1985 Brown and Gold Vol 69 No 5 October 24, 1985
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Regis University ePublications at Regis University Brown and Gold Archives and Special Collections 10-24-1985 1985 Brown and Gold Vol 69 No 5 October 24, 1985 Follow this and additional works at: https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold Part of the Catholic Studies Commons, and the Education Commons Recommended Citation "1985 Brown and Gold Vol 69 No 5 October 24, 1985" (1985). Brown and Gold. 558. https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold/558 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at ePublications at Regis University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Brown and Gold by an authorized administrator of ePublications at Regis University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. 69, No. 5 Regis College Denver, Colorado Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellows, the Koffs, at Regis Robert Koff, violinist; to various classes, a Math/ omy and Physiology, Dr. former member of Julliard Science Lecture: The Sound Currie Science 208 and other quartets and of Music in the Science 4:30 p.m. Mass Media, orchestras and director of Amphitheater on W ednes Sen. Gallagher, Loyola 04 music festivals, and Rosalind day, October 30, and a public Koff, pianist, will be Visiting recital in the President's WEDNESDAY, October 30 Fellows here at Regis Col Lounge, also on Wednesday. 9:00 a.m. American Edu lege during the week of cation, Dr. Kelly, Library The Woodrow Wilson October 27, 1985. 105 National Fellowship Founda 2:00p.m. Arts in Western The Woodrow Wilson tion has developed and con Civilization, Fr. Harbaugh, Visiting Fellows program is a ducted programs in higher Library 105 national effort to help education since 1945. 3:00 p.m. Math/Science students prepare for pro Lecture: The Sound of ductive citizenship in the Music, Science Amphi THEKOFFS' public and private spheres. theater PRESENTATIONAL For more than a decade, 4:00 p.m. PUBLIC RE SCHEDULE: Visiting Fellows have CITAL, President's Lounge brought closer relations be-· tween the academic and non MONDAY, October 28 THURSDAY, October 31 academic worlds, between 3:00 p.m. Sensation and 9:25 a.m. Broadcast Prin campus and community, Perception, Dr. Delay, ciples and Practices, Dr. between academic theory Loyala 27 Hart, Library 110 and practical reality. 10:50 a.m. Applied Music: TUESDAY, October 29 The Instrument, Mr. Eaton, The Koffs are scheduled 9:25 a.m. Enjoyment of Science Amphitheater for a variety of formal Music, Mr. Eaton, Science 1:45 p.m. Educational Woodrow Wilson Fellows, the Koffs, will be at Regis the week of October 28 presentations and informal Amp. Psychology, Dr. Epstein, through November 1. encounters, including visits 1:45 p.m. Human Anat- Library 106 'The Speak Easy' Commitment Reaches 7.5 Million By Mary Herold committee of Board mem who want to make this great To Be Inaugurated Peter Coors, Chairman of bers placed in charge of little college even better. ' ' Festivities will continue the Regis College Board of fundraising efforts. Alexander expressly thanks The new name for the once throughout the week with a Trustees, made the an Jack Alexander, all students of Regis who Belial Bar (R.I.P.) is now the SPORTS NIGHT featuring nouncement at the Septem Vice President of Develop have donated their time and "Speak Easy Cafe." A fresh ' Monday night football on the ber 28 meeting of the Board, ment and Public Affairs effort to telefund drives. man from DeSmet won the big screen T.V. that the Regis College Com finds the recent announce Improvements have al Budweiser bar light in the The Tuesday MOVIE mitment to the Future has ment very encouraging. Six ready been made with some name the coffee house NIGHT will feature Monty reached the half-way mark of million dollars of the $7.5 of the money acquired so far. contest. Python comedy. Wednesday its fifteen million dollar goal. million raised so far was "We are doing what we can "The Speak Easy" will night all old Belial Decora The Regis College Commit acquired by the Trustee where we can. It's sort of have its grand opening Sun tions, such as beer lights and ment to the Future was Nucleus Fund. $1.5 million piecemeal at the moment,'' day night at 7:00. The first signs, will be put up as announced on March 30 as a has been acquired from said Alexander. Additional night's entertainment will be prizes for BINGO NIGHT. five year plan to raise fifteen foundations, corporations, financial aid has been made the product of the students JAZZ NIGHT will top off million dollars in endow and the efforts of the available to students. Some who .entered the TALENT the week's activities on ments and gifts for the hundreds of people helping physical plant improvement CONTEST. Thursday. college. In less than six Peter Coors in other co has been done. The Leader months, over 7. 5 million ordinating activities. ship Program has acquired Regis Coalition Observes dollars has been acquired by Said Alexander, "There some money for special the Trustee Nucleus Fund, a are obviously lots of people projects. Anti-Apar'thied Week By Renee Whitemon Other activities off campus The Regis Coalition of occurred in awareness of Peace and Justice sponsored anti-aparthied. Friday after an Anti-Apartied Awareness noon, October 11th, t he Week, October 7th through Auraria campus sponsored a the 11th, to recognize the Teach-In conference. Com National Anti-Aparthied munity leaders such as Week. Senator Regis Groff and During the awareness Congresswoman Pat week, several anti-aparthied Schroeder, spoke against fil m s, "Crossroads," aparthied. "Generation of Resistance," Exile students from South and "A Cry for Freedom," Africa also spoke on student were shown in the West Hall resistance organizations. main ·lounge. After each Later in the day, a rally was film a faculty member spoke held at Macedonia Baptist on the oppression of the Church to observe National people in South Africa and Anti-Aparthied Day. Poetry, concluded with group dis music, and drama were a few cussion. Red armbands were of the activities that took also distributed during the place. Over 25 Regis week in observance of Anti students and faculty at THE HYPOCHONDRIAC: Fr. Mike Tueth wails over his aches and pains to S~eve Batuello in t~e opening tended the rally. of The Hypochondriac. Tickets are on sale in the bookstore. The play opened tnumphantly last mght. Aparthied Week. • • Alcohol Awarenss Help for Starvation Sought By Laura Flood these victims. Activities The Regis College Peace Father Hewell started the zations are working to feed, TODAY'S EVENTS OCTOBER THURSDAY and Justice Coalition, in presentation by explaining clothe, and administer recognition of World Food that the famine is due to the medical help to the starva Day, hosted the Maryknoll long-term political struggles tion victims. Although PRESENT AT ION & DI SC~SS ION: "~esponsibl ~ Drinking" group for a brown bag lunch that still remain unsolved thousands of the people have is the title of th1s presentat1on by Reg1s faculty and presentation on famine after years of fighting. Re been saved, millions have members Dr. Lester Bundy, Fr. Adam Bunnell, and sources are not pooled in any not been found and are Dr. William Kelly, and student Mary Beth Marquard. in Africa. Available to those interested will be an intoxilyze The luncheon, held Octo systematic way, so that the dying. operated by a Denver Pol ice offi~er to measure the ber 16, was lead by Father African people end up with Starvation in Africa is an effects a cup of 3.21 beer (prov1ded) has on the Carroll Hewell, S.J., a nothing. The population is extremely widespread prob individual. representative from Mary much too large for the lem, but through organiza knoll, who has traveled resources that are available tions such as Maryknoll, 3:45 P.M., FAcULTY LouNGE throughout Tanzania and and the land is growing mor~ public awareness will in fiLMS: Anheuser-Busch has produced two films on other parts of the horn of and more desertous. crease, and more people will responsible drinking/use of a "buddy system," and Africa to help combat the The filmstrip that followed participate in saving these on drinking and driving. Representatives from the mass starvation. Maryknoll was pictures of the African victims. To receive more company will show the films and be available for any questions. Samples of low-alcohol content is an organization whose information on Maryknoll or people and where they live, . L.A. Beer will be served. purpose is to spread aware all taken by Father Hewell the African famine, contact ness of the famine through during his stay in the the Regis Peace and Justice WEsT HALL LouNGE out the United States and to villages. Many relief organi- Coalition. 0 P.M. persuade people to help LEAP Aid Announced SENIORS TIME IS RUNNING OUT The Colorado Low-Income children are no longer re Just a note to those of you interested in getting jobs after you graduate. Although May Energy Assistance Program seems a long way away, it is coming upon us much too soon. Accounting majors have already quired to be in a work-study (LEAP) will begin accepting program or working part had the opportunity to recruit eight times over. Face it, Seniors, lots df jobs have j1.1st slipped applications from Nov. 1, through your fingers because you have not finished your resume or your proper paperwork to time to be considered 1985 through April 30, 1986. eligible for assistance. Stu recruit on campus. LEAP is designed to assist 1 dents who have a child(ren) low-income households in living in the household 50% Emily Shaw, recruiting secretary, has had to cancel two recruiters for Business Administration and meeting their winter home or more of the time may be Accounting majors due to no sign ups whatsoever on the sheets.