yol. liy. i ?”».d^'TPtI»cV wj^;;cv c» sllsworth, maine, Wednesday afternoon, august 12, 190s. ! EN”™s« "wS™ c*££™£“1 No. 33 atofantiframtts. LOCAL AFFAIRS. who ia with him, says his condition is chosen chairman and Milton Beckwith LAKEWOOD. improved, and Dr. Simmons now gives secretary. Col. John F. Whitcomb, in a Hart is at Hancock. hope that he that aroused the enthusiasm of Rodney employed NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TO IN WEEK. may pull through. speech “Uncle” is in The democratic committee has nomi- the caucus, presented the name of John A. George Boynton improved city 1 with Ellsworth Loan A Building Asso'n—Notice Peters for the nomination for health. Deposit your money the old of foreclosure. nated George E. Davis, of Ellsworth represents- State Board of Assessors—Notice. Falls, for representative to the legislature, tive. The nomination was seconded by John R. Moore recently cat the hay near Mrs A8 Harden—House to let. to fill F. B. and the was in- Comfort. Probate notice—Est Charles H Dnlton. the vacancy on the ticket caused by Aiken, secretary | camp Exec notice—Est Eibridge G Marks. the death of structed to cast the ballot of the caucus '* Curtis R. Foster, the regular John Martin has returned from Han- Bank. —Est Nahum Hancock Hinckley. nominee of the caucuB. for Judge Peters. E. J. Walsb, C. L. County where he Savings has been Admr notice—Est Curtis R Foster. cock, haying. *' and A. W. Curtis were Dank in —Est John P Tapley. The steamer Morang appointed (Only Savings Ellsworth.) —Est Charles L Percy V., which for two Reuben Moore has returned from Ban- Pyle. a committee to receive, sort and count —Jeremiah Dodge. yean ran on the Ellsworth and Span’s Is- gor in very poor health. He has been in Probate W votes. Their duties were not above liabilities more than ten notice—Est Geo Gray et als. land has been sold arduous; Resources per cent. F W and hot route, by the Ells- Bangor some time for medical treatment. Goggins—Steam water heating. found one vote for John A. Peters as from G A worth owners to R. they Deposits are exempt municipal taxation. lias been Parcher—Apothecary. Capt. Benjamin Arey, James s. Garland, who has been visiting A W Greely—Jeweler. of the unanimous choice of the caucus. The in business thirty-five years and will pay its Seventieth Brewer, who is having some repairs his daughter, Mrs. G. of Bucksport, Mb: city committee was empowered to fill va- Mary Brown, dividend on June ■. made on her here before taking her away. Livermore has returned home modi semi-annual j Parker Spofford—Administrator's sale. cancies on the ticket. The caucus then Falls, North Brooklin, Me: Mrs. Mae B. Sealander, of New York, in health. on or before June improved Money Deposited i, begins drawing arrived adjourned. Mrs Laura B Choate Carter—Public notice. yesterday to spend a vacation of Many complaints have been made by Long Island: two weeks Louis A. Niccolls, of Woonsocket, ft. I., interest from that date. Home savings banks for the asking. with her parents, David Friend the farmers of loss of chickens and kena David G Dawes—Caution notice. wife. died of typhoid fever Saturday, Aug. 8, at and She has for the past six months which have been Bangor, Me: of his wife’s Mrs. Josiah by large hawks, very been the of the home mother, training for profession nurse numerous this season. Sawyer Dental H. in Ellsworth. Mr. Co—Dentistry. at 9t. Vincent’s New and Higgins, Niccolls, Eastern Me State fair. hospital, York, Lin Hancock County 8avings Bank, with his wife, came here on July 11 for his wood Garland and Granville Tata Brunswick, Me: will return there after her vacation. annual vacation. He was ill at the time, have been at home several days on ac- ELLSWORTH, MAINE. Ray P Eaton—Real estate. About 12o went down the Saturday bay but took to his bed only ten days before count of repairs which are being made at Portland, Me: on the picnic given by the calendar Ellsworth Falls on the mills where Gray's business college. his death. He was thirty-nine years of they society of the Methodist church. The are age. Mr. Niccolls about twelve years ago employed. weat her was delightful, and all had a good SCHEDULE OF MAILS. married Miss Julia Higgins, of this city, George Garland was driving recently time. The postponement of the picnic AT ELLSWORTH POSTOFPICE.

> cream were served. One member was CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR. lilntnal Benefit titolnmn. Sbbrrttsnnmu. tljc among ©rangtrs. elected to the roll. A will _ special meeting be held for work. Prayer Meeting Topic For the Week IDITKD BY “AUNT MAIM3A*’. This column is devoted to the Grange, es- Tuesday night degree There were selections Beginning Aug. 16, 1908. THE COME AND SEE SIGN pecially to the granges of Hancock county. phonograph by to all for the the laid ss By REV. 3. H. DOTLE. Ita Motto: “Helpful and Hopeful The column is open grangers Henry Glass, program being by, of of general interest, and it was a Topic.—Lessons from the sea —Ps. evil, discussion topics getting late. All enjoyed pleas- Make letters Commencing ■42. The purposes of this column nre succinctly for reports of grange meetings. ant time. bar _ harbor to title motto—It Is for the mutua short and concise. All communications must This was written as a call to stated In the and banoo^*- psalm be ex- benefit, and alms to be helpful and hopeful be signed, but names will not printed GOOD WILL, AMHEROT. men to “praise the Lord 'or His good- the writer. All com- Sunday, Being for the common good, tt Is forthecom cept by permission of Good will grange met Aug. 1, with six- ness and for His wonderful works to will be to moo use—a public servant, a purveyor of In munications subject approval by four visitors. without ty-seven present, including the children of men." He enumc-ntes formation and a medium for the In the editor, but none will be rejected suggestion, The third and fourth degrees were con- in terchangeof Ideas. In this capacity it solicit! good reason. i»-:::::::::::: ■everal instances which men have ferred upon a class of nine. Two &Sgi::::!SqiiSr::Bar H A 00 10 45! 1 and Its success applica- 00-4*it) * n. communications, depends largely Brnte .... 10 25; S 45 found themselves iu perplexing places tions were received. A program of 12q40 3 55 ..." on the support given it In this respect. Com DATES. music, and have called the name of the and was well Ball 10 upon municatlons must be signed, but the name ol of readings Orange Enterpriae a.11 4 30 Tuesday, Aug. 18-Field day Hancock M DPI 150 A was served. Wild 6 06‘9\;. Lord, who has heard them and deliv- writer will not be printed except by permission. rendered. harvest supper 7 “. 8 Pomona at Bluehill mineral spring. 2*uk 07:11 47: 1 57 ft la! I » ered them from their distress. One of Communications will be subject to approval or August 8 there were forty-eight mem- Han 7 1611*60.s 1, #33. 3-Meeting of Hancock' Fr R 7*82. .ii. 6 42. rejection by the editor of the column, but none Thursday, Sept. bers One was re- these illustrations is takeu from a ship- present. application W Je 7 60 12 ::••• #50.'" will be without reason. Addresc Pomona with Rainbow grange, North 16..»fS. « rejected good ceived. Games were recess, EI.IJ* 7 87 12 20 2 23 A 7 01 wreck at sea. A storm is de- played during « ,o„'i great all communications to Brooksville. F.1UF 7 62112 25 .Jli « 7 Os after which a short program was rendered. ”. » J* and tbe at their wits' THK AMERICAN, Nlc'n 7*65 12 87;.'« 71412* ■cribed. sailors, of Green Or Ellsworth, Me. Saturday, Sept. 19—Meeting The Grange Enterprise was read by Helen L 8 02 12*46 .413 JJ’J 5*27 lt4j •nd, call upon the Lord, and He deliv- I'tatl L 8*11 : Mountain Pomona with Greenwood Jewett. Two visitors were 12*68.»t2i. '« 7'Jrii2 ers them out present. HWn 8 18| of their distresses. “He 1.00.!»:.■ 1 48 7*«|i"5 THE HOUSE I LIVE IN. East brook. Hr Jc h ap 1 |» ... * * * grange. 7.52,.“ maketh the storm a calm; Ban’r 8 45 1 25 *8 SO ! a! " »«l!5 * * * The bouse I live in he® old 24—Field of Green mb' | then are they glad, so He grown to the front of the main building of Thursday, Sept. day NEW CENTURY. DEDHAM. Some of it are in decay. at Arden parts the E. Medicine Mountain Pomona Young’s A short a Servant bringeth them to their desired haven." I Lydia Pinkham j drama, “Hiring Girl,” B.tn t.... 1 0 05 11 05 The thatch upon the roof, once black, Otis. 5 30 ?Jo JS1;"1" What better lessou could be taught us Company, Lynn, Mass. grove, presented by six members, w*as the chief '• j Is nearly now all turned gray. basoortobar What Does This Mean ? harmk of God’s providential care of His peo- j Sign feature of the entertainment at New Cen- Light through the window panes is dim, It means that of INVITATION TO GRANGERS. SoMtn pie than this—salvation from a storm public inspection tury grange Aug. 8. It was followed by a So that I cannot clearly see. will be held at Ellsworth, at sea and deliverance from a watery j the Laboratory and methods of doing ; Grangers’ day Lecturer Cook and discussion reading by ..! •*' Two new ones, now. I have outside. 20. band will j* -ia-14.0** 00 business is honestly desired. Itmeans ! Thursday, Aug. Lynch’s of fertilizer members. •••j KltCQ grave? Have been a wondrous help to me. questions by furnish music the ••••'■ 6 !* uiou that there is about the bus- during Every 11 viciucui ui iuc sea uia,* nothing day. | d***'; j 0ftj]2 54 The from the kitchen w ill render a short of ten teach us useful lessons. The grinders gone, iness which is not “open and above- grange program blessings EAOT I miss their presence every or minutes at Hancock ALAMOOSOOK, ORLAND. sea to mankind are day: board.” twenty hall, open- &«*!'»&; is of the innumerable, Alamoosook Some others that I had put in 10 o’clock The w ill grange held its regular and, from God’s creation, It means that a permanent invita- ing at sharp. program coming they Are of poor service any Sn'Viii !g way. to to come consist of meeting Saturday evening, Aug. 8. with a 52 !®«H10 ’»W come from Him. The wonderful works tion is extended music, recitations, poems, drills, !;..a 40. | JJJ 9f ... 55» anyone attendance. was Me In .... 7*00 io*4'» 911 The unseen, noisless beat. and is invited to good It voted to post- of God are nowhere more manifest engine’s and verify any and all statements etc., your grange arrange That has not ceased for sixty years, for same. Send to Milton Beck- pone the meeting Ang. 15, as the grange is than in the sea and its relation to man- made in the advertisements of Lydia program Is still at work, but slower now, to have children’s night on that kind and the physical world. Take the E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. with, Ellsworth. A silk banner will be evening. R if:::: ■::::;! Its action, to my sense appears. This will hold its annual fair « *5 it a aw arded the the grange Han...... 11 29 .. 9a« relation of the earth and the sea. The Is purely vegetable compound grange having largest per- Wank... *7 19 .... 11 32 And the warm that it send? from roots and — of Sept. 15. 12 y> liquid made herbs with- centage membership present. Please _ M I» *7 sea in mists constantly rising, which F... 2ft.!l «•» g J g J* MU Through the old house, to heat it's walls. out ? offer and let the committee form into clouds and are blown over drugs suggestions, GREEXWOOD, EASTBROOK. Grows cold, as round about the place Come and See. hear from will be the earth and give it its water, is con- you. Speakers present 3' The winter’s withering snowflake falls. Green wood grange held ita regular meet- the life of the earth Do the women of America continu- in the afternoon. Sports, baseball and £!$::: SS:::: -t*:: stantly supporting ing at East brook Aug. 8. There were fif- PSilS* I have the house use as much of as we are ? man Though repaired, ally it told other attractions will be added to pro- and of and beast. But finally it ty-seven members and ten visitors from Sometimes outside, and oft and See. -25™- runs back to tbe with it within. Come gram. hwS:; sea. carrying _ Mariaville and Schoodic 420. The Yet as the silent years roll on Was there ever such a as Pamola, salt and other that keep person ingredients are HANCOCK POMONA. first and second were worked on Train, 1 feel the walls growing thin. Lvdia E. and is there degrees i leaving Ell.worth .t 7.19 a™','/", the sea clean and Otherwise the I’inkham, any p m. and at pure. Hancock Poiona grange will bold its three candidates. At the next arriving Ell.worth 17 M Mrs. Pinkham now to whom meeting m. connect oceans would be hut ’Twill grieve me much to leave the place; sick p with Washington Co B great stagnant field at Bluebill mineral Tues- there will be work in third and fourth iT Each nook and corner I woman are to write 1* day spring •Daily full of death and loathsomeness revere. asked tbf Sundays included. pools, 18. as follows: Ad- with a harvest Three Leaves Sweet joyous days I've therein. Come and See. day, Aug. Program degrees, supper. ap- 9 Suudsy at 9 a n*. .What a wonderful of God spent arrangement dress of F. E. re- for were * on Through many a bright, glad, golden year. Is the vast welcome, McGouIdrick; plications membership received* Stop signal to conductor. and how it teaches us a private correspondence forcibly great Rev. W. H. Grenon; q Sundays only. But God has been with sick women conducted sponse, speaking, lesson on sacrifice! It is my strength aud stay. by 1 by giving Hon. M. L. Leon S. Merrill, state In weakness. He has made me women and are the letters Merrill, h°,di“* li'“- out that we receive in return. The strong. only, kept The old fable of the farmer who was from^lnS a member of 5KWKSK" And He basgeome and “supped with me” confidential ? dairy instructor; prominent w to take but Dead sea has an inlet, but no outlet, strictly told of bidden treasure under the surface Stop, not to le.rr t And soothed New York state grange, and C. S. Stetson, my sorrow, eased my pain. Come and See. 7 d Stop, at Borrrnto Surd.v and what is the result? It is dend. in- of bis farm, and who dug over every acre cnlv to !«„ And made the place like “Bethany’s home,” Have they really got letters from master of Maine State grange. passenger, from point. wr«t of Itangor deed. No life exists in it. A bird can- with of soil only to find that the treasure came Bright restored life again. over one one hundred The program for the meeting of Han- Ticket* for all point* South not over it without a fatal million, in the increase of is and fly falling cock Pomona with Rainbow crops, paralleled West for aale at Soon this old house will be dissolved. thousand women correspondents ? grange tin-M. c. R. ic victim to its poisonous vapors. Give every day by those who give proper culti- ticket Not lost, but laid away, Come and See. grange, Brooksville, Sept. 3, includes the office, Kll*worth. and ye shall receive. vation to the soil, unlocking The.e train, connect .t And I shall then be taken home E. following: thereby plant Bangor with thronrh is Have proof that Lydia Life also well likened to the sea. In Father’s they food. inner rooms to stay. Pinkham’s \ has Address of welcome. Gladys Grind It _ In traveling over the Bea we leave one egetable Compound Till the whole shall meet. cured thousands of these women V Response. .Augustus Cain harbor for another on a distaut coast. family Any ftkiu itching is a temper-tester. The From every land beneath the Come and See. Paper..Mrs Emma Bowden. Castine We meet storms and sky, ; more you scratch the worse it itches. Doan's eu^pjeTo^^fng'X^^SElr.worth to Falla and Falls clangers. We be* ! “What can be to And this frail house be built anew This advertisement is for Question: improvements Ointment k'lf.'wo’rlh hold the constant restlessness of the only cures plies, eczema—any skin itch- For me once more made in the present method of market- F. E. to occupy. doubters. The great army of women in*. Atall drug stores.— 4dvt. BOOTHBY.Qen sea. But if all goes well we reac h our j ing the products of the fu;m? Portland. Me. A tenant in a home. : who know from their own personal distant harbor. How like life this all j changeless John Dority, Brooks Griudle No windows dim, aud no decay, ! experience that no medicine in the 2bbrrttsrti.mi» Is! Earth is the harbor from which Recess eastern No sorrow, sickness and no death, : world E. Pinkham's we start, and heaven should be the equals Lydia Conferring fifth degree ‘For former have things passed away.” ! Vegetable Compound for female ills Quotations.Joanna harbor which we desire to reach. But Dnrgain FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS —Selected S. K A. by I will still go on using and being ben- Question: “How can the meetings and how many storms there are in life'. ! efited by but the poor doubting, exercises of Pomona granges be made “WOULDN’T PAY ME Steamship Compauy, How many dangers! In the sea voy- Santa Barbara. Cal. It; FOR THE RELIEF I woman for her own more successful and more useful to Dear Mutual*: suffering must, GOT FROM PILES." age of life we are “oft in danger, oft members?.Mrs M H Henderson sake,be taught confldence.forshealso UON. WILLIAM T. LORI’, and CALVIN in woe.” How uiucb restlessness there The above sad, in a sense, yet beautiful ; I as “For 12 1 suffered those of us might just well her health. years with pile*, Receiver*. is in life also—so unat- poem, past middle life will espec- | regain AUSTIN, many things SCHOODIC, FRANKLIN. brought on by any attain or hard work. ially understand. Many thanks to the old Mount I'essit nn.i ftluthlll Division talned, separations from loved ones, so Scboodic held its meet- Since using Hem-Koid eight months ago friend who sent it. grange regular I have seen nothing like large lemon. Mix and bake with 1 have not an trials and so thoroughly had attack, can do any labor many vexations, many two crusts, or use Aug. 6. After the it before. meringue if preferred. ing opening exercises, and eat what I wish without ill effect. I problems unsolved, all tending to was taken of the la- Esther, j meeting charge by would not ba in my former condition for make tbe heart and mind restless and Your letter is h great treat, Esther. It dies. The first and second degrees were |600. Dear Friend* of the Column: Wm. disquieted. But the ocean liner has is a good thing to keep the imagination in worked on one candidate, the ladies doing (Signed) McAdams, I think a us its and so have we as good many of of late have been Cook's Falls, N. Y. pHot Christians use. If some o' us get our only vacations the work in a pleasing manner. On ac- SIX-TRIP SERVICE. doing the plain shirking act, and 1 fear Sworn to before Mar. 'OS. over life's sea. the Son of my in line of a notary 23, Jesus, God. the trip to the berry pasture, count of the stormy weather, the 4. name, in point of negligence to the column, j literary L)r. Leonhardt't Hem-Koid, an internal Commencing Monday, May *teanaer.) T is our pilot, and if we trust Him follow we can find much was laid over Morae leaves Bar lUtoor at ISO n. wees fully should head the list. If we ing your example, program until next meeting tablet care for pile#, is sold for *1 bv E. G. p find it so difficult d*ys for deal Harbor. North«a-t Harter. South- no storm, uo danger, no restlessness. there. Let ub have some more of which be held on Moore, and Ilr.'Leon- to get time for a single letter, what of Aunt pleasure will Tuesday, Aug. 18. fully guaranteed. weal Harbor. Brook11u, I>eer lele, Sedgwick, overcome hardt Station B, N. Y. Will us. He will make the Madge, who must see the usual your ‘thoughts” whenever you can find ! The third and fourth will be Co., Buffalo, SargeniTlIl*:. Dark llarb^r and Kocklsnu.coo- space prop- degrees with storm a necking steamer for Boaton. calm, and in gladness we erly filled every week whether she has time time to write. worked on one candidate. Steamer leave* Bluebtil at 2 pm. week dm shall our or not? Do let us. through Him enter Into de- “having put our hands to It has just come to me that we might Banking. for South HluehUt, 'tonlnaton (Wm Treason sired haven. the plow.” not turn back, but furnish the have a little reunion field day at the Blue- LAMOINE. Monday* ami Thuraoav- North Haven and a best “straw for her bricks” we can Hoe laud, connecting wltli at-atner tor Boston. I BIBLE HEADINGS. produce, hill mineral spring. Lamoine grange held its regular meet- and plenty of it. &BTBRM.NU Ex. Neb. Job Dear Aunt Madge: Aug. 4 with xiv, 15-21; ix. 7-12; ing thirty patrons present. Steamer leave* Boston at ns, Annt Madge invites us to tell of our summer p weekday! xxxviii. Ps. lxv. Isa I have not the regular stationery, but per- After the business the lecturer for Rockland. 1-11; 1-7; xxiv, vacations, and as I am regular taking mine just now a letter of some kind will be welcome. Ps. haps | a short Leave Rockland at $.30 a m, or on arrival of 13-15; ixxxix, 1-9; Matt, viii, 23-27; in ranging the fields and whods for presented program. is will the ber- I find on Cod Bince one week whatf«ar money earn if steamer from Boaton. except Monday, myself Cape yea- a dat'y, Acta xxvli, 21-26; Rev. xxi, 1. ries to fill the shelves for winter j There will be demonstration and lec- invested in for Bar Harbor via luurniedUtc use. I might terday. at North Eaatham, in an old colonial i shares of the and Blueblil, as well I ture on of begin. am a famous hand for “mak- mansion called ! “Maine Mixing Fertilizer*” at landings. the Collin6 homestead. Mrs. Wat else* fare. Bar llarlK>r to Boaton. RJ$ ing believe” and though I seldom leave the hall on 18. Christian Endeavor Hall. home C. and I have four children with ub—two Aug. one way; •* round trip. for of j fllswortli Loan and the old road in San- any length time. I have many ways of nieces and two of hers. Resolutions of were in Buildup Ais’n. Facing military nephews They arede- I respect adopted All freight, except live stock, via steanen of taking vacations while at home and turce, four miles from Sao Juan, Porto always lightful children, and help to make the visit ; memory of Sister Clara Young as follows: Ibis company, la Insured ksaiott urt »il ma- busy. indeed. There are also kind nor risk. stands the Blanche in- pleasant neigh- BBSOLUTlOXS OF BESFKCT. A NEW SERIES Rico, Kellogg One way is indoor R 8 .C Moksk. A«n». by leaving cares behind bors who make our vacation and ! Is now stitute, erected the American Mis- interesting Whereat, It has pleased our open. Shane, 81 each: monthly pay by me as I take my pail to go for and Heavenly berries, cheery. Many chickens are raised here— $J share, sionary association from the of 1 Father to again sever the fraternal band, and merits, per gift imagining am having just as good time as if Hock Plymouth variety. to call home our worthy sister, Clara Young, ailbrrtisfncr.i. the father of the noble young woman I were playing golf or rowing a boat in the You know, dear Aunt M.. or don’t you know, ! be it whose Christian hot sun at some lake or life the institute com- seaside resort. Many that 1 am fond of new and WHY PAY RENT SA^WVWWWWVNNVVVVVVVd very things very Retolred, That as a we extend onr are the wild and beautiful | grange We obtain V. S. and memorates. spots I discover much interested in wheu can borrow on ^ promptly FonagB__ { studying new faces and sympathy to the bereaved family, and point you your This here and there, to 6ay nothing of the collec- shares, give a first and same generous giver has made characters. Well, much here is old but it is them to mortgage tions of ferns, wild J One who “doeth all things well"; also reduce it month? Monihlv flowers, moss and other all new to me. every another promise to pay a large sum to- They tell me that fifty years a no Interest woodland treasures I j Ritolted, That as a token of our regard for payments together bring home. Once it this was cultivated and will amount to but little ward a Christian Endeavor ball, ago place good crops her our altar and charter be more pro- was toadstools, and if don’t memory, draped than are now you believe there of flax, etc., were raised here. Just at -you paying for vided others will present in for and that a give $4.H-_ lines: pinks They grow freely and hoa»e. M. J. DRCMMKV. Burette. are sweet. About a mile away 1 see the three ‘•Nature never d:d betray towers of Nauset lights. At night their lamps The heurt that loved her; ’tis Her privilege. ► hine out like three stars of Through ail the years of this our life, to lead Bethleham. I From joy to joy: for she can so inform think there is nothing more cheering than Tbe mind that is within so us, impress I the "lights along the shore, which ne’er With quietness and »o feed grow andoeanty, dim”. With lofty thoughts that neither evil tongues. j Rash judgments, nor the sneers of selfish am seated in the “Lookout which is part men. of the hail through which I pass to go to n»y Nor greetings where no kindness ie, nor all The weary stress of daily life, big, white, sweet, front chamber, which 1 oc- i Shall e’er j prevail against us or disturb cupy alone. There is some sleeping done in Our cheerful faith that all which we behold there; I am a rest. c:--—.rtr**-** cH Is full of blessings.'’ | taking I feel almost wicked to be as idle as I have been here, but BLANCHE KELLOQ INSTITUTE A! Another of my vacations is the through pa- my frieod Mrs. C. insists that I shall rest, so TCBCE, WHICH WILL CONTAIN I HE I..HIIIS- and ! pers magazines, of which we have I TIA.N many. decided to “take the goods the send ENUKAVOIt HALL. One can gods travel ao far and have interests so I me”. I was very lame indeed, but am much Porto Rico was wide such means at opened to American by little cost. We can | improved. attend such tbe Influence ten years ago 85 cent id by proxy great I can see a per conventions, J bit of blue ocean over my right see photographs of earth’s remotest the population were illiterate O. (Hi .- places 1 shoulder as 1 sit here, and a sail upon it. -a as well as its most beautiful or 000 persons over ten of populoub, tiny ship in white.” we see the years age only while Occasionally sitting comfortably at home, and it is a j one in live could read and write liis i tops of bigger vesselsabove the sand banks at ! so common it is privilege often overlooked. the south shore. Once I own in 1890 there were wandered out far j language, But if I should go cm at this rate with Roman toy ; enough to see the tops of the wireless only eighty-seven Catholic vacations, for I am by no means at the end of telegraphy apparatus, and I hope before long churches for a million people, and in resources in thnc direction. Aunt Madge to see the life-saving station and its work.; the country districts would have no occasion to make the col- every principle up I am invited to a camp-meeting next week. 1 of in uma for some time to and morality family life Was violated. come, I fear I If I find things more the should interesting “up | be considered a poor so I Endeavorers of the Congregational substitute, cape”, I will try to write again. Print if you 1 will*sav, like a serial story, “to be church and their friends will surely do continued", desire. Kind wishes to all. M. A. B. and give room to others whose to meet consciences their part the great need at It is to know that you are a ought at least soon awaken and cause them good taking this Christian Endeavor has al- point. to write us a good long letter. rest, M. A. B., and good of you to call our j been and we feel sure ways practical, I’ll just tack on a recipe I have found to be thoughts to Cape Cod and your new enjoy- that generous gifts will flow in to the good, and “ring off”. ment. Have just as pleasant and restful a American association for Lemon time as can. Missionary Pie—Pour enough cold water over you tnree level this work. tablespoons corn btarch to make a Best wishes to each and all of thin stir you, dear paste: while pouring on one cup Christian Endeavor hall, which will boning water, and cook until Mutuals, from Aunt Madge. boils. preparation be a of the Institute, Remove from fire, add one part educational butter, tablespoon one well-beaten egg, one-fourth tea- stands for the uplift of the people, and ipoonfnl salt, one cup sugar and juice of one “I have been somewhat costive, but Doan's every dollar given to It means the nd- Regulets gave just the results desired. They vancemerit of the pause pf Christ lu Remedy will cure anv case >f or bladder act mildly and regulate the bowels perfectly.” Porto Rico. kidney trouble that is not be- yond tbe reach of medicine. No medicine —George B. Krause, 306 Walnut ht., Altoona, :a& do ■ore.-fl. a. Pabcbek. I Pa.—Adel. 1 ■ ■ -. —. is .. n “but I think I ought to tell POLITICAL COMMENT. m water. He .. you why spring has remarkable> KITTERY TO CARIBOU. proaecntiona and injunctions an followed j I do not want and his addresses fit hisI my picture placed be- adaptability also, _ up in cases where liquor-sellers continue fore the public.” BBTAN AND KKBN. audiences.” [Harper's Weekly.] True; all but it is the voice of[ Emms Landry, aged nine yean, was ran after one or more proaecntiona to carry on of It was such a simple little tale. She true; The The are over and k their business in the same and that Lady democrats of the United States iiled an electric car in Lew- Cicero and not Demosthenes. by place, wti married. That was the fact that now at liberty to resume their accustomed iston Sunday. repetitions of offenses should subject tha was borne in upon him with October 28,1806, saw us at the close of a stunning 'and their owners occupation of electing a republican Presi- most heated political in which places they occupy to The Lilacs. force. Her hatband had been her campaign Northern Maine towns report an earth- dent. It was a task when the white of this democratic the law, father's disagreeable plume Henry shock penalties prescribed by Kean choice, not her own. of Navarre was the where quake Saturday morning at 5.48. By Philip first imposed them the nomina- rallying point one “We were rich." she upon by the fierces. battle Dr. William Buck, of the best- explained, “but of raged. The tion the “boy orator” in 1898, because it I then Sturgis commissioners have sent known in caste, n died 1908. by Auoclated after my father’s death said to the Post: physicians Maine, : Copyrighted. my husband was letten to Presa. so unusual. But custom is a powerful “A man too young to have learned the county attorneys throughout at bis home in Foxcroft Literary spent everything we had. and I was suddenly Sunday, agency. lessons of history and profit by the experi- the State urging them to see that criminal aged saventy-flve years. very unhappy. So I raa away and ence of the past is indeed too young to In 1900 the job was easier and more called her "The Lady of took my maiden name. And that Is guide the affairs of a great nation. His gberwood thoroughly done. Now there will be no defeat is foredoomed. The chief interest because on why I do not want my to Lilacs" always spring picture ap- whatever. Old timers w'hose now to his in the tte I qualms attaching personality was a bunch of lilacs on pear. do not want him to find me— minds of the at is: What is days there allegiance to party has melted before re- country large ever." to be the future of this Don in offerings from the girls to a of Quixote her desk, peated betrayals traditional principles, Will one lesson of defeat Sbe said It vehemently, with a little politics? sharp be«t loved teacher. and young timers who have nothing to suffice? 1 think not.” Bush on her cheeks. “My father said ..you simply can't help loving her," hope for in a banner to defeat For Stomach Troubles love would following This was written twelve years ago. Mr. ! said to Sherwood In her come." she went on hur- after petty Baynes defeat, will walk cheerfully to the has broadened and riedly. "but it dhT not. I felt for Bryan ripened since When there is distress after eating or drinking, or your food girl way. "You simply polls and vote Mr. Taft into the White emphatic young then, and seems no longer to be doesn’t “set well,” the digestion is and the stomach needs Jack Betty's sake I ought to tell you. It's appealing deranged can t help tt Uncle House by a larger majority than anybody to the to be toned and A natural and a di- such unpleasant that passions of the mob. Yet strong as strengthened. appetite perfect sec.” Uncle Jack ventured, history yon has had since Grant ran can be assured will food if will ••I don't away from Gree- seems to be his hold on the masses of the gestion and you enjoy your you get might not care to have me with her so “where her particular charm comes ley. The South had its chance and fluked. a box of much." people, 1 still venture to say it is the voice In Even to the last, New York might have of Sherwood his Cicero, not Demosthenes, and the night so Bun* up head. Sud- been made •She's sweet." Betty analyzed, a possibly effective stand, be- of the November election will show: denly It seemed to him that was there cause here “and dainty—and—and—sad"— Betty everybody knows that if the First—That Mr. has not carried nothing that he so much wished to do Bryan Into deep water. "Anyhow. “Peerless” had not won on the first ballot was getting more than three w estern &UU as to shelter her eastern, northern, ffleechatrtt from misfortune. he she's lovely." would have been down and out. But or Pacific states. 1 will be honored and use them to the directions on the called for his niece “Betty always by had to beat made according simp'.e printed wrapper. Sherwood always Murphy McCarren, and Second—New' Yorle} New Jersey and her out to Sher- your presence, as wo all are—as we Acute indigestion, flatulence, “qualmishness,” and other sfter school and drove the usual trade, which gave to Bryan not Indiana for Taft lassitud^ shall always be.” he said, and she by large majorities. uncomfortable and distressing sensations after eating, are quickly farm, where Betty and her wid- the vote of New York in the conven- wood only and North a smiled at him and bpld out her hand. Third-, Maryland righted with a dose or two of these little wonder workers for weak owed mother made their home with tion, but the enormous ad- Carolina “Somehow I felt I preliminary doubtful, with chances for Taft digestion. In all acute forms of stomach trouble Beecham’s Tills was the town— that bad found a him. The farm beyond vantage of disseminating the information in the two former. friend." she said “That is with great barns, where simply. why that it was that a great place, going way. Will the Post kindly make a note of horses I told you. It seemed best, and I knew were housed the beautiful that Perhaps it is just as well. Nobody nom- this you would understand." prognostication? Are Effective tad made the farm famous. inated against Bryan’s wishes could have Wonderfully That afternoon Sherwood went for a As he sat In the trap waiting he hoped to poll as many votes as Bryan la boxes 10c. and 25c„ with lull directions long ride on his favorite horse. Max- Chameleon a Danger Signal. look Into the windows of himself will Johnson have could right get. would A Western hunter tell. and during that ride ha fought a passing througJi the room where Miss Duval taught, been knifed unmercifully for his pre- battle. Now that Duleie Duval was Phillips recently from the Rangeley region, and lie could see her head bent over sumption in essaying to thwart the out of reach sbe seemed tbe most desir- in relating hunting experiences in the her desk, with the great bunch of lilacs scheme to increase the circulation of the able thing in tbe world. Indeed, from South, said that a chameleon once saved making a background Commoner, and Gray would have fared a the first moment she had been desira- his life. Lying asleep under a tree with a "Look here,” he said to Betty one little better. ble. but he had let the artist in him companion one afternoon he felt some- afternoon ns they drove away In the The old doctor’s plan of campaign is blind the lover. He bad made himself thing cool crawling on his cheek, and sunshine, "I’d like to paint her that simple and characteristic. All things to think that it was her picture, not her- starting up suddenly found it to be a way." all men, is his motto. He “advances” C\\fiQNWK&)MO self. that he wanted. chameleon. At the same time he saw a ••What way?" asked Betty. along one line to catch the radicals, and And now that he knew that he loved snake of a deadly poisonous species coiled "Paint Miss Duval—Just her head, “retreats” with equal facility along her he felt that he must go away— ready to spring for him but a few yards bent a little, against a background of another to curry favor with the conserva- back to Parl3 to the studio—to the away, and killed it with his bird gun. lilac blooms, with a circle of gold in- tives. Speaking through his temporary dreams that had of late been partially He was about to crush the chameleon, It like a halo.” re- G\xv8evQ^ft closing chairman, he bids for the Roosevelt submerged in bis practical plans for when his companion, a Southerner, pre- “Oh. Uncle Jack.” Betty's face was and Sherwood farm. publican vote, simultaneously through vented him, saying that the chameleon beaming, “it would be beautiful.” his permanent chairman makes a vicious When he came back that night, Betty was recognized as a protector of man from “I'd call It ‘The Lady of the Lilacs.” attack upon the President for the delecta- met him on the porch. snakes, and related several instances where Sherwood planned. "By George. Betty. tion of those opposed to our happily re- "We ore going for a ride early in the chameleons had given similar warnings of I believe it would he the best thing tiring Chief Magistrate. morning,” she said, "Miss Duval and I, th£ nearness of reptiles. In fact, he said I've done.” On the whole, we anticipate an instruc- and 1 want you to go with us.” that in his country chameleons were re- But "The Lady of the Lilacs" when tive and interesting campaign, punctuated “Not tomorrow. Bettyklns,” he de- garded as sacred, and no one would think approached refused to be painted. “Oh, by the usual scares and closing with the murred. “I've got a lot of things to of|harming the creatures whose only pro- please tell Mr Sherwood," she said usual result. do. 1 am planning to spend the sum- _ tection nature had given them was the breathlessly, "that I couldn't think of mer in Paris." TAFT WOULD PROTECT WAGES. ability to change their color to that of the such a thing. I 11m sure he cun tind a I Betty’sdlsmayed exclamation brought (N. Y. Press, rep.) object on which they rested. better model, Betty." his sister and Miss Duval. Mr. Taft so absolutely accepts the whole “He can’t.” Betty said obstinately. “He's going away," Betty cried, “and principle of the protective tariff that the ELLSWORTH MARKETS. "Please, please. Miss Duval.” he doesn't know when he will come left to the American people The little teacher shook her head. only question back.” for debate on it is whether they want to The quotations below give the range of “Don’t insist, dear." she said. "I real- And Sherwood, watchiug tbe face of keep their own mills and factories open retail prices in Ellsworth. ly cannot.” the laidy of tbe I.ilacs, saw it grow and their own wage-earners employed or Connery Produce. “Now. what do you think of that. Batter. pale, and his heart leaped at the give our present production and our pres- Uncle Jack." said Betty, almost In Creamery per ft.?5£40 thought that sbe cared. ent employment to foreign capital and la- Dairy.24 §30 tears, as they drove away that night. lu the early morning from his bed bor. Without the slightest qualifications ««gs. "I don’t know vvliat to think." said i^«A,mtS5r« room window be saw them l’ide away. he declares for the republican doctrine Fresh laid, per doz.3o7| »^l| way when you want it. Uncle Jack." Hay. a mine, sufficiently great to the differ- manded of groom. equal Best loose, per ton. lftft'S "Yes. I do.” said Sherwood ence betw een the cost of abroad EXTRA DR ( thought- "Uulda is said tbe “and production Baled. '0vftl8 1■ lame," mao, and at and that this difference •» -I <11 fully. home, Straw. Miss Duval insisted on riding Maxtell. should of course include the difference Sereral days later when Betty came Loom. We tried to get her to have one of the between the higher wages in this 8011 out of the school arm In arm with the paid Baled. 1? other mounta. but she wouldn't” country and the wages pa ia abroad, and 1 AUE] little teacher Sherwood met them at embrace reasonable profit to the Ameri- Vegetables. ^GINQER “Maxtell can't be trusted.” said the door. can producer. Green corn, do/. 20 Onion*, ft 05g<)3 'owihteed Torntiifw v a New 35(«. 10 Parsnips, tb 05 Sherwood sharply, “not with lady. potatoes.pk l»W5 “Won’t you let us drive you home. This principle does not meet in the New turnips, ft *04 Green peas, pk 40@U> /UHEFqqp (ISStM j He never likes tbe Butter of skirts." Bunch 05 Bunch 05 «M«M« fWACrt ■+ Mlsa Duval?" he urged. “We will go slightest degree the views of those re- beets, carrots, "I know, air." The man looked wor- 8pmach pk 15 Cabbage tb 13 TWOuquot CM < the long way round, und It will do you visionists who w'ant to w ipe out that dif- Cucuiuoers, 02 Squash, tt> o t ried. 04 Tomatoes, tb 10 NllUi hASS good." ference in cost, either bringing American String beans, qt J "Well, get Buckner Belle ready," Lettuce, bead 05 010 Beane—per qt— ?— -_:_'d Mlsa Duval hesitated. "Oh.” she be- wages down to the foreign level or substi- Sweet poiatoes.lb if.al- Yeliow-eye 10 012 Sherwood ordered, “and I'll go after IP gan, but Betty "Of course the for the domestic Greeu tomatoes, pk 39 Pea. interrupted: them." tuting foreign product you'll go. You've never driven behind in our market, so that the price wrill As he cantered down to tbe gate u Fruit. tile Buckner team, and they are such come down here. 25 Lemon** doz boy met him with a telegram. With- Oranges, doz 950 2.*>ct. 1 habit three earners by a reduction of pay to the low Corne> ’5 To that end he her most de big April 1907, Jennings Haddock, 06 M.-se^erel, each 2' paid 05 tbe brilliant mare, and presently Sher- Bryan, at the Columbia theatre, Washing- Halibut, Fre^h herring,each will he sure of voted attention, and it became a regu- Sklm-'n, lb 25 c* !C you wood was beside bis bund on ton, before such a cultured, in- lar thing for tbe little teacher to spend Duleie, appeared Lobster, lb -5 tellectual and an audience results, great the week ends at Sherwood farm. Bet- Maxtoll's bridle. representative Flour, Grain and Fend. good as can be assembled now in the bu 75 mother liiund her Maxtell, meek as a Iamb at the sound here but Flour—per bbl— oats, ty's charming. 501865' Short*—b»w— '-*0 heating efficiency, of the well known voice, so nation’s capital. Then he delivered his "I am glad to have Betty under her stopped Corn.lbOft bae 1 80 Mix. fed, bag 155a 1 63 tribute to the of 180 50 65 in fuel and she told her brother. "She suddenly that Duleie swayed and slip- masterly memory Corn meal,bag Middlings,oagl •*! economy influence." Cracked 13 ) from his back Sherwood, Abraham Lincoln. corn, is a lady to her linger tips." ped inertly. the her iu hi- It was masterly; Mr. was at his duinhiiity. "Yes." Sherwood agreed moodily, dropping bridles, caught Bryan LAW REGARDING WEIGHT* AND MEASURES. and under arms. best, the spell of his magic elo- A of *e he said and his and enough alone, you 44 shrugged shoulders “He said, when Cicero speaks, people 1)0uuds;udian meal, 59 pounds; of parsnips, pounds; Me. a here. You are tree ut last, 4- of oat* Bangor, went on. right say, ‘How well Cicero speaks,’ but when of barley and buckwieat. pounls; or even measure a* »v agreement Demosthenes ‘Let us 32 pound'*, That afternoon he sauntered down dear heart. speaks, they say, go “How': against Philip. The difference being that to where Her startled eyes met his. the end of the big garden the one impressed himself upon the audi- the Duleie Duval was pouring tea. The questioned. ence, the other impressed his subject; one "He is dead." he said "You left the audience the little table was set uuder a lilac bush, quietly. admiring speaker; the other left the audience intent on are to go to Kentucky this afternoon u and tbe fragrance of the blossoms carrying out what the speaker advised.” Betty's mother will go with you." filled the air. in the audience that with He released her then and went on in Sitting night, Betty, ou tbe other side of the bush, the memories of the heated campaigns of steady tones. was playing tennis with a boy from 1896 and 1900 still fresh in how could will come back. Dnicio mind, town. Mrs. bad been called to "But you Baynes 1 help applying at once the self-evident When you feel that It is right—yoa the house, nud Sherwood was alone truth of the distinguished speaker’s will come hack—to me!" with the Lilac Lady. and was down the road proposition, mentally saying, ‘Yes; "I wish would let me Betty pounding you paint here is our Cicero, and all the people say t»n the sturdy mare. Dulcie looked up your picture.” lie said to her. how well Cicero •it and grave be- speaks.” “No," she said slowly. "I am not Sherwood, strong tween the beautiful horses. In the campain of 1900 Henry Litchfield sure that I like the idea of my pic- "Yes,” she said, and suddenly her West, writing in the Poaf, says: ture in a for the hanging gallery pub- “Mr. is an whether he face was illumined. "Yes, I will come Bryan orator, lic to gaze at." for five minutes or two hours. His shall speaks "one back, and you paint tea—your voice is he has “Surely," Sherwood urged, ’’ sympathetic, great personal of the Lilacs.’ and his sentences are as lucid Makes Bread that Combines should not keep beauty bidden.” 'Lady magnetism, “I am not beautiful." she said quiet- How to Avoid Appendicitis. HIGHEST FINEST ly. She leaned back in tbe big wicker Feminine Amenities. (GREATEST Most victims of are those who of the appendicitis chair. Her face was very pale, and “What did you think wedding? are habitually constipated. Foley’s Orino Laxative cures rhronic stim- there were shadows under her eyes Was I nervous?” constipation by COLOR* FLAVOR. I^UTRITIOM* ulating the liver and bowels and restores the at first, dear, hut not f Behind her Mr,* nines tossed their pale “Wei!, a little natural action of the bowels. Foley’s Orino ‘I wiil."' Har- Laxative does not nauseate or and is In the breeze. after Reggie had said gripe purple plumes spring mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substi- ASK YOUR GROCER, “I am per’s Weekly. tutes.—G. A. not beautiful." she repeated. Pakcreb. , — GREEN LAKE. VMirttamrata. didate for president in Secretary Taft. Hia COUNTY GOSSIP. sixe. The tfllsniottl) American. associate is of presidential repub- are now Htjr Mr. and Mrs. Winston are is still good, and perch was founded in Maine on old Churchill Fishing lican party landed in STATEM E IN of the latest additions io the being caught. Mr. Harlow fifty JOURNAL Franklin s hills. It raised the flag equal among colony ▲ LOCAL AND POLITICAL and Mr Babcock, J. P. Web- o( the condition of the rights. We have followed that flag for fifty of literary lions of Bar Harbor this sum- a few boars, PUBLISHED wanted. and never a break in the ster and several others bad all they EVERT WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON years and more, mer. UNION TRU8T first for the under the lead of died COMPANY AT step, pathfinder Mrs. William Uivrer., of Bangor, 3 successor to the First National Bank of Ellsworth. Me. whom all Maine ELLSWORTH, MAINE, the grand old Cartbagenian Hancock county is represented by a full Thursday, at her cottage. She had been mm mods to Bank Examlnar April 25 loved—Hannibal Hamlin, of blessed memory; | I^oq BY THB delegation at the State convention of in good spirits, and never felt better, and RKBOriClS. then for the emancipator, then for the un- LIABILITIES HANCOCK COUNTY PUBLISHING CO. commissioners in to-day, went to the where Demand Loans, 9 *U*4.30 then for county Augusta after dinner hammock, Capital Stock® F. W. Rollins. Editor and Manager. crowned hero of Appomatox: Hayes Real Estate Loans. 1K.1W.47 $100 all three of its county commissioners— she of being sleepy. Her and on M the lamented Gar- Loan* and 674,790.23 Surplus undivided ~ W. H. Associate Editor. the peacemaker; then for complained Discounts, profit* r., Titus, Foss and in attend- father, who is nearly ninety years of age, Overdrafts. JMB0.M Demaud field; then for the Plumed Knight: then for Eldridge, Page, being Deposits. soon afterward spoke to her, and failing Bonds and Stocks owned. 4fll.0l2.02 Habacrlptlon Prior—$*2 00 a year; $1.06 for six then for ance. Savinas Dnrwv.it. Harrison, the eioqnent; McKinley, an answer went to her and found Real Estate owned. 12A00.no 50 cents for thr**e months; if paid to get rw.m«!!il»emand rlES 4!*;74j><» months; of then for the great Furniture and Fixtures. in.noo.no Certificates of in advance, $1 5o, 75 and 38 cents the apostle protection; her dead. She bad been ill several years depose strictly on hand and on so,713.44 Bank “VBJI 5 cents. All ar- President of who has done more for a remarkable record is that oi A. heart trouble. Cash deposit. Deposits, respectively. Single copies to-day, Quite with —- at the rate of $3 I U.A3UJ rearages are reckoned per equal rights than any man since the Civil H. Dority, of Sedgwick, who was a mem- 91,363.420.:14 -- ear war. ber of the fishing of last week that uf Ointments f»r Catarrh that J,420UJ4 >dvertislrg Rates—Are reasonable and will be party B» ware _81.36 The republican party is again a people’s made known on application. remained two nights down the bay. It Contain Mercury, John* A. Peters, President. Hf.xrv W. CrsnsiAx, uuder the leadership of Theodore Vlce-Pros’t. and t party was the first instance in the thirty-five os mercury will surely destroy the sense of L. M. Moors. A*«istant Treasurer. r() copies. to withstand the rising tide of so- who has a walk- and is taken internally, acting directly building Franklin, just completed cury. MyerGatlert. Khas P. Lawrence, .lohtio wi. the blood and raucous surfaces of the nu 1 « cialism. tour of and Hancock upon Henry H. Gray, Edwin G. Merrill, hltney ing Washington j system. In bu>ing Hall’s Catarrh Cure be for the of 2.430 It is the hour for us all to touch shoulder Average year 1907, counties, says that this year ought to be a sure you get the genuine. It is taken inter- to shoulder, to close the ranks, and, eyes and made in Toledo. Ohio, F. J. up one for the as nally. by good sportsmen, everything Jk Co. Testimonials free. AUGUST 190S to the front, swing on to victory. We are all Cheney WEDNESDAY, 12, points to plenty of game. Warden Dyer Sold bv Druggists. 75c. going into the fight to redeem Kennebec, to Take Hall’s Pills for constipation. found of moose and deer in his family redeem Cumberland,to redeem Androscoggin. plenty travels, but where one was the ; plentiful CO Htt. REPUBLICAN NOMINEES. other was scarce, which means that the POLITICAL COMMENT. hunter must first decide the kind of ’^ECURTFOUNDATIOrir* upon Of the late A. P Harden. 24 NATIONAL ELECTION. NOV. 3, 1908. NO OPPOSITION TO HALE. game he wishes to shoot, and act accord- RESIDENCEPine street. Ellsworth. A long lease w ill be given ;! desired, on the prem- The Eastern Trust A Co. also that be Inquire Hanking was organ- cor. Bangor Commercial.) ingly. He says there will ises. Mrs. A. S Harden. FOR PRESIDENT. (Portland ized on that secure foundation on which all genuine I lots of birds this fall, being ] In Maine it is necessary for every suc- partridges financial strength is based. William H. Taft, plentiful. cessful to take a long look _ Jlfetp tHant.li. It stands to-day as a veritable OF OHIO. politician Stronghold for facts the money. ahead, and while the official term of Sena- Many interesting concerning around 60 to look after our business work of the Maine Seacoast missionary MANin this county. Special inducement It is an Institution which is carefully managed FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, tor Hale does not expire until 1911, bis month, C. R. Bra a St in its labors the isolated this permanent. Co., and renders the Hest Service to Its society among Manchester, Conn. Hanking Depositors friends are if he is to be Nurserymen, and I James S. Shekmax, naturally asking islands along the coast are contained in its Clients. OF NEW YORK. re-elected, and his enemies are just as annual report recently made. This Your account, subject to your check, is invited. unique EHantrt). is naturally working in a quiet way against parish composed of fifty-two different STATE ELECTION, SEPT. 1906. in which are 14, him. settlements, 3,760 persons, family horse for his keep. who are cared for by the society spiritually HORSE—GoodLight work and beat of care guaran- EASTERN TRUST & There is certainly no organized opposi- teed. Address P. O. Bo* 482. Ell worth. Me BANKING CO. STATE TICKET. and physically. The missionaries make BANGOR, MAINE. /era tion to uim m this section of the State, For Go or, their rounds in the small vessel Morning of Poland. and as far as those who are to ob- Spcifal 2‘TotlUJJ. Capital. #175,000.00. BERT M. FERN AID, trying Star, which goes 100 miles east and west of serve the course of events and to Surplus anti Profits (earned;, #410,151.02. political Mt. Desert at For State Auditor, island, stopping each of the PUBLIC NOTICE Deposits, over watch with attention the game of politics #.‘1,342,000.00. CHARLES P. HATCH, of Augusta. fifty-two settelments to hold religious ser- sons. John Wilbur Chotte and Lout* can see there is no C. Choate, left home without opposition organized vices and care for the wants of the MY having my For to bodily due cause or I shall no bills Representative Congress, or unorganized worth talking about. | provocation pay inhabitants once each month. Through of their contracting after this date (Third District) It is enough to that he j Maa Lacba B. Choate Cahthb. easy say might the effort of the schools have been society, North Brooklin, Maine, 10, 1908. fm Salt. EDWIN C. of Augusta. have been defeated before had Mr. Little- Aug. Itgal Notirr,. BURLEIGH, establishel on the islands of Malaga, field made a strong attempt openly to take NOTICE. lop baggy and one Old Town To all person* interested in Muscongus, Duck and the State, either of^T^**" Eagle by canvas canoe, both marly new. For tatca hereinafter named. COUNTY TICKET. the nomination from him, but he did not, is to forbid all or PHAETON par- j but thus far the society's endeavors to persons harboring ticulars inquire of H. A. Bonsey. Surry. wife, Irene Dswes. on At a probate court held at For Senators, and there are very many good politicians 1 THIStrusting my my (Newbury Neck road). Me. Ellsworth. In and provide means of education for the 100 account, as 1 shall pay no bills contracted by for the county of Hancock, oa the WILLIAM A. of Castine. and a of the of fourthw WALKER, probably great majority good children connected with her after this date David G. Dawks. day August, a. d. 190S. | the lighthouse limited of lumber— LUERE B. DEASY, of Eden. here who do not hold so. Long Island. July 23, 190K. quantity following matters politicians They stations the have been with- ; and boards, having been nr*. * j along coast, LUMBER—Ajoist, planed spruce pine sen ted for the action insist that the re-election of Senator Hale etc., at reasonable II. C. Austin, THE thereupon hereia- For Sheriff, out result. This is the third of the ! CARD or THANKS. prices. after indicated.it is ordered j year Cunicalocus Park Mills, Egypt. Me. hereby that no- FORREST O. SILSBY, of Amherst. was assured then, and that it is assured VI' E wish to acknowledge with gratitude tice thereof be given to all person* interests! j society’s work. a now TV the lovidg and set- by causing copy of this order to be in advance. sympathy helpful TITOOD — Suitable for finest pi£ For Register of Probate, vice of kind frieuds in the illne*s and death paper pulp. iished three weeks successively in the Elia- has fV What am I offered for spruce worth Maine few of the great leaders of the of oar little Margaret. Such token* of affec- poplar, American, a at TIMOTHY F. MAHONEY, of Ellsworth. POLITICAL NOTES. I and fir. bv the cord in car lota, d. livered at uewspaper published tion are sweet to hearts in the hour of Ellsworth, in said county, that the? mar ap- pi«t left to her in either branch of Con- aching Franklin Road station. Maine* M. C. Aus- bereavement. Maud E. Trask. I at a probate court to be held at 6lae- For County Commissioner. tin, Me. pear gress. and Mr. Littlefield and Mr. Powers Robert Luce, of Somerville. Mass., a Joseph R. Mason. Egypt, bill, in aaid county, on the first da; of MELVILLE L. ALLEN, of Mt. Desert. a. d. 190*. at ten of the m ist be succeeded new and Maine Jbnmk M. Mason. September, clock in the by men, only boy, a native of Auburn, is making forenoon, and be heard For Southwest Harbor, Aug. 8. 1907. thereon if the; see County Attorney, the determined opposition of men of a vigorous campaign for the republican Xoticr*. cause of George W. Gray, late of Brooksville. in WILEY C. CONARY’, Bueksport. s:anding and influence in this district nomination for lieutenant-governor of his CARD or THANKS. mid connty. deceased. A certain instrument pur- For County Treasurer, prevented the retirement of Mr. Allen. adopted state. Emily S. Tapley and family, of West NOTICE OP F0BECL09CRK. porting to be the last will and testamentof Hrooksville, desire the columns aaid deceased, with BOBERT B. of Ellsworth. Senator Hale has not as a MRS. through Tl^HEREAS the Qoodwill Sunrise Cor- together petition for pro- HOLMES, been, politician Hon. E. M. of is of The American to bate Johnston, Krownville, express their sincere ?? poration. a corporation existing thereof, preeented by Lettie M Gray, the said this the “min of other thanks toall their friends and who executrix therein earned. week, any a candidate for State assessor. Mr. John- neighbors under the laws of Maine and located were so kind their recent sorrow when W. late of FOR REPRESENTATIVES. but he has ranked so during at Ellsworth, in Hancock county, by Ralph Temple, Gouldsboro, in man”, long high ston came near their husband very being nominated by and father was so suddenly mortgage deed dated April t. !*»7, and aaid county, deceased. Petition that Bedford among the statesmen of the and taken from ‘.hem E. or some other suitable From Ellsworth, country the last legislature, and to secure recorded in tne registry of deeds for Hancock Tracy, person be ap- hopes Mrs. baiiLY Tapley and Family. administrator of the estate with the foremost men in the > county, in book 417. page 464. to the pointed of said John A. Peters. very Senate the nomination at the next session. conveyed j : Ellsworth Loan & Building Association, a cor deceased, presented by Carrie C. Temple, that as far as this section is concerned CARD OF THANKS. established taw widow of said deceased. From Eden, At *i of the I poration by and located at meeting republican State said Ellsworth, James 9. Green, late of Bluehill. in said there is a of pride in him, and of HEREBY desire to to certain real estate thus de- G. Raymond Joy, of Eden. ) feeling express my friends deceased. First account of T. M committee Friday, it was announced that and sincere thanks and scribed in said mortgage: A certain lot or county, confidence in his ability to keep his posi- I neighbors my ap- of land with all Coombs, administrator, tiled for settlement. Brooksville. the tnat would be in preciation of the kindness and parcel buildings thereon situ- From Brooklin, Castine, in among speakers sympathy ated in said bounded and Sullivan, late of Bucksport, in tion the future and to add to his grow- shown them in so many ways the Ellsworth, described Ephraim and Aurora. ! Maine the by during as folloos. to wit: said deceased. Becoud sccoant of Orland, Long Island, influence. during presidential campaign illness and at the death of my sister. county, ing on tbe road Annice Sullivan, administratrix, died for set- Herbert T. of Aurora. were the candidate for vioe- Maa. Sakai G. Dow. Beginning leading from Ells- Siibby, republican worth to at the tlement. j When it corn s to attempting to send Ellsworth. Aug. 10,199$. Sorry northeast corner of the Hon. James 9. Sherman, of New lot and twelve feet from the north- Harvey L. Sllaby, late of Aurora in mid Fom Bueksport, Penobscot, Dedham, Otis, Senator Hale into all | president, Moqr*n retirement Maine west corner of the former Methodist county, deceased. First account of Rosa M Amherst and Verona. ; York, and Senator W. E. Borah, of Idaho, NOTICE. Meeting died for settlement. Mariaville, will have something to say about it, and House; thence on line of said road fifty-two Gregg, administratrix, It is also, that Gov- Office op Board op Statb Assessor*. feet to the of the thence Lucy A. Pert, a of unsound mind,of James H. Jones, of Bueksport. ; unless all fail j practically assured, \ angle Langdon lot; person signs that something will be tour feet in said Sedgwick, in saia county. First account of ernor of New York, will in Augusta. Aug. 3, 19«m. t angle and sufficient to give Winter the kind of A j Hughes, speak four rods front; thence to a Austin H. Dority, guardian, died for settle- From Sullivan, Harbor, Sorrento, strongest support. repub- is hereby given that the State As- point twoleet I Maine. "T^OTICE easterly of the southeast corner of said Meet- ment. Franklin, Oouldsboro, Eastbrook, Wal- lican who is something of a JJsj sessors will oe in session at the Court Walter B. late of Franklin, in mid j political ing House and at right aggies with the east Blaisdell. The the House in Ellsworth on Friday, the 2ist day of of tham and and said this week: “If Littlefield republicans of fourth congres- side of said bouse; thence feet to county, deceased. First and tina! account townships plantations prophet August, at 9 o'clock a. m. Assessors’ office in forty-eight tbe northwest corner of the former John Frank E. Blaisdell, trustee, filed for settle- didn’t venture to conclusions with | sional district at their special convention Bnr Harbor on Saturday, the 22d dav of Au- Hiil 7, 8, 9,10, 21, 33, j try barn on the Peck line: thence on the ment. gust, at 9 o'clock a. m.. a. d. 908. in the coun- Peck of Sullivan. i him he was at in Bangor last nominated line Olive M. Cole, late of Eden, in said count;, Edward E. Bragdon, when the high-water mark I Thursday, of to secure about thirty-one and a naif feet to the ty Hancock, information to en- deceased. First and final account of Ernest D. of his and ! Frank A. of for able them to make a and Morgan line; thence on the Morgan line, be- From Mount personal political popularity, Guernsey, Dover, repre- just equal assess- the Bbaw. filed for settlement. Cranberry Isles, Tremont, ment of the taxable in the several ing Morgan east line. to the place of be- administrator, no other man could it with the ; sentative to Congress to succeed property Also private account of Ernest D Shaw, ad- Desei t and Swan's Island, attempt Llewellyn towns in said county, and to investigate ginning. Powers. all and the same ministrator, filed for allowance against mid chance of success.” The nomination was made after charges of concealment of property liable to Being premises conveved Oliver Bowley, of Swan’s Island. slightest | by the Trustees of tbe Methodist estate. 1 a assessment as required law. Episcopal Iu this district warm contest, live ballots neces- by Church to said Ebon Merrill, late of Otis, in said county, From Lamoine congressional Senator being Otis Hayford, corporation by deed dated Bluehill, Surry, Hancock, A. December 12. 1MH. recorded deceased. Petition filed by A. F. Burnham, Hale &eems to have the workers as sary. George Murchie, of Calais, was Georg* Pottlb. January J3, 1905, and Trenton. party in book 418. 139, an administrator, for license to sell certain real the W. J Thompson. page well us the on his runner-up, his vote being 184 to 190 Whereas the condition of said estate of aaid decease j. as described in said P. of party managers side, Boatd of State A.>*ts«ors. mortgage has Frank Merrill, Bluehill. been broken, and the nominations for members of the for Guernsey on the Anal ballot. now. therefore, by reason of the petition. con. Harsh M. O. late of in — breach of the Ition ihereof, tbe Ellsworth Colby, From Deer Isle, St> ningion, Sedgwick, TAKE NOTICE. Bucksport,fGed Senate and House nude thus far, and in a Lo*n & Building Association claims a fore- said county, deceased Petition by Isle au and island. Charles D. truster, for license to mil Haut, Eagle of cases penalty beside* M’ine laws for close closure of said mortgage Bbaw. majority the same men will be re- Moore Family Reunion. a.s de- Charles C. Thurlow, of Stonington. THEtime is from $2 000 to #5.00u or thirieeu Ellsworth. August 7. JMOrt. certain real estate of said deceased. ! nominated in 1910, are not of a revolu- The Moore reunion at Ellsworth Falls months in state prison; Sunduya $3000 to Thb Eliawokth Loan .1 Buildino As- scribed in said petition. Gilman Jordan, Me of Waltham, in »aiu but conservative last was $7,000 or fifteen mouths' imprisonment, iu sociation. By Edrnoud J. Walsh. tionary class, men, stand- ! Wednesday attended by many deceased. Peitiou filed by W: ford The Ticket each and every caa*- o* trespass in ^.unicu’o- treasurer. county, Complete. ing fast for the fixed order of or in j rel tives and friends of the cus from this date. B. Jordan, administrator, t license to sell things, family, park in The nomination of John A. Mary C. Frktz Austin. certain real estate of said deceased. bc»d Judge other words, strong Holt* men. i Among those present from away were ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE to Aug 21. 1907. mortgage, a.s described in raid petition and for to a Peters representative to the legis- Charles B. Moore, wife and son, of Min- license, dated June distribute the proceeds among the persona j second, a. d. 190S. issued from the lature last the EUGENE HALE. this Mr. Moore's SPECIAL NOTICE. PURSUANT pro- entitled thereto as personal property. Saturday by republi- j neapolis, being first visit bate couit tor tbe county of Hancock, and Israel M. Webbef. late of Br«*»ki»v;He. '.n not trespass in Cumculocus Park. 1 cans of ( R'.c< a t,d since West State of Maine, to me as administrator de said deceased. Petition filed by Ben- Ellsworth completes the list of Courier-Gazette.) | going twenty-eight years ago; demand to life and county, DO protection property fonts non with the wiil annexed of Sewall B. iamin F. Jones, administrator, that an order — In when the Hon. Hale’s Ransom Moore, whose home is in the from the county of Hancock, the State of nominations Stale, county and 19ii, Eugene ; Swaiey. late of B-ichspou. in said de- be issued to distribute among the he:r- or Maine, and the United States of America county, term he will have and Frank of ceased. I shal: sell at public auction, at the said cecuased the amount remaining in the towns—to be made of candidates to be present expires, repre- West, McFarland, Connecti- Mary C. Krvt? i-'-t-v homestead of said Sewall B. Swazey. situate hands of said administrator, upon it' settle- sented Maine in the United States Senate While there were new faces in for in at cut. many said Bucksport. at toe corner of" Franklin ment of bia first account. voted Hancock county the THE NULLIFICATION OF I — 111. sl'S DAY and said for an unbroken period of thirty years present, many familiar ones were missed. Central streets, on Monday, the four Harvey I.. Bi'aby. late of Aurora, in election. The list is STATUTE OP THE STATE OF MAINE. ttenth of a. d. Rosa Jl. September of honorable and the day September, pjoa. at ten county, deceased. Petition filed by years splendid service. During past year death has entered o’clock in the forenoon, the of sat* at was hunting and ar. usual following-de- Gregg, administratrix of the estate printed in full the head of the this shooting scribed real estate -ra! in- | In the eyes of the country Maine has for family, and called three of its mein- ouSunday in Cuuiculous Pirx. O t 8, which was the property of deceased, that the amount of collxt THERE the said Sewall B. editorial and inc’udes the 1907. The State of Maine must me Swazey: heritance tax upon said estate be determined column, two generations loomed conspicuously bers to the reunion above. Some were indemnify First lot. The in the sum of $1,000 and $7.QM>. i. e ten homestead situate at the by the judge of probate. national ticket to be voted for at the corner of great, solely because of the distinguished prevented from attending owing to de- thousand dollars; for nullification o! Sunday Franklin and Central streets, Charles F. Bunker, a minor, of »'rauoerry bounded land ot the of Francis of the men she has and ill "close time” law. A like amount must be northerly by late Wil- Isles, inlaid county. Resignation November election. ability kept as her ! dining years health, liam D. bv paid to me for each and every violation of the Swaxey; easterly said Central W. Bunker, guardian, filed The Suite campaign will be in full representatives at Washington. At 3 o’clock a meeting was Decalogue by the state of Maine and the fed street: southerly by said Frauklin street: Beth K. Hinckley, late of Bluehill. 1. -ltd business the Methodist church lot. eu ®- Of the of nun who thus and officers for eral government of the United -*tate of Amer- westerly by county, decen-ed. Petition filed byUe within a week or so. group great called, the year second lot. *Jf the swing Already ensuing ica. Mary Cathakjne Fretz Austin. Bounded northe-ly by land of Hinckley, widow, for an allowance out have honor to our none were chosen as John Bulduc. bv the committees, State, brought Srato, has follows: Moderator, easterly tbe stream connect- personal estate of said deceased. republican ing .Silver lake with Little pond so called ; EDWARD E. of said <-0urt. stood higher than Senator Hale. We have Ge rge E. Davis; president. William B. CHABE. Judge county and town, are busy making Sbucitisrmnut. southerly by Central street: westerly by A true copy of the original order h ard it that others desire Moore; H. Sals School street: s>a:d lot being known as the Register. No whispered may vice-president, Lucy bury; Attest: T. F. Mahoney. assignments of speakers. definite Heater lot Terms made known at time of to succeed him at the of his secretary, Minerva 9. ORC 4VXZRD 18?P. expiration j Jordan; treasurer, sale. Parkt.k Spofforo, announcements can be but STATE OF MAINE. yet made, present term. It is an honorable ambition ! Minnie H. Saunders. ANNUAL STATEMENT Administrator dr 6ojiij now with the will at annexed of the estate of Sewall B. Hancock sa:—At a court held it is probable that Hancock counry for any man to to this A of OP THE bwazey. probate aspire high office, program music, singing, reading late of Bucksport, deceased. Ellswortn. in and for said county of Haaco*. VERMONT MUTUAL FIRE INS. or andiences will have an opportunity to but we hope nobody wifi seriously con- and recitations was carried out. each (O, Bucksport, August ». laus on the fourth day of August, in the >ear part ana OP MONTPELIER, VT., our Lord one thousand nine hundred hear such men as Governor Cobh. Mr. sider retiring to private life this able and being rendered in a manner. satisfactory For the Dec rPHE subscriber eight. year ending 31. 1007. hereby gives notice that a candidate for Wil- broad-minded statesman whose career re- The song little Miss Betts CERTAIN to be Fernald, governor, | by deserves Insurant in force Jan. A. she has been duly appointed admin- instrument purporting 1, 1907, *73,516.5*1 00 of the last will and testament of flect* much honor upon us as a mention. Written iu 1907. istratrix of the estate of A copy liam T. Haines, Herbert M. Heath, people. special 2i.fc4VuiO iu Charles H. Dalton, late of Boston, iu the CURTIS R. FOSTER, late of or The hall was then and ELLSWORTH, eounty of Suffolk. and Commonwea.ib Forrest Goodwin, Senator cleared, dancing f98.o61.56l c0 Deasy, Wo don't n-ed to remind was for the ,, A iu the of and of the probate our readers enjoyed remainder of the after- Policies terminated the county Hancock, deceased, aud Massachusetts, deceased, Dr. Pat'eu and noon. The dance during given bonds as the law directs. Ail thereof in said Commonwealth of Massachu- Judge Spoflord, ; that no man in our national life evening was postponed $***■. 00 persons to-day 21002.M4 having demands against the estate of said de- setts. having been pre- until Saturday because of the doly authenticated, sa»u Wood. than lie evening, rain, ceased are desired to the sented to the of for our County-Attorney stands higher Senator Hale, is when attended and Insurance in force Dec. prescut same Tor judge probate many a pleasant time 81,1907, f 77,359,0i7 00 settlement, aud all indebted thereto of Hancock for the of being It is that not many men of of the stuff that statesmen is are re- county purpose probable ; conspicuously reported. ASSESTS DEC. 31, 1907. «iuest*-d to make payment immediately. allowed, filed and recorded iu the probate The national reputation will come to are made othe broad mind, the clear program of the afternoon was as Deposit notes, $6,9i5*,?67 (0 Minnie M. Foster. court of our said county of Hancock. follows: Singing, Bertha Real estate. 50.000 10 Ellsworth, Aug. 5. 1908. Ordered. That uotice thereof be given Maine ibis but it is head, the trained judgment based upon an Joy; reading, during campaign, Mrs. Higgins; violin solo, Frances Cash eposited in bank, 153,2,»l 91 all persons interested therein, by publishing absolute of what is most Flood; Cash in a wee is succes- hoped to have at least one of those grasp essential in recitation, George Moore; singing, Grace office. 493 29 rPHE subscriber hereby gives notice that copy of this order three Bills receivable. 144.415 74 X she hss been sively in the Ellsworth American. great public questions. Austin; reading. Mabel duly appointed adminis- in sawJ who do come, come to Hancock Royal: singing, tratrix of the estate of newspaper printed at Ellsworth, Leona Betts; all. hrstaa) w service bas familiarized him with singing, “America”, Total assets Dec. 31.1907. f 94 county of Hancock, to the Long 7.307,4*7 JOHN P. late of prior ai county. TAPLEY, BROOKSVILLE, a. d. that they may appear tHe nation's needs, and this the LIABILITIES. September, 1908, experience Kbeu Merrill in the oounty of Hancock, and a court, then to he held at Biueau' Senator who is now in Located. Re deceased, probate ten Hale, Europe, could ill afford to with at this insurance reserve. $43,233 83 given bonds as the law directs. All in and for said of Hancock, at ; country part The per- county u la home in season to following letter will be read with Losses adjusted, not yet sons demands the o’clock in the forenoon, and show cause, expected partici- time when the momentous having against estate particular interest Mr. due. 9,220 00 of said deceased are desired to the same. the last week or two of the by Merrill’s relatives: Losses present any they have, against pate in matter of tariff revision has to be con- reported. 11,572 53 the same for settlement, and all Indebted EDWARD E. CHASE, Judge of Probate. •'Port Commission and brok- as Angeles, Washington, July 18, 1908. thereto are requested to make payment im- A true copy of the original order. and will probably speak, ! sidered, along with other of the erage. 10,200 00 campaign, questions Mrt. Nellie Keiaor, mediately. Emily 8. Tapley. Attest:—T. F. Makonky. Regts.er. been his custom for so cam- to this 74,226 36 West 6.1908. haa many gravest importance country, Ellawurth Falla. Maine. Brooksville, Aug. Assets to protect policy holders, 7,233,271 58 notice wet in Hancock hall here in Ells- | demanding the keenest intelligence, the subscriber hereby gives paigns, Have been writing to parties in Nome, subscriber hereby gives notice that he has been duly appointed admits broadest of $7,307,497 94 she has been THE worth on the before J type statesmanship and trained Alaska, to find out about Eben Merrill, and THE duly appointed adminis- tutor of the estate of Saturday evening SUMMARY, tratrix of the estate of 12. i familiarity with national needs. have just received a letter from him to-day. JEREMIAH DODGE, late of TREM0N1. eleotion—September Total admitted assets, $7,107,497 91 CHARLE8 L. PYLE, late of MARIAVILLE. n®“ ! Our readers will not need us to insist He has been living twenty miles from a in the county of Hancock, deceased, post- Net surplus, not including de- in the of All per office. He that letters had county Hanoock, deceased, and given bonds as the law direct*. is in the Air. upon the that the United States simply says been posit note,. 2TMl» 58 bonds as the law directs. the Victory opinion in AH persons sons having demands against received there for him, and some of Losses paid 1907, 268.720 63 I! numbers no citizen within its inquiring Sveniving demands against the estate of said said deceased are desired to P***e“‘ What Herbert M. Heath, the match- borders to- Losses paid since organization. 80 the parties there told him it was from the 7,147,330 deceased are desired to present the tame for same for settlement, and all indebted more to Gain in assets in 1907, 113,622 47 im of the said at day completely equipped meet settlement, and all Indebted thereto are re- thereto are to make payment less orator Kennebec, man with whom he left his trunk in Port Gain in net surplus in 1907, 20,498 15 requested these demands than Senator Hale. The quested to make payment Immediately. mediately. Geo. M. Warren the State convention, is Angeles, and of course he knew that was I. He F. H. A C. C. PLUMMER, General Nellie P. Davis. republican Agents, M Castine. Aug. 10. men who are his peers can be counted on says he is well, and if there was Tilden, Me., Aug. 10, 1988. 1908.__ worth reading and re-reading, and anything I PORTLAND, ME. that the fingers of one hand. wanted to know, to write him. aubacnber hereby givee notice The facts in it are his- subscriber hereby gives notice that ! he has been executo remembering. The Merrills here have THE duly appointed Retire Eugene Hale in the fullness of had him dead for the THEhe has been duly appointed executor of the last will and testament of the achlvements enumerated last three but he is alive and REAL ESTATE!” or the last will and testament of tory; his physical and mental strength and at years, well, and NAHUM HINCKLEt, late of BLCEHILL, are its I expect doing well. It was ten on the ELBRIDGE G. MARKS, late of ORLAND, no bond* all republicans proud of; the supreme height of his brilliant career years in the county of Hancock, deceased, 28th of last If want to Mil in the of of said wu see fulfilled. April since he left here. You will you your shore county Hancock, deceased, no bonds being required by the term* all hope to as a statesman? or other real being by the terms of said toe es prophecy no doubt be glad to receive this, and I will property estate, list required will. All All persons having demands sgainst it It tfould be worse than a it would it with Kay P. Eaton. lv; Maine persons having demands against the estate of late of said deceased are desired to Here is: crime; write him a letter in a said long few days, as I St.. Brunswick. Maine, form deceased are desired to present the samfe the same for settlement, and all indents be a blunder from which Maine for Gentlemen, this i* to bee winning year in would be am very busy myself just now. erly Register of Deeds, Cumber- settlement, and all indebted thereto are thereto are requested to make payment”11 land County. to “»he payment Evelyn M. Hincklbv. the State and nation. We have an ideal can- Respectfully yours, D. O’Brine. r*Hu5,UNl immediately mediately. Orland, Aug. 8, 1808. Eb.nbst L. Masks. August5. 1908. Tbsencb B. Towle.

f SCHOONER LOSES. FEATURES OF BANGOR FAIR. i^ORTH NESTOR OF THE SENATE. expert training that comes only with long ELLSWORTH FALLS. Hubert termmt* service. The work that Senator Allison Must Stand Loss Plenty to See and Admire at of Lejok Twenty- did in his best will Moses Cottle is adding a piazza to his Owners SENATOR EUGENE HALE NOW years (all largely upon for Damage In Collision. fifth Anniversary. house. Senators Aldrich and Hale. The former’s Commonwealth Hotel decision of the U. 9. district The twenty-fifth anniversary of the SENIOR IN RANK. \ recent interest in legislation has been decreasing Miss Emma Wood, of Bangor, is spend- the expense of damage sus- Eastern Maine State fair will be held Opposite State House, court throws Aug. of late. He has been growing weary of ing her vacation here. the Ellsworth schooner Lejok in 25, 26, 27 and 28, and to be most UNBROKEN tsined by promises SERVICE OF TWENTY-EIGHT the burden. But he is the wonder of the BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. five-mister Gov. successful. Lynch’s band will go to Tilden to-day to collision with the YEARS—IMPORTANT CHAIRMAN- Senate her in pacificatory roles, and will now play for the Jordan reunion. off Fire Island, N. Y., on March 22, There will be something all the Aroe9 doing SHIPS TO BE HIS—HIS GREAT be expected to assume tasks that the the owners of the lejok. The time. The entries of Mrs. Fred Hall and two children, of J90U, on cattle, horses, sheep, INFLUENCE. Iowan shared with him. is owned largely in Ellsworth, swiue, poultry, fruits and have Brewer, are guests of Ira B. Hagan and ves«el quit* vegetables Senator will now Hale, who move down wife. is commanded by Capt. Charles L. been large, so that even those who do nerinlttiug us to at an of less “united show”—three shows in and pr> due** best results time. Do call angle than forty-five degrees one, member at the time are the com- was seventy-two in early June, or Senator Bar every present Harbor, and Mrs. Aldana Frazier, of and see us! No exorbitant prices Here. with her keel, she was the giving way ves- probably the largest exhibition seen on a who will be in mittees on appropriations, change of the Frye, seventy-seven Sep- Winter Harbor, are visiting their parents, sel. He in hi* here. says opinion: midway currency, tariff revision, naval affairs, tember, is living. Capt. Cheney Sadler and wife. On all am <>□ me wnoie or Tuesday children under twelve HIS opinion. Dorn upon tne census, Canadian relations, private land EARLY LIFE. authorities and as a matter of reasonable and years will be admitted free; and Wednes- C. E. D. claims, Philippines and finance. Senator Hale is descended from David There is a peace that rests on the Slim D. I practical that a vessel points interpretation, sailing day, as usual, will be governor’s day. Hale, one of the of and of bayonets. 57 Main St., Bangor, Me. as the Amen was sailing has the -wind aft" The eminent distinction of many sena- pioneers Turner, within the There will be reduced rates on all rail- meaning of the article in question. torial fathers which New England is now his parents were James Sullivan Hale and Eveniug aud Sunday appointments at resi- The manifest of its to dence. 3113. purpose provisions is, roads. Hale. He was born in Telephoin j _ and to for Betsy Staples put the buraeu of maneuvering upon the enjoying likely enjoy many MARINE LIST. vessel having the to ma- June attended the greater capacity years, whether the sceptre of power in Turner, 9,1836, village neuver without to The Glove. disadvai tage herself, l>irlgo district school and the in all cases where one has a marked the Senate stays East or goes West, bears grammar school, superior- The Dirigo Glove Manufacturing Co. K1 la worth Port. ity in that respect over the other. A vessel creditable analysis from other than the and then went to Hebron academy. From with the wind on her has begun the manufacture of canton Ar Aug 9, schs Julia Frances, Rockland: quarter unquestionably the he went into the office of has such a sentimental of view. A “father of academy Lulu W Rockland superiority over a vessel with the flannel at the Hall house on point Eppes, wind abeam. glovaa Martii# and there he nearly the Senate” may be little else than an Howard & Strout, studied I, therefore, hold that the Ames was not in Birch avenue. The factory i§ not yet fully honor. There have been fathers of law until he was admitted to the bar in BORN. halt for tuaneuveringto avoid the Lejok, that equipped, except for the individual elec- empty on the contrary she was bound to do so. and the .senate and fathers of the House who January, 1857. tric motors which are used to drive the that the Lejok was bound to hold her course. BENNETT—At Bucksport, Aug 6, to Mr and stand in the same with the man He began the practice of law in Qrland It being disputed that the Lejok changed her sewing machines. Those which have category Mrs Guy Bennett, a son. course, the burden is her to excuse her at the of and after upon i who has lived 100 years and done nothing age twenty, practicing BRACY—At Brooklin, July 27, to Mr and Mrs failure to hold it. or to show that the change been tried are not sufficiently heavy for 1 there a while moved to Ellsworth, where Clifton L Bracy, a daughter. did not contribute to the collision. the work and motors of twice the else of note. power BRYANT—At Boston, 28, to Mr and Mrs The sustained the A HARD WORKER. he became a member of the firm of Robin- July damages by Lejok will be used. J A Bryant, a daughter. were about #17,000 while the damages who now becomes “father son &. Hale. Upon the death of Mr. Rob- The glove being turned ouf is of better Senator Hale, BUTLER—At North Sullivan. Aug 1, to Mr sustained by the Ames were about #3,500. Mr. Hale continued alone in busi- of the has for years and years inson, and Mrs Harry Butler, a son. The court ordered the libel on behalf of quality and better made than any which Senate”, ness for ten and built a DEAN—At Penobscot, Aug 5, to Mr and Mrs the while *n interlocu- been one of the hardest workers in Con- years up large Lejok dismissed, have been sold here, and the Dirigo brand William Dean, a son. tory decree was ordered on the libel in be- He is a matter-of- practice. He was for nine years county should And a market. gress. very practical, GROSS—At Isle au Haut, Aug 7, to Mr and half of the easily I Ames. attorney of Hancock county, and for Mrs Willard M Gross, a son. The factory is making three styles of fact man, and probably would put aside some years wras senior member of the firm JUDKINS—At North Aug 2. to and impatiently any suggestions about his new Stonington, gloves, of two different cloths—canton 1 Mr and Mrs George A Judkins, a daughter. Strtirntsnnnua. honors. While he has seen of Hale & Emery. In the early 80 s Han- flannel and husking cloth. The gloves are paternal | Helen Elizabeth.] nibal E. Hamlin, a son of the late vice- made either with knit wrists every man of the ninety-one other sena- LITTLEFIELD—At Castine, Aug 7, to Mr and wrists, plain and Mrs Leon A a tors their he has been dili- president, came to Ellsworth became Littlefield, daughter. or gauntlet wrists. begin service, ALL DOWN. a member of the which was LEACH—At Penobscot, Aug 10, to Mr and Mrs RUN gently applying himself to legislative firm, changed WINDSOR HOTEL Miss Della Stroebe, who had Com« On the ground floor of the building is Charles W Leach, a daughter. that to fiscal affairs and to Hale, Emery & Hamlin. When Mr. W. T BRUBAKER. Manager. I the room, with dies, blocks, tables, problems pertain SCOTT—At Deer Isle, Aug 1, to Caj>t and Mrs j Lost Her Found cutting now was | pie Lely Health, to Emery, chief-justice, appointed Andrew Scott, a daughter. [Marjorie.] Miri-ny h«tw«. n 15road St. .Station etc. The cloth comes from ten appropriations. racks, East Relieffrom Pe-ru-na at Once. The late Senator Allison him an associate justice, he withdrew from the THOMAS—At Sullivan. Aug 7, to Mr and and Reading Terminal on Filbert St. across the cutting table, where it is cut surpassed Mrs Harvey Thomas, a daughter. Senate factions and firm, which has since been Hale & Hamlin, into of the width. It in ability to placate strips required now a and Read What She fix satisfactory compromises. Senator although there is third partner— European, $1 per day up. Says: then goes on the block, where it is cut by up MARRIED. iMaaaMSBaaHnMw:^:'' 1 this in his Henry M. I all. dies, ten thicknesses of cloth cut at Hale recognized quality legisla- being Mr. Hale married 1 American, $2.50 per tive side of three decades. But as In December, 1871, DA VIS-MORE Y—At Dei-r Isle, Aug 2, by E P day one time. partner of the late Spoft’ora, esq. Miss Iva Davis to William a wise statute builder Mr. Hale stands Mary Douglass, daughter and up. There are six to each These Morey, both of Deer Isle. pieces glove. then senator from In his of the ma- Zachariah Chandler, ; DOLLIVER—LURVEY—At Southwest Har- The moderate rriced hotel of then to the room, very high. knowledge only repu- go up-stains stitching tation aud m of and of the science . They have three sons— Chand- bor. Aug 3. by Ijtev O G Barnard. Miss Grace consequence which is equipped with six standard chinery government M Dolliver to Henry V Lurvey, both of of the Maine man has been ler, Frederick and Eugene, jr. Southwest Harbor. factory machines, each of which will be appropriations PHILADELPHIA. the the of LEGISLATIVE CAREER. HARDISON—DYER—At West Fraukliu, Aug connected with direct electric motor drive. easily peer, perhaps superior, Mr. Kale became a member of 6, by Rev D B Smith. Miss Hazel L Hardison the Iowan. In 1S67 The are stitched inside to Calvin A Dyer, both of Franklin. gloves together, the He was a member in 1868 The late Senator Hoar some years ago legislature. REED-GRINDLE—At 9. out of course, and then go to the turning Bluehill, Aug by and in 1880, the latter year being chair- Rev W II McBride. Miss Nina Belle Reed to machine, an ingenious little machine mentioned a trio as standing alone among of the committee which Roy Frank Grindle, both of Bluehill. which quickly turns them right side out. appropriation experts. They were Sena- investigated 1 and They are then ready for the Dirigo stamp, Hale and Francis M. Cock- the so-called “State steal”, helped ARNOLD’S. tors Allison, DIED. and to be tied into bunches and packed to the details of the scheme, rell, of Missouri. Cockrell, a democrat, Imaubring light BALSAM for shipment. "■ToTJT As a prominent committee man and Charles W. Pierce and Abie L. Friend was unexpectedly swept out of the Senate j BULDUC—At Bucksport, Aug 3. Mrs Thomas of of the Bulduc, aged 69 years. 11 months, 20days. Summer Complaints by are the men principally interested in this by the great Missouri landslide of 1904, manager many important appro- new industry, ana if the quality of the bills of recent Senator COLE—At Sedgwick. Aug 4. Andrew Fuller and now Hale is left alone. priation years, 25 G. A. PARCH ER. are making draws the trade it Cole, ageu 76 years, 9 months, days. glove they Hale has had a prominent part in the leg- warrants,*they have the nucleus here of a A STRONG TRIO. CONEY—At Bar Harbor, Aug 9, Mrs John islative measures of the Senate. He has of 50 large industry, as there is a big and grow- Allison, Hale and Aldrich have shared Coney, Bangor, aged years. of character. and bills which have CROXFORD—At Brewer. Aug 5, Dr Russell H ing demand for gloves this all the honors of Senate reported managed high leadership Croxford, formerly of Oiland, aged 50 years. WIRINC. the Senate for the of the ELECTRICAL for many years. When they talked passed building Ellsworth, 9. Eleauor \ DONNELL—At Aug Full Lines oi new introduced the first araehd- Mr and Mrs Carlton S NORTH ELLSWORTH. together everyone at the c-apitol took navy,and Frances, daughter of inent with the coun- Donnell, aged J years. 6 months. 12 days. notice. were the big three of the favoring reciprocity ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES is here They GADDES—At 29, Arthur Phillips, of Bucksport, tries of Central and South America. Stonington. July Harry AND FIXTURES. finance committee, of which Aldrich i3 Fremont Gaddes, aged 9 years, 4 mouths, 1 for a few days’ fishing. One of his most notable was Estimates ^oa Wiring and Supplies Given. chairman, and where all tariff bills and fi- speeches day. Cheerfully Mrs. Patten is relatives that on the free trade attitude of thedemc- MOORE—At Gouldsboro, Aug 8, Mrs Eunice ANDREW M MOOR. Emery visiting nancial measures are considered. No im- Moore, aged 83 years. (west eud Ellsworth. in Machias and Steuben. cratic convention in 18S2. The senator is Laundry Bldg, bridge). portant matter of Senate procedure or Mi COLLS—At Ellsworth, Aug 8. Louis A of known as a forceful and concise Niccolls, of Woonsocket, R I, aged 39 years, Mrs. Walter A. Rapp, jr., Brockton, policy has been mapped out and decided widely ELLSWORTH 1 month, 6 days. is at Charles Sweeney’s, Nicolin without the O. K. mark of those speaker, and discourses on great subjects Mats., upon ROBBINS—At Stonington, Aug 1, Douglas G and on after-dinner trifles with equal ease lake. men. Robbins, aged 3 month, 8 days. Steam Laundry and Bath Rooms. and readiness. He is an extensive Bar was Aldrich has not been a member of the reader, ROBERTSON—At Bluehill. Aug 6, Clarence Mrs. Laura Loring, of Harbor, •IfO PAT V »• XV \ SH F!E and derives his of from the Austin Robertson, aged 6 months. 24 days. her Mrs. committee, where Allison style speaking here Sunday, visiting mother, appropriations South Deer Isle. 31, j best models of literature. He SAUNDERS—At July ATI tln-i- of >*nn,ir> 'vurii .one .it snort notice. and Hale have been the two mem- English 60 Francis McGown. leading William H Saunders, aged years. Goods called tor aud delivered has received the of doctor of law s the one at the head of the degree Southwest Harbor. 3, Mar- and Miss Maud Cox, of bers, sitting TRASK—At Aug 4k. DELLA 710 Rich* William Starkey from and Bowdoiti. of Mrs Maud M Trask, H. B. ESTEY CO., STROEBE, table and the other immediately at Bates, Colby garet C, daughter his Fred long 11 7 mouths, 21 WEST EPD BRIDGE, hLLAWOBTH M■ MISSinond writes: Bangor, visited brother, Starkey, Hale has a sincere interest in aged y**»rs, days. Rt., Appleton, Wis., The vast amount of business Senator wife his right. WOOD—At West Penobscot, Aug 4, Hamilton “For several I was In a run- and Sunday. Maine’s welfare, and has numerous in- years under the eyes of these two Wood, aged 75 years, 3 months. 8 days. TOC CAW IA8ILT last Thurs- passing TUB* FAIN down condition, and I could find no re- While chopping in the wroods It vestments in the State’s timberland and IriND Nestors is hardly to be comprehended. wt through “Btruut’a MuMj-lUh lief — from doctors and medicines. I day, Elmer,, son of Lyman Dewitt, re- seashore property, aud in the cotton, »f hwariiu." w—■ »htl comprised practically all of the billion S'sbcrttsmnua. could not meals, and could ceived a bad cut in his foot. woolen, and other manufactures. He enjoy my dollars of annual appropriations. pulp dot at had dark has a handsome summer home called m S*m+ m Watw at, *«**«•- sleep night. I heavy, Mrs. N. A. Mitchell went to Bar Harbor Although all those appropriations were Circles about the The Pines at and as eyes. Saturday returning Monday night accom- not considered in that committee, Allison Ellsworth, there, “My friends were much alarmed. I her Mrs. Carrie Ladd. at Washington, Senator Hale is a genial ®arBa. panied by daughter, or Hale, generally Hale, has been watch- PtaCcaatonal Vag advised to Peruna a and entertainer. give trial, Yar- floor or elsewhere over the ap- EUGENE SIMPSON, to Rev. A. J. McGown, of North ing on the my I to with the H. & E. IN joy began improve sermon in made other committees. ^Successor to Simpson.) FARROW’ first mouth, preached an interesting propriations by JPRANKL bottle. After six bottles I the men who served with Roose- taking the chapel last Sunday. Mr. McGown As Hale has seen the mighty total grow- Among SULLIVAN. MAINE M. D. wit cured. I cannot too completely say his vacation and the of the government velt’s Rough Riders in Cuba was a little dtuch and family are here to spend ing receipts for Peruna as a medicine for Dutch Jew to the men in CEMETERY WORK at his childhood home. dwindling, bis speeches of warning have who, according and Vomen in a run-down condition." 1 in Marble aud Granite. Physician Optician. increased. Of course other chairmen of his own troop, was the very incarnation of There was a pleasant gathering at the Pe-ru-na DM Wonders. committees handling appropriations have cool, impudent bravado in a tight. He Telephone, M, West Brookarille camp parsonage last Thursday afternoon, and I will be was a consistent fatalist. One he ob- Send postal pleased Mrs. J. F. 1421 Sherman of the resented this. They refer to the warnings day MAINE. Judge Boyer, it being the regular weekly meeting new and artistic WEST BROOKSVILLK, served a comrade dodging a spent bullet to call, show Ave*» that she be- church aid as “scoldings”. Evanston, 111,, says ladies’ society. Twenty-eight aud lowest came ran HEAVIER BURDENS. that had whistled uncomfortably close to designs give prices, down, coaid neither eat nor were This society, so recently present. him. de use to dem AMERICAN ADS” ■leep and There are few younger senators who, by “Vat’s todge pullets?” satisfaction guaranteed. Highest well, lost flesh and spirit. Pe- organized, now numbers sixteen members, *unadid wonders and ability, have shown a capaci- sang out the little Jew; “dey’ll hit you references. PAY for her, and she thanks and they are doing a good work. A boun- industry BEST Peruna for take the work these older sena- shust as veil vere you are as vere you new life and strength. tiful picnic supper was served. Receipts ty to up TRY ONE tors have been doing, but they lack the ain’t.” ••dn-a-lln the Ideal Laxative. of the afternoon, |2. gbbntlsraunta. friend, a good IS* AMERICAN has subscribers al 107 ^ ^ COUNTY NEWS. an. neighbor, an the 117 in Hancock county. For Additional County i« other pa geo excellent hen. /** Of post-offices and falthfnl home-maker. “wk!»I>«i All the other papers in the County com- At the age of nineteen ,he do not reach so The Ameri- SOUTHWEST HARBOR. bined many. toCapt. A. Judson i< the in Robinson, can noi only paper printed A new coat of paint baa greatly im- who Harbor, .urvives her tk Hancock county, and Aae never claimed to proved the appearance of the J. A. Freeman daughter, Be.tba, . '.'/** be, but it ie the only paper that can prop- lovely gi,, ** cottage. 1*M. One daughter-Mr, be called a County ait the ?* erly paper; J. C. has his twosons-Fred Ralph completed photo- and Ralph Robin.™ tact are merely local papers. The circula- been graphic studio, the work having brolhera-Augustus and The the Bar Clarence tion American, barring a week or while his one n*? delayed for more, aister-Mrs. Grace Clark Harbor Record’s summer list, it p.,/Utk' larger burns from the gasolene accident were three grandchildren *"4 than that all tho other papers printed atill live of healing. weat Harbor. On in Hancock countySli all of these .m' The hotels and are now well other friends the loss falls 01 I cottages heavily , and and her active ministrations to filled, Hosting driving parties their c„ ," and she COUNTY NEWS. are enjoying the fine weather, though the happiness had made berv.ii — 0M- .. -.r storm of last week interfered with some esaary to them. Her last illness FRANKLIN. pleasure trips. was short The ending wrenched the Mrs. H. M. Wooster leaves for York Mrs. H. B. Gi’ley, who has been for heart, ol her On fin. some almost as Thursday, July 23,. tar_ Beach Friday to join her husband. years helpless regards sad and ailent friends walking, being obliged to use crutches, late residence. a»Se,nh”ed h'r Mrs. H. F. Collins, w ho visited in Bangor Rev. Charles H,!."' one last week nounced words of several last returned home day accidentally slipped comfort to •i,,' „lpro‘ days wreek, family. The of and badly sprained her foot and ankle, gifts dowers wSt9ffll?«l Friday. and beautiful. The interment and will be confined to uer bed for some ** 1,1 Hie Harvey Bunker has sold his home place family cemetery. time. and moved his to his East- Aug. 10. here, family ---__ Akt. brook The public library association has lately purchase. WEST purchased a box of books, about forty- TREMONT. Mrs. Olive Orcutt Bliss, of Argentine. five in number, besides having received a W. D. Thurston is at Kan., arrived Friday fora visit with old home. of three volumes of with the gift poems, L. W. Rumill was in home people. Boston on compliments of the autnor. The books la»t week. busing,ine81 The school to Baptist Sunday picnic have been prepared for circulation, and island was Ashbury Lopans ha, Behring Wednesday enjoyed are now for the readers. gone to Nam, ready Haven to work for by a party of 150. the government. Dr. Charles E. Freeman, of Oakland, Mis6 Mildred Wooster, who left for Mrs. Charles H. Cal., is visiting his parents and will re- McDermott, of Winb, Beal Harbor last week, has a at port, arrived to position main East for six weeks. It is more than Friday stay *],, C/ the Jordan pond bouse. daughter, Mrs. F. L. ! probable that bis mother will return with Provan, ,'few Misses Hilda Blaisdell and Mrs- Cora Clark and Virginia him to the “golden state”, the climate, daughter Kg, Collins were of Mrs. Della Fickett came home guests productions and resources of which he Saturday, accompanied h. Miss Sarah at Washington Junction Wednesday. describes in glowing terms. Dr. Free- Holmes, of Woodford! gJ Miss Edna I.uut and Miss Craig, of Presque Isle, sister of Mrs. man's wife remained in attendance upon Master Rodney * .South Portlaud. A. W. Lorimer, has supplied for Pastor her mother, Mrs. William Cox, who is ill. Lorimer the three or four Ralph Simonds and past Sundays. An automobile from Brewer dashed wife, ol Aihmou. are Annie who is a Mass,, receiving Miss Pherson, spending through the streets one day last week, congelation. o. the birth of a born ■week at West Gouldsboro, left her place creating a panic and frightening one horse son, July 3>-R*|plpj, Mrs. Simonds is a former of business in charge of Miss Bernice so that he turned a complete somersault, resident of this place—Zulma Lunt. Dunn. throw ing the owner of the wagon, Stephen Au«- A party of twenty rode to West Goulds- Gilley, out, and scattering the load of *'_ Tueui. boro Wednesday to the I groceriesand other small wares in every attend library fair, No one i« immune from to aside from the kidney trovhlT. which was up to the usual standard nf direction. Strange say, Just remember thut Foley'. Kulnev \V. S. of will ,top the IrieguI.ritiM and excellence. the day evening, when Rev. Jones, shock of the upset, which rather dazed cure in the church each evening during NEW8. of kidney or bladder trouble Ib.t 1. COUNTY R. a fine sermon. Mr. he was and all the the reach £ Z. L. Wilbur returned from a trip to week. Newport, I., preached Gilley, uninjured, yood »f mediclpeA. for additional County Vhm ■«« other pagf* The Portland and Lew iston last week. Hos- Miss of Rumford parcels were in good condition. Mrs. R. Kearin and children, Robert Dorothy Shepherd, owner the auto rushed to the did not advise an Falls, who has been visiting her of again pital physicians opera- and of who have been grand- '3tt>nttsrmrnts, Mabel, Bangor, WINTER HAKBQR. find a in his case. has gone to Castine “corner” to doctor, thereby creating tion their Card father, Capt. Deasy, visiting grandparents, Henry wife are visit- Charles Harrington and to visit relatives. another sensation, but no further damage. A lawn party on the home grounds of ! and have now gone to Sorrento wife, ing at Hancock. Aug. Col. H. G. Wooster is announced for to visit Mrs. Kearin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Coombs opened her hospit- 10._Spray. of Bar is will be George McKay, jr., Harbor, able home to on Mrs. TRASK. Thursday evening next. There ( Mrs. Nickerson. company Friday. MARGARET CECIL his father. ELLSWORTH visting and Miss Ions novel attractions and an ice-cream sale. Aug. R* R. D. Guptill, Miss Guptill The angel of death has again visited us 10.___ has returned from in were the Percy DeBeek and family left Sunday Miss Lena Robertson Nichols, of Searsport, party. and Margaret Cecil, the eleven-year-old LAMOINE. a visit in West Gouldsboro. for Bluehill, where Mrs. DeBeek will visit EAST An English yacht w as in the harbor Sat- daughter of Mrs. Maud E. Trask, passed her father, Mr. Long. Mrs. Lucetta King, Capt. Frank L. Winterbothara, of the Rufus G. Bickford is home from Boston urday, coming for the purpose of landing peacefully away at the home of her grand- who accompanied them, will visit friends steamer J. T. Morse, spent Sunday at for a two-week s’ vacation. j William Seavey, jr., who had been pilot parents, J. B. Mason and wife, on the there. home. and of from Kar Harbor to Marblehead and re- morning of August 3 after a month’s ill- UP-IN-ARMS H. C. Hamilton family, Boston, ness with brain trouble. Alonzo Springer, of Minnesota, left Erastus Moore and family attended the are guests of Mrs. C. E. Grover. turn. were held at the last of D. The funeral services Friday for Portland, where he will visit Moore reunion at Ellsworth Falls Mrs. Louise New man, of Gouldsboro, is Lynam Hew ins, Washington, C., TALKINO ABOUT THE a arrived last of the week Congregational'church Tuesday afternoon, his brother John. Their brother, Lewis Wednesday. a week with relatives here. with party, the spending and were most beautiful and a bis W. touching, F., will join them this week when he and the recent arrivals are H. Mc- for short visit with brother. P. Among Roy Leighton, who has been spending Revs. Mr. and Mr. Barnard Alonzo will start on their return West. Hew ins. made the from Wash- Haynes speak- Devitt and Dr. Cole and wife, at Luther his vacation here, has returned to Boston. They trip ing comforting words of anpreeiation of Mrs. K. M. Woodruff and j Gilpatrick’s. ington in Mr. Howtos’ yacht. WONDERFUL daughter, who has been ill with Arthur Tracy, 10. C. the sweet girl. Her schoolmates sang Miss Roberta, of Ridley Park, Pa., are Mrs. Isaac and Miss Elsie Aug. Hodgkins typhoid fever 9ince the first of April, is softly and sweetly one of her favorite guests of Mrs. J. W. Blaisdell. Mrs. C. of Bar visited Mrs. j Noyes, Harbor, Dyer out again. WEST FRANKLIN. selections, “Will There Be any Btars in J. Cleveland and daughter, Miss Frances, Young last week. Mrs. Aldana Frazier left Saturday for M. A. Goodwill has moved into his new- My Crown?” and a hymn which she bad of Bangor, are guests of Mesdames Blais- RECOVERY Miss Beth Macomber, of Seal Harbor, as a duet with a schoolmate at the 4eU. Ellsworth to visit her parents, Chaney house. sung has been her grandfather, A. R. close of the Lead me visiting Sadler and wife. Eddie Calor has to Caribou, where spring terra, “Saviour, Dr. Edward H. Mrs. Taft and | gone Taft, j Devereux, the past week. Lest 1 was rendered by Wallace Easton and wife, who were he has employment. Stray,” beautifully OF C. 15. WENTWORTH, WHO young daughter, Miss Pauline, of Milford, of friends Miss Louise Newman and Miss Dorothy of Dr. Small and wife last the choir. The large attendance N. and his Dr. H. F. of guests week, Clarence Willey, of Cherryfleld. was the H., sister, Cleaves, Sherman, of Bar Harbor, nave been guests and the of flowers, of FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS returned to Camden Friday. w eek. profusion fragrant Medford, drove up from East Sul- guest of John Coombs last Mass., of Miss Myrtle Hodgkins the past week. which the dear girl bad been passionately livan Friday to spend the day here with Dr. Jackson, who nas been spending Miss Hutchins, of Boston, is spending HAS BEEN CONFINED Mrs. Harry McNider, accompanied by fond, testified of loving sympathy. She relatives. several weeks here, left Saturday in his b.r vacation at Frank Bradbury's. her two will leave this morning was followed to her last resting-place at 10. B. children, touring car for New York. TO THE HOUSE WITH Aug. _ is vis- for N. H. After a short visit there Ed. Dunham, Of Ellsworth Falls, Mt. Height cemetery by her schoolmates Dover, and who have Colon E. Pendleton wife, his Warren Clark. beautiful to on the Mrs. Edward B. Perkins, with infant she will go to Medford. Mass., to reside. iting grandfather, carrying bouquets place WHAT THE LOCAL 1 been in town the past tw'o weeks, visiting son, went to Castine Saturday to visit her Mr. McNider will join her in September. The Clark reunion will be at the home casket in tender farewell, A. J. Gerrish and other relatives, returned sister, Mrs. Gates. She was accompanied Aug. 10. H. of Asenath Springer, West Franklin. j Little Margaret was much loved for the DOCTORS CALLED to Lynn, Mass., Saturday. by her niece, Edna Gates. Thursday. Aug. 27; if stormy, the first ; gentlenedl and beauty of her character, of the of Ginn PARTRIDGE COVE. Edward Ginn, firm A Co., Picnic dinner. All are in- always ready to help in any good work, a E. C. D. West post, G. A. R., will hold its pleasant day. j Boston, with his wife, arrived in their fine faithful attendant at her school, annual at Hardison West Arthur Eaton is at home from Eden, vited. Sunday picnic grove, car to several CONSUMPTION. where he has been for several touring Wednesday, spend Aug. 10. Ch’e'er. kind and loving to her brothers and sis- Franklin, on Labor day. Sept. 7; if stormy, working weeks at Grindstone Neck. ter ami her schoolmates. patient and du- the rirst fair day. All are cordially in- weeks. Aug. 10. E. DEDHAM. tiful in her home life, and her loss vited. Miss Sara McFarland has returned from _ Went- When seen the writer, Mr. A was born to and will be deeply mourned by many friends by 10. Spec. Northeast where she has been Grindstone Neck Lad a (laughter Mr. Mrs. Aug. Harbor, society wedding worth said: return to health 2. and relatives. Dickens*' lines moat fit- “My employed since April. last Wednesday, w hen Miss Isabel Weth- Herman Gray August March! tingly to this sweet life that has surprise to all my friends. Last NORTH FRANKLIN. erill and Samuel Jones of Russell and of Brewer, are j apply George M. Haskins and wife have re- Henderson, Lyman wife, room or scarcely i b?eu so early called to the heavenly could not leave my Mrs. Lizzie Williams is her sis- turned to after were married. The cere- of Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Black. H visiting Melrose, Mass., spending Philadelphia, guests over in oltb in the past t places: bed. >ogh ter in field. three with in was ar the Wetnerill cot- acdi Cherry weeks’ vacation relatives mony performed Mrs. H. H. Black is visiting her daugh- had tried our 1 *1 doctors ••Little Nell was dead. No! so yean* I 1 and was witnessed a number asleep, and wife, of are this vicinity. tage. by large ter, Mrs Albert Vanadestine, in Orono. V >rk kity, still Iff George Tracy Portland, calm, so pure. so free fr*m trace of pain, so specialist from New relatives here. of guests, a good-sized party from Bar and visiting Reuei McFarland, wife and little daugh- Charles White, of Seattle, Wash for- ! fair to look upon, she seamed n creature fresh weaker and lost flesh r i; Ly Harbor attending. A wedding breakfast until a Nathan Caller has gone to Madison, ter t elen, and Mrs. Helen LafTey, of Ban- merly of Orland, was in town last week. j from the hand of God and waiting for the seemed to do me any good was served after the the drove to Steuben Fri to visit rela- I ceremony, and breath «*f l!fe. not one who had lived autl and sent DrM where he has employment. gor, lay Mrs. E. A. and have learned of Dr. Merrow bridal left on an extended Thompson daughter IM tives. returned and party wedding suffered death. Her each was dressed with blank, which I had Mrs. Wilbur has returned to They Sunday night, gone to N. to visit relatives. self-examining Marjorie The bride is the of Mr. Tobique, B., water lilies and leaves, there Mrs. left for her home trip. daughter green placed to Dr. Merrow,* Ellsworth, where she is Laffey to-day. out and returned it employed. and Mrs. Samuel Price Wetherill, who Miss Gladys Eld ridge, of Brewer, is vis- I by the ha-id* of th ~e who loved her. ft>r well Aug. 10. wrote me he could help me, P^'ldiB* WTalter Murch, who seriously hurt him- have made their summer home at Grind- iting her mother, Mrs. Wentworth .Staples. | t'.iev knew it would have been her wish to h would follow h directions, self last week while ; have something near her which hud loved the strictly loading grain, is out NORTH LAMOINE. stone Neck several years, and who are de- M«ss Irene Conant, of Boston, is board- and light and had the above it Theu folks sent for the medicine again. scended from some of the oldest j sky always. tbe^ Mrs. and left Quaker ing for a few weeks in the home of W. W. me 'lrengl Bernice Salisbury family ; we laid her down to ie^t. a fair pale lily flrat dose seemed to give Mr. is a Mrs. Melissa Abbott has returned from families. Henderson son of Mrs. Black. and to* J’ yesterday lor Trenton to visit her parents, j among the lilies that she had loved so well.” f have steadily improved, Harrington, where she has been William E. Wyeth by her tirst marriage. 3. B. and ba'e visiting Arno Marshall and wife. Aug. attend to my farm work ^1 relatives. ha- been pu MRS. HENRIETTA ROBINSON. the largest crop that Willard Young and bis sister Margaret, BIRCH HARBOR. TRENTCN. Mrs. Bertha Lawrie and Mrs. Everett Mrs*. Hei rietta Robinson was born at farm in the eight years, who are at Northeast my past employed Harbor, eorge Darke, of Portland, is visiting 8 -k Tracy, of companion court Sunlight, I. O. Rev. W. H. Rice and wife, of North Southwest Harbor, Dee. 24,’ 1839, and died had not b^en for l>r. M rro» made a short visit home' ^ recently. his mother, Mrs. T. II. Darke. lhrou E., were araoJg those who enjoyed a Livermore, are visiting relatives here. I July 20, 1908. She was the eldest child of curing people at the.r homes to Miss Anna who is at The of Mrs. are Del sure buck board ride Shady Nook last week Youn^, employed Aaron Rice is rebuilding his stable. It friends Rodney Copp Seth H. and Lucy Ward Clark. self-examining blanks. I Stratton's in arrived learn that she has Aug. 3. T. Bryant & Boston, was so wrecked in pleased to passed As a child and young woman she poa- in t >-da>,fin _ badly the February have been my grave lor a vacation, a at Sunday morning month's was through successful operation the Bar aessed marked of form, and Mrs. Olive Bliss, of Argentine, Kan., is gale he obliged to tear it down. beauty, graee my family and friends. she was a graduate from there in June. Harbor hospital, and is reported comfort- a tine, instinctive regard for the nice visiting her brother, Oscar O. Orcutt. Four young misses have recently ar- Aug. 10. Y. able. proprieties of life, combined with decision H. A. Butler and wife visited relatives rived here. A daughter was born to Mr. j Aug. 10. May. and energy of character. Those who knew here MT. DFSERT FERRY. and Mrs. Rufus Young on August I, one recently. her well loved her; in her to Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Winslow and one always seeing and wife NORTH HANCOCK. Notice. George Tracey are visiting rela- Miss Beulah True is at home from New many delightful qualities which made her to Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Rice on Aug. 3, and Special tives in East brook. J left for York. Myra .Springer to-day Washing- a loved and valued and ■ i one to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rice 5. daughter, sister, to call m P* Aug. ton, where she will teach. Those who are unable Mrs. Sadia Jellison has gone to Mouse Mrs. Perkins, of is at M Harry Rockland, Mrs. E. F. and son of at once for Dr. Young Letter, Charles and Pearl ii. Adhnm Sufferer#! should send island, where her husband has employ- F. L. Colby’s. Googins Straiten of and ^ ! North Lam ine, were here last week to at and Tar and self-examining blank ment. the steam yacht Aria made a short visit Foley’s* Honey will give immediate ^ Asa Colby, of tVaitham, called on rela- tend the Rice reunion. the relief to asthmasufferer*, and has cured many arc arid Though day home this week. IAtirjil1' what their diseases *. m] Aug. T. cafe* that bad refused to vietd to other treat- 10._ tives here Saturday. was unfavorable for Addrc—• out-of-door sports, a ment. Foley's Honey and tar l* the best rem- be cured if curable. ^ W. E. wife and '-ben.. The schooner E. Pennell dis- number braved the .vet Tracy, daughter Gladys, edy for coughs, colds and al 1 throat aud lung D., EAST FRANKLIN. Mary goodly to be pres- j. W. Merrow, M. and Elfreda McGow n spent Sunday w itb t'ouble. Contain* uo harmful drug*.—G. A. charged coal for the Maine Central la3t ent. A good time is reported, the only Pabcher. Bangor, Maine. Curtis Hooper and wife are visiting in Mrs. Charles Googins. w’eek. ! regret being that those living at a distance Sullivan to-day. Aug. 10. Anon. Winslow Kingman, wife and daughter, { were unable to attend, Mrs. Wilfred Gordon, who underwent 10. C. of Concord Junction, are visiting relatives j Aug. TREMONT. an operation the past week, and Maurice here. Leslie Rich is home from Rockland for a I CLARION RANGES Could, who suffered from a fractured limb, PROSPECT HARBOR. SIMPLIFY Jellison, with his son, of Ten- few days. are both doing as well as can be Joseph expected. Irving Farley and wife are visiting in ant's Harbor, is visiting his brother, W. H. F. Dorr, of Bucksport, is spending a ■ Mrs. Calvin Springer and Miss Angie I Baas Harbor. HOUSEKEEPING W. Jellison. few days here with friends and relatives. Hardison have been visiting their 6ister Capt. John W. Stinson and wife made a so Matthew who has been in do their worn Mrs. Harold in West Murphy, poor Mrs. Leslie J. Rich has about fourteen They Carter, Ellsworth. trip to Rockland recently. tha health for some time, has been quite ill b arders at her All are well Mrs. Carter, w ith her son, returned w ith cottage. from and so uniformly the past week. Dr. C. C. JLarrabee visited his son. Dr. L. Bangor and Brewer. them for a visit. labor of is forgotten 10. C. L. Larrabee, in Ellsworth a few' days last cooking Aug. Friends of Mrs. Emery Smith, who has The Hooper family reunion will be held week. of resu been ill for some the pleasure good at George's pond Aug. 26; if rainy, first fair time, are pained to learn work WEST TRENTON. L. M. Moore and wife, of Ellsworth, that she does not A CLARION will day. All connected with the family in i improve. were week-end guests at S. O. 6* out for y are Mrs. Duncan of Capt. Aug. Kin. > in and way invited to be present. It will Mathews, Somerville, _____ day any Moore's. you day be the second meeting. Mass., is the guest of Mrs. Annie Davis. runnrt The husband’s in the home is at smallest possible L. B. Deasy and family, of Bar Harbor, place what The Miaaes Greene, of Bar Harbor, who Charles .lopkins, of Hudson, N. Y., is the wife makes it. are at M. A. Handy’s for the rest ol expense. -e have been visiting Mrs. J. H. Patten the here after an absence of twenty-three are espe- August. Cure I Hay Fever and Mummer Cold. The new patterns pMt week, have returned home, accom- j years, visiting relatives and friends. All W. F. Bruce and wife entertained at tea A. 9. Nusbaum, Batesville, Indiana, writes Miss Nora who will are to greet him once sore. attractive. panied by Bunker, glad “Last year I suffered for three months with a cially _I()I| for the Rev. Wr. S. Jones and — make her aunt a short visit. Wednesday, summer cold so distressing that it interfered ^ mere is •*«- who has been at Bar with it Augustus Hopkins, family. ray business. I had many of the symp- us. Rev. of West toms of fever, and a doctor's THE write to Ralph Farrell, formerly Harbor under a physician's care, arrived hay prescription imperial clarion. near you, ] Melville C. of and Misa did not reach my case, and I took several agent Sullivan, preached in the Freewill home in Perry, Portland, Bap- Saturday, somewhat improved medicines which seemed only to aggravate it M* Nellie Jordan, of Alfred, are at J. F. Per- esrABusneo tist church Aug. 9, afternoon and even- health. His wife, who has been with him, Fortunately I insisted upon having Foley's WOOD & BISHOP CO.. Bangor. for a few weeks. Honey and Tar. It quickly cured me. ing. He is a member of the of ry’s Mv society accompanied him home. wife has since used Foley’s Honey and Tar was Wednes- with the same Maine. Latter Day Saints. Meetings will be held Aug. 10. S. Union church opened success."—G. A. Paacasa. Sold by J. P. ELDRIDGE, Ellsworth. '1— '■■■ ■'=» there is a celestial home whir© a weary their uncle, Joseph Perry and family, are NEWS. traveller lie COUNTY NEWS. delphia, occuping the Kendall hoaee may down and rest. With returned to fJOUNTY NEWS. COUNTY oiktr » Tuesday their home in for t*»»H••• F additional Count y Not»a. too othor ju « the season. this thought he moulded his life and Cal. ®* inidUional Ckmnty AT«ei wt 9ik«r pbjw Sebastopol, Miss shaped his character, and when his call Elsie Donnell, of Phillips, Wis- BLUE The many friends of Arch Wescott were is brookljn. came, without a moment's he HILL. STONINGTON. consin, visiting Mrs. Leslie R. Banker warning, to hear of is pained his death at his home in or a few weeks. of Attleboro, Ml.., was and to all Mrs. has a u Brandt, ready prepared leave and Maas-Tapper returned from Misses Anne and Lizzie Portland last a Bray, of Boston, week’s Thursday, after long illness, Emery Bracy’s. trust the rest with God. His was a noble stay in Boston. are at Allen’s. Herman Hessenbrnch and wife, who Sat which he had tought bravely to overcome. visiting Capt. Stephen ia a own a of Uoulton, viaiting life, peaceful death, which can but lead Horatio Parker and wife are cottage here, are spending the sum- powers, spending The final ending, tuberculosis of the Mrs. George Wallace is two to the spine, spending mer Lucy Stront. great eternity. the summer at Parker Point. in Germany. Mrs. developed so rapidly that he was not able weeks with her parents at Swan’s Island. fritter, .8 Aug. 10. Spec. Prof. of Stonington, _ Miss of New to come to Leonard of Charles R. Lanman, of uil4 Mabel Waite, Bostelman, York, is visit- his mother’s home as he had Judkins, Utica, N. Y., is the Cambridge, Well’a bouae. RESOLUTIONS. her Mass., was here a few last week “joyed at the ing brother at J. M. Snow’s. hoped to do. His remains came Saturday, guest of his father, Capt. Samuel Judkins. days la Whereas, The Great Master in His infinite before going to Europe. .' Stanley, of Boston, visiting William Mason is some fine im- accompanied by his widow, daughter Ruth wife and son of M„v wisdom has removed having Henry Hulen, Earle, from our lodge, Sister and his sister William Woods Mrs. Elizabeth Stanley, provements made on his dwelling. Josie. The interment was Lynn, Mass., are at the home of W. H. worth and family, of “mother.' Grace Howard, while we bow i.t submission have returned in the village cemetery. Besides his widow Goss. White Plains, N. Y., are occupying their Freetbey and family to the divine power be it 8. Q. Stone and wife, of West Roxbury, ward and children he is survived his bungalow during August. Mass., after two weeks in town. Resolved. That Cecilia Rebekak lodge has Mass., are visiting Mrs. Stone’s by mother, Mrs. Nellie Ridlon, of East , Everett, sister, I —Mrs. Bluehill, lost a Mary one sister and two Charles B. Church and and Mias Ruth worthy member. Miss Frances B. Wescott, and are friends in wife, of New Charles Johnston Hinckley. daughter Lelia, visiting That to brothers—who have the of all. own a Bar Harbor last Resolved, the sorrowing husband, sympathy town. York, who cottage here, are spend- Mr- Johnston at Charles A. Stover and wife, of Cam- “iVd daughter and all relatives, we extend our ten- Aug. 10. L. ing the summer months in bridge, Mass., are with Alec. w’ho has been Europe. eek- derest sympathy. May He who said: “I will spending August Chalmers, visiting his R. P. his old home in All are glad to welcome back to their C. Steuart, who has been visiting not leave you comfortless." comfort them in parents, Stover and wife. NORTH PENOBSCOT. Scotland, returned this MV, K. native island has returned their affliction. week. home Mrs. Mary J. Gilley at Swan’s island, Many summer residents and visitors The Sunday school will have a picnic at jtnd. Resolved, That our charter be in 1 and daughter, Mrs. May Stanley, of draped are in town. The Bluehill house, the Pen- the fish hatchery, East Orland, next Thurs- Miss Gwendolen Cummings, of Vinal- pine. mourning for thirty days, a of these Friendship. Parker ia home from copy dleton and J. M. Snow’s are filled with day. haven, is the guest of Misses Mary and Uiw Gertrude resolutions be sent to the family of our de- With three here closed in guests, as is the Homestead at Parker Elizabeth Coid. cottages this where she is employed Jaynes’ ceased a sent : Mrs. Blanch and Mrs. oston, sister, copy to The Ellsworth Kittredge Orphic season on account of Point. Miss the families’ trav- American for publication, and a copy spread Kitteredge returned to their homes in Leona Robbins, of Wollaston, jog itore. eling in Europe, it would seem to be dull Allen Radclifte and baby, of on the records of our lodge. A large audience listened with inter- South Framingham, Mass., Saturday. Mass., is the guest of her grandfather, Jjn. Hattie here, but we are enjoying one of the best her Mrs- Marion P. Blodgett, est to an able and instructive historical Mrs. Laura John L. Thurlow. are visiting mother, Brown, of North Haven, has seasons since our summer ockland, Maude S. Perkins, people com- and memorial address Rev. W. H. Mc- several Arthur of Allen. by spent days with her parents, Sherbourne, Milo, formerly menced to come here. is enrv Nellie F. Jones, Bride in the Everybody busy, R. Congregational church Sun- Andrew Staples and wife. clerk in the Staples is in town Artley 1 arson, of Providence, L, Committee on resolutions. drug-store, with good prospects for plenty of work Rev. day morning. The subject was Father on a visit to friends. his mother, at the Paraon cot- The baseball clnb here played East Or- this fall. viaiting Fisher’s life and work as connected not End. land at East Orland Saturday^fternoon. The democrats have nominated Joseph Aug. 6. B. ige. West BR(X)KSVILLE. with the but with the town in church, its E. Harmon as a a Hne enter- Score 6 to 5 in favor of East Orland. candidate for representa- Klark Co. gave F. H. has had new and 1 A The Gladys Billings steps development. memorial window, dedi- tive to the SEAL COVE. Odd Fellows hall three J. H. of legislature. linment at platform built to his store. cated to Rev. Jonathan Fisher and his Montgomery, Camden, passed here Mrs. A. Brown has Miss Myra Powers intends to leave Mon- last week. Norman through yesterday in his automobile George gone to Bos- veilings Miss Walker will leave Tues- great-grandson, Hall-a young on a business to Margaret on bis to ton with her who day trip Bangor. of man of way South Penobscot to a demo- granddaughter Helen, Orville Jones and family, Everett, day for California to the summer great promise who died while on spend cratic and where he will enter the Mrs. M. N. of and Mrs. Jones’ his summer vacation rally fiag-raising, hospital. Hodgdon, Rockland, lit., are visiting mother, with her sister, Mrs. Fred-Prim. here two years ago— to a daughter, Mrs. M. H. Langstroth, of Bal- has been in the church spoke large gathering. Rev. Mr. Duncan, of Surry, will occupy In. Nellie Stanley. Misses Villa and Prudence Saunders recently placed by j the Methodist in timore, Md., ore visiting relatives in town. been Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Hall. There was The remains of Dr. Russell pulpit Aug. 16, exchange Hattie Watson, who has visit- went to North Bluehill to visit H. Croxford, Mrs. Sunday with Rev. J. P. Simonton. C. W. of called on special music under the direction of R. Q. of were here for Moffett, Boston, [fiends in town, has returned to ner their J. L. Saunders and Brewer, brought interment „g grandparents, friends here He was the Lord, w ith a tenor solo Mr. a in Dr. B. L. has returned from a Tuesday. guest in Everett, Maaa. wife. by Snelling, Saturday night Hillside cemetery. The Noyes ome over of W. J. and wife. Mr. violin solo Mr. and an burial service was read and week’s to Boston. He a fine night Harper of 8t. ia by Bostelman, prayer offered trip reports Royal Thompson, John, Kan., Miss a blind board- Moffett is manager of the Camden Georgia Gray, girl anthem by a chorus choir. by Rev. Mr. in the of time at the K. of P. convention. opera his brother. Col. W. H. Grenon, presence biting Thomp- ing at Miss Emma Gray’s, was badly 10. house for the season. Aug. M. relatives and friends, and in the quiet of a The Benvenue Co. is erecting some build- onat Taviakivi cottage. burned by getting her clothing on fire one _ Aug. 8. N. most beautiful evening all that was mor- ings at Stonington heights, opposite its _ Staples, who has been day recently. EAST BLUEHILL. Mrs. Augusta tal of one who had done so much to relieve works at Crotch island. Among them is An ice-cream social at the hall Saturday the week at North Sedg- Charles Miller is a pending past The Brooksville band gave a concert at home for few days. human suffering was deposited in its final a new cottage for Calvin Moon. evening, for the benefit of the pastor, Rev. vick. has returned home. the home of Mias M. A. Walker J. Ward well, of is Saturday Penobscot, visiting resting-place. Dr. Croxford was a man of Waiter Shaw and of J. A. Thoms, netted about $6. his W. wife, Washington, are now 110 gucats at the Weat evening. Ice cream and cake were for son, M. Wardwell. fine sensibilities and ideals. About There high D. C., are guests of Mrs. S. W. Goss at ! Howard Ober and daughter Eldora, of hall. hotel seems to tie sale. Proceeds for the band. Mrs. fifteen he married End dining Every Evelyn Hutchings entertained a years ago Miss Flora Ocean View house. Mr. who has N. H are a few' Shaw, ^ Claremont, spending days jowded to its full capacity for the month Aug. B. party of friends at Woodbine of this then a teacher of 3.__ cottage Marks, place, been in the pension office nearly forty j with Mr. Ober s aunt, Mrs. Hannah Heath. if August. Wednesday, July 29. About 125 were superior rank, and soon thereafter settled has BCCKSPORT. years, resigned. The infant son of Allen Freeman and Prof. Herbert Roberts and wife, of present. Among the guests were Mrs. in Orland, where he built an extensive Aug. 10._Nihil. wife, of Pretty Marsh, has been very ill, who are the Charles B. Richards, the confectioner. S. M. of and Mrs. which he continued until about Sortbtield, Vt, spending | Webber, Olhambra, practice but is Mrs. Freeman and WEST improving. at were in town last has purchase of the heirs of Henry Dar- Laura Sheafe, of Cal.; Mrs. three years ago, moved to STONLNGTON. manner Sargentville, Jacksonville, when|he Brewer, child are with her sister, Mrs. Otis Walls. on ling the Darling place in the centre of G. Fred North where he lias since his Archie Barbour came from seek calling friends. Soesman, Attleboro, Mass.; practiced profes- Portland Aug. N. the The consists of over i Mrs. H. A. sion. He leaves a 10._ Aug. 3. Use Fkmme. village. property Wright, of Billerica, Mass., widow and three chil- Friday. j two acre^ of land, with a frontage of over and Mrs. G. H. of Mass. dren. He was a member of Hussey, Everett, many orders, Ernest Perry and wife are at home from WEST EDEN. WEST BROOKS VILLE. 100 feet on Main street end a large, square Cake and ice-cream were served, and and most highly esteemed "in the com- j Sorrento. Miss Ida Rich has to Bar Harbor to 250 from the of gone has a two-story bouse, about feet regardless the electric storm, the even- munity. Dr. Farrow completed building A son was born to Malcolm Williams visit her Mrs. Fred street. Richards will it as daughter, Gonya. foot ice-house. Mr. occupy ing passed pleasantly. Aug. [2x14 10._H. and wife Thursday. Mrs. Nettie has to Ells- ! soon as some repairs are made, Aug. 4. R. Higgins gone is bis _ Herman Tapley moving family Greely Small has moved his household worth to see her brother, E. W. Allen. News of the death of Dr. Russell H. SULLIVAN HARBOR. | ntotbe Louisa Smith house. SOUTH BLUEHILL. goods to rooms at G. F. Small’s. Mrs. Alice Graves and Croxford, at Brewer, on Wednesday came Mrs. Mary Higgins, of Bar Harbor, was | three children, Varnum will resume work this j Mark Mr. McDonald, Maine coast a Mrs. J. A. Hamblen is a few Miss Alice and Masters Arnold and Lau- as a great shock to his many friends here missionary, recent guest of Miss Katherine Dunbar. spending seek on the addition to his dwelling. | a lecture at the church her mother Croxford was in gave stereopticon days with at Sunset. rice, of Northeast Harbor, are spending and in Orland. Dr. Mrs. Austin Wellington, of Boston, is a (.'apt. Jerome P Tapley is hewing out Sunday evening. two weeks with Mrs. Graves’ ; practice for many years at Orland, and did guest of Rev. H. H. Saunderson and wife. Miss Winnie Hamblen, of Boston, is ; parents. frame for a which he in- [he sheep-house a business there. He also had a Lincoln of her J. A. Ham len and Miss Koch her fare- large Libby, Somerville, Mass., T. and of visiting parents, j Margaret preached tends to erect this fall. George Noyes wife, Waltham, number oi in town, all of who has been spending a few weeks at wife. well sermon Sunday, 2. She left for ; large patients Mass are at C. H. Preble’s. j Aug. the ladies will hold Allen has returned home. Friday. Aug. 14, whom were sorry when he decided to re- Henderson’s, A basket sociable was held in the hall the C. E. summer school, Charleston, to- Invitations are out for a annual fair. articles musicale to be [heir Aprons, fancy move, some three years ago, to Brewer Among the arrivals this week were Mrs. Thursday evening. Proceeds for the day, after which she will go to Chicago. given under the auspices of the Band of | ( ind home-made candy will be for sale. where he would* have a larger field for Frank Smith, of Boston; Mrs. and Miss I church. Last Wednesday the people here gave a Mercy club at Miss Smith’s, Thursday' work. Dr. Croxford was a member of the of 1 after the in At the ladies' circle meeting last Thurs- Weston, Bangor, and Mr. Friend, wife Mr. and are reception prayer-meeting Aug. 13. Music at 4 o’clock. Mrs. Tilden Fifield receiv- was elected United States board of sur- and of at honor of Miss Koch, ice-cream and cake ia.v, Mrs. Maggie Blodgett examining child, Carmel, Rockledge cot- in congratulations on the birth of a he held after he left Mrs. Frank T. Hill, of Dorchester, Mass., were served. president ia place of Miss Lucy W. Jones, geons, which position tage. daughter. and three little sons were in town and came here to attend all their 4. C. Friday, Aug. 3. M. resigned. here, Aug. ______of Mrs. Charles Allen. Percy Hanford, wife and daughter have meetings. guests (.'apt. (i t-robam Earn ham has leased his returned to Boston after a few days’ visit | SURRY. Mrs. W. J. Smith and son of WATER SUPPLY IN MAINE. tab weir to C. Anson, btonington parties. Roy, HEMINARY ELECTIONS. with her parents here. were on friends in and Jerome P. are Webster Jeilison has his Presque Isle, calling Bn:;. Tapley, jr., At the annual of the trustees completed Bert meeting town last week. Hendrickson, wife and little Co-operation Between State an"orth. Me., says: speak Mrs. Mabel Hamilton returned to Mill- W. F. Hutchins spent Sunday with his of his Mrs. Margaret feeble health for some years, but the end The plans involve the continuance of highest terms of Doan’s as a lew at home. guest grantynother, Kidney Pills,, vale Saturday, alter days family. stations that have been Hutchins, recently. came suddenly, and w’as a great shock to of river-gaging they have proven of the benefit ol was John and of Waltham greatest Miss Gertrude Churchill, Orland, Coolidgc wife, all. His sons came and maintained during the Last six years. 10 Mrs. Sarah Emerson went to her home Saturday—Charles are their here. my family. son often came home the guest ol Mrs. W. W. Billings over Mass., occupying cottage William from These stations were established for the My in Bluehill Sunday, after several weeks Baiph from Providence; from work The funeral was at the purpose of a of the complaining of an aching back Sunday. with relatives here. Albert Whitaker and w ife and Harvard Newburyport. obtaining daily report 10. D. flow of waters in various rivers and Aug. and wife are a few’ home on Monday. the ctly over his I __ of with a Perkins spending kidneys. finally pro- Willie Dyer, Boston, friend, the results of weeks at their on the shore road. Aug. 8. H. tributary streams, being a of is visiting his mother, cottage Doan’s Kidney Pills at SWAN’S ISLAND. Theodore Furber, primary importance in determining the ^Urecl°ore s Mrs. Frances Winifred Cushing, of Waltham, Mass., ^ru«? store, and he took them as Alvab is Dyer. SUTTON. amount of water that may be stored for Stinson,IJol Boston, spending is relatives here. ttected Mrs. Blanche Winchester and daughter visiting and industrial with the result that he was soon bis vacation at Capt. Herrick’s. L. Paine has his use for power, for domestic Aug. 10. S. Bev. George joined r*d of Beulah, of West Newbury, Mass., are and for his trouble. He has said to me Miss Grace Leacb, a teacher in the family here for a few’ weeks. supply, navigation. E. C. Bowden and wife. “ore is at guests of In a state like Maine, whose prosperity than once that Doan’s Pills Hazeltine school, Portland, visiting A Boon to Elderly People. Several of our young people attended Kidney wife and son is on the utiliza- the the Edward Robinson, Ralph, Most people have some or largely dependent proper best he ever tried.” lighthouse. elderly kidney the lslesford church fair Aug. 5. remedy who are a bladder disorder that is both painful and dan* tion of its water the work °r sale of Vinalhaven, making trip great resources, by all dealers. Charles Barbour and wile”are visiting gerous. Foley’s Kidney Remedy has a Price 50 cents. Eva proven Boating is the order of the day here; projected is essential to progress, and the along the coast in his sloop, Robinson, boou to many elderly people as it stimulates Bter-Milburn Barbour Barbour is is let citizens be that the Co., Buffalo, New York, Capt. and;wile.“ Capt. the urinary organs, corrects irregularities every boat of any description for the I may congratulated called on friends here Sunday. as well as the ®agents for Webster has tones the whole Commence State legislature, federal the United States. enjoying a vacation. Capt. and up system. season. and Rose who Kidney Remedy at once and be government, has provided so liberally for ®emb«rthe taken bis Misses Mary Cuicello, taking Foley’s m name—Doan’s—and take place. A. Parches. and of Pbila- its continuation. 10 other. their vacation with vigorous.—G. Dr. James E. Tally family, ! Aug. 10. SPEC. have been spending atrbrttUnnmt*. atontiecmutts. SBbntuKmarta. Sttmismntak ] aWwTtfKmrrtt. | Old Home Week and Carnival Ellsworth, Maine, August 16-20,1908

WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, 19. Aug. Aug. 20. Firemen’s Day, Grand Parade, Ilose Reel Race, | Grange Day, Grange Engine Contest, Base Ball, Parade, Grange Sports, Con- Maecabee Band, Maehias tests, Amusements, Rase Band, CONCERT AND Ball, Bands, CONCERT BALL. AND BALL.


■ I in Newton, Mass., i« borne. Her niece, THE DRUMMER OK CAST1XE. iug COUNTY NEWS. COUNTY NEWS. Miss of Romford Success! An Oldtime Fair with Hew Fi — Dorothy Shepherd, Falls, A tee other j Recognized Sett» tee other For Additional County Newt, page* For Additional County paget cauue with her. Forgotten in a Cell, lie Drummed j TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY His Life Away In Vain. The body of Archie Wescott arrived Sat- SOUTH SURRY. EAST ORLAN1). (New York Prefix.) urday morning, accompanied by Mrs. was a at T. F. Ma- EASTERN MAINE In 1779 the British built a fort com- Clifford Coggins is spending a week with Alexis Luce guest Wescott and three children. Rev. Mr. STATE FAII son's Thursday. manding the bay of Castine and the little friends in Stonington. Patterson offered prayer at the gra\e. The BANGOR, MAINE, and called it was Mon- village of Pentagoet, Maine, Dr. Edward Briggs and family arrived Mr. Crook, of Brewer, in town funeral was held in Portland Friday. Mr with August, 25, 26, 27, 28, 1908 Fort G.orge. It was constructed last week for the remainder of the season. day to attend to some piano tuning. Wescott was a Castine boy, son of Capt. four bastions, marking the four points of Capt. E. L. Derr, whose vessel is in New George Wescott and wife, and had been ENTRIES ENORMOU8 THIS S. W. Wilder is here for a week. He YEAR the compass, and with an elaborate laby- York, spent several days at bis home last employed in Portland many years. where the will give a stereopticon entertainment at rinth of cells underground, week. Aug. 10. G. CatUe, Horses, Swine, will Sheep, Poultry, Fruits, Vegetables that ever illuminated the the church Thursday evening. There Beautiful of Artaud Needlework in Auditorium. only light Dr. McDonald and Mr. of Blue- Display* Organ Recital- evor* on the Cline, HANCOCK. KeCiU,i°n* mouldy walls was that shed feebly by a also be selections phonograph. b>- hill, were in town Monday and Tuesday, « sentry's lantern. In the hollow square Mrs. Jennie Ames, of Brewer, is visit- The ladies of the sewing circle are re- tishing. the bastions the was MIDWAY LIVELIER THAN lormed by gibbet over a fine new set of china and ing friends here. EVER joicing Carl and Miss Marie are erected on which Ball and Elliott were Lauppe Lauppe for use of the circle at its enter- Nathan Snow and of are DAY PERFORMAXCE-THE RACKS silver the VV. wife, Brockton, later. Soon after the spending iheir vacation at L. Went- Entries Close Saturday. August 15. hanged a few years tainments. The donor is C. H. of Mrs. A. I. Foss. Sawyer. worth’s. guests TUESDAY. AUGUST 25. fort was finished it was evacuated by the THURSDAY, AUGUST 27. Frank Abbott is home from Lawrence, No. 1—2 31 Class Trot. 2.34 Pace .*100 No. 7—2.24 Class Trot. 2.28 British, who did not again set foot within Five of the young people who came Mrs. Gould and son Harry have gone to Pace. Mass., for a short vacation. No. 2—2.23 Class Trot. 5W0 No. 8—2.19 Class Trot, 2.21 its walls until 1814, down on the Catherine last Saturday were Brewer for a few days’ visit with her Pace.j* frowning September, No. 3—Green Horse Trot. 300 No. 0-2.23 Class Trot. 2 28 left when the return was made. Geo. P. Foss was home from Pace. when Gen. GasBelin, with 3,500 men, came trip parents. Capt. Boyd Grindle took them aboard the Lulu W. Pori land a few last week. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26. FRIDAY. AUGUST 28. sailing in from Halifax and again took the Miss Ladner, who has been the guest of days which chanced to the wharf at No. 4—2.28 Class Trot, 2.31 Pace.».W No. 10—2.16 Class Trot. 2.19 Pace. town after a half-hearted defense. Eppes. pass for her Mrs. Bertha of Mrs. Agnes Forsyth, left Friday Hodgkins, Newburyport, No. 5-2.11 Chus 2.14 Pace. 300 the and were taken to Ells- Trot, Three*year-old, | mile heat*. 2 in 3, The invaders were not altogether un- time, they home in Everett, Mass. Mass., visited friends here last week. No. 6—Green Horse Pace. 3uQ Trot or race.. -j welcome to the inhabitants of the worth. thrifty O. W. Foss and wife are in this 17 mm ivi Mvu-- uu .» v. George Brainerd, of Portland, Conn., Augusta >u>uj tue rate-. Wild BO fUlraOCe «g|| Gastine as scattered the to horse winning first heat and then withdrawing; 930 to horse second heat country, they George Easterbrook. wife and son Clif- is his vacation here with his week, attending the county commission- winning and thtt spending pa- withdrawing; 924 to horse winning third heat snd then withdrawing: 920 t«* horn winnisr king's gold with lavish hand and kept Miss Fannie ers’ ton, accompanied by Eddey, rents, Frank Brainerd and wife. convention. fourth heat, with 910 to second horse. for traders. But if open port the they who have been a week at the Between the heats the following Events will come off: spending Miss Helen who has been visit- Joseph Machards and wife, and Mrs. rewarded also I Dunbar, generosity they punished Francis Curtis place, returned to Rhode are C. G. Trained Horses. J and ing her cousin, Mrs. Ernestine Marks, left Margaret Stratton guests of J. N. Guimard's High unipers Hippodrome severely, and when for the second time Island Mr. Easterbrook received Combination Friday. for her home in North Castine. Stratton and wife. Fort was evacuated the Thnrsday George following a severe fall when landing from the power STAR FEATURES—Sky Rocket. Champion High Jumper. King Roval. Champion Hirt and Fred of Walter E. Abbott, of School Horse. Two teams of hitched to bike sulkies with the underground cells were full of in which John Lauppe Fellows, Hyde Worcester, Mass., thoroughbreds lady driven* April, boat Ellsworth, shook him up Running Races with lady drivers. Roman Standing Races. are here to their vacations is spending bis vacation at the home of prisoners, many of whom were redcoats j quite badly. Park, spend his E. E. and wife. awaiting sentence for breaches of military { with their families, who are here for the parents, Abbott The Donagan Vaudeville Show Aug. 1, a was held in aKSfaj&!SS!^0rt All the were released Saturday, picnic summer. Mrs. William West and daughter. Mrs. TUP will give a sensational Tight Wire Perfor- discipline. prisoners * *" ™ Wla\^wwlwlfciBROWNIF TROIIPPI ■ the at Everard as a sur- nV/w " tnance. Also a Acrobatic Act intro- a I grove Young’s, of Comedy on the morning of the evacuation except Mrs. Pyam Gilkey and daughter Fran- Raymond Dwyer, Fitchburg, Mass., are ducing trick mule Maud. prise for Mrs. Young’s father, John home drummer, who was confined in a cell at j ces, of Germantown, Pa., are visiting at their here for the summer. of on his BALLOON ASCENSION EVERY DAY the extreme end of the subterranean Haslem, Waltham, eighty-fourth pas- j Mrs. Gilkey’s parents, Capt. E. E. Pendle- The annual reunion of the Stratton The Bay State Bench Show Association hold a Show on our A fine dinner was and Co-operative Dog grounds and in the excitement of a hurried ! birthday. Berved, Fair Week. will be entered from all of the U- 8. do not need s so age, ton and wife. family will be held at Hardison’s grove, Dogs parts Dogs pedigree all who attended the as be entered, and it will be held under American Kennel Club Rules. he was enjoyed day, ap- strictly departure forgotten. The friends of Dr. Croxford were Franklin, Aug. 21. Picnic dinner. did Mr. who is a re- many It must have been several hours before parently Haslem, j saddened to hear of his death. While in BASE BALL GAMES and Afternoons active man for his and David Pike conducted services at Union Wednesday, Thursday Friday unbroken the footfalls of markably years, Botween and Portland the silence, by he won the and Bangor | bids fair to see more anni- practice here respect church Sunday afternoon. The choir, or and shouts of the many birthday 10 the jailer the songs of all. EVENING PERFORMANCE. 7.30 to versaries. He was with two friendship which is composed of young ladies other prisoners, made it plain to the presented with a change of displays every evening. A detailed program to » birthday cakes, and all wished him A. M. Forsyth arrived from Boston Miss Lura Young, organist, rendered FIREWORK8 doomed drummer that the fort was de- | many returns of the to his vacation at his home. some fine music. During the service fol- Come in the 50 cents—and until serted. His drum had been left with him, happy day. Sunday spend morning:—Pay stay midnight He was accompanied by his two nephews, lowing the prayer, Mrs. Henry Drummond TUESDAY will be CHILDREN'S DAT. when ail children under 12 years will be admit- and, seizing the sticks, he began to beat By the death of Mrs. Harriet Haskell, ted free. Elwood and Knssell Forsyth. sang a response, “Fear Ye Not, O, Israel.” upon it furiously in the hope that some widow of Andrew Haskell, aged eighty- Miss Carolyn Crabtree was accompanist. WEDNESDAY IS GOVERNORS DAY loiterer above might hear and come to his five three which occurred ! The ladies formed a social circle Wed- years, months, 10. C. Testers will be allswcd space free tf charge sad fsraishsd with pleat) of straw for beds. with Mrs. Laura Aug. _ rescue. Aug. 3, South Surry loses its oldest resi- nesday Wentworth, REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. Mrs. A. M. vice- F. O. BEAL. President. How many hours or how many days he dent. Mrs. Haskell was a quiet, kindly president; Forsyth, Vaudeville at tlie Boston Theatre. A. S. FIELD. Manager._ in president; Miss I Bert ha drummed frantically away the pitch neighbor and friend, and will be greatly Dorr, secretary; The week of August 17 at the Boston darkness and silence of his liv- Mrs. Flora Dorr, treasurer. The circle and of Banfor. grave-like missed in the community where she had theatre will be notable in vaudeville on Needham, Howard F., will meet the first and third of COUNTY NEWS. Thursday, ing tomb can only be conjectured, but lived all her life and seen her husband and Thursday account of the number Service! were held at the home large of local tor additional County Prut tor othrr pages near heard the muffled the month. Its aim is to promote and aid Rev. A. W. assisted by villagers passing five children pass away, leaving only one favorites on the bill. Than J. K. Murray Smith officiating, sound of rnffie in church work. Susie Cole and and reveille, tattoo, child—Mrs. Hattie Curtis. Funeral ser- and Clara Lane there are none more Rev. C. C. Koch. Miss 10. popu- ISLES FOKD. assembly, charge and and the vices were held at the home Rev. Aug. M. Miss Grace sang two selections retreat, Aug. 5, _ lar; they will appear in a bright vaude- Mosely for columns to march A. J. Bryant is employed on the Doris. of the Baplirt regular beat by. Everett Treworgy officiating. Interment ville sketch which will enable them to Mr. Cole was a member The ascribed WALTHAM. Mrs. Frank E. F. and superstitious country people was in the home lot. introduce some of their beet musical Stanley and daughter Ella church and of Eggemoggin lodge, mason* the drumming to a supernatural cause, William Jordan cut bis Sat- numbers. were in Bar Harbor recently. A. M., and was buried under The 6upper which was to have been leg severely and the fort a wide berth. The gave urday. Equally strong is Charles the and of Bear honors. given upon the church lawn Friday even- Miller, Capt. Sawyer party, island, strokes becoming fainter and fainter, soon man who visited the station the lawn party to the rain was held in the Asa Colby and wile visited friends in leading will appear with his life-saving Sunday. ; About 375 attended ceased and it was not until ing, owing altogether, in a sketch that will be Saturday even** church. There was a attendance. Sullivan Saturday and Sunday. company pre- Dr. W. Y. Bowdichand of given at The Willows afterward that the cells good party, Boston, years underground sented for the first time called were illuminated by After supper a short business was Mr. Eavens and of “By the are at their summer cottage, the Tree The spacious grounds were and the skele- meeting wife, Washington, Top. were accidentally explored It is that it will Several tents when the of the several D. are at Firelight”. predicted be 500 Japanese lanterns. ton of still dressed in faded held, reports C., boarding Joseph Fox’s. Ellery G. Smith, of Jonesport, visited the drummer, one of the season’s successes in this tea. coffee, lemon- committees were heard and The line. friends J provided where cakes, was discovered his mold- accepted. Miss Ethel who is at here recently on his way to New scarlet, lying by Maker, employed Other features will be the were di»pe work of the masons was and ac- prominent ade, ice-cream and candies approved is relatives here. York, where he will remain for some ering drum. Waltham, Mass., visiting five Eleanor the Montrose The lannc cepted, and a vote of thanks was extended Avalos; Falke; time. | to an appreciative public. Harry Rhodes, of Somerville, has Hibbert and Bartlett, with to the committees and masons for Mass., troupe; Warren, singers; a Little Princess, Capt. The He Told. their The club j Whopper joined his family, which is sketch called “The Last ol the Thimble held its annual sale at four work in connection with the summering Kegiment”; Day as engineer, made trips While in the other Rob- satisfactory the church Pittsburg day here. Leon the Brookland Aug. 5. The fair was a success the harbor. A Japanese wedding, church The foundation is now Rogee; sisters, Joe ^ ert C. an oil and gas repairs. in of bad direction of Miss Grace Mosel Nicholson, operator of Cook and and spite weather, about J275 being the and Mr. the has Gilmore Wiswell, Ellsworth, has brother, moving pictures, of West who also is an ardent finished, Ells, contractor, solemnized in true onenta. « Virginia, short taken. | fa8“‘Jn,rtor- more moved his family to the Woodward home- lectures, singers, travelogues, and and a tiger told the but little to do. While trying to iter three cheers sportsman, following experience j Btead. current events. The steamer Islesford finish the work Mr. will make regular ! Rhodes, the company dispersed, when he and several were on ! Saturday afternoon | companions 1 to and from of was realized. Ells met with a hav- Mrs. Lovinia of trips Cranberry Isles on the ! |80 a fishing trip in the West Virginia moun- painful accident, by Woodward, Waltham, the 10. __ ; his filled with is her day of annual sale, Wednesday, Aug. tains summer. ing eye newly mixed mor- Mass., visiting sister, Mrs. Alden CHURCH NOTES. laBt 12. tar. It is that the Haslem. Aug. the out season on fish a hoped accident may During game CONGREGATIONAL. j not prove serious. The entertainment E. E. Pendleton, of Islesboro, who has T1IK FIKK LOSS boy member of the party was fishing a given at the town Rer. R. B. 10. Mathews, pastor. been on the steam a Aug. Tramp. hall was employed yacht Doris, is o'er ■mall stream, tributary of Middle Island Thursday evening largely at- Closed in the United States j during August. left for New where he has amorrt !or“°. river. His lock had been fairly good, j tended and a success in every way. Pro- Thursday York, annually. The paid UNION CONO’L, ELLSWORTH FALLS. on a 1907, when a and fish ceeds, 930. iB the employment larger yacht. ; 12,300,000,000. rMt»rt- game warden happened ; Strange Races of Men. Following program: The of »h8PostofficiIWJ.i Rev. J. D. ! receipts 1 Selections on Prigmore, pastor. Aug. 10. S. along. Various theories have been advanced as phonograph; recitation, I ment, 1906, were fl67,i<7-.783. Sunday, Aug. 16 —Morning service at “That’s a pretty nice string yon have to the original home of the races of Gladys Rhodes; tableau, "Great Expecta- ; culation (668,656,076. , flired great 10.30. Sermon to B Alice by pastor. Sunday Bchool It will cost you but f100.00 ^ here,” said the warden, drawing from the and the to a well- tion;” recitation, Clough; song, at t Europe East, according at 11.46. SEDGWICK. of the disease of Inebriety j 1 water a string on which were a number of informed writer in the current Gladys Rhodes; tableau, “Eclipse of the Institute in Portland, Harper's at Mis* May p. ol is visit- Matne^_ sunflah and the like. Mrs. Prayer meeting Friday evening 7. Ober, Bluebill, catfiah, suckers, Weekly. We know in a general way that Son;” singing, Hastings; tableau, her METHODIST ing sister, Mr*. J. E. Wilson. “This all your catching.” the ancestors of the inhabitants of modern “On Duty;” sketch of the author of “Tent- EPISCOPAL. aOumtstmcms John from ing ou the old iter. IF. F. Emery, pastor. Anderson, Boston, arrived yester- “Yep.” , Europe migrated the great plains of To-night Camp Ground,” day for a visit with his P. A. An- The warden started on down stream. Asia to the west. But here and followed by singing, Marion Jordan; Sunday, Aug. 16—Morning service at parents, there, derson and be saw woo- 10.30. Sermon by pastor. school wife. Two Bottles Ten feet from the boy another j scattered in odd nooks and corners of the tableaux, “Single Blessedness,” “The Sunday at 11.46. Junior at 3. string, weighed down with a heavy stone, world, fragrants of forgotten peoples still ing,” "Married and Happy;” poem, "The league Mrs. A. 8. Newman came from Bar Har- Ladies’Aid,” Mr. “The and liaising it he saw a healthy, four-pound survive to puzzle ethnologists. Rowe; Sniggles Prayer meeting bible study Tuesday bor Wednesday, to attend the funeral of Family.” evening at 7.30. her baas wiggling. The Ainos of the northern- uncle, A. F. Cole. benefit hairy Yezo, Aug. what are with this “Hello, yon doing most of the great islands of Japan, are 10._H. BAPTIST. Mrs. T. E. Hall, of North Brooklin, and fellow?” an These Rev. P. A. A. KUlam, Mrs. example. white, bear-worship- CA8TINE. pastor. Harry Clay Coffeen, of Chicago, “O, that one? Well, yon see, he’s been ping savages, with Caucasian features, Sunday, Aug. 16—Morning service at called on friends here Saturday. dyspepsia Lucius has taking my minnows all morning, and 1 how did become into this Wright returned to hiB work 10.30. Sermon by pastor. they wedged Sunday school J. A. Closson and Hoy 8. while just tied him up there till 1 get through in Massachusetts. at 11.45. Christian Dority corner of the Mongol kingdoms? Endeavor meeting at the fishing.” speeding pacer Redleaf one day last J-*- 44Another race, the still sub- The Unitarian lair will be held on 7. Union Old-Home service at 7 JO. Basques, (See week, in turning Penney1* corner were An Eye on the Future. sists on both the Spanish and French sides Thursday, Aug. 13. program in carnival report.) b unable to check the horse, and both were Tommy’s maiden aunt had called atten- of the Pyrenees. The Basques are the eth- Elisha of is Prayer meeting Friday evening at 7.30. I Wescott, Massachusetts, thrown. They were badly shaken up but tion to some of that young man’s misde- most Their II nologists’ perplexing problem. visiting his brother, David Wescott. escaped with a lew bruises. him be meanors, thereby causing to pun- language does not in the least resemble Men are never so good or bad as their Dan; McHatton and Henry Vogell are Henry B. Black and of ished. Tommy pondered a while, then that of any nation in it has a opinions.—Mackintosh. wilt, Everett, Europe; a spending few days at Alamooaook lake. Mass., who have been at their summer a rein will little sister be structural to that of one race Alfred Russel can give free asked. “Papa, Gladys affinity alone Wallace caught a baby Everyone to“j an aunt to children when I am a Miss Edna Gates has returned home home in Sears port, passed a few last suffering my —the Indians of this orang-outang. Just like a human days appetite without _ctj3 aboriginal country. baby, it week with from a visit with her grandmother in Mrs. Block’s brother, H. A. quences, by keeping the d'gesh his But should this resemblance be accepted had to be fondled. One most croon a lit- Small. “Yes, Tommy,” answered father, Franklin. They left Thursday for Ellsworth stomach liver do askf” as more than we are tle before it would to healthy, JlveJ^>,, g,ttJ much interested. “Why you accidental, compelled go sleep. When it accompanied by Master Jay F. Small. els “L F.” Atwoods ’Cause she ns well get married to invent some lost The recital held in the Unitarian church was alone it would regular. might Atlantis, reaching to fall asleep. Footfalls A. F. a and hare a home of her Jot I don’t Cole, highly-respected citiaen, regulate, bring sure J own, the for the benefit of the li- on JJ borders of Spain, and to look upon the Monday evening brought the whining. Has it ever died and keep ■ intend to Tow any anats to stay around Tuesday, after a protracted illness. natural conditions, at as some descendant of lost tribes brary was a great success. occurred to that most of 35c. ■ my house, making trouble for my chil- Basque yon the crying is He leaves a wit* and three children—Mrs. dean, active and healthy. dren.”— Woman’s Bom* Companion. of Indians—a grotesque Miss who has been visit- done for the galleries. improbability.” May Shepherd, G. W. F. Hill, of Paris; Miss Harriett*, of store. fg