Law Offices of David P. Sheldon, PLLC Da,id P. Sheldon, Admitted in DC, MD, & MT I Shannon M. James, Admitted in AZ :\'arasha K. Campbell, Admitted in WA I Da\ina -~- Anderson, Admitted in DC May 7, 2021 Captain Arthur Ray Commandant of Cadets U. S. Coast Guard Academy 31 Mohegan Avenue New London, CT 06320-8103 SENT BY EMAIL TO:
[email protected] RE: Appeal to Disenrollment on Behalf of 1/c Cadet Zara Burns Dear Captain Ray, Our office represents 1/c Cadet Zara Burns. On her behalf, enclosed please find an appeal to the disenrollment decision of the Superintendent Admiral Kelly. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by phone at (202) 546-9575 or by email at
[email protected]. Sincerely, Shannon James Shannon James, Esq. 100 M St SE, Suite 600 Waslu ngton, DC 20003 Office number 202-546-9575 Fax number 202-546--0135 Introduction Events Leading up to the Hearing pg. 2 Motive to Fabricate pg. 10 Due Process Issues pg. 12 No Actual "Witnesses" pg. 16 Legal Analysis 1. The Charge of Class I Offense 1231: Sexual Misconduct Is Not Supported pg. 25 by the Objective Evidence and The Regulations of The Corps of Cadets. 2. The Charge of Class I Offense 1237 Relationship; Inappropriate or pg. 26 Improper, Involving A Serious Breach of Discipline Is Not Supported by the Truth. 3. The Charges of Class I Offense 1216: Devotion To Duty: Lack of, Failure Of; pg. 28 And Class I Offense 1220: Respect: Lack Of, Failure Of; Are Void In Context Conclusion pg.