Classic BattleTech RPG • the BattleTech Roleplaying game • • 35030 -

- - contains all the rules and source

universe, stepping outside of your Sample file Sample BattleTech® Classic BattleTech Classic RPG™ BattleTech

Enter Enter the exciting

material material players and gamemasters need, including a unique character creation creation system that game generates abilities and storybackground at BattleMech BattleMech and embracing the richness of a vast, detailed science fic the same time. Time to let your imaginations soar! imaginations let your to Time the same time. tion setting. It is the 31st century. Across the vastness of interstellar space, awe

of roles, from spy to mercenary smuggler, As to a MechWarrior. charac stride BattleMechs®, huge robotic weapons of war piloted by elite some powers vie for supremacy. Amidst this swirl of unending conflict ultimate fate of the galaxy. fate ultimate

MechWarriors®. Join the action, taking one of ®. an on endless any variety ter from the Inner Sphere, the Clans or the Periphery, you will decide the decide will you Periphery, the or Clans the Sphere, Inner the from ter TM



A TIME OF WAR 5 Trueborn Crèche 35 TRAITS 78 INTRODUCTION 5 White Collar 35 Trait Descriptions 78 What Is a Roleplaying Game? 5 Stage 2: Late Childhood 36 SKILLS 95 How to Use This Book 6 Back Woods 36 Skill Types 95 The Most Important Rule 6 Clan Apprenticeship 36 Standard Skills 95 BY THE NUMBERS 7 Farm 37 Difficult Skills 95 GAME CONCEPTS 13 Freeborn Sibko 37 Subskills 95 Character Abilities 13 High School 38 Regional Subskills 95 Attributes 13 Mercenary Brat 38 The Skills 95 Skills 13 Military School 38 COMBAT 109 Action Checks 13 Preparatory School 39 The Combat Turn 109 Rolling the Dice 13 Street 39 Actions 109 Ten-Sided Dice (D10) 13 Trueborn Sibko 39 Initiative 110 Six-Sided Dice (D6) 13 Stage 3: Higher Education 39 Movement 110 Task Resolution 15 Military Academy 40 Walking 111 Resolving Action Checks 15 Military Enlistment 41 Running 111 Base Target Number 15 New Avalon Institute Sprinting 111 Modifiers 16 of Science 42 Evading 111 Skills 16 NAIS College of Ranged Combat 111 Quality of Success 17 Military Sciences 43 Line of Sight 111 Opposed Tests 17 Police Academy 43 Base Target Number 111 Edge 18 Sun Zhang MechWarrior Modifiers 112 Pushing Your Luck 18 Academy 44 Melee Combat 112 Recovering Your Edge 19 Technical College 45 Base Target Number 113 CHARACTER Trade School 45 Modifiers 113 CREATION 21 University 46 Melee Combat Damage 113 Overview 21 Stage 4: Real Life 47 Special Maneuvers 114 Find a Concept 21 Civilian Job 47 Damage 114 Choose an Affiliation 21 Covert Ops 47 Determine Amount Choose a Life Path 21 Free Trader 48 of Damage 114 Assign Attributes, Traits Ne’er-Do-Well 48 Determine and Skills 21 Postgraduate Studies 49 Damage Effects 114 Finishing Touches 21 To Serve and Protect 49 Armor Effects 115 Life Path 22 Tour of Duty: Clan 49 Fatigue 115 Following the Paths 22 Tour of Duty: Inner Sphere 50 Wound Effects 116 Attributes and the TourSample of Duty: file Wound Types 116 Life Path 22 “Social General” 50 Weapon Characteristics 117 Acquiring Traits 23 Travel 50 Blast 118 Learning Skills 23 Yakuza 51 Burst Fire 118 Skill Bonuses 24 Occupational Fields List 52 Suppressing Fire 119 Subskills 24 Assigning Attributes, Indirect Fire 119 Events 24 Traits and Skills 54 Splash Damage 119 Using Edge in the Attributes 54 Incendiary Weapons Life Path 25 Determining Attributes and Fire 119 Repeating Paths 25 and Traits 55 Special Situations 119 Affiliations 26 Trait List 56 Inanimate Targets 119 Using Affiliations 26 Determining Skills 57 Surprise 119 Draconis Combine 26 Skill List 57 Subduing Attacks 120 Federated Suns 26 Finishing Touches 59 Falling 120 Capellan Confederation 28 Age 59 Zero Gravity 120 Free Worlds League 28 BattleMech/Vehicle Missed Shots 120 Lyran Alliance 29 Assignment 59 Barriers 121 Free Rasalhague Republic 30 Equipment 59 Hit Location 121 The Periphery 30 Miscellaneous Details 59 Determining Hit Location 121 The Clans 31 Sample Characters 60 Hit Location Effects 122 Stage 1: Early Childhood 33 Disgraced Elemental 62 Healing123 Back Woods 33 Rebel Fighter Pilot 64 Failed Treatment 123 Blue Collar 33 Explorer Medic 66 Unconsciousness 123 Clan War Orphan 33 Yakuza MechWarrior 68 Emergency Care 123 Farm 34 Freelance Technician 70 Untreated Wound Fugitives 34 Special Forces Operative 72 Recovery 124 Nobility 34 Brash Tanker 74 Wound Treatment 124 Street 35 Well-Connected Trader 76 Vehicular Combat 126


Playing the Game 126 A WHISTLESTOP THE CLANS 189 Warriors 126 TOUR OF THE The Caste System 189 Damaging a INNER SPHERE 166 Warrior Caste 189 MechWarrior 126 Federated Suns 166 Scientist Caste 189 Combat 127 New Avalon 166 Technician Caste 189 Heat 128 Kittery 166 Merchant Caste 189 EQUIPMENT 129 Lyran Alliance 166 Laborer Caste 189 Supply and Demand 129 Tharkad 166 Dark (Bandit) Caste 189 Equipment Ratings 129 Hesperus II 166 Freeborn vs. Trueborn 189 Acquiring Gear 131 Draconis Combine 167 Bloodnames 190 Using Equipment 132 Luthien 167 Clan Trials: Equipment Data 132 Al Na’ir 167 The Honor Road 190 Encumbrance 133 Free Worlds League 167 Surkai, the Rite of Repairs 133 Atreus 167 Forgiveness 190 Weapons 134 Andurien 167 Trial of Grievance 190 Archaic/Melee Weapons 134 Capellan Confederation 167 Trial of Refusal 190 Slug-Throwers 135 Sian 167 Trial of Possession 190 Energy Weapons 136 St. Ives 167 Trial of Position 191 Support Weapons 137 Free Rasalhague Republic 167 Trial of Bloodright 191 Explosives 137 Tukayyid 168 Other Trials and Rituals 191 Specialized Weapons 138 Chaos March 168 Government 191 Weapon Accessories 139 Outreach 168 Clan Politics 192 Power Packs and Terra 168 Economy 192 Chargers 139 Clan Occupation Zone 168 Technology 192 Armor and Combat Garb 140 Alshain 168 Clan Society and Culture 192 Personal Armor 140 Twycross 169 Language 192 Load-Bearing Equipment 141 The Periphery 169 Religion 193 Combat Uniforms 141 Canopus 169 The Arts 193 Battle Armor 141 Antallos 169 Media 193 Medical and Survival GOVERNMENT WAR AND Equipment 143 AND LAW 170 ITS MAKERS 194 Basic Equipment 143 Government Types 170 Weapons of War 194 Artificial Limbs 144 Titles and Nobility 171 BattleMechs 194 Bionic Ear Replacement 145 Law and Order 172 Aerospace Fighters 196 Bionic Eye Replacement 145 The Legal System 173 Armored Infantry 196 Advanced Medical Tools 145 Police Forces 173 Conventional Forces 196 Medical Monitors 145 SOCIETY AND DropShips, JumpShips Survival Gear 146 CULTURE 174 and WarShips 196 Tools and Gear 147 PlanetarySample Conditions file 174 Forces of War 197 Communications 147 Technology in the Organizational Structure 197 Tools 148 31st Century 174 House Regulars Optics 149 Tough Fall 175 vs. Mercenaries 197 Miscellaneous Recovery 175 Command Structure 198 Equipment 150 Catch-Up 175 Training 199 Everyday Life 150 Looking toward Dawn 176 Methods of War 199 Clothing 151 Daily Life 176 War among the Clans 200 Food 151 Language 177 Organization 200 Housing 151 Work 177 Command Structure 201 Transportation 151 Food and Drink 178 Battlefield Customs 201 Travel 152 Entertainment 178 RUNNING THE GAME 203 Entertainment 152 Education 179 Role of the Gamemaster 203 A BRIEF HISTORY OF Money and Commerce 180 Gamemaster THE INNER SPHERE 159 Local Currencies and as Storyteller 203 Rise of the Hegemony 159 Exchange Rates 180 Gamemaster as Referee 203 The Star League Era 160 Electronic Funds 182 Getting Started 203 Centuries of War 160 Media and Campaign Types 204 Steps toward Peace 160 Communications 182 Non-Player Characters 205 Fourth Succession War 161 The Arts 183 Major NPCs 205 Skirmishes and Plots 161 Religion 184 Minor NPCs 206 Enemies from Beyond 161 Spirituality among Contacts 208 The Warriors of the Stars 184 Rewards 208 Kerensky 162 Alternative Religions 185 Character Advancement 209 Clan Invasion 162 Religious Tolerance 185 Aging 210 Victory and Change 163 Travel 186 Attributes 210 The Universe Turned Interplanetary and Traits 210 Upside Down 164 Interstellar Transport 186 Skills 210 The Star League Reborn 165 Onplanet Travel 188 3 CREDITS

Cover Art "Golfball" Mescher, J. Allen "Icky" Johnson, C. Damon "Ninjak" Burrus, Ed "Ronin" Behrensen, Rod Rice, D. CREDITS Marc Sasso Lamar Norwood, David Walker; Kirkpatrick's Pack: Cover Design Herbert Beas, James "Damon" Amirault, Jeff "Fletchi" Game Design David M Stansel-Garner Fletcher, Kevin Dwelley, Heather Johnston, David "CelticRogue" Sheridan; Seventh Army Group, SLDF: Bryan Nystul Illustrations Nadin Brzezinski, Thomas Abbott, Solomon Goren, Tom Baxa Frank Darbe, Eric Swan, Peter Grub, Jim Applegarth; Writing Doug Chaffee The Singapore Longshoremen, sponsored by Adventure Games Plus: Drew Collis, Tom Evans, Scott Game and Source Material Les Dorschied Hopkins, John Kielman, Gary Larson, Derek Bryan Nystul Mark Gibbons Manchester, Thomas McMahon; Steel City MechWarriors: Rich Cencarik, Rich Darr, Brian Christoffer Trossen Scott James Golightly, Phil Glotfelty Chris Hartford Dave McKay Loren L. Coleman Jim Nelson Special Thanks To the creators of BattleTech, Jordan K. Weisman Diane Piron-Gelman Matthew Plog and L. Ross Babcock III, and the other designers of the Randall N. Bills Matt Wilson first and second editions of MechWarrior: Walter H. Hunt, Evan Jamieson, Richard K. Meyer, Mike Nystul, Christopher Hussey Color Section Lester W. Smith and Kevin Stein. This wouldn’t have Dan “Flake” Grendell Kevin McCann been possible without you. Herbert A. Beas II Additional Work: To the BattleTech and MechWarrior novelists, whose thrilling stories go well beyond the board game A Brief History of the Inner Sphere Joel Biske and really bring the universe to life: Robert N. Michael A. Stackpole John Bridegroom Charrette, Loren L. Coleman, Thomas S. Gressman, Andrew Keith, William H. Keith Jr., Stephen Kenson, Diane Piron-Gelman Les Dorschied Christopher Kubasic, James D. Long, Ardath Mayhar, “By The Numbers” Fred Hooper Victor Milán, Mel Odom, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Donald G. Loren L. Coleman Jeff Laubenstein Phillips, Peter L. Rice, Michael A. Stackpole and Robert Thurston. David Martin To Jim Nelson and the rest of the dauntless Project Development Chris Moeller FASA Art Boyz, who work extra hard to make this book—and every other FASA product—look great. Bryan Nystul Jim Nelson You guys rule! with Randall N. Bills Mike Nielsen John would like to extend a special thanks to Matt Wilson Kevin McCann for coming through with an incredible batch of color artwork that gave a huge breath of life Project Editing Graphic Design and depth of character to the BattleTech universe. Robert Boyle John Bridegroom Kevin McCann Would like to thank his brother Thomas McCann for putting up with the hours of refer- Wyn Hilty Jim Nelson ence photography. No one could have done it better! Diane Piron-Gelman Finally, the designer would like to thank his big Playtesters Jean Rabe brother for providing years and years of advice and EleanorSample Holmes, Martin Gotthard, file Roland inspiration. In multiple campaigns of epic scale and Ryan Rice Gotthard, Shane Winzar, Adam Treloar; Adam Jury; depth you showed me what a roleplaying game could Andrew C. Murdoch, Dan Hall, Dan Brychka, Steve be. This book is dedicated to you. Crowe, Eric Seaton, Paolo Marcucci, Angela BattleTech Line Developer Schaafsma; Linda Naughton; John Bellando, Melvin Bryan Nystul Carter, Eric Duckworth, Brian Habenicht, Rob ©1999-2006 WizKids, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Habenicht, Jonathan Szeto; Paul (Polly) Meredith, Classic BattleTech RPG, Classic BattleTech, Maryanne Bailey; Loren Coleman, Heather Coleman, BattleTech, ’Mech, BattleMech, AeroTech 2, and WK Editorial Staff Allen Mattila, Amy Mattila, Keith Mick, Vince Foley; Games are registered trademarks and/or trademarks Editorial Director Greg Harmon, Brian Schoner, Bill Wagner; Malik R. of WizKids, Inc. in the United States and/or other Toms, Kit Chang, Kian Butterfield, Jason Franzone, countries. No part of this work may be reproduced, Donna Ippolito Paul Thomas, Egil Rostad; Mike Bobroff, J. Keith stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any Managing Editor Henry, Robert Barker, Jeremy Guillemette, Greg form or by any means, without the prior permission Lusby; Rich Osterhout, Jeff Jones, Chris Jardon, Neal in writing of the Copyright Owner, nor be otherwise Sharon Turner Mulvihill Moss, Scott Preston, Anthony Reasoner; Austin circulated in any form other than that in which it is Assistant Editor Playtest Group: Frank Crull, James Lillian, Buster published. Printed in the USA. Robert Boyle McCall, Craig Gulladge, David Frederick, Chris Friede, John Kraemer, Kathryn Wallace; BC Legion: Stevebob Fourth Printing. First Printing by FanPro LLC. Editorial Intern Pitcher, Troy Allen, Chad Dean, Jeff X. Mink; The Ryan Rice Caladan Highland Dragoons: Jeffrey A. Webb, Clint Published by FanPro LLC o 1608 N. Milwaukee o Hill, Robert Houser, Jr, Gregory Hazel, Cody Suite 1005 o Chicago, IL 60647 Hammock, Leah Cody, Kristen Siegrist, Matt Hill, Production Staff James Cook, Lloyd Bates, Scott McKinlay; Find us online: Art Director Cunningham's Commandos: Brian Gruber, Bob Kautz, [email protected] (e-mail Bill Masino, Rick Remer, Chris Smith, Chris "Bones" address for any Classic BattleTech questions) Jim Nelson Trossen; Dilbert's Irregulars: Gareth Smith, Kevin (official Classic Assistant Art Director Morbin, J.J. O'shaughnessy, Jonathan Broggy; The 1st BattleTech web pages) South Sussex Slaughterers (The Dragon's Tears): Paul (FanPro web pages) Fred Hooper Waite, Ian Deeks, Matt Gilbert, Steve Dorsett; Project Manager Freedonia Home Guard: Bryan Nystul, Randall N. (official MechWarrior web pages) John Bridegroom Bills, Tara Bills, Dan "Flake" Grendell, Mike Mulvihill, (WizKids online order- Rich Schaufuss; Gambino Family, Ministry of ing, sales and distribution web pages) BattleTech: Camille "The Godmother" Klein, Dave (online ordering)


A TIME OF WAR For almost a thousand years, humans have journeyed into the far reaches of space, colonizing thousands of worlds and forming star-spanning alliances. From these grew the five vast star empires that make up the Inner Sphere. The Inner Sphere was rife with division, as the ruling dynasties warred constantly over colony worlds with valuable resources. These titanic struggles led to the development of BattleMechs: gigantic, humanoid battle machines bristling with lethal weapons. From the twenty-fifth century onward, these walking tanks ruled the battlefields. As the price of conflict grew, the Inner Sphere tired of war. Eventually, the five ruling Houses joined together in the Star League, a federation led by a First Lord and served by its own army. For nearly two hundred years, the Star League brought the Inner Sphere peace and prosperity. The sudden death of its First Lord, however, paved the way for an evil genius named Stefan Amaris to stage a bloody coup d’état. The Star League Defense Forces, commanded by the brilliant General Aleksandr Kerensky, refused to accept Amaris’ rule. They fought him in a bitter civil war that was the largest conflict ever fought by humanity, before or since. Kerensky’s forces won, but at a terrible price. In the chaos that followed, the Council Lords were each determined to step in as First Lord. Despite the efforts of Kerensky to hold it together, the Star League dissolved thirty years later. Unable to halt the conflict, Kerensky appealed to his soldiers to join him in leaving the Inner Sphere. Nearly 80 percent of the Star League army heeded Kerensky’s call to build a new Star League somewhere far beyond explored space. Kerensky and his followers abandoned their homes and headed into uncharted areas of the galaxy, presumably never to return. War followed war in the wake of Kerensky’s dramatic departure. For nearly three centuries, the Houses of the Inner Sphere fought in vain for the right to rule. These Succession Wars forged new alliances and cost the Inner Sphere precious, irreplaceable technolo- gy. Constantly maneuvering for position, the House Lords assumed that the greatest enemy they would ever face was each other. They were wrong. While the Inner Sphere sank into barbarism, Kerensky’s followers built a new society in the harsh environs beyond known space. They developed a rigid caste system based on eugenics and martial ideals, designed to produce the ultimate warriors. For nearly three hundred years, they were unified by one burning goal: that when the time was right, they would return home and conquer the Inner Sphere. They planned to be the “saviors” of humanity and to rebuild the Star League in their own image. When the warlords of the Clans decided the time had come to launch their invasion, they took their powerful ’Mechs and MechWarriors and drove straight toward Terra, the birthworld of humanity. Faced with a common enemy, the states of the Inner Sphere united against the threat, establishing a new Star League. Finally vic- torious in 3060, the Star League halted the Clan invasion and a new era of peace seemed to loom on the horizon. But their trust is fragile, their fledgling alliances fraught with risk. And the Clans, born and bred as warriors, will not suffer peace lightly. This is but the eye of the storm Sample file INTRODUCTION

Welcome to the Classic BattleTech RPG. What you hold in your Combine, you follow your character’s childhood and early hands in an evolutionary leap from the MechWarrior First and career, building skills and other abilities through actual experi- Second Edition role-playing games, completely redesigned from ences in the BattleTech universe. In this way, even novice play- the ground up with the intent of transforming the game from a ers start the game with not only a complete set of game stats mere roleplaying add-on for the BattleTech board game to a full- but a fleshed-out character background as well. fledged science fiction roleplaying game set in the vast and Also included are a comprehensive equipment guide and dynamic BattleTech universe. an in-depth primer on the history and culture of the BattleTech While the BattleTech universe centers around BattleMechs, universe. Players are offered this detailed look inside the set- Classic BattleTech RPG (CBT: RPG) is not just a game in which ting to find out what it’s really like to live, love and fight there. players take on the roles of BattleMech pilots. In fact, it is quite We hope you enjoy the ride. likely the majority of CBT:RPG characters will never set foot in a ’Mech cockpit. As in the BattleTech and MechWarrior novels, WHAT IS A the majority of the action in the universe takes place out of the ROLEPLAYING GAME? cockpit and off the battlefield, and there are a multitude of non- A roleplaying game is part improvisational theater, part sto- MechWarrior characters that play pivotal roles in the power rytelling and part board game. It is played by a gamemaster who struggles of the Inner Sphere, Clans and Periphery. runs the game and a group of players who pretend to be char- To facilitate this concept, the character creation system has acters. These characters are defined by a set of statistics that been designed to accommodate any kind of character you can represent skills and Attributes developed in the character cre- imagine. Starting with a chosen affiliation, such as the Draconis ation process (see p. 21). These are then fleshed out with an