

勿 Jin Yugan, B ruce R . W ardlaw, B rian F G lenister and G alina V K otlyar Perm ian chronostratigraphic subdivisions

N am es and boundary levels for and stages of the have been proposed subsequently (Stepanov, 1973; Furnish, 1973; P erm ian , based on m arine successions, have W aterhouse, 1976: K ozur, 1977 ).N one of these com posite schem es has gained overw helm ing acceptance, largely because they are com - been app roved 勿 the P erm ian Subcom m ission, IC S. posed of stages w ith reference areas distant from each other. This These are the C isuralian, G uadalupian, and L op ingian separation necessitates determ ination of stratigraphic superposition Series and their constituent stages standardized respec- of neighbouring stages based on the interpreted evolutionary succes- sion of regionally restricted am m onoid, brachiopod, and fusuli- tively in the U rals, Southw est U SA , and South C hina for naccan faunas, or on previously prem ature zonation ot . It the Low er, M iddle, and Upper P erm ian. has therefore becom e apparent that an integrated standard succession should be sim plified to com prise a m inimum num ber of reference areas. T he schem e consisting of C isuralian, G uadalupian, and L opingian Series and their constituent regional stages proposed by H isto ric rev iew W aterhouse (1982) is a sim plified integrated succession that w as accepted subsequently in a global tim e scale (H arland et al.. 1990). R ecent refinem ent of the zonation of Perm ian conodonts pro - T he Perm ian System w as proposed by M urchison in 1841 for sedi- vides an excellent biostrati graphic basis for precise boundary corre- m entologically diverse deposits in the U ral M ountains ot R ussia. lation of type sections for the three series. The succession A sselian, Equivalents had been recognised previously in western as Sakm arian, and A rtinskian w as further docum ented as a potentially the D yas or other rock units, but could not be defined satisfactorily qualified international standard, in connection w ith the 1991 Interna- as a System because oft he paucity of content. The classic Per- tional C ongress on the Perm ian System of the W orld (C huvashov m ian succession w as extended dow nw ard by K a印insky (1874) and and N airn, 1993) and the G uadalupian Series of N orth A m erica also subsequently by R uzhencev (1936), and becam e firm ly established w as form ally proposed there as a global standard (G lenister et al., through extensive tw entieth century investigations. D unbar (1940) 1992). M ore recently, the faunal successions of the L opingian Series provided an excellent review of class)fication and correlation of the in South C hina have been further docum ented (Jin et al., 1993; M ei U rals Perm ian, contributing to its w ide acceptance as the interna- et al., 1994b). W ith support from 'the updated zonation ot conodonts, tional standard (F igure 1). am m onoids, and fusulinaceans, an operational schem e incorporating Problem s arose becau s e t he depositional sequence in the U rals these three m ost prom ising reference successions w as proposed (Jin above the A rtinskian is dom inated by non-m arine sedim ents, and is et al., 1994a; 1994b) as a w orking tem plate for the Subcom m ission thus inadequate for definition of post-A rtinskian chronostratigraphic on Perm ian Stratigraphy (SPS). H ow ever, the C lu hsian/C athedralian subdivisions. H ow ever, post-A rtinskian can be Series in the proposed scheme m et with reservations, due to uncer- defined precisely in a num ber of paleoequatorial m arine sequences. tainty of correlation betw een Tethyan and N orth A m erican succes- G lenister and Furnish (1961) attem pted to provide an integrated sions. SP S m eetings early in 1996 suggested the com prom ise of schem e of m arine sequences w ith substitutions for the traditional retaining the nam e of the K ungurian , but designating the body U pper Perm ian U rals standards, and various com posite schem es P ennian Subcom 丽面。钱 I卯6 { G le n i s te r & .} F u m i s h, ” ” I │ │ │ │} │Jin et al., 1994 │ │

s crics S │ta ges } B a│sal c ono d on t z on e { F u rr i a l i, ’ % ‘ │ } W a t e r h o u s e , 1 9 8 2 │ ’一│ “ “ 口 ‘ , 1 9 9 0 │ │ ├──────┬─────────┬───────────────────────┤ │ │ │ │ │ 么 .蓦 ││C h an目 stng ian { │ │ } │ 一 , │ │ │ 一 ; │ │ 一│ },│一~ 、 │一 │ 、 、 ‘ ’ │ < 自 │ │ 一 C│larkina s ub ca n n o ta } │ │ 一! i │ C h w 堪 抽 i│np - 一 茗 │ C h a n│咖 u* an 一 │}│雪 │ │ I │ │

甘~ 叫 │ 9 ├─────────┼───────────────────────┤ 一 : │ D z h u fi a n 一I 口 ├──────────────┤ │ } ├───────┤ │ 匕 ├──────┤ 兮 │├────────┤

芝 │ W u c│h iap ingian { │ { 层 │ │ 一 C h h j & ~ 一} │ │ L 、 │ _ │ 一 一│ │ │ “ │ 一F ││-D -z} l、 一 │

比 │ │ │} C la r k m a p o s tb itle r i 一 叠 │ │ │ ├──────────────┤ │ }│ │ │ │ │ I(W u cb w f w - ) │ │ 山 │ │ │ }│兮 │ 人│ a k │sia n } │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ 9 │C ap itan ian 一 , n a│g o ndo lella p ostase。 一{ │ │ 呈 │ u │, │ 一! 9 ├──────────────┐ │、 ]‘ │ 一 ) │一 c│ a│pitan ian │ i 一 │ ap itan i! 一 │ R. │ │ R │ } 量 │ C a p i t a│ n i m │ I │ │ │ │ f│. │ │ │ │ │ │ I戈 ├─────────┼───────────────────────┤ W│ordim 一 * n og o nd o le ll a│ ase}afa { │通 ├─────────────────┤ W o rd ‘ 一 葺 ├──────────────┤ w o r d│ 二 │ 一 │├───────┤ W or dk an │ │ ├──────┤ { │一 W││or d ia n│ │ │ 旦 ││ 一 ├────────┤ W │o rd ia n │ │

a . ├──┼─────────┼───────────────────────┤} ├─┬─────────────────┼──┼──────────────┴──┼───────┤│ ├──┼──────┼──┼────────┤ R o ad ian } │ │ │ │ {│ │ │ R o a d i│ a n │ │ │ } │ │ ├──────┤ ├────────┤ 口 ├─────────┼───────────────────────┤{Jmogondololla nankingensts │ │ I 三 │ │ ├──┼──────────────┤ │ 一 │ ├───────┤ │ 一 U f i │m ia n │ │ │ │ │ │ 一 │ R │ o e 、 │ │ │ │ 一│ │ │ │ │ 9 │ 一 │、 os t reptognathodus pne}i- } i │ B a ig e nd zh 。 一│ 芝 │ L e o n } d │ ‘ 一 │ │ 一 │ 一 │ 习│ ! ││ } │ 官 K│ungun‘ 一} M. ex cu lp tu s │ } 着 │ I │ │ . “ │ 一 │ │ │ 鑫 │{} │K u b c r W d im│ an│ ! │ │ │ 搜 │ │ 芝 │ 省 ├──────────────┤ │ │一 │ │ │ │ ,即 ,o r an │ } │ │ │ ├─┴──┼──────┼──┼────────┤ │ │ ├──┼─────────┼───────────────────────┼──┼─┼─────────────────┤ │ │ 一 : wf e│eseotgoognndaothleulsla w bhisifseei-th │ │ │ { A k t as t i n ia n │}一 │ │ · · ~ │ 一 │一 │ 一{ │ │ {│ │ │ │ 八n im k ian │ A k t a s t m│ia n │ 」│ │ 一 │ , │ │ │ │ │ 〕 一│ “ } kian 一│ │ │ │ 一 │ ! 一 鬓 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ 一│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ Sakmari} }一‘ , re pto g na th od us│ posfusus !一 { S 一 l 一 今 │ ├──────────────┤ S │t e r l i ta │ n ia k ia n 一 │ │ S a k │ m a n ‘ │││ 一 │ │ 一!│ ,│ a l u n │ u i a n │ │ │ {一 │ │ S │ a k n a n an│ │ │ │ │ I │ │ │ │ │ │ { │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ Tastubian { │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ A ssehan 一 。 ,│ _ 。、 * ,,一 A s s e l ia n }│ │ A s s e l i a n } │ │ │ 、 一│ │ │ 一 │ │ │ { │ │ { 一 ├───────┤ │ │ }│ A s w h a n │ │ │ │ │ ├─────────┼───────────────────────┤ ├──────┤ │ │ │ │ ├────────┤ │ │ │ │ ├─┴─────────────────┼──┼──────────────┤

F igure I D evelopm ent of Perm ian chronostratigrap hic scales. This ch art is designed to show the succession of c hronostratigraphic units in selected sca les ra th er th an th e co rrela tion b etw een th em .

M a rc h 1 9 9 7 I I

SE R IE S │ST A G E S │ S E L E C T E D F O S SIL Z O N E S 汐 M a │ │ │ │

A m m o n o id s C o n o d │o n ts │F u su lin id s j己 ││ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├────────────┬──────────┬───────────┤ │

T riassic │Chiesbachian │ Op hicTras H i│ndeodusp arvus │ │,...│. 2 5 1 . 1 │ │ O to cera s │ │ │ │ ││ │ │ Z │昌 │ C h an g - P│se ud o d ro│bles │C lorkin o c ha ng x ing - │ P ala e晌 M ina s ine nsis │ 盆.... 土 3 石 │ │

代 │-?f │ hsingian 尸│orabrolites - │ M .刀5 │ │ 翔...l │ │ │ 荟│口曰│ S│hevyrevites C .│ subcarinata │ . ..│.... .│253.0 │ 国 │3 │ │了ran d “一尸h 招o n i招s │ │ ├────────────┤│ │ 国 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ 目..... │ │ │ │ │W 口C h 运. │ A ra xo ce ra s-K o ng lin g ites │C on en to lis │ N a n ling e lla sim p lex } │ 士 0 . 3 │ │

p娜 乡 叨 │A n d ersso n o ceras │C leven j │ C od o m砂 siella │ 1 2 6 4 . 1 │ │ │ │ │

R oa d oc era s- │C d uk o ue nsis │ kw a n9 sia n a │ │ │ ││ │ │ D ouhngocera } C │ posibilleri │ │ │ ││ │ │ │

与 C│apitanian │n mo对阳3 Ji n a go n│dolell│a │ │Lepidolina │ F 心 u r e 2 A n in te g r│ate d │ O │ │ │ a lt u d a e n s is │ y a 加 rn a │ │ │ │ │ chronostratigraphic schem efor the 目 │ │ │ J . p o s ts e r r a la │ 而 种 e x o│d i│n a s h u m a r& │ P│ e r m i│an System .

Th e stratigrap hic ranges offossils 己马cl │ ├──────┼────────────┼──────────┼───────────┤ W ││ o│r 山 m 甲 妇 │ 名e n oc e│ras J . a │ss e ra ta │肠 c or as c ti hc││wa la 咋 g e r月 a│n a │ │ │ ││ 土 2 ‘2 │ z on │ e s re fl e ct a g e n e ├────┤ra l v e rs│ion of resp ective series and stag es but are R o 浏 an │D e m a rez i阳s │认 n a油 昭 em is │尸ra es um a trin a │ │ m│ a i n│ l│ y d e t e r│m ined based on zonation S ta ch eo cerai │ │ no osch w ag efi│n o i│由 3 │ │ i n t h e │ir e p o n y │m ous regions. d isc o ida 加 │ │ C on cellina cu ta le nsis- ││ │ │ │ │ │ a . │ ├──────┼────────────┼──────────┼───────────┼────────────┼────┤ │ H ow ever, the K ungurian and A r m en in a ││ │ │ │ G u a d │a l u p i a n f o s│s i l z o n e s c o m b │ine 与 K│ungt- P s eu d│ovidrioceray 入 介│sogondo拒l勿 │M isellina c│lau d ia│e │ th e c o n o d o n t z o│ne s a n d a m m│onoid 厄 │ d u nb a│月 i d ah│oe n sis ‘ │Brevoxina加 re砂│rth i │ │ a ss e m bl a g e s o f S o│uth w es t e r n U│SA 昌 │ 尸 枉 p│inacoceras M│eostreptognathodus │ │ │ │ w i th t h e f u s u l in i d│ z o n e s o f S│outh O │ │b usteren se │ p ne w - │ │ │ C h │in a . │ 拟 exculp│tus │ │ │ │ │ 2 7 2 .2 │ │ │ ├──────┼────────────┼──────────┼───────────┤ │ │ │ Ailinskian │U ralocerasfedoro*i N│. pequopens│is │ │ │尸am in na │ 士 3 2 │ │

A k tub in sh a n o ta bilis- │ Sw ee to g n a thu s │C h ara losch w ag en na │ 2 8 0 .3 │ ││ │ │ │ A rW n skia ard en sis │ 肠火子扭卜 │ vu lg a n s │ │ │ │ │ │ M . bisse lli │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ │

S a kim n a n │S a km a rites i明 atus │ 叹 夕月M US │ │ ││ R o bu stasc h w a g erina ├────────────┤上2 石 │

S v etio new e ra s │ S trep tog n a tho d u s │ sch ellw en i │ 2 9 0 . 6 │ ││ │ │ sth g o .yu m │ P O S如 SUS │ S p h ae ro sch w ag e rin a │ │ │ │ │ │ sp haerica │ ││ │ │ │ │ │ │

A ssefia n │及 serp en tin um │改 co nstrid u s │ & m o elleH -│ P . fe│c u n d a│ ├────────────┤ │

├─┴──┼──────┼────────────┼──────────┼───────────┤..... 土 3 启 │ │ S. ph m ore S .│ iscialus │ & Vw 心aris │ │ │ │ │ │ │

C arb on i-│G zhehan │Sh"m ardites S .│ w abaunsensis │D aixina robusta- │ .... 3 co 3 │ │ │ 五ro u s │ │ C onfessu s- │S . d o n g a tu s │ D . bo sby ta ue nsis │ │ ├────┤ Em ilitesplumm en │ T . s tu c k e│nbergi │ │ │ 土 3 . 2 │ │ │

stratotype in a paleoequatorial region that contains the open m arine below the contact of the am m onoid genozones of Slunnardites- com m unities that are largely absent from the eponym ous area (Jin. Vidrioceras below , and Svetlanoceras-Juresanites above, and corre- 1996). In July 1996, usage of C isuralian, G uadalupian, and L opin- sponding approxim ately to the base of the fusulinacean gian and correlation of their constituent stages by reference to all Sphaeroschw agerina vulgaris-S. J}sifornus Z one (D avydov et al., eponym ous areas. except that for the K ungurian Stage, w ere 1995). approved alm ost unanim ously in a form al postal ballot of SPS Titu- Fo r th e upper boundary of the Perm ian System , both the origi- Jar M em bers. T hus, the conclusion of the long journey to integrate nal definition for the base of the I riassic, the B untsandstein of G er- suitable m arine reference successions into a single Perm ian chronos- m any, and the top of the Perm ian in the U rals are non-m arine, and tratigraphic schem e is near. th erefore u n su itab le fo r w o rld w id e co rrelatio n . T he fu nctio nal defi n- itio n fo r th e b ase o f the T ria ssic has th ere fore bee n th e b ase o f the am m onoid O toceras Z one of the H im alayas (G riesbach, 1880). T he C hronostratigraphic subdivisions first appearance of the H indeodus pan us has been pro- posed as a m ore w idespread and precise basis for prim ary definition The basal boundary of the Perm ian System and of the coincident of this boundary level (Y in et al., 1988), and has found general A sselian Stage has been ofi cially ratified by the IC S , w ith the G SSP acceptance. R esponsibility for form alization of this definition and of at A idaralasb C reek, northern K azakhstan. It is defined by the first the coincident top of the Perm ian System lies w ith the Subcom m is- ai)pearance of the conodont isolatus slightly sion on T riassic Stratigraphy.

Episodes, Vol. 20 no. I 了2

C isu ra lian S eries urdalensis Z one. the conodont Sw eetognathus p rim us Z one, and the am m onoid Sakm arites infl atus Z one (Figure 2). The nam e C isuralian w as proposed by W aterhouse (1982) to com - The A rtinskian Stage w as proposed by K arp i n s ky in 1874, w ith prise the A sselian, Sakm arian, and A rtinskian Stages. In the present the sandstone of the K ashkabash M ountain on the right bank of the schem e, it also includes the K ungurian, and therefore corresponds to U fa R iver near A rty V illage as the stratotype for its upper part and the Low er Perm ian of a R ussian proposal (Licharew , 1966; K otlyar w ith the K ondurovka Section for its low er part. R uzhencev defined and StepaDOV, 1984) and to the R otliegendes of H arland et al. the low er part of the stage by reference to am m onoids from the K on- (1990). The U ralian Series, nam ed by de Lapparent in 1900 and durovk Suite of the Sterlitam akian, but the low er boundary of the interpreted by G erasim ov (1937) to include pre-K ungurian stages of A rtinskian is now placed above this interval (C huvashov et al., the L ow er Perm ian, w as utilized by Jin et al. (1994a). H ow ever. it is 1993). It is defined prim arily on occurrence of species of Pseudo- a nam e that is confused by varied historic usage, and w e suggest fusulina, as am m onoids of the upper Sakm arian (Sterlitam akian) and replacem ent w ith the C isuralian S eries. low er A rfinskian are sim ilar. W e suggest redefinition of the base of T he duration of the proposed C isu ra l ia n Series is m uch greater the A rtinskian, on conodonts, at the base of the Sw eetognathus therefore than the rem aining tw o higher Perm ian series, and eustatic whitei Zone, that is the base of the B ursevsky H orizon. and biotic changes near the base of the K ungurian Stage are globally T he K ungurian Stage w as restricted form erly to the P h ilipovian significant (L even et al., 1996). C onsequently, the C isuralian m ay be and Irem an horizons of the type area. H ow ever, C huvashov (1994) further subdivided into tw o independent series, or tw o subseries, of proposed redefinition of the low er boundary at the base of the Sar- w hich the upper one m ight be equivalent to the C hihsian/C athe- ginskian H orizon, originally included w ithin the A rtinskian Stage. dralian Series of the preceding schem e (Jin et al., 1994a). T his is a readily correlatable level. m arked by the first appearances A m ongst the constituent post-A sselian C isuralian s t ag e s, the of the fusulinacean P art穿}sulina. In the present schem e, the base ot Sakm arian w as proposed by R uzhencev (1950, 1951 ), based on the the N eostrep tognathodus pnevi Zone of the Saraninsk H orizon is K ondurovka Section along the K aram uruntau R ange of the Sakm ara selected for definition, as it represents the first significant evolution- River Valley. In the absence of am m onoids, the lower boundary w as ary event follow ing the introduction of N . pequopensis, w hich defined at the base of the K aram urunsk Suite by fusulm aceans of the occurs below a m ajor sequence boundary. T he corresponding Pseudofusulina m oelleri Z one and coincides w ith the E opara - T ethyan conodont zone is characterized by the occurrence of从 exs- 加suhna G enozone. In reference to conodont zonation, it is placed at culptus in the upper part of fusulinacean P am irina Zone of South the base of the Streptognathodus p ostj}sus (=S. barskovi) Zone, C hina (Z hu and Zhang, 1994), and in the basal part of the C athe- w h ich is co incid ent w ith the base o f th e Sh ilchan skian H orizon . T he d ralian of N orth A m eric a. stage is subdivided into low er (T astubian) and upper (Sterlita- M enning (1993) refe r r ed the Perm ian m agn etostratig raphic m akian) substages, the boundary betw een them coinciding in the chrones to tw o superchrones, the C arbonif erous -Perm ia n R eversed Southern U rals w ith the bases of the fusulinacean Pseudofusulina Superchrone (C PR S) and the Pen nian-T riassic M ixed Superchrone

TRADITION丛 { R E F E R E N C E SE Q U E N C E S P R O P M ED SIANDARD川 一一~— 一-一-— 自LA S 5 口勺C 人们旧 N SOUTH ERN I ARW 94LA }Srx "M (1.N M IA A p A N E . A U S T R A L IA W . A U S T R A L IA ' S A L T R A N G E C A N A D IA N U R A L S I IR A N ,P A M IR I 八卫C 书 C

之 C h- 劝stw - 2 之 甘 叫 记 ~一壑 O工 0一 盔 22w hstan 1氢 C 拍山加 N ﹄ 2 C Nambeen G, l d 么1 卜 o 0 0 口 闷 1 叫 K alabagh b 叫 uchi中吨画 么 Hardman Fm 氏 二 巫 } 0 一 ,一 一一目 bl} Haed 沈 W argal 试 U 黯漪 已M 山℃n s , 巧 盯 窖 n 曰 2 色 盼 Ba ry 而 记 哎 ︺ 闪 2 国 口 淤 吠 ︸~ n N - 出 一 一 一 _ 0 别 O 不 0 Y Bm thalya F m 的一 之 却 - A m b 0 名 一J 一 0 2 ~ 1 袱 念 bern 呻 1 F } ^, 卜 州 一 一 阮 m dov. andm _ d- 铆 嘛 S动川one · 翩 岔 2 喊 徐 0︻ 以 !cooLkIlya 一一 一 一 哎 . 喊 (兰 2 劣 Z 尸 ~ 价 画 闪 C 1 . ﹃ O 囚 SM PP. P而”t DII 8W.C,, 闷 工 R oa crade Fm }U A 记 G ︸ 卜铂 已 召 n C }W oorarmel o r 的 口 0︼ 一- ﹂ 一 2 2 叫 W - h . F . { R - 朴 乙 _. ,,_ } 一 {B ICAI[vdu} I'm H J一 涵 二 Z U D eTn o r rM 」 一。 。,, , : I I 戒 |L. V I L 4 {- Y M 己- 卜-+ - 一 . — _ _ 沙 H 试 的 ︸ 目 2 一— {月 FM_I I'C ar ran dibbyF 之1 D an d o 它F M .J 代 刁 c3oldlautel i'm I _ 下一_ } { 日e lc h e r C h - I 主 F M 曰] 勺 3a-b A } h an N - i 朋 L io m O r M auebach Fu l b . F 翻 Lochm var Frai 一 一

SC P S, I I,even et al.,1 993 {Sheng& 从 1994 1 M inato et al, 1978 Ron 及R on , {M anruri& 1995 A rchbold & D ickuv } 199 1 田山 W & Pog ue N " w hi火 199 5 】9 曰 19 9 5

F igure 3 Correlation of selected Perm ian successions. The regional successions are adopted f rom thef ollow ing authors' contributions: G erm any fi rom M enning (199习,. Southw estern U SA 户om R oss and R oss (1987); W estern and E astern A ustralia from A rchbold and D ick- ins (1991); the U ralsfrom C huvashov (1993), the Salt Rangefrom W ardlaw and Pogue (199习,the K itakam i M ts. of J apan from M inato et al. (19 78) and the A rctic./rom N assichuk(199习 .

M a rc h 1 9 9 7 13

(PTM S ). H e integrated five norm al zones in the Perm ian part of the and in the basal part of the W argal Form ation of the Salt R ange C PR S. as show n in the present Figure 2. H ow ever, the biostrati- (H aag and H eller, 199 1) corresponding respectively to the graphic control of the integration of three norm al zones N eoschw agerina m argaritae Z one and the aserrata cannot be considered as robust. M oreover, no norm al zone has been Z one of the late G uadalupian. M enning has com pleted sam pling to recognized from A ssehan strata of the Southern U rals; instead, there locate the Illaw arra R eversal in the G uadalupian type area. T w o and are four norm al zones from the upperm ost C arboniferous (D avydov possibly three norm al zones are present in the late G uadalupian. et al.1992). T he of the G uadalupian basal boundary has been estim a t e d D ating o f sa m ples from the U rals suggests that the age of the as young as 256 M a by H arland et al.(1990) and 258 M a by O din m id-A sselian is 290.6 士3.0 M a, and that the Sakm arian-A rtinskian and O din (1990), R ecently M enning (1995) suggested the age to be boundary is 280.3 1 2.6 M a. A dditionally, sam ples from the B ranx- 272 M a. N ew age dates of zircons from a bentonite bed just below ton Form ation of eastern A ustralia, considered early K ungurian, are the suggested base for the C apitanian proposed stratotype (W ardlaw dated as 272.2 土3.2 M a (R oberts et al., 1996). Based upon the above and R ohr, 1996) have yielded a reliable date of 264 士2 M a (B ow l- data, the ages of the basal boundaries of the A sselian, Sakm arian, ing, personal com m unication, 1996). The estim ates of H arland et al. A rfinskian and K Lingurian stages are estim ated respectively as 292, (1990) and O din and O din (1990) are clearly in error. W e suggest a 285. 280. and 272 M a. m ore reliable estim ation m ight be betw een the suggested age for the base of the K ungurian (272 M a) and the new ly established agCe for G uadalupian Series the top of the W ordian (264 M a), approxim ately 269 M a. T he base of the G Uadalupian Series in W est T exas is defined by the L opingian Series first appearance of Jinogondolella nankingensis w ithin the evolu- tionary cline from M esogondolella idahoensis to J. nankingensis T he L opingian (H uang, 1932), D zhulfi an (Furnish, 1973), Transcau- displayed in the El C entro M em ber of the C utof Form ation in Stra- casian and Y ichangian (W aterhouse, 1992), as w ell as other refer- totype C anyon, G uadalupe M ountains (G lenister et al., 1992; Lam - ences, have been proposed for the upperm ost Perm ian series. O f bert and W ardlaw , 1996). these, the appears to be the first form ally designated series T he G uadalupian co m p r ises three stages, R oadian, W ordian. nam e to be based on a relatively com plete m arine sequence. R ecent and C apitanian. The proposed boundary for the base of the W ordian docum entation of a com prehensive succession of conodont zones S tage is the first appearance of Jinogondolella aserrata in the upper from the C apitanian through the W uchiapingian Stage in the L opin- lim estone beds of the G etaw ay M em ber of the C herry C anyon For- gian of South C hina has greatly enhanced the qualifications of the m ation. T his level is slightly higher than the first occurrence of the L opingian and its constituent stages as the international standard for cyclolobid anim onoid W aagenoceras at the base of the B rushy the upper series of the Perm ian (Jin et al., 1993; M ei et al., 1994a, C anyon Form ation. 1994b, 1994c). T he base of the C larkina postbitteri Z one represents T he C apitanian S ta ge could be defined by the first appearance the change from Jinogondolella-dom inated faunas below to Clark- of Jinogondolella postserrata in the upper part of the Pinery Lim e- ina-dom inated faunas above, and therefore constitutes a m ost attrac- stone M em ber of the B ell C anyon Form ation (Figure 1). T his m arks tive level for the G uadalupian-Lopingian boundary (Jin et al., the first significant evolutionary event after the m ajor sequence 1994c; W ardlaw and M ei, in press). T his boundary is to be estab- boundary that divides the G oat Seep from the C apitan reef (shel幻 lished w ithin the top part B ed 19 in the Penglaitang section, L aibin and the C herry C anyon from the B ell C anyon Form ation (slope and County of G uangxi. The C. postbitteri conodont zone corresponds basin), and corresponds to the changCeover from P an功isulina-dom i- approxim ately to the am m onord Roadoceras-D oulingoceros Zone nated to P olvdiexodina-dom inated fusulinacean faunas and the (Zhou,1987). occ urrenc e of the am m o n oid Tim o rites. R ecen t studies on th e The L op in g i an Series com prises tw o stages, W uchiapingian G uadalupian/L opingian Series boundary have revealed an evolu- and C hanghsingian. Zhao et al. (1981) form ally proposed the D See- tionary lineage from Protoclarkina crt功i to C larkina postbitteri tion in M eishan of C hangxing C ounty as the stratotype of the (W ardlaw and M ei, in press). C hanghsingian Stage. The low er boundary is located at the base of In its type locality in sou th C hina. Jinogondolella nankingensis B ed 2 that separates the orientalis Z one below from the w as described from the K uhfeng F orm ation of W ordian age, occur- C larkina subcarinata Zone above. T he basal part of this stage is also rin.g w ith the cyclolobid am m onoid Shengoceras (subjective senior m arked by the occurrence of the advanced form s of P alae(}fusuhna, synonym of K uj}ngoceras)} its low est occurrence is the Praesuinat- and the am m onoid fam ilies T apasbanifidae and Pseudotirolitidae. rino netis(-h}i}age)-inoides-N eoschvi,(igerina sunplex Zone, a level T he D zhulfian and D orasham ian Stages of T ranscaucasia correspond corresponding to the base of the M urgabian Stage. T he stratigraphic respectively to the W uchiapingran and C hanghsingian. H ow ever, the range of the R oadian am m onoid fauna in C entral A sia needs clarifi- successions in the basal part of the D zhulfian Stage and the top por- cation, as it has been referred to the K ubergandm ian (Bogoslovskaya tion of the D orasham ian Stage are not as w ell developed in their type and Leonova, 1994) as w ell as the N . sim plex Zone. the latter gener- areas as corresponding intervals in the standard succession of South ally regarded as basal M urgabian (K otlyar and Pronina, 1995). China (Iranian-C hinese R esearch G roup, 1995). T he sequence boundary just below the base of the G uadalu p i a n T he Tatarian ot the traditional U rals stand a rd corresponds to Series appears to represent a global regression that corresponds to the upperm ost G uadalupian and the L ow er L opingian, since the the base of the U fim ian Stage of the U rals. Sim ilarly, the sequence Illaw arra R eversal appears in the basal part of both the Tatarian and boundary that separates the C herry C anyon from the B ell C anyon the C apitanian (M enning, 1993). L opingian m arine deposits in Form ation (W ordian/C apitanian) appears to be synchronous w ith the Pangea are characterized by the occurrence of the Q yclolohus sequence boundary that m arks the junction of the K azanian and arnm onoid fauna. as confirm ed by associated L opingian conodonts T atarian Stages. R ecognition of the Illaw arra M agnetic R eversal and foram inifers in the Salt R ange (W ardlaw and Pogue, 1995). near the base of the C apitam an and in the early part of the T atarian I he Lopingian part of the PT M S is based on data from So u t h Stage supports this apparent synchroneity. C hina and the Salt R ange. A norm al zone is recognised near the base M agnetostratigraphic sequences of th e e a rly G uadalupian rep- of the W uchiapingian, and another near the top (H eller et al., 1995). resent the upper part of the C arboniferous-Perm ian R eversed Super- In addition, five distinct norm al zones w ere reported from the chrone, w hereas those of the upper G uadalupian belong in the Per- C hanghsingian strata in both the M eishan and Shangsi sections of m ian-T riassic M ixed Superchrone. T he stratigraphic level of the South C hina (L i and W ang, 1989). Illaw arra R eversal w ill eventually serve as a critical m arker in global The age ot Perm ian-T riassic b o u ndary has been reported as correlation, but to date has been recognized w ith precise biostrati- 251.1土3.6 M a based on a SH R IM P zircon age of the boundary clay graphic control in only tw o m arine sections. It is located in the top oft he M eishan Section (C laOL16 Long et al., 199 1), and as 249.9 (1.5 part of the M aokou Form ation in South C hina (H eller et al.. 1995), M a based on 40Ar/39Ar dating of sanidine from the sam e horizon

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D r. G alina V. K otlyar is L eading Scientist of the D ep artm ent Of Palaeontology and Stratigraphy in A ll R ussian G eological R esearch Institute (VSE G E ]夕at St. Peters- burg. H er research is m ainly con- centrated on the Carbon毋rous and P erm ian brachiopods and stratigra- phy. She is a Titular M em ber of In terna tion a l S ub co m m issio n o n P erm ian Stratigraphy.

E pisodes, Vol. 20 no. I