Redalyc.Aspects of Nonmetricity in Gravity Theories

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Redalyc.Aspects of Nonmetricity in Gravity Theories Brazilian Journal of Physics ISSN: 0103-9733 Sociedade Brasileira de Física Brasil Sobreiro, Rodrigo F.; Vasquez Otoya, Victor J. Aspects of nonmetricity in gravity theories Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 40, núm. 4, diciembre, 2010, pp. 370-374 Sociedade Brasileira de Física Sâo Paulo, Brasil Available in: How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative 370 Rodrigo F. Sobreiro and Victor J. Vasquez Otoya Aspects of nonmetricity in gravity theories Rodrigo F. Sobreiro and Victor J. Vasquez Otoya UFF − Universidade Federal Fluminense, Instituto de F´ısica, Campus da Praia Vermelha, Avenida Litoraneaˆ s/n, 24210-346 Boa Viagem, Niteroi,´ RJ, Brasil. (Received on 10 February, 2009) In this work, we show that a class of metric-affine gravities can be reduced to a Riemann-Cartan one. The reduction is based on the cancelation of the nonmetricity against the symmetric components of the spin connec- tion. A heuristic proof, in the Einstein-Cartan formalism, is performed in the special case of diagonal unitary tangent metric tensor. The result is that the nonmetric degrees of freedom decouple from the geometry. Thus, from the point of view of isometries on the tangent manifold, the equivalence might be viewed as an isome- try transition from the affine group to the Lorentz group, A(d;R) 7−! SO(d). Furthermore, in this transition, depending on the form of the starting action, the nonmetricity degrees might present a dynamical matter field character, with no geometric interpretation in the Riemann-Cartan geometry. Keywords: Differential geometry, Nonmetricity, Gauge theories of gravity, Metric-affine gravity 1. INTRODUCTION do so, we consider the full covariant derivative of the viel- bein, De = M, where M is the deviation tensor. This equa- tion is taken here as the fundamental equation of the MAG. The renowned article by T. W. B. Kibble [1] describ- When M = 0, we are dealing with the RCG [1]. Further, we ISO(d) ∼ ing gravity in a gauge theoretical approach, with = consider only Euclidean metrics on the tangent space. This SO(d) d nR local symmetry group (with global translations), restriction enforces a particular case of the MAG. We then has inspired many consequent works on the field. In par- show that the nonmetricity eliminates, in a natural way, the ticular, the generalization of the theory to the affine group symmetric degrees of freedom of the spin connection in the A(d; ) ∼ GL(d; ) d R = R n R , with global translations, has led full covariant derivative of the vielbein. To be more specific, to a new class of theories, the Metric-Affine gravities [2, 3]. the symmetric part of the deviation tensor and the symmetric The former [1] puts gravity in a Riemann-Cartan geometry part of the spin connection cancel, eliminating all the sym- T a (RCG), where torsion, , is allowed and spinorial matter metric degrees of freedom of the referred equation. Thus, can couple to gravity. The gauge fields of the theory are we have on this equation just Lorentz algebra valued quan- 1 ea the vielbein , , associated with global translations, and the tities. The antisymm! etric part of the deviation tensor is ab SO(d) 2 spin connection, w ,! associated with the group and then absorbed into the antisymmetric part of the spin connec- is directly related to the affine connection, G. The second case [2, 3], describes a metric-affine geometry (MAG) where tion, resulting in the usual constraint for the RCG, De e = 0, not only torsion, but also nonmetricity, Qab, is allowed. In where De , carries just the Lorentz affine and spin connec- this case, the relation between the spin and affine connec- tions, Ge and we. Thus, as a consequence one identify a kind tions entails also the deviation tensor, Mab. As it will become of geometric reduction in the form A(d;R) 7−! SO(d), on evident in this work, the deviation tensor is directly related the tangent manifold. Obviously, the restriction to Euclidean to the nonmetricity. tangent metrics plays a fundamental hole on the cancelation of the symmetric degrees of freedom. A more general and Basically, the difference between RCG and MAG is the formal proof is left for a future work [5]. nonmetricity tensor, which appears as a non-vanishing quan- tity in the MAG. However, the nonmetricity cannot be de- rived from the algebra of the covariant derivatives, and thus, from the gauge procedure standpoint, it seems unnatural to We also discuss the consequences of this geometric tran- consider it as a field strength. On the other hand, the non- sition from the curvature and torsion points of view, as well metricity is commonly used as a field strength or even as a as a from a general gravity action, not explicitly depending propagating spin-3 physical field; see for instance [2–4]. In on the nonmetricity. It is shown that the nonmetricity is not that context, the nonmetricity appears explicitly in the action completely eliminated, but it appears as a matter field de- of a gravity theory. coupled from the geometry. The same result is obtained by Therefore, to highlight the issue of the physical role of considering as starting point an action with an explicit de- the nonmetricity, we discuss in this work if the nonmetric- pendence on the nonmetricity. ity may or may not be eliminated from the geometry. To This work is organized as follows: In Sect.II, we provide 1 The vielbein is identified to global translations. In fact, the gauge field a brief review of the properties, notation and conventions of of translations can be associated to a part of the vielbein. See [3] and the MAG, used in this work. In Sect.III, we establish a few references therein. 2 For mathematical purposes, always that is possible, we avoid noncompact statements in order to show the reduction of MAG to RCG. groups in this work. Also, we call the SO(d) group by Lorentz group After that, the physical consequences of the reduction are since we are considering Euclidean tangent spaces. discussed. Finally, in Sect.IV, we display our Conclusions. Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 40, no. 4, December, 2010 371 2. GENERALITIES OF METRIC-AFFINE GEOMETRY where K is the spin torsion K c = ecD eµ : (9) To describe the MAG, we can think of a d-dimensional ab µ [a b] manifold M which is characterized by a metric tensor, g, and an affine connection, G, independent from each other. Also, nonmetricity appears as given by This is the so called metric-affine formalism. The geometry ab ab Qµ = Dµh ; (10) is associated with a A(d;R) diffeomorphism invariance. We define the covariant derivative, ∇, by its action on a tensor where h is the flat metric tensor of T . In general, h = h(x). field v according to However, we restrict ourselves to the case that h is strictly Euclidean. This restriction enforces a particular case of the ∇ vn = ¶ vn + G nva ; µ µ µa MAG. As said before, the results on this work are restricted a ∇µvn = ¶µvn − Gµn va ; (1) to this particular class of the MAG and, therefore, is taken as a heuristic proof of the geometric reduction from the MAG where Greek indices stand for the coordinates in the mani- to the RCG. fold M . The curvature and torsion can be identified from In order to characterize the MAG by a single geometric b b equation, we adopt to work with the full covariant derivative, [∇µ;∇n]va = −Rµna vb − Tµn ∇bva ; (2) D, acting on a M -T mixed object. Here, for the sake of convenience, we take the vielbein itself, where R is the Riemann-Christoffel curvature and T the tor- sion tensor a a a a a a a a b Dµen = Dµen − Gµn ea = ¶µen − Gµn ea + wµ ben : (11) b b g b Rµna (G) = ¶[µGn]a − G[µa Gn]g ; ab ab ab Notice that, with this definition, Qµ = Dµh = Dµh . a a Now, by defining the deviation tensor M as Tµn = G[µn] : (3) M a = ea ; (12) The effect of the independence between g and G is a non- µ n Dµ n metric geometry characterized by a non-trivial nonmetricity, we rewrite expression (11) as a constraint characterizing the Q, MAG Qµna = ∇µgna : (4) a a a a b a ¶µen − Gµn ea + wµ ben = Mµ n ; (13) One may also study the MAG through the isometries of from which we can easily write the relation between the the affine group in the tangent space, T , the well-known affine and spin connections Einstein-Cartan formalism. The gauge fields associated with translations on and GL(d; ) rotations are, respectively, a a a a a b a T R Gµn = ea ¶µen + wµ bea en − Mµ n : (14) the vielbein, e, and spin connection, w. The vielbein maps a a µ M quantities in T quantities, v = eµv . The gauge covariant This constraint fixes G as a function of w, e and M. Thus, G derivative D acts on the tangent space according to is completely determined from the properties of the tangent M a a a b manifold T and . We remark that the RCG is obtained Dµv = ¶µv + wµ bv ; from M = 0. As a consequence we can interpret the deviation b tensor as a measure of how the MAG differs from the RCG.
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