South, Central and West NICE UPDATE FOR COMMISSIONERS April 2019 This NICE Update for Commissioners includes: At-a-glance summary Headline update: what’s been published? Guidance and quality standards published by NICE in March 2019 What’s new for CCGs? Horizon scanning What’s coming out from NICE in the next six months? For your reference, a summary of the types of NICE guidance Reference – a guide to NICE products The next (May 2019) NICE Update for Commissioners will be issued at the beginning of June 2019. For further information about NICE guidance and its implementation contact: Tiina Korhonen, Clinical Effectiveness Lead Kathryn Markey, Clinical Effectiveness Manager Kate Forbes, Clinical Effectiveness Manager Rebecca Hodge, Clinical Effectiveness Manager Gill Barlow, Clinical Effectiveness Manager Katie Newens, Clinical Effectiveness Researcher Rachel Finch, Clinical Effectiveness Administrator
[email protected] 1 | p a g e At-a-glance summary The table below shows ALL NICE guidance published in April2019. Those likely to have significant impact for CCG commissioners are discussed further in the ‘What’s new for Clinical Commissioning Groups’ section (link to relevant section provided within guidance reference). Guidance type and Title Commissioner(s) Main providers(s) Impact for CCG commissioners (financial /public reference interest/quality of care) Technology Appraisal – Daratumumab with NHS England Secondary care - TA573 bortezomib and acute and dexamethasone for Tertiary care previously treated multiple myeloma Technology Appraisal – Certolizumab pegol for CCGs Primary care, NICE does not expect this guidance to have a TA574 treating moderate to severe secondary care - significant impact on resources; that is, it will be plaque psoriasis acute and tertiary less than £5 million per year in England (or care £9,100 per 100,000 population) because the technology is an option alongside current standard treatment options and is available at a similar price.