ir . "iiiit^T'^.iVjf ;n .ri iV I?r u ~-i i ~ i? "urn m n'1*-! rj^i— i "' r •if»rir5lL.n^ttlK'^"Tw<ffl¥jKi^iyn'.&i f * ^mi'ijui1 i ' <>> ••• »•*« n t -• 12^00 People.Read the HERALD, > published Every Tuesday awi Friday Noon.. jteiiaisedAt Memorial\Jhy Features _ $3.50 PER YEAH ? Morning and Night ?^^ 25th Amfversary Judge Edward A. McGraih7wiil be tbe—apeaker at the Memorial i^rwice to beheld Monday ^ Stleresa's Parish Honors *-in Lincoln SchdQi-**"^ThB» sgfvtee Stores^£tose Wefaesfc^Af^ Rev. M„ J. Glennon and will be under the* auspices of the Amertcap Legion, together'with the Presents Him With D. A, K. and the S. A. R." The Ant- j Association to Co^operateWiTh Red Sox Management i erican Legion ten'o'clock memorial I $3,050 service, will be recited by the ritual —Half Holiday Wednesdays Starts Next Week— < team from Argonne Post, No, 6, "of Elizabeth. f\„" *™ Br^ak GrounOor Model House—Want II. S. Auditorium Filled . Other. features of Memorial- Day! will be the laying of a wreath by • /• Hfeavy TwfcsWerted From Sprintfield Avenac The Rev. Michael J. Glennon thcjLegion on the veterans' mbou-' At a meeting of-Jho RnfdiiOHS pastor of St. Teresa'B Church, was mint in Bonnel park, at 9 a._m, * eulogized, applauded and presented j Monday, and the decoration of the J by his parish with a purse contain-' graves or veterans hit thecemeteries J niatuiKc-r. and after j-Hununit fojim Ing $34)50. at . a -reception held jln the v^ln«tr- Tuesday eveningifi the High" School : funds,to lin.uiei; the'»can, for : f auditorium in celebration of the about ?.-55u. the season, uiiloh was estimated to W > twenty-fifth anniversary of hia or-'jrYogressOnCu* IUC1C3^ till tollsy' ! dlnation,.to the priesthood. Father. I In rosponpo to a request from k r Olennon,'who had been kept la ig-! County S.P.C.A. Branch j Miss WelleB, president of the Fort- j '., norance of the "intention of hisi iiwwRoadi " BuildinVfUHUJKg l ! h, l3 nuh ,l af u x Plant* nee' u "'? . i - *' * »*Hi«Poa^J parish, iii a brilliaaL. '. ^,,u ,, to nevertheless, called the situation.w . tk_~T~~*• n" ,—, .. .elects Officers Here' ' «'»-«wrat.- with tue-Hv.j —vary—fvmbarrausing and . modestly j WOrK 1H tTOgTeSS OB Five* " """ _______ .Kestloii of the club In the eaUrv: " declared he felt thTr~honors were! New I l nm, t f ro Stllt Fe ra tlo heaped upon him as he should have' Streets Preparatory To At the annual meeting of ,h,. , I^ '" V,. " " ^ - » °* , f r thr , ri,TC,n,OU T M bUhlilesa u aIMd .been, instead of as he was. I Laying New Street Sur­ of Cru^' T"- ? . ." ' " ' ' *™ «« voted f» While 1.200 and 'more people !_luesday.-Muy-a-lth, 'STL'. •*•.•, a*t i.O •"»U "Spring- -'»•!_ns_Sj June «th, at HK a .S.t m. * *- crowded into the auditorium. in the_ break; faces Tlie Monument showing-beautiful set tin field av««mio, the fohowlDg orftwr»,'nK of ground for Father Glennon sat looking happy, Close-up of the Monument. ,„„., th«* Herald- .__*'" -v shrubbery u«d bonrd ' of directoru . were d witluthe group-of speakers on the In a letter to the EDITOR, F. inbuite model home on the Caooo' elected-. I'resldeiit. Robert S. Holt; Ilrook- Parkway. Sunset Gst*t««, stage. With the morning program Sewer _ Work Pushed r«yton BosWdl. iWitor 4 the'V* , letter and the photograpVoC fln . falter Lawrence, < hairmau of the With_ regard.-*,-! am, oti-., ete lfi* vii-o prt-Hldent, John W. riift- Summit, to be followed bv^n'lunch­ [ still fresh in his mind, when' he had Digest. Youwinbeintereated.^lmohurnont by, KdithnZtto Par-' "nd viee president, Mra. James H* Preliminary work incident to the, Memorial Committee, stated "I am sure HUH reeognltiou of 7," eon at the Wallace Pines, as th* aung a Solemn Votive Mass, sur- re- MWiiftth^i^lo of Summit •fcpuld'jsli.im; and I urn glad & know that POSH; secretary. Mrs. Robert S Ijpunded by 35 priests from the laying of pavement is in. progress J cently: the intrinsic Btgiitrk-ance or "the' guwta of the Combined Capital Holt: treasurer,"Mrs, Stephen «. Corporation. •_ vicinity; nqsajj>ly_ mindful of hiOlls five •atreeta.l^ccordtng -to- City monuiuoid. tand its t*xoiutloii and .t. U~my—r-e<}«estr Mr.-WoodhnHiig-ajj-roTlows r — -Jt-was-votetnhat inenjlie'fs"oTllitf' ..fip^roacTiihg. .. ,, . trip ,t o, Europe for Supervisor Broome. This work culture and good taslo to - do a j ™™Jl ^^ll.8". ^r^1^ j-K^u-t;-i rl« nK<™*, Rimer-i)ay,~ :rs:r -ut>r~ sent one of these photographs to' a.ii opinion,- must be "•'- avenue, Telephone 306-W* asaoc-iatlon continuejhe usual ««»- "'I want to thank yo". W;ytiuVjlhiiig like this 1 n r f l ;i 1I Kiatifyhtg t.^yot,. rtH-ii fe.tnm* "- I fi -* 'I'i"- -V « * »' -Wuu 11. King., ,tom aud.closeJtil.npiau**_- of-mftst.'- b laW C UHiStS f IayfaK ; the hearty reception hgTvl^V™ ! * ° ° -^-—--„-—---:^— -^.J-fiirH- tt J^..Oal>ow»rl,Mi»«--4^aee-l-n^w.*»iv-yteilH^daT-afrPTnno-hS~^ him by the pupil-s" of St. Teresa'- s curbs -and- gutters, conatraeting Jr. High School P^T. A. ' jAyers. Wm. C. Renwlck. Mrs'. John ing June' , July and .August' , begjn3,",r>-' Parochial School the day before In storm sewers, in some places, andj /IV. Clirt, Mrs. Clifford H. Kendal. niujt Wednesday next; June 1st, Postpones Meeting Summit and Shorfilills fiifJrPresented aTEMORtAli' WAV SEltVICK <• Ppon motion the, secretary was which tb*y had presented him with making utility connections. Aa! ;Mrs, Joseph K. Lamont, Rev. Henry a purse of gold containing $500, the soon as this is completed- the" •instructed to send .the. greeting* . The regula_,.—..r meeting of the An invjtjrjrioii *to the people of rShort. ' priest sat laughing heartily at the work of grading will begin and th ami 'congratulations of the Bu«t- •:\ To Royalty at Brilh'ant Coart Cefeniony Summit: ' . - _ — Bailies at his expense made by the graders will *. Jie followed i I • Junior High School P.-T. A. will be ncas Men's Association to the R»-v. Itt. Rev- William 1.. McKean "otxmccllate,y by tlle concrete miipr.!he,d Monday. 'June Gth, at _tlie The AmWlcan Legion, the M. j. Ulennon of St. Tereaa'a*' ilernardaviiie, and siteiir-wheiThe iIa ,vtow" ot-the-£oct that alt "ihel-hinior* High School, instead of Sons of the American Revolu-' Daily Vacation Church, upon the celebration. uLXIift heard his praises broadcast by. the s,l^ect coJ«ractB issued thus far: Tuesday. May 31st, as announced.- to two of tho eight American woken treasurer afid general manager ' tlon,*the Jteughters of thjr- Amor- £ .twenty-fifth annivorHarv or.his or­ ~" " this year have been awarded to the; At this meeting the election of -who were presented to Ki-.g Gewgo44he Wheatano company <»'ficiui Revolution extend to tho. dination to the priesthood. Rev. Martin L. Stanton, assistant . The fam- 'people of Huminlt« an Invitation pastor at St. Teresa's Church. "It Loprete Asphalt Company, and all j officers will take place, and the re- and Queen Mary of England.- at a'lly h.oveh'to ' ~ Again The secretary was jpstructed to : r oV^um^t lejis than two to join in an oiicii-.uiei^orJal is the hardest thing "to "do,' to sit the ^wtr kJ^9-Jn^B y.>ltA ^ th^-T^ioW-cuinmltt^ii -briHiatrt-emrrt- ccreuiouy, Wednca^ eaTs L send a jiotr^rrf- sympathy in I^ufa Delaney, there is Indication that!will bo heard. There will also be ago. '.MI*s 'Wendell Is a Hervh:o-atrlrfncoln School," Mon- Malleo who broke his leg in a rc<* . down and hear yourself praised, day evening... The two-jjpoii whom graduate of the .Anion' School, in1! day evening,"May ,10th, at 8..10 Community Bible School ^especially when you feel-the praise the work can be expedited more the jndgingTof the dr«feca made by cent ball game In! the Twilighr, than coiildLbe,the case if tbecou-.tae eighth de Xls "for the this signal honor warconferred-are Lake-wood,, ilnd,«Jasl your attended,! o'clock • to honor and glorify League . __ „.__ to be unmerited," said Father Olen­ era Miss Eleanor Wendell, of gunimft, iient I'laiie Schboi. in Summit; She>: our dead of all wars. "^ ' '- <> Planned For Third Year non in his response." ' j tracts liad been awarded to more prizes to he given at life ej,d of the The question of -dtvertlng heavy ^,— than one contractor. [yeaT and Mlsa Pauline P. Day, of Shorl waft one flf the hrideainaidH- at the , [ Remember --' Valley Forge,, Keen Student nf Character lb Rum From July 5th to trucking from Springfield avenue.'""! •C«rhsr-ftB«teris Sewers Oruw Jinila^and ^w_J£ork. This' repre-. .Cetiyahii^, Chateau. Thierryt—- Summit's biiBlcst stn-cf," was aia-T"! In expatiating, on the' pastor's} Greatest progress has been made' sonU one. of tlJehighcsM»onor«-to Summit and Sir Arthur 'Frederic!I cussed and referred to a committed'' strong hold on the curate and the Ion Prospect Hill avenue and Whit-; whlchv the American society woman Nicolson, in St. Thoimis'a Church, for future report and rocummemfe-'' people, of the parish," Father Stan-! tjtudge road, wliere curbs* and gut- High School PvT. A. can asplro. .. - 6n April 23rd la«f. Moil. - • - ton stressed-"love and labor" as theUefs afe more than seventy five per | M a Mis s Pauline P. Hay is t-ho daugh _ p ]«_ J'-leanoP .WtmilgJi,_ daiigRtwlteiMrf-M•tMrj-and-MTs^JoTOpli-I»' r DaJ7 =key.-of—his-success.- He spoke bf^eep^dohe'and the grading nearlyi -oEMr^aml MrH.
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