Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo

English Edition Vol. XLVIII No. 17 September 7, 2017

4 firearms seized in Nueva Vizcaya

RED FIGHTERS of the New People’s Army (NPA)-Cagayan (Venerando Villacillo Com- mand) seized four high powered firearms from a successful am- bush against soldiers of the 84th IB. The ambush was staged in Sitio Maglan, Barangay Dine, Kasibu, Nueva Vizcaya around 7:30 a.m. last September 1 wherein a K3 light machinegun and three R4 rifles were con- fiscated. Six were killed from the 84th IB including SSgt. Dexter John Tagacay, Cpl. Jayson Sabado and Cpl. Rusty EDITORIAL Galan. The 84th IB is active in Isolate and resist suppressing the struggle of the residents in the moun- the US-Duterte regime tainous portions of Kasibu. The people, including the he Filipino people's outrage is rapidly accumulating against Rodrigo Bugkalot and Igorot tribes, Duterte over the blood being spilt under his repressive tyrannical rule. protest the widespread de- structive mining operations in TThey indict Duterte for the suc- snuffed by the three wars he has the area. Notorious among cessive killings of several youths launched: the Oplan Tokhang "war these are the large companies these past days by his armed minions: against drugs," the Oplan OceanaGold and Royalco, both from Australia. Kian delos Santos, 17 years old, Carl Kapayapaan war of suppression and Meanwhile, the NPA-Sor- Angelo Arnaiz, 19 and Reynaldo de martial law in Mindanao and the anti- sogon (Celso Minguez Com- Guzman, 14, who were all tortured Moro war and destruction of Marawi. mand or CMC) meted out pun- and killed by stabbing and shooting The people detest Duterte for re- ishment on SPO1 Nestor by the police in the "war against peatedly ensuring protection and Austero, an element of the drugs;" and Obillio Bay-ao, 19, Lumad giving incentives to police and sol- PNP-Bulan who is active in youth in Talaingod, , diers for blindly following his kill or- counterinsurgency operations. who was shot and killed by paramilit- ders. According to Ka Samuel ary forces. Duterte's hands drip with blood Guerrero of the CMC, Austero The people indict Duterte for the in his wars of death and destruction. is active in organizing a net- thousands upon thousands of lives His soldiers and police run amok.

"4 firearms. . . ," continued on page 3 Over the past two weeks, almost 20 against oppression and exploitation. these should reach out, mobilize were killed under Oplan The people increasingly loathe and unite various organizations and Kapayapaan. Oplan Tokhang killings the Duterte regime and its repress- associations in schools, communit- are relentless. The AFP's war in ive policies such as its plan for a ies, parishes, barangays, offices and Marawi continues relentlessly after National ID system, the recently so on. more than 100 days of siege. enacted law to suppress the free- Duterte's "war against drugs" is The people are fed up with dom of expression and its push for now rousing widespread resistance Duterte's repetitious, scornful and charter change to give him further over police abuses and killings. self-conceited speeches. His pre- monopoly of political power. Work- Various personalities, sectors, or- tensions, spectacles and false im- ers are bound to suffer greater op- ganizations and institutions are ages are rapidly losing efficacy in pression in the plan to abolish the standing up. Youth organizations in the face of actual measures, 8-hour workday. communities and schools are wait- policies and programs which harm The national democratic forces ing to be brought together in a the interests of the people and op- must act vigorously to expand and broad front against Oplan Tokhang press the downtrodden. consolidate the ranks of mass or- and police abuses and to demand a Duterte is turning a deaf ear to ganizations and build the people's comprehensive socio-economic the calls of the people. He does not broadest unity in order to isolate solution to the drug problem. heed the cries of Marawi and the and resist the US-Duterte regime, There is also basis to build a Moro people, the anguish of the its triple wars and various pro-im- broad alliance against Oplan fathers and mothers of the youth perialist, anti-people and anti- Kapayapaan and the anti-Moro war murdered by the police, the clamor democratic policies and programs. as well as against repressive meas- of the national minorities and peas- Every issue the people face un- ures such as the National ID sys- ants against militarization and re- der the Duterte regime compel them tem. The people must unite as well pression, the outcry against aerial to unite in different forms of broad to resist the suppression of the bombings, and the grievances of the alliances. These alliances can in- freedom of expression under the urban poor, the workers, the youth volve various forces and Duterte's guise of fighting "fake news." The and other classes and sectors political rivals. More importantly, mass of workers must be united to defend the 8-hour working day and fight for regularization and wage ANG Contents increases.

Editorial: Isolate and resist the US- Various forces can also unite against Duterte's measures to sup- Vol. XLVIII No. 17 | September 7, 2017 Duterte regime 1 press his political rivals (through Ang Bayan is published in 4 firearms seized in N. Vizcaya 1 detention, impeachment and Pilipino, Bisaya, Iloko, Hiligaynon, The Nat'l ID is a fascist scheme 3 murder) and to monopolize political Waray and English. A longer workday 4 power through charter change un- Ang Bayan welcomes der its supposed pursuit of "feder- contributions in the form of Workers' protests and struggle 5 alism." articles and news items. Readers BBL not Duterte's priority 6 The climate of awe and fear are encouraged to send feedback and recommendations for SMC behind demolition 7 imposed by Duterte is now slowly improving our newspaper. being overcome and repudiated by Manilakbayan 2017 arrives in M. 8 the people. Amid the people's Repression and killing of Lumads 8 widespread aversion of the US- Duterte regime, millions upon mil- EJKs intensify 9 lions are awaiting the opportunity @prwc_info Mariano's confirmation rejected 10 to join and act in order to demon- 25 years of The Hague Declaration 10 strate their stand against the fas- cist, anti-people and anti-demo- [email protected] cratic regime. Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the

2 September 7 , 2 01 7 ANG BAYAN "4 firearms. . . ," continued from page 1 The National ID is a work of intelligence informers in the barangays of Bulan which fascist scheme have resulted in many cases of human rights violations in the area. he GRP Congress hurriedly ratified last August 30 HB 6221 or the TFilipino Identification System (FilSys) which proposes to establish a Advances of the NPA in EV national identification system (national ID system). The Duterte regime has Meanwhile, the NPA-East- also allotted P2 billion for its implementation starting 2018, to swell in ern Visayas (Efren Martirez 2019. Command or EMC) reported the Under the FilSys, every izing of social, religious and polit- renewed vigor and strength of Filipino citizen 18 years old and ical groups and false accusations the NPA in the region amidst the above, whether inside the country against individuals. US-Duterte regime’s counter- or abroad, is required to register One can expect terrible con- insurgency campaign Oplan with the Philippine Statistics Au- sequences if such tool will be in the Kapayapaan. thority not only his or her basic hands of a repressive and op- According to Ka Karlos information (name, date of birth, pressive dictator such as Duterte Manuel, EMC spokesperson, height, weight, others) and bio- who is obsessed in mass murder as Oplan Kapayapaan’s attacks metrics (digital recording of fin- a “solution” to social ills, and as are intense in at least 152 gerprints, iris, voice and facial an instrument to silence his polit- barangays in the region. The image exception code), but also ical rivals and suppress the 8th ID also put up 41 additional the individual’s private informa- people’s struggle. The national ID camps. Likewise, the 8th ID tion. Data collected by various system forms part of his machina- targets 32 towns and cities in government agencies will also be tions to establish a fascist state. Eastern Visayas for its counter- used for the FilSys, including bio- Meanwhile, ACT Teachers insurgency offensives. metrics stored with the Commis- Partylist Rep. Antonio Tinio said The NPA in the region milit- sion on Elections, Philhealth, Na- that the FilSys brings the country a antly confronted this campaign. tional Bureau of Investigation, step closer to being a police state. From March to August, 65 vari- 4Ps, and others. Such is also the position of the ous types of armed actions Included in the FilSys are ge- Foundation for Media Alternatives were launched by the NPA in netic records, DNA, medical and (FMA), which underscored the the region against soldiers of educational records, as well as possibility that the state will make the 8th ID and the PNP. These records on one’s religious, ideolo- use of the ID system as a means of have resulted in 61 killed and gical and philosophical beliefs. mass surveillance. According to 39 wounded on the part of the Also to be contained are records the FMA, this empowers the gov- reactionary forces. Ten high on charges filed against the indi- ernment to monitor not only powered firearms, including an vidual, whether proven or other- transactions, but also other activ- M60 machinegun, and six other wise. These data are currently ities and events in an individual’s types of firearms, have been private and protected by priv- life. confiscated from these offens- ileges enjoyed by doctor-patient, To conceal its insidious aims ives. attorney-client and other codes of and deceive the people, the Within the same period, practice. Utilization of these Duterte regime makes false claims membership of the NPA grew by against an individual by that the national ID system will 24% and four new platoons and whichever state agency requires serve to expedite the delivery of four new squads were built. As a court permission. government service. This is clearly result, NPA-Northern Samar’s In the hands of a repressive farcical most especially since the two guerrilla fronts have each and oppressive state, such system regime continues to cut budgets grown to company formations, of data collection will surely be for social services. In Norway, and a new guerrilla front has used as a weapon for mass surveil- where there is no such national ID been set up. In Leyte, a new lance and population control. This system as FilSys, everyone has ac- guerrilla front was established will be employed to profile “suspi- cess to advanced public health in a strategic area covering five cious” groups or individuals which service. towns and 14 barangays. will result in widespread stigmat- It is likewise false that this ID

ANG BAYAN September 7 , 2 01 7 3 system will stamp out the A longer workday is an attack widespread corruption in the bureaucracy. This is starkly against workers demonstrated by continuing widespread corruption in gov- ernment agencies despite their he enacted congress bill lengthening the computerized record-keeping Tworkday in the guise of compressing and processing. Also, manipu- the workweek is an attack on the lation of election results in the workers’ rights which they Philippines has become more have fought for these widespread. Automation has past centuries. only made efficient, albeit less obvious, the fraud in counting On August 24, votes. the lower house railroaded the Anti-people program slave-like House These pretences are in ac- Bill 6152 or In- cordance with the recom- creasing the mendations of US counter- Normal Work insurgency advisers. In Iraq Hours per day and Afghanistan, the US at- under the Com- tached censuses and a nation- pressed Work Week al ID system to food subsidies Scheme. been practiced in in exchange for information The anti-worker fangs of the many businesses in export pro- regarding those whom the US Duterte regime has shown itself in cessing zones where workers are considers as enemies. Also, its plan to institutionalize the 10- made to work for 10-12 hours from the US regards as effective its 12 hour workday. Congress and Monday to Saturday and eight design in Vietnam during the the Department of Labor and Em- hours on Sunday. This is compoun- war which combines census- ployment hypocritically portray ded by inhuman working conditions taking with intelligence gath- this as a pro-worker scheme that such as the lack of proper ventila- ering, alongside a purported will reduce the workweek from 5-6 tion and protection from poisonous collection of grievances from days to 4-5 days. Only big bour- chemicals. the residents. geois compradors will benefit from Allowing a minimum wage In the case of FilSys, it has this scheme as they squeeze more earner to work for 12 hours equals prioritized for 2018 the inclu- profits from the labor of their to P1,227.42/week or almost sion in the national ID system workers and employees. P5,000/month lost overtime pay. 5.2 million households in the The compressed workweek For big businesses engaged in countryside and urban poor was first implemented under the widespread contractualization and communities purportedly for first Aquino regime in 1990 extended working hours, this 4Ps subsidies. The US’ system through a DOLE order. This was translates to millions of added an- of population control may also nual profits. be comparable to the ID sys- in accordance to the implementa- The regime’s excuse for passing tem imposed by the Armed tion of the Herrera Law which be- the bill to allow workers more rest Forces of the Philippines upon came the basis for the legalization hours is perverse. A hungry family the villages they occupy. In of contractualization. The Arroyo these areas, residents are re- regime amended the order in 2005 cannot rest as wages are kept low quired to sign onto logbooks and allowed capitalists and com- and job insecurity is worsening. The and present an ID or a resid- pradors to extend the workday average wages in manufacturing is ence certificate in order for beyond eight hours without over- pegged at P358.71/day and in ser- the soldiers to monitor their time pay. vices at P314.34/day. Wages in activities, and be spared from The anti-worker Duterte re- Southern Tagalog are lowest, at being tagged as rebels and un- gime’s removal of legal obstacles in only P235/day. This is a far cry dergo harassment or physical lengthening the workday is worse. from the estimated P1,130/day liv- harm. The HB 6152 formalizes what has ing wage.

4 September 7 , 2 01 7 ANG BAYAN Destroying victories day. In the US, May 1, 1886 became 1974. In lengthening the workday, the historic when 200,000 workers In lengthening the workday, the Duterte regime is destroying the stopped working and gathered in Duterte regime once again proved more than two centuries-old victory Haymarket Square in Chicago in a that it is not different from previous workers of the world have won in general strike to call for an 8-hour pro-foreign and neoliberal regimes. pushing for an eight-hour workday. workday. The call spread to Europe. He not only failed to deliver his In was in the 19th century when In 1889, this became one of the key promise to end contractualization, workers won in cutting down the issues of the International Working- he is making the situation of mil- workday from 12-16 hours to eight men’s Association, an organization lions of workers more miserable. hours. founded by Karl Marx and Frederich Under his fascist rule, his regime is In Southern Europe then, work- Engels who later issued the Com- sure to push for worse anti-worker ers were forced to work as long as munist Manifesto. policies and programs. the sun shone during the summer Many unions in various factor- In this light, workers should solstice when the sun could shine up ies triumphed in pushing for an 8- expand and strengthen their unions to 10 p.m. The workers organized hour workday. Russia became the and organizations to resist the re- into unions and called for humane first state to declare an 8-hour gime’s schemes to destroy what working conditions, higher wages workday as a national policy, to- they have already won through their and an eight-hour workday. The gether with declaring May 1 as an struggles. The struggle for an 8- workers' movement spread all over official holiday after the October hour workday should be carried the world. Revolution in 1917. Mexico fol- alongside the call to raise wages, In Australia, workers united in lowed on the same day, Australia end contractualization, ensure job 1856 to organize a one-day work on 1920, and the US on 1938. The security and improved working stoppage to call for an 8-hour work- Philippines enacted it as a law on conditions.

Workers’ protest and struggle

WHILE THE Duterte regime repeatedly attacks worker’s rights, the workers continuously defend and fight for these through their organized strength and collective action. Members of Kilos Na! Manggagawa immediately protested at the Welcome Rotonda, Quezon City to condemn the passage of HB 6152 in congress. They vowed to expand and consolidate their ranks to block the bill’s approval in Senate. Meanwhile, 378 contractual workers of Harbour Centre Port Terminal in Manila succeeded in their struggle for regularization last August 24, a year since they started the strike. They will get all the benefits of regular workers since they started working in Harbour Centre and they will be recognized as part of the company’s work force. Contractual workers in Southern Tagalog are continuously advancing their struggle. On August 29. members under the Liga ng Manggagawang Kontraktwal picketed in ffornt of the DOLE. Among those who participated were workers from Takata, ABI, Alaska, Coca-Cola, Clarmil, Nexperia, Gardenia, Aichi, MCC-MSI and SIDC. The said workers had already won initial victories. The Alaska Milk Workers’ Union successfully fought for their Collective Bargaining Agreement to demand be- nefits for their members. Meanwhile, Gardenia workers won the regularization of 744 contractual workers last Ju- ly. But the capitalist did not follow DOLE’s order and illegally retrenched 70 workers. This is the same situation the workers of Nexperia is facing. Fourteen workers including the president of the local organization, Workers’ Alliance for Labor Rights, were illegally terminated even though there is an existing DOLE decision to regularize the workers. Six hundred seventy-five Coca-Cola workers were also to be regularized but 200 workers who were included on the DOLE’s decision were illegally dismissed. Last August 18, workers of SM Manila with GABRIELA and KMU picketed to call for regularization of SM work- ers.

ANG BAYAN September 7 , 2 01 7 5 BBL, not a priority for the Duterte regime

he Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) recently reproved the US-Duterte regime's Tnoncompliance of its obligation to prioritize the Bangsamoro Basic Law in the lower and upper houses of Congress. This was after the Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Council dropped the said bill from its list of priority bills submitted to the congress on August 29. Like the past regimes, Duterte is taking his time in passing the bill to squeeze more concessions from the Moros and pressure them into follow- ing his wishes. In the past years, the MILF has Autonomous Region hoped to achieve its right to self- (BABAR), it contained determination through the BBL. The provisions worse than BBL is a proposed law that will cre- the ARMM that the ate the Bangsamoro, a political en- MILF had previously re- tity to replace the Autonomous Re- jected. It did not dif- gion in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) fer from the pro- and will be under the Government posed Basic Law of the Philippines, as provided by for the Bangsam- the Comprehensive Agreement on oro Autonomous the Moros, his the Bangsamoro (CAB). The CAB is Region (BLBAR) which the troops did not an agreement crafted through the then senator Ferdinand Marcos spare mosques peace negotiations between the Jr. filed under the US-Aquino re- and madrasahs, alongside hospitals GRP and the MILF and was signed gime. The BLBAR did not pass des- and private establishments, in their in 2014. The MILF believes that the pite Marcos’ efforts to weaken the destruction. He insulted their lead- BBL will put an end to “extremist bill to make it more acceptable to ers and scholars, and blamed the violence” of various Moro groups in the Philippine reactionary class. The residents for the violence. These Mindanao, including its own splinter MILF called Arroyo’s bill insulting leaders have repeatedly offered to groups. and disgusting. Despite this, the mediate between the AFP and the Since Duterte came into power, regime ordered congress to “con- Moro groups in Marawi but he ar- he has repeatedly promised that his solidate” the Arroyo and BTC ver- rogantly brushed aside their at- regime will prioritize the BBL. But it sions. tempts. The regime’s troops did not still took him eight months to ex- In the past, the reactionary even respect the humanitarian pand the Bangsamoro Transition state used the BBL to placate the pauses the groups requested to Council (BTC), the body tasked to Moro people and encourage them to save civilians caught in the fighting. draft the proposed law. The nation- fully reject armed struggle and In the midst of this, the suffer- al government did not allocate place themselves under its reac- ings of the Moro people continue, funds for it. Nevertheless, the BTC tionary constitution. But this was especially of the evacuees in Lanao managed to submit to Duterte a re- proven wanting in proving the re- del Sur. This August, the Suara vised draft on July 17. Contrary to newed spread of armed resistance Bangsamoro firmly countered the his bluster, Duterte did not immedi- of armed groups. Many have AFP’s claim that there is no hu- ately submit this to either houses of emerged to continue the armed manitarian crisis in the province as the congress. Up to this writing, struggle. the regime has provided the civil- none of his factotums in the con- When the fighting flared up in ians’ needs. Aside from this crisis, gress have offered to sponsor the Marawi, Duterte did not heed the thousands remain missing, the or- bill. According to Malacanang’s call to pass the BBL to douse it. In- ganization said. spokesperson, it is “up to the con- stead, he ran amok in attacking ci- In the end, the BBL or even gress” what to do with it. vilians. Bombings, artillery fire and Duterte’s genocide-like war against Worse, Duterte’s congressional strafing which destroyed their lives the Moro failed to stop their ally Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo filed a and livelihoods have been brutal struggle for self-determination but counter-version on August 3. Titled and indiscriminate. Contrary to his instead, intensified their armed the Basic Act for the Bangsamoro talk of “avoiding” earning the ire of resistance.

6 September 7 , 2 01 7 ANG BAYAN SMC responsible for Manggahan demolition

usiness interests of big comprador bourgeoisie Ramon Ang and Eduardo B“Danding” Cojuangco of San Miguel Corporation (SMC) are behind the failed demolition of around 1,000 homes beside the Manggahan Floodway in Pasig last August 31. This aimed to drive away residents to facilitate SMC’s use of the area for business.

The Manggahan Floodway was of “development.” The built in 1977 to prevent flooding in construction and Metro Manila. The land along the control of facilities floodway was declared public under this pro- which gave residents the right to gram will serve live and build their homes in the only their com- area. mercial interests. This right was revoked by the The richest and US-Arroyo regime and the resid- most powerful com- ents were driven away. Demoli- pradors hold control tions continued under Benigno over Duterte’s in- Aquino Jr.’s Public-Private Part- frastructure pro- nership (PPP) program which res- jects. These are led by SMC which ulted in the expulsion of hundreds funds 45.9 % of the total cost of Manggahan Floodway for four of families to relocation sites and ongoing or completed PPP pro- decades. loss of their livelihood. jects. The police arrested 29 resid- Under the Duterte regime’s ents in the attempted demolition. “Build, build, build” program, Residents’ struggle Not contented, they went back to funds of more than P2 billion are and frustrating the demolition the community the following day set to be allocated by SMC for the The police and the forces of and arbitrarily arrested whoever Manggahan Floodway in exchange the local government of Pasig they came across with. Up to 41 for the company’s free use of the failed to demolish the urban poor were imprisoned, including ten waste materials and water coming communities’ residences along the minors. They were charged with from the floodway for SMC’s busi- portion of Manggahan Floodway in illegal assembly, direct assault and nesses in power generation and Brgy. Sta. Lucia, Pasig. This, des- resisting arrest, and disobedience. irrigation. pite the violent destruction of the Kadamay strongly condemned Around 10,000 families from barricade put up by the residents, the violent destruction of the bar- Pasig to Taytay, Rizal are set to be physical harm and arbitrary arrest. ricade. According to the organiza- displaced. The residents were resolute in the tion’s president Gloria Arellano, The demolition in Sta. Lucia, defense of their homes and liveli- the Duterte regime brings demoli- Pasig is part of some 75 priority hood. tions and evictions to the urban infrastructure projects which In a report by Balikwas poor, alongside killings under the Duterte plans to build in conniv- Kadamay, a local branch of “war against drugs.” Although re- ance with his local cronies and his Kadamay (Kalipunan ng Damayang locations are provided, fees col- finance secretary under the Mahihirap), residents are forcibly lected are extremely high and res- “Dutertenomics” banner. These being displaced from their com- idents are forced away from their projects, including the cleaning out munities under the pretext that livelihood. of Manggahan Floodway, were their homes lie on a “danger zone.” The following day, members of former projects under Aquino’s In return, they are offered reloca- Balikwas Kadamay, together with PPP. tion to Calauan, Laguna. But due relatives of the arrested, staged a Like the PPP, these large and to high amortization fees and lack rally. Bayan Muna Rep. Karlos widescale infrastructure projects of social services and livelihood, Zarate joined the residents. He are tied to neoliberal interests of majority of the residents chose to likewise visited the residents de- big compradors and foreign cor- stay and fight for their rights to tained at Pasig City Police Sta- porations. They are funded by decent dwelling within the city. tion. The residents condemned the large debts passed off in the name The residents have lived along arrests made by the PNP and

ANG BAYAN September 7 , 2 01 7 7 called for an end to the demolition mission and Kabataan Partylist Rep. barricade and were coincidentally of their community. According to Sarah Elago, visited Bahay Aruga in the area when accosted by the the rallyists, the government where the arrested youth were police. should grant the land to the poor, brought. The group wanted to check Six days after the demolition, instead of enforcing demolition. on the condition of the minors but two of the youth were released Last September 3 and 4, DSWD they were barred from entering. while eight remain at Bahay Aruga. Undersecretary Malou Turalde, Neither were the youth returned to Meanwhile, Balikwas-Kadamay as- along with Rep. Arlene Brosas from their parents despite the parents’ serts that they will continue to Gabriela Women’s Party, Liza Maza attempt to claim them. Some of the stand up for their rights to their of the National Anti-Poverty Com- arrested had nothing to do with the homes.

Manilakbayan 2017 arrives in Metro Manila Repression and killings of Lumads ON SEPTEMBER 1, Manilakbayan 2017 delegations from Northern Luzon, THE REGIME'S killings and Central Luzon, Southern Tagalog, Visayas and Mindanao arrived in Metro Ma- repression of Mindanao nila. They were met in a “Salubungan” by members of national democratic or- Lumads continue unabated. ganizations at the Bonifacio Shrine in Manila City where they held a program While the Sandugo conference against martial law and the US-Duterte’s fascist attacks against the people. was being held in Quezon City, Afterwhich, they marched to UP-Los Banos where they were a 19-year old student of the Mendiola in front of Malacanang warmly welcomed by the university Salugpongan Ta Tanu Igkano- with various democratic sectors, administration and students. gon Community Learning Cen- where they met with Caraga peas- Meanwhile, the Kahugpungan sa ter was being shot by a milit- ants and fisher folk who have been Lumadnong Organisasyon (KASALO- ary agent in Sitio Dulyan, encamped in the place since August Caraga) held its second regional Barangay Palma Gil, Talain- 23. That night, they proceeded to conference in Butuan City on August god, Davao del Norte on the University of the Philippines 31, and celebrated the Eydow Tu September 5. Obillo Bay-ao (UP)-Diliman where more than a Pakigsantuya Tu Tumindok Kane't died in the hospital after a hundred students from the Save Our Caraga or Day of Protests of the CAFGU element named Ben Schools Network have been staying Caraga Lumads. The conference was Salangani shot him. since July. held in concurrence with the organ- Prior to this, the Marine On Septembr 4-6, they held the ization’s growing membership. From Battalion Landing Team-2 filed second assembly of Sandugo, the 2009, membership has doubled and trumped up charges against broadest alliance of Moros and other now includes five tribes. volunteer teachers of the Cen- national minorities in the Philippines. It was also an occasion to pay ter for Lumad Advocacy, Net- More than 2,500 Moros, Lumads and tribute to the Lumad leader-heroes working and Services, Inc other indigenous peoples have trav- whom the state have persecuted and elled to the national capital to share killed because they fought for their (CLANS) Community School their stories of struggle. They will ancetral lands. At the end of the and members of its Parent- remain in Metro Manila up to day, the delegates marched to Teacher Community Associ- September 21 to launch activities to Emerito Samarca’s grave in the city. ation (PTCA). A warrant of ar- further their struggles. These in- ALCADEV director Samarca was rest was issued against six vo- cludes pickets against mining com- killed by military forces on Septem- lunteer teachers and seven panies and government agencies. ber 1, 2015. PTCA members for murder and Before arriving in Metro Manila, On August 28, progressive attempted murder, CLANS the Mindanao delegation stopped by groups, together with various per- said. sonalities, launched the Movement Even the Manilakbayan Against Tyranny, an alliance delegates encamped in Quezon against the US-Duterte re- City are not spared. They are gime’s rising fascism. Prior to continually under surveillance this, progressive organizations from police and other intelli- joined in the funeral march for gence operatives. Lumad chil- Kian de Los Santos, the 17- dren from the “bakwit schools” year old victim of extrajudicial are being investigated to force killings of the regimes “war them to return to their milit- against drugs.” arized communities.

8 September 7 , 2 01 7 ANG BAYAN Extrajudicial killings intensify

he number of civilians killed being killed by the tyrant Duterte’s soldiers Gerodias was a member of Tand police continue to rise, while various human rights violations are Abante, a local organization of relentless. Prominent in Duterte’s latest crimes are the successive killings in small-scale miners in Barangay Sorsogon, Negros Oriental, and Compostela Valley. Since taking Poblacion, and an active supporter power, the regime has already committed 92 politically-motivated of peasant struggles in the com- extrajudicial killings. munity. Abante is an affiliate or- Bicol. In Sorsogon, successive jares, and others. ganization of Hugpong sa mga killings of civilians were carried out Among the civilians killed were Mag-uuma sa Walog, Compostela by elements of the 31st IB and the Glen Abseng who was slain last July (HUMAWAC). 509th Public Safety Company of the 22, Alberto Ticson who was killed Prior to this, unknown suspects Philippine National Police. Accord- last July 24, and a pedicab driver shot and killed farmer Roger Tim- ing to Ka Maria Roja Banua of the named “Danny” who was killed last boco last August 23. Timboco is a NDF-Bicol, from July until August, July 28. On August 26, Remie member of the organization 11 cases of killings done by the sol- Faburada was also shot and killed in Kahugpungan sa mga Mag-uuma sa diers and police were recorded. Barangay Malusay. Meanwhile, Maco ComVal. Among the latest is the killing of Barangay Hinakpan Capt. Junjun Misamis Oriental. Soldiers of Jerry Jenga last August 29 at noon Benero was killed on the same day the 58th IB attempted to kill Lumad in Barangay Aquino, Bulan. An ele- while drinking coffee at a beach re- leader Roy Ibarat of the organiza- ment of the 509th PSC was identi- sort. Two of Benero’s companions tion Pangalasag, which is based in fied as the assailant who fled were wounded in the shooting. Opol. aboard a motorcycle towards the Latest victim of the killings is According to Ibarat, he has police camp in the same barangay. Oscar Asildo Jr., an organizer of long been accused by the 58th IB as That afternoon, the 31st IB killed Bayan Muna. Asildo Jr. was shot having connections to the revolu- Ronald Abion, a resident of Sitio last August 30 at around 11 a.m. tionary movement and is being Calaay, Barangay Tinampo, Irosin. after coming out of his office at the forced to surrender. On August 20, The 31st IB has accused Abion as a DepEd in Barangay Poblacion. He four soldiers went to his residence, supporter of the NPA. was shot at close-range while duped him towards a woody area, It was also reported that 12 of about to board his car. People and fired upon him twice. the province’s 16 towns have AFP- nearby attempted to seek help The 58th IB targeted Ibarat CAFGU encampments. Likewise, 37 from the PNP Guihulngan but they because of the successful barangays are currently being oc- did not respond. “bungkalan” (collective farming) cupied by soldiers of the AFP in the Davao City. Jezreel Arrabis, undertaken by members of name of Oplan Kapayapaan. Re- 40, and his wife Dalia, 38, resid- Pangalasag last August 18 in their cords from June to August also ents of Barangay Tamayong, Cal- ancestral land which the Lumads show 55 cases of mass harassment, inan District, were shot by armed are reclaiming from A. Brown Com- intimidation and forced evacu- men believed to be soldiers of the pany. The Lumads’ ancestral land ations. 84th IB and 3rd IB. The Arrabis extends to 520 hectares covering Negros. The NPA-Central couple were both farmers and act- barangays Bagocboc and Tingalan Negros (Leonardo Panaligan Com- ive members of the Farmers Asso- in Opol. mand or LPC) strongly condemned ciation in Davao City. They were Palawan. Elements of the AFP the consecutive civilian killings in shot in front of their residence last Western Command (WESCOM) last Guihulngan City, Negros Oriental September 2, at around 6:40 p.m. July 23 illegally arrested and de- following the LPC ambush on the after returning from market. The tained civilians Romy Labajo and his PNP Guihulngan last July 21. Ac- couple’s seven-year-old son sur- wife in Araceli, Palawan. After be- cording to Ka JB Regalado of the vived the shooting. ing captured, the Labajo couple was LPC, police officers Fermin Jacobe, Compostela Valley. Lomer Ge- presented to the public purportedly Megin Bulandres and Ricky Taub rodias, a small-scale miner, was as members of the NPA. lead the series of killings in conniv- shot and killed by suspected mem- According to PAMALAKAYA- ance with hired killers RPA-ABB. bers of the 66th IB last August 27, Palawan, the couple was arrested in Furthermore, Regalado also ex- around 7 p.m. Gerodias was at response to the intense struggle put posed the participation of some Barangay Poblacion, Marasugan on up by the residents in the Northern Guihulngan City local officials led by his way to Barangay Magkagong part of Palawan for their livelihood Councilor Pipo Pasigna, Petyong Mi- when he was killed. in the fishing grounds which are

ANG BAYAN September 7 , 2 01 7 9 being destroyed by Palawan local intense. ated, blindfolded, beaten and government’s Administrative Order Meanwhile, on August 11, four forced to admit being members of 05. Tagbanua minorities were illegally the NPA. Despite the appeals and Also, under the guise of track- captured, tortured and filed with declarations by neighbours that the ing the Maute group, consecutive trumped-up charges by the PNP- three are civilians, the farmers raids and illegal searches were con- Palawan. were nonetheless brought to the ducted in the towns of Taytay, Relatives Elesar Buenasalbas, police station in Taytay. The fol- Coron, Araceli and the towns’ Noel and Reden Peñaredondo, all lowing day, Ely Peñaredondo was neighboring islands supposedly be- residents of Barangay Alacalian, arrested on false charges of safe- cause the Maute Group had entered Taytay were herding their carabaos keeping improvised explosives. The Palawan. WESCOM’s attacks target when accosted by operating troops four were later on brought to the the communities where the resid- of the PNP-Regional Public Safety provincial jail and remain to be de- ents’ fight against the said AO are Battalion. The three were investig- tained. 25 years of The Hague Declaration CA rejects Mariano’s confirmation PROGRESSIVE GROUPS, together with key personalities of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines and the GRP peace THE COMMISSION on Appointments ulti- negotiations marked the 25th year anniversary of The Hague mately rejected the appointment of Rafael Joint Declaration which was signed on September 1, 1992. Mariano (Ka Paeng) as secretary of the De- Around 500 gathered at the University of the Philippines in Dili- partment of Agrarian Reform this September man, Quezon City last September 2 to celebrate the agreement 6. which has served as the framework of the ardous efforts to The Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas achieve a just and historical peace in the country. (KMP) criticized the decision, saying this once again proved Duterte’s fealty to the country’s The declaration remains as the framework for the negoti- landlords and oligarchs. The order to reject ations up to now, Jose Ma. Sison, Chief Political Consultant to Ka Paeng directly came from Duterte. Among NDFP negotiating panel, said. This is despite efforts of those who blocked his appointment were consecutive reactionary regimes to junk the agreement. Among Duterte’s daughter and her these was the the denouncement of the then US-Aquino regime husband Manases Carpio who lawyers for of the agreement as a “document of perpetual division” in an Lapanday Foods Corporation. Paid pseudo- attempt to weaken the basis of the talks and hasten the capitu- farmers sent by the Aquino-Cojuangco family lation of the revolutionary movement. also blocked his appointment. Personalities previously involved in the talks, such as Sen. Before this, the CA also rejected the ap- Loren Legarda, bishops and other church leaders attended the pointment of Judy Taguiwalo as secretary of event. the Department of Social Work and Welfare. .

10 September 7 , 2 01 7 ANG BAYAN