English for Bachillerato Preparation

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English for Bachillerato Preparation ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! English Bachillerato Prep Course A Guide to Preparing Students for the Ministry of Education’s Graduation Exam ! By Megon Coon, Ken Ferrell and Kevin Klott Peace Corps TEFL Volunteers Costa Rica ! ! More free material online at LiveLingua Project Dear Fellow Volunteers, All high school seniors (11th grade for liceo and colegio académico, or 12th grade for colegio técnico) must pass the English graduation exam (bachillerato de inglés) in order to graduate from high school. This exam focuses entirely on reading comprehension skills, and without adequate preparation, passing this exam can be a major challenge for native Spanish speakers. Students are allowed two and a half hours to complete 70 multiple-choice questions. They will encounter 16 or 17 reading texts with two to six questions per text. The names of the subjects in the table below are listed as they appear in the Ministry of Education (MEP) curriculum. The subjects are also listed in order of appearance on the exam. In this manual, we have changed some of the 1. Achievements of Our National Athletes subject names for 2. Costa Rican Art, Music and Crafts 3. Costa Rican Typical Food simplification but the 4. Types of Food (recipes) content remains the same. 5. Eating Habits and Behaviors at the Table Also included in the exam 6. Holidays and Celebrations in Costa Rica and Other English is a short grammar section Speaking Countries that focuses on important 7. Causes and Effects of the Misuse of Natural Resources 8. Travel grammar topics such as 9. Common Illnesses and New Diseases and Epidemics antonyms and synonyms, 10. Our Democratic Tradition prefixes and suffixes, 11. Careers, Jobs and Lifestyles linking words, 12. Science and Technology conjunctions, homographs, 13. Morals and Values and homophones. 14. Mass Media and Communication Important reading comprehension skills for the test include: deducing meaning from context, finding key words within a text, focusing on general meaning (not the meaning of every word), and understanding how modal verbs change a sentence’s meaning. Some important test taking skills for the test include: reading questions first to identify required information, using a process of elimination to discount nonsense answers, and identifying important words or phrases that can alter a question’s meaning (not, isn’t). The purpose of this manual is to provide the lesson plans, worksheets, and practice readings an instructor would need to conduct a preparatory course for the English bachillerato exam. The vocabulary outlined in the course was taken directly from past exams in order to best prepare students for actual language seen on the exam. The lessons were designed to be conducted mostly in Spanish, considering the low level of spoken English of many high school students. Good luck! Megon, Ken and Kevin More free material online at LiveLingua Project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• (0-,+!1/%/6<! •!,+(?&2,+**! ! ! • ($00&'!! ! •!,$4/6<! ! ! • (-'7/6<! ! •!0;&((! ! ! (:/88/6<! !<$*7! ! • • ! ! • %$**&),+**! R!8$2$0'$((! ! ! ! %$0+,-*+')!0+'1(! ! $6!O!1/77&'&62! 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