1 CLERK’S INFORMATION SHEET FOR EARDISLAND PARISH COUNCIL MEETING ON 21 JULY 2016 4.1 Safer Neighbourhood Teams work with local people and partners to identify, tackle and solve issues that matter to the community where you live. Your team: PC 3911 Jo ELLIS Mobile 07977 098394; PCSO 6115 Dick ALLFORD Mobile 07968 462523; PCSO 40067 David BODEN 07970 176814. Get in touch: Tel:101 to talk to your local SNT or report a crime. Email:
[email protected] Website: www.westmercia.police.uk Facebook /Twitter @NHfdShireCops NEWS/APPEALS (Please note that the below is not every incident/crime reported for Kington Safer Neighbourhood Team) Kington: On the 25th of June 2016 a group of unknown youths have attended the recreational ground in Kington. Part of the group of youths have been seen near to a wooden bench close to the pavilion. Subsequently damage has been caused to the park bench. Weobley: Between the 1st of May 2016 and 28th of June 2016 persons unknown have approached farm land near to Burton Wood in Weobley and have stole a 12ft heavy galvanised farm gate. We have previously reported anti social behaviour and criminal damage in Kington road in Weobley. A local youth has been dealt with for causing criminal damage. Staunton on Arrow: Between the 1st and 10th of July persons unknown have approached an unoccupied property and entered into an insecure garage and subsequently stole a large green garden trolley. PACT SURGERIES: Thursday 28th of July 2016, Eardisland 3.30pm – 4.00pm Kington & Weobley safer neighbourhood team will be in attendance at Kington annual show on Saturday 10th September 2016.