Network Statement 2018 Edition 2016-12-09 for Deliveries from 2017-12-10 to 2017-12-08

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Network Statement 2018 Edition 2016-12-09 for Deliveries from 2017-12-10 to 2017-12-08 Network statement 2018 Edition 2016-12-09 For deliveries from 2017-12-10 to 2017-12-08 Updates The Network Statement will be updated with the amendments published at the website of The Swedish Transport Administration. Update Implemented Original edition 2016-12-09 Table of Contents – Network Statement 2018 1 General Information .......................................................................................... 8 1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 8 1.2 Objective of the Network Statement ......................................................... 8 1.3 Legal framework ....................................................................................... 8 1.4 Legal status ............................................................................................... 9 1.4.1 General remarks ................................................................................ 9 1.4.2 Liability ............................................................................................. 9 1.4.3 Appeals procedures ........................................................................... 9 1.5 Structure of Network Statement ................................................................ 9 1.6 Validity and updating process ................................................................. 10 1.6.1 Validity period ................................................................................ 10 1.6.2 Updating process ............................................................................. 10 1.7 Publishing ............................................................................................... 10 1.8 Contacts .................................................................................................. 11 1.9 Rail Freight Corridor - Scandinavian-Mediterranean Rail Freight Corridor (ScanMed RFC) ....................................................................... 11 1.9.1 Corridor One-Stop shop .................................................................. 11 1.10 RailNetEurope – international cooperation............................................. 11 1.10.1 National One Stop Shop .................................................................. 12 1.10.2 RNE Tools ...................................................................................... 12 2 Access Conditions ........................................................................................... 13 2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 13 2.2 General access requirements ................................................................... 13 2.2.1 Conditions for applying for capacity .............................................. 13 2.2.2 Conditions for access to the railway infrastructure ......................... 13 2.2.3 Licences .......................................................................................... 14 2.2.4 Safety certificate ............................................................................. 15 2.2.5 Cover of liabilities ........................................................................... 15 2.3 General Business/Commercial Conditions ............................................. 16 2.3.1 Framework Agreements .................................................................. 17 2.3.2 Track Access Agreements with railway undertakings .................... 17 2.3.3 Track Access Agreements with non-railway undertakings ............. 18 2.4 Operational rules ..................................................................................... 18 2.4.1 Regulations ..................................................................................... 18 2.4.2 Information ..................................................................................... 19 2.4.3 Other rules ....................................................................................... 19 2.5 Exceptional transport .............................................................................. 22 2.6 Dangerous goods ..................................................................................... 22 2.7 Rolling stock approval process ............................................................... 22 Network Statement 2018 __________________________________________________________________ 2.7.1 Communication system GSM-R ..................................................... 23 2.7.2 Operating restrictions ...................................................................... 24 2.7.3 Test run ........................................................................................... 24 2.7.4 Requirement for ETCS equipment .................................................. 24 2.8 Competence requirements for operational personnel .............................. 24 3 Infrastructure ................................................................................................... 26 3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 26 3.2 Extent of network .................................................................................... 26 3.2.1 National limits ................................................................................. 26 3.2.2 Connected railway networks ........................................................... 26 3.2.3 Further information ......................................................................... 27 3.3 Network description ................................................................................ 27 3.3.1 Geographic identification ................................................................ 27 3.3.2 Capabilities ..................................................................................... 28 3.3.3 Traffic control and communication systems ................................... 31 3.4 Traffic restrictions ................................................................................... 32 3.4.1 Specialised infrastructure ................................................................ 32 3.4.2 Environmental restrictions .............................................................. 37 3.4.3 Dangerous goods ............................................................................. 37 3.4.4 Tunnel restrictions .......................................................................... 37 3.4.5 Bridge restrictions ........................................................................... 37 3.5 Availability of the infrastructure ............................................................. 38 3.6 Service facilities ...................................................................................... 39 3.6.1 Passenger stations ........................................................................... 39 3.6.2 Freight terminals and loading areas for freight ............................... 39 3.6.3 Marshalling yards and train formation facilities ............................. 39 3.6.4 Storage sidings ................................................................................ 41 3.6.5 Maintenance facilities ..................................................................... 41 3.6.6 Other technical facilities ................................................................. 41 3.6.7 Maritime and inland port facilities .................................................. 41 3.6.8 Relief facilities ................................................................................ 41 3.6.9 Refuelling facilities ......................................................................... 41 3.6.10 Other facilities ................................................................................. 41 3.7 Infrastructure development ..................................................................... 42 4 Capacity Allocation ........................................................................................ 43 4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 43 4.2 Description of process............................................................................. 43 4.2.1 Application for capacity .................................................................. 43 4.2.2 Ad hoc applications ......................................................................... 43 4.2.3 Application for capacity at operational sites ................................... 44 4.3 Schedule for path requests and allocation process .................................. 44 4.3.1 Schedule for working Timetable ..................................................... 46 4.3.2 Schedule for application outside the Timetabling process (ad hoc) 46 4.3.3 Capacity prerequisites ..................................................................... 47 4.4 Allocation process ................................................................................... 50 4.4.1 Coordination process ...................................................................... 51 4.4.2 Dispute resolution process .............................................................. 51 4.4.3 Congested infrastructure - definition, priority criteria and process 51 4.4.4 Impact of framework agreements ................................................... 52 4.4.5 Capacity analysis ............................................................................ 52 4.4.6 Capacity reinforcement plan ........................................................... 52 4.4.7 Established the
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