Stock Code:3990.HK

Environmental, Social and Governance2019 Report

Environmental, Social and Governance


(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) 智 慧 生 活 美 的 人 生

SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 01 76 74 02 03 06 68 42 Ecosystem a Better Future a Better Building a Better Working Together for Working Together 54 28 Future Outlook Future Appendix Contents on Responsibility Statement About Us Life Better Building a Intelligence through Progress Mutual Boosting with Our Peers Development Better Realising Responsibility through About This Report This About Basis of Compilation Basis of Reporting Social and Governance Appendix 27 of "Environmental, with in accordance is compiled This report Stock Kong ("Hong Limited Kong Hong of Exchange Stock The by Rules Listing Board Main the in Guide" . Exchange") Report of Scope Estate Real Midea by produced report (ESG) Social and Governance Environmental, is the second This report 2019. 1 January is from 31 December this report of 2019 to The time frame "Company"). (the Holding Limited Estate Real Midea from information of ESG and related performance on disclosing the is focused This report report, of this the perspective broaden and the readability enhance To subsidiaries. and its Holding Limited to in relation otherwise Unless specified, the information years. future to extended been have contents certain as of 31 March information the to shall refer herein contained ("COVID-19") pandemic coronavirus the novel of of the 2019 annual report with that is consistent of this report 2020. Unless otherwise specified, the scope Holding Limited. Estate Real Midea Data of Source by the - required Environ and consistency balance quantitative, This the report follows principles of materiality, mental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide. All case studies and data cited in this report come from the Midea Real Estate's internal statistical statements, administrative documents, and - may be held responsi and statements, or misleading records any false from is free this report that states Group public information. The of the contents. and integrity the truthfulness, accuracy ble for Statement Appellation this and "we/us"in Group," "the Estate," Real "Midea the terms and reading, of expression the convenience For subsidiaries. and its Holding Limited Estate Real Midea to refer report Report of Approval - Report Social, and Governance in the Environmental, forth set with the principle of materiality In accordance released be to Company the of directors of board the by approved and deliberated was report this Guide, ing on 29 May 2020. Report of Acquisition The Chinese includes report and both English version of versions. An this on electronic is report HKEX available ( official website and the Group's News ( Feedback If you have any about question this report or wish on to provide us feedback it, by the please contact following or feedback. question your provide to our QR code or scan means City, Foshan District, Shunde Town, Beijiao Road, Chengde No.1 Plaza, Estate Real Midea 4, Tower 34/F, Address: the PRC Province, Email: [email protected] SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE SMART

Statement on Responsibility

The year of 2019 was a crucial year for Midea Real Estate as it had successfully moved up the higher echelons of the real estate Exploring the Path of Rural Revitalisation and Launching Innovative Public Benefit Programs to Build a Harmonious and Beautiful industry and achieved its growth in scale. While focusing on the principal business of real estate development, Midea Real Estate had Life for More People continued to refine and implement the strategy of having "one principal and two secondary business lines" (一主两翼), maintained 智慧生活美的人生 steady growth in profits and continued to lower leverage. Its achievements had materialised in the development of quality in its In active response to the state's call for poverty alleviation, the Group worked with the Philanthropic Foundation in 2019 to 智慧生活美的人生 operations, products, finances and organisational aspects, resulting in the strengthening of its comprehensive capabilities. Selected explore rural revitalisation and development pathways for Shaoguan. In response to local rural living conditions, 11 houses were rebuilt as one of top 26 listed real estate companies in China, Midea Real Estate has been included in the constituent of the Hang Seng and 25 houses were repaired. Rural hydraulic engineering construction was performed, ensuring the safety of the villagers' drinking water, Composite LargeCap & MidCap Index and the Hang Seng Stock Connect Greater Bay Area Composite Index, and has been awarded 23,621 villagers were benefited. And the public spaces of villages were re-organized based on the villagers' needs to improve their quality with the Award of Excellence, among other honors. of life. The Midea Real Estate Volunteer Team was further built to continuously conduct volunteer activities in the fields of education, health, care for disadvantaged groups and environmental protection, contributing to the creation of a more beautiful life through our While achieving high-quality and steady growth, Midea Real Estate has been pursuing a corporate development pattern driven by resources and technical advantages. the principles of sustainable development. Focusing on the improvement of intelligence capabilities, safety management, product quality, and the acceleration of building industrialisation, Midea Real Estate has empowered the better life and supported the city Within the report preparation period, the COVID-19 broke out and quickly spread across the country. In response to this, the Group imme- advancement. diately initiated its emergency plan, rapidly acting to implement epidemic prevention and control measures. The Group mobilized its regional companies and industrial subsidiaries to invest over RMB18.50 million to support the fight against the epidemic and alleviate the Maintaining a Solid and Safe Production Line of Defence and Strengthening the Core Competitiveness of Products to Lead business pressure of its tenants, ensuring the supply of about 3,000 assembled sanitary wares for hospitals at the frontline, facilitating the Smart Life Industry the fight against the disease and safeguarding public health. An effective defence line of virus isolation was established for homeowners In 2019, the Group resolutely promoted its safe production management system, improved its four-level safety monitoring and with specialised services to keep the communities safe. control framework covering the headquarters, regions, cities, and projects, and also established a veto system for safety incidents. As we continue to forge ahead while shouldering our responsibilities, we will remain tenaciously loyal to our original goals and lean man- The Smart Construction Site Project was also unfolded on a trial basis to consolidate safety management through digital methods ufacturing DNA. While pursuing strategic consolidation, the Group is dedicated to growing into a top-tier socially responsible enterprise, and maintaining a solid and safe production line of defence. Efforts were made to comprehensively promote new technologies, supporting high-quality lifestyles, using smart technologies to create greater convenience and more benefits for the public and society. materials and processes, relising the goals of shortening the construction period, eliminating hidden issues of quality, saving 2 energy and protecting the environment. Area of New Process Applications reached 7.17million m . The Group has developed intelli- gent industrialisation. Focusing on the development orientation as a "Smart Property Manufacturer", the Group has continuously build the product value system of "5M Smart Health Community", and has empowered business development by adopting digital capabilities. Within the year, the Group developed the functions of the first phase of the artificial intelligence ("AI") community and home hub and launched a smart switch panel with most complete category in the industry, striving to meet users' needs and demands in a smart and healthy manner. About Us Focusing on the Development of Eco-friendly Prefabricated Buildings for Building Industrialisation to Construct a Resource-Saving and Eco-Friendly Society Group Profile In 2019, the Group advanced the implementation of the building industrialisation strategy. The Green Prefabricated Building Park in

Xuzhou and Handan were officially put into production respectively, and the first batch of PC products for building industrialisation Midea Real Estate Holding Limited listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 11 October, 2018 (Stock Code: 3990.HK), is one of was delivered and the initial hoisting completed; Guangdong Ruizhu Youka Technology Co., Ltd. (廣東睿住優卡科技有限公司, "Ruizhu Top 26 listed real estate companies in China, one of Top 100 private enterprises in Guangdong Province, and a leading smart Youka"), in which the Group holds interests, launched the first production line for assembled prefabricated sanitary ware in China; property manufacturer. Founded in 2004, the Group has been focusing on property development and service complemented by and the Group imposed stringent controls on the full-lifecycle environmental management of its buildings, from design to operation. intelligent industrialisation and building industrialisation, guided by its development goal of smart property manufacturer, and 95 new eco-friendly construction projects were initiated throughout the year, generating a new eco-friendly construction area of aims to create better lifestyle by building "5M Smart Health Community". As of 31 December 2019, we have established 278 16.76 million square meters. We also founded the "Low-Carbon Healthy Habitat Environment Research Centre" with our partners to premium projects in 59 cities in 5 core economic regions, including the Delta Economic Region (""), invigorate industrial development and eco-friendly living through innovation. the Yangtze River Delta Economic Region ("Yangtze River Delta"), the Midstream Yangtze River Economic Region ("Midstream

Enhancing Organisational Quality and Activating Internal Human Capital to Encourage Employees to Grow Together by Yangtze River"), the Region, and the Southwest Economic Region. The annual recorded contract sales exceeded Advocating Strong Peer Culture RMB100 billion, elevating its development into a new level.

In 2019, the Group further optimized its organisational quality. Our headquarters was further streamlined and specialised, where the model of detailed management was replaced with dynamic monitoring and results-based evaluation, thereby achieving aspects of professional, mechanism and process delegation to the regional companies. The Group's internal competitive selection mechanism was comprehensively implemented by organising open competitive selection of candidates for vacancies across the entire Group, thereby improving the selection and appointment of outstanding employees. By continuously improving decision-making and assessment mechanisms, employees were encouraged to give play to their strengths, and a diversified and differentiated training system was established, and the Group continued to build a "high-potential and enterprising" talent team to facilitate long-term corporate development through growth of talent.

02 03 智慧生活美的人生

SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 05 431.5% 15.4% 19.2% 47.9% Up by by Down by Down Up by Improvement from 2018 from Improvement Honored by Honored Guandian Index Academy Guandian Index Association Estate China Real EH Consulting Omnimedia Corp. Southern Finance Century21st Business Herald EH Consulting Century21st Media E-House CRIC Research Centre & Shanghai Centre E-House CRIC Research Ltd. Co., Technology Wishbuild Information News Institute Leju of Hong Kong The Community Chest Association Estate Real Guangdong 2 m /million of revenue /million of 3 Tons/million of revenue of Tons/million revenue MWh/million of m 16,757,146.4 0.15 0.21 2.81 Performance in 2019 Performance Top 26 Chinese Listed Real Estate Companies in 2019 Companies Estate Real 26 Chinese Listed Top Developers Estate Real of Development 10 of 2019 Best in the Companies Estate Chinese Real 20 Competitive Top in 2019 Bay Area Greater Kong-Macau Guangdong-Hong Value Growth with outstanding Companies Listed in 2019 Value Brand with Most Developers Estate Chinese Real in Value Investment of 10 Companies in 2019 ‒ Top Bay Area Greater Kong-Macau Guangdong-Hong 2019 Comprehensive Competitiveness in Smart Real Estate in Smart Real Competitiveness 2019 Comprehensive Excellence of Award Guangdong Real Estate Developer Making Outstanding Developer Estate Real Guangdong Alleviation Poverty Targeted Contributions to Golden Award for Smart Property Brand at 2019 Golden at Brand Smart Property for Golden Award Creativity of Festival Cannes International Cicada 100 10 in "2019 Best "Cloud Mansion Series" Included Top Developers" Estate Chinese Real Series of Product Value Brand Product Residence 10 Luxury and Large-sized and "2019 Top Developers" Estate Chinese Real Series of "Future Town Series" Included in 2019 Top 10 Quality Series" Included in 2019 Top Town "Future 10 Ingeniously Top Series and 2019 Product Residence Estate Chinese Real Series of Product Residence Crafted Developers Honors Cumulative Certified Eco-friendly Building Area Building Certified Eco-friendly Cumulative Emissions Carbon Dioxide of Total Intensity of Energy Consumption Intensity Consumption of Water Intensity Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction* Social Honors Investment Value Product Quality Environmental Performance Environmental *The total public welfare investment in 2018 is converted according to the Central Parity Rate of Hong Kong Dollar against RMB on 31 December, 2018 RMB on 31 December, Dollar against Hong Kong of Rate Parity the Central to according in 2018 is converted investment public welfare *The total 0.87620). RMB dollar against (1 Hong Kong in the Appendix ESG KPIs. the notes to refer please data, of energy saving and emission reduction scope the statistical *For Key Honors Key 22.9% 16.8% 61.9% 370.5% / / 1% 41.6% / 69.3% 34.3% 40.8% 32.0% 36.6% 18.0% 31.6% 34.1% 17.4% 0.55% 249.8% Up by Up by Up by Up by Up by Up by Up by Up by Up by Up by Up by Up by Up by Up by Up by Up by Up by Up by Remained steady Remained Remained steady Remained steady Remained Remained steady Remained Remained steady Remained Improvement from 2018 from Improvement Improvement from 2018 from Improvement 2 2 m

Projects m

million million million Projects million million million 000 thousand million million Employees million 30, 200 million million cities sessions Over 78% 249,713.8 31,138.3 41,138.6 7,903.3 4,326.6 4,305.2 59 52.63 7.17 68.79 Over Performance in 2019 Performance 14,413 38.8% 100% 100% 99.9% 5,878.9 18.5 100% 885 15.98 254,000


¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Performance in 2019 Performance Total Number of Employees Total Ratio Employee Female Signing Rate Labor Contract Rate Coverage Social Insurance Total Charitable Donations Charitable Total Epidemic Coronavirus Fight Against to Donations Total Employee Physical Examination Coverage Rate Coverage Examination Physical Employee Sessions Training Number of Work Safety Rate Coverage Trained Employees Investment Training Total Donations to Financially-Stricken Employees Financially-Stricken to Donations Rate Satisfaction Employee Included in the constituent of the Hang Seng Composite LargeCap & MidCap Index and the Hang Seng Stock & MidCap Index LargeCap Seng Composite of the Hang Included in the constituent Index Composite Bay Area Greater Connect Number of Cities Covered by Business Operations by Number of Cities Covered Land Reserves Applications of New Process Area R&D Investment Product Completed Number of Smart Community Projects Delivered Smart Home Projects Rate Satisfaction Customer Total Assets Total Equity Total Revenue Profit Operating Attributable Profit/Profit Net of the Company Owners to Training and Training Development Care Employee Democratic Management Charity* Compliance Employment Capital Market Capital Product Service Financial Performance Responsibilities in 2019 in Responsibilities Safety and Safety Health Business Performance Social Performance 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 07 Protection Consumer Privacy Protection User's Security User's Response Customer Complaint Customer and Services Key Issues Key Quality of Products

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Key Actions in 2019 Actions Key • The Intelligent Construction Site system was piloted in piloted was system Site Construction • The Intelligent software copyright software • The Group's first "Happiness Festival" provided diversified services for about services for diversified provided "Happiness Festival" first • The Group's 600,000 • Area of new process applications reached reached applications of new process • Area hardware construction was completed was construction hardware applied for Institute Research • The Smart Life • • Launched the " • • • Es • • Unf Midea Real Estate upholds its vision of being "A Pioneer in Smart Living" and views Pioneer vision of being "A upholds its Estate Real Midea - manage lean its has integrated The Group due responsibility. as its quality assurance projects, for management process total its into manufacturing from ment mindset quality residences, ideal creating safety, of work a solid foundation laying thereby services, and harmo- and building smart, warm, superior and human-centric exploring our customers. for nious lives Key Results in 2019 Results Key Building a Better Life through Life a Better Building Intelligence 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 09 Center Activity Seniors System Security Perimeter Barrier Vehicle Entrance Kindergarten Access Control Household Property Management Mall Business Plaza Leisure Residents' Health Community Advanced technologies such as the latest mobile internet systems, AI, big data, cloud platforms, cloud platforms, AI, big data, systems, mobile internet such as the latest technologies Advanced smart living pioneering one-stop deliver to been integrated have ("IoT") of Things and the Internet - Smart Service and Smart City environ Smart Home, Smart Community, solutions and realize ments. Comprehensive services and operations centred on community lifestyles and community culture culture and community lifestyles on community centred services and operations Comprehensive Lifestyles". and Tasteful Fun, Hopeful, Inspirational, "Enjoyable, ensure to been provided have Taking advantage of our strengths in the manufacturing industry, the Group builds houses in a the Group industry, in the manufacturing of our strengths advantage Taking Design, "Quality processes through quality housing and quality process delivers manner, lean - homeown for quality lives and creates and Delivery", Monitoring Construction, Selection, Material ers. Services", Property Service & Satisfying "Thoughtful Customer the specialised model of Through service system build a full-lifecycle to been utilized have and the internet technologies advanced Home Services, Beautiful Services, Services, Worry-Free Transparent of "Accessible composed our customers. happiness for Midea-style guarantee Services, and Community Services" to On the basis of healthy lifestyles, an easily accessible healthy life experience centring on centring experience life healthy accessible an easily lifestyles, healthy of basis the On Homes, and Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies, Healthy Healthy Management, Health "Cloud-based online accurate through and functions with offline spaces users to has been provided Gardens" services. data M-Smart M-Life M-Service M-Quality M-Health Practicing its goal of becoming "a smart property manufacturer", Midea Real Estate has put in place a "5M Smart Health Health a "5M Smart place has put in Estate Real Midea manufacturer", "a smart property of becoming goal its Practicing - build com to in order and user-friendliness energy conservation, health, on safety, centred system Community" product smart living support. to housing construction from lifestyles aspirational prehensive 5M System for Smart Development for 5M System 01|Focus on 2019 · Building Smart on 2019 · Building 01|Focus Living Smart and Decoding Houses 智慧生活美的人生


X Brain Lets Intelligence Guide Our Lives 智慧生活美的人生 The X Brain is able to automatically memorize the behaviors and habits of family members, make decisions 智慧生活美的人生

based on environmental conditions, and analyze the status of family members. It can provide automatic Midea Real Estate is committed to building one-stop smart living connecting the community and family, push notifications about the home, contact the property management office in case of emergencies, and and to that end has introduced the "X Brain" concept of integrated intelligence Intellectual Property (IP), connect with elevators, video cameras, vehicle lane barrier gates, and community access control devices. and realized the integration of home and community spaces via big data algorithms, implanted micro- Furthermore, homeowners can call the property management office through a variety of ways. The X Brain chips, and smart hardware. has truly realized the interconnection and interaction of Smart Homes and Smart Communities.

X Brain Integrated Intelligence Scenario

property management water outage fee payment power outage community linkage call One-touch call activities elevator to Property voice call to public video Management Office Anomalous linkage community access Property Management weather equipment control linkage Office maintenance Vehicle ramp linkage Contact with Property automatic call to Property Information Property Management Equipment Linkage Management Office Office


Household overflow geriatric fall-down

gas leakage smoke warning

10 11 智慧生活美的人生

SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 13 CASE He Art Museum ▷ Design Sketch of He Art Museum Photo by Huang Zaohui ©He Art Museum by Huang Zaohui of He Art Museum Photo ▷ Design Sketch Source Control Source of System the Management to according reviewed internally are design results risks, all project quality and prevent enhance To efforts Active results. of key checks, and post-assessment quality spot on the review, on Design, with a focus Quality Control to Modeling (BIM) in our projects Building Information like technologies of advanced application the promote made to were management. and standard quality control strengthen Professional on a periodic basis. conducted Campaign" and the "Skynet standardised rigorously was purchasing Material inspections, of general On the basis inspections. material unannounced conduct to designated were agencies third-party further were tests quality parameter resistance wear and material tests, gas toxic other formaldehyde, like specialised tests and materials of nonconforming and rejection materials, and hazard-free healthy compliance, quality ensure to conducted attitude. with a zero-tolerance components - standard and rigorous place in put have and loop, closed quality the of point starting the on controls stringent imposed have We on designs ized our controls to ensure building engineering and materials quality architectural from and the the improve source quality reputation. Group's Design Quality Control Campaign Skynet Media Real Estate has actively promoted the application of BIM technology, and has made full use design. project and efficiency the quality of its optimizing effectively of "He Art Museum", BIM Ando's of Tadao technology project partnering in the - Through professional collision tests, pipeline optimisation, and net height analysis, general design problems as errors, omis- as errors, design problems height analysis, general and net pipeline optimisation, tests, collision professional - Through improved; quality and efficiency were and plotting reduced, and deficiencies, were sions, collisions, quantity and work statistics material through quickly exported were reports and engineering cost - Engineering budgeting errors; of manual operation rate and the occurrence time spent handling manual statistics reducing statistics, - expres and line style visual sample settings, sample settings, project by formed library was pattern wall - The parameter-based efficiency. enhancing plotting plots, detail wall generate quickly and accurately to sion settings 02|Casting Lean Quality Lean 02|Casting IOC Center Control Intelligent Monitoring Night Patrol Video-Based Passage Health Intelligent Surveillance Non-inductive Environmental Monitoring and Monitoring Local AI Eye Intrusion Detection AI Smart Community Top Ten Awesome Techologies Awesome Ten Top AI Key Area Key Wearers Occupation Surveillance of Non-Mask Identification App Cloud Watch AI Special Community and Warning AI Community for Smart Control Smart for AI Community With the continuous advancement of the "Smart Property" strategy and the in-depth development and application of the X development and application and the in-depth strategy Property" of the "Smart advancement With the continuous development. Joining with Alibaba smart eco-system through results staged has achieved significant Estate Real Midea Brain, Elite Midea Foshan functions—the brain with community AI community out the first rolled have we Ltd., Cloud Computing Co., developed independently has Group the technologies, data big and AI, computing, cloud IoT, of advantage Taking Residence. personnel management, health public monitoring, occupation area key intrusion monitoring, such as regional AI features period. This has during the epidemic control and mask identification identification, traffic non-inductive management, track of the in the control role playing an important using home intelligence, intelligence community a truly interconnected created COVID-19. 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 15 CASE Customer service coordination service Customer a closed management Establish assignment, registration, for procedure of and cancellation rectification identified during a room problems the customer by inspection service staff Center Report statistics report View group/area On-site inspection On-site a closed problem Establish routine for procedure management inspection quality and safety Work statistics all project View and control workloads actual personnel's Process inspection Process the process Standardise procedure inspection measurements Actual of the output statistics Record in the data measured actual projects management Notice or project region View any group, time in real notice Material inspection Material the deliverySynchronize information supply chain system in the material of inbound the inspection and control materials Special inspection inspections area and group Grade reports inspection and generate progress Overall of overall the timeliness Strengthen and feedback information progress progress of how the intuitiveness is displayed Document management enterprise standard Update documents and project documents time in real Craftsman App Craftsman Midea Real Estate has continuously promoted its online construction management platform—the Craftsman App. The app App. Craftsman platform—the management construction online its promoted has continuously Estate Real Midea inspec- acceptance material to in relation management of offline construction management enables the online closed-loop and has during inspection, problems and on-site measurement actual inspection, safety inspection, acceptance tion, process responsibilities. management of construction the implementation strengthened effectively ▷ 11 Business Application Scenarios ▷ 11 Business Application App of Craftsman ㎡ million 7.17 7.17 Process Area of New Area Applications: 2019 Applications: The Guidelines for Engineering Quality Enhancement, Engineering Quality Enhancement, The Guidelines for of Engineering Quality Post-assessment Guidelines for to introduced been have policies internal other and quality pre-control, rules of construction the specify during standards and quality inspection control, process quality. construction ensure to stage the construction the by ensured were results Smart Home installation and Installation Process Meijia Smart Home Construction other and Standard and Quality Inspection Standard with quality in combination quality standards installation supervision. Control Thorough Installation Quality Control Control Processes Meticulous Construction Construction Vigorous efforts were made to promote the promote made to were efforts Vigorous to systems construction "5+N" and "Jiangxin" mechanism a quality assurance establish and processes. new by technologies directed to accurate was precision The construction - compre centimeter-level, from millimeter-level of reducing the goals fulfilling hensively quality periods, eliminating construction the and protecting conserving energy, hazards, environment. Midea Real Estate is dedicated to delivering high-quality construction with a spirit high-quality construction delivering to is dedicated Estate Real Midea of inno- the promotion control, process standardised Through of craftsmanship. and quality supervision, has established the Group processes construction vative - and opera installation, construction, project covering system a quality assurance tional maintenance. Exquisite Construction Exquisite 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 17 - Commercial Property Development and Development Property Commercial Services Operation The Operations Management Manual has been Management The Operations in the fields criteria work provide to formulated - and custom management report repair of tenant - proj of commercial management er complaint organisation including categories, six across ects al management, site management, tenant man- tenant management, site al management, service and management. agement, Property Management Property Services The Guidelines for Service The Guidelines for - been formu have Operations which specifies special lated, services related value-added customer projects, property to responses, service complaint services. care and customer Real Estate Development Estate Real Service The Customer Service Standard Service Standard The Customer speci- formulated, was Operation - service stan fying full lifecycle and Sales "Pre-Sales from dards - Pre-Deliveryto and Post-Deliv ery". Standardised Systems Standardised Midea Real Estate retains the strict confidentiality of customer information collected during house sales, property management, and management, during house sales, property collected information of customer confidentiality the strict retains Estate Real Midea Primary possible extent. the greatest to in public areas space privacy of customer violation and prevents operations, commercial include: protection privacy customer for taken measures on audits safety and evaluations objective regular conduct to Management Safety Information for Policy Overall the of Formulation - system; management safety the information process and access intranet of control stringent and data, customer of protection encryption, watermarking and Densensitisation, - processing; data customer involving approval encryption for and hardware-level certification, safety Class A information Certification, System Safety - ISO 27001 International AI data. of community control safety Midea Real Estate is committed to providing customers with accurate and high-quality service and high-quality experiences. with accurate customers providing to is committed Estate Real Midea As required by laws and regulations like the Advertisement Law of the People's Republic of China, Measures for Pre-Sales - Manage ment of Urban Commodity Houses, and the Measures for - informa follow Real to undertaking Areas, Exhibition the in Estate Evaluation Quality and Sales Inspection Risk Sales of Management the for Measures Management, Midea Real Estate has introduced the delivery like information Important process. sales the during customers to contents high-sensitivity for agreements transparency tion has are been of notified and announced, possible customers standards risks in the to ensure sales that the process Company makes responsibilities. marketing and fulfills the Group's know, right to the customers' guarantees commitments, or false no exaggerations Responsible Marketing Responsible 03|Maintaining Service Quality Service 03|Maintaining Privacy Protection Privacy CASE Mass Delivery of Smart Homes The Group used its independent used its The Group to company subsidiary installation and hardware intelligent its meet - implementa mass standards, system tion and delivery of as per the terms Smart Home Plan 3.0. Transparent Quality Transparent Experience Over 5 open day events and viewings of 5 open day events Over to organised were sites construction - visit the construc to homeowners invite new homes and of their future tion sites them allowing questions, their answer to - quality and craftsman see our project to ship of Jiangxin. All-Dimension Evaluation An engineering and property deliveryAn engineering and property and third-party team joint evaluation organised were agencies evaluation - evalua a comprehensive conduct to public areas, quality, tion of interior areas. and basement and garden Smart Home 3.0 Released, Delivery Standards Upgraded Delivery Standards Smart Home 3.0 Released, In 2019, released Midea its Real Estate first independently-developed Smart Home Home control system—Smart 3.0. Featuring an "sensor-less and product integrated design of all Smart ages", Home 3.0 is equipped with the industry-first smart scenario panel with voice functions, the industry-first embedded security product, and industry's most full-function intelligent switch panel. We aim to develop family-friendly series of intelligent products to further enhance Homes. the delivery quality of our Smart After-Sales Support After-Sales To guarantee the "final link" of product quality the "final link" of product guarantee To post-delivery implemented strictly have we control, chan- feedback convenient established evaluation, Standardised for Guidelines the formulated nels, repair Services, improved Door-to-Door After-Sales out service and carried regulations, management - feed effective ensure to visits return satisfaction service after-sales of handling rapid and back requests. Honest Delivery Honest In strict accordance with the agreed delivery standards, we have delivered products to our customers which are compliant with compliant which are our customers to products delivered have we delivery agreed with the standards, accordance In strict delivery. and achieved responsible our commitments, honored and quality inspections, their expectations 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 19 owners CASE for all events for We launched throughout the year throughout 1,125 hosting a total of a total hosting individual participants community culture activities culture community 153,531 600,000 events 720 ▷ "Most Beautiful Mother" Mother's Day Photography Event Day Photography Mother's Mother" Beautiful ▷ "Most communities 100 cities 40 廣東美的物業管理股份有限公司及其附屬子公司), 廣東美的物業管理股份有限公司及其附屬子公司), the subsidiary of , provinces 12 Our First Happiness Festival Our First 04|Building Comfortable Communities Comfortable 04|Building From May to June of 2019, we hosted "Happiness Festival" in over 100 communities in a total of roughly 40 cities across 12 12 across cities 40 roughly of total a in communities 100 over in Festival" "Happiness hosted we 2019, of June to May From and homeowners 600,000 about servicesfor diversified providing conducted, were activities 720 About China. of provinces customers. Community Activities Community Midea Property Management (refers to Guangdong Midea Property Management Co., Ltd. Ltd. Co., Management Property Midea Guangdong to (refers Management Property Midea and its subsidiaries Midea Real meticulously Estate, planned and hosted a wide range of community culture of safety and happiness, belonging, of sense the enhance to activities safety and activities our homeowners, bring community neighborhoods closer and together, enhance group cohesion. In 2019, Midea Property Management launched a variety Folklore, Spring Festival of Home Campaign", including the "Beautiful activities, community festival-themed safety spread risks, safety hidden eliminated which Day, Mother's and Festival Chongyang culture, and provided homeowners with door-to-door maintenance services. We provided also holiday-themed activities during Spring Festival, Double Ninth Festival, Mother's Day, and and our first "Happiness Furthermore, Festival". Midea Property - Manage - homeown our of children the for Fun" Summer "Smart event summer the organised ment ers, along with a wide of range outdoor and activities exploratory for kids and to parents bonds. their family and strengthen their horizons help expand ▷ Door-to-Door Maintenance during Beautiful Home Campaign during Beautiful Maintenance ▷ Door-to-Door - - Continuous Improvement 78% Sharing of Improvement Plan Case Studies Overall customer satisfaction customer Overall - Return Call Return Analysis Result Feedback Complaint Handling Complaint Category Determination Based on Type - plans, and opti improvement prepare basis, on a regular cases complaint and share complaints We review systems. closed-loop management form to and standards mise service procedures We classify and define all complaints, rapidly assign responsible persons to manage initial inquiries, anal- manage to persons assign responsible rapidly We classify and define all complaints, whole-process realise to system order work and utilise our uniform handle all complaints, yse and promptly complaints. of customer tracking our to suggestions resolution provide of receipt, within 30 minutes complaints customer to We respond days. 2 working within complaints and handle within 24 hours, customers Expanded and upgraded the 400 service hotline and the Meidihui complaint and suggestion segment to to segment and suggestion and the Meidihui complaint the 400 service hotline and upgraded Expanded quickly and conveniently. be heard to voices customers' allow Complaint Receipt More Comprehensive Improvement Whole-Process Tracking Timely Response Multi-Channel Feedback Response to Complaints to Response ▷ Customer Complaint Handling Procedure ▷ Customer lems first, and always give answers to the first inquiries to any issue. In 2019, Midea Real Estate handled 90.3% of its customer customer handled 90.3% of its Estate Real 2019, Midea any issue. In inquiries to the first to answers give and always lems first, complaints. agement of First-Inquiry Responsibility System of Customer Services, we follow the primary principle of resolving customer prob the primary Services, follow we customer principle of resolving Customer of System Responsibility of First-Inquiry agement We always put our customers first, and earnestly listen to the voices of our customers. In accordance with the Measures for Man for Measures the with accordance In customers. our of voices the to listen earnestly and first, customers our put always We We view customer satisfaction as a crucial evaluation index of service quality, and have and have of service quality, index evaluation as a crucial satisfaction We view customer monthly internal surveys and conducted satisfaction launched phased customer actively a hosted In 2019, we our service quality. surveys surveys reflect and annual third-party to inter and reviews survey business refined on focused satisfaction customer third-party satisfaction, customer overall phone. In addition to by 1,756 homeowners viewed over basis accurate an providing aspects, business all in satisfaction customer established we and service quality. of product improvement facilitating for Satisfaction Improvement Satisfaction 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 21 ▷ Comprehensive Skill Improvement ▷ Comprehensive ▷ Cleaning of Walkways ▷ Cleaning ▷ Safety Knowledge Education Knowledge ▷ Safety ▷ Cleaning of Fishpond ▷ Cleaning ▷ Emergency Exit Clearing Exit ▷ Emergency Exclusive Beautiful Home Campaign Beautiful Exclusive on the lawns, and garbage up the weeds clean to brigade" a "cleaning formed service and homeowners personnel Property environments. community beautiful more and created walkways, in and obstacles plants potted Action Safety Exclusive education, in the safety participate and the public to homeowners the public security authority, invited All communities skill. and self-protection awareness the safety enhance so as to activities, and skill improvement elimination hidden hazard ▷ Leash Give-away ▷ Leash ▷ Free Consultation ▷ Free ▷ Free Hair Cut Hair Cut ▷ Free ▷ Free Pet Consultation Consultation Pet ▷ Free Exclusive Convenient Market Services Market Convenient Exclusive and repair cleaning, consultation, volunteering with makeovers, homeowners service provided personnel Property services. Exclusive Civilised Community Activities Exclusive littering wide, rejected national in communities decoration and interior horticulture, civilised dog raising, We advocated as well as homeowners encouraged and behaviors, uncivilised other and escapes, fire of blockage areas, upstairs from civilisation. out for" and "speak team join our publicity and friends to their relatives 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 23 CASE ▷ Electricity Safety Experience Zone Experience Safety ▷ Electricity Third-party Inspections of Large Equipment and Facilities Equipment Large of Inspections Third-party Midea Real Estate seeks to further strengthen construction site safety by conducting spot checks on its mechanical equipment and mechanical checks on its spot conducting by safety site construction further strengthen seeks to Estate Real Midea inspec- Through equipment and facilities. large on its launched inspections subsidiaries of the Group In 2019, 11 regional operators. have we and operators, cranes tower equipment like with large of conformity and certificates certificates qualification tions for equipment and facilities. of our large the quality and safety ensured intelligent information-based utilising and strategy "4+2+X" our out rolling Sites, Smart Construction promoted actively We have risks of safety and warning and identification personnel of construction management the dynamic and precise strengthen to means management. and high-precision safety construction ensure to construction hardware its of 70% had which Mansion, VIP Midea Guiyang including Sites, Construction Smart 6 piloted we 2019, In completed. ▷ Exhibition Zone of Worker Protection Supplies Protection of Worker Zone ▷ Exhibition Promoting Smart Construction Sites Smart Construction Promoting We spare no effort in building "safety nets" for our secure construction, providing a focus on building safe and civilised construction construction civilised and safe building on focus a providing construction, secure our for nets" "safety building in effort no spare We - the applica advance also made to are efforts Active operations. of our construction management the safety and standardising sites incidents. safety work and curb major prevent comprehensively to environments construction in safe technologies tion of intelligent Experience Safety Strengthening Experience Halls or Safety Experience up Safety set have we stakeholders, related and of employees awareness the safety enhance To - instruc safety electricity drill experiences, fire experiences, impact helmet safety These provide sites. our project at Areas Exhibition education. safety strengthen supplies to protection of worker exhibitions and belt instructions, tions, safety Construction Safe Guaranteeing of Practices Standard The Unified specifications. inspection and exacting regulations through management lean facilitated We have of in terms and civilised construction of safe and standards specify the configurations to been formulated have Civilisation Safety guidelines for important thus provide placement, and material management, fire management, layout, scaffolding site construction scaffold pits, of foundation inspections Specialised safety management. and civilised construction of safe the implementation Specialised the year. launched throughout been successively have actions management safety and other specialised inspections construction ensure and management safety strengthen to basis out on an irregular been carried have training and inspections safety safety. Safe Construction Safe CASE ▷ Outstanding Store Manager Exchange Salons Exchange Manager Store ▷ Outstanding In 2019, Foshan Midea Xinduhui Mall hosted the Outstanding Store Manager Exchange Salons for Tenants. Managers of stores stores of Managers Tenants. for Salons Exchange Manager Store Outstanding the hosted Xinduhui Mall Midea Foshan In 2019, - sales perfor with unsatisfactory with stores ideas business share to and invited selected were sales performance with excellent supporting community stores, food for service training sales skills, and offer of retail and practice training provide to mance, had been lecturers internal As period, 6 outstanding and mutually beneficial win-win results. of the end of the reporting growth trained. Outstanding Store Manager Exchange Salons for Tenants Salons for Exchange Manager Store Outstanding Midea Real Estate earnestly implements our work safety guideline policy of "Safety First and People Foremost", and has put in Foremost", and People First guideline policy of "Safety safety our work implements earnestly Estate Real Midea - (Headquarters—Re structure control safety specified a four-level system, management safety an engineering work place for system a one-veto all levels, and established at obligations management safety and outlined gions—Cities—Projects) lines for and bottom regulations responsibility specifying safety up, been set have lines red Safety incidents. handling safety Specifying the Work Safety on Further The Decision management. equipment and facility management, source major hazard internal designating incidents, of safety management the categorized conduct has been issued to Responsibilities Management regulations. responsibility imposing safety and strictly punishment standards Safety System Safety In 2019, Midea Commercial Management launched various tenant services to jointly enhance the business competitiveness of the business competitiveness jointly enhance services to tenant various launched Management Commercial In 2019, Midea and contests, decoration tenant meetings, analysis operation business monthly include These activities tenants. our merchant and regularly stores for testing and electrical water provide services to Guard and Safety repair free services like volunteering of the storefronts. in front signs and the areas store clean 05|Consolidating Safety Management Safety 05|Consolidating Tenant Services Tenant 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 25 ▷ Logo of Products ▷ Logo Rolling out the strategy of "Centralized Commerce & Community Commerce", Midea Real Estate has launched three three launched has Estate Real Midea Commerce", Community & Commerce "Centralized of strategy the out Rolling and four Apartment Rental and Long-term Complex, Community Neighborhood Commerce lines: Urban product including 4 projects, management As had 13 commercial the Group of the end of this report, brands. proprietary Midea Foshan Jiangsu, in Square Midea Xuzhou Hunan, in Square Times Midea Zhuzhou operations: under projects of Wonderful series ( a benchmark project Wonderful Square, Midea and Foshan Xinduhui Mall in Guangdong 悦 然 系 ). Guided by the product philosophy of Intelligence, Greenness, Health, and Care for All Age Groups, Midea Real Estate Estate Real Midea Groups, All Age for and Care Health, Greenness, philosophy of Intelligence, the product Guided by health quality, for high-level requirements address to of product on the development and improvement has focused and quality in our designs and in our construction perfection on maintaining We insist lifestyles. and personalized successfully have and system, construction quality craftsmanship our of innovation the advancing management, Town". Cloud Mansion, and Future Orchid, including the "City Mansion, Royal brands developed residence Thriving and Renewing Cities with Commerce Thriving and Renewing 06|Creating Diversified Business Diversified 06|Creating Operations Housing with Happy and Peaceful Life and Peaceful Happy Housing with CASE ▷ Open-Pit Protection ▷ Open-Pit Protection The system reminds the workers of risks from objects placed near edges to edges near placed objects of risks from the workers reminds The system incidents. of safety the occurrence prevent Intelligent cooling and dust reduction, issues push notifications for extreme for issues push notifications reduction, and dust cooling Intelligent safety. on construction impact environmental prevent to conditions weather Simulates objects falling from tower cranes and fall of lifts through VR through of lifts and fall cranes tower from falling objects Simulates incidents. safety of various experience an immersive gain to devices Enables recording of construction personnel identification, attendance identification, personnel of construction Enables recording management. turnover personnel and management, overloading, prevent equipment to of special video monitoring Provides situations. dangerous and other overturning, abnormality, height from falls and tracks of workers behaviors unsafe for warnings Gives incidents. and collision and sites construction at video monitoring from data abnormal Tracks sites. of the construction and quality management the safety monitors and data, patrol risks, tracks safety with strong Identifies operations personnel. positions on-site identifies and effectively and numbers, movement, of personnel timely capture Quickly provides the incident. at of impact analyses the degree and rapidly information, Throughput Statistics of Statistics Throughput Entrances/Exits Regional Warning Edge Camera Zone Experience VR Safety Data Integration Platform Integration Data Patrol Specially-Equipped System Intelligent Facial Recognition Facial Intelligent System & Attendance Access Monitoring Environmental System Video Monitoring Real-time System Special Equipment Monitoring Special Equipment System 'Safety Helmet' Morning Meetings Helmet' 'Safety Multiple Customised Management Systems 2 Data Platforms 4 Hardware Systems ▷ Firefighting Equipment Bulletin Board Bulletin Equipment ▷ Firefighting Midea Real Estate has incorporated the concept of safety throughout its day-to-day construction and production activities. Firstly, Firstly, activities. and production construction day-to-day its throughout of safety the concept has incorporated Estate Real Midea - of preven the value and strengthen establish to sites in the construction put in place are bulletins signs and information danger and knowledge safety spread to workers construction frontline to also provided lessons are education Safety culture. safety tion-first incidents. of safety the occurrence prevent - construc used by devices protection personal basic one of the most are helmets Safety of safety a whole new batch gave Estate Real In April of 2019, Midea tion workers. our 11 by undertaken on about 200 projects working workers construction to helmets of themed on the topic Morning Meeting Helmet Safety and held its companies, regional regarding overview knowledge of safety A detailed helmets. use safety correctly to how the to provided was correctly helmets safety wear to and how helmets of safety the role workers. construction Safety Culture Safety 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 27 CASE Delivered over Delivered user scenarios 200 Implemented over Implemented Smart Home projects Smart Community projects Cumulatively completed over completed Cumulatively C: Service Zone Supporting 30,000 100,000 B: Industrial Supporting Zone B: Industrial A: Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Comprehensive Area Industry Comprehensive Manufacturing A: Intelligent designed as a future host for high-end industrial development in the Sanlongwan High-end Innovative Innovative High-end Sanlongwan the in development industrial high-end for host future a as designed

t's i , D: Aggregate Custom Production Area for Intelligent Industries Intelligent for Area Production Custom D: Aggregate 2 Shanghua Intelligent Manufacturing Park Manufacturing Shanghua Intelligent In 2019, Midea worked Real Estate with Guangdong Shunkong Chengtou Property Co., Ltd. (廣東順控城投置業有限公司) and Lecong Enterprise State-owned Lezhi Town Investment Management Co., Ltd.(樂從鎮國資企業樂智投資管理有限公司) to jointly the facilitate upgrading and renovation of the Lecong Village-level Industry Park into the Shanghua Intelligent Manufacturing Park. With a gross m 300,000 over area floor Cluster Area, centred on high-end intelligent equipment manufacturing. on high-end intelligent centred Area, Cluster ▷ Functional Zoning Diagram of Shanghua Intelligent Manufacturing Park Manufacturing of Shanghua Intelligent Diagram Zoning ▷ Functional Awards and Qualifications Awards Midea Real Estate has participated in the formulation of multiple national and industry standards, owns 2 High-tech Enterprises Enterprises 2 High-tech owns and industry standards, of multiple national in the formulation has participated Estate Real Midea of the winning the recognition and IPs, 300 patents over and applied for Enterprise, Unicorn" Good Life and 1 "China Potential industry. Industrial Ecosystem of Ecosystem Industrial Estate Real Midea CASE "Two Secondary Business Lines" strategy. We Secondary Business "Two Lines" strategy. e's ▷ Foshan Midea Wonderful Square Midea ▷ Foshan Midea Midea Real Estate is building a smart living industry centred on Intelligent Ruizhu Technology Co., Intelligent Ltd, Technology (refers 廣東睿住智能科技有限公司), to and Guangdong a Ruizhu eco-friendly prefabricated industry based 寧波聯城住工科技 Co., Ltd, Ningbo to Liancheng Technology Liancheng (refers Housing Housing on Industrialisation Industrialisation its subsidiary 有限公司) and Ruizhu in Youka which we hold Depending interests. on the independent R&D capacity of the Smart Life Research Institute and Industrial Product Research Institute, the Group has set up comprehensive business operations in the smart and eco-friendly industry ecosystems. Further integrating the two industrial functions of the Guangdong Tianyuan Design Tianyuan Co., 廣東天元建築設計有限公司), Architectural Ltd, and Agency Construction City-IndustryCompany, Design Institute (refers to phases the from chain whole the covering capacity service comprehensive developed has Estate Real Midea Company, Integration and city-industry development and operation. maintenance, operational sales, construction, of R&D, design, production, The of year 2019 was a crucial period Estat of for Real the Midea implementation steadily steadily advanced both our intelligence industrialisation and building industrialisation. Ground was Shanghua successfully Intelligent Manufacturing Park laid and the Xuzhou for Eco-friendly Prefabricated Building Park the was put into operation, after of products. batch first its which it delivered Foshan Midea Wonderful Square Wonderful Midea Foshan An Industry-Driven Clustering Industrial Ecosystem Ecosystem Industrial Clustering An Industry-Driven 20 December saw the grand opening of Foshan Midea Wonderful Square, a benchmark shopping centre of Wonderful series. The over the square, to introduced were 200 and Over brands mid-air open landscape. plaza sunken first includes Beijiao Town's square Commercial to (refers Management commercial Midea of IPs Many District. Shunde northern to entrants first-time were which of 60% Themed Wonderland Alice's including project, this in introduced first also were Estate) Real Midea under Corporations Management Area and the Midea Future Technology Experience Centre, offering more quality consumption options. Foshan Midea Wonderful Award". of the year "2019 Rising Star and Award" City Advancement with the "China Shopping Mall has been presented Square 智慧生活美的人生


Key Results in 2019 Building a Better Ecosystem • The first batch of Building Industrialisation PC products was delivered and initial hoisting completed 智 慧 生 活 美 的 人 生 • Established China's fully automatic ceramic tile production line and the first nano-ceramic chassis 智 慧 生 活 美 的 人 生 Midea Real Estate has been constantly concerned with the dynamic integration of the first automatic spraying line natural environment and construction activities, has focused on the research and 95 development of eco-friendly prefabricated construction by exploring building indus- • projects certified as 1-star national eco-friendly building projects, generating a cumulative eco-friendly 16,757,146.4 2 trialisation, and has built sustainable eco-friendly buildings guided by the design building area of m concept of integration with nature. Intelligent and innovative technologies have been applied to optimise environmental management and contribute to the building of an eco-friendly and harmonious society. Key Issues

Key Actions in 2019

• Focused on the research and development of prefabricated construction, founded Eco-friendly Energy Waste Water Resource Exhaust Gas and Greenhouse Gas Biodiversity Xuzhou and Handan Prefabricated Building Industrial Parks Building Conservation Management Utilisation Wastewater Discharge Emissions Conservation • Ruizhu Youka in which we hold interests adopted six advanced automated production and Management lines to enhance technologies for manufacturing assembled sanitary ware • Launched the Smart Construction Site Project on a trial basis and optimised whole-process environmental management at construction sites • Established the Low-Carbon Healthy Habitat Environment Research Centre to boost industry-university-research cooperation in the field of low-carbon environmental protection


The First Batch of Building Industrialisation PC Products Delivered and CASE 01|Focus on 2019—Practicing Building the Initial Hoisting Completed

智慧生活美的人生 智慧生活美的人生 Industrialisation and Exploring Xuzhou Park is one of the key development strategic projects of Midea Real Estate in the Yangtze River Delta Economic Region, and is planned to produce prefabricated components for high-rise buildings and public buildings. In May 2019, the Phase I the Path of Eco-friendly Living Spaces factory construction of Xuzhou Park was completed and trial production was initiated. The first batch of Building Industriali- sation PC products was delivered and initial hoisting completed. As of the end of this reporting period, Xuzhou Park had

2 entered into a partnership agreement with 12 enterprises, signed 14 projects, and produced 13,000 m of PC materials. As a composite "Property+ Industrial" developer and operator, Midea Real Estate has actively advanced the reform of construction modes in building industrialisation, developed intelligent manufacturing technologies, and gradually formed an efficient, high-quality building industrialisation manufacturing system.

Number of patents and intellectual Prefabricated Building property rights cumulatively applied for by Liancheng Industrial Parks Housing Industrialisation In 2019, Midea Real Estate continued its focus on the research and development 100 of prefabricated construction with a priority on new prefabricated construction Patents awarded materials and intelligent building assembly, and formed series of proprietary intellectual property technologies. In September of 2019, Midea Real Estate was 134 ▷ Design Sketch of Xuzhou Park ▷ Xuzhou Team and Products to be Delivered to Customers certified by the intellectual property management system.

Midea Real Estate Strengths in Prefabricated Construction Industry

Whole Industry Chain Quality Leadership Information-Based Management Supported by Intelligent An R&D System Covering the of Prefabricated Construction Manufacturing Whole Industry Chain

Set up the Material Technology Institute, Established the RFID, WMS, SRM, and Construction Technology Institute, Worked with high-level intelligent MES systems covering the whole indus- Equipment Technology Institute, and plants to develop intelligent manufac- try chain of information-based manage- Engineering Technology Institute to turing products ment build a R&D system covering the whole industry chain

Construction of Prefabricated Building Industry Parks

We executed pilot experiments and duplicated successful models to create and expand our prefabricated building industry parks after initial experiments were successful. As of the end of the reporting period, Xuzhou, Handan, Nan'an, and Zhenjiang Parks were all included into the list of key local municipal government projects. With Phase I completed in May 2019, Xuzhou Park has been officially put into production and operation. Handan Park's factory construction was completed in December 2019, and the facility has entered into the stage of trial production and operation.

30 31 智慧生活美的人生

SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 33 machining line Automatic SMC Automatic SMC waterproof waterproof plate waterproof plate nano-spray line nano-spray plate Waterproof plate Waterproof and auxiliary equipment Large-scale SMC CNC die pressing line pressing SMC CNC die Large-scale Automatic alignment of Automatic tiles and waterproof plate tiles and waterproof Wallboard Wallboard No noise produced during construction No noise produced during construction produced No dust efficiency construction enhanced and operation easy enables process; installation Building-block-style waste construction reducing plates, and steel plates wall Customised wastes decoration reducing only, installation direct sites, construction at permitted No cutting risks safety construction reducing on site, operations construction Fewer or odor radiation, with no formaldehyde, materials eco-friendly Utilises mildew-proof, of houses the life extend to materials high-tech and healthy eco-friendly Uses the living environment enhance to materials and practical beautiful Employs Color steel plate Color steel siding automatic arrangement line arrangement Automatic alignment Automatic of tiles and wallboard Tile series SMC series Material Safety plate series plate Noiseless Construction Dry Method Construction Colored steel Colored Environmental Strengths of Assembled Sanitary Ware Strengths Environmental - Environ and Advocating Decoration Enhancing Interior Protection mental assembled sani- structure, decoration interior a prefabricated Featuring - high-end reno for the delivery meet standards can inspection tary ware - installa fast such as dry construction, method features and offer vation - pres and heat sound insulation mildew-proofing, tion, superior quality, design structure. interior an eco-friendly presenting ervation, Wallboard Washing component Washing Top component Top Toileting component Toileting Shower partition Shower Shower component Shower Top plate Top Waterproof plate Waterproof Wallboard ▷ Structure of Assembled Sanitary▷ Structure Ware Assembled sanitary ware products are known for their reliable quality, material conservation, eco-friendliness, waterproofness, waterproofness, eco-friendliness, conservation, material quality, their reliable for known are Assembled products sanitary ware chain joint the modular industrial established In 2019, we installation. and convenient safety, material resistance, penetration and devel - technologies sanitary assembled ware Japanese introduce to R&D Office up our Japan and set Ruizhu Youka, venture design and German workmanship. using Japanese products sanitary ware op prefabricated Assembled Ware Sanitary A Strong Partnership to Propel Production Propel to Partnership A Strong line a three for production fully has automatic introduced Ruizhu Youka On SMC. and plates, steel colored walls, tile ceramic series: product its of Robotics, Kuka by provided technology laying tile automatic of basis the it has created China's first fully automatic ceramic tile production line and the first nano-ceramic chassis automatic spraying line. Realising precise and efficient wall plate and waterproof sink tile laying, at full enhancing every effectively plate minute, one wall produce speed it can while laying a - solid founda work rate efficiencyutilisation and material design. subsequent standardised tion for 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 35 2 m 95 new eco-friendly buildings new eco-friendly In 2019, Midea Real Estate had Estate Real In 2019, Midea 16,757,146.4 Total certified area of eco-friendly building amounted to building amounted of eco-friendly area certified Total The energy saving control system is applied to effectively reduce the community's energy consumption The energy is the consumption energy applied system community's saving reduce to effectively control equipment: electrical of life the operating extend and to used for are systems generation solar power and photovoltaic High-efficiency energy-saving lighting fixtures are Many similar measures conserve energy. used to are lamp systems and induction public lighting systems - consump power excessive prevent and to system of the lighting life the operating extend effectively to taken tion; and resources renewable utilise to projects in certain adopted are technologies Solar and thermal integration in our buildings. achieve energy conservation the and Windows, Building in Exterior Lighting Performance of Methods and Testing The Classification light pollution: prevent lighting and ensure to followed Buildings are for Lighting Design Standard lighting in the and natural ventilation corridor improve to adopted designs are rooftop insulated Overhead of our buildings; main structures curtain glass with buildings prevent effectively to clarified are requirements spacing and orientation Building residents. local and thus harming glass reflection due to harmful light generating from walls which require used in our communities are plants sites, of project and soil conditions the climatic to According and imposing no harm on resistance weather strong and which provide control, pest and little maintenance low planting Green 30%. than more of ratio coverage green a achieve thereby communities Our body. human the absorbs the but also effectively in the environment, ambient temperature and reduces only absorbs heat not - environ of noise on the community the impact and reduces roads on the nearby vehicles by noise generated ment. Low Consumption and High Durability Health and Comfort Environmental Livability In accordance with design specifications such as the Code for Design of Building Water Supplies and Building Water Design of such as the Code for with design specifications In accordance utilisation resource water Saving Designs in Civil Construction, Water for and the Standards Drainage, designs. in our architectural efficiency has been enhanced pipeline leakages. prevent to selected meticulously are and pipeline devices laying pipelines, valves For water for enhanced are used, and sanitary requirements are saving instruments design, water interior For efficiency. utilisation kitchen implemented, is strictly system control diversion drain a rainwater/sewer treatment, wastewater For pipeline the municipal into and is then discharged and pre-treated, sedimentated, is isolated, wastewater along with the sanitary wastewater; network the of runoff the converge to used is construction greenbelt low-elevation construction, space eco-friendly For reserves. water the underground replenish to rainwater surrounding of local irrigation the comprehensive for is utilized sprinkling irrigation water-saving irrigation, space green For greenery and plants. In compliance with the Evaluation Standard for Eco-friendly Construction, the Eco-friendly Building Action Plan, and other Plan, and other Building Action the Eco-friendly Construction, Eco-friendly for Standard with the Evaluation In compliance designs and operations our project into building requirements eco-friendly integrated have we building standards, eco-friendly possible extent. the greatest to and economies, resources, environments, climates, conditions, their local our buildings to adapting Based on the principle of the high-quality buildings. These buildings enable construct to combined are means and artificial conditions natural cultures, high consumption, low conservation, resource as of such indexes on the basis of man and nature harmonious co-existence livability. and environmental comfort, health, durability, 02|Constructing Eco-friendly Buildings Eco-friendly 02|Constructing Resource Conservation 智慧生活美的人生


03|Optimising Eco-friendly Construction 04|Implementing Eco-friendly Operations In strict accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Environmental Protection and the Law of the People's Midea Real Estate has always incorporated the eco-friendly concepts of resource conservation, environmental protection, and 智慧生活美的人生 Republic of China on Energy Conservation, Midea Real Estate has saved extensive resources during our engineering construc- 智慧生活美的人生 ecological improvement in its residential property management, commercial property management, and day-to-day office opera- tion work and reduced our impact on the environment through scientific and technological means and stringent site manage- tions in order to achieve eco-friendly, low-carbon control of its business operations. ment while guaranteeing both quality and safety.

Intelligent Control Eco-Friendly Property Management The construction process is a major stage for generating pollution in a building's full lifecycle. In 2019, Midea Real Estate launched We urge our subordinate property projects to orderly implement environmental management, boost their efficient energy utilisa- several pilot projects for its Smart Construction Sites, and adopted intelligent hardware to perform real-time monitoring and tion, and construct low-energy-consumption and high-quality living communities for their residents. regulation of environmental data. Greening Management

Green plants adaptable to local conditions are grown in public areas and water-saving sprinkling irrigation systems are used to Integrated Cooling and Dust Intelligent Weather Forecasting Integrated Intelligent Electricity maintain them in order to purify the air and reduce the noise. and Water Utilisation Systems Reduction Systems Resource Management

We advocate the use of renewable energy systems for heat and electricity supply in our communities' public buildings, such as Our intelligent information platform can forecast the Dust monitoring and automatic spraying solar water heating systems, in order to practice low-carbon operations. weather in a real-time manner to promptly remind the The electricity and water utilisation of our devices are installed in the construction site Solid Waste Management construction workers of any potential weather and construction sites is monitored during and connected to the Smart Construction Site climatic risks. In case of excessively high concentra- Our communities' functional areas and main roads are furnished with sorted garbage cans, and full-time sanitation workers and construction in real-time. In cases of data platform. In case of an excessively high concen- tions of PM2.5 on the day of construction, the system managers are arranged to perform sorted garbage collection and road cleaning on a daily basis. anomalies, all anomalous points are prompt- tration of PM2.5 or larger dust particles at the will automatically issue reminders to wear facemasks; ly mapped and repair and maintenance are construction site, the automatic spraying when it's too humid, the system will automatically carried out to prevent wastage of resources; system will be automatically triggered to remind the construction workers to prevent slips and reduce pollutant emissions; other potential dangers.

Water Discharge Management To reduce the environmental impact of materials used and pollutants discharged during building construction, Midea Real Estate has stringently required its construction workers to follow the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Solid Waste Pollution, and other national laws and regulations affecting construction. Construction workers are also required to control dust, waste, wastewater, and other pollutants produced during construction according to local standards. We uphold the principles of greenness, health, energy conservation, and eco-friendliness as the criteria for selecting building materials, and further require construction workers to use energy-efficient pre-mixed mortar and pre-mixed concrete as construction materials, and encourage them to adopt zero-formal- dehyde products and other eco-friendly materials to perform energy-efficient, eco-friendly, and safe construction.

Innovatively Development of Eco-friendly Zero-Formaldehyde Materials CASE

In 2019, the Shanghua Intelligent Manufacturing Park, in which Midea Real Estate holds interests, conducted the R&D and testing of zero-formaldehyde products, including diatom ooze, stone plastic composite (SPC) plates, and EBPP flooring, which can reduce hazardous gas emissions in the air. After testing and certification, these eco-friendly materials will be gradually included into Midea Real Estate's building delivery standards.

36 37 智慧生活美的人生

SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 39 " theme activity Reduction Stress launched "the Urban Company Zhejiang Regional Estate Real ▷ Midea Launched the "Urban Stress Reduction Initiative" Reduction Stress Launched the "Urban public protection-themed launched an environmental Company Zhejiang Regional Estate Real 2019, Midea On 21 September, video Through TV Station. with Ningbo Broadcasting it in partnership hosting Reduction", Stress "Urban themed around activity the and deepened classification of garbage and importance the knowledge and Q&As, the event introduced presentation classification garbage distribute to plazas local also led to were Students classification. of garbage understanding students' with Me; Starts Classification launched the "Garbage We also garbage. our of separating the significance and explain brochures our actions. through Living" initiative Low-Carbon Everyone for Works - protec in environmental participate to stakeholders invited extensively have living, we and low-carbon eco-friendly practice To activities. fun and lively through of participants awareness protection the environmental and enhanced tion activities On 6 January, 2020, Midea Real Estate and Tsinghua University University Tsinghua and Estate Real Midea 2020, January, 6 On the jointly founded Ltd. Co., Design Institute Architectural and Centre", Research Environment Habitat Healthy "Low-Carbon on Agreement Framework Strategic further signed a Third-Party and Development in Research of Technology Cooperation Strategic with the South China Industries and Low-Carbon Eco-friendly of Subtropical Laboratory Key State of Technology University technical in-depth will provide These efforts Science. Construction eco-friendly of construction the in Estate Real Midea to support and intelligent construction, passive construction, prefabricated support services. health University Cooperation University Advocating Eco-friendly Concepts Eco-friendly Advocating 05| Multi-Party Involvement Multi-Party

n. cial tion tio e, and lec t l s chen o a c

y pollu ommer r e a g tic w a d n b ain c r o Posting water Posting and electricity conservation signs to constantly remind of employees eco-friendly operation office principles c ert Ga . e g a b r t up in c orm disposal of kit e and domes a t s a y g e se r eeding and se d br o nd t tion w i or the unif u t a ooms ar ; e truc e t Advocating eco- Advocating friendly and commuting encouraging to employees public take transportation exhaust reduce to emissions gas cars private from s a ons of w w e used f ent mosq v asis e e of c g a r o pr o the b t n t erprises ar a e amount of tion and disposal r h a cle t

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·Qualified thir ·Dr r t s i All out

d r - Energy planning control is implemented based on the actual business conditions of commercial management management commercial of conditions business actual the on based implemented is Energy- control planning equipment and facilities on local of opening/closing management times is conducted and rigorous projects, and air conditioners. including lighting systems energy lower specifically to stores and tenants' areas in public installed systematically are - Energy-saving lights during business operations. consumption into and enter off their lights turn which automatically been installed have energy-saving elevators - Intelligent - in paral multiple elevators control to model is adopted control A centralized conditions. sleep mode under no-load operations. intelligent realize lel to water reduce to downsized are and pumping tanks of toilets and flush valves in the public areas - The cisterns utilisation. for utilisation water reduce to garages underground in instruments cleaning as adopted are washers Pressure - floor cleaning. resources. water wasting avoid to and leakage on pipeline damage conducted are and maintenance - Inspections - Setting the air Setting conditioner at temperature 26 degrees Celsius to conserve energy Water Garbage Ingenious Reduction Classification Conservation Low-Carbon Commercial Operations Commercial Low-Carbon In our commercial management projects, we have stringently taken energy conservation and emission reduction measures in measures and emission reduction energy conservation taken stringently have we projects, management In our commercial business eco-friendly establish and to on the environment operations of commercial the impact reduce to areas public project models. Recycling used Recycling to paper conserve paper In active response to the principle of eco-friendly office operations, we encourage our employees to make rational use of their rational make to our employees encourage we operations, office the principle of eco-friendly to response In active and environment. culture office an eco-friendly create and to in their daily work resources include: undertake to employees office invite we that measures operation office Low-carbon Eco-friendly Office Operations Office Eco-friendly 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 41 - organ and held was 2019, a planting Q&A meeting ▷ In August within villages project to invited were experts agricultural ic of soil improvement. the importance share County to Renhua fertilizer. organic make how to learn to invited were Villagers Rural Teaching Rural In 2019, Midea Real Estate and Shaoguan Philanthropic Foundation jointly organised knowledge training activities centred on centred activities training knowledge jointly organised Foundation and Shaoguan Philanthropic Estate Real In 2019, Midea the study to invited were teams educational of Shaoguan. Natural environment ecological natural of the rural the protection their awareness and enhance villagers empower to provided were guided tours and natural villages, species in the project local planting themed offer to experts planting agricultural invited also Estate Real Midea diversity. ecological protect need to the of planting villagers' enhance to control disease crop and planting, composting, of effective knowledge practical share lessons to and soil loss. water and reduce methods partner and its Estate Real 2019, Midea August July to ▷ From night guided tour 3 times on-site provided Tour Study Luming Renhua of in Xinlong Village villagers sessions for training the training. attended and over 90 individual villagers County, Visited local sanitation workers with childcare tenants with childcare workers sanitation local ▷ Visited Hosted an environmentalist maker competition with fine competition maker an environmentalist ▷ Hosted tenants arts Working with Tenants to Embrace Eco-friendly Business Operations Eco-friendly Embrace to Working with Tenants We promote knowledge of energy conservation among our tenants on a regular basis, environment. In an commercial eco-friendly jointly to activities diversified create eco-friendly and meetings, have organised mobilization and invite them to join energy conservation through awareness environmental spread to competition maker environmental-themed an host to tenants arts fine with worked we 2019, of painting. awareness We early children's childhood to the enhance organised workers agencies' visits sanitation to local environmental event market trunk a organise to field education the in tenants with hands joined further we and protection, environmental of importance of goods. and exchange the barter through allocation resource proper perform to Developed Fun Garbage-Sorting Puzzle Garbage-Sorting Fun Developed Games - a deeper understand gain public to the allow To Estate Real Midea classification, ing of garbage a puzzle released Company Zhejiang Regional and real-world tasks designed with real It is game. more learn to participant helping each prizes, and in a fun way classification about garbage atmosphere. cozy and within a relaxing Garbage Classification Puzzle Game Classification ▷ Garbage 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 43 Chain Responsible Supply Responsible Labor Rules and Training Employee Development Employee and Retention Talent Attraction Talent and Health Key Issues Key Employee Safety Employee 99.9% hours 34.96 9,068 100% 14,413 The development of Midea Real Estate is inseparable from the hard work and support of work the hard from is inseparable Estate Real The development of Midea hope we Therefore, this. for deeply grateful are and we and partners, of our employees each to pathways promotion and courses sound training with scientifically employees provide to - work and comfortable as relaxing as well environment workplace and inclusive a fair create Midea development. Furthermore, career their for support solid a become thus and places, and long-term platform cooperation and just a fair providing to is committed Estate Real growth. mutual mechanisms for cooperation stable Number of employees: Number of employees: signing rate: Labor contract per person: hours training Employee suppliers: Number of partnering Organisational culture survey satisfaction rate: rate: survey culture satisfaction Organisational Comprehensively upgraded the MHR system and realised one-stop, efficient human resources human resources efficient one-stop, and realised system MHR the upgraded Comprehensively management open organised and system, selection competitive internal an implemented Comprehensively flow talent promote to Group the entire across vacancies for of candidates selections competitive Plan to Training Plan, and Jadestone Training Plan, Cornerstone Training Launched the Rock of their career stages different at employees for system training a diversified establish work about employees' learn survey culture comprehensively to an organisational Organised improvements for and suggestions experience rules, and supplier management detailed channels, control corruption Opened multiple in-system our partners for relationships transparent established Boosting Mutual Progress Boosting Peers with Our Key Results in 2019 Results Key Key Actions in 2019 Actions Key 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 45 :1,812 99.9% 12.6% :12,575 Middle-level Management Grassroots :26 :26 By Employee Category Employee By 0.2% By Geographical Region Geographical By 0.1% 87.2% Mainland China:14,402 Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan:11 Macau, Mainland China:14,402 Hong Kong, Senior Management 47.3% 61.2% Aged 30-49:7,423 Aged

By Gender By By Age Group Age By Aged 50 and above:174 Aged 1.2% Aged 16-29:6,816 Aged Male:8,817 Female:5,596 Male:8,817 38.8% 51.5% Legally Compliant Employment Legally Republic People's the of Law Contract Labor the China, of Republic People's the of Law Labor the follows strictly Estate Real Midea of China, and the Provisions on the Prohibition of Child and Labor, further amended the Measures for Recruitment Management management process recruitment optimising By 2019. in Selection Competitive Internal of Management the for Measures the and discrimina- employment of forms all eliminated further have we systems, recruitment and standards implementing rigorously and tion, the prohibited employment of child equal laborers, and talent employment Advocating promoted and accumulation. talent - promo competitive internally and releases talent absorbs multiple external through channels, the continuously Group attraction or posts new for others or themselves recommend to encouraged are employees Internal management. selecting for methods tion selection. competitive for atmosphere an open and transparent create so as to vacancies, Labor Protection after employees with contracts labor signs and trustworthiness, and fairness, legality, of principles the upholds always Group The performing consultation on the basis of equality. The specify contracts the terms of labor contract rights and interests of both parties, remuneration and dismissal, recruitment and promotion, working hours, and holiday child of cases no had arrangements, Estate Real banning Midea 2019, In freedoms. personal of restriction forced illegal or threats, violence, of basis the on labor labor, labor discrimination, or forced labor. All labor dispatches complied with the state's regulations regarding the of 10%. terms within percentages and maintaining personnel supporting, and alternative" of "temporary, dispatching 02|Marching Towards Our Dream Our Towards 02|Marching with Peers Rights Protection Rights Function - opti mode of HR. The system the working redefines platform business management This one-stop recruitment, personnel, of recruitment, the segments connecting process, mises the personnel calculations, and cost-effectiveness remuneration simplify to be imported can Data and welfare. of personnel. the work and monitor expiration, of task and reminders issue warnings The platform allows the management to access employee data throughout the employees' career career the employees' throughout data employee access to the management allows The platform The service business administration. and improves of management, the scope expands lifecycle, development roadmaps, career and high-speed inquiry also offers portraits of employee system planning and building. team talent accelerating - closely relat are services and guidelines that with autonomous employees provides The platform rules, and viewing including the online of service regulations, guidelines, and life, their work ed to efficiency. working improving greatly salary breakdown, Module HR Self-Service Platform Manager Self-Service Platform Employee Self-Service Platform The Master of Human Resources (MHR) system is Midea Real internal Estate's self-service platform for supporting employees, In management, the managers. and prioritising upgraded 2019, MHR human "building we system, resource a comprehensively goal the realised we terminals, mobile of use the Through business". the of foundation the consolidating and platform data basic systems". among related all interfaces and connecting experiences, efficiency HR work and employee of "improving 01|Focus on 2019—Upgrading the MHR on 2019—Upgrading 01|Focus Intelligent an Building and System Platform HR Service 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 47 - CASE - Advanced Studies Program for City Managers Camp Training Cadres - Reserved Mock industry negotiation, - benchmark ing, online reading club, research and topic report bi-monthly Camp Training - Cornerstone and interaction, lectures Face-to-face simulation, sand table workshops, task visits, site learning, action streaming themed live challenges, debates Camp Training - Jadestone and interactions lectures Face-to-face Training Course (Form) Course Training Expanding Expanding the horizons, vision, and awareness for talent leading future growing and trainees, of and the industry. the Group and professional the management Improving skills of and trainees - grooming high-perform the Group. for heads ing reserved department Enhancing the adaptability of new recruits and developing crucial "future - core" resourc es of the Group. Training Orientation Training Trainees Trainees Middle and High-Level Talent Frontline High -Potential Talent Outstanding Fresh Graduates Rock Plan Rock In April 2019, we launched the Rock Plan advanced study program and reserved talent training camp to respectively city man city respectively to camp training and reserved talent program study advanced Plan Rock the launched we In April 2019, - and com the connection models make and Small Class Discussion learning The Big Class Lecture and reserved cadres. agers clubs, industry benchmarking, online reading mock negotiation, Through possible. contents of training plementarity and the industry. the Group, themselves, into insights gain to inspired were trainees research, and topical bi-monthly reports, their enhanced and comprehensively their business horizons, expanded the business skills of trainees, improved This training capabilities. overall Midea Real Estate Core Talent Training System Training Talent Core Estate Real Midea Rock Plan Rock Cornerstone Plan Jadestone Plan In 2019 provided in provided hours of training were of training hours 23,427 503,811 individual trainee sessions individual trainee Talent Cultivation Talent - continu fair, and internally competitive is externally that benefit system and a remuneration has established Estate Real Midea Employees of benefits. range a diverse with employees and provides performance, and employee organisational enhances ously their potential. tap so as to pay, more for longer work to encouraged are Incentives Remuneration - employ both by directed system a remuneration formulated have we full consideration, levels into remuneration market Taking and forms level and incentive remuneration its optimised continuously Estate Real In 2019, Midea and performance. ee capability employees and encouraged incentives, remuneration floating enhanced further reform, plan incentive a personnel implemented value. more create and to pay, more for longer work to Benefits Employee insurance, pension employee In addition to of benefits. them with a wide range and provide work hard employees' We respect funds, provident and housing insurance, maternity injury employment insurance, insurance, unemployment insurance, medical physical job title allowances, professional insurance, with commercial employees also provide holidays, we as statutory as well and holiday gifts. examinations, The Group actively builds a diverse array of career development pathways, builds development pathways, of career array builds a diverse actively The Group - train effective and improved mechanisms, established promotion and open fair advanced comprehensive and supports development platform a broad and provides ing systems, improvement. and rapid growth Development Career with Careers", Talents Accomplish with Talents, Success of "Achieve Upholding the concept - development path of dual career the establishment has advanced Estate Real Midea competition our talent improved continuously and management—and ways—professional opportunities, we and open promotion with fair employees providing mechanisms. By encouraged and employees outstanding of and appointment the selection improved have their strengths. full play to give them to transfer, internal counting, talent of means by talent internal our invigorated we 2019, In insist We retirement. performing after re-employment talent and dispatching, short-term competitive out internal rolling comprehensively culture, a "horse-racing" on maintaining for of candidates selection the open competitive organising by mechanisms selection of and appointment the selection improving thereby Group, the entire across vacancies talent development through corporate long-term and boosting employees outstanding growth. Training Diversified our internal followed have we Management, Training for Measures with the In accordance at employees for system training a diversified establish to strategy invigoration talent in a employees of core developing the competitiveness By growth. of their stages different all of improvement competency the advancing systematically and manner differentiated the enhance to team talent and enterprising" built a "high-potential have we employees, in the building of an is also active Estate Real Midea of the Group. competitiveness core to elites and management experts business and has encouraged team, lecturer internal the enhance and skills, so as to knowledge and professional experience their growth share reserves. talent corporate and improve skills of all employees and work competency Remuneration and Welfare Remuneration 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 49 Organisational culture Organisational surveys to learn comprehensively issues, about employee opinions, and suggestions regulations. on corporate Baseball Playing ▷ Baseball Late Night Service▷ Late Station Key node Key for communication and cross line leaders -functionary leaders work report to progress; Customised Zongzi for Employees on for Zongzi ▷ Customised Festival Dragon-boat A designated line A designated employee for feedback and timely reply business to questions; MHR platform releases the latest management regulations; As an advocate of "strong peer" culture, Midea Real Estate attaches importance to effective communication with employees, launches with employees, communication effective to importance attaches Estate Real Midea peer" culture, of "strong As advocate an environment. working happy and heartwarming a and creates activities, care employee Listening Attentive - commu employee expanded actively management, democratic improved continuously and have of employees, the voices We value - sugges opinions and employees' collected and management, in corporate participate to employees channels, mobilized nication of 99.9%. rate survey a satisfaction culture which revealed an organisational to 4,328 employees invited tions. In 2019, we Forms and Contents of Employee Communication at Midea Real Estate Real Midea at Communication Employee of and Contents Forms ▷ Heartwarming/Working in Winter Late Happy Workplace Happy Happy Living Happy We respect and are grateful for the hard work of each employee, and tasks. daily their in hard working employees fellow our all to tribute pay In 2019, Midea Real Heartwarming/Working Late in and Estate Winter, Late Night Service Station, launched themed activities organised holiday such care activities as like gift customisation and holiday dinners, and hosted a variety of cultural and sports events to enhance sense of happiness and belonging. employees' Care for frontline employees has been part a of consistent our work. In 2019, we organised activities like Physical Examination for Workers, Work Dormitory Environment Improvement, and Summer Cooling to our care. show CASE Jadestone Plan Jadestone Safety and Health Safety Always upholding the "People First" concept, Midea Real Estate has continuously improved its safety management regulations and career career and regulations management safety its improved continuously has Estate Real Midea concept, First" "People the upholding Always occupational employees' ensure to lifestyles healthy promotes and events care employee plans also Group The system. assurance health health. and psychological and physical safety Safety Employee mechanism The safety assurance has occupational been continuously improved. In the specified employee labor occupational contract have We employees. to provided are supplies protective essential and environment working safe a measures, assurance health and safety formulated the Measures for Prevention, Control and Management of Occupation Diseases to standardise the management of - occupa and hazards occupational mitigate and control, avert, to aimed which factories, subordinated the in control and prevention disease tional prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases. We further actively improve work safety management regulations, strictly follow the state's labor safety management terms, standardise employee behavior standards, and conduct hazards. incident risks and occupational safety and reduce safety awareness, safety employee education training, enhance Health Psychological We are deeply concerned with the physical and psychological health of counseling. psychological employees, and offer matches, and basketball and matches badminton like activities internal provide annual physical examinations, host During the COVID-19 prevention and control period, Midea Real closely Estate followed the development of the pandemic and strictly followed notices delaying the resumption of enterprise business issued by local governments. While adjusting the employees' vacation number the reduce to schedules working flexible for prepared and employees non-local of number the calculated Estate Real Midea time, of personnel in the office at any time. The Group further formulated a work resumption guide which specified efforts to help employee with pandemic prevention and control in commuting, environment, environment. office and healthy a safe dining, and create awareness prevention pandemic and office operations, so as to strengthen employees' In July 2019, 220 outstanding fresh graduates from leading universities across China started their 14-day induction training in training induction their 14-day China started across universities leading from graduates fresh In July 2019, 220 outstanding "Industry- Over the Group", Landing","Exploring included "Jadestone contents and course Stages Headquarters. the Group "uncarved jadestone" help each designed to were Future" and "Brightening Battle", "Transformation Express", "Career view", which competence, their professional and also enhance rapidly on the industry and the Group an understanding gain to and thus fitting force, a member of the work to graduate a fresh from transformation support them achievecomprehensive a the soonest. at condition in the best Estate Real Midea into 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 51 CASE Basic measures protection sites and exit of and exit construction Stringency of Stringency control over entry over control Label clarity Security protection Promoted Promoted the online tendering and procurement tendering. transparent and more fairer for and procurement tendering system, implemented digital controls on the and company the of check background integrity to subject be must suppliers new Completely work team; the Anti-Corruption Agreement competition unfair no and clauses corruption is insider the specifies fully and contracts enclosed cooperation with the tendering documents and and practices. Specialised staged audits are conducted to identify possible internal corruption handle the same. and promptly and malpractices practices of our information audit and The supervisioncontact is department in provided the Anti-Corrup- of any malpractice. upon notices file complaints may promptly suppliers so that tion Agreement, Internal corruption investigation and punishment reports are of joint supervision the industry. atmosphere for an anti-corruption create to Official Account released through our WeChat of material Systematic Assurance Process Control Restricted Whistle- by blowing Joint Supervision specifications and orderliness On-site SummaryOn-site Added Safety and Culture Protection to the Investigation Contents the Investigation to Protection and Culture Added Safety Enhancing Supplier Capabilities Midea has Real Estate put in place a training standard mechanism for external suppliers is and Training provided contractors. to fresh suppliers on a regular basis to help them safety adapt of terms In suppliers. our with development and to growth shared realise to cooperation basis regular a faster; on provided also is quality product training and guidance on health and safety, and management in particular, Midea Real Estate strengthened the safety control of contractors' production level. management process safety the contractors' in enhance to and training education, checks, safety safety regular 2019, conducted and Protecting Supplier Rights and Interests and Interests Supplier Rights Protecting Implementation the on Regulation the and Bids and Tenders on China of Republic People's the of Law the with accordance strict In procurement and tendering its improved continuously has Estate Real Midea China, of Republic People's the of Law Bidding the of and business ethics. in light of industry standards system Midea Midea Real added Estate safety and culture protection to the contents of its supplier investigations for civil engineering general the From five sign aspects of contracting. definition, - safety protection, site neatness, management material rigorous of construc tion site and entrances/exits, basic protection measures, the sites of civil engineering general contracting projects are provided and site contractor of construction and for the inspections. This assurance is prepare to meant investigations safety with detailed of supplier development and investigation. the stages from safety Central China:902 Central 37.8% Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and Overseas:7 Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong, 25.5% 0.1% North China:964 :10 Northwest 0.1% :3,427 East 11.8% a specialised investigation team is built to check the business qualifications of partners and 4.2% the supplier's performance, project contract delivery performance, and maintenance quality are :1,067 Southwest 10.6% 9.9% Number of suppliers by geographical region geographical by suppliers Number of South China:2,309 a supplier approval has standard been established, all suppliers must be subject to before investigations they can be :382 Northeast Responsible Supply Chain Supply Responsible Development Development and Investigation: suppliers of inclusion the for basis a as report investigation an form and bases, production and venues office to visits field conduct the supplier list; into Approval: included into the supplier list in principle; suppliers included into the supplier list are quality; cooperation guarantee required to establish a service team to and Evaluation management: ensure to disused promptly are suppliers nonconforming results; evaluation the per as classified and basis, regular a on evaluated supply quality. Improving Supply Chain Management Supply Improving We have formulated the Measures for Supplier Management, Guidelines for Supplier Investigation, and Measures for Management to Blacklist systematically control the development, investigation, approval, evaluation, and classification management of amended the Rules Management on Estate In suppliers the 2019, for Real Group. Midea suppliers, quality and select and to stable Civil Engineering General Contracting Suppliers. The investigation of civil engineering general contractors has specifying 15 been fields for including investigation, supplier culture, updated, talent structure, organisational corporate training, and - manage ment experience in terms of management, actual measurement, project progress protection management, in safety terms of culture, project and implementation. product The scope of the the source. from investigation of contractors safety and personnel and safety construction guarantee is further specified to suppliers standards contracting of key civil engineering general We insist on improving our supply chain management, supplier protecting rights and and interests, pushing the supply chain to upgrade its capabilities to perform its responsibilities. Maintaining harmonious and interactive positive relationships, we work development. integrative on the supply chain for with our partners 03|Working for the Bright Prospects of Prospects Bright the for 03|Working Our Partners with the Industry 智慧生活美的人生


Strategic Cooperation Integrated Connects business through finance, promotes reverse standardisation and transparency in front-end business data, developing digital Finance financial capabilities, ensuring business operational safety, and rapidly supporting business operations. Actively exploring cooperation with upstream and downstream partners, government departments, enterprises, and schools, Focuses on project operation, advances the affective interaction and internal and external collaboration of different business lines. Midea Real Estate has continuously expanded its cooperation in the fields of Smart Community, Smart Home, Prefabricated Con- Integrated Realises process and data connection and optimisation, enhances operational efficiency, and develops digital production and service 智慧生活美的人生 struction, and City-Industry Integration. Fully integrating the advantageous resources of both parties and giving play to their Supply Chain capabilities. 智慧生活美的人生

professional strengths, Midea Real Estate has adopted diversified cooperation models to promote innovative and productive Centres on customers, establishes effective connections with customers, partners and suppliers, acquire business opportunity leads Marketing reinvention, realise strength complementarity, and promote mutual benefits and common development. and data insights for targeted marketing; establishes a small Property+ ecosystem, connects to the large external business ecosystem, Ecology and develops digital marketing capabilities.

Digital Establishes a technologically advanced and open digital technology platform system featuring a robust backbone and flexible Sample Strategic Cooperation Projects in 2019 Technology terminals based on the principle of openness and cloudification.

Partner Cooperation Contents

Administrative Committee of Handan Established the City-Industry Integration Urban Construction Foundation to Property Widget Revolutionized the Intelligence Reform of Real Estate Marketing CASE Economic and Technological promote the implementation of Smart Home Project and Prefabricated Smart Development Zone Factory Project. On 23 September, the Midea Real Estate digital marketing platform released a marketing widget—Property Widget. Through Property Widget, clients can click on their Dream Houses, view house information and immediately communicate with service Jiangsu Geological and Mineral Conducted technical research and cooperation on prefabricated construction. consultants, receive other house information sent by consultants based on big data analysis, and make thorough house tours Resource Design and Research Institute and contract-signing arrangements online at any time and anywhere. Property Widget provides future marketing experience for the real estate industry. Jiangxi Provincial Tourism Group Launched partnerships in the Tourism, Mass Consumption, and Public Health Co., Ltd. industries and investment and cooperation in real estate.

Purchase Your House at Home Full Customer Network Coverage Data-Empowered Precision Marketing Shenzhen ORVIBO Technology Co., Ltd., Conducted in-depth strategic cooperation in technological innovation, product Red Star Macalline Holding Group Co., Ltd. application and Smart Home services.

all house information is covered and a 24/7 an intelligent business card and personal tracks customer browsing and conducts Promoted the establishment of the Smart Community Joint Laboratory, devel- new interactive mobile house purchasing customer network are established to enable in-depth analysis, judgement, and predic- Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. oped various innovative products and plans for cooperation in the Smart Com- munity industry, and provided specialized R&D support. experience is reconstructed, realising the the intelligent lean management of customer tion on customer requirements based on seamless tracking of online house showing, information, realising more accurate informa- back-end overall customer big data and AI Developed Smart Building and Community products, providing refined solutions intelligent sign-in, immediate communica- tion, real-time tracking, and communication technologies for more precise marketing Honeywell (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. for Smart Buildings and Communities. tion, and house purchasing. with customers. reach.

Developed an AI Community Hub and rolled out intelligent applications includ- Alibaba Cloud Computing Co., Ltd. ing those performing personnel track positioning, environmental system moni- toring, perimeter intrusion detection, occupation monitoring of key areas, and non-inductive traffic identification.

04|Reinforcing the Upgrading of Our Intelligence Strategy through Digitisation To enhance Midea Real Estate's business operations efficiency and to support the Group's digital transformation, we have acceler- ated our digital construction and enhanced overall operational efficiency. In 2019, Midea Real Estate rolled out its digitisation of all main business operations in terms of integrated finance, integrated supply chains, marketing ecology, and digital technology. For instance, integrated finance achieved the unification of internal financial standards system, and master data accuracy improved to % 99.48%, covering 82.8% of integrated financial scenarios. The marketing ecology built a digital platform around users. It has completed the comprehensive mobile and We-Chat-based operations from house showing to move-in and community manage- ment in the form of Intelligent Decoration, Intelligent Distribution, and Property Widget. The marketing platform has serviced 1.38 million registered users and provided digital marketing services for over 400,000 home buyers.


Key Results in 2019 18.5 Invested RMB million in cash funds, material donations, and purchases of pandemic prevention supplies 10.15 Exempted RMB million in tenants' rents and management fees, and ensured the supply 3,000 智 慧 生 活 美 的 人 生 Working Together for of about assembled sanitary wares for hospitals 智 慧 生 活 美 的 人 生 11 25 Improved the rural environment by rebuilding houses and repairing houses 9 a Better Future Implemented a centralized water supply project for provincially designated poverty-stricken Just as the saying goes that "He who eats the fruit will think of the tree; he who drinks from the 20,000 villages in Shaoguan, guaranteeing the drinking water safety of over villagers stream will think of its source", Midea Real Estate has made a sincere commitment to give back 316 individual employee participations in public benefit programs to society. In response to the pandemic, we have worked at the frontline with the people to rise to the challenge through our actions. In the field of rural revitalisation, we have practiced what we preach, and explored a sustainable and expansible targeted poverty alleviation path- way. In terms of public benefit programs, we have integrated innovation to build a beautiful Key Issues and harmonious life through the use of both technology and compassion.

Focus Area of Social Community Key Actions in 2019 Welfare Development and Care

Supported pandemic prevention and control through medical devices and purchase of supplies Implemented the tenant rent exemption plan to relieve their business pressure Focused on rural living conditions and pushed forward rural housing repairs Constructed public service facilities and improved rural public spaces Focused on rural hydraulic engineering construction to guarantee the safe drink- ing water of residents Launched employee volunteer activities to support the cause of education and share our love for our communities


54 55 智慧生活美的人生

SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 57 Midea Real Estate Wuhan company donated RMB 2 million to Jiangxia District Red Cross Society of Wuhan to purchase purchase to of Wuhan Society Cross Red Jiangxia District to RMB 2 million donated Wuhan company Estate Real Midea help with the to treatment pneumonia induced of COVID-19 hospitals designated and supplies for equipment medical the pandemic. fight against interests, holds Estate Real in which Midea manufacturer assembled sanitary ware a prefabricated Ruizhu Youka, As 2020, Ruizhu Youka Hospital. of 2 February, of "Xiaotangshan" construction of the in advance construction its started China, effectively across hospitals from sanitary about 3,000 assembled wares for requests purchase had received the country. across branches Hospital "Xiaotangshan" to the supply of assembled sanitary wares guaranteeing rolled Midea out Real Estate its rent plan exemption for the shopping it centres manages one and exempting operates, and pressure financial their relieve helping million, 10.15 RMB totaling tenants, for fees management and rents month's this difficult time. tiding them over amounts large donated and Society Cross Red Handan the to 300,000 RMB donated Company Handan Estate Real Midea Handan, in workers medical frontline to supplies prevention pandemic other and masks, medical clothing, protective of supplies. of protective of shortages the problem resolving workers medical all to admission free give to undertook Estate Real Midea of subsidiary a Resort, Forest Lake Egret Midea gowns". in white these "fighters to tribute pay 2020 to 31 December to date resumption its the country from across Against Fighting and Workers Medical for "Caring themed event benefit public a launched Management Property Midea the COVID-19" in communities across China. Management fees prepaid for over one year by house owners across the country were used as Community Care Funds to provide housing support, series, education children's and elderly care services for frontline medical workers living in the communities homeowners. of Midea Property Management on behalf of all Xuzhou with hands joined enterprises caring other and Company City Region Jiangsu Anhui-Northern Estate Real Midea TV Broadcasting Media Group and sent over 1,000 cartons of meticulously prepared meals to the Affiliated Hospital of medical frontline the encourage and support to hospitals other and Hospital, Central Xuzhou University, Medical Xuzhou workers. public the host to Station TV Broadcasting Ganzhou with worked Company City Region Jiangxi-Fujian Estate Real Midea pandemic the fighting heroes the to tribute pay to Spring" in Flowers Blossoming the for "Waiting themed event benefit supplies and flowers. sending them letters, by City in 2,000 purchased oil Company Region and of kg River farmers from cooking Delta rice Pearl Estate the Real Midea Shaoguan, and sent them to over 270 medical workers' homes in 16 Midea Real Estate communities in workers. medical the frontline to , and gratitude our respect show and Zhongshan to Foshan Midea Real Estate Shanghai-Jiangsu Region City Company launched the "Heartwarming Festive Lanterns" themed public benefit program in partnership with the Nanjing Qinhuai River Cultural Nanjing in Tourism Foundation, children purchased poverty-stricken 1,000 1,000 to away them gave and COVID-19 the to due sold not were that lanterns festive help lift their spirits. to Midea Real Estate Liaoning City Region over Company donated RMB Estate Midea Real 3 million worth Midea air to the conditioners Sixth the COVID-19. help fight against to renovation hospital for of Shenyang Hospital People's On 7 On25 On 14 On 22 On 10 On 25 On 28 On 29 On 31 From 9 From From 12 From March 2020 March 2020 March March to 24 to March March of 2020 of March January 2020 January 2020 January 2020 January 2020 Pandemic Fighting Efforts Pandemic February 2020 February 2020 February 2020 February February to 10 to February February of 2020 of February assembled sanitary wares for "Xiaotangshan" for assembled sanitary wares 3,000 million of tenants' rents and management fees in the shopping centres it manages in the shopping centres fees and management rents million of tenants' participants. 10.15 4,705 million worth of funds and supplies to the nationwide pandemic fight. pandemic the nationwide of funds and supplies to million worth million to the fight against the pandemic in Wuhan. the pandemic the fight against million to 2 5.3 The beginning of 2020 was suddenly hit by a nationwide battle against a faceless foe. The COVID-19 broke out in Wuhan and and Wuhan in out broke COVID-19 The foe. faceless a against battle nationwide a by hit suddenly was 2020 of beginning The plan and emergency its initiated immediately Estate Real Midea situation, this austere to China. In response across quickly spread the possible actions, the fastest Through measures. and control and implement epidemic prevention arrange to acted rapidly the pandemic the fight against supported Estate Real Midea attitude, resolute and the most measures, possible effective most livelihood. the public and guaranteed 01|Focus on 2019—Fighting against 2019—Fighting on 01|Focus Together the Pandemic Pandemic Fighting Data Pandemic Joining the Rescue Team with the Front-line to with the Front-line Team Rescue Joining the Pandemic the Fight against Pandemic prevention and control is a command as well as a responsibility. We remain constantly concerned with Wuhan and the medical medical the and Wuhan with concerned constantly remain We responsibility. a as well as command a is control and prevention Pandemic RMB18.5 over invest to corporations industrial and companies regional our mobilized have and pandemic, the against fighting workers Fight- of our tenants. pressures the economic relieve and to the coronavirus in support of the fight against and goods of cash million worth our victory in this fight. to contributed have the country side, we side by with people across the pandemic ing against Midea Commercial Management exempted RMB exempted Management Commercial Midea Hospital branches across China. across branches Hospital Ruizhu Youka, a company in which Midea Real Estate holds interests, constructed about constructed holds interests, Estate Real in which Midea a company Ruizhu Youka, Midea Real Estate donated RMB donated Estate Real Midea and operates. and operates. the COIVD-19" and Fighting Against Workers Medical for "Caring launched a public benefit event themed around Management Property Midea China, drawing in Communities across Midea Real Estate donated RMB donated Estate Real Midea 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 59 ▷ On 12 March, Midea Real Estate Shanghai Jiangsu Estate Real Midea ▷ On 12 March, launched the "Heartwarming City Company Region themed public benefit program. Lanterns" Festive ▷ On 10 March, the Midea Real Estate Pearl River Delta Region City Region River Delta Pearl Estate Real the Midea ▷ On 10 March, the them to oil and donated and cooking rice purchased Company workers. of medical families ▷ On 25 February, Midea Real Estate North Anhui Estate Real ▷ On 25 February, Midea joined hands with Xuzhou City Company Jiangsu Region send "heartwarming to TV Media Group Broadcasting people in need. to meals" ▷ On 7 March, Midea Real Estate Jiangxi- Fujian Region City Company hosted the "Waiting for the Blossoming for the "Waiting hosted City Company Region Jiangxi- Fujian Estate Real Midea ▷ On 7 March, with flowers. fighting the pandemic the heroes to tribute Flowers in Spring" themed charity event pay to ▷ On 22 February, Midea Property Management launched the Management Property ▷ On 22 February, Midea the COVID-19" and Fighting Against Workers Medical "Caring for China. across themed public benefit event in communities ▷ On 29 January, Commerial Management Midea and rents one-month's exempt the decision to announced tenants. its for fees management ▷ On 9 February, Midea Real Estate Handan Company donated pandemic prevention supplies pandemic donated Handan Company Estate Real ▷ On 9 February, Midea Handan. in workers medical frontline to ▷On 28 January, Ruizhu Youka supported the construction of "Xiaotangshan" Hospital. of "Xiaotangshan" the construction supported ▷On 28 January, Ruizhu Youka ▷ On 31 January, Midea Real Estate Liaoning Region City Company donated City Company Liaoning Region Estate ▷ On 31 January, Real Midea air conditioners. 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 61 ▷ Strict Body Temperature Testing at Testing Body Temperature ▷ Strict Points Entrance Free Online Consultation ▷ Free Comprehensive Disinfection of Public Areas Disinfection ▷ Comprehensive Safe Fresh Food Delivery Food Campaign Fresh ▷ Safe Allocation of Emergency Supplies of Emergency ▷ Allocation - in emergency supplies in emergency country invested about RMB country invested AsFebruary of 29 2020, the communities managed by Midea Real Estate across the across Estate Real Midea by managed 3 million 雲朵社區) and homeowner chat groups in real time to spread the importance of ( Safeguarding the health and safety of our customers is a major priority to be be is a major priority to of our customers and safety the health Safeguarding the of development the following Closely COVID-19. the facing while addressed on the Prevention Notice the Emergency released immediately we COVID-19, Pandemic Plan for the Emergency and formulated of COVID-19, and Control set deployment, we and employee arrangement work rapid Through Control. data publicity, prevention pandemic of charge in teams specialised 6 up - distri living support, and material control, safety cleanup, submission, garbage our communities. line for defence health bution, building a strong Starting from 27 January 2020, all communities managed by Midea Real Estate implemented quarantine management practices. practices. management quarantine implemented Estate Real Midea by 27 January managed from 2020, all communities Starting the entering of residents the body temperature measure to assigned personnel were up and entrances/exits set were barriers Road their hometowns. to returning and employees homeowners of passing the information registering communities, Pandemic prevention posters and announcements were posted on community bulletin boards and to pushed were rumors dispelling in statements official and elevator developments, pandemic on halls. releases government information, pandemic The latest the homeowner service APP - Cloud Community pandemic prevention to all households. to prevention pandemic segment was Food launched The on Fresh the homeowner service APP - Cloud Community and added the service- Cloud platform Market (雲朵薈) to provide safe home delivery services of fresh food. Meanwhile, convenient services are provided to in Doctor Chunyu with the work we parcels; express and public, materials delivery learning of door-to-door and binding printing, free including requirements the services owners' meet online 7×24 hours to counseling and psychological consultations volunteer free providing during this special time. - and made continu response, a rapid supplies, provided of emergency and stocking the purchase On 20 January initiated 2020, we of of supplies. As 153,801 masks, 25,490 bottles had purchased provision we of 22 January, the adequate ensure to ous purchases China. across communities for thermometers and 2,151 no-contact disinfectant, - com emergency built mechanism, distribution information and mechanism communication emergency 24-hour a place in put We and prevention environment site measures, and stocking purchase material out rolled publicity teams, mand and emergency cases. of suspected and management publicity management, measures, control times per four disinfected were panels control and door handles and elevator times per day, three disinfected were facilities ational - virus trans reduce to provided used masks were for cans and hygiene levels. Specialised garbage sanitation proper ensure day to mission. All communities managed by Midea Real Estate were subject to comprehensive disinfection. Indoor public areas like corridors, corridors, like public areas Indoor disinfection. comprehensive to subject were Estate Real Midea by managed All communities recre and entry cans, gates, garbage surrounding those like areas key day, per twice disinfected were basements and elevators, Upgrading—Provision of Uplifting Special Services of Upgrading—Provision Timeliness—Multi-Channel Distribution of Pandemic Information Pandemic of Timeliness—Multi-Channel Distribution Adherence—Rigorous Quarantine Management Quarantine Adherence—Rigorous Professionalism—All-round Disinfection to Ensure Hygiene Ensure to Disinfection Professionalism—All-round Guarantee—Advance Allocation of Emergency Supplies Emergency of Allocation Guarantee—Advance Care—Establishing a 24-Hour Mechanism Care—Establishing Building Strong Health Defence Health Strong Building Customers With Our 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 63 - After the implementation of the improvement the implementation ▷ After project starting from July 2018, the Foundation rolled out its drinking water improvement improvement drinking water out its rolled July 2018, the Foundation from starting issues, safety serious drinking water relatively with villages plan in administrative Zhenjiang District, in Lishi Town, and Xiabei Village Village including Qunfeng the enhance so as to Nanxiong, in Zhuji Town, Village and Taiyuan Village, Jiaowan the safe and ensure drinking water level of rural and safety capacity supply water drinking water In July 2019, the Zhenjiang District residents. of rural drinking water In villages. poverty-stricken 2 in villagers 5,121 benefiting completed, was project completed; partially was project drinking water 2020, the Nanxiong City March in 8 adminis- 18,500 villagers will benefit around this project upon full completion, villages. trative Safe drinking water improvementproject drinking water Safe Reservoir installation and construction ▷ Reservoir installation process - con and water irrigation Farmland project improvement servancy Midea Real Estate introduced a special- introduced Estate Real Midea Village Pinggang to team ised technical water spring mountain launched and pipeline network water purification, improvement quality water construction, - in collabora works construction and ditch effectively tion with the Foundation, in conditions irrigation water improving fully was This project Village. Pinggang 2019. in November completed The standards of drinking water and irrigation water in rural villages are generally lower than those in the cities, and most rural villages are are villages rural those in the cities, and most than lower generally are villages in rural water and irrigation of drinking water The standards issues are water pipeline equipment. Rural and outdated quality, water sub-standard water, irrigation such as inadequate with problems faced farmland advance in 2019 to with the Foundation worked Estate Real Midea Therefore, residents. of rural well-being the to closely related in Zhenjiang projects improvement drinking water and safe Village, in Pinggang projects improvement conservancy water and irrigation projects conservancy water of rural supply capacity the water further improve to meant were Nanxiong, Shaoguan. These efforts and District of rural utilisation and water water of drinking the safety ensure and thus to facilities, and supporting infrastructure better providing through residents. Hydraulic Engineering—Water Security Engineering—Water Hydraulic Before the implementation of the the implementation ▷ Before project improvement In 2019, Midea Real Estate and the Foundation launched the construction of public service facilities in combination with the rural infrastructure infrastructure with the rural in combination of public service facilities launched the construction and the Foundation Estate Real In 2019, Midea and such as the construction works improvement including public space of the villages, development direction plan and the future improvement hand A buildings. ancient of repair and roads, township municipal of construction improvement, landscaping centres, community of renovation the implemented Estate Real and Midea the Foundation, by renovation for selected were County and Nanxiong in Renhua villages ful of project of public of shortage the problem addressing and improvement, reconstruction on idle land and site construction through work renovation areas. in rural spaces Comfortable Living—Building Homes Together Living—Building Homes Comfortable ▷ In February 2020, the Hemei Home Plan households with poverty-stricken launched for 5 households and housing issues, helping rebuild and to County, 11 households in Renhua repair 14 households in and repair 6 households rebuild Nanxiong. ▷ In August 2019, the Scenic Pond Project of Project Pond 2019, the Scenic ▷ In August completed. was Village Zhongzhan Extended Reading: Extended The Shaoguan Philanthropic Foundation for Revitalisation is China's first public welfare foundation Rural focused on the cause of hybrid a as positioned is It rural Estate. Real Midea by funded revitalisation and is foundation with poverty alleviation, rural revitalisation project execution business ecological cultivation subsidy business. Currently, the and public Fund is carrying welfare out targeted poverty alleviation and rural revitalisation work in , Nanxiong City and Zhenjiang District of Shaoguan, and - commit ted to promoting rural and culture charity and welfare public Shaoguan's the overall resources. cross-border improvement integrating by system of ▷ In July 2019, the Dajing River Course Renovation completed. was of Hefu Village Project of facades 2019, the external ▷ In September completed. was Jiaowan 24 houses in Xinwuzu, The implementation of rural revitalisation strategies is a major aspect of the new era of China's "Three Rural" focused issues. on successfully This building a strategy is moderately well-off society in an all-round way and 2,277 for building drive village a rural model great new modern the socialist regarding Government country People's in Provincial all Guangdong the of policy the to response In respects. impoverished villages in the province and the national government's call for poverty alleviation, Midea Shaoguan Real Estate has Philanthropic based in Foundation the for Rural Revitalisation ("Foundation") to practically improving the advance rural living rural environment, revitalisation and enhancing work the quality in of life Shaoguan. and health of By to has village promoting boosting the culture, development committed Midea sustainable Real rural Estate of rural economies, societies, and residents and spreading and cultures. 02|Supporting Rural Revitalisation Rural 02|Supporting Ecological Living—Housing Security Ecological ▷ In July 2019, the waste yard, which had been deserted for years, was transformed into the Yuanyang into transformed was years, for which had been deserted yard, ▷ In July 2019, the waste and entertainment. rest use for can Village of Hefu villagers that Grove "Ecological living" "Ecological is one of the overall objectives of rural and revitalisation, refers to environmental friendliness in rural communities. A common aspiration of rural residents is to improve the rural living environment. Hence, Midea Real Tianyuan County Estate's Renhua in villages Design administrative 8 of plan Institute renovation environment living basic the complete to Foundation the with collaborated and Nanxiong City, focusing on enhancing the rural living environment, improving households rebuild we helped poverty-stricken departments, Shaoguan government with the relevant In close cooperation rural appearance. garbage and sewage treatment and village houses. or dangerous unstable their structurally and repair 智慧生活美的人生


Jointly Building the Xinlong Village Rural Park CASE Rebuilding the Jiaowan Archway of Jiaowan Village CASE

2 The Rural Park is now a landmark of Xinlong Village. It used to be a deserted plot of low-lying land stretching for about 10,000 m , The Jiaowan Archway is located in Xinwu Group, Jiaowan covered with weeds and garbage. To enhance the overall appearance of the village, the Foundation assembled a three-in-one team Village. Initially built in 1718, it has a history of 300 years. The comprising the "Foundation + Design Team + Local Villagers" under the joint construction model. Villagers were encouraged to invest early stage focused on simple repairs to the Jiaowan Archway, 智慧生活美的人生 manpower, and with limited funds, the idle resources in the village were fully utilized. The park was completed in a month. The 智慧生活美的人生 as it had fallen out of repair for many years. To restore the completed park now provides a venue for village activities and a destination for tourists to visit. former appearance of the Archway, preserve its historical and cultural value, and enhance the overall landscape appear- ance of 24 folk houses, the Foundation rebuilt the Archway to ▷ Archway before Renovation ▷ Archway after Renovation keep the culture and essence of ancient buildings alive.

Civilised Crafts—Cultural Rejuvenation Building "Harmonious and Beautiful Villages" is one of the goals of the Foundation, and an important CSR project for Midea Real Estate. In 2019, Midea Real Estate launched the Shaoguan Rural Study Trip Exploration Tour during summer vacation together with the Foundation. ▷ Rural Park before Renovation ▷ Rural Park after Renovation Urban and rural children were recruited as members of Midea Real Estate's volunteer group to interact with nature. This program was aimed to spread Shaoguan's intangible cultural heritages, to revitalise traditional crafts in an innovative manner, increase job opportunities for rural villagers, and rejuvenate industrial and rural development.

Constructing the Dajing Parking Lot in Hefu Village CASE Launched the Little Designer Program to Spread Intangible Cultural Heritages CASE The Dajing Parking Lot was formerly a sunning ground pitted with holes and an exposed retaining wall. To eliminate the safety hazard,

the Foundation repaved the ground with concrete and enclosed it with rubble retaining wall and rails. It has now become a multifunc- In July 2019, Midea Real Estate launched the Little Designer Program, 2 tional space of about 1,025 m that can be used for parking, rice sunning and recreation. which recruited 20 teams of Midea Real Estate homeowner families and Shaoguan rural children to learn about intangible cultural heritages and explore the secrets of nature. Art experts from Guangzhou were also invited to serve as professional instructors. These young volunteers first gave free rein to their imagination and created their own paintings based around Mount Danxia and azuki beans. We then detailed the designs of outstanding works and upgraded them as packages for azuki accessories. This program supported the promotion of distinctive agricultural products in these poverty-stricken villages while providing an opportunity for the children to learn about intangible cultural heritages.

▷ Parking Lot before Renovation ▷ Parking Lot after Renovation

Organising the Shaoguan Rural Study Trip Exploration Tour CASE Constructing the Cultural Activity Room and Basketball Court of CASE In July 2019, Midea Real Estate launched the Shaoguan Rural Study Trip Exploration Tour in collaboration with the Foundation. Primary school students from Group 12, Pinggang Village Shunde and Dongtang Town in Renhua County were invited to visit the intangible cultural heritage sites in Dongtang Town, experience the local culture, and work together to decorate the lotus-themed "Art Dinner". The paintings created during the tour were re-designed and used as packaging for the Midea Real Estate To enrich the villagers' cultural and recreational life, the Foundation constructed a community cultural activity room and a basketball Specialties Festival products this year. The Specialties Festival is a brand public benefit program launched by Midea Real Estate in 2018 to integrate product court, and rebuilt the old sunning grounds in three village groups of Pinggang Village. The cultural activity rooms and basketball courts resources from the Shaoguan area for packaging and promotion to support sales of local agricultural products. All profits gained through the program would be offered a venue for about 300 villagers in these three village groups to conduct cultural, recreational, and agricultural production used for public benefit programs in poverty-stricken villages. activities, and host public forums.

64 ▷ Cultural Activity Room before Renovation ▷ Cultural Activity Room after Renovation 65 SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE SMART

03|Charity Efforts Running Towards a Healthy Life Midea Real Estate is dedicated to promoting the concept of healthy lifestyles nationwide, has launched sports activities themed around In 2019, Midea Real Estate released the Guidelines for Responsible Brand Construction and adjusted the overall planning of its future environmental protection and student grants, and invited the public to improve their health while speaking for public benefit social responsibility projects and development pathways. The Midea Real Estate Volunteer Team was also built to launch volunteering programs. In 2019, we hosted various types of sports competitions like an eight-city joint run, Supporting Acts of Kindness in Cities, City activities in the fields of education, health, care for the disadvantaged, and environmental protection. A greater number of caring, 智慧生活美的人生 Orienteering Challenges, the Midea Real Estate Chengde Cup Liuye Lake Cycling Competition, and the 2019 Hunan Hengyang First 智慧生活美的人生 responsible, and dedicated employee volunteers were encouraged to participate in the social welfare and charity support programs. International Marathon. All of these activities were designed to contribute to building a healthy community and practicing the "Healthy China strategy".

Supporting Educational Development Nationwide Xiangjiang River Eco-Walk Fitness Campaign CASE Midea Real Estate has continuously concerned itself with social development and education, and is committed to providing greater

room for growth and more development platforms. In 2019, we launched a series of activities in support of educational development, In May 2019, the Midea Real Estate Hunan Region th including making computer donations to Tianjiabing Primary School in Renhua County, expansion of Renhua High School, Taiyuan Zhuzhou Company held the 12 Xiangjiang River primary school renovation in Nanxiong, supporting the Caring Book House, making children's book donations, supporting college Eco-Walk. It was an eco-friendly event supporting entrance examinations, and the Dream Home Plan. education, protection of the Xiangjiang River, and nationwide fitness. It was attended by about 6,800 Caring Book House Inspiring Dreams CASE participants aged from 3 to 70, and raised RMB 321,750 for education, marking the highest amount raised in After learning about the lack of books at Yushui Primary School in Jizhang Town, Dushan County, Midea Real Estate Southwest Regional the event's history. This public benefit event has Company initiated a library construction assistance program. On 22 May 2019, volunteers headed to Yushui Primary School to conduct allowed us to not only support the protection of book donation activities. A total of 2,100 volumes of books were donated, covering such categories as children's art, children's literature, Xiangjiang River and the launch of educational support popular science, encyclopedias, and cartoons. These books help enrich the children's minds, helping grow their knowledge and fulfill programs, it has also spread environmental awareness their childhood through reading. and understanding of healthy living nationwide, practically boosting the development of social welfare.

Reconstructing the Library, Dormitory Building and Multiple-use Building of Renhua High School CASE

Renhua High School is the only county-level key senior high school in Renhua County and has 94 years of history. In recent years, the original school facilities have been unable to meet the actual demand of educational development due to the increasing number of teachers and students. In response to this, starting in 2018, the Foundation organized several field surveys and evaluations on Renhua High School and decided to fund the Sharing Acts of Compassion

reconstruction of the library, dormitory building and multiple-use building of Renhua ▷ Design Rendering of the Library Midea Real Estate concerns itself with every frontline worker contributing to its host cities, and is grateful for their efforts in making these High School, with the project to be undertaken by Midea Real Estate. In November 2019, cities better. To allow these frontline workers to feel the warmth of home, we often visit them on special occasions. In 2019, to show our the foundation-laying ceremony for the expansion and optimization project of Renhua respect for these crucial individuals, we organised activities including the Anhui Lujiang Midea City Project Worker Physical Examination, High School was held. Upon completion, the project would provide a dormitory building the Paying Tribute to City Strivers Series public benefit event, and the Dedicated to Strangers in Familiar Cities, Summer Cooling and 2 designed with 540 beds, a library of 1,406 m , and an academic lecture hall with 880-per- Paying Tribute to City Beautifiers events. son capacity and related functional rooms to address the school's pressing need of sustainable development and training of more high-caliber talents. ▷ Design Rendering of the Dormitory Building

Renovating Taiyuan Primary School CASE

Located in Xinjie Village Group of Taiyuan Village, Taiyuan Primary School was built in the 1980s. This incomplete primary school with 33 years of history has damaged buildings and outdated classroom facilities. To address the problem of enabling the village's school-aged children to attend primary school in the area, multiple parties decided, after discussions, that the Foundation would fund the renovation and Midea Real Estate would undertake the renovation of Taiyuan Primary School. The old doors and windows were ▷ Primary School before Renovation replaced with new ones, and the building facade and interior were renovated to meet the children's learning needs and adapt to the needs of modern teaching. In January 2020, the preliminary acceptance inspection of Taiyuan Primary School Renovation Project was completed. ▷ Paying Tribute to City Heroes Summer Cooling Event ▷ Primary School after Renovation 66 67 智慧生活美的人生

SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 69 es gional entr e s, r s of the ESG er tional c adquart ant func v ele ving as member s of the he s ser ther r artment artment sons of o ad per ant dep v tional dep ele sonnel ant func es with he t v ting divisions ele ad per a dina om r oor , c aff fr ther oper t e of the business of r ader am g e ed regional he t y tional s a es as le v ement t ed b anies, and o sons in char aff O ser t er omp c manag The oper P and designa S CF am e am e oup ement T el v e ading T e ESG L ESG L ESG Manag ESG Work Gr ESG Management Structure ESG Management social, environmental, its improved has continuously Estate Real Midea the new era, for In light of the development requirements - depart functional key from made up of members teams ESG work established We have system. (ESG) management and governance to governance and corporate social welfare, quality, product human resources, and safety, protection such as environmental ments out sort teams work ESG the Every year affairs. governance and social, environmental, Estate's supervise and Real manage Midea annual the review practices, ESG annual integrate and collect basis, regular a on regulations and policies ESG-related update and ESG Estate Real In 2019, the Midea of Directors. the Board to suggestions and put forward Estate, Real of Midea ESG performance of Directors. the Board by and approved to submitted and was teams ESG work the by prepared was Report ESG Work Promotion 2018 in 2019, iden- from work its reviewed systematically Estate Real Midea the ESG report, prepare the opportunity to When taking measures. and response improvement up and drew disclosure, and ESG report structure in ESG governance tified the drawbacks of the members so that ESG reporting, guidelines for the latest on training provide to further arranged was of Directors The Board Exchange Stock of The Hong Kong requirements of the ESG compliance understanding better a gain could of Directors the Board in ESG management. themselves and further involve Responsible Management Responsible - Upholding the concept of "Achieve Success with Talents, Accomplish Talents with Careers", Midea Real Estate Estate Real Midea Careers", with Talents Accomplish with Talents, Success of "Achieve Upholding the concept career and accomplish their talents full play to give them to for with a platform employees has provided growth. talent development through corporate long-term and boosted success, and explored strategy revitalisation our rural out rolled have we competence, of our professional On the basis - our volun Through pathways. alleviation poverty and targeted revitalisation rural and expansible replicable life. a better enjoy people to more and allowed the community to back given have we team, teer and risk control, operation, development momentum and enhancing capital our steady maintaining By guided by competitiveness corporate developed comprehensive have we capabilities, operation responsible high-quality development. helped realise and mindset a manufacturing Committed to building high-quality construction and integration services with intelligent, industrialised, and industrialised, services with intelligent, and integration building high-quality construction to Committed lifestyles. better and creating Community", "5M Smart Health constructing digital, develop- the technical accelerating and building industrialisation, industrialisation on intelligence We focus lifecycle full rigorous imposing decoration, interior prefabricated of establishment ecosystem and ment of eco-friendly and building a new pattern operation, design to on buildings from management eco-friendly living. Life Vibrant of Peers of Steadier Boosting Ensuring A Greener A Smarter Operation Ecosystem Communities Creating More Creating Greater Growth Greater Upholding the vision of being "A Pioneer in Smart Living", Midea Real Estate has actively given play to its professional strengths in strengths professional its play to given has actively Estate Real Midea Pioneer in Smart Living", Upholding the vision of being "A layout, industrial restructured and reforms, innovations constant planning, and design, made technology, of intelligence, terms and jointly of our talent, the vitality stimulated programs, and eco-friendly in green engaged manufacturing, on intelligent focused beauty more of cities, and creating people, driving the growth high-quality houses for constructing By society. a prosperous paint upgrading. intelligence the public through for lives better has created Estate Real Midea the society, for and value ations, and continuously promoted innovation and reform to safeguard steady corporate development and create a better life for for life a better development and create corporate steady safeguard to and reform innovation promoted and continuously ations, the people. Midea Real Estate has always taken the fulfillment of its environmental, social, and governance responsibilities as the only path path the only as responsibilities governance and social, environmental, its fulfillment of the taken has always Estate Real Midea as its operations compliant legally considered and has always development and business continuity, corporate sustainable for technology intelligent integrated have we strengths, and resources strengths our professional giving play to line. Actively bottom oper business in prevention risk and compliance legal development, incorporated urban and operations daily day-to-day our into Responsibility Concepts Responsibility Realising Better Development Better Realising Responsibility through 01|Responsible Operation 01|Responsible 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 71 Disclosure transparency Disclosure protection property Intellectual governance Responsibility building Eco-friendly Community development and care of Social Welfare Area Focus Energy conservation management Waste utilisation resources Water emissions gas Greenhouse usage Material conservation Biodiversity discharge and wastewater gas Exhaust and management Issue Description 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 No. Highly important issues Highly important Importance Moderately important issues List of Major ESG issues List Materiality to Corporate Development Corporate to Materiality Governance Environmental Social Environmental Governance ESG Issue Materiality Analysis Matrix ESG Issue Materiality Moderately important issues important Moderately issues important Generally Quality of products and services Quality of products response complaint Customer security protection User's and health safety Employee and anti-bribery Anti-corruption image Brand and retention attraction Talent development training and Employee supply chain Responsible Labor rules protection privacy Customer Issue Description

Materiality to Stakeholders 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 No. Midea Real Estate conducts a comprehensive survey on its stakeholders every two years to continuously pay attention to their needs and their to attention pay continuously every to years two survey stakeholders on its a comprehensive conducts Estate Real Midea and - employ customers, regulators, government filled in by investors/shareholders, 1,627 questionnaires opinions. In 2018, we collected ees to fully understand their demands and suggestions. Based on the survey, Midea Real conducted 11 Estate in-depth interviews with management and employees in 2019 to reflect the changes in viewpoints stakeholders' and demands. Through a re-evaluation on the communications 2019 our of results the of light in issues major the reviewed and adjusted we 2018, in survey results questionnaire-based our of quality the including issues, important highly 11 were there that concluded and operations, business our and stakeholders our with products and services, customer complaint responses, and user's security protection. These issues have concerns the per as been adjusted been have fully Estate Real elaborated Midea of policies in management and strategy this development sustainable the and report, and demands of stakeholders. Highly important issues Importance Responsibility Issues Responsibility s n g t ies n fi t tio i e s n n t a ldi n i i

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r i a i b ual g o r u e n o ust u r o e a o f o upp a n miss ff ff o o a o o i o Demands and Expectations D P r C g L b N imp A L W C f g O n P inn E E E o L d S s C Q E c C T ret S Ben D Stakeholders Governments and regulators The society and the public Industry associations/ of chambers commerce Suppliers Environment Employees Property owners/ Property of Customers malls and office buildings Shareholders and investors We hope to maintain active two-way communication and collaboration with internal and external stakeholders by establishing establishing by stakeholders external and internal with collaboration and communication two-way active maintain to hope We and thus and suggestions, their opinions to respond about and promptly learn better channels, so as to communication convenient sustainable advance and practically management, development, optimise corporate continuous boost to a driving force form development. corporate Responsible Communications Responsible 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 73 Held views About 10 10 Released Released 55 Hosted over Hosted promotion conferences promotion and generated a total of a total and generated 11,000 integrity articles on WeChat integrity 62,000 integrity publicity conferences integrity integrity and anti-corruption lectures and anti-corruption integrity individual employees attending ethics attending individual employees Pursuant Pursuant to Law the of Trademark the Republic People's of Law China, of Patent the Republic People's of China, and Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, and build the brand. Midea results innovation safeguard to work right-related property Real and normalises intellectual standardises Estate highly values the protection of intellectual property rights, and patent portfolio, patent application, handle patent to define the measures to Management Patent for Measures Formulated disputes; and infringement operation, patent evaluation, patent warning, patent ownership, - registra ownership, specify the primary copyright to guidelines for action Management Copyright for Measures Formulated and to rights, property intellectual their legitimate safeguard to employees encourage to and risk prevention, tion, protection, applications; and copyright while filing patent of others rights property the intellectual fully respect Real of Midea of trademarks forms define the correct to Trademarks Commercial for Specifications on Use the Notice Released further standardise to and websites new conferences on publications, and their use permissions and specifications Estate use; trademark Crisis on Notice and Release Information of Management for Measures and Mechanism Generation News on Notice the Released Management System to unify the responsible departments, rights and liabilities, relevant requirements and action guidelines crisis handling capability. the brand's and enhance Estate, Real of Midea crisis management and brand news release for Intellectual Property Protection Property Intellectual Issued the Measures for Tip-off and Complaint Management, and established whistleblowing channels like phone and channels like whistleblowing and established Tip-off and Complaint Management, for Issued the Measures and of whistleblowers the information keeps or retaliation, of discrimination all forms prohibits e-mail hotlines; - informa and prohibits confidentiality, on the principle of information based confidential files strictly whistleblowing tion leakages. integrity like approaches offline and online through bottom to top from atmosphere integrity strong a Creates on WeChat. article releases and integrity video watching, case reporting, topic lectures, Specifies employees' code of conduct for corruption-related behavior in accordance with internal regulations like like regulations with internal behavior in accordance corruption-related for of conduct code Specifies employees' Employees), (for Agreement Integrity Estate Real Midea sign the to employees requires Practices, Anti-Corruption bribery incidents. and commercial corruption and eliminates of all employees, the integrity standardises on a the supervisionSpecifies the supervisory and supervises posts and key standardises the units department, and Guidelines, Supervision for and Supervision Management as per the Measures Work Procedure basis regular - Accountabil for as per the Measures malpractice bribes or committing soliciting or accepting punishes any employees criminal offenses. the judiciary constitute to and hands them over authorities if their acts ity Management, Well-Defined Whistleblowing Approaches A Strong Integrity Atmosphere Stringent Anti-Corruption Regulations Tight Supervision and Management 02|Steady Development 02|Steady Risk Management Control Risk Management Midea Midea Real Estate strictly follows the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Anti-Unfair Competition, and Republic other and corruption bribery of prevention laws rapid analysis, execute and judgement, To regulations. China and on response to material business risks, our Risk Control Centre set up its Audit Sub-Centre in subsidiary 2019. Audit The Department Audit and Sub-Centre Fraud has Supervision set Department up to a comprehensively monitor the fraud risks line. defence in build a solid anti-corruption and effectively terms, and structural business institutional in both controls optimise operation, - responsi and authority of limits specified with structure defined a include systems control internal and management risk Group's The of implementation the for responsible control, and prevention risk of primaryunit the as acts departments business the of Each bility. daily risk management and internal identification and controls, of collection internal and risk external information and assisting the appropriate setting for responsible is management senior The assessments. risk regular performing in centre control risk and auditing well as controls, internal of maintenance and implementation design, the owning assessments, risk performing values, and principles as giving confirmation to the Board on the effectiveness of the risk management and systems. internal of the control effectiveness the overall and monitor controls. management of the the actions oversee Committee The Board and the Audit In 2019, the Group had an engaged to internal consultant review control external risk the management Group's and internal control prioritised and and risk databases, standards the risk risks, evaluation on ten updated top The evaluation performed Group systems. to need which risks significant the determined and significance, and occurrence risk the with accordance in risks identified the ranked be addressed in top priority the by with risk integrating response tolerance measures and improvement plans developed, as well as the among others, considering, measures of and control results the the implementation the evaluation to Audit Committee reported had Group The progress. development business the and environment operating internal and environment market external in changes considered and adopted or will adopt recommended measures by appropriate. where measures the control internal its enhance external consultant to ensure ongoing compliance and Anti-Corruption 智慧生活美的人生


We will focus on lean management, carry out forward-looking technology research, empower the industry Product in a profound way; maintain the core competitiveness of our products in 5M Smart Health Community, Responsibilities 智慧生活美的人生 Building a create new product advantages and development opportunities, and advance lean products and services. 智慧生活美的人生 Better With a continuous focus on customers in terms of professionalism, perspective and process in a holistic Life with manner, we will promote the industry's first integrated property service and customer service model, attach Intelligence Customer Responsibilities importance to community operations and building customer relationship, and achieve the objective of Looking forward to 2020, Midea Real Estate will continue to forge ahead on the path of Future Outlook continuously offering value to customer. "intensive development in focused area and strategic upgrade". Seizing the strategic

opportunities of industrial development and fully studying changes in the market, we In light of the trend towards eco-friendliness in the construction industry, we will deepen building industrial- Building a Environmental isation, accelerate the technical development and ecological layout of prefabricated interior decoration, will upgrade our innovative product research and development, further empowering the Better Responsibilities optimise eco-friendly construction management, implement the concept of eco-friendly operation in a more Ecosystem industry and enhancing our competitiveness, and thus supporting high-quality lifestyles profound manner, and ultimately grow into an eco-friendly real estate enterprise. and creating more value for society.

We will continuously improve our competitive remuneration system and intelligent human resources service Employee Boosting platform, focus on employee training at all stages, comprehensively tap employee potential, and lay a solid Responsibilities Mutual human resources foundation for the Group's development. Progress with We continuously improve supply chain management, strengthen supplier training, advance supply chain Partner Our Peers development, advocate eco-friendly and transparent procurement, and establish a responsible supply Responsibilities chain.

Working We will continuously roll out rural revitalisation programs to support revitalisation through poverty allevia- Social Together for a tion, make full use of resources and technical strengths to care for vulnerable groups, practice corporate Responsibilities Better Future social responsibility, boost harmonious development of the society, and build a better life for the public.

Realising Better We will continuously enhance the ESG awareness of the Board of Directors and put a corresponding Development Governance governance structure in place; we will also optimise the ESG work team's management mechanism, gradually through Responsibilities form an institutionalised ESG management system, and set rational ESG goals, and identify ESG risks to Responsibility gradually enhance our ESG control efficiency.

74 2020 75 智慧生活美的人生

SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 77 Boosting Mutual Progress with Our Peers Mutual Progress Boosting ESG KPIs with Our Peers Mutual Progress Boosting with Our Peers Mutual Progress Boosting with Our Peers Progress Mutual Boosting with Our Peers Progress Mutual Boosting with Our Peers Progress Mutual Boosting ESG KPIs with Our Peers Progress Mutual Boosting Intelligence through Life Building a Better an is not recycling Product applicable. Not operations. Estate of Media Real aspect important Intelligence through Life Building a Better ESG KPIs Development through Better Realising Responsibility Intelligence through Life Building a Better Intelligence through Life Building a Better Development through Better Realising Responsibility Development through Better Realising Responsibility ESG KPIs Development through Better Realising Responsibility Future a Better for Working Together Future a Better for Working Together Future a Better for Working Together ESG KPIs Chapter B3.2 The average training hours completed per employee by gender by per employee completed hours training B3.2 The average category and employee Disclosure General avoid to practices employment review to measures of B4.1 Description labor child and forced when such practices eliminate to taken of steps B4.2 Description discovered Disclosure General region geographical by B5.1 Number of suppliers number suppliers, engaging to relating of practices B5.2 Description they how being implemented, are the practices where of suppliers and monitored implemented are Disclosure General recalls to sold or shipped subject products of total B6.1 Percentage reasons and health safety for received complaints and service related B6.2 Number of products with dealt theyand how are observing to and protecting relating of practices B6.3 Description rights property intellectual procedures and recall process of quality assurance B6.4 Description policies, and privacy protection data of consumer B6.5 Description and monitored implemented theyhow are Disclosure General practices corrupt regarding cases legal B7.1 Number of concluded during the reporting employees the issuer or its against brought of the cases period and the outcomes and whistle-blowing measures of preventive B7.2 Description and monitored implemented they are procedures,how Disclosure General of contribution areas B8.1 Focus area the focus to contributed B8.2 Resources B4 Labor Standards B6 Product Responsibility B7 Anti- corruption B8 Community Investment B5 Supply Chain Management Environmental, Social and Governance Aspects, General Disclosure and KPIs Disclosure General Aspects, and Governance Social Environmental, Building a Better Ecosystem Building a Better aspect an important Emissions don't constitute Estate. Real of Midea the operation for ESG KPIs ESG KPIs ESG KPIs Ecosystem Building a Better Ecosystem Building a Better waste and disposal of hazardous The generation of the operation for aspect an important is not Estate. Media Real Ecosystem Building a Better ESG KPIs ESG KPIs Ecosystem Building a Better in any problems have does not Estate Media Real and using water. obtaining materials The use of packaging applicable. Not the for aspect an important constitute does not Estate. Real of Midea operation Ecosystem Building a Better Ecosystem Building a Better Chapter Boosting Mutual Progress with Our Peers Mutual Progress Boosting with Our Peers Mutual Progress Boosting ESG KPIs / with Our Peers Mutual Progress Boosting ESG KPIs / Intelligence through Life Building a Better with Our Peers Mutual Progress Boosting with Our Peers Mutual Progress Boosting with Our Peers Mutual Progress Boosting ESG KPIs A3.1 Description of the significant impacts of activities on the of activities impacts of the significant A3.1 Description to taken and the actions resources and natural environment them manage General Disclosure General and intensity type in total by energy consumption indirect and/or A2.1 Direct and intensity in total consumption A2.2 Water achieved and results of energy use efficiency initiatives A2.3 Description is fit that water is any issue in sourcing there of whether A2.4 Description achieved and results efficiency initiatives purpose, water for and, finished products used for material packaging A2.5 Total per unit produced to with reference if applicable, General Disclosure General emissions data A1.1 The types of emissions and respective intensity appropriate, and, where in total emissions gas A1.2 Greenhouse intensity appropriate, where and, produced waste hazardous A1.3 Total intesity appropriate, and, where produced waste non-hazardous A1.4 Total achieved emissions and results mitigate to of measures A1.5 Description are wastes and non-hazardous hazardous of how A1.6 Description achieved and results initiatives handled,eduction General Disclosure General General Disclosure General group type, age employment gender, by workforce B1.1 Total region and geographical and group age gender, by rate turnover B1.2 Employee region geographical Disclosure General fatalities of work-related B2.1 Number and rate injury work days due to B2.2 Lost measures and safety health of occupational B2.3 Description monitored and implemented theyhow are adopted, Disclosure General and gender by trained of employees B3.1 The percentage category employee B.Social A.Environmental A3 The Environment Resources and Natural A1 Emissions B3 Development and Training B2 Health and B2 Health Safety B1 Employment Environmental, Social and Governance Aspects, General Disclosure and KPIs Disclosure General Aspects, and Governance Social Environmental, A2 Use of resources of A2 Use ESG Index Appendix 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 79 Internal Policies of 2019 of Policies Internal Anti-corruption Practices Anti-corruption Suppliers) (for Agreement Integrity Employees) (for Agreement Integrity Tip-off and Complaint Management for Measures Management Accountability for Measures Risk Control on Audit Basic Regulations Supervision for Management Measures and Guidelines Supervision Work Procedure Construction Brand Responsible Guidelines for Manual Management Volunteer Guideline System of Standardised Management Management of Standardised Guideline System on Design of Quality Control System Management on Products of Quality Control System Management on Engineering Construction of Quality Control System Management Processes of Key Management for Measures Management Engineering Fine Decoration Guidelines for Measurement New Technology Guidelines for of Common Construction of Control Prevention Manual for Engineering Quality Problems DeliveryGuidelines for and Assessment Civil Engineering Assessment (2018) for Management and Measures Engineering Quality Enhancement Guidelines for Procedures of Construction Inspection Acceptance Guidelines for Standard Quality Inspection of Engineering Quality Post-assessment Guidelines for of Smart Homes Construction Batch Manual for Estate Real Midea Standard and Installation Process Meijia Smart Home Construction and Quality Assessment Sales Risk Inspection for and Measures in the Display Area Management Services Door-to-Door After-Sales Standardised Guidelines for System Responsibility of First-Inquiry Management for Measures Services of Customer of Service Management for on Issuing the Measures Notice Quality Enhancement and Punishment Measures on Implementing the Reward Notice Service Management Engineering and Customer for Services operations Guideline for Manual Management Operations Complaint Handling on Customer Work Instructions Management Patent for Measures Management Copyright for Measures Policy Privacy Management Safety Information for Policy Overall Safety Information for and Punishment Measures Reward Company Law of the People's Republic of China Republic Law of the People's Company of China on Anti-money Laundering Republic Law of the People's Competition of China on Anti-Unfair Republic Law of the People's (Amended in 2019) Bribery on Banning Commercial Provisions Interim of China Republic Anti-Monopoly Law of the People's and Bids of China on Tenders Republic Law of the People's of China Republic Charity Law of the People's Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China Republic Quality Law of the People's Product Commodity Houses of Urban Management Pre-Sales for Measures Management Scales Estate Real for Measures of of China on the Administration Republic Law of the People's Estate Real Urban Projects of Construction on Quality Control Regulations Estate Real of Urban on the Administration Regulations Development and Operation Management on Property Regulations of China Republic Law of the People's Advertisement of China Republic Law of People's Patent of China Republic Law of People's Copyright of China Republic Law of the People's Trademark of the of China on the Protection Republic Law of the People's of Consumers and Interests Rights Applicable Laws and Regulations Applicable B8 Community Investment B6 Product Responsibility B7 Anti-corruption ESG Index During the reporting period, in strict accordance with the laws above the list, Midea Real Estate did not have any significant violations. any significant have not did Estate Real Midea the list, with the laws above accordance period, in strict During the reporting Measures for Recruitment Management Recruitment for Measures Practices Anti-Corruption Bidding Management for Measures Supplier Management for Measures Investigation Supplier Guidelines for in New Development of Suppliers Areas Guidelines for of Suppliers Administration Archives Guidelines for Management Blacklist for Measures Suppliers) (for Agreement Integrity Supplier Management Material for Measures and of Engineering, Materials Procurement of Centralised Management for Measures Services and Engineering Equipment Cooperation Contracting Rules on Civil Engineering General Management Suppliers Rules on Decoration Management Internal Policies of 2019 of Policies Internal (Trial) and Implementation Establishment System Safety for Measures (Trial) Management System Responsibility Production Safety for Measures Control Risk Classification Production for Measures and Control Identification Hidden Danger for Measures Civilisation of Safety Practices Unified Standard Injury (Trial) Management and Work-related Accident Work Safety for Measures (Trial) Management Safety Electricity for Measures (Trial) Management Operation Hazardous for Measures (Trial) Management Work Space Finite for Measures (Trial) Management Personnel Special Operation for Measures (Trial) Chemicals of Dangerous Safety over the Control for Measures Management Safety Fire for Measures (Trial) Security Management for Measures Diseases of Occupational and Management Control, the Prevention, for Measures Responsibilities Management Specifying the Work Safety Decisions on Further Management Training for Measures Measures for Waste Management Waste for Measures Energy Management for Measures Management Personnel for Measures Management Recruitment for Measures Labor Contract of Selection the Open Competitive on Standardizing Notice Group Estate Real of Midea Employees Selection Competitive of Internal Management ⸺ Construction Law of the People's Republic of China (Amended in 2019) Republic People's Law of the Construction and Bids of China on Tenders Republic Law of the People's and Bidding Law of of the Tendering on the Implementation Regulation of China (Amended in 2019) Republic the People's of China Republic Law of the People's Purchase Government Labor Law of the People's Republic of China Republic Labor Law of the People's of Child Labor on Prohibition Provisions of the Minors of China on the Protection Republic Law of the People's Labor Law of the People's Republic of China Republic Labor Law of the People's of China Republic Law of the People's Labor Contract of China Republic Law of the People's Promotion Employment of China Republic Law of the People's Social Insurance Minimum Wages on Provisions of China Republic Labor Law of the People's and Control of China on the Prevention Republic Law of the People's Diseases of Occupational of China Republic Law of the People's Safety Production of China Republic Law of the People's Prevention Fire Emergencies to of China on Response Republic Law of the People's Chemicals of Dangerous Safety over on the Control Regulations of Investigation and Regulations Accident Safety on Production Report and Treatment Accidents of Safety and Control on the Investigation Provisions Interim Republic of the People's Injury Insurance on Work-Related Regulation of China of Occupational the Supervision on Provisions and Administration Work Sites at Health and Catalogue Classification Disease Occupation Applicable Laws and Regulations Applicable Law of the People's Republic of China on Environmental Protection on Environmental of China Republic Law of the People's Control and on the Prevention of China Republic Law of the People's of Ambient Noise Pollution Control and on the Prevention of China Republic Law of the People's Pollution of Atmospheric Control and on the Prevention of China Republic Law of the People's Pollution of Water Control and on the Prevention of China Republic Law of the People's Pollution of Solid Waste of China on Energy Conservation Republic Law of the People's B5 Supply Chain Management B4 Labor Standards B3 Development and B3 Development Training B2 Health and Safety B2 Health B1 Employment A1 Emissions Resources of A2 Use A3 The Environment Resources and Natural ESG Index List of ESG Policies, Laws, and Regulations Laws, and Policies, ESG of List 智慧生活美的人生


SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 81 6 6 6 7 7 6 1 1 0 .89 .17 17% 83% 57% 25% 9 9 9 2 2 6 3 1 8 18% 309 427 067 790 772 . , , , 0 , , 3 Year 2019 Year 61. 38. 0 12. 87. 34. 34. 34. 27. 16. 37. 9,068 2 3 964 902 382 1 1 7 2 2 587 264.50 89. 36. 16. 181 316 Suppliers Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Suppliers Suppliers Suppliers Suppliers Suppliers Suppliers Suppliers Suppliers Cases Cases Cases RMB 10 thousand RMB 10 thousand RMB 10 thousand RMB 10 thousand RMB 10 thousand RMB 10 thousand Times Unit

Male Female Total number of suppliers Total senior management South China Management Property Sales Management middle-level management Male Senior manager Senior manager East China East North China China Central China Northeast China Southwest China Northwest and Overseas Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong, Female grassroots employees grassroots all employees Middle-level manager Middle-level manager Targeted poverty alleviation poverty Targeted Education Community protection Environmental Others in public welfare participating Number of employees activities /volunteer Total public welfare investment public welfare Total Grassroots employee employee Grassroots

1 The percentage of employees trained by gender and employee category and employee gender by trained of employees 1 The percentage Employee category Employee B6. Product Responsibility B6. Product received complaints and service related B6.2 Number of products B7. Anti-Corruption the against brought practices corrupt regarding cases legal B7.1 Number of concluded of the cases period and the outcomes during the reporting employees issuer or its B8. Community Investment of contribution areas B8.2 Focus B5. Supply Chain Management region geographical by B5.1 Number of suppliers B3. Development and Training B3. Gender Geographical region Geographical B3.2 The average training hours completed per employee by gender and employee category and employee gender by per employee completed hours training B3.2 The average Gender ESG Index Employee category Employee 4 1 . 2 4 8 8 9 6 192 0 0 .28 .53 ,59 ,98 5 413 575 402 1 5 5 1 1 974. 1 532. 0 8 817 596 812 816 423 001 2 433, 440 , . , . . , , 6 , , , 1 . . , , 0 5 0 442 5 454 0 2 14, 8 5 2 1 12, 6 7 174 14, 1 43. 0 43. 8,545.89 0 6 115 2 201 Year 2019 Year /RMB million of revenue 3 3 3 Headcount Headcount Headcount Headcount Headcount Headcount Headcount Headcount Headcount Headcount Headcount Headcount Tons Tons million of revenue Tons/RMB Tons Tons kg kg/RMB million of revenue Tons million of revenue Tons/RMB Tons MWh MWh/RMB million of revenue Liters m kWh m m Unit e r e 2)b) wh 1)a) ed and, c odu r d) e) p

e 3)e) t s a c) w

y s t Total number of employees Total Number of male employees employees Number of female Number of senior management Number of middle-level management employees Number of grassroots 16‒29 Aged 30‒49 Aged 50 and above Aged Mainland China and Taiwan Macau, Hong Kong, nsi dou e

r t a 1)2) , in e haz t a al

t o pri Number of work-related fatalities Number of work-related T o Health and Safety Health 1 Environmental Employment Social 3 . . . ppr Total carbon dioxide emissions dioxide carbon Total Gender Employee Type Group Age Geographical Region B2. B2. A B1 type, employee gender, by workforce B1.1 Total region and geographical group age Total non-hazardous waste produced waste non-hazardous Total waste of non-hazardous Intensity paper waste Office of Resources A2. Use by energy consumption indirect and/or A2.1 Direct and intensity type in total in total Energy consumption of energy consumption Intensity Gasoline gas Natural electricity Purchased and intensity in total consumption A2.2 Water consumption Water consumption of water Intensity A1. Emissions emissions dioxide carbon 2: Indirect Scope A1. produced waste hazardous Total waste of hazardous Intensity and, produced waste hazardous A1.4 Total intensity appropriate, where ESG Index B A1.2 Greenhouse gas emissions in total and, where appropri- and, where emissions in total gas A1.2 Greenhouse intensity ate, Emission intensity emissions dioxide carbon 1: Direct Scope a ESG KPIs Number of work-related fatalities Number of work-related 智慧生活美的人生

SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE 80 智慧生活美的人生 SMART LIFE BEAUTIFUL LIFE - Data Calculation Standards Calculation Data Notes line Emission Factor in Emission Reduction Projects of 2017; Projects in Emission Reduction line Emission Factor Principles the General to is made with reference energy consumption the total for coal of standard 3) The conversion 2589-2008T). Energy Consumption(GB/T of the Comprehensive Calculation for 1) Direct carbon dioxide emissions generated by gasoline, natural gas are calculated in reference to the Greenhouse the Greenhouse to in reference calculated are gas natural gasoline, by emissions generated dioxide carbon 1) Direct of Public Buildings (Enterprises) Units Operating Guidelines for and Reporting Methods Gas Emission Accounting Commission; Development and Reform of the National Office the General by released (Trial) Gas Greenhouse the on based calculated are electricity purchased by generated emissions dioxide carbon Indirect 2) (Trial) Buildings of Public (Enterprises) Units Operating for Guidelines Reporting and Methods Accounting Emission emission Commission, and the carbon Development and Reform of the National Office the General by released Base Grid Regional China of Standards the to reference with calculated were China Mainland in electricity of factors Unless otherwise specified, the scope of the data and statistics of this report is consistent with that of the Annual with that is consistent report of this and statistics the data of Unless otherwise specified, the scope the clarified further we data, environmental Among them, for Holding Limited. Estate Real of Midea 2019 Report for statistics data environmental The total of the data. and comparability accuracy the ensure to indicators statistical Headquarter, Management Property Midea Headquarter, Estate Real of Midea data operation 2019 include office and Estate, Real of Midea projects operation property commercial and three development business units, industrial data environmental expand In addition, in 2019, we projects. operation of commercial data operation property and paper) waste data(office produced waste non-hazardous and waste such as hazardous categories disclosure flaws in the and ramify the disclosed data of the scope will further expand we In the future, data. usage gasoline disclosed contents. gasoline, by emissions generated dioxide carbon direct emissions of A1.2 are dioxide carbon 1 The direct a)Scope gas; natural by generated emissions dioxide carbon indirect are A1.2 of emissions dioxide carbon indirect The 2 b)Scope electricity; purchased - lamps, pow fluorescent of mercury-containing waste total of A1.3 includes the produced waste hazardous c) Total wastes; and electronic ink cartridges, cartridges, lamps, toner er-saving develop- industrial Headquarter, Estate Real of A1.4 includes Midea statistic data waste non-hazardous d)The total of projects operation property commercial and three Headquarter Management Property Midea ment business units, be disclosed temporarily; will not and statistics complete yet not are Estate Real Midea gas natural gasoline, by generated energy consumption of A2.1 includes the total energy consumption e)The total electricity. and purchased 智慧生活美的人生