HereforHerefordd Issue No 73 Spring 2019 Free THIRTEEN GO AROUND THE WREKIN BELL’S FIRST COMMUNITY PINT SPRING PUB OF THE SEASON BROADLEYS 1938 to ???? BOOT INN - WORK COMMENCES PUBS REOPEN IN EARDISLAND AND KENTCHURCH CIDER & PERRY WINNERS PRESENTED LAMB AND KINGS HEAD REPRIEVED HEART OF WALES PUB WALK 5th-7th July 2019 ALL THE PUB, BEER & CIDER NEWS 1 2 PUB CAMPAIGN: BROADLEYS BROADLEYS BOMBSHELL A planning application could see the Broadleys in Hereford demolished to make way for a Co-op convenience store, but not if the local community get their way. Christmas should be a time to rejoice and cele- pub games? Where will they go in the future? brate with friends and family, where the seasonal Where will people go to meet their friends? theme over centuries has been peace to all man- Where will the clubs, societies, charities and oth- kind. And Christmas is no different in one partic- er groups who meet there regularly go? What will ular south Hereford community, where a popular people do who rely on the pub as an affordable annual charity carol service is one of the high- and convenient venue for wakes, christenings, lights of the social calendar at the Broadleys weddings and other parties? There wasn’t men- pub. But, if the Co-op have their way, this will be tion on the leaflet about any of these things – not destined to become a thing of the past. a Co-op own-brand sausage, in fact. It was for the charity carol service that on the Sadly, we’ve been here before. It was back in 20th December over 200 residents crammed 2015 when the pub’s owners – NewRiver Retail into the 1930s-era pub on the junction of Here- - first came up with a wheeze to convert the ford’s Ross and Holme Lacy Roads. But this Broadleys into a Co-op convenience store. That time the mood was tempered with shock and wasn’t a popular suggestion at the time either: dismay. For that very same afternoon, glossy written objections; a 1000-name petition, and leaflets had dropped through their letterboxes coverage in the papers and on TV quickly fol- informing them that the Broadleys was going to lowed. However, this didn’t even slow the Co-op be demolished to make way for a shiny new Co- steamroller – it was just carry on regardless. It op convenience store. To put it mildly, the news was only when Herefordshire CAMRA inter- wasn’t received at all well, and as to the tim- vened and persuaded Herefordshire Council to ing…well, what can one say? It was a real kick take the brave decision to issue a legal instru- in the teeth on the eve of Christmas. ment that removed the Permitted Development Rights (that allowed the pub to be converted Snake Oil and Ready Meals into a Co-op store without planning permission) The leaflet trots out glibly that the new Co-op did the wheels finally come off the Co-op’s convenience store will provide extra amenity to bandwagon. Well, move on three or so years the local community in place of the pub. Howev- and they’re back again – except this time they er, the snake oil salesmen who penned it omitted want to flatten the place. to explain quite how this is to be achieved. A vision is created where the new store will provide An Inconvenience Store Truth ready meals, a bakery, fresh groceries and a free If the pub were to be demolished it would leave -to-use ATM. But what about those who visit the an adult population of over 17,600 people Broadleys to play pool, darts, cards and other across five city wards south of the River Wye 3 PUB CAMPAIGN: BROADLEYS with just three remaining pubs – none of which sets” [that’s a trendy moniker for demolishing are within walking distance, or can seriously be pubs? Ed]. Are the Co-op honestly comfortable considered as viable alternatives to the Broad- to throw their hat in the ring with big capital to leys. Meanwhile, there is already another Co-op crush the wishes of a vulnerable community? store (that offers an identical range of goods That would, in fact, appear to be the case. It’s and services as proposed in the new store) on both absurd and sad in equal measure. Holme Lacy Road, not a quarter of a mile dis- tant from the Broadleys. And in between that In 2015 CAMRA signed an agreement with the and the pub there’s another convenience store Co-op nationally regarding its role in converting plus a TESCO Express! In fact, if one were to pubs into convenience stores. In this agreement, stand on the junction of Ross Road made at Chief Executive level, the retailer gave and Holme Lacy Road (where the Broadleys is located), within a radius of 500m there are SEVEN other con- venience stores, and that’s before one takes into account the ASDA and TESCO superstores just a little further afield. It begs the question: just how many convenience stores does a community actually need? In just three weeks, over 270 written objections to this proposal had been received by Herefordshire Council planners. This isn’t just a record re- sponse for a pub planning applica- tion in the county, but is the sort of level you would expect for a by-pass inquiry! Furthermore, what the com- munity has to say in those 270 objec- tion letters is absolutely emphatic - CAMRA’s Mark Haslam, with microphone, addresses the meeting sat they want their local pub, not an alongside Councillor Chris Chappell (far left), Councillor Paul Rone (far eighth convenience store on their right) and local resident and pub-user, David Preedy. doorstep. There hasn’t been a single letter in a written undertaking they would first consult with support of the proposal. the local community and CAMRA before making any proposals that affected any community pub. Where has the caring and sharing gone? The Co-op were happy to garner a lot of positive Thus it was on the evening of the 3rd February, publicity from adopting this stance, but it appears Herefordshire CAMRA’s Mark Haslam - along- they’re now quite content to dispense with the side local councillors and community leaders - agreement if it suits their bottom line. attended a public meeting at the pub. With over Mark Haslam of Herefordshire CAMRA, who is 140 in attendance, those present vowed to fight helping the locals fight this proposal said: “The the proposal. Appalled by what was unfolding, a behaviour of the Co-op here is both disappoint- local business person stepped up at the meeting ing and depressing. I have worked with the wid- and promised a donation of £5,000 to help the er co-operative movement over many years to fighting fund. There’s a deep irony here. Isn’t it help set up numerous community-owned pubs the Co-op that should be there fighting for the across the UK – including most recently at the local community’s interests? How things have Boot Inn and Bell Inn (see story on page 14). changed. Where has the ‘caring and sharing’ Co Thus, I am struggling to reconcile this with the -op gone? Do they not see that it isn’t doing the fact the Co-op are party to seeking to demolish organisation’s reputation any good at all to be in an important community pub – one that is open bed with NewRiver Retail – who are a London- and trading. They say they are there to support based real estate company that claims on its the communities they serve. That clearly isn’t website to be involved in: “recycling convenience true in this case. What they are proposing here -led, community-focused retail and leisure as- will do very real and lasting harm to a communi- 4 PUB CAMPAIGN: BROADLEYS ty that is hardly blessed with many other social In light of these positive developments, Hereford- amenities. Frankly, it’s shocking.” shire CAMRA have subsequently written to Mrs Savage to acknowledge her re-assurances and Great Expectations have welcomed the fact that Co-op management However, late in the day there may be some are to investigate and revisit this scheme. How- good news to report. On the 20th February, Her- ever, the sword of Damocles is still there hanging efordshire CAMRA - along with Dave Preedy over the Broadleys, so the Co-op have been from the local community - attended a routine asked to make a gesture of good faith to the local Co-op Pioneers meeting in Hereford chaired by community and withdraw support for the planning Co-op National Council member, Jackie Sav- application. Mark Haslam said on this matter: “It age. This was an opportunity to express the is good that a member of the Co-op’s National concerns of the local community and to make Council has acknowledged that there is some- the Co-op fully aware of the amount of distress, thing amiss with this proposal – that’s an im- anger and ill-feeling this proposal was creating. portant start. However, we now need positive It was surprising to learn that she was unaware action to allay fears that people aren’t just going of the seriousness of the situation, but her re- to be fobbed off with warm words.” sponse was both conciliatory and re-assuring. Public Meeting She explained that, after speaking to col- leagues inside the Co-op, that there was now a As this Hopvine went to press, and twelve days genuine concern that this proposal might not be after the Hereford meeting with the Co-op, a full the ‘right fit’ for the local community.
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