Prof. Tansel AK

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Prof. Tansel AK Prof. Tansel AK OPfefricseo Pnhaol nIen:f +or9m0 2a1t2io 4n40 0000 Extension: 10296 EFmaxa iPl:h otannes:e l+ak9@0 i2st1a2n b4u4l0.e 0d3u7.t0r AWdedbr:e hstst:p :İ/s/tawnwbuwl. iÜstnainvebrusli.etedsui .Ftre/nfe Fna/kpüelrtessoin Aeslatrkoanfeonm.pi hvpe? Uidz=ay2 6B9ilimleri Bölümü, 34119, Üniversite, Beyazıt, İstanbul EDodcutocraatteio, İnst aInnbfuol rÜmniavetriosintesi, Institute of Graduate Studies In Sciences, Astronomi Ve Uzay Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı, PTousrtkgerya d1u9a9t2e ,- İ1st9a9n9bul Üniversitesi, Institute of Graduate Studies In Sciences, Astronomi Ve Uzay Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı, UTunrdkeeryg r1a9d9u0a t-e 1, 9İs9ta2nbul Üniversitesi, Faculty of Science, Astronomy and Space Sciences, Turkey 1983 - 1990 FEnogrliesihg, nB2 L Uapnpgeru Iangteersmediate Dissertations ADsotcrtoonroamtei, CVüec Uez Nayo vBaillaimrılne rUi zAunna Dbiölinme mDalil ıD, 1av9r9a9nışları, Istanbul University, Institute of Graduate Studies In Sciences, SPcoisetngcreasd, uYaıltdeı,z K Aatmakolissfmerilke rDi ePğrioşegnra DmQı, H1e9r9 2Yıldızının Morötesi Tayfı, Istanbul University, Institute of Graduate Studies In RPheysseicas,r Acshtr Aonroemays and Astrophysics, Astronomy and Astrophysics: Instrumentation Techniques and Observations, Star Scyisetnecmess, Interstellar Medium, The Galaxy, Galactic and Extragalactic Objets and Systems, Cosmology, Stars, Natural Academic Titles / Tasks APrsosofecsiastoer ,P Irsotafensbsuolr U, Insitvaenrbsuitly U, Fnaivceurltsyit yo,f FSaccieunltcye o, Af sStcrioencoem, Ay satnrodn Sopmacye a Sncdie Snpcaecse, 2S0c1ie2n c- eCso, n2t0in0u7e -s 2012 RAessiesatarcnht PArsosfisetsasnotr, ,İ Issttaannbbuul lÜ Unniviveerrssititeys,i ,F Faaccuultlyty o of fS Sccieiennccee, ,A Asstrtroonnoommyy a anndd S Sppaaccee S Sccieienncceess, ,2 1090930 - -2 2000073 Academic and Administrative Experience İDsetaannb, uIslt Üannbivuelr Usinteivsei,r İssitayn, Fbaucl uÜltnyi vOefr Ssictieesni c, eR, eAksttörrolnüokm, 2y0 A17n d- CSpoanctien Suceisences, 2020 - Continues İstanbul Üniversitesi, Faculty of Science, Astronomyi Vaen dU zSapya cBeil iSmcilenric e, 2s,0 21051 -3 C -o Cnotinntuineuses CAsotruornsoemside Gözlem Araç ve Yöntemleri, Undergraduate, 2013 - 2014, 2015 - 2016, 2016 - 2017 İAsstatrtoisntiokm, Uidned eErlegkratrdounaitke G, 2ö0r1ü3n t-ü 2le0m1e4,, D20o1ct4o r- a2t0e1, 25013 - 2014, 2014 - 2015 Seminer, UPonsdtegrrgardaudautaet, e2, 021031 3- 2- 0210414 İSsetmatiinsteikr,, Undergraduate,, 2012 - 2013 SAesmtrionneorm, Piodset gErleakdturaotnei,k 2 G0ö1r2ü -n 2tü0l1e3me, Doctorate, 2012 - 2013 KÖatetagleiszmegiekn Dleerğ, iPşeons tYgırladdızularte, D, 2o0c1to2r -a t2e0, 1230,1 220 -1 230 -1 23014 Astronomide GVöerzil eAmn aAlirzai ç- vIIe, UYnödnetermgrlaedriu, aUtned, 2er0g1r1a d- u2a0t1e2, 2, 2000162 - -2 2000173, 2007 - 2008, 2008 - 2009, 2009 - 2010, 2010 - K20at1a1k,l i2s0m1i1k D- 2e0ği1ş2e,n 2 Y0ı1ld2ı z-l a2r0, 1D3octorate, 2011 - 2012 BGiölgki sMaeykaar,n Uiğni,d Uenrgdreardguradteu, a2t0e0, 260 -0 260 -0 27007, 2007 - 2008, 2008 - 2009 AKd Tv.i, sKiınrmgı zTı hDevs eKsolundaki yıldızların Kinematiği, Postgraduate, O.Han(Student), 2017 AK T., KYüatkaskelkis Kmüiktl eDlie Gğieşneçn lYeırldinız Gımalsaık Ntieks Mneolderedl eP aRraadmyeot rJetlelerri,i nP oAsrtagnrmadausaı,t Pe,o Ast.ÖgrZaDdÖuNatMe,E ÜZ.(KSAtuVdAeKn(tS)t, u2d0e1n3t), 2016 FA.KK oTr.,h Sapne(kSttruedl eÇnizt)g,i 2D0e0r9inlik Oranlarından Yıldız Sıcaklıklarının Ölçümü: Bir Kalibrasyon Çalışması, Postgraduate, JPuosrty G Mradeumatbe,e Orğsuhzi Hpasn Ataş Yüksek Lisans Tez Savunması, İÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, June, 2017 Associate Professor Exam, Dr. ŞNeeysmibae ÇÖazleışl'kinan d Toüçernkstloiky 'suönz ldüo sçıennatvliık, D srö.z Nlüe siıbnea vÖı,z Delo'içne dnotlçike nStölizklü s öSzınlüa vsıı,n Mavaır, cAhp, r2i0l, 127017 Post Graduate, TEedza SVauvrugnumn aYsLı ÜTyeezs Sliağvi u(nYmL)a, sFı,e İn.Ü F. aFkeünl tBeisli mAlsetrio Ennosmtiit üvseü U, zJaanyu Bairimy, l2er0i1 B7ölümü, June, 2016 Post Graduate, TMeuzh Saamvumnemd aD Jiüyraidsdi, iFne İnlh Faank YüLlt eTsei zA Ssatrvounnommais vı, eİ .ÜU.z Faye nB Biliimlimlelreir Bi Eönlüsmtitüü, sMü,a My, a2y0, 126016 DPoosctt oGrraatdeu, Datoek, tEoyrüap T Kezaia Sna Yveurnlmi Yaü Skısneakv Lı, iİssatnans bTuelz Ü Snaivvuenrsmitaessıi, Fİ.Üen. F Beinli mBlielirmi lEenris tEitnüsstüit,ü Msüa,r Mcha,r 2c0h1, 23016 Doctorate, Doktora Tezi Savunmea Sınavı, İsntöannüb uÜln Üivneivresirtseistei sFie Fne Bni lBimililmerlei rEin Bsötiltümsüü, ,F Aepbrriul, a2r0y1, 20013 Doctorate, Dr. ZA.l iF Kuınlçdıka' ıGnü Dveork'tionr Da oTketzoir Saa Tveuznim Sav Suınamvaı JSüınriasvi,ı AJükrdiesni, iİzs tÜannibvuerl sÜitneisvie Frseinte Bsi lFimenle rBii lEimnsletirtüi Esün,s Jtuitnües,ü 2,009 January, 2009 2D0o0c8torate, Dr. Tolga Güver'in Doktora Tezi Savunma Sınavı Jürisi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, January, Articles Published in Journals That Entered SCI, SSCI and AHCI Indexes I. dAa sttaudy of the Czernik 2 and NGC 7654 open clusters using CCD UBV photometric and Gaia EDR3 Asktbruolpuht yBs.i, cAsk a Sn.d, Y Sopnatcaen S Tc.i,e Bniclier, Sv.o, Al.3k6 T6.,, Bnoan.7k, s2 T0.2, 1K a(aJonu Urlngaeln I nEd., ePxaeudn izne nSC EI. Expanded) II. pBhriodtgoimnge ttrhice suyltsrtaevmioslet and optical regions: Transformation equations between GALEX and UBV PBUiliBrL SI.C, AlTaInO NS., GOuFc TteHkEin A SS. TTR. O, CNeOleMbIiC MA.L, Y SoOnCtIaEnT TY. ,O PFle AvUneS TOR.,A ALkI AS,. , vAokl. 3T7., ,K 2a0r2a0a l(i JSo.urnal Indexed in SCI) III. sStuapnedrshtuilmlp period of SDSS J214354.59+124457.8: First Z Cam star with superhumps in the aAll.tan M., Kato T., Ishioka R., Schmidtobreick L., Guver T., Uemura M., Ak T., Bianchini A., Ayyildiz O., Matsumoto K., et iMn OSNCIT)HLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol.489, no.1, pp.1451-1462, 2019 (Journal Indexed IV. SLpineec tIrduemn toiffi cHaoti oIIn a onfd A Htoom IIicI and Ionic Spectra of Holmium in the Visible Spectral Range. II. AOSzdTaRlOgiPcH BY.,S BICaAşaLr J GO.U, GRüNzAeLlç SimUePnP LFE., MOEztNuTrk S İE.,R AIEk ST, .v, Boli.l2ir4 S0., 2T0am19a n(Jiso uMr.n, Fale Irnbdeerx Re.d, K inro SeCgIe)r S. V. PClCaDta UisB 1V photometric study of five open clusters-Dolidze 36, NGC 6728, NGC 6800, NGC 7209, and ABSoTstRaOnPciH ZY. SFI.C ,S Y AoNntDa nS PTA., CBEil iSrC SI.E, ANkC ET,. ,v Goul.v3e6r3 T, n., oA.7k , S2.,0 P1a8u (nJzoeunr nEa., lB Iansdaerxaend C in. S S. C, VI)urgun E., Akti B. A. , et al. VI. AOz ndeownm ceazt aAl.,o Egguee E o., fG Guvaelar cTt.i, cA kn investigation of the MMRD relation and spatial distribution iMn OSNCIT)HLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol.476, no.3, pp.4162-4186, 2018 (Journal Indexed VII. HLionIeII Identification of Atomic and Ionic Spectra of Holmium in the Near-UV. II. Spectra of HoII and ABSaTşaRrO GP.H, AYlS-LICaAbLa dJOy UNR., NOAzdLa SlgUiPc PBL.,E GMüEzNelTçi mSEeRnI EFS., , Evro Al.2., 2O8z,t 2u0rk1 7İ. , (AJoku Tr.n, Bali lIirn dSe., xTeadm iann SisC IM)., Ferber R., et al. VIII. MGüeçttaelkliinc iSty. T c. a, Bliiblirra St.i, oKna raanaldi Sp.,h Poletvonmee Ot.r, iAck p Sa.,r Aakll Ta.x, Beossttiamnacit iZo. nF:. II. SDSS photometry IX. CACSTDR UOPBHVY pSIhCoSt AoNmDe tSrPyA aCnEd S CkIiEnNeCmEa, tviocls.3 o6f2 ,t nhoe. 1o, p2e0n1 7c l(uJosuternr aNl IGnCd e2x2e5d in SCI) ABDiliVr ASN., BCEoSst IaNn cSiP ZA. CFE. , RYEoSnEtaAnR TC.H, G, vüovle.5r8 T, .n, Boa.9k, ıpş pV.1., 9A0k0 T-1., 9A1k4 S, .2, P0a1u6n (zJeonu rEn., aEl kIenrd eZx.ed in SCI) X. TOhzdeo dnimsteazn Ac.,e Gsu ovfe rt hTe., CGaablraecrtaic-L naovevrase A., Ak T. SMCOI)NTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol.461, pp.1177-1201, 2016 (Journal Indexed in XI. LÖoNcAaLl TSAteŞl Öla.,r B KİLinİRe mS.,a Steicasb rwokiteh G R. MAV. ,E K aVrIaIa. lMi Se.,t AalKli Sc.i,t AyK G Tr.a, BdOieSnTtAsN fCrIo GmÜ VREeRd ZC. Stars XII. MPUeBtaLlIlCiAciTtIyO cNaSl iObFr aTtHioEn A SaTnRdO pNhOoMtoICmAeLt SrOicC IpEaTrYa OllFa xA UesStTiRmAaLtIiAo,n v:o Il.3 U3B, pVp .p1h-2o0t,o 2m01e6tr (yJournal Indexed in SCI) Güçtekin S. T. , Bilir S., Karaali S., Ak S., Ak T., Bostanci Z. F. XIII. CACSTDR UOPBHVY pSIhCoSt AoNmDe tSrPyA oCfE tShCeIE oNpCeEn, vcollu.3s6te1r, n NoG.6C, 2 608116 9(Journal Indexed in SCI) ASkT TR.,O BPoHsYtaSnICciS Z A. NF.D , YSoPnAtCaEn STC., IBEiNliCr ES,. ,v Goül.v3e6r1 T, 2., 0A1k6 S (.,J Üourgrünpal HIn., dPeaxuendz einn SEC.I) XIV. SLtoacrasl Stellar Kinematics from RAVE Data - VI. Metallicity Gradients Based on the F-G Main-Sequence PUleBvLnIeC OA.T, AIOkN TS., OKFa rTaHaEli SA.S, BTRiliOr NSO., MAkIC SA., LB SoOstCaInEcTi YZ .O FF. AUSTRALIA, vol.32, 2015 (Journal Indexed in SCI) XV. ABo csotamnpcir Ze.h Fe. n, Asikv Te. , sYtoundtya no Tf .,t hBeili ro Sp.e, Gnu cvleurs Tte., rA kN SG.,C Ç 6ak8ı6rl6ı Ö., Özdarcan O., Paunzen E., De Cat P., et al. iMn OSNCIT)HLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol.453, no.1, pp.1095-1107, 2015 (Journal Indexed XVI. AKstSrAoKnEoRm Nic., aYlE sRiLteİ Ss. eKl.e ,c EtRioDnO fĞoArN T Mu.r Ak.e ,y E RuDsiIn Eg., GKIaSb at eKc.,h Anki qTu., eAsslan Z., BAKIŞ V., DEMİRCAN O., Evren S., et al. XVII. GEXrPoEuRnIdM-EbNasTeAdL tArSaTnRsOitN oObMsYe, rvvoal.t3i9o,n nso o.3f, pthpe.5 4H7A-5T6-P6,- 12081, 5H (AJTou-Prn-1a9l I,n HdAexTe-dP -in2 7SC/IW)ASP40 and WASP-21 sSyEsEtLeImGEsR M., KITZE M., ERRMANN R., RICHTER S., OHLERT J. M. , CHEN W. P. , GUO J. K. , Gogus E., Guver T., Aydin MB.O, eNt TaHl.LY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol.451, no.4, pp.4060-4072, 2015 (Journal Indexed XVIII. Tinh SeC GI)alactic kinematics of cataclysmic variables ASkT TR.,O BPilHirY SS.I, COSz dAoNnDm SePzA AC.,E S SoCyIdEuNgCaEn, Fv.o, lS.3o5y7d,u ngoa.n1 ,E 2.,0 P1ü5s k(üJolluür Çn.a, lA Ikn dSe., xEekde rin Z S.CI) XIX. SGolkacre SEp. Ya.c , eK aDreanalsi iSty., Douf rtahne S R., eBdili rC Slu., mYaplc Sıntkaarysa a An.,d A tkh Se., SAcka Tle., -LLoepnegzt-Cho orrf etdhoeı rTah Min., CDaibsrcera-Lavers A. XX. CPUCBDL UICBAVTRIOIN pSh OoFto TmHeEt AryST oRfO NNGOCM I6C8A1L1 SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA, vol.32, 2015 (Journal Indexed in SCI) AYoSTnRtaOnP TH.,Y BSiIlCirS S A., NBDo sStPanAcCiE Z S. FC.I E, ANkC ET,. ,v Koal.r3a5a5li, Sp.p, G.2u6v7e-r2 8T1., ,A 2k0 S1.5, D (uJoruarnn Sa.l, PInaduenxzeedn iEn.
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