Sample File Sample New Protomechs; Prototype Development; Eight Providing a Plethora of New Tools for Providing a Plethora of New Super-Large Wet Navy Vessels
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COMBAT EQUIPMENT COMBAT ® • As wars continue to flare across the Inner ™ Sphere and Clan homeworlds, every faction RULES EXPANSION A CLASSIC BATTLETECH pushes forward with new military developments, fielding cutting-edge equipment, from new personal weapons to battle armor and ProtoMechs. Combat Equipment ™ is a companion volume to both Classic BattleTech ® and Classic BattleTech RPG ™. Providing a plethora of new tools for the battlefield, Combat Equipment also contains a rules expansion allowing players to build non-combat vehicles from buses to trains and large atmospheric craft to super-large wet navy vessels. Also included: a full technical readout section detailing fourteen newSample battle armor file designs in various stages of prototype development; eight new ProtoMechs; and pre-printed record sheets for the battle armor and ProtoMech designs. •• •• 35017 ™ Sample file COMBAT EQUIPMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS ALL THE GUTS, ARMOR AND COMBAT GARB 24 4. Determine Chassis/ NONE OF THE GLORY 4 Personal Armor 24 Control Weight 90 INTRODUCTION 7 Infantry Armor Kits 24 Chassis and Control Types 90 PERSONAL WEAPONS 8 Concealable Armor 26 Chassis and Controls Melee Weapons 8 Aerie Light Power Armor 28 Modifications 97 Stun Staff 8 Afreet 30 5. Install Engine Clan “Medusa” Whip 8 Clan Battle Armor 32 and Transmission 102 Ranged Weapons 10 Corona 34 Fuel Tanks and Hawk Eagle Automatic Pistol 10 Golem 36 Consumption Rates 102 Martial Eagle Machine Pistol 10 Grenadier 38 Engine and Transmission 104 Ebony Assault Rifle 10 Hauberk Battle Armor 40 6. Add Other Equipment 106 Mauser 1200 Light Kobold 42 Add Armor 106 Support System 10 Nighthawk Power Armor (Light) 44 Add Weapons Mauser IIC Infantry Phalanx 46 and Ammunition 110 Assault System 11 Rottweiler 48 Determine Crew “Avenger” Crowd Tornado Power Armor (Light) 50 Requirements 111 Control Weapon 11 Trinity 52 Additional Crew 112 Sea Eagle Needler Pistol 12 Void Battle Armor 54 7. Complete Record Sheet 112 Gauss Submachine Gun 12 PROTOMECHS 56 EQUIPMENT 116 “Buccaneer” Boarding Gel Gun 12 Using ProtoMechs in CBT: RPG 56 Backhoe 116 LGB-46R “Paint Gun” Entering/Exiting ProtoMechs 56 Bays 116 Engineer’s Tool 12 ProtoMech Movement 56 Bay Door 117 Radium Sniper Weapon 13 ProtoMech Piloting Skill Checks 56 Bridgelayer Rocket-Assisted Grenade (RAG) 13 ProtoMech Weapon Attacks 56 (Light, Medium, Heavy) 117 “Spitball” Gas Capsule Pistol 14 ProtoMech Physical Attacks 58 Bulldozer 118 Support Weapons 14 ProtoMech Damage 58 Cargo 118 “Bearhunter” Superheavy Special Case Rules CASE 118 Autocannon 14 for ProtoMechs 58 Chainsaw 118 “David” and “King David” Assigning ProtoMechs in Combine 119 Man-Portable Light CBTSample and CBT: RPG file 61 Communications Equipment 119 Gauss Rifles 15 Erinyes 62 Concealed Weapon 119 “Firedrake” Incendiary Cecerops 64 Docking Units 119 Support Needler 15 Orc 66 Dual Saw 120 Man-Portable Plasma Rifle 16 Procyon 68 Dumper 120 ’Mech Taser Rifle 16 Chrysaor 70 Ejection Seat 120 Weapon Accessories 17 Basilisk 72 Escape Pod 121 ISR-71G “Tripwire”/ISR-93TX Triton 74 External Stores Hardpoint 121 “Roundhouse” Cornershot 17 Delphyne 76 Field Kitchen 121 CDS-MHK3 “Mako” MISCELLANEOUS GEAR Fire Control 121 Sniper Gyrostabilizer 18 AND RULES 78 Flight Deck 121 M-11J “Cloaking Device” 18 Drugs 78 Heat Sinks 122 Munitions 19 Alcohol and Narcotics 78 Heavy-Duty Pile Driver 122 Personal Ammo Weights 19 Performance Enhancers 81 High-Res Image Camera 122 Radioactive Tracker Rounds 19 Booby Traps and Triggers 82 Helipad 123 Gauss-Delivered Combat Medipacks 84 Infrared Imager Camera 123 Payload Canisters 20 Vehicular Dropchutes 85 Ladder 123 Air-Burst Mortar Munitions 20 SUPPORT VEHICLE Lifeboat (Maritime) 123 Guided Mortar Munitions 20 CONSTRUCTION RULES 86 Lift Hoist 124 Air-Burst Rifle Munitions 20 Overview 86 Look Down Radar 124 Guided Gyrojet Munitions 21 1. Determine Chassis Type 86 Manipulator 124 Mines and Minefields 21 2. Determine Size Class MASH Unit 124 Land Mines 21 and Weight 88 Mine Dispenser Sea Mines 22 3. Determine Equipment Rating 88 (Land or Maritime) 124 Space Mines 22 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS/CREDITS Minesweeper Production Staff And of course, the near and dear Rebec- (Land or Maritime) 125 Art Direction ca “Beckie” J Beas (who still wonders exactly Mining Drill 125 Randall N. Bills when “soon o’clock” is); the “Herblet Five” Mobile Field Base 125 Cover Art (of course): Tribble, Annie, Oscar, Meggie, Paramedic Equipment 126 Franz Vohwinkel and Merlin; and last but not least, my good Quarters 126 Cover Design friend and creative companion, caffeine. Pintle Mount 126 Jason Vargas Playtesters Power Amplifiers 126 Layout Joel Agee, Daniel “Cannonshop” Ball, Ron Refueling Drogue 127 Jason Vargas “Steel Hawke” Barter, George “Skyhigh” Blouin, Remote Sensor Dispenser 127 Illustrations Charles Borner, Paul Bowman, Scott Bukoski, Rich Rock Cutter 128 Doug Chaffee Cencarik, Loren Coleman, Philip “Ketjak” DeLuca, Brent Dill, Benjamin “Hawk” Disher, Tim DuPertuis, Searchlight 128 Chris Lewis John “Quentil” Dzieniszewski, David Fanjoy, Jeffrey Sprayer 128 Matt Plog “Fletchi” Fletcher, Bruce Ford, Jon “AngelRipper” Frid- Turret Mounted 128 Miniature Painting and Photography eres, John Alexander Gordon, Aaron “Bear” Gregory, Weapons 129 David Koerner, Photography Anthony “Shadhawk” Hardenburgh, Ross “Koga” Hines, Glen “Lobsterback” Hopkins, Rodney Klatt, Wrecking Ball 129 Mike "Southpaw" Miller Michael “Konan” Koning, Alan “Brainburner” Kreilick, COSTS 130 Mike Noe, Iron Wind Metals Peter La Casse, Edward “TenakaFurey” Lafferty, Chris BATTLE VALUES 133 Tim Salay “SCUG” Lewis, Edward Lott, Michael Miller, Jeffrey “Highlander” Morgan, Michael L Morgan, Darrell “Flail- GENERAL RULES 135 Matt Solarz, FantasyWorks Studio ingDeath” Myers, James “Grey’s Shadow” Myers, Lou Availability 135 Craig Tome “Nukeloader” Myers, Andrew Norris, Keith “Vang” Large Vehicles 135 Oberschulte, Nathaniel “Sledge” Olsen, Aaron Pollyea, Support Vehicles in Special Thanks Robin “Shooter” Powers, Simon “Big Ken” Pratt, Max Prohaska, Rick Raisley, Rick “Rick Steele” Remer, BattleForce 2 137 To David McCulloch, who tackled Randal- Jason “Psychopompous” Richter, Ben “Ghost Bear” Support Vehicles in l’s wacky idea of ‘a small rules set for creating Rome, Christopher Searls, Peter Smith, Joel “Sep- Classic BattleTech RPG 138 support vehicles’ and spent a year relentlessly ticemia” Steverson, Michael “GuruMike” Stouffer, Rob trying to incorporate development demands Strathmann, Geoff “97Jedi” Swift, Scott “Clutch” Tay- TABLES 139 lor, Bruce “Tel Hazen” Terren, Roland “Ruger” Thig- that ballooned them well beyond such a naïve RECORD SHEETS 145 pen, Todd Thrash, John E. Tiffany, Øystein Tvedten, LARGE NAVAL TEMPLATE 179 notion (easy for the same rules set to allow you Chad “Loki” Walker, Jason “Panzerfaust 150” Weiser, SUPPORT VEHICLE to build a bicycle as well as a one hundred Chris “Chinless” Wheeler, Scott “Crimson Marauder” Whitmarsh, Aaron A. Williams, Charles “IronSphinx” CONSTRUCTION WORKSHEET 180 thousand ton naval vessel, right?); not to men- tion almost a full year’s worth of playtester Wilson, Patrick “Roosterboy” Wynne, Andreas Zuber. demands through twenty or so iterations before ©2005 WizKids, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Combat CREDITS we lost count,Sample and who knows file how many thou- Equipment, Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech, sand plus e-mails. Those promised plates of BattleMech, Classic BattleTech RPG, MechWarrior, Writing cookies are starting to pile pretty high. AeroTech 2, BattleForce 2 and WK Games are regis- tered trademarks and/or trademarks of WizKids, Inc. To Rick Raisley, who on a dime began cre- Herbert A. Beas II in the United States and/or other countries. No part Randall N. Bills ating the basics for a HeavyMetalSuppVee pro- of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval Warner Doles gram that allowed us to compare the stats for system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, Chris Hartford all Support Vehicles—down to the littlest without the prior permission in writing of the Copyright details—to combat vehicles, allowing us to Owner, nor be otherwise circulated in any form other Ken Horner than that in which it is published. Printed in the USA. Nick “Gunslinger” Marsala keep these new units in ‘support roles.’ Permission granted to photocopy for personal Paul Sjardijn The proof checkers, who always wrangle a use only. Version 1.0 (January 2005), based on the 1st Christoffer “Bones” Trossen few more errors out of the product: Rich Cen- carik, Jeff Morgan, Mike Miller, Ben Rome, printing (2005) published by FanPro LLC, Chicago, Illi- All of the Guts, None of the Glory nois, USA Peter La Casse and Chris Searls Nick “Gunslinger” Marsala Support Vehicle Construction Rules Published by FanPro LLC • 1608 N. Milwaukee • Herb Beas would also like to thank: Suite 1005 • Chicago, IL 60647 David L. McCulloch To Randall for continuing to guide me through some of the most hellish project devel- Find us online: Product Development (e-mail opments I’ve seen yet; Loren Coleman for tips Herbert A. Beas II address for any Classic BattleTech questions) and pointers along the way; Rick Raisley for his Assistant Development (official MechWarrior: fine array of Heavy Metal products (which this Dark Age web pages) Randall N. Bills book will only add to); All my fellow writers (list- (official Classic ed above) for coming up with quality work, BattleTech web pages) Product Editing (FanPro web pages) approximately on time; the massive playtester Jason M. Hardy (WizKids web pages) support apparatus (listed below) for running the (online ordering) BattleTech Line Developer rules through their paces in perhaps the most Randall N. Bills savage process I’ve seen to date. 3 COMBAT EQUIPMENT ALL THE GUTS, NONE OF THE GLORY Sometimes, it bothers me; gnaws on the back of my mind. and rows of fighters, you can easily see why they wanted to keep When I walk down the street in uniform, even after all these the old girl around.