SSEECCUURRIIITTIIIEESS MMAARRKKEETT NNEEWWSSLLEETTTTEERR weekly Presented by: VTB Bank, Custody January 10, 2019 Issue No. 2019/01 Company News Central bank allows Dixy Group not to disclose corporate information On December 27, 2018 it was announced that the central bank had freed Russian released Dixy Group from an obligation to disclose corporate and financial information. In October, the company’s subsidiary Dixy Yug said that it finished a buyback of shares of Dixy Group, and controlled a 48.44% stake in the company as of October 5. Taking into account the stakes of affiliated firms, including a 51.29% stake owned by Dixy Holding Limited of businessman Igor Kesayev’s Mercury Holding, the company controls 100% of its shareholder equity. The Moscow Exchange stopped trading shares of Dixy Group on June 28, and the shareholders of Dixy Group approved a decision to make the company private on November 28. MegaFon offers RUB 659.26 per share buyback price to minorities On December 27, 2018 it was reported that Russian mobile operator MegaFon offered minority holders to sell their shares for RUB 659.26 apiece under a buyback. The offer is valid for 70 days, or starting from December 28 through March 7, 2019. It covers 131.213 mln common shares, accounting for 21.16% of MegaFon’s capital. The operator’s subsidiary, MegaFon Finance, cancelled on December 10 all general depositary receipts, ensuring rights for common shares of the operator, and filed a mandatory offer for a share purchase to the central bank for consideration. As a result of the cancellation, MegaFon Finance became an owner of 139,616,537 common shares of MegaFon, which with the shares held by its affiliated firms, amounted to 78.84% of the operator’s capital.
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