Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the City Council held in the Council Chamber, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Tuesday 25 June 2019, commencing at 1.00 pm


Mayor Mayor Dave Cull

Members Cr David Benson-Pope Cr Rachel Elder Cr Christine Garey Cr Doug Hall Cr Aaron Hawkins Cr Marie Laufiso Cr Mike Lord Cr Damian Newell Cr Jim O'Malley Cr Conrad Stedman Cr Cr Andrew Whiley Cr Kate Wilson

IN ATTENDANCE Sue Bidrose (Chief Executive Officer), Sandy Graham (General Manager City Services), Graham McKerracher (Manager, Council Communications and Marketing), Simon Drew (General Manager Infrastructure Services), Simon Pickford (General Manager Community Services), Dave Tombs (General Manager Finance and Commercial), John Christie (Director Enterprise Dunedin) and Sharon Bodeker (Team Leader Civic). Gavin Logie (Financial Controller), Carolyn Allan (Senior Management Accountant), Sean Jacobs (Senior Policy Analyst), Nick Dixon (Group Manager Ara Toi), Nicola Pinfold (Group Manager Community and Planning), Joy Gunn (Manager Events and Community Development), Andrea Jones (Communications Team Leader), Jane Nevill (Project Manager South Dunedin Community and Culture), Kathryn Ward (Principal Urban Designer), Owen Graham (Leasing and Land Advisor) and David Bainbridge (Group Manager Property), Keith Cooper (Chairman, Dunedin City Holdings Ltd) and Jemma Adams (General Manager, Dunedin City Holdings Ltd)

Governance Support Officer Lynne Adamson


Rev Brendon McRae, Minister – Flagstaff Presbyterian Community Church opened the meeting with a prayer.

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2.1 Public Forum - Resource Management Act

Diane Yeldon did not attend the meeting.

2.2 Public Forum - Climate Emergency

Jennifer Shulzitski spoke on behalf of Extinction Rebellion Ōtepoti Dunedin and urged Council to declare a climate emergency.

Ms Shulzitski responded to questions from Councillors.

2.3 Public Forum - Climate Emergency/Crisis

Sue Novell addressed the Council and responded to questions on the Climate Emergency/Crisis on behalf of the Seniors’ Action Network Group (SCAN).

It was moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Kate Wilson):

That the Council:

a) Extend the Public Forum.

Motion carried

2.4 Public Forum - Declaring a Climate Emergency

Vincent Cavanagh; Jonty Dixon; Keanu Topping and Lochlie Jackson, pupils from North East Valley School accompanied by their teacher, Theresa Bowen addressed the Council on Declaring a Climate Emergency. They responded to questions.

The Mayor thanked the children for presenting to Council and acknowledged that it can be daunting.

2.5 Public Forum – South Dunedin Update

Eleanor Doig provided an update on work being undertaken in South Dunedin, and expressed her support for urgent action about climate change.

Ms Doig responded to questions and invited Councillors to attend a hui due to be held on 12 August 2019.

2.6 Public Forum – Climate Emergency

Richard Seagar advised that he had recently completed a post-graduate study focussing on the Arctic and climate change. He provided information on his background and

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comments on ways to address climate change.

Mr Seagar responded to questions from Councillors.


Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Andrew Whiley): That the Council:

Accepts the apology from Cr Chris Staynes.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/137)


Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Kate Wilson):

That the Council:

Confirms the agenda with the following alterations: In regard to Standing Order 2.1, Option C be adopted in relation to moving and seconding and speaking to amendments.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/138)


Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.

Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Kate Wilson): That the Council:

a) Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register; and

b) Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

c) Notes the Executive Leadership Interest Register.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/139)



Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Kate Wilson): That the Council:

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Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting held on 30 April 2019 as a correct record.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/140)


Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Christine Garey): That the Council:

Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting held on 28 May 2019 as a correct record.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/141)


Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Doug Hall): That the Council:

Confirms the minutes of the Ordinary Council Annual Plan Deliberations meeting held on 29, 30 and 31 May 2019as a correct record.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/142)



Moved (Cr Mike Lord/Cr Doug Hall): That the Council:

a) Notes the minutes of the Finance and Council Controlled Organisations Committee meeting held on 21 May 2019

Motion carried (CNL/2019/143)


Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Cr Christine Garey): That the Council:

a) Notes the minutes of the Economic Development Committee meeting held on 21 May 2019.

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b) Takes Part C items of the minutes of the Economic Development Committee held on 21 May 2019, in the non-public part of the meeting.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/144)

Councillor Hawkins acknowledged the passing of Shona MacTavish, New Zealand’s “mother of modern dance” and her significant contribution to the arts community.


Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Marie Laufiso): That the Council:

a) Notes the minutes of the Community and Culture Committee meeting held on 11 June 2019.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/145)



Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Cr Jim O'Malley): That the Council:

a) Notes the minutes of the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting held on 13 March 2019.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/146)


Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Cr Jim O'Malley): That the Council:

a) Notes the minutes of the Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting held on 2 May 2019.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/147)

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A report from Corporate Policy and Finance recommended the adoption of the annual plan 2019/20 and sought authorisation for the Chief Executive to drawdown debt up to a maximum of $270 million.

The General Manager City Services (Sandy Graham) and Financial Controller (Gavin Logie) spoke to the report, responded to questions and provided clarification on debt levels and servicing of the debt.

It was agreed that resolution b) would be taken separately and that a division would be taken.

Moved (Cr David Benson-Pope/Cr Christine Garey): That the Council:

a) Adopts the Annual Plan 2019/20.

c) Authorises the Chief Executive to drawdown debt up to total debt of $270 million in the 2019/20 year.

Division The Council voted by division.

For: Crs David Benson-Pope, Rachel Elder, Christine Garey, Doug Hall, Aaron Hawkins, Marie Laufiso, Mike Lord, Damian Newell, Jim O'Malley, Conrad Stedman, Andrew Whiley, Kate Wilson and Dave Cull (13). Against: Cr Lee Vandervis (1). Abstained: Nil

The division was declared CARRIED by 13 votes to 1

Motion carried (CNL/2019/148)

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Moved (Cr David Benson-Pope/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Council: b) Authorises the Chief Executive to make any minor editorial changes resulting from quality checks prior to the final printing of the Annual Plan 2019/20 document.

Division The Council voted by division. For: Crs David Benson-Pope, Rachel Elder, Christine Garey, Doug Hall, Aaron Hawkins, Marie Laufiso, Mike Lord, Damian Newell, Jim O'Malley, Conrad Stedman, Lee Vandervis, Andrew Whiley, Kate Wilson and Dave Cull (14). Against: Nil Abstained: Nil

The division was declared CARRIED by 14 votes to 0

Motion carried (CNL/2019/149)


A report from Finance advised that following the adoption of the 2019/20 Annual Plan, the Council needed to set the rates as provided for in the Funding Impact Statement for the 2019/20 year.

The General Manager Finance and Commercial (Dave Tombs), Financial Controller (Gavin Logie) and Senior Management Accountant (Carolyn Allan) spoke to the report and responded to questions.

Moved (Cr Damian Newell/Cr Doug Hall): That the Council:

a) Sets the following rates under the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 on rating units in the district for the financial year commencing 1 July 2019 and ending on 30 June 2020.

1 General Rate

A general rate set under section 13 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 made on every rating unit, assessed on a differential basis as described below: • A rate of 0.3335 cents in the dollar (including GST) of capital value on every rating unit in the "residential" category. • A rate of 0.3169 cents in the dollar (including GST) of capital value on every rating unit in the "lifestyle" category. • A rate of 0.8182 cents in the dollar (including GST) of capital value on every rating unit in the "commercial" category. • A rate of 0.5830 cents in the dollar (including GST) of capital value on every rating unit in the "residential heritage bed and breakfasts" category.

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• A rate of 0.2671 cents in the dollar (including GST) of capital value on every rating unit in the "farmland" category. • A rate of 0.0611 cents in the dollar (including GST) of capital value on the “stadium: 10,000+ seat capacity” category.

2 Community Services Rate

A targeted rate for community services, set under section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, assessed on a differential basis as follows: • $240.50 (including GST) per separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit for all rating units in the "residential, residential heritage bed and breakfasts, lifestyle and farmland" categories. • $240.50 (including GST) per rating unit for all rating units in the "commercial and stadium: 10,000+ seat capacity" categories.

3 Kerbside Recycling Rate

A targeted rate for kerbside recycling, set under section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, assessed on a differential basis as follows: • $66.30 (including GST) per separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit for rating units in the "residential, residential heritage bed and breakfasts, lifestyle and farmland" categories. • $66.30 (including GST) per rating unit for rating units in the "commercial" category.

4 Drainage Rates

A targeted rate for drainage, set under section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, assessed on a differential basis as follows: • $559.00 (including GST) per separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit for all rating units in the "residential, residential heritage bed and breakfasts, lifestyle and farmland" categories and which are "connected" to the public sewerage system. • $279.50 (including GST) per separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit for all rating units in the "residential, residential heritage bed and breakfasts, lifestyle and farmland" categories and which are "serviceable" by the public sewerage system. • $559.00 (including GST) per rating unit for all rating units in the "commercial, residential institutions, schools and stadium: 10,000+ seat capacity" categories and which are "connected" to the public sewerage system. • $279.50 (including GST) per rating unit for all rating units in the "commercial, residential institutions and schools" categories and which are "serviceable" by the public sewerage system. • $102.25 (including GST) per rating unit for all rating units in the "church" category and which are "connected" to the public sewerage system.

Rating units which are not "connected" to the scheme and which are not "serviceable" will not be liable for this rate. Drainage is a combined

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targeted rate for sewage disposal and stormwater. Sewage disposal makes up 83.9% of the drainage rate, and stormwater makes up 16.1%. Non- rateable land will not be liable for the stormwater component of the drainage targeted rate. Rates demands for the drainage targeted rate for non-rateable land will therefore be charged at 83.9%.

5 Commercial Drainage Rates – Capital Value

A targeted rate for drainage, set under section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, assessed on a differential basis as follows: • A rate of 0.2976 cents in the dollar (including GST) of capital value on every rating unit in the "commercial and residential institution" category and which are "connected" to the public sewerage system. • A rate of 0.1488 cents in the dollar (including GST) of capital value on every rating unit in the "commercial" category and which are "serviceable" by the public sewerage system. • A rate of 0.2232 cents in the dollar (including GST) of capital value on every rating unit in the "school" category and which are "connected" to the public sewerage system. • A rate of 0.1116 cents in the dollar (including GST) of capital value on every rating unit in the "school" category and which are "serviceable" by the public sewerage system. • A rate of 0.0229 cents in the dollar (including GST) of capital value on the “stadium: 10,000+ seat capacity” category.

This rate shall not apply to properties in Karitane, Middlemarch, Seacliff, Waikouaiti and Warrington. This rate shall not apply to churches. Drainage is a combined targeted rate for sewage disposal and stormwater. Sewage disposal makes up 83.9% of the drainage rate, and stormwater makes up 16.1%. Non-rateable land will not be liable for the stormwater component of the drainage targeted rate. Rates demands for the drainage targeted rate for non-rateable land will therefore be charged at 83.9%.

6 Water Rates

A targeted rate for water supply, set under section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, assessed on a differential basis as follows: • $404.00 (including GST) per separately used or inhabited part of any "connected" rating unit which receives an ordinary supply of water within the meaning of the Dunedin City Bylaws excepting properties in Karitane, Merton, Rocklands/Pukerangi, Seacliff, Waitati, Warrington, East Taieri, West Taieri and North Taieri. • $202.00 (including GST) per separately used or inhabited part of any "serviceable" rating unit to which connection is available to receive an ordinary supply of water within the meaning of the Dunedin City Bylaws excepting properties in Karitane, Merton, Rocklands/Pukerangi, Seacliff, Waitati, Warrington, East Taieri, West Taieri and North Taieri. • $404.00 (including GST) per unit of water being one cubic metre (viz. 1,000 litres) per day supplied at a constant rate of flow during a full 24 hour period to any "connected" rating unit situated in Karitane,

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Merton, Seacliff, Waitati, Warrington, West Taieri, East Taieri or North Taieri. • $202.00 (including GST) per separately used or inhabited part of any "serviceable" rating unit situated in Waitati, Warrington, West Taieri, East Taieri or North Taieri. This rate shall not apply to the availability of water in Merton, Karitane or Seacliff.

7 Fire Protection Rates

A targeted rate for the provision of a fire protection service, set under section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, assessed on a differential basis as follows: • A rate of 0.0829 cents in the dollar (including GST) of capital value on all rating units in the "commercial" category. This rate shall not apply to churches. • A rate of 0.0622 cents in the dollar (including GST) of capital value on all rating units in the "residential institutions" category. • A rate of 0.0092 cents in the dollar (including GST) of capital value on the “stadium: 10,000+ seat capacity” category. • $121.20 (including GST) for each separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit within the "residential, residential heritage bed and breakfasts, lifestyle and farmland" category that is not receiving an ordinary supply of water within the meaning of the Dunedin City Bylaws.

8 Water Rates – Quantity of Water

A targeted rate for the quantity of water provided to any rating unit fitted with a water meter, being an extraordinary supply of water within the meaning of the Dunedin City Bylaws, set under section 19 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, according to the following scale of charges (GST inclusive):

Annual Meter Rental Charge 20mm nominal diameter $148.00 25mm nominal diameter $190.00 30mm nominal diameter $211.00 40mm nominal diameter $239.00 50mm nominal diameter $484.00 80mm nominal diameter $598.00 100mm nominal diameter $631.00 150mm nominal diameter $907.00 300mm nominal diameter $1,177.00 Hydrant Standpipe $586.00 Reconnection Fee $412.48 Special Reading Fee $56.05 Backflow Prevention Charge Backflow Preventer Test Fee $102.21 Backflow Programme - incomplete application $41.04 fee (hourly rate) Rescheduled Backflow Preventer Test Fee $58.07

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Water Charge Merton, Rocklands, Hindon and individual farm $0.11 per cubic metre supplied Bulk Raw Water Tariff All other treated water per cubic metre $1.64 per cubic metre Disconnection of Water Supply – AWSCI to $229.70 excavate Disconnection of Water Supply – DCC contractor $900.00 to excavate

Where the supply of a quantity of water is subject to this Quantity of Water Targeted Rate, the rating unit will not be liable for any other targeted rate for the supply of the same water.

9 Allanton Drainage Rate

A targeted rate for the capital contribution towards the Allanton Wastewater Collection System, set under section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, of $411.00 (including GST) per rating unit, to every rating unit paying their contribution towards the scheme as a targeted rate over 20 years. Liability for the rate is on the basis of the provision of the service to each rating unit. The Allanton area is shown in the map below:


RAMSEY STREET 45 11 2 CENTRE ROAD 24 PRECELLY STREET 26 31 17 6 28 1B 8 6 16 3 4 31A 21 20 25 5 27 2 39 29 39A 31 36 13 9 6 39B 33 26 15 17 8 21 10 39C 41 32 32 18 1 20 47 7 9 31 22 11 51 35 13 CAERNARVON STREET 15 20 50 SNOWDON37 STREET 28 EAST TAIERI-ALLANTON ROAD 55 38 19 4 GREY STREET 16 1 9 CASTLETON24 STREET 20 45 25 7 10 6 5 643 49 44 DOUGLAS STREET 10 46 15 5 48 33 14 24 37 30 6 21 672 3 43 674 45 13 676 47 20 22 11 2 51 44 680 46 24 682 3 26 12 9 686 STACK STREET 28 684 30 10 7 5 5 677 39 4 58 34 4 43 32 2 RALSTON STREET 14 47 9 51 12 12 12 48 8 50 1 21 10 PEEL STREET 57 52 54 21A 2 4 19 20 24 23 27 28 24 12 29 26 MAIN ROAD 10 HAY STREET 705 35 28 715 18 30 709 717 4 721 6 725 727

735 749


774 759

Cadastral boundaries derived from Land Information NZ CRS Crown Copyright Reserved 10 Blanket Bay Drainage Rate

A targeted rate for the capital contribution towards the Blanket Bay Drainage System, set under section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, of $636.00 (including GST) per rating unit, to every rating unit paying their contribution towards the scheme as a targeted rate over 20 years. Liability for the rate is on the basis of the provision of the service to each rating unit. The Blanket Bay area is shown in the map below:

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11 Curles Point Drainage Rate

A targeted rate for the capital contribution towards the Curles Point Drainage System, set under section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, of $749.00 (including GST) per rating unit, to every rating unit paying their contribution towards the scheme as a targeted rate over 20 years. Liability for the rate is on the basis of the provision of the service to each rating unit. The Curles Point area is shown in the map below:

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12 Tourism/Economic Development Rate

A targeted rate for Tourism/Economic Development, set under section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, assessed on a differential basis as follows: • 0.0142 cents in the dollar (including GST) of capital value on every rating unit in the "commercial" category. • 0.0013 cents in the dollar (including GST) of capital value on the “stadium: 10,000+ seat capacity” category.

13 Warm Dunedin Targeted Rate Scheme

A targeted rate for the Warm Dunedin Targeted Rate Scheme, set under section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, per rating unit in the Warm Dunedin Targeted Rate Scheme.

The targeted rate scheme provides a way for homeowners to install insulation and/or clean heating. The targeted rate covers the cost and an annual interest rate. The interest rates have been and will be: Rates commencing 1 July 2013 and 1 July 2014 8% Rates commencing 1 July 2015 and 1 July 2016 8.3% Rates commencing 1 July 2017 7.8% Rates commencing 1 July 2018 7.2% Rates commencing 1 July 2019 6.8%

14 Private Street Lighting Rate

A targeted rate for the purpose of recovering the cost of private street lights, set under section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, assessed on a differential basis as follows: • $149.40 (including GST) per private street light divided by the number of separately used or inhabited parts of a rating unit for all rating units in the "residential and lifestyle" categories in the private streets as identified in the schedule below. • $149.40 (including GST) per private street light divided by the number of rating units for all rating units in the "commercial" category in the private streets as identified in the schedule below.

1-10 Achilles Avenue 9 Glengarry Court 1 Alton Avenue 10 Glengarry Court 2 Alton Avenue 11 Glengarry Court 2A Alton Avenue 12 Glengarry Court 3 Alton Avenue 13 Glengarry Court 4 Alton Avenue 14 Glengarry Court 5 Alton Avenue 15 Glengarry Court 6 Alton Avenue 16 Glengarry Court 7 Alton Avenue 17 Glengarry Court 8 Alton Avenue 18 Glengarry Court 9 Alton Avenue 19 Glengarry Court 7 Angle Avenue 20 Glengarry Court

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9 Angle Avenue 21 Glengarry Court 11 Angle Avenue 22 Glengarry Court 20 Angle Avenue 23 Glengarry Court 22 Angle Avenue 24 Glengarry Court 24 Angle Avenue 48 Glenross Street 43 Arawa Street 50 Glenross Street 47 Arawa Street 54 Glenross Street 17 Awa Toru Drive 56 Glenross Street 19 Awa Toru Drive 58 Glenross Street 21 Awa Toru Drive 60 Glenross Street 23 Awa Toru Drive 110 Glenross Street 25 Awa Toru Drive 114 Glenross Street 27 Awa Toru Drive 116 Glenross Street 29 Awa Toru Drive 230 Gordon Road 31 Awa Toru Drive 229 Gordon Road 33 Awa Toru Drive 34 Grandview Crescent 35 Awa Toru Drive 10 Halsey Street 37 Awa Toru Drive 1 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 39 Awa Toru Drive 2 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 41 Awa Toru Drive 3 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 43 Awa Toru Drive 4 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 45 Awa Toru Drive 5 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 47 Awa Toru Drive 6 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 49 Awa Toru Drive 7 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 60A Balmacewen Road 8 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 60B Balmacewen Road 9 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 62 Balmacewen Road 10 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 64 Balmacewen Road 11 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 1 Balmoral Avenue 12 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 2 Balmoral Avenue 14 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 3 Balmoral Avenue 15 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 4 Balmoral Avenue 16 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 5 Balmoral Avenue 17 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 6 Balmoral Avenue 18 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 7 Balmoral Avenue 19 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 8 Balmoral Avenue 20 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 9 Balmoral Avenue 21 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 10 Balmoral Avenue 22 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 11 Balmoral Avenue 23 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 12 Balmoral Avenue 24 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 16 Balmoral Avenue 25 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 17 Balmoral Avenue 26 Hampton Grove, Mosgiel 19 Barclay Street 4 Harold Street 211 Bay View Road 12 Harold Street 211A Bay View Road 70a Hazel Avenue 211B Bay View Road 70 Hazel Avenue 1 Beaufort Street 72 Hazel Avenue 3 Beaufort Street 215a Helensburgh Road 119 Belford Street 217a Helensburgh Road

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12 Bell Crescent 217b Helensburgh Road 14 Bell Crescent 219 Helensburgh Road 24 Bell Crescent 219a Helensburgh Road 26 Bell Crescent 219b Helensburgh Road 7 Bishop Verdon Close 221 Helensburgh Road 9 Bishop Verdon Close 223 Helensburgh Road 10 Bishop Verdon Close 49 Highcliff Road 11 Bishop Verdon Close 49A Highcliff Road 12 Bishop Verdon Close 51 Highcliff Road 8 Bonnington Street 57 Highcliff Road 8a Bonnington Street 295 Highcliff Road 10 Bonnington Street 297 Highcliff Road 20K Brighton Road 313 Highcliff Road 20J Brighton Road 315a Highcliff Road 20H Brighton Road 315b Highcliff Road 20G Brighton Road 317 Highcliff Road 20F Brighton Road 16 Highgate 20E Brighton Road 18 Highgate 20D Brighton Road 20 Highgate 20C Brighton Road 34a Highgate 20B Brighton Road 34 Highgate 20A Brighton Road 216 Highgate 20 Brighton Road 218 Highgate 34 Burgess Street 144A Highgate 36 Burgess Street 144B Highgate 38 Burgess Street 146 Highgate 40 Burgess Street 146A Highgate 42 Burgess Street 148 Highgate 44 Burgess Street 11 Irmo Street 46 Burgess Street 12 Irmo Street 48 Burgess Street 9 Kilgour Street 50 Burgess Street 11 Kilgour Street 181 Burt Street 15 Kilgour Street 183 Burt Street 20 Kinvig Street 185 Burt Street 22 Kinvig Street 7 Bush Road, Mosgiel 2 Koremata Street 80 Caldwell Street 4 Koremata Street 82 Caldwell Street 12 Koremata Street 1 Campbell Lane 3 Lawson Street 4 Campbell Lane 4 Leithton Close 5 Campbell Lane 6 Leithton Close 6 Campbell Lane 9 Leithton Close 7 Campbell Lane 10 Leithton Close 8 Campbell Lane 11 Leithton Close 9 Campbell Lane 14 Leithton Close 10 Campbell Lane 15 Leithton Close 11 Campbell Lane 18 Leithton Close 12 Campbell Lane 19 Leithton Close 13 Campbell Lane 21 Leithton Close

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14 Campbell Lane 22 Leithton Close 15 Campbell Lane 23 Leithton Close 30 Cardigan Street, North East Valley 26 Leithton Close 32 Cardigan Street, North East Valley 27 Leithton Close 34 Cardigan Street, North East Valley 28 Leithton Close 36 Cardigan Street, North East Valley 29 Leithton Close 22 Centennial Avenue, Fairfield 32 Leithton Close 24 Centennial Avenue, Fairfield 33 Leithton Close 26 Centennial Avenue, Fairfield 36 Leithton Close 28 Centennial Avenue, Fairfield 5 Leven Street 150 Chapman Street 2 Leyton Terrace 150A Chapman Street 21-67 Lock Street 152 Chapman Street 23a London Street 12 Clearwater Street 25 London Street 14 Clearwater Street 1-25 London Street 16 Clearwater Street 2-25 London Street 18 Clearwater Street 3-25 London Street 20 Clearwater Street 8 Lynwood Avenue 22 Clearwater Street 10 Lynwood Avenue 24 Clearwater Street 12c Lynwood Avenue 26 Clearwater Street 12b Lynwood Avenue 28 Clearwater Street 12a Lynwood Avenue 30 Clearwater Street 12 Lynwood Avenue 32 Clearwater Street 14 Lynwood Avenue 34 Clearwater Street 3 McAllister Lane, Mosgiel 36 Clearwater Street 5 McAllister Lane, Mosgiel 22 Cole Street 7 McAllister Lane, Mosgiel 11 Corstorphine Road 9 McAllister Lane, Mosgiel 11A Corstorphine Road 11 McAllister Lane, Mosgiel 13 Corstorphine Road 13 McAllister Lane, Mosgiel 15 Corstorphine Road 15 McAllister Lane, Mosgiel 17 Corstorphine Road 17 McAllister Lane, Mosgiel 21 Corstorphine Road 19 McAllister Lane, Mosgiel 23 Corstorphine Road 210 Main South Road, Green Island 25 Corstorphine Road 1 Mallard Place, Mosgiel 11 Craighall Crescent 2 Mallard Place, Mosgiel 15 Craighall Crescent 3 Mallard Place, Mosgiel 1 Dalkeith Road, Port Chalmers 4 Mallard Place, Mosgiel 2 Dalkeith Road, Port Chalmers 5 Mallard Place, Mosgiel 4 Dalkeith Road, Port Chalmers 6 Mallard Place, Mosgiel 6 Dalkeith Road, Port Chalmers 7 Mallard Place, Mosgiel 8 Dalkeith Road, Port Chalmers 8 Mallard Place, Mosgiel 10 Dalkeith Road, Port Chalmers 9 Mallard Place, Mosgiel 12 Dalkeith Road, Port Chalmers 10 Mallard Place, Mosgiel 21 Davies Street 11 Mallard Place, Mosgiel 22 Davies Street 12 Mallard Place, Mosgiel 1 Devon Place 13 Mallard Place, Mosgiel

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2 Devon Place 14 Mallard Place, Mosgiel 3 Devon Place 15 Mallard Place, Mosgiel 4 Devon Place 11 Malvern Street 5 Devon Place 15 Malvern Street 6 Devon Place 17a Malvern Street 7 Devon Place 30 Marne Street 9 Devon Place 32 Marne Street 10 Devon Place 42 Marne Street 11 Devon Place 44 Marne Street 12 Devon Place 46 Marne Street 13 Devon Place 48 Marne Street 14 Devon Place 50 Marne Street 15 Devon Place 2 Meldrum Street 16 Devon Place 10 Meldrum Street 17 Devon Place 33 Melville Street 18 Devon Place 14 Middleton Road 19 Devon Place 16 Middleton Road 20 Devon Place 18 Middleton Road 139b Doon Street 20 Middleton Road 139a Doon Street 22 Middleton Road 139 Doon Street 24 Middleton Road 141 Doon Street 26 Middleton Road 143 Doon Street 28 Middleton Road 145 Doon Street 30 Middleton Road 149 Doon Street 37 Middleton Road 151 Doon Street 37a Middleton Road 5 Dorset Street 39 Middleton Road 7 Dorset Street 43 Middleton Road 10 Dorset Street 47a Middleton Road 11 Dorset Street 19 Montague Street 12 Dorset Street 21 Montague Street 14 Dorset Street 23 Montague Street 16 Dorset Street 29 Moray Place 18 Dorset Street 415 Moray Place 20 Dorset Street 72 Newington Avenue 21 Dorset Street 37 Norwood Street 17 Duckworth Street 41 Norwood Street 19 Duckworth Street 39 Pacific Street 21 Duckworth Street 1 Pembrey Street 35 Duckworth Street 2 Pembrey Street 37 Duckworth Street 3 Pembrey Street 39 Duckworth Street 4 Pembrey Street

39a Duckworth Street 5 Pembrey Street

41 Duckworth Street 6 Pembrey Street

47 Duckworth Street 7 Pembrey Street 49 Duckworth Street 8 Pembrey Street

53 Duckworth Street 10 Pembrey Street

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Dunedin Airport 11 Pembrey Street

1–31 Eastbourne Street 264 Pine Hill Road

2–31 Eastbourne Street 264a Pine Hill Road

3–31 Eastbourne Street 266B Pine Hill Road

4–31 Eastbourne Street 266A Pine Hill Road

5–31 Eastbourne Street 268A Pine Hill Road

6–31 Eastbourne Street 268B Pine Hill Road

7–31 Eastbourne Street 270 Pine Hill Road

8–31 Eastbourne Street 272 Pine Hill Road

9–31 Eastbourne Street 274 Pine Hill Road

10–31 Eastbourne Street 278A Pine Hill Road

11–31 Eastbourne Street 278B Pine Hill Road

12–31 Eastbourne Street 390 Pine Hill Road

13–31 Eastbourne Street 409 Pine Hill Road

14–31 Eastbourne Street 411 Pine Hill Road

15–31 Eastbourne Street 5 Pinfold Place, Mosgiel

16–31 Eastbourne Street 6 Pinfold Place, Mosgiel

17–31 Eastbourne Street 8 Pinfold Place, Mosgiel

18–31 Eastbourne Street 9 Pinfold Place, Mosgiel

19–31 Eastbourne Street 10 Pinfold Place, Mosgiel

20–31 Eastbourne Street 11 Pinfold Place, Mosgiel

21–31 Eastbourne Street 12 Pinfold Place, Mosgiel

22–31 Eastbourne Street 13 Pinfold Place, Mosgiel

23–31 Eastbourne Street 14 Pinfold Place, Mosgiel

24–31 Eastbourne Street 15 Pinfold Place, Mosgiel

25–31 Eastbourne Street 19 Queen Street

26–31 Eastbourne Street 19A Queen Street

27–31 Eastbourne Street 223 Ravensbourne Road

28–31 Eastbourne Street 87 Riselaw Road

29–31 Eastbourne Street 89 Riselaw Road

30–31 Eastbourne Street 89a Riselaw Road

31–31 Eastbourne Street 91 Riselaw Road

32–31 Eastbourne Street 91a Riselaw Road

33–31 Eastbourne Street 93 Riselaw Road

34–31 Eastbourne Street 93a Riselaw Road

35–31 Eastbourne Street 21 Rosebery Street

36–31 Eastbourne Street 16 Selkirk Street

37–31 Eastbourne Street 11 Shand Street, Green Island

38–31 Eastbourne Street 14 Sheen Street

39–31 Eastbourne Street 6 Silver Springs Boulevard, Mosgiel

40–31 Eastbourne Street 8 Silver Springs Boulevard, Mosgiel

41–31 Eastbourne Street 10 Silver Springs Boulevard, Mosgiel 42–31 Eastbourne Street 12 Silver Springs Boulevard, Mosgiel

43–31 Eastbourne Street 14 Silver Springs Boulevard, Mosgiel

46–31 Eastbourne Street 16 Silver Springs Boulevard, Mosgiel

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47–31 Eastbourne Street 20 Silver Springs Boulevard, Mosgiel

50–31 Eastbourne Street 22 Silver Springs Boulevard, Mosgiel

51–31 Eastbourne Street 24 Silver Springs Boulevard, Mosgiel

8 Echovale Avenue 26 Silver Springs Boulevard, Mosgiel

10 Echovale Avenue 28 Silver Springs Boulevard, Mosgiel

12 Echovale Avenue 1-27 St Albans Street

2 Elbe Street 2-27 St Albans Street

202 Elgin Road 3-27 St Albans Street

204 Elgin Road 4-27 St Albans Street

206 Elgin Road 5-27 St Albans Street

208 Elgin Road 6-27 St Albans Street

1 Eton Drive 7-27 St Albans Street

4 Eton Drive 8-27 St Albans Street

5 Eton Drive 9-27 St Albans Street

6 Eton Drive 10-27 St Albans Street

7 Eton Drive 11-27 St Albans Street

8 Eton Drive 12-27 St Albans Street

9 Eton Drive 13-27 St Albans Street

10 Eton Drive 4 Stanley Square

11 Eton Drive 5 Stanley Square

12 Eton Drive 6 Stanley Square

13 Eton Drive 7 Stanley Square

14 Eton Drive 8 Stanley Square

15 Eton Drive 9 Stanley Square

16 Eton Drive 10 Stanley Square

17 Eton Drive 11 Stanley Square

18 Eton Drive 12 Stanley Square

19 Eton Drive 365 Stuart Street

20 Eton Drive 367 Stuart Street 2 Everton Road 367a Stuart Street 3 Everton Road 55 Sunbury Street 4 Everton Road 57 Sunbury Street 64 Every Street 59 Sunbury Street 66 Every Street 59a Sunbury Street 68 Every Street 67 Tahuna Road 70 Every Street 67A Tahuna Road 76 Every Street 67B Tahuna Road 7 Fern Road, Ravensbourne 69 Tahuna Road 9 Fern Road, Ravensbourne 69A Tahuna Road 11 Fern Road, Ravensbourne 69B Tahuna Road 13 Fern Road, Ravensbourne 69C Tahuna Road 15 Fern Road, Ravensbourne 1 Taupo Lane 17 Fern Road, Ravensbourne 2 Taupo Street 19 Fern Road, Ravensbourne 1 Thomas Square 21 Fern Road, Ravensbourne 2 Thomas Square 19 Ferntree Drive 3 Thomas Square

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21 Ferntree Drive 4 Thomas Square 23 Ferntree Drive 5 Thomas Square 25 Ferntree Drive 6 Thomas Square 45 Forfar Street 7 Thomas Square 47 Forfar Street 8 Thomas Square 47a Forfar Street 9 Thomas Square 49 Forfar Street 4A Totara Street, Ravensbourne 51 Forfar Street 44 Turnbull Street 53 Forfar Street 46 Turnbull Street 53a Forfar Street 85A Victoria Road 1–80 Formby Street 85B Victoria Road 5–80 Formby Street 85C Victoria Road 6–80 Formby Street 85D Victoria Road 7–80 Formby Street 85G Victoria Road 8–80 Formby Street 85H Victoria Road 10–80 Formby Street 85I Victoria Road 14–80 Formby Street 85J Victoria Road 15–80 Formby Street 85K Victoria Road 16–80 Formby Street 85L Victoria Road 17–80 Formby Street 85M Victoria Road 18–80 Formby Street 85N Victoria Road 19–80 Formby Street 85O Victoria Road 20–80 Formby Street 85P Victoria Road 239 Fryatt Street 85Q Victoria Road 248 George Street 85R Victoria Road 558 George Street 146 Victoria Road 150A Gladstone Road North 44 Waimea Avenue 150B Gladstone Road North 46 Waimea Avenue 150C Gladstone Road North 48 Waimea Avenue 150D Gladstone Road North 50 Waimea Avenue 150E Gladstone Road North 58/60 Waimea Avenue 152B Gladstone Road North 62/64 Waimea Avenue 152C Gladstone Road North 16 Warwick Street 152D Gladstone Road North 18 Warwick Street 152E Gladstone Road North 23 Warwick Street 154A Gladstone Road North 1 Wenlock Square 214 Gladstone Road North 2 Wenlock Square 216 Gladstone Road North 3 Wenlock Square 218 Gladstone Road North 4 Wenlock Square 220 Gladstone Road North 5 Wenlock Square 222 Gladstone Road North 6 Wenlock Square 224 Gladstone Road North 7 Wenlock Square 226 Gladstone Road North 8 Wenlock Square 228 Gladstone Road North 9 Wenlock Square 230 Gladstone Road North 10 Wenlock Square 232 Gladstone Road North 11 Wenlock Square 234 Gladstone Road North 12 Wenlock Square 39 Glenbrook Drive, Mosgiel 14 Wenlock Square 41 Glenbrook Drive, Mosgiel 15 Wenlock Square

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45 Glenbrook Drive, Mosgiel 17 Wenlock Square 47 Glenbrook Drive, Mosgiel 18 Wenlock Square 49 Glenbrook Drive, Mosgiel 19 Wenlock Square 57 Glenbrook Drive, Mosgiel 20 Wenlock Square 1 Glenfinnan Place 21 Wenlock Square 3 Glenfinnan Place 19 Woodside Terrace 4 Glenfinnan Place 20 Woodside Terrace 4A Glenfinnan Place 22 Woodside Terrace 5 Glenfinnan Place 23 Woodside Terrace 6 Glenfinnan Place 24 Woodside Terrace 7 Glenfinnan Place 25 Woodside Terrace 8A Glenfinnan Place 25a Woodside Terrace 8B Glenfinnan Place 26 Woodside Terrace 9A Glenfinnan Place 27 Woodside Terrace 9B Glenfinnan Place 29 Woodside Terrace 10A Glenfinnan Place 10B Glenfinnan Place 1 Glengarry Court 2 Glengarry Court 3 Glengarry Court 4 Glengarry Court 5 Glengarry Court 6 Glengarry Court 7 Glengarry Court 8 Glengarry Court

Differential Matters and Categories

b) Adopts the following differential categories for the 2019/20 financial year.

The differential categories are determined in accordance with the Council's land use codes. The Council's land use codes are based on the land use codes set under the Rating Valuation Rules 2008 and are set out in Attachment A. In addition, the Council has established categories for residential institutions, residential heritage bed and breakfasts, the stadium: 10,000+ seat capacity, churches, and schools.

1 Differentials Based on Land Use

The Council uses this matter to: • Differentiate the General rate. • Differentiate the Community Services rate. • Differentiate the Kerbside Recycling rate. • Differentiate the Private Street Lighting rate. • Differentiate the Tourism/Economic Development rate. • Differentiate the Fire Protection rate.

The differential categories based on land use are: • Residential – includes all rating units used for residential purposes

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including single residential, multi-unit residential, multi-use residential, residential special accommodation, residential communal residence dependant on other use, residential bach/cribs, residential carparking and residential vacant land. • Lifestyle – includes all rating units with Council's land use codes 2, 20, 21, 22 and 29. • Commercial – includes all rating units with land uses not otherwise categorised as Residential, Residential Heritage Bed and Breakfasts, Lifestyle, Farmland or Stadium: 10,000+ seat capacity. • Farmland - includes all rating units used solely or principally for agricultural or horticultural or pastoral purposes. • Residential Heritage Bed and Breakfasts – includes all rating units meeting the following description: • Bed and breakfast establishments; and • Classified as commercial for rating purposes due to the number of bedrooms (greater than four); and • Either: • the majority of the establishment is at least 80 years old, or • the establishment has Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Registration, or • the establishment is a Protected Heritage Building as identified in the District Plan; and • The bed and breakfast owner lives at the facility. • Stadium: 10,000+ seat capacity – this includes land at 130 Anzac Avenue, Dunedin, Assessment 4026695, Valuation reference 27190- 01403.

2 Differentials Based on Land Use and Provision or Availability of Service

The Council uses these matters to differentiate the drainage rate and the commercial drainage rate.

The differential categories based on land use are: • Residential – includes all rating units used for residential purposes including single residential, multi-unit residential, multi-use residential, residential special accommodation, residential communal residence dependant on other use, residential bach/cribs, residential carparking and residential vacant land. • Lifestyle - includes all rating units with Council's land use codes 2, 20, 21, 22 and 29. • Farmland - includes all rating units used solely or principally for agricultural or horticultural or pastoral purposes. • Commercial – includes all rating units with land uses not otherwise categorised as Residential, Residential Heritage Bed and Breakfasts, Lifestyle, Farmland, Residential Institutions, Stadium: 10,000+ seat capacity, Churches or Schools.

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• Stadium: 10,000+ seat capacity – this includes land at 130 Anzac Avenue, Dunedin, Assessment 4026695, Valuation reference 27190- 01403. • Residential Heritage Bed and Breakfasts – includes all rating units meeting the following description: • Bed and breakfast establishments; and • Classified as commercial for rating purposes due to the number of bedrooms (greater than four); and • Either: • the majority of the establishment is at least 80 years old or • the establishment has Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Registration or • the establishment is a Dunedin City Council Protected Heritage Building as identified in the District Plan; and • The bed and breakfast owner lives at the facility. • Residential Institutions - includes only rating units with the Council's land use codes 95 and 96. • Churches – includes all rating units used for places of religious worship. • Schools - includes only rating units used for schools that do not operate for profit. The differential categories based on provision or availability of service are: • Connected – any rating unit that is connected to a public sewerage drain. • Serviceable – any rating unit that is not connected to a public sewerage drain but is capable of being connected to the sewerage system (being a property situated within 30 metres of a public drain). 3 Differentials Based on Provision or Availability of Service

The Council uses this matter to differentiate the water rates.

The differential categories based on provision or availability of service are: • Connected – any rating unit that is supplied by the water supply system. • Serviceable – any rating unit that is not supplied but is capable of being supplied by the water supply system (being a rating unit situated within 100 metres of the nearest water supply).

Minimum Rates

c) Approves that where the total amount of rates payable in respect of any rating unit is less than $5.00 including GST, the rates payable in respect of the rating unit shall be such amount as the Council determines but not exceeding $5.00 including GST.

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Low Value Rating Units

d) Approves that rating units with a capital value of $3,500 or less will only be charged the general rate.

Land Use Codes

e) Approves that the land use codes attached to this report are adopted as the Council's land use codes for the purpose of the rating method.

Separately Used or Inhabited Part of a Rating Unit

f) Adopts the following definition of a separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit:

"A separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit includes any portion inhabited or used by the owner/a person other than the owner, and who has the right to use or inhabit that portion by virtue of a tenancy, lease, licence, or other agreement.

This definition includes separately used parts, whether or not actually occupied at any particular time, which are provided by the owner for rental (or other form of occupation) on an occasional or long term basis by someone other than the owner.

For the purpose of this definition, vacant land and vacant premises offered or intended for use or habitation by a person other than the owner and usually used as such are defined as 'used'.

For the avoidance of doubt, a rating unit that has a single use or occupation is treated as having one separately used or inhabited part."

Lump Sum Contributions

g) Approves that no lump sum contributions will be sought for any targeted rate.

Rating by Instalments

h) Approves the following schedule of rates to be collected by the Council, payable by four instalments.

The City is divided into four areas based on Valuation Roll Numbers, as set out below:

Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 3 continued Valuation Roll Numbers: 26700 26990 26500 27550 26710 27000 26520 27560 26760 27050 26530 27600 26770 27060 26541 27610 26850 27070 26550 27760 26860 27080 26580 27770 26950 27150 26590 27780 26960 27350 26620 27790 26970 27360 26640 27811

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26980 27370 26651 27821 27160 27380 26750 27822 27170 27500 26780 27823 27180 27510 27250 27831 27190 27520 27260 27841 27200 27851 27270 27871 27861 27280 27911 27880 27450 27921 27890 27460 27931 27901 27470 27941 28000 28010 28020

Area 4 comprises ratepayers with multiple assessments who pay on a schedule.

Due Dates for Payment of Rates

i) Approves the due dates for all rates with the exception of water rates, which are charged based on water meter consumption, will be payable in four instalments due on the dates below:

Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Instalment 1 23/08/19 30/08/19 13/09/19 30/08/19 Instalment 2 15/11/19 29/11/19 13/12/19 29/11/19 Instalment 3 07/02/20 21/02/20 06/03/20 21/02/20 Instalment 4 01/05/20 15/05/20 29/05/20 15/05/20

Water meter invoices are sent separately from other rates at intervals depending on the quantity of water consumed.


j) Resolves to charge the following penalties on unpaid rates:

1 A charge of 10% of the unpaid rates instalment will be added to the amount of any instalment remaining unpaid the day after the instalment due date set out above.

2 Where a ratepayer has not paid the first instalment by the due date of that instalment, and has paid the total rates and charges in respect of the rating unit for the 2019/20 rating year by the due date of the second instalment, the 10% additional charge for the first instalment shall be remitted.

3 For amounts levied in any previous financial year and which remain unpaid on 1 October 2019, 10% of that sum shall be charged, including additional charges (in any).

4 For amounts levied in any previous financial year and which remain unpaid on 1 April 2020, 10% of that sum shall be charged, including additional charges (if any).

Assessing and Recovering Rates

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k) Approves that the Chief Executive Officer, General Manager Finance and Commercial, Financial Controller and Rates and Revenue Team Leader be authorised to take all necessary steps to assess and recover the above rates.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/150) with Cr Vandervis recording his vote against.


A report from Parks and Recreation sought approval for the Dunedin City Council (DCC) submission to the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) on the review of the Walking Access Act 2008 (Act).

The submission provided general comments and feedback on issues raised by MPI.

The General Manager City Services (Sandy Graham) spoke to the report and responded to questions.

During discussion Cr Mike Lord left the meeting at 02:24 p.m.

Moved (Cr Rachel Elder/Cr Doug Hall): That the Council:

a) Approves the DCC submission on the review of the Walking Access Act 2008 including editorial changes.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/151)


A report from Corporate Policy sought approval of a draft submission to the Environment Select Committee on the establishment of Kāinga Ora (formerly known as the Housing and Urban Development Authority) through the Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities Bill.

The Director Enterprise Dunedin (John Christie), Corporate Policy Manager (Maria Ioannou) and Manager Events and Community Development (Joy Gunn) spoke to the report and responded to questions.

Cr Mike Lord returned to the meeting at 02:29 p.m.

Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Kate Wilson): That the Council:

a) Approves the draft Dunedin City Council submission to the Environment Select Committee on the Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities Bill.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/152)


A report from Transport appended the findings of the Bylaws Subcommittee on proposed

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changes to parking controls.

Consultation was carried out in May on some proposed changes to parking controls. On 10 June the Bylaws Subcommittee considered the proposed changes and feedback received and heard a submitter.

The Group Manager Transport (Richard Saunders) spoke to the report and responded to questions. It was noted that there would be further consultation on the tertiary precinct.

During discussion Cr Doug Hall left the meeting at 02:32 p.m.

The Chair of the Bylaws Subcommittee (Cr Andrew Whiley) spoke to the recommendations and commented on the proposed parking controls.

Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Cr Jim O'Malley): That the Council:

a) Approves the recommendations of the Bylaws Subcommittee on proposed changes to parking.

b) Approves the changes to parking controls that are shown in the Dunedin City Council's traffic and parking controls database, June 2019 update,

c) Notes that all parking controls previously approved by Council and not shown as a change on the June 2019 traffic and parking controls database, remain unchanged.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/153) with Cr Vandervis recording his vote against.

Cr Doug Hall returned to the meeting at 02:34 p.m.


A report from Corporate Policy provided the background, and the advantages and disadvantages, of declaring a climate emergency in Dunedin.

There was a indepth discussion on the pros and cons of declaring a climate emergency and was agreed that the target of net zero carbon by 2050 should be moved forward to 2030 to keep in line with the Council’s stance on climate change.

During discussion Cr Damian Newell left the meeting at 2.50 pm and returned at 2.53 pm.

Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Marie Laufiso): That the Council:

a) Declares a Climate Emergency.

b) Acknowledge that all levels of central government need to act.

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c) Agrees that a business as usual transition to a low carbon economy is inadequate.

d) Develops a Climate Emergency Plan that:

i) Sets a city target of net zero carbon by 2030, with interim milestones;

ii) Quantifies the actions available to Council, community and central government to ensure these targets are met.

Division The Council voted by division:

For: Crs David Benson-Pope, Rachel Elder, Christine Garey, Aaron Hawkins, Marie Laufiso, Damian Newell, Jim O'Malley, Kate Wilson and Dave Cull (9). Against: Crs Doug Hall, Mike Lord, Conrad Stedman, Lee Vandervis and Andrew Whiley (5). Abstained: Nil

The division was declared CARRIED by 9 votes to 5

Motion carried (CNL/2019/154)

It was moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Kate Wilson):

That the Council:

a) Adjourns the meeting for 10 minutes.

Motion carried

The meeting adjourned at 3.41 pm and reconvened at 3.59 pm .


A report from Civic advised that the Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM) would be held on Sunday 7 July 2019, in Wellington.

At that meeting, consideration would be given to 24 remits that had been submitted by local authorities and screened through the LGNZ Remits Screening Policy. The Dunedin City Council (DCC) delegates would vote on behalf of the DCC on each remit.

The report presented the remits that were going to the LGNZ AGM, along with the proposed changes to the LGNZ Rules.

Councillors debated the remits and it was requested that remit 22 be taken separately.

Moved (Cr David Benson-Pope/Cr Doug Hall): That the Council: a) Give delegates mandate to make the decision having heard the arguments except any bought up and voted on separately at this meeting.

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.Motion carried (CNL/2019/155)

Moved (Cr Aaron Hawkins/Cr Mike Lord): That the Council: a) Does not support remit 22 – RMA hearings.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/156)


A report from Finance advised that Council had an approved Statement of Investment Policy and Objectives (“SIPO”) for its Waipori Fund. The SIPO had been last reviewed in August 2016 and as it was required to be reviewed every three years, the report sought approval for the revised SIPO.

The General Manager Finance and Commercial (Dave Tombs) and Treasury Manager (Richard Davey) spoke to the report and responded to questions.

Moved (Cr Doug Hall/Cr Mike Lord): That the Council:

a) Approves the revised “Statement of Investment Policy and Objectives” for the Waipori Fund.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/157)


A report from Dunedin City Holdings Ltd accompanied the 2019/2020 Statements of Intent of Dunedin City Holdings Ltd (DCHL) and its subsidiary and associate companies.

The Chairman (Keith Cooper) and General Manager (Jemma Adams), Dunedin City Holdings Ltd spoke to the Statements of Intent and responded to questions from Councillors.

During questions Cr David Benson-Pope left the meeting at 04:24 pm and returned at 4.26 pm. Moved (Cr Mike Lord/Cr Aaron Hawkins): That the Council:

a) Notes the 2019/2020 Statements of Intent of Dunedin City Holdings Ltd and its subsidiary and associate companies.


The Council voted by division:

For: Crs David Benson-Pope, Rachel Elder, Christine Garey, Doug Hall, Aaron Hawkins, Marie Laufiso, Mike Lord, Damian Newell, Jim O'Malley, Conrad Stedman, Andrew Whiley, Kate Wilson and Dave Cull (13). Against: Cr Lee Vandervis (1).

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Abstained: Nil

The division was declared CARRIED by 13 votes to 1

Motion carried (CNL/2019/158)


Moved (Cr Rachel Elder/Cr Jim O'Malley): That the Council:

a) Provides a letter of support to Kiwi Rail, fully endorsing Kiwi Rail utilising the Hillside workshop to undertake contracts for the maintenance, upgrading and building of its carriages as it increases its investment in Rail.

Councillor Elder spoke to her Notice of Motion and advised that she had presented it on behalf of the South Dunedin Business Association. She commented on the need to support local engineering firms and retain jobs in the engineering sector. Councillor Hall left the meeting at 4.39 pm and returned at 4.42 pm. There was a discussion on disappointment with lack of support from Central Government when, instead of using local firms such as Hillside, they sourced contracts overseas. This had a detrimental effect on trade skills and jobs locally. It was agreed that it was entirely appropriate to support the Notice of Motion.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/159)


Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Kate Wilson): That the Council:

Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, exclude the public from the following part of the proceedings of this meeting namely:

General subject of the Reasons for passing Ground(s) under Reason for matter to be this resolution in section 48(1) for the Confidentiality considered relation to each matter passing of this resolution C1 Ordinary Council meeting - 30 April . 2019 - Public Excluded C2 Ordinary Council S7(2)(a) meeting - 28 May The withholding of the . 2019 - Public Excluded information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person. C3 Economic Development .

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Committee - 21 May 2019 - Public Excluded C4 Dunedin City S7(2)(a) S48(1)(a) Holdings Group The withholding of the The public conduct Appointments and Re- information is of the part of the Appointments necessary to protect meeting would be the privacy of natural likely to result in the persons, including that disclosure of of a deceased person. information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7. C5 Director S7(2)(a) S48(1)(a) This report is Appointment Dunedin The withholding of the The public conduct confidential because City Holdings information is of the part of the the appointment of Limited/Dunedin City necessary to protect meeting would be director is made Treasury Limited the privacy of natural likely to result in the public once the persons, including that disclosure of applicant has been of a deceased person. information for notified of the which good reason decision.. for withholding exists under section 7. C6 Request for S7(2)(b)(ii) S48(1)(a) support - Waitaki The withholding of the The public conduct District Council information is of the part of the Application to the necessary to protect meeting would be Provincial Growth information where the likely to result in the Fund re Oamaru making available of the disclosure of Airport and Academy information would be information for Expansion likely unreasonably to which good reason prejudice the for withholding commercial position of exists under section the person who 7. supplied or who is the subject of the information. C7 Vauxhall Yacht S7(2)(b)(ii) S48(1)(a) Club Reserve - The withholding of the The public conduct Concession Licence information is of the part of the necessary to protect meeting would be information where the likely to result in the making available of the disclosure of information would be information for likely unreasonably to which good reason prejudice the for withholding commercial position of exists under section the person who 7. supplied or who is the subject of the information. S7(2)(i) The withholding of the

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information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations). C8 Sale of Property S7(2)(a) S48(1)(a) The withholding of the The public conduct information is of the part of the necessary to protect meeting would be the privacy of natural likely to result in the persons, including that disclosure of of a deceased person. information for which good reason S7(2)(h) for withholding The withholding of the exists under section information is 7. necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

S7(2)(i) The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).

This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and the particular interest or interests protected by Section 6 or Section 7 of that Act, or Section 6 or Section 7 or Section 9 of the Official Information Act 1982, as the case may require, which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public are as shown above after each item.

That Keith Cooper (Chairperson, Dunedin City Holdings Ltd) and Jemma Adams (General Manager Dunedin City Holdings Ltd) be permitted to attend the meeting to speak to Item C4, Dunedin City Holdings Group Appointments and Reappointments to provide assistance in relation to the matters to be discussed.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/160)

The meeting moved into confidential at 4.47 pm and closed at 6.40 pm.

...... MAYOR

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