In today’s changing scenario, there is an increasing necessity of empowering the students through innovative education. They should also be made aware of their rights and responsibilities. In the present system, students gain mere subject knowledge through the educational institutions. A healthy educational environment will cultivate positive personality among the students. “Students of today are the citizens of tomorrow” and so, they should be motivated towards the right direction. This magazine encompassing Puzzles, Aptitude questions, Vedic Maths and many more will create flourishing impact in the mind of the readers. I wish all the budding mathematics genius, a good luck.


Creativity keeps the human being on the path of progress and helps for perpetuity and comfort. Innovative thoughts make global changes. This magazine is a testimony to the creative skills of our students.

Roll of honour and the achievements of the department are milestones of the department. The articles of the creators embellish this magazine.

Wish them all a great success.


Warm Greetings . I would like to express my gratitude to the patron

Thiru P.Sachithanandan, Correspondent, KASC, the editorial board of this MATHEZINE and all the contributors. Sit back, relax and have sweet memories of the year passed. I feel proud to get published in this magazine, our successful activities and events of the academic year 2013-14. With hope and confidence in the family of mathemat ics at Kongu

Arts and Science College, which is marching towards progress and prosperity, I pray to the almighty for a healthy, wealthy and pr osperous life to all my students. EDITORIAL BOARD

Staff editors :Mr.D.SIVAKUMAR M.Sc.,MCA.,M.Phil.,

Mrs.K.MALATHI M.Sc.,M.Phil.,

Mr.M.SURESH M.Sc., M.Phil.,

Mrs.C.RADHAMANI M.Sc., M.Phil.,

Mr.S.SURESH M.Sc., M.Phil.,


Student editors :Mr.S.GOKULA KRISHNAN Final B.Sc Maths (CA)






A glimpse at the happenings during the academic year (201 3-2014) gives us a sense of pride and satisfaction.

This is the story of a queen. We have heard the story of a Greek king who turned every objects he touched into gold. Our queen is different! She never changed anything to gold, but here is a magic touch that altered the course of history. This queen is none other than ‘Mathematics’- the undisputed queen of all sciences! We cannot imagine a single branch of science where the influence of mathematics is not felt.

Over the years, mathematics has grown to be the strongest scientific discipline ever, and some great mathematicians paved the way for its present glory.

The board hole heartedly appreciate and acknowledges the creativity and assistance offe red by the students of the department in bringing out this magazine.

About ttthethe Department

The department is one among the departments serving the academic needs of the institute since 1994. It offers M.Phil., M.Sc., and B.Sc., programmes. In addition, it imparts knowledge on fundamentals of mathematics for various courses. The department is offering two value added courses “Interactive Mathematics” and “Foundations of Mathematics”. In addition to teaching, faculty members are actively engaged in research and developmental activities by participating in various conferences and published papers in national and international journals.


To establish a strong mathematical foundation in theory and practical among the learners with an aim to service the society.


 To inculcate mathematical advancements among the rural learners leading to socially relevant research.  Courses Leading to Employment and Higher Education.


2 RENUGA DEVI.P 2007-2009 I* 2 PRIYANKA.T 2008-2011 I*

3 SARANYA.N 2007-2009 II 3 RAMYA.S 2008-2011 IV

4 MALENI.R 2007-2009 III 4 ARCHANA.P 2008-2011 VIII

5 MEGALA.T 2007-2009 V 5 MUTHUMEENATCHI.V 2009-2012 IV

6 DEVI.P 2008-2010 III 6 PREETHI.S 2011-2014 III

7 AMUDHAMALAR.V 2008-2010 IV 7 DHARANI.M 2011-2014 VII

8 JAYAPRIYA.T 2008-2010 VI 8 SUGANYA.J 2011-2014 IX 9 YUVAREKHA.R 2009-2011 I*

10 SHANKAR.N 2010-2012 II

11 GANGA.D 2010-2012 III

12 PRIYANKA.T 2011-2013 II

13 MANJU.S 2011-2013 III

14 GAYATHRI.L 2011-2013 VIII

15 CHITRA.G 2012-2014 VI

PLACEMENT (2013-14)


Budding Mathematician

Galois was born on 25 October 1811 to Nicolas-Gabriel Galois and Adélaïde-Marie (born Demante). He became bored with his studies and,Galois at 1811 the- 1832age of 14, he began to take a serious interest in mathematics.

Budding Mathematician In the following year Galois's first paper, on continued fractions, was published. It was at around the same time that he began making fundamental discoveries in the theory of polynomial equations. He submitted two papers on this topic to the Academy of Sciences. Augustin Louis Cauchy refered these papers, Cauchy recognized the importance of Galois's work, and that he merely suggested combining the two papers into one in order to enter it in the competition for the Academy's Grand Prize in Mathematics. Despite the lost memoir, Galois published three papers that year, one of which laid the foundations for Galois theory. The second one was about the numerical resolution of equations (root finding in modern terminology). The third was an important one in , in which the concept of a finite field was first articulated. Galois, always a radical, joined the National Guard, but was subsequently imprisoned in 1831 after proposing a toast interpreted as a threat to the King. On the night before his death in 1832, Galois wrote a letter to his friend Auguste Chevalier, setting forth his discovery of the connection between group theory and the solutions of polynomial equations by radicals (Galois 1959). After writing the letter, Galois was shot to death in his intestine in a gun fight. Cauchy

Cauchy was the son of Louis François Cauchy (1760–1848) and Marie-Madeleine Desestre. In 1805 he placed second out of 293 applicants on this exam, and he was admitted. One of the main purposes of this school was to give future civil and military engineers a high-level scientific and mathematical education

Engineering days

After finishing school in 1810, Cauchy accepted a job as a junior engineer in Cherbourg, he still found time to prepare three mathematical manuscripts, which he submitted to the Première Classe (First Class) of the Institute de France. Cauchy's first two manuscripts were accepted; the third one was rejected. The next three years Augustin- Louis was mainly on unpaid sick leave, and spent his time quite fruitfully, working on mathematics (on the related topics of symmetric functions, the symmetric group and the theory of higher-order algebraic equations).

Professor at École Polytechnique

In November 1815 one of his great successes at that time was the proof of Fermat's theorem. When Cauchy was 28 years old, Alexandre Laurent Cauchy, who became a president of a division of the court of appeal in 1847, and a judge of the court of cassation in 1849; and Eugène François Cauchy, a publicist who also wrote several mathematical works.

The conservative political climate that lasted until 1830 suited Cauchy perfectly. In 1824 Louis XVIII died, and was succeeded by his even more reactionary brother Charles X. During these years Cauchy was highly productive, and published one important mathematical treatise after another. He received cross appointments at the Collège de France, and the Faculté des Sciences of the University.


Bernhard seems to have been a good, but not outstanding, pupil who worked hard at the classical subjects such as Hebrew and theology. On one occasion he lent Bernhard Legendre's book on the theory of numbers and Bernhard read the 900 page book in six days. In the spring of 1846 Riemann enrolled at the University of Göttingen. His father had encouraged him to study theology and so he entered the theology faculty. This was granted, however, and Riemann then took courses in mathematics from Moritz Stern and Gauss.

Gauss did lecture to Riemann but he was only giving elementary courses and there is no evidence that at this time he recognized Riemann’s genius. Riemann moved Berlin University in the spring of 1847 to study under Steiner, Jacobi, Dirichlet and Eisenstein. This was an important time for Riemann. He learnt much from Eisenstein and discussed using complex variables in elliptic function theory.

Riemann's work always was based on intuitive reasoning which fell a little below the rigor required to make the conclusions watertight. However, the brilliant ideas which his works contain are so much clearer because his work is not overly filled with lengthy computations. It was during his time at the University of Berlin that Riemann worked out his general theory of complex variables that formed the basis of some of his most important work.

In 1849 he returned to Göttingen and his Ph.D. thesis, supervised by Gauss, was submitted in 1851. Riemann's thesis studied the theory of complex variables and, in particular, what we now call Riemann surfaces. It therefore introduced topological methods into complex function theory.

On Gauss's recommendation Riemann was appointed to a post in Göttingen and he worked for his Habilitation, the degree which would allow him to become a lecturer. He spent thirty months working on his Habilitation dissertation which was on the represent ability of functions by trigonometric series. He gave the conditions of a function to have an integral, what we now call the condition of Riemann integrability.

Augustus De Morgan

Augustus De Morgan was a British mathematician born on 27 th June 1806 in Madras, India. His father was posted there with the East India Company. His mathematical skill was unnoticed till he was fourteen when a friend of the family discovered a mathematical drawing made by him using a ruler and compass.

In 1823, De Morgan enrolled in Trinity College, Cambridge. He also held a passion for music which became his recreation at Cambridge as well. De Morgan was a very capable mathematics teacher. His way of teaching was highly appreciated by the students. His ability to illustrate mathematical principles with thorough brilliant dexterity outweighed the other teaching methods used at the time. De Augustus De Morgan was actively involved in the promotion of an Indian mathematician Ramchundra who was a self-taught actuary.

De Morgan was a very good writer. He corresponded with William Hamilton for almost twenty five years often discussing mathematical matters and other subjects in general. It is said that if the works of De Morgan were ever to be collected they would form a small library. He wrote for many including his writings for the Useful Knowledge Society.

He also contributed to a Philosophical Society at Cambridge with four memoirs on basis of algebra and four on formal logic. His best known works in algebra include ‘Trigonometry and Double Algebra’ which was published in 1849. De Morgan was the discoverer of relation algebra. He framed the ‘De Morgan’s Laws’ and was the creator of the term ‘mathematical induction’. During his life he wrote over 700 articles for the Penny Cyclopedia. Another famous work published in it was De Morgan’s ‘The Differential and Integral Calculus’.

Brook Taylor

Brook Taylor was born on 18th August 1685 in Edmonton, England. His parents John Taylor and mother Olivia Tempest had very stable financial condition. Taylor was home tutored before starting his studies in St. John’s College, Cambridge. He acquired the degrees of LLB in 1709 and LLD in 1714.

He was interested in Art and Music but his first love was mathematics. He portrayed exceptional abilities in mathematics by writing a very important paper even before his graduation. It was however published later in 1914 in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. It gave the explanation of the oscillation of a body.

Taylor provided the solution to the ‘Kepler’s Law’ to Machin in 1912. Noticing Taylor’s extraordinary expertise in the subject, he was elected as a member of the Royal Society by Machin and Keill. In 1714, Brook Taylor became the secretary of the Royal Society.

The time that Taylor spent as the secretary of the Royal Society proved to be very fruitful to the world of mathematics. He wrote two very significant books ‘Method us incrementorum directa et inversa’ and ‘Linear Perspective’ which were published in 1715. The second editions of these books came out in 1717 and 1719. Taylors’ paper on ‘Linear Perspective’ contained the most accurate principals of art as compared to his antecedents.

He added a new branch in mathematics known as the ‘Calculus of Finite Differences’. He was the one to invent ‘Integration of Parts’ and also a series called the ‘Taylor’s Expansion’. The Taylor’s Theorem is based on the letter written by him to Machin in which he tells about the origination of this idea.

Daniel Bernoulli

Daniel Bernoulli was a Swiss mathematician born on 29th January 1700 in Groningen, Netherlands. He belonged to a family of mathematicians. His father Johann Bernoulli was one of the first developers of calculus and his uncle and older brother are known as ‘by far the ablest of the younger Harpers’. At the age of 7, Daniel expressed his desire to study mathematics but his father encouraged him to study business instead. Daniel agreed on the condition that his father would tutor him in mathematics.

In 1724, Daniel went to St. Petersburg to fill the post as Professor of Mathematics. ‘Exercitationes’ meaning ‘Mathematical Exercises’ was published in 1724. This was his first mathematical work. One of his most notable works is ‘Hydrodynamique’ which was published in 1738. After this he also wrote a memoir stating the theory of tides. It received a prize from the French Academy. He wrote several papers containing mechanical questions concerned with vibration of strings and works of Brook Taylor and Jean le Rond d’Alembert. He made discoveries on the motion of fluids. A significant discovery was the connection between the speed of the flow of blood and its pressure. Daniel did an experiment in which he set up an apparatus showing the relation between the two values. This became the normal way of measuring blood pressure; by piercing the artery with pointed glass tubes. It was later when the less painful method was used.

However this method of Bernoulli is used to measure the airspeed of a plane. He also wrote the ‘Specimen theories novae de mensura sortis’ meaning the ‘Exposition of a New Theory on the Measurement of Risk’. He also solved a statistical problem in 1766 in which he analyzed smallpox disease and transience to demonstrate the efficiency of vaccination. It was Bernoulli who discovered the fluid equation. It is now used as 1/2pu to the power of 2+p=constant. Bernoulli also made significant contributions to physics such as his formulation of the kinetic theory of gases and using this he explained the Boyles Law. He also did a lot of work on elasticity and beams. The Bernoulli Principle is highly useful in aerodynamics.

Mother’s Love

Mother, the incarnation of god, Greater than any other lord A person of admiration For all creations In every situation she has to know-how To shower her love Leads us to the path of Victory For us to make history Of course, she wants us to keep prospering But it’s hard to hear her goading Expects nothing, But drives us to keep achieving From her, world learns The art of love and affection A person to invigorate For everybody to rejuvenate Never can we find A person of her kind For us she’s a treasure Whom I write about with pleasure



Faces in a Class Room

Alternative faces:

They see, hear and follow everything which the teacher speaks and writes on the black board. Semi alternative faces: They can see and hear everything, but they do not understand due to lack of attention. Anti-Attentive faces: They are also called absent minded. They neither try to see and hear nor do they try to follow anything. Idle-Faces: They do nothing and see nothing. ”nothing” can be said to be their motto. They come to class blank and they go out of it BLANK.

Pretending faces:

They constantly smile when the teacher smiles and shake their heads when the teacher explains something as if they have understood and followed everything. Sleeping faces: Generally, they are found among the back benches in the class. They hope to remain unobserved while they sit with their eyes shut. Semi- sleeping faces: They are found among the middle or side benches in the class. They are constantly opening and closing their eyes as they feel sleepy but cannot sleep. Nodding faces: They feel sleepy and they put their heads down but after a short time they raise their heads so that they might not be caught by the teacher.


What happens within 24 hours?

1. Our heart pumps 103800 times.

2. Our blood is travelling 2688000 kilometers.

3. Our nail is growing 0.00015 cm.

4. We are breathing 31860 times.

5. Use the numbers 1 to 6 without repetition and their sum should be 18. Find the missing Numbers.

18 18 18

2 ? 6 4

? ?

11 4

3 ? ? 1 5 ?

18 18 18

Answer: 18 BY

S.SANDHIYA II-B.Sc Mathematics


Time is precious Where the man is famous Time has hours Which runs likes horse Time has a second But man should be first Work within a second With the work of your mind When time is lost Your life will be waste Time is infinite But a day write finish a night Time is old But it is gold It can’t be sold But it rules the world. By S.KAVICHINDHU, II - B.Sc (Maths).


1. What number should replace the question mark?

268 11

17 ? 359

16 516

Answer : 12 Sol : Add the digits of each three figure number to obtain the two digit numbers.

BY A.RAMKUMAR II.B.II.B.SSSScccc (Maths)(M aths)


Can you put the number 1 to 7 in the circles so that every line adds up to 12? You can use each number only once.


1 6 5


3 2 7


S.NIVETHA II.B.Sc (Maths)(M aths)


1. A boy is twice as old as his sister and half as old as their father. In 50 years, his sister will be half as old as their father. How old is the boy now?

Answer: He is 50 year old

2. I am there once in a minute, twice in a moment but never in thousand years. Who am I?

Answer: The letter ‘M’

3. Using the numbers 1 to 9, fill in the square so that the rows across, down and

diagonally all add up to 15. (smallest magic square 3×3)


N.REVATHY IIIIII-II ---B.ScB.Sc Mathematics Find…..

13 12 ?

7 4 7 1 8 16

9 7

8 5

5 14 11


It is the sum of digits (9+8) in the quadrant opposite. BY

M.SURYASRI III-I--- BSC. MathsM aths ‘A‘A‘A Three Things

Three things to be covered, Honesty, purity and truth. Three things to be respected, Mother, father and teacher. Three things to be admired,. Intellect, beauty and music. Three things to be valued, Time, health and money. Three things to die for, Country, honour and truth. Three things to consult, Money, mind and heart. Three things to be wished, Food, family and fame. Three things to stick to,

Promise, friendship and love. BY

S.NIVETHA IIIIIIIII-III ---B.ScB.Sc MathsM aths (((CA)(CA) Thought to Success

Knowledge gives confidence, Confidence inspires enthusiasm, Enthusiasm encourages work, Work requires planning, Planning fosters determination, Determination imparts courage, Courage breeds perseverance, Perseverance induces tact, Tact accompanies courtesy, Courtesy leads to supremacy. BY

MEHALA.M III BSc MATHS (CA) Thought for Consideration

The most destructive habit – angry The greatest joy- giving The greatest loss –loss of self respect The most satisfying work-Helping others The ugliest personality trait –selfishness The greatest problem to overcome-fear The most effective sleeping spill –peace of mind The most crippling failure disease –excuses The most powerful force in life – confidence The world’s most incredible computer-the brain The worst thing to be with out – hope The two most power filled words –I can The greatest asset –faith The most beautiful attire- smile The most contagious sprit –enthusiasm



Friendship Avoid Bad Company Don’t have Ego with Friends Give up Hurting Incidences Just Keep Liking Me Never omit Possessiveness Always remember me Seldom Trust Use Valid Words Xpress Your Zeal



Ramanujan’s Number (1729) It is not everyone who has a number named after them. But the number 1729 is known as Ramanujan’s number. ♦ “It is a very interesting number; it is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two cubes in two different ways”. They are: ☺ 9³+10³=729+100=1729, 1³+12³=1+1728=1729 ♦ 1729 is also the third and the first absolute Euler pseudo prime. It is also a sphenic number. ♦ 1729 is a zeisel number. It is a centered number, as well as a dodecagonal number, a 24-gonal and 84-gonal number. ♦ 1729 is one of four positive integers (with the others being 81, 1458, and the trivial case1) which, when its digits are added together, produces a sum which, when multiplied by its reversal, yields the original number. 1+7+2+9=19, 19*91=1729 BY

S. KAVICHINDHU IIIIII-II ---B.ScB.Sc Mathematics Read and Enjoy VALUE OF TIME:

To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed in his exam. To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who has given birth to a pre mature baby. To realize the value of ONE DAY, ask a daily wage labourer. To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who has missed the train. To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who has survived an accident FRUITFUL MISTAKES: If a barber makes a mistake, it becomes a new style! If a tailor makes a mistake, it becomes a new fashion! If a scientist makes a mistake, it becomes an invention! But if a student makes a mistake, it still remains a mistake!!!. BY, R. SIVARANJINI I B.Sc MathsM aths ‘B‘B‘B

Real Life Application of Mathematics

Statistics and Probability:

1) Calculation of insurance risks and price of insurance. 2) Analysis of statistical data taken by a census. 3) Reliability and uncertainty of large scale physical simulation. 4) Signal processing. 5) Computer network design. 6) Tracking and searching for submarines. 7) Estimating ocean current (geo statistics). 8) Onset and progression of cancer and premalignant cells. 9) Determining launch schedules to establish and maintain prescribed satellite constellations. 10) Determination of sample sizes for color acceptability evaluation.


1) Computer science. 2) Cryptology (and the protection of financial account with encrypted codes). 3) Scheduling task on processors in a heterogeneous Multiprocessor computing network. 4) Alternation of pattern pieces for precise alignment. 5) Study of crystal symmetry in chemistry.

Differential Equation and Fourier analysis:

1) Most of physics and engineering. 2) Crystal growth. 3) Sound waves in air linear zed supersonic air flow. 4) Costing of material. 5) Electromagnetic analysis for detection by radar. 6) Underwater acoustics signal processing. 7) Rocket launches trajectory analysis.



Speed Mathematics

1. Squaring a digit number beginning with 5

STEP 1: Take a 2 digit number beginning with 5 & square the first digit. STEP 2: Add this number to the second number to find the first part of answer. STEP 3: Square the second digit. This is the last part of the answer. EXAMPLE: 1. If the number is 58, multiply 5*5 =25; 25+8 =33 2. The first part of the answer is 33; 3. 8 * 8 =64; The last part of the answer is 64. 4. 58 * 58 = 3364

2. Squaring a 2 digit number beginning with 1 .

STEP 1: Take a 2 digit number of beginning with 1. STEP 2: Square the second digit. STEP 3: Multiply the second digit by 2 and carry the first digit. STEP 4: The first digit is one plus the carry.

3. Simple tricks to multiply

Multiply by 9: multiply by 10 and subtract the original number Multiply by 12: multiply by 10 and add twice the original number Multiply by 14: multiply by 7 and then multiply by 2 Multiply by 45: multiply by 50 and subtract 5 times the original number Multiply by 99: multiply by 100 and subtract the original number 4. Multiples of 9 using fingers: Step 1: Numbers your fingers from 1 to 10 Step 2: To find 4*9. Fold your 4 th finger. Step 3: You can find 3 fingers on the left side of your folded fingers and 6 on the right side. Step 4: Thus the first part of the answer is 3 and the last part of the answer is 6. Step 5: 4*9=36 BY R.ASHOK IIIIII-II MathsM aths

Positive Thinking

Be a goal setter Be a decision maker Be a problem solver Apply the presence of mind Have high and noble thoughts Dream about yourself highly Possess the winning edge Avoid inferiority complex Nurture good thought Be kind to all Love all and be loved by all Ward off your worries Practice meditation Be a self controller Refine yourself Through prayer Be faithful Realize your mistakes Appreciate a good tendency Believe yourself Be an optimist Face challenges Show involvement Be happy always! BY P.HARITHA IIIIIIIII-III ---B.ScB.Sc Maths (C(C(CA(C AAA))))

Numerical Jig Saw Puzzles

Each of the vertical strips below contains four numbers or symbols. Rotate or rearrange these strips so that four valid equation appear across the rows 1]

= = 8 9 2 8 = 6 + 2

+ - 2 6 1 6 - 5 = 1 = = 5 2 0 2 = 2 + 0

+ + 6 1 9 1 + 8 = 9


2] 1 2 9 8 0 = 5 8 + = * = - 5 9 1 2 9 0 6 5 + 2 9 * - + * = 1 6 8 ANSWER

9 + 0 * 2 = 1 8 2 0 - 9 = 5 + 6

6 * 5 = 9 + 2 1

5 6 = 8 - 1 * 8



Mathematical Love

I decide not to worry about the parallelness Of the tangents to the circles of our life story The equation of the curve of my initial decision Of you being my number tan 45 was differentiated As the union of your sets and condition of your answer Of your reply did not intersect with the tangent to the circle of my love I integrated my mind and heart So as to eliminate your love But eliminating the simultaneous equation involving you and I Using completing two squares in solving the quadratic equation Involving you was impossible The almighty formula came into sight When you factorize the algebra of you mind and heart Making the line of your evergreen heart Intersect perpendicularly at the center Of the diameter of my life journey You have rotated my life 180 degrees clockwise BY P.LYDIA AGNES IIIIII –––B–BBB.Sc.Sc.Sc.Sc MathsM aths

Four Cubes Outlines Puzzle

In the illustration four flat cube-like shapes are shown. Their patterns are drawn with bold black lines. Which of them can you draw without taking your pencil off the paper or going along the same line twice? Which of them can't be drawn in this way? Our Solution: Shapes A and D can be drawn without taking your pencil off the paper or going along the same line twice. Shapes B and C can't be drawn in this way.


M.MONIKA IIIIIIIII-III ---B.ScB.Sc Mathematics Who Squares Wins Puzzle

The diagram below shows a pattern made up of squares:

How many squares can be found in the pattern?

Our Solution: There are 24 squares of various sizes, as this breakdown diagram Illustrates :



Find…. 1. What number should replace the question mark? 24, 30, ?, 60, 84, 114 ANS:- 42. Solution:- The sequence progresses +6, +12, +18, +24, +30. 2. What comes next? 0.49, 0.49, 0.98, 2.94? ANS:- 11.76 Solution:- *1, *2, *3, *4. 3. What is x? 131 517 192 x ANS:- 1 Solution:- Spaced correctly, the series becomes 1315 17 19 2(1) 4. I know a three positive numbers that will results the same when multiplied together or added together. Note: they are not fractional number. ANS:- Three positive numbers are 1 , 2 & 3. BY

R.KEERTHANA II B.Sc. (Maths)(M aths) Cut Cube Puzzle - Solution The Puzzle:

A solid, four-inch cube of wood is coated with blue paint on all six sides. Then the cube is cut into smaller one-inch cubes. These new one-inch cubes will have three blue sides, two blue sides, one blue side, or no blue sides. How many of each wills there be? Our Solution: There are 8 cubes with three sides colored, 24 with two sides colored, 24 with one side colored, and 8 with no sides colored. Here one face is given and also there are 8 cubes inside with no paint at all:

Alphabets in maths ABC – Always Be Careful (while doing Maths) DEF – Don’t Ever Forget (formula) GHI – Goods Habits Indicate (Not mugupping problems) JKLM – Just Keep Loving Maths (As it is very useful in all fields) NOPQRST - No Other Person Quite Right Shall Treat (Maths as a tough subject) UVW – Understand Very Well (That Maths is an interesting subject) XYZ – X-pand, Your Zeal

BY, D.DHIVYA IIIIII----B.Sc.B.Sc. (Maths)

Beauty of Maths

1X1=1 11X11=121 111X111=12321 1111X1111=1234321 11111X11111=123454321 111111X111111=12345654321 1111111X1111111=1234567654321 11111111X11111111=123456787654321 111111111X111111111=12345678987654321

1X9+2=11 12X9+3=111 123X9+4=1111 1234X9+5=11111 12345X9+6=111111 123456X9+7=1111111 1234567X9+8=11111111 12345678X9+9=111111111

CHRISTMAS = HALLOWEEN = THANKSGIVING Christmas = December 25 Halloween = October 31 Thanksgiving = November 27 Dec 25 is 25 base 10 0r (2x10)+(5x1) = 25 Oct 31 is 31 base 8 or (3x8)+(1x1) = 25 Nov 27 is 27 base 9 or (2x9)+(7x1) =25 Therefore Christmas = Halloween = Thanksgiving BY B.SRIVIDHYA IIIIII-II ---MMMM....SSSScc (Maths)(M aths)

Fear of Number

Fear of number is real They carry adding machines on their backs And loaded numbered guns Divide and subtract from families and everyone With two times the pleasure two times the fun Double their trouble on the run You cannot escape the digits on your hands and toes They are counting on you to pull them through Children fear math and number like the plague Run from them at multiple fractions of a second Proof! zero,(is that a real name and number? ),they are gone Figures hide behind accountants glasses Not to be divisive or derisive Or taken down in dividends I think they’re out to get you In the end they have no Something’s don’t add up You can count on that Fear of numbers BY

P.LYDIA AGNES IIIIII----B.ScB.Sc Maths Cut a 3X3 cube puzzle - Solution The Puzzle: Imagine a 3x3x3 cube. How many cuts do we need to break it into 27 1x1x1 cubes? A cut may go through multiple pieces. Solution: The central 1x1x1 cube has six faces. Any cut can only reveal one of these faces! So six cuts are needed, and also are enough. BY A.G.SOBHANA IIIIIIIII-III ---B.ScB.Sc Maths ( CA) Life Algorithms

A SMALL TRUTH TO MAKE LIFE 100% If A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z Is equal to 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26 HARDWORK H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11=99% KNOWLEDGE K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5=96% LUCK L+U+C+K 12+21+3+11=47% Then what makes a life 100% Is it money?...... no!!! MONEY M+O+N+E+Y 13+15+14+5+25=72% Leadership?..... no LEADERSHIP L+E+A+D+E+R+S+H+I+P 12+5+4+5+18+19+8+9+16=97% Every problem has a solution, only if we perhaps change our ATTITUDE What we really need to go further….. A bit more…. A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5=100% It is our attitude towards Life and work that makes Our life 100% Attitude is everything

Change our attitude… By S.KAVICHINDHU And you change your life! IIIIII-II ---B.B.B.B.SSSScc Maths

Reasoning …..

1) What number should replace the question mark?


7 2

5 7 6 4 6 ? 8

ANS:- 0 SOL:- Looking at lines of numbers from the top: 9*8=72 ; 72*8=576 ; 576*8=4608. 2) What number should replace the question mark?

32 21 ? 3 7 9 2 4 8

ANS:- 18 SOL:- Multiply the bottom numbers to obtain the numbers at the top, albeit they are at the top of a different pyramid.

BY U.K.PRANESH III --- BSC MathsM aths (CA) Maths Quiz

What does the Greek term “triskaidekaphobia” means? Ans: Fear of thirteen Which mathematician claimed that a goddess used to come in his dreams to solve mathematical problems? Ans: S.Ramanujan Which is the smallest cube that is also the sum of three cubes? Ans: 216 (3^3+4^3+5^3) Which is the highest root to be proved irrational as yet? Ans: √17 Who is called “The Prince of mathematician? Ans: Carl.F.Gauss Which is the only number other than 0 and 1,whose square root is equal to sum of digits. Ans: 81(8+1=9, 9^2=81)


S.SIVA RANJANI I ––– BBB.B...SSSScccc MathsM aths ‘‘‘B‘BBB


2 father and 2 sons ate 3 eggs for breakfast each eating exactly one egg. How could that be? There are three people …… A Grandfather, A father & Grandson

In a new engineering hostel containing 100 rooms, Ankit garg was hired to paint the numbers 1 to 100 on the doors. How many times will Ankit have to paint the number eight?

20 times 8,18,28,38,48,58,68,78,98,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88(2),89. BY D.SARANYA

Regular Polygons

Each internal Sum of internal Polygon Number of sides angle Angles Triangle 3 60 ° 180 ° Square 4 90 ° 360 ° Pentagon 5 108 ° 540 ° Hexagon 6 120 ° 720 ° Heptagon 7 128.57 ° 900 ° Octagon 8 135 ° 1080 ° Nonagon 9 140 ° 1260 ° Decagon 10 144 ° 1440 ° Undercagon 11 147.27 ° 1620 ° Duodecagon 12 150 ° 1800 ° Quindecagon 15 156 ° 2340 ° Icasagon 20 162 ° 3240 °


C.ABIRAMI (Maths) ‘B‘B‘B

jkpo; nkhop

jLf;fp tpOe;jhy; kl;Lk; m ….. M … rphpf;Fk; NghJ kl;Lk; , …. < … #L gl;lhy; kl;Lk; c …. C … mjl;Lk; NghJ kl;Lk; v … V… Iaj;jpd; NghJ kl;Lk; I … Mr;rh;aj;jpd; NghJ kl;Lk; x … X… tf;fizapd; NghJ kl;Lk; / ….. vd;W jkpo; Ngrp kw;w Neuk; Ntw;W nkhop NgRk; …. jkpoh;fsplk; kwf;fhky; nrhy; cd; nkhop jkpo; nkhopnad;W!!!


M. Nfhfpythzp III-I---BSc (((Maths(MathsMaths)) ‘A‘A‘A


njsptpy;yh ePhpy;

Kfk; njhpahJ!

cth;f;fhj fly;ePh;

cg;G MfhJ!

curhj jPf;Fr;rp


fUf;fhj ntz;Nkfk;


nrJf;fhj fy; rpw;gkhfhJ! mJNghy;

Kaw;rpapy;yhj fdTfs;


BY R.yhtz;ah III. B.SB.SB.ScB.S ccc....MathsMaths (CA(CA(CA )))

kdpjdhf tho topfs;

kpfTk; kjpg;gpw;Fhpath;fs; : jha; , je;ij kpf kpf ey;y ehs; : ,d;W kpf nghpa ntFkjp : kd;dpg;G kpfTk; Ntz;baJ : gzpT kpfTk; Ntz;lhjJ : ntWg;G kpfg; nghpaJ : ek;gpf;if kpff; nfhba Neha; : Nguhir kpfTk; RygkhdJ : Fw;wk; fhzy; jukw;w Fzk; : nghwhik ek;gf; $lhjJ : tje;jp Mgj;ij tpistpg;gJ : mjpf Ngr;R nra;af; $lhjJ : JNuhfk; nra;af; $baJ : cjtp tpyf;f Ntz;baJ : Nrhk;Ngwpj;jdk; cah;Tf;F top : ciog;G eOttplf; $lhjJ : tha;g;G gphpaf; $lhjJ : el;G kwf;ff; $lhjJ : ed;wp xt;nthU epkplKk; ,Uf;ff; $baJ : ,iw gazk;


The Department organized a National Conference on “Recent advances in Graph Theory and its Applications” on 25 th January 2014.

UG students are done YOGA exercise in Orientation Programme 2013-14

Students donate Tree on their birth day

Guest Lectures for PG students

PDP programme for III UG students

FDP Programme for Department Staff members