ir . "iiiit^T'^.iVjf ;n .ri iV I?r u ~-i i ~ i? "urn m n'1*-! rj^i— i "' r •if»rir5lL.n^ttlK'^"Tw> ••• »•*« n t -•

12^00 People.Read the HERALD, > published Every Tuesday awi Friday Noon..

jteiiaisedAt Memorial\Jhy Features _ $3.50 PER YEAH ? Morning and Night ?^^ 25th Amfversary Judge Edward A. McGraih7wiil be tbe—apeaker at the Memorial i^rwice to beheld Monday ^ Stleresa's Parish Honors *-in Lincoln SchdQi-**"^ThB» sgfvtee Stores^£tose Wefaesfc^Af^ Rev. M„ J. Glennon and will be under the* auspices of the Amertcap Legion, together'with the Presents Him With D. A, K. and the S. A. R." The Ant- j Association to Co^operateWiTh Red Sox Management i erican Legion ten'o'clock memorial I $3,050 service, will be recited by the ritual —Half Holiday Wednesdays Starts Next Week— < team from Argonne Post, No, 6, "of Elizabeth. . f\„" *™ Br^ak GrounOor Model House—Want II. S. Auditorium Filled . Other. features of Memorial- Day! will be the laying of a wreath by • /• Hfeavy TwfcsWerted From Sprintfield Avenac The Rev. Michael J. Glennon thcjLegion on the veterans' mbou-' At a meeting of-Jho RnfdiiOHS pastor of St. Teresa'B Church, was mint in Bonnel park, at 9 a._m, * eulogized, applauded and presented j Monday, and the decoration of the J by his parish with a purse contain-' graves or veterans hit thecemeteries J niatuiKc-r. and after j-Hununit fojim Ing $34)50. at . a -reception held jln the v^ln«tr- Tuesday eveningifi the High" School : funds,to lin.uiei; the'»can, for : f auditorium in celebration of the about ?.-55u. the season, uiiloh was estimated to W > twenty-fifth anniversary of hia or-'jrYogressOnCu* IUC1C3^ till tollsy' ! dlnation,.to the priesthood. Father. I In rosponpo to a request from k r Olennon,'who had been kept la ig-! County S.P.C.A. Branch j Miss WelleB, president of the Fort- j '., norance of the "intention of hisi iiwwRoadi " BuildinVfUHUJKg l ! h, l3 nuh ,l af u x Plant* nee' u "'? . i - *' * »*Hi«Poa^J parish, iii a brilliaaL. '. ^,,u ,, to nevertheless, called the situation.w . . tk_~T~~*• n" ,—, .. .elects Officers Here' ' «'»-«wrat.- with tue-Hv.j —vary—fvmbarrausing and . modestly j WOrK 1H tTOgTeSS OB Five* " """ ______.Kestloii of the club In the eaUrv: " declared he felt thTr~honors were! New I l nm, t f ro Stllt Fe ra tlo heaped upon him as he should have' Streets Preparatory To At the annual meeting of ,h,. , I^ '" V,. " " ^ - » °* , f r thr , ri,TC,n,OU T M bUhlilesa u aIMd .been, instead of as he was. I Laying New Street Sur­ of Cru^' T"- ? . ." ' " ' ' *™ «« voted f» While 1.200 and 'more people !_luesday.-Muy-a-lth, 'STL'. •*•.•, a*t i.O •"»U "Spring- -'»•!_ns_Sj June «th, at HK a .S.t m. * *- crowded into the auditorium. in the_ break; faces Tlie Monument showing-beautiful set tin field av««mio, the fohowlDg orftwr»,'nK of ground for Father Glennon sat looking happy, Close-up of the Monument. ,„„., th«* Herald- .__*'" -v shrubbery u«d bonrd ' of directoru . were d witluthe group-of speakers on the In a letter to the EDITOR, F. inbuite model home on the Caooo' elected-. I'resldeiit. Robert S. Holt; Ilrook- Parkway. Sunset Gst*t««, stage. With the morning program Sewer _ Work Pushed r«yton BosWdl. iWitor 4 the'V* , letter and the photograpVoC fln . falter Lawrence, < hairmau of the With_ regard.-*,-! am, oti-., ete lfi* vii-o prt-Hldent, John W. riift- Summit, to be followed bv^n'lunch­ [ still fresh in his mind, when' he had Digest. Youwinbeintereated.^lmohurnont by, KdithnZtto Par-' "nd viee president, Mra. James H* Preliminary work incident to the, Memorial Committee, stated "I am sure HUH reeognltiou of 7," eon at the Wallace Pines, as th* aung a Solemn Votive Mass, sur- re- MWiiftth^i^lo of Summit •fcpuld'; and I urn glad & know that POSH; secretary. Mrs. Robert S Ijpunded by 35 priests from the laying of pavement is in. progress J cently: the intrinsic Btgiitrk-ance or "the' guwta of the Combined Capital Holt: treasurer,"Mrs, Stephen «. Corporation. •_ vicinity; nqsajj>ly_ mindful of hiOlls five •atreeta.l^ccordtng -to- City monuiuoid. tand its t*xoiutloii and .t. U~my—r-e<}«estr Mr.-WoodhnHiig-ajj-roTlows r — -Jt-was-votetnhat inenjlie'fs"oTllitf' ..fip^roacTiihg. .. . ,, . trip ,t o, Europe for Supervisor Broome. This work culture and good taslo to - do a j ™™Jl ^^ll.8". ^r^1^ j-K^u-t;-i rl« nK<™*, Rimer-i)ay,~ :rs:r -ut>r~ sent one of these photographs to' a.ii opinion,- must be "•'- avenue, Telephone 306-W* asaoc-iatlon continuejhe usual ««»- "'I want to thank yo". W;ytiuVjlhiiig like this 1 n r f l ;i 1I Kiatifyhtg t.^yot,. rtH-ii fe.tnm* "- I fi -* 'I'i"- -V « * »' -Wuu 11. King., ,tom aud.closeJtil.npiau**_- of-mftst.'- b laW C UHiStS f IayfaK ; the hearty reception hgTvl^V™ ! * ° ° -^-—--„-—---:^— -^.J-fiirH- tt J^..Oal>ow»rl,Mi»«--4^aee-l-n^w.*»iv-yteilH^daT-afrPTnno-hS~^ him by the pupil-s" of St. Teresa'- s curbs -and- gutters, conatraeting Jr. High School P^T. A. . ' jAyers. Wm. C. Renwlck. Mrs'. John ing June' , July and .August' , begjn3,",r>-' Parochial School the day before In storm sewers, in some places, andj /IV. Clirt, Mrs. Clifford H. Kendal. niujt Wednesday next; June 1st, Postpones Meeting Summit and Shorfilills fiifJrPresented aTEMORtAli' WAV SEltVICK <• Ppon motion the, secretary was which tb*y had presented him with making utility connections. Aa! ;Mrs, Joseph K. Lamont, Rev. Henry a purse of gold containing $500, the soon as this is completed- the" •instructed to send .the. greeting* . The regula_,.—..r meeting of the An invjtjrjrioii *to the people of rShort. ' priest sat laughing heartily at the work of grading will begin and th ami 'congratulations of the Bu«t- •:\ To Royalty at Brilh'ant Coart Cefeniony Summit: ' . . - _ — Bailies at his expense made by the graders will *. Jie followed i I • Junior High School P.-T. A. will be ncas Men's Association to the R»-v. Itt. Rev- William 1.. McKean "otxmccllate,y by tlle concrete miipr.!he,d Monday. 'June Gth, at _tlie The AmWlcan Legion, the M. j. Ulennon of St. Tereaa'a*' ilernardaviiie, and siteiir-wheiThe iIa ,vtow" ot-the-£oct that alt "ihel-hinior* High School, instead of Sons of the American Revolu-' Daily Vacation Church, upon the celebration. uLXIift heard his praises broadcast by. the s,l^ect coJ«ractB issued thus far: Tuesday. May 31st, as announced.- to two of tho eight American woken treasurer afid general manager ' tlon,*the Jteughters of thjr- Amor- £ .twenty-fifth annivorHarv or.his or­ ~" " this year have been awarded to the; At this meeting the election of -who were presented to Ki-.g Gewgo44he Wheatano company <»'ficiui Revolution extend to tho. dination to the priesthood. Rev. Martin L. Stanton, assistant . The fam- 'people of Huminlt« an Invitation pastor at St. Teresa's Church. "It Loprete Asphalt Company, and all j officers will take place, and the re- and Queen Mary of England.- at a'lly h.oveh'to ' ~ Again The secretary was jpstructed to : r oV^um^t lejis than two to join in an oiicii-.uiei^orJal is the hardest thing "to "do,' to sit the ^wtr kJ^9-Jn^B y.>ltA ^ th^-T^ioW-cuinmltt^ii -briHiatrt-emrrt- ccreuiouy, Wednca^ eaTs L send a jiotr^rrf- sympathy in I^ufa Delaney, there is Indication that!will bo heard. There will also be ago. '.MI*s 'Wendell Is a Hervh:o-atrlrfncoln School," Mon- Malleo who broke his leg in a rc<* . down and hear yourself praised, day evening... The two-jjpoii whom graduate of the .Anion' School, in1! day evening,"May ,10th, at 8..10 Community Bible School ^especially when you feel-the praise the work can be expedited more the jndgingTof the dr«feca made by cent ball game In! the Twilighr, than coiildLbe,the case if tbecou-.tae eighth de Xls "for the this signal honor warconferred-are Lake-wood,, ilnd,«Jasl your attended,! o'clock • to honor and glorify League . __ „.__ to be unmerited," said Father Olen­ era Miss Eleanor Wendell, of gunimft, iient I'laiie Schboi. in Summit; She>: our dead of all wars. "^ ' '- <> Planned For Third Year non in his response." ' j tracts liad been awarded to more prizes to he given at life ej,d of the The question of -dtvertlng heavy ^,— than one contractor. [yeaT and Mlsa Pauline P. Day, of Shorl waft one flf the hrideainaidH- at the , [ Remember --' Valley Forge,, Keen Student nf Character lb Rum From July 5th to trucking from Springfield avenue.'""! •C«rhsr-ftB«teris Sewers Oruw Jinila^and ^w_J£ork. This' repre-. .Cetiyahii^, Chateau. Thierryt—- Summit's biiBlcst stn-cf," was aia-T"! In expatiating, on the' pastor's} Greatest progress has been made' sonU one. of tlJehighcsM»onor«-to Summit and Sir Arthur 'Frederic!I cussed and referred to a committed'' strong hold on the curate and the Ion Prospect Hill avenue and Whit-; whlchv the American society woman Nicolson, in St. Thoimis'a Church, for future report and rocummemfe-'' people, of the parish," Father Stan-! tjtudge road, wliere curbs* and gut- High School PvT. A. can asplro. .. - 6n April 23rd la«f. Moil. - • - ton stressed-"love and labor" as theUefs afe more than seventy five per | M a Mis s Pauline P. Hay is t-ho daugh _ p ]«_ J'-leanoP .WtmilgJi,_ daiigRtwlteiMrf-M•tMrj-and-MTs^JoTOpli-I»' r DaJ7 =key.-of—his-success.- He spoke bf^eep^dohe'and the grading nearlyi -oEMr^aml MrH. Arthur R. Wendell petitions Fileifc f^^m™*™* ^e pastor's k«en Btudyv of cnac- half done. Fine grading, the next 'ofjj.'ew.-^bfk_aiid"Uld ShoTt Hills r In Annual Meeting of Beekman terrace, Summit, was road; Short r J HI Is. -She has llvcf«l - / ii • • w*i r» \ ^ summer, will be ..the third ;.|ISter and conduct, touched on hisBt* p in the progress, "wilt" be fol- I one of,eight ]» bo presehteil. Mise liat oi t ,i)rnunit i>an r v "1*rvLhlP" 8ei»»e of rehoonsibllity lowed"' dir'ectly by the concrete |D . i. ,_* £>^~* •*! mostly-n*_their,, lmfoie, 34 Gram- Primary Ejection • a^t Io n •IVH>lo -SclU'ol' '° n .promotey d> By> - a nff Wendell has two? cousins \n the and dwelt on hia tireieiottiess as amixer . On Summit avenue, where Reiloris "• vOmmitteeS British -nobility, WratrWg Lady crcy Psjrk, New i Yoik.—J^»f tho _ ,- ,-J— • — -~] ' — jlhe Community* Council of Religion, j)ast„8ix ^iiipnjha Ml»a Day has been i^orker, assertthg Indeed, that the work is probably the most 5Uu)W ArtivA VA-SM* Carharvoh; df Eiigland, arid Liuiy ani1 ^-

?»- Methodist Episcopal Omrch. ^^^%^?2^™J^, rn6WI B ,0 ^Ri. ^yviTOtUiftul) l^ess- » .V. rifOOSevelt ^^- the orange Flower Show a' <»ecTiiied u» bocoJiic^a-< S'naTaaTeToT^nr* in T3achr/«e"pfirtmenf-^-thefact^rfett>s^whh^^ ^.^ TiaTdsMjeTaev: Sm* Sf^ankn cT SSSrf^-u_ncil if i^r'Imndwork anavttlea^and;;r«crea-|anth e age gj^oup. with which they arduous, atudias JWTtlilr —"-"*-'• _HahwaK-Rcv Mcatirors^jnaKaxInfift^^nd^wKoTial^n^i^^ Th* nuraea-ean^ rla'^iaihs; ReyV^. Thoma, J, Callery. .« «?*, , %„<*™£*._ -,- . ^ii^i'^. .-I-.^-^JUJ^I «u*i coioperatipiTi-uinrnmpHn whicwmehn themc! r«« , 2 of the late Theodore Roose- On Wednesday, the JiMgcs at the; l»emoere*i FHe I'omnlete Ticket i^ JV- C. A, hav» both-consent^ to un-niake a,hospital, Mf.-Mer^l aj*-:!' _ i -Dover;-fi*v,: TBbmai F.'" Canty, toW fhe most wonderful oT OX] niatber& ot th m h Schoo, p^vclt during his lifetime, addreksed flower show wore Mrs. C. H. Dalv.l Homer-Beath Lilley-l»-the a^^wl""" »he re^eaUon^program^ clared^Jajiil^reBder the' t»iest. '»t.| Elizabeth;.-Rev: Stfibherf A. Clatty, 2S£fc TuJ^SSJ^"^f rU ™«d alwaysduht upon from |he Kfwanta Club at its lust meet- equipment, medical- staff, t)a«^' tnf: ; Mtmdipm.;- Rev." Cornelius 'Corcor- struck: atits^jweaknesses. He In-; ,h e testcn «„_____]b4clr«ic^ntracter- Tuesday noon at the TUT key 1 Parker W. Page of Summit fordaie bullditigs^ot n6 avail ua1e»»-. -ttto, Lake Hbpafcong;" Rev. Joseph stance among| other faHlngs. the-^a^^^T^^S^L^ :'^ ™* was tilled wnj. Mr».N Moses W. Faltout.._e -—,"wa.s tjon lravlng hern filed Tor him ye«i-"l ,, . , ., . .-- they tljiemselye* Jive up tp -t»$£ Currie. Gillette; >Rev. Cbmellus tendency to, pinhole government. |Q the 1^^^ of BUch _jTorEanfia- prominjscences of that friendship. The awnrwd seven ribhons for h'erte.rda y In the City J^cfk's of flee.! «>»"«»«««1 0 11 *a rellKious education KighestUtandaTds of ezcetleneef ^54 CUi-rforiL Whippony; Rev. John J. aud other Institutions, the tendency jUoa andT» factor which nnt nar-l KJwanls Club entertained al­ specimen tulips, besides a first Mr. "LRU* Is a reafertate broker J* "/ "" , «l*«»vite« period of time, P hIc t Tire: second speaker of the efj^vj Dayeiihaucr,* , Madison; ' Kev, to pick flawa here *B4. there without ent and tfMt^r *n ^ al ^ \m Paul Cannlff. of the J.unior award for Vlbornum Tomentosum In this city ami residing, at HB"! * V '• ImPpfalbta- for -the Charles J. Doyle, Bayonnc; Rev. seeing the thing as^whole, and »f |of partners trareliing together har-I1!18" ?e»°.«L winder of the city .... nlng was.Her. WrO. KlHBolvtBjir^^ and a special mention fox her Summit nvenite. . , .-.--»• chtrrclieir to gire;''dpe Co trie timctwho, after, a brief and inteir«ifiSir« 1'Jd-feard J. Ellurd,- Morristown; Rev. saw one of the uses of the Church5_ioniOUj_]y toward the desired _uai championship in .marbles, at the swamp magnolht,-a|id yesterday she The otlier"DcVnocTatlc'condldates ]whlch - U ?• h?1(l- Ther* are no ...u.^u..* „,. t...j ™,._„.. -^outlintecendente osf thof- etha earlt mosy «f,t ewond^rl and;*jkM- Robert J. GrahaaW Bernard9viHe^ ^answering the "pinholing" indl-|af charade,, development in the *°"™am«ut held on W y- M. C...A. Won five* awards for iris and two are Robert A. Browne, of 2'A3 Mor- • regular school 1CH>OIIS for the Iwys vidual. The indifference oMhe age ^gj,,,,.^ under ^ , . m ,ua, (ground last Saturday: The lourna- l-and"girls to worry over, and they of all purees,. Florence , Slgl "Rev/W'llHarii K Griffin. Newark^ iaent iSwaB prizes for iris r{y-.,-.a.venuo' for Coui|£tlman-at- Rev. Walter A. Hennesey, Plain- to brutality and the attempts of guidance and control. Oniv -wfrt! " sponsored by the Kl- , At the EnKlcwood Flower 'Showi Urgp; and Tboihas Rarter and !hre. d«r,.n« tl,os*c four **P«" to gale, pictured most Vividly the i' 1118 015 7 FJof J science toaUDstitute the five senw; ei__,ent. ?Mr* Kbrtfot* sautT^ " ™ flcid; Roy. Joseph H. Hewetson, for fal h ln e al heM vwterS' thHre memliers J'-'»»"««^- " - <<" f'ouncilmeii IM "ally acquire both knowledge and jot her actual service at the Rockaway; Rev. jfludoiph Huela„,.„.e- * - ««*•»». ^ *°,anxred-lVe werf-rotinded worK^ pf.*^ BBIU y*»icruay mo uvi inimin-i-i nil • y . i nriiotlaipractise., Iin fhrt»t\,,n-Christian-livin living - irhirlniduringf thIhe . CrimeaCrimen War,'iVUd» -Inn a.i" monfi e the Summit harden Club attertdingjlhe first aud .second wards re Ifcusch. Newark: R«v. C J. Kamv *. „* weaknesses of the age. „„, ..sociaUon during Its'.&«*• 'the show were entertained at i»lH'otively. I Tbe Schools arc open: to all, boys cratlon . when the nursing pf ne Trianule Club Sends Blind slon was, considered, one '. atj Rahway^Rev. ThAmfls J^J^rklp, ^^--B. ^ . ^ |y«ar. and. that wu the low per- luncheon,"after which, they enjovedj ".! 1 and girls who are over f-JtfH- years t SprtagfleRr; ftev. John P. r^nlhaha,'^*jn^hu^tt*<^^,atode7:rentage tf membership...... ' Babies' Home $67.35 j Of age to those who have Just conr- lowest atad most discDMltahle^' lt the flower show, which was a lafge ; CtinHpflf/irtD' Ale^^flP'e '' woman's intense love other^ "Wrestwood; Re__Jnhii_ a Lynott,, » *nded in a-body. Uieir line ttni- A, j^ Bartholomew, the principal, I plcted their work in Junior High B one'with many Interestlng~"exhiblts. | y«*tHClIJJHIK in^H^C carried her through almost, ^rniEes-Barre. PaTReY. John j.^«r»» *?«» white plumes making an|then spokft briefly.' but as always, It will be remembercd-that—the School. It,is desired that In-order XKianKle.Club, of .Summit.,,- X. J., Mrs..T. M.. »ef>evolse jyas one oft |fl CflUrch Pla'V mountable difficulties; thus' Mnhan, Baldwifl,4_ I.; Rev. P. A^ impreas^e appearance as the lines with gmclousttea* hu*Mw and-the I to make more definite plans for the 1 1 n th thefcdffcaV Mr^, Carl Smed_burg {__ . . ,, •^j!=___^_ . . _. _ ~~- should'It be-withati-wbo ent "MaTwrT^fWeri"ft*y.'Rtchara-Ma^ f ** J ^^. ? «**refcr^Menty^ W«- ^TOMX - prwienUBg something gave an entertainment a shor| time , ^„ ,._ ,.. t ': work of the"srhqoL that there be as honey, Chatham; Rev. Francis P" of waa awarded a red ribbon fori.ah j A pla'^wttt *~ ' most difficult though now- ton Smith, former organist at tnefWorth remembering. While num- ago, half the receipts of which, was-i nnio^enientl both" $ho" and Mrs! j Ra *" 8 1 a~challenglng mes-, early an enrollment as possible, ip honorable profession.- Mr. Kiaj Monaghan. seton Hall^ GbHeae; f »I1 H». ntt J iii_ti! " • ^° ' t* heXglven at the , . .. . , tharch. played. Solos were ren-jo^g. he ^1^ were always to he Central i prder (hat the plans may be made Rev.^ernar-™.d„ P,.. Moore™ ^; „„...Dover.; 5Ere»l b.T Miff' SnflrnT-w^wa^for-enco'araKed'ln the Vrowth^oraay ! Home on'Phie Grove avenue* ' ^ tonTfc^IntSnTloom^^ *" W*anesday|«cwtfflORly. Enrollment car^, -„„ ->->«•»» *wt mr cmcriainvim-num- bons for-, specimen blooms,. <^ , a, £.. 0.„lork -. Tn<,P«: Ue.jobtalped from any of-the Sunday TUUnt Filomena—tnwnlc^ R«lL DavW_||. Mulcdtty^tonJMallj^1'^^^^ *,°^, ^J^^^jtJhl^officers Jvej^IiL their ownitoeat have beer.-7o"mpiot«i »d the tvnnpw r 'f^l^l' ™*™,BCT»K3 su-perintenderits of Summit. *—«—«.-immartatite_ d• Florenc»»—i-e •• a Older residents of Summit were'> ^i een,_L»-eyiy ami tniriy j Whe„1([,r ^ ft (.hIh] ^—j™-^ gaIe. "^The jnesf.Tthe Wit Interested in "the announcement j part lolpatlhg in this portrayal, ofj u*nday" School or'iVot. h«™wlU ooae; 8 be palm of the saint, the made this v^cei" by Mrs. William j America's posseMlOns—her Iuxur-j welcomed in tlnrrDaily" Vacal Rev, acaliun -characterised as the - symj world j Bible school. keen decision, sympathy* ton Cleveland -Hfcks, ter how few, ofwhlch It was made 'babies now there,-the sttpM-lnten- ».-. C, of it Is ! oider.iligh School girls "and boys Hon—qualities most «s vent Station; Rev. . Tbomas H.,.,, . „ . , _ the make-up of any nurse, Powers. Scton Hall College; Rev Raber Indicted FOT up. The informal meetings of par-• dejit said she hoped the money datight enls and teachers he~ stressed, af-j could go towards that Tumt Tlio furthermore urgeiLa ctoaa)^ Richard T-,Ryan. Sotrterville: Rev. . M™J»- ** r^i..^. Hicks, timpto the little thlaga lit- Igrflj* _an ^.opnnrtnnity—not only 4er ^sua^poreh-^wIH-coBt t^JOn.W and which make fox^the Joh!en: JRev. sheerin. Josep. 3etan«e-- }\heTp^ftccur heTp^ftecure thathatt sun porch. Washington Cathedral aiaff. His; most, thoroughly and' carelvlira(- ther'ittfnrtnation concerttlns -this w| , ot sehool~r»ay•: lie obtained front Rev. My dear friends Too have em-fwooas near Esaejf,road, , TE*** , «?* * ?p!.^*r «"*• r~iZ t^Z^T^ boyhopd home was , on Norwood r?cted by Mrs. ft. T. -Betla^ji t» J1 Lots 60x125. ImprevemenXs side ovetoue, Sumtiiit.. , - * »>. .-u ;».-« - -- -* .• —TT—U-feteasler — , 7 Russell iwaee. Miss •M&tmt,--wim -jt'i^. Parirasse d me. It m ,B , p t tbe ub e a,lm 86 ni ^ "**J*?' • *I\ HERALD advertiser* axe offer-l « y. ^Portaat brganfaations la walksp niacadam-Troad; cemrallr ?bidnfAg charged,?.: '.?; H '. ,«S » *« Gass^of.the Neighborhood House (eonttooed on fef* Three) ^.jlag i»*ay°baj^a&w jy todaysp»#er- toeatett,- tXJW* Easy terras^ 'Phone It will be to your interest to look win *e glad to give inforraaWaa (ConUaned-oa Ftoor) wT«W#l ^erUs^ in iw^isute, SubstrWe tax (hia naper. cone^ite^he fjally Vacation fyr&^r •'-:-:4J..»AKl^ii^ r •,, '.••,

•MM fPHmt HEBALPAK3&^SUMMIT RECORD, SUM|OT» Mv J, •ae*! «£ MM :^SM* SSB'!**P !W«w«a«M^ytr^r r •• • -•---•••- . * -•-Mt-a.-J2:- C. McD&ntoI; -of 108 Mrs. "Martin Peunfit, " bi tfce Blackburn road.-ta-rtinwertnK from elated with "the Allied Silk Trading -Beechwood,- ^"entertained tbfjEk £e&H>anv which was a wartime or- an operation in'Overlook Hospital. luncheoji^ajid-brtdge y6fet*rd"*y, siaftation. At the close of the war i-Slieelpg^pf, ,,,:>;> Chestnut he • became, associated with r>el- BUMS -Mm. Jebu-Mr-Curttei la entertain- 7", Mr, and Mrs, .'Charles E. Iljele, of feran^&v M«_yer, owners- of several ing thf rrittay-RradfitK-Chihitti lifer" Swmntr,—axe Jei»vihg tod^y on "a.- : P03U large " rink plan.i.8 ~auiT was jGoh .+ homo on Franklin placethis after- moto*""'—r tri*-'p- throug•*•—-•h- -th e Ne- w Engr nee ted with "their" "ihte'reflfs noon. land States, 1'jltrrsoit H» r hfffra^-WB^in~sna~"soTi".f position the first of last October, rU. oJJSurlmglcld. avenue, „ure4 A daughter-Kline.- htf« beenHrorn Mrs',- Charlea-H.—Post-and Miss -tfc-$B-nurvlved. by his wife, and. atlBS Xriemjs In Long Island.. jto Mi. and ;Mrn. Herbert Ogdcu„ . of' Katharine. Post,- who have befcn four children, Harold'P. T)orgeva!,i Pittsburgh./ -Mrs Ogdcn was for-, Habroad for many months, are Hail- a lawyer, Paiil Ambrose Dorgevalt f. 1liTnnaft-"anH TJ. O. PerleY, iSpTmertrMtss Alh?c-n Lawrence,daughn* K for-hom«-carly -in June anfl-Blanche Ma.r4(i Docgeval.. both.] ; Beech wood management. Railed tor, of Dr. and Mrs. William Law-j Htudcnts in Summit Hlih Srhooll i Wednesday for a visit abroad Irenrc of J13 Summit avenue. "~ Mrs. Gcorge-^W. V/eJizman, who ^nd Virginia AKIICS DorRoval, a has been Bpcndlng-Hfrc^-psst week student fn Jjio Fjirochlal Sfthool, j.; with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley- L. 0a~kfT " *tt> wan a mnmlipr of Summit NATIONAL has returned to h«>~ Biimtner home Pouncil, K.' of 0. and" the" Holy In tiayvillc, L. I. Natftg, Society. - ,_ -t BANK Waste* Jack Nelson, 8on of Mr. &TRUST Bicrease EsMtes and Mry.^J. Mortimer' Nelson -af Dwiffhl Lyman Galloway Hillside avenne, is Blowty^eonvaleTB- cing from a mastoid operation at Plays For HigrSchooJ COMPANY Overlook Hospital, Occasionally it is possible to re­ port tt: musical program and- sin­ Miss Catherine ]Sctlan is at the cerely say tliat in every way, artiKt- |P*OKWNyof . always home of Mrs. Eira Swlck. 25 Union —it* our custo­ •ptaee; recovering from the effects ically . and pJanistlcaIi>;, It wa:» - knows, un- <>f __an__ operation for apimndieitin beautifully done - nut when"it lio.hb; mers, the Funded der the which shp recently underwent. Tlie'»Jlc"u1Tojir"Tor-uie iiolnt" 6T~ en^^ Ofe Insurance _ f u n cTe"d thuHlasin of five .hundred or pur! plan ts iespccially ^plan^ that- Miss Mnrths "Averett. daiijphter IJiKh fiC/Uotfl boys Jind- j;lrlH; »<>' —valuab'le^fot by- ~the prem­ of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Averett, v.iiom'D; able we wHTgo to Masonic Hall. I*aul F. Dorffe^al"""™-- A v.-uibcrs of that Group, and should "Rurc_the_ protection qf' your ^1-rry Air, and the* .ve.^uUr n^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^\ 1 After an i|lness of " several s-^L-j^ ' ••'. ar „ las *—s ' "." -J- A. T." months Paul F. Dorgcval died yes­ woolens. ' — jMtsa Merc,.; pla,,^ with poise and ing ceremony was foHowd "b? a •«k terday afternoon at his home. 2b I Hisinfcctants and germicides'to d w 0 jc*pr^«>u1:j»a^k^:iHimbe™-,were- - « tt«-wpart at h-e crcan -and VVaUnit street,-at the age of_ Yi I complete the'"-sprihg-'-^ieanin^^ c r, t? Tin Funeral Service wiirbT held with"' , rcrciv<.<: v.iili v.-:l;-:;i' appla'u..c. ? - wfiT^Brwhs srcatly"enjoyed by i they sweeten and purify and - LPst but by v-, inean.? lea-,:. D_\ a-1 tn«" nnrsc^. awd their relatives ' a solemn high, mass Monday morn- ; destroy all noxious gefms; a3,d .big at !) o'clock In £U. Teresa's' Bensli-j-' atklr »-..;t-d tiie mnvc--\ fronds "who had gathered to wish thp More Milk in •Church. Interment _ "Will he in i hrinijin- out again, tho-vital-part ni well on tho threshold" oT" stman nlflyod-^kv.. the •.Miud-nwso -in tije^Lhi-LC embarkation upon thelr-nwHt^ r-rwnwo«Ml CiMMetet^Jiroolrtyir.—4 uiff:t alt bMt ; -Mr - Itor««val -ivaa born JnnVcst' hospital regimji, calling ntten-"- ' praiseworthy careers. 397 Springfield Ave. HObokcn, September 18th,J»72 but Rogers*^ Pharmacy tlon t.o the number of branchc-, ii " •-' : Warm ^^eilfier fwas -Toarud in Now YorkLeity He' INCORPORATED nursing in- which yotnit; women: *- <** <'• W.-JIEETIM; ; W 1 11 makes for energy pradi^ng _^adifat_ineala. SuriimitrN, J. \xV 'i'""" "' with hte^amily in 11'tJepJione 74 Summit, JS. J. may spai-hili.-ic, today. Two prizes, " "' -- ~^~ - -, — 2 But jMay,- lOOJi^Jle^-wjm-^for-- keveral - "* one the - Janrvray prize given an-" 5ffes ^hanley of Jersey City bc^ture you gcUBifiTof tbe better quality. ,-yeara following that the Buperln-I -Agency for L,ouis Sherry's niially liy. Mrs. Wni. T. Wisncr, chairman cf t!« JC. c. "C AV Dio- tehdent or the Summit Silk Mill | ' Cho^cofatea " 2nd, for general excellence cesan Committer on Ij*-=WlaTi*on During the war he becamo axso oltL^l Ui JH.S. Um. A. \„i;5ht for lnittee and on particip«tioii in . legislative work by'Catholic wom- ^a at H^e Kiontfij^-TTVo^iin^ 0( SL iTeroBa'i^srish-unlt oE-ite'Jftrttensi —< vimcit or-CatSolfc" TT6m£n7"shi : ^--ei-cnin.-;: at 3.15. T-broue^ Torig-al-* 3#^^^a^^5fer^ak 1 -' odaJjon -j*a5L4!.o--Boffri| of-'Kdtt-?

t- J-fiorporT of leKfclaUio-llie^sorcftl, . SX .4-S2r*'9ypr an ea-^y and IntrJr- i n J «5tJ,*K-talkcr^—T^r^ccasion wjR. ^ EiflaU]abea.l8SI~i» Tuop, of Contlnnotis Merrlr* -;?_: sif.. - - - JI -. _-_ __ — -~s*« ™ W1HIUUUU5 ovnricft — i+illl^tm^t^ .&el«Mttii. 7_-™__^!I I —i- 7 "V- --,* : •a If-wi^i*n5tmri^iat^y™Tov . -set^all^ew^y-in fc>r Trw l-4-H«o--u»dit3-w-eii I-.—J.-j-litaiarfc.^.'.i.'j-.i--, j£:l<; Made to Make l_£alron«e -Hi?RAfci> sdfsrtisers: f v A JL. i. * f \j r?' .i j %j PF safety apd preservation, Clean ^Cleansing— -- n^ml^Psc^m^^ We. C-lt anaeJltugs cut irelyjiyjhandi using m) inaVhiiierjv or_ehem"lcnl«." __ _Wf. pack-*;ugR inj^piap-micrtar ' Such Cloaitsluff livens fabrics, ba,,f l freshens tbeir colors, Insures their ,... %iII'EST' **«»^-«*- being Absolutely Jr^o'frotn dust and a^ .._..» thts_ e de- ' *« Maehitrery "- - •• - F. Taylor^ Motor Co. : no Cliemicals > , R*« a job you would not want to "The House of Personal Service v , entrust toever y fellow vvlip MVi, ! WATCfrI ,^rfong. - - - - - *m IT r- •-'•ffiiigV);" P»3rMpfe3r68iaii & Ge* inpiw DRY --ijft».-.T J It may cost a little more to have importers -and" Bealcrs Ta '-- * - ~-~T •_?' wt men who know bow but you will .-^" ORIENTAL AND CHINESE RUGS agree that it's well worA the cost SALESROOM-^3 UnioaJPlace, thpne 1384 |^a^U^j^PARTMENT-^7 Moris AvTnue. Smnmit, N. J. Order a Summit Express Van %>dftni^Aai^ HI Hardware — Housewares i* (Brohtct of Tb« WnuE OU.C*. U S. AJ isi spuxtomi--*ri>Z Esprew Coi In

VifiV Kr~*.'-AT'- '*V; . '•.-*-^, •-•••-.>••., l- - > . - . VOUUL 1. I. s^$*& ^s^|^Ka^^^^^£^^,-,..,.....; .... -:- ...- f.. ;• ^' . ^tajgia^igSSt,: *wn~

IDAY, MAY 47.-192 „!Tfl£' £tf.MMIT JIERAfrP AND SUMMIT- RECORD SUMMIT; NTf ,,»*-»>', SIJLUi • PAGE TH1 • * • •»••• •»•• dl -...... -* I»RII;ST l' AT Oatholies in >Jew Jersey. Today ;>.f ;UK1 modem times,, as UV. ;Smartness nl object of this celebration ll In the Ktatc of New Jersey, really forgot who I-inir.—Yrm~knawt~" l^-ifc-iwdetH^-^o-Rrfwt^tiirr-fMof- 4iaSI TjCCn achieved inf jthat there U a form of amnesia Jn to us all to think tlTjt w have tins uiwiainj;, jiut I mean that he the. hats, for the new j which the- subject forgets every- a share In this lapid growtirof peo­ Lois s^iaii^d lift^-ond—thr- romplex'i- ! 1 jt,ltias; lie, roigcta his own name, ple who believe, kuow_--amTlove God ii>'-; h,. iiap studied the eharacler • season. Once again ^hjs. residence,, his former friends and Jcmis Christ. Whom He hap und die eomlui-t* of people a:i(l lie Upholsterers .rrffitt-asKoctates; ho acquires a .sort seat as Toafher, Guide and Saviour kiMMV* how they lyser to various' yjji the hat wiik tlie_small : of n w •} _ i? L personality and -he, has of the world. kind-, nt riVjVtmcut. 11^ knows U»a! in- popu- jno recollection of the past. iThfts | I relationship of pastor and poo-, 6-8 MAPLE ST., SUMMIT thank yoti my friends most Pie i ,; TFJ>:PIIONE2036 , larity: And again, as ila about' how ,1 fed today. T can-! "Ineerely for tliU jubilee demon- is as Shepherd and sheep utid iJloi^coaceKiriiuw.. these-,beautiful stratioii u£..voui',ju.iu*o3ti -atMl-lovoltv. ..that '•Jy' H- 20% Discount ±* {.•iijbHIt trucee s an event such us a silver i the pood Lord whom we servo may!*',' ti ein- Master^ But he haai 1 ,J1 store tneir uarters. , fWnot .e tT-IfS'-'S'jSe'd^ies''tello convince a jiinir^irlrat'lie' li'lm 'U'hat ' continnn by Hjs graoe to kecp'''Our in'uslii to Ralti'your devotjorr-and- l-he should—i-.«ve bcen;-aml—trcrn if hearts and minds lit Christ Jesus. at'if t teti__Ui._the_ uiiLyJi\vay_ii_ ^vhJ.<_~jj". 1 On Ml^Materials _ L ihe s a v.-isi! man fand he cuKbt to so that the "tastp ot—foy" "wir-itowoTr- a faUier.cnn Rain them and that is .-•.hatfo sern^-wisdoni—it-r th4«>—"pew>l _tiy_r lo>_UJii_j:oJi. ami win-kinr. _ fur perieiH*e fio'm a.broWierly ntUl klnd- y*ni. • - • 1 used for upholstery purposes during:; Jane, July and I of life) he will jita.t saying th-> ly-^-eltt«otw!rit»-nin3—be: hat Ttztdlnf penitential psalms and look icy Aiiour,t._,._0.uor7aphekte^^ . equal- forestadowing of thcu, cli.uoier-au-,..., ., ,„d. his success.,- , , on t- |;\rarc to do U.-Jei. that will N-t^Ts-m-^iwmlirw-trff-t-1--'-' ".flU'UahOLaM. UuUtejUoJUs^ |-Springfid j - The eomplfments-1 have received D it-lit i^ay they'are the golden chr.ln of any pf_the_best Fifth Avenue.iihops—oUr overhead : reflect your own praisc«. In'form- fliat larger (loinmuiiiorinZu of God'toi'i'11d "' HnklTTum xa.yov and me. "Han' 'tt. :niLil,ukl just a fraction of theirs. Therefore, our prices must Avenue ;or times silver jubik-es in" the Snipts, where v/e will ,Uv .^,'i"Li,t..„,,,o on otern '"taad np'-jv-hca I •;peak;6speak,6ff i priesthood were not common. It' ally fti' that divine i»\". ido not mean that he> i-T « be lower! . . • | was an exceptional fete if a man make:-, t:s all brethren and children .•.nshiiij; uentJinentullHti .or falls all j survived twenty-iivo the of God because "wo have accepted | o\ or rfirlesthood. It may have been that aiid practiced that charily oii earth.1,,, „. , .„, .,,.,. . ! the—people with whom he had to _ _ __ f ,o\er people and all that sort of Address.«( Fathe0 r Slaatoa - 'l"^,,1 Jn oin.--u,a' ** w,^l%lht?> Uieal were not. so kind aiid consider­ , ,\ — weil; .that 1ho ha» their best Inter- ate as the present generation. His I notice that I am on the program|^ s nt heart; and'that he wanjs - I troubles and anxieties were numcr- M for ait address. That tsoimds veryt'fo help rhem iirev^ry way possibler 1 ous and worry often did the -deadly lormal. -I shall rather make just a j There is scarcely a day in which Mayer's jwork oTdisoase. So that when a few remarks in an informal way.', smiieoiie does not conie with a trou- "priest lives to be a silver jubil- kll^IKIE h! ol !l V woo ^ pe'rplex- SLlf COVERS jarlan it is quite possible that his I oothef assintaiit^iKiBtofsr kind oofr a.ssasslsLautyl , , likto e say.that,Pevery ti+^;" wbich thcy -wlsb him tw DRAPERIES SHADES- j worries have been sliRht and his pt'jcy do-all the work and that ,- theirn.nt l^tra^hte' ° a oflt." S6m"e"p"e"op_le_"have The Great jtroiililes ha*l no real malignancy. If j superiors reeeivo all the honor and daily Mass is his only duty and that ;l be permitted to apply this state- Klory. A kindly fate, has cheated j" (Continued on Page Kight) ... < nient in the present case, then 11 me, out of playing thi;; role: I call! m Thirst Mystery! i may say thai if the past presages it kindly for two reason?;: first, be-j - ( iNsSffl and the two drinks :the future, uhen my time of reck-1 cans.? I don't have to do all the f loninp comes, the eulogist will have jwork and, secondly-, -beeattjie—t , , n^1^1TLl'e:\4oUa_OC-rttKtottr: 1 moniously for the sldi-y o_^_f Go^ _d Words ciimiot, express how happy ^Bimfc of Being 0ffered Made from the fresh fruit. and the welfare of tAnutflnd, and » am at this ijiand detnotiKtnitioii 'yoa^The good -people "of St."Terosii"]"dr"ill5_love—ailil-i-alel'iS" In. which ' parish, excel In .this,.. Your nowl-Toti hold oi:r bcbiv-d pastor. If — . Fresh Pineapple Ice "— -"•dHU-ch ts-a tc'Hthmnrj—to yotrrgvn-; ::i;y prlrar "iras-a cluUu t.o HieTiTteo" the Choicest of Lake Property: •_ erosity and willingness to help in I lion" .of his people it is he who Is •i .. . ' - . " -- ^v - . / — Fresh Crushed Stravyherry Sundacs__ , all things that jyertaln tt» God. Xb! relebrating his silver jubilee hei^u •liiiest need worry when he is sur^jlti St.-Teresa's— parish today. If; s Italian Spumoni Bisque Tortoni I rounded by such good people. you who s!t IIL the"pc.vs Sunday af-i Only 17 Miles from- Mewark | ?_U}illl;..wP_al*-have good reason iter Sunday looking fJiTt'To fac<' up-; J Nesselrode Pudding : to rejoice today,-when wo reflect t on your pant or have learned to up-j : | that we'all have shared in the great: predate his elorliug (|iiaW!Na aa a I z: At Your Own Price i work of spreading Christ's King-: priest. iVieli more so havo.J..=\flu> -^fv idom-on-earth. Seventy-five yeai-s htand ln;Uie santluaiy beside hlm | ] ago the diocese of N'ewarlr—mr,;-; lacing yotfr~ipgrjieil~rn—aitmiru and- ! formed and comprised the whole , reaped th'eu'l. If you who havo Jin-t, I State of New Jersey. There were^l-'ather tJNnnoli outsido the churclL = §&di Is^Delt ; then thirty-three t:Ti!n^1rel5^"SS!Tii^ve^be^n' eTTi[fn^ Louvis & Co. Int. ; thirty "priests- in the diocese. Fifty'; smile and eheerful personality,1 stralcgicalj^' located miilu-ay^hetwccn fast grooving P'lattlficW 'years ago-the nuiftber of churelieR , much mdic so .have I been charnied.. - IcejCream — Confectionery ; increased to one^inilred_auil fif^ same totalities in the close ' and exclnsiverSumnritrNr Beechwood Road 'Phone 1335" ;Teen ami prTests tTforie" HVilidred aii(l"[ aisoeiatieii in wbich he "and 1 ilvuJ ptwrcrrty-five'. The Catholic populn-!As a priest and as a man. Father ] WE P£MTEB ,tion was 1TO,000._. Only twenty-fire; Glenn'on_has a close hold upon the >. j years ago, when I began riiy priest- \ hearts, of curate and, people of rit.| Jy career there were only 411,000 | Teresa's. Ami he liaa this hold be- ALl^TIIK jKARMAKKS OF A I OHTlNli-MAKING lNVBSTMHNT -Close- to the-rne^TOpolitan centers,Tyet-it 4tas^aIl^tWeharms as a hill and Jake county. Tlw property surrounds lovely Lake Stirling. High and dry amidst -hundreds of shade trees with a magnificent view < f the Passaic and Watchung Mountains. Every lot. owner has privilege'of lake for boating, bathing,.fish-

:ring7-etC^ ,-^ rrrr- .-.-"-—- .•---.— -'',-.—_ ; " --=—- r^r-

.^?ar.t.9t DcH.PalC;Highlands-is only lOO'feet from the railroad station and the' lerTlhVXrckawanrfa Railroad for 1500 feet Busses pass the ,! pr6;>erty to and from Summil^_and PlaJhfield at frequent intervals. Near* stores. churcheFand scj30oJ.a_end a new grade school is directly acros$-the *t*eel from the property. -Bit impr0vetncrife

Shoulders of A^eal Legs of Yealr Beginning Wednesday, June 1st, 24c lb- 33c \ ib. •the retail stores of Summit, mcrn^ STIRL^G, N, J Rib Roast Loins of Pork hers of the Business Men's Associ- ^ (Bladc*Cuts) -fi (lllb End) ation,^wilI close ^t ^io©n eaeH^Wjed- aturday, June nesday during J6rie,JuIy and Aug^' At JP/M; \ '"t- " Cla l.jfc. prlnte) For bookmaps and particulars a.ppy to «h i —,-•

National Beef Company v "Largest Retailers of Meats w America" T •376 kpringfeeld Ave Tel. U12 Summit, If. J Jtuctlowr . Stores ia New York, New J

J t—.: .A WMmMMMMMMMi* HSm wmmm j_ «. ! ivi^|^4=. -&4f. - i&££A!te2M£LSiZ ?4v. r^'M^-H^v.** "-£iS vtm* f *•* •is«s: "»i.^4i«a.'3T™Ti»as J' &AB§ ' ."•» .2 • *. . ^n.. . »J .^..4. -£h&Ji 1 J r f J J m.--ni*-fi-*-;iiiiiH -iillli(Tii[ rnimiifiir« map-m •• • - •*•" f"—- ", " .'"~ IZ"^" ".~ ",~:*J"Vr'.' ' 7™ ''"*"~ ** —j'sh J —^—i—I '• •'•

fM SUMMIT HBftALI) AND SUMMIT RECO*©, SUMMIT,, tf.'- lC vn t-V-i if, ,*,. Big? F-i- J I I I'll" "i i-. ; -jlWIltl J3mkArv.ifAY27*^

piiteSOx To Engage In Three^mes - West End CM) Pfepared TT0rien ^^

i-xios coF^-rr J,EAOCB ~~^. MTANDIAGS Clicy BnjpOSeTaa white as ai„)w-. There Were about thirtv-fh- ,,- - 1* I*ct. c r 1 RHhi^ay- •_. _ ... 3 n _1«M> Present at the . lecture.' ailt,_ ' 4 ! ;/ M.Cintei^Tli!^.&'aK&'XardedU- Formal Opening] .800 lolne? In moal heartv thai*!, !, tf 3 Traffic Court Fines Dedrick and to Mr.'llorw l f„ ; PJalnfif-ra 3 760.WW0 r fii| Jacobs, Egbert and hanjon To Be Given Tryoufs By HEvent Scheduled For Me- ^Torth t'lalrifl! Id.. faacinattng talkaud for.the deiinh. ,6(10 fill hqspitalitjf exttuided,: '^_i^ UiTdi-n . ~~- Dorwart—Morristown Here Tomorrow — Boorujy morial Day With a Team J ^t on 1 & i6C. "ffi^ misdemeanor of the motor- -.The nruje study eiaw\Vin ,„: -Slated To Go Against -Crescents• IWimday^Egttcrf TVIatcli • AsalioBt Maple- W^tflpJd 9. Summit 5. |iat when Andrew Meglia, of J07 .: Plhfnfi«id .-5, »Nwai_riau>fl*irt _ i South iiUi "Btireer,, Newark^ _.waa ttnuc its morning «cHHioi,: af .',. ^JLo Face Madisoii :_:_ ^ wood Countiy CftBtr:^ Linden .6. KluWbMb &,-• - Lfined $290 by Justice Williams in •• Railway IS. Xttimrk T. y J Traffy; Court last evening. The and. then discontinue trntll r.ill -~ir .?tatarday'» ItrsalH Throe now Mincers wiji,iiuil,.c ihcsr Avl.ui ;ts niemborjfof'thc Sum-* Arfiv£ Summit 13. Newark 2- - - / ^defendant's license ,waa revoked "Sunday Caii" Man ,m|t-Red Sox this holiday weeTFcnd. Lennie J.«O{.K. Harold , " Season Planned , North..Platnfteld 5. Elisabeth. Z.'"' for two year». Meglia waft charged Egbflr|>a:nd D.ivid (Scummy) Ilanlon «on,iprisi>-ih.-'- lnirllnS*tfite::to-fnaJs«'' Rahway'J. Plalnfield 5. / with driving whilo under the Influ­ Honored By Frieifdi!S Its Low. - - .-,- - , j As-has been the custom for many i WefctflcM 7. Lindpn 6. • X ence of liquor. He- waa arrested by I ,' «amrs-»at«rda> ' Special Officer Nicholas Qrasso .-.•Many,friends'6T Philip H J^ : i years, the \Ve*t_ Knd Tennis CJufc" 1 Rahwav at Summit. --AW>rding to plaira entertained lir; •'— ——i—— — laat Sunday - morning ^on Beech- win, advertiaing- manager of 1 rt wlth xc rtI to will hold It.s official annual open- ) Liridfi at North Ptainfkld. Dorwart iasl night,' Lcnnlc Jacobs'V - ^* setting the jrl„ on M,..nnri ,t iw M™W ; Pl.i£trfl*.td :n Kltxai>eth, wood road. -, Newark Sunday Call g:Uh"ei-wi da tv,orwl [.Newark at Westflcld. fiU *lart on the hillock in tomor-f,.™„r-!l r, «- ^ the" plajwtff of the thai- : 3'»ih1?!°. ° V ^-Monday. May teutimonial •- dinner "VVcd n postponed lat>t Sat- - (iamn Nandar Fiaea of $25 each for fighting. Jni^fi'i .^**w% fracas at *U>wUAo*^nm^^'7J? _The .opening will be featured by 'North Flalnfieid v*. Kahway at Rah- were impoaed an Erick Erlckaon night, given in recognition i,f 1, H¥ -dtfftculties encount- I way. - -J A forty-five years "of contiiuinu; ^.,2 the Cfl'->,iialg. Lr-nujc served them rred'-by"fhe a team match with-thc M'apiewbod WM> s™r v*.Tl»t.itnfh?id at Flainfield and .John Plink. of Summit. The [buritmi«.', .« t .^vs . Und/!>./ a^ at- Uiuteri-----^--L~ . i>)*2rt were arrested by bfflccra Fin- ice with the Sunday-call! i„ 't]\ wcntfleid ^^'EI^UL. Ineran.bambertandGraaso. It was large,.gathering were 'newsr,..„','.' •sponsible (or the-micees* m-t "by • v ta _ res( n _ _ _ publishers and editorn, atlxerir,,.' ox. " in.ihilftv -6f the Morrlstown^"% "'? J> * t P'«n the "match Jwhiip siw*^vk Linden aluodcn charged that they had' been flght- e U l£ nl>li<- , ; ? J « ,^ ^r "- - ° ' «*=•»> l»"S aVlTcfST"^ *"' ™ «"of three single" match . ; Eliz;U>eiU \& Rahway Bahway. ling in the lunch wagon at the cor- ( n and 0 doubles at clals. Following the sncakiiiK \\s weak fielding TMK year Jacobs has BaUom. league pre*v. to 1*1111 he ™ 'I' . e«<* team tote; vi^-rtffPirPlaJnfinJdt ^v . North" PLMi,rieW at ' Plainftold' vs. 3Summit it Summit. place. Baldwin was preBented .with' " loCaI rIub -mon^Bifr. He has thus rad flung, for tomorrow be played Ta,« %,t: ' will ^ bo' represented by^ William Murray, of 26 Glenside orthophonic Victrola. an 4he Gray and lUue ni^e toNomc urday. Thi^ caused Chatham to "be ^ i?f th^ stro*"Sest apsrufiations C - JXf VB*«Ot?XT V avenne. Sqmmtt,-was~ffned |25 for h h M haa tins, victories. h™vihK tfitolX pittepn"tedd ' agains^nzTu^Rrt'sZ?t the Red SOT ' Thn'?,The > 1|f. ever placed in the feckless,/flriylnir. The complaint Qne of the best inve8tm™t« , 1 ftnge aggreKattr.n to triimphs oVer'];ito annr„,ncem«it of tlio Tbrr,^ *'** -,~ — Pet hc Llberty Coraera ... i 0 1000 »«ch tWUn3 a, CcWfv. «nd,,Mtat<.d 'that ChilM^ -*Jnd V^ '- P*"»»ncl of Th^lVest Mcndham . .._.., Liberty Cfornef.-. HERALb m an( 0 1000 k Stevens. .\) -s:,,.«,„fSum!,lU* r. _ ,,,.,2 " LF.nd Tennis Club's team has not as Morris Plains , ', * 0 - 1006 John. Lowery, of Cranford, was 'flw-Hiuvrity pilot wift'^5*«- ' :^^J!!!! yet been definitely named it seems Pt:»pack-*JIndEione z Hernardaiiile " 000 j fined $10 for speeding. The coih- kei^) Jacofis on hift ro/lA- because /" Tiftely that the ojics who wiH'rep- use ' « :— -— .. •• ^ Far lilila -oo380o, plaint was made by Officer- Egan. Alt HnJl. who has carri«.!d-th*-hu _r.escnt-4h& loea 1 el u b „Air-Memorial ' " Balartij** &Maiu '+©.- E: -fcu6*luW7-of l^riDefaaVttrera}^ : Day wilLbev Kdward B. TwomMy. tne date, la Hkety to Morris P.'ajna 11> Far stills * so- summoned, "by Officer Ekan', ce^'at any* monjent one off he en­ Rohert J. McKay, K.-Roy litlder- .Heading fromjeft to ri^ht: stajttlins- -.'.fanager C. Armstrong, Liberty Orniera 4. Benutrdsvillo'S. ? fente of Interest to wood, ^y. T. Thomson. Lloyd S R. -Mt-ndham 10, Pcapack-GIadstone 5 "was fined $15 for the same offense. ticing offers made hlih by several raj-lor, J. French;. neated-:\V. Rogers,.o. Frerich. H. Christenson. Louis, ••> Tranquilio. arrested by of the strongest aeml-pro teams in King, J- E. Johnson and Roger Tay­ -V- ' Can«*» Toatorfow the State. • Jacobs will not twirl on lor, * B^rnardffvtttc at Far Mill*. Officer Fitfpatrlck; on complaint of IJbprty Corners at- Mendham. John S. ^ Read, .of Oradeii, was Monday, as he will-travel next week; local Sport Fans Last season two matches were I^nacK-ptadstone at MdrrS Plains. With the fyaaltr^lnu on Us annual Played with the Maplewood- Coun-, Winners df City Marbles and Jacks fined *15 for reckless driving. - .,- New England trip, in which AllddU- LACIiUwAXyA &EA«ttK-^ William H. -Walters, of I or the LatayBtter ;plateV "trhaTfiahir"'afioT .^Jirj£^2AflEKi<4i_jMj4 "Atttfl*T3t-wtil-b7r <;oir. ,», ~t^lUj~. - ? Summit'club, and one for , TiXurMmeifts Arthur Boykin of Passaic avenne, ifencorfntered. *' ".->'^.in-!»«lplaj-!ourn , i, the Maplewood team ^or« h*ni Division an w Chatham, were fined. IJ0 each on i^^PeP 7 INew Providence _ ' 1000 ^chargessummone" do f b"speedingy Officer.. Egan-They. were cents SuinniH .v . ., f 100a . dters"_il Chathain — - T - i*»o- not Alorristown . , /~i "• 1 SiDlr; De^rlcin'enVbT •in unll Prndentfal . I . ' 0 .Madison .-.- - -; /— "~. 0 ,000 Polar Experiences accurate,^ however, tossed for t-everal frnnif',; 'TH.K '^h-ir^-AnniM r .0001 •,' tnlHith or i-Md-K,^' *? gi-Juler-clnh^mat^hetf-in-addfr "'„ ,„ ftatWnlay'B E«-«alt* ~—- The pic-^ca.son "ojthibf'- i- K,''-T','--ILMV^'"^' "" 'Jt,v " ' tr3t* Uon. to _the-atwve-plannod^he irt New- Providence 3. Proiiiiit inemberB aiid. the for lien's Club of the Central pjcsb--. \ [^•ncv .._. in D. _ ^ ll..rrl*,.u-„ ^" ,Vl"Ua^lt l T ,"*"•? K «a «» an the clab.Ojfiohn D. Hood, 43'Haw-' nev/s of day" hftern/mn. L'prhert. it vill i"' •«."">•• •J^ii^u.. K.-if,,;... 2 :ll .', "rJ, :, t. early Isauc.V. Prudential A. A. at Chatham.. thorne pi**, last TuoS9ay evening, nscali*yl. toswd for the'old Sfc Ter- Hltpir* Monday 3If-~tcnnt;r. Last year, , tereatlng and instructive Illustrated l Southerat Morrlstownn Dttlnlo. n fts properly of Jack I)tinrij4 Haiti-- •c«-. itamrs «r... ataadins-a d H „.. *».•_J Reir|»»;hiiieBta._at--(;|Hb a- ,- jlecturc on his experiencea in tins- - «!*9r.e_Ori©les, be wa»_ra,rmed ,ont fw " *»**•+*— -•-• .... .!?!! L"«8™VA^ti>ts.. i. „...... Chatham at New Pro\id«ncc. oriiiei:_=_ < 7 Monday Ari" innovation * tliia year ^JiirNthe ' S^rTn^leld ™Z ~ ' ^ f ' ^"loo^o - ounkryr>^' j further ateijeonineHo the Hnrrirt/urK ' TfvfitKton 1 Dr n 1 1 . . r «o. tliat sort .Soo-r - f-^drlck is the only white man rliib of,the Nww.York-Pcnnajl An' H '"'^'-Vh*""™ ! -n^rt SOT va N.w MlUhurn ... - 1 sports; C1 n >: nilxciM c-C«»rr ilri-i. ««""'-, ^^mte1«'»ni«) ^a ace aland- »"« Past and the members are Kieran^s. town. >x VK I Wlon >,. Irvlnncun 4,^. _ Hghtening.—-,' < Irduble |hat affected his flinrfn" t- f . I'lainfieid fho Monday ^rV^iMl^ •piil«m\r„? .r^ " « - (.'amen Moadaij«orBlng v m f 1 They use no money.- but share their ( theTimes ^ forsiftWe at Madison.- . j J. .",'* :"'} "f ™«untrtry (;iutClub la,,a,,on of Sprlntrflria at Orange ' l*T*g)nt plans ,-all forlfanlon to -'" '^.':""" ' .£ .'^ » tcicphone for tiUl > r 1* held in reserve. Thc local boy,; i* i !' n at Irvington .community. upiriL . Articles,, like! ~ "oc conveniencaU the co ,n03f membert activs ' *'»B" Monday Aftereova , onr common pearl buttons arc such' is a daily to-Trtlw aop of the VOIIHK Men's i MARGARET -TRBNQRDVT: •rAl^, CANXIFF ..j. ,«i,^I r , - « ^nrd-r s*5rang» at MlUhurn. , ' curiosities to themtha* thev would Catholic Club pitching staff lastl in Hays Havoc j«u«c*wfu L season which the'club«„.! .._^ncks_.f'hampjpn,^., „. Jj"V'nS*on„al }Ha|>Ic*rood. • j h ~*>-r Wftsonvitttrned-' fn' 'Sofli'c" ""sterlint' ' Marble- Champion - ' Lnion at Sprlngflefa: '"• jfladly trad« » fine fox fur for half; |+„ column all me«Rfl exhibit ions. Thii4 season hoi ^•""oa.toiook^forw^To^wttS.^ • • • i • i a dozen small shirt buttons. has done some twirling in the CMvj CITTTWIMOHT LKA«rE \Dr. Dedrick's account of the dan­ sports Witt Sport Events^tei^'^fSfer gers he aid hla party encountered, Twilight loop_ with pood results. *i and of the! privations endured, tend­ NotfeJlQ^ ha^s been done by Dor- J Rain played havoc with-all of the> I«^^E^ IfighSchoolMvA.: Klks . . --. ' , W. Prt ed to make one more appreciative lovers - 8__ 1000 - ^mefican Legion * "'"' I »*-cixiU*ajj0D, but a bit envious, of ? Ul t c,ea,r !r ioses to: j V/. forWWteSo^i.Ia^AflBii^-Jlleefiqp V. M. C. A -,-^£. i ~ sSo>" * < vision which7jone~gers 1 enjoy^ __, ' ' 'Kiwanis .... -1- B "33a j --> a country uncluttered by Things,! {-Kustnexs Men'J_.l .. ' TContinu^d from i'nvc One) 2 .itSJ! where With thc great expanse - of ! TI ^tffesWn Ifack 1^ K^sJroAjse^ni KiUghta ijf Columbuji-' •3-^,1 starry and miles of spotless I in ;lfeiH|ay U,to,w IB,I_Seh that* ~'T^> M, : C ^ i.fcACtB laffltnhijE in such as. "The-hca- TTBSr^T ^*' "6SI ^trsirir "' GaStf^T'"^' M"f™,, " JU- " * Aasoelation, thc T.-1. A., the Prt,., Tens declare the ~g4o*y-- w- I»roviaence .... 0 - 0 .000 intXtops '.."L^ »-_ a_. g^„ »TSf!^iHjtT~S^iU^oujiL..-- and- intercHtS iHto:.mQt6eXB_jQf .the ^aiheri»K~departeih-f > 1 nT J -—AQ JL„ gatlon to hgTC xi&t-{allied theTocalr ITCit M<»*V' ti*i*-a'»--w!nouncainpTit or , «M>I with the feeling that t&e-follow >be ey*nfs_jlarinj; .TS>'nunenccmeiit l^.ty-r™*r7--6fr- . StellarStellar;-, »er-ncr..;' Four. JJE3^^,.,^3Ji^ 0 . ^ -r ' J"* Ifkll W»/^-«-*-.I .77. .*--.--• fc. _ x^tnrin^riiMCn^ ^ - «M«iButo_lwB» la the way of Co- MRO^YJS THE WEEK CUy^eam^csaiMs^^^ '^mUSXU—iMtK^nUnK.. program^ Ptt'} and construigtlve work Roaelle Park ;. w. Wjebhe. Fred MoOoeV L'^'^^^j^ ^maerr- X -.714 f - . . -> SummfL .TTZ.. •^ 't»f,_-, »tKBjT?;irtry. -,--=_•-' . > - l-OtAes- rw,^ ^nd-a-HjHI»ide-.__ ft t r^^^^^T^ia^JMHT> rnl e-ry»ruic ajinouncement-^f. We»tfl«;ld -frO-Tdr- JL&tXK£tX. KoseU*. irffiff ™^./uWcr-:-by' the Central'Tnte '-^Skal'.TPnti *Wi ^-~'~--^U^m'] 'Thcaddiiona:to th?-I«H ei^^^ •-t*^3--Vs«oci tio^"or"\^e! Mrs. Ralph Forterrq^rrespondlng-! a .™^l?Jaryv-In reUfing^-JJfc^^fifaPI JuAg_waa-4>resented with -a^-charnr-f 1njp?p^sa«ehququ_e^u tribute to 5 heFj^iinfalliug tzeal and "splendid trmanshi_ p- during the " past' Z#JTryrs.-McigfiElttBtt Took "the* have chair with-^^resBToTT-oT~th"eTiop^T Blue Serge Suits udles by_ that she might'flll it with as muelu _.. , . -—,. schools. apparent ease and. obvious ability^ These-arc arrsnpod to help such a as had her predecessor, and an a»-" In ^Weights That are l a ,U White Flannels n^'"irvJ ' Kri *"»•«««*«,>,r Wist: .Wf 'earn will play three limps -mpil back-into in'dass* prectatlon of the Summit schools' ^ften obviate the necessity of a •'^^•^•SS^^-'h, ^.ii^'^.^^-^th, sh«w,„c car 8 tuto and their teachers with whohl she; %> match i ii<;(a. time, »| sf<> if his hired men last Sunday i,f^' ' ring, and permit a good for Sxunmer ' ,hstl had, for so many years, come into , Ketrntii «Jradr% ' ~ " * tussle against••-Wrstrfeld the margin of sjuamer time left, over intimate, contact. I,A h voi'7 ».• 1 * —Wight Snd : . Summit. i»i:. Summit ~Pilo t contemplate' * shlftm' B *fo" r a" va-rUlon, ; '•/- , The meeting closed with; delicl Good nigjit wear is an important factor in a good V\ 1,1 S^"" ™."- KrtHu.inK. West- fhr tc» Tll Knox or Hollywood field, 3rd. Tim*.. 1 \a aec - , tm around, prohablv r«r-' ° following^ officers/ were oum refreshments of lee cream and rn!,, < , ctwI fwr night's rest. You'll find here a wide variety of • S-vd. I>anh—Wight Summit i*t wilg -"the battinV order and pos- ' '" the, ensuing ye*Jt: Mrs cak^serveikintornwliy bx the hOB- c Straws .- Panamas., Pajamas well made at .exceptionally low prices l ***$** »»¥»tee in ; the room iw53: DSiT^« o"w«rtfi,M i,t ' J?' c " " r^rthohiniew and afVs. Walter W. which also Vshowed their fore -1 J e erlram v ;*;. Taylor We« fu-td. 2nd "J Ja«ger Sun>: ^ ! Summit .pHpUplans fn use i H - '^Prcsl(lents; Hfrs, J. mU, 3rd. Tlmn. 1-1 l,5V,- Enjjtitsh Broadcloth

hit;Ul generous contribution from the White Shirks summit. 3rd. Tlmo. ao 4/6'«ec i; *• ' "Kainst. the.«IMr r ! a 1 in"'w/h^S^'^'-'^^" ' Wemfieid.' _, ^ I" l*aK.uc-_lendlng Kahway VH»iX,Ui^d'i IS*"*' ^••Hi:,',,n,ffr- Murray may leavc-ihe Whii'p Fashion Park GIdthes $40 and more fletd. 3rd, »- Natty Neckwear RruadJ: , Mutmnlt, ^'e.msidering »n offer rcporlcd -To" ;•;::;;; Straw Hats* $2.45 and more fSummlt., 3ml; Wight have hcon proffered hi in fm- a/lrv. UUtantv,' 14 ft. S& In. White and Fancy l^g^g^Jrirjirver ththoIi4ay OlMane*. 2«n. 18 la. ™nw'11- "rd ,. F,4Mcrfl League. 'ICnigr-- tttMkvor. i <3oing to Philadelphia? Win wtr, t Silk Handkerchiefs 440-yd. f&.tay~W»>» i»v 8uintn>«~ * - »*» warea wirh stlr^r'r ----Eleven- Fasf TraiBAri«irjeH»Jabcth - -,->e, it gayji-jjuwur : *- : — • . =f contests hilled for tftV itvoRk-t-.;,! I \ ' / . vlcvNew Jersey Central - Reading S BIIV , I W snorts evenu scheduled to be IUM- .-1V\*^^T; '" S' ''"-W ***WJ Fancy and Plain vt^tfht^Kt rfi:27. 7s*_-7, K-27. 0;27. 10:27, 11^3 A.M. vlus prevented the High. School.nme,f ""^"^IUMH^* , wav.*rln« — - SiJk Socks from engaging in two contests, «w^W£lTp^^ , ^&Son S, n 0Jr IU ' i-- "' HajOl-av^. ^lee^Tng- far) "-. of Which was slated to be pUy«d,«t> ** ] ^ * *<** »ho call for* j ^F^IN^FIELD AVENUE Soldiers* Memorial Field TuJsSavfn,m,,Ul *my ,n *W»:««»«. wUh'lns i SIKWSHH- ScSH. 1«:SS.A. M. 1**27, <2f87, #if7 C:2^ Selz Shoes wit* JlUlhnrn HiRfa furnishing thes/Y' n°" «**"*«»"•"«»«• work at mat 7:J7, s:3H p. X.-(lSsMTA.3t. Sleeping Car? nu f jfM'IT'5 ,-:^ ""'NiEW JERSEY ofrposlUpn and the other carded fori, 'wecied to pitch at'alnat Jat-k' w rr - , Si utdurd Time Add One Hour for Duvlfeki Tiwe yssterday at, the same aeld withi„* a ,t *°, J «« Wainfieia club I Ue Mnrti.» County Traction Co. UsldeHlgJi as the attraction. JS *!* *#V " M*m»rlal Field «0„.; lands pMEcngerR at New ,•^^•1f2rt?,,• PWtPonetnent|Uy ""^^ ' - . • . . Jersey CrntrM. Station. of.ttt Madhwn Ulgh-Chatham dlk4: ^RnArTTr^^r— -'- Bros. jraiircntont Karagqr at ivhl^hTrars" raabe parkad.11 -"v, id.*s**tMse, N<| sarn™. w«lS^; BALft ^verUsiES are. otter-. *^ X For *urther ihformatten -phone Emerson 7500. Summit's Smart Shop £ftm»OAD *^A Step Prom the Station* fe*i»3f?i,*s»>*»?t»:.r-..- .'over all ftdyertiatnp ti. JhlS ^ ^^~ SPfWf ?3«r>K-r«-.Mi- » mM!/"iiS tl fs^m fall 1

supply today thru this extraordinary offer. Sufi! = And a.xvord to the wise—take adva.. __ ._ , ,, .„ ^ /fou.wul be glad you have joined the great army of persons (the - i - ! county over who^ldfccady consider WHITE ROCK PALE DRJ SSI When guests arrive over this week HKCIT ftfi n —mm jes Cdentkuywhis^^ "^ *f * lay Sooner or later you will know and like this finest of ginger ales la> h ed ** been a by-word for y&«. After tfa*l•as a ^regular^ customer^/ •

*% a/-T. CEher# h A United States Store Conveniently Near YwrHome). if ;•


l^H ^\w^j ~„ _ - -VM '^H - • •KM! H -^1 - ^H r^^^HF* ;l --* ^1 • ts: « -J, 1 1 OVER •' ^J I 10 OO i-i% ^~ " ^1 ' ^H «L"CIW TnM I FOOD Lmc I ^*illr "ft c .STORES. ''tf TF

n ^SJSHSS&S^^SM & 5y?& ct MSSL^i^«i i?f^zz<'. •' ~-~- ' - ilti*AN&ivimif RECORD, SUMMIT, N.s jl .TH&.SU1 nuiuMfomnmiUMiMi i '" "•K M

Sunday service Latrobe, of Baltimore,, on Tuesday rate.-,' 8eal Estate Sal0s ... on Libert Hill to Mr. and Bn.uadbeautifully landscaped, -28 P.u|tI "Ancient and • Amon* < !»>«.• present were ^hr* hQU Mr-». Hoy C Cool of Bast Oranw .*lth » Icnn * court and a four-ear at 1 fcy. , aUaB Me!J-i Malcolm Mulr. Mrs! William day,Moa4»y te w»irie' "o,lt - |fleg»ih?*st Hpids^ . nished--fiy B. T. • Thompson, who n .'•!.•. Coni is tin cs.i-f'miy* uii- »*"«-. Y".S 7 '»B* "tt«ach«i..,Morto* ti n uc.-fj.hiui,,,;. , Donald C. Cottrell. get all copy' li*,^• TiS,. ry',° Reported This Week hl r I ypilo s 1| Srj ped"tue singing and rendered aav- Ji::ULJ2.f, VH'liiiVj, Jon*_H *> Biyrf , a ,in CMt J r ,n,,I tfam ttodiy, or early sJSSS L^L _»* /Ji^:™ J/iJl 3r S. £ " * ?^f • ^ » »*w* Text: Jeremiah"i'Mr,;. Perry K. Hall. Mr*. "Lonta .^eraJ^QlQa._on.ihe..pl4ui«,—Musie-wes' Yof'k" — Afldual ,J3biU«£~lauJtus iLtt&jfcu?- ?*r*"~? Ni-w •—tnn*L^l e sifterOT-thfrftorrwrrTMfy^nU-^mjn^ -v,.. ~rn^u;r"*"^?f™^7rr«""\fT" tfwwteh^d-by— tho -AeoUaimr -*rti«* l&m » " ' ' i r " t ' * teal c^aio jygii^«^_i:i_Mi.'.Ti • wsr-T^OT~«nn BWtrpyTinnrTa^"]WTrfhe. hath delivered'C^-co L, Lewis, Mre. "William -y home on June 7th.i , \ yp . _ ' ooronjittco In charge "was composed tivwif la The annonik'<'m',ttt <4 M:.- T- l - ' hiLU: '.ha-J 1". Tboinu a.tid five [»or from tbc.haiidi Johnwm and Mrs. 8}ii?ldo \ Tho lu-oker:) in t2ift. !on ' Hie PKnty he first annual b_ano. ot.thc or the folio wing:" XSurab'"VortiUri Patronizo HiSfiALD n.iv >*. sale of "TranqaiUM'-" tbi- );• :»:i'."' 1 :..' .' •, v.-it I slv,'pi;i;v 'popviics" on -.., =•< |or SI')-.ri«to\vti, and.aii»a Marina n ' were Joan Y»„ CHiryHla] ot Summit,, 0f -mil Post Xp. 138; American T^e-* chairman; Joseph HanyiHe, John estate of Mr, and'.Mis. l-':vnL XV. • .j» Is floor. Th"iv are S aercs^ of 1:u;,,il ,L !aiidj_ili-a. -EL"11. FOnuhawo-'of. lt«>r-f' J£ . V.-1H prc-ach Sun- *' . . - „ "' , :OH, wa^t beldjaet Tuesday ercnine-.Couway and Charles Welland : rf,llP « WJif^jmr IntereHt to wt -=;—===? IriPiown.' The sale price was SCO,- ,»..,j the Unl6VVfIlif»|V^ ' >' *»-' Browne Jias ro­ ..: tljft orange room of the Bluet -'• ' ll. Sunday morn-'''"™^ fror*1 wasl"nKton \,-ftcrc LantTn. The t-venlnK was filled! "— ' - ' ' — ' •' *— • J ' >Alel k on "(TUa Nev.-r J."*11" '3''oi,t ln<" week-end visltlnK her Kith talks, music and enthusiasm, i ^PB^BHHHM^^^^M^^MBHUH. Ur. BassJioM.iormanivof EastOr- ji nn tJ. , , » —'».-,*ta * John rv;" An""ln- r* - ^-f»«ry 'H.-BroT.-ire; «>r. A pood erowtl attended.' The" 1 anpe, lifts tonr.hn3ed" Uie house or-. TJJ ^ ,t ''"'" j llr:i. N-iiniau. Stibultz. tntr red principal speaker- . w^ . Ruford ; John/'; fetter, at aON'ejv EnclaBd:!^-,,^™* W !at a dinner on Thur&dav Amonp Franklin, Mayor of Summit during ; avenue. He will take possesion 'rt J. fo/ a-,a ,.'„: *. „za„_ : those n re Leaf were': Mr'/. Tharli.M the war. He-spoke on National De-i \V^P^t:are yoii riiiinirig for? ! U IS 1 W »ii d?nt or Van ^^"^ S°"•#'«»«• 'or tfa, benefit!'!" Smiil. Mra J. Andre FbnUlhou^ |^^^^^fn^^V^'r^B* Mill-! 0 ! J Jil GIlOHGi: MU5VIX I "->!f,^ f".. " X i ^ f ^ '; f'iUaf-erh(:rCU. ^ ,;«'•«• <'Ii» L- Kenunerer. Jlrs.! tar/ Training Camps and dwelling •T$**ul\ F rtjamlaa, of .Vw J n^ g-fjj . . Hobbrt K. IloEuct, and-MM. J. K. on ,he fact ?hat New, Jersey ad We Offer

Liunj^verai year.s , aKo i:, tbe| f&«nB the _Rcy. Joint.3,:; ^.^^-.air^^anJialLfietr and |v o^^^^^noialof^m^W L 3WJL l>r> YOU KNOW tl,- ».:oliv(-. trh Jint two hlr. y/ork F>oomlfr plae« on Kejit I'laee boule-|f Pastor of the Spring-,Mr. jiv.d Mrsu. William S. Uo"4er ;. .'diy~ rTT7f 7 ntTKy^^TirO" vaTTtrTnsTH-is^- 'e"roT)"eyr-;\™'^mTrMfTn^i*^'t^rrrrc-ri:^vti! occtfm-^7T.r?rC'"r^r~~s*fT7iir^*i7:^MTr---., --r -:.~r^t^ i. - 7,mr of. hi': jiprwdJ- (Jrcrii rr-rr.nni'^r- ?tef- ;>»-—llKin of R fifteen-room liou»e situated on|;-Oak;"^ «emorial;-the^ll ^ndilie-w^-^&Jat the Sea- SpJci JoSS BcZ «!,'' sjgned and constructed byawMl-knotv chase tVi ;i rabi LL isii the i;;•.'>!,.I wni: nu inJVrif.i" motlvo c:ari land with a 120-fuot frohtagc onf^'- James K^Easlr^lvlt-V Country Club. . " l^t ^r^^fU -^Oham, n ,.,. fi,...-. of -thoj f-jtjt n*aj". "All the (V Mnirjjiim to-the 3ii*/iaHonr New >jnKland- avejuie^and a dt-pth^»g SprinKflejd^eJmrxh-r;_ ilUu- nnry Kol»eyt- of Ch-itwit - ATgniurp^sL ™SSli ! Major j architect. The interiorr arrangement in his Fft ridjriiifil I*11•• < i n - of .100 feet, Viraa purehaHedthrougt ay. June 2d, the vom-"Ttilk Pa.,' i.* di,e ^uerjt of h.-r , T»n>-world is jnyt awakening .count of Jiis in p-, fo.r- 'fm'. -*Tr.' • Hobeji't II. Steele, of Summit uUons v/HUwid_an "all-1 brother-,- Cadwalader Kclse'y on tiny Uuies. past commander of tho: )i> the I'Utt tltat tlw important 1 consists of large living room, dhiing Riitju' .'-;H! to t.l.,-i.i: —•-"ir.t !.-," In .tho church.-- Af West road. -. - jSinnnifi I'cst; Joseph Kerns, of S r:i»:iv«> »i> iiind*Til busineKri Is Robert .h Murpliy announces ill 'KU'U tli-.t Hit1 - i'. ' :i v..-. j.r.- : Ho«t'i;«; and Frank Van TronU,'! om ll.. •!-i:FiVIi,i; iiii'ti^e. Yet f;aJe of a house under eonstrun ill be ixrv'.'d at 1:CO p.m. I ' ''' — - -~—^—- ; ninti for hi ; lij • a;,d ? iv... ; Commander of the Summit I»oat. r% » kitchen, butler's pantry, maid's Dorwa* on HVoodland-avenue for Joseph T •rtainhjenr Kiven at 2:S0-'»T ••¥••-•*' r» 1 - ni!L«J_i:LJi,-_b.uj.uh'{-d, jtars xi;o_ a D;;r,ifci -J.-Kerns , - a^-toairtraaster, \ will «tt, rr.ii'iilK: r.rJy io. i.)>'" flinii'«.''' -Swiiuson—to- O. F— Lo'venlierji, !.-;i?.-lf'. i—(—e.'i»;|»fc«+^r ki;pt IUSHES moving at a apcedy- • "room and hath. Second floor*—three row's if. Jl) t\(ly effort it.-i I: I-i;:i! ', :->id tl:;it ii wo' would lie ,^ro.:;l Norwood avenue. Tlu: limine Will -tijniin'i i:iiil we. juusl be tb<; liiiish^d during die bumnicr, a teMe^'o-^s^.dfew-Providencer-Boro' the Col tl).-» lllCfiltsX".* !' 1>.'!,\*_ •. 'HJi.l ".. aadUoriuni. There will be inovliijc' master bedrootns, tiled bath and lava- ilr. Ijovonben? will litk.i pos ii Missionary Society and tip. fori if j on :>n> ranui:'' DI;1\ '.<<. i .i;:Rl of all. . - .loaary Society, the Worn-' 'Thc.'Trufli about Blayds/* a j-Ia] pielure : followed by a program" by sion Home M^ifi hi September. ' 0 11 th( cents U ;.our. tincn*, y< TT—\rrtr~rr,; prr T.^,? ^*'™ \ '- A. A. Mllno. will be"mounted by prb>'..:sio:ial laKnt. j tary. Third floor—master bedroom, U'n believe __1ML_ tbQ- con- l rM fespont— -'-§!—tiK'—I-f-iilf-^v_Jl;l-;, fjil \i-.-,r- t:-f-T- Mr, .MurphT-haa- a!s,o=iiold _a 'f^ _« f .la bdetom-fTthn Teach err,*,Club of,South Orange njru'il'.'jrowTh <')( run* li|]«ln<-ns -Th*>r«' nr^35 ihembers in the de-' •j-tTiir nn^iui", t}>; ' yon v. ill if on Mountain ^venue lying b< tv: filed bath. Two-car attached garage^ i- due very largely lo a sincere the properties of Win, Weller tTi^JTilijf.tor it,.. f!;V.' 0 f.L tweak fl; 'if' ire to* wrv« our ellenTs" Geo. CorniHh, for the New A house that will appeal to the dis­ been -tli - gir-alt'r mijinTt.Tif-. .. J will be for thti benefit of the, charter lnWmber J»_«"^«>S1 v. itli 'the hi"' i. of- our ability— ana Summit (formerly Dujja n's Club arc arranging for , ,| - : l^ulina Iladfiley.scholarship fund,. The department' started tvcnlsr- moundi . In 1 hf li !'ij «' ; r ('*. . fN ^irfh'-T- tbeir in eds be larp.t' itato) Realty Co. to Jbuepli S tion of a flag-pole on tlie criminating buyer. Can be purchased tk»"onK _rilLJ i"frnlivi- :,o__L_ '.''- n.i: .--ni.'ill. V, <:.v,ould welcome ii;on. Mr. Sw«wi>eu- wiil—bull awii, nnil a flag-faisiiiK Ger- • an tndowwl scholarship for tire as-; five years nr,n with hand hose reel p')tia;ii, |o:* it-j- hi'; • :J .opijort'inity of ]»ro\In^ this ' the Tot this fall. - - -;"J 1 be licld on Sunday morn- usance of both hlsh s.e,hcol and Jujoipers which were later ivplaced' at a very attractive price with conzf® tft j on. * tli;d (lif iii:iii v.yii '.!•' ^fr7 Murphy also announce e 12th, at the conclusion.' of co U^ students.. | hy a hor-He-tfravvH apparatm, Now ' auch t~ ,tllwn K D UcdflCBdajr June lr.t, the Homo^hty have a Mack truck with com-* """ ' ' - •J^^t>.^»1r«^iM- . i-L > —+. —-—^' — *-"" -"" • ' M^ ! rental ot the hoiiKe*-at 2G B#' ' 'iy .exercises venientterms. Stevens _ and heiiool AHsocJation will hold, binat-Ion ehemlcat and hook and ]avenue, owned by' A. Conf JThet th;-lr last meeting of the school year, ladder appliances , i Orange, to A. K. Mar.ih Ii. ^JkeanJJt— at UiK-olit JSchool at 2:30.-* Thev' ' __-o___ Further particulars on request. P.' AftHAj . 1—^GEORGE MAJRVIN - = Vorir-reityr-'-Mr. "MaTSh—wll^ Short-BiHs (JiaTOniWif^%i» T/mnriiin cept at Real Estate htsitranve Investments 0 Itires»*U W. tlii'M, of 200 Oa Mr,. Carrie Golprh-h. of Elk^aod! ROard of Bdi2 IM iL^eliS? ' UeinK>o and Mrs. Era,rd A. Maihigs j» r\ioN' VIM-,: 'ph-uM- •_»iv_» . smwnvx. J. avenue, has purelraaed from l^'-iiue ban been called to Sarauac,, PrinsTe of Summit was appointid. I". ofihfft ! 1^. ICdlnoudMon and John L. f Irvlimton on...Hudson, N. Y. ,.V \.. by il.o !!W?o«a illness of herJ4c=racr of the ..cventh an I eliith' n K( 1 the Stat: . -." (Din-illy (ii.;in. if- ^it.twiTi) | the prtrperty at -I'J-51 Sunn announced the birth ofa '30lf r - - , jiraaes. It was'.also decided to close JOBS TBECK-'£PHMIPT (d. t Monday^ nue. lyliiK eloijo to—die aturday. Mrs. Mathjeiiiien Is a „, . - "' „,"" ~ ' ! Columbia School Jtir.c T7jth 1'is'ead • With thf bridtre. The pnipeTty7 han t liter of Mr. and Mrs. George .1 he twenty-hfd! annlyersary^of .of :J.u'i3e..24th..U» iacilitate- the work =sa^«aEs^j*'^-»flL*ir^,»^tj^-=^-=??1 =-3«^~i5HSi-TfS»W.^Sff^i&SC ~ '•of-Bfrin i Hrrrsr'—"™~"" —- ^Reetl-Esfe^c^' b«rfiJN£_: made for investment. _iiiciit_v.TH >bc observed. Saturday, buildUis • L-CluirJt s_c^«rrolL^F-rickT- of encoutrt* The attractlyc brick ailtimore In stopping at rhsj home * SUMMIT; June YXh.- Otto K Ad.imS to chair--f A nuiW-rel. Mil "danco, wJJl- be ,,: CHATHAM I hot1ne.-owncd.-fc7 A. J: Wlijhelr'dauijiter. rrfr"/r"'Jbfin Rhea n: rr Krran m 13 , ! ^ . 1 ^ ^ Dimmit, r^jvea at Lincoln School-anditorjurn . 3>rabaUly Mountain avenue has beJnt^omery for- a week. lee. .Unci Jian prepared a tentative , Tuesday. June Tth, at 8-15 under Opposite Static?^" 137 Main Street PHONE F. V«. Benjaniiii, whoj.i t»Ir». Kdward K. II. f'.endergast prowarn that will include-a parade the' ^;jjrM or j,e H"fl "Td ^ Phone 1021 ^naaataa^3ifc-th'g,-rJ03inm^i'ta.InLid,-nt"T~lTi>udiy()ii tollowWt- ,._Pfaono 2372- not geen- i ually Co. of Newark. Mr/ bridge at the MorroT County on.-r contest „i which the local ^k's Arabian NiKh;S Orchestra ,- up nntil- ' i\pee:«_ to mow from l/'lf Club iir hontir of Mrs; Charles iiwl Kr-onps, The Roys Club" plated the' SnW-+"-i i however, Chaiham 'home in IrviiiKtint to '"#_"' Madison, TViiUiuKh>n, Stir- mil Y,_M. C. A. boys a league fame . In both • l;J)i.;;v and , deuce about July 1st. Raskiii^ Itidge will "take on Pas.iarlc Oval Thursday at twi- ' tlori tlltM- The - sale v»*:ia made Altiir_f_Ue_ contests they, jvill. ii~ht. • Kftfted. -; Marvin. Etitnd the ball .game on the ite« t^he Kasoliiu Mt ;i<1 Mrs S. •• \: SUMMIT A i^ii " " - William Rufhett tlTbu 6h~11ie aaXorinhKi : • nro. Bint "N.J'.. " "'•• ' ^JSulletin = i Rea^hmestment wiir_tooT« tEe'-first" at the month j J tlilw investment will from „ tho Andf-rsoo - boiite- on • {mtreh Tiewlcrt-^rouiii aa imjpej SpHnsfield , avenue to the- A. L.! f'iftore t>rlf*• - uet,8. Incidentally Office Closed , Burnett hottse on Springfield jvve. further »i . 'Took^Ahcad^JkiUAeL.Noiu" j was sold through ad/ j «!ub of tir^z HEliALl), .. Memorial -Day Tho. I^dies!.;lAiixiUai:j: ot__Uia' hasJjeenjying a&undevelopcd property,-"cvcrr-Bin<:e " JiKPph" T. Sciirr Cttiirch at Our Lady of v+aee^ifere • you can rcmemfcvrr that it is going to remain un­ fiv- V-ntertalned yesterday at Jhe homo ,>nt«; 1*4 dwelling locuti'd-a developed. -. . , ,, arm fail avenue, 'Chatham, r,r~STrs, Mary Behrc on Passaic i >'to retur P, Condi t, ofNe-wark-il;- Clarence Condit iitrot-.t." _ { This eve;ihijr"- at_ SL_ Vj?t- j It is being developed now: ' __. town, l, —'• Bcfiinuit Conway/ " RKAI.T0R "trouble—f, cent's Hall. Stirli;:-. the Dramatic I Lots arc now being sold there at very reasonable "Th" ^^^^^^^^Mlnmrance Club of the Churcii. of Ou? Ladjt-of j 'jhwt jsea# Peace v.ill-produ:re the plav. '"XotliL-' prices and-terms. - - -•* ~ "'• ' : zz^ ~; jiinperb to Lincoln liiiKh J the r .»f fcurteen * plotroad lftlInK_hatah».--Tra:lir"~ Tho'ca'st" ln j' *~T\vo beautiful houses are how beine - ifoimarjcoi I'hoae 70 Summit, \. J. eludes the Misses Lillian Uehre, i jiortiierjy side <>( the /"-JBUILT BY PAUL BRADLEY" ^ ,-»' Presenl and Pine. Grovdaaio iArdeil Osborn, A/cnes Koch, Jcimlo; ,be held Security-Laud-C/b; of fCie«'io, Katherine Krayer and Kva.! Three more have been planned. ~ -" ;.«8 the * . Was negotiated i-Kraycr, and George Voi^rht, UonaMI - r w Catholic • - IT TAKES A S1RONC IMAGINATION . Kitat Orange, cofc. f)f =r: Appenzetlar.Walter Itebre,JUi»war_U4 "l£2B°^ 9. _JI?ajL.h r'ri *.i nurTCtit'tK' - in desirable real estate. Passaic r.trset are wceivius cqn- • Maurice ,A. -IMiment' —U--'yt.w ar<: in wawh \»i .i l.uj..- v SK that now Kratulation.-! oa tlje birth of a aoir" —I ^r*IUghl|L:-, slon avenue, I The' i". the tiiile to hny. n.- tc',l y.m ;doui :-<,ri(- of the j>topM*Uo:* Expecting to Remain in the Phone Summit 2690 .'" Nothln| known as SuJct arid' Mr. and Mrs. J. Fr Wahl apd fawi, • \{f. etnr/UMr I'jicKiail.T. _«Vi. hvil.le. U«..-n iit-iw uike" you "to we >?£S plot has a froJd Mrs. i ily will spend the w$*Vend audi _thr..e. \\rll joi.itrd .and ir.o.di'iji. Jioiiuf;:. __ ' _„.... holiday at their bungalow at Jndiah^" EDGE WOOD ESTATES, INC. KTTtjjfa.^.- .„. •s-tS^ feet iir/iis re-| "Home of Your Choice" Vuss.plan to Lake. _. ----- r ported.- -inie^itely.ymi.-iiaturany^want^very posstfa^e^eOT^for^ - E^Ld^ffice—iDor. Springfield Ave. and ,Edgewood~Road L. Etkel Stryker LA J _ Convenience. Real Estate-and'Insurance r-N&ary Public S ~.H T^^r~^zzzZ^zzV^^^iJ^^^^.f^^Sm^i ±&i -._,- =VWW(CJi*#S:<^Illlf?^r and Terms Convenient. J^-^_Alici>^HaIeh_of-^.-;«.i"- York Ion, D.D., and Mr. aind Mrs. John- Townaeuil Rev.- Dur/ns in AH lamUnfaily of Glen RtdEc -pnat the . jT~,;M*"Jufc'"' 'W ICtt-^f-J Jiere_,BEe^Drfiit.oi.ite.rJut6tanchtig^ 4l Souls i w«ek-e«d-^rf(lir=-i-h^r-Bt5tFr=^IiBa ChuJ iAmy >Iorc ot_-"Green Brodk. Gar^ Job : Icabyteriaii^ ir^ii VJ™^ ?™'"f""ffli»r*TIew^ House Is XewU--" dens," Emerson lane*.. '. - ...i v t ) r "'V» -»''(>JT''**.""s' - A--t- - . ?V i at .elevqn "titi^tiM' '^i!1. S*."*w«"**-*J"W -Maun" «»«nr _ Mr. and 1Hrs.~J.-Aj Crowe" of JN'cw ~ MjOftHi&ferfe ^hnr^^fe'f^^S^tev' ;"WfBrfe^'\f_^w^MH^^icam^S?j =^--^_^ \ o'clock,^ verailLl X~ Second Floor lias ninr impupuv ttw urBntBinit-liiiii"~~~~—<|-""--^"--^--^^mm,^»t--^£laiaibald-.ayjgmtf±n»-t -fog^jnr..»MP ". \,...„-_ l-J^aplHlu Jn.thft-1; —^F^d iB-«h-"#«iv^-ltk JlentwsvH-W»-i3f "---.- Fnninier " iZSP^^j^—^trrZ-Z-Z-,^.- _. ^ftJt^mM^M=z^s^iiMf^toal^^ 1 zz fahafn will " - - • -- - • ' art^ family will -pgad tlTe :i~e~"-e.ndT ^nei^^b^oinal^Mrmhonse typiF He_v._ fiu&Tla the "We liave "other Homes, too. Teff us 'Wat vou7 most ": ^OS^tnnstsTTOmiri^^:. nreac3i- / Churc_h __ on desire" and we.wi~riocaTc~tt^or vou.- - Mrs. Victor Mercfcr has returned! 1 J 1™™-!-**™^* *ft»***w*n ]U "I miF^-'i^i-'vi i IP NUI-HWIIL' mi HIHIII JiffJM'—r" " ~"~~r " •:!.->• ,-L I •-•-•.•• •»<• ---- i" VValkiiie in Calvary i fiatj^ftteft- j&rs.' CBHs. " ^nvdeSnvd?r of tiW JWIIITLC' PlaiiiTGeTO;;. " _ '_ t." '- -^•*"-' •jJClhirch/ -^^,,5^^^ Mr~. - Katherine McNultv of Jorge living-room, dining room, -Brooklyn i» visitins: her soa-fa-law i %^i*in CJiuricfi--"«n zkHdteir^pamryf breakfast- nook- , In..Hr. Iof F7-n<>r<;.-.~ laMu. washroomr avd^^mned^SrcHf l^wtdiif-paistor. • Itarr." 1 n>"°' "Tp''^. Preach bn -—A-good sum was realized from the ftmncin^arranged.. TRaniurar f ^lc-^nd---irpi>rrr-ir-Ta-ar the'Tjo'B""" -"'ClirUi Blahop'W. R.. (m««hy- ""ou«e liy the WHM'E RUSSELL W. GIES, Owner In ilater .cbnflrma-J I Auxiliary on Saturday afteriiioii Stoatie eleven o'clock! and evening- Akw ibe plant, salt 200 Oak Ridge Ave. Phone Summit 576 tion tHpor service, at. ofrtbc Watchune. UillsGardea Club sorv*jidi«;Wrvh;e will J was a success; raosi of the plinta eJgU the Rev. S. B.' I! and fhrwrera offered bticg di&- bo fand will take for posed of. ; HIU Williams." -5=-| !?" hi»>ptlRt Chitrch.-S.- B-Ill preach on, ist to youth." at ce on Snadaj;, At bn sfervice at Chi- For Rent fCltflrch. Rby. IMr. oh "Hhifcr WW! _1_9 HtigheBL Place-"-Sf^foorn" act and-^*ioneer of duplex hoUse. Living room; should be carefully selected so thjit it %vlll' >e ."Pew Rally rjiay- dining room and kitchen, pel, ^. M. JS. ZIon first floor. Three bedrooms, meet your needs for years to come. k aytHSne. ii ». m. rtho pastor. Rev. lolplt. Subject; "The and^atri, second floor. Good rprrp^Wfi'ai'e Prepared to assist vou in secur- 4.15 add g pi >m. attic, store rooja.. Immediate \i*".^'-?"'.'.''"" -.,-., ' . ,-' " •' ' - . „ ^'.'wy-r: anna .moBlear-protnnBieat pro-- MHBil^irJotmiirmbich to build, or ahonie:Tdt^s **g4'Wfo-Au;» J^j^lSiomf^oit rf Sstatk I Real Estate . Wolfe ^2-CENTR*fc-Bfc©Gr~ r Insurant \ _ Phpjae Sipiunit 6? _J! Real Esta t X.AW.tlllB.I.iS.S.?, SUMMIT. H rarinWrit'' ••*• Summit, il.'j. •ItrlSOf SniamlL K. J.

".. 'j.'-' i m^^rvm THB SUMMIT HEttAtD AND WHHTt RECORD, SUMMIT. R f. PACK SEVtttfi 9* Ul«H>li«i»l I ••»• fciLwwWl^^NJhAw•9 W FURNISHED rooms for rent. If EhA ""PURNITTJRK 13 m Street. Phone 311-J. ! r-.iri nJ-Mif Cmiirti"" v ISLI r.l>INi;],,{. £z„t !™~^tfc,n. Her. ration 1 ^ c,.|!,,,is \p-i!le,,tton of' t velnvr •ultv l^itd "Vpiil 27. 1!i27. Stamps* Flood Sufferers J 3-pc.' ; "Hi *il;>( •"X.'" or "I"," 7,Vi I ailk vetour suite .. TH E >t' *t,M I I' TJU' $X t -OM PA N V. j feel I'f ,.Krc,t),\jUnUri(U rdr.iins and I ln-j APARTMENT to let—possession July 4-pe, BEDROOM SUITES WASTED ^Auntor, riitlouary and i'niiiloiirtry Kl«Jn.. «*C. I iipcn^'d a.iM «>• d in ijutilk- at Uorrunrrr French walnut suite 2#0.0# * '.»n.J:\ Jv—V\Tr.I.TAMS1 Pro. tor, f nu-nts. Phono 1335. 70-tf J4-pc. WANTKIi it fn\ .>r t-**> f.«r n.;«n-l I I hill t.n Tii'-d.r . Juue-7tb. J'.>2.. at man han r.iiKRCAtcd to the P«w(t- jCUtwrtwood. BtiUe ttHM ch4utf<>ur. tfu>* «r i.tar ».-«BB» l«aTic.i- fiurii'iiMt. N J. ^Ghssiffed Adv&ttmtnents o a H,j v* iW-7'l I'l-eu jrv 2') ".*. on p in . d.tvllR ii : ivitif; time I'nut- niTttcr General an ' Ittsuc' of t0t>,- TO-L.ET for KU.nn.or; f urtilfihcd -house.-} 10-pc. Amvrlcjauh ,walnut • lov, wruii li.iYh. t.r »;«rnn-»i_ Wrj.t-i l:t;:i:, S;n' i (fii m, i-.uiil fiiriii:i of bid. TIIt.^TKi; ,'= Siri'TLUMONT Notice 000,000 two-vent'" stamp«r--e«iai ten rooms, partial ImprovenientB; 110-pc. DINIXa-TtOOM RITITES I*. »t- h-i-c-tl. or 'pfenc?»- Stonnntr J4* — . eiminii.t and t«'i• 1 _tnr the. pro]»T"'d Ten Gents a Line small village, Maine is lier-hy KIWII. tin* itn-ount of w«-rk. pripand- 1 y. , -John J. ICi ntz, nn.'iniintffnK Chnrlea A, Mndbcrgb'ii Frenoh walnut *uft<» ', „$l!Kro(l IS .»! TOHUBtLeA mm MtE, !• J., V <*l.irk. truitieof Hie tslntii I'.nrnQirli -l^iiKint" r, SI _ilai»h* ^tr..'-:, 11 fllKlit »,o Paria. ' ' / • ' •7 pc. American walnut suite 195.00 (•f WHU.lll) J. PillKH'Oll, .l-MUMM-ft, S Sumiitit, N. J_r' ji;»tl jipprn\«*l I'V the " CSHNT Mt secepted after t a. a. Tuesday «r Frldaj. „ , >v- coast near Bar: 10-pc, (JreenwoTd'nuite . 295,00 F<»I!P.. ir. •; : teurine;. Jill «-»ir»». £>J.«1 M;nt..I l.v tlv • UIIM rlber. Exitutrlx of State HlKln..i\ I"I„>II ;ib-*.! ..I, h.lVc lwell Mr. Arkcrinan wouUT^have th« Harbor; swimtnlou. Ujatinfj. ftsMns : ' KITCHEN FURNITURE rur.iiiiii- >:\Mi EtlKillel r stamps f-tihl jit ihrc^^iits, the odd IH,J;I<1. »ill lM audited mid Mated by at £','• M:ipl<- ;iir. it. : yiuiiiil. N. .1 , find •'J JgjnimutalCHarge of^ftjcents, cash in advance. „„„„ t . P.EFRIGDRATORS open fields, fine lawn and shadt.; Porcelain top tables.... J7.4^ and I12.S0 UAR«;.\|_v:.s ir. u.;^ t-*n.—ilaAM,il ihe i-urn*e:iti'. and ri|*.it of Alberlco. SO Aubrey atrett, 70-tf White enameled. $2n.0S-|33.00. lion It.-ndtr'* iljr^tf. r*jir 444 • "j-untv «.f Piiiini, -nil Wctltiiaday, the . bj vtimpei live l-iilih r:. d'tirlnir busili IEM "House," fii, HERALD. 6S-tf j Kitchen chairs »I.9S. attd $221 rutft day .95lo*25.0440.00 ' _.. _ — _ - <*-tf' -a <'>!»>' of the Kjiec^fii aUo:is, nnd blm. WH for / thla cause. "Thfl and will appreciate having U^aU«»Uon called to any advertlse- furnished; top floor; 30 Bccchwood" Simmons matircsses ,. ...,S:»5to 3»J)3 UOHjlZMAKV It. CLARK, jprlnth of the ili.iwhtr-i by tltc Er.Klmi-r LARG13 fronj t room., furnished or un^Htlmmoni s bed sprlnRa mT»3 to"~1^9S wh'jlx»._ttDrld.. v.uuld—beconw-pur- -iB*MMi4>t-4^itf&rmid>^^ -r-owdr :6SH^ *lmimrns-dtty^beda-T~-^T^lwyto---*^V^^VN*Ki^.1^-i 3C -ti-r f ^^ttttrrTT, , _. l-?;.;ccnlrli. ^V*' -hrn-proper"' ." " T Mr. Ai.kornian'a icle- '"i» Slnimnqs cots . , ..--.. „t «4j.S0 sell t'hri.M'.r ••.".»" tcjtirt. t-iittott. K.tlirn & Yolmp. J'nulors, lllds muit l.i- made on tlv Matul.trd chaser,*i AHAttl'MENT to rent,-6—rtjomis bnlb4Siitintoiw-oot-niMttreitaen .-.-!-„.,..,. -J4-4S CU-UilMJ'-'l .\4JLli hLMsz^jx ^1(1 IIKMIJ St , N. JtVe s -ti-tt- «r-',^''Lru--m*i..lii_Ui-. JV tn]iL'c_.ji'^i^.%J;raUiL.jlccJaxe£L'.._ urAiw-yff ii c •• *7injFi«i-i- r j' -Ritd--rieepiflrc porch, open * flt^-ptai-o ODDPrECEa Piu.n. ;j-.7 n« ^^-ii-^!^J6^^•7^ - - •-- - pves •,.> „it- U1|<,.j dk-rim aT.iTrtntjlrei :1 !»>' ^be jip..*- i Rent, including wnter and heat i Drcftfters :..$1S.95 to 139.50 ciflc.tlluiih, mii'-'t ()•• i iiiloJiid in srab-d j I J75. I 'or 2 ruenns could be sublet or j'WHrdrobcA I . .. ^Z r 39.00lo;£5.00 PHFI* 4-^8.** f"t»K *>>iLi: j;sTA"n: . ni', i:..\itnn:T i^ • n. tut.elopes, bc.iriiii. the n.une a'.rtl ST used for 'orfice. Inijulre 387 SpifiiK- j Buffets 3i.00 to 65.00 i!rp;'.s of hldrl'T and 7:a'ni'' "f'«^n- 1 "Wn have several'iitorea and offli-eH f«r field 'A\'e.' or "phone» 1183, ISt-i r» EPCHjill, d"*_J.i.inl Pursuant to the, th"'otithtili-, iiddi>-*..s,'i| (o Jolfi II. Pech. rent. Mutual Unjnn Realty Co., 308 -tf'China closets , .. 25.»9 to-4'J,35 <___lcr i.f fimr^i. II. Juirto ton, tAut'l'ii^jltr. -Platinum Jmrpln set with dlii- _s- li'irotiKb Cli-U, .\". w 1'roMd'in ••, N. .1. Mfmhrr,; nrc uracil to be present nond. Reward. Return-Ui-Mnr-^Wirt^ Springfield Ave,. Summit gcsii. HALF dr>uble liuusc. nine rooms -and NURSERY JEIUENIXURE "i On- County ot l"i:lo:t. niiide on the ntid niii.-it, Pi- niTc"mp.'itiii"«l hy II SUirety Baby carriages . J 3,95 to $35.00 rCtli d.'V or 11-*y. \ 1>. 1927, upon the ar th- rxrrcl«*3 to lie'rniittucted'by* e~ Alley,-!* Linden- place. SPRINGF/ELD—New 4 or -6 room balli; three inlnutea from station, Compant Ci find a c.itlfl'-d' corner Glenwotxl place Baby high chain . .. 3.95 to &.9!i , .-ipplb.itb.n -oi' thi'^uiiderflRiied, as Ad-' cliecV for not I—i. ten 11'•> i« r thc-pinstmJt Post of the American apartment, all Unprovemont^,--con­ and Sprlng- Nursery chairs 4.95 to 6.95 \ X » r x r i N i; 'it.inlMrutor of the c.M.ite of h:ild de- T—Account book, canvas covered, field avenue. Will rent •'< nt. ol th.' auiount bid and be' d> - •• LI-KLOU. Memorial Ha.-, 9 o'clock at venient" location, returnable rental. purposes. See any AKeutfo. r busineBH Baby basMlnettes 8.95 twTlT.T).'', ,<.a--d. miliii K hi r"liy Kl\eit (••> the IIvi rid iit the pi.i. e and on the boar enrlnp; on Uus cover "N«*wnTlc Ew- - One family house, ft rooms and h;ith, Floiuiel Park. Immediately, a.tcr- Cl-tf Baby cribs .. • • . 12.95 to 35,00 iTedi'ors or s.'tt'l dei i*-i*_i-il-t'» > xliilitt b> above mnmd. Th*. i tiind.ird prf;p.^-„i]T ulnB Ncwr.." Kinder kindly return to ad Improvements., Xyons-Conley-Co.,- - 353 Springfield avenue, Summit. "LAtlGK front room, furnished, suitable CONGOLEUM RUGS tlw t-uliri-rilier under bath v.r affln*i;i- form in ntt.o'nd ti> the" Kpe, ifl- utii.tis,'wani' . nu'ci member^ of Pasaalc Morrls A^e. at the center of Stirmt- DF-7 CI»7.«:N'-*5 lii>0 tii.-jr j'ii:. and di mauds aMahis! i i'»p|i B of ulihh will be furulslixl on field, N. J. Tor one or two ktdte»; five ihtnutes to I Size 6 x 9 ft _. .„, $ 5.93 Valley Chapter, s, A. R at the Y. ffllTE Ru>slftn- wolfhound, female, Htatlon. la Walnut street. • Phone Size T>,S X 9 'ft. '. G.93 I5JIT ,. r.iTi ••{ di-c« .n;id within :'ix •appllcitioi i t*i the .-'i^'nu'cr. 1704. 70-tf month*: from tin- dale of ,*;:sl(l nnli r, or . 'M IT. A. to participate in marking mswers to name of Sunya, in \ klnliy AT -R Oakland plare, lartfe furnished Size 9 x 10'i ft , . .. 9.9.", i^ .IVM i-rrrt—rn- lcji 11 uov |of Morris avenne, Springfield. Call 'tiny mill I-- fut.vcr li.ur"il from prose-, all bl>l«, " * »:raves of [{"\oliiiionary aoitlicra In room, Second floor, naer bath. Phone- FOUH_.rooms and bath nparlnienl; In Sls« & it 12 n. . . . 10.95 2 MAY I'SKP t'Af: rW.tZ. 'imiiq; or ren>\,rlii]_ Utv t-ttiie aitainsl {Summit 1165 or 1341. 229&-J. - - . - - 74-tf _ ..TRUNKS—BAGS—SUIT-CASES - - liv Onli r *.r-rjirou'nir-F*riiiiKll. till i viciiiitv- now building. Steam heated r-" all 'riv.v Fu'i-.'-'Tiiivr- i 11av 3rd. 1 :iL!7 mndem improven»etHs. Summit- De­ Free Delivery Everytt'hero, : Jjuii-t GIIKC Chapter,_n. A. R„ has J ,/ATINUM bar pin set with two dia- NEW PROVIDKNCl^Four a"nd"flve i — _--__. «;. KDWAP.D ESCIHMt, | -• —JOHN II.' PKCK7" nonds and one sapphire—Tuesday,' velopment Coinpa*fy* 13 Beochwuod J. MANTBI. «. SONS Invilcti members to he present at rooms, all improvements. June 1st. Iload. J . 64-tf DEPARTMENT STORE rLiii.w. ii \ Y *r, ;» •tv. , . AiliiiiiiHli.'.tor. • > 7j-7t-7i: Itiir.niKti el. ik 'be tUilic.ition iir a hotildvr in com- Ion or'nfrar_SprIiU5_fl«'!d avenue, Re- Inquire at Madonna's Barber Shop. JLIrjajif7v^ "——t with board -If desired. 29 Franklin pancy May lsr> J15.00. Chester C. ! Tel. Short HIIUi 1192. 10-tf I NOTicr. , Presbyterian Cliurcli, Woodbrldge, _, -;'^^V.»' -S-«f —~— . Place,...Phono 128^.; ...... , Henry, Vov* Ofl'loe Bultdlni;. nt nnd Latest FINltm JE 'fcHMtc low shb« trimming. V'-> USUI* CAK NOTICE IS HEUEHY GIVEN or the' Me'nifirtai Ihiy,-3 fi'cjorki' ' "" "• t 11 FOR HALK 4) It RENT ~11 ! \ppll^HERALp .office. - NEW PROVIDENCE—Bungalow. B|^ FOR RENT—Brle.tle. N. J. Attractive I ropi'ved ••M;it>n'»>liiii<*tit by the Com,' ; "Vlidci Mamifii'mi nt of _ j At 4 wenty nilniifeijjriast^clghL a)t rooms and-tNHH,-itU_lmproy,ementLV ftummer cottage. Ideal location. mim-Conn'-il of'the'city ol* Sujainlt ofi A. II XViiMU'ATH, INC. i LIiK.dlp School mcmbera are In- . Garage. 145.00. Phone ~~S\tm1nH NE-W Colonial house; seA'on—rooms- l!M.ty'"e____.ii K»'iit Place i:nulev«rd - iir.i,e IVAAi'KJil, v Season T700.("». 'Mtnltt «e||. -See nnd .three-baths; sun porch': nttTdni -iivmn ^XJl niUWXUlXi'-r L AVi ti'-v -1-730-J. , - ' from 11*^1 • Avenu_" e |o thi" »^^ "TT y TaTi ^vjti_^d^y.ticj_vjnx!ric^tt..l^'.is^ij4a-lw -- H. N. Folk, Bi-ielle, or B. P.- Bartlett. heat; ' two-tmr parage ; lot 10O ^b> JtTPl piitpo-si^T bulMbliY liTit's liliiiTI be jtANTED—Maid for "it^r.erVil Kount- "SHorTTTniHrN.^.- -" . 62-tf IJO ; blch-class rc:iideiitl,tl section. vffirk, family of three. Telephone PLEASANT furtilnhed room: . thrco Phone 26-W.. K-tf .MANY REFJNIsfltKt*- .ay fi.!4ot>K: A line dr.iwp ]i,ir-aHel to ^Community Press ^-pTcc^tt tor apiiroprsate rxeroisRs. minutes walk from mutton. 9-A Irv- !«|irlii-{flrld Ateiine [1371.* . _ FURNISIIE1>. rooms lo let. near Bta- I a«d tjiirtv (JH) feet pouth from the ~ plume 1130 .7*-lf4__,tlon..aiuL trolley. Walnut t;i'AR.\NTEEI». mtitlijjlr Mde line f.t'Kc-iit plaTe-IJoule- 12" KlKATT ESTATE FOR MALE' 19 iajid iri":ii 21 on Is Avenue to the t'Uy /ANTED — Experienced bookkeeper street. ' - fi2-tf 1 [and stenographer. Address Box Z2, FARMLEY Apartment, summer Line ,:i;iJ it bin- driiwn parallel to nnd -'Patsy DeSimone ^% HERALO. . mouthy, twu- room's, kitchenette and FURNISHED ROOM TO LET—Three BUNGALOW In orchard, 4 rrmms, 45 f c t north froiirtli->-iif*rtltrrty—side­ line, of Kent Place Boulevard from bath, completely furnished. Dealr- ininulas to Ktation. Call at 21 Glen- * b;*th. aire, r.flinil—near W;itohungr A l"rii:i> CAR Irf osi.v ,.;-; «;.»ii.i | General Contractor YOUNfi WOMEN wood place, or phono 1231-M. 64-tf rKer: (i mili-s from Sum- AS Till; I'lUffMlV ItEHCXD JT WK, Morn-. Aicii'jc u, ib-s t'lty Line: ami, • iihle location. See superintendent or mountains, tfifT the t-4titb]|<.liiiii-nt thereof no new IERE are' position*! open for young mit, ^.'idO. E. Wolfl. GlUctlf. N,. J.. IIAVI: iii-:i-;.\ KKN£»KKIN'«J_J-!;I:V- Grading - Road Building L call 1673-W-. ' 74-lf -INDLV-IHtlAL imncfMbi HaraK*»r—cen­ bulldiotr, hlruiiuii' or part thereof, icn between ~Hi and "33 yearn of near depot. ICi: FHli \ YEARS AT i»M: AI»- as telephone operators in Sum-SPniNGFTELD—Itou^e. Bin r(n>piH and trally located. Telephone' 17JO-W; uluill be i-ri'i ted ori the liropetty lie*- - m vkiih ATEM'K No experience required -. ssnlnry bath-, all Improvements, centrally lo­ 34-tf NPAV Jtoine, Overlook road. 50 Jiy 240 HRESS wrwru. KB: im:i:»: TO.timi- i r.nid builditiK line mid the line 'I'lionc -521-J I while learning. Apply any day cated. • Inquire Springfield Hotel. feet. Good terms. Joseph Mastersiin," MORKOW TO t'AUK t'-rl'- Yen; said street ; and after twenty-five Summit, N. J. n s u. inr-r!r-3~ir/' in.. JWiiunijty y JiAltAjGJ^S. .J-Q^J;cnt on.,JJnloa.-4>Uu<*- ^^lMiti4ei^iijiti.tjw4tfe^» •P^T7tri-^14,^-W'. WANT*. • •420-$-UfWjW-O^JlJii 44t« 4)u4«~.«f<-4bM- wdop- TWO rooms and batb, for light housit- Uheatrer Henry,-Post Office Bldc7 _iioj__..if jin ordinance fi\in.*r the wild ! m. -to-12-noon, to-the Chief Operu- -keeplnp. 1 Ieat-,-trot-and-colfl-wnter; — . ^ - 50-tf «^^ts^hUn£jSai_-ii.Juu_liuiHlj>^'^it"ktruianre! r, 403 Springfield Ave., Summit, screens" and shades furnished. l_Vn- .. "r iMrt thereof wlL-tb-viT, uluill cop- LTrtrnnubltQ AccWcftt^ "-"TI i .NEW., YORK-TELEPHONE ---- Iim't It exhilarating 'trally loratttdf. f38.t>0. 23 Walnut SEVERAL offlffH to rent, tjr4_ie ti. itariiP b'elwecn" said. buildlt'iK ' Fire "*- •IJ«— . -Cr COMPANY. Chester An.jiiu pliin to follow thronrth 'HKYSLUn:-. street. Henry, Piml Office Bld*r. ,-"5lMf IM'fi'KsT 2ITJ* *; and e h'Tii'd lit a and Health wanted to work .in dniR store. With uci'iiniiilirthmiiit In Ylrn. tMir><-;_.;*4. * , IN private house—desirable five «"«»«tfh3 1 in*-* titi^ u.t .'lie < '•in:invit Couicll I" be IltirRhiry _^ _ Renting , WANTHI> T 11 i itli.tKK"-' . ,ein_'.a_sJ .ha.i:i«ac.y,—430 —ftnd-trath ; heat- and'Tvtflcr furlTlslt^^lr ^iTt-Jvf.T.Y AVi;. VIKIVSITK** *lnM TUi-fll-iv '->'• iilm*. -June'Tfh, 1927, ringfield Avenue. 186 Morris Ave. MlDDLE-aged couple would flike" circ Phone 1IS7. • i*iTn\'Tio'i.i-rr^." • at ti «i"e|i.,*. d;iySli;M ^.n IniT lime, at tb-- Ot> H'tP. Sutut'i'l.'N .1, L.TJERLY man aw day . watchman ; of a house during summer; could FTiFtDS AN'f Daniel MWaiiaira^ FUJiKISlIED room to let-.42 Dc.'Fur- pay. rental of. $50 monthly AK well, SlX-r^iini luitiiu', all improvements^ M.\M' tyrnEJU'. - JJJIJJI ,*.bi 1Mb, l:'I7. Irwti&r mtLkiLblii'iHelf usefuFin"' fficlbrv". • est avenue; 'phone E80-R. MeHt references. A'ddrcas.Box 9. *; fruit -tree:,, MhnililH'O. L!Vi acres ' • • l'i;EI>IHUCK_C KENTZ, JIKAL_ KSTATfi^"^-" • [N. Y. Olrl Coat Co., MorrU a\enue SUMMiT HERALD. •_-5f"-i4. City <;ieik. Beat the Grass at and [and Weaver street. Apply-3G4 'MoiiutJilii :i\fnue. BEDROOM and lame kitchen with nil . CKNHRAI. INSURANCE Improvements. Itpjuiro Rttrticr Shop; CPERIENCED girl for KeneiW YOt'NG couple of-ex<><-lbiit refereiict-K, j TWO-f.-tmily l*t,ui"'.- JH.iVm. Oiie.riinilly IHTTCT- PAIL T'* T\S;^ IM«ltO OF M.W TJUlVIIJLM'i: Its Own Game , 79 Urilon place, _ Christl.-ms. lust -married, desire -to'l house; *7.r.00. ""G-is M-Ttliv -station. Ar-VANTAliE' OF Till:. — NOTARY ~ I housework. Oerman, Swedish or Mnin. in 4'oM'i: M'TOIIS settle in Madison, Chatham, Summit, j J.OIJM B.o\lt, 411 'SprtmUIiJiLavenue. . Of oil times, now when grass— hNwrwjylHn preferred. Small family. FIVE rboni andjiath" apartment, entire - or Mu|)le\vouil, l>y rentinK a. inodern I lilt V |l Vl til! Iv I, ACK A iTAS S^r^r&POT I Adults. WalklnRdlstanco" to" village. second flour"; rooms all large, liBht bungalow „r tJiarlnK a cottaRi- with j 5 . • 71-tf Krowa fastest, you'll appreciate Te). Summit 1044. and airy, unfurnished or partiy~-Tnr- dcr.iruhli* people lit a- wuiwl liKUtloli ' NEW liimif read j Tor oeeu|uim-y June ' J>rouMi: -' bl. N<»'iiCi: IS l.-.-vM (liven Ur-I- lH'.lleil lawn mower. The old" hard PANTEIJ^—Woman for part time, nished. Adults. Hef. required. Resi­ four to five rooms. Address Box 12.-; [ laundry' work nnd cleaning. Write toiK'tftii; on Kood tetm-v Mutual IN<; .M;fiVB $.:l«^—%%[> »>:.i.v « .>N- bid---H-tll-bc-rn f i\cd by tb • llorotinJi pushing standby pf year* past dential section, centrally located, $75 % HERALD. 72-74 I . Union Ri:(lty Co., 30S Springfield -t>tTi«t.\s ARK A if-; DKS,*'-*:Y . Hoy Sit r< IIKBAl.fl .... \_ i"i-uiitil-at the l: iriuiKh Hull, Sprlnv;- haa just about proved its un- - per month. Proctor, 41 Boulevard. Ave, Summit 2fisn.- DELIYLHY WITIilN Z i'.tiV. "•!i«-M Aveiiu--. ItorotiKh of New ProCl- •' 7 - -populaiity-with -e very-member— •OtTNT! Irian *lo" -^M»-A-IH>- WTI *TIiI» - «r Tmiiii. VvrfV'TWrmnli'iobs' avoid a lot of family "discus­ 6fi-tf Telephone 1191 Summit. 41B-H Summit. ' DI: ci. '.KX ZU'T*'IZ fOJIPAXV. FIVE room apartment, good nrramrc- MJcjdam on Macadam Foundiitlon ]« sions with a new mower, and p )SITION oiteii for lady with pleaslDK ' ment and convenient liH-ntlon, $80, _ {<-t witb' f< i- a di.'itaip-;- of 0.4t.l mile Our Removal WEST SUM JUT—2 chtilce lots vjOX2ll0 i l;i:o.\|i HTKUKT. . jshen JhniQuJsavesi the fronts (address wnd pe*»oi^ttHty,-'*ho Iras-lwtl -MtlOldt Union Realty-1^., 308 Sprlnp- . Jl OAJU>£KSL_WAS T ItM... „..«.' i i *-i "V-ndf, Ifl'f*' yit"n IfV -,frriirr "SprinRf 1»>I<1 Tl;» ei-tin»a1i*d nmnunt 'd work rei|Ulr>-d ~lawn -half uncut to engage_in__ j »ome office je^iKTii'JLCt: iilUi_who h>u> field-A'.e.i-SummlfrZ'iSO. IS El"CI.ID "avenue, corner Beei-hwnou *-itvenue, -J btts-itnesr-thtnl- mile from NI:WAI:K. ;. J. -" i-^-T",!","- "culii -"">'.".4'dj» "•' Xc'.Oirtbin, J.«Cll: T but not J -road, -ntrr»ictl\«"ly— furnished lar^e sthtlon S.uriricc for cash Address %,a»i j«ri4*. Mnn-^r-^TirE--LAIt.i-'rr2nri*EfI:TSL.rTI AMKIM^AN LHWS MOWKKS Summit: = - *0-tf FURNISHED room for rent; suitable walks," macadam road-; centrallj lo­ Telephone 369- KStPLOYMEST WANTEV- . for ono\or two. 31 DcFurcst Ave. " Liw-kav/anna stntion. Ideal location. Auction Sale --foF-*unnncr. Phone 2217. 74-tf cated ; f 1.000.00 per litt ;_easy terms. DISTHIBLTOR;-" IN'Tir;! W •Iil.3*. From H'inches lo 2') liulit::-.. Prionefaummit 272-V/. */!l72-74 W. A. HK1.M, AutHniH'cr uH-balHteariaf;. -^ |IOH-f;i..\SS Kre-nch dressmaker; take IG «LEN OOD place, six-rtmm.1. bath, THE GriAYLIX_-19 Kuclid avenue, -I will conduct u very lat'Ko anc- ordora In Summit by .appointment. w la rite tie, dry cellar, water free; I KEHIDKNCR on Mountain avenu* IKIJrSH l/AWX NO>VKItM B»»t or rer«renceM. Call Humboldt rent $3: lM>r"" month.-- Inquire Mrs. Kiiigle and doublV- n»iiHB.wlth tuntiitii, ti>ojr_s;tl«' frf Ynrnlluri* hcl'inslni; to water,- home cooking. Phone ijfi'J..— EiKht-room house, $12.fitin. Chester Ambrose Powell ,.«1M aflctAl30.p, in. , VMuJicR, * Woodbind avunue. „\1Z-i.t, rrrer «cr<-ra1-lar^e -**stft4,fl-from—Afajrlift- •Self sharpening and iidju:U.iii_____.._ - - _-. -_-.-^--- -- _ - - '---^74-ir -C. Henrjs -POBC Office Bld^. - 4!2-ttr -jrr%\"S4~i-\i. «" Io*~n7 Madison and IlrooUIyii' l'<>r lintss ralrliiTN SHAffFFEUR nnd useful man _(e..l- NEW lipafttnents for rent, 37 DeFor- house,' ,«9,50«. t>ni--family . Orod) wijshlB.JKMdtlon \v|(li prlvntc cat. avenue, inquire 404 S]>rinirrield' ATTRACTIVELY furnished doubbi HONEY to lo.iri ..i i Ilt-8 a-vl *•- ,-njl.d UlLMtilPIKCilf Kill-O f,OI)llr. Will 1>C Lrastj Slicnrs, ___ room, .with running water, twin bed-., hduse. J7,3i>(t tins service station. mortftaKt. Applj l^».'2<-ij. ittly, ten yfars drlvlnp, good 'ref­ avenue. John BoMl, 414 SprinKfield avenue; . j J.t. r**j!*o\«*d lni« what is khowii ttb the erences. William II. ftom-y, 21)0 three windows; also, slnnle room. Allorni i, 13 - M- .+-t*. y FJWIUIL Turf K *•* *' >"» '" 92 51 aire St., Hadisnn, >'. J. _ !jitvn^Iti)ih'r» -- H»I»Ri:N'iJ -lliiurjHi : Tliir - hour. su]ierintendent. : lo„ FOB. SALK- 10 r ,2 '127I-J. —. i, ~ * -'^, amounts to $5o_-)o**. Adnfn= II. 1-^ W^: *m ,. —- — ^honcWummit l*JO.- 7-Hf -f'= ^- 3 '- AH-Tools ant) l-'tjiilptiicnl to' GARAGE In rear of Hudson & Essex, KITCHENKTTE BHH stove, in ood HKltALD.- . ...'_ „',!_. <*-K THl KMIAY, J1M1: 2lMl . . B FOR SALK^*f7orni.r lot 100 feet on .„.' _^ maintain-- a liottTntful—Jawn- JAIN sewing neatly dune, prices very 168 Park Ave. For iiifonnfttlon in­ condition; "also thri-e-|ilece snthpie Mnuntnlri a\eiiue, i;;iV feet.' on "Mont- 'jjoxEY *° I";in ''l *»m» «;• l« {:>". IrcHSonalile. MI.HS IJ. Aikcns, 51 Sum- quire Sieiart-ReeB Chevrolet, Inc., suite, two-small chairs and win. ii HJ.::O O'I-IWCIL and followIMK Oldest- Real Estate lilt" avenue. "" '70-76 Phone summit I6DS." __vicw toad. <:-jpi-rcti- sidewalk, curl- Confidential, courtcoo*—.ol <(U»k ~ d>ys if nrccs'sary- - •t*TA«Kf«Hfilt IH( Chevrolet Eulldinpr Sprtntrfleld Ave. ,,nnd gutter. Innulie i, Montview;""'HVrvlce prevail Hilt l"Ttv "Euia «ad 1 road, pnonc 17..4. i0-(<. i F|namf. «-„, «i ^l.,r,te .HAH-. of double house. 6 rooms, closed ONE inabrssrany Becretary. one ilfiubl» 2 K i4t ok. Pr*-fer eountia;.-. Airs. Walker, In" porch. AH Improvements, Catt""' «it.- The.Parmlej, A|>1^26. or 'plunie ;—"':»""; 1"" I " T^ 7,— ' 2 ***' « '" Ll.Jn:+. t:T. _ CJIW-»1 A wwi many anlltjue onA-modern [ and Insurance Summit _aveiiuc Phono 1075-JL Summit HUtr-H 72-tt 11315-J. . • " TULIP-street, «li-room residence, fine < „,, , • pietc-: til lurniturc, Ji-urh utt anilo-ue, r condition, $t».6t>0: Ches-ter_C. Henr.v.l,- XK1DEX_T*AL b«i^» -'Mp--t*f *iW>T U ntalM.^atiy bo'tk':t:'os. antique mit ERrENPEn "gardfhVr. care of SIX. room and bath apartment, first •WKLIj-rotted—trmnurr, hard-cor I cin- Postr Office BldR. -.- - • 62-If p lawful Interest. You r«-j>ar,w'**i3y «r Summit . ders. . Prompt dellwerv. _._I'hotie_SjjijT^ *LEW_. .1 io I; SI Six rooms, _tirc.ijkf.-iMt •' • luftnllljjj-.j[. SuitNoc- ru tJLtrikxn*:t tit|*. Aaiwr ___I**-$*. * . ht rany bureau?, antique. roahoK- • lawns,-Rardens, flowers, also general floor, fully furnished, -from June 1st .l'2-.N ^- J w w:ilSftil ! ••-*a svwork. DlKglni? nnd grading. . to Oct. 1st. -Sor*««*iJ-pt»rch-»wl-IarB'e _ mit 18S9-R. " " , -74-70 nook,_ sun room, fire^. bnfli ; * coriieT \- ''enoe No, 11 L~Kjrarj'rir-TncAStT: -^atvjM4d+-7-H^^4«^»^ ^ ^i *- — - r tnnrsr-t" ftB.SOtl,- J.I-.S00 cash. , -Phoner- tymv- ^rarji -TTK»ai5t* • amiq'uc wuh«jpniy-^atjlt'srTiT'tiiinej --"4St~Mi»l»itN- LOAN cf.Tr or' -iwut—w. "SWmmit." 272-W. 72-71. Bid:;., Summit. N. J. '4tn.iT> ~??U5"-nTif»jI .id jkOiU)aYli—electricity ; coH¥ett4t"£ ~U/- " '°M-.-_t«_"•••Lte • jn j^fo^ittf,^-" u*-»atltJjTk ^Wt'7t---Trt|px_. ,Ff>r partlculara-.or-JasnrcTFiJirif^' ^ tllWft;-' trr wesj| lake"Uiikeri'-cahn -cafe' "olT^-SIcnf..^Kickk CtiitwCiyw-- , _e«UT. rCTrenpeai.Tvew "ProVilllriTc:e^^^Plcphbrre-rtoTrrrnii t Hut? ^ Z:HlAyjqu£?.IiriVqi^_____nx i" Contractor and landscape Gar- ie-RQ,0M_ ho'i^se^ftitaiillshedr-^o^rtr'j Center. —'T- " T<.-?8 ..J. _ -_^-: -.^i rIA*A"?**^?rr_fiF*t ME&-~ ^ _^io^aiir-iiat^P^:.4l*,»k-aaiL -chair_ _ _, - old il^09 Mntintaln avemje i- f^-^t—*«rnervHUtJtest imini^cme.irtK:-ATJ!lrt rfEVBN—-rofinff" "new ' ITUtCtl Colonist;-inp_.. , ..._ . ; -~n»idciiec;--iWa-r-BirtMOhr,"ii^i4~ba*rt,ri^^ - , , -is=irnraj;j^; o'O luSCcr""' an"«r~pruB!i w arc SHlvbt—plntttu: P,.„.Me*le,—7r-Hf rwera eenfiir7!*^ rmcr""l<'s rd'e nt lai— local! t y, 8P ""^•"r:-" early in^jtlt.— t hair-s,. .bl i.df.cj'ci ltt-^-"laaadr«!sinrti;,; T*H* M&S^0ftZ2f^^^H^^T^2^jLV i. SfRT AumuaL Hione 1S58 ASTER plants, "white aTRl'purpl* laUs <*.*fcrfiertv »"o>Bf-r n*at?osai4.v 1 ;ini)ir4i-HckkJCpmtittf>i;:ijiy T lMSt^J}^»i*;T«Ife^^a^-~Jie*Ui;~J2^j^ |122,Q0^"-J^Iu;itcr-C- "Hi-.njq:, .j;uait..l.)f. "May .jsemin^ trayj, maliOK;«ny servln _.,_,- 1IOPSE CLEASISG - HOUSEto rent from—May l'-Jt, SU -Grove tivenue. Phone I82-W. flee BRIK. -SMIL nit! dlnufi—will be »(__CVMI " I^T*«\a- »ne by-expt'rlericed -clen,pcrs^ Dln- rooms and bath", steam, heal; screened tIons_in«y- in-. KUid* r»r -,-C.T TUnaK" tablea. .-.-niahoaajiy- KPI.OJ* iU£^.M:j^rv srrredjl two 4JBMI--detaeiied -iwrf-famHy— hnasi' lie ^ina^ajai:r,..nggt '-; SutMaiNMortgagee&^Finaiii^ngo^a T^^«-^!^>___,p-_Tn^_)_W%f^TT^,f.J^!j,,_1>_.[ii^1_^|,_^ n "»-' •* •> _ 1 . , _____.- —. — ~4^RiKtTiik^rnst llmrainy ==7^- _—_^,:-—=* $50 a side, ?11,500 for tpilch. pur­ The .only %n.r*g* fyts a.1 s»u fcmjw-'i* / c-uls Miller,- 'phone Summit &4ti-J. bath, Irving place. W A. J. lteevc, FOR KALE -A raj? carpet size 8 lXJ-Maplc Street. 'Phone 1741... ' -Summit, N..j7 - - 54-tf S4^'Fra»iklhi "place.. 74-tf 1^ chaser. Chester. lJtenry, P. o. P.ltlp. . for '"'nwrkinB. -Ja»»ib»" <;.-»r*je*. 7Z taM«i. - —- - - I it.-by Vl- Phone J'""- -.j>-...... -.--• '. . . . "- ,- "60-lf Franitita, Pny»:.—_ _._ ' , .__ i-tf. _ i^jnu-j wi ot^fiH-»ttur«, conaist-.I f -Tt» T.ET- --afSEAT-- furnished TooTp;T>ath-ftdjslntnit A'BrNKi-Riut siov*', pratJTleally new. SIX roosji Dutch Colonial house with -TtV&srrmJU**- KtUh*-lTT,jrsw&^=**Z <> fiate-lep'taWf. bdfeo.-rockf^f a -lit'tWBiHt'lile-. Call' at 48 -Boulcvartir ^W4JI telr-ttHiap. ' Phnnn-Kiuiimlt 773. open • purfli.—tint 5Ja3£<±--yt»h tri'eii; t'ttthHt tta am otsnuMi «f»i> gay.—and fliaiir; tllkaiy-lfaiL-loii ,(li:BKi PB4VATE garage lo let, irch place Phone 4IC-W. 72-tf —M -^1 ,-Mfc.-^ • — _ T>» MtTtmnlt r.\fn^* t'i>- liM^ apd >4Aaj. *•*« . Wilt«_n^. ojf the very newest colors ! 29th dfay of June, ri«-it. 'ayjtyjnleyisns. Porch, bun^hnv and j_ policy. '\ '• " ' • I Dated M.iv 25. L't-57. I TtlE 1*L-\INFIELD TKt'ST throw-rus-s of.all descrFptloniC r , - «'i»)ll'AVf. i Wwkcr porch sel and other Mortgages . " • • "•- McNAMARA i\dmlaLf>r4ltar, ^kfcer-|wr»h-ricn improved real estate. Appraisals made on day: JS.MO—-Aahwood Avo.. 7-rooni • n'w6w74-.'j*( ; "ei:ard Stv 5 rooma-and bath" hunfialow, aU imp,, one year liifcli f radi>, suitable for tea-room, i^HFiuSrs^ : 1 - of application. Application accepted or/rcjecttd j EXECUTORY SETTtJaiENT X*4J«» us;?; c-six! table. !;, electric table nnd { a;)artraerit._ •* old-. ; , . • __ jwithin forty-cighi hours. i» 'Phone Day op Night 1367 .-__ ftJ | l:t hereby_KjVert, That tft* a<"mMal «•!' floor lamp's,' beautiful - vases ami ,- $70.0 ~BoHHVplr Ave.^S'roomn f'J.OdQ—Springfield Ave., 7- the irotMrrtber, «secator of iff- •"*&»<«• iardinitres, one wtavins loom, oil, j 1 1 Woodland Ave. Summit, N. J. . a:td bath, all Imp., steam 1 room howae, steam heal, all of Clam Brewsfr Pot«ta^ d*t*ausjf47 maiafins' nnd pictures; cut slugs, j Investments —^ - ', , heat, large yard._ imp., large ,yard.^ wl.'l be audited and »tAf«*dL_S.5?- tfc- Sar- eH&ctrle 6eai4»r8 acd china. ' ; s ^__-Ftrst mortgages on improved real estate are con-. $135-00—Edgamopt -Road, $- $10,500—Morris Ave,, near sta- %Yhite painted bedroom furnl- j • room house, steam-heat. r.un ' "JTon, T rootias, bath, -nt-cani tore, fire IJOOIS*. andirwna, fire, ""~^ sidcred prime investments. We «an supply first porch, all improvements. Iteat, tjjf improvements. tsvtevzm, hainftere, hpautjful drapes, j mortgages to investors Which stand on their cmta* - '] eaiidle-ftitks^siik tapestry, covered^ 'f9l».00-—l>e^rear~AT*.-v apart} $i^500'-^BTackbiirn Jload, 8- Crystal Lake r*oceh. Victrola. litlns: room mitten,. : merits with the additional security oTour guar=" UiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiimiTOiiiiiHUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinilillituiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHi rrfent, 5 roams, bath, nt#rm—- room housersteam heht, JK.I- j_bef3.; -heat - • . ^_- aritce as to payment of pnncijgafltt maturity and;. raRer laifBe lot- Park ^ Odd tteds. hfirlng^, .mnttresyea \ interest at 5^4.% per annum semi-annually tf\ i. large— „ jfTWBBdV " The ers, chain, a ad. tables, one .sa^aa.^ "$100. — ; . -"•-• r^r hoaae. _ all _. ImproVcmcntr,, eat hotises. A real sacrifice. ., oV the Orans«p»" : -b-jatitlful' grounds, i ~ Clagie Rock, Vft*t Orasnr Ized top kitchen ta^le,,.aboiit ft feet Electrical Appliances -- House Wiring Come,in and sec us about it. . Icass. l»k<* new; other 'sood kitchen- Repairs Many building lots Jn all sections; $1^) many* other hot|ses. Boating - Bathing tat4eje. kitchen ntenatla, and' hun- -V*i i iHJ (JJU1vL|lIi|4 :dreds of-articles not mentioned' —•—rrfWsJlectrical WeHavtW ^ , Rides .atfeorc. TW_4__|s__*a__Tery unusual State Title & Morig&gi OUR OWN AjrifO 'COArUKS sales. " "~ ~ I } Samuel ,E. Houston every 3$ minutes direct, to In*l»ect3cn all rdcf ot Owners and Execu-' B«eeliwo»ti So«A CeMmlBld^ rELEPHONE 1800 16 BEECHWOOD ROA» = Satuntays^ Soodays*, Holid^rys .iDWMTJLiT" "~~""." '"—. ' "' ' •") Mtt^ito ytndm*8»4tow>n4 Fitter Pboae MOT or "AMI Summit every t(l rjnfnnteis. X#w I TetBQir CV*. -^--—-. -- ' W. A. Ut.LM, Andlonecr , t»ir tip^iai PaHiV^ i>i fnil^i.4j|rtIlsisWsW*llllS||W(4lll 'WTJiPJiJaiii fl "mnmmmmmm & w* m S^ /* nff, *r : JfjtVAr, .-$V^L t^erJst^^mm^^^m, i I i,!*, «-»; PAGE EIGHT THE sufoMiTl"Hjji&^ :ii!jt: HN ^RIDAYrMAY rKAtshi) 11 - ^t#^TO»"S~^ways r«aut throughout his priestly irfe-frfaf -cwytf-1 may 1nf«cfTnyro|f into ther*"*' - '^ ««-«eri , to woodland i ti.m .win be heia iwtwipn the, hobr* >rI bftw^cnr the houm nf (; ™* .,,*»*_..' vy ;;• r — "l •»-—.••• "•" .",?'- .»( i One Tax CollwtoB. •'• W. for the iMirtxist- „r — -_=w— -—_— 'limit of Jiis ability lie is never "rfrBr'aa3iKnment as a curate was matter. I think that r am ta •b©iAvw""1' W"™***™'-*™"» •.„.....».. ™ -~« « -^- ^ „ .,__, mineral election, for th- * ^tn. y'J™™™-. Avenue southerly I > a. m. and 9 p/m. (Eastern Standard . One Towtttsqip Clerk. llcorM ' '.I*. • .-:JGag|ta«ed from PaE«_T3*rje*l-—4oo-ba«v ever&*eepit TermtlinTclrNiecaua^ he felf thbt' congratulated- on both "Of "J* • . „ ~ ' people » itfntf to let them think in r —.— , , .-..mfratniatpfi rm iwith T =». ..1 1 •• '»-'*..™- wKlmiliiR; t r , h . i Time) for inaklwT nomlnatlona for tile One Township Committeeman . Four lft>mb(-rs liTt^lf that J ""3*S^'«£~ ^ ,/ Tl"? f ^'n^i' V? , , Witrlrt-rwi|n* following: fW Member* of mojBwH Owtnale member of utTKorratl.- '•••'•pit-j When Mass in said his day's/ work th* a8ked nn A d meantime how important he there WHS not enough work for him wa 8 rOQ.VJ.Ukits u Summit, and I al-' """ \ l\! ' "> »^"- SunnnH Av-nur, ( Aummolr. .One" C* «* P« « "Very well/V whieh ik"u m.l'l,ri ".v'~e ft t ,„, «- „ » 1 t;ounellni*H tor three ,^»r4. One-tv-oin, One fPTOnle membt-r or lh.>. Pemo- One Tax ; .• /:r •(.,.! -V. ' means I lik«- l.nn n^»i, „/«... M :.. ' ': "*'' J Jn«vnscf Mjrrow of others lay their weight pmio-opny. or it may be the story f!»dlr<>n(l Oemo- ciin t-ounty (.'.nnmlttoe. Uun Ja tu the ,Bpoo him and oflea.4»ft will go for or XTnd berth's flight, and oes to The raid Board will' sit at" tne said t.olnnU.hi s. h-H.i K "-- - K,nUncS*- • f_"'"» Pl.u-e »>™iu«.«l(irtiduit'd :; -Jryiws pta,V iir."J„0--> Tueiiday/Oetobrr,lSth, M.927,.th.. M School on Tues^J Nuveinl'»« an* «»Wwe all be preH- ! m^Sitriy ^Xld'ro.f""E*'c!d -JVv'-'!• -..We - ^-*^- - . c;|W,mri- -e 1rtSloe• ' betw^3n— the matter of fact that most KeneraII\ am a I>oopoorr imitatorimitator. That ia what ent here twenty-five yerara from .Iron .'Ai'onut- Avciiui. i. ivnl-I n»urn pf 1 p. m. and ft_i». m. tor th^ fc*r ; thepriest la aouKht out only in.ifeo tor of St. Teresa'«, Summit. J\.-..l- -M.-I.I.I™K 'Sy V W^nttrwlp. j punw of revising and oorreetlnK the : I mean when I speak of Father ! now to celebrate with* him tola irold- te J: d of trouble? Yon may say, "e~BJ"y'St la be oL_Eervice-7-to_JieJn hi3 |WQj- Snstitutionn would be a position In p J ;n.Hfrtn^d lt»d-,'J t t» Itidw Iload. ItldKf H*.ad i »> h"W lietw hours of B n. m. with •any_dilfjiiiify-j4r lroubUj.' - If I»hj. BfjX. «.'nb' Hnfritually hnt also! Itself.—Bur when-yon- add" To~lhai and 7 p. -to., fur the purpora< "of elect BO, remember that yon are ».-til> enc Ad»crU«r*: Kecause of Qie holi­ jfuwthm-ne Plac ^ ; Hawt|ltir„,. _ Fla"e' I-IJJ-TWO Cpuncllmfn for three yearH, FREE PUBLIC LECTURE niBi<-riaIl>. (the elerieal *.voik involWd and then ™iHh-rrj- .-.;«.! wiBt,.rIy u> hw isWth ( , oat ©f-many thousand«. rather day .Monday It will be necessary to »n« < "uuncfIman._Jor-ttnv._v..Hr,- ^n,*, J^-ive and-Inhor! How he has • f.u over Into u:i entirely (Jk'.'erenT,ii„,1 wflh , Wchwood Kned* A»bL-H:wr for thrcn yearn, 'Oim Col, Bet ail copy in for Tuesday's ecH- sphere.,th.- spiritual life, and lake lion T r.y i'.oint ut lector _ for _thrfc "y<.nrn. Fotix^JVlHiil^rS today or baiiy Saturday mont- »««" ' ii •£" (!''.1.1i'"j'll.:^.SHiMnWi- jBLUd" .Twii it:; pseachlr.,5 and confessions, itri lag. CJiTWsritrfl. PI..I.. 0.,1 t'Uy JJ.J, vJ hnptisnrr- "KnTr-maTiTa"Ke*!.~"ns'~l;;<:I;" Uril|IlU Aveittac, A1.HU nt .-stid 'flenern,! i:iectloti, the Science UL.ilSTKV A.VII j: ill«t 1 '<>(jl, uKCTIOS XOTJCK following' iu-t wiH ttt- Hif?)inltf?d ft) th<- BY ••JoiJi, O mah, (he dea1iih"-*> ^oiee*, call;; a:i(l wo;-Ij of Guidance, you M-^flT-.T isf~at the lnti-r-.-s|r,„ ,, Havtt a b:iruo;i th&t would wreck C yi.tfrs; -/An Act for the con.itru-tlou /: WtU ui tiuA,^tiit up lh>,liea.-!:lwJr,..riJukawam,:» Imprnvement, rvi-uni>trui. ! SUNDAY, MAY 29, 1927 U-i In:...- . | ,1aAnr<-, • U,k,.vTi,i!.« * : du.'tH and riubtn-of-way as piirts there-'" Denver, Colorado iton's worlt in Huinnijn .You know n,«-t „„, T«*iay. JUM, 7«l" l!.^' at Vo ) -I.ici , t-f; provj JIIIK for the defr.ivhrt of tin- Member ot the Board of Ucturealilp of The a. ia. (l.jisu.-n Stand ml Tlriwi ... ,il producd and r in Fiiuv Mother n,iirfri thi'Dt all. , I o;ily witdiod to pive n.irLhi-rly rv K . • cost €»»ri£t. Scientist you,what L conaldefTIio key to Jiia ' l-)"»K. IIIPGU- uupd -iLlw f„r }£"" :•• •- t'i . Spyiiillf|,.JiI , A\".'nwe • real artd peraon'al Iprvperty la this- '» Boston, Massachu^tiii' \.\;-n„,-VZ!^^VA';(V1y' to Slate, and by"the orentlofi of a The Methodist Episcopal Cliurch d •on - ~ Sunda r •- f net-ens—an— understanding - . of" wh,d|.,tru-i and inun. dlately {{£"! '""'• «:"^r«.i Avenue north-i Oit-Slal.' l»i an amount not oxeeedlm; .'f(er .shall loiik.' a houMc to housj. • •ily lii Wniiiredne Afternoon, May 29, 1927 human character—love and li;bor. J..iail WhiUrcdgo I thirty million dollar* tiy tin* iiTsuance 1 —____ 0F SUMMIT Itofld eaBttrly m : AT 3.30 O'CLOCK 1-eriiHi.od l:o,i.| ; . »f fiorftlo rlu-ri'i'or-nnd-for-thp MUIJUIIH- "if you intend to Kive a pei-xon a l-Vt iiuood Itoad" iiorllurlv :i„*, J.I...V. '• Hook b J.add-r Klrt- IloU!"? Nwzik : "C.tifi of tt'is: 1'jih'j- "'-3):t!J-e'.v.T.- * of FKther.Oleouion'B prliiclplesi.-And l-u.. sU.nae, e,.o„(ii -M'itt\(JFji:i.n MKJAI. XOTICK First Church of Christ. Scientist iloor. ! it hi a_K«»:>d one. «y anting on «utli -— ^Iir^rttplewooa,""\.~j." t i.-iTtni-iTiK- nt l.-.i,:rs,:..,i,.I1 iif c,.1J>r NOTICE r.S.HTCREnY CIVKN to the PrM. Union £trvice in Calvary Church. prinHpleij he ha^woti iiiii peoplibW .Mrect. the,...- :il,.„„ f,.||„ |,„j . .\\^ letia! voters <.f thf» 'I'uWiu^ilp of • hshi. Tht*y"ljke him "personally aSl w t f .Sprmitni-ut t'h^t on June 7tj,, ina7 the You are rordiaJI) iniile.1 i.i |faes<- sen ices of norsliip w , , l ,t J,ri rL are r?ady to haek anythiiif; that h.> IM "Vl>.f.. "-V. ' . • ' "-'•t-rly to disttiet -|».;iro?t'-of-n.ulU«K irrcBt«nu- - In dealing with throe t;ioii"a:id UUc. l.j»y Uiu- imrtYwriv ro- '...n- A^.,;u,.:- .ATI.' \>",uo„ ,-vlX. \,.r. j,,,,, 0f. vot*:i-B by 'a house to hou.v tan-" people it In difficult to plujwu uU: i ILlu l ".•'•^, D.J.I.. & \v H j Avenue j vntm. oruitilrtf two d tiy |;ltv, , ' - Al the.jn-iifi.ry cPf-tifin to- 1,« i„.M VV. It. It. v-asteily to .* . ; I>.,. Lj -On Tuesday, Jane 2lKt," 1127 the! ;a.tid 1 should net he Btirpris^d If t Ai.iiiic, ^prlu^f(eld .Avenu. : isoipi.iate.1 for th.- Fff*MiSwinB't lt'ard ^ t •jrinErfleld ! I'rlmary Electh.i, will l,e hold lietwc'-n ' (there ar^l-Qe Homr eedre at limes !—'^-^"""^Mmftn-fw-'thc-iyrntTrr-rKv'- " ^t"*'' T ! y -Ar!r Maj-or-for th. . t,. „: , of."iwoViWu ^1 t± : i ont-Aypmr.-—., e,. "- t~ii.'-auni t wAvc«3»f*ir* orTact"c:.l,.lhe.hour«lioidaro POOH of brKliU'liiir for eleetlr.K one male and one female i A *r«ta the s,.«.«nd Ward them way "no" if you had tmid | t-uuncilman for "the terni of .N.-.-o..d A^rd. Kernnd Mlstrlct—niil member of the t'utinty Committee of Feet Safe With yi'iirs, thrv each. J>rirty,_.atepuhllcjin ami—tWio-J .H*w". first they ..would- haVo (said j .'.SAVE. "yeH." Othem ^ . -Justices of (]10 pt.;"irp; era I) in each-of the election districts I iiKain would JleBliiniiiB at Intersection of center On October ISth, V-W, the boards of, had him undertake many "thinS j ^«"na^mwym^b'^ e * - reKistyy hud election In eaeh district' fpttitimm" SHOES thence |oi following: ,.„ie »Jll4tieet tit the polling place* between that he felt ahould not be UM^^-^-^MJ^Z^^SS^S^ n w e r the hours of- 1 p, i. anil a p. tor I taken at the time. It I., eaay for^ltttX?21^ "™ «': in.-.-.: .Morris Avenue weau-rlv to n m You *an avoid mutmut-bh troithltroithlee in latctjife l>y fittina your To Travel! «'«e«niit Avenue; CheMnor Avenn the purpose of revlalng and i-orrectfnir m , l , ,t,e UB to say what another should do, for l.oll. th0 'L^wwlc^ ?aSI T '• nonlnrr y to KprinKfleld Aienue • the original rejjlKtera, ' I kiddies with the orthoptdically correct PRDlFOhMt It's easy in our Savc-To-Travel Club! $2 or more l a 1 >t uul,< tn n On November Sth." 1!»27, a -genera!' but responsibility is a pretty aeri- " ' '- i«*nltH. * '' - »'d PMO-^.rlnKfleld Avenue ca«terly id V> " ' Shoe^-cndorsed by leading PhysicUuia a»d eirperts. ,ot 1 0 Btt in i VV. R Hi; !».. r,. &. w R R I..T«-"b.-etli>n wil\ be held between the hffura • oos thlujr, tu^JMSetLOTennon haa I pl^ ulw^.Tt' ^ ^e-i-ame 1 deposited eachj»ceek^and~at-the-efKH)f jq weeks your" U . fly tn Elm .Street; K|m st„ or On. m. and .7 .p,, m._for the ( .MB sense. ,A re jK,n.sIbllIt,JUA LE^ ^8^.M er.v eet sonth- 1 1 9 r to Kim p|aw.. Kltn Plar of eleetltiK.One Member of the Town- •• - - Our NOW- JerscTStoro ; " -rnoney-ts re; i Yc >v£^r^^ahiB^i^»nUu*^-^wfr..Ai^«m^----tnTi-1 h J 7 Tax;-Calbictor,-Two .TnaiSren of ' tlle-l ~-TT2ar^Wa^imgtoSTpila^cT^st Orang^ t-leave a-TIat b«t the priest has toid°?™, -J^ 'V™^™S^^WJ^^^^My ^^?^^^?^'' ea r u e N,j; iPee It throttKh. You may think a. lour- ,fi*f"^r m*r™27- b«twe .n"«n.1 «««ntvlew rto una MO,,I U?W u AiK ''°\i " ' Momtier* of the Ceneralj ,. Opposite Brick ChiircU Staiioij _Think TTOW of that long v/ished-for trip abroad, that < ad V Ho:±d AHHembly. and One Curoiiei- ;thi„B is perfectly all riKht -to *>1 i%£$&*-$n% »rS? „? '^.^Tr ^^.1^^,^,^ fee^ Avtnt north I, Election district \o I JK ...II ^if that ... «e; 'portion or tin, TiiTym-liIo lyiriK etm'erly ' Is P.n-allej trr TiDrtb-liiliJ j SailiDBEd-tnZjelite-ynu-oypi -Ctorintis stimmar at the shore—pr in die-touuiitainsfc iLKHeiiLl,tyiiien, • (3e One of < KoMMi«jiy of-a line bi-irinnlnK at ness of others. but the priests know *Ud.-" -A^eririe we.sieVlyM the f;prAc "> City I.ltie; Jtoundary o-f ' MUibur"••••---• n *ToWnshi— - " p trip to the city. Ample parking space, for it may antagonize many others and y thence., runutnif- ateiiK -tl«-7wnter' ear.s. Llaebbarn K»«d-r - Waekhurrr " perhaps not me-.-rwith iho approval Al«o a. s,ld ,i7,rttI Btectlon. the • %?*?>•-asterl y tv-l^to-l*rnaprcM t «"!Street' - ^^^.f - ^ of- M.-iln .Stfr«-ttT-th« center line! Realize your travel dreams—join our 1 l wfn i ..- , The" I*oltins place f1>r Electfon di.-- .Banker. - aee the question from only one i^"1,-^"-,1 '"-'•"• -Hoard.Itoom In the Why Is Certified Milk the BesT Foot! _P. _MARCANTONI0, angle,- white her-sees it frdm aM Municipal ItulIdliifrTni Trlvelt ^'\ fcmio 1 H ,^. 1 South. ' " . ZAJWAPXjELSX^ •- Cor. Union Place SUMMIT; NrJ. =m= to4 ' . _ _'F°r_ Babies? -*,,.-r.,—- views and by com-1 thirty minion Election dlstrtrt X0."2 Ir. nil. of tl,:,t I dollars by the issuance >(uutviitw—K4iad oad and *e<-Tion,.,f the Townsblp lyin* wesierlv' : ,if ,-.. ,r. Produced -Bt^tthfTIv in -It i3 best- to- purchase parison can reach fho best condu- """ds therefor f r U,e sub ,[ : 1 rthof > and northerly oT fanid line. ' I f t,,ls ! .,o", "" ""«»' »'nelli. of Certified Milk for a baby sion.- I am minded here of the'"'"" " aet to t! ° '" '- .leiiMd,. -Axenu.-: n» feet, north r Tin- Polling, place ftTrT3Mclli.ii dii- trJct-Nti. 3 \z thtLjareJiou-Si- »H 3!rlv tlurlriK the first-war"nrTfl" «t«ry._ot:tlie_ H^ie^QmUihAr^i j'SS^^S'" " "' """" "* *"'""' ^ v^^hdf «o,florih stas HJM> - - ' i-Jitt- Av e"iiiiH ,; l,J AYCnue-Xorni". " " "" -.Tt 1-' 1 . V? !"ii:-to lSu feet M*U«I n'liaTf of its life. __ met orrthe ncmMotj oT a "Papal elee-' min.wilii. pla.tH havu inert clinaen for —^ Tt. "DT TTTEAT, ,:; outh «l.le Hne of Jlforri^ Avenue- /.'t4-S0 Hon and decided among thcinnelven he .....etoipa of the Hoard of R?Ki«(rV " < OM h f a nd Township < '!erk, - Certified Milk is jnilk 'hat Jf one of Ihelirsliould be elect­ rid Ml" r if - , Paxal!,:l_to_^nrh-— which haa. been_obtained aftKiv~pitfFt-ri>-Erv4T: from cows' which are care- 1 urn- iiortherly _«o_JlorrJa^Ajauiu,. ^t.Ls™^-, ' -I1==^p=. HiHy-ifrspccted-nt-ftTKiuenf: roforms. and" they further agrriid j^f* ^"""^"'"''"r^'jh^He^^S- IT:llK v tVE^-_ Th;U- l uC triiuitiK north on an lmiiKlnarv tin.- to ' ' . ^, 5 ^ " ( ^L_' three-would meet" at _thc ,h Hu r 1 ,,1! ).".d ; intervah; ar.d are known to luU-l^etlon-^f IJe.-t•avoir and", Sy\.,,,,' r ". " ' li^.sliy Flrit tl i! ,ll> f Xl v . l»? J^e.frpm _ diseases: _ the .ond-4tt_-hi8 flratyottT, and_cli4;clj. up AyMu.*: Kjlv:i„ Axcouc north, rh- \ " f"m |lJl'™:"' 1 " ' -"' providence a .Mamntc .Hulidhiii, , "onTiis fullilirricnt or faUtire. One .SprloK'irid Avenue Wahiut Str.H, ; Wub.u.t ^it.-et and ' .X 1 '"T^", «»''>•• « obiii,lJ|-i RcIiSt.rin" ; ,»lanaarU._of cleanllnims irt Vl ,"l'» ,^'^t-nroilUv.d .;,»terly (o 1 !.lJ, JT'iu>^,> f"» ,h" V'Ww.. cf the barn ia known" to bo bf-them wao elsttcd, but in" "the SIT itc-s«etl,,n of cenw- 1* d \V. It. It. ;-D., f, f. \y i, ,;• ! l-t'fc'sterlnjr Votert as f"^":'y. -rur|.. 7th; 1!PS7. for or- lilRh ami the health of Awnuea; to.iioe we.-Uerly ^]„tll; f„|- i 1zlH (of the roi'orms. At the end of the Serou.l War.1. Fourlh IMhtrli-t—I'.i'l [ • *" »- "'"> «nrt]nK llunae to Jlt.m,.- tho -milkera la carefylly lowl !i{; cent.r Jir,e« : HpHnRfield A ve- , ClillViUjSt. One to I11B place. CoininmilLy Hall •'. I'II-U .1 watcSed. year his t'rlvudu called 011 him to H»-i.iwure, l.ackawai„ } Ku J , -j- On „'l'ui-Hdav L >8,, r w & Pin.-... ~ "**"•- " - "' 't_<»D-l"Ui-Nd.iy, June 2J,st .J927, from 7 Il m rttinonstrate. Ite asked 'them"ro -" ' " Kallroad: Aolnware, l.:i, j,^ BeKintiinK at inler:u-etl..ii ..f Hn,..Ti -tar. !Th- . ^°-» Pr m.- v.-anua & WitAen, -Jijrilr^a r , m ,ir M ri! " DR. K-Vr-ffli'OrjTiMTAl, look-owtroT lite" first fir^wnTo*ow to- •3ir." ! , *. "'' ' A.y_'-nue with City UnV I On October Pith, from 1 p. m. to- 'Tern/.i, Av. mie: Mt. .{Vernon Avenue thein-1- iflunu follow intf . Jolma llapkiii!, Univ. of ilia, palace aud note what they line In t^.Msuic Klver, us-„,. . center linear ' P-_ Vh- *' to CUy t .'tiy -Lin.- southciiy — Nulfee bt^also Klvefe ti,;it the paid northerly, ea«t„rly ntnl « . "?',' JtmiTa :l, , could see. They aaw only the op­ Ilt inmhertlierlby ttoo l^"nrV^TV^,^li.„ T„ 1 ""."' t at.'the B.-i|d School r tn •Me line of posite wam and the courljTird. He ri'lT" ,-"i\r X-'<*»H-r Hnea: l". 'sale niciptld... Avenue; 15-) tc.-to n luesday. -IAH* 21st, ]J1J7, between r.iv.-r to River V. * ; Itlver ]•«.-, d.,, north of a; took tluiii up (mother story and m i««. , ,., P-'f.tllel to north t-ij,. • he houf-s „f 7 a,ni. arid l/'p 'Mr V." W A ,,,,M : Morrta the purpofie „f onducilnn A Primary ngaiu asked them to look out, and Norwoos?.T d1 VAvenue'- ; Norwoo dAvenu Av. e «> \-« J' '•''•'i»ldf Avenue easterly to nue -HJ- IjO fe.-t Kouth of-h-outh side n„e of l-.lection ror the noiplnalUm „f can,j|. The Noe Faring Inc* Lfwrrar-AVenui.; t:r™ci.iii .\vi_nue to -Morris Avenue; JGtj f.cet-wouth of d:.te<, for -(^rc-folltiwlnff offiQe« : -- iieteh-. Four .Mvwi bt-ra - o£ ^.llwi Woodland Avenue MOT- MADISON, N. J.; ... _ . .. _ J»HONE-MA0ISON 34^ tree tops and 1'" ' f se'nilily. patches of sky. He j;oo_took them tttr^,-i."o ,l.w"',l''"rM* «!*trh-t_jv];inKl,,ut': M»unt,.bt to Mountain Avi i iu*.. northerly.—to the-tower And they saw the" HiTr-" place.'"e show room in build- Muri-lft; Av. nue, l 1it. -M r ,Collin,U , 353522 ,„ ,--. , . - ailjiUlns n«rtn~bn rounding conniry for miles aud^Waue. ' ^ '° "' ^^r.n.Kl nn inuuTlnaiy Hue to im. rs. ctio-i of ; 1> miloa around.- Xonrthing escapctr „ K''»i'"»f at Intera-otlon of center Vi.-auv.iir and KyUnn A.Tiu|f'B; Hvlvan them.- He turned to them^nd;BaTd,r ,„™.'1f,'^0,?!?l:,rirt.'and «><'«eent Ave- AycJiue noriherly to Wat nut Street • 'Whc» l-w« a Cardinal I aaw ^'% r^l^^^^.*^!^ Walnut .Str.-.t mid Walnut Street pro^T Av duced etlHterly to D., U & W R K - ' Jim did from the ground floor: My; "»ue ta .Norwood Av*nue- i™ V\.lj- &..W; Kr,t- oiHle-rly to Ilahw^iv-, A Suggestion for Yoim Outing Valley It. R.; Uahwuv Valley It n"" -Ux- HlwUl_v«>r r .-Rw,^'-JI L. J aouUierly-trr-Jlnrrts-AVenjI^r SrnrTI^ ^,. J-Itre-you'lHind - the Binattmaw;- Since"! ItmTWvdS&Z"™ "^ ^ "~ JP- -a^ltfullf *iJ ^crr^alnT^lotrt* to be any teft-OYgrs Q|. entire country. My vision 'is ollow-lnt;. center lines: t*;iKS;»|c] **nd AHIUVOOU Avenue: 0Uyfliitu>BttBg4unchgoii;if It inehiasr Klv. to-^-Mori ny nurfttec 6t sandwiches ^ „. „ loader. What I would have done ,r • toJ^iorris Turnpike; Morrlai- Be^imlnit at .interaettion-of-center ?^fed" with4^«ce arid our dclic'iousjcold meat ^CaijjtnaJ-l-cou.ld-Mttt-thlDh-of-do—w*«tr JUMST IjVrn- J Hne-of Morris Avcnue.with City Lla j 1 urnplke . to _i^x»\vood Road Tia i opc. rRffiverrry fcSQZ^bmT^^-y^^aprrr^wrBT^^ -|OU miEhfr-HtitrtF^-doine-twJ pariah- Ware; I.^toorne^mce to rJoner^iMrirzw^uldnmjrTlnim^r^ U'cniin *7 WilliIlflTV t(> 4 If V T.In*» lit M..ri.b'. Utn..^*^. ar_you are tejnptfebto^rit^ge *T%Z Woodi^^"™^'^.^^^ 1 %£$£&*$ SS^JL*" ""l-«l--iJtefc-. riwi™p5bTnaiiini^rfo7bi^ -^=-l--REnR'R«=K-tV'KI3>JTSI. .-„hut= foy--yaa=^id-«od1— r m nut ••• ^T*'Jt«t-JCacd„-.TMfd ^UlBtrtetiij^His^ J IJJl placer ,-t JiUou-"HOSU, Ho^ nitted; Hay-•2171927. '"- - "* — • that' Hie* jiabpifi or tl'Us. parUh Su^?^;7.m ml t Avenul^::.e ^"^^'^JaoftrfT,!^ I?7t-$0 do^tafee a-broad Ttew^l things, aud i Vf^ft^" «Kr*lltiterse«ton.--iif center-* Legs Gamine Young^mb wpwres (Sieiihoina on«t tha^wot^w^r^3if^ mente mong .follnwinK Wejitei-ly Xiy "JKWsKV ^^t^^^M^^^^^S^^^^^^^^ TT?:,.'...").-,!,.^— , ^iSefewaro; •= feadcawnnna • & Wt Jern "KOTtnij IS HEREBY niVEN, Thaf »elf. I think that-Father Glen mm' *. « Railroad easterly - to -Ueevlt- thf-Hua-i^d of Rc»J«lry-iHtd-Election fvt" UK' Jl'jruuelijif.- Seiv., Pjtovldetice. uie..t>«o*.ii« -«!T-~»ounr"1nft!f8tenolra "with -"wfl' l mee~ t* nTmuila '-y- • Jni'-•-m- 7lh."ITO7.- it­ P e Ot Uia_parfeh ^ind Uiat ahe p- Waited Cloverfiloora^ Creamery Biitter.; Lowest Price in 15 Vters Katli Frl»l gnarl, ml 45e; Lb. JK $8a?nberger 6?€>a &l^Mo5^J^.the Hobday i- yrOgEDALLDAY MONDAY^ MEMORIAL DAY i.-" ^0»e o/ America's Great-Stows* -i*t NEWARK, N. J. VM Mi»y Tftepteme—lfwwr <*idr? )*u true III f'*I.lje Hn«t«» ts.a SAISHTARY 84 SUMMIT AVE. *Pto3i*e4!|£ MIT, N. i. -MAJKEET j.u 1 ^C^RINGKIELD AVE. T -W'si-'jf* : Ji I TELEPHONE tr. H , ^^ -.JP-- 4 .T-,.. SSMI ••-"S*m- w ieW.r tt>/:: ^fc&^E^fi ^ib ib&i^^^S?^ y^^v^^Ejusg^jget^&^^? LliMsSv'i.'V. -