Castle Ward Leaflet 03.19.qxp_Layout 1 23/04/2019 09:55 Page 1

LOCAL ELECTIONS 2ND MAY 2019 Castle Ward LabourParty Team FIGHTING FOR – ALL YEAR ROUND Dear Resident, We are writing to seek your support and vote for the Castle Ward Labour team in the elections due to be held on Thursday 2nd May 2019. These elections are for Thetford Town Council and District Council. The Castle Ward for both covers the whole of the Cloverfield Estate including St Andrews and the Willows, as well as the whole of the Town Centre area including all the residential parts. David Curzon-Berners is standing to be your representative on Breckland Council for this area and also standing for the Town Council. Toby Stokes is also standing to be the District Council representative for Castle Ward. There are TWO seats on Breckland Council for Castle Ward and you can vote for two Labour candidates. There are FOUR seats on the Town Council for Castle Ward – please vote for David Curzon-Berners. Let’s face it – politics seems to be in a bit of a mess at the moment. These local elections have been drowned out by Brexit and Westminster goings on - BUT – these elections are important and will decide which CONTACT YOUR CASTLE WARD Councillors serve you locally for the next four years. LABOUR PARTY TEAM Best wishes, E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 07742 157967 Castle Ward Labour Team The Conservative’s record in • Council Tax increased by 25% in Thetford during past 10 years • Norfolk Councillor allowances UP 10.5%, against independent advice • Norfolk & Mental Health Trust – FAILING • Priorsmead Care Home – CLOSED • 38 Children’s Centres – CLOSED and Treetops Nursery - CLOSED • Fly-tipping / Dog Fouling / Littering – Not a SINGLE fine or prosecution locally • DIY Waste Charges introduced at Waste Centres – Fly-tipping UP 7% • Thetford Schools - £1million LESS in funding • Police Officers – CUT. All reported crime – UP 9%! • – 54 Conservative Councillors out of 84 in total • Breckland Council – 40 Conservative Councillors out of 49 in total Castle Ward Leaflet 03.19.qxp_Layout 1 23/04/2019 09:55 Page 2

DAVID CURZON-BERNERS Your Candidate for the Town Council AND Breckland Council (Castle Ward) “I am standing to be your representative for Castle Ward – the ward where I live on Cloverfield. In 1991 I was motivated to be an active participant in the political arena. My motivation at that time was Thatcher’s Government and the years of dismantling our British industries with no social conscience of the consequences, the final straw being the introduction of a completely unjust community charge (Poll Tax). In 1994 I was elected to the Town Council and served for 12 years, and in 1995 I was elected to Breckland District Council serving for 8 years. Now, some 20+ years later having suffered once again under the hands of an incompetent Tory Government and local Tory Councils, who under the guise of austerity have created an unacceptable social divide. It is the most vulnerable and the least wealthy in our society who are suffering extreme poverty and any sense of hope for the future for themselves and their children. I am again motivated to become actively involved in attempting to redress this balance. In 1791 the most famous son of Thetford wrote the following which sadly is as true today as it was then, and has always been my idea of a just and fair society and will remain my ideology should I be fortunate enough to be re-elected:- “When it can be said by any country in the world, my poor are happy, neither ignorance nor distress is to be found among them, my jails are empty of prisoners, my streets of beggars, the aged are not in want, the taxes are not oppressive, the rational world is my friend because I am the friend of happiness. When these things can be said, then may that country boast its constitution and government”. – Thomas Paine TOBY STOKES Your Candidate for the District Council “Like many people of my age, I first became politically aware during the September 11th terrorist attacks and the disastrous wars that followed. I’ve kept a keen interest in politics ever since but never previously put myself forward for election, until now. For me, our politics has a veil of ritual, bureaucracy and insincere civility. When I started looking into local politics, I was initially put off by how needlessly impenetrable it seemed. Thetford is a small town but is subject to the mandates of a town, district AND a county council! It’s confusing and frustrating and I often feel it’s unnecessarily complicated. From speaking to neighbours in the town it’s become apparent that people are dissatisfied with the Town Council, its decisions, and its disregard for the will of the people. While it’s easy to repeat phrases like “they are all the same”, the fact is we cannot begin to change anything about the way the town is run unless we try. I believe the Council can be better than it is, and I’ve put myself forward to try and improve things. I sincerely want to work to improve people’s quality of life and hope you consider electing me to Breckland Council so we can begin to enact positive change for the town”. CONTACT YOUR CASTLE WARD LABOUR PARTY TEAM E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 07742 157967

Promoted by Terry Jermy on behalf of David Curzon-Berners and Toby Stokes all C/o 21 Crecy Mews, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 2ZB. Printed by