Good Fishing in Dried up Pond Rumson Outlines Work Projects
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All the News ol _ BED BATH and Surrounding Towns Told Fearlessly and Without Blm. Iliutd Wwklr. Knt«M4 u Stcond-ClMi Hitttr it th. Foit- Subscription Price On* Tear 13.00. VOLUME LVII, NO. 30. offlca tt Bad B«nk, K. J, under tha Act ol March 8, 183V. RED BANK, N. J, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1935. Elx Hontha f 1.00. Single Copy 4c. PAGES Point road; Center street, from Black Bhlp public health center owed $300 Good Fishing In Rumson Outlines Point road to Ward lane; Lakeside Cooking School School Business to the board of education, under the Bishop McConnell avenue, from River road to BIngham terms of a contract made somo time Fair Haven Tax Dried Up Pond Work Projects avenue; Narumsunk street, from Al- Opens Jan. 24 ago. He said that to the best of hh len street to Forrest avenue; curbing In Middletown recollection this money had not been To Give Lecture Budget Is Lower on Third street, north 200 feet from paid, and a motion was made to in- Laying of Concrete Gutter*, The Register'* Annual School Hundred* of Fish Caught at Church street; bulkheads at the foot Meeting of the Township Board vestigate. He Will Speak^rT "NationalUm Amount to. be Raited by Tuut< Colt's Neck Last Week and Building Bulkhead), Trimming of Grant avenue, and concreto aprons Will be Held Thursday, Friday of Education Held Last Thurs- Mr. Steinle said that he had asked ut several Intersections. in America" in St. Luke'i tion Thi» Year is Over $5,000 .Went Well With Everyone Trees and Improvements to and Saturday of Next Week day Night—Action on Prepar- for bids for repairing the high school • A report by.the zoning board of roof from six individuals and con- Church at Long Branch Next Leu Than 1934—Public Borough Hall Proposed. adjustment that a test case would be in Elks' Auditorium. f*""1l One Man in a Rowboat ing Budget Postponed. cerns but that only one offer had Tuesday .Night. Hearing January 28. made of tho borough ordinance re- been made, this being 5498 from the _,Buck lot the water out of An extensive work relief program garding an extension to the grecn- Tho recent announcement through Financial matters occupied the "Nationalism In America" will be cor pond near Colt's Neck laet was adopted at a meeting of the these columns that The Register will chief attention of the members of the Olson Roofing company. When Fair Haven's budget for 1935 houso of Dominic DeVito was adopt- asked to give the names ol the vari- the topic upon which Bishop Fran- shows a reduction of $0,361.36 In the ?7n order to make repairs to the Rumson mayor and council Thurs- ed. - Mr. Stevens said that this was sponsor a three-day cooking school, Mlddletown township board of educa- cis J. McCcmaell will addrens his au- %,' jf He Is the owner of one of the day night. The program calls for beginning Thursday, January 24, has tion at their regular meeting last ous individuals and concerns whom amount to bo raised by taxation aa tho best course to pursue to decide he had asked to make bids Mr. Stein- dience on Tuesday night. January 22, compared with 1934. The amount this lew remaining water power grist construction of concrete gutters, the case without burdensome litiga- met with instant favor among club Thursday night. It marked the first at St. Luke's Methodist Episcopal mills In Monmouth county. Not much curbing and aprons, construction of circles. Many inquiries occasion Rev. Ernest W. Mandeville e mentioned several but.stated that year Is J29.0OO, and for wa« tion. he could not recall all without look- church at Long Branch. The lecture $34,364.36. ' The appropriations for Hour 1B made there nowadays, but bulkheads, trimming of trees and re- havo been received from Individualuuinl has been present since he was refn- will beptln promptly at half-past the mill Is frequently used to grind pairs to the borough hall. Just how Drivers for Rumson firo company ing at his records, which he did not this year aro $40,687.95, as agalnit approved wero Harold Benson, Wil- woancn and from groups, asking stated as a member of the board and have with him. Action on awarding eight o'clock and Is the third In tho $42,114.36 last year. The budget wa» feed for live stock. much of this work will be done de- about the days the school will be | there was a round of when social and ecuntmiic lecture Beriea pends a great deal upon tho asslst- liam Gaynor, Alfred Brighton, Fran- the contract was deferred. passed on its first reading at Mon- Before emptying the pond of water cis Murphy, Raymond Porter, Walter held, whether women's clubB could j he was welcomed back by Oliver Wil- planned by tho League for Industrial day night's meeting of the mayor anco to be received from the state come in a body if they wished, and Harm?,, who presided as acting presi- requisitions for various things nomocracy. Long Bra,nch Is one of Mr. Buck notilled John Lile of Marl- and federal governments. Walter Pomphrey, Walter Carle, Joseph needed by the schools were passed and council. Tho next meeting, Mon- boro, who Is a game warden, about Guerrler, Walter Neuhaueer, John G. whether Miss Kennedy would answer dent in tho absence of Mrs. Adeline 35 cities to have the program, which day night, January 28, has been nt Woodward, county project planner questions from the floor. All of which Moffat. About forty spectators were with one exception. The oxception U sponsored by the Civic 1'orum , what he was going to do so that the for the state ERA, told the officials Anderson, Edward Andre, Harold J. was one for tools. It wan said by Mr. as the time for a public hearing on warden would havo opportunity to Peters and Edward O'Rourke. Indicates that the idea of a cooking present. gioup the budget, and taxpayers will have that he could not foretell how far school Is meeting with both tlie inter- The meeting opened with five of Steinle that tho tools which It was save the trout and basa In the pond. the state or federal governments An exempt firemen's certificate propsed to buy-were to replace some an opportunity at that time to makt Mr. Lile mentioned this fact at a est and approval from the very worn-i the nine members of the board pres- any objections or suggestions. would go with relief work, but that was granted to Joseph Miller. en for whom thla newspaper Planned ent, the five being Mr. Williams, Mr. which had been at the high school largely attended meeting of the Mr. Kuhn stated that the borough Georgo C. Warren sportsmen's asso- programs are being prepared by the school. .Mandeville, Irving Roop, Curtis J. but which were now missing. There Almost all tho major • appropria- municipalities so that no time will spend, $20,000 a year on the police was a. long discussion about this mat- tions aro the same as last year. ciation at tho KlkB home at Red and although he believes the depart- The dates of the school will be ; Walling and Julian M. Parker. Wil- Bank last week. He said no one bo lost in putting men to work when Thursday, January 24, Friday, Janu-;iiam A. Steinle,' secretary of the ter, especially with regard to carpen- These items include police $2,300. tho funds are appropriated. Mr. ment was efficient, he believed that ters who had done work at the fire $1,750, water $1,100, health $450, would be allowed to take trout or a yearly report should be made to uary 25 and Saturday, January 2C, board, called the meeting to order bass, but that when tho water was Woodward eat with the council and from two to four P. M. The doors \ and stated that he had received a school, Mr. Steinle was directed to roads $2,500, garbage $5,000. adminis- assisted in preparing the program. the council of its activities. Council- make an investigation. trative and executive $1,600 and as- drained off any one would have a man James C. Auchincloos, chairman opened at one o'clock, am! telephone message, from Mrs. Moffat good chance to catch suckers by thoso who come first will be seated : that she would be unable to be pres- The report of Joseph M. Johnson, sessment and collection - of taxes', . The following report was made by of the police committee, replied that ! '•goonnttig them up by hand without Rev, William Calvin Colby, director as they arrive. All of these sessions ent when the meeting convened but the custodian of school monies, was $1,500. The poor account haB beeri a report is submitted every month read and it was immediately after Increased from $1,500 to $2,500. Last the use of a rod or line. of the borough emergency relief com- to the police committee, but he would will be held In tho Red Bank Elks would be there later. It was unani- mittee: auditorium at Broad street and mously voted that Mr. Williams act this that the secretary was directed year the borough exceeded the ap- When the flood gates were opened be very glad to present a report for to ask Mr. Johnson to attend the propriation In order to provide ade- about twenty men and boys, most of Colt's Neck Woods.