page 3 Over the past two weeks, almost 20 against oppression and exploitation. these should reach out, mobilize were killed under Oplan The people increasingly loathe and unite various organizations and Kapayapaan. Oplan Tokhang killings the Duterte regime and its repress- associations in schools, communit- are relentless. The AFP's war in ive policies such as its plan for a ies, parishes, barangays, offices and Marawi continues relentlessly after National ID system, the recently so on. more than 100 days of siege. enacted law to suppress the free- Duterte's "war against drugs" is The people are fed up with dom of expression and its push for now rousing widespread resistance Duterte's repetitious, scornful and charter change to give him further over police abuses and killings. self-conceited speeches. His pre- monopoly of political power. Work- Various personalities, sectors, or- tensions, spectacles and false im- ers are bound to suffer greater op- ganizations and institutions are ages are rapidly losing efficacy in pression in the plan to abolish the standing up. Youth organizations in the face of actual measures, 8-hour workday. communities and schools are wait- policies and programs which harm The national democratic forces ing to be brought together in a the interests of the people and op- must act vigorously to expand and broad front against Oplan Tokhang press the downtrodden. consolidate the ranks of mass or- and police abuses and to demand a Duterte is turning a deaf ear to ganizations and build the people's comprehensive socio-economic the calls of the people. He does not broadest unity in order to isolate solution to the drug problem. heed the cries of Marawi and the and resist the US-Duterte regime, There is also basis to build a Moro people, the anguish of the its triple wars and various pro-im- broad alliance against Oplan fathers and mothers of the youth perialist, anti-people and anti- Kapayapaan and the anti-Moro war murdered by the police, the clamor democratic policies and programs. as well as against repressive meas- of the national minorities and peas- Every issue the people face un- ures such as the National ID sys- ants against militarization and re- der the Duterte regime compel them tem. The people must unite as well pression, the outcry against aerial to unite in different forms of broad to resist the suppression of the bombings, and the grievances of the alliances. These alliances can in- freedom of expression under the urban poor, the workers, the youth volve various forces and Duterte's guise of fighting "fake news." The and other classes and sectors political rivals. More importantly, mass of workers must be united to defend the 8-hour working day and fight for regularization and wage ANG Contents increases. Editorial: Isolate and resist the US- Various forces can also unite against Duterte's measures to sup- Vol. XLVIII No. 17 | September 7, 2017 Duterte regime 1 press his political rivals (through Ang Bayan is published in 4 firearms seized in N. Vizcaya 1 detention, impeachment and Pilipino, Bisaya, Iloko, Hiligaynon, The Nat'l ID is a fascist scheme 3 murder) and to monopolize political Waray and English. A longer workday 4 power through charter change un- Ang Bayan welcomes der its supposed pursuit of "feder- contributions in the form of Workers' protests and struggle 5 alism." articles and news items. Readers BBL not Duterte's priority 6 The climate of awe and fear are encouraged to send feedback and recommendations for SMC behind demolition 7 imposed by Duterte is now slowly improving our newspaper. being overcome and repudiated by Manilakbayan 2017 arrives in M. Manila 8 the people. Amid the people's Repression and killing of Lumads 8 widespread aversion of the US- Duterte regime, millions upon mil- EJKs intensify 9 lions are awaiting the opportunity @prwc_info Mariano's confirmation rejected 10 to join and act in order to demon- 25 years of The Hague Declaration 10 strate their stand against the fas- cist, anti-people and anti-demo- [email protected] cratic regime. Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines 2 September 7 , 2 01 7 ANG BAYAN "4 firearms. ," continued from page 1 The National ID is a work of intelligence informers in the barangays of Bulan which fascist scheme have resulted in many cases of human rights violations in the area. he GRP Congress hurriedly ratified last August 30 HB 6221 or the TFilipino Identification System (FilSys) which proposes to establish a Advances of the NPA in EV national identification system (national ID system). The Duterte regime has Meanwhile, the NPA-East- also allotted P2 billion for its implementation starting 2018, to swell in ern Visayas (Efren Martirez 2019. Command or EMC) reported the Under the FilSys, every izing of social, religious and polit- renewed vigor and strength of Filipino citizen 18 years old and ical groups and false accusations the NPA in the region amidst the above, whether inside the country against individuals. US-Duterte regime’s counter- or abroad, is required to register One can expect terrible con- insurgency campaign Oplan with the Philippine Statistics Au- sequences if such tool will be in the Kapayapaan. thority not only his or her basic hands of a repressive and op- According to Ka Karlos information (name, date of birth, pressive dictator such as Duterte Manuel, EMC spokesperson, height, weight, others) and bio- who is obsessed in mass murder as Oplan Kapayapaan’s attacks metrics (digital recording of fin- a “solution” to social ills, and as are intense in at least 152 gerprints, iris, voice and facial an instrument to silence his polit- barangays in the region. The image exception code), but also ical rivals and suppress the 8th ID also put up 41 additional the individual’s private informa- people’s struggle. The national ID camps. Likewise, the 8th ID tion. Data collected by various system forms part of his machina- targets 32 towns and cities in government agencies will also be tions to establish a fascist state. Eastern Visayas for its counter- used for the FilSys, including bio- Meanwhile, ACT Teachers insurgency offensives. metrics stored with the Commis- Partylist Rep. Antonio Tinio said The NPA in the region milit- sion on Elections, Philhealth, Na- that the FilSys brings the country a antly confronted this campaign. tional Bureau of Investigation, step closer to being a police state. From March to August, 65 vari- 4Ps, and others. Such is also the position of the ous types of armed actions Included in the FilSys are ge- Foundation for Media Alternatives were launched by the NPA in netic records, DNA, medical and (FMA), which underscored the the region against soldiers of educational records, as well as possibility that the state will make the 8th ID and the PNP. These records on one’s religious, ideolo- use of the ID system as a means of have resulted in 61 killed and gical and philosophical beliefs. mass surveillance. According to 39 wounded on the part of the Also to be contained are records the FMA, this empowers the gov- reactionary forces.