All the News ol _ BED BATH and Surrounding Towns Told Fearlessly and Without Blm.

Iliutd Wwklr. Knt«M4 u Stcond-ClMi Hitttr it th. Foit- Subscription Price On* Tear 13.00. VOLUME LVII, NO. 30. offlca tt Bad B«nk, K. J, under tha Act ol March 8, 183V. RED BANK, N. J, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1935. Elx Hontha f 1.00. Single Copy 4c. PAGES

Point road; Center street, from Black Bhlp public health center owed $300 Good In Rumson Outlines Point road to Ward lane; Lakeside Cooking School School Business to the board of education, under the Bishop McConnell avenue, from River road to BIngham terms of a contract made somo time Fair Haven Tax Dried Up Pond Work Projects avenue; Narumsunk street, from Al- Opens Jan. 24 ago. He said that to the best of hh len street to Forrest avenue; curbing In Middletown recollection this money had not been To Give Lecture Budget Is Lower on Third street, north 200 feet from paid, and a motion was made to in- Laying of Concrete Gutter*, The Register'* Annual School Hundred* of Fish Caught at Church street; bulkheads at the foot Meeting of the Township Board vestigate. He Will Speak^rT "NationalUm Amount to. be Raited by Tuut< Colt's Neck Last Week and Building Bulkhead), Trimming of Grant avenue, and concreto aprons Will be Held Thursday, Friday of Education Held Last Thurs- Mr. Steinle said that he had asked ut several Intersections. in America" in St. Luke'i tion Thi» Year is Over $5,000 .Went Well With Everyone Trees and Improvements to and Saturday of Next Week day Night—Action on Prepar- for bids for repairing the high school • A report by.the zoning board of roof from six individuals and con- Church at Long Branch Next Leu Than 1934—Public Borough Hall Proposed. adjustment that a test case would be in Elks' Auditorium. f*""1l One Man in a Rowboat ing Budget Postponed. cerns but that only one offer had Tuesday .Night. Hearing January 28. made of tho borough ordinance re- been made, this being 5498 from the _,Buck lot the water out of An extensive work relief program garding an extension to the grecn- Tho recent announcement through Financial matters occupied the "Nationalism In America" will be cor pond near Colt's Neck laet was adopted at a meeting of the these columns that The Register will chief attention of the members of the Olson Roofing company. When Fair Haven's budget for 1935 houso of Dominic DeVito was adopt- asked to give the names ol the vari- the topic upon which Bishop Fran- shows a reduction of $0,361.36 In the ?7n order to make repairs to the Rumson mayor and council Thurs- ed. - Mr. Stevens said that this was sponsor a three-day cooking school, Mlddletown township board of educa- cis J. McCcmaell will addrens his au- %,' jf He Is the owner of one of the day night. The program calls for beginning Thursday, January 24, has tion at their regular meeting last ous individuals and concerns whom amount to bo raised by taxation aa tho best course to pursue to decide he had asked to make bids Mr. Stein- dience on Tuesday night. January 22, compared with 1934. The amount this lew remaining water power grist construction of concrete gutters, the case without burdensome litiga- met with instant favor among club Thursday night. It marked the first at St. Luke's Methodist Episcopal mills In Monmouth county. Not much curbing and aprons, construction of circles. Many inquiries occasion Rev. Ernest W. Mandeville e mentioned several but.stated that year Is J29.0OO, and for wa« tion. he could not recall all without look- church at Long Branch. The lecture $34,364.36. ' The appropriations for Hour 1B made there nowadays, but bulkheads, trimming of trees and re- havo been received from Individualuuinl has been present since he was refn- will beptln promptly at half-past the mill Is frequently used to grind pairs to the borough hall. Just how Drivers for Rumson firo company ing at his records, which he did not this year aro $40,687.95, as agalnit approved wero Harold Benson, Wil- woancn and from groups, asking stated as a member of the board and have with him. Action on awarding eight o'clock and Is the third In tho $42,114.36 last year. The budget wa» feed for live stock. much of this work will be done de- about the days the school will be | there was a round of when social and ecuntmiic lecture Beriea pends a great deal upon tho asslst- liam Gaynor, Alfred Brighton, Fran- the contract was deferred. passed on its first reading at Mon- Before emptying the pond of water cis Murphy, Raymond Porter, Walter held, whether women's clubB could j he was welcomed back by Oliver Wil- planned by tho League for Industrial day night's meeting of the mayor anco to be received from the state come in a body if they wished, and Harm?,, who presided as acting presi- requisitions for various things nomocracy. Long Bra,nch Is one of Mr. Buck notilled John Lile of Marl- and federal governments. Walter Pomphrey, Walter Carle, Joseph needed by the schools were passed and council. Tho next meeting, Mon- boro, who Is a game warden, about Guerrler, Walter Neuhaueer, John G. whether Miss Kennedy would answer dent in tho absence of Mrs. Adeline 35 cities to have the program, which day night, January 28, has been nt Woodward, county project planner questions from the floor. All of which Moffat. About forty spectators were with one exception. The oxception U sponsored by the Civic 1'orum , what he was going to do so that the for the state ERA, told the officials Anderson, Edward Andre, Harold J. was one for tools. It wan said by Mr. as the time for a public hearing on warden would havo opportunity to Peters and Edward O'Rourke. Indicates that the idea of a cooking present. gioup the budget, and taxpayers will have that he could not foretell how far school Is meeting with both tlie inter- The meeting opened with five of Steinle that tho tools which It was save the trout and basa In the pond. the state or federal governments An exempt firemen's certificate propsed to buy-were to replace some an opportunity at that time to makt Mr. Lile mentioned this fact at a est and approval from the very worn-i the nine members of the board pres- any objections or suggestions. would go with relief work, but that was granted to Joseph Miller. en for whom thla newspaper Planned ent, the five being Mr. Williams, Mr. which had been at the high school largely attended meeting of the Mr. Kuhn stated that the borough Georgo C. Warren sportsmen's asso- programs are being prepared by the school. .Mandeville, Irving Roop, Curtis J. but which were now missing. There Almost all tho major • appropria- municipalities so that no time will spend, $20,000 a year on the police was a. long discussion about this mat- tions aro the same as last year. ciation at tho KlkB home at Red and although he believes the depart- The dates of the school will be ; Walling and Julian M. Parker. Wil- Bank last week. He said no one bo lost in putting men to work when Thursday, January 24, Friday, Janu-;iiam A. Steinle,' secretary of the ter, especially with regard to carpen- These items include police $2,300. tho funds are appropriated. Mr. ment was efficient, he believed that ters who had done work at the fire $1,750, water $1,100, health $450, would be allowed to take trout or a yearly report should be made to uary 25 and Saturday, January 2C, board, called the meeting to order bass, but that when tho water was Woodward eat with the council and from two to four P. M. The doors \ and stated that he had received a school, Mr. Steinle was directed to roads $2,500, garbage $5,000. adminis- assisted in preparing the program. the council of its activities. Council- make an investigation. trative and executive $1,600 and as- drained off any one would have a man James C. Auchincloos, chairman opened at one o'clock, am! telephone message, from Mrs. Moffat good chance to catch suckers by thoso who come first will be seated : that she would be unable to be pres- The report of Joseph M. Johnson, sessment and collection - of taxes', . The following report was made by of the police committee, replied that ! '•goonnttig them up by hand without Rev, William Calvin Colby, director as they arrive. All of these sessions ent when the meeting convened but the custodian of school monies, was $1,500. The poor account haB beeri a report is submitted every month read and it was immediately after Increased from $1,500 to $2,500. Last the use of a rod or line. of the borough emergency relief com- to the police committee, but he would will be held In tho Red Bank Elks would be there later. It was unani- mittee: auditorium at Broad street and mously voted that Mr. Williams act this that the secretary was directed year the borough exceeded the ap- When the flood gates were opened be very glad to present a report for to ask Mr. Johnson to attend the propriation In order to provide ade- about twenty men and boys, most of Colt's Neck Woods. 1934 to the council at the next meet- Plnckney road. Admission to all ses- as the presiding officer. sions will be free, and a cordial In- Mrs. Moffat arrived a few minutes next meeting of the board. quate relief to the needy. The ap- whom had heard Mr. Lilo speak about Work on this project has been con- ing. propriation for street lights was re- the matter at the meeting, were on tinued with as many men occupied vitation is extended to all wooien before the meeting adjourned. Mr. Policies with regard to repairs, pur- as the prevailing conditions have A request by Mr. Ryan that the who are' interested in learning new Williams arose from his seat to re- chase of supplies', duties of the dis- duced from $5,400 to $5,000 and for hand to get the fiBh. Most of them petition requesting tho appointment parks and buildings from $1,710 t» woro rubber boots and they found It warranted. Up to date we have cut points about cockery,. to attend as linquish hia place as presiding officer, trict clerk and duties of the super- and corded approximately 240 cords of Miss Mary E. Naughton as as- the guests of The Register. but Mrs. Moffat told him to keep the vising janitor were adopted. They $l;500. Insurance was increased as easy to get the fish as tho game sessor to succeed her late brother, from, $1,600 to $2,200. A new Items of wood, 111 cords of which have One of tho features of .Miss Laura placs and Mr. Williams did so. Con- were drawn up by Mr. Williams, Mr. wardon said it would be. They had been 'delivered to the yard behind Daniel A. Naughton, be returned to Walling and Mr. Axtell. this year is $1,000 for the support to wado through slimy muclc about the borough Incinerator. The ro- K. Kennedy's schools is that she does siderable business was transacted the party who presented It, was and every motion was carried unani- Mr.~ Walling made a motion that of the public library. two feet deep, but this was not a malnlng wood will be brought in as granted.' permit her audience to ask questions. difficult feat for men wearing hip soon as weather conditions furnish At the close of each session, fifteen mously. Joseph W. Thompson, Al- Mr. Steinle make a report about the In a short talk commenting on the rubber boots. for us a firmer roadbed in the woods. A letter from William H. Hlntel- minutes Is devoted to answering ques- bert Llndenstruth and John Spencer work done at tho athletic field and budget Mayor Augustus M. Mlnton mann relative to the $200 minimum about telephone bills. Mr. Steinle Hundreds of suckers gasping for The work may bo a little retarded tions. These Inquiries are written wero absent. There were no acri- referred to the reduction of over until the next heavy frost premium insuring relief workers cut- out, either In advance of or during monious arguments and the only said It would be impossible for him $5,000 In the amount to be raised by breath came Into view when the ting wood was filed for future ref- to do this before the next meeting water pased away. This unusual kind Belief by Work. the sessions, and handed to the ush- demonstration by the audience was taxation. He digressed from his sub- erence. The letter stated that an ersi It often turns out that Miss the round of applause for Mr.'Man- and also supply the information ject to praise John P. Mulvlhill, th« of fishing netted big retufna, Fully The committee has found small adjustment would be made at the asked for by the board about the 400-fish woro gathered. Trout and Jobs around tho borough which has Kennedy has during that very CIUBS deville. borough" auditor. ' "He is the best w» expiration of the policy In February answered the questions that have budget of expenses. He said that to BISHOP FRANCIS J. McCONNEIX ever had," declared the mayor. baas were also quite plentiful. The enabled it to prosecute with great on the basis of payroll payments. The matter of adopting a budget of fidelity tho policy of "rellef-by-work" been puzzling some members" of her make a-thorough report about the ' nshermen assisted Mr. Llle in gath- expenses" to he submitted to the citi- two things asked for by Mr. Walling At thio meeting the chairman will While-the budget of the mayojf ering them. Tho warden put tiem which has formerly been approved Mr. Ryan reported progress in the audience for weeks. But in her mer- and council is lower than last year, by your honorablo body,- preparation of the borough budget. ry manner Miss Kennedy goes on to zens for their approval at the annual would require a vast amount of re- be Rev. Ncal Dow Kolly, who la pas- In a tub of water and took them to election Tuesday, February 12, waa tor of St. Luke's church, and ho will the board of education has beett High School Project. the next question which:may be far search work and that it would be a another pond, where, he liberated discussed and it was voted to give physical Impossibility for him to per- introduce Bishop McConnell. compelled to Increase Its budget. Mr. •them. Difficulties of almost every nature afield from anything she has demon- Minton declared. He saw Charles P4 strated on the platform during her further consideration to thlB at an form It by January 21. idr. Mande- Biahop McConnell is a churchman Among thoso who did not fish was seem to have united to Impede the adjourned meeting to be held Mon- ville suggested that; the reports on Cross, president of the board of edu- progress of this undertaking. Men The Middletown school. It Is all in the day's work who has used tho pulpit for tho so- cation, in the room, and he asked n colored man who did not wear rub- havo boon called and have worked with Laura K. Kennedy, who since day, January 21. Mr. Steinle stiiterl these two mutters be short, embody- cial good of tho people No clergy- ber boots. Ho said he had no boots that It would be impossible for him ing only essential factors and a mo- Mr. Cross If he wanted to say any« for only'a day or two, when work Civic Association man in thla country Is mora out- thing on the matter. Mr. Cros» said and therefore could not go flailing was halted by either one of the many she studied home economics at Sim-1 to present the information needed by tion to this effect was passed without standing In fighting: vigorously for but that he would greatly appreclatij Interested parties to the undertaking. mons College and the Fanny Farmer the board for preparing the budget objection by Mr. Steinle. At a previ- a better, more equitable social order. ho was glad to have the opportunity, it If eomoone would throw flshea to Another such halt was called at noon Answers to Questionnaire to be Schnol of Cookery, has been super- boforo thnt tlmo. At tho adjourned ous meeting Mr. RtPlnle said the du- Ho la president of the Militant Meth-' Ha explained that the Increase Inj . him. Many of the fishermen respond- today. Read at Meeting to be Held intendent of a hospital, organized and meeting the board proposes tf> take ties of his position frequently; re- tho school budget is duo to the fact odlot Federation of Social Service. that two bonds on the new school, ed to tho plea and for a tlmo It lit- Your committee believes it right to Tonight—Various New Activi- run a restaurant, and for several up other financial matters. For this quired him to work seventeen hours His work as chairman of the Inter- erally rained fishes around the col- say that the board of education Is years has conducted cooking schools reason Mr. Steinlo was directed to a day. Church Commission In its 1920 steel with interest, totaling approximately ored man who stood on the shore. apparently this victim, rather than ties Proposed for Association. In many leading cities in the United ask Joseph Johnson, custodian of $11,000, must be paid this year. tho cause, of many of these delays, strike waa of national significance. Some of the fishes landed in tho muck and we register our conviction thnt A meeting of the Middletown Vil- Btates. school monies and township treasur- From M12 to 1020 Bishop McCon- When the budget tn 1934 wa* vmA% and caused the man to be splashed the board of education shares tho lage Civic association will be held to Miss Kennedy will use only tested er, to attend the mooting In question. nell was In Mexico and during tho up, Mr. Cross said, tha board tout with mud on his faco and clothing, widespread dtsppointmont of our peo- night, at which time answers to a receipes in her four-day cooking Harry Klatsky of Red Bank, as at- Minstrel Show revolutionary period.. he. consistently not In possession of the bond con- but ho apparently regarded this as ple tlmt tho school has nut furnished questionnaire Rent to tho members school, ffiach day's receipes will be torney for the Jones Filling station, spoke against Unitea States"Inter- tract for the n«w school and) 1008 to 1912 he was president third question asks'for an expression Kennedy's theory that all the members of the board since The sale of tickets for the minstrel of DePauw university. • The cost of general malntenano* chored tho boat In the middle of the can be seourod for this work the of opinion aa to whether it would be can cook If aho really wanta to, and j Juno and ho aiikcd that note of this athletic field-will be turned over to show and dance to bu hold tonight Leading an active life has not pre- of the sohool system has been held pond when tho flood gates were best to nominate several Middletown If she will take the trouble to fol-1 be made in the minutes. The sug- for the benefit of the Drum and down to the lowest possible sum, Mr. opened and as tho ..water receded he a large number of laborers for prep- vented Bishop McConnell from writ- aration. A further mooting with the village .residents for school board low the recipe carefully, "According gestion was adopted without dissent. Bugle corps of Shrewsbury post of ing. His best-known books are "Liv- Cross added. He Bald he would ba found it >asy to reach down and board will be held this week and we members or to Investigate the' quali- to her, in theso days of measured Tho; minutes and notices were not the American Legion of Red Bank glad to answer any question per* grab fish. Ho had intended to row ing Together," "The. Christian Ideal hopo It Is not unreasonable to expect fications of candidates from other heat, accurately, worked out propei- sent to Mr. .Mandeville during the indicates a large attendance. It will and Social Control" and "Christian tainlng to the budget, but none waa back to the shore before tho water that the work may bo commenced sections of tho township. tions, measuring cups, and spoons,' period .prior to his reinstatement be. held tonight at ha*lf-past eight asked. got too low for him to do so, but he before the end of next week. : Citizenship." The other questions deal with the that are to be had for a few cents, Mr. Steinle read his. monthly re- o'clock at tho Elks auditorium on Councilman Arthur B. Sickle*, became so engrossed in catching fish Following this action tho board of and products that are as nearly per- port. A motion was passed that Next week Joseph Schlossberg will advisability of Increasing the social Broad street. Among those taking speak on "The March of Labor." The chairman of the flre committee, re- that he failed to notice until it waB education submitted to the CWA a fect as careful manufactures' can hereafter ho was to mall copies of part will be a number of'residents too late that the pond was rapidly projoet which, if approved and fi- activity of the association, by form- other speakers will be Ellen Wilkin- ported that tho firo department nanced by tho federal funds soon to ing a young men's community club make them, there is no excuse for to the members of the of this locality who are old-time fa- equipment has been inspected. New1 drying up, poorly cooked meals, for failures, in board before meetings. . son of London and Dr. Harry W. bo released, will take care of all of and organizing a Boy Scout troop. vorites. Lloyd "Red" Sickles is the Laidler. supplies and equipment necessary After two or three ineffectual ef- our men for this'winter. Tho memberB are also asked why cakes or pies, nor for overworked Mr. Steinle stated that the salaries coach. The cast is as follows: will cost about $350, Mr. Sickles laid. forts to row he asked the other fish- Budget. they do not attend the meetings regu- complaining housewives. "Cooking of teachers and janitors and the The items to be bought include 2QQi ermen to get a rope and pull him for a family can be a pleasure, and Interlocutor—Mortimer E. VanSauter.. It will not be wise to count too larly and express their opinions so money due to bus owners who trans- End men—Kenneth Brown William Von Catholic Daughters feet of hose and helmets, coats and ashore in tho boat. Ho explained that heavily upon the Washington money. that it would not be necessary,to I am happy if I can help the women port children had not,, been paid for Luke. Edward McKee. Raymond Gamble. gloves. he was not wearing boots and that There are already floods of applica- send questionnaires to them. In my audiences to make it a joy the last half of November and all of SoloirtB—Robert Reed. Charles Meeker, ' he did not want to walk through the Instead of a burden," says Miss Laura December. He said the reason for William Von Luke, Kenneth Brown, Wil- To Hold Card Party A letter from Walter Woodward, tions being sent in from Monmouth In listing its accomplishments for liam St. Claii-, Raymond Gamble, Edward county project planner for the NRA, muck. His request was complied with county and other communities are the past year the association calls at- K. Kennedy, who very presence this was that the township committee McKee. Samuel Harvey. and one end of tho ropo was tied to being urged to submit some sort of chases away the gloom of what she had not turned over the money re- Court St James of the Catholic relative to relief projects was re- tention to the.fact that tho Central Specialty numbers—Bugle quartetts, ferred to Councilman Henry A* the boat. A group of tho strongest project. In the event of our applica- excursion train to Now York stops calls "Kltchenitls." quired. He was directed to find out comprising Edwai-d Atlee, Fred KruBcr, Daughters will hold a public card fishermen stood on tho shore and tion being approved there Is, of from the township treasurer how Harold Peteia. Howard Atlce. party Tuesday night, January 22, in Frledlander and George A. Hawkins* course, tho question of how much every other Wednesday morning and Tap dancer—William Murphy. overseers of the poor, who will have) pulled at the other end of the rope. that the Central express train stops much cash the township committee Buck and wint? dancer— Ralph Clemente. the Red Bank Catholio high schodl At first tho boat refused to move. money may filter through to our a conference with Mr. Woodward. borough. We can doubtless use all every morning at 8:29. The station has on hand. Chorus—- Charlea Hodetz, Arthur Mel- auditorium. There will be prizes and The men tugged Harder and suddenly To Take Part linh, Edgar Bray, GeorKO Krahneit, Eu- refreshments, and also a door prize. Payment of current bills amount- we can get, but It will be unwise to grounds have been • Improved and Later a motion was passed to ask nene Lynch, Charles O'Burn, Frank Gar- ing to $2,601.36, of a tax revenue/ the boat shot forward so unex- consider this project In connection cindors have been put on the ruto, Frank Wyckofr, Frank InsrraHRla, Miss Louise Chadwick heads the pectedly that tho tuggers lost their In Operetta the. committee for $47,726.60 to meot note for $1,500 and of atate sohool with our budget needs for the com- prounds. It Is planned to paint tho tho cost of running tho schools tho Ralph Clemente, William St. Clalr. Ed- committee and her assistants are balance and fell on the ground. ing year. ,- ard Atlee, Howard Atlee Fred Krufier, Mrs. Margaret Anderson, Mrs. Cath- taxes for 1934 of $6,827.26 was ap- building later. Tho railroad com- A LeRoy Baker, well-known, local next eight weeks. This is a routine Harold Peter», John rfelffenfcerger. Rob- proved. Mr. Straub, who had been standing Recommendation. pany haa heeded a request made by ert Amendt, James Braney, Elmer Blumel, erine Chadwick, Mrs. Mary Rink 1 tenor and member of the Red Bank matter, but it caused considerable In tho boat, also lost his balance with Other communities aro finding it the association to eliminate train discussion because it was said that William Murphy, Frank YounK. Frank Mrs. Grace Soedorf, Mrs. Madeline Councilman Ray VanHorn report- the conaequenco that he was much an economy to contract with a phys- high school faculty, will be heard in Crawford. Lesuir O'Gtensky. Benjamin F. McCormlck, Mrs. Theresa Hawkins ed that garbage was being dumped whistles as much as possible. the operetta, "Princess Mariana,'' number of occasions the Sommers. Larry Holmea, Nelson O'Glen- more completely covered with the ician for the care of all cases that on ky. Frank Warwick. John MacDonaM. and Misses Margaret Tobin, Cather- on Hanco and Ridge roads from cars The five cent fare area for bus written by Mrs. Dorothy Gravatt amounts asked for havo not been oozy sllmo of tho pond bottom than may bo refered to him by the over- Orchestra—Floyd Imlny director. John ine Reilly, Helen Bennett, Lena Mc- and ho said every effort should b* . seer of tho poor, and your commit- passengers has been enlarged to In- Winteratella, pianist, and Mrs. George paid. Another motion was passed to Cuo and Helen Lang. If ho had walked ashore. Ho toppled clude the Keansburg Gateway sec- speed up action on getting informa- DeVnul, RUBBCII welnman, Edward Itupar- made to have this practice stopped. over backwards out of the boat and too respectfully enquires if It be the Lamar Thompson, who wrote the to, William Symington, Vito Mnnudo, Ha favored a heavy fine for any; judgment of tho council that such a tion. story and lyrics, which will be given tion about the amount. of cash en Crl« Paluccia. The Cathollo Daughters will hold landed at full length on his back In ; course would bo profitable to the in Now slag has been placed on tho hand and there was talk about tak- Vocal numbers—"Waitinff For tho Rob- their regular business meeting Mon- persons caught. Mr. Frledlander? the muck. After considerable flound- in tho Asbury Park high school au- ert E. l,ce," "WaRon WheeK" "A Dream." terosts of this borough. The salary edge of King's Highway In tho vil- ing court action in the event that day night, February 11, instead of stated that tho police have beerg ering about In the slippery stuff, he to be paid such an officer would be ditorium tomorrow night at eight Without a Song,' "Dina. "Tho Drunk- keeping a close watch and he niada lage. After thla Is packed down tar- o'clock. more money wag not forthcoming. ards Sonp." ''No. No. u ThouRantl Timen February 12, on account of Lincoln's managed to regain hlB footing. Every charged against the rollef appropria- Mr. Steinle said he had been told that No,' "Mammy," "My Wild Irish Rose." birthday. A Valentino party for tho an appeal for tho co-operation o£ part of his body looked as black as tion. vla will bo applied. The affair, which Is being spon- residents to put an end to tho nuis- The Red Hill road has been re- another payment might be made In addition to tho minstrel show members will take place after the If It had been dipped in Ink. William A. Stevens, borough attor- eored by tho Young Woman's club of business session. The committee ance by giving the officials any In- conditioned and an appropriation of that city, will include a cast of sev- within a.week and that there was a there will bo a performance by a Mr. Straub did not re-ontor the ney, outlined the plan of tho board possibility ot a payment being made named above will also act for this formation that would lead to tha $9,000 has been made to re-surface it eral molo Bingcrs of this locality and prroup of younfr fellows hilled as the identity of the offenders. boat but walked ashore. Apparently of education to provide work for tho in the spring. Tho footpath on the in February, as taxes would become "Wambigles Imliens." They are de- party, with Mrs. Mary Rink ns chair- he followed this course because it unemployed. . Tentative approval of members of the yo'.inger contingent, man. hill near the schoolhouso has been well known for their dancing. duo at that time. scribed as a little-known tribe cap- The overseer of tho poor offered was impossible for him to become work on the school property has al- graveled to a width of three feet. Tho tured in the mountains of Arizona. tho suggestion thnt tho men on tha Mr. Baker, a tenor soloist of the Paul H. Axtoll, supervising princi- 1 more completely covered with the ready been obtained from the federal sidewalk on Conovor avenue has They are scheduled to tell strange relief rolls are willing to work for representatives at Newark, Mr. Stev- local Presbyterian church and who pal of schools, was asked about tho CATCHES SOFT SHELL CRABS. muck. He laughed over his unpleas- been gravoled. law about money being paid to tho and weird tales and to give several their food tickets and thoy could bs ant experience and said he was ens stated, and a telegram has beon has been heard cnany times over the vocal selections, supported by a male put to work on odd Jobs on tho roads. sont to Washington for final sanc- As the result of money raised by radio and in numerous recitals, will board of education by the township Bay White of OnJdand Street Gath- thankful that ho had not been In- committee. He said that the town- chorus of fifty voices and Floyd Im- Mayor Mlnton said It was a good jured. tion. He said tho grading of tho ath- a largely attended danco at the Louis be one of the malo singers of a ers n Few lr* MId-Wlntcr. restaurant the association provided ship committee was required to pay ay'a sevon-piece orchestra. Dancing iden. letlo field was Included in the pro- chorus which has been aolsctod to will follow the show. thirty families with baBkets filled ling the "Royal Wedding Diy." The it. If they did not havo the money Gathering soft shell crabs from Thomas Clcary, flro chlof for 1934, PUPILS TO GIVE SHOW. gram and the entire project would submitted hi;! report for tho year. make available between $8,000 and with food. It Is planned to have an- local tenor will .be the Prince Nich- on hand thny could obtnln it by bor- tho river at Hed Bank is not an un- other danco at tho same restaurant olas in the cast. rowing It. If they did not pay the usual happening during tho crabbing An inspect ion ot the tiro doputtment Hiss Olatowskl's Dancing Class Pre- $10,000. He explained that this work Scout lenders' Meeting. and alarm fiystem by tho board ofl would have to be done eventually and In February tn raise money to meet money tho board of education could season, but to got soft shell crabs paring a Gorgeous Entertainment. the expenses of tho association. ask for a writ of mandamus to com- Tho Monmouth County Girl Scout from tho waters hereabouts at thla underwriters resulted In a reduction, It WBB the consensus of the school Leaders' association will meet Mon- Several units of Miss Olstowskl's DANCE AT ELKS HOME. pel them to do RO. ; time of tho year is most unusual. llro insurance rates, tho ox-chleff board that It would do tho most Tho call for tonight's mooting IB day evening, Jnnuary 21, nt 7:30 atntcd. dancing studios of the Metropolitan good at this time. Issued by Frederick G. Adams, pres- "A writ of mundnmua," said Mr. Last Thursday Hay Wliltn of Oak- o'clock nt^ihe Entontnwn borough land .street, who probably knows Opera company aro already working ident of tho association. .odloft* Bowling Club to Sponsor Mnndovillp, repeating the words of hall. Mrs. Gertrude Wagner of Rod out routines and seta for a produc- Tho question of Jurisdiction In the Event on January 20. Mr, Axtell. more about crabbing than any other NEED A riANO ItAMX i employment ot labor camo up. Re- Bank will preoido over, the mooting. tion, which, at tho present tlmo, looks nunco Party Tomorrow Night. It lo expected that the matter will person in this vlcinlly, picked up garding skilled labor on the school Tho Lady Elk« Bowling club mot Tho Committee uiisiMing Mrs. Wag- three soft shell crabs which had re- like a banner show and musical en- Plans havo boon completed by the come up ngain next Monday night. ner will be Mr:;. Ardia. Mrs. L, If You Iluvn Onn U> Cr'.vn Away Tel< tertainment for Red Bank. Kehcar- Jobs Councilman Bernard V. Ryan Monday night at tho Elks homo and cently nlieddod. The crabs wern not <<[>lionn Miss Mildred expressed the opinion that labor ladles' auxiliary of. Union flro com- made final plans for tho danco on Action on bill.1 was postponed to D. Sccly und Mrs. Viola Harrison. sals aro being* hold every Monday at pany for tho bunco party to bo hold ot the usual call™ buck or ruck crab unions stfould be broadaiinded and Saturday night, January 26. Miss give tho member;! of tho board time variety which frequently .iliedit dur- If there Is any reader of Tho Slegt tho Rod Bank Cathollo high school tomorow night in tho flro house on to cxnmlno thorn. auditorium, and MISB OlBtowBkl Is give local men tho prcforonco rc- Madeleine Dennett presided. Mrs. Oj-htor Htnw at limit Club. ing Hie winter, but wero of tho va- ti'r who has an unwanted pluno lr» gardlosB of whether thoy are or arc Shrewsbury avenue. Tho games will John Rohroy will bo hostess at an A report made by Mr. Axtell wna riety which la found hern In lari;n usuublo condition ho or sho c:nn do a, building a gorgeous show around start at half-past night o'clock and accepted. Among other things Mr. Tho Monmouth Boat, club will hold sonic or lied Bank's most promising not union men. Tho union's attltudo afternoon card party February fi at an oyater &tew .supper tomorruw numbcr.'i dining tho summer. good deed by turning It ovnr for lira was also criticized by Councilman there will bo prizes and refresh- the Swimming River Country club. Axtell stated that a request, had beon ut. tho old Shrewsbury avonuo srhopl dancers. The costumes and scenery ments. Tho committee In charge la made to uafi tile high nchool for a night nt half-past seven o'clock at Mr. White showed tho crabs to n aro being ilot;t;-;:ioil by tin- O! '"W.-ilu Qoorgo R. Kuhn. Mr. Stevens said Mrs. Robert Oraham is chairman of at Shrewsbury avonue luui Herbert tho labor organizations had cortaln headed by Mrs. Kennoth Woodward. Red Crow* Unit aid class for teachers. tho clubhouse. Tin: nffnir Is in charge number of hia acquaintances nnd all iitreet. Tho old building Is being etmiioij. • ' • both committees. Her assistants on o' the houi>e committee. of them Enid it, waa tho Ural tlnm provisions written Into tho PWA con- the dance committee aro Mrs. Iloh- Tile n;<[Ue:)t wn:j grantod. ,1'Kid for recnmtlonnl pnrposOH find || Among those who aro to have spcr that they had ever known riviby of tract protecting their interests. In. Republican Card Party. roy and Mrs. Josoph Tomllnson and Mr. Mandeville asked tluit the de- plnno la greatly needed for the en* Clal partrt mo Patricia (ilml'.-r, j.,.-it- reply to a question on this subjoin chilon of Commissioner Charles II.- I^Mtru to Dance Smartly. lliU variety to ho gntlirnni here at tpitiilnmont of tho clilMrnn In til* tot,35 tr'.ce Linn, Mnrgarot Hcott, Dorothy Tho 1—5—S Woman's Republican for the card party they aro Mrs. Adull.i' balhnom i-l:i:-fi Friday oven- tlie miil-wlnler period. Mr. Woodward stated that on the William Turnler, Mrs. Reginald Van- lSlllnlt reinstating him us a member ing, children'.1! r!a:;;irH Haturday;i (bal- nti'Uctlnn of folk dunces, etc, ., Nowmnn, Kntherlne Corcoran, Joan ERA projocts, work will bo given to club of Mlddlotown township will of tho board of education bo reud hold a card party at tho homo of Mr. Brunt and Mrs. Harry Welsh. • lot, too, aciohatii*. tap, musical com- Anyone Intiu-osted In thin appeti Is . O'Knnc, Botty VanBrunt, Maryy Mead, men on the local unemployment Hat. and, epioad upon tho minutes. Mr. edy, etc.); high lidiuol glrlu' cla.-jst'.': R. K. Poarce, Income Tax and Mrs. Harold R. Morford of New expert, l.i ut Room 3, JSIiiner building. ri'rjupsted to get In tounti with, Mt»» ,. Mmy Marcfillii Nowmnn, Councilman Robert O. Ilsloy stated Wllliumn Hnld that under tho pro- Friday afternoon; New York im-th Mildred LaMnnmi, 131 Bridge avenue, I Betsy Hall, Anna Applcgutc, Evelyn that thla phase should bo given caro- Monmouth Monday evening at eight Attention, Bed Bank Ellin, gram of procedure this tihould havo nd.-}, Broadway routine:). HOWL'U'H M Hrmul ntroot. every Tuefidny and o'clock. Installation of newly elected olll- Chateau do Dumm, Mnnmouth mad, Thursday from 10:00 to 3:00 o'clock. tolophono Rod Bank St3. '-' Lovlno, Marlon Drake, Kathlyn ful consideration In anyA contract or biu:n read earlier in tho meeting —Advertisement. Bolln, Murjorlo .Epstein, Anita Klrsh- cors tonight, by P. D. D. Frank I,. when vvritlon communications wore ROOHOVOR avenue, Oukhurat (main agreement mdo by the borough with For Bale. baum, Beatrice Pllarr, Betty Sloyan, TonBrooke. Drawing for $500 at- (IOIMHIIJUMI to 1)0 dltipotjod of. Mr. Hnlionl, Ilrnoklyn, Now York).—Ad- Typewriter Rnectellit, tho ERA and thin waa tho fooling Soda water, all flavors, Canada tendance prize. Froo feed In grill.- - vcrtltiement. Curd I'nrty und Xtimco Any nuibo rlmnim, oiled Mild _ Josephine Kolly, Mildred Hendrlck- of tho mayor and the entire bonrd. Dry, Whlto Rock, Kruegorti boer, Advertisement. Htt'inlc, wild tho reason ho did not Friday, Jumiury 18, nt Itlvor Plnzn unteii, now IUIIOT Included, tt,' «on and Ruth Hondrlckaon. and other brando. Also distilled wa- read tho dei'i:ilon waa bccitUBfi jtho Jobs suggested for the work relief Trnbln's Typewriter iloadiiuartorH. llro company by I,adion' auxiliary. Adding nmcfclnoN larjiitrAd, tiu|t*l ter. Benjamin H. Orato, 14 North Tetley'a For Typewriters. ' board had volod to reinstate' Mr. Typowrltcm routed, bought, aold I'rlzcH. Refreshments. Admission, Typuwrltur Horvloe, Keypori, N. program Included gutter* on both Bridge avenue. Rod Bank, phone UH5 Mnntlo.villo. Tho decision of C and repaired. Truliin's, :)U Broad 35e..—AdvorttHemont. phono IH4-AdvoiUnfiment. Ash C'IHIH. —-Advortltiemnnt Uuaranteod machineds at bfirgnln n o. f 1 Our January solo of nsh cann la on. Hides ot Washington atrrot, from street, Ued lfnnk.—Advertisement. - --«••»-•* > Church atmet to River rond; Avenue lilceo. Expert repairing. Tctley'a, Hliinur Klllntl was. rend b/ui,i/M tHelnle Muhrl Colvninn School. ruel* Oil, Wo nro Helling a good can for 70c. , Culitiill Hour nt KlrHi'.li'H, rtobert Huncb & Bonn, 10 Broad iot Twu Hlvera, from Bluck Point street Red Bank.-Advortitio-|am, „ „„., ,miu,lmrmsly vOU-dto iii:n n.v mil Si'duii, ClaHHiw'nuw forming for chlldrtn Pure, clean, without wn»t»,jT* jitreet, Ked Bank, phono 6.—Advcr-1 road to Ward lane; Paratfy atrcot, Dcii], 2 to h I>. M., llnvo it :.prc[id lljMirf the iiiinuieii. nllRlilly lined; price gicatly reduced. In bullet, too, lap, iicrubstlc, charac- oil thnt u»Burcs econottiy Mfletnsulu AlPtt AwiUMIM m— *** A~ *»•--»- •vwy I'Uono Mr. Williams suited that ho,wi!s .lncUwm iitreet guniKC phou« 1772 ter dancing. IB Xteclor plaoo, phone delivery, Henry Allen ' Utf> JjujpreMibfi t&At AlttUnwun,-AuverUuciiieuU Hi Bk SOU** i KED BAftK REGISTER, JANUARY 17,' 1935.'

class, will make a trip to New York ed States. Tlieua willbe used to Sati#3ay, January 26. ' Bhow geographical facts, products, Court House Not THE WONDER HOUSEHOLD CLEANSER Eettte Broker, ., . PUBLIC AUCTION _. DRIVE. RUMSON. N. J. The junior asembly will b» held routes and surface conditions. His- fflce. S«n Brluht. N. J. tomorrow with Hiss Elizabeth Davis tory will also be applied to this itudy, such as the territorial divisions and Just A Building of Farm Stock and Machinery (ICDfJ*, FAK8ONB A DOBEMCB, High School Notes in charge. The i-A graduating class under the the Western movement to be held ' teoKMI-MUS *T LAW ' supervision of Mrs. Elsie MacLeod, Miss Dorothy Metzgar's class won iheriff Height and His Under jets f. Oulon. Theodora U. Parsons. fourth peflod dramatic read- went to New York Saturday where the attendance record for the s«cond Sheriffs Want iMpnmouth Tuesday, January 22d »• - Tllnn>a» P. Doremm in,,,gB .ass, of which Mrs.' Kobert C. they made visitations to tha Empire consecutive time. County School Children to BfCtT.KMAN, * Brow a Is teacher, has completed the State building, St. John's Divine Miss Madge Gleeten's elm it AT 11 A. ME. COUN3EI.LO1) AT OT. enac ment of the old English play, starting a study of Greece In con- Visit the Historical Place. OIH« 19 Bmorf St. REP BANK. church, Grant's Tomb and the Boxy on the former writ n by Richard Brinsley Sheri- theater. At tho church they saw the nection with history and geography. The Court House at the county scat J.l.photn R*d B»nV i«S0. dan, entitled "The Rivals." Various magnificent structure which has been They arc drawing a large picture of John Whalen Farm 7 »B. J. a BDDNICK, mem era of the class took the dif- t. Freehold Is Just another building Located two tnllei off the Holmdel-' ' CBBKOPOmST—FOOT SPECIALIST under construction for over thirty the Acropolis and one of a great ora- hundreds of people, but if certain fc» piter. Piece, Bed Bank. N. i. forer t parts and acted the entire years and will require twenty more tor. Pictures of modern Greece will ilans, now in effect, prove satisftfe- lied Bnnli highway leading to Pha- Office HourM By Appolntment-_ dran u Tliero were five acts and in years before completion. The guide be made for comparison. ory the building and its activities lanx by Hop Crock. even act a different plot,arose. explained tho various chapel3, with- The fifth and sixth grades are JAVEX TAKES THE VEX OUT OF HOUSEWORK The follovrins; ertlclee will be disposed Thi 11-B English classes under the vlll take on a different aspect during oh One teem of bsy, one eet dou- , Sale Every Thursday ! in the huge church, for tho conven- planning to make a trip to New he next year or- so for many, of ble harnete. two cows, one ten.mont|i-old supe Vision of H. Carl Kait conclud- ience of those who wished to worship :York to listen to the Damrosch con- hem. Sheriff Howard Height and belter, one wtgon, three-hom riding ploVt ed tl sir study of Lincoln's addresses in any language or creed. At the certs on February 1.' ls under sheriffs have Inaugurated two rldtng eultlvetori, one-horse walking Dairy Cows and Horses ,nd ettera last Wednesday. cultivator, fraln drill, roller, potato ^ig-. tomb a guide explained tho purpose Mrs. Bertha Shoomaker't das* Is plan which will bring to the court mtr, AepiDwsll potato planter, McCorEtilclr.; A neeting was held of the senior and historical Interest to all. At the ibeginning a new unit of work on ZLOTKIN STABLES ouse many Monmouth county pupils harvester, birrow( furrowing sled* jpspefnv, art ulld under the advisorehip of heater tho group witnessed the pic-colonial New Jejsey. They will flr«t tho will get first-hand information •us hlller, mower, nike. two-row )Welkln» *.. FREEHOLD, N. J. Miss Edna Hallock last Thursday in dustsr, gasoline engine with tem eew»,/ { ture, "Tho Unfinished Synphony," study the houses, then the better mt only as to the historical features standing tree end rig saw end ftumcroui | the (rawing room, at which time a which showed the life of the groat homes, then the mansions, and later if the building but also what goes on other small articles. ' J if . Next Sale Thursday. discussion was held for the ordering Globe Hotel composer Schubert and on the stage the exterior and Interior of them. nsldo. Teinis:-,Cash. » .' 5 ot pi is for the new members. Those •a1 gala'variety revue. Dutch homes in New Jersey will also WALTER FIELDS, Auctioneer. " January 24th, atten ling the meeting were Ann Gas- be Gtudled. Under Sheriff George H. Roberts, AT 1:00 P. M. kill, Madeline Hendrlckson, Mona Those making,the trip were Mary ^cording to a statement made to East Front Street, kted Bank :, Wllda VanWagner, Betty Cannavo, Mario Cannella, Wllda Ebie, Mrs. Bertha Breslln's class Is he Register Monday, has sent Invi- Rose LibouBky, Ruth chrlstman, studying tho Nile people and making :atlons to all the principals of the Bngl sh, Dorothy Gerrity, Florence large posters to illustrate the habits iood idge, Dorothea Perry, Ella Dey, Lucy Vaccarelll, Violet Badden, Mar- Monmouth county schools asking IS NOW PREPARED TO ACCOMMODATE May Griffiths, Felecia Victoria, Mllli- jorie Holmes, Louise Treadway, June and occupations of the people. A them If they would care to bring :ent Chlnnock, Jean. Pope, Beatrice Warner; Dnrls Rath, Robert Meade, large scene on tho blackboard illus- heir pupils to the Court House to George DeLorcnzo, Perzelia Parker, trates the Pyramids, ancestral tombs ltness the sheriff's sales and be DINNER PARTIES FOR WEDDINGS, LODGES B Petti, Helen Tllton, Carl Hanson, &<>» Fred Yorg, Kobert Yorg, Nelson Og- OB Allen, Clementine Allen, Virginia and modes of transportation. hown through tha building in-gen- lensly, George Zebold, John Davis, Smith, James Sampoli, Ralph Sacco, sral BO that they might get a better AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS. Bob< rt Imlay, Janet Hebschen, W1I- Frank Ivlns, William Legg, Victor Mechanic Street News. dea of how the businesa of the coun- DeFazlo, Robert Worden, Douglas is conducted. Mr. Roberts stateci iam Magee, William LeValley, Jane The children of tho 2-A class are Cowan, John Stoble, Laurie Luciano, making colored pictures dealing with hat ho had received a very ready rc- 75 Guernseys, Holsteina and Jer- Pow rs, Theresa Hoffman, Alleyne Sam Carotenuto and Mrs. Elsie Mac- iponac from practically all the prin- Try our wonderful evening dinner JohiJ on, Vera Durham arid Irene winter sports. if s»y Fresh Cows and Close Springers, :tt. * ,eod and Mr. and Mrs. Rose Wiley. Several wall panels pertaining to :ip:tl3 of the county and up to Mon- guaranteed tuberculin retest. Real Indian Jlfe have ben drawn with lay nine schools had taken advant- at 75 cents. It milkers and good high testers. vellers In the. Dark" was the ge of' the offer and seemed vory play given in the dramatic reading School Personals. colored chalks on.the blackboard of SO Iowa Horses. Mated Teams and the 2-B class. Tho pupils were di- uch inter Gsted. Single Horses. Just arrived. ilass under the supervision of Miss MISB Magna Mountford has re- Sheriff's sales are held on Mon- Mad lino Gates last Friday. It was turned to school after spending the vided into groups and each group .For a good cow or horse attend r drew a panel. ays. The visitors are permitted to Lunch 50 cents. a m stery play. The cast included lolidaya visiting In Georgia. erroinol Saotkin's Sale, Freehold, every Thurs-, A large reading book has been :ome to the'/'s oilice at a quar- • day. Private'Bales daily. Ann, Shlpkln, Nick Gettls, Patsy Mrs. Earl Stout of River Plaza er to two o'clock and Uii3 allows Mr. SUNDAYS Tom made by the pupils of the 1-A class 1 JACOB ZLOTKIN & SON, .ine, William Aumack, Adeline gave birth to a daughter at the Haz- Roberts fifteen * minutes before tho Jan. 20; Feb. 3, 17; Mar. J, 17, 31} Mi " Bernard Kclluin and Walter zard hospital In December. Mrs. with the help of their teacher, Miaa Special Business Men's Lunch, 35c. Apr. 14 Phones: Res. 330; Stables 966, Mabel Bower. The book was. made ales begin to explain to them the WEDNESDAYS Freehold, N. J. Manna., Stout was formerly Miss Adelaide iroccdure leading up to the sale prp- Mlbs Edna Hallock and Miss Ella Morrell. in. correlation with the large grocery Jan, 231 Feb. 6, 20> Mar. & 2O( store that was built by the pupils. ram. Eey havo planned a variety program Helen Feeney, a member of the On Monday several classes were on , Apr. 3, 17 to bi given in chapel today. The book Is divided Into three sec- Lv. Pt. I'letiant 8:13 A. M. (E.S.T.) senior class, has been a recent__vlal- Ions and is illustrated with pictures. land and Mr. Roberts, In addition to Shrewsbury American Legion post ;or of relatives on Long Island.' xplaining the operation, of-the aher- SPECIAL FAST TRAIN lias sent out a call for local high Emil Munch, graduate of tho Febr- In correlation with their imaginary •ff's ofllce, wont Into detail regarding TIMOTHY R. HO^NIHAN WEDNESDAYS ONLY rip to Switzerland an illustrated Umiol't. PleBBknt — »:SS A, M. COUGH schoil students to assist in present- uary class of 1034, is >now employed, sales conducted since Mr. Height be- Arrl« W«w York - 1O;42 A. M.. ing k minstrel show. lary is to,•be jjnade by the 4-B pu- AT by the Oboy bakeries at Plalnfleld. :ame sheriff. In the past two years, Contractor and Builder e boys' Hl-Y will go to the As- Randall Dodge, a senior, attended ils. ip to Monday, 1,007 sheriff's'sales See Flyers or Conmlt A burj Park Young Men's Christian as- the Hauptmann trial last Wednesday ad been held at the Freehold Court SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING soci; tlon building tomorow to play at Flemington. Oakland Street News. House. The entire amount due . ' SCREEN AND STORM ENCLOSURES PENNSYLVANIA as) etball and enjoy a swim. The Y. M. C. A. of West Red Bank Mrs. Evelyn Mazza has taken Miss gainst these properties was $13,902,- Telephone 040-M 160 Brides Avenue, Bed Bank, N. NIGHT E win C. Gilland, superintendent has purchased a new miniature pool- May McCue's class in the absence of 141.80. Tho average umount due RAILROAD of t le local schools, will be the guest tablo lor. tha use of tho Westsido 10 latter, who has loft for * trip igainst tho properties was $11,111.1)1^ •pet ker at the regular meeting of boys i the South. ho smallest amount duo aguiniit any COUNTY OP MONMOUTH, , the Mechanic street Parent-Teacher Philip Gettls attended the Haupt- Kenneth Smith of the 4-B class ne property was $321.01 and the State of Now Jeriey. ilatlon meeting this afternoon.' mann trial last.Thursday at Flem- id a Tony Sarg Marionette theater largest amount duo was SB1B,7O1.S9. Notlco Is hereby given that scaled Mdi USE ; : Will ba received' by tho Board of Clioaeu ~ Mr. Qilland's topic will bo "SchoolB ington. • ' •'•'" '-'v...'-' presented to him as a Christmaa gift here wcro thirteen places sold by FreoholdeiH of tho County of Monmouth. Loo to the Future." Eleanor Reynolds, a member of the ind he -recently presented to the he sheriff on Monday and the school Btnto ot Now Jeraoy, nt JU place of meet- ihlldren seemed very much liUerest- DOREMUS BROS. ing, Court, Jlouao, freehold, N. J., on TJ e girls who have passed the ex- 12-B class, has been confined to her :hool "The Three Wishes" during id In that particular procedure. Un- Wednosduy, Jiiriimry 2E, 1UUC, at cloven ami latlon.i for officiating at the home for tho past week with in- he library period. Those taking COMPLETE FOOD MARKET SINCE 1077 o'clock, A. Mi, Stnndacii Time, ivrtd' thea CAROMAR tou ament games which are now fluenza. art were Caroline ' Stickney, Paul ler Sheriff Roberta explained to ublicly opened And rent} Immediately uncl lalph and Kenneth Smith. hem about the bidding.and gavo thereafter for the construction of Steel FOB rway are Mary Burdge, Theima Evelyn Wodehouse has been con- 3 PHONES ~ I56O:;-.I56I^I562 Sfie«t riliciff liulkhcnd nt tho canlcr)y end Bto The 5-B claoo lo working on deco- hem nil tho Information ho could In t, May Griffiths, Gloria Bottag- fined to her horns for the past week he limited time allotted for this pur- f llrlaliloiv Avuiuiu, LoiiK liiuniili, N. J. Vlvlan Goldfarbj Esther Levene, due to illness. " " rativo maps on the New England II &5l3< BROADEST. ••FREE D£L1VEHV The iftccbt nnd OTIOIIIUK of bids la nub- FAST RELIEF states. Some are embroidering their mse. Joct to tho proper quaiiljcution of tho bid- Rot i Grand, Elizabeth Boardman, John Bremner will soon leave for der In accordance with tho provleioiiB of AND Hoi n McKoo, Ruth Abramowitz, Florida. naps and others are uslne poster After the sales were conducted Mr. tho proaualtflcatlon law nnd tho result.-. GET A GOOD SWEEP Ade a Hoppnor, Geneva Jackson, Mll- mint. . rtobort3 showed them through thov um ndotitud by the Boat4 ot Citottia lice t Chlnnock and Shirley Marks. River Street News. The a-B das Is planning a moving iall and the courtrooms, explaining, Trechold«ra, Buy a Bottld Today ilcture show of Robinson Crusoe's Drawings, ipeclflcntlona and fornii of From Tour Druggist Miss Lillian Garrigan's class Is :he procedure of the courts arid how CHOPPED BEEF jlds, contractn nnd bond for tho propoied Junior High News. lie and in connection with the study he juries -were drawn. They also work, prepared by John F. HQBJIH, Cpunty or Send Us 80 Cents and studying tho Eskimos. Tho children tliey ara making instruments and Engineer, havo boon tiled In the oOlce of 10 9-A elnaa lo making propara- havo mado a largo cardboard scene, Itnessed a trial in session. After SHOULDERS VEAL tho said Knglticor nt tho Court Hou«8, |Wa Will Mall It to Your Homo tloi s for their commencement, which four feet long and six feet high, il- weapons similar to those Crusoe Mr.' Roberts ilnlshod his tour the Lictihold. N. J., nnd mny lie IiiBpaetfid by mado when he landed on tho Island. proBpeotlva bldderu during bunlnoua IIOUIH. is t ba hold Friday, January 25. Mrs lustrating tho Northern Lights, ice- roups were turned over to Doputy Udders will bo furnished with a copy of Caromar Laboratories He en Yost is the class advisor. bergs, water and polar bears. Tho The 1-B class Is planning to trans- luunly Clork Lester E. McQueen of tho opecificatlonn nnd plntio by tho Engin- ELIZABETH, N. J. rs, Elsie MacLeod's 9-A science children havo also mads two native form its whole classroom into the Red Bank, who conducted them SHOULDERS LAMB 15c lb eer on proper notice nml payment of a. de- sleds. In connection with the study -lty of New York and tha surround- hrough the county clerk's office and posit of Ten ($10.00) Dollara for each Bet. ing waters. The plan haB been Bids must bo mtido on the standard pro- of weather, the children havo made xplained the details of that, office. osnl forms in tho ttinnner donignntcd a weather chart and keep a record drawn on the floor by the children and the filing system of the county thorfiln nnd rixiuli'cd hy tho Kpoclflcntlono. RUMPS VEAL must ba enclosed in Ponied CPVOIOPOB bei^r- everyday. records. ing ths nnmo and addrerta of bidder, nnd The 2-B class Is making Indian AGBICOMCtJBAI, WEEK, Mr. Robert! *nd Mr. McQueen LEGS VEAL worli bid upon thoJ'ouhldo, nrtdrGJinod to Naturally Wermented have every Monday booked for some Tho Board of Chonen Krooholderi of tha rattles and drums. Thess articles are County of Monmouth, and must ba accom- to be designed and painted in bright State Convention and Other Assem- Monmouth county school for the en- panied by a Bonding Cortlnctito ao pro- colors. blies to Meet at Trenton. uing month and a number of letters vided in tho BpeHncntlonn nnd n crrtlflod, ir» on file from school principals ROASTING CHICKENS pheck drawn to the order of the County ' Mrs. Winifred Bolce's class Is to Next Tuesday, Wetoewlay, Thurs- tating that they propose to bring C Treasurer, for not IOSB thnn ton (10) per , make notebooks for English, and In cont of tho amount hkt, nnd bo delivered connection with It the children are dy and Friday, January 22, 23,21 and their pupils to the Court House in STEWING CHICKENS nt tho placo nnd on the hour nbovo named. WINE 25 has been.designated u New Jer-the very near future. Tho Btmtdnrd proposal form will bo fur- to put on tho coverB Indian designs. sey Agricultural week, with a. state Th» shoriffB office Is yery anxious lb ninhed on application to tho oimlneor. The 3-B class, with tho aid of MIBS agricultural convention, meetings ci BOSTON GEESE Tho right Is renewed to reject nny. or Made from high grad grapes raised on my Myrtle Clapp, Is to make posters to hear from other classes so that as 21 all bids If deemed to tho interest of th« agricultural organizations and a. New many groups as possible, can be en- County no to do. showing how Robinson Crusoe pro- Jersey farm show to ba held, at Tren- ertained between now and the clos- Hy order of tho Board of Choeen Fret- own farm, Not fortjfied nothing added, not vided clothes, food and shelter for ton. There will ba morning, after, ing of the schools In June. holdors of the County of Monmouth. himself without aid. Also posters are STAR HAMS VBEUEREC T. REICHKY, noon and evening sessions on Tues- Director. even sugar, Sold wholesa e in quantities of one mado of his boyhood life, the ship- day, Wednesday and Thursday and Att«flti~ • - • • I wreck and his return. Figure draw- morning and afternoon lessloaa on COUNTY ATJXILIAltlES MEET. CERTIFIED HAMS CHAB. E. COLE. Clork, ing has beon started by the class in Freehold, New Joracy. gallon or more at Friday. : preparation for their study of the November 7, 1934. . : Lonnl Lenape Indians. The principal, gathering* wia be Mr». Ethel Briden In Charge of Gath- PURITAN HAMS 21i held in the assembly chamber of the ering at rarmlngdale. Monmouth County Surrogate** Qfftca. Miss Fannlo Rosin's class has be- State Capitol, Hotel Hlldebrecht, In tho matter of tho estnto of Earnest GEORGE WITTMAN'S gun a board panel portraying Dutch The regular monthly county meet- Chapman, deceased. ! - life, and has received quite a number Farm Bureau offices, Y. M. C. A. au- ng of the American legion auxiliar- ROYAL SCARLET>PEACHES 2 cans 35c Notlco to creditors to present claim • ditorium. Moose Hall auditorium, ies of Monmouth county was held nifitlnat entate. U. S. BONDED WINERY of pictures showing Dutch people and Hetzol's restaurant, veterans' room CUT-RITE PAPER/ ., —... 2 pkgs. 13c Purfuinnt to the order of Joieph L. I]on- farms. last Friday afternoon at Farming- ahay. Surrogato of the Comity of Won- of the War Memorial building, squad dale. Mrs. Ethel Briden, county pres- CHIPSO L..J. 2 pkgs. 31c mouth, mado on tho twenty-eighth day of Mrs. Bauer's class Is making a room of the armory and Hotel Sterl- near Middletcn'n Village story of Robinson Crusoe in picture ident, was In charge. It was report- Dccomber, 1034< on tho application of ing. ed that there are 49 war orphans In KENL-RATION .Lz. 2 cans 15c Mary h. Chapman, Admlnlatnitrlx of the on Harmony Road, near Route 35. form. A large roll of paper ha3 been o«tnto of Kurnost Chnpmnn, dacaased, put across tho board and the pic- William B. Duryee of the State De- New Jersey and that nine havo grad- Pride of the Farm CATSUP bot. 15c notlco Is hereby Klvnn to tho crodttorB of artment of Agriculture is general uated from Annapolis and flvo from snld doccHHcd to exhibit to tho subscriber, tures will bo painted on It with pos- chairman ot tho agricultural week PALMOLIVEH30AP 3 cakes 14c administratrix on aforennld. their debts Telephone Midtjletown 497. ter paint. Wcat Point. A legion committee Is k 19c and,demands ngaiiiBt the nnid estate, un- committee, and programs of the va working on plans to the end that RINSO • P 8- der oath, within six monthn from tho dnl« Miss Mabel AlbBrtson's class Is rioiia sessions can be secured by ad children of disabled veterans be giv- of tho aforesaid or dor, or they will bo foi- making decorative maps of the Unit- dressing hltn «t tho Stato House en the samo scholastic advantages as JELLO or ROYAL DESSERT 3 pkgs. 17c evor horred of their net ions thorefor Trenton. aifn!n»t the said BijbRcrlbor, the war orphans. Untod Freehold, N. J,, Dec. 28th. 1984. Thore will ba a special program The next regular mooting of tho CALIFORNIA CARROTS 2 bunches 15c MARY L. CHAPMAN, ' for women on Thursday and Friday, county auxiliaries win be held at As- 17 Pench Street, Sen. Bright, N, J, and a program of this part of th bury Park February 8. The state BROCCOLI . bunch 19c Harry Klatalcy, week's activities can also be secure Rod Bunk, N. J. president, Mrs. Franklin B. Ritchie, FLORIDA BEETS 2 bunches I5c Troctor. : from Mr. Duryee. will attend this meeting, at which a :overed dish luncheon will be served. Monmouth County- Surrogate's Offtet. Importer! and Domestic Wines and Liquors, In tho mutt or x>t tfio e.Htnto of Daniel Q, ASSISTANT WHIP OF HOUSE. Wood, decGQBcd. It pays to advertise in The Register. Notlco to creditors to prcient claim* PRICE SALE Congreesmon Sutphln Get* Import Ruolnnt estate. 2 Pursunnt to tha order of JOSEPH L. ant Appointment. DONAHAY, Surrotiato of tho County ot Monmouth, mado on the twelfth day of Congressman William H. Sutphln' January. 1086, on the appllcntlon of Eliz- long friendship with Speaker Jo abeth Wood, solo exaoutvlx of tho ctUtt* of Daniel C. Wood, deceased, notice Is ODDS and - Few d a Kind Byrns of tho House of RopreBenta hereby given to tho creditors of said de- i tives had a good deal to do with Mi ceased ti> exhibit to (ho Hubsorlber. Bol* Sutphin's appointment as asslntani xecutrlx a* aforesaid, tholr debts nnd whip ot the Democratic House, It wa demamln nsninst tho auld cistulc, umlor oath, within fiix montlis from the dnto ot Occasional Pie announced this week, tho afarefinld order, or they will bo for- es! Suites! Rugs! Linoleum! Mr. Sutphin's wide acqualntanc avcr barred ' of their actions thereto* esalnst the snld Rub»cilbci'. wlth-tlie members of the House am Dated Freehold, N. J.. Jnn. 12. 10Sf« his jovial personality will coun ELIZABETH WOOD, An Afte: Inventory Close-Out Sale heavily wh.en_..ho rallies the Hou 21 Linden Pince, Red Hank, N. J, Democrats behind Administrate Alston Heakmnn, I'IBU,, R«tI ^ftnk, N. J., legislation, for that Is tho duty of th Troctor. You an't Afford To Miss! assistant whip. Itepinscntatlve Jo« Byrn», who .was Monmouth County Surroaata't Offki. recently elected Speaker of the In tho mnttei" of tho entnto of W1111 not Curchln, Sr.. deroosod. House of Representatives, accom Notice to creditors to present claim* Odd Living Roo Suites Odd Dining Room Suites panlcil Mr. Sutphln in one of hi against entnto. toura of tho third district last fa Pursuant to th« order of JOSEPH U DONAHAY, Kunoualo of tho Uuunty o( and was introduced to many frlondi Monniouth. miulo on (ho Igntli dny of Jnn- Ot d Bed Room Pieces nnd supporters. It Is expected tha \iary, 1035, on thn .application of Wlllldm bills marked "favored by tho ndmln Curchln, Jr., nnd OQOIKO W, Cuichln. ex* ocutors tit tho en in to of Wllllnm Curchln. Intuition" will havo llttlo difficulty 1 Si,, decciuml, notion In horoby »lvan to th* Sample Occasio al Chairs Sample Club Chairs passage with Speaker Byrns on tl. creditors of Hfild deceuncd to exhibit to rostrum and Mr. Sutphln in the lob the BtibtcrllierB, excctitom tin ttfinosalde tholr debts and demands n^nlnet (ho Bftld by. Tho combination of these twe entale. under oiith, within n\x months Irom Many Dis :ontinued Patterns of Rugs .pernonalltlcs, with one pulling am the dnto ot tho x!nrv»silti order, or they tho other pushing1, ought to get thi w||| tio forever liaried of their action* therefor HKitliiBt the nntd mtli^crlberH, legislation through tho House in rec in Various Sizes. Doted Freehold, N. J., Jnn. in, 1Q8&4 ord timo. WILLIAM GUllt'ttlN, JK,, 8Q rtnctuiey: Kond. Hod Hunk. N. A Short Leng ]hs of Linoleum and Felt Base CHORAL SOCIETY ON KADIO. 124 Fair Haven Uniid, l'nlr Jlnvcii. N. J* Monmoulh County Smrognto'a Ofllce. Wall Paper Frrehold Singers to Broadcast To- In tho matter of Die c»tnto of Delmcy W« morrow Night Over Station WBRD With a telephone Wlllffuaa, doconned. Notice to crodltara to present clifmj Tho Freehold Choral society, pop youcan talk wifh Bgnlnut estuto. ALL ITEMS ARE FR< >M OUR REGULAR STOCK AND OFFERED ular flinging club of Freehold, wi PurHiiiiit to tho oidoi" of Joseph I* Don- friends anywhere shay, thifiotrnfo of tha County of Mom AT GIVE-AW iY PRICES IN ORDER TO EFFECT cnlr-rtaln with a 45-minuto broad' mouth, mnclo on the twonty-eluhth da/ of ca?t ovor WBRB tomorrow night oAtter 8:30.P. M. Ptrember, It)31, on tho application ol I1V MEDIATE CLEARANCE ! Itttlph O, WlllKUBi, nolo Executor of tho f«- starting at oloven o'clock. The flo call 100 miles for 35c tate of Delnncy w. WHlHusa. dfliJoaseil. ciety consists of both male and fe notice IN harehy given to the cr«ttltor» oil nmlo voices, and is under tho dlrco • 350 miles for 90c. afiid decoased t,o exhibit, to the eubscrlhnr, aol« Gjtecutor AS afoiflnsld. their ' dehti tlon of Howard 8. Holt, well-know (SUUon-to-6UUon notes) nnii demands Rtfalnat the "Old untate, uiu musical director of Freehold. Th N«w Jtmr B*H T«l«phoni Co. tier nhth, within nU months from the ilnt< of tha Atarimaltl older, of they will b.e fur

Mrs. Moftat, the "new board" now In LONG BEACH MASSACBE. ad two wires; lust we fired the of ST. Bound from London to New New Directories the majority, prefer) your leadership mortar three bolts the ship with York with general cargo. Estimated to mine, That Is their privilege, and MIM JMM Bunyon Write. Interesting all' her crew 4 ngers. value of cargo $2,000,000. Estimated On Their Way I wish them and you all success. But Articla ConoernlDf Historical Erent "They could not and went up value of ship $180,000. hating hypocrisy and being determ- the beach before the We fired "Stranded vessel lies about two ined to stick to what I consider hon- Miss Jane Kunyon, s. member of Only half a century separatee the at policy, I can not remain on the a second ball and line aboard, miles above little Egg Harbor Inlet. printing of, the llrat telephone direc- 12-B class of the Bed Bank high but we found that all crew had Mistaking lights is supposed to be joard without opposing and showing school and «l«o a member of the tory ever to' appear In Monmouth impatience ovei your methods—and left The creV land* lyiwo cause of wreck. Vessel has now nine SCHULTE-UNITED county, and the new winter 1934-35 what to me is stupid and foolhardy journalism claat, recently viilted the miles above, upsettln 'the life feet of -water In her hold and the b63kto t)6 distributed starting about policy. '• United States Coaat Guard Station at boats, but fortunately they were all water level Is continually rising. The January 12, yet la that short span But—maybe I'm wrong. Long Beach and had an Interview saved. We aboarded the ship after vessel was Insured to the amount of telephone? in thlB area have Increased Anyway, I want to give you a clesr with officer* there regarding the $60,000." field—and though my action may be Mawacre which took the water had calmed, which was from leas than fifty to more than Long Beach about noon. 2T.000, compaiimSn pt the earliest and miaunderstood as "I won't play un- place near where'the present Bar- latest directories reveals." less I'm leader"—I still feel that the negat lighthouse Is now located. 'Ship Ontario, Captain F. Patter- The road to better and bigger busi- only holiest action Is to admit that Miss Runyon's interview, supple- ion, hills from New York. Age ness leads through The Register's ad- That original: one page dlreotory, you've got me licked and placed In 21, Number of persons aboard. Crew vertising columns.—Advertisement. which appeared darly In 1883—only an impossible situation. I can't carry mented by material taken from the seven years after the invention1 of the on the work as started last year—be- United States Coast Guard log, as telephone—•was printed for the hand- cause my board associates prefer to prepared by her has been submitted ful ef BUbsorlbqrs lift" Aiib'tiry" Park follow you. I can't follow you hon-to The Register and It is being pub- estly—and I do not wish to obstruct lished here for the benefit of our Hot Water Heaters, (a few left) 6.95 and •Ocean Grove, where the first you and the others In your plans. It cintras office In Monmouth county readers for the historical value of the Nationally Known Make seems foolish to go on another year article. .\ad bipn established. Less than a as a fighting minority. Therefore. I Ford Carburetors, Model A, New Zenith .... 3.98 year latter Long firanch had Its page shall tender my resignation to the The Long Beach Massacre took Men! Wives! Mothers! IF YOU WANT TO if thlrtw names In the same general board of education, either at the place about a mile south of where Batteries—1 year guarantee 4.75 iirectorty published hy the New York March meeting or the April meeting Barnegat Lighthouse now stands. Oc- ani N£w Jersey Telephone company —whichever will suit your plans best. tober 25, 1782, a cutter from Ostend, SAVE MONEY-STOCK UP DURING THIS which furnished Long Island and Please notify me. bound for St. Thcaias, grounded on BATTERY RECHARGED AND Northern and Central New Jersey Staying on the board might be a Barnegat Shoals, She was found 2 DAYS' RENTAL—$1.00. better move for me as an Individual, there by the American privateering with Bervlce.. Freehold with fifteen but I do not think another year of Hubscrlbers, followed along in 1884 bickering would be for the public galley or whale boat, "Alligator." OFFICIAL SERVICE FOR: and Red Bank, with seventeen, In good. Captain Steelman of Cape May, who FINE «pjAUf Y was well known for bis great sea- BOSCH MAGNETOS 188B. . ' Provided, you serve the people well Carter Carburetors United Motors Service, Inc. and stick to your own and board manship, started to wreck her cargo Because telephones were so few business, this will be the last word and land it on the beach. It Is as- Zenith Carburetors for BROADCLOTH and far between In those early days, from me. But, If I can help the sumed that the residents about Bar- Trleo Windshield Wiper* Dolco-Bomy Electrical the telephone company made It a cause of good education In any way negat and Waretown joined in this Autollto Electrical Units Klaxon Horns point to establlflh public Instruments as a private citizen, I shall of course wrecking crew, as Reuben Boper, liv- Exlde and Delco Batteries A. C. Fuel Pumps at strateglo polntB. The 1881 direc- be glad to do BO. ing at Soper'e Landing, between the tory lists these: Eatontown, J, Weed Sincerely yours, two villages mentioned, according to Nafew; Freehold, G. S. Conover and Ernest W. MandevlUe. tradition, was murdered a mile south Douglas Auto Electric Co. Copies to Mrs. Moffat, Shirts Company; Matawan, Frank H. Slater,, and below Barnegat Inlet on the and Red Bank, H. E. Schroeder and" Oliver Williams, beach by the notorious refugee, John RED BANK, N. J. Company, Curtis J. Walling, 18 MECHANIC ST. PHONE B. B. 128. John Spencer. j Bacon. Look For These Notices to subscribers printed In The wrecking crew had got a lot the early directories roveal how new Leonardo, New Jersey, of teak and other valuable cargo Fine C|nality and how undeveloped telephono ser Feb. 27, 1934. ashore and had camped out for the Features! vice was, This one was given partic- Mr. Ernest W. MandevlUe, night on the beach. While they were ular prominence: "If your call bell Mlddletown, N. J. all asleep after a strenous day's work L Gathering of cloth at the rings once, pay no attention to It— In the surf, Captain John Bacon, the VAPOR STEAM WAVE you aro not wanted- If It rings twice, Dear Mr. MandevlUe: shoulders for free action! This Is to acknowledge receipt of refugee leader, landed on the beach, NOW FEATCBED AT !. Chest measurement changes you are wanted. Take up the tele- your letter of February 23rd In which surrounded their camp, and fired on phone and speak Immediately." An- you state that you Intend to resign with every size for good fit! them. Steelman was killed and a ). Center box pleat covers en« other notice .-warned that "BUbucvib- from the board of education on ac- Tory account printed soon after era will. In future, be known to our count of my so-called leadership and clalnu that Bacon killed or at least tire front. 7 perfect buttons!' operatora only by central offlco name methods which you consider stupid wounded all but five of the Ameri- I. Pleated sleeves give you full and subscriber's number, and., not by and foolhardy. John's Beauty Shop freedom of the arms! I do not desire to enter into any cans. Bacon was killed in a fight on subscriber's name." ™ April 3 the next year, 1783, at a small I, piece, coin shaped cuffs, controversy over the present situa- 10 BROAD ST., RED BANK with heavy interlining! About 33,000 copies of the new dl tion, and as explained to you over the tavern kept by William Rose, be- rectory -will bo distributed throughout telephone, am< writing this letter tween Westeounck now /West Creek I. Yokes are double thickness! Monmouth county, and part of Ocean merely to clear up any misunder- and Clamtown, now Tuckertori by Given by the latest and most up-to-date I. No raw edges on tho pockets! county. A total of approximately standings which may exist on your Captain. H. Joel Cook, John Brown, Permanent Waving Machine. i. Gussets reinforce teams! Don't Confuse These With Ordinary Shirts 1B.W9 changes were mado In the al-part, with reconsideration ot your de- Thomas Smith, and John Jones, who ). Pre-Bhmnk, shapely collars! phabetical Hating section, with 3,500 cision in view, in order that the Issue had come from near Mount Holly to' Selling Even Near This how Price I may be peacefully settled for all con' of these changes consisting of new cerned. the ebore with the express purpose listings. •• The flrst item which I would like of capturing Bacon if possible. M U R L E A Schulte-United January Super-Value! Lustrous broaclothsI Absolutely m i.^ to refute Is the idea that I either aim A verbatin report of a wreck on or aspire to leadership of the school, fast color printed patterns! Every shirt is faultlessly tailored! Every shirt VOTEKS ECONOMY LEAGUE. board. No auch thought ever entered' the Long Beach Coast written by No Harmful.Chemicals my head, and furthermore! feel that Captain Bond himself, from the Ship the product of a high grade dress shirt factory! All sizes 14 to 17! A Letter from Walter A. Hamilton all of the board members are fully Bottom Log of United States Coast No Dangerous Heat About School Affairs. capable of determing for themselves Guard Station iollowa; No Upkeep Cost just what la l)cst, and voting accord- To the Editor of The Register. ingly on each and every Item put up March 11,1878. No Finger Waving Dear Sir;— for such action by the board. "The Ship Ontario came on shore No Qluey Lotion Tha people of Mlddletown township There can be nothing In my actions at 1:80 A. M., March 8,1876. Weather haye read Mr, Manieville'8 article to date which can be construed as be- was very foggy and night black. Took Self-curling Ends not affected stating 'that the Voters' Kcdnomy ing detrimental to your policies^ and I am willing to go on record at this boat and mortar to the scene of by haircuttlng. league published untruthful and slan- stricken vessel with a team and men derous statements. Two letters writ- or any other time, that I plan to sup- port your policies 100% unless in my from station. Took boat and mortar Your hair styled and shaped ten In Felruary, 1B34. reveal that Mr. by '.'.our Experts before your Mandevlllo was ready to resign be- persona! opinion anything you ad- as close as possible to water and cause the members would not elect vance, which however I 3o not ex- awaited further signals. We were permanent htm president of the board. These pect, would not bo for the best in- obliged to wait until daylight, as we letters, copies of which were sent to terests of tho school children and could not make- out her exact po- Come in and see for yourself. Mr. Wallirjg, Mr. Spencer and Mr. taxpayers,,for as you know, I am not 1 sition, . We answered all her night "WllllamB, prove that. Reverend Man- one ot tno so-called "yes" men. signals, devlllo would not co-operate; that his With regnnl to my nomination of accusation that Mra. Moffat and the Mrs. Moffat for the presidency, I still "The sea waa very high and tide TELEPEHONE RED BANK 1515 • "old board"- conspired against him feel that I acted In good faith, and running all the way «cro»s the beach. Is contrary to hla own lettcij' that slncoroly believe for obvious reasons, We shot one ball to the ship and part- while he writes about "hating nypoc- that It will best serve the Interests of rlBy," hia actions bello his words. We all of us at this tlmo to elect her to repeat our chargo that Mr. Mande- that position, as she appears to me vllle la the whip of tha Labrecquo to bo the ono best fitted from all Democratic machine, and that his angles to head tho board. policies are a menace to our sdhool It Is my earnest wish that you re- system. These letters should bo care- consider your decision relative to the fully read and compared with Mr. proposed resignation and carry on Mandevllle's-Bt&teinent that he "nev- with tho good work started over a All Wool er solicited a vote for the presiden- year ago, and feel that for the good Carefully Reinforced! cy." of the public, you should not stop at The two lotters follow: this tlmo when thero ia so much to be done. : Chiffon and Service! February 23rd, 1934. NOVELTY Mr, Charles Frledlander, Sincerely yours, Leonardo, New Jersey. Chaa. Frledlander. Dear Mr. Frledlander: Copies to Mrs. Moffat, A SPECIAL PURCHASE! Most are perfect! I'll admit that I'm licked. Mr. Williams, With all due modesty r am glad to Mr. Spencer," Some irregulars of hosiery selling to $1.35! have had some small part in focusing Mr. Walling. COATS .public Attention on the wrongs of our Harry now for yours--while quantity lasts! school system, and In fighting against Mr. MandevlUe started all of the those who upheld tho wrongs. While bickering in school board affairs be- Yes! — A remarkable "buy"—planned to bring you a real bargain for our fighting the opposition I would not foro the members took office last January Siiper-Salea! Seo them! Judge by their clear beauty, smart, now quit,—but I have no stomach for April. He was determined to domi- colors and excellent wearing qualities! Sizes 8'A to 10%! In Chiffon &. Service! fighting those who are supposed to be nate! for the benefit of a political ma- fl friends. That doesn't get us any- chine. We oppose such hypocrisy wheres, so I bow out aa gracefully as and we know our people will oppose possible. his rubber-stamp candidates. We Beautifully Fur-Trimmed Look! Sensational-Hosiery Values For The Entire Family! I would not write and publish this, suggest that members of the Citizens except that I feel I owe an explana- and Taxpayers association ask Mr. tion of my action to that section of Gordon If he knew of this correspon- Women's Service Hosiery Children's Long nib Hose the public who possibly voted for you dence as long ago as.last spring. They'd be great at-25c! Mercerized, Fine combed cotton with reinforced soles. and other members of the new board, Signed double soles, fast colors. 8'^. to 10 H! 19c Plain and English rib. Sizes 0 to 8 hi '. thinking they were supporting my Voters Economy League' policies. It now develops that with W. A. Hamilton, Regularly 25.00 Boys' Sturdy Golf Dose the exception of Mr. Williams and Chairman, Publicity Committee. Men's Rayon Plaited Hose Made of hard-twist yarns for long ALL FIRST QUALITY! New colors and 9c Regularly 45.00 wear. Jacquard patterns, ribbed tops. 15c combinations. Sizes 10 to 12! The latest mid-winter models New Novelty Dose n £t In Brown, Blues and Greens. MISSES', WOMEN'S * HALF SIZES. Infants' Fine nibbed Hose A A real saving on fine dressy coats. See them to appreciate the value. Cel- I BLjC Great value for little tots! Good looking *WC BID COLD ROOMS GOODBYE A wonderful warm coat for anese, rayon, lisle! All new patterns! ^*^ M Luxurious fabrics. In Brown, Green, and long wearing! White, sizes i to, (i'Al the cold weather and un- OUR HOWE WAS Black, etc Trimmed with rich furs- UKEABARN-Sa usually smart—splendid var- Jap Mink, Fox, Beaver, Kit Fox, Caracul, COLD-UNTILE iety. Wolf, etc Handkerelif ef Sale! SWITCHED TO Wonder Values For Only a fraction of the *Wuecoal' An Btses. Men and Women at Original Price. Crisp We bouRht n. hugo quantity- hut they'll sell quickly nt thin — Second Floor — A Real Saving ! v" New law pffce! Better hurry! — Second Floor — Color Fast Blouses Women'i Outstanding Value! Women's New 'blueeoal' Heating Plan PERCALE gives better heat in every room DRESSES January OXFORDS Super- --with less attention-less waste Valttc! ANT to end cold room troubles tor heat with leas attention. tills winter? Then liy oil means 'blue coal' ii a lop quality, care W Beautiful slip-on models in Pattorna every boy will llkol Quality and yalue •dopi this new Healing Plan. It lully prepared Pennsylvania hsrd to delight all niothnrs! nuttnu-nn and regular Dainty crepe and satin nn- all wool anil metallic and styles. Sizes 4 to H. Whlto and solid colorn, too! offers yon, first, the finest home coal — colored bine >o jou11 si- Handsome styles and exclu- fuel money can buy — 'blue coal.' dl» beautifully trimmed with wool. Colors: Blue, Grecm, ways recogniio It si the fuel that alenoon style lace. Gowns, sive patterns. The styles are Second, the free services of a "John 0B»ure« you clean, iteady, healthful 8Ups, Sten-lns, Dance Seta, none you've: seen before; Gold, Bed, Hunt, Wnttti, olo. they don't look like houso llrou«l<'loih Marcloy-Traincil"Henting Expert. He heat oil winter, at lowest coil. Chemise and Panties. Colors: Also pretty color combina- Tea Rose and Pink. dresses. Pretty Checks, will check over your furnace — till When In need of fuel or Fres Stripes and Prints. StyloB juflt like diut'u! WHItn tions. solid colorn and fant color you if anything ia wrong and how hcatipg ndvlco call your All Sizes. Sizes U to 20 — 38 to 4fl. to correct it. And lir'll show you prints! Yon ciui buy boy;\' neatest 'blue coaV dealer. — Second Floor — BhlrtH at 44c any day—but how to burn 'blue cool' la get bet- See names below. — Street Floor — — Second Floor — not RhlrtB llkn tl««o!

Fully-Lined Knickers Black 'blue coal' A real $1.G9 vnlue! Juut tho and Jacob %/nbach thin)? for Kchonl, drena or America's Finest Anthracite play! i;ialn uml fancy fab- Patent! RED BANK.. Fn4 O. Wlhoff Co, IB Wot Front Si, BROADWAY, LONG BRANCH rics. Slzoii 8 to iti! Heavy Soles I LONCI BRANCH ...H. D. Sh.rm.i, A Son. O>7 riZL'lTJiH.T.'.".". Ph«£ 3B0 A I>«p*rtllMltt STORE H0UR3; Fres Parking Yard fton In IIM'SIBM In Reir ol 32-36 BROAD n niffbltstt t.«.tir.i' "(in Shadow", Columbia Natwork, Mon. I Wid. 6:30 p.m. Loe.llon Shu IMS ,•-•13 5tor« ** PIWHADIO snows vpagg/»Dactot",N.B,C.Nstwrt.Maii,,Wit*Trl, 1:15p.m. RED BANK, N .J,

;l > t PACTM RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 17,1985. V • regard. One needs only to, note the large number ot homeleis ciU and dogs roaming at Urgt to mill* thld More News About Stamp Collectors RED BANK REGISTER fact.' Those responsible, an not only guilty ot cruelty ESTABLISHED 1878 BY JOHN H. COOK. to anlmali but ot disregard for th* rights ot th»lr n»lgh- Editorial Views Federal Credits Plan BigMeeting National Honors To Mark bor». ' , GEORGE a IIANOE, Editor. E««ay» dealing with thl» and othtr kindred Subject* Harry S. Wflloy"of Middletown, WiU Gather 7Tu>« R«d Bank Centennial of Twain's Birth FBEDEBIO a HATES, Managing Editor.

The road to Better nnrt bigaer bull- 1 Sale Starts Friday, January 18th, at 9:00 A. M. neiB loads through The BegTaur * ad- til !ui»>AA4v«rtlJHOi»nt RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 17,1885.

p Forum. Chancery 0/178 MONMOUTH COUNTY BUDGET 1935 Honor Roll At Lived To Ripe An open'forum was held last Sun- SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a writ of A. fa. to tn« di- * PUBLIC NOiiiCEj Old Age of 94 day afternoon by the Westslde branch rected. Issued out of the Court ot Chan* Catholic High of the local Young Men's Christian eery of the State ot Hew Jer*#r, wJJl b« of I7,3BO.OO ^ Ur. Herbert offered th* following rtiolatlon »nd moved Hi adoption I T association on th6 topic, "Moral* of exiioBud to Hale at public vemlue, on th* balance, namelyi IX.HO.OO to oa iev»a •"« ""•'", "*i"T(.""" "VT"»S»"nro&et levy America." A musical program wjll be MONDAY. THE 2Btli DAY OF JANUARY, RESOLUTION , . Court, the County Board of Tiuatlon- being bertby directed w •*• w we w w The following la the honor roll of The fonowlng article concerning- 1335. held Sunday afternoon, January ~", BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Cbown Pr«holdftf» of tU County of Mon- d the Red Bank Catholic high school the aeath of Mra Sarah Ann Han. between the hours of 12:00 o'clock and 5:00 mouth that the followtns County Budget be and th« HIM U htwbjr «ppro»«d fot th« °"'BE IT KUBTHEB BKSOLVBD that th. '»m •'«"«••« -Jj"^ fe^SSoSK' 1 for December; kin3 i6 taken from the Freehold at the Westsids Y. Isaac Fortman o'clock (at 2:00 o'clock) In the Afternoon fiacaJ year Wfr. and that & Public hearing ba held ln the Frwholedr* Room ip th* Senior class- -Dorothy Grauae, Jean Transcript. Mrs. Hanlcins was will be In charge of the acsslon. of (-aid tljiy at the Court House, In th« Court House at Freehold, K J- on Wednesday. January 28rd, 1»86. at «!*vra ©clock Borough of Freehold, County of Hon> in tha forenoon, at which tlmi and place obj«eUona Uurato max b* pr#wnua by l i l M l Bloyan, Marian Spence, Mary Sullivan. jinown j0 many people throughout I atth o( . mill on all anil j>w.onri prop.rty of .aid »>»»'»B' 'H* """ ™_ f-. imnilh, New Jaiacy, to satisfy a decree of any taxpayer of the County of Monmouth and that th* Citric of thla Board b* ana Ta» Bo«rd la henhy dirttUd to um. and l.»ir «« Mm. « a C0LBi a,,!,. r^maino! Angela BelEc, Margaret C**$$££& or : " "o'SaieV c™c7 WalSr'uWmonJ:! counted ,»m( of the hardshiphd s that : bounty Clerk's Office - —™ , .—_»«._ 70,000.00 70,000.00 Wooley. June Victory, Florence Wil.ninK. l had been her lot, then she smiled of hrjtlnnhiK. * _ 's Offtce » .-.-.. « » , , 48.000,00 BB(OO0.OO SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING In tha Transfer Tux (InheriUnce) -«. 25,000.00 17,000.00 ThU Bud».t Shall Alia Comtitut. th. Tax OrdlnanM, Freshmen »>»»B, division I^—Wworjl ^5 ]jg|]t|yt us was her wont, and said nouthci'ty line of land of Ensley E. Morris, State Aid Road Work (Motor Vehicle Funds) I AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO TAXE3 FOR THE YEAR 18JB. George ^"rvai™ H°yrnom°' O'Nefll, Vin- j 'hat slie was ready to go any time ant one hundred thirty-eight feet, ten Highway* and Brldses , .- 802,220.00 80M00.0Q BE IT ORDAINED by th. Township ConunKt«a^*f. th. TownjKp of ami mie-hnlf inrhea from the weBterly side Motor Vehicle Reserve 1983 67,848.64 Non* County ol Monmouth. that ther. .hall be MM.seff-fiTl.ed by Uxatlon, and collecttii cent Reed. Albert Taylot, Martarct !Jii>B-'as silo had f,'rown tired. { Throckmorton Avunucj thence (1) | TterelpU from AHemvood Honpltal Patients ...r~ SO.000.00 80,000.00 for tb. year IBS!, th. «um of 112.828.10 for th. purpo.. of meeting tho »P»roprla. ham, Dorothy Hopkins, Ituth Murray, Mary , (Jraildma Hankins was bom in A1- Routhcrly, parnllel with Throckmorton State Aid T. B. Sanatorium Patients _—...... _..., 10,000.00 16,000.00 tlon, set forth ln the following .tatcment of reiourc.l und .pproprlatlon. for tat O1 On Avenue, twenty-one feet six Inches; thence COURT iaNBS: year 1995. Etahth %r°a^ManJn""t Su'mwh. hiiie July 2, 1840, the daughter of From Violation of Law , . 2,000.00 1,600.00 . I 8D.S00.00 John Reins. John Rohrry. Madeline Menile, I Frederick and Dorothea Stoltcy, thO tt*»«*' (2) we^U'iIy. parallel with Mechanic ] Amount of Surplus (estimated) ™—«..-—..,_.,-.._..-. titrcct, cloven feet one nnd one-half Inch- Magistrates' Finea - ™- —- .. BOO.Oft 600.00 RESOURCES. Francis Carton, Sarah Power, Anna ^Wil- j folmcr a worker In the Allaire flic ; thence (3i northerly, parnllel with the Motor Vehicle Fines .—.™_™. «,600.00 «,B00.OQ 1984 James .AJvator._ John //0|(ant,...!!!. fnftnw She was one of a brood of Reimbursement from Municipalities under 1985 first course, twenty-one feet BIX inches to Surplus Revenu. ApproprlaUd . » ™— -—.~- " JJona » 14.80 & *£?. KncJit iSTtaS: I factory. id land of Morris: thervee (4) easterly, Blind Act ~~ .—« 4.000.00 1,009.00 No 900.00 Margaret kelley. Waller;; Gibson,, Jem.' eight. March 5, 1862, when she was along stild Innd «f Morris, eleven feet one County Adjuster's Office .... ^.««,...««™ 7,600.00 7.B0O.0O Poll Tax.e -_..., "« . 9,000.00 Franchlsa Taxe, „>. .-•« «,000.00 Jones, John Langng,, IIlitaa Laing,, lilwurd ncar]y 22, she was Wed to Isaiah d one-haif inches to the place of begin- Income:! from Inmates from Welfare Home -..—.,_..... 4,600.00 4,B00.OO 200.00 Healey. Kilsen, Raymond »'"d>'| StenoBraphera' Fees „...,-«..-....-... 1,500.00 l.BOO.OO Gross Receipt. Tax.. , • 1,200.00 10.00 Healey. Rohert Kilsen, Raymond »'" >'| Hankjns, a saWyer in the local saw Old Age Penalona ; 186,800.00 • 118,400.00 T.x Search.. - »°»° SeventSeventhh" gradgradee— Elizabeth SloyanSy . Hazel , mill. The couple-lived at Allaire for H U understood that the caoterly wall 600,00 of tho garnKo on suid premises ehBll be Intweit and Coils . .- 600.00 None Kenney. M»ry Tomaino, MMaruarc t SpiISIU a time, then moved t o SquankumSk , TOTAL MISCELUNEOUS EEVENUE . t 015.448.64 > (72,800.00 Gasoline Tax Refund : •••— Non. and l:t t\ party wall. Liquor Lleens...... „., ..„.„ ~_ 800.00 500.00 where they raised eight children. TOUETHER with a richt of way und Amount to be raiBed by taxation —^ 1.716.476.7S 1.777,2(1.28 12,090.00 seiiK'tit fur use in common with others Property Tax.s ...... » . '- , 12,828.89 Margaret Nolan, Frances Buonoimv Jose- Times were hard in the. little ham- I 2,440,544.28 phlne Buonomo, Charles Johnston, Mono let that was the early Squankum, but for inKi-esrt niul eKieaa in, nlong and over I 17,688.80 t Galendriello. Gerald Sullivan, Wilimm the following described tract: APPROPRIATIONS ' APPROPRIATIONS. Jones, John Cooke, Cnrlo Amiito, George Mr. and Mra. Hankins, with the fru- BKCINNINt; at a point tn tho north- DEPARTMENT OP FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Administrate. »»d Exeoutlva I 2,200.00 • J.2S0.00 . gality that characterized early Mon- Over twelve years ago erly side of Mechanic Street dlatant weat- A—FINANCIAL 1935 1984 Assessment and Collection of Taxe...... 1.000,00 1,000,00 Sixth grade—Frank Lone, Elizabeth Car- mouth residents, made the best of erJy one hiindrpd feet from the north- 1. Bonded Debt Maturing; within Department of Finance — — — 150.00 150,00 ri 1 Maytag developed the est comer vt Throckmorton Avenue and ton, Kleonor CaBasrando, Anr- "~ things and had the pleasure of seeing Mechanic Street; thence. (1) northerly, Urn year ...- M00.0OO.O0 S4 93.000.00 Nona 8od.l Service «.-... ;.,.. ^.._.w „ 150.00 150.00 WoUkamp. ,„,„. to bring up the children. Fortunate- ty feet !iix iticfiea to a point: thence (5) 5. Pcnnlon Fund, County Detec- Contingent ...... -• . 150.00 150.00 Fourth grade—John Kaney, William everywhere. Yet this southerly, parallel '-with Throckmorton tl^es and Probation Oflkefl 9,714.00, 1,781.00 Discount 1082 Taxes ...... ~ _._ _. Nona 14.80 Mack, Delia I-'itzpa trick, Dorothy Healey, ly the eldest was 21 nnd could help. Avenue, twenty-eight feet six Inchon to a 6. Mandatory Items: Discount 1688 Taxes ... „._ „.., 84.00 Non. Anna Wne Hughca, Biiih Kenney, tJldrta Nevertheless it was no small task to amazingly ellicient, pnjnt; thence (d) easterly, pnnvUel with A. Deficit Miscellaneous Revenue: 1984 Snov Emergency , , 2,508^40 Non. Layton, Dolores Shea, RoBemury Sole. raise eight children. Mechanic Street, forty feet to a point; 1934 and 1833 ,., 38,400.08 Nona Third ffrade—Marian.-.. Drake, Elizabeth K lifetime tub is only one thence (71 Boutherly, parallel with Throck- 1033 and 1832 _... Nona B6.21t.04 I 17,588,89 . » 15,614.80 VanBrunt. Patricia Rohrcy. Dorothy Sut- .The children were Charles Henry, mtn-ton Avenue, one hundred feet, to the B. Deficit Miscellaneous Rev- $125.00 Kdvenu. anticipated from tax on dogs to ba used for pnyment of claim.* phln, Michael Arnonc, Vincent O'Neil, who died in 1901; Sarah Elizabeth of a scoreof advantages northerly side of Mechanic Street; thence enues over ono year old.. Nona 262.05 for damages by dogs to sheep, domestic animal, and poultry, pursuant to Chapter Thomas Victory. Heulitt, living at Red Bank; Ida B., (8) cantcfly, along the northerly aide of D. Overexpendlturef 1931 .... Nona, 447.21 149, F. L. 1022. Second- grade—Geqrce Hawkins, Abel developed by Maytag. Mechanic Street, ten feet to tho place of G. Unpaid Bills for 1930 Nona 11.08 Thi. ordlnanca shall take e/fect aa provided by statute. Miffeo. Raymond Fngan. Alfred Dowd, •who died October 13, 1918,; Mra. beginning. * H. Overexpendltures 1932 .... Nona By order of the Conamlttee. John Oborne, Samuel Costa, James £he- Amelia Miller, ot Farmingdale; Oli- X. State Reimbursement Inter-' 112.68 ' Attest:— Seized as the property of Grace Deck- han Kenneth Drury, Patricia Tulley. Pn- ver K. Hankins, of Petersburg^. J.; est Deficit Nona JONATHAN H. JONES, trlcia Richard, Adeline Randall, William TODAY'S er, et als., taken in execution nt the suit J. Payment of Temporary 12,250.71 ^_^^ , ". '• • • - Township CJ.rk. Marcello, Antoinette GIKIIO. William S. Hankins, of Savannah, of Cornelia, lloyt, and to be sold by Improvement Notes . . 8,1)00.00 FIrBt grade—John Ahhntemarro, Jose- jGeorgia; George O. Hankins, of Ger- REMARKABLY "'"• HOWARD HEIGHT, Sheriff. K. 1931 Bank StoclcTnx nn- 6.J67.71 NOTICE. | phone Dotnznl, Theresa Gettls, Jeon Knncy, mantown, Fa., and Daisy Hankins, Dated December 24th, 1934. coliccted None 167.71 Notice Is hereby given that tha followlnu Local Budget and Tax Ordlntnc. was lt VMlB L. H«aerve for 1934 Bills 5,000,60 Nona .M«B«« » ™"'- Who died March 1, 1909. LOW PRICE Warren H. Smock, Sol'r. „ ^m I approved by the Mayor ,and Council of the Borough of Fair Hav.n, County of Mon« (88.1.) . . M. Reserve for Litigated Bills 5,500.00 57,400.08 Nona 75,888.07 mouth, on the 14th day of January, 1035. Grandma Hankins, a gentle little A h old lady, with a fine, sweet face, grew on the Maytag repre- »980,757.8» «a«n".b"i ~ii ' »..v J «arJ"lj' on ,th. Budget and Tax Ordinance will ba held it Borough. H»!l on Ih*' Chancery 6/149 I980.891.46 28th day of January. 193S. at 8:00 o'clock P. M., at which t!m. and p%c. objections old gently, and while.always fonder sents greater value SUBDIVISION* to salrt Budget and Tax Ordinance of the Borough of Fair Haven for the year 1035 of the days, those days long dead, SHERIFF'S SALE. m.y bo presented by any taxpayer of said municipality. than ever before. Visit By virtue of a writ of fi. fa. to me di- B—ACCOUNTS LOCAL BUDGET OF THE BOKOUCH OF FAIR HAVEN, COUNTY Ot1 MONMOUTH. when she was a girl in the placid rected, iaaued out of the Court of Chan- 1. County Clerk: Monmouth countryside, took a keen I 1.728,00 theMaytag<]ealcr,aml cery of the State of New Jersey, will be a. County Clerk Thl. Budget Shall Also Constitute tha fax exposed to Hale at public vendue. on b. Office _ I 82,464.80 63,US.JO | interest in the hurly-burly life of the * 8,600.00 j Twentieth century and was little giv- ask.about the onsy MONDAY, TUE'Zlrtt, DAY OF JANUARY, c. BohMlnit Records 3,500.00 I 66,964.80 t >8,8<4.60 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1085! ' 1930 , pHIT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council of th. Borough of Fair Havsn, en to criticism of the raucous life the payment plan. 2. Sheriff 2T.5O0.0O 88,814.00 County of Monmouth, that there >hall be assessed, rslsed by taxation and collected STAS hetween the hours' of 12:00 o'clock and for tho year 1085, the sum of Twenty-Nine Thousand (120,000.00) Dollar, for th» youngsters of today live. Cine thing, 5:00 o'clock (at 2:0l» o'clock) in the af- 8. Surrogate: • _ | turnover, she, who wan raided a strict a. om"» ...- 26,878.00 SB,S01.50 purpose of meeting the appropriations set forth In the following statement of Re- By Qulnton James ternoon of said day at the Court House, b, Keblmllng Records 2,501.00 2,600.00 1 sources and Appropriations for the Fiscal Year 1085. in tho BiiLoujrh of freehold. County of J 28,1173.00 27,807.60 . I Episcopalian, anil later turned Metli- Munmoulh. Mew Jersey, to" satisfy" a de- Amount of Surplus Revenue (estimated) _ t io 000 09 For homes without electric- 1 60,044.00 486 BO Five stamps—three for regular dlst one thing ghe abllorred/ and cree J said court amounting to approxi- 4. Elections "• - RESOURCES. ' " ity, any Maytafi may he 5. Courts: postage, one an airmail and the fifth |that wa8 Cigarette-Bmoking women. mately 50.010.t)0. a. Prosecutor t6.G70.00 19S5 1984 All the followiiiK tract or parcel of Surplus Re-venu. Appropriated ..«..«, t.A 3.587.05 a surcharg-eil official comprise thnishc ulIuweU tllut lt waB low til| to had equipped tilth gasoline b. Probation 17,350.00 Miscellaneous Revenues 'Anticipated: la mi ami |n-i:muiOH, hereinafter particular- c. Court Operations —• 23.300.00 latest contribution to things new do AB {or th(, nlcer women drlnk. Multi-Motor. . -10.1-35 ly dOiJi'i il)i;(|. situate, lyina and being In Franchise Taxes ...... 4,000.00 4,500.00 d. Grand and Petit Juries .... S5.1U5.00 Gross Receipts Taxes from Liechtenstein. ing, she would wax Indignant at the the ur Kali Havuit, In tin- Coun- «. Court Attendants, WHnesa 1,200.00 800.09 The.postage trio apparently Is In- ty of MnmiioLith and Ktute of New Jersey. 100,0» very thought. HICCENMNC nt the intersection of the Fees nnd Mine. Expense.. 13,000.00 Interest . ,_ _.__ tended na the insertion ot lower Bho has seen depressions corns and f. Magistrates and ConstnbleB 2,000.00 1.200.01 noilhnly Jiuu of l-'inlie Avenue with tho 170,200.00 155,112.74 Gross Receipts—Bus 100.00 100.00 values for the set of three—25 caHterly lino of Maple Avenue (also tfSe. _ 14,715.00 roll Tax appen go, and many times had been sorely 60.00 •*rr i-,n J , rt puzzled to furnish the wherewithal to Tusting's known aa Avenue U) ; thence (1) norther- 4.155.00 Alcohol Beverage Licenses . 85O.0O 1.000.00 l.zu iranc issued i, ly, iiJun» the L'jislerJy filile of Maple Ave, 6. County Board of Taxation.. fecfl &nd clothe her broot but she fifty feet to v. point; thence (2) easterly, Total Miscellaneous Revenues „„„ ™ in 1033, os they $355,237.70 1346,170.34 ..« 8,150.00 I 7,760.00 maintained that eho drid her family 16 Monmouth Street, imi alltil \> itli L'iike Avenui*, one hundred Amount to be raised by Taxation „.. ... 29,000.00 are similar ln de- luul iwojitv ff«t i« « :ft)int; IIIBIIL-U (3) 84,364.61 had been very happy in those days of C—ADMINISTRATION sign. They con-: Red Bank southerly, at right angles to Fiske Ave- Total Resourc.8 „ ...» 111.687.06 | 42,114.3. another century. nue, fifty foot to a point in the northerly 1. Freeholders' Salaries — I 17.000.00 sist of a>rappen i Tel. 89. 28,910.90 APPROPRIATIONS. Tuesdny afternoon at two o'clock, «icie of Eflid Fisko Avenue; thence (i) 2. Officers and Employees . red brown, a &- ' westerly, alons the northerly side of 8. Printing and Stationery . 10,000.00 1035 1084 they laid Grandma Hankins to rest, 4. Scrip Issues - 10.000.00 General Government: Fiijke Avenue, one hundred. and twenty 10.000.00 Administrative and Executive rappen blue green Servlce3i conducted by the Uev. W. feet (ci the iilncc of Beginning. 5. Contingent 1,600.00 1,600.00 nnd Acme Furfl'ffure Co., Assessment and Collection of Taxes •„, 1,600.00 1.&00.0* 1 a M-rappen s> R Powell, pastor of the Farming. Thh L>einj: intended'-ns the same land t 75,910.90 I 61,028.50 Printing. Advertising, Supplies „., 700,00 vio ilet. in oraer, i hurch, were held and picniiHL'n cunveyvd lu tlte aald Roland Insurance , _ „ „., . 700.0J da] e Methodist c 137 Monmouth Street S AtJaiiMMi EIIHI Sylvia Atkinson, his ivife, 2,200.00 1,600.00 -J one bears a coat IfrQ m th home of her d hter ,„ Dock Lntorest, '83 „ , by dciul executed by John J. Hendrlckson DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE Interest on Loans _....-...,...... ,...... _„....„_ ISO.OH *)»f arms, the second a scene from the (widoivcf), dated July 11, 19U2. and re- A—EDUCATIONAL 1,000.00 4.000.00 Farmingdale. -C, K. T. Clayton & Parks and Public Buildings 1,600.00 1,710,f, Alps and the third a church with oideil in the Monmouth County Cleric's 1. County Sapt. of Schools % 8.790.00 Preservation of Life and Property: Son of A^elphia, directed the Inter- Ofiice in liook 1003 of Deeds, pages 333, anow .covered, mountains ln the back- 2. County Extension Fund 10,808.00 Police : ment ln Maplewood cemetery here.. etc Fire :- 2,800.00 s.aoo.ot ground. Total . J 14,088.00 1.750.00 1,760.01) fa'ufacd aa tho property of Roland S. Water .'..'".'.-."'..IZ-. 1,100.00 The stamps aro tho same size and AtlunBon, et al., taken in execution at the Health and Charities: 1.100.00 have a border similar to the 1933 is- One of the quickest ways to find a suit of Mainstay Building and Loon As- B—HOSPITALIZATION Health •„.. Job is to advertise in The Regis- iation, a corporation of the State of 1. County Aid to General Hos. Poor : ...... 450.00 4(0.00 sue, the. principal difference being New Jersey, and to bo sold by .pltals . 1140,000.00 1140.000.00 2,600.00 1,600.00 ter's Want Department—Advertise- v 50.00 the inscription at the bottom. In the HOWARD HEIGHT, Sheriff. 2. Tuberculosis: Ambulance -.n....^^^^ 50.ol- new ones it Is in two lines; in the ment. a. Allenwood Hospital —9 72.792.15 | 8S>,O«e.3O 200.00 200.0(1 Dated Decpmber 14th. 1934. b. Maintenance of Patients Library .' 1 .'. 16.00 15.00\ • others one line. Warren H. Smock, Sol'r. Out of County Hospit&l ._ 8.515.08 31,808.15 8,518.00 77,682.80 1,000.00 . Significant of flight, the airmail (57 I.) 123.04 Streets, Highways, Sewers: 1 Iioads ,. has an alert eagle perched upon a 8. County Inmates—State In. Garbage _ 2,600.00 t.SOO.O* Institutions 105.432.60 6,000.00 6,000.0t ro6ky pinnacle in the Alps. It is blue STATE OF NEW JERSEY, 4. Public Health Service 6,500.00 Debt Service: 6,000.00 6,400,0( green in color, its 50-rappen value Department of State. 6. Crippled Children's Aid- 2.000.00 Payment of Bonds , f,000.00 being a new denomination for airpost CERTIFICATE OP DISSOLUTION. 6. County . Health Department.. 1,584.40 Payment of Notes - 1 use. The official stamp was created 8% Appropriation Temporary Note 6,000,01 To ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS Total 1330,826.16 1.825.DI by an overprint on the 50-rappen MAY COME, GREETING; Payment Assessment Temporary Note. 750.00 postage oblong of recent issue. WHEREAS, It appears to my satlafae- C—CORRECTIONAL AND PENAL Interest on Bonds „ „ 8,800.00 )iy*l>y duly authenticated record of tho 1. Jail (Sheriff) Contingent .— 800.00 * I loieedlnjia for tho voluntary dissolution a. Board of Prisoners 1 11,000.00 t 17,(00.00 Cancelled Tax Liens Pigeon Post thereof by ttio unnnimoua consent of all b. Warden, Matron and , Cancelled Assessment. Hance Road ..,. the stock ho] (let's, depo sited in my office. Guards - — 12,376.60 | ,28,378.80 12,010.80 • 80,410.80 Overexpendltures, Year lflSl Long before the airplane mall, va- that HONEYSUCKLE HILL CORPORA- Expenditures Without Appropriation ... rious attempts at" sending letters via JION. a corimration of this State, whoaa 2. Sealer of "Weights & Measures 4,600.00 !,500.00 Remitted Taxes T rinrinnl office IH nltuntcd nt Rumson, In tho air were made. Among the means 1. Police Radio SyBtem 10,000.00 Nona Total Appropriations ..,_ „ . „ of transportation have hcen pigeons. the County of • Monmouth, Stnto o( New Jersey, (William H. Hliitelmann, being tho Total .... S 87,876.60 "Pigeon post" stampa have been tho >nt therein nnil in chafne thereof, upon I 88,910.80 \ horn process miiy hv served),. lms cum* Do-WEIiKABE result, one such instance being the I lied with the requirements of "An Act use of Pigeons to carry letters be- 1. State Board of Children's Guardians loncerninR corporations (Revision of ••"•%. Widows' Fennions - * 41.010.78 t 72,899.24 tween Auckland, New Zealand, and 1S9O", preliminary io the issuing of this b. Dependent Children 30,877.60 t 71,897.28 36,736.00 1109,688.14 A. M. MINTON, the Great Barrier Islands at the be- Certificate of Dissolution. Attest:— Mayof, ginning of the century. Recently NOW, THEREFORE, I, THOMAS A. 2. Children's Shelter 1,965.00 1.S86.00 M. FLOYD SMITH, Clerk. MATHIS. Secretary of State of the State 8. Belief of Blind 6,800.00 5,000.00 Approved January 14. 1035. some of these stamps -were sold at f New Jersey, Do Hereby Certify that tho 4. County Adjuster and Direc- auction in London, one copy bringing paid corporation did, on tho Fifth day of J inunry, 193."i, file in my office a duly tor of Old Age Relief 5,050.00 1,050.00 $32.50. 5. Old Agro Pension 193,844.00 159,840.00 Chancery 8/109 executed nnd attested consent In writing to SHERIFFS SALE. Chsncrj- 6/16/1H At that time ahips were few and tho dissolution of said corpora lion, exe- 6. Briar Hill Welfare Houne .... 68.409.26 62,681.60 SHERIFF'S SALE t;t) by nil tho stockholders thereof, 7. County Fire Marshal 500.00 600.00 By virtue of a writ of A. fa. to me dl- SHERIFFS SALE. far between, the fact that tho islands vrhioh fitiid consent and tho record of the S. Burial Deceased Soldiers and I reeled. Issued out of the Court of Chan- By virtuuc, of 0a wriof t of «. fa. to ma dl. contained important copper mines lirocpoiiinsrf nfnrostiiH nro now on file in Sailors 4,484.00 4,414.00 cery of the State of New Jersey, will ba I- I ; '!t 1,. !" •£• ^-"t •' Chan, necessitating considerable corres- • fifii/J oJIico us provided by law. 9. Coroners, Inquests and exposed to sale at publlo vendue on eery of the Stata of New Jersey, will ba In testimony whereof, I have hereto County Physician . 4,010.01) 4,000.00 MONDAY, THE 4th DAY OP FEBRUARV, exposed to sole at public vendu.* on pondence. In 1897 the Great Barrier 10. Mosquito Commission ...» 17,600.00 17,500.00 MONDAY, THE 28th DAY OF JAJJUARI. Pigeongram service was fctarted and not my hand and ulli^od my ofnrinl seal, at 18S5. lientun, £lii« fiflh day of January, A. D.( between the hour, of 12:00 o'clock and lh9 hourl a. year later the company issued its one thousand nine hundred'nnd thirty-five. (878,029.54 II7O,<6(.74 'T, of'lJsM) o'clock and 5:00 o'clock (at 2:00 o'clock) In the after- 5lOO o'clock (at 2:00 o'clock) In U. aft." first stamps. A rival company was (Official Seal) THOMAS A. MATHIS. noon of .aid day, at the Court House in the 0 d th formed in 1S90 and both continued on fa'ecrcUry of State. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES Boroutfb of Freehold, In the County of H? n ' "!" *JL •' " Court Houia, In A—HIGHWAY MA1NTENACE Monmouth, New Jersey, to satisfy e> decree the Borough of Freehold, County of Son- the job until l'JOS when a cable was 1. County Appropriation 1 0,000.00 • 12,000.00 of said court amounting to approximately mouth ,' N»»ada Meglll and Amelia M.gllf. Io. tmdo M Kolley/ administratrix with will fated In Borough of lied Bank and BoE that brought the $32.50 hi the Lon- M1S.848.84 1828.900.00 .aid point being th. southwest corner of don sale. Rupperf 8 Beer will help icNed of tlio estate of Ella May Tilton, the James P. Cameron (formerly) lot, ough of Llttl. Bllv.r, Monmouth Comiw. eased, notice la hereby si von to the thenca northerly along the westerly lines N. J., Walter C. VanKeuren. Civil En- ditora of anlil deceased to exhibit to DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIO PROPERTY ot the .aid Cameron lot and (lie lot of gineer, Bed Bank, N. J., October U, nil "• tired muscles and nerves to tho Hubtu-riher, administratrix with will nn- A—COURT HOUSE AND JAIL and described as follows: ' Dvorak Honored jic\td nH foresail!, their debts and demands Augustu. Layton, eighty feet: thence a. Salaries and Wanes * 10,000.00 I 10,000.00 westerly parallel with Mechanic Street BEGINNING at a point In th. south.r. Antohin Dvorak, notijd Czecho^lo- relax. The liquid malted nMiln»L Iho rn\>\ oi;tnto. under oath, within b. Heat, Light anil Power .. 11,000.00 1^86.00 forty-two feet; thence southerly along 10 Av n eix months from the date nf tlm aforesaid c. Supplies, Repairs and Mis- U M$1J „ u J « "». «hlch point vakia composer, is pictured on the older, or they will be forever barred of th. Una of the Huch (formerly) lot eighty Is distant on. hundred feet westerly from Miscellaneous ...- 14,000.00 I 35,000.00 10,100.00 | 30,785.00 feet to the northerly lln. of Mechanic th. point of Intersection of th. .aid .out£ newest stamp from that country, in-' food will help to renew their actions therefor against the Bald sub* Street; thence easterly forty-two feet to ocilbei', d. Furniture and Fixture Re- •rly side of Madison Avenu. with Ih. aucd In tribute to the writer of the place of Beginning. westerly aid. of Branch Av,nui7 »UK "Humorcsriuc" and other world your vitality and reinvigor- l>«tei) Freehold, N, J., Dec.' 81, 1084. placement - — Being the same premises described ln a point I. .Loth* northwest corner ol Lot CERTilUDE M. KELLBY, B—COUNTY FARM OPERATION deed from Mary Allen, widow, to s.ld J'iVl'S" •" (1) In a .outh- known selections > Cnthcrine Avpnuo, Red Hunk, N. J., G—ALLENWOOD HOSPITAL Roiali. Kind, dated October 17, 1913, and erly direction along • tb. westerly lln. et Among his famous compositions IK ato your whole system. Administratrix with Wilt Annexed. GROUNDS recorded In the Monmouth County Clerk'. said Lot No. 1, „„. hundwjTaJii »brtS "Tho World Symnhony," upon which Api'leKntt1. StovonB, Fonter & KouBsllle, Offlca In Book Del of Deeds, pages 891. ConnHV]lorH nt Law, etc., from which deed the above descrip- lie worked while fled Ilnnk, N. J., tion la taken. living In Bl>ill- T roc tori. RECAPITULATION Seized as th. property of Rosalie It. ville, Iowa. After Kind (widow), et al., taken in axecutlon DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION at tha suit of Elisabeth Krldel, and to be hla return to his Monmouth' County Surrogiiti'i Ofnte. A. Financial »08O,757;83 I960,891.4< sold by n V l native land ho i B. Accounts 866,237.70 846,170.84 HOWARD HEIGHT, Sheriff. .lght-hund»dth. f..""^ pofn't'i; *tK In Ihti matter of tho cfitato of August* C. Administration 76,910.90 61.028.60 0 Lot No on completed the! r,i>iinnuui, ileiTfaHpif. I 1,411,906.43 • ' Dat.d January » Beginning thousandS. • . nlverenry of his death. Printed In j ci-anptl to Rxhlhlt t» the Bulmrrlber, tdmin- Jl. Bridge, and Culverts 149,000.00 125,000,00 wh.raln Carl J. Diet. Is tti. petitioner and iatrutor ii-i ftforoHftiii, their dnbtq nnd do- 410,848,64 128,900.00 green, It bears hla portrait. Besides In Bottles or Kegs DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC PROPERTY you ara th. d.fandant. TOO are required the usual Linden leaves, the border deinitiiiln nKiilaitt the nuld eitnte, under to answer th. petitioner a toatltlon on or tinth, within nix monttiH from the dale of A. Court Houle and J«ll -..-I 87,000.00 t 9I.78S.0O befora the first day of Match next, or In contains music symbols. The toco tho nfon'-jaid order, or tljoy wJJl ho for- B. County Farm Operation ... 250.00 260.00 Esther M. (Jlf.s. ,lst.r r til at tlioir nutlonv thorefor C. Allennood Hospital asetnst you aa th. Chancellor shall think Grounds . « 800.00 equitable and just. . . UjitrrJ Vrcvhoiit, N. J,, l)ec. 20, 1934. 871750.00 • 14,686.00 Tha object of said suit U to obtain a nii.*.'"^ *?, '!"* Pr°l>artr »' Esther M. A bonafldo newspaper circulation d.eraa of dlvorca dissolving th. marrlag. n H H. G. DEGENRING ALMBHT W. WOItDEN, » 2.081,024.38 • :,4<9,S«4.» r.i „*•"* "H °- °"»a. hat bush.n" —the kind Tho RejjlBlcr him In Iho (10 Runt Fiotit Stu'cl, tl*A »ank» N. J., b.twaan you and tb* said pelUionar for taken in aaeeutlon at th. suit et frank only kind that eountt) with the ad- 3d Bank, N. J. Affrtifntctrafor. HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Hint the sum of 114,471.50 lie and Is h.rabr ' tb. causa of desertion. T. Bloom, ind to b* .old by vortlHor No premluma or othoi In- Phone 1051. oprluted to m««t the expense* nnd operating needs of th. First Judicial District ' JOSEPH T, MATT1CB, . _ HOWARD HEU1HT, ducements hfivo ever been offered to CoiiliHelkutt ut I,n Court of tlio County of Monmouth, the anticipated receipts for tb* year 19.& of Solicitor of Petitioner, H.too.oo l«ln« In this manner declared to (he usa of aald Court approprl.thma, the frofasslonal Building, Asbury Park. N. J. •Mur* circulation.—Advinllueuient, Ked Dank, N. J.. 16, DaUd January «, 1»BB. A'toe tor», ballance ol laid appropriation, n.nulyl ,7,971.60 t« b» l.vl«d and rali«4 1» UM RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 17, 1935, DEMOCBATIC MEETING. ida, for Uie reel of the winter. Their the telephone company will be put AH Sports Feast other daughter Emms, will join thwn Into effect within the next few day«. JOHN E. DAY BRADLEYS later. The borouih will distribute cards to RADIO Mlddletown Township Party Work- Councilman-J. S. Hoffman h#re- the re»ide1u«, containing the follow- ers Entertained a* West End. Of Leonardo Club eclved. a postal card fronvtlfiarlefl ing information: "To report * fire Funeral Home SERVICE Howcll, who Is at Went Palm jBe&ch. call telephone operator and give lo- The Womcn't Democr»tle league Annual Dinner »nd Dance at the citlon of fire." When tho operator PHONE 332. PHONE H&4 .1 COAL at Mlddlelown townsltlp met at th« Mr. Howell states that bluelfah are /'J NtWHAM SPIi'j R(' Red Bank Elki Home Satur- running good and are selling at sight rings the flro house to give' tho alarm 18* Bro»d Street, Bed Bank. home of Mis- Frank Sherry of Weil a. horn outside the fire house is Knd, formerly of Bolfort, l»«t woeV' day Night Wan Attended by cents a pound wholesale. A number of residents from this founded and the Drat person to ar- A huslncji cfc.ilon was hell during 176 Personi. rive ftnswsro the phone and U told Kingston Celebrated Anthracite which jilnne wore mails tot welfare place attended the lnaugur»tion of Governor Harold G. Hoff.-nan at the location, of the fire by the tele- . : America's Finut •work and to entertain the Wonun'e The annual All Sports dinner nnd phone operator. Bcmocritlc club of Monmouth coun- dance given by the Leonardo Field Trenton Tuesday. Ni%C«ih . $11.75 per ton I PM, C»»h $10.00 ton ty Saturday fternoon, January 26. at club at the Elks home at R«d Bank Ittv. Percy R, Comer, Sr., jpent Mra. Edmund Hartcorn and her.In- the Fair View sohoolhouBe. Refresh- Saturday night was the most. Bu<:ness- Thursday .at Trenton, fant son Peter have returned home Stove, Cash . $12.00 per ton | Buckwheat, Cash $ 8.00 ton ments and a nocial time were en- ful social event ever held- by (he or. Highlands camp of Patriotic Or- from the Klvervicw hospital at Red joyed. The officers of the league are ganlzatlon. About 175 persons en- der Sons of America will hold a card Bank, Mrs. Eiiwartt O'Flaherty president, party in February in observance of Joseph Merchettl, Jr., la ill with CLEARANCE The above prices are for a limited time only. Joyed the feast and festivities, which Mrs. Theodore tabrecque vice preal- did not conclude until an early hour the lodge's 25th anniversary. J. S. pneumonia at tho Monmouth Me- denf, Mrs, Frank Sherry secretary* the ne*t morning. Goode's orchestra Hoffman, who has been president and morial hospital a-t Long Branch. Mrs. Herman Tarnow treasurer, Mrs. provided tha music, recording (secretary of the lodge the The Public Health Nursing asso- John H. Wemcrt chairman of the . Oscar DreBcjiel, the club president, past twenty years, l» in general ciation met Monday night at the bor- ward E, Bennett social conimlttoo and Miss Jennie made a. speech In which he congrat- charge of the arrangements. ough Jiall. RD, N. J., PhomKetni. 321-W- Cainerly chairman of the welfare ulated them on having the njost sue- The dance and entertainment giv- Howard CJaffey has recovered from- SALE committee. ccsefiil season In the club history In en Saturday night at Mel Johnson's an attack of grip. all four sporU In which the organi- hotel by the Republican, olub was at- The Atlantic Highlands fire ' de- zation engaged, these being bowling, tended by 125 persons. partment basketball team will play The Sale You've Been Waiting For ! basketball, baseball and football. He Mia. Kathorlne Bchaller has been the Leonardo'fire company tonight awarded Sterling stiver keys to 55 confined to her home with grip. at tho Mlddletown. townehlp high athletes who represented the club in Mrs, Loretta Duffy was hostesa at school. thcao Bports. the card' party ol the Trailers club Peter UcLaughlln, Leslie Anton- Richard Neu, the vice president, Thursday night. Everyone present iden, Alex Grodeska, Norman Con- made a speech in which ho said the received a prize. Holders of the three over, Frank Oermalnc and Joseph Have You Taken Advantage of Our club was the largest simon-pure ama- hihest scores at pinochle were Mrs. Dender attended tho automobile DRESSES teur organization of Its ltlpd In the -phon Stevens of Rumson &.-025, show last week at New York. county. tf. iiaryarct Liming 8,860 and Mrs. The Women's Missionary society A gift was made by the club to Gruce Schieber 8,820. Other Winners of the Central Baptist church has Dr. Allan B. JUndall of Bed Bank in were .^{rs. Margie Newton, Mra. elected Mrs, George, W. Conover $g.00 $g75 $g.75 appreciation of his efforts and co- Charles' Waltz, Harry , F. ' Letts, president, Mrs. J. T. Stout vice presi- operation durlnjj the season. "Doc" Charloa F. Bieler, Mrs. M. Parson, dent. Miss Evelyn R. Snyder secre- made an acceptance speech which Miss Emma Quast, Bailie Moran, Mrs. tary, Mrs. S. F. Phillips treasurer, including wool and silk sport, street and JANUARY SHOE SALE? was very favorably received. He Celia Letts, Mrs. P. Kchoe, Mr«. Lil- Mrs. Harry Postcn chairman of the praised the club for Its high standard lian Rogers, Mrs. William JTehlhaber, literature and Americanization com- evening models./ of sportsmanship and its other lino Mra. Mary A. Parker, Miss Winifred mittee, Mrs. John M. Knight chair- THERE ARE STILL MANY BARGAINS LEFT—BUT WE SUGGEST qualities. G. Ahoarn, Mrs- Bertha Boeckel, Mrs. man of White Cross work and Mrs. CheHter Bowman, a former Olym- Marie Schmidt, Mrs. Myrtle Mohr- W. "W, Leonard chairman eft Sunday? berh, Mrs. Etta Quasi, J. g, Hoff.iian, school missionary education. THAT YOU BUY NOW WHILE THE SELECTION IS COMPLETE. OUR pic stni, said the club was a credit lo .Mrs. ii. Bahr, Mrs. Mary RuUer, Mrs. A small group of Sport Coats the community. He said that in his Louisa Brcy, Mrs. F. Lyons, Mrs. New officers of the Modern Wood- SAME POLICY OF PAINSTAKING CARE IN FITTING GIVEN WITH opinion the organization had made Hor.itio Parker! Beatrice Walling, men of America are George E. Plog- a name for itself tfn 'the Miv. Valerie Smith, Mrs, August C. er consul, Dennis Sh«ehan adviser, and Suits •athletic cjub in this section aiiil that Quast, Miss Anns, .yuast, Mrs.. J- Joseph Romero. Jr., banker, John EVERY PAIR OF SALE SHOES. he hoped the members would carry Dowel, Mrs. Francis Snyles, August C. Kozak past consul, Thomas Garvey on In the future as they had-in the Qui'.st, Mrs. G. Gregerson, Mrs. Ellen watchman, Algle Drlnkwnter escort at $| < .00 and $-|g.SO past. Oli en, Miss Julia Ahern, Mrs. A. M. and John Kozak trustee. AH present said they had a wonder- Kuuei-.i-oh, Dougltia Quillln, Mrs. Bop- Officers installed at last week's ful evening and the desiro was gstier.. Vile Bieler and Mrs. Loulni Kohlen meeting: of the Atlantic Highlands $ $ ally expressed that the time would bu.'ih. Miss Clans, Mrs. Robert first aid squad were Arthur Irwlri formerly $22.50 to $35.00 not be far distant before the club- Wcikrr, Mrs. E. Mlckley and Mrs. president, James Egldlo vice presl> would hold another social event. LojTt::i Duffy won prizes at bunco. dent, Leslie Antonides secretary, Wil- A f'.atk horse prize was won by Mrs. liam Gerkens treasurer, Morris Jos- 3.95 6- 4.95 Louisa Brcy.' Mrs. Margaret Liming Hn captain, Leslie Antonides first Highlands News. will be hostess at tonight's meeting. lleutnnant, Theodore Norcross sec- All Hats Reduced for Clearance Value* from 5.50 to 8.50 ond lieutenant and Edmund Blom, (The R«il Bunk Rceistcr sail lJ» IJOIUTIII The Kamblers club of Leonardo Harry Posten and Edmund Gehlhaus In Highlands at BciKc's druc etore, at Jos- held a card pally Saturday night in trustees. The squad has ordered four $-| $O and $•> eph SUmon's store nnU Ms!llis»n> utore.l the new lodgerooms adjoining the sets of life-saving harness to be The Highlands Methodist church is Auditorium theater. The club has worn by firemen in a burning build- Arch Preserver Shoes For Men and Women 7.95 malting special plann for the roll call leased the room for a card party on ing. service Thursday, January 31. This the second Saturday rnight of each year the church will observe Us fif- month. Viuitorti who v. on prizes were CWmnoy Fire. Johnson & Murphy Men's Oxfords . 7.95 tieth anniversary In conjunction with C. Mickey, Mrs. M. Parson, Mrs. Lor- tha roll call. There will ba after- ella Duffy, Mrs. E. Lutzc.'Mrs. George A chimney fire which broke out Enna Jettick Shoes (Discontinued Styles) noon and evening aesslono, with a Schmidt, Mrs, I^ouisa Kohlenbush; Monday afternoon did slight damage 3.95 supper served by the Ladles' Aid so- Harry F. Letts,'Mrs. Etta Quast, J, to the homo of Poter Canonico of The Dress Shop ciety at the conclusion of Die after- R, Htfffman, Mrs. J. Wakefleld, Mrs. 108 River street. noon meeting. The official board will A, M, Robertson, Mrs. Ada Hallam, 73 Broad Street, Red Bank Mrs. George Umlng, H. F. Greger- The road to better: and bigger b complete pinna for the event, at a' neso loads through Tho Register'buts t meeting next Monday night at the son, Mrs. Mattie Fehlhaber, Mrs, pnrennagc. Next Sunday morning- Peggy Kehoe, Mrs. Ellen Olsen, Miss vertislnfc columns.—Advertisement. ALBERT S MILLER •Rev. Percy Tt. Corner-,. Sr., pastor, will Winifred G. Ahearn and Mrs. Mary prui.'eli on the topic, "A Church Mem- Kutter. Members who won prizes SHOES FITTED BY X-BAT ber Vou ihn lU't'oimnend." ilis sub. wore Mrs. Helen KhiR. Mrs. E. Pat- Ject for the evening service will be leruon, Mrs. G. Gregorson, Mrs. "The Story of tlic Fiery Ftirtincc.11 Bertha Boeckel, Mrs. Celia Letts, 18 BROAD STREET RED BANK, SI. J. ,' Mrs. Charles Herbert underwent Mrs. Bcalrlco Murphy, Mrs, Mary an operation Monday at the Mon- Soden and Mrs. E. Alrlsti. The dark mouth Memorial hospital at Long horse prize was won by Mrs. Loretta Brunch. rmffy, Miss Gertrude Crelin ol Barberle ANNOUNCING avenue- visited friends at Newark over the week-end. Atlantic Highlands. Mrs. Klizabeth Brachat of Water THE OPENING HOUSEWIVES 7*4 TWICE (Tho Red Bank Reelitu na bl bousht Witch ha3 returned from a week's in AtlanllQ Hlcblanda at tha ttor«i- ol visit with relative* at. Newark. William Led. J. Lemburs ond A. KaU.) ARE USING Mrs, Deborah. Boguc spent the ( of RED BANK'S week-end with friends at Lnmbert- Miss Clarice Adams, who 1» en- RICH ville. On Sunday she visited the soped to wed Wilson B. Wright, was Flemlngton courthouse, where the tendered a miscellaneous shower Fri- Newest and Most Up-to-Date AS ORDINARY MILK Hauptirmnn trial Js being held. day night at the home of Mrs. Ken- SHEFFIELD Tho Junior Republican club will neth Eggleston. Miss Adams and hold a card party next Tuesday night Mr. Wright are teachers at Uie High- EVAPORATED MUK at the headquarters adjoining the lands public school. Auditorium theater. Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Brook of BARBER SHOP and BEAUTY SALON John R. Ahern was host to the Maxwelton Park are at Hollywood, A tall can of SHEFFIELD Evaporated Milk cosh Lions club at a dinner meeting Tues- Florida, for the rest of the winter. only half the price of its equivalent in bottled day night at his hotel. Tho Altar and Eosary society will The Daughters ot Liberty and the hold a card party Friday night,, Feb- milk — a savings to be counted on. It is most Foresters will hold a joint card, and ruary 1, in St, Agnes's auditorium. Saturday. January 19th economical and decidedly convenient. bunco party Saturday night, January Arthur Nay lor has rented part of 26, in their new lodgeroonis, Bunco, the Shannon building on the corner bridge and pinochle will be played of First and Highlands avenues for and the games will start at half-past a showroom for Pontiae, cars. FOR THE LADIES eight o'clock. The county has completed the.Job UNJWECTENID Mr. and Mra, August C. Quast and of. rebuilding the bridge over Many 5 complete booths with all the latest equipment. Sheffield Milk EVAPORATED daughters Helen and Anna left thla Kind creek on Bay avenue. 1 morning for West Palm Beach, Flor- The new tire alum hook-UP with Granulated Sugar STB} Entirely separate from the Barber Shop. Anglo Corned Beef 2«*27< Ritter's Spaghetti | SERVICE I 3 Expert Beauty Culturists in Attendance. For Coziness and Phone Red Bank 2810 for an Appointment. Hershey's CHOCOLATI SYRUP 16 os. canty [GROCERS] Softasilk Vanilla Extract "SEJST •-*«-»- FOR THE MEN Wheaties GREEN CIRCLE Mixed fniH*3£Sir5&&2*25<- 4 CHftlRS-4 EXPERT BARBERS-NO WAITING W M PEACHif Flagstaff Spinach %T 2 HALVES or SLICED Your Hair Cut as you like it. Individual Service . . . Every article Flagstaff Pumpkin •«.».««. sterilized before using. Every modern sanitary precaution will be used Flagstaff Apricota££2?'£25' 15* at our Shop. NO- lv> IARCEST CAN Flagstaff

Refugee Beans "&%t£ 2^27' flNfST QUAUTY - NPV CROJ* THE'. CHILDREN Flagstaff Chili Sauce 31' f«nily will •rtjoy WE INVITE EVERYONE TO INSPECT OUR SHOP ON OPEN- ING DAY OR AT ANY TIME YOU WISH. Uneeda Bakers No.2H Uneeda Bakers Edgemont "Smacks"

Scot Tissue . . 3 °*2O< Combination Here ta a. little house that Just and * glees doorway leading to an T»dl»tM cozlnens and romnnee.. Each enclosed porch. Waldorf Paper Inch of space has been caivifully con- TICO PAMCAKI FLOUR sidered for comfort, convcnlcnco find Behind the living room Is the dln- InK room, and to the rif-ht of the lat- BOB'S PANDC Soap . . I PACKAGE - REGULAR Kfc boauty, both Jnsldo nnd out. Thn 7*>~»25' house haa a deflnlts atmosphere of ter In a modern kitchen. Hero, the Chi pso Flakes «• «**»» 2 J& 3 5* OEM PANCAKB SYRUP the pn»t about It. filnk In under a window 30 Inches Sanitary Barber Shop and Beauty Salon Tho IIOUBC, Colonial In otyle, la from tho door. Tho jtovn, of white, 1 JUG - REGULAR tO< built on a wood construction with rod 1« brought, out Into tho room iiiRtefid 69 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. Ivorv Soap 9 Z!! cednr ihlnglca, a nlilnglo roof, stucco of belnff placed In a dark corner. chlmnoy, rtniali paned windows and CloHRts nrn on either «lde. Thn (OMOSITJ5 MONMOUTH STWEET) pRias micTiVc /uMMitr rnfc rtmu a* A baUflrind door. liltchen Ihtin becocrws a guy, cheerful workroom. Knt.rnnrp In'lhrougli a nmnll |inrrh, IlKinc.o Into a vc.itilmhi thut hrt^ fi 'I'wii Katul-t;\/.r(l Icdrottnt-'* hsvfi r,o»t f.lonet. Then corneii Ilin HvlnR CIDHH.ventilation imd ecdni- clo«ot», room, with buy window, a Colonial Tlie housn is oi\ly 35 feel, wide nn' fl ttnother can. lie built an a umsiU lot. obo » j .'•: \.«,". y Pace EieM RED BANK EEGISTER.^ANUARY 17.1986. escaped Injury recently when a busformed at New York city on October H[ere and There la which he -was returning to Duke 19. 4 university; took fire and burned near Ban Down Chill. in the County Baltimore. Armiliu Devlno of Washington Two Injured. street, Matawan township. Is In the Their dairy track w completely county jail awaiting grand jury ar- PertonaJ Notes, Sales of Prop- wrecked and Herman and Morton tion after running down five-year-old erty, Building Operation*, Davldofeky were slightly injured Katherine Rice, daughter p#.Mr. and when laat Wednesday night the truck Mrs. Alonzo Rice last Wednesday. Lodge Doingi, Births, Mar- skidded in Freehold and broke off a int Bilk Mill School Opens. Hi Watch for Further Details riages and Death*. telephone pgle. The Asbury Park school for train- " ' P. B. VanMater of Marlboro haB Dies of Heart Trouble. inc mill and women In the silk wenv- on how to been re-elected president of the Mon- Eugene Danancher, 61, died at hisi'tijT Trifdc""bpensd" this week -In the mouth. county board of agriculture. home on the JLakewood road last Kntcrprirto /Ire house, Third avenue Carroll W. Barclay of Eatontown Monday week of heart trouble. Serv- and Comstock street. SAVE MONEY To Be Announced was elected as • vice president W. ices were held last Thursday with He Who Fays. Rhea Moreau of Freehold recording Interment being made in Maplewood Wolf Carp of ClarkBburg has been secretary, Johannah JC. Hansen of cemetery at Freehold. fined $10 for the death o* a cat killed : J Freehold corresponding secretary by his dog. Carp, in pleading guilty, -.' "' '• '^; ". " '• • - . ' • • • " "" ~ '-~ and S. C. Still-well of Freehold treas- Dies of HIneM. said that the dog had been a Thanks- urer. Mrs. Sadie Katz, 45. died at hergiving present from a Trenton friend. The Ocean Pier Amusement com- home on First avenue, Asbury Park, pany of Long Branch, owners of the last Thursday of-a complication of Donated Receiving Set. recreation pier, has been directed to diseases. Services were held last Fri- Theodore W. Morris of Freehold Bhow cause by Vice Chancellor Maja day with burial being made in thehas donated a short wave receiving Leon Berry why a receiver should Hebrew cemetery in Neptune. to the Freehold police depart- not be appointed for the company. ment. The set was installed last Rites Held Saturday. Monday week. Red Bank Register's Two Stills Seized. Funeral services for Miss May R. Two still seizures were made by Eiale, prominent music teacher, who A/dted to IKI .iBiled. state and federal agents last Wednes- waB found dead in a pas-filled room Clarence Bonn of Stillwell's Corner day . Services wero "front seat comfort" even to rear seat pas- 495 held Moniliy vvtck with inter- ment bciiv^ made in .Maplcu'ood cem- sengers. Larger, niore comfortable seats. etery. Big, air-balloon tires. Easier steering. As No Obligations— for safety, every model has safety glass all Discontinue Jtcd Ink. around—at no extra cost. Welded, all-steel M'my yoni* ;i^n the K;irmmgda]e borough ollidals, who closed another body. New, more powerful brakes. And a successful year when 193-1 ended, lower center of gravity. Many Other Valuable learned how to manage thc borough Why be satisfied with less than thjs for F0KDV8 i " * • •• - • • affairs without the use of red ink, and have continued to do so through FORf 1935 all these trying tinicf. ONTIIEAin-rORDSVMPIIU.MYORC.HESTRA.SiindarEtcningi.rREDXrARlNG.ThilHjirgtenlnts-COmMBrA NITVORK. Bring Pencil Merchandise Gifts Freehold Budget l/ow. The Freehold commissioners have »&»^x^M;^>.:rf>.r^.>^v.%^.--N.%.--^^v.-^---.-...^...... ——- :•-p ^naco approved and pnsaed the 1035 budget and Pad without cost or on Its Hist rending, which calls for a reduction of .$-155.93 to bo rained by taxation, -while thc total budget shown a reduction over last year of obligation $2,887.68. This Is Very Important gcnt Announced. Announcement has bpen irmdc ur tho engagement of Miss Mclhin Archer, daughter of Mr. and Mi:-, Leuter Archer of Arlelphla, lo Wil- liam Beams, eon of Mr. and Mrs, Ed- ward Beams of Freehold. I NEW RECIPES-TIME SAVING KlTCHEN Underwent Blood Transfusion. Clnire Lewis, olovon-year-old MOUNT-ENGLISH CO. APPLIANCES daughter nf Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis of Freehold, underwent a sec- ond blood transfusion ln»t Wednes- day In a treatment for Bright'* dls- Authorized Ford Sales and Service. oase, the aftennalh of scarlet fever. Baking-Roasting and Fry ing-Table Decorations- J><>E Show Kntry. Irfjdy Walker, iin American fox hound, owned by Jam en Sampson of Cor. jMaple Ave. & Monmouth St., Balancing of Meals and Other Interesting Subjects Freehold, has bean entered In the Red Baric W«stmln»ter dog show which will be held at Madison Square (Harden next will be Discussed. ipjonth. Phone 176. KmMpfi Injury. .Joseph MeDermatt, «on ot Mr. and Mrs. Btephen McBermott of Freehold -rv • REPBA!reflEGISTEK, JANUARY 17,1335. Page fflnt

Forsyth correspondin. . . g »«cr»Ury, for a dince sociable. The committee Cecil Weaver, Heasle Johnson and Its boundary line to the center of the Michael Collins bought all of th« Years Ago in and George, Wyekoff recording secretary, In charge of the dance was composed May Conklln." stream. standing timber on Michael Rlordtn'e George Cooper treasurer and Lester of Henry Prancli, Btephen Green- Charles R. D. Foxwell wa» elected An open meeting waiL-to b» h»ld by place at Colt'a Neck. He set up a I* Pach and Robert Forsyth mem- wood and Arthur Soffel. president and J. Howard Applegate the Oceanic Fire company company portable sawmill and employed « Around Red Bank bers of the etandlng committee. The Msnmomh Ice company i was foreman of Relief Engine company for the purpose of organizing a large gang of men and four teami In 'Kennedy's Flowers A mocking bird owned by Edmund Oiling Its two Ice houses with' Ice of Red Bank. ladles' auxiliary. LOU|B Freltag, Ed- cutting up the timber. Incidentr Culled From The Rcg- Smith, a tailor employed by James J. from Solomon Matt's pond at Eaton- James -Donovan, proprietor of the ward Jeffrey, Andrew Zerr, M. The HoImUel township- board ot iater of the Third Week in Weaver, w»» killed by coal gas. Mr. town. The Ice averaged nine Inches Park hotel at Oceanport, filled hla Emery and Phlneas Smith were In education adopted a resolution to dla- Reel Bank charge of the affair. Harding Road. :-l January Twenty, Thirty and Smith had had tb,e bird for flve years in thickness. ice, house with ice from the Ocean- continue meeting at Edward W. Per- and It was quite « pet with those More ttae was granted the depos- port creek. While the work was' un- Theodore Johnson waa elected •rlne's hotel and to hold meeting! Forty Years Ago. •who visited Mr. ^Weaver's establish- itors In the defunct Mercantile Co- der way so much Ice waB piled on councilor and RaymondAujgnaek vice thereafter In the old schoolhouse, Phone 685. " ment. the dock that It collapsed and 1DU uuudlor of tho American Mechanics Forty Years Ago. operative bank ol Hed Bank to prove Mlssea Ethel and Maudo Ackerson Jessie Bowman, daughter of Ed- their claims and to forward them to .tons of Ice went Into the river. lodge at Eatontown. of Plazlet entertained at a 600 p»rty, "Only A Private," •, melodrama ward Bowman of LJttla Sliver, was the receiver. This necessitated a Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Harrison Mrs. Crarles A. Smith of Port Prizes were won by Miss Edna M. Flowers for All Occasions. written . by Eliaa E. Mageo and aeverely burned when she upset.a delay in paying a dividend. of Hudson avenue received^a sur- Monmouth fell down the cellar stairs Weigand, Miss Elizabeth Hproul, Charles K. Champlln, was being re- pan of boiling molasses. Benjamin John Parker of Shrews- prise visit from twenty friends on at her homo and sustained a -bad Frank V. B. Young and.William M, written and a new act waa to be George A. Steele, who had been bury, foreman of tho grand jury, re- the date of their tenth wedding an- scalp wound. Mrg. Smith was 7fl Ackergon. .dded. A dramatic club was formed bookkeeper and cashier for the Lov- ceived a gold watch charm from his niversary. years old. Dr. Failing of Atlantic The Marlboro fire company bought .mong the members of the Bed Bank ett company at IJttle Silver for many fellow Jurymen. Rev. John Hanley Andrew Freedman, who owned the Highlands attended to her Injuries. a new fli-e engine at B cost of $1,120 Signal corps and these local, play- years, severed his connection with of Long Branch, one of, the jurors, former Frank C. Byram farm on the Hiss Josephine Hower of Navealnk, and nearly that amount was pledged wrights were to writs several ad- the firm. made the presentation speech. Ridge road, was spending $50,000 on while skating on Clayplt creek, heard by members and friends of the com- ditional plays for the signal corps A family dinner party was held at new farm buildings Un the premises. cries for help and saw a email boy pany. ' actors, Mrs. Michael Ryan of Llncroft had hey're so nice R. L. Inscoe, a southern cattle man, the home of William Hoey at Colt'a a narrow escape from being bitten struggling in the water, wbera ho had A monster charity ball for tho ben- Neck at which all of Mr. Hoey's by a dog supposed to have been mad. was foreman of the farm. broken through thin Ice. Miss How- fit of the Memorial hospital at Long brothers and sisters were present Wh.Uo attempting to feed tho dog It William Cook of Bank, street con- er crawled to tho edge of the hole, H. J. SMITH Branch attracted dancers from all snapped at her In an ugly manner. verted his twin-cylinder motorcycle about thirty yarda out on dangerous parts of Monmouth county. Among Ice, and pulled tho boy, George La- Specializing In Thirty Yearn Ago. Sho jumped out of the animal's way into a motor iceboat. Ho was assist- o Borrowers those who attended frcaa Red Bank and ran into the house, shutting tho ed by Robert Johnson In building the Barr, to safety. Miss Hower was Body and Fender were Mr. and Mrs. William Dolg, Mr. Thieves made a big haul when they door Just In time to keep the yelping new contraption. captain of the lately organized. e}j!§' Mn. B. said, tailing (of her experience with the broke into the Atlantic Highlands and Mrs. Charles Boughton, Mr. and dog from .grabbing her. Captain Marcus A. Hammond of hockey team.of NavesinK. -if Work vs Personal Finance Company. Mrs. Charles Nclman, Mr. and Mrs, postofflce. The Mtfa was blown open , John Fort of Belford gave up hla Mrs. Elizabeth H. Sayre, wife of Auto Painting NlmonHnff with dynamite and stamps to the Beacon Beach was captain of a mer- 41 WEST 8T, BED HANK Stephen H. Allen, Maudo Wood, Kitty position on the^government trestle chant vessel which was sent to Ger- Dr. Jeremiah E. Sayre of Red Bank, BusBell, Mamlo White, Annie White, value of $800 and $162 In cash were at 'tho Highlands and went in bus- died of a complication of diseases. stolen. David Bernero, who lived many with a cargo of baled cotton. Louise, Margaret and Josephine Al- iness, for 'hlmaclf selling" baking Captain Hammond received warn- Besides her husband she was sur- BORROW laire, Jacob W. Cornwall, Thomas S. next to the postofflee, gave the alarm powder- and spices. ings that his vessel was In danger of vived by two sons and a daughter, Field, Garrett" Morford, James 8. and the thieves shot at him in their Know our friendly and confidential service. Let ui Harold Covert' ot Colt's Neck had being captured by British warships. Dr. William D. Sayre and Charles Throckmorton, Jr., Charles M. Apple- getaway. Sayre of Red Bank and Mrs, Law- arrange the kind of a loan you want after a itudy gate, George Hance Patterson. Mor- a perfect attendance record at Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worthley of Tile "pupils of the Chapel Hill pub- day-school for 4VJ years. Rector place were enjoying night rence Hammond of Salt Lake City. of your affairi. When you deal with "Personal timer V. Pach, Edward W. Throck- llo school who had perfect attend- Qeorgo Lyte, a farm hand on the £•0 ul today, morton and Herbert McClees. . A clock offered by a Keyport-mer- skating when the Ice gave way and Finance" you can choose from a wide variety of ance records during December wore chant to.tho person guessing nearest they were given an Impromptu bath. Charles Helser placo at Lincroft, CB- wrll* loon and payment plani to fult your need). Harold K. AllBtrom waslnstalled as Mabel Applegate, Enraa Evans, Eda the number of pennies in a jar waa They wero nono the worse for their cape.d death from drowning when his or phono— ^ Auto • CcHRaktr a Pantttur* • Combination loam regent of Bed Bank council of Royal Horden, George Evans, Sarah Max- won by Otto F...Geh!haus. A set of mishap except lor their wetting. employer pulled him out of a pond, Arcanum. A short enturtainmant waa son, Richard Nagle, Frank Maxson, furs chanced off by another Keyport Slgpwnd Eisner of Red Bank where he had gotten In water over given alter tha Installation, consist- Charles Taylor, Howard Maxson and merchant was won by Mra. James opened a new clothing factory at his depth. ing of a recitation by A. M. Evans, a Burt .Taylor. Barber/ South Amboy. At that time Mr. Eis- Tho newly organized Ambulance reading by Peter T. Brady, songs by John H. Gregory of Perth Amboy, PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY Harold M. Stllwell, a prominent ner was employing about 1,800 men corpa. was mustered into state ser- William Fintard and Whlt&H Hill, who for many years had been a res- In his various factories. Electrlo BId»., 601 Bang! Avemu, Fboil A. P. 7(95. LJc.M. No, B70 Freehold Insurance agent, waa given vice, with appropriate ceremonies at violin solo by Rudolph Malchow and ident of Red Bank, was appointed Samuel Cardncr, who had a barber the Red Bank armory. Lieutenant ASBURY PARK. N. J« a flute solo by Edward Lafctra. city treasurer of Perth Amboy. a gold watch by hia company for Monthly ChChlrii a Two leading all other agents in securing shop at Fair Haven, opened a branch Colonel Schauffler, head officer, of tho , _ and One-Half P«r Cunt William J. Sewall of Camden re- The members of Independent En- shop in the Child building on Broad State Medical guard, conducted tho hunt Mndt In All Nearby Touml on Unpaid Balattea Only new business during November and ceived tho nomination for United gine company were trying to find out December. street. }n the store where Leo Salz ceremonies. Dr. Peter P. Rafferty of States Senator, getting 65 votes to who looted their private bank. The formerly had his , men's furnishings Red Bank was captain of the corpsf. nine recorded for Franklin Murphy. bank waa located In the meeting Mra. Cornelia Cowles of Keyport celebrated her ninetieth birthday at establishment. Tho Red Bank Cavalry troop A piano recital was given at tho room partition and coins were dropped formed an Indoor baseball team, with Into It through a hole in the wall, the home of her eon, W. C. Cowles. Evaline McLean Chandler, wife o! Bed Bank Baptist church under the Mr. and Mrs. Holstead Walnvlght Georgo Wesley Chandler and daugh- James Bray aa captain. Other play- INSPECTION direction of Mrs. William Plntard. the money being derived from the ers were H. i'ioyd Rush, Fred Jones, A Malie5ureyourheatifigBystem members and friends who used the of- Farmlhgdale entertained a com- ter of Charles E. Applegate, died fol- Those who took part wore Bessie pany of friends In celebration of Mr. lowing an illness of several months. John J. Quinn, Fred McKee, Harold is safe. If it smokes, leaks gag, Bergen, Carrie Cooper, Lillle Smith, company's pool table. It was believed LuHos and Joseph Johnson. wastes fuel,overheats,cauceschim- the bank contained about-$20. Eu- Wainrlght's 74th birthday. Mrs. Chandler was an active member A. E. Patterson, Blanch Spinning, of the Red Bank Baptist church. Councilman Ralph O. Willgusa was ney fires, or doesn't heat properly Kato Novlue,'Adelaide Knapp, Besalo gene Patterson, John Bainton, Jr., appointed by Mayor George M. Sandt have a Holland factory tiaineA Owen, Maggie Sutton, Irene Cham- and Walter VanSchoik were mombers Mrs. Mary Alice Imlay died nt the expert inspect it immediately with- . Twenty Tears Ago. horne of her son, Policeman ^Joseph to examine tho borough ordinances berlain, Mary Mount, Mary Nicholls, of the company's financial safety com- and to report on revising same. out cost or obligation. Holland's Nelllo Ballley, Annie Applegate, Mat- mittee. Tho old schoolhouse at Leonardo M. Imlay of Locust avenue. She was safety check-up service —- con- ' was sold at auction to JacoV Schnoor 86 years old and death wac duo to Mrs. J. Henry Walling- of Port J tie Allen arid Carrio Sandt. Dustln Allaire and his son Jacob, ducted in cooperation with firo of Belford for $450; general debility. Monmouth entertained the Ladles' iiiJ A new corporation, was organized both of Red Bank, returned from __Anaouiicement—was—made—of—the- —Melvln—AT—Rice—of -Atlantic High- Social-circle of ther village at dinner. wide Don't gamble with your life to manufacture and deal In billiard Florida, where they-wenHo-plck-out- coming marrlaga of Mlns Tillieiong- lands, .left fnr Belgium on a-business About forty guests were present. . and property. Telephono lor a supplies with -Its faetory at Red a truck farm. Mr. Allaire decided Btreet, daughter of Garrett D. Long- trip, He waa art, importor of linen William Leddy of Port Monmouth Holland man now. We in-* Bank. Patrick Hackett of Red Bank that Red Bank was moro preferable street, and John S. Holmea, son of and much of hla time waa to b? spent was able to bo about atter having spect all types and makes of waa one of tho oilicers of the corpor- for a trucking place than any spot In Mrs. R, H. Holmes, both of Hota- been injured In an auto accident at [umaccs — absolutely free. Florida. securing linen shipments. ation. del. After their marrlago they were W. H. Layton, a Monmouth street Red Bank. An effort was being made to estab- Captain Trevonlan H. Patterson of to begin housekeeping on tho Wil- liveryman, leased Frank Gibbons' Edward W. Berry,, station agent at lish a troop of cavalry for tho Na- Atlantic Highlands, keeper of the liam S. Crawford farm at Crawford's building on Pearl street for his bus- Middletown village, was on a three- HOLLAND tional Guard of New Jersey In and Sandy Hook life saving • station, re- Corner, • iness. The Gibbons building had wcolto' trip to Florida. around Bed Bank. It waa the inten- ceived great praise for himself and Vemon Dey of WesUlde avenue formerly been used as tho home lor Robert Cook of Atlantic Highlands Furnace Company tion of tho promoters to have a full his crew for their work in rescuing Relief Fire company. was elected secretary of tho Mon- 39 Mechanic St. Red Bank, M.- J, the crew of the steamship Dfumel- fell wlille skating on ths river and company of 100 men. In addition to William Addlson Bocnalne entor- mouth Poultry club at a meeting held Red Bank 2102 securing members at Red Bank, an glor, which was considered at that broke his wrist. The bone was set at Red Bank. HOLLAND FURNACES MAKE WARM FRIENDS effort was mado to secure enlist- time without a parallel in the life by Dr. R, Browning Wtlaon. tained a group of friends at hla home ments froni Shrewsbury, Mlddlotown, saving service. A sewing club was organized at on Naveslnk avenue. Mr. Romaine Red Bank to make Christmas pres- was secretary of the 1S15 club of the Holmdel and Atlantic-townships. Mr. and Mrs. Levl Smith of Marl- Highlands, . . The goods in VanDuzer'a millinery boro celebrated tha fiftieth anni- ents for the following holiday sea- store on Broad street Wore to be sold versary o! their marrlago on New son. The club members were Mrs, Mayor Frank Co-vert of Fair Ha-, at auction, together with the stove Years day. Thlrty-uhu of their chil- William P. Hugg, Mi-s. George w. Veil suKKested that a bill be framefl' fixtures. The sale was due to Mr. dren and grandchildren were.pres- Bray, Mrs. John Kennedy, Mrs, Fred to provide for tho extension of Fair Price! Quality! Variety! Van Duzer's moving to Now York, ent, Culllngton, MrB. Fred Conklln, Mrs, Havon's boundary lino on tho river where he wan engaged. In the store A proposition was under way to Belle Johnson, Mrs. Frank Worth front to tho center ot the river. Rum- of Hill Brothers. build a 75-foot steel tower for fire and Misses Ethel PavlB, Daisy Davis, son borough had previously expended SCHULTE-UNITED'S "Ths Polico Patrol," a reallstlo alarm purposes at Keyport. Just like buying ice drama, was presented at the Bed Robert McDonald, Georgo Goff and Bank Opera house. A feature of tho James Wolcott were leading In a pool play was that rear horses, a real pa- tournament, which was In progresi trol wagon and real policemen made In the Naveslnk Hook and Ladder •-• #_'and a new their appearance on the stage. building on Mecbanlo street. Semi-Annual WINES «nd LIQUORS A branch of the State building and Obadlah E. Davis was recommend- loan association wag organized at ed by Congressman Benjamin F. Port Monmouth, with Benjamin Howell for postmaster at Red Bank- Smoother ! Finer ! Tastier ! Grlggs president, John S. Eastmond to succeed William T. Corlles. Mr. vice president, William N. Seely sec- Davis waa mayor of Red Bank and 100 Proof retary and G. W. VanNoto treasurer. also a former sheriff of Monmouth Nathan Brown, Daniel Frnogan and county. Antonlus Gibson were other mem- Ferren Blalsdell of Bed Bank com- "170" STRAIGHT RYE bers of the board of directors. peted in a mile novice race «t Ver- HOSTS OF FBIENDS B. S. Snyder of Atlantio Highlands ona Lake and finished second. The ASSTJBE ITS QUALITY AND sold his farm at New Monmouth to race was won by Oliver Wood of THIS SPLENDID VALUE! Glrardus C, Morria of Keyport for Ig Branch. $8,000. There was an elevation on Millard F. Tetley was elected noble the farm from which one could see grand of Naveslnk lodge of Odd Fel- New York on a clear day. lows of Bed Bank, Quarts 1.89 c pt The Riverside Gun club of Bed Captain Charles Allen, Jr., was 99 Bank held its annual meeting and thrown out of his ice yacht and his SHIRT and PAJAMA elected John B. Bergen president, forehead was severely cut over ona James Cooper, Jr., vice president, of bis eyes. Hiram Walker Millstream John P. Cooper secretary and treas- Charles Burd's Drub, Charles Ir- urer, Henry C. Whito captain, Wil- wln'a Georgle and Captain Allen's SALE Now On 09 liam H. Little lieutenant and Edward Edna M. were sharing the laurels, in Gin m- I Applejack^ J9* M. Cooper, Millard F. Cornwell and the dally races conducted by the ice VVIHTE SWAN 00 Proof John Dey trustees. A shooting yachtsmen of tho North Shrewsbury match was arranged to take place H«r»'i He tuktt w»j river. at Tlnton Falls between H. B. Ed- A party of Mlddletowners went out You know the quality— Two Fine Values For Lower Price ! yon ever heard of to get wards and Geno Magoo. Tho men all night hunting,, for eoous. They a Frigidaire, No down were to Bhoot at 25 birds each for caught two and treed three others. payment. No monthly $25 a side. Edwards was to stand In the party were Asa Weymor, Wes- at the 25-yard mark and Mageo at the prices tell the story Cobb's Creek budgeting. Just depoiit ley Boyce, William VanZee, James L. Gramercy the thirty-yard mark. Bray and D. H. Wyekoff. • Distilled STRAIGHT 25c a day under the Georgo Ellenburg was building a Mrs. Catherine Gordon, widow ot Meter-Ice Plan and the new hall on hla property on the road Charles Gordon, died at her borne on Shirts — DRY GIN WHISKEY leading from Koaip'g to Fair Ha- Riverside avenue of heart disease. first thing yon know Fine for use either A Very rnlntnblo your Frigidaire ti paid ven. Tho hall waa to be used for She was 82 years old. Mrs. Gordon parties and dances. Mr. Ellenburg was the daughter of Peter VanKIrk 1.95 Values ___."1 -i RS Straight or Mixed. Cocktail Base- for. planned to open tho place with a six- of Marlboro. day walking match, the contestants Miss -Mary A. Hance died at her ,2.00 " J x«vD SIMPLE AS A. B. C. to walk flve hours each night for six home on Monmouth street of par- Fifth Fifth consecutive nights. Burt VanBrunt alysis. She was 76 years old and was 94c Pt. 1.09 Pt. and Patsy Flood, both of Fair Ha- a, daughter of Elizabeth and John W. , . 2.50 " ------1.85 69« Here's how the Meter-Ice Plan works. 59< ven, were the first entries. Hance of Rumson. 'A. Come in and say. "I want one of the new! George Hance Patterson and John The Robert Allen rasldenca on Frigidaires that uses less current than a lamp bulb." F. Popo were at tho Brower house Broad street was being moved to 3.oo " --- 2.15 at Now York, where thoy wore ready Monmouth street. Tho work waa be- Wall Street Old Seville !B. We'll deliver it without any down payment. to greet tholr Red Bank friends and ing done by Schroeder brothers of 3.50 ". r— 2.45 |Then you deposit 25c a day in Meter-Ice which is given them froo tickets for tho show Red Bank. The Allen property had Reserve Wines jattadied. Our representative will call once a month, of bicycles for tho year 1805, taking recently been bought by George 12-Yr.-OUl Overholt Byo Fino Tnstlnff collect the money, and credit it to yemr account. placo at Madison Square Garden. Hance Patterson, who proposed to 5.00 " 3.35 BlomU'il Into A California Vintages, The largo hotel at Keyport, which erect store buildings pn the lot oc- i (White and Plain Colors Exceptcd) Smiwiih, Tasty 1.49 Gnl. 49' C. When payments arc completed we remove the had been conducted for many years cupied by tho Allen residence. Liquor. I't. 1.89 , Fifth Meter-Ice and you own the Frigidaire outright. It's by Jncob D. Sickles, was Bold to H. David A. Balrd, ono of the best & II. Rclnora of Brooklyn, Shortly known farmers In the Marlboro dis- all so simple and easy you'll never have missed the thereafter tho Relncru sold tho-place trict, decided to give up farming and "Without A Headache !" money. to Gardner & Valoof Brooklyn. They advertised all of his personal prop- Pajamas — paid $20,000 for tho hotel and erty at public vendue. New Frigidaire uses less current than for tho furniture and equipment. Tho National Canning and Manu- one ordinary lamp bulb Tlie freeholders planned to meet at facturing company of the Phalanx GREEN RIVER Rod 13;mk to inspect and accorit tho gave an exceptionally large order for 2.00 Values •• 1*65 Imagine an electric refrigerator that uses less current now Cooper's bridge, which was tho cans to the American Can company. BLENDED WIIIKKKY than one ordinary lamp bulb! That's the new last word In small bridgo confltruc- Tho cans were to be of a special tlon (U Hint time. 2:50 " 1«85 mm Frigidaire. It's a marvel of convenience, too, with make, with a protective coating of Only A Forhiimte Omipotltm automatic defrosting—automatic ice tray releasing—- A lurjje Kiitluu'lug of relatives and buckllnlte. , friend:) nltiinded tho woddlng of Ella, Sixteen jockeys from Shcepshead 3.00 " ----- 2.15 Allowa This Balo ()( cold storage space—J4 more food space in smaller daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlos Bay arrlvoil at Brookdalo farjn, lo- 'I GREEN MR 1 cabinets. i Tiruliill of Mlildlotown, who bocamo Bothor with Chinese cooks, who were Qimllty Rtock for tho bride, of Charles A. Wyekoff ol to see that Iho boys had plenty ol 3.50 " -_ —— — 2^45 -. Itcrt Hank. Tho ceremony took placo good food. IHH at tho brldo'a homo, tho officiating David Emmons bought tho Dr. IIIK&MIE clergyman being Kov. P. K, Hugo- Henry Cook proporty on tho road 5.00 " --—-—- 3.35 Quarts 1.99 J[ .09 pt man, pastor of tho Mlddletown Ho- leading from IJncroSt to Hotaidel. fornitHl church. The houBo was occupied by Peter V9 Ezokicl lllbbotts, a well known Morroll. 7.50 ". J— ** CASH fnrmor of Eatontown, died In,;hit Robert Curtis of Little Silver PRICE 00th yenr. Ho loft several children, launched his new Ice boat, which he $ .50 one of whom was Robert Hlbbotts o named Fojcey. 10.00 " _-- 6.85 Reit Hank. IJbby Hurley, Lillian Phalr, Frank up At the annual meeting of tho Red Dennis and Harold McCormlck were Bank Signal corpa, Robert C. Trnf- fikntlnfr on Charles M. Patteryon's 115 fovd wtifl oler.led secretary and Dnn- ico pond nt Rhrewnbury when tho loe 32-36 BROAD ST., RED BANK INSTALLED IN YOUR HOME l°l .*»'* Wood trenmiror. Georgn M u way and they all fell In the Jt' at the "" " Wnttn, William water, which Was about four feet Monmoulh Cnimly Surroolt'f OIIIM. horehy irtvfm to the ct« PaoreTen RED BANK REGISTER, JANUABY W, 1935. Thompson, chairman of th» Mon- "ITUA Mapping Fight mouth County Christmas seal eom- * ***' mittee. "Many still cherish obsolete On Tuberculosis ideas about diet and exercise and un- Takes His Of f ice aaa fortunate persons are) constantly . v • • 1 duped by quack practitioners and Harold G. Hoffman Inaugurated UUU FEVER Plans Being Made for Early Di- remedies. The remarkable results HAVE YOU TAKEN ADVANTAGE fint day * -' agnosis Campaign 'fey the obtained by collapse therapy, the new Tuesday—'His Message Rec- SALVE, NOSE DROPS HEADACHES Monmouth County Chriitmas addition to the baalo principles of ommends Sales Tax and a : • • OF treatment developed/Shy Dr. Trudeau, State Income Tax. LIQUID, TABLETS In 30 minute. ' Seal Committee. are still little known although thin Every vWoman f The sequel to the story of thetreatment is bringing relief to thous- Trenton, N. J., Jan. 16. (AF)~New Trudeau sanatorium told during the ands." Jersey has a new Governor—and bis 1934 Christmas eeal sale will bo re- The extent of the educational cam- proposal for two hew taxes, two.per Wants lated during the Early Diagnosis cent income tax and a, two per cent pagpaign -will dpdependd on the responsp e retail sales taxe to raise $33,000,000 to look herr best aat all Umes.. ca^ipaltm now- being developed by to 3,29, 5 Chrlstma» Seal letters still Leon's Special Introductory Offer to (eel d ftl tuberculosis and health associations. outstanding, It Is statedtd . A totattll o f for relief for the jobless and tha real poised. at ease and perfectly This announcement was by the $9,673,21 has been received to date estate owner. Monmouth County Christina* seal from 5,811 subscribers. This Is $1,500 Top-hatted statesmen and flag-wav- committee. less than the budget needed to finance ing citizens stood before the Memor- ~CnalteAby The early diagnosis or sprlgj edu- the • work of the ' concnlttee during ial building this week and saw Har- 1 old G. Hoffman, 38-year-old Republi- Three-Piece Suit or Overcoat Sanitoned cational campaign was first under- the coming year . Gossard taken by 2,000 tuberculosis organisa- A total of 1,171 persons was treated can take his oath of office and heart U the answer. tions allillated^-wlth the National In the chest clinics of the county his inaugural address. The pull of the Tuberculosis association In 1928. This during 1834, with 128 attending in In Ilia 09 page statement of policy back • rtraps Initial campaign and those following December. The cllnlo schedule for to the Republican legislature, the flatten* the ab- the rest of this month Is a» follows: new party leader advocated the new domen, uplifts stressed various preventive measures. taxes as the most logical and znos for This year commemorates the fiftieth January 18 at 813 Sewall avenue, As- the bust, and Park 10 A. M.; January 25 atequitable to rehabilitate municipal controls the anniversary of the founding of the finances and provide for the heavy sanatorium movement with the build- fire nouse, Freehold, 10 A. M. trips. ing of the little red house portrayed burden of extraordinary relief. The Sanitone Dry Cleaning Process is undoubtedly the finest Let om expert on the 1934 sea! now familiar to prac- The sales tax upon gross receipt* Otters show tically everyone. During ths coming Heport About Zoning. of retail and tangible personal prop- you what months development of treatment The zoning committee of Middle- erty would net ?1!0,000,000 a year, h» cleaning process yet discovered. Mte-Simplielty methods and the story of how they town township has made a prelimi- estimated and the income tax $15,- can do. are carried out In modern tuber- nary report to the township commit- OOu.OOO. The levies should, be lor culosis sanatoria and clinics will be ee andbefore making its final report iiu-ee years, he said. In order to introduce this quality cleaning to the public, we are $4.50 to $10 told through every publicity medium' will hold a publio hearing Thursday In hlB message he criticised the Tijls year's campaign slogan Is "Fight afternoon, January 31, at half-past slute highway commission for upend- offering our regular $1.50 cleaning for $1.00. Tuberculosis with Modern Weapons." three o'clock at the township commit- ing too much and declared for re- It Is Important that the publlo be tee rooms at Mlddletown township. placement of the lour-man board with t pt dt th ttment James G. Tlmolat is chairman of the a single commissioner. . • TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS VERY IT Broad Street, Bed Bank, N. 1 brought up to date on the treatment He assumed "full responsibility" for the party as leader and promised monthly reports on the progress of LOW PRICE NOW his administration. Appointments to jobs which will pay approximately . . This offer expires February 1, 1935. $450,000 will be made, .he said, "with- out horso trading." Reduction ol pub- lic expenditures, immediate limitation on municipal spending and financing of emergency relief he saw as im- mediate objectives. Publlo utilities should not be state-owned he said, but should bs controlled by the state and he urged LEON'S increased powers for the publio util- We're ities commission to negotiate for tem- CLEANERS — DYERS — LAUNDERERS porary rates and prompt settlement of the battle over publlo service .rategjiow. before. the commission. Phone 2800 For Our Call and Delivery Service --..iML—^-r- The first criticism. of Hoffman's speech came from the Utility Users protective league which Is prosecut- WING! ing tha_a,ttack upon power rates In. the state. They asserted the gover- nor's statement was a step in,, the 6 •'• right direction but did not go far TEINBACH-KRESGES is a busy place these enough. days . . .carpenters working, painters work- Other proposals by the new gov- ernor were for uniform' tax assess- Sing, fixture experts working .. . make ments, change of the primary elec- at Minimum Prices tion from May to September, munic- ; YOUR store a more pleasant place ,in. which to shop. ipal debt and expenditure limited to income collected, reorganization of The Candy Section has been moved to a more spa- the courts, enactment of a mortgage cious location east of the elevators on the Main moratorium law and adoption of min- imum educational standards. Floor. The Cotton Fabric Section is being greatly Thousands came to the capital for Inauguration ceremonies as Trenton enlarged. The Boys' Furnishings Section has been declared.^ tifUf holiday.. They milled moved to the Second Floor with the rest of our boys' through the flower and flag decked statehouso before noon and joined apparel. The Drapery Sectiqn is being re-located on with forty units and eighty banda for the three-hour parade that passed the the Third Floor and the Floorcovering Section on reviewing stand on State street in the same floor is being enlarged. A "new" House- i Hoffman's honor. The Governor .was sworn in by wares, China, Toy and Paint floor is in the making Justice Thomas J. Brogan and hand- ed the great seal of New Jersey by on the Fourth. -And, more coming! « ""' Secretary o£ State Thomas A. Mathis. His first official act was the reap- pointment of Supreme Court Justice Thomas W. Trenchard, now conduct- ing the trial of Bruno. Richard Haput- mann. The Senate promptly con- Steinbach-Kresges Are Building firmed It without opposition. rrTTBe World's Largest Resort Justice Trenchard, 71 years old, and a re^dent of Trenton, wasreappoint- Department Store Is Growing ed for the fourth seven-year term. Larger... With More Complete His previous term expired this •week. The Legislature, marking tbne un- Assortments and the Affiliation til Hoffman took office, devoted lta of a Great Metropolitan Store, second meeting to introduction of bills, including a resolution to inves- Kresges of Newark, Help Bring tigate alleged ballot box tampering Every Shopping Facility to the and official conduct In Bergen coun- NortK Jersey Shore. ty. The measure, and its companion ap- propriation bill lor ?25,0O0 to finance the Inquiry, was prepared by Senator Winant Van,Winkle, Bergen Repub- lican, whose election was contested Why Mot Hake Tour Shopping Eas- by former Democratio Senator Wil- ier ... Open A Stelnbach-Kresfre liam H. J. Ely. It was introduced Charge Account Now. If Tou Have in the lower house by Assemblyman An Account At Kresge Department Lawrence A. Cavinato ot Bergon. Store, Newark, It Is Good Here. Mentioned as probable counsel if tha committee is created, is James D. Carpenter, Jr., whose conduct of tha Paasalo county Jury fixing scan- day brought him nomination by newspapermen a* the outstanding man of the state. Wear a Splash of Color Other bills placed In th« hopper were a series of utility bills calling for complete investigation of state Under Your Dark Coat! utilities, for broadening the power of the state utility commission and for permission to arbitrarily (fix rates pending Inquiry. Senator William H. SmaUiers ot At- lantic, whose credentials were chal- New lenged by a protest, filed with the Senate which asserted his election ex- penditures exceeded the legal limit, Introduced through the minority lead- er an affidavit republatlng tha Tweed charges. The maker and retractor waa Joseph McCartney ot Atlantic City who said In his lajt statement that hs signed the protest under a misapprehension., Suits] The new Senator, who replaced Emerson Klchards, fathered meas- ures which would repeal as uncon- stitutional 1931 laws permitting dog racing e.nd parl-mutuel betting and cut out, for economy, one of Atlantic What greater feeling of security county's two criminal court Judge*. 698 Among other bills introduced was one to extend the milk control board's Ufa to 1038. The board, created as An inexpensive, and indeed ef- an emergency regulator for the milk than a tankful of Apiit-Mcond'Atofitina industry In 1033, expires undtr its fective way to refresh your winter present act July 1. wardrobe . .. thanks to an impor- A permanent system to flnanc* re- tant purchase of really smartly lief was delayed by Legislators, who announced that the state's heeds are tailored suits. covored until February 1 It U hoped that ths federal government will ad- Soft, all-wool tweeds, beautifully vance money to pay relief for the : next two monthB but If It does not "high test, action finished with bi swing or Moused the state will borrow $10,000,000 from its motor fuel tax reserve. backs. In colors that the young i With announcement by the Gover- "high knockless power miss will approve ... shrimp, rasp- nor of his stand for income and sales taxes to support relief, a measure Is berry, navy, rose, delft blue, green. expected to be drafted quickly by "long mileage Sizes 14 to 20. the joint leglnlntlvo committee work- ing" on relief. -regular gas price Second Floor FALSE TEETH Can Not Embarrat* Most ^enrpri ,>( /«|»« teeth h«v« «uf- STEINBACH-KRESGE CO. foieil HJHI einliiirriiinnicnt hicsuM their twin flrmuwri in allppeil m Jimt tint wronir time. II,, .KJt live in (fin ot till* happen. ( Asbury Park K'" '", >""• •>"»' "1'ihil.lo u litllo FAP- Ihfclll on your j.lnt««. Malm, f»)M |Mtb »(ny In place and foel I'omfurtabla. Sweet. ien«• brbr«»thi . O«t FASTEKTH «t WII1 ONLY ONE v L etlw «y«a dins ststn, tern BANK. - An Ideal Pteea to Lin. TUB REQISTOB'8 Located on the Beautiful Bro«ul Street to « Bhrewiburv River on* bow S»wei» as Bfory MnMt from New York, and provtd- Sidewalk* Along the ing ever; cltj convenience. TEK luuej WMUJ. EoUr<4 u Sacoml-ClMi Mtttor «t th« Fo»t- Subscription Price; One Year $2.00, VOLUME LVII, NO. 30. sflle* at Bod B»nk, N. J., under th« Act of March a, 1878. RED BANK, N. J, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1935. Six Months SI.00. Single Copy 4c. PAGES 11 TO 22. Will Meet Friday Better Times For TO DISCUSS MOVIES. To Dine And Dance Commerce Board HF.AKD ON. AIR. Two Injured In Dr. a E. Partcb of Butgers to Ad- Pupils of Margaret C. Manna's Class Red Bank School At Molly Pitcher The Junk Dealers drees Men's Forum Sunday. At Pleasant Inn Directors' Meeting Present Program. Highway Mishap The Red Bank Men's forum has Pupils of Miss Margaret C. Manna Election Friday New Outdoor Industry at Branch choeen "Our Movie-Made Children" Middletown Township Demo- Much Good Work Being Done of Fair Haven were heard last night "Leonard for Prosecutor" Group as the topic for discussion Sunday between 5:00 and 5:30 o'clock in a Drivers of Automobile and Truck Citizens of This Town Will Vote Organized With Clarence A. port Provide* « Market for afternoon, January 20, at 4:30 o'clock crats to Hold First Annual by the Red Bank Chamber of program of solo arid rhythm, band Injured When Their Machines on Enlarging the Mechanic Chairman—Over Their W«ur«—< May be Moved at the Elks home on Broad street. Washington's Birthday Af- Commerce Under Secretary selections over radio station WBEB. Crash on Middletown State Street and River Street to Red Bank. The executive committee has secured fair. McPhee's Guidance. Elders assisting with the program 2,000 Signatures to Petition Dr. Partch. head of tho department were Jean Predmore, Evelyn Ben- Highway. Schoolhouse* Tomorrow. Clarence A, Bettman of Pair Ha- Piled high on land adjoining the of education at Rutgers university, Thursday night, February 21, will Wine directors attended tho meet- nett, Dorothy Fallon and Eleanor The. drivers of a delivery truck dock at Branchport are huge quan- to present that topic. Dean Parfoh be a banner night in Die history of ing of the Board of Directors of the Preparations have fceen complied ven wq'a elected chairman of the 1 Tllton, 'all of Fair Haven. Pupils and a passenger car were'. Injured for tho special election to be held at ''Leonofrd for Prosecutor" committee tities of scrap Iron, most of which was a member, of tho commission Middletown Township Democracy. It Red Bank Chamber of Commerce, taking part Jn the program were last Monday afternoon when their will be shipped to foreign lands. The will be featured by the First Annual Red Bank tomorrow afternoon anJ. at an organization meeting Friday which recently made a three-year held Monday. President William A. Dorothy and Krrick Parmry, Arthur machines collided at the Intersection evening on the question of enlarging night at the Molly Pitcher hoteU- Tidewater Iron and Steel corpora- study of tho effect of the movies up- Washington's Birthday Dinner Dance Miller presided. After disposing of Jacks, Margaret Cook, Davey Loud, of the Middletown state highway and tion of Pasgate. has taken large or- to be given by the organization. Trie the facilities of the publlo schools. Other officers will be elected at * on children. a great deal of routine business, Julian Morrow, Janet Boynton, John the Middletown-Atlantic Highlands Two propositions will be voted on. meeting to b« hold at the eamo plaesr ders from New Tfork brokers Who The members of tho commission affair this year will take place at parking facilities were discussed, Finnegan, Joan Conover, Clayton road, known as the Five Corners.' deal In this material and It Is buy- Pleasant Inn on Shrewsbury avenue One is to build additions to the Me- tomorrow night. / are now trying to give to parents, particularly the possibility of In- Walton, Patsy Brcslln, Edith. Leon, The most seriously Injured, Mrs. chanic street and River street school- Ing all of.the iron that Is obtain- teachers and all.other Interested In and the steak dinner to be served creasing these facilities to take care Muriam Silversteln, Thomas Morri- It was reported that petitions afll- able from junk men of this vicinity. will be followed by dancing and Marshall Geer of Irving place, houees at a cost not to exceed $191,- Ing for the appointment of Lester C. the welfare of tho nation's youth, the of the growing demand for additional son. Gladys Slckls, Clara Lou and Shrewsbury, waa believed to have a 000 by means of Publlo Wolks Ad- The New York brokers have re- results of this extensive study. As apeechmaklng, on the part of prom- space convenient to the business sec- Jan Men-ill, Beverly Burdge, Jo- Leonard, Bed Bank attorney, as the ceived large orders from foreign inent state officials. fractured skull. The other driver, ministration funds of which approx- next prosecutor already carried over this is a subject of vital Interest to tion. Although it is less than three hanne Randolph and Betty Ottman. Harry Wodcott of Monmouth street, imately $52,500 Is to be an outright governments and business firms and women as well as to men, the Men'a Among whose who are Invited to years aince tho opening of the pres- 2,000 names. Tho goal w,as set at they have contracted with tha Pa»- Red Bank, who was operating the gift. The other proposition Is to buy 6,000. forum again cordially invites the attend, the gathering are Assembly- ent parking space between While truck, owned by H. G. Dpgenring, a land for the River street, schoolhouse salo firm to supply them with the Indies to be present. man John J. RafTerty, Minority Lead- and West Front streets, the situation Mr.. Bettman Bpolte of the need /or goods. ! Red Bank bottler, suffered a frac- project at a cost not to exceed $35,- reform in law enforcement in Mon- er of the House of Assembly during ia again becoming acute, and the Lawrence Carton ture of the right leg, a possible frac- 000. The total cost of the two prop- mouth county and declared that Mr. Most of the metal bought by the the last session:;Alan H. Ely, Sheriff need /or more space very apparent. ture of the pelvis, possible internal ositions would be $226,000, but by Leonard "answers every qualification concern Is from Long Branch Junk oT Middlesex County; Howard. Height John B. Allen has been appointed as injuries and severe shock. virtue of the government gift the ac- yards and judging by the rate at To Foreclose Tax of Manasquan, Sheriff of Monmouth chairman of the Parking Comtnlttee Board Candidate of this assignment. As a citizen of to consider this problem. The mem- Mrs. Geor was removed to River- tual expense to the taxpayers would unquestioned devotion to tho public which It is being delivered every County; Mrs. Adeline Lawrence of view hospital, where'she was still un- be $173,500. such place In that city will soon be Freehold, John J. Qulnn of Red bers of the former parking commit- Minnesink Park Resident An- Interest, an outstanding lawyer, a Sale Certificate tee, which so successfully put over conscious the following morning. There will be three polling places, veteran and a member of the Ameri- devoid of Iron. The outdoor indus- Bank, Mrs. Peart Kemp, President of nounces His Candidacy for Johnson was taken to the Hazard try at Branchport has been in oper- the Monmouth County Women's the present parking space, are being the senior high school, the Oakland can legion, and a faithful Republi- The Township Committee of requested to continuo on this com- Membership on the Middle- hospital at Long Branch. Mr. Wol- street school and the River street can,' he meetB every test that could ation a month or BO 'and on every Democratlo Club and Director Fred cott was taken to the hospital In the day during that time there has been Middletown Township Decides P. Reichey of the Board of Freehold- mittee. They are Albert S. Miller, town Board of Education. school. The- polls will be open from be Imposed In tho appointment. Wo Hubert M. Farrow, Harold S. Allen, ambulance of the First Aid squad of four until nine o'clock. At each bal- feel that It would be to tho beet in- a steady procession of iron to Branch- to Follow This Course After ers. Lawrence A. Carton of Minnesink East Keansburgr. Mrs. Geer was terests of the county and the Repub- port. There it is cut up into lengths Theodore H. Moore, Abram M. Kridcl loting place a chairman, a secretary of three or four feet by a huge, Notice from School Board. The committee In charge consists and Edwin R. Conover. This group Park announces that he will be a conveyed to the hospital Tfi a New and two tellers will be elected. The lican party to name Mr. Leonard of George H. Roberta of New Mon- candidate for a member of the Mid- York car which happened to pass. prosecutor." poworful machine which eomewhat will meet at the Chamber of Com- board of education has designated resembles a pair of scissors. It Is The township committee of the nnouth, Frank McCarren of Llncroft, merce rooms next Monday morning dietown township board of education The Middletown police, who are two members to act at each polling Members of the committee also Township of Middletown is in re- Mrs. Charles A. Fagan of East Keans- at 10:30, for a short, but very import- at the annual election to bo held Investigating the crash, stated that place. Harry L. Heaviland and Wil- pointed out that Mr. Leonard headed then loaded on a barge and towed burg, Mrs. Helene Pahs of Naveslnk, TuHday, February 12. He Is a life- out of the South Shrewsbury river ceipt of a resolution of the board of ant discussion. 1 the truck, which was laden with liam L. Russell will be at the senior the "Whitney for Governor" cam- by a tug boat. education of tho township of Middle- Mlfis Gertrude Sheehan of Port Man- long resident- of Middletown town- beer, was going. south. ,. while. Mrs. high school, Japhla Clayton and Al- paign In 1025 and that he has re- town requesting fiindo to be paid over mouth, Obadiah Hallenbake, Jr., of Secretary McPhee reported on the ship and a graduate of the township Geer's sedan was proceeding north bert S. Miller will be at the Oakland ceived tho endorsement of James A. Sometimes the barge is unloaded Hcadden'a Corner, Benjamin P. (Jut- progress of the Community Chest high echopl at Leonardo, where he at New York, but usually it la taken to them and also a request to be in- on the state highway. •street school and Harold A. Hen- Book, noted Republican lawyer- formed as to how much money In tormsen of Leonardo, Frances Welch questionnaires. The Community completed"* the four-year course in Mr! Degenrlng's truck was loaded drtckaon and Harry B. Clayton will otatesman, and D. Frederick Burnett, out to ae& and its contents trans- of CHapel Hill and William H. Tay- Chest Committee will deal at length two years. He graduated from the ferred to freight vessels bound for cash the township now has on Hand. with 150 cases of beer from Jacob be at. the River street school. state liquor commissioner. At the regular meeting of the lor of Harmony. with the statistics compiled by the high school in 1B25 as valedictorian. Rujjpert's brewery, It waa oa the The committee Includes Mr, Bett1 foreign ports. About 1,000 tons have staff of the Chamier of Commerce at He is a graduate of Harvard law The three schoolhouses where tha been disposed of thus far. One ship- board of education on Thursday even- Tickets, will be in the hands of the way to Red Bank and well on the election, is to take place were open man the, Rev. William Louis Sahler ing it waa suggested that a man- committee by the end of the current a meeting being called for next school and he is now practicing law light side of the road when Mrs. ment was made to Buffalo, but most Tuesday night at 7:30 at the Cham- at the office of Arthur T. Vanderbllt Saturday night to register citizens of Freehold, Mrs. Edward Pfelffer, damus proceeding against the town- week. Geer's car veered and struck It. Both who were not entitled to vote last Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ray, Dr. Joseph of it has gone abroad. Meyer Sha- . «• • s» ber of Commerce office. All organ- of Newark, counsel for the Essex piro of Paseaic, who Is In charge of ship committee to compel them to tho truck and the automobile were November. Two new voters were H. Bryan, Dr. Charles F. Shaw and turn ovor funds might be Instituted. izations which might possibly come county board of freeholders. badly damaged. The truck turned J. Albert Hood of Aebury Park, the Branchport plant, stated that a under the jurisdiction of a commun- registered. majority of the shipments have gone A special meeting of the township Margaret G. Huber In announcing his candidacy Mr. over on Its side and its contents fell Georgo H, Noviua of Shrewsbury, I. committee was held Monday after- ity chest are requested to return the Carton makes the following state- In the road. Each case contained 24 Newton Wllllamo and Paul C. Tay- ta England, Japan and other coun- questionnaires before this meeting, tries whore Iron Is not plentiful. Mr. noon in order to consider the request ment: bottles and most of the wet goods lor of Bel war. Dr. H.-P. Fox of Ocenn (it the school board and to consider For School Board if they have notralready done so. wore detslruycd. More than half of Grove, Alfred ' MathlaBon of Little Shapiro says that some of It Is con- As a resident of Middletown town- Lewis Sculthorp verted Into munitions but that most the threatened mandamus proceed- A report on the progress of the ship and aa a graduate and former the beer not spilled in the road was Silver, J. G. McCue of Rumson and ings, as reported in some newspapers. Well Known Resident of Locust County Police Radio System was stolen by parsers by. - - Frank Williams of Red Bank. of It is melted and made into ateel student of the Middletown townshl)) Dies Of Apoplexy for structural purposes. John M. West, the township collector, Point Issues Statement That submitted by Secretary McPhee, who schools, I share with many tho view Employees of Mr. Degenring were met wJth the committee. stated that tho succeas of this pro- that the school, system must, not con- summoned to the scene to try to sal- A rumor has been prevalent that She Will be a Candidate at the tinue to suffer from factional and po- nil of the iron had been contracted Mr. West stated that as fast as the ject was practically assured. To- vage the load, but they recovered Prominent Atlantic Highlands funds were collected, he was turning Election February 12. morrow, January 18, Mr. McPhee will litical disputes between tho members only fourteen cases. Herbert Wol Resident, Aged 69, Dropped Parent-Teachers for by tho Japanese government to accompany Chief of Police .Sloat of of the board of education. It would be made Into war material. Mr. them ovor to tho township commit- Mrs. Margaret Goss Hubcr of Lo- be to emphasize the obvious to say cott, one of the employees, attempted Dead at Keansburg—Funeral Shapiro, says this is not true. He tee. He stated that of course the Matawan, chairman of tho County that the ndminintration of school to stop one man who was walking Activities Here township could not pay money to the cust Point announces that she will Kadio Committee, and Chief of Po- functions, has become a. matter of away with a case of beer. He or- Thij Afternoon. says that some of the iron will go Btand for election as a member of lice Harry -H. Clayton of Red Bank, to Japan and that undoubtedly school board until they collected it secondary Importance due to the bit- dered the man to put the case down, Lewis S. Sculthorp, well known res- He said that a lot o£ people natur- the Mlddietown township board of on a trip of inspection of tho radio terness engendered by the continual but the fellow paid no attention and Red Bank A»socialion Has Be- sonin of It will be made into muni- education Tuesday, February 12. She Installations of the New Yoik city warfare between opposing factions, ident of Atlantic Highlands, dropped tions, but that such shipments com- ally were up against it iu au ecu- continued' to walk towards his dead of apoplexy Monday afternoob gun the Study of Problems of nomio way and of course this pre- stated that she is not backed by any police department and the Nassau and it [a unquestioned that the mor- Mr. Wolcott struck the man in the prlso only a small portion of the group or organization and that if county police department. Complete ale of both the school body and the on tho porch of a houso at Keana- Children of School Age— whoJe. lie says that much larger vented them from paying taxes. elected ebe will not be beholden to teaching staff has become almost de- face, but the thief was not deterred burg. He was about to enter thft Work of Handicraft Class. shipments are boing mado to other The township committeemen have reports on this Investigating trip will stroyed. It is equally clear that these- by the blow. He put the beer in hi any faction. She says that she ex- bo mado to tha Board of Freeholders automobile and drove- away, Earl place with a prospective tenant when countries. been advised by tho township attor- pects tfi leave noon for a trip to Kur-7 at their next meeting, and it in hoped, conditions cannot be remedied unless ho was stricken. A physician, was The flrBt meeting of the child Mora than a dozen men are em- ney that Jf the board of education ope and will .probably be abroad tho voters resolve t.« elect to the Hoyer, chief of police of Mlddlclown called, but Mr. Sculthorp hail died study group of the Parent-Teacher insists upon.. a mandamus suit that definite plans for a county sys- board of education rnt'inlmrs who are township, was doing traffic duly near association of Red Bank was held ployed at the scrap Iron plant and v/hen the election taken place. She tem for Monmouth county will be free of domination or control by any- by and ho mado a noto'of the license almost. Instantly. He' appeared in all of them are residents of Branch- against tho coajmlttoo to compel declares that she will do no cam- completed at that. time. one except tho electorate which they goud health when ho loft the office Tuesday afternoon in the domestic port and vicinity except Mr. Sha- them to pay over funds the only paigning beyond issuing her state- number of the automobile. An arrest early In the afternoon. science room of the Junior high remedy that the township would have With the assistance of one of tho represent. is expected soon. The cases wera of piro and the operator of the mi- ment, which |s as follows: Because I have been in sympathy iron, but many of them were bent Bchaol. The group Is studying tbo cjttaa, JK)U», fit j»hom ar» residents would be to enforce all their tax Chamber of Commerce memberB, tho with the view that the board of edu- Mr. Sculthorp was prominent ltt problems of children of eohobl age, Hens by foreclosure. To the Voters of Middletown secvetJiry was instrumental in bring- and battered beyond repair. business, fraternal and official circles of Fasaaic. In addition to these Township: cation must flrfit and foremost bo a anil meetings are held every Tues- mon many of tho junk dealers have This means that when a property ing about tho apprehension of a man non-partisan and & non-political at Atlantic'HIghlands. Born 69 year* day. In putting' up my name for election who has recently been passing bad body, I have been urged' by my ago at Jamesburg-, tho son of George engaged extra men. Mr. Shapiro owner gets in arrears in his taxes to the school board of the township, The members listen to the broad- says that the Branchport Industry that the property is sold for unpaid checks in the business section. A friends and acquaintances, to stand and Lucy Sculthorp, he moved to At- casts given every Tuesday morning there Is only one statement that I short time ago a "Bad Check Warn- for election as an independent candi- Red Bank Youth lantic Highlands fifty years ago. la has beon the means of canning jobs taxes and bought in by the township. wish to have clear in the minds of date. I now offer to do so. at quarter to ten o'clock ovor sta- for at least fifty men who had been The townahlp of Middletown secures the public. It seems to me the only ing" was distributed to the business a few years he became a prosperous tion WOR by Mrs. Marian McDowell important and vital Issue. men l"n connection with this case. If elected I pledge myself to an shoe merchant. He retired from .tnl* unemployed. Most of tha material a certificate of tax sale from the col- honest, efficient and non-partisan ad- In Plane Wreck business several years ago and de- of Mlddletown townBhip, specialist on In from automobiles, but there are lector and this certificate of tax sale I am of the firm conviction that This man is now being held for the ministration. I pledge myself to give parent education of the Rutgers ex- other things such as large boilers 1B the same as a mortgage in that it politics should have no place in the grand jury. full and Independent consideration to voted most of his time to his duties tension service. The study groups policies of a board of education, and every matter presented before me. T John Murray .of Herbert Street as president of the Atlantic High- and huge pieces of iron. Before be- is foreclosed tho same as a mort- that the main function of such a Tho staff of the Chamber of Com- lands Building and Loan association. are sponsored by tho committees on ing cut by the'selssors-llke machine gage is foreclosed. Tho persona who board is not to spend its time in pet- merce ia working oh a plan for the favor public meetings of the board, Seriously Injured When Plane parent education of tho Mechanic they are melted into strips by ace- own properties, if they do not pay up ty wrangling but to give the benefit possible diminution of . out-of-town with adequate notice to be given to Crashes at Newark—Condi- Mr. Sculthorp had served as a street and Junior-Senior high school tylene and oxygen torches. The land the back taxes, will lose their prop- of Its attention to such matters as the public of all matters not of a rou- member of the borough council, pres- Parent-Teacher associations. Any peddlers and canvassers, by the tine nature. I favor an economical tion This 'Morning' Fair. ident of the board of education and where the Iron' 1B piled up Is owned erties just the same as they would the training and' education of the 'amending of our present ordinance administration which is consistent interested person may attend tha under • a foreclosure of a mortgage. children in its charge, strange as postmaster. He was a director of tha by and leased from the city of'Long this may seem. (to increase the fees, and if such .ac- with the requirements of tho school John Murray of Herbert street Is meetings. 5 Branch. Foreclosing a certificate of tax sale tion is finally approved by the ma- system. Lastly, I pledge myself to in Beth Israel hospital at Newark Atlanti. c Highland. ,s National bank, a The handicraft class will continue Mr. Shapiro states that the Tide- not only wipes out the owner of the No group or organization Is behind jority of the members of the Cham- do all In my power to restore the with a possible fracture of the skull / Pfst master j>f_Monmouth lodge ot to meet every Tuesday afternoon at property but anybody who has a me. I expect to stand or fall without ber of Commerce, and the Board of morale of the student body and the and severe lacerations about the face Masons, a member of the Shrine, water Iron and Steel corporation ia-' aid from any given faction, and in teaching staff and to end the faction- half-past two o'clock In the domes- considering the advisability of open- mortgage on the property. doing whatever work I may be allot- Directors, the co-operation of the and body received when the airplane Portland council of American Me- tic science room. This class 1B under borough council will be solicited in al disputes which has subjected tho in which he was riding crashed in a chanics and Woodmen of the World, ing a similar outdoor plant at Refl. The. township aomaiittee went over ted in the future, I shall at least Middletown township board of edu- and an exempt fireman. Ho was al- the direction of tho two associations Bank early in tho aprlng. Ho says tho matter very carefully aria de- bring to it a clear head and unpreju- order to curb this nuisance, which is cation to so much adverse criticism. swamp near Kewai": airport last mentioned. All interested persons are that scrap Iron has increased great- cided that In view of the fact that diced viewpoint becoming moi-e pronounced each day. I refuse, however, to compromise Sunday. His condition this morning so a member of the official board, of welcome to attend. Tho group is in- To worried taxpayers I can prom- was reported as fair and hopes are the Atlantic Highlands MethodlBt ly In value the past year or so be- a mandamus ault.was threatened Amon the new members of the with dishonesty or unlawful conduct church. terested in linoleum cuts for cards, cause of tue export demand and they should enforce the collection of ise nothing except that I shall en- Chamber of Commerco who have and to this extent I shall not hesitate entertained that he will pull through. stationery and bookends, as well as that junk .dealers are getting their all the tax title liens. Tho township deavour to follow whatever program to condemn any action by any one A blood transfusion was made yester- Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Flor- • in knitting and making hooked rugs. seems honestly and rlghfly economi- been admitted to membership this on the board, either in the past or in first real "break" since the depres- ofliciala stated that they hoped that cal, . without sacrificing the welfare week are the Hexter Baking Com- day. ence Vanderbtlt Sculthorp; twq Miss Dowden, tho - teacher, will as- sion set In. Tho market for scrap all people, who were able to do so future, which upon a fuller disclosure daughters, Misses Ethel and Florenca sist anyone in sewing, fitting or mak- of Middletown's chllden, which pany, Boynton & Boynton, and Mc- of the facts, seems to me to be inimi Murray was flight engineer and co- iron was virtually dormant from would pay up before tho foreclosure should stand first with all of us. Nair's Market. cai to the best interests of the pub- pilot of a new Uppercu-Burnelll Sculthorp; two slaters, Mrs. Emily ing ovor clothing. At the next meet- 1929 until last summer,' when for- proceedings were started, as such \V. Brown of Manasquan and Mrs* Ing Instructions will be given on Margaret Gos3 Hubor. . It is hoped next week to publish lic. To this extent, therefore, I must plane, built at Keyport, which was eign demands caused a change. proceedings would only add fore- Locust, N. J., January IB. a partial report covering tho prog- necessarily be partisan, if my elec- being flown by Lou Reichers of Key- Ella Matthews of Asbury Park, and needlepoint, in" "addition ,to other closure expenses In addition to the tion is to be of any value to the peo- a brother, Samuel B, Sculthorp of handicraft ress of the river and park develop- port, who escaped injury. Tho ship BANK EJECTION. back taxes that are due. OFFICERS BE-ELECTED. ment committee, which has been ple of the township. was built at Keyport and. was flown Harding road, Red Bank. functioning quietly' but efficiently for Lawrence A. Carton, Jr. to Newark last week. The funeral will bo hold at half- DANCE AT SEA BRIGHT. „ Officials Chosen By Directors ol Tho Same Officials for the Merchants the past few months, under tho ablu Mr. Murray lives with his widowed past two o'clock this afternoon at hit Second National Bank. New House Sold Trust Company of Red Bnnlc. chairmanship of Harold S. Allen. mother and sister, Mia. Margaret lato home, 37 Mount avenue, with Women's Democratic Chib to Hold Tho solicitations committee has Three Events On Murray. Rev. Dr. John B. McClos- Rev. Harry D. Hummer, pastor ot Event Saturday Might The directors of Tho Second Na- Tho directors of Tho Merchants key, rector of St. James church, of tho Atlantic Highlands Metho'dUt At Foxwood Park Trust coaipany of Red Bank re-elect- rejected three applications for per- tional Bank and Trust company of mission to raise funds for various or- Boat Club's Program which Mr. Murray is a member, vls- church, officiating. Burial by A. M. The Women's Democratic club of Red Bank held their annual mooting ed tho following officers Thursday iled tho young man at the hospital Posten and Son will be In Bay View Sea Bright will hold a dance Satur- Charles H. Eichman, vice president night: ganizations, for the reason that in Friday morning and elected the fol- each case the solicitation was to Three big events are an the Mon- on Monday, Mr. Murray ia a gradu- oemetery. Tho bearers will be Mat" day night of thin week at Georgo lowing officers: of Julius Finn & Co., of Now York, Chalrmnn of the board—Charles R. Eng- ate of New York university, where he thew Mor'tcnson, Henry VanNote, and Charlie's Lobster house. Mrs. insurance brokers, has bought one lish. be carried out by means of an ad- mouth Boat club's schedule—oyster, Thomas Farroll Is In general charge Proildont— Frank McMahon. President—Kenneth IT. McQueen. vertising program. Since Septenv- supper tomorrow night, dance Satur- took an aerial engineering course. Dr. Charles Reed, Ira Antonldes, Vice presidents—Thoma* Voorhls, Rich- of the four houses recently completed Vice president—John J. Qufmi. The new plane, designed along rad- Timothy M. Maxson ana Howard Wi of tho affair and a meeting will be ard AppleBate, Charles Allen. Jr., Harry at Foxwood Park, Little Silver, by Vice president and trunt ofHccr—Frank bem 1, when this committee ruled day night, February !>, and (lio an- G. Bortlen, William W. Armstrong, Leon that no more program advertising nual Washington's birthday dinner, ical lines, took off from the Newark Roberts. The Masonlo lodge will con* held tonight at her homo to mak« Nathaniel Drake. He and his family E. Price. duct Its burial service, with District final plans for tho event. Mrs. RouMlllc. are occupying their new home. For Secretary-treasurer—EdRnr N. McCices. would be approved by the Red Bank February 22. airport on an experimental trip while Cashier— William B. Lymtn. Chamber of Commerce, fifteen pro- newsreel cameras clicked. When tho Deputy Stephen McDeniott of Free- . Amelia Costcllo and Mrs. Edward Assistant caihter and trust officer— more than two years thoy have lived The directors are Mayor English, Tomorrow night's affair will be hold in charge. Brown are in charge of tho ticket! Balph' 8. Pearce. on Sllvorton avenue, Foxwood Park. Mr. McQueen, Mr. Price, Mr. Qulnn, gram and cook book schemes have held at seven o'clock. Tho commit- plane was about 100* feet In the air, Assistant caihleri—A. Alvln Waiting, witnesses state, both winga suddenly and lira. Georgo Krauss of tho The house is on the south'side of Warren H. Smock and Albert W. been disapproved. In several other tee consists of Andrew Whito chair- music. The reception committee James VanPelt. Worden. instances, however, a number of our man, Fred Fisher, Fred Oakley. Mart began to flutter and tha ailerons comprises Mrs. William Darby, Sr., Benjamin J. Parker, wlio had been Woodbine avenuo. near Prospect ave- local organizations showed a splen- Havlland and Georgo Estabrooli. (flaps In the rear of the wlng3 to a vice president of tho bank a num- nue, and contains six rooms, with maintain lateral stability) foil away. Elks Auxiliary Mrs. Lyda Ramsey and Mrs. James tile kitchen, bath and first floor lava- "THE FREEDOM OF THE SHES." did spirit of co-operation, by drop- The danco February 9 will bo the Hamilton. ber 61 years, was not a candldato for ping tho program advertising en- first social function under the new Reichers kept tho throttle open un- re-election. Throe now officials wera tory. It also has many other Im- til he had cleared the highway near Plans Card Party provements and unusual features. A Red Bank Store Giving Tickets for tirely as a means of raising funds jn committee, which is composed of ilected last week. They are Mr. Arm- Show.ot Newark. connection with various affairs which Edgar V. Deniae chairman, Ernest the airport, then throttled down and CAKD, BUNCO METIES.* utrong Mr. Rcusullle and Mr. Van- one-car garage Is attached to tho weio sponsored by these organiza- a few seconds beforo the crash The Elks auxiliary met last night dwelling. The lot Is 50x105 feet. G. The Sterling Furniture shop of 21 Hall co-chairman, Harold S. Allen, at tho Elka homo and made further Polt. tions. Frank Havlland, Walton Culllngtoii "gunned" tho left motor, causing the plana foi- the card party Monday Rumson Fire Company, Aujlllnry The directors aro Mr. McMahon, Howard Llpplncott wan tho agent in Whito street. Red Bank, Is giving right wing ,to dip suddenly and I'lans Two 15vcnts. the transaction. This la tho second away tickets to the show, "Tho Secretary McPhee Is Investigating and Fred Noble. night, February 18, at tho Elks olub.. George K. Allen, Jr., Mr. Borden, Mr. break the fall. The plane waa travel- Joseph Johnston, chairman of tho The Ladles' auxiliary of Rumson Allen, Mr. Applegate, Marcus M. of tho four dwellings sold wltliln a Freedom of tho Shes," which is to complaints which Imvo been received Plans arc progressing for the an- ing about 150 miles an hour when it fire company last night made plans month. be given Wednesday, January 30, at on tho so-called "puff-sheet," men- nual dinner. Benjamin L. Atwatcr is entertainment committee add better Davidson, J. Daniel Tuller, Mr. Rous- struck tho Bwtrap. Tho pilot cut tho parades committee of tho Elks lodge, for a card party Wednesday night, sllle, Mr. Armstrong, John Bucklln tho Mosque theater at Newark. It tion of which was made in laat week's general chairman. Reservations are Hwitchcs to prevent a fire just as the January 30, and a bunco party Fri- Is a humorous production dealing Register, when one of our council- in charge of the ticket committee, promised co-operation to help EftaKft and Myron V. Brown. Pastry Sale. plane was about to crash. the affair a euccoaa. day night, February 8. Both events Tho Red Bank auxiliary of the with changes In homo life caused men reported boing interviewed by composed "of Edgar V. Denlse and will be at the fire house and will bo Rlvervlew hospital will hold a pastry by time and labor-saving devices. telephone, with the promiso of pub- Noel Eartaud. After the business session a eoolal under the dlroction of tho welfare tarty for Altar Boyn. Somo of tho leading Broadway sturs licity in a county newspaper in re- A bunco and card party will bo sale Saturday morning, January 19, time wan enjoyed at the home ot aommlttee. Mrs. Walter Pomphrey at ten o'clock In the store formerly are hilled to toko part. A preview turn for a cash fee. JUNIOR GUILD DANCE. New Officers Mrs. Walter B. Connor, with Mrs. held Friday evening, January 25, for of Noi'go 1935 products will be si- ' Tho Investigation to date has shown was elected a member of the auxil- :h» benefit of the Altar Boys' socie- occupied by tho Women's Exchange Oeno Honily anil Mrs. Jacob Lain)an iary. .' club near tho Strand theater. Tho lently aliown In conjunction'with tho that tho county paper mentioned hns Episcopalian Young Folks Will Hold Installed Tonight as hostesses. High scores at brldgi ty of St. James's church of Red plaj contracted to sell certain space In Its were mado by Mrs. Connor, Mrs. Bank. It will take plaoo In the par- committee In charge of tho affair is It Friday, January ^5. Tho newly elected ofUcera of the A Correction. headed by Mrs. Robert G. MacDon- columns to an organization operating Oliver Ovcrtrm, Mro. Benjamin Hoi- ochial school auditorium and cafe- out of Philadelphia. Many similar The Junior guild of Trinity church Red Bank Elks' lodge to nil vacan- wita and Mis. Walter Layton. In tho advertisement of the Whel- teria and will be under the direction ald with Mrs. Edward S. Allaire, Miss Plan Card Party. cies will be Installed tonight by nn Drug company In last week's Josephlno Weeks, Mrs. William fichemes have been frowned upon'ac- will hold a dance Friday evening, Others present wore Mrs. Winlfrttt of a large committee headed by Mrs. The Atlantic Highlands Business i:ortllng to a report recently received January 25. nt olghj o'clock in the Frank L. TenBrooke of Anbury Register the prlco of Seagram's Five Jacob Bloom. Naulty, Mrs. J. c. rarkes, Mrs. Wil- and Professional Women's club met Park, past district deputy. The new Williams, Mrs, Samuel Dfrkowllfi Crown was given as 09 cents a pint. liam H. Hondrlckson, Mrs. William from Postmaster General Farloy, paiish house, for the benefit of the Mrs. Mildred Frost, Mrs. Harry Tuefday night at the home of Miss who hna threatened In socno casos to organ fund of tlio thurc-h. Rocky officers aro Hfirbert K. Kdwards en- This was an' error on the printer's H. Kohl, Jr. and Mrs. Elmer B. Mor- Helen Grehea of Atlantic Highlands loomed loyal knight, John L. Mont- Qulnn, Mrs. John R. Hnedeksr, Mrs. part. Tho price should have been Lodge Bunco Party. row assisting. withdraw thfi second clans mailing Snntangolo'a orchestra will provide JumcB Balncs, Mra. Harry Robert* and mada plans for aVard party to permit of periodical!) allowing this tho music, ttlta Graff la genernl gomery esteemed lecturing knight, $1.42 a pint, Tho Reglator Is glad to Naveslnk Roboltah lodge of Red be hold Friday, February 8. Re- Harry Klatsky esqulro and Robert, son, Mrs. Thonwi Kelnoy and Mr* Bank will hold a bunco party Tues- practice. Tho Investigation Is^belng chairman of thn danco committee. Richard McAUlnter. mako this correction. Will Meet Tonight. freshments were served following- the continued, anil It In hoped that a de- Graham Inner guard. day evening, January 20. Prizes will meeting. The other members of tlio committee A Flnit Aid Class. be awarded and refreshments will Jeraoy Shore Chapter 13, Disabled tailed report covering tlio company aro: There will rn a drawing for the he served. Mr«. Iona Cook In chair- American Vetorans of tha World whlnh IH behind UIIH scheme, will bo Ilec-oratimm.—Vlnrrnrn Merlin. PatrleU $5 attendance prize and following the I'urty tit r.euruinrfo. A First Aid dais will be held to- War, will hold a special meeting at Belford Minstrel Show. made In Ihn columns of thin news- nlllan, I>ori« IVuler, Union-* JMI, llnr- meeting thtyto will be a froo feed In Preparations havo heon J$ night at eight o'clock at the Leonar- man of the committee In charge of Koxy's, Highlands, N. J., tonight *fc Preparations are boing mado /or paper next week. linrn VtVir. Mllilrril MorrK Amlroy Wil- the grill. for tlio card party to he hold for tilt do grammar school under tho In- the party. 8;30 o'clock. All members are urged a mlnRtfei «how to bo given by tho Id, Itnrlmin llnlnm, IMwi Moc/wi. benefit of tho CltlMna nml struction of Harry Ponton and Leslie wn I s» . Music— Until Wnllar. Nilu Mi\Hh«wi, to attend. Prospective members are Epworth League of tho Helfor.1 M»rjor(« MotHlinMotHl . Antonlcllo) of Atlantic Highlands. To Meet Tonight. Cur Burns. era' Association of Mlfltllotawn welcome lo a good time. Refresh- Mnthodiat church. It will bo pro- riiwfi of IIIINIJIPHS Movpd. 'IVl n - l-lllo r.'lin(Cft!*\ Flor ship tomorrow night at th« Any persons interested In taking this The Junior Women's club will hold ments will b. I'l-nlc, mlvlsuM of (lif millil. arfpt variety of nrtam will be *' Leonardo grnnranr school tonight Woman's club on Broad street at Ash Cans. iC* ber of yearn linn rnnductcd a gtu'ago Swonnny of fair Havon ruined the Attention, It«<> Hank Ml<». at M Maple ilvPnuc, haft moved hlfl Intr-riDi- of llm cur. Tho tire la (id. The udvHru'B mlo «( seven o'clock. A Bhoit, executive Our January Bnlo of aoh cans ia on. Installation of newly elected oltl- lillel Oil thought to Imve.started from n light- diciiteii a big tttli-iiilntito, i'ruhtn'* Typewriter Headquarter*. meeting will precede the regular We are selling a good can for 70o. cors tonight, by P. D. D. Frank L. place of bualnesa id the Plymouth & Typewriters rented, bought,_«olu Robert Hnnco & Sons, 10 Broad DeHota agency, connected with tho to suit your burner; best Kiartea and ed cigarette. Sweeney lind boon visit- and repaired. Trubin'i, SB Broad seistoo. A guest speaker will present street. Red Bank, phone B,—Adver- TenBrooke. Drawing for $5,00 at- rices. Unexcelled service. Ifred D. ing friends at 1S2 Lelghton avenji» street. Red B»nk,-Adv»rtliem«at, a snort address, tendance prlte. Free feed In nrlll,— MclCnfght Motors on Monmouth Vlkon Co.. tied Bank, phone 662.- Boy* can male* extra tisement* Advertisement, utrcut. AdvertlsemenL when he discovered tha lira, •ellltijt Tb HeaUtt RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 17,1985. FIREMEN ELEOJ OFFICEES. Active INDIAN EXHIBIT. Red Bank Dentist ATLANTIC GRANGE. Eatontown Couple Freehold Bank 'ublic Business Articles From. Guatemala on Inhi- A Largely Attended Meeting; at the tiiarry Jobe« Choien Prwdaent o» Colt"! Neck SchooUiouse. We*tsld« JHow Company. Wins Cwrt Appeal In Middletown :f£t Rumson High bition Here. Heads Co. Society Married 50 Years Beginning Monday, January 21, an A meeting of Atlantio grange, No. Officers elected last week by tha 216, wa» held last week at the Colt's Wentilde hois company w«rt Harry Truit Company Vietoriow When Action on the Township Budget of Red Bank Faculty exhibit on Guatemala Indian tex Dr. Eugene W. Newman Elect- Councilman Mra. Adolf L. tiles, loaned by Helen Lee Getty, will Neck scboolhousa, at whioh time the a. o Jobes president, Janes Gullll»mo Appeals Court Decide*'in It* of Expenses Deferred in Or- Teachers Association be on display in the Gift .Shop on ed President of Practitioner* oflleers of that grange »nd of the Braun of Eatontown Welcome vice president. Kenneth Woodward Favor—Represented by John der to Cet More Information n8 Monmouth street for one week. Mrs. —Annual Dinner Thursday Jerseyvllle grange were installed by secretary, David Macintosh treas- ^H?? «»t-Teacher Election— a team from Monmouth grange, No. Nuraerou* Goett* Over Week- urer, Edward Brooks, Sr, captain, J. Quinn of Red Bank. —Chief of Police Reports. , etty has recently returned from Night. K Group Initiation. uatemala, where she collected 02, under the leadership of Howard End—Wedded Jan. 14, 188B. Lynn Woodward first lieutenant, Clayton, Members from neighbor- One of the raoit interesting and The township committee of Mld- RtltDSOn Teachers' association many bright-colored hand-woven ex- Tho Monmouth County Dental so- SVelcomlng vliltors throughout th* James Gullllame leoond lieutenant, far-reaching decision* of the New lletown township decided last Tl?ur*> amples of the Indians'. nrt..__Tho de- ciety gathered at the Marlhorough ing grangrea were also present, the .•eck-end and, all day Monday Coun- Jftmco ( Vaughan engineer, Ralph regular monthly meeting ; total attendaneo numbering «botit Jersey Gourt of Error* anij Appeal* !ay afternoon to defer action on pre- •vening In the high school signB are Interesting in tho extreme, hotel at Asbury Park last Thursday man and Mrs, Adolf I* Braun of Jobes assistant engineer and Michael In H* present term II Ui« deolelon wrlng-a budget of expenses Until its showing strange animals and crude night and enjoyed tho annual Presi- 200. After the Installation a social Broad street, Eatontown, celebrated Vaughan, .John Schwlnd, Borden Following a brief business hour and refreshments were enjoyed. reversing the findings of Vice Chan- lext meeting. Two reaBons were glv-v _, Miss Marion (lalbreath ot figures, which are all symbolic of dent's dinner. Dr Russell A. Huise fifty years of wedded Hfe Monday. Wolcott, Robert Starr and Alfred cellor Vivian E. Lewie of Paterson sn for this course. One was because Ik* Red Bank high school and pres- the natives' beliefs. Thoo tettllos of Aabury Park, (he retiring presi- The next meeting of the grange Mr. Braun, the «on of the late Mr. Kubli fire police. in two suit* which were pending he Emergency Relief Administration ident of the teachers' association of are patterned after the same designs dent; was the guest of honor and will be held next Tuesday night, at nd Mrs. John O, Braun of Newark, against the Freehold Trust company las asked for a largo Increase in the Bed Bank, spoke on the topic, "Local as the clothes worn by the Maya- he waa presented wi'th a barometer which time the juvenile officers will nd Mrs. Braun, formerly Miss Nina In the court* of thi* state. In one emergency appropriation. The com- Teacher Organisations," and led the Quiche Indians when Cortcz and Al- to be used not only as a weather be Installed. Several members of Ohl, daughter of the late Mr. and of these suit* the complainant was mitteemen believe that the proposed , discussion which followed. varado conquered Mexico and Guate- Indicator but Indicative as a bar- Atlantlo grange attended a meeting Mrs. George A. Ohl, Sr., of Newark, Scout Officials tltt First National bank of Fater«on, increase in unwarranted and they George W. Strauss, also of Red mala 400 years ago. ometer to a return of prosperity. of Pomona grange at Farmingdale were married January 14, 1885, In •while in the other, various individ- vlli endeavor to make the sjlminls- Bank high school and president of Saturday. _ St. John's Lutheran church, New- Mold Inspection uals were complainants, The aults ratlon see things In this llglrf before rk, by Rev. Philip Krugr. adopting the budget. Tho other rea- tpe county organization, was the Tho ceremony was a double sol- were brought not only against tho . second guest speaker and he brought Many Person! Attended Sea Freehold Trust company but against lon given for deforcing action *pn the tn the attention of the members tho Timely Articles On County Gardeners Miinlzation as Mrs. Braun's sister the Asbury Park and Ocean Grave >udget was to await the Inaugural county organization and its relation was wed at the same time to Adam Scout Inspection Night Held at bank, tha Jersey Central Power and address of Governor Harold Q, Hoff- H. Groel of Newark. Mr. Qroel has Catholic High School—Bru- man about taxes. to the state council of teachers' as- Telephone Bandits Install Officers lnce died but Mre. Groel was pres- Light company and against William doolatlone. yere Now Quartermaster. H, Kelly, commissioner ot banking William K. Brown and Maurice J. nt at the festivities held over the and Insurance of this Btate. ' ' ' At the conclusion of this meeting John P. G. McPhee, Executive First Vice President Michael Con- weolt end. The family observance of Mead were, appointed constables and the group accepted the Invitation of More than six hundred persons eleven special policemen to serve Secretary of Red Bank Cham- nors Fresidet at Installation of the golden anniversary was held gathered at the Bed Bank Catholic The suit* arose out of the Issuance the Parent-Teacher organization tn ast Saturday night when relative** >n June 1, 1018, of a bond Issue by without pay were appointed. Ths Join them for the social hour. An high school auditorium last Thursday special oflleers aro Henry Holzhauer, ber of Commerce, Issues a Officers of Horticultural So- gathered with the wedded couple at night for the annual Sea Scout In- the old Monmouth Lighting com- Invitation was extended to the teach- a celebration dinner. The decora- pany, which has since bacome ab- Oscar Krucger, Joseph Weekowskl, ers in the Fair Haven school to join' Warning. , ciety Meeting. spection held under ths auspices of Richard Loclcwood, J. Otto Johnson, tions were in white and gold. the Monmouth County Council of sorbed Into the Jersey Central Power With the Rumson association for this Below is the first of a series of ar- With First Vice President Michael The aged ewiple resided at East and Light company. In connection Ned E. Hammond, John M. Johnson, meeting. Soa Scouts. Commodore Richard T. Jr., Herbert W. Chamberlain, Jerry ticles written by John P. G. McPhcc, lonnors presiding in the absence of Orange for thirty years, and at Smith was In charge of the affair with this bond issue the Freehold Tho Rumson Parent-Teacher as- executive secretary of the Red Bank 'resident William Porter, the Mon- Newark for twenty years before Gonerelll, Archibald Noble and Wal- sociation • met Tuesday evening in and was assisted by Joseph C. Irwln, Trust companpy y executed a trust ter Woodward. lhamber of Commerce, on "Tele- jovlth County Horticultural society moving toKatontown for their per- Andrew C Daai, Ralph F. Smith and agreement under which IIt. agreed to the school auditorium and Installed phone Bandits." These items will rield its first meeting of the new manent residence two years ago. Some time ago tho committee sent MrB. Arthur Boyce president, Mrs. Frank C. Cobb, all members of the ct as trustee for the lighting com- appear from time if> time in The year last Thursday night at Rod Mr. and Mrs. Braun have been mak- executive board of the local district. iany and as agent to redeem the a letter to Miss Emnm'Plahn of Bel- Qcorge Hallanan first vice president, Register's columns as part of a prcr Men's hall at "RumBon. ford relative to a fight which was al- ing Eatontown their summer resi- The guest speaker of the evening ond issue, the amount to approxi- Mrs. Albert Nlederer second vice ;ram to break up what Mr. McPhee Two certificates of culture wore dence for the past fifteen years and mate $800,000. At the time of the In- leged to have accurred at Mies president, Mrs. David H. Karp sec- terms one of the most serious rackets awarded to Edward Rtfmalne and nly two years ago found that mu- was Capt. Bob Bartlett, captain of lahn'a Old Homestead Tavern at rotary and Mrs. Edwin Champlln Commander Perry's ship at the time titution of the suit all of the bonds known hereabouts. The. whiter has 'crcy Hicks and one each to Jamas nicipality so attractive that they are had bean redeemed with tha excep- Port Monmouth r,bctween Edward treasurer. The Rumsonlans, local captloned the one below "Have You Kennedy and William Macintosh. of crossing the North Pole In 1899. now making It their permanent resi- Capt. Barlett in showing six reels of ion ot a group totalling approxi- Juska, manager of the place, and radio artists and entertainers, ren- Been Held Up?" First prize for a greenhouse with dence'. Mr. Braun has been connect- mately »45,000. Louis Shtlonls of Headden'a Corner. dered popular music. One of Red Bank's solid business jver 100 feet of glass was awarded d with Braun & Chamberlain at his experiences of his trip to the The letter was answered by Irving Refreshments were served by Mrs. citizens was telling his experiences .o James Kennedy, total 773 points | East Orange for the past 48 years North Pole talked throughout the Ae is wellknown in this section tho Teeplo of Leonardo, counsel for Miss Charles A". Wolbach, Mrs. Bernard with callers by telephone, who solicit second prize to John Schumann 617 and commutes dally. Both Council- reels, bringing out a number ot im- Freehold Trust company was com- Plahn. Mr. Teeplo stated that re- V. Ryan, Mrs. George Hallanan, Mrs. him for various "charities." Recently points, and third prize to Percy man- and Mrs. Braun are 72 years portant facts. Commander Amory pelled to close its doors in January, ports orthe trouble had boen greatly J: E. W. Kuper, Mrs. Raymond Pul- ho kept track of a single day's rum DR. EUGENE W. NEWMAN. Hicks, 450- points. First prize for a f age and are enjoying excellent Haskell expressed his appreciation In 1992, and was taken over by the com- exaggerated. Tho letter was ordered lcn. Mrs. Roy Hansen and- Mrs. He. was called juat seven times. He greenhouse under 100 feot of glass lealth. seeing a number of parents who missioner of banking and Insurance. filed. The purposo In sending tho let- Charles Kuper. figures ho had actually wasted an A most enjoyable evening was was awarded to William Macintosh enow their interest In the young This was a short time after the re- tor was to inquire whether tho hotel hour just when ho was busiest. We spent and the large number.of den- with 487 points. Mr, Braun was recently elected a sailors and greeted the audience for mainder of the bond issue had been The Parent-Teacher association tists present Indicated that the so- member of the Eatontown govern- their appoarance. Commander S. R- called for redemption by the light Is proporly conducted. will hold a card party Wednesday call these solicitors by ti very de- On the vegetable display first prize A letter was received from Michael scriptive name—"Telephone Bandits." ciety is not only one of membcra ing hody and has been made com- Sands of the Coast Guard nrvke of Ing company, When the complain- evening, February 6, at Holy Ros- but also one of social and fraternal was awarded to Mr. Macintosh with missioner of roads. Mrs. Braua has tha Fifth District was also present ants, the Paterson bank and others O'Keofe of Leonardo complaining ary hall. Mrs. Edwin Farrier Is In They are. We know It and BO do 487-points, second prize to P.H. Rad- about a bad road condition near his you, yet we let them get away with activity. • y een very active In church activities. and delivered a few words, presented their bonds for payment, general charge of the arrangements. Tord with 175 points. She Is the-president of the Ladles' the trust oompany had already been homo. It was referred to Thomas B. •' This is the annual milk and wel- It to the extent of many thousands The new officers of the society are: Awards were made to a number of Day, township supervisor of roads. of dollars a year. The Solicitations The auditing committee, composed aid society of the church, in which rookies, who In the past year have closed aijS was under the supervis- fare benefit. A mooting of the com- President—Dr. Euiteno W. Nowman of of Percy Hicks, William Macintosh he was married and has filled that ion of the department of banking The committeo accepted an invita- mittees -will be held next Monday Committee of the Chamber of Com- Red Bunk. and Theodore E. Nestler, gave a re- oBltlon for the past 28 years. Mr. advanced to regular Sea Scouts. Wal- tion from Mr. Day to Inspect the afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Far- mcrco has adopted as ono of Its prin- Vice pi-cnWent—Dr. Uosaman G. Collins ter Bruyere of North Star shop of and insurance. Subsequently the ciples, a very strong opposition to of Lolly Hrunch. port of tho finances, which showed Braun was treasurer of the churoh Hid Bank wan awarded A rank of bank was reorganized and reopened townBhlp road machinery at the rier. Secretary—Dr. I, Leonard Yaffe of that the association was in fairly or 26 years. and it is open at the present time. building at Campboll's Junction The aaooolatlon cleared $21.80 at « this.form of soicltation. Lnkewood. Rood financial standing, Henry Good- quartermaster. Others who received where It la stored. The equipment Treasurer—Dr. Robert B. Murdoch of Councilman and Mrs. Braun wsl- awards were George Kmmon» of the In connection with the bond issue covered dish luncheon last week at If a proposition ^has merit, as Mm'lboru hospital, band, John A. Kemp and D&vld lomed many guests Saturday, Sun- wao recently re-condltloned by em- the home t>f Mrs. Raymond Pullen Franklin D. Roosevelt ship; Regin- of the lighting company, the funds many around Red Bank do, it should Tho board of censors of tho BO- George were accepted as new mem- lay and Monday when numerous ald Vincent, James R,!e» aM Thorna* ployeeB of tho township. It com- on First street Those Waiting on be put up to tho business man per- bers. telegrams, letters^ and" cards of con- or its redemption had been depoBit prises a truck and-four graders. the tables were Mrs. George Hallan- clety Includes Drs. R--G, Collins and Macintosh of the North Star ship of 34 with a New York depository and sonally. Ho Is -worthy of that much C. Fred Carr of Long Branch and The exhibits f6r the evening were gratulation were received. The Red Bank; Robert Meads of Nep- later were deposited to the credit of Earl M. Hoyer, chief of police, an, Mrs. J.'E. W. Kuper, Miss Jo- courtesy at least, or should be, If he staged by Mr. Hicks and scored the Braun's son and his family present- made a report showing that $100 had sephine Ligier, Mrs. Roy Hansen, William I. -L. McGonlgle of Freehold, tune ship o,f Neptune; Anthony and he Freehold Trust company In the expected to donate. How dis- Tho various committees for the en- following points: Begonia 00 points d the celebrants with » white gold Ralph AHocca and Paul Daugherty Asbury Park and Ocean Grove bank. been collected in fines tho past month Mrs. Arthur Boyce, Mrs. Fred Fln- courteous it is to expect you to listen and cyperedlum 85 points. Joseph platter with accessories to. match. for motor vehicle offenses. Mr. Hoy- Jierty, Mra. Leonard Marthens, Mrs. to a strangor over the telephone, and suing year follow: ' - of the Rarltan ship of Keyport; Steve The deposit, was made in an account 1 Kennedy, assisted by . John? Schu- Relatives and friends presented Mr. Muehin, Allen Franaman, Harold which was entitled "trust account" er's report for the past year was re- Charles A. Wolbach, Miss Emily Pul- glvoeome of your hard earned money Committee on mouth hysiene and pub- mann and Charles Rico, officiated at nd Mr». Braun. with ft variety of ceived and accepted, Its chief fea- len and Mrs. Raymond Pullen. to a proposition of which you may ic inatructipn^-E. F. Thompson, Anbury Stonccjt, Raymond Freeae, Andrew end all cf the payments made as re- l'ark: E. dcMonstegle, Anbury Park, A. the Installation of the new officers the.r gold donations. Murphy, Samuel Sparks and Roy demptions of the bonds Issued were tures were as follows: —VNew committee chairmen appoint- never have heard before"tho phono Loo Blniedol. Lonff Hrnnch. "or 1935. Among the many guests that made ed for the year are Mrs. Charles A. Sabin of the Constellation ship of made by check drawn upon this ac- A 10,000 gallon still raided and two rang. Why do they use- the tele- Momberflhip committee—Herbert Ely — oftlcerB are a* follows: Presi- visits at the Braun residence over La-kewood, men arrcBtcdi GO complaints of Wolbach, hospitality} Mrs. Raymond phone? One of the wisest of phone Wllllnmi. Rml Bunk; N, A, Rnliblin, Tomn tho woeli-end were their son and count. These payments amounted to Pullen. advertising; Mrs. Arthur River; RusanU j\, Jffulne, Anbury Park; dent, Percy Hicks; first vice presi- •160,000 out of an original Issue of breaking and entering Investigated solicitors, a parasite whose occupa- Abram Morris, Belmnr; C. Leroy Close. dent, Frank Edlngton; second vice aughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Other officials-of See Scout ships and 90 Buch cases cleared up, includ- Boyce, membership; Mrs. David H. tion Is, according to hla own words, Koyport George A. Braun of East Orange; were present from the United States ISOO.OOO. ing some ot 1033; 5 arson cases re- Karp, welfare, and Mrs. William "jerking dough out of hardbolled Program committee—E. W. Ncwmnn, president, Harry Collis; secretary, Coast Guard, Naval Base, Orange At the time the original deposit Macintosh, child welfare magazine. Retl Ennlc R- 0, Oolllnn, I.onif Branch; William Macintosh; corresponding their grandchildren, George A. ported and 4 cleared up; 19 larceny suckers on tho other end of tho wire," It. H. Murdoch, hospital, Marlboro; 1. L. secretary, Theodore E. Nestler; Braun, Jr., and Robert A. Braun of and Newark Sea Scout Ships that was msrde in, the Asbury Park and cases roportod and 11 cleared up; 11 ,'••'• Tho organization of a. new high revealed the truo reason when In Rod "" To, I.nkowoo.l. woro present for the annual Inspec- Ocean Grove bank it was the targes school at Rumson will furnish the renuurer, E. B. Jones nnd financial East Orange; Mrs. A.-H. Grool of stolen cars reported and alt returned Bank a few months ago. Asked why ociiU and dinner committee—3. F. secretary, P, F, Radford. New York city; Mr. and Mrs. Camp- tion were North Star of Bed Bank, financial institution in Monmouth to their ownoroj i stolen bicycles re- basis for a series of discussions ho used tho phone for his solicitation, Luilluw, Freehold; • Fred T. Nowmnn, Rod bell Clark Groel and son of Orange; Rarltan of Keyport, Shrewsbury of county. On December 24, 1031, when ported and all returned to their own- •planned for tha remainder of the he confessed: "It's the only way wo ink ; W. A. Bobbins. Tonu River. Mr. Hicks appointed tho following Long Branch, Rlohard K. Byrd of the bank closed, due to the panlo Legislative, committee R. O. Collini, cummlttees: Mr. and Mrs. George A. Ohl> Jr;, of ers; 3 arrested for stealing automo- 'Bchool year. From a list of problems can get to the people we. got to nK Branch; H. V. Garrlty. Asbury Newark; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mlll- Long Branch, Falcon of Jamesburg, which occurred at that time, there biles; 8 arrested for assault and bat- submitted to them the teachers se- reach. If wo sent solicitors around, Park: I. L. YafTe, Lakewood. Executive committee—Frank Edintcton, Nemser ot Jamesburg, Franklin D. Btlll remained unredeemed a portion lected the following for dtnousalon: Committee dn infraction of corie of Edward Homalne. Charks Buyrnes, Alex- of South Orange; Rev. and Mrs. tery; I arrest for storing dynamite Il- they wouldn't get, pnnt thn ifflon hoy. tlilcB—It. A. Hulno, Asbury Park; H. V. ander Pordvsl, William Porter. John O. E. Braun ot Newark, and Mies Roosevelt of Brlalle, Neptune of of tho bonds. When due to tho clos- legally; 4 horses ahot and killed at Character education, discipline, guid- Using the phone, wo got right into JolmHon, Sprinti Lake; j; S. Cattonach, iikhe, Joseph Kennedy. A. Augusta Ohl of Eatontown. Neptune, DslpUIn of Atlantlo High- ing of the bank it was Impossible to the request of ownern; 2 cats nhot; 18 / ance,, methods of teaching- and fall- tho big- cheese ,himself. Tho secre- Lonu Branch; Jules N. L«win, Bohnar; H, Show committee—William Portar ch&lr- lands and Constellation of Lakewood. pay the balance of the bond' Issue, a dogs shot; S22 disorderly persons ar» Ing pupils. . „ tary may want to know who's calling A Jllttorman. Highlands. Theodore E. ' Nestler secretary, Following the pictures, entertainment bill of complaint In chancery was Auil|tinB comniltteo^-H. V. Oarrity, As- rested; 2 arrested for violating town- and this and that. We have answers bury Fark; It. G. Collins. Lone Branchl was provided by ths Jamesburg Sled against the Freehold Trust com- ship ordinances; 0 robberies reported Albert r>. Mowery, teacher of man- to her questions. We know our stuff ual training and mochanlCal drawing T C. McVoy, Atlantic Highlands. fife and drum corps. pany and the Jersey Central Powoi and 2 arrests made; 2 arrested for when Jt comes to that business. We Necrology. rnmmltteo .— Norman T. Verdict Against and Light company. The matter wa abandonment; 1 arrestod for tres- at the high school, will lead the first get two out of five called. A solic- Su'jor, Anbury Park; Herbert Ely Wil- discussion to be held January 21, on liams, lied bank; N. Tannonbaum, Long rhuirmnn, Charles Bice, Harry Collis, Alex- heard by Vice Chancellor Vivian N. passing; B missing persons reported; itor could not do any better. Wo Branch: I. L. YafTe. Lnkewood ; N. A. Roh- ander Perclval, William Porter, Harry Insurance Firm Lewis of Paterson, who held that the- 62 motor vehlclo accidents taken care character education. Mr. Mowery can call twenty men In an hour. A blnn. Toms River; Eugene S. C Errlck- Kettel, Frank Edlngton, William Micln. has recently taken extension courses Men's Forum Hear Jersey Central Power and Llgh of; 68 arrested for motor violations; personal solicitor does well If he can ». Freehold. tosh, J. Schumann, Alfred Griffiths, E. company was primarily liable, and $50 collected in fines for disorderly at Rutgers and other universities, see five people *in that time. Further Inaurance committee—J. Emmett Mul- Itomatne. Mr. and Mri. Charles A. Fagan and will present some of his re- hollnml, Iionjr Branch; Froi] T. NewmaiL. InvestisatlnB committee—Frank Edlnc- Dr. Hans Speier that it had a right of subrogation conduct; $480 collected in fines for you can say things to a man over Roil Dank; E. deMonslcgle. Asbury FarK ton chairman, Pet«r Mulvlhlll. Charles of Eait Kearnburg Win Their against tho Freehold Trust company, motor vohlclo violations. Tho report search work on character education. the phone that he'd throw you out of Kconomlca committee—Fred T. New- Ilice. which thus would have been com- an. Red Bank; Georxo N, Waffner, J ,, Committeo on rules for point awards— Law Suit Through Efforts of showed that tho poljce traveled 18,- Ten months ago the Tapawlngo his office for saying to his face. You r [ Large Audience Attended Sunday pelled to pay the lighting company 639 miles by automobile and 15,815 Hl-Y- girls' group of the Rumson Hed Bank; Eugene S. C. Errickson, Free- ope[)h Kennedy chairman, Charles Klca, John J. Qutnn. ; can insult him, blacfcnail him, use hold. fohn Schumann. Forum at Elks Home—"The for whatever it in turn was com- miles by motorcycle. They used 2,B39" high school was organized, working stuff that you'd have to be a Jack Council for allied medicine (For Mon- Sick committee—Joseph Kennedy chair- The New Jersey Court of Errors pelled to pay. Tha light company gallons of gasoline. under the direction of Miss Esther Dpmpsey to get by with In any man's outh county)—Robert R. Murdoch, hos- man, Michael Connors, L. B, Jones, Er- Background of European Dic- did not appeal from this decision, Barnes, leader. Since that time pital. Marlboro; H. V. Garrlty. ABbury iest Turner, John Schumann. and Appeals has Juet rendered a office. But It works because most Park; Hnrry V. Johnson, Sprint? Lake. judgment affirming a verdict ob- tatorships," Was Topic. but an appeal was tiled by the Free- they have met regularly In the men are suckers." Council for allied medicine (For Ocean Frank Edlneton offered a 55 prlzo Ined by Mr. and Mrs, Charles A. hold Trust company, claiming tha Oceanic public library, carrying out county)—Fred D. Mnkin. Point Pleasant! to be divided into first prize $3 and Fagan of East KeanBburg agalnut An audience of both women and the decision of the vice chancellor a fine program of work. They have Tho Chamber of Commerce com- D C. Ulckctts, Point Pleasant. second prlzo $2 for the four exhibits men at tho Red Bank Men's forum wa* Incorrect and asked that it bo Missionary Tea attended county round-table meet- Library committee — E. doMonsloKle, during the year to the assistant he Hartford Accident 4 Indemnity mittee recommends to all our citi- Asbury Park; William I. L. McGonluIo, Company, ono of the largest Insur- last Sunday afternoon paid rapt at- reversed. The trust company claimed ings and at the girls' conference last zens that they adopt the slogan, Freehold. gardeners who score the highest ance companies In the Eastern Uni- tention to Dr. Hans Speler's alsc that it acted only as agent for thi Of Presbyterians year Dorothy Sutherland of Rumson "Down with the Receiver." Dont be points on table decorations, vases or ed States. The case was the after- slon of "The Background of Euro- lighting company and that it de- was elected county secretary. held up. The Monmouth County Dental so- baskets. Mr. Jones offered a similar pean Dictatorships," at the meeting posited this trust account in what - The girls are very proud to have ciety is making a comprehensive ef- prize for tho superintendents. math of an automobile accident held In the Klks club. J. D. Tuller Annual Event to be Held in tha fort to enroll every ethical dentist In which occurred on December 5, 1931, was then the strongest bank in Mon- Mrs. Anthony McKlm as their rep- MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER. "Ladles' Night" for the Monmouth in which a car In which Mr. and Mrs. was. chairman and Lester C. Ross mouth county, that it was permittee Church Auditorium Thursday resentative for Rumson on the Wom- the county. County Horticultural society will be master of ceremonies. to do this by the terms of the trusi 1 Dr. .Herbert Ely Williams of Hed Fagan were riding was struck by one Afternoon, January 24—Talk an's auxiliary of Monmouth county. Former Miss Ann Covert of Eaton- held early in February, ,-, - owned and operated by Richard Tracing the development of agreement and that it-fulfilled it ••With Rumson represented on this Bank, assisted by Dr. Harry V. John- tatorshlps In the twentieth century, full duty In making the deposit. In by Dr. W. G. Felmeth. town Tendered Social by Friends. son of Spring Lake, recently gave a Hanaway, then a resident of Mata- x board, this group becomes a part of IIEK SIXTEENTH BIRTHDAY. wan. The accident occurred near in contrast to the progress of de- its appeal it etated that the Free- the county organization and will be Miss Anna Covert, daughter,of Mr. clinic on gold foil-filling for the At- mocracy In tho nineteenth century, hold Crust company had used ordin- The Wo3ian'3 Missionary society and Mrs. Fred Covert of Monmouth lantic County Dental society at the Wlckatiink and resulted In serious of the Presbyterian church of Red initiated at a ceremony In the high Miss Laura\ Fazinno Honored and permanent Injuries to Mrs. Fa- Dr: Speier stressed the subordination ary care and diligence in making fh school auditorium Monday evening, Park, Katontown, was tt-'iiilt'lt'd a Clinlfonlo hotel nt At]nnUr City. By of reason to emotion as essential to deposit and that the bond holdera Bank will hold their annual mission- miscellaneous shower Monday night Frfoiids Saturday. ;au. Suit was Instituted against Mr. ary tea in tho churoh auditorium January 21. Tho Initiation will be The dentists from Red Bank at- Hanaway aB a result of which, on the success of a dictator. Mussolini had no right of action agalhat it. conducted by Manasquan Hi-Y girls a: the home of Miss Alino Brown ot tending were Dr. George H. Wagner, A party In celebration of Miss was quoted in support of tho theory This was denied by the attorneys for Thursday afternoon, January 24. Dr. White street, Eatontown, by the September 23, 1932, Mr. and Mrs. Fa- W. G. Felmeth of Elizabeth, chair- Under the leadership of Mrs. Amyetta Jr., Dr. T. F. Doremus, Dr. Doug Laura Fazzone's sixteenth birthday gan obtained a verdict. At the trial that the power of the state Is su- the bond holders, who claimed thai Coriover. Tho Woman's auxiliary of members of Miss Mary Dennis'o Edwards. Dr. William M. Pearce, Dr. was given last Saturday night at her preme. Here the lecturer pointed to tho trust company was liable. man of tha Presbyterian National the Monmouth county Y. M. C. A., Sunday-school class of the Metho- of the case it was alleged by the at- Missions of tho Synod of Now Jer- 1 H. J. Stokos, Dr. Fred L. Newman, home on Herbert street by a num- torney for the Insurance company a shrewd retention of a semblance of Mrs. Gladys Meyer, county secretary, , dist church. Miss Covert was mar- Dr. Eugene W. Newman, Dr. William ber of friends. demooratlo form In the "represent- sey, will give a talk on missions. has been invited to attend the cere- bled to Charles Bokor yesterday. that Mr. Hanaway could not be The contentions of the Froeholi Invitations have boon extended to Thompson and Dr. Herbert E. Wil- A six-piece orchestra furnished found. However, several witnesses ative" bodies In Italy and Germany. Trust Company have Just been up iwonJes as well ns the parents and Games were played and refresh- liams. music for dancing. Games were In reality, no commonplaoe In the the missionary societies of all the friends of the girls. ments served. testified that he was In court held In a decision announced by thi churches in Red Bank and surround- played and refreshments were served throughout the day before and It was dally routine of a German citizen Court of Errors and Appeals. Thl; Those nttending the shower were Miss Fazzone was the recipient of may escape Nazi dictation. Again ing communities. All women are also stated that he had been tn court decision reverses the opinion of Vld welcome to attond. Charles Boker, Anna Covert, Mil- Hold Installation many gifts. the day of the trial. The case was the audlonce was directed to the un- Chancellor L«wla and follows a some LOCAL P. T. A. MEETS. dred Covert, Can Munch, Davo Scott. Those attending were Paul Fred- submitted to a jury which rendered fairness In the peace treaty, from what similar decision decided In th( Mrs. John Allen, president of the Dora Bennett, Ruth Smith, Dorothy erick, Loula • Carapanelll, Boatrice the viewpoint of Germany and Italy, Boclety, has appointed various com- Of Lodge Officers verdict in favor of' Mr. and Mrs. case of Woodruff vs. Freehold Trusl Panel Discussion Held on "Making Chafnn, Alidn Zlngnle, Audrey Noe, Moore, Anna Boccellatl, Jfmmie which, gave rise to general unrest in company, by Vice Chancellor Stein mlttcos to take chargo of tho arrange- the Most of Resources." Isabelle Kennn, Aline Brown, Avla Dolg, Jr., Herman Fatzone, Vincent Fagan. those countries and a definite de- ments. Thoso on the hostess com- Boyce. Patricia Scely, Oliver Dennis, Olliccrs of the Pride of Monmouth Alvino, Daniel DeLuca, William After the trial it developed that mand for quick action—the very The Froehold Trust company wat mlttco aro Mrs. C. C. Walling, Mrs. At the regular meeting of the Francis Jacnubson, Mrs. Harry Den- council, Sons and Daughters of Lib- Galatro, Tony Natale, Pauline Hop- Mr. Hanaway had been inBured In springboard to a dictatorship. represented throughout this litiga- John Kennedy, Mrs. Dewltt Carhart, Junior and Senior Parent-Teacher nis, Mrs. Kmma Brown, Mr. and erty, of Bed Bank, at n meeting last kins, Mrs. Antoinette Rose, Junior the Hartford Accident'*: Indemnity tion by John J. Qulnn of tho fin Mrs. T. N. Doremus, Mrs. E. W. association last Thursday night at Mrs. Fred Covcit and son Carl, Jr. Friday night Installed olllcera for th Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ber- ompany. A demand was made up- Despite the few months Dr. Speier of Qulnn, Parsons & Doremus c Fields, Mrs. Jcsso Lolghton, Mrs. the high 3chool auditorium a panel new term. Tho ceremony wast con- on the company for payment of the has resided in tho United States, his Rod Bank, while tho complainants Harry Lowls, Mrs. Georgo Miller, discussion on "Making the Most of ducted by Mra. Florence Knight nrdeaco, Mra. Ida Campanelll, Doro- mastery of English and Its pronunci- were represented by Messrs. McDer- WINERY AT M1DD17ETOWN thy Westerberg, Bill Becker, Vivian judgment against Mr. Hanaway, Miss Agnos Sooley, Miss Ethel White, Resources" was hold. Dr. Stanley who was assisted by Mrs. Cora Wag- B'azzonc, Ida Clcmentl, Daniel Ber- which the company refused to do, ation was remarked by several pres- tnott, Enrlght & Carpenter of Jorse Mra. Woodhcad, Mrs. Rachel West, 'Nichols, chairman, Introduced the ner. The now officers arc: compelling Mr. and Mrs. Fagan to ent. Questions from the floor were City. Mrs. William Popo, Mra. Roy Ackdr- members of the jjarml ay thpy ap- George Wlttman Millies Beverage ardesco, Richard Nlcolotti, Patsy Vac- answered fully and with evidence of From Urapes on His Farm. . Councilor— Charles Oroydcn. cnrclll, Peter Galntro, William Bloom, institute a further suit against tho man, Mrs. John White, Mrs. Lowls penred with their topic- Assni-iiite councilor—CUR ColmorKCn. insurance company. This they did a broad scholarship. Perhaps the THIEVES AT FAIR VIEW. MacKonzle, Mrs, Irving Doremus and Preceding tho discussion a short Vk-o councilor—Hinmn Jervls. Charles Allaire, Jr., Leo I*aBionda, two of most general Interest con- Ono of thn flr;,t to receive a license Associate vict- councilor—Kluiiif Erowcr Clement Mazza, William Cannavo, and tho caso was again brought on Mrs. Victor Parker. business suasion was held, with Mrs to operate'a winery after prohibition • (iuide—Jmu-t ltrpochrr. for trial before Judge Lawrence and cerned tha future of Nazism, and the Cemetery Office and Schoolhouse , Albert Taylor presiding. Mrs. Blatch- Gasper DoMalo, Josephine Natalo, possibility of a dictatorship In this Tho reception committee comprises was repealed was George Wlttman, I iiPHiC* j^iinru— Alici* M no Ad urns. Montlno Geronl, Sandy Trufolo, Al again resulted In.a verdict In their Were Bra-ken Into Lost Week. Mrs. John A. Hayes, Mrs. Frank ford Sherman was chairman of th< who lives near Middletown village Outside Kunri—l,r,uh Colmnrrcrn. favor for the full amount of their country. program. The platform was deco- Secretary—Neru Dennla. bort Fazzone, Tootsle Kontano, Fan- Thieves broke Into tho office al Groff, Mrs. D. C. Randolph, Mrs. on Harmony roail, a short distance A^odnto nccrr-tnry—Ilnrliara ll,->i-i. ny Katale, Florence Clement, Jose- claim. The Insurance company In answering the first. Dr. Speier Asesnath Hlgglns, Mrs. Mary All- rated with (lowers and ferns. I-"in;ilir)n3 secretary—Myrji Vox. expressed his conviction that no at- Fair View cemetery one night lasi from Route 35. He placed his wine ny Natale, Florenco Clemcnte, Jose- thereupon took an appeal to the New week by prylngr open a window strom, Mrs. John .H. Gregory, Mrs. Tho upenUcrn and their topicu woro nn the market n short tlmn ngn anil Tmuurcr—Snrnli Mnrsnn. Hld Lawrence. Jersey Court of Errors and Appeals, tempt at overthrow of the Hitlerites was possible without aid of tho They did not get much booty, bul Charles Frako, Mrs. Richard Strong, Dr. George II. Hunt, "Dr. Econ- ho reports that he has already made which Is the highest court In the they caused considerable damage Mrs. W. W. Armstrong, Mrs. David omics"; Mm. John L. Montgomery, considerable sales. Tho wino fer- KAIMIOAIJ MKN MISS HIM. Btate. The case was argued before nrmed forceB, now wholly In Nail Jones, Mrs. Amanda Polhemus and MKTHD/VY I-ABTY. control. He further stated that With an axe. which they found li1 "Mother"; Edwin C. Uillaml, "Mr. mented In nn especially constructed the last toim. A decision was an- the cellar of tho building the Mrs. John Road. Schoolmaster"; Mien Elisabeth Kol- cellar on his farm. Mr. Wittman nounced last Friday by the Clerk of division among the Nazis could lead Konmth Smith of Middletown VII Miss Virginia Hathaway, daughte to disruption which might result In smashed the combination and twi Mrs. Japhla Clayton Is In charge Iy, "Mleu Psychology"; MIBB Evelyn has a huge vineyurdj with a varied Ingo Laid Up With Hlclinrw. tho Court of Errors and Appeals to knobs off tho cemetery safe but fallei of tho muolc and Mrs. Fletcher Sher- Walker. "Mlns Hoalth"; Glenn. P. assortment of rjiapeii and tho wine of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hathaway ol the effect that the verdict which had nn altered government. • As for For more than twenty years Ken Lewis street, Eatontown, was ten- dictator in this country, he could to open It. It required a week fo man and Mro. M. V. B. Smock will Wlshnrd, "Mr. Recreation." Is made entirely from his own fruit. been obtained against the Insurance an expert safe maker to repair th He Htjite:i that it' Is not fortlllcd nml neth Smith, who haa been an invallt dered n birthday, party by her par- company wao attlrmcd nnd would foresee none; yet, the experience o: havo chargo of decorations. Blnce boyhood, hns sat In the sin ents last Friday night at their homo. paving an apparently assured liberty, damage. All tho drawers In th that nothing l.i added, not oven stand. desks In the offlca were opened anc BIRTHDAY TAllTV. sugar. Tho julre is naturally fer- parlor of his home at Middletown vlli Decorations were of her class color to lose It, makes him alert to all In- SHBJEWSBUnY PLOT SOLD. mented and the beverage comprises luge and waved nt the crews an of green and whlto. Oamea, dancing Both Mr. and Mrs. FaKnn are well cipient activities. their contents strewn about th passonRora of railroad irnlna wide and refreshments were enjoyed. Mis known East Keansburg residents, be- floor. Tho thieves etole a typewriter, JH<;I past weelt or moro Mr. Snilt Bertha Mnbb, Evelyn Dean, Dorothy mouth road near Hudson avenue. series between the Brown and White View sehoolhouso was broken Into south side of Bycamoro avenue at iho home of his narenfn. Mr. and jli.i.M bnrn tinnMo to occupy his van Wagner, Mrs. 1511a Meyers and Mr, They were represented In the cases hockey teams of the Shrewsbury There the Intruders got about 12 li Shrewsbury has. boon bought from Mr«. John Kolly of Chestnut street. Two Purs™ For Priest. jtii;:e point nciir thn village rallrna and Mm. Earl Hathaway and family, by John J: Qulnn of the firm of Field Hockey club will be held Bun- cssh and several boxes of candy. N Claude L. Klvenbut'Kh of Hhrowsbury Fair Haven. Gamnn wnrflx played A jnirsB containing more than JlOti l-tMinn, title to the fact that ho ha nl! of Eatontown. and Robert C&r- Qulnn, Parftonn &. Dorcmun, while tho Uay, February 3, at 2:40. The flre arrests have boon made yet by Jonathan II, Nllcn of West Front lind refreshments wore norVod. Jackie, was presented hint nlglit by the 1'ni-ii rnnllnetl to hod with sickness luut, Walter Moore, Itlchard Andor- defendant had for his attorney gamo turned out In a tie at 1-1. A »*»«-«• .—. street, Red Bank, who will build a received many jiretty and imeful invinbcw of fit. [ However, ho JH jimv Improving JWJ son, Anthony Costlno and Mrs. Marj old McDermott of Freehold. social affair will follow the game. [ Dessert-Bridge. flno colonial residence on It for hla gifts. Bradevelt to Rev. J. J. I.ucltt, thn '•xpi'ClH to ho back Irt the mm irnrloi Nllos, nil of Long Branch. A dessert-bridge will be held b) own occupancy. Ray jp. Stlllman of The guentn woro Dorothy Allen now rector of HI. Ann'M rhurch' nt the Shrewsbury Hockey club Thura Katontown was the broker in the •« III» mother, Mrs. I.ytlla M. Brtford CoupW Wedded. transaction. Tho plot is 100 feet east Edith Loon. Kerntce WlllianiH, Elmer Keansburg. The rongrrgnlion of Si •''•nilili, IM also luld lip x\'lt|] fileknc't; New Neon Sign. day afternoo, February 14, at tw l*ryitr, Arthur Pryor, Martin Bmock Catherine's church of Kverett. aiwi 'nt Announced. A new Neon Bign. with varied Mr. and Mm. Charles Hound ot Bel o'clock at Bhrsw«bury Manor. Mn of tho Dr. Livingston estate and It M:-. Jliirgiirpi. Conover of Itcil Unnl wan sold through Mr. fUlllnmn five Roy Young, Wayne Burrow, Doro- made n gift of a pursn of $05 In I-' i he ntlending nurm-. Aimoiinrrmcnl l» mmlo ot the on flashing colors, haa befiji placed at ford announce tho marriage of their N.. A. DeTarr Is chairman of the af- thy Burrow, Daniel SllverBtein, John Father, Luclit. was until unganioiit of MIHH Kvelyn Haveni Viola'a reMiurant on Front street at daughter, Ml«n Margaret Htsso, to fair and aim will ha aoslaled by Mrs, yearB ago to Mr. Rlvenburgh. Williams. James Randolph And Stan- rocfintjy rector of the Bradevelt aim daiiKlittr of Mr. nnd Ml". Clarence It«d Hank, It. was made by Wlllla nussfll Johnston of Belford. Tha Clyde Maion, Mrs, J. C. Williams, • •»•» ' i ley., Dm via. Everett parishes. ran mnltc extra pocliet money llnvenH nf Helfcnil, to Anthony Itlng nun nnd Mnrolil 11111 ot the Com- ceremony wn« performed Sunday, Mrs, Kmlly Murfltl, Mra. Edwin Beat Boys can oiav« extra pocKat money Iho HcKtatcr.—Advertisement. of Ijoonardo. . mercial sign .company. January 6, at-Elktcn, Marylnhil, and Mrs. Forest ^P selling The Register,—Adv»rUs*meriC 'fr- RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 17,1935. TMr Personals New Members For OO2HZ! BUT WOT FOBGOTTKW. Officials To Keyport Officials L«wt» CallaJuuv, H!» Employee* and Attend Church Agin In Wrangle Mr. and Mrs, John Keane of Mar- American Legion P»tron» Will Bemember Minnie. Ion street, accompanied by Mr. and Lewis J. Callahan and all of bis em- Officials of eleven municipalities In At a meeting of the Borough coun- Mrs. Joh" •n • Brow~ n and daughter Craig C. Hill mi Alex BaAm ployees and patrons are mourning this section of Monmouth county will cil held Monday night, the usual tilts Charlotte, of Deal, Mr. and MM. the death of Minnie, a striped tiger attend the Little Silver Methodist between the hold-over Councllmen Amos Beam of Arlington, Mr. and Received at Meeting Monday cat who made her home at Mr. Cal- church Sunday evening, January 20. and Mayor Obadlah Bogardus and Mrs. Leonard Grlener of Haekensack tyigbt—ilea Member* Join iaban's Palace diner near the Red It. will be a special recognition uer- his new Councilmen, were In evi- Continuing Until Saturday Night—Our and Mrs. Christina Johns of Rldgt- Bank I dence. Councilman Haigh rejected fleld Park, were week-end visitors to Citisem Conservation Corns.' »"«'»4 station the past twelve ' vice for the mayor and council of Mr. Currie's report which he made Atlantic City. Mrs. Johns la «tat6 MTCU. »,« »« - w» ~» v |yeBra Mlnn|e was run over and Little Silver. An elaborate program claiming to be chairman of the councilor of the Sona and Daughters Craig C. Hill and Alex Badun were killed by an automobile Wednesday has been planned, which will Include finance committee. The mayor again of Liberty. received as new members of Shrews- night. She was picked up dead and the "Awakening Chorus" by the in- appointed Edward Currie of Mata- 1 Big Coffee Sale Albert L. IvlrB of South street 1» burRedy Banpostk oMondaf the yAmerica night.n legion of placed back of the diner until the termedlate and senior choirs of the wan borough" attorney and it was out after having been laid up three - Th• e- committe• -- -e in • charg• • e of the next morning. Standing guard over church. The service will begin at again voted down by the usual four, A chance to prove the Quality of Our Coffees. Our FdCir weeks with congested lunge. He minstrel show to be given tonight for her all night was Tom, a big Maltese half-past seven o'clock, to two vote. Howard W. Roberts, Famous Blends specially priced this week. Share in these Was confined to th« bed ten days. the benefit of the Drum and Bugle cat owned by a neighbor, who had | Neighboring officials attending will hold-over borough attorney, gave an big values. It will be well worth while. Miss Florence Kridel 'of West corps of the legion reported that been Minnie's Inseparable companion be Mayor George Silver and council opinion that a committee appointed Front street sailed last Thursday on many tickets had been sold and lndt- several years. Tom meowed piteous- Of Shrewsbury, Mayor Charles R by the mayor was no cooiraltteo un- Where Quality Counts and Your Money Goes Furthest the Veragua for a aeventeen-day ly all night and the next morning he English and council of Red Bank' less approved by the council. Mayor cations were encouraging that the followed George Nicholas when Mr. Mayor Augustus M. Minto„.„,„,„n anolmd cruise to Havana, Jamaica, Panama entertainment would prove, success- Nicholas took the corpse away to , council of Fair Haven. Mayor Van Bogardus claimed the council balked and Cokta mca. ful. The corps members received bury It. R. Halsey and council of Rumson, everything Rood, for Keyport. A let- compliments on the manner In which ter was received ltoai the PWA'in Edward Wlllla of River road has Mayor W. R. Fowler, Sr., and council Washington, stating that the bor- been ^onflned to his home with they acquitted themselves at tho of Sea Bright, Mayor William Carhart quinsy eoro throat. county legion rally at Freehold Sat- Presbyterian Club and council of Monmouth Beach. ough's application for funds to erect Mother's Joy 1 25* Mrs. J. Kllcup and son, JacK Clark, urday* night The corps was the only Mayor Whitney Conrow and council a sewage disposal plant was .on file organization of Its kind at the rally. and would receive attention. Firo The persistent demand for a one-pound tin ot coffee of outstanding flavor of McLaren street apent Saturday at Has Monthly Meeting of Oceanport, Mayor Ira E. Wolcott Wardens appointed and approved brings this new blend—packed In the whole bean—ground to order. the New York auto show. The members are trying to raise I and council of Eatontown, Mayor Mr. and Mrs. William T. Jones and funds to send a large delegation to were T. G. Poling, Frank VanPelt, the national American legion con- About a hundred persons attended i Dorman McFaddin and board of Sr., Irving FlUgerald, Clifford Mor- sons of Maple avenue left Sunday the regular monthly meeting of the I commissioners of Long Branch and rell, Stanley Ferry, Thomas Fitzger- Reg. 23c morning by car for a month's stay , vent on at St Louis next summer. A Presbyterian brotherhood Monday Mayor J. R. Mount and council of ald, Jr., Lester Poling, J. H. Ward, it. _ ._ _ L . ta • Dirt Anl n 1 flffnur la nAl HiV ^mn /¥ n «A I* *« •* jfe asco special effort Is being made to have night In the church. 21 at West Palm Beach, Florida. WesULong Branch. Jr., G. W. Jacobs, Charles P. Brpw- George A. Regan of ProspBct ave- a large number of Jcrseymen present Colonel A. A. Brevaine, an insur- Little Sliver organizations and of- er and Everett S. Poling. A resolu- Our "Best Seller"—Full, rich quality—expertly blended. Hue left Sunday morning by train for I In order to bring influence to bear ance investigator of Passalc county, ficials attending will be the firemen's a month's stay at Miami, Florida. | to_ have the, 1936 convention In this who served in the French air corps tion was passed directing that the state. association, William T Parker, presi- money be drawn from the Sewer Re Re 29c Mr. Regan la employed by the Jones during the World war, told of the dent; Parent-Teacher association, Sinking fund, about $60,000, and used Victor g- 2i *• Filling stations. Ten members of the legion have travels he has made since in Eu- Mrs. J. D. Simpson, president; board Acme e- " 27° enlisted in the veterans division of rope, Asia and Africa, He told of to pay off original sewer bonda • An excellent blend of Santos. Mrs. Margaret Kridel of Wyckoff the Citizens Conservation Corps and of education, Perter J. Glaloaoh amounting to around $41,000. Part Arabian Mocha, Java and 8. Anuriean CotTeei. place has been confined to her homo the part he played in the Investiga- president; Woman's club. Mrj' of tho balance will be used to pay | with grip. seven have been called into service. tion of recent insurance frauds In George Ivlns, president; board of Del Monte California K Those In service are William Henry, oft water department notes. The Misses Vera, Roberta and Made- Europe. health, William T. Parker, president- bonds are serial ones and many are James Daly, Charles Butterfass, Wil- Councilman Thomas M. Gopsill or OSCO Ca, fornia ROLL line McKnlght ot Foxwood Park liam Curtln, Joseph Dugan, Irving board of adjustment, Benjamin A. not due for several years. It was spent Sunday visiting Dennis Arnono touched on relief problems. He said Shoemaker, chairman; Police Chief decided to accept ?25,000 In full for Dennis and Clarence White. The that an average of one out of every er, chairm at Pennlngton Prep school, Penning- other three who expect to be called officers, certain taxes on the BurnelU Air- tt>. ton. into service soon are Frank Flan- nine persons In Red Bank Is sup- Road Supervisor Orlando P War craft limited properties. This fs a Dr. G. Thatcher Parker of Route ported by the Emergency Relief ad-1 den, William A. Stevens attorney_ . - reduction of approximately $14,000 PEACHES .;, 16° Butter 35' nery, James Dougherty and Norman ministration from a common fund Engineer George K Allen enelnopr' 35, Rlverslda Heights, is a surgical De£' .. ._,._.. . < Mrs. | - ^«. «£ which will have to be paid by other patient at tho Long Branch hospitalhospital . j j , ,„ of federal, state and borough money, E1 zabeth D Hobba; property owners. A large crowd was The contlnulng lts work with no accounting of this outlay re- s M ] Dr. Olln Anderson of the Rattan ot prov,|lng tooi Bnd oiotning {or Eleanor Kenyon,. librarian and Dr' in attendance at the meeting arid the Animal hospital, New Brunswick, la quired to be made to Red Bank of- i-dwln F. Stewart, physician. cheera and jeers for or at the mem- In charge of Dr. Parker's office dur- veterans and their families. ficials. bers of the council made It appear Potatoes « - ° 15" 19' At the conclusion of tho meeting ing his absence. refreshments of frankfurter sand- William S. Mtistoe, newly appoint- like a baseball, game. No bills were Mrs. James Braney of Herbort wiches and sauerkraut were enjoyed. ed, chief of county detectives, told of Active Winter For paid and no salaries of employees 12c OSCO Finest 19c OSOO Feuncy Sweet street Is 111 with pneumonia. his experiences In criminal investi- were paid. ' • • Louis J. Tetley of Chestnut street gation. Sidney J. Wain, local news- Oceanic Boys' Club C has resumed-hjhjs duties as caretaker paperman, gave several anecdotes' Tomatoes 2 -' 23 i e si s ^ cans ^sy of the public parking space after Annual Meeting concerning the gathering of news in „ ^h6 °ceanlc Boy' club la now the county. SHADOW LAKE. having been laid up several weeks Of County Y. M. C. A. under the leadership ot Hyatt Cun- Gold Seal Rolled Oati 20-oz pkg 8c Chase & Sanborn Coffee lb tin 31 e with rheumatism. The Dutch trio was in charge of ningham. The club has made rapid Writer Says It IIiv> Not Been 3-Minute Oat Flakes pkg 9c Vermont Maid Syrup Jug 21c Thomas Little of Bergen place the dinner. Roger Smith was the progress In social activities and en- Thrown Open to the Public. k spent Monday and Tuesday at Atlan- At the annual meeting of the Mon- vocal soloist. terta nment. Meetings are held every OSCO Pancake Flour 3 P K" 23c Del Monte Grapefruit 2 No. 2 cans 23c tio City, where he attended a con- mouth County YMCA committee, The next dinner-meeting will be Monday, Tuesday and Thursday To the Editor of- OSCO Buckwheat Flour 3 P"gs 23c Delicious Fresh Prunes 2 big cans 27c held Saturday at the homo of Henry k vention of telephone company exec- held Monday night, February 1L nights In the public library. Vatav The Red Bank Register. Seminole Toilet Tissue- 4 rolls 25c Aunt Jemima Pancake Flow P E 10c utives. R. Dwlght at Everett, many changes Spencer Dean, the detective in the Vacarrelll. leader of the Westslde Dear Sir:— Miss Gladys Shropshire of Hudson wore mads in the officers and per- Radio Crime club broadcasts over branch of the Younff Men's Christian In y<;ur issue of.Janiiary 30, I have 10c California 6c OSCO Slowly Cooked avenue attended the second luncheon sonnel of the county committee. station WJZ, will be the speaker, association of Red Bank, assists Mr read IKJICWS article and an editorial muslcale of Uie Rublnnteln club Tues- James L. Hall of Farmlngdale, and the musical program will be Cunningham Thursday nights. stating that the owners of the prop- day afternoon at the Waldorf-Astoria chairman of the nominating commit- presented by a quartet of trumpeters. ^ Instructions In art are given by erties adjoining Shadow Lake have Sardines 2 Beans tee, which consisted of George Greg- thrown the lake open to the public hoteL . Miss Shropshire Js a member On Monday, March 1, the brother- urrln Soule and in- the construction and tfiat accesa to It may be had over of iho Rubinstein choralei ory, Sea Girt; John Htllyer, Middle- hood will observe "ladles' night." The • or mmodeo l raclne sailboata J™nstructio i«d,.,n. town; Adam Banke, Matawan, and racing sailboats by Andrew the dam. _15c Hurff's Asparagus Tips 2 picnic cans £5c Glee club of the Jersey City high hf, tn: trca3u™r o£ the Eastern As one of the property owners on Isaao VanDerveer, Freehold, aald It school will present a musical pro- Shadow lake, I wish to atate that I Heinz Soups «=«£"»» pt can, Sc ! B & M Baked Beans can 17c was the greatest number of changes j gram, branch of the Model Yacht club of have no knowledge of the giving of 2 2 Church the county committee had made at America. The boys also receive In- any rights to the public by the own- Glenwood Apple Sauce 2 No. 2 cans igc Prudence Stew (beef or lamb) can 27« one time In many years. J. Freder-' structlons In shop work. c.s uf land adjoining the lake and ^Basketball practlco Is well under OSCO Pure Honey 8-oz jar 1OC. 17-Oz jar 19C Prudence Corned Beef Hash 20^z can 23c The subject of the sermon to be ick Talcott, second oldest member upon inquiry of several of them, I k given Sunday morning at the Pres- upon the bounty committee, who be- Re-Elect Officers way, the team being coached by Mr. cr.ri learn of no one who has done tjJRoyal Baking Powder can I4cf 18c, 35c | Royal Gelatine Desserts 3 P B» 17c byterian church by tho pastor, Rev. gan his affiliation in 1911, WRS re- Cunningham, who Is assistant coach so. elected vice chairman, as wau John Of Episcopal Guild of the Rumson high school qualntet The land undor tho lake is owned John A. Hayes, Is "A Creed For To- Assistant coaches are Otto Pearl and in various parcels by ueveral people Glenwood Jellies day." In the evening the pastor will Hall treasurer. C. Edward Tlltbn of and it la just as much their property Farmlngdnlo was elected recording Officers of the Women's guild of v'luam Jennings. The squad of 35 large tumblers preach on the themo, "Tho Gospel the Trinity Episcopal church were 7 while it la flooded as it was before Eggs S 41c Of Burden Bearing," socrotaryt , succeedini g Staatt s Stlll- lnH?e? Practicer s In tho Rod Men's hall the lake was made. There are re-elected at the annual meeting of ' 8 PProceedB °«edas frof m lasl t Saturday's through streets at River Plaza run- For poaching, boiling, or ui« Is rick room. The Women's Improvement society woll of Frochold. the organization held Tuesday at tho j ™" <"e will be used toward pay. Chairman HaEiler appointed" com- ln no ning to tho lako and the publlo un- held Its regular monthly meeting last pariah house. Mrs. Leon de la Reus- £ ' court rental and buying doubtedly has the right to use the Tuesday afternoon. The Golden Hour mittees as follows: Executive com- sllle presided and Rev. Herbert S. equipment. water over such parts of those tiSCO Sliced Bacon Circle met In the social hall of the mittee, V. Parker Wilkinson, Little T le HtrmdH an were flooded. Also that 1 lb. pkg. Jk W Selected Eggs doz 33c Silver, ohalrman; John Doeg and Craig, rector of the church, conduct- B ' P'ng pong team plays In out- church yesterday. A covered dish ed the' devotional service. Annual '^° tournaments as well as conduct- part of tho old croek which wao Every EBS GuAtaatinl. luncheon was served. Lelghton Lobdell, Rumson; Paul J. n navigable was open to the public mid Taylor, Belmar, The flnanco com- reports of tha various committees ' S Its own private matches. Recent- probably still la subject to their The weekly church fellowship «up- mittee In again headed this yaar by wore submitted. The following of- '" """ "'""' went "In a body to •._„ rights. However, their rights would Log Cabin Syrup 25c, 50c Jell-O (Assorted flavors) per was held last, night with the Arthur Glbb, Rumeon, as chairman, fleers were re-tlected: to hear a talk hy Bob Bartlett, not extend to any other part of the Brotherhood in charge. Mrs. Arthur Who accompanied Peary to the North Grape-Nuts Pkg 19c Minute Tapioca lie wltH Harry Cooper, Belmar; Mar- Preildent—Mr». Leon de la Reuislllt. Pole. lake than that covering" the creek ]b tin Mayhow, accompanied at the planq/ tin Sorensen, Tennent; Joseph Tay- Vife president—Mrs. Harrison Banct. bed and the through street ends. Post Toasties pkg 8c Sanka Coffee by Mrs. Leon Kelley, was the soloist. Swrataryr—Mrs. James Hunt«r. The board of freeholders has taken lor and John Hall, Freehold; Ed- Ttoanurar1—Mrs. William Longstreet, cans 2 bottles 23 Mr. Hayes led the devotional talk. ward Tilton, Farmlngdale; .TohnBal- A GUEST ARTIST. over the repair and maintenance of Farmdale Evap. Milk 4 23c Ammonia C Charles Wood will load tho dlsouo- The following committees were the diim in order to be able to protect caUe lantlne, Bumson; Harry Braender, named: the public road which lies below It Dei Monto Asparagus Tips Bquan can 23c P.&G. Naptha Soap 7 » 25c •lon at a meeting of the Young Sea Girt; Donald Lawes and James Miss Sylvia Aul To Sing On Miss but I doubt that they will for very Men's Bible class to be held Sunday Mattenlee, Shrewsbury; A. D. Shultz, Advisory—Mrs. Thomas Voorhls. Mrs. Terhune's Radio rrogram. k a 2-tt>. can 21c morning at ten o'clock. James Parkes, Sr., Mrs. Eugene Brooks. long be willing to have tho public Shaker Salt 2 P « lie Princess Cocoa Keyport. Trustees for YMCA Camp Women's auxiliary—Mm. Allan Froat. Mies Sylvia Aul, soprano, will again walk upon the structure of the dam. 1 In First Church of Christ, Scientist, Ockanlckon are Henry R; Dwlght, House—Mrs. Fred Munden, Mrs. Charles t>e heard as a guest artist on Miss Pust experience has proved that Pea Beans or Bulk Rice 5 ">" 23c Uneeda Biscuits 3 P ^ 13c 209 Broad street, Rod Bank, Sunday Everett; C. Richard Applegate, Wem- Reeves, Mrs. Victor Goodridge, Mrs. F. climbing: up the bank of the dam Stler, Mn. Mart Uavlland, Mrs. Georto Lillian Terhune's radio program. results in loosening the dirt so that services aro held at 11:00'A. M. and rock, and Leigh Cobb. Ttfe endow- Grnmann. The Interpreter," next Wednesday rains soon start washouts and make 8:00 P. M., Sunday-school at 11:00 ment committee Is composed of Ira Welfare— Miss Mary T. Walker. at 7:30 o clock over station WBRB. repairs necessary. This has been A. M. and Wednesday evening testi- Burrowes chairman, F. E. Haslcr, Organ—Mrs. Leon de la Reuaiille. This is he occasion of the second re- costly in the past and I do not be- mony meetings at 8:00 P. M. John Hall, P. C. Taylor, Henry R. Publicity—Mrs. Jay D. Williams. Red Salmon 2 33 cital of Miss Terhune's own compo- lieve the county authorities will be J'Llfe," will be the subject of the Dwlght. The personal committee Tho neighborhood meeting of the Thunes own compo- willing to subject the dam to con- Lcsson-S \rmon in all Churches ot consists of Martin Sorensen chair- women's auxiliary will be held on sition* and will consist of the songs, stant damage to please anyone. I Satina Pkg Be Ken-L-Ration 2 «">« 15c Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Janu- man, Joseph Taylor and V. Parker Wednesday afternoon, January 23, In Call- of the Sea," which was the doubt that they will be any more La France Powder Pkg 9c Super Suds 3 PkB» 2Sc Wilkinson. the church. The committee In charge winner of the first honorable men- pleased with your invitation to the ary 20. consists of Mrs. Mart Havlland, Mrs. tion In a recent International con- public than the property owners are. Palmolive Soap 3 cakes 13c Clorox pt can 15c: it can 29c The Golden Text is: "The life was Tho meeting was addressed by Walter French, Mrs. Edward S. Al- test, "Acceptance," "Song of the For my part, I wish you would re- Octagon Laundry Soap 4 cakeB 19c Octagon Cleanser can 5c manifested, and we have seen It, and George O'Hoppe, leader of the West laire, Miss Gertrudo Spry. MISB Alice Shining Skates." "Rain In the tract it. bear witness, and shew unto you that Belmar group, who gave a brief Morford, Miss Nellie Lawless, Miss Spring," and the piano solo, "Knight There never would have been any eternal life, which was with the history of his acquaintance with of Peerless." objection to the use of the lako by "Y" work and sketched for tho an- Dorothy Brown and Mrs. Frank Cur- anyone had it not been for the In- Father, and was manifested unto us" tis. Miss Terhune's piano recitals Quality MEATS Reasonably Priced (I John \:2.) nual meeting the outline of tho considerate action of a few rough things his group had accomplished Plans for a card party to be held broadcast every Wednesday for the people who instead of appreciating Cornfed Quality BEEF Asnong the citations which com- in the near future were also made. entire season, are being played from the lake, which they did nothing to prise the Lesson-Sermon is the fol- during the past year. Annual reports were made by John Mrs. Jamed O. Davis is chairman of her memorized repertoire, with the help create, proceeded to damage the lowing from the Bible: "Enter ye in exception of her own compositions. private property of those who pro- C at tho strait gato: for wide is tho Hall treasurer, Arthur Glbb chair- tho committee to be In charge of vided it for them and to create a man of the finance committee, Hen- thh affair. A successful student concert waa re- gate, and broad Is tho way, that cently broadcast by a group of pu- nuisance by profane and ribald talk Fancy Chuck Roast * 19 leadeth to destruction, and many ry R. Dwlght for the comp trustees, Four captains to conduct a series nnd offensive actions. I know of no Mrs. Frank C. Borden, Jr., chair- of house parties were named. They pils from the Tertnine pJano studio. objection ever having been made to there be which go in thereat: Be- Another of thesa concerts will " the use of the lake by any proper cause strait Is tho gale, and narrow man women's auxiliary, and County are Mrs. George Chandler, Mrs. Hor- be f Secretaries Leigh Cobb and W. A. ton Garrison, Mrs. William Long- given next month. person and it Is unlikely that thero Lean Is the way, which leadeth unto life, ever will be but control of It must be and few there bo that ilnd it." (Mat- Robbins. The nominating committee street and Mrs. Harry Johnson. presented for reelection to member- Following the business session tea The Red Bank Register travels maintained for protection against Boneless Pot Roast 25 thew 7:1^14,) over every street In town and every hoodlums. I hope you will give pub- ship, for three-year term C. Richard was served by Mrs. S. E. Cogglns, road In the county. Let it carry your licity to this statement. The Lesson-Sermon also Includes Applegate, Wemrock; H. R. Cooper, Mrs. Frank Curtis, Mrs. W. E. Co- message to those who live on these Yours very truly, the following passage from the Belmar; Wilson McBrlde, English- vert and Mrs. James O. Davis. thoroughfares.—Advertisement C. Edgar Alexander. Christian Sclenca toxtbook, "Science town; William J. T. Getty, Little and Health with Key to the Scrip- Silver; Henry Kohl, Rumson; Er- tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: 'We all nest Patterson, Ardcna; Dr. R. D. THE HILL BOLY BOYS. Leg or Rump of Veal * 21 must learn that Life Is God. Ask Patterson, Spring Lake; Charles yourself: Am I living tho Ilfo that ap- Okorsoni Jr., Jerseyvillo; F, 0. Rod Bank Lads Give a Fine Pro- PREMIUM LEHIGH proaches tho supreme good? Am I Rhodes, Avon; Joseph Taylor, Free- gram of Instrumental Music. lb demonstrating tho healing power of hold; Edward Tilton,: Farmlngdalo; Loin Veal Chops 29-1 Veal Cutlets 375 Truth and Lovo? If so, then the way Harry Braender, Sea Girt. For one- Edward Cogan and his orchestra will grow brighter 'unto tho perfect of Hill Billy Boya entertained Boy 1 year term John DOCK, John .COAL day. Your.fruits will provo what the tine, Lolghton Lobdell, Rumson; A. Scout leaders from various parts of ROUND POT ROAST 29*lb understanding ot brings to L. McCloos, Holmdel; James Mat- the United States at Morrlotown Fri- man.'" (p. 400.) tenlee, Shrewsbury. Theso wore day afternoon. A full course dinner (Top or Bottom) Members of the Senior World Wide unanimously elected. was served, during which the or- FRANK B. LAWES guild will bo guests at the evening At the conclusion of the business chestra played, James E. West, the service In the Baptist "church Sun- •esBlon, Edmund It, Tomb, secretary chief scout executive, complimented SEA FOOD SPECIALS day. Laat Sunday tho members of of Morocr County YMCA and a the boys and bestowed special praise 47 Shrewsbury Ave. tho Mary Mount chapter of the guild former socrotary In Monmouth coun- on Henry Burke for hia flute play- 17c attended. ty, was Introduced and after paying ing. After dinner the boys sang TEL. RED BANK 2875. Fancy No. 1 Canadian Smelts scout chanties around a fireplace. The women .of the church will con- his rcspecti, In turn presented C. M ned dM Herbert Davlson of Princeton, vice Others in the Hill Billy group in Weaknsh ">16c FreshStewing Oysters <°i ' > 12c duct a prayor fellowship meeting addition to Henry Burke and Elwood do next Wednesday night at 7:45 o'clock pr'otident of tho Mercer County ^^ Medium Size Chowder Clams » 18c YMCA. Cogan were Joseph Lang and Al- Sliced Fresh Codfish in the church. PlanB for a mothers' phonsc Tomalno. They were accom- and daughters' Bervl'ce, to be held SPECIAL panied by John P. Mulvlhill, Sr., Outstanding Values in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Sunday night, January 27, will bo TWO COWS BPBN. scoutmaster of troop 8 of St. James' made at this mooting. church, of which troop the Hill Billy THURSDAY FRESH GREEN PEAS JUICY FLORIDA. GRAPEFRUIT The annual mooting of the church Eire Destroys Old Monmouth Park boys are members; William Cogan, school workers' conference will her Hoeing stable at Eatontown. chairman of tha scout.committee of Regular 25c Angel Food Cake 19c each Bi c (or hold Monday night. January 21, at A flra of unknown origin, which troop 8; Ernest Schultz, director of 3 eight o'clock In the church. The totally destroyed a barn on the Camp Burton, and Johp P. Mulvlhill, FRIDAY •2 29 nominating committee will present a Jr., who carried the scout banner. JUICY Nc\v GJOOII fcoutlicrn slate of otnoora for tho now term. property of tho Bray Realty corpor- Regular 20c Jelly Rolls 17c each No. 1 Hed or Yellow Refreshments will bo served. ation at Eatontown last Sunday af- Among the scout executives be- Sweet Potatoes CABBAGE ternoon, cnused tho death of two sides Mr. West were W. C. Wossel, Regular 10c Crumb Cakes .: :. 2 for 17c ORANGES On Friday night, February 1, tho cowa owned by Sidney national director of cubbing; George Dozen Baptist church choir will hold its Throckmorton of West LotiKErnn J. Fisher, deputy chief scout ejcocu- 3 »•• second birthday party and muilcal Tho loss is estimated at $1,000. tlvo; Arthur A. Schuck, chlof direc- f SATURDAY 19 Bhow. Thero will bo no admission Tho building, formerly owned by tor of operations; Green Bar BUI, Regular 5c Charlotte Russe 6 for 25c EXTHA J.AKO.KGKE SSTAYMAN W1N1SSAP SOI.lll HEADS IliKIHOHfl clVarffo but the proceeds from tho Matthew Byrnes, once a Monmouth who Is rewriting the scout manual, freo offering will be applied to the and L. L. McDonald, national camp Regular 5c Chocolate Eclairs 7 for 25c API LETTUCE organ fund. Park racing stable, was found n APPLES raging furnace upon the arrival of director. Regular 20c doz. Filled Buns 18c doz. tt> Head A i\O tho Eatontown (Ire apparatus. After C Frenbyterlnn League Program. extinguishing tha flames the (Ire RunMon lota Sold. 3 17 10' Tho Presbyterian Women') longue fighters found the charrod bones of Tho Comot Holding company of So Convenient—»o Satisfactory—to Shop regularly in your OSCO Star*, of Red Bank at tho conclusion of tho two cows. Red Bank has sold two lota on the Its bunlni-oo meeting tlioit Monday Tho structure, 150 fool lonu «nd Rumson Sliorou tract at Rumson to ""** *"'"* *"*"***'" *"" *•"»• night will prooont a program of en- fifty feet wide, had been rented to Paul • VanB;unt and his wife, Vlr- tertalnmont. featuring the Llttlo Sll- Mr. Throckmorton for tho use of his blnla VanBrunt, ot that place. Th« cows, and wa» partly filled with ver Woman's club chorun, Miss Qcr- lots front on Rosalie avenue. Th» rABTRx" DEPT. da Lango, concert plunlHt, and Leona hay. It la thought that th« lire may Jesse J. Mcllray «g«ncy of Fair Holllstor In character readings. have started from tramps who Haven was the broker in the trans- dropped a cigarette. Tho ownors action.. 31 BROAD ST., RED BANK valued the structure at {600 and Mr. /ThrockmortoM valued hi* cows at Luke Longhead will help fill Your Wanl Boys can make extra pocket TEL. RED BANK 3959. UtaT)RiUJfa * Ren KED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 17,1935. 99S= Durl;D, George Hushes. Henrx Jansen, as MrKittricJi, victor Mur«»ki. Kenneth burg, principal of the Ketuuburg pub day to take the place of Father John Henry* Klinaker, Kobert Smith. Joa«ph Walton. William Washington, Robert Wen- DR. L. W. CARLBON Chiropractic Health Service' Ho aohool, »p«nt the week-end "»1 Lucltt who has beer transferred to Conner, Dorothr Ros«, Marie Grajr, Karl >el. Dorothy Beani.n. lois Kben, Amelia 1 BRADLF.YS [Recital Mag Mr*. Hoiford TlndaU and Hi Keansburg. A purse of 493 was pre- Barber, H Joseph Ferrari Edward Janeen, HM»«W, Anna Maaion, Edna PXkefeig, BURGEON CHIBOrpDIST Walter F. Reinhaoi, D. C, i Robert Knoth. Arthur Bug«. Harrj Woolej. Anna Phlllrps, Irene Rle«er, Annt Wagner. BOOT iaXBOSMTS Hull Reid. sented to Father Lucltt as a farewell «i BRANCH AVE. RED BANK, N, J RADIO WelUttended Fourth jrrade—Randolph ' Ch«rney, Hen- OBUe Hmirai Dally 10 a. ni. to a p. as. ' Th« Uneroft-ladies' Aid society gift from the members of the con- ry Oryuer, Osear Hoy!. Howard Terry. Sop- SERVICE held a covered dish luncheon In thegregation. hie Henneiir. James Creeley, Wllbert Helt. Kvenliira' Tuesday and Thuraday. Tuesday. Thureday, Saturday, PHONE I 154 J i Bank High School Orchet* chapel last ThurwUy. The next reg W. B. Asay o* Bed Bank Bpent senroeiier, Camillo Severing, Arthur tixty, Riverside Heights. For appotatmant pbona S448.- 111 to 1» A. M. 3 to 5 and 7 to a P. M. 79 Nr.WMAN 'jpi}'j l'i< "One of the Finest Ever to ular meeting will b» held at M Friday visiting hl« daughter, Mrs Mary Gardner. Tat «S3-J. , George Vernell'* Friday, February 1. Edward StUweJI. Fifth grace—Edward Austin. Eocene 31-31 BBOAD 8T, BED BANK, N. j I Turned Out of Local School DoH. John Sairurton, Robert Sharp. Jeaait Arthur Jones, Jr., ion of Mr. and William Slater recently epralne Robert and Walter Arose, Jr., have Beaman, Hatel Burlel«h, Georglna Hald, Mrs. Arthur Jones, Is a new mem- '=: w-Cowswt One of the Best. his left wrist while roller skating ft1 been confined to their home by ill-Mildred HtiUenrinler, Emma McKittrlck. ber of Troop 23, Boy BcouU of Bed Uie Casino. C ness. Clarabellc WasBllujton, Archie Burlelah, Bank. *, „ ' A rocltal which may be called one Robert Hes«. John Sharp, Richard' Tram- fODAY Mr. and Mr«. Fred Wagenfohr ol . Theodore Stilwell returned to hisbley, Beatrice Bobkow, Jean Garden Doris Miss Lena Curtis, who 1» employed TODAY let the best ever to be presented by the Main road attended a funeral ol duties yesterday at the Caldweil air- Haye», Eleanor Heller, Margaret Muniflck/ ft Had Bank high school orchestra at New York, spent Sunday with her his aunt Sunday at Brooklyn. port after enjoying a week's vaca- iilith grade—Bernard Perrarl, Robert mother, Mrs. EUiabeth Curtis! IN TEBSON IN PEBSOW «W staged last Friday night by A. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCarron am tion. Mullijan, FVanMin Butt, Daniel Wagner.' laii^oy Baker's thirty-piece high Mildred Jansen,- Mart Strano. Richard Thomas Dowd of Jersey City has faandly spent Sunday visiting Mr. ani Robert Eustace of Red Bank, spent Jamison. Albert Plath, Robert Sappa,.P«Mr Mfcool orchestra which rendered a Mrs.-Walter _i«yton and family o: the week-end visiting at the homo been visiting Mr. and Mrs. William HILTON fkrogram pf classical and modern Washington. Jelters, Chajrlotte Terrj. HILTON Keyport. of Mr. and Mm. Patrick Carton. Seventh trade—Edward Ferrari,, John Dowd. toUJPOSltlo'ns. Morris Brook of Newark spent th Mrs. L. A. MoCroddin and grand- Goble, Alfred Hennessey. Raymond John- The orchestra is rated as one of , John Reardon, Michael Sullivan, SISTERS week-end vlsltilng his family of th son Jack Reid and Mrs. Ella Con- Frank Behr, Annabeila Chernet, Doirita A bonaflde newspaper circulation SISTERS the l>est orchestras ever to be organ- Llncroft Estates. nors of Brooklyn were week-end vis- Haid. Krna Haves. Jennie Hughes. Alex- —the kind The Register has—is the ised at the Red Bunk high school. Mrs. Fred C. VanVliet, Jr. enter- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ander Koel. Helen Masavitch. Christina lie. only kind that counts with the ad- 1*6 many persona who attended the Klttrlek, Antoinette Fryzeockl, Margaret vertiser. No premiums or other In- Mrs. VanBurklrk of Phlladol- Charles Rumph. They returned home Scorai, Maud He>se. ducement* nave ever been offered to •flair wore -well pleated with a com- Monday afternoon. TODAY ONLY—2:30 - 7:00 - 9:00 bination of selections from the or-phia over the week-end. eighth grad^—Mansfield £yerson, TIIOIB. secure circulation.—Advertisement chestra and the soloists. Mrs. Peggy Boughton has resume — i m her duties ;at the Marlboro State MM ON THE SCREEN Among the soloists were Francis Home after being confined, to he. Union Beach News. Kodaraa, pianist, who has been heard home by Illness. in concerts in Carnegie hall. The Vjojln duet of Peter Galatro and Frank McCarron is a new employee (The Red Bank Register in be boueht Here Agnin By Popular Request! Robert Young at the construction of the Shadow tn Union Beach »t tb« itor* of Gat Sea* Michael Carotenuto, both members of •on.) &> the all-state symphony orchestra, vrns Lake dam, under the supervision of IN well received. Gerald Canneila, a Frank Wells, superintendent of the Mrs. ^race Vaccarelli, 21 years old, member of the brass section of thocounty bridges. and Miss Florence DeCaaiillo, nine- Starting Monday all-state orchestra, rendered a solo of Lawrence Carton, former Lincroft teen years old, who live on the Stone "The Band a military symphony and a selection resident, will run as an Independent road, aro recovering from injuries re- by THchaiko-wBliy. member of the Mlddletown township ceived last week when hit by a hlt- JANUARY 21st board of education and says that he ,and-run driver on that thoroughfare. Plays On" The program was as follows: ° will donate his services as a lawyer The two women were walking east With ' - -. Orchestra gratis. Joseph Thompson will not when hit by the automobile. The ONE WEEK ONLY March MUltalra Schubert Ponnta (theme) Opus £G Beethoven make a bid for his re-election. state police who investigated the ac- STUAKT IBWIN Gerald Connetta, Saxophone A firo of unknown origin slightly cident have, been unable to locate the Minuet (military arimhony) Hayilon damaged the home formerly occupied driver of the car. A Large Size IJCTTV FUBNESS' Chanson eana ParoleB (SonB Without worda) ..._..—._..-.._ TechnikoweKj1 by Richard Johnson of the Main Fire company No.. 1 elected these 8-Inch by 10-Inch TER, HF.A.I-Y road. The fire which got a goiSfd Orchestra officers last week: I.EO CAIinilXO Victor Herbert Favorite! Herbert eadway on the Lincroft fire fighters Peter Oalatro, violin 1 President—A, Hutton. Michael Carotenuto, violin 11 was quickly extinguished by the Vice president—I\ Heltienroeder, ntESTON FOSTEIl YSolln Duet Duo Concertimt (two championship hose laying team be- Secretary—E. H. Zahn. violins) Opus 27 Ch. do Benot Treasurer—P. ltommei. Photograph ik Musicians and HABniB) fpre much damage could be done. Franelj ICodama, pianist Trustees—W. Kellam, A. Plath and J. • Jmironiptu E flat Schubert The damage amounted to about $150. Friel. {Entertainers I BonBto in A Scarlatti During the fire, William Domidlon Chl«f—H. Keln. Ready for Framing , Intermission fell through the floor in the kitchen Forman—M. Klinsl<7. Orchestra Assistant foreman—J. McCarthy. Prices for This Attraction Only—Matineb: Adults 25c; Children 10c Bone; of the Bayou Hube Woom tnd sustained a wrenched back. Th'a engagement of Miss Elsie. Dor Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Braun enter- Evening: Orchestra 40c; Balcony 25c; Children 10c 1 Chffnrpagna Walts _ Of Union Beach and Harry Roberts " •., Arraiift-d by Jack Mason ained relatives from Newark as .c Michael Carotenuto. violin of Keyport has been announced. Bc-ndino (from a Beethoven air) Sunday visitors. The Catholic Parent-Teacher asso- ea. Prevue Tonight! Come at 9:00. See Stage Show ~ Kreislef tfation will hold a card party today, _.._, Kreisler Carl Klein returned home last v "THE BAND PLAYS ON"—Also First Showing of "Murder in the Clouds" Orchestra Everett News. BUY ONE OR AS week after serving fifteen months MANY AS YOU WISH • March of Priests (Athalia) ..:•. with the CCC at Egg Harbor City. Mendelssohn Mr. and Mrs. Edward Toomey and FRIDAY —SATURDAY he Misses Mary and Rosalie Toomey Miss Catherine Jamison is on the rots limited time only you can have a Inrfio photo token of ;Ick list. Oceanport News. >f Philadelphia were Sunday visitors yourself or baby. Satisfaction guaranteed. No appointment if Mrs. Catherine O&kes. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wenzel, Jr., .re the parents of a daughter. necessary- Doily » A. M. to 5 P. M. (Till Red Bank Kcsister can b« booftfet Miss Allca Perrin of Brooklyn re- urned home Friday after spending Mrs. Fred Claus will be hostess to is Oceanport at the eto.e of Carlo Mnut-I he members of the Ladies' Aftoj- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wemple ,of he week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ber- SEE WINDOW DISPLAY mrd A. Hickey and son Donald. loon social club this afternoon. Pwyane street have been confined to The following pupils had a perfect their homa by illness. Mrs.'Wemple Charles Johnson of Ilailet was a Saturday visitor qf friends In theittendanoe during Eecemberr lias been suffering from a severe cold First KTiAt—Barbara CTaljr, Christina end Mr. Wemple has grip. tillage. udson. Beatrice Longstreet, Helen Matt- . Mrs. Jacob Braallwood of National Misies Msy Carton and Thelma sn, Peter Frantonl, Harold Mattson. Har- Park visited friends at Asbury Park Long spent Saturday visiting at the ld McConnell. Dorothy Gillcn, Winifred ohnaon, Edith Masion, Grace Sappa, Rose- SCHIITE01JNITED »nd Oceanport recently. home of Mrs. Joseph Eustace of Bed iarr Wirth, Frank Cherney, William Mrs. Frederick A, Wood of Main Bank. "rembley, Nelson Duncan. street, was hostess to members of the Father Louis Cogan of Wllllajavi- B grade—Donald Kullberv, Matilda Dult- :an, Henry Klune, Mae Heltzenroder. 32-36 Broad Street, Red Bank Oceanport Young Woman's club at port was welcomed at St. Catherine's Second a,nd third grades—Anastasia «, meotlng held at her home recently. ihurcn as the new priest last Sun- Coel, Mairr Roonty, Charles Barber, George WMMHWUMIHIHMIHMHIIHHMMMIMtmw Tho evening was devoted to a resume of the work done during the year and the election of oiflcers for the flowing year. The new staff includes Mrs. Fredorick A, Wood president, The Best Bet Always in Price or Quality! Iflmi Rhlrlpy Riddle, secretary and Miss Euth Scarsi treasurer. A- thea- ter party, is planned for the near fu- ture. Following the meeting refresh- xaents were served by the hostess. Those present were Mrs. Charles VauBrackle, Mrs. C. Kenneth Rtddle, ! CHNEIDER Mrs. Sidney H. Davits, Misses Ruth Sickles, Margaret Schmuhl, Ruth Bcarsl and Shirley Riddle. MARKET Mr. and Mrs. VanDuBois of Center Street had as their guests recently 21 West Front St., Red Bank, N. J. Mrs. DuBola's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bowman of Bed Bank. The annual meeting of the Oceart- Prices in Effect January 17 - 18 - 19th port board of health was held recent- Phone 2653 Phone 2654 ly. Election of officers was held and the new «taff includes Alexander Bo- Tens president, Sidney Beers vice Quality Round or Sirloin Steaks lb. 34c president^ Frank Lundy secretary, K. P. West plumbing inspector and Dr. I Heatley medical inspector. Others Bib Very Fine on the board are Henry Anderson End Loin Pork * 21c Granulated end Walter H. Grills. 3, 3y2, 4 fts. Sugar 10 ib,. 45c Mrs. J. L. Herbert of Little Silver, Free China to Ladies! president of the Oceanport auxiliary Best n> Fancy Famous of the Rivervlew hospital, was hos- Chuck Roast 21c n> Friday — Saturday Nights ., tess to the members at a meeting Flagstaff J&offee 27c held at her home Thursday after- noon. Plans were made for an all- Onter SUNDAY — MONDAY — TUESDAY day meeting to be held January 23 at m Morning the home of Mrs. Henry C. Tilton of Cut JPork Chops 24c Fowl Star Coff ee 27c Bergen place, R.ed. Bank A box luncheon will be enjoyed and mend- Fresh ing will be done for tho hospital. On n> White or p February 26 at 2:00 P. M. there will Chopped Beef 17c Yellow Am. Cheese "^23c be a silver tea. for the benefit of the auxiliary at the home of Mrs. Martin Beit JT. Connelly of Poitaupeck. The Armour's Oceanport auxiliary will join with In Town ^ Saus. Meat * 24c Very Bent Pk. & Beans 3 can. 25c other auxiliaries of the Riverview hospital in sponsoring a card party and dance at tho Red Bank Elks' Freah Meadow n> club. The affair will be held Febru- Tonder Beef Liver 2 n». 25c Gold Butter 37c ary 2 and the entire proceeds wiii % benefit tho hospital. Following the meeting refreshments were served by I lain or n Brookfleld or lb JOSEPH M. SCHENCK pr».«af< the hostess. The next meeting will Honeycomb Fresh Tripe 19c CIoTerbloom Butter 35c is the amazing story of Barnuml be held February li at the home of Mrs. John A. Bid of Main street, His audacious humbuggery. .. Oceanport. his hilarious family uprisings... Jean Worthley, granddaughter of 100-lb. bag Green Mountain Potatoes $1.25 27-lb. basket 33c I the beautiful woman who came Mr. antl Mrs. Edward Worthley of Arcnnu. avenue, In confined to her in—and out—of his life I Not even home at Kcwarlt by illness. Fresh I-lbby'» Barnum himself could have Mr.*. Flora A. Wood of Main etreet Liyer 3-»... 25c Kvap orated has born visiting her sister, Mis. 3, 4-lt). Size Milk 25c conceived a more fascinating JSn^ibelh A. JjOper of Ijong Branch. Fancy Roasting or Frying drama than this.. .the story he Peter Lucia, infant .son of Anthony Florida Oranges 1J for 25c in DARHYL F. ZANUCK'S Lucia, manager of the local Ameri- Grapefruit Hearts 2 cans 25c actually lived! production can .-store.*-*huu been ill with pneu- Fancy jnoiiin. Mbby'i Florida Grapefruit 7 r 25c An all-day meeting of the Ladies' or CHICKENS CirapefruU Jui ce 19c Aid society of ihc Oceanport church T H E was hold recently at the church hull. larg* Mrs. Lloyd N. Sickles and Mrs. John YeUow Onions 3 w*. 13c Conned Kraut 2 ean. 21c Silvers were hostesses. Following luncheon a business session was held. Fancy bunches Llbbj'i Mis. Flora A. Wood conducted the Fresh 1 Beets 2 13c Whole Gr. Beans 2 a 33c rneetinp in the absence of the presi- C ng MIGHTY BARNUM dent, Mrs. Kliziiboth A, Loper, who Fancy Ubby'a waR confined to her homo by Illness, New Cabbage 2 n™. 9c with ADOLPHE MENJOU Plans were completed fur Uio mip- <.'anned Pumpkins 2cnn B 19c VIRGINIA BRUCE • ROCHEUE HUDSON • JANET BEECHER ppr that will be ueiveil in connection Fancy With the roll cull to be hold at tho church on Jnnmuy 30. Mrs. Lloyd Kitting Apples 3 ib.. 21c Com Niblets 2Mn » 29c K, yicklcn will head tho committee in charge of serving the supper. rhlla. Pan Scrapple 2 »•. 25c Fancy Peaches 19c Lincroft Newe. Clho llfd Bank HrgWtcr can be bouuht at Lincroft frcnn Georgo Toon, who has Special Beechnut Coffee lb. 31c a delivery route.) 1 1 Dmiiul Herbert o! Clinton avenue Portland Fresh )ian rciumcd l'la dutico at till) Mon- FUlet Jumbo Canada jnouth Cuniiolldoiled WaUir company Cod Caught On NfiiviiKtn 3l>rlng.'i rood after con- CtNTUHYf valcacliii; from Injury recolved In an 29c Shrimp Smelts •utomulillts accident last November Steaks | U N IT I D| Mrs. ISufrcne I^ayton, Jr. enter- Fillet of 29c tained «9 Runouglas Foulks, George Froichl, Charlei York was the guest on Saturday of Sealed bids will be received for catessen business to Otto Brendle of Grothusen, Joseph Kegley, John Motzgar, her nephew, Alex. Baird. AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP these pigeons by the post signal sup- New York. Harold Spltnaa and Harry Silver. Mrs. William Cox is spending a few ply officer at Fort Monmouth.. Bids Seventh grado—Dorl™ Matthows, Eva Tho weekly card parties given by lockafellon, Doris Wllhelm, Iieonard days with her sister, Mra. Charles January 17, 22, 24, 29, 31. will bo opened at 1:00 P. M. Febru- the ladlea' auxiliary of the-^West ^overdale. Fred Metnken, George Trunk,' Lane of Maplewood. ary 0, In the office of the post signal Koanaburg flre company on Tiles- Mfred Wilaon, Anna Mulvihill, Lorla Wii- Trials will ho staged in all classes. • < supply officer, Fort Monmouth. lon, Edward Malley, Frank Sch»macher, Mrs. Sadie King Is ill of pneu- days, will hereafter be held Thurs- Nelson Walling and Edward Wuret. monia. AND No bids will bo received for less day. Eighth gradePrlscilla Andrews. Edna Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Buck of Jer- than four (4) pair of pigeons. The The Guild of St. Mark's Episcopal 'oulks, Genevleve Harjes, Elizabeth Jo- Beyvllle' were recent visitors at the Admission, - 10 cents. pigeons will bo sold only in lots of ^phsen. Dolorea Meehan. Matilda Morley. LAST TIMES TODAY four (1) pairs and the- four-pair lota church will hold its annual election /Irglnlt Walling, Howa'rd Brown, Joseph Conover home. Evenings from 8 p. m. until 11:30 p. m. of officers tonight. 'Slclana, Mllo Schumacher, William Davis. will not be separated. Bids may be Miss Jeanette Higgins was enter- EDMUND LOWE received for one or more of the four- Mlas Marlon E. Orijen of Laurel BAER vs. pair lots. avonuo has recovered from grip. GLORIA STUART 1 Mrs. CharlcB Vogel has returned It will bo necessary for tho success- from a visit nt New York. IN LEVINSKY ful bidder to furnish their own bas- Mr. and Mrs. William Wood have ket, r container, which should be returned from Philadelphia. "Gift o' Gab" FIGHT PICTURES forwarded to tho pigeon section at Mrs. Mae Bruguler, who recently Fort Monmouth. returned from the Monmouth Me- morial hospital, la still under the FRIDAY & SATURDAY—Two Features care of a physician. Keansburg News. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGuIre have bon visiting at Jersey City. Touches' (he heart's nd Charlei aro sojourning in Florida, have ad- Vouch) vised Keansburg relatives that on a Plans have bpon completed for the recent fishing trip on the Indian President's ball to be held January river thoy caught fifty fish. ' MILK of WHELAN 30. Councilman Jacob Martin wa Miss Cella Schuck has recovered named as general chairman. Others from sickness. MAGNESIA on tho commlttoo aro Mayor William Mr. and Mrs. • Samuel King and HiPEREM Turner, Councilman A. A. Franck, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond King left last Purc.palatable and "THE SONG YOU GAVE ME" Ralph O, Williams, Richard Jensen week for a stay In Florida, rlch.-.atrueU.S.P. TABLETS and Benjamin Androach. Other com- Mrs. Nicholas Santa Lucia has re Milk of Magnesia. 5 CRAINS mittees named wero: Publicity, James covered from grip. Triple tested and Lloyd and Raymond Aalbue; floor Mlsa May Irwln, a resident of QUART 36c guaranteed as to commltteo, Clinton B. Lohsen; music, Keansburg, has been elected treasur- strength, quality Jerry Sheehan; speakers, former er of the Hudson County Nurses' and freshness. Mayor James Manor; ladles" recep- Alumni association. tion committee, Mrs. Chrlntlno Oher- Tho Social Service.RBsoelatlnn..will man, Mrs. Gus Xllas, Mrs. Benjamin hold a card party this afternoon, LIGHTING Andreach, Mrs. Margaret Trenery, Mrs. Jule Beatty and Mrs. James Mrs. Emma Westervelt, Mrs. Sophia Papa will bo tho hostesses. THE WONDfeR DOG Murer, Mias Wlnoma Parrah, Mrs. Blanche Horvath, Mrs. Helen Martin, Mrs. Ellsworth Brown of Seavlew m Mrs. William Turner, Mrs. Mary Mc- avenue has beon on the sick list. Grath and Mlos Lillian Martin; Mrs. Eva Whltehead entertained EPHEDRINE "MAN'S BEST men's reception committee, Mayor Mrs. Charles McGulre, Mrs. Fred •William Turner, Jacob Martin, A. A.Nightingale and Mrs. A. A. Franck NASAL Franck, Frank Wardell, Charles Her- at a dinner laBt Tuesday afternoon TOOTH FRIEND" borlck, William Balbach, Walter A Mrs. Helen Lubkln la a patient in JELLY Conroy, Peter Llcarl, A. A. McGrath tho Monmouth Memorial hospital at AlsaaNow Serial I Long Branch. Mrs. Louis Costa, who Scientifically made. BRUSHES Peter Wood, Edward Frost and R. L. Sel ecte ti ,ater 11 lied brla- "Tailspin Tommy" Vogel. has beon a patient In the same in- Unsurpassed In ef- tles. Tufted or oval stitution, has returned home. fectiveness. Ready shapes. Popular colors. Fire Company No. 1 held a fire Miss Rosa Deturo has recovered Sealed for your protec- to use In a conveni- tion, in sanitary dust- SUNDAY & MONDAY—Two Days drill last Wednesday night at which from an Illness. proof cellophane car- time an Inspection of equipment was Mrs. Katherine Huber was ten- ent tube. EXAMPLES OF OUR LOW tons. 30 CENTVALUE Laughs by the Score) made. Of the 28 members, 24 par-tered a birthday party last week. GENEROUS Romance by the Ton I ticipated In the drill. Allen Conroy is sojourning at St. SIZE ONLY The annual report of the first aid Petersburg, Florida. TUBE PRICES ON ALL NATIONALLY Three Big Song Hits I squad, Issued by Secretary Alphonsus Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Daws of Bea- 37' All. in this great mu- Mcftrath, shows that during 1934 tho con Beach are sojourning at St. ADVERTISED PRODUCTS squad answered 103 calls. Of these Petersburg, Florida. Misses Sarah sical comedy-dramal 61 were for transportation to hos- and Sophia Bornsteln, also of Bea- 30 SIZE pitals, etc. Emergency calls num- con Beach, are spending tho winter ANALGESIC Bromo Seltzer ° 20c bered 123. The squad responded to in the same city. s6 SIZE nine calls for drownlngs and sub- Mrs. Walter Conroy was hostess at BALM Grove's L. B. Q. ° 24c SUK.PH&TE mersion cases. The secretary points a card party Mnday afternoon held Every home should Dr. Lyons Tooth Powder SIZE 35c PILS.S have a tube handy. 2 GRAINS This ointment Is 150 SIZE non-greasy and will Petrolagar * 84c Guaranteed to not stain. SOc S1ZE be made only Barbasol 35c of the finest In- GENEROUS sac 55c SIZE &rcdlcnts. McNAIR'S MARKET TUBE Hinds Honey & Almond Cream 37c 24 BOT. 19 EAST FRONT ST., 50 SIZE OF ° 100 RED BANK. Watkins Shampoo .. 35c B0X OF n Phone 372. RUSSIAN Seidlitz Powders 13c Specials ! Thurs., Fri., Sat., Jan. 17, 18, 19. ELECTRIC MINERAL OIL LIQUOR SPECIALS HEATING FRYING or Imported, tasteless, c odorless and pure. SMALL Laboratory-tested. Melton Gin . . . . 4-5 qt. 99c PUD ROASTING Chickens 25lb Super-refined to U.S.P. standards by California Wines, fifths . . 2 for 99c Lean Smoked . Lean Smoked an eminent Euro- pean refinery. Calhoun Straight Whiskey. . pt. 98c lb Hams 23 Call Hams 15 FULL (Wholo) ^ Fresh Chopped PINT 41 HEADQUARTERS FOR llyftuaranteed. Sirloin \ Hamburger VITAMIN PRODUCTS Steak 39*lb lbs. 23c + Highest quality... physiologically standardized... NOSE & THROAT STOP-KOF bboratory-teited FOR COLDS AND DROPS Lean Chuck Philadelphia HOARSENESS COD LIVER HALIBUT with Represents theac- Ephedrine Scrapple 2 n«. 25c Roast . . 19?,, tive constituents LIVER OIL TUES., EDWARD ARNOLD in of White Pine, OIL Forimmcdiatc New WtldCherry.Baim 'Pun Nonvejlan Mnllclnal relief of head WED. "THE MILLION DOLLAR RANSOM" Lean Pork ol Gllead Buds, Cod Uw Oil, Biologically Titled CAPSULES nnd chest colds Blood Root, Sas- and throat Sauer Kraut 5fb safras, Eucalyp- FULL BOX OF Irritations. THUR.S.. FRf., SAT., JAN. ?A -/25 - 26 Goodies . 29*lb tus, etc. 6 lbs. 25c . PINT 50 83< — " I e-oz. The greatest romantic comedy of all time! UNITED SERVICE GROCERS. BOT. SHEFFIELD MILk, Evapo.ated 4 tall cans 23c COD LEVER OIL GRANULATED SUGAR 5 lbs. 23c CONCENTRATE 120 HOT WATER BOTTLE RITTER'S SPAGHETTI 2 cans 15c OR ANTISEPTIC TABLETS TABLETS BAXTER: LOY DRIED MIXED FRUITS ... 2 lbs. 25c SOLUTION FOUNTAIN SYRINGE PUMPKINS :..'.'. large can 10c The Ideal mouth FEVER THERMOMETERS CALIFORNIA PEACHES large can 15c Ka.y to read ONE MINUTE wash. Highly ef- rllnlral tliermonictcrn, tvilli SCOT-TISSUES 3 rolls 20c fective and exten- linnl rubber rases, tested mid P&G SOAP 7 cakes 25c sively used as • certified as to nose spray and accuracy. CHIPSO :.,..- 2 large pkgs. 35c gargle. MOUTH OR VANILLA EXTRACT 8-oz. bottle 25c Rtctw. IYPES FLAGSTAFF MAYONNAISE pt. jar 21c Full OUARANTEEb ACCURATE 91.00 VALUE Quart Pillsbury PANCAKE FLOUR pkg. 10c 49c $1.00 FLORIDA ORANGES 15 for 25q WE Fill THOUSANDS OF VALUE Co™, HEPBURN i" PRESCRIPTIONS EVERY WEEK Soon! .. LITTLE MINISTER" FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT ... 5 for 25c I WHKLAN DRUO STORKS WHELAH DRUQ STORES THE RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 17,1985. •/.•

IHMW5BUBY AB coast this winter, dolt experts fai4 Henry . _.. • !01 I4» 1« Red Bank Bows Ghezzi Captures predloted tiat h» woul4 bear watch- ider Pin Pea.. 162 111 111 ing till* year.'From accounts In Cal- Colmor*w 142 311 111 ifornia newspapers; Vlo Is also mak- $ Fryor 168 188 H« Lead Increased Lahs _™._; 111 lit HI To South River Los Angeles Open ing a hit with the movie stare, In-, eluding Mao West, who declared lit (IE 863 1)5 SPORT SLANTSk MhkUetex Team Breaks Up Red Deal Golf CldTPro Defeat* was her Idea ot a "tall, dark, hand- Leading Red Bank The Schneider maik'et team had no some young man."_ f League by One end a trouble In disposing of the Gardeners and Cray's Defense on Foul* Johnny Revolts of Milwaukee — Over Clothier* last Thursday night. The Market- —L8 2Z5 203 to win 81-17. Deal pro emerged victorious In the ding when the Jomeaburjf1 flva got J»ndB Of the jaailmen would put them 117 P41 020 elghteen-hole playoff the following off to an early start and \M through- A strong defense which was brok- day SO an even, tooting with the Clothiers. GARDENERS. The Utility team narrowed tho mar- .._ 1S2 149 184 when "Sleepy" Dan DeLuca and Hounlhan was the onlyithreat to tha , E. Turner ...... US 114 221 Jameaburg line-up when he tallied gin between it and the Clothiers by Maua .: 128 US 170 Johnny Barberlo were taken froart two games. In iourth placo Is the MulvlW«r.. l-.11-Jll H .. ' - T E* 156Ifl ^ 162 Y£T SCMfcOUfir IS the game on fouls, seemed to weaken three field goals and., two foul ihota JSatontown team, which 1« four and Kettel 184 AUOAYS 1*2V(iJi» -K> Coach Sherwood's defense when a for a total of eight points to top th» ft half games behind. A. Turner - 197 177 188 PUkJ clicking combined five of Middlesex Caaeya in scoring. Dlngfleld of The standing of the teams, as com- ~W 794 849 tame through • in the laat fifty «ec- Jamesburg led his team mates In J»Hed by Walter Schroeder, secretary The Professional Men forfeited ondi to drop a winning field goal. scoring when he dropped four field pf the league, follows; three cratches to tho Commercial South River held the lead through- goals and two foul shots for a total out the game, leading 8-12 at halt of ten points. Tho score; • STANDING OF THE TEAMS, Chauffeurs last Thursday night. The BED BANK, w L P~A * HS Drivers rolled the following scores time, and held the Red Bonkers but chneider's M.lltet.... 36 016.1 1.025 for averages: to two polnta in the third quarter. a FPTS. 15 882.1 1,025 flovUro, f. ... ,.._..,. , 0 0 0 lotblers ft In>. 3 6 COMMERCIAL CHAUFFEURS. SUtility Team SI 17 923.4 1.026 Jensen of South River topped all Murphy, t. •.„.... 10 8 Xfttontown .. 28 20 8S3.2 960 Aichettino ...... 186 166 191 scorers of the evening when he made H. Klldnlt. f. 1 1 I 21 880.8 1,022 Ming lit 147 I'JO Woollty. f. SIS Comm. Chauffeurs .... 27 130 four Held goals and three fouls for Allen Bbow 20 22 884.2 1.072 Dowd - _ 1SS 164 Bailor, c. . . *... 12 4 24 894.1 1,010 181 a total of eleven point), while hla Tllton Dairy ..._ 27 U«ynoldi 168 167 204 Grauss, e. . » 0 0 a Leonardo Field Club 27 24' 889.3 088 JUKnlsht 183 189 toam mate took seconds with four Hounltmn, tt — 3 3 8 Soynton & Boynton 26 25 874.2 1,031 Spence, g. ...» 0 0 0 24 965 846 812 817 field goals and two foula for ten rrofewlonai Han . 24 876.2 points. Jim Parker, local colored Placollo. t. ..._ „... 0 0 0 Blgmund Elmer • 22 26 880.4 1,028 The Eatontown team won three J. Klldurt, ». 0 0 0 Footoffice 22 26 867.1 Mi athlete, stirred for tho Bed Bankers Kavoslnk Team . . IS 30 853.1 1,000 games from the Sigmund Eisner com- when, he looped three goals and one T e 22" Gardeners ...... 14 S4 839.4 SSI pany pin representatives last Friday foul shot for a total ot seven1 points JAMEsmma. ihrewaburj Farms .... 15 26 852.1 963 night. The Eatontowners took the OP PTS, 88 853.3 994 while Lou Figaro captured second Jersey Central ». 18 first by 132, the second by 86 and the Brown, f. _,.. 0 3 B honors by dropping six foul shots. PaUdona, t. . » 0 t COMING GAMES. third by the close margin of live Tonight—NavmlnU v.. Giu-eleners. Pro- The score: Chniro, f. .._.,. _... B 0 ( fessional Men ve. Eatontown. pins. Taylor of the Eatontown team Torranova, 1...... 0 0 0 Tomororw—Slgmund Eisner vs. Com- made the high score < of 213 for a RED BANE. Emmenn, 0 10 3 O P PTS. Dlngfleld, g. . 4 2 10 ierolol Chauffeurs, Schneider's Market va. single game. Meyer of the same team „ s f ottofflee. Parker, f. .. 1 7 NlionolT, ir, _... t 0 B Monday—Poitofflce ve. Utility, Nave- made 160, 19D and 205 for the best Terzlan, t. .. 0 0 Nosueiky, g* 0 0 0 ilnk vs. Shrewsbury Farms, Estontown va. averages for the three games. Lewis Worthlw, J. Hendrlckion, ••-,«" ~CtT ' AHert Shoes, Sigmund Eisner vj. Clothiers was high for the manufacturers with DaLuca, u. A Insurance. 192. The scores; Hear... ». .. Soor« by quarters: Dillione of the Allen team at tho Barberlo, g. Jameaburtf _ t 111 «-—S» Red Hank 9 S 7 «—!! ..#nd the sixteenth week last Friday EATiONTOWN thlfer. g ,.„ o Taylor -v, S18 182 Officials: Referee—PrlmVa. Scorer—Bly. continued to head too list of individ- Roberts - — 186 THERE ARE MORE RUMORS Timekeeper—Coppcrthwnlte. ual average*. A week of play re- Covert 142 t 8 28 eulted in Tuttle of Schneider's mar- Smock C...- — HO 181 ABOOT trlE ATHU&TICS TlWKl-ffJS SOUTH RIVER. ket and Menizopane of the Clothiers Chascy _.. _ 103 176 OTHER. S&VEfi TfeAHS Hi WE LAOft 0 P PTS. Meyer 100 109 Styles, t. 4 2 10 exchanging second and third place - hack, f. .. 118 respectively. Carlton ticket winners 007 928 149 Jensen, o. »..M.«H..w.-....w..n. 4 8 11- EIGMUND EISNER. Oannon, c. .- ..... 0 0 0 . VICTOR GHEZZI. tuliojojni (111,4, U,\H, during tha week were Tuttle, Cas- -Blaaka, «. ... 0 2 n>trec\«vu a *>r »* i Showing much strength the South "'Itidtutry is.fortune's right hand and Condors Win Three Games B In the first round of the tourna- tery, Dillione and Stearns, who rolled The Fostofnce team defeated the Team Handicap 66 innity and RunuonJeara* Make , . y Jfugdlity is her left" £58, 228 and 228 respectively. The Naveslnk bowlers In two out of three From Eagles to Leap Into Sec- No Entry in This Year's Rlvcover r thBe0e loca0nd8l scrubscorod .a 31At1 7hal vlctorf time ment both Ghozzl and Revolta shot 4SS 611 a 08. (Jhezzl forged ahead and led JANUARY averages of the ten leading plnmen matches last Friday night. The ond Place Behind Leading League—Three Mew Teami tho South Rtverltes held a small lead who, nave rolled In forty or more Naveslnkers won the first by 80 points CUCKOOS. of H-ll and a 20-17 lead at third by one stroke at tho end of the 15—Tim Territory of Vermont follow: and the Mailmen took th» other two Peacocks. McAllister ..- -..- 1S1 181 Entered. quarter tkne. The Red Bankers second round. Tho third round saw Is cHahlMictl. 1777. Jocouba ..1 .... . 15& 1S8 were hold scoreless in the final per- Revolta In tho lead but Ghezzi came INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES. games by margins of 58 and, 28 plna Changes occurred last Friday night Hauler _ 176 10! The local Young ken'a Christian respectively.. Art Sluttery was the iod. Zawadsky captured scoring hon- back in the final with a 71 and the 18-Ruuli Muds her cLlem . 0 . AVE HS In the Red Bank Quadrangle bowling 481 478 428 association jinnual City Church acore waa therefore tlod. DlUlone. Allen 46 100.9 247 star of the set, making a score of loop when the Condors Jumped ahead Ttam Handicap ,._... 70 70' 70 leaguo will "serunderway tonight at ors for the South River five v/ith .Trouky.tD exile: 1928. Tuttle, Schneider In the playoff Ghezzi finished with , 48 10*.6 248 256 In the second contest Sohrooder of the Buzzards and Hawks, who tho River Stroot school gymnasium «even points, while Georgia Balne of iMenzEopsne, Clotttlera „.. 41 285 651 646 498 the local cagers netted throo goals 73 and Revolta with 70. renterroan, Chauffeurs .._ . 4t> l'JZ.3 291 and Dennis of the name team rolled formerly occupied second and third undar the supervision of Glonn P. m 17—United States buys the 3. Aotrra, Utility .. 48 1U1.8 247 203 in the same game. Etryker was place. The CondorB, who are now In the final matches of the even- Wishard, general secretary of the as- and two fouls for' a total of eight The cards p Virgin Iilinils from Den. Vruex, Professional ...~~ 42 IBB.8 2St high for Naveslnk with 207. The trailing the Peacocks In second ing, the Peacocks upheld their stand- sociation. points to top the local scorers Tho Out— Castellaeco, Boynton 48 185.4 246 scores: ing when they won two out of three For S44I44S5 8—36 Bhinn. Utility 45 185.2 234 place, were formerly trailing In fourth No entry haa been mado by Jthe score: Ohoizl .„•..,.... UMlUt 8—87 Merrill, Tllton 40 186 235 POSTOFF1CE. place. Ao tho scores stood a week gamea from the Buzzards . to drop BSD BANK. Revolta 4543(435 S—38 f/. 18-65"; m.teor 1Fslti nai 258 them back Into rouitli plane. In Ule runners up of last year's league hut Schneider, Allen 48 185 Schroeder „ 188 202 157 ago the Condors were trailing the n tholr place throo new teams have HaeDonild, f. —•—. 0 In— The Clothiers and Insurance team Warner 168 187 176 first gtcno the Buzzards won by 75 Berkowite, I ~ --.. 0 P»r 4 9 4 4 6 S 4 4 4—55—70 Buzzards by two points and the. been entered, making It a aeven- llaine, f. ..„..„,.,._ - a defeated the Tilton dairy bowlers In Bl*ttery .180 268 14« Hawks by one point, with a total pins, dropped the second game by Ghesil 49455844 4—38—-7 B two out ot three games last Monday Darby ..v 126 ISt 191 team league -which will stage three P&nJBls, o. 1 Uwolta SS4r, BSftl B—SO—76 ? 10-Cipltol Bulldlnr ttWiih. Dennis ..«...,._..—..... 162 SOS IDS number of points of ninety. The four plnB and won the final by 41 -ames an evening, Green, g, 2 Injlon burns, 1501. night. The dairymen, rolled an even Hawks formerly, a third place trail- pins. The score: 5 Siegfried, a*. 0 Via has been near the top In overy 984 818 St. James's quintet, which for the lavago, g...... ,..._..-... 1 thousand to win the opening contest "Til' er. Jumped ahead o£ tho Buzzards in- PECOCKS. T foro tho microphone on a coast-to- UAVB31NK. past years, has several times won the Nowman, g. cbast hookup Tuesday night and ho 20—John Msnhsll becomes ty 125 pins. The Clothiers rallied to 189 to third place, leaving the Buzzards Dodd — 144 13(1 lfiO Tomolnc, g. Supreme Court Chief Ju». win the second by 52 and rolled 1,003 Honien - 188 178 title, will appear this season with presented to the "old maestro" the Stryk« 160 207 188 occupying fourth place. Ebie _ „ 170 lfiO 168 their usual strong outfit, aa will the tlce.l«Ql., to annex the final matoh by a dif- Llnxmayer .'._«,,,™T~.^-! 167 182 176 MncDonald - 190 160 170 ball ho used in winning the title. 138 168 St. Anthony, Buptlet and Methodist SOUTH RIVER. ference of 139 points. Straus of tha O'Bonrkt ...—~~—.~~— 127 The Jaybirds and Cuckoos are still 604 43t 607 Vlo has been ear tho top In every I-Euclid wrltei the Urn book Clothiers came within one point of Powell :._...... „..-... 197. 176 148 occupying fifth and sixth place. In Team Handicap „ 40 40 40 teams. The Rumson Presbyterians, O F PTS. tournament eo far on tho Pacific who finished in third place ,laat year, tehman, t. .. .. 1 0 2 onarithrntlicB. C.M0, tying Louis Acerra'e high ncore of 207 the upset pulled last week, the Card- 0 2 148 921! 818 614 479 647 were forced put this year as it has Cannonc, I. . -..- —. 1 for the season. Bradshaw of the Til- inals jumped- from their former place BUZZARDS. Moroz, f. 4 ton team rolled 245 in a single gamo In eighth place Into seventh place, been made otrlolly lorAiI, The three fickurzln.kl, o. .. 2 Roso 107 160 156 new teams which have made entries Zawadaky, g...... w.-.....'—-..—. 8 and Stearns, a teammate, made a Quads Beaten By leaving the Eagles to hrlng up the V^nKsttengcll 148 116 105 aro tha Young Men's Hebrew asso- Doiker. g. 0 inark of 245r rear. The Peacocks are now leading Schroeder _.._ 171 159 197 Shlnn, g. . Tenafly Cagers the Condors by sixteen points. The ciation, the Young Men's Bible class The scores: 421 4 3.-, J5S of tho Presbyterian church and the 14 t il -To a man's heart Condors are leading the' Hawks with Tcnm Handicap ,' 48 48 48 CLOTHIERS & INSURANCE. 1 The Red Bank Quadrangle club, one point and the Hawks leading the Uncaa club of the Reformed churoh; Helm - '- 173 146 214 1 leading up until a few minutes of 469 483 506 Woodward 164 191 202 Buzzards by four points. Games will be playld overy Thurs- by Sidney Snow Kennedy the final whistle, wa# finally nosed day night -with the first game Btart- Holmdel News. Boice 178 162 out, 31 to 30, by the Tenafly War- STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Ing at 7:10 o'clock, tho second at Straus _... 160 266 189 riors last Monday night on the Red PTS. AVE. Red Bank Pinmen eight o'clock end the final at nine Tha Kolmel village bowling team Mcnzzopano _ 20& 104 174 Bank high school court. eacocks - lor. 506.38 Jefeated the Englishtown team in ondors 89 602.22 Lead Sunday Loop o'clock. Arthur MacDonald, local li- 875 089 1,008 The locals got off to a good start Hawks 88 403.4 censed official, will do the officiating, three straight gamea by close scores TILTON DAIRY. and were on the long end of a 20 Buzzards 84 408.10 The schedule is os follows: on Taylor W. Hance's alleys Monday Etearns _ 243 146 182 to 14 score at the end of the first ,ybird» 475.16 Tho Acerra Bakery of Bed Bank night. The players on the winning Walzer — - • 17* uckoos 472.16 Is leading the Recreation Three-Man Thursday, Jnmury 17—Freibyterlan vs. half. They started off brilliantly at 480.41 Bantlst; St. Anthony vi. Reformed! Meth- aggregation were Harold T. Holmes, Crol> 15D 184 Carcllnttls ~ Sunday Night Bowling league. Ferri's Bradshaw 245 180 144 the beginning of the second half and 481.30 0dj.1t vi. VMHA. Taylor W. Hance, John Mount, Clark Merrill 155 18S 107 held tho lead until near the end of Hilltops of Eatontown are second Thursday, January 24—St. James vs. St. Meyers and Charles Weaver. Tholr puncon -. 108 204 169 Schroeder jumped ahead of Boso and the Allenhurst Garage team Is Anthony; l'ruabytarlan vi. Methodisti Bap. tho game, when the visitors rallied tist vs. YMHA. opponents wore William McCormlck, n the individual standing to occupy third. Games are played every Sun- William McCormlck, Jr., Edward 1,000 8117 864 and managed to snatch a victory by fourth placs. Plngatore, due to his Thur.dny. January 81—Preslytcrlan vi. one point. day night at Recreation Hall on YMHAi Unptlit vs. Jlethodlstl St. J«m«I Johnson, Jay .Duncan and William The Utility team gained on the absence has been dropped from the Newman Springs road. ..Reformed. Thundny, February 7—Baptist »s. Re- Brooks. Mr. Brooks was high scorer Clothiers on Mondavr night by mak- Kublck, Tenafly forward, was the individual standings. Eblo moved •with 100. ing a clean sweep of Its three games star of the gamo. He accounted for STANDING OF THE TEAMS. ormed; l'reabytorlan vs. St. Anthony! ahead of Boynton whilo MacDonald W. L. P.A. Mcthodlnt v». St. James. with the Boynton & Boynton Insur- sixteen of the visitors' points, with came up from eleventh place to Acerra Uakory „ 85 1C 670 Thursday. February 14—YMBA Irs. S*. A party under the auspices of the ance team. The Utilitarians rolled six field goals and four free shots. tenth position. Porrla Hilltop 3 4 17 6C3 Anthony; liaptlst va. St. James i PreBbyi ladles' Aid society of the Reformed over the nine hundred mark to take MacDonald. Quad guard, made nine Allenlmrst (iaraso 33 18 658 termn va. Reformed. church will be held at the chapel INDIVIDUAL AVEBAGES. Tllton Dairy _ 80 21 651, Februariry? 21—21—St1 . Jarooi 'vs. Friday evening, January 25. ell throo matches by substantial field goals. Tho score: G AVE Taylor's Arcade 2ti 25 .', 3 f> lnn ; Meth xllr.t vs. Et. Anthony I margins. They won tho first by 131, RED BANK. ("urchin , .... 48 170.37 Freehold Ilcds ....: 20 81 627 YMHA vs. Reformed. Mrs. Emma Patterson, who has I-conniUo FlcM club 15 30 Thursday, February IS—Methodlit vi. the second by 148 and the third By G r p Dodd .... 47 1C6.30 teen very sick. Is Improving. 164.17 Shrewsbury Dairy 12 39 495 Informed: YHHA v«. St. Jamea; Baptist 132. Alex Curchin, Jr., of the Boyn- Forrar, f „ „ _ ., 2 0 4 Muller 42 vs. St. Anthony. Fred Algor and Harry Pitcher have ton team made the best score for a Hchroeder . 40 158.6 Davsy, I _ _ 10 2 Hose - - - 48 167.47 tought Ford coupes. single game, a mark of 238, while Parker, f „ , 10 2 166.1 STATE SOCIETY MEETING. Jacob Jeffrey has moved from Wal- Mullor, c. ...„ _ 10 2 Ebin Jones was high for Utility with 222. Hoy nton - 164.2 ter S. Force's farm to Shrewsbury. Ewlng, c i o-2 lf.3.12 Rumson High Bows Louis Acerra and Jones of the same MarDoniild, g .\.. ^... 9 0 lb Hi Ilortlculturallsts To Gather at Tren- Mr. Force's placo will bo operated by team each rolled 215. The scores: VanDorn 46 161.8 ton For Annual Session. Groomi. u _ 0 0 0 MacDonald ~ - 48 150.SG To Manasquan Five Bherman Hunt, who has been farm- UTILITY. . Carey, g 0 0 0 Tho Trenton meeting of tho New Ing tho Widow Johnson placo on Ar- 15 0 !0 The Hawka, trailing the second deno. road, near Colt's Neck. J. Acerra 212 182 161 TANAfXl'. place team by one point, helS, third Jersey State Horticultural society The Rurnaon high Bchool court CrlBpcll 169 181 218 F P Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Algor, who Jones _.._ 211 188 222 place when they won two games from will be held Friday, January 25, In team went down before ManaBquan Canlhort, f. ... 0 4 were recently married, are living at If You Want To "Go Bavarian" Here An Beer Cooking Recipes Bhlnn Ifi8 181 146 Kublck. ( 4 16 tho Jaybirds. They won the first the Y. M. C. A. building, 2 South Clin- high school in a 34 to 10 defeat last J.. Acerra 178 216 182 the Hllladale hospital, where both Zlnr.k. r 0 0 0 gamo by eighty pins, dropped the sec- ton avenue. Saturday at Mnnasquan, The Rum- Smith, c 1 0 2 A special fruit session will be held ara employed. Mrs. Algor before her ORn than one amateur cook lm of salt, the juice of one lemon, two !MI 045 024 Leopold, j, 1 0 2 ond by 6 pins and camo back in the son seconds wero defeated by the written in asking about a reci- Wnnlell, in the auditorium beginning (it ten marriage was Miss Margaret HUlson. M bay leaves end A tabltspoonful of K Manasquan scrubs, 31 to 10, In the I1OYNTON 4 BOYNTON. a 1 7 final to win tho last by four pins. pe or two for dishes in which beer Worcestershire Sauce, and pepper to Curehln. Jr 1711 238 155, r o 0 0 o'clock, with t^rofeBuor M. A. Blake, prellmintiry gome. Last week the William C. ?ly es- The scores: 15 used. They have heard of the beer taste. Doil this mixture for five caln- Curchln. Sr _ 15S 141) 182 chief In horticulture of tho New In both gameu tho Squan eager! tate sold horsos to John G. Sohanck. Pcaao - l.'il 11H 140 HAWKS, Jersey Agricultural Exporlmont sta- of Colt's Neck, Clarence B. Ely and soups of the old country and want utej and then drop in cither fresh, Ijiko -.. _... 13» U2 160 Muller 168 188 168 took a lead that they never relln- to try them. It is hard for me to wax Rrecn or canned shrimp. Cook until Caitellacco 181 lf.O 146 tion, In charge. W. W. Oley, chief B. V. Hutchlnson of Cranbury, Mi- Iliiynlon -. 212 183 158 qulahed. Selby, Munaaquan forward, enthusiastic over putting beer into tender and serve. This is primarily Silverbrook Wins Dummy 120 180 120 of tho Bureau of Markets of tho State chael Zlmblckl of South River, Mar- ' 811 To? 792 and Kerr, numson center, stood out. soup or any other made up dish. Any suited ro fresh, jreen shrimp, as they Department of Agriculture at Tron- in the varsity contest with eleven tin Oochlel of Staten Island and B. The Allen shoe team won thrco 400 441 4SS R. CreBCl of Matawnn, time I have a bottle of beer, I'd rath- conic out of this boiling with a. pi- From 112th Artillery ton, will conduct a round table dis- polntu each, -whllo Grasdorf, a Man- quant, intercstine flavor, rrrvllirit n games from the Jersey Central pow- Team Handicap 20 23 2C cussion on New Jersey apple grades Wednesday night, February 20. has er drink it with my meal tlian within aequnn guard, was second with eight it. However, far he it from me to serve for « "nibWct" with beet «! a er and light company on Monday An overwhelming win by the 311- 610 467 462 and Professor Arthur J. Farley, ex- been fixed as the date for the annual points. Tho score: ' dissuade the individual who wants to beverage. ' ' night. The shpemen Raptured tho vorbrook pololsts of Shrewsbury waj JAYBIRDS. tension horticulturist of the New turkey supper for tho benefit of the opening match by ibb, annexed the scored laat Sunday afternoon when Jersey Agricultural college, will speak T PTS. lira company. The wives of the Ire-1 put his beer to culinary uses, so hfrt* Dummy :._ 120 120 120 MeCu., t. 0 4 you have two beer loup rtcipcs which TO BASTE ROAST BEEF second by 105 and finished the even- the Monmoutli County pololsU trav- on "Growers' Spraying Methods and J. r«rl, f 0 0 men met last night to prepare for Parker " _... 165 IBS 130 originate in Boheinia, a land of won* A cup of stjle or flat beer, poured ing by taking the llnal contest by a eled to tho Trent™ indoor arena and Experiences." Rysn, f ..._ e : tho event. Kruno ...- ..._ 1H 1S7 168 1 u Aenvi beet and wonderful food: over a roasting piece of beef, ind margin of 93 pint;. Schnolder of the sot back tho 112th Field Artillery Mr and Mrs. Bernard Harvey, who Allen team mado scores of 237 and aim 468 418 The New Jersey State Vegetable Nliiriann, ft. 0 o o then used in basting adds a slightly polplets by a score of 17H-D. Tho Vanllnint, B - ... O o o wero recently married, have started BEER SOUP 225 in Iwo games. Hordon was high Team Handicap -..- 40 40 40 Growora' section will meet on the exotic flavor to the men gravy and strong arm of Jackie. Dwypr may be oecond floor, of the building, with A. Perl, g ...- ... 1 housekeeping at Oakhurnt. The brldo (Pivn! polevka nt jiny zpuiaa) for tho powermen with 103. Thft aceounUd for tho winning of tho 4S6 608 451 before her wedding was Miss Vlolot is well worth trying. /scores: Ralph B. Starkoy as chairman. A Boil a quart of beer and > quart Shrewsbury team, Dwyer scored a The Condors made their advance- round tablo discussion regarding the MANASQFJAN. WU«on of Wyoming. Mr. Harvoy is of milk, raeli separately. Add > table, . BEER AND CHKE9E PASTE ALI.KN SHOES. total of 9M: goals. ment into second plaoo by winning f PTS, tmployed by William Pitcher. He production of spinach, beets, carrots * 11 spoon of «ugar to the beer, and a TOR SANDWICHES Dllllonr ...- _... 171) ill) ISO three games from, the Eagles. In IT, r formerly lived In Wyoming. Hyan it'D IM> lflfi The Trentonttes trailed throughout and celory will be hold at half-pant pinch of salt to the milk. When both Into n conveniently slxerl mlxlmx the encounter when tho combination their first gamo tiiey worv by WO Joni«n, I, ... o o Ituld 185 167 1«7 ton. Ellas Kessler of Allcnwood will Franklin, t, • have brgun to boil, pour the milk bowl place the desired quantity or I). Arerra - 172 IBS 146 ot Dwyer. Eisner and Foale. took pins, tho second by eight pins and bo one of the speakers. Nfiwmnn, /. . carefully into the brer, to prevent Quncmbcrt ot iiedcrktanz Cheese Bchntlder 189 237 225 the lead in the opening quarter when the final by forty pins. Both teams The combined fruit and vegetable Triicx. c River Plaza News. curdling. Then heat three eggs with «nd with a jpoon work into the they led'BVi-3, Holding the oppon- wero handicapped by practically tho Hchaeffcr. c. 90G 061 922 session will ho held Jn the auditor- Wood., c, ... I little milk adjed, and mir into the cheese os much beer as it will hold JERSEY CENTRAL. ents scoreless In tho second chult- sanio amount of pinB. Tho Condors ium In the afternoon at two o'clock. Markuaon, a, The BOO olub met at the homo of boiling loup. Beat thoroughly whilo and still make a proper sandwich Morrla 149 144 101 ltor the Shrewsbury riders added six wore gifted with nine points for their Tho speakers will be Dr. Frank App Appletiitte, g, Mrs. Benjamin H. Crate, Jr., ltiBt stirring, so the eg£S will not cunllc, spread, If dcjirecl, work ia « table- Jlertlou US 198 1GH moro goals to tholr credit and held winnings. Tho scores: (Iraidorf. ». Finch .. _ 1411 170 - 168 of Saabrook Farms, Brldgoton; Ed- Thursday. The next meeting of tho spoonful or two of fine minced onion n lead of lOVi-a at half time. Lieut. IVtthflO, g. BEER SOUP WITH RYE DREAD Whalen . .,_ „,„ 189 177 100 CONDORS. ward Dahlll, chief engineer, Fralght club will be held Thursday, January or fine minced olives. Or tho green Phillips _ 192 ITi 162 Bus. Wilson WRB the high sooVer for Container buroau, American Railway IS 8 14 21, at tin homo of Mn. Edward (Poletla pivnl s thlibem) topj of young onions, minced very tho Trenton artillery team when ho Deer . 180 160 HI 76B 860 82fl riroom . :... 183 , 14« 1KB nssoclatlon, New York, and Samurl Kend ricks. Cut three slices of rye bread into fine, supply a rare flavor. Or, If you pushed in four goals. Dwyer was Curchln 168 170 164 Aiitomoullia Collide. A cooking demonstration with a dice. Place In kettle together with a can get hold of them, tako fresh, The Leonardo field club defeated Fraaer, International Apple afso penalised a half a goal in the open- Automobiles driven by Edward new type of utensil will be given quart of beer «nd a quirt of water, green cress snd mustard greens in tho Shrownbury Farms In three 801 485 ~40« atlon, Rochester, New York. ing chukker. Tho line-ups: Huhri of Joraoy City and Erne»t rent Tuesday noon at Community aUo a pinch of salt and a pinch ot equal quantity nod mince together ga^mea Monday night. The ciubbern Tfnm Handicap _,.. 46 49 4(1 BHUEWSBUHY. Bahr of Freehold collided late Tues- clubhouse. caraway seed, a clove of girlie which ten fine, working in with the cheese won by margins of 114, 33 and 69 :,, »« •« 5 1 1..JU 647 631 464 Far Trom Wintry Bbuta. day night at tho corner of Shrews- his been well maslicd into paste with and beer mixture. Made into rye or pins, VimNeas of tho Mkidletownern dinner . 0 11 0—•• Hcaldonts of lied Bank and vi- The) ladlen' auxiliary of ths (Ire Koale_ ., „,. 2 0 0 2 1 KAQI.ES. bury avenue and Went Borgen place, company will hold a card and bunco A little butter. Boil this mixture for white bread sandwiches, they will at- made ecormi of 217 and 201, Gus Col- McKnlubt 166 166 ; cinity sojourning at St. Petersburg, but neither driver was Injured. Huhn morfen with 213 was high; for Handicap • 0 0 1 l 2 party at tho fire house tomorrow hslf «n hour. Beat up four cgg» with tract the male tex as tn orchid at- Dummy no 120 Florida, »ro Mr. and Mm. Robert was driving west on Wo«t Berfen night. one cup of cream and odd carefully tracts the lovely feroalti However, I Shrewsbury. The scores: VanDurn 120 202 11J Donovan, Ilov. and Mm. Dwlght place, whllo Dahr waa proceeding The Community club Is arranging to the boiling soup. Beat thoroughly know certain lovely ladles who will tKONABDO «EU> CUJB. 106 478 Par«onn, Grace MaoICaohren, Mrs. south on Bhrowihury avenue. Ac- to hold a bridge-luncheon party. Mrs. to prevent curdling, show proper appreciation for both, KgUllo IMP 186 17» Team Handicap 46 45 Howard Smith, Mr, and Mrs. Oharlea cording to Borgeant Jamea J. Sh«edy, while the men will ordinarily trade Kovnle.liy , 1HH !0! 177 ::::::::::::::::::-! „ Henry Paaieh and Mrs. George V\eil 0—a Thatcher, Hiram Thompson and SHRIMPS IN BEER off a wilderness of orchids for just V»nN«M ..'.„ 217 201 180 I 0 441 US 414 who Invoitlgated the accident. Kaney aro the committee In charge. H«tl« .,..: 181 184 160 • 3 0,2 i 0 Mrs. Helen Weiizoll.' Huhn'd car ran into the rear left side Pour one quart of beer nnd one one pinto of thcie sandwiches wlfh Wen 184 17S 10S Tho Cuckoos won two out of three quart of water inm • kettle and Offlel|.Ui.Keferee--tJaiiUln Younjr Timo of the other machine causing the Th« road to better *n« bigger busl- an iccompiniment of wll sgtd end and icorer—Lleutensnt'liurliarsk «ltwvar games from the Cardinals. In their .bring to a boll. Add a tea spoonful mellowed lagor beer, cnallMd *«U • got! U lr>t thukktr. Eoys can make extra pookit money latter to turn ovtr en Its right ildl. ri«M ludi through Ths IUJ[lsUr's ad- tat m IM first (irna they won by 36 pin* tho selling The Ito«i.Ur.—Advertisement Ng complaints wirs made. vertising oolumna.—AdvertliemenL RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 17; 1935. V Page Seventeen Mr. Beely will attend tht National the Matawah graairoar school for son. the president of the club. Every ••»•••••»»•••»< >•»»••»••»«»«•«•< Show High Regard Bo«d convention. While there they Middletown Village. Mrs. Howard Erdman last week, and Hazlet News. one had a mosUdellghtful time. The will spend * short time visiting Mrs. David Ourran tubstltuted for, committee consisted of Mrs, L. F. Barrett* Approved Beofet (Tha B«) Bank B«*Ut«r ean tw A meeting of the Hlllcrest Farfent. me. friends. In MlddlHoim It li« ttom ot oasbl Mrs. Frank Dorplnlck. Stout, Mrs. Harold Allen, Mlsa Muy for Their Boss Tha lAdUC Aid society of the Knlsfct and William B. WaUra.) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 0. Kooptnaa Teacher association was held at the Brand, Mra. Charles Thompson, Mrs. Hlllorest school Thursday afternoon, Thomas Paul and Mrs. John Morri- Methodist church will meet this af- Mrs. William Bobn gave a silver have entered their nephew, Bruce Greenmakers at Belford Givo • ternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank Robert Koopman, In Matawaan nigh January 10, at three o'clock.- The son. Others present were Mr. and tea at her home Friday evening for speaker was Miss Williams, visiting ij. H WHITE Mrs, Frank S. Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Banquet in Honor of Their Kcnna of Clinton street. , the benefit of Bt. Mary's church at school, Bruce Is now making his A (tries of calendar parties under home with bis aunt and uncle. nurse in Holmdel township, who William Mumford, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Employer, Robert N. Seeley-~ New Monmouth. Those present be- gave a very interesting and Instruc- win Hi Brasch, Mr. and' Mrs. Louis Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractor tha auspice* of the Methodist ehuroh sides Mrs. Bohn were Mrs. Raymond Mrs. Louis N. Pailenia entertained Fine Feast and Miuic. will start tomorrow nlgHt *i~4he the Teachers' bridge club Tuesday. tive account of her work In the Despreaux, Mrs. Albert Llndeustruth, Metal Ceilings Slate, SlaK, Tile. Metal McCue, Miss Mae Porter, Mrs, John township. Following the business Mrs. Ernest Howard, Mre. Marie Quttora nnd IV-aders. unit Cnmpnintion Ronft. home of Mrs. Louis M. Case of Bread Kelly, Mrs. John Porter, Mrs. Jet-Mrs. Reniselaer U Cartan held high Tho Chiietmasi greonmakon »nv score, with Mrs. Oerard Devlin low, session refreshments were served by Baines, Miss Florence Brand, Charles ployed by Robert N. Seeley gave * street. ' ferles, Mrs. Connors, Mrs. Lemlg," the committee. Thoie present were 35 WHITE ST., RED BANK, N. J. The ladles' auxiliary of the Eaton- Mn. Paul E"gan substituted. , Thompson, Harold Allen, John Mor- banquet in hla honor last Thursday Mrs. Jerome Travere, Miss. Josephine Mrs. Charles F. Straub, Mrs. Ralph rison and L, P. Stout Furnace and Stove Work. evening in the annex of tho Belford town fire company..will hold a. dance Blsohoff, Miss Hits Massey, Mrs. John V. Carracciolo has returned Johnson, Mrs. Xaderosa. Mrs. Leon Methodist church, to ihow their ap- Tuesday night, January 29, at the John Klnney, Hugh Massey, Mrs. to his studies at Purdue university, Hardy, Mrs. Harry Dowen, Mrs. An- The Bridge club will meet at the preciation of the generous manner HUI Topj *•*•• at Portaupeck. Mrs. Joseph Mnloney and Rev. Leo Cox. Lafayette, Ind., after spending the drew J. Latham, Mr». Joseph Ser- home of Mrs. Benjamin Crate this Arthur \ and daughter Mar- holidays with his parents. afternoon. in -which ho had treated them, Tht The Social Thirteen gave a sur- plceo, Mrs. Edwin R. Peseux, Mrs. menu comprised, roast pork, znashtd Jorle are rgo of the affair. Frank Lowden of Roselle was the Ernest E. Pesoun. Mra, Peter Titus, The regular meeting of the Wo- prise party for Mrs. Harry Asay at nyin'a club will be held tonight at potatoes! turnips, creamed onions, The Fork Missionary society of ler home Saturday! night. Dancing, week-end guest of Miss Ann Hutchin- Mrs. Robert T. Woolley* Mrs. Cuoccl, cabbage salad, creamed potatoes, the Method!, church met yesterday son. Mrs. George W. Zucker, Mrs. Charles the home of the Misses Brand. ?ames and a buffet supper at mid- Mr. and Mrs. Nettnrman and fam- cranberry tauco, carrots tnd. petl, afternoon it the home of Mrs. Ar-night were enjoyed. Others present Mrs. Harry Rader of Matawan and thur WhllflBld of Main street. D. Johnson, Mrs. Lee Harris and ily have moved to Jersey City, where brown ginvy and fruit Jsllo with besides Mrs. Asay were Mr. Asay, Mrs, A. Redfern of Jeraey city at- Minn Williams. The next meeting of , •«*.».•— - they formerly lived. AMBRICOAL whipped /cream. Mr. and Mrs. William Bohn, Mr. and tended the Hauptmnnn trial at Flem- the association will be held Thursday Mra. John J. Massey, Mies Rita Mas- Ington Thursday as guests of Har- Ralph Runyan is now able to be REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. Tha popularity of Mr. Seeley with afternoon, February 14. out after an operation. hla employees may bo judged by the , Keyport News, sey, Hugh Massey, Joseph Gentile, ry Walsh, Deputy Chief of the Jer- sey City police department. The Cardinal 4-H Poultry and James S^obo was home from Penn- For Heater, Kitchen Range or Fire Place following ehorui cheer which was. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Despreaux, Garden club met at the homo of (Tba Sid. Bank Rtftstar unbi bougghl l Betty Despreaux and Kenneth Clay- VanWlnkle Todd returned Thurs- sylvania for tho week-end. given Just before tha feast bef»n: _ Kmaort at the (torn of 0»M Broilurt, John Long at Everett on January 8. Mra. George Vassar and Mrs. Car- 100% ANTHRACITE "Rah! Rah! Rah! who are weT We In. ylortnet Mtlae, Qua Stnton «nd Mra, on. . ' v day from a business trip to Cleve- AMBRICOAL^-A truly Clan Sunm«n). Following the business session re- rie Cook are confined to the- house nee the greengreenmakers, dont you A sociable will be held In the Bap- land. freshments were served. The next 100% high grade An- Clarence Stultz and Amox Stultz at- with sickness. Garfleld Grovor is nee? Softie make yellow and »omo Mr. and Mrs. Earl V. Dolson spent tist chapel tomorrow night under the meeting will be held at the home of now much better. thracite Coal at a low make groen, with the dirtiest faces the week-end at Dobba Ferry, N. Y. direction of the World Wide guild. tended the autoovoblle show at New Malcolm and Ernest Peseux on the you ever have Been. Are we In It? The U. B. U airplane, which This will be the first of a sorles of York Monday evening. Bethany road Tuesday evening, Jan- price. Forbes Corbett, Conover Burlew, Well you Juat bet, for wa have the oruhed at tha Newark airport on such events to be held monthly by 1 uary 22. nest boa» anyone could get, Who 1*Sunday, was built In the Aeromarine various organization of the church. Jr. , and Floyd Bliss attended the au- Headden's Corner For ECONOMY, EFFI- tomobile show at New York Satur- Hazlet fire company will bold- a' he? Why Mr. Soe-lcy." factory hare. The plane was designed Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pespreiux roaflt beef euppe,r in the fire house CIENCY and COM- by V. J, Burnelll. .Lou Rlohers, who day. The schoolhouse was broken Into A solo was rendered by Miss Porla spent Sunday at Long Island, mak- on January 24 at 8:80 o'clock. last Thursday night. About $2 in FORT, you have never Post, with piano accompaniment by piloted tht plans, makes his home at ing the trip by automobile. Jacob R. V. M. Lefferts, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Lester V. Walling of Keyport. cash and several boxes of candy were known such value. Miss Laura Runyon. General socia- Mrs. William Bohn entertained a Douglas Woldon LeITerts returned to lethany road end Mr. and Mrs. Fred stolen. The cash was obtained-from bility followed tho feast and all de- Mr, and Mra. W. p. M. Anderson number of friends at her home Bun- Columbia Monday to resume their Post of Keyport spent Sunday at iales of candy made by tho pupils. "clared they had the time of their •pent the week-end at New York. day evening. studies. "\ TRIAL WILL CON- Beach Arlington. The Women's Democratic league ACTUAL SIZE Uvca. Mr, and Mrs. Victor Ansorge of The Minute Men of the Baptist Miss Hazel Fischer entertained Mr. and Mrs. James MulhaU'of VINCE YOU. >f Middletown township will enter- 100% ANTHRACITE Those present were Mr. and Mm.Jackson Heights, N. Y., wore week- church will hold a supper Monday Misses Lola Thompson, Doris Tail- Utlca, New York were recent guests tain the Women's Democratic clubs Robert N. Seeloy, Rev. and MrB. J. end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira An-evening at half-past seven o'clock. by and Mary Munnlngiat dinner Sat- of Mrs. Edwin R. Peseux. Mr. andof Monmouth county at the echoolr Don't buy cheap coal. Buy "AMBBICOAL." W. Walnwrlght, Mr. and Mrs. Irving sorge. There will be an address by a special urday evening. Mrs. Mulhall left for Florida Satur- house here Saturday. January 26. Roop, Dr. and Mrs. Marc Krohn, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Woolley of speaker, a social hour, cards games Mils Dorothy Hulsart, Kenneth day, They Intend to spend the winter Sold on a Moncy-Biiclt Guarantee. and Mrs. Joseph Hyers, Mrs. Mattle Huck and George Bchultz were the Charles Corcoran has resumed his Elizabeth were guests over the and other features. there. position at Ellzabethport with the Onborn, Miss Vivian Osborn, Mr. and week-end of Mrs. William Woolloy, sermon topio at the Baptist Saturday evening guests of Miss Dor- Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Young and Mrs. L. B. Richmond, Mr. and Mrs.Jr. othy Rader. Central railroad company. 75 CASH church Sunday will be "God's Pur- Miss Elizabeth V. Young left by au- Mrs. Thomas Salmon has recovered Low Frank Andrews, Ml«« Doris Post, Cornelius Acksrson, a. student In pose." Dr. and Mrs. Fountain Burlew and tomobile Saturday to spend a month Mr, and Mrs. James Luker, Mr*. Lehlgh university, Bethlehem, Pa., Mr, and Mrs. William Jordan were 'rom grip. == PER TON William Bohn spent Saturday with in Florida. They will visit'friends Mr. and Mrs. Edward Corcoran Price Caleb Post, Mm. Emma Morris, Miss spent the week-Bnd with his parents, hla mother, Mrs. Charles Bohn of guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. at Orlando, West Palm Beach. Tam- Etta Morris, Mrs. HatUe Lane, Miss Judge and Mrs. Henry E. Ackerson, Swanson Saturday ovening. Two have returned from a sojourn in Red Bank. pa and Coconut Grove. Florida. Olive Lane, Mrs. Jane Johnson, Mrs. A number of the members of the tables of bridge were in play. EOR SALE ONLY BY Llcbhauser, Robert Seeley, Jr., Mies Miss .Rachel Taylor has gone to Mrs. George N. Smith and Mrs. Matthew Johnson laid up consider- local Bonn tuid Daughters of Liberty California to spend tha winter. Rev. William H. Dllt«, pastor of David C. Walling of Koyport and Laura Runyon, Mrs. EUwood Run- attended a meeting of the Asbury the First Presbyterian church, spoke able provondor for tho winter last yon, Mrs. Ida Robertson and Mrs. .Miss Margaret Landmann Is hav< Mrs. Leon Hardy and Mrs. Ernest week by slaughtering and butcher- Park lodge on Friday night. ing new floors in her house, which at the week of prayer union services E. Poseux of Hazlet represented the . V. BROWN Murray Osborn. Stockholders o£ the People's Na- of the Enffl'flhtown Presbyterian and Ing his sow Jessie. Tho sow welghod Is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred woman's auxiliary of St. Mary's more thnn 40" pounds, nnd It Is said 24 WHARF AVE. tional bank re-elected H. E. Acker- Bonnell. Walter W. Zimmerman Is Old Tennent church at Tennent Tues- Episcopal church, .Keyport, at the son, Jr., John S. VanMater, Louis day evening. to have been tho largest In Middle- doing the work. Mr. and Mrs. Bon- annual meeting of the Now Jersey town township. Tel. 27. RED BANK, N. J. Eatontown News. etulti, jr., W. S. Wallace and C. H. neil are away on a visit. Charles C. Schock, Jr., entertained branch of the Woman's Auxiliary to Jewell, directors. They elected the with a dance Friday evening. His the National Council of Missions, (Tht Red Bank KtglaUr em tw bought following officer*: guests Included Misses Jane Burlew, held at All Saints' chapel at Trenton In Eatontown st tha atoraa of William O. PrMldent—H. E, Aekeraon. Jr. Marie Dletz, Ann Lolrd, Margaret Wednesday. Da.via, Q, Edward Smock a-nd Ytllen'a). Executive vlc« prealdent—H. S. Matawan Newt. Todd, Ann Todd, Doris-Dernberger roww. Mrs. Frederick Fejsler Is a patlont Mrs. James Stoen has returned and Elizabeth Hutchlnson, John at the Monmouth Memorial hospital Viet nre>ld*.nfcrC._H. Jf»«H. ' Laird, Melvln Insley, Howard Lloyd, home after spending three weeks fiaerttary—-J. l^ton Seotnck. •B'MSUWU tam M!' 1. _ ,_. at Long Branch. visiting relatives at Franklin, Penn- Cithler—E. V. BHoox. B»ln alreat, Jacob A. Uwia and jTV i. Randolph Harris, Sterling Thompson sylvania. Aaalat&nt eaahler—John Roberta. Innlnl.) and Paul Waye. Miss Dernberger Mra. W. B. Warnor of Broad street Th« Koyport literary club will and Sterling Thompson won the River Plaza News. Ross B. Fountain left last week to lucky number dance and Marie Dletz and Mr. and Mrs. Ensloy Morris of rrieet tomorrow afternoon at the spend a few months at San Diego, Red Bank left yesterday for Florida, home of Mrs. J. Ml. 13. Silcbx when and Paul Ways won the dangerouo The Woman's club held their an- Cal. spot dance. where they will spend the resjb of tha 'Sketches of Muslo History" will be Edward Boyle of tho Lloyd road nual party at the home of Mr. and : winter. presented by tho muaio department. Is a medical patient at the Matawan Mlos Mildred Fallon of Maiden Mrs. Thomas Paul Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. George A. Steele of ' The Keyport lied Cross nursing hospital. Lane was hostess to a party of Bridge was played and a midnight Tlnton "avsnue left by boat this association has elected the following Nicholas A. Munnlng, Jr., has been friends at her homo Saturday even- supper was served. Each guest re- SPECIAL GOOD HOUSEKEEPING WEEK morning for Canada, where they will officers: confined to his bed during the past Ing. The guests Included Misses Mil- ceived a small gift. Laterjuuslo remain until April, Their return President—Mn. Joh# Coaborn. week with grip. dred Stultz, Julia Kolsn, Ruth Lewis, was rendered by Mrs. Charles Tnomp- trip will be nmdo by oar, which was Vice rroltlont—Mra. John Hoke, Miss Mary Burns spent last week LaVerna Seel, Margaret SUUwell, taken on board with them. 8acratu7—Mra. P«ter Londergaard. Esther Martin, Gertrude Matthews Your loal Mutual Store will fcatu|y Treaaurer—Mn. H. K. Ackeraan. with Mr. and Mrs. John Br»un of The Katontown council of the Jun- TruttMi—Mr.. S. H. Cuaidy.. Mra. Hlghtstown. and Harriet Preston, Henry Letilz, {or one week, products (hit have, ior Order of American Mechanics M. Halgh, Mra. John Hole., Mra, W. H. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haycook had as Thomas McDonald, Floyd Brown, been endorsed by the well-known will hold a card and bunco party at Hitohcock, Mrs. J. C. Oaborn, Mr».*O. 8. Lewis Hyer, Forbes Corbett, J. Clar- Good Housekeeping Magazine. Wllion. Mra. Welter D. Swartzel, Mlla their guest over the week-end Kver- Crescent hall on Lewis street, Satur- ett Haycook of Elizabeth. ence IIU U urtf. mciusrvt hold a monthly business and social Vandals broke some of the win- You're Missing Out! meeting Monday night at the home dows of the Civic assootatlon hall one -JMutual's Fresh Fruits and Fresh Vegetables- of Mrs. Jennie McOathen. night last week and caused other Misses Jennie and Nettla Foster damage. of Main street left Tuesday for Mrs. George Ruppell, who has been Miami, Florida, where they will on the sick list, Is Improving, but she There Are Hundreds of Pairs spend the winter. Is still under tho care of a doctor. Mrs. Ada B. Nafew of Broad Howard Rowlands was taken sick SUNKIST ORANGES.-12.33- stroot entertained the ofllce forco of Jaot week shortly after returning the Eatontown poatofilce Monday from an automobile trip In the Mid- of Fine Shoes on Sale night at hor home in celebration of dle West. He Is now improving. the newly appointed postmaster, Bliss Price, Cards were played and The Indians were defeated at bas- .... refreshments were served. Those at- ketball last week by tho Laurence at Savings of CALIFORNIA PEAS tending wore Frank Mount, Percy Harbor Athletic olub by the score of to Dangler. Francis Bnieo, Vincent SI to 26. Thin broke a winning streak YELLOW BANANAS • 19c I FRESH BROCCOLI ..25e Moloe, Albert C. Wolcotl, George of six games by tho Indians. Jnmes Mosby. Biles Price, Mrs. Archie Mos- O'Neill was high scorer with 12 CALIFORNIA CARROTS ChSe I NEW CABBAGE «• »wt points, The starting llno-up for tha by and Mrs, Ada I). Ntifew. VESITABIJC PniCES •mCTIVE THUS*., FBI. AND *AT. ONLT Indians was Cruse and VanNortwIck Under the auspices of the Eaton- forward*, O'Neill center nnd Mo- town Republican club a testimonial - JMutual's JMeat "Department Specials • Manu» and Roche guards. Friday to dinner in honor of Ir& E. Wolcott, night the Indlani played a practice WHOIEOR now Eatontown mnyor, and the against tho Phantoms of oufrh counollmen will be held on Keansburg and won by the ecore of EITHER Wednesday, January 30, at the Mon-04 to 21. O'Neill was high scorer HALE mouth County Country cluh. with !8 points. Tho Indian players Value. $4.50 to $9.00 Mre. Charles Broone of South were Crus__e„ _,.andtt *,_Lccltlv,.,ev .«.,forwards. —, , lb. ntreet has returned home) after j O'Neill center and VanNortwIck and JERSEYPORK 21 spending (ho paat week visiting at' Hocha guards. Tho second team of the homo of hor son nnd daughter-ln-' the Indians played tho laut of a iser- HUNDREDS OF PAIRS MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Inw, Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Breese of les of three games with the Kcans- ROASTING Allnntlc City. I burg Tigers last week and won by MANY WALKOVERS INCLUDED ..wtRAGE Mr. and Mra. Fred Ollttenborg of tho score of 28 to 24. :% TO 4 LBS. lb. Red Bank havo moved Into tholr I Louis "Red" Trqdertu, one of the .FRYING newly eroded brick bungalow on moat popular youths of -tlili) pince, i. Boxnrss swim ppiMtiM Wyokoff road. They are formtr rest- has Joined the Civilian Conservation BAKING SHOULDER i-uuciaui 1 SMOKED HAMS SUQJUtCtlMO dents of Katontown. i Corps, A farewell party was given Kov. onil Mrs. William Macdonald for him by his parents. Others pits- entertained the elders of the Pros- ent hejldes Louis were Mlesen Ber- FRESH CHOPPED BEEF SBS . a,2S< byterlan church and their wives at' nice McLnitghlln, Adeline Stoats, JOHN B ALLEN CQ Codflsh Steaks ruui 11.13c | Ma«k«ral»M» • »19f thulr homo at Avon last Friday Louise Leokle. and Irene Collins, Har- v nljrht. Those attending were Mr. and ry Leokls, Frank VanNortwIok, Ter- SUCCESSOR TO WHITE SHOE STOKE Mrn. Banjamln VnnKeurrm, Mr. and reno* Crime and Robert MoManus. MUTUAL MUTUAL /Haddock it. 2O« | Chowder Clams *»I9< Mrs. Carl Whltohurat and Mr. and, Plans are bolng completed for tho Mrs. William Muffin. Rev. Mr. Mac- minstrel show to be given tomorrow ARCTICS MKAT AHO «•» WUCM MM »*«««¥• donald Is pastor of tho Eatontown night for the benefit of the First Aid SLIPPERS HOSIERY TEUHSDAY, miDAT AND . lTU»OAT •*«,» church. squad. Thoue who have seen the re- Mr, and Mis. Leille D. Henley of hearsnU nay that a real treat la In 9 Broad Street Tel. 267-W Red Bank, N. J. Boulh street will leave Tuesday, Jan- store for the spectators. A large at- u«ry 23, tot Washington, v. Cwharo tendance Is looked for. 95 BROAD STREET NEXT TO POSTOFFICE een RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 17,1935. Midi, herself, falli IM°ve with be ll/ilKam flirrliin's erty lodge will bold » radio party Register Plant secret but ardent worshipper, and W IHIain V/UrCIUIl 9 Rumson News. Friday night, February 2L ThPt istian Science - TONY HUNTING'S — her efforts to break down fats r (Th* R*4 Buk BwtiUi ear. b* boo«hl Councilor!' association will meat VisitedjBy Pupils serve are Joyously romantic «nd br Will Probated In KunMon at tba •torn of Harrr Bar- here Friday night, January 28. q; Room llariUy enacted under the expert d! ban. Fred FlntMrty and Walter Torbarg Word has been received from Mr. TO rae PUBUO rectlon of Paul Stein. ,ud from Mr. Gajtf.) ' and Mrs. William K. Fowler, Jr., ATLANTIC THEATRE Church Edifice Member* of the S-A Grade of Veteran Assessor of Fair Haven The fire police of the borough were tbat they are having a fine Urn* In ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS the Red Bank School Yester- Leaves Bulk of Estate to sworn In Monday night by Borough Florida. I Bmad St, Bed Bauu. N. J. Cariton Theater. HAT.—8AT. THURSSON. ,*:30 FBI—JAN. EVENINGS. 17-10 . 7:00. I:U. . day Afternoon Saw Presses in The Hilton sisters, well knowr Ten Children—Other Wills Clerk Jere J. Carew. Afterward they Mrs. Sarah Storer, who hat been held an organization meeting and in the Monmouth Memorial hospital JAMES DUNN (Ad ALICE FAY In Autaorlnd and approved liter- Operation. Siamese twins, will make a personal Recently Probated. W Oft GhrlBttan Science may be appearance at the Carlton theatci elected Thomas Dolley captain and at Long Branch several weeks with "365 NIGHTS IN HOLLYWOOD" Borrowed or purchased. Members of the 5-A grade of th«this afternoon and night Their com William Curchin, Sr., a well-known William Gaynor lieutenant a fractured hip, contracted pneu- ' WWIo li cordlnlly Invited to monia while there but has now re- SAT.—JAN. IB tta B»»din«-«oom. which It Red Bank public school, accompan- pany Includes an orchestra of tcrresident of Fair Haven, who died, re- Mrs. Harry Collls gave birth to a •*•* daily except Sundays and ied by Miss E. S. Ernest and Miss pieces. The feature film will be "Thi cently at the age of 85 years, exe- son Monday at the Rlvervlew hOE covered from that ailment Her gen- GUY Kiwnimn in JgS»l. holliUra, from 1:80 to 4:80 Marguerite Smith, paid a very pleas- Band Played On," a Metro-Goldwyn- cuted his will In 1929—. Mr. Curchipitan l at Red Bank. eral condition has shown some im- ant visit to the mechanical depart- Mayer picture with Robert Young, had been assessor of Fair Haven With the re-lnstatement of John provement. "BIG SUN.HEARTE, MON—JAD N HERBERT10-21 ' ment of The Registcer yesterday af- Stuart Erwln, Leo Carrillo, Betty since the borough was organized. He McDonald as one of the tenders on Mrs. Jane "Garland, Sea Bright ORAWFOED—GABLE— MONTGOMERY la ternoon and saw first hand how Furness, Ted Healy, Preston Foster left $500 to his sister. Julia C. Imhoff ^ Oceanlo bridge the workinpostmistressg , resumed her duties at "FORSAKING ALL OTHERS" much of the publishing of their and Russell Hardle. It is the story of Brooklyn. A bequest of ?2QO was licjBfs of the tenders have been re- the postofflce Tuesday after having home newspaper was done. of four boys of the slums, who gro made to the Embury Methodist duced from twelve houra to eight been laid up two weeks with grip. TOES. WED JAN. M-S3 BRONCHIAL The group, numbering eleven glrl» up together, play football togethc church at Little Silver, the income hours a day. Councilman George Margaret Felt Is ill with scarlet Mary Roberta Blnehort1* and fourteen boys, was divided into through' high school and college ant therefrom to bo used in caring for Kuhn and William Allen are thfevee r and her sister Alice is laid up "ELINOR NORTON" two sections, the glrla being chap- who triumjfh over the obstacles o; his burial plot. Al) the rest of hiaother tenders. H. Edgar Seaman is with grip. They are the children of ASTHMA eroned by Miss Smith and the boys "pro" offers and schemes. estate is to bo divided equally back on tho bridge as special police Mr. and Mrs. James Felt _ by Miss Ernest. They were taken "Murder In tho Clouds," a Warnei among his children: William Cur- olticer, and Thomas J. Oakes, who Mrs. George Harvey, Mrs. Wilbur " COMINC—SUN., MON.^XlAN27-a8 through the plant and explained to Brothers picture starring Lyle Ta chin, Jr, Alonzo S. Curchin, Lester has been Bjrylng as officer, ia noSmitw h and Mrs. William Carlock left "THE GAV DIVORCEE" ; ' Sleep Sound All Night (hem in ciinute detail were the var-bott and Ann Dvorak, will bo show Curchin, Mrs. John C. Schcnok, Mrs. stationed on the Gooseneck Point76r"Florida by motor yesterday morn- ious operations, from the mechani- at the Carlton oh Friday and Satur- William P. Hugg, Alexander B. Cur-bridge between Little Silver and Ing. cal seltinffof tho type to tho mak- chin, Mortimer M. > Curchin, George Portaupeck,, «> . out-selling all other rnup] day. Gordon Westcott heads the sup- The So and Sew club will hold a »«dlo.n» ii Buckley'* Mixture (tripl ing up of the forms, .the making of porting cast. W. Curchin. Mrs. Melvina Wegel and Tho firemen put out a chimney fire card party Monday, January 28, at Mrtlnar) —now made nnil sold in the U. S. the cylindrical ,,plates in the Btereo- Tho story evolves ahnut the secrci Mrs. Harry C. Anderson. The will Tuesday morning in the home of r>owd's hall. »m»r-*• bteselnc to thousands* ' department to tho operation named William aiid George W, Cur- SUTTON'S AUTO REPAIR SHOP .There's nothing so ar.d sure In attempt of International spies to steai Eric Swenuoh On Bay street At a supper meeting Monday night MAURICE A. BUTTON. Prop. tilt world—2 or 3 doses it. sweetened hot of the large sixteen-page high speed the foranula from the United State chin as executors. Kenneth Stevens and Oliver Mac- at the Methodljt church it was de- W^tar just before bedtime nnd many n Duplex press, which the pupils saw government of a new high explosive intosh started yesterday morning on cided to hold tho annual church sup- Rurason, New Jersey tufferer from strangling chokirp Asthmn In actual operation. Stephen Wilson of Rumson exe- Bil found relief and a good night's rent— and to obtain which they are will- cuted his will'in 1924. All of his esa - three weeks' motor trip to Texas. per Thursday night, February 14. and that bad. old, nciMsteni, Imnu-i'-' They also saw how the almost hu- ing to comrrilt any crime. Tho blow- tate was bequeathed to his wifo. The car, which is owned by MrCla. m chowder will bo sold tomorrow Our aervlco Includes— CQUffh ;ha» left you-—if you don't belli man typo setting machine did itIns g up of an airplane with its pas- Stevens, WBB damaged Monday when night, in the church basement.' It B*t a bottle of Buckley's Mixture Alice Wilson, and she was named as COMPLETE AUTO REPAIRING ON ALL Kataln's Druj? Store with the uridersttmd- part and also saw the mat rollingsengers and crew far up above the !Xecutrix. hit a tree on Bingha,m avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Irwln will 1*UT >ou must get satisfaction or money process which preceded the opera- clouds and the subsequent chases af- Emlyn P. Jones of Water Witch near Rumson road. George H Del-spend the coming week-end at New MAKES OF CARS tack. tion of the plate casting and rout- ter the air robbers and murderers b; disposed of a large estate in a will mage was drlvlngthe machine at theYork. BATTERY AND IGNITION ing operations necessary before any army planes, involving machine gun which he executed last May. A be- Imo and hs escaped injury. The Jerry Welch is 111, with a throat ctual printing can be done on thebattles, the shooting down of air- iont axle, fenders and steering ap- infection. RE-BORING CYLINDERS large press which prints the favor- quest of $3,300 was made to Green- ships, thrilling parachute jumps from wood cemetery, the Income from paratus were damaged, but quick re- A radio party will be held Wednes- MOTOR RECONDITIONING ite home newspaper of Red Bank burning and falling ships, add to thwhico h is to ho used in. caring for hispairs were made at Morris Sutton's day night of next week in the lec- SOYOM and vicinity. intensity of the dramatic situations. burial plot and any tomb, monument garage and the car was put in good ture room of the Methodist church. The pupils, who are about to The feature attraction on Sunday, condition for the trip. There will bB prizes and refresh-* Day and Night Service itart a class paper of their own, or other -erection which is made up- Monday and Tuesday of next week on It. Theodore F. Titus of New The Rlvervlew hospital auxiliary ments. MEDICATED CONES •ere greatly interested In the en- be "The Mighty Barnum," a York was bequeathed $1,000. Hiwils l meet this »fternoon at the home PHONE 1585 ire workings of The Registers me- Unlted Artlsta re]caae wlth Wajlacchauffeure , Fred Seymour, was be- Mianical department and they asked , ^ . of Mrs. August Dombrovski on Al- Fair Haven News, WE OURSELVES TH.E BETTER SERVE BY For Feminine- B n the tm r0]e su queathet d $500. His wife's niece, Mrs. len street. Plans will be made for a SERVING OTHERS BEST lany y worth-whilq e questions concern- , caat ,nclud VirginiLouisa Brucee Sherma, n of New York, was g g , luncheon. Mrs. Edwin Farrier has (Tho Red Bank Rechtar tin ba bought Hygiene ng the operations In the various Adolphe Menjou, Rochelie Hudson bequeathed 52,000 and bequests of harge of the sale of tickets In the Fair Haven In the store or Harry Kur« epartments and many of those who and Janet Beecher. $1,000 each were made to his grand- Rumson district for the card party »9, at Yo Gold Cedars and from Mr. Ulppa.) These medicated cones are ere in the group were surprised lephew, Stanford Sherman, and his hen they learned about the many The story opens with Barnum's en- and dance to be given February 2 In The Fair Haven auxiliary of the a soothing antiseptic and trance In to the sideh ;randniece, Katherine Sherman. His :he Elks home at Red Bank for theRlvervlew hospial mot Monday af- irother, H. Seth Jones of New York, jeneflt of the hospital, by the execu- cannot Injure the most del- vas bequeathed $500. All the rest of ternoon at the home of Mrs. John , ing acquired a few reptile mon- ivo committee. A; Chaunzy, president, and made icate membrane. They are Register. I strosities and an aged Digress named ils estate is to be divided equally The Ladles^adles'' Aid Besides the teachers previously iniotlg his sisters, Mary K. Latta society of thplane s for a card party February 25 Happiness— • not Irritating or - caustic. „ lentioned, those In the group were Jolce Heth, purported to be ICO years 'resbyte riaifcchurch hold a luncheon at tho homo of Mm. Roy Fatten on Soyom Cones are clean, Con- old and erstwhile nurse of,the Infant ind Margaret A. Richard; his broth- •esterday at the homo, of Mrs. Anna Elizabeth VanSandt, Selma Gordon, George Washington, he left his fall- tr, William M. Jones, and his adopt- Forman street. Most of the after- venient and Inexpensive. ?ay Coreale, Betty Jean Doremus, '1 brother, John S. Jones. The Sec- 'auels on Washington street. noon was spent making compresses 'lorence Hfckey, Ethel Anderson, Ing Bowery grocery, rented a livery Edward Kruse and Carl Despreaux for, the hospital. Those present were And dear tnlnldng go hand In hand. Keep your stable and opened Barnum's Ameri- >nd National Bank and Trust com- eft Monday on. a motor trip to Flor- body well and virile by eliminating; tea and coffee from A package of twelve will ?(?tty Lytle," Theresa Woodward, can Museum. pany of Red Bank was named as Mrs. Carl Schwenkcr, Mrs. John P. be sent poitpald on re- ilary Mazzaroppl, Elinor Clayton, executor of the will. da. -i Mulvlhill, Miss Margaret Tobln, Miss your diet, and substituting dally three glasses of "sun- ceipt of $1.00 or your •lary Boyd, Edward Klslln, Joseph The famous midget, General Tom Mr. and Mrs. Townsend P. Cole- Mary Emma Hehdrlckson, Mrs. shine milk." C, O. D. order. Seeker, John Powers, John Schultz, Thumb and his bride Lavinia, the Lettie S. Clayton of Freehold left man and Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon T. Clarence Little, Miss Elizabeth Scow- Villiiam Truest, Paul Noglows, Louis CarrJW Cant, the bearded lady, the !J00 to Maplewood cemetery for the jColeman are. at the Park Avenuecroft, Mrs. Werner Banning, Mrs. Hugs, Josnph Fix,'- Joh' -n -Verangc- , Fiji mermaid, the wooly horse and almrl e of her burial plot. She also left club In tho Vandorbllt hotel A Now Walter C. VanHorn, Mrs, George T. Soyom Medicine Co. Kenneth Lawson, Lauren Taylor, the rest of tho "natural oddities" with '100 to tho Millstone Presbyterian York Llnton and Miss L. M. Flannory. William Hoist, Herbert MacCloiid which Barnum staggored New York ihurch to be used for the care of the The B. Y. O. club held a luncheon Tho Sons and Daughters of Lib- Sole Owners and George Jeffrey. < a century ago are also seen. His mrial plot of her parents. All the Drink Your Quart of Miflc a Day splurge from the grotesque to the meeting Monday at the home of Mrs. erty lodge will observe its fortieth East Orange, N. J. •list of her r-slatfl was bequeathed Frank Sickles, with Mrs. John Dixon anniversary Tuesday night of next sublime with the sponsoring of theo her sisters, Sarah ...M. . ,._..„„Matthew, ; ?s hostess. Mrs. Sickles and Mrswee. k with a supper. Each member American debut of Jenny Lind, the wis T- AMUSEMENTS. nd Elizabeth Day bowls. She an-1 "Wilson won prizes ahas t heen requested to bring some lovely Swedish nightingale, at Caatlo L. Hall executor of! bl'l(iEe- Others present were Mrs. kind of food in a covered dlah. Strand Theater. Garden, plays a big part in the pic-he will. Ralph Longstreet. • Mrs. Kenneth Tho guild of the Episcopal church "Tho Gift of Gab," a Universal pic- ture. Mrs. Anna M. Hoffman of , Bruce and Mrs. Albert Nlederer. The will hold a bunco party Friday night, SHREWSBURY DAIRY CO., inc. ture with thirty stars of the screen, 'ranch left her entire estate to herprevious luncheon meeting was held January 25, In the pariah house. stage and radio, will be Bhown at usband, John H. Hoffman, In a will at tho home of Mrs. Kenneth Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Veroneau, the Strand theater for the last times St. James Cagers ihicli she executed in 1927. Sho ap- Mrn. Annie McGee, Mrs. Josephine Serving You 14 Years With Milk Produced Uncle Sam today. Heading the cast of picture pointed her husband executor of the DeWolf, Mrs. Eva Little, Mrs. Mabol stars are Edmund Lowe and Gloria Beat Lake wood will. Little Silver News Scott'and Mrs.-Esther England, at- Solely in Monmouth County. Stuart. Also appearing In the film tended a meeting of the Sons and Wants You to Improve ro Buth Fitting,, PhU Baker, Paul Veteran Harold Hpunlhan led the (The Red Bank Register can ba bonghl jUkas, Chester Morris, Blnnle St. James's cagers'to "a" victory Tues- In r.Ittlo silver nt th« Union N«w« ^rjirid Daughters of Liberty lodge of As- Red Bank KM. Broad Street Shrewsbury, N. 9, BarnC3, Boris Karloft, Graham Mc- day afternoon when the Rod Bank Local Seconds ul the depop t and at Georga QuickenbUsh'i bury Park Friday night, at which & Namee, Alice White, Victor Moore, Catholic high school quintet played (,'cnernl store.) Bible was presented to tho lodge by Hugh O'Connell, Sterling Halloway, hosts to the Lakcwood Cadets and The I Tappa Kag society hold tho the Perth Amboy council. Your Home thel Waters, Douglass Montgomery, turned them away by a score of Lose To Asbury fmal of a series of bunco parties Miss Ruth. Scott, daughter of Mr. Tuesday night at St. John's parish and Mrs. Russell Scott, who under- Roger Pryor, Gene Austin, Bela 30 to 16. ha Tho Lugosi, June Knight, Andy Devlne, | Hounlhan. copped the scorinJuniog r Varsity's Rally in Final "- ~" Bran:rand dp prize, two blanketswen, t an operation for mastoidltla at From 1 to 3 Years to Pay t points of the series, was the RIverviow hospital, 1B now con- Henry Armctta, the Downey Bisters, honors, ringing up five field goals • Quarter Falls Short—Lose 24- f°r the m08t pointE 1 Helen Vinson, Alexander Woollcott, and three fouls for a total of thir- won by Miss Margaret Bennett. Per- valescing at tho home of her grand- SEE ME FOR A NEW - 22——Junior Varsity Scores ry Smith won a basket of fruit dis- Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Measley of Henry Armctta, the Beal street boys,: teen points, while Joe Grauso netted Battln road. JPowlers KITCHEN the Three Stooges and Gus Arnhelm's . second honors when he dropped two Win 18-14. posed of on the co-operative plan. orchestra. . goals and one foul for a total of five A small building in tho rear of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beer of BATH ROOM Although* trying to follow in theJohn VanNess's property, formerly Long Branoh have moved to Second ELECTRIC PUMP The picture takes the audience be- points. Tomorrow the local team will foot-stops of their juniors, who triuse- d as a milk house, is being con- street, thla borough. 7 BROAD STREET SEPTIC TANK Mrs. Elizabeth Morris Is confined to her home with illness. Edward 3334 HOT WATER HEAT ample opportunity to pre- ^ a= Little, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey RED BANK PHONES sent their routine. A plot is built •5ide avenue. The score: Coach Frank Pingatore's junior var- when It Is completed. 3335 HOT AIR HEAT t b sity live failed iu spite of a rally in William D. Pontin is a medical pa- Little, is also on tho sick list, and OIL BURNER around the rise and fall of a radio RED BANK. the final quarter and lost 24-22. tient at the Monmouth Memorial his uncle, Capt. Edward Little, la announcer. Hoanihan, f. A contest which provided many hospital at Long Branch. around again after having been con- Specials ! Thurs., Fri., Sat., Jan. 17, 18, 19. Ask me how to cut your coal Two features, "The Song You Gave Spence. f. thrills for the large gallery ol Junior The homes of William Davlsonfined to his home with illness. Me" with. Bebe Daniels, and "Man's Eoviero, f. . bill in half Woolley. f. j high rooters was well appreciated and Maurice Stalberg are quaran- Mrs. John Hobrough had a faint- Best Friend," featuring Lightning, ^aue^ o o I when several times throughout' the I tlned for whooping cough ing spell at her home Saturday and Bottom Round Fresh HAMS No charge for estimating tho canine actor, will be shown on Graiue,""!:.'"!!"'." "Q " 2 encounter the score was knotted. Al-1 Fred Dunnell. who has been living fell and injured her nose. She was Friday and Saturday of this week. Piccolie==---". - -g. . . o also bruised about the body and is 19* J. KildufT. B n tnough going into the game as un-i at Oceanport, has moved back to his Produced by Columbia, "The Song F. KildufT. B _""."."""'.""™ " derdoKs .the Red and Gray cagerhquss e a't Foxwoo- d Park. Charles under the care of a physician. Pork LOINS You Gave Me" is a musical and fea- played heady ball and at first quar- The next story hour of tho Fair tures a marionette show. Vlctor^Var- Murrhy, g ''/"" Q Eichman, former occupant, has pur- Roast 29! Martin I. McGuire ter time were tied with the Asbury chased a house on that development. Haven public library will bo held 22>>> coni plays opposite Miss Daniels, who netters at six apiece. Saturday, January 19, at eleven , (Half-Whole) Plumbing Heating Tinning LAKEWOOD. Edward A. Borden is'working as has the role of a musical comedy fav- The Parkers held a slight edge a carpenter at Short Hills. o'clock and all children are cordially Young Tender Riverside Drive, Red Bank orite of Vienna. She is publicly in- O'Brien, f. „ over the Hed Bankers at half time Mr. and Mrs. J. JEiwood Harvey, Invited to attend. Donations have Lucky Strike — Cornell sulted by an impecunious officer of by two points at 14-12 and CHUCK Qulnn. f _ !."1"."1..'..".7." • were trail- Jr., are the parents of a son born been received recently at the library Cigarettes 1.20 ctn. Telephone 3767 the Guards, who/later through force j McKel*'-- '- " •••••••-•'•'• ing at third quarter time 22-16. TheTuesday at the Monmouth Memorial from Miss O'Brien, Mrs. Josephine ROAST of circumstances, becomes her local Juniors pulled together and hospital at Long Branch. , The newHaskell- , Mrs. Fred Leplere and little Chesterfields — Old Gold htimnle and adoring secretary and IsJohnston, g. .... , n v 'i staged a conio back in the final comer has been named J. Elwood Jack Minton, all of Fair Haven. Lit- Regular Price thus at the mercy of her caprices. Mutrhy. e _v.zzr.v.'; » I 1 quarter when they held their Asbury Harvey, 3d. tle Jackie, who is nine years old, did It pays to advertise in The Register. The contretemps which occurs when McKelver, s _ _." 0 2 2 opponents to only one Held goal Fred Ayrcs Is confined to his home not want his books because i he said Fancy Fresh CROSSE b BLACKWELI. while they made a run score to 22. with an infected knee. they were, "girls' books." Miss Jane •LucUano o( tho local Juniors Covant. librarian, Is happy to report FOWL 1I b copped scoring honors with five goal; Mrs. Edward McClellan ia in Plum and Fig "» 29c EXPERT FUERIER! charge of the altar decorations at that some books that could not be Shrewsbury News. and two fouls.for a total of twelve St. John's chapel for January. obtained in the New York free li- Pudding ....*-">«» 58c points ns did Wines of Asbury Park braries were borrowed by her through (Up to 4 lbs.) Latest Model Coats. Jackets and Capelets. 1 Mrs. E. A. Lueder has been spend- , (J* " Bed Bank Regliter can bo boniihl with six Held goals. tho Intcrloan system of our Mon- . Rcstjlo Vour Old Furs t Moderate Cost In Shrewaburr from Richard Beake at tin ing a few days at her summer home Date and Nut Bread DOitofflcs and at Shrewsbury Market.) Making a comback In the second at Little Silver Point. mouth county library. In splto of the On half, after a knotted score at 7-7, lack of funds tho Monmouth county Xtra Specials! 2 » 33c Miss Mary Ann McCue of Broad Edward Grifllng has taken the Cooperma21 Monmouth St., n Fur Shop, Inc. the Red Bank seconds staged a rally agency for the May radio. library has filled hundreds of re- Phonn lfioO. Red Bank, N. J. street, principal of the Hed Bank and led at third quarter time 14-7 quests for the Fair Haven library ROASTING Oakland street school, has left for Mrs. Charles R. Knoll of Sllverslde >•>•»»»»»••»•»•»»•••••••<;>»•»»»»»<»•••••»•••»«)»»•«»«>» holding their opponents scoreless avenue gave a party Saturday, aftcr- patrons and their co-operation is CHICKENS HEINZ SOUPS Miami, Florida, where she will spend throughout that time. This time As- noon in greatly appreciated.. a month's vacation. celebration of the elirhth (Up to SH lbs.) bury Park's rally fell shortt whewhen n birthday of her son? Charles targe Fresh AA« 2 cans ....„ 25c Premium quality Jeddo-Highland is "tops." Mrn. John L. Hubbaxd of East they held the local five to two Held Knoll Jr R. I It has no competitor because it is in a class by Front street, Red Bank, entertained goals while they dropped four. Stu- Leonardo News. Jack Rabbits «fO <"* Except Consomme and tho members of the Shrewsbury pelli was high scorer for tho Red Clam Chowder. ', itself. All sizes in stock at usual terms and reg- Reading club Tuesday afternoon at Bankers when he dropped threo Held Sea Bright News. (The Red Bank Heglnter can ba bought ' ular prices. her home. Mrs. Thomas Manoongoals for a total of six points while In Leonardo at the ntoro» of William M«y- Shoulder Lamb Chops _ 26o n. was In charge of the questions, Mrs. orn, William Shcp«on and Albert Jere- H.B. Tomato or Vegetable Roberta and Anderson of the visitors roias.) Charles Breeso presented a reading, shared scoring honors for their team b. bonghl Pork Chops, end cuts 21c In. SOUP 3 «"«17c "Mada In Japan," followed by a with two baskets apiece. Miss Uillan Larsen Is spending Fork Chops, center cut _ 27olb. reading "The Common People of two weeks with friends at Brooklyn. RED BANK. The Sons and Daughters of Lib- Loin Lamb Chops 30c lt>. Japan" by BJiss E. S. Valentine. Mrs. William Keefer of New York en- MAXWELL HOUSE Ada B. Nafew gave her topic, "ArtKellum, f. ... G F I>TS. erty lodge Installed Its newly elected joyed tho week-end with his parents, 0 4 olllcers Friday night They are Mrs. Rib Lamb Chops 32c Ib. in Japan," followed by a topic pre- Greenwooil, f. „.„ I) 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keofer. Coifee 32c » HnniriKton 2 JMna Gahn councilor, Miss Emily sented by Mlsg Emma Holmes. Mrs. Kichiirdaon 0 4 Mrs. Edith Phlllippl is making a Veal Chops ZSclb. Archie Mosby rendered a short story. c, ..._.._.._.. _ 1 0 2 Carlson Junior ex-councllor, Mrs. Surmrionti. 0 0 0 Matilda Fowler nsaoclnte councilor, week's visit with her sister, Mrs. Fowler's 25c » Matthew W. Grelg has returned EUupclll, c 0 0 0 William Bordewyck of East Orange, I.uelsnno, g 2 12 Mrs. Clara Slocunv'vlco councilor, Rump Veal _ .Z2o Ib. home from a business trip to ChiGnrrctt- , g s Miss Alma Madsen associate vice Arthur Larsen of Clinton was a cago. Mr, Grelg is employed at Eis- 0 councilor, Miss Harriet Johnson Leonardo visitor over the, weok-end. Shoulder Veal . 170Ib. Frenh Roaated nor'a factory. 10 2 22 Friday evening the Christian En- guide. Mrs. Mabel Bedford record- Breast Veal . 15c Ib. Feed - Fuel Oil - Hay ; The Shrewsbury Hose, company ASBURY PARK. ing sqcrotary, Mrs. Matilda Dlllono deavor society of tho Baptist church •was called out early Sunday night P TTS. will journey to Long Branch, where Mild Store Wlnn. f 0 12 associate recording secretary, Mrs. they will meet at the Reformed to extinguish a grass flro In thBrotherse , t. 0 0 Ida Fary financial secretary, Mrs. Spare Ribs _ ft CANNEL COAL rear of Harry Powcra's estate on Anilfrsotl, f. 0 4 Fannie Renshaw treasure*.. Mrschurch. . Cheese 21c Sycamore avenue. Fairlmx, c. .. Adolbort Phlllippl of Now York Sailer Kraut. . 8 lbs. 12o Roll Jersey White (For fire-place) g. Marion Storor trustee, Mrs. Mildred More than $18.50 was realized by Klitzmu Kahnl Inaldo guard and Mrs. Eliza- wan a Leonardo viBltpr over the Butter Eggs tho covered dish supper held Tues- beth Pctcrcon outside guard • week-end. day night at tho Presbyterian Sun- 11 2 24 A Sunday school business meeting Boup Meat Chopped day-school by the Shrewsbury Par- Ofllclnln: TWci •nrrlll. Scorer— Chester Packer of this place and as held after the Baptist prayer 37fb 39c doz. LEHIGH COAL ent-Teacher association. About sev- Wonlrn. Timor Carl Cook of Elbcron have returned meeting Wednesday evening. a* enty persons attended. Mrs. E. S. ^".n Say nt Mlnm1' Florida. Mr. and Mro. Al W. Crosa returned •fib Beef Pegram was In charge of tho affair. Win From Fort Monmouth. Codflshlng hna been very poor and homo after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stowing Florida Nut size $11.00 per ton. The proceeds will go toward pur- Jack T. Lcwlt, Mr. and Mrs. A. May- Tho undefeated Boy Scout troop fishermen hero ar0 blaming tho LAMB Oranges 19 '«' 25c chasing equipment for tho Shrews- razors of tlio Presbyterian church scarcity on tho beam trawlers from er and Mlsa Blrdlo Silversmith of Stove size $11.25 per ton. bury schoolnouae. Richmond, Virginia. Mr. and Mrn. 15' buIU)h traveled last Saturday • morning ISew York that ••flWcep" up and 12f Broccoli 17c Wlsa Emma Holmes of Sycamore to Fort Monmouth and defeated down the coast with huge nets hav- Cross also paid a short visit to Mr. b Tills Is a N.rJHIy II.RII ijuulily «<>ul. The qimllly cunnut be avenue left this morning for Stth.o ocouts by the scoro of 26 ta a heavy chain dragging on thonnd Mrs. Harold A. Mayer at Wash- Carrots or Beets dtlpllcitt<' rooms under the auspices of thutltutine K tho Red Bank line-up were BB many cmb() a tho latch leading to the kitchen had 25c t. Jolly Workers of that Institution. lobsters are destroyed by thla chain. been lifted. Evidently the thitsvea P 11*Ib Fanoy Eating or Cooking Bud Curchin, Jackie Patteruon, Ar- Moyeral groups fflsherjrffln -ar must ehavo been frightened away, be- Wlss Juatilta Tlckncr. of Allon- nold Tniox und Ensloy Whlto. o Apples 4 ">» 19c I HANCE & DAVIS hurat and MrsJoaep. h Tumor of making preparations for shad flail- cauao except for Borne vegetables, Interlnkcn have been admitted an ing up the Hudson In tho early food stuffs, etc., which had. been left Soft Clams 29c «*• Green Mt. No. 1 Wlnesap TEL. 103. now mcmlx-rn of the* Shrewsbury A bnnalldo newspaper circulation spring. Nets, poles and other equip- In an outside refrigerator, nothing m Hockey club. —tho kind Tho Register has—la ths B 1 olso had been taken. Tho kitchen Cod Fish 19c Potatoes Apples only kind that, counts with (ho id- I'"'" r " Pnj-' " tcn<™"'1 tflo "™' Tiionsncr- door was locked and had two bolts Where Quality Rules. vertlsor. No premiums or other In- " be awuy for two n b>ut A-J ., - at that time. on tho Inside, which' perhapn kept Salmon 25c - 39c 98c »»«•••••••«•>••««»••••••»•••••••»•>••••>•»»»•*»• .er.-AdverUnement. aecure clroulatloa-AdverUoeirient. I The Sons »r,d Daughter* of Llbth- e burglars from entering the houit. BED BANK REGISTER \

Counts No matter how strong the individual, he becomes more powerful with team, cooperations-team work.

HAVE YOU JOINED THE HOME TOWN TEAM? ARE YOU MAKING YOUR CO-CITIZENS realize your desire to assist them commercially and socially? Are you helping them to feel the advantages of living in this good vicinity of ours? Are you extending a cordial heart and hand?

IF YOU DO — THEY WILL PASS THE GOOD WORD ALONG — IT BECOMES AN END- \ ••• LESS CHAIN. -The team work is strong and will thus attract others — who in turn will lend their hands, talents, resources and energies to mutual civic progress.

NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO "JOIN UP" —THE ONLY INITIATION FEE IS A RESOLVE to do your part — and the dues come hack to you in personal dividends. ^ RED BANK REGISTER L*. . ' T . Twenty, RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 17.1885.

ternoon, with Rev. Harry Folger of- A. letter and » B»ply. ficiating. Burial was In Glenwood Patients At The Obituary Shrewsbury Now Local Netters January 14, 1888. Highlands May or ! DEMONSTRATION WEEK i cemetery at West Long Branch. Riverview Hospital Mr. Walter Reade, Hn, Wilhcmina B. Toovey. Members of Ocean fire company at- 15S1 Broadway, Names Of ficials MRS. ALMA COLBERT tended the service in a body and the Has New Mayor Score Victory New Tork; N. Y. Wilhemtna B. Toovey, 81, Mrs. Sarah Morson of Little Silver OF PHILADELPHIA ' , ' widow or Henry E. Toovey, of 188 floral tributes were carried on the My dear Mr. Reade: to MOW In my riibp dolitft marcaltljif; I fire apparatus. Mr. Carlock was a George Silver, Sr., Succeed* Ben- waa admitted last Friday t« s sur- Coach Sherwc^tfi Cagert Win We have been Informed that fea- Harry A. Brown Elected Preii-,j and nngsr wavlny. Gtand KVenuc, Long Branch, died gical patient. For • llmlt.d lima only 1 will iiv« „ *t flve O'clock Sunday afternoon at member of the company. The bear- jamin J. Parker, Who De- From Atlantic Highlands ture pictures are not shown In Red dent of Council—Executive ers were Herbert Fowler, John Lind- William Olson has been admitted Bunk until fourteen days after their A Free Wave With Every lur home, where she had been ill . dined Re-election — Budget 48 a* surgical patient. Teams—Vanity Win* 26-14 release in Anbury Park, and seven Meeting Tomorrow Night toj fc* the past two weeks. She had say, Walter Covert, John Humbert, Shampoo at $1.00 Hairy Peterson and Leroy Layton. Approved on First Reading. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baxter of —Second*, 23-18. days after being released In Long Prepare Budget. httn a, resident of Long Branch 2G King's highway, Mlddletown, are the Branch. ROSE B. ALLEYNE'S Following a postponement of a parents of a son born Sunday, Scoring an easy victory last nigh If our information la correct. It !« Harry A. Brown waa elected presi- John Augustus Tarnow believed that a neat deal of business dent of the Highlands borough coun- Mrg. Toovey was born in Egypt, week due' to the illness of the mayor- Miss Thelma Lyle of Keyport un- the Ked Bank high school eager: BEAUTY PARLOR, • Where, her pareut's, Col. and Mrs. died of complications Friday at the is lost to our local theater, ai well cil Monday Bight. Mayor George W, 134 W. Berf.n PI., R.d B.nV, N. J. elect, the Shrewsbury council held derwent an operation last Saturday found their way Into the win colum as other local enterprises, and we : William Price De'vcreaux, were vis- home of his daughter, Mis. Harry its re-organization meeting Tuesday wtoen in the local high school gym' Hardy appointed Charles H. Lomas Phon. 1097 morning for the removal of her ton- wonder whether or not this can be OP£N EVENINGS iting. Her father was a colonel in Kollock of Oakland street, with night at Christ church parish house, nasium both of Coach Bill Sher- in Borne way corrected so as to as- auditor, Robert D. Martin engineer, sils and adenoids. Dr, James J, Rowland physician and the British army and was stationed whom he had made his home the Shrewsbury, at which time the first Mr. and Mrs. Frank Calandrlello wood's Red and Grey teams scorec sure a simultaneous opening In these . In India lor many years. She came past three years. Mr. Tarnow waa reading of the 1934 budget was ap- wins over the Atlantio Highland communities. B. J. Nelmark member of the sink- or Linden place are the parents of a high school nettera. The varsity Ing fund commission and assessment to America foi ty years ago. born 79 years ago in Germany, and proved. daughter born Sunday morning. With •kindest regards and many Would You Pay the Small Burviving are two daughters, Mrs. came to this country sixty years ago. Approval wn! made ol $21T'.22 in squad won 26-14 and the seconds woj thanks for the offers of co-operation commission. Dirothy; Mr Stewart of Little Silver Most of his life waa spent in Belford, Miss Rose VaCula of Marlboro was 23-18. we have had from the manager ot Mr. Hardy appointed the following t Balance Due on a Fine bills for 1934 after which Mayor admitted as a surgical patient Mon- your local theater, we are and Mrs.. Marjorie M. Footer of •where he was a fisherman. He re- George Silver, Sr., of Broad,street The locals took advantage of th Very^truly yours, committees, the chairman being NATIONALLY KNOWN Avon; two sons, Tracy E. Toovey tired about fifteen years ago. day. ri was sworn in to take the place of for- Fellmcna MaraBcio, daughter of weak defense of the Atlantic High- Red Bank Chamber ot Commerce, named first: Finance, Henry Fehl- , of. Long Branch nnd Sidney A. Too- Besides his daughter Mr. Tarnow mer Mayor Benjamin J. Parker, who lands five and started scoring in tli< John P. G. McPhee, haber, Michael Mendes; Harry A. GRAND PIANO vey of New York; live grandchil- Mr. and Mrs. Domlnick Maraoclo of is survived by two sons, Paul and since the organization of the borough Locust avenue, lndervvent an opera- opening minutes of the first quarter. Executive-Secretary. Brown; public buildings, Mendes, dren Mrs, Th'or Nelson, June and Herman Tarnow of Belford. The George King, Lewis Smith; bathing IN YOUR VICINITY? in 1928 has held this office. Eight tion for mastoids last Friday. The Ked and Grey five dropped fou l'ha Credit Manager of. a large Toovey, Jr., of Long funeral was held Monday afternoon Ofnce of beaches and docks, Fehlhaber, King, Plan, Tracy E. years ago Mr. Parker was elected Mrs. Lena Lepore of Shrewsbury field goals and held their opponents me"ton Home c5ter- Buddcnly on Wednesday of last who defeated Councilman Archibald fense In the second half the visitors I am resspondlng promptly to yo:iur The matter of establishing a third 130(1 Chestnut St, I'hiltt. day afternoon at two o clock at the I ^ h Memorial left foot while cutting wood with an wee k Monmout Miller of Shrewsbury, former Red ax. held the local five to two goals while note of Ja;nuary llth. I am too biusuy election district wa» discussed but John W. Flock funeral home, ..43 jh o ita, t L Branch fo,,owlng Bank mayor. Councilman Miller pre- they dropped the same. Homer Hen- to explain to every sucker in the no definite action was taken. An Mr. and Mrs. Marry Collis of Rum- Broadway, Long BrBrancha . Rev. Mai- an operation, was held last Saturday sented to Mayor Silver a gavel which drlckson, lanky Red and Grey cen. world why pictures play here and executive meeting of tho mayor and vii n R.R GuicGi e off'' ththe A Asbury M. E. was presented tij tho former Red Bank son are the parents of a son born tcr, captured scoring honora when wh.y picture. sa play there. council will be hold tomorrow night morning at nine o'clock at his late Monday morning. find out why pic- Expert Repairing church of North Long Branch offi- residence at Ru^ison and at 9:30 mayor at the time of his inaugura- he dropped four field goals and one tureIf s yoplau ywan hert eto and why pictures to prepare the budget, which will be ciated. Robert E. Harris of North tion. In presenting the gavel Mr. Mrs. Elizabeth Dahlgren of Madi- foul shoW|or a total of nine points Introduced at the next regular meet- o'clock at the Church of the Holy son- avenue was admitted Monday play there, go into the picture busi- OB Xiong Branch sang "Nearer My GodCross, where the rector, Rev. John Miller made a short address welcom- while Parker and Worthley, local ness. Ing January 28. to Thee" and "Rock of Ages." In- ing the new mayor and commending afternoon as a surgical patient. She fqpvards with six and five points. Love and kisses. WATCHES. CLOCKS A. Murray, celebrated a requiem underwent an operation for appen- terment was in Woodbine cemetery, mass. Mayor Parker for his successful Jrayes of Atlantic copped honors for Yours very truly, and JEWELRY Oceanport, under the direction of work since being elected eight years dicitis Tuesday morning. Her con-his team when he droped two field Walter Reade. Rumson Republican* The bearers were. Assessor Rich- dition Is improved. WR:HM. Mr. and Mrs. Flock. ard Rogers, Sr., Councilman Dennis ago and putting the borough of goals and a foul shot. Accuracy, skill and experi- Shrewsbury what one might called, Mrs. Frank Farbcr and son re-( The local seconds were victorious ; m i» Elect Officers lv. Byrne, George Klune, Raymond turned to their home at Highlands ence enable us to do the Edward E. Carlisle. and John Porter and . Michael Shea "on the map." Councilman Miller pre- In the final half of the preliminary sented a cane as a gift of appreci- Tuesday. Both Mrs. Farber and her game, but found going hard in the Republican Club The Republican club of Kumson most delicate repairing. We Tuneral services for Edward E. Jurial, in charge of tho Worden fun- son are doing well. Carlisle of Drummond place ^j eral home of .Red Bank, was in ation to Mayor Parker find in his first two semesters when the visiting elected officers for tho coming year guarantee satisfaction. Our held last Thursday afternoon from | Mount Olivet cemetery. address said, "that ho one in that seconds knotted the score 7-7. • With Installs Officers at Red Men's hall last night. John prices will please vou. his home, with interment being made borough could do any better than he WBBB PBOGBAM. the shooting of Newman, Baine and Officers of the Affiliated Young Yeomans was chosen president, Mrs. In the West Long' Branch cemetery. Mrs. Mary Louise Norris, did in the strengthening of the bor- Daniels in the third quarter the Men's Republican clubs of Monmouth WMIarn Ward and Sheldon T, Cole- Silverware Repaired Mr.. Carlisle, who died January 7 of ough of Shrewsbury." On a sugges* The program Is as follows:. Bankers jumped to a lead of four county were installed last night at man vice presidents, Ralph Long- widow of Charles J..Noni.i, ;31—Town I'hflttei-. I 14 ;y lio limiici-led by Tlnton Falls lost one of Its oldest church, in charge. Burial was In r> :4S—Betty and Annt. clurliiK ollico luiura, of (Info ycjirs. 6 :00—*Snyder, i^iSSS-Si—""-'--^house at Bed Bank for tho" benel"l - •<"*• ,. residents Friday in the death of Evergreen cemetery at Little Silver. lildn nillHt ho enrlnn clll l1 c cU George E. Coleman. He was in his The borough clerk was authorized 6 :01—ROBS Doyle, pianist. February 12. j_ _ of the Martha Berry school. Tickets idA If deemed to tho beta Intercut of York, and he had lived there cvir nurse, who has in ' previous li:oo—Tho theaters, !««> « ^ l Individual Bnnk Cathollc nlgh sohool for tho Struse, all of whom lived with him.- years P.M. AfterGir the ]U>roURh HO to do. since. His father and mother were been:paid by the welfare as- LOHS^t>-lJ. ( food dealer, a group of Red Bank bcnem of tho Bophomor_jphonioree B and The funeral waa-held, last Saturday 7 :00—The Arcadians. .' Becure otFly order of the. Cpunrll of the Doroutfk Thomas and Ann Wyatt Coleman and sociation. II was agreed that an ad- 7:30—Correct time. • Before a crowd of more than 200 [dealers are endeavoring to I Freshman A classes of that school. . Kel d Jinnk7N."jfl N . they were natives of England. For morning at his lato homo with Rev, ditional $100 be appropriated for 7:31—Cliff Painter. colored persons and under the aus- ?°me concerted action tending Sisters Alma and Leonard were In CHAS. R. ENOLISH. Iyniis. M. Case of Eatontown oiliciat- many years Mr. Coleman was one of Mrs Agnes M. Barker, the nurse. 7 :45—Mariiyn Barrow. ilces of the Westside branch of tho food productB excluded from the charge of the affair, assisted by com- At1c»t:— Mayor. ing. Burial, in charge of John E. Day H:00—Snyder. the best known wholesale butchers Former Mayor Parker in a short 8:01—Kumsonian* orrheetra. Riverview hospital auxiliary, the state retail tax. mittees from both classes. A. K. SHINN. Clerk. in this section. Ho retired from ac- of Red Bank, was in Flower Hill address thnnked the members of the 8:30—Cowboy Jack.' A meeting was scheduled for last Jmiunry loth, l!K[(j, cemetery at Union City. :harlty basketball games and dance tive work several years ago, He was council for their support. 8;45—Cynthia Carroll. night, but due to the short notice !J :00—Resume. ^ were held last night at the River Seriously Hurt In Fall. the last survivor of a family of ten Borough Auditor John P. Mulvihill and an incomplete understanding as Monmouth County Surrogate'! Office. •James Canning. P. M. Tuesday, January 2». •. treet school gymnasium. In the pre- Mr: M. Weston of Bowne avenue, In tho mutter of the estate of Itobort A, children. A fister, Harriet*Ada Mor- introduced and read the 1935 budget 4:00—Fads and fanhloni. to the purpose of the meeting, only liminary basketball game the loc'al a small number were present. In Atlantic Highland's, was remoyed to Coopur, deceased. ris of Long Branch, "widow of Wil- The funeral of James Canning of on ils first reading. The amount to iXO— Red finnk Women's Club. Girls' Activity club of tho Westside Nolleo tc, - creditors to present claims liam Morris, died last November. Mr. f, :00—Prntto story book lady. order that this action aiay be more the Monmouth Memorial hospital at |I nenlnst cntato. Rumson, who died on Wednesday of be raised by taxation this year was 5:15—Dance hits. YMCA were upset by the strong Coleman is survived by his wifp, last week, wsis held last Friday effective, another meeting will be Lon- g Branc- h yesterday afternoon in ' 1'urHuniit to tho order of Joseph L. set at $0,800. Last year it was $6,- 6 -30—Snyder, girls' "Y" team of Orange by a score Iioniihiiy. Suiroirnte of the- County of Emma L. Colemun. She is a daugh- morning at 8:30 o'clock at his late 900. The total of the budget for this 6:31—Town chatter. held next Tuesday night, January 22 the ambulance of the Atlantic High- I Monmouthul,,. t lllllllmadoe uonn U1 thGe Illlrenl fifteentn huo day y of ter of the late James and Deborah home and at nhio o'clock at the 5.4.r>—Dot nn'd!-P*t«. f 25 to 13. The local boys' "Y" were at the Red Bank borough hall, at lands first aid squad, suffering from January, l'oas, on tlm application of Em vrar is vet nt Sll.SOO, while last year victorious in./their encounter with ii uanuaiy. I'.KH,, on DIG application of Ecpi West Williams of Long Branch. Mr. 6:00—Koy Rooks Rhythm" Rascal. • eight o'clock. a possible fracture of tho skull. Sh[ee m""a' H" . Cooper"~~ , eol'o executrix of.tho estate Church of the Holy Cross at Rum-it was $11,07.1. 6:15—ROBB Doyle, pianist. Coleman leaves a son, Harry C. Cole- son whno the rector. Rev. John E. the Summit "Y" boys when they was Injured in a fall down the stain of Robert A. Coopor. deoonnod, notice Is Edward Hoimihan was re-appoint- R :30—Studio program. managed to win, 34 to 21. "Warren Fowler has consented to '3 hereby Klvcn to tho creilltorfl of said d«- mail of Tinton Falls. Murray, celebrated a requiem mass. ed a special nillcer. Bills amounting 6:15—Frank MIrro, aonui. act as temporary chairman of this in her home. ccftHcd lo exhibit to the subscriber, sole The bearers were John Jeffrey, Axel 7 -.00—Resume. i The girls, playing boys' rule3, got group, and the Red Bank Chamber ccutrlx us nforc»ald. their debts and de- The funeral of Mr. Coleman was to $2*10.16 for this itionth were ordered P.M. Wednesday, January 23 ; off to a speedy ball game when the mands nKaltiHt tho said estate, under oath, held "at his late residence. It was I Foreman, Peter Murray and Henry of Commerce is assisting to assure D. A. It. Meeting. ,.,1,1.1.ithin. j months from tho dflto of th« paid. On a motion of Councilman 5:00—Juvenile Climbers' hour. j visitors took the lead, which they thin fllxfl x ruonthn from the date of the largely attended and there were Johnson. Burial, in charge of tho Miller it wns approved that the coun- 5.30—Correct time. a large turnout. Those present nt Monmouth chapter, Daughters ot aforesaif d order, or they will bo forever 6:3]—Town chatter, held throughout the encounter. At last night's meeting were unanimous barred of their actions thorefor agalngfc many floral tributes. The ii^ermont, Worden funeral home of Red Rank, ril purchase two tons of coal for the Ti :lfi—Studio program. tho American Revolution, will meet the naid itiihflcrlhrii: in charge of Charles G. Br*sc, war. was in Mount Olivet cemetery. half .time the visiting girls led, 13 to in their opinion that action should be 1 parish housi\ 6 :00—Snyder. T. Jordan, forward for the local girls, this afternoon at two o'clock at th ; Dated Freehold, N. J.. January 15, 1038. at West Lung Branch. Tiii' list of appointments made by 6:01—Salvation Array program. taken immediately to have food home of Mrs. L. C. VanBuskirk on KMMA H. COOPER, Julius Bothncr. 6-.K0—Chapiiie Finn. copped scoring honors when she products excluded from the tax, and lied Bunk. N. J.. K. F. D. Cox No. «. Mayor Silver and approved by the Vista place. Members havo been re- Alnton Hcekmitn, Kan., . Albert Vnnderfilft , 6 :ifi—Memories. netted one goal and three fouls for promised their hearty co-operation, The funeral of JUIIUH Bothner, who council arc as follows: 7:00—Rudio club program. a total of five points, whllo Griffiths quested to bring contributions for Ked Bonk, N. J., was fnund rirnd Saturday afternoon died, on Wednesday of 1U«L week at Prf»idont i,f W. nob. 7:30—Lillian Terhune, pianist. Mr. Fowler, as acting chairman, Ellis Island and books for tho Sea- Proctor. 7 :45—Lock-wood Bent plsyeri. of Orange topped her teammateB in istressed the Importance of this mat- men Friends' society. in the garage in the rear of his home ins home'on White street, was held S:00—KeHurne. last Friday afternoon at one o'clock "Eh k—(] rtruilp C. VanVlirt. points scored with four ggoals and ter to every food dealer, and that to NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT on Green Grove avenue at. Keyport. .John H. Applpyate. A.M. Thursday. January 24. three fouls, for a Estate of Noble Weed Mosby, deceased. at the Concourse funeral home nt y :00—Morning serenade. total 6t eleven make any action taken effective, the Mr. VanderhilL went into hia garage — ficorec M F. Jtnn- points. The fcore: unanimous co-operation of every food Surgical Patient. Notlco Is hereby jrlven that the ae- New York witli Rev. Dr. Charles '.1:15—Or«nn melodiei. ~ unlA of t)io HUiihHcrlbor. executor of th« in tile morning to work on his car !*:30 — Snyder. and when he did no\ return at noon Brown of that city officiating. inlrndmt—John Tnrker. KED BANK., dealer In the borough Is necessary, Frank Marrlno of West Bergen \ estate of »a[. deceased, will bo audited and il,0 mn(jc for the allowance of flrst'ald squ;i;45—Joseph Le*, plafitst. pocket billiard tournament being Shrowshury, N. J., vitui .statistU's at tlie time of hia ri--,k-ri,-k W. KiihiiHun. 6 ;00—Roy Rooks Tthythm Rascil. . conducted at the Broad Btreet bil- felt sympathy extended to us in the Executor, Water and liithli—C. llnrdil 6:15—Helen and Jean, loss of our dear husband and father, death. He u-as a borough council- Weddings. Ncvius, ORANGE. liard academy. In previous games Edward W. Wise. Esq., Harold M,-CmnnVk. fi.,,,,,, Lanirc B:4fl—Snyder. F P Edward E, Carllle, especially Rev. Hod Flank, N. J., man for yours and was a l-'iri—-Harold Mrformli-k. (I.' Harold fi:4fi—Traveling Four Quartet. thlB week, Ted Farwell defeated I'ovt-ri—linker. I GrifTltha. f. 3 11 Mr. VanCleaf of South River, Rev. Troctor. member of the local Junior Mechan- Nevius. Archil,i,I,| Miller 7 :00—Resume. WathtnKton f „•_ 2 Harry Valleau. 100 to 96, in what Mr. Baner of Red Bank, Mr. Eugeno ics, Rons and Daughters of Liberty Police--. Frederick W. Robinson Harold Cooper, c. Chanctry B/220 Miss Anna Covptt, dan*; •r of Mr. MrCnrmiel,, Kreil Durst. 2 turned out to be the most exciting Magee, Undertaker CharlcB Brecnc, ami thn Kxompi Fireman's associa- and Mrs. l-'red Covert i,f K.atontown, TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE. Ricks, c. ... „ ,„ 1 all organizations and fire company to SHERIFF'S SALE. Health - i;.-,,n-e l.,,,,,.,, G. Harold Patwrnon, i • , 2 match of the series; "Dink" Allen tion. He 1H survived by his wife; his- and Chink's Holier, anu fof Mr. andNI'VIIIJ. An'hilmld Miller. was bested by Hunter, 100 to 83; Ted which he belonged, all who sent fiy vlrtuo of a writ of fl. fa. to m« dl- Itelief |.|r,| n,i,,i, Kdwar.l Ol „ 0 Mcteil. Imucd out of tho Court of Chan, mother, Mi.s. Josephine Vandcrbilbilt Mrs. William I!"ki r i,f 1 mi; branch, c. Mijs Oliver Byron* of Long Branch Con- Farwell took the measure of Allen, flowers, loaned cars or who helped in Ella II. Kinir. rcry of the Stato of New Jorsoy will be and two daughter;-, Miss Helen, of jwere niiiiriod ytsI'Mdav fW'iuuon at tinue to Hold Lead. n a 25 100 to 68; William Jeffrey triumphed any way. Wife and Son. exposed to Bale at public vemhlc, on ' Keyport and Mr?. William Titus of \ the Mrthinlint Katontown. The Oliver Byrona of Long Branch In the main game the Boys' Activ- over William Davlson, 100 to 00, and —Advertisement. MONDAY, Till'! llth DAY OP FEWIU- Hazlct. Func-rnI services were held ' by Kcv. Lmiiii M. p;n;liir. John P. G. McPhee nontinuo to hold the lead in the* Mon- ity cagcrs found it easy to win from Harry' Lyons defeated Davison, 100 TlK'Sila" -nmm from his homo, i The ci by tho visiting Summit nettera when In to 55, Tonight Lyons will meet Val- liotn-con tho hours of !2:fin and y Hny- mouth county table tennis league. Card of Thanhs. f.iOO o'clock (at 2:on oVloi-k) In the after- Hov. D- Rue Haney, pastor of Cul-mom! and Helen inl-'!-''n cf A.s- Talks At Spring Lake I>ast week the Byrone won seven out the first half they got off to a good leau. Twenty-eight games will be We take this means of thnnklng noon of mild liny at tho Court House In vary M. bury I'ark. Miss Co<'lt h. a urailualr of nine games from Atlantic High- start and held an overwhelming lead played in the tournament. our friends and neighbors for (lielr tlio IlimuiKh of 1'Vochnlif, County of Mon- many acts of sympathy and klndm™ mouth. New Jcrncy. to nntlnfy n decree of ol the Katdntnwn ,.i honl. Mi-. I'pvi-rt John t'. 'I. Mcl'rec, rxrcutivR-ser- lands, the I/jng Branch Independents at hnlf time, by a 20 to 6 score. Green • Mr*. Mollie (lay, is emplny-'il us a r] -rk ii; the Amer- of the local flvo topped all scorers In our great bereavement, caused by r t u lll t lu rctary of tho Hod Bank Chamber of took nine from Bed Bank, the Bell Leave* For California. the death of Mrs. Myrtle Spctikmnn. T<.'«»o .!i!"' '"" "" " w° of Edward Clay, died last ] lean s at K;itont \vn, C"(unnu.iv(\ v,'i\s thif guoat upeiiUcr telephone laboratories defeated An- of the evening when he dropped alx Mr. and Mm. George A. Steele ot Wo desire especially to thank those All that, rerlnln lot, tract or parcel of , Monday at her homo on Linden place. bury Methodist church In seven out rteld goals and one foul shot for a Tinton avenue, Eatontown, will leave who sent flowers and provided tho Ijinrt mill Pii'inlHM. hereinafter particularly' y ni^ht. nt a mooting of Spring total of thirteen points, whllo Dotts, uWilhmf. jlliuito. lying and being In the Hlie wad "I .ycara old and U ,' of nino and Eatontown won nine tonight at six o'clock on the S. B. use of cars, the pall bearers, Kev. BoruiiKli of Ilo.l li,,,,k |n lh« County of Kowluiid—VYiihhrnlmrsl. e ltu:iini'.-tu:iini'-H nn?)fll p fil by two daughter!;, the Misses Kll/.a- nnd from Shrewsbury. former high icliool star, netted four President Wilson of tho Dollar line Samuel Johnston and Hnr Mr«. KiiKiiM lt,.wl,iii,| and .John C. women and of the borbor- f?oal» to take second honors. Ben- bnh and Ro:.c Clay of Red Hank, Wubbenhuint, ,,f i'oit Mon- tiHf»li. This meeting WUJI held for the from Jersey City for a two months' and two i-oini. I.fwiB Clay of Atlantic STANDING OF THE TEAMS. ford of Summit took honors tor his trip to California by tho way of Pan- mouth, weiv married Friday evening purpoi'o nf ni^'iiiiizlnK a Chamber of w i. rc. team when ho netted threo flold City nnd John Clay of Keyport. Oliver Ilyron 26 2 .Vie ama Canal. While there they will at Kent Cliffs, New Ynrli. Tie rere- Commrrce in that comnmnlty. Both goals. Tho acoro: The fuucnil, which will be private, mony was performed by Mr. Wub-Lcaxittnl Nowmiin, chairmnn of the IloH Telephone - .10 6 Alitl visit Mrs. Steclc'H sisters and broth* Atlantic Hlahlnnds _ 2» 7 .800 er, Mrs. Jamoa E. Degnan, Mrs. Dan- Will be held nt tin: funeral parlors benhorst's .son, Kev. .1. \V Wubbrn- mooting, and Mayor Daniel H. Hills, A.bury M. E. Church 8 10 .111 RED BANK. of R. K, Mount & Sou on West iel Green and George P. Peuter. horst. in introductory tnUm, poinfoti out l,imv Ilrnnch Jndepuxltnt Ills .107 <3r««n«. I. ., Front. ;;treet this .'tflernoon. An- that propreKrt In thi;i attractive nhore Kntontown 9 18 ,!iS r.nrrett, I. They will also make a tour of Call- other ficrvlco will be held at the Bap- (.'ointuunily hud hi'en greatly retnvil- Shrewsbury 12 21 .833 Rlnrk. f fornla, Oregon and Washington, py Attenili-il TcarlieiV ('orifereiicc. }!P,) Hank 8 28 .222 Jnmefathera, EWalte. Murrayr Sutter, Alber, especiallt W. Wordeny Rev, j>i tist church nt Ohnpe! drove. Vir- vtl through th<» trick of ot'^tinizntlon VInt Lons Ilmncli ;.. 3 21 ,111 Jonen, c. .., Jmealll bbearerna E M,u tthoe h eAlb whot BenWt Wflowers,d ginia, and buiial will be made In the Mra. Irmn Al|;i,r and Mis.i Dorothy and co-opt'i ation among business (•nmblo, e. Hubbartls Have Daughter. rimvn, toarlio-r.i nt the Kmillwuod Rlrlinnla, it. oancd cars and allll who assisted In graveyard ml joining. nnd pMiffi^idoniil men, Fair Iluvcn Ilentala. Mr. nnd Mra. ICdwln Hubbard of any way. public school at Kali- Haven, attend- Dottn. K. ... Hubbard Park, Red Bank, are the ed the Teachers' rol)i>f;i. -roiiforem-v Mr, Mci'hcc, in n very interentlnR Three houses have been rented at Mrs. Alice Butter and Daughler, Aliuiliam Itlkrr CnrlocU (allc, polntiHl nut, tho mlviihtngos of parents of a daughter born yester- —Advertisement. IIK-IIC; II on "Problem,! of Klc.menlnry Kduni- Fair Haven through the Jesae J. 16 2 84 '"nth Ihicfl rtAirrccit anil (.lie ('oiniiumity having ti strong or- day at the Monmoth Memorial hos- nfty-fiiur »iliiuton of Bea Bright, nsed 02 years, died tion" Friday anil Saturday nt Colum- Mrllray agency. Mrs. Margaret SUMMIT. pltal at Long Branch. The Infant Card of Tluinlm. w«m parallel with the t)f compltcatloiiH 'riiursilay niKiit at bia university. Friday evening they f;finizfction to fiolve (lie many civic I wish to thank my klntl relatives, Dornl of Jersey City has rented a Hill. f. .. n has been named Barbara Ann Hub- tho Monmouth Meniorial hosjillal at beard the deliaie between l)j-. liav- nnd commercial problcnm which nrc 2 friends, tho bearers, Mr, Hnrvey £!. live-room dwelling on Hendrickaon Hlnuuhter, bard. Before her marriage Mrs. point njnstJUilJy ai i.'iing, and ninth* many ._ 0 Bedle and Rev. Mr. Johnston for or pliire (,f Long Hrancli. whore lie had lu-cn a ley and Dr. KHpntrlck, two iif th',, place, owned by tho Hed Bank Fiuilil- Hl S»lt«.l l patient a nionlh. Mr. Carloi'k way hiMpfnl (iu^HCidiorifi to the Spring ,..'. v.r..".« Hubbard was Mian Louise Hampton, their kindness in my bereavement in Uir, pKKiorty of fleoiao J. euuntry'ti muKt eminent psyehuioKlslM Lake ju"<'Uj>. inK nnd Loan association, and will 8 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles the lose of my wife. Mncl'iiil ml Anna MnrFatlntiii. taktin born nt Oceunpoit mid was tlie oon .Saturday1;* take possession February 1. A six- ^ o in rxocu it Urn milt of CltboiK Iliillil- was ilevnteil ti: rmv.ilil.. Hampton of Rumson. Porcy DeGrotn. bur A«-,.rlfi[| ,ii at limi Hank, • Of Abraham and Loulun Iluvnna Car- numeroUH j)anel tllKcuBlon;:, led by Mr. Mcl'hcc ha» born invited to ftt- room bungalow on Second street, Blarkmitn, !!.'.".'!.'!.""!."!" i l tend tlit! next —Advertisement. roipmntliiii uT the Htale uf New Jemey lock. Ho vvns a gardener tor many prominent cdunitois of the motro d tl t tl K of this gioupgioup,,- owned by the Afalnstay Building and i Undergoes Operation. anil to bo sold hy years. Murvlvlnic are his wife, Mm. polltan iircal' amonu whom were Wil- to \n: hpUl on Jannnry 25, to furtheth r I,ot7i association, has been rented to ' i Miss Yctta Belgrad, daughter of IfltlzalH'th Cnrlpclr. nnd, I wo 'brothci'H, aid in the formatioti n of fi co 0 8 21 Too Late JFor ^Cla»tificalion. IIOWAIIP imam, eimta. liam M. Smilh of Freeliolil, ruiinly Hichnrd Beer of Ijonjt Branch. OmrU!» -n<,t« , Tiylnr; umiiho Olov- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Belgrnd ot William C. and Howard H. Carlock ity orpiriiy.alfon. At thi» tinio rCT FOR sXTSi CMBAi'—^r7t~~ke"nn"ef "of DatiMl Janiioiy IIIII, IDIIIi. miperintcndent r,r n(lu,f,la, and O. ,j Charles Brit ton of Fair Haven hns r: icoicr, l'oolo; tlmor, (llvam. Wavorly place, underwent an opera- poulti-y house. 20xla feet: mom forApploKKtu, Ktevous, router A Keiiasllla, Of Be» Hrlclit. poit will ho made by the ron Moulton, aupervislng jirinelpul, of lcnsrd a flvq-room bungalow on tion Monday morning nt tho Mon- 'cnty Urge ilbB*; used otily nix nuiiithn; Solicitors. The funeiul WUB held Bmnlny tf-Ocean Grove. itiitctl to d up n cunatjtutfon Maple avenue, owned by Mra, Jayno Tim road to (letter and biguor Dual- by-luws. mouth Momorial ho«pital for appen- .^riKh C. Srltton of Wananmna, neaa leada through Tho KegiBter'a ad- Idlcnk. rpionV'i Huya inn rniilto extra pockol money virtltinx columna,~AdvertlJeiD«nt, 3200-J." Tils Kogiotor.—AdverUtenient. RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 17.1935. Wednesdiy evening with Mr. . and The Activities Of Mra. Frank Pittlnger of Red Bank. Mr. and Mra. Raymond WhlU ate .confined Indoors with grip. Mary Mount Guild Mrs. Wllllfcn Harner of Ardjley, ONMOUTH COUNTY'S GREAT,, MARKET PLACE! Pennsylvania, who hw batn spend- ti Meeting Held Friday Night at ing two week* with her mother, Mrs. Where the Buyer Meets the Seller" Thirty Words for Twenty-Five Cents! the Home of Mri. Arthur Ry- Samuel Smith, returned home Sun- er»on >ult TWO large well-heated rooms, slngla or Oak place. Fair Haven, phone 'Hit, deputy: REWATtD for return of sign marked A. I.UTTLB""WHITE SOUSE Antique shop, illace Btreet, Red Bank, phone '19H2-J, at 27G Mechanic atreet, after 5:00 P. M., connecting, In private home; reasonable HOUSE"for rent, *U rooms amTbath i"4H Hank was held Friday evening at Elkus, which Wai stolen from estate last Headden's Corner. Bed Bank. Many at- T .price.! (ft!n- ug. phone Red Bank 1490, venlent to town and high ichool, [MQ Vic« councilor—Harry Lange. bNU, Kngll»h Better,"' Llewellyn. Owner id sold. . hone Red Rank 2800. !: I . K. McKce, 16 McLaren street, lted B*nL Hudson avenue. MM. J. William Conduetor«~WUliam Sutherland, Jr. may have name hy Identifying. Phono (n tiniall adult family; Rood plain m Warden—J. Clarence Marvin. Itecl Hank Hr,«-It. 'AKE ADVANTAGE of Jlmunry low cook; no laundry. Pliune Ked Bank phone 2200. Helm was in charge of tho dovo- prices on ottr large collection of antiques. FOR REAL ESTATE, Insurance of all 37&2-J. REAL ESTATE WAVANTEDN . SEMI-BUNGALOW. s«v«n roo'mt «nd tionula ind""sno' led""thei Singing of Innfdo •entlei—William H. Hycn. LOHT, black and tan Airedale dog. If flralsted's Uallery, 16 Mechanic street, lied OuUld» »entl«l—Malcolm Luker, found iileafie return to W. C. Waterman, kinds or first mortgage loans, con- WOMAN wanted, white, foi iceueral HKht WANTED, five or six rooms e phone Rura- port, N. J., on* block oft Shore Highway. AINTERr and paper hancori and d«cor- apartment*; Improved I all location*. was presided over by Mrs, \V. W. son 337.' >hone 418, Kayport. »tor; rcaHonabie prices. Will paper a eiitabllahetbllhdd ngenry to llirti , firefi dd au- FARM or Bentieman's entate wanted. Just ofo f Broao d street, Lmnimnil 44 Loaa Co Arrangements have been completed tomobile Insurance on ro mm Union bnais. PleaBb furniflh complete details irpmedU 12 Mechani trMtngd BankBank . " Kennedy, (lie president, It was re- LOHT, KUIjghtgn avenue. Red Hank, phone 86K7-J. IROCKRY, delicatessen am) candy store homo of MrB. Alfred Beck and Tues- Mrs. E. T. Waul entertained a UOO1) ilKLV, (jooil positions. Monmouth DESIRABLE homo for rent unfur- day, January 22, at the home of Mrs. so two Buita of clothes i no dealora. Kus- FOR SALE, one uecd Frlgldalro and one RTHUK E. HOYCE, plain and~dccoratlve Employment Agency, 107 Monmouth for sale; no reasonable offer refused. number of friends at a two-day bridge fiell, 22H River utreet. Kod Dunk.* used Kelvinator, both in good condi- palntlnp; expert paperhaiiRlng, " 11)35 atreet. phone Red linrtk 3500.' nished, S45 per month; three'bed- Writa_ Box 2Q1_ Monmouth Beach, N* J. j,, Harry Chamberlain. session at her home over tho week- CHILD'S maplo crib, aprlns and mattre»», tion and bargains, Inquire Fred D. Wl- washable) Imperial wall paper tnmpleB. A (iIRL wanted for huuRework, with rooms and bath, attic, living room, RED DANK vicinity—Hundredt~Vf""farms kolT Co., ID W. Front atrect, Ked Bank. sUmatc.s on Bnrliitf painting and Natlonnl to suit any pocketbook, Illustraud Tho penny bags distributed by tho end, The- games were featured by junior »ize; excellent condition. Call erence/i; sleep in; moderate salary, dining room, kitchen. Can be seen Red Bank 1UH9-J.' __• louaing contrnctn supplied. Fine work, iooklet free. Ray H. Stlllman, Stata wayo nnd moans committee, of which the brilliant bidding and playing ot FIREWOOD, t«.00 per load, 110 per cord) i Phone <86 KUIIIHOII. .steady job. Mrs. Vlvinn IMFlore, 1D4 by appointment through Allaire & ilghway, Eatontown, N, J. phone Eaton- Mra. Morgan Eilert Is chairman, will AUTOMATIC "'stakes for .sale chimp, used fireplace wood, til per cord. Locust Monmouth Btreet, UcdBank, plione 1494,__ Joseph Pockrlss, who is a member of only short time; reason for Belling, posts, oak lumber, planing and sawing. Son, Agency, Inc., 19 Monmouth ,own 178. bo collected at .the Fepruary moet- the Long Island brldgo league of building requires larger stakes t also auto- Dharlea G. Dennett & Co.. office phone BEDBUGS, roaches, flcaa, moths, etc., street, Ked Bank, phone 3450. 'OR SALE or exchange, Southern Calif or* Brooklyn. matic feed end ash remover. Call 1251, Mlddletown 668, residence 79. permanently exterminated (guaran- MISCEUANEOUS. nla bunsaiow. modem Improvement!, Red Bank. 'ASH REGISTER, practically new. all teed). Rata caught with ferrets (not rarajw; large yard; onnne, lemon, grtpt- Followlng tho business meeting The first quarterly conference of I BUY and sell second-hand clothes, must FIVE-ROOM bungalow, all improvements, 'ruit and deciduous - trees; imall town, Rev. Mr. Mlllor, as the gueat speak- T, VIVIAN, Hudson avenue. Port Mon electric; registers up to $00.09. Para- poisoned). Phone 2843 Asbury. Jack ' be in good condition. L, Kcrber, 200 Barege; one for $31, one for $36, one>range belt, San Bcrnadlpo vailoy; Ideu the Methodist church will bo held to- mouth. Wood, $2.50 for quarter cord, mount Fet Shop, 27 Monmouth street. Red Kendrlck, exterminator, established for $45 and one for J55. All near Red ill year climate; fifty mllei Loi Angelu. er, gave a talk on "Is Honesty the Bank. Shrewsbury avenue. Red Bank, Phono Bank. Rolston Waterbury. 107 Monmouth morrow evening at half-past seven sdit bags for fI. Phone Keanaburg 35 years. Phone Red Bank 1107, •Rest Policy?" A discussion followed. 2J* HOT POINT DELUXE $350 electric range, 468-W. street, lted Bank, phone 3500.* Refreshments were served by Mrs.o'clock. Not only tho members of the WANTEDANTED, ..^^ 1 buy aaecond-hand d blcycley a GOOD HOME for BUJB cheap; «U roomt, conference but all other interested EOHTY Whlto lUffhorn hena for sale, rea- like now, sell for $100. George N. De- and eecond-handd frameaf . OrovcO r ParP - RIVER FRONT home of eight rooms, two all improvementB; near centeter cof town. Homtblo, 71! WefiUldo avenue, It«d Laplnlne, C Ilaritan avenue, New Bruns- ? IT'S MUSICAL wo can supply it. In- baths, two-car attached garage, large Ryerson, Mrs. Albert Taylor, Mraperson. s are invited. Btructlon on any wind or (tring Inatru- ker, 8 Mechanic street. Hcd Bank, phone lood residential section. It*!ricrj S6.S00, wick, N.J. 1313. living room with Open fireplace. Rolaton Henry F. Hylln, realtor, Rc later bulldlnr. Christian L. Borge, Mrs. Pierre lent Including accordion. Arrangementa Waterbury, 107 Monmouth street, Red S Mra. Bertha Pease and daughter COAL BANPiE $."5.00, drop leaf table and LAR(JE STOVE, perfect condition; reason in bo made to purchase Instruments. A.I- MONEY to loan on. rUnt bond and mort- Red Hank, phone 743. " Holmes nnd Miss McLean. Other p AI Bank, pphon e 3600.* , guests at. the meeting.besides Mr. Lois and Mr. and Mrs. Lester 0. Wall three chair* 94.00, Morris chair $2.00, for soiling, have no use fnr name. Ad- ) repairingi . AnncDOA , 477 WashingtoWhi n cage. Hendrickson & Stout, % Linden p BAEGAIN—Business property for itt* Ing spent Sunday'with Mr. and Mra.wa«h Btnnds |1.00, drcsacr f3.0«, bnby car- renH Stovo Ftjr Sale, bfjx_ 511. Red Bank.* it-reel, phono l Hank. '17B1. plai:e, Red Bank. . HOUSK for rent, B!X roome and bath; hot with dwelling. Lot 50x160 f«t With Miller were Mra. Nina Butter, Miss r wntef heat, all improvementni very good Leonard Fleckensteln of Fair Ifaven. llano 32,00. Other hnrKnlna. Uned Fur- ~T V"7~7~ CESSPOOLS cleaned, cellars dug, Bcooping AUTO LOANS— Confidential. prompt, rear entrance; price 58.500. Henry F. Hy- Florence Goetzo and Mrs. George nlturo Exchange, state highway, Headden's . lonil and $10 a cord. Also (.uernney and grading, nt rensonnhle riites. How. courteous servlca: no endorpementsi location; rent reasonable. Call 399-R for lln, realtor, Register ballding, Ked Bank. Axtell. The Bubjeot ot the sermon Sunday Co rncr.* , COWB for mile. J. H. Taylor, Everett road, rrl Maxson, phono Atlantic Highlands payment! reduced. Federal Acceptance further information." 'hone 74a. morning at the Methodist church will FOU SALE CHEAP, furniture, includlntr phone Bed BankJS 18-11*2. Co., 610 Electrio. building, Asbury Park, SKVEN-ROOM house in Little Silver; tUo [UVER building site for aale, north end Tho next meeting will be held bo "Tho Dynamics of God." In tho liluno. Tlior maiiBle, complete dinintr BUNSON oil burner, used two months; phone 8230. Open aventnga 7:00 to n:00. hath and Bhower, four hedrnoms; ntaam Cooper'a brtd.Ee. oa Shtawabury rlvar. Friday evening, February 8, at theevening the process of spiritual de- room sot, hand carved mahognny library paid $22.50, will Fell for $15, Mr*.FUEL OIL tanks for sale and In- heated, li replace; garage; {45. Milton Ions frontaeo on west aide of Stata High* home of Mrs. Charles Hammell of pet. Diudge & Son, 125 Broad street, R«d Walter IB rower, Nutauamp road, addreas OLD GOLD—We pay cfinh ror your old Berk, 88 Broad gtrcet, phona 1616. nay. artesian well on lot. Aliton B«ek* velopment will bo discussed, using as IJiink, phone 894.* stalled ; grading and landscape sold jewelry, watches, teethteet, etc Raus- man. attorney,_Heil Bank. . Spring street. A play will be pre- Box 151-3.' Red Earth.* aUlulli' 8G Bd tt Rd Bk SMALL HOUSE for rent at Kane lane, sented under tho direction of Mno.the subject, "How We Grow." UY Ambricoal nnd save 20& on your FOR SALE, teum of" bay mares, nix yearn .work; mason work, trucking j sand, 8G Broad Btreet. Red Bank. Mlddletown; convenient to bus; reaaon- FOR SALE or rent, five-room log cthln, A covered dish supper will be coal billn. Others are doing; this, BO old; lino workers; Bound and gentle. ,YV. cinders and eravel. Old buildings torn HIGHEST prices paid for raw fura. I. able rent. William Kane, Kana lane, Mld- with one or ilx acreB, by brook: 300 Chamberlain, who will havo charge can you. A trial will convince. We Kuar- S. Force, phone 160.3-It, Red Bank.* down and removed. A. Jones, plipns Vogel & Son, 25 Broad Btreet, Red Bank. dletown, N. J. head poultry house; orchard, grapes, and of the progmin. served in the annex of the Methodist •intfee "it. M. V.MbW, U Wharf avenue. road stand market on highway, six miles church Wednesday aftorntion and FOR SALE, McGRAY lee box, 3 feet wld«. Eatontown 477. --- — NOTICE TQ TRAPFERS^I -buy all klnrln SIX-ROOM house for rent. ?15 monthly, Red Hank, iihone 27. 7 feet high, 7*4 teet lonp, In perfect of raw furs. L. S. Becker, 273 Shrews- ""with light and water." 10~Wall" street. fiorri Asbury Park. K, 1-l.Gi" "JSatontowni ovenlng, January 30, from half-past ZBN1TH i-odio, cabinet, was «42E, will eell condition, 81 cubic feet capacity; excellent bury avenue. Red Dank, phone 8627-W. HaRed Bank. InInquirq e J. Coley, 8 Walt N. J. • . five until half-past seven o'clock. A for S30; Phllco cabinet radio, was 1250, for tavern, delicatessen, restaurant, srro< street, Red Bank.* KIVER FRONT property for ,•«!«, com- Belford News. will sell for {86; Majeatlo radio, was $166, windows; save 26% of fuel coata. H. TRAPPERS—Wo pay more for raw fura. large attendance of tho residents of eery, etc.; has Frlfrldalre unit. ThU com'A. Hond rtcknon & Co,, phone [tod Bank A LARGE vari«ty--of housea, bungalows fortable house; garuge, spacious will sell for *1S. AH M» good condition. blnatlon cast 91,000, will B«II very chffnp; 1 Miller Bros., Eatontown, N. J., phono flntl apartments in H«d Dank and vicin- grounda; riparian rights; modern Improve* (The Red Dank Register can ba bought this.section and neighboring com- Trnde-In Department, Sterling rurniture box is too largo for present owner. Will 400, 114 Monmouth ntrefit, Red flunk,. ity, G. Howard Lipplncoit, 3i Monmouth ments. Reasonable leans. Phone Bed tn Belfonl at the atorea of Mra. Johnmunities Is anticipated. Shop, ^1 Whlto street, phono Red Bank consider exchange for smaller box and RAPPERS, ATTENTION 1 I will pay the WANTED, email lot of pullet chickens; street, phone Red Bank 321. Bank 2432-R. O'N'Ul. H. GlayBalr and Harry Waller- cash consideration. 70 Bay avenue. High' hlghcBt market price for your raw furs. • munt be reasonable. Address I'\ Henes, The Senior Kpworth league will 1 i'OIl KENT, mpdel bungalow with Frigid' £3IX-KOOM house for tale; electricity. 27B man'a waiting room.) •\VAHUitOlJE TRUNK , uuaa once, two otb* lands, N, J." Abo Goldman, fi2 MRPIB avenun, Fair Ha- cfncral delivery. Ked Bank. meet at tho Methodist church Sun- v alre, fltillraan Park, Eatontown; thlrty- South Pearl street, lied Bank. Joseph er stylo trunks and fine suit case for FUR COATS for sale, marmink and grey «" N-Js£h°»« Red Bank 2050-M , w-6uLb~LrkB~t^hrve~iMlb~~^r~i d to board; foot living room, open fireplace with Romeo. ^ j Jamea Murphy of Long Branch day evening at quarter to seven eflle; also Belling privately all farm lm- muskrat, |25 eaeh. Call evenings or VENETIAN BLINDS—Mada to fit any ! reasonablbel ratet i Address _Box_266 , :I kttknotty-pini e panelingeli ; bbedroomd , mirroreidd TWENTY-ACRE farm, partly, wooded..Mat spent Monday with Mr. and Mrso'clock. . The senior choir will meet lemcnts to nettle estate. Mrs. Wllllard Saturday afternoon. 44 Peters place, Kd " window; wide aaleetlon Of colors for slata"- TtUmson.'N. J.* •' -' " door c"*set, bath With showed, linen cltts- tillable; Bix-room modern home, tilt John II. Wormcrt. for rehearsal tomorrow evening at Eehanck, Marlboro, N. J.* flanks : and tapoB. EBtimatea free. Charles C- renalrinfr flat tar roof «t;moder odenn kitchene, , SellerSellers s kitchekitchenn cab cb- bath and kitchen; hot water heatt hard- Miss Kmma S. Pluhn and David LARO15 depot stovfl fnr Bale, In „ TWELVE-PIECE maple new twin bedroom Conover. T. O. Box 4B4, Red Dank, phono E Donalwantedd - Matthew!renalrinfr. flat44 ta Marior roon f l-«l-S oak floors wood floorn.flreplace, two-car gnrage; wa- quarter to" nine o'clock. dition. rhone 2477 Long Branch. suite, mattress and springs, complete, street, Rod Hank.luTl * "Mtth! 44 Mi walls, metal weatheratripulng; hot water ter and electricity; also tenant house now Plahn of Belford and Mrs. Mabel Hlg- The newly elected officers of Sons heat, automatic hot water supply. Garage. rented at $120 per'year; tractor and some ginson of Elboron vlnlted David FIRE WOOD for nnle, kindling, six bagi 9160; four new 9x12 rugs, one U8cd three- WANTED, a smnll uned garden tractor, Large plot. Tennis court; reasonable rent* and Daughters of Liberty lodge were $1.00; furnace, $1.00 lotn to IE.00, fire- piece overstuffed living room suite, like AUTOMOBILES. with plow and hay cutting attachment. R rg Hp Slll Et rt; eN J equipment, near highway, one mile from Plahn, Jr., at Peddlo School at Installed last week, after which re- place, one-Qiiniter cord J2.75, half cord new. In perfect shape, $4R; several used Addreim Box 214, Locuat, N. J. Ray H: Stlllman, Eatontown. N. J. Red Bank. Owner leaving state; $8,000; Hlghtattrwn Smjdny.i.., $!i.firt. Sperinl attention to phona orders rugs, various sizea, $2 up. Time payments MAURICE SCHWARTZ. Chrysler, Ply- HALF HOUSE for rent, six rooms and terma. Milton Dork, 68 Broad street. Red of cako and loo cream and If necessary. L. E. Brown. 117 Prospect mouth, ami International truck Sales nnd OIL BURNER -wtinttid for kitchen etove; bath; hot water heat; good location: Bank, phono 1616. _ ^ W, Juluinuni phono 1H?J, Ealoiitown. munt boo In .gnooto l cotulltlon and cheap MIBS Margaret drotty and hea.r social time were enjoyed. Tho-fol- avenue. Rod Bnnk, phone fi7. Service Headquarters, i'hone Ked Bank rent reasonable. For particulars cull Re*. NOlXWOOO, rnndern ^five-room home, FOR SALE, walnut dining room extension for cash ; or large stove. In Bank 399-R. - brother HMward entortained at their lowing officers were installed: tulilo with nix ^-halrni No dealers. Thone MODERNIZE your home with wall textun perfect condition. Add Oil Burner built, 1931, for salet hot water heat, homo Friday ovsmlns Mr. and Mrs. Rumson Ali- V ^,_ direct from the factory; easily applied CHEVROLET COACH, 102H;Vnu"d n D HOUSE to lot at Fair Haven; nill rent fireplace, screened porch, tile bath, ihow- Councilor—Miss Margaret Heyer. inning .'wanted, box 511, Rgd Bank.* fivo-room house, - all improvements, to er, extra lavatory; two«car garage. Lot Charles Thompson of River Plaza, LAIUJEimrlor stove for Bale: rorfeot con- no odor, covers cracks; does hot chip or Astoclate councilor—Mrs. Ida Compton. peel. Hardens In eight hours; whllo or n Wm, " family, for $15. Phone Red Bank 75x150. Gacrlfice. Address M. D.. box Mre. James Murphy, Miss Nell Mur- Vice councilor—Clifford. Compton. dition; reasonable. MrB. Wlllard Ro< color. 25-pound bag, $1.00, enough for or rent. Havo waiting list. Act at CR.R__48 Hudaon_ayenue,_Red Bank. ^ fill. Red Bank. Associate vice councilor—Mrs. Frances ID Drummond plnce, Ked Bank.* near Pleasant Inn." once.. CalCal Red dBan nk 1261-126oM ro r wrlteo ' phy and Mrs. J, V. Keegan of Port four walls. Atlantic Paint and Wall Tex- SEVEN"-ROOM modern home~in" Littlo Sil- FIFTEEN ACR&S. excellent soil, on Mon- Andraws. HAIililN LESPEDEZA—Nortncrn srown ture Co., 110 West Front street. Red Bank. SACRIFICE—1031 Nash sedan, perfect G J. Mcllroy. 718 River road, Fair HQ- Monmouth, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sher- Recording iecretary~—Mrs. Mary E. running condition. Reason for aale, N. J. ver; four bedrooms, tile bath and show- mouth road. West Long Branch. $300 an ry of Long Branch and Mr. »nd Mrs. Walling. . .. seed, be«l known pnnturo leiume, re phone 2361-W, owner leaving town.- Inquire at Red Bank er[ nteain heat; garaga; $45. Milton Berk, acre; also. sU-room bungalow, new, all Im- seeds Itself, drought resistant. I hava I Radiator Works, -IIS West Front street, 88 Broad street, phone Red Bank 1616. provements; $6,000. Eany terms. C. E. David Schnoor, Mr. and Mrs. John Associate recording secretary—Mrs. Lei LARGE Kelvlnator refrigerator, in good BEEF CATTLE and fat ho«a wanted. ter Walling. limited quantity to sell for one-tenth o condition, $25. See Milton Bert, 83 Red Bank." Anderson, Monmouth' road, Long Branch, H. Wermcrt, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley tho prlco I paid for seed last year. WrIU 'f Prices aro very good. Write or phone B. FTY-ACRE farm for rent; eight-roo N. J. Financial secretary—Mrs. Lllllam Clay- for particulars. Albert Nelson, AUentown, Broad ttreet, phone 1616. Red R] WE MUST make room for our new 1935Zlotkln, 28 Mechanic street, phone 26 house,, barn andd chickecicken hhouseo ; I ann Cook of Belford. The evening was ton. N. J. FLORENCE cabinet oil stove $ 1 li; eleven Pontlncs. Here 1« a Jlst of tho finest Freehold, N. J. brookk; prici e $4CO$F per year. Frankk FOR SALE or rent, eight-room house and Treasurer—Mrs. Iiulu Kastmond. COR-VELL-PEACOCK school will begin its Lawes, phone Red Bank 2876. bath; all Improvements. 128 Branch enjoyed in playing cards yards now inlaid linoleum $:>.IM); copper used cars in town at a price thnt will suit second hnlf-ypnr on February l'pt; chil- Guldo—Mrs. Ida Bailey. STRICTLY fresh eggs from our chicken steam tnble, four-hole, ? .1.(10; walnut your ituckct book: 1934 Pontlac coach PART of ollice for rent; good location .venue. Red Dank. Price $6,700. Phonft Mrs. Jaaies Whiston and daughter Inside guard—Mrs. Ediu Whitney. fnrm in Everett, fold at our plnre Rt dren entei in # tho primary department at china closet $8.00. Thrift Shop, Wilson $635, 1933 Pontlac 'coupe' $4G(i, 1933 l'on-this time will have nn 'extra amount of reasonable. Phone B80 Red Bonk. W. J Eatontown a 04. Mrs. Joseph Herry.^i__ ^ Hulda and Mies Jean Whloton of Outailife guard—Emmet Clayton. HeuU'Jtm'it Corner, on Mlddletown hish- avenue. Fort Monmouth, near nrehouBe." tlac four-door sedan $620, 1932 Pontlac Mills, 6 Drummond place. Red Bank,1^ GASOLINE and auto service atation, do- Trustee for 18 months—Clifford Comp- wny. F. E. Wald.' Individual attention since some of the pu- Kearny and Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. BEST of flre wood, oak and hickory for coach S345, 1922 Chevrolet Fcdnn $335, pils hnve gone South for winter months, FIVE-ROOM bungalow, all Improvements, Ing paying business j very Interesting. ton. 1932 Ford roadster $286. 1331 Chevrolet French la taught in all gi-nden by a ParlBi. You purchase only equipment and sup- Cook of Point Pleasant spent Sunday Representatives—Mlsa Anna Luker for EEFIilfiERATOR bargain, six cubic feet, ntovo or fireplace. Address Louis Des< aedan $265, 1931 Ford Victoria coupe $245, for rent, $20 per month. J. S. Hayes. plies. Corner location, central location* porcelain inside; extra thick insulation, tribnts, Llncroft Farm, Red Bank. enne. Phone Red Bank_3020. 46 Church street, Fair Haven.* with Mr. and MrB. John V. Glass, two years, Mrs. Dorothy Patterson for one hcrmetlcnUy sealed, oil encaBed; sold for 1930 Bulck roadster $256, 1930 Ford Do not reply unless you have $1,500. Pri- Mrs. Jennlo Compton and Miss Eur- year. TURKEYS and geeBo for sale. 418 West roadster $65. Rasnas Brothers, 19-21 Me-WE~~BUy~everythln» I Furniture, rugs, FARM of 33 acres for rent; buildings, vate party. Address G & A, box Ell, Kel S2fio. It's perfect. *65. Easy terrai End avenue, Long Branch, phono C09-M chanic street, Red Bank, phone 3065. EaBy bric-a-brac; antiques, books, ice boxes. roadside stand optional; good soil, etta Jane Foster went with Mr. and Tuatlnff'R, 16 Monmouth street. Bank. % FURNACE for sale. RIchardBon & Boyton stoves, etc. We sell everything. See unbrook, highway. E. G. Parker, Monmouth Mrs. Cook to Point Pleasant for' a ^__ TWO LOTS on South side of Garfield aven. Port Monmouth News. ItADIOS, $5.00—All electric Atwater 24-Inch fire box, used four years; good nnd savo money. Auction Gallery, 11 East •road, R._p,_West Lon» Branch, N._J. nue, Atlantic Highlands, N. J.; third and few weeks' Visit. ICeritn, several styles; good bedroom or :oii lted Bnnk 1100, extension 11. quest. . ti. Howard , LIppIncott, 31 Mon- Mlaa-Florence Grant, Irving Gillette able. Phono Rod Bnnk 706-R-I. preferred Btock, one or more shares: wll Bergen place (East),* tem; newly painted throughout. '11 West HOUSE for rent, with sarage. Brenksri m^uth street, phone_Red_Bank_J21. dependent flro hall tomorrow night. exchange for business lot on highway. IT'S~HERE I~ Thi\t used cor you've been Front street, telephone 410 Rumnon, N. J. r/07 Weit Front street, R«d Bank. and Harold Lube. POLAND CHINA end Whlto Chester. Wlint have you 7 Addresa Bank Stock, box y e A COLONIAL home which cost over Mrs. John H. Wermert and Mrs. Wil- crossed, Bced hog for service or for sale. looking for. Get our roposition on a UNFURNISHED "apartment, four rooms WONDERFUL buslneaa opportunity foi 611, Red Bank.^ recommended used car. and bath; all Improvements. George H. $20,000 and which has merited tho ad- liam Kelly will direct the party. The gunday-aohool of Community Raymond E. Thorne, Palmer avenue. efore you buy. right party; beauty parlor, three years' miration of many lovers of nice homes, Kcnnsburg, N. J. GOOD USED furniture at low prlceB: Ih We will Bave you money, time nnd a lotHallanan, 12 West River road, Rumson, establishment; good business j all improve' Twenty-eight members of tho Meth- church will meet Sunday afternoon ing and bedroom suites, aquarium, mat- of headaches. That's our story. Now has Just been placed on the market to sell ments; no other in town; store, arcadi for $11,500.00. For full particulars call or odist Epworth league attended a at half-past two o'clock. The regu- 100 RAZOR BLADES 80c; double edged, tresses, stoves, llnoloum, throw rugs, etc. romo in and make us prove It. 1933 front._ T._Davls. Atlantic Highlands.* lar preaching service will be at half- for old and new Btyle holders; single Visit our BhowroomB. No obligation. Auc- Chryslers, Plymoutbfl, Fords, Chevrolets NICELY furnished three rooms and pri- r write G. Howard Lippincott, 31 Monmouth meeting of tho Council of Religious edtte. hollow ground, of finest quality tem- tion gallery, 27 East Front street, phono nnd Dodges, coupes, coaches and sednns— vate bath; overlooking river, close to $2. ."PER MONTH will rent seven-room Btreet^phona Red Bank 821. Education at tho Rod Bank Metho- past three o'clock, with Rev. Peter pered steel, guaranteed to glvo satisfac- 1693." iko new, cars In every way—all hut thostation nnd business area. Heat and hot house. In down town, Red Bank; thre TEN ACRES of good farm land on atat« dist church last Thursday evening. Boelhouwer, tho pastor, In charge. tion or money refunded. Send no money. nice. 77 Chrysler, flve-pnaBenRer deluxe water furnished; private entrance. Sheri- doors from Rrond Btr«et; thoroughly ren highway No. 31; also ten acres on old COCKER SPANIELS, black female pup- dan, 31 Eiveieldc avenue. Red Dank, phone ovated and painted inside and out amstate highway No. 35. Roliton WaUrbury. The next meeting of the council will The Ladlea' Aid meeting which wfl r,, c. o. D.. PIUB postnire. Ordor mr plea for sale; registered with A. K. C,•oupe: . Drive It and you'll buy It. Stude- bnkers.. Dodgesoges, Bulcks nnd PontlacsPontla , $$35 677. rendy for immediate occupancy, Inquir< lOVfrMonmouth street. Red Bank, phon* bo held Xt Belford. to havo been held Tuesday at the Supply llmHod. H. Herman, Dept. A age two months. Price $10. HayeB. 32 Hod_Bank_n00. U500." ..._. , .. „_.,...„_.„_!_,_.,__. homo of Mrs. Paul Sldoll was post- Mel""1!' Smllh Amboy' N' '" Ocennport avenue. Long Branch, phone For a bottebo r buyy in a useedd FOR KENT, furnished apartment of three L Edward Runyon la suffering with 1077. MorrlMl H att MMan liri e SSchiva.rtK'h n Uocil or. four rooniH, nil improvcmciita; FIIK- DIIICK nUNCiALOW, flv« rooms, tile bath THEE nine "acres Inndl Foreclosure bar- poned until today. I'RIVATE SALE of furnlturo In Bevon- Lot, West Front street at Pearl ldniro and gnruKO; suitable for business extra lavatory, open fireplace, oil burnei gain; nenr Red Bank, Hovon-room house, a severely cut linger which required room house nt PO ThrockmorLon avenue. AMBRICOAL. the premium allty •et. Red Bank, phono n:j7. couple. Phono lted Hunk, 1409-J. heat: attached one-ear garage; excellen tho attention of a doctor. A daughter was born to Mrs. Cor- Call between hours of 9:01' A, 11. and 7:00 at ttia low price of $10.76 per ton. You pood condition; nine acres cultivable land( P. M.- BUICK Umi-iiiK nir. motor just overhauled'; APARTMENT of tlircc large' light roomn, cndition. Rohton Waterbury, 107 Moi price S-.J'5'ti ilrst mortjrairo $2,000. bal- nelius Brltton at Fitkln hospital at hnve never known such valuo and we good tninspurtiUion for ?iu. Call at 0 mouth street,_phone_Red Bank 3500.• Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hyers spent guarnnlpe M. M. V. Brown, 24 Whnrf ave- newly decorated, with private bath; nice- ance fflch or part caah. taking second Friday with Mr. and Mrs. William Asbury Park Sunday. TROPICAL FISH nnd beautiful now plants Forrest nvriiue, Hunihon, N. J. residential Btreet, near poatollice. 32 Pc-ByNr;ALbWS~iiTlted Bart~flvo rooms, al mortciiEe. Tor nuch prlco you do not even to drcKH up your oquarium. Fish sup- nue, _Rcd Bank, plione 27. ters_place. Redjtarik. • imiuovemcnts; good condition: garages pay half of what only tho houce la worth Havens of Neptune. Mra. John E. Bennett has turned FOR SALE quick, some old fashioned In nor resignation as organist of theplicn. nqufirlums for sulc. At Betsy ROBS FIVE-ROOM" nmf bath npor^me'nt"; drive- $2r. per month. John H. Cook, Jr., Syca- and net t nine acres land free. Inqulq r Miss Marian Waters of Mlddletown Fish Hatchery, 1 Alloiv place (just oft Riv- dlshea and glannwnre. Call Saturday, 10 FARM PRODUCE more avenue, Shrewsbury, N. J., phon VORUB OOarbeb r ShoiSh v 16 WhlWhltto streetteet , RReed Hudson uvcniie, Hcd Bank.^* way and parking space in rear. -Rent villago spent Wednesday and Thura Atlantlo Highlands Presbyterian erside avenue), phono 366-W, Red Bank. FARMERS and truck growers will find a $17. liumhe on 'premiscR. 119 West Ked- Bnnk 3J2T.-J. Bank.' day of last week with Miss Doris church to tako effect February 1. WASHINC, MACHINES— Sales and repair^ ready market for their produce by adFront!stteet- , phone "li.'il-W. Mrs. Bcnnott will continue her work FOR KALE, feoy'a blue doree milt, alea fif- Ing. Cash pnid for UBOd waBhers. May- vertising in The Register's classified col- POBt. teen years; aa good as new; cost $16, tag BpccinliRtH. TuiiBtlng'fl, 16 Monmouth umnn. as assistant organist of tho Newwill sell for $5.00 to quick buyer. Phono Btroet, phono Red Bank 30. ROOMS FOR RENT. Mr. and Mra. Myron Golden of Monmouth Baptist church. Roil Hank 3012.* _____ POULTRY FEEDS—Park ft Pollard, none Rosello spent Sunday with Mr. and SAVE DOLLARS on your coal bills—us bettor; surprising low caah prlceB. Let TWO ROOMH, furnished, desirable locu- Fifteen members ot tho Women's AMBRICQAL Is the coal that is "guaran- Ambrlcoiil for economy, efficiency and us quote you our epecinl low prices on tion ; very rcnsnnriblo to right party; Mrs. Gcorgo Golden. Republican club made a bus trip to teed to BIVO comploto nntlafnctlon at only comfort; high In value, low In price. For your mRnh. . Hanco A Davis, phono Red furnlshetl for Unlit housekeeping. 201 Mr. and Mra. Irving Roop attended $10.75 per ton. Try It nnd bo convinced. sale only by M. V. Brown, 24 Whnrf avo Bunk 103, __ .-_ Borgen i-lace^ Red Hank. Trenton Tuesday to eea Governor M. V. Rrown, 24 Wharf avenue, Rod Bank, nue. Red Bunk, plione 27. a birthday party Wednesday evonlng phono 27. DAIRY" FEED—Quality balanced rations. FURNISHED room on second floor front, at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Harold G. Hoffman Inaugurated. Cut your food' costs. Get our Bpcclnt with kitchen prlvllcKu. Address 36 Eaet Mr. and Mrs. Robert Homan of low can(i price otl a good 20% feed. Hanco Rockerfeller'a of Keanaburg. Tho BUSINESS NOTICES & } Front Btreet. tied Itiuil.. occasion was Mrs. Rockerfellor's I/ong Island and Walter Homan of serious, tho elck folks being ablo to r iivin, phone Red Hunk 103, DOUBLE and fiinulo comforUiblo rooinn for birthday.' About thirty relatives and Arlington wero Sunday guests of about aftor being kept Indoors two 3. ESTELLE. imlntinff, decormlng and 1XEH luiy. iiIfiiifit."yZ'Tl»\77uru nniTTtraw rorit; mcitlii optlixuil. KeiiBonable ; ga- and Mrs, Frank Homan. paper hantfi if: [inlntn, vnrnlshea nn for imtc. Phone Entunfowu 134-J-2. rii^u. 2 ll! Muplc avenue, Rud Ilnnk, jihoue friends woro present. r or three daya. Tho latest to recover wall pnper for nn\enne OfllcOfll o And shop, 2 aoi-J. _ ;,_.. .^.._ Farmer's Opportunity. Mrs. Bort Johnson entertained a Tuesday, January 29, tho LadiCB*nro Mrs. Wilbur Roberts and herMount mrcet. Keil Hank. HAY, STRAW, ear torn. (Jrccn Moun- ROOM "for Tisht houHckeetiinir, heat »up- fow friends at a bridge party at her daughter Gertrude. tain potntoefl; moderate prices. lilk'd'; near imlh: iefeieivi'8 rpijulred. auxiliary of the flro company will (iltOOVED met nl weatherstrips Installed, Tho farmer who has a aurplua of apples, pota- homo )ast Thursday ovcnlng. The hold a luncheon and card party at The Baptist Bible school will meet Price* fciis,>mible. Write or nhono for Matthew Mullln. ^rookilale Farm, Addre*« M. ti., bux 511. Ileil Hunk." guests wero Mrs. Mclvln Lock, Mra. Sunday morning at 9:45 o'clock and CHtlmiite. M. !'• Stokes, R. F. D. No. 1 UnciofC N. J.. phono 32S2-W. Red ROOM for i-or.t to nnm only; neatly fur- the flro hoUBO. Tho profits will go Keyiioi-t, phone 114-3, niiilied; next tn buth; prlvoto family. toes, pumpkins and cabbage, or other farm produca David Schnoor, Mrs. Our ret Wilson, the preaching BOIVICO will be at 10:50 Bank. Into tho good time fund of the aux-o'clock. Tho Christian Endeavor so- SBlVCAHSi mrtVbmiBi7t»id # All poiivotiioiifon; very ioiiHumililo. l'iioiie cannot afford to keep them through tho winter. Mrs. Craig Flnnlgan, Mru. Charles iliary. Friday, Fobruary 8, tho aux- also all kinds of new part* sold; u»e Re .1 U n n k_ 3 S 2 - \V. * VanMcrbacli, Mrs. Stanley Cook, ciety will meet at seven o'clock In elaan, from &0 cento to 11.00. Abo Simon, K,nyedrftritandBecoml Somo are bound to spoil. But n Rieat deal of thl. Mrs.1 Fred Fribott, Miss Irene iliary will hold a Valentino costume tho evening and tho evangelistic 44 iWurthley ttreet. Red Dank, phon uttliiKI alfiilfn, also mixed. Phono'b31 ROOMS .AND BOAUD—AccoimnOda- Naughton, Mrs. Naughton, Mrs. Clay dance at tho fire house. Prizes will service will be at 7:45 o'clock. 1882-J. ' Mtildletowii. B. II. Lcntilhon. tiunt uvallablo nt (Jlobo hotol for loss can bo prevented by Belling tho produce direct bo awarded to the wearers of the GREEN '" MOUNTAIN~"potatoe»~ and Me Balrd antl Mrs. Herman Doran. Mr. nnd Mra. Walter Simpson will TYPEWRITER hiftdauarUrs. Typewriter Iiitcinh nnd Stu.vman a mile B for Bale; largo or amnll rooms, either with or to the thousands of readoro of The Register. prettiest and funniest ooatumcH. rented, tiought, told *nd r«i>airo; nlleraUoiiBi hematltchlriK. 8 cento a EMPLOYMENT. not raise their own otufl for winter conaumptlon. dvpnlm,' at Indopondent flro hall at yard. Telephone 161-J, Hcd Hank. hmtoil lit fo Long Branch. New Monmouth News. liNTEHTAlNBU wnntail: ono wlm flit, nenr Ilroail olitel. 21 l'nte They must buy it. Somebody l.i Kotnff to pockot tho Mlsn Mabel Lukor has been'con- Bclfnrd. Malo or fenmla. Toleplutuu Ki lilaiv, Ki',1 HimW. MUSICAL inntrumenti repnlred; work 1 Tho Bnptlut Sunday-school has KtltlMitovvn 4f)K. lN"SllI!KWSHUItYj " rnmlly profit. Why not you? llncd In bed several days with a Be Everything 1B In readiness for the guaranteed i rtcondltlontd lnatrii- vere cold. elected the following officers: rent liui;c, miiniy i cxL to b itli; annual roll call of tho Baptist church raonta for iaU. Can furnlah any In* bent, if^iiltjnlitil nerti< hl .''upcrlntendpnt—Jnmos E. (Irlgga. tlini, vliiltlnK fa-iumtlieMH, OMK'il newer; 1 A thirty-word advertisement In The Register'* Mr. uml Mro. Harry Lang nnd twothis afternoon and evening. A large IIICSH .Siinny linoiii. II. Ki'il llanl;. children Anna Mae and Frances are Huitoiintciidcnt eineiltuB—John N. Hill- •trument, any make, on approval. In- tnko rare Indy'ti wiiulmbfl, llnccilRi linen, attendance IB looked for. ttrumentfi exchans«d. Price'* Mimlo .li-. ,\>Tomi».i.lallim !T> oilier wirti <.l.liK- l.KiH'l' lio idiiK i,in lor "irnt, ftir- Classified Columns will coot you only 25 cents nnd It confined In bed with grip. Mru. Ella Jamoo IS. OrlggH nnd Harry Wlllcy Asnliitnnt fluiici-lntendont—0. Wealey Store, B1 Wtst Front itrect. Red imr: tca-fdimlile. Aililiesn t'ultui«.>, lio\ 1)11, ..Mioil rolillik-loly. Co'lilliiiiloii. Hcil llniil." KOtmhli). l'.l Drumtnoml til I-F, Ki'il ll'iiil;.' wouldn't be at all surprising If it brought you 2S Havens la tho nttonulng nurso. aro taking a seven-weeks' courno in Dank, 1 r Mru. John V. Gloss and mother, j -fietirne Acker. i;i)Ml' KTKN"'i ~M"AN"'wliir*niiirt"'rar~ for 1'I.KASANT,' tii'rninlu'il. ivn m room; uiilei profitable customers. agricultura1 l Instruction at a furrn- I.IIoinry •oroliiry —Winifred Monta*. noivi,-., work nniunu our n« I.T» hi mimmmlhmii: ..uiM.l.Iu I Mrs. Jennie Trimble, aro out again ors Institute at New Bruswlck. Tho Troastuor Willhun Oliver, ClIECK HI* on your imatinjr plant now, tlili vicinity, ruiiiiiiiu-til wilt I., hUiaily hi- Itlljolllllllt tHltllllllllll '. M> after having been kopt Indoors with instltuto meets every Monday. >-Mini E.llth Cue, (fins Minnie We will ho Klad to call and glvo entl- runic. No hivustmoiit itijiihcd. Wo town. Mrs. t'nrilo Wclib •"•','"idi 'l.lii'lc'l'i Cnlllns nto on rlcanln» and anp other repnlr*. honvy colds. The congregation of tho BaptUt 'rftnk (Jrotchfelt, Cbtiinui Furnace Co. Iliuin.-O anil trnlii. Apply Usm'. tn ti:0l> V. 1.1«™, Itcil Jtank.- Mrs. Knima Iirowu Is spending a h HdBk M,, . Batnion.'pC WOMAN'wimld ill.0 In Into rum of lililcl ltoii III!ilk, iilimir f2 'l'rii8tee»~TlHimns Roherls, Wllllnm E. to Gurflon O, Rudolph, eon of Mr.GEORGB 1). BUOWN, lnmr»nce and KOUMS fnr rent, li dv HOO Thomas Peltlt »f River Plum. Mrs. Morflii Wilbur W. Caddltmton. real csUU. SB McLaren itreet, lied 2(111 Itumsoli, N- 3.' Ihiii; nil In Pottlt lms hern conrtnod Indoors with Choi'lnter—Mrs. Snlnus! Johnston. nnd Mru. I*". A. Rudolph of Jorsey Bank. WOMAN tienhe, work, rainililo uf limmiu- I!) Hinltoii ,-, lltil lliinli, iilioue grip. Mr. Coddlngton la n, new trimtoe, (fllty. Tho ceremony was performed lii(T road IIOIIBP, tnnil Btnml or any klml 1 i(t;i-VV." Mr. and Mrs. Cm-sack and daughter BUccoodlng Elmer Compton, who de-Dccrmbor 31 at Dobba Ferry, Now E (iMl ^—Deautlfy yurbmue nf hnlol work. A(Mlx»s Catiahlc, hox Ml.VKHV i,li>iiHiiiit. ruinlMbo'l roonis fnr l«nt York, by Judge .John McCormtck, with custom tailoreo d re-upholatcrlnrepacr u Hail Ilnnk.* , (or Unlit, houmiknrphin: ull Impron- Mlnnln of New York spent Sunday clined re-election becnuse his busi- bl M hf" VllllNIi (iVlH. wnnliil Tor i.iril tini-n' li'nlp- irientn: ntMir i.t n I Ion Hull biiH.UnA; uUo KK- at their mtnimm' lumin here. ness dudes were mich thnt It wnrt Tho bride in innniigpr of tho COBRivePrhie- na rpnnonablftChnrles KaMe. EntlniMe. 22 FranclB chcprfvi i Fi-; very llul.t ilull.n. rl«a fully ntlcnd to Ihc incfl'-H (Irpai tnHMit In LlftgtHL'n Btoro phone 17U-J, room. Imnnl ami Sir, per ni.mtli ('nil U.MI I .'111 MIIIIBII II'.TIIIII', l!»(l llnnk. . _ Inland spent Huiidny with John Mul- Ulutlco of tho poBltlon, at Knd Hunk. Mr. Hudolph la em-UK!) HANK It.mlne*a Invtllute piepmoa fo U.uik I | ONK (Ht 'I\V(I Ilitlil ami inimiy. iittmrtiv,. •er.reUrlnl voiltloun. Day and nigh WOMAN wnnui »"ik o[( ny Wlmli ••an Iv foini-,heil inonirt; hlcnl locHtlnli i dppr and familyy. . Coldn havo been prevalent heio, ployed by tho Metropolitan Life In- Rphoul. Florane* O'Ahta, 128 Broad itr«tt supply rtfcrourc'. 1X2'1X.I SluowsuinMl y avo- venlent. 10 tov ul (tiillon. Hi) ilr, andd ilruil . 0a.vl0ldd Sh »pcnt None ol the allmenU have proveproved surance company. iuB, ijhou, llaU Unnli Ubl,' AVUIIUV. Hod Dunk." RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 17; 1935.

WANTS AMERICAN CUEWS. Central railroad, received th» organ- eggplant Pour Into buttered shal- and stl» until dissolved. Cool and Asbury Man Ufgef ization's unanimous vote for mem- low baking dish and cover with add rwt of Ingredients. Four into Congressman Suiphln Introduces a ber of the executive committe for crumbs mixed with two tablesspoom mold and chill until stiff. Serve on Bill Affecting American Ships. three years. • • U5n melted butter. Bake twenty minutes lettuce, add *alad dressing. SATURDAY For Pro&etitc President Seigfried appointed the in moderate oven. Jcniwy 26itvApril 13 th His personal investigation into the following committees to serve for Cast-Iron or heavy aluminum-pans Morro Castle disaster and his con- Railroad Men's Republican Glub 1935: Finance, Stacy Partrick, chair- Vegetable Gelatin Salad, are best for baking popovers. aa they versation with members of the crew 5 Suggests William J. O'Hagan man; Edward Stout, Judge Albert A. t pteksga 1-1 eup eookel hold the heat and will not burn CUNARD.WMITE STAR LTD. were responsible for the introduction Goldfarb, W. Leon Hyer, and Fred lemon flavored earroti easily but regular tin, enamel or into the House of Representatives for Appointment for the New Crotchfelt; campaign, W. Leon Hy- Meatless Dinner Menu. , gelatin 54 tt»»poon light aluminum pans can be used if 6-Day Cruiie, $70.00 up of the biH^which would require all - Term. orj Welfare, Samuel B. Zartman; en- Dinner Serving Four. mixniro salt carefully watched. Rate* for stop-overs, Ineladlnf itajy members of the crews of ships of tertainment, Andrew Jones; publici- I cups boiling I tablespoon In hotel, quoted on request. American registry to be American Speaking before the Railroad Eggplant au gratin. ve-ter chopped ' «i» • ty, Charles E. Hendrlckson, Jr., Baker squash. 1 cup chopped onions , The Red Bank Register travels citizens, Congressman William H. Men's Republican club at Long chairman, James V.-Carver, Walter eabban " S tablespoons "over every street in town and every HELEN LEE GETTY Sutphin of Matawan said yesterday. Branch Saturday night, Milton A. Graham date muffins Butter 1£ cup cobk«d chopped H. Klce and William C. Howell; Pickle Relish. creen beans sweet pickles road In the county, Let it carry your Travel Service Mr. Sutphin'a investigation re- Seigfried of Red Bank, president of membership, Fred Crotchfelt, chair- message to those who live on these IS M.chsnio SI, Phonee IU4>U4a vealed that many members of the that organization, urged the appoint- Vegetable gelatin salad. Pour water over gelatin mixture thoroughfares.—Advertisement man. Waller VanNoto and John P. Coffee. IIIIIIMIMIIWHMIIW ljll[/flll/nlh'Wit////////// hip, who ordered sent to, David I?lum, a club cno hour. Drain and rinse well In properly unless the crews are Amer- aerved as second lieutenant in Hold i old water. Cover by six inches with 20 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK. N. J. who are now member and former railroad engin- COMPARE OUB QUALITY WITH OTHERS, ican citizens. Their allegiance in artillery during the World war. eer, who is at present v^ry HI in New cold water to which one teaspoon Pay Monthly Return time of emergency would bo unques- Seigfried said," "Mr. O'llagsin haa York City. \ • ' of salt has been added. Boll gently All Our Sea Food Guaranteed Fresh. No Cold Storage. January tioned. TTo fppls that the desertion heen an active Rppnhljrnn worker in twenty minutes. Drain and add to Booklet "RB-1" on request of the ship by the crew of the Morro every campaign since his graduation Refreshments were , served' after the sauce, i BUY YOUR FISH IN A FISH MARKET. "Hoid-otiers." Castle would not have been a part of from law school In 1020, he is a trial the meeting. - Open to Fubllc the distress if the crew had been lawyer as well aa an ofilce attorney COLLEGE WOMEN'S MEETING. Sauce, Phone 1377. We Deliver. Commodity Exhibition ol unusual American, properly instilled with a with fifteen years' experience, much 3 tablespoon's *i teaspoon Interest to th« Investor from You had a great time sense of patriotism and duty in time of., it- criminal, which eminently fits butter celery »alt FRESH FLOUNDERS , ft. Association Will Have February Ses- 1 tablespoons U teaspoon 10 A. M. to B P. M. dally handing out money in of emergency. The bill provides for him for the important post of public flour onion salt FRESH PORGIES !. 16 a fine to be imposed on shipmasters prosecutor, where he will do his duty selon at Kiimson. 2 cups milk V4 cup grated Decemberand we who violate ita provisions. to protect the public." U teaspoon cheese FRESH SPANISH MACKEREL .. The regular monthly meeting of 2 tab!epoon§ . LEIGH J. SESSIONS know how you feel Congressman Sutphin had intend- Immediately after this, speech by H-e Monmouth rounty branch of the 'i tesspoolt Q melted butter FRESH SMELTS : now. ed to include provisions for longer the president, the club drafted the •American association of University paprika H^ VUJeuJp sltllUDcrumb*. IMPORTED KIPPERED HERRING , : 25c B pair CORPORATION terms of employment for ship crews, following resolution, which was Women was held Monday at the Melt three tablesspoona butter and Established 1828 particularly those in coast wise serv- unanimously carried: • 'home of Mrs. Edmund deMonseigle, add flour. Wben blended' add milk NICE FRESH OYSTER5 18c doz.—35c pt. We know that if we ice, but was advised that such a pro- Inlet Terrace, Helniar. and cook until, creamy sauce forms. SOFT CLAMS 28c qt. IT East 43d St. New York vision would bo opposed to existing WHEREAS. Franklin D. Roose- Mr. E. C. doVillaverdo was the Stir constantly. Add seasonings and YAnderbllt 3-3407-8 are going a satis- velt, President of the United States, cheese. Mix well and add cooked All Kinds of Fresh Sea Food at Reasonable Price* at All Times. factory business in legislation, which provides for the has-called upon all veterans to sup- speaker and her subject was "Japan iiiring of a crew for each voyage. port Federal Attorney General Hom- and the Manchurlan Question." January, we've got to er D. Curmnings in a program to Tea was served at the close of the It pays to advertise in The Register. suppress crime in America, and Miieetlng, Mrs. Thomas Lewis of Red show you miracles in WHEREAS, the Monmouth Coun- flank and Mrs. Henry E. Ackerson ty Executive Committee of the Amer- cf Keyport presiding at the table. merchandise ... we've ican Legion has endorsed the pro- got to pick the lock on gram of the President in the war on The hostesses wero Mrs. William crime, and Abcrnethy, chairman; of Spring Lake your bankbook door WHEREAS, the Monmouth County .Mr*. K. G. Brown 6f Interlaken, Mrs with super values. WAGNER Executive Committee ,of the Ameri- 1I-. G." Burd of Deal, Mrs. Shafto of DAVIDSON BROS. can Legion has endorsed William J- Oakhurst, Mrs. W. G. Herrman of O'Hagan, Counsellor at Law, a mem- Deal, Mrs. E. K. Fowler of Neptune, Here are values hard ber of this club,, for the appointment of Prosecutor of the Pleas of Mon- Mrs. John Mason of Sea Girt, Mrs. to resist unless you are mouth County. I J. B. Strong of Brielle, Mrs. Ray- Market Go. ! inond Williams of Asbury Park and Therefore, be it Resolved, that the 45 Broad St., Red Bank. N* J. as determined to save Railroad Men's Republican club com- ' Mrs. R. W. L. Dunn of Spring Lake. as we are to sell. mends the American Legion in" its The next meeting of the association Prices In effect unqualified and emphatic endorse- will be held Monday, February 10, at Thurs.. FrL & Sat ment of the President's program; the home of Mrs. Edgar A.' Knapp QUALITY PLUS SERVICE that the Railroad Men's Republican club is In full accord with the Presi- of Rumson. Kuppenheimer— dent of the United States and the The literature group will meet next Michaels-Stern— City Cut American Legion to suppress crime Monday afternoon at half-past three 2 PHONES—NO WAITING. and hereby pledges its uncompromis- o'clock at the home of Mrs. H. Scott Devonshire—-' ing support. Rubel of.Hig-hlands. ' n PHONES: 3262 or 3263. ' FREE DELIVERY. I Fresh Hams BE It Further Resolved, that the The legislation , study group will SUITS and Railroad Mon's Republican Club does meet Monday afternoon. January 28, Whole or Hnlf hereby endorse Willinm J. O'Hngan OVERCOATS for the appointment of Prosecutor at hail-past three o'clock at the con- 50 to of the Pleas of Monmouth county. vention hall at. Asbury Park. ,50 Be It Further Resolved that a cer- 21$, tified copy of this resolution bo sent IlISE I'ABTY. 17' 29 to tho Monmouth County Executive Thursday, Friday and Saturday Specials Committee of the American Legion regularly and to the Honorable Harold G. Hoff- Joseph Black of Katontown Tendered 22.50 to 39.50 Long Island man, E. Donald Sterner, W. Warren Surpriso on 48ih Blrthdny. Barbour, Frank Durand, J. Edward Knight and Van R. Halsey. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Black of -Maple avenue, Eatontown, were teu- Ducks This motion was made by Leon ttecod a surprise birthday party by Hyer and seconded by Graham Biebl, number of friends last Saturday who said that Mr. O'Hagan was well night at. their home in celebration of Grape Fruit Juice or Grape Fruit J.KRIDEL 21f fitted to serve the great masses of .Mr. Black's 48th birthday. Per Doz. 99c k people impartially he always Just Received a Carload of Fancy Quality—Reg. 13c placed right before party, a qualifi- The decorations consisted of green, — Red Bank — cation which would do thn Republi- with a birthday cake as a center- While They Last—Large Cans Frying cans more good thaa nairow paiti- pieco on tho table. At midnight a sanshlp. covered dish supper was served. Dur- The annual election of ofilcJrs was ng the evening: cardg were played. held. Milton A. Seigfried was re- Those attending the affair wero CHASE & 3ANBORN DON'T GET UP NIGHTS Chickens elected president for the fourth suc- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fitch, Mr. and cessive time; Edward P. Stout was Mrs. Alfred Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. LIMA BEANS PEACHES MAKE THIS 25o TEST Daniel Layton and son Carl. Mr. and ITsv Juniper oil, Buchu leaves, etc., to made first vice president, John Vac- Dated Coffee flush out excess acids and waste mutter. 25fb , carelli second vice president, John Mrs. Harry Estellc.und Mrs. Cath- Fancy Small Fresh—Reg. 18c California Choice Quality G«t rido f bladder irritation that causca Ousterman secretary, W. Leon Hyer erine Lippincott, all of Long Branch, wakinsr UD, frequent desire, scanty flow, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Black and • burning <"id backache. Got Juniper oil, treasurer, Walter Roe sergeant-at- Buchu leavee, etc., in little greeil tablets Monmouth St., Bed Bank, arms, and Commissioner Samuel B. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hathaway of Eat- called Biikets, the bladder laxative. In ontown. 3cansgg ^rcans 29c four days if not pleased go back nnd get Tel. Red Bank 565 Zartttian of Long Branch, who was c your 2Be. Get your regular Bleep and formerly superintendent of the Bonita Brand 2 tbs. 43c feel "full of pep." Thomas Lewis, Drug southern division of the New Jersey Boys can make extra pocket money giit, Schroeder'i Pharmacy. elling.The Register.—Advertisement. . APRICOTS Pineapple Fruit Cocktail TOMATOES FANCY CALIFORNIA DOLE'S PALM ISLAND EVEREADY Brand Largest Cans A Tall Am CONQUEROR Brand Largest Cans Largest Cans £^ Cans ^ j| cms C caM Cms 2 45 2 37° Largest Cons O for AEc 2 29° Pancake Flour SYRUP Spaghetti Stringless Beans FANCY QUALITY *-••• TECO Brand MAPLE and CANE PHILLIPS' Delicious PkB C ». Full Quarts Cans GREEN or WAX 3 " 25 AMP Full Qt 4 25° g Cans AgO TUNA FISH SALMON SARDINES CHERRIES ALASKA BED Fancy Norwegian SOtIB PITTED FANCY WHITE In Pure Olive Oil Tall Cans For Pies 3 °" 25° 2can829° VINEGAR ORANGE COMB HONEY Dromedary MINCE MEAT Gee! Dad, ffrrs new "And always will Pure Cider MARMALADE Pure Ginger Bread Social Club Fancy California. Beg. 48o pkB A AC 2-It>. Jar car starts wTth Tydol Gasoline 15° * J| AO 1-tb. Jar 25° 2 " 45° UNEEDA BAKEBS Uneeda Bakers John Alden Molasses Golden Blossom OCTAGON Cookies PALMOLIVE greased' HgjbMwg r /ubricatecf" Uneeda Biscuits Mlle» Standlsh Chooolate Plain or Salted Cookies or HONEY SOAP SOAP Prlscllla Butter Cookies. A^jOJar , . Beg. zoo ^ ma or 3^13" Special 1 J_ g 5 24° 6 "25° HETHER your car is oW or new; there are -31,000 miles at 60° below Wgood reasons why Tydol gasoline will start Already, the tractors and planes of tho Byrd S:^, ^cy Quality cans It faster. The second you step on the starter Antarctic Expedition have successfully covered Loganberries or B1«"*berr,e. 45 31,000 miles, using Tydol gasoline and Veedol the lubricant blended into Tydol gasoline Motor OH exclusively. Tydol, the lubricated gasoline, and Vccdol, the cold-proof motor spreads a film of oil over cold, oil-dry upper oil, are' the ideal winter combination for good driving. motor parts. They work smoother, quicker and FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SPECIALS your motor starts faster. This special lubricant "ASK THE MAN also acts as a solvent in loosening old and pre- AT THE PUMP" FLORIDA SWEET FLORIDA SUNKIST FANCT Fancy California Cauliflower venting new carbon formations. And Tydol GRAPEFRUIT LEMONS BROCCOLI ORANGES Medium SIM Snow Wblta gasoline gives you this extra winter quality fM p A bunches AAO ... without a premium in price. 18 25° 8 25° 15° °* 19° FBESII TTCKA9 FANCY Fresh California OBEEN MOUNTAIN Tide Water Oil Company, EalontoKTi, N. 3. RADISHES SPINACH ARTICHOKES FRESH Washed BEETS POTATOES ; C m bunches A AC A bunches A A o Af|G it Basket 4 25 2"-19° Q Jf 27 It*. RIPLEXT We Also Carry a Full Line of Wines and Liquors INSTANT STARTING...INSTANT LUBRICATION ... AT NO EXTRA COST