GLA Oversight Committee The Garden Bridge Design Procurement March 2016 ©Greater London Authority March 2016 GLA Oversight Committee Members Len Duvall (Chair) Labour Tony Arbour (Deputy Chair) Conservative Jennette Arnold OBE Labour Gareth Bacon Conservative Roger Evans Conservative Darren Johnson Green Joanne McCartney Labour Caroline Pidgeon MBE Liberal Democrat Navin Shah Labour Role of the GLA Oversight Committee The GLA Oversight Committee is responsible for a range of matters, including responding on the Assembly’s behalf to formal staffing consultations from the GLA’s Head of Paid Service, monitoring scrutiny expenditure and approving the expenditure over a certain level, approving rapporteurship proposals, overseeing the programming of the Assembly’s business and recommending to the Mayor a budget proposal for the Assembly for the financial year and then allocating that budget. In addition, the GLA Oversight Committee now has responsibility for scrutinising any actions or decisions taken by the Mayor on matters relating to education. The Committee usually meets ten times a year. Contact Alison Bell, External Relations Manager Email:
[email protected] Contact: 020 7983 4228 2 Contents Chair’s foreword ................................................................................................. 4 Executive summary ............................................................................................. 7 1. Introduction ...............................................................................................