A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

1 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church About the Cover:

he painting that appears on the cover of the Booklet for the 2017 TSeries of Annual Conferences, YEAR TWO: The Season of Epiphany of the Fifth Episcopal District Quadrennial Calendar, in addition to showing our logo for the Season - an open Bible in candle light - it also has deep personal meaning for me.

I came upon this painting by Vincent Van Gogh, Still-life With Bible, while in seminary. It immediately fascinated me. In fact, I have added to my bucket list a trip to Amsterdam to view the original painting.

What fascinated me most was the artist’s thoughtful selection of the three objects that appear in the painting and how meticulously each was placed. The candle, though nearly spent, its flame but a flicker, still offers enough light to reveal vital information about the objects that share its space. By candlelight, we see that the Bible is open to Isaiah 53, “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows…the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes, we are healed.” At the foot of the Bible is a novel titled, Le Joie de Vivre (The Joy of Life), written by the French author, Emile Zola. The novel is the African Methodist Episcopal Church story of Pauline and the fulfillment that she receives from a life lived in service to others.

Fifth Episcopal District Irrespective of the meanings that Van Gogh who aspired to priesthood but was rejected because of his failure to master Latin may have been trying to convey, the message was resoundingly clear to me. The candle speaks of long life, not spent in isolation but in giving illumination. The Joy of Life chronicles the many paths that one takes in his or her quest to live and to be and to explore this wonderful world. The Bible, the most prominent object, puts our faith at the center with the assurance that regardless where the paths of life may lead, the promises of God remain unchanged.

This understanding is essential as we set about restoring the Temple 2 order. A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church About the Cover:

he painting that appears on the cover of the Booklet for the 2017 TSeries of Annual Conferences, YEAR TWO: The Season of EpiphanyAfrican of theMethodist Fifth Episcopal Episcopal District Quadrennial Church Calendar, in addition to showing our logo for the Season - an open Bible in candle light - it alsoFifth has deep Episcopal personal meaning District for me.

I came upon this painting by Vincent Van Gogh, Still-life With Bible, while in seminary. It immediately fascinated me. In fact, I have added to my bucket listA a trip Holy to Amsterdam Nation! to view the original painting.

What fascinated me most was the artist’s thoughtful selection of the three objects2017 that Annual appear Conferencein the painting Bookletand how meticulously each was placed. The candle, though nearly spent, its flame but a flicker, still offers enough light to reveal vital information about the objects that share its space. By candlelight, we see that the Bible is open to Isaiah 53, “Surely He has THEME:borne our griefs and carried our sorrows…the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes, we are healed.” At the foot of theYEAR Bible TWO: is a novel titled, Le Joie de Vivre (The JoyThe of Life),Season written of Epiphany by the French – Restoring author, the Emile Temple Zola. Order The novel is the African Methodist Episcopal Church story of Pauline and the fulfillment that she receives from a life lived in service to others.

Fifth Episcopal District Irrespective of the meanings that Van Gogh who aspired to priesthood but was rejected because Scripture:of his failure to master Latin may have been trying to convey, Actsthe message 6:2-8; Ephesians was resoundingly 4:11-14 clear to me. The candle speaks of long life, not spent in isolation but in giving illumination. The Joy of Life chronicles the many paths that one takes in his or her quest to live and to be and to explore this wonderful world. The Bible, the most prominent object, puts our faith at the center with the assurance Bishopthat Clementregardless W. where Fugh the paths of life may lead,Presiding the promises Bishop of God Supervisor Alexia B. Fugh Supervisor remain unchanged.

This understanding is essential as we set about restoring the Temple order. 1 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

Fifth Episcopal District Offices:

4519 Admiralty Way Suite 205 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 Office: 310-577-8530 FAX: 310-577-8540

Ms. Taniea Smith, Administrative Assistant

512 8th Avenue South Nashville, TN 37203 Office: 615-744-6244 FAX: 615-744-6243

Mrs. Marcia Fugh Joseph, Office Manager

2 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

BISHOP CLEMENT W. FUGH Presiding Bishop, Fifth Episcopal District

3 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

MRS. ALEXIA BUTLER FUGH Supervisor, Fifth Episcopal District

4 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church


SCRIPTURES: Nehemiah 8: 1 – 10; I Peter 2: 1 – 10


2016 – 2017 YEAR ONE – LENT Season of Purification and Penance Themes: Advent; Lent; Be-attitudes; Decalogue; Forgiveness; Resurrection Color: Blue Logo: Water – Free flowing; From Jesus’ side

2017 – 2018 YEAR TWO – EPIPHANY Season of Training/Reordering Ministry Themes: Restoring the Temple Order –Roles of Priest, Prophets, Pastors; Deacons, Lay (Lagos); Regard for the HOLY – House and things Color: White Logo: Candle

2018 – 2019 YEAR THREE – PENTECOST Season of Spiritual Renewal/Revival Themes: The Great Commission; The Pentecost Event; Paul’s Missionary Enterprise; Seeking the Lost; Intentional about Evangelism Color: Red Logo: Flame

2019 – 2020 YEAR FOUR – KINGDOMTIDE (ORDINARY TIME) Season of Growth - Concentration on the Local Church Themes: Care of the Local Congregation; Edifice; Community; Mission; Advocate for something/someone; “Latch onto a Cause that has eternity in it and let it lift you.” (The late Bishop Howard Thomas Primm) Color: Green Logo: A blooming flower OR Butterfly

CHALLENGE: WALK IN THE VISION! TALK OF IT OFTEN! LET IT BE! 5 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

Praise the Lord Saints!

I sincerely believe that the Lord God, our Creator is calling the Fifth Epis- copal District to be a Holy Nation. It is our destiny. Since it is not a goal to be attained over night, we have dedicated the entire Quadrennial to moving in that direction. For that reason, we established a Quadrennial Calendar divided into seasons. YEAR ONE (2016-2017), was our Season of Lent, with emphasis on purification and penance. It was the Season during which we reveled in the sacrificial acts of Jesus that purchased our pardon. It de- manded that we who are absolved of our sin, now forgive and forget the trespasses of others against us.

YEAR TWO (2017-2018), the Season of Epiphany is our time to restore the temple order. It is a time to clarify and to define the roles of priests and prophet, and pastors, and lay. It is a time to reinforce regard for the Holy. It is a time for gift discovery and celebration.

On Friday morning at each of the Annual Conferences I will once again stand among you to “Cast the Vision” of the year’s work.

Plan to meet me there.


Bishop Clement W. Fugh Presiding Bishop Fifth Episcopal District AME Church

6 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

YEAR TWO: The Season of Epiphany – Restoring the Temple Order

Scripture Reference: Acts 6:2-8; Ephesians 4:11-14 (NIV)

2. So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables.

3. Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them

4. and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.”

5. This proposal pleased the whole group. They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit; also Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas from Antioch, a convert to Judaism.

6. They presented these men to the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them.

7. So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rap- idly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.

8. Now Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and power, performed great wonders and signs among the people.

11. So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers,

12. to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up

13. until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

14. Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and crafti- ness of people in their deceitful scheming.

7 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church

DISTRICT NAME ORDER 3 McKinley Young 109 11 Adam Jefferson Richardson, Jr 115 10 Vashti Murphy McKenzie 117 1 Gregory Gerald McKinley Ingram 118 17 Wilfred Jacobus Messiah 120 19 Paul Jones Mulenga Kawimbe 121 2 123 15 David Rwhynica Daniels Jr. 124 7 Samuel Lawrence Green Sr. 125 14 E. Earl McCloud Jr. 127 13 Jeffrey Nathaniel Leath 128 8 Julius Harrison McAllister Sr. 129 4 John Franklin White 130 5 Clement W. Fugh 131 6 Reginald Thomas Jackson 132 9 Harry Lee Seawright 133 12 Michael Leon Mitchell 134 16 E. Anne Henning-Byfield 135 20 Ronnie E. Brailsford 136 18 Stafford J. N. Wicker 137 Ecum. Off. Frank Madison Reid III 138

Retired Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church

NAME ORDER John Hurst Adams 87 Frederick Hilborn Talbot 90 Frederick Calhoun James 93 Frank Curtis Cummings 95 Philip Robert Cousin, Sr. 96 Henry Allen Belin, Jr. 104 106 Robert Vaughn Webster 110 Zedekiah LaZett Grady 111 Cornal Garnett Henning, Sr. 112 William Phillips Deveaux, Sr. 113 Theodore Larry Kirkland, Sr. 114 Richard Franklin Norris 116 Preston Warren Williams II 119 122

Bishop McKinley Young Senior Bishop

Bishop Clement W. Fugh 8 President, Council of Bishops A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

General Officers of the African Methodist Episcopal Church

Dr. Lewis Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer AMEC Finance Department

Dr. George F. Flowers Executive Director, Global Witness and Ministry

Dr. Jerome V. Harris Secretary/Treasurer, Department of Retirement Services

Dr. James C. Wade Executive Director, Department of Church Growth and Development

Dr. Jeffery Cooper General Secretary, Chief Information Officer

Dr. Teresa L. Fry Brown Historiographer, Executive Director Department of Research and Scholarship

Rev. Roderick D. Belin President/Publisher, Sunday School Union

Mr. John Thomas III Editor, AMEC Christian Recorder

Rev. Dr. Garland F. Pierce Executive Director Director of Department of Christian Education

Fifth Episcopal District Connectional Officers of the African Methodist Episcopal Church

Rev. Harold R. Mayberry Chair, Episcopal Committee

Attorney Patricia Mayberry, President, Judicial Council

Mrs. Jackie DuPont Walker Consultant/Director, Social Action

9 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

Mrs. Frances Cofield WMS Historiographer

Mr. Chinelo Tyler President, Connectional YPD

Fifth Episcopal District Officers of the African Methodist Episcopal Church

Rev. Allen L. Williams, Sr. Budget and Finance Chairperson

Rev. J. Edgar Boyd District Treasurer

Rev. Cedric Alexander District Accountant

Rev. Booker T. Guyton President, Presiding Elder’s Council

Rev. Timothy Tyler District Dean, Board of Examiners

Mr. Simeon Rhoden President, Lay Organization

Dr. Kaye C. Lindsey, President President, Women’s Missionary Society

Rev. Carolyn Baskin-Bell, President President, Women in Ministry

Mrs. Donnita St. James President, Clergy Family Organization

Mrs. Denise Brown Director, Young People’s Department

Mr. William Cordier President, Young People’s Department

10 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church


Pacific Northwest Conference Tuesday, August 22 – Saturday, August 26 Host Pastor and Church: Rev. Anthony Steele Allen, Tacoma, WA

Midwest Conference Wednesday, September 6 — Sunday, September 10 Host Pastor and Church: Rev. Gordon Glenn II Ward, Kansas City, MO

Desert Mountain Conference Wednesday, September 13 — Saturday, September 16 Host Pastor and Church: Rev. Dr. Jennifer Leath Campbell Chapel, Denver, CO

California Conference Wednesday, September 27 — Sunday, October 1 Host Pastor and Church: Rev. Robin T. Hood Allen Chapel, Sacramento, CA

Missouri Conference Wednesday, October 4 – Sunday, October 8 Host Pastor and Church: Rev. Steven Sheppard St. Peter, St. Louis, Mo

Southern California Conference Wednesday, October 25 — Sunday, October 29 Host Pastor and Church: Rev. Darryl E. Walker New Philadelphia, Long Beach, CA

Planning Meeting Monday, October 30 — Tuesday, October 31 Host Pastor and Church: Rev. Darryl E. Walker New Philadelphia, Long Beach, CA

11 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church



TUESDAY 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon YPD Convention 12:00 Noon YPD Lunch Outing 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. YPD Convention 6:00 p.m. YPD Event – Worship/Program

WEDNESDAY 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon WMS Convention WIM Convention Bishop meets with Finance Committee Board of Examiners 12:00 Noon WMS Luncheon 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. WMS Convention WIM Convention 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Bishop meets with Congregation Reps (as needed) 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Bishop meets with Presiding Elder’s (dinner)

7:00 p.m. WMS Event – Worship / Program 9:00 p.m. Committee / Component Meetings

THURSDAY 6:45 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. WIM Breakfast 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Devotion with Meditation 9:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Business Session Call to Order Roll Call Organization Finance Committee (Elect) Trustees (Elect) Judiciary Committee (Elect) Ministerial Efficiency Committee (Appoint) Other Presiding Elder Summaries Report of Board of Examiners 12:00 Noon – 1:30 p.m. Hour of Power – WIM Preacher 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Lunch 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Business Session 7:00 p.m. Opening Worship Service Annual Sermon (Black Robes) 12 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

FRIDAY 8:00 a.m. – 8:15 a.m. Morning Devotion with Meditation 8:15 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Casting the Vision - YEAR TWO: The Season of Epiphany Bishop Fugh 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Conference Institute (Dr. Margaret Spearmon)

10:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Business Session – Pastor’s Reports 12:00 Noon – 1:30 p.m. Ecumenical Hour of Power Service 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Lunch 3:00 p.m. –5:00 p.m. Literary Reports 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Lay Witness (Educational Emphasis)

SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Church School / Bible Study 9:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. Business Session – Unfinished Business Disciplinary Questions 10:00 a.m. Consecration, Communion, and Commissioning Service*

*Note: Pacific Northwest Conference will close on Saturday with appointments.

13 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church


WEDNESDAY 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon WMS Convention WIM Convention Bishop meets with Presiding Elders Finance Committee Board of Examiners 12:00 Noon WMS Luncheon 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. WMS Convention WIM Convention Bishop meets with Congregation Reps (as needed) 7:00 p.m. WMS Event – Worship / Program 9:00 p.m. Committee / Component Meetings

THURSDAY 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Devotion with Meditation 9:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Business Session Call to Order Roll Call Organization Finance Committee (Elect) Trustees (Elect) Judiciary Committee (Elect) Ministerial Efficiency Committee (Appoint) Other Presiding Elder Summaries Report of Board of Examiners 12:00 Noon – 1:00 p.m. Hour of Power – WIM Preacher 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. WIM Lunch 2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Business Session 7:00 p.m. Opening Worship Service Annual Sermon (Black Robes / No Communion)

FRIDAY 6:45 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. WIM Breakfast 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Morning Devotion with Meditation 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Casting the Vision - YEAR TWO: The Season of Epiphany Bishop Fugh 10:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Business Session – Pastor’s Reports 12:00 Noon – 2:30 p.m. Ordination / Communion Service (White Robes)

14 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Lunch 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Literary Reports 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Education Emphasis (Lay in Charge)

SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Church School / Bible Study 9:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. Business Session – Unfinished Business Disciplinary Questions 10:00 a.m. Consecration / Commissioning Service*

*Note: Desert Mountain Conference will close on Saturday with appointments.

15 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

MIDWEST / MISSOURI WEDNESDAY 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon WMS Convention 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon WIM Convention Bishop meets with Presiding Elders Finance Committee Board of Examiners 12:00 Noon WMS Luncheon 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. WMS Convention WIM Convention Bishop meets with Congregation Reps (as needed) 7:00 p.m. WMS Event – Worship / Program 9:00 p.m. Committee / Component Meetings THURSDAY 6:45 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. WIM Breakfast 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Devotion with Meditation 9:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Business Session Call to Order Roll Call Organization Finance Committee (Elect) Trustees (Elect) Judiciary Committee (Elect) Ministerial Efficiency Committee (Appoint) Other Presiding Elder Summaries Report of Board of Examiners 12:00 Noon – 1:00 p.m. Hour of Power – WIM Preacher 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. WIM Lunch* 2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Business Session 7:00 p.m. Opening Worship Service Annual Sermon (Black Robes / No Communion) FRIDAY 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Morning Devotion with Meditation 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Casting the Vision - YEAR TWO: The Season of Epiphany Bishop Fugh 10:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Business Session – Pastor’s Reports 12:00 Noon – 1:00 p.m. Hour of Power 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Lunch 2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Business Session – Literary Reports 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Education Emphasis (Lay in Charge) 16 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Church School / Bible Study 9:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. Business Session – Unfinished Business Disciplinary Questions 10:00 a.m. Ordination Service / Holy Communion (White Robes) 2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Component Meetings

SUNDAY 3:00 p.m. Closing Worship and Commissioning Service

*Note: Missouri Conference will not have a luncheon

17 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

CALIFORNIA / SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon WMS Convention 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon WIM Convention Bishop meets with Presiding Elders Finance Committee Board of Examiners 12:00 Noon WMS Luncheon 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. WMS Convention WIM Convention Bishop meets with Congregation Reps (as needed) 7:00 p.m. WMS Event – Worship / Program 9:00 p.m. Committee / Component Meetings THURSDAY 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Devotion with Meditation 9:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Business Session Call to Order Roll Call Organization Finance Committee (Elect) Trustees (Elect) Judiciary Committee (Elect) Ministerial Efficiency Committee (Appoint) Other Presiding Elder Summaries Report of Board of Examiners 12:00 Noon – 1:00 p.m. Hour of Power – WIM Preacher 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. WIM Lunch 2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Business Session 7:00 p.m. Opening Worship Service Annual Sermon (Black Robes / No Communion) FRIDAY 6:45 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. WIM Breakfast 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Morning Devotion with Meditation 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Casting the Vision - YEAR TWO: The Season of Epiphany Bishop Fugh 10:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Business Session – Pastor’s Reports 12:00 Noon – 1:00 p.m. Hour of Power 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Lunch 2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Business Session – Literary Reports 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Education Emphasis (Lay in Charge) 18 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Church School / Bible Study 9:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. Business Session – Unfinished Business Disciplinary Questions 10:00 a.m. Ordination Service / Holy Communion (White Robes) 2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Component Meetings

SUNDAY 3:00 p.m. Closing Worship and Commissioning Service*

*Note: California Conference closing at 4:00 p.m.

19 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church About the Cover:

he painting that appears on the cover of the Booklet for the 2017 TSeries of Annual Conferences, YEAR TWO: The Season of Epiphany of the Fifth Episcopal District Quadrennial Calendar, in addition to showing our logo for the Season - an open Bible in candle light - it also has deep personal meaning for me.

I came upon this painting by Vincent Van Gogh, Still-life With Bible, while in seminary. It immediately fascinated me. In fact, I have added to my bucket list a trip to Amsterdam to view the original painting.

What fascinated me most was the artist’s thoughtful selection of the three objects that appear in the painting and how meticulously each was placed. The candle, though nearly spent, its flame but a flicker, still offers enough light to reveal vital information about the objects that share its space. By candlelight, we see that the Bible is open to Isaiah 53, “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows…the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes, we are healed.” At the foot of the Bible is a novel titled, Le Joie de Vivre (The Joy of Life), written by the French author, Emile Zola. The novel is the African Methodist Episcopal Church story of Pauline and the fulfillment that she receives from a life lived in service to others.

Fifth Episcopal District Irrespective of the meanings that Van Gogh who aspired to priesthood but was rejected because of his failure to master Latin may have been trying to convey, the message was resoundingly clear to me. The candle speaks of long life, not spent in isolation but in giving illumination. The Joy of Life chronicles the many paths that one takes in his or her quest to live and to be and to explore this wonderful world. The Bible, the most prominent object, puts our faith at the center with the assurance that regardless where the paths of life may lead, the promises of God remain unchanged.

This understanding is essential as we set about restoring the Temple 20 order. A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church About the Cover:

126thhe painting SESSION thatOF THE appears PACIFIC on NORTHWEST the cover of CONFERENCE the Booklet for the 2017 Series of AnnualANNUAL Conferences, CONFERENCE YEAR TWO: The Season of T AUGUST 22 – 26, 2017 Epiphany of the Fifth Episcopal District Quadrennial Calendar, in Rev. Spencer F. Barrett, Host Presiding Elder addition to showingRev. our Anthony logo Steele, for theHost SeasonPastor - an open Bible in candle light - it also has deep personal meaning for me. ALLEN AME CHURCH TACOMA, WASHINGTON I came upon(MURANO this painting HOTEL AND by VincentCONVENTION Van CENTER)Gogh, Still-life With Bible, while inPREACHERS/SPEAKERS seminary. It immediately FOR ANNUAL fascinated CONFERENCE me. In fact, I have added to my bucket list a trip to Amsterdam to view the original painting. Women in Ministry Rev. Betsey Williams Ecumenical Service Rev. Christopher Gregory What fascinated me most wasShiloh the Baptistartist’s Church, thoughtful Tacoma WA selection of the Annual Sermon Rev. Mercedes Tudy-Hamilton Closingthree Commissioning objects that Sermon appear in theBishop painting Clement W.and Fugh how meticulously each was placed. The candle, though nearly spent, its flame but a flicker, INSTITUTE Rev.still Dr. Careyoffers G. enoughAnderson light to revealConference vital Deaninformation about the objects Rev.that Dr. Margaretshare itsRedmond space. By candlelight, we see that the Bible is open to Isaiah 53, “Surely He hasCOMMITTEES borne our griefs and carried our sorrows…the chastisement(To Be Elected) of our Ministerial peace Efficiency,was upon Judiciary, Him, Finance,and with Trustees His stripes, we are BOARDhealed.” OF EXAMINERS At the foot of the Bible is a novel titled, Le Joie de Vivre (The Rev. Carey G. Anderson (Dean), Rev. Mercedes Tudy-Hamilton, Rev. Terry McCray-Hill, Rev.Joy Anthony of Life), Steele, written Rev. Allison by theCannady-Smith French author, Emile Zola. The novel is the story of Pauline and the fulfillment that she receives from a life lived in African Methodist Episcopal Church STATE OF THE CHURCH Rev.service Mercedes to Tudy-Hamilton, others. Rev. Donald Davis, Rev. Anthony Steele, Rev. Dr. Anna Clark Jones; Delegates – Primm Tabernacle (Seattle), Bethel (Yakima), Allen (Tacoma), Fifth Episcopal District UnionIrrespective Bethel (Great of Falls) the meanings that Van Gogh who aspired to priesthood STATEbut OFwas THE rejected COUNTRY because of his failure to master Latin may have been Rev. Anthony Steele, Licentiate Darrell Jarmon, Rev. Lonnie Mitchell, Rev. Terry McCray Hill,trying Licentiate to convey,Dr. Gayle Stewart;the message Delegates was – Allen resoundingly (Tacoma), FAME clear (Fairbanks), to me. Bethel The candle (Spokane),speaks Bethel of long (Portland) life, not spent in isolation but in giving illumination. The WOMENJoy of IN Life MINISTRY chronicles the many paths that one takes in his or her quest Rev.to Teresa live and Swift, to Rev. be Shirley and to Lytle, explore Rev. Mercedes this wonderful Tudy-Hamilton, world. Rev. Dr. The Sharon Bible , the Rose Fitch, Rev. Dr. Anna Clark Jones, Rev. Terry McCray-Hill, Rev. Dr. Margaret Spear- mon,most Rev. prominentAmy Hidgon, Rev.object, Betsy puts Williams, our Rev.faith Allison at the Cannady-Smith, center with Evangelist the assurance Aletheathat Douglass, regardless Evangelist where Elisha the Mitchell, paths Licentiate of life Kimberlymay lead, G. Sales, the Licentiatepromises Dr. of God Gayle Stewart remain unchanged. EVANGELISM Rev. Lonnie Mitchel, Rev. Delondric Bergan, Licentiate Darrell Jarmon, Rev. Kimberly Sale,This Rev. understandingAllison Cannady-Smith, is essentialLicentiate Greg as Banks;we set Delegates about –restoring Bethel (Spokane), the Temple Wayman (Billings), FAME (Fairbanks), Allen (Tacoma), FAME (Seattle) order. 21 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Rev. Dr. Anna Clark Jones, Rev. Teresa Swift, Rev. Delondric Bergan, Rev. Dr. Sharon Rose Fitch, Licentiate Doris Cope; Delegates – Union Bethel (Great Falls), Bailey (Everett), Wayman (Billings), FAME (Seattle) CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP Rev. Freda Cash, Rev. Don Davis, Rev. Lonnie Mitchell, Rev. Delondric Bergan; Delegates – Bethel (Yakima), Ebenezer (Bremerton), Bethel (Spokane), Wayman (Billings) TEMPERANCE Rev. Teresa Swift, Rev. Dr. Sharon Rose Fitch, Rev. Kenneth McWilliams; Delegates – Bailey (Everett), FAME (Seattle), Allen (Tacoma) CHURCH SCHOOL Maragaret Marshall, Rev. Berry Ray, Licentiate Darrell Jarmon, Rev. Delondric Bergan; Delegates – Bethel (Portland), FAME (Seattle), FAME (Fairbanks), Wayman (Billings) CHURCH GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Rev. Lonnie Mitchel, Rev. Delondric Bergan, Licentiate Darrell Jarmon, Rev. Kimberly Sale, Rev. Allison Cannady-Smith, Licentiate Greg Banks; Delegates – Bethel (Spokane), Wayman (Billings), FAME (Fairbanks), Allen (Tacoma), FAME (Seattle) MEMORIALS Rev. Linton Weems, Rev. Betsy Williams, Rev. Berry Ray; Delegates – Bethel Spokane, Bethel Yakima, FAME Seattle RESOLUTIONS Rev. Dr. Anna Clark Jones, Rev. Allison Cannady-Smith, Rev. Dr. Margaret Spearmon, Rev. Donald Davis; Delegate – Union Bethel (Great Falls), Allen (Tacoma), FAME (Seattle), Bethel (Yakima) RETIREMENT SERVICES Presiding Elder Spencer F. Barrett, Rev. Dr. Carey G. Anderson, Rev. Anthony Steele; Delegates – Walker Chapel (Seattle), FAME (Seattle), Allen (Tacoma) LAY ACTIVITIES Bobby Brown, Roxanne Buchanan, Sylvia Payne, Felecia Corbin, Rhonda Denet, Felecia Caldwell, Mary Scott, Bill Dickens, Frannie Williams, Mae Maddox, Mammie Roberson MISSIONS, CIRCUITS, AND STATIONS Presiding Elder Spencer F. Barrett, Rev. Carey G. Anderson, Rev. Anthony Steele, Rev. Lonnie Mitchell; Delegates – Walker Chapel (Seattle), Primm Tabernacle (Seattle), Allen (Tacoma), Bethel (Spokane) MISSIONARY SOCIETY Supervisor Alexia Fugh, Wanda Griffin, Conf. Branch WMS President and Staff YOUNG PEOPLE’S DIVISION Felecia Robinson, Jene’l Sconier, Kiana Fellows, Anthony Travis

22 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

PRESIDING ELDER APPORTIONMENT Rev. Dr. Carey G. Anderson, Rev. Anthony Steele, Rev. Terry McCray-Hill, Rev. Lonnie Mitchell; Delegates – FAME (Seattle), Bethel (Portland), Bethel (Spokane), Ebenezer (Bremerton)

ABANDON PROPERTY Conference Trustees

PUBLIC RELATIONS Rev. Terry McCray-Hill, Rev. Anthony Steele, Rev. Lonnie Mitchell, Rev. Don Davis, Rev. Mercedes Tudy-Hamilton; Delegates – Bethel (Portland), Allen (Tacoma), Bethel (Spokane), Bethel (Yakima)

SOCIAL ACTION Licentiate Darrell Jarmon, Rev. Dr. Carey G. Anderson, Rev. Anthony Steele, Rev. Lonnie Mitchell, Rev. Terry McCray-Hill; Delegates – FAME (Fairbanks), FAME (Seattle), Allen (Tacoma), Bethel (Spokane), Bethel (Portland)

LEGISLATION Rev. Donald Davis, Rev. Anthony Steele, Rev. Dr. Carey G. Anderson, Rev. Lonnie Mitchell, Rev. Terry McCray-Hill

JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Presiding Elder Spencer F. Barrett, Rev. Dr. Carey G. Anderson, Rev. Anthony Steele, Rev. Terry McCray-Hill, Rev. Lonnie Mitchell, Rev. Freda Cash

FINANCE COMMITTEE Presiding Elder Spencer F. Barrett, Rev. Rev. Dr. Carey G. Anderson, Rev. Anthony Steele, Rev. Terry McCray-Hill, Bobby Brown (FAME, Seattle), Wanda Griffen (Allen, Tacoma)

23 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church About the Cover:

he painting that appears on the cover of the Booklet for the 2017 TSeries of Annual Conferences, YEAR TWO: The Season of Epiphany of the Fifth Episcopal District Quadrennial Calendar, in addition to showing our logo for the Season - an open Bible in candle light - it also has deep personal meaning for me.

I came upon this painting by Vincent Van Gogh, Still-life With Bible, while in seminary. It immediately fascinated me. In fact, I have added to my bucket list a trip to Amsterdam to view the original painting.

What fascinated me most was the artist’s thoughtful selection of the three objects that appear in the painting and how meticulously each was placed. The candle, though nearly spent, its flame but a flicker, still offers enough light to reveal vital information about the objects that share its space. By candlelight, we see that the Bible is open to Isaiah 53, “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows…the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes, we are healed.” At the foot of the Bible is a novel titled, Le Joie de Vivre (The Joy of Life), written by the French author, Emile Zola. The novel is the African Methodist Episcopal Church story of Pauline and the fulfillment that she receives from a life lived in service to others.

Fifth Episcopal District Irrespective of the meanings that Van Gogh who aspired to priesthood but was rejected because of his failure to master Latin may have been trying to convey, the message was resoundingly clear to me. The candle speaks of long life, not spent in isolation but in giving illumination. The Joy of Life chronicles the many paths that one takes in his or her quest to live and to be and to explore this wonderful world. The Bible, the most prominent object, puts our faith at the center with the assurance that regardless where the paths of life may lead, the promises of God remain unchanged.

This understanding is essential as we set about restoring the Temple 24 order. A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church About the Cover:

he painting10th SESSION that appearsOF THE MIDWEST on the cover CONFERENCE of the Booklet for the 2017 Series of AnnualANNUAL Conferences, CONFERENCE YEAR TWO: The Season of T SEPTEMBER 6 – 10, 2017 Epiphany of the Fifth Episcopal District Quadrennial Calendar, in Rev. Roger Jackson, Host Presiding Elder addition to showingRev. Fran our T. Cary, logo Co-Host for the Presiding Season Elder - an open Bible in candle light - it also has deepRev. Gordon personal Glenn meaning II, Host Pastor for me. HILTON GARDEN INN I came upon this painting19677 E. JACKSONby Vincent DRIVE Van Gogh, Still-life With Bible, INDEPENDENCE, MO 64057 while in seminary. It immediately(816) 350-3000 fascinated me. In fact, I have added to my bucket list a trip to Amsterdam to view the original painting. PREACHERS/SPEAKERS FOR ANNUAL CONFERENCE OrdinationWhat fascinated me most wasRev. the Robert artist’s Shaw thoughtful selection of the Annual Sermon Rev. Steve A. Cousin Closingthree Commissioning objects that Sermon appear in theBishop painting Clement W.and Fugh how meticulously each was placed. The candle, though nearly spent, its flame but a flicker, INSTITUTE Rev.still Robert offers Shaw enough light to revealConference vital Deaninformation about the objects that share its space. By candlelight, we see that the Bible is open to COMMITTEES Isaiah (To53, Be “Surely Elected) MinisterialHe has borne Efficiency, our Judiciary, griefs andFinance, carried Trustees our sorrows…the

BOARDchastisement OF EXAMINERS of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes, we are Rev.healed.” Robert Shaw At (Dean),the foot Rev. of Brenda the BibleJ. Hayes, is Rev.a novel Mark titled, Smith, Rev.Le JoieLeslie de White, Vivre (The Rev. Rachel Glenn, Rev. Stacy Evans, Rev. Eraina Aseme, Rev. Victoria Parker, Rev. Karla Cooper,Joy ofRev. Life), Verdell written Taylor, Rev. by Warren the French Freeman, author, Rev. Clifton Emile Neal St. Zola. James, TheRev. Keith novel is the African Methodist Episcopal Church Cordier,story Rev. of LeSeanPauline Tarkington and the fulfillment that she receives from a life lived in BOARDservice OF toINSTRUCTION others. Rev. Robert Shaw, Rev. Brenda J. Hayes, Rev. Mark Smith, Rev. Leslie White, Rev. Rachel Glenn, Rev. Stacy Evans, Rev. Verdell Taylor, Rev. Warren Freeman, Rev. Clifton Neal St. Fifth Episcopal District James,Irrespective Rev. Keith Cordier, of the Rev. meanings LeSean Tarkington that Van Gogh who aspired to priesthood but was rejected because of his failure to master Latin may have been STATE OF THE CHURCH Rev.trying Julie Boydto convey, Whitney, the Rev. message Viola Jones, was Rev. resoundingly Edward Walzer, clear Rev. Brendato me. Hayes, The candle Rev.speaks Steve Barnes, of long Rev. life, Gary not Charles, spent Rev. in Samuel isolation Kyser, but Rev. in Karla giving Cooper, illumination. Rev. Clif- The ton Neal St. James, Rev. Stephanie Lynn-Dorsey; Delegates – Ebenezer-Grant/St.Joseph, GreggJoy Tabernacle of Life chronicles(KCMO), Bethel the (Hutchinson), many paths St. Lukethat (Lawrence),one takes St. in John his (Oma or her- quest ha),to Campbell live and Chapel to (Atchison),be and to Allen explore Chapel this(KCMO), wonderful Bethel (Omaha), world. Grant-Lovell/ The Bible, the Moberly, Bethel (Macon), Campbell Chapel (Glasgow) most prominent object, puts our faith at the center with the assurance STATEthat OF regardless THE COUNTRY where the paths of life may lead, the promises of God Rev. Karla Cooper, Rev. V. Gordon Glenn, Rev. Eraina Aseme, Rev. Keith Cordier, Rev. Mayremain Etta Hall, unchanged. Rev. Valencia Jackson, Rev. Vernon Winfrey, Rev. Stephanie Dorsey, Rev. Kerry Broadus; Delegates – Bethel (KCMO), Ebenezer (KCMO), St. John (Omaha), Pow- er of Faith (KCMO), Allen Chapel (Salina), Trinity (KCK), Gilbert Memorial (KCMO), QuinnThis Chapel understanding (Lincoln), Gregg Memorialis essential (Omaha), as weWillis set Chapel about (KCMO), restoring St. John the (To- Temple peka), Cain Graint (KCMO) order. 25 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

EVANGELISM Rev. Leslie White, Rev. Victoria Parker, Rev. Brenda Smith, Rev. Patricia Winfrey, Rev. Valencia Jackson, Rev. Steve Barnes, Rev. Willie Morris, Rev. Andrew Rollins; Delegates – St. John (KCMO); Allen Chapel (Omaha), Christ Our Redeemer (KCMO), St. Mark (Topeka), Ward Chapel (Junction City), St. Paul (Independence), Bethel (Manhattan), Ward Chapel (Richmond), St. James (Odessa) CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Rev. Edward Walzer, Rev. Clifton Neal St. James, Rev. Victoria Parker, Rev. Verdell Taylor; Delegates – Grant (Wichita), St. Paul (Wichita), Trinity (KCK), Bethel (Manhattan), St. Matthew (Boonville), Gilbert Memorial (KCMO), St. Luke (Lawrence), Greater New Bethel (KCK), Ward Chapel (Richmond) TEMPERANCE Rev. Steve Barnes, Rev. Thomas Lindon, Rev. Verdell Taylor, Rev. Bridget Mitchell, Rev. Shirley Heermance, Rev. Barbara Harper, Rev. Donald Morrison, Rev. Regina Conway, Rev. Lucilla Miller; Delegates – Bethel, Grant-Lovell (Moberly), St. James (Wellington), St. Paul (Independence), Halls Chapel (Newton), Grant Chapel (Wichita) MEMORIALS Rev. Barbara Harper, Rev. Kerry Broadus, Rev. Brandy Mimitzraiem RESOLUTIONS Rev. Julie Boyd-Whitney, Rev. Stacy Evans, Rev. Shirley Heermance, Rev. Warren Freeman; Delegates – Greater New Bethel (KCK), Bethel (Hutchinson), St. John (KCMO), Ward Chapel (KCMO) RETIREMENT SERVICES Rev. Stephanie Dorsey, Rev. Viola Jones, Rev. Gary Charles, Rev. Gloria Butler, Rev. Samuel Oliver, Rev. Andrew Rollins; Delegates – Cain Graint (KCMO), St. Paul (Independence), St. James (Odessa), Gregg Memorial (Omaha), Allen Chapel (Omaha) MISSIONS, CIRCUITS, AND STATIONS Rev. Rachel Williams-Glenn, Rev. Valencia Jackson, Rev. Lucilla Miller, Rev. Kevin Shields, Rev. Vernon Winfrey; Delegates – Zion (Mayview), Zion-St. Luke (Brunswick), St. James (Odessa), Campbell Chapel (Glasgow), Ward (Junction City) MISSIONARY SOCIETY Episcopal Supervisor, President Nedra Locke PRESIDING ELDER APPORTIONMENT Rev. Steve Cousin, Rev. Robert Shaw, Rev. Brenda J. Hayes, Rev. Mark Smith, Rev. Viola Jones, Rev. Clifton Neal St. James, Rev. Pamela Mason, Rev. Godfrey Patterson, Rev. Benjamin Finnell, Rev. Fran T. Cary, Rev. Roger Jackson; Delegates – First (KCK), Allen Chapel (KCMO), Bethel (KCMO), St, Paul (Wichita), Trinity (KCK), Ebenezer (KCMO) ABANDON PROPERTY Conference Trustees CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP Rev. May Hall, Rev. Samuel Kyser, Rev. Gordon Glenn, Rev. Samuel Oliver, Rev. Thomas Lindon, Rev. Gary Charles, Rev. Barbara Harper, Rev. Lucilla Miller; Delegates – Mariah Walker (KCMO), Ebenezer-Grant (St. Joseph), Gilbert Memorial (KCMO), Grant (Wichita), St. James (Arkansas City), Christ Our Redeemer (KCMO), Campbell Chapel (Atchison)

26 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

MINISTRIES TO YOUTH Rev. Bridget Mitchell, Rev. Warren Freeman, Rev. Stacy Evans, Rev. Joe Bywaters, Rev. LeSean Tarkington; Delegates – Christ Our Redeemer (KCMO), Bethel (Macon), Ward Chapel (KCMO), Ward Chapel (Junction City), Ebenezer (KCMO), St. John (Topeka), St. John (KCMO), Gregg Tabernacle (KCMO) PUBLIC RELATIONS Rev. Rachel Williams Glenn SOCIAL ACTION Rev. Victoria Parker, Rev. Clifton Neal St. James, Rev. Verdell Taylor, Rev. Regina Conway, Rev. Vernon Winfrey, Rev. Joseph Bywaters; Delegates – Quinn Chapel (Lincoln), St. Paul (Independence), Cain Grant (KCMO), Trinity (KCK), Ward Chapel (KCMO) JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Rev. Brenda Smith, Rev. Steve Cousin, Rev. Willie Morris, Rev. Lynette Barnes, Rev. Pamela Mason, Rev. Roger Jackson FINANCE COMMITTEE Rev. Dr. Mark Smith, Rev. Viola Jones, Rev. Steven Cousin, Rev. Robert Shaw, Rev. Brenda Hayes; Lay – Sis. Jo Lee Brooks, Sis. Nedra Locke, Bro. Foster Chisholm, Sis. Sandra Garner ANNUAL CONFERENCE SUPERINTENDENT Gail McClenton CLASSIFICATION OF CHURCHES Rev. Samuel Kyser, Rev. Patricia Winfrey, Rev. Brenda Smith, Rev. May Hall, Rev. Karla Cooper, Rev. Warren Freeman, Rev. Robin Davis, Rev. Godfrey Patterson; Delegates – Ward Chapel (Junction City), Grant (KCK), Halls Chapel (Newton), St. Paul (Wichita), Bethel (KCMO) CLASSIFICATION OF MINISTERS Rev. Warren Freeman, Rev. Karla Cooper, Rev. Samuel Kyser; Delegates – St. Luke (Lawrence), Gregg Memorial (Omaha), Allen Chapel (Salina), St. Luke (KCK), Grant (KCK) LOCAL CHURCH INSURANCE Rev. Brenda Smith, Rev. Steven Barnes, Rev. Kerry Broadus, Rev. Valencia Jackson; Delegates – Allen Chapel (KCMO), Ebenezer (KCMO), Bethel (KCMO), Gregg Tabernacle (KCMO), Gilbert Memorial (KCMO), Greater New Bethel (KCK), Bethel (Manhattan), Ward Chapel (Junction City) SONS OF SUCCESS Timothy Groff MEN’S MINISTRIES Rev. Keith Cordier, Sr. MINISTERIAL EFFICIENCY COMMITTEE Rev. Viola Jones, Rev. Mark Smith, Rev. Patricia Winfrey, Rev. V. Gordon Glenn, Rev. Samuel Kyser 27 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church About the Cover:

he painting that appears on the cover of the Booklet for the 2017 TSeries of Annual Conferences, YEAR TWO: The Season of Epiphany of the Fifth Episcopal District Quadrennial Calendar, in addition to showing our logo for the Season - an open Bible in candle light - it also has deep personal meaning for me.

I came upon this painting by Vincent Van Gogh, Still-life With Bible, while in seminary. It immediately fascinated me. In fact, I have added to my bucket list a trip to Amsterdam to view the original painting.

What fascinated me most was the artist’s thoughtful selection of the three objects that appear in the painting and how meticulously each was placed. The candle, though nearly spent, its flame but a flicker, still offers enough light to reveal vital information about the objects that share its space. By candlelight, we see that the Bible is open to Isaiah 53, “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows…the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes, we are healed.” At the foot of the Bible is a novel titled, Le Joie de Vivre (The Joy of Life), written by the French author, Emile Zola. The novel is the African Methodist Episcopal Church story of Pauline and the fulfillment that she receives from a life lived in service to others.

Fifth Episcopal District Irrespective of the meanings that Van Gogh who aspired to priesthood but was rejected because of his failure to master Latin may have been trying to convey, the message was resoundingly clear to me. The candle speaks of long life, not spent in isolation but in giving illumination. The Joy of Life chronicles the many paths that one takes in his or her quest to live and to be and to explore this wonderful world. The Bible, the most prominent object, puts our faith at the center with the assurance that regardless where the paths of life may lead, the promises of God remain unchanged.

This understanding is essential as we set about restoring the Temple 28 order. A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church About the Cover:

he131st painting SESSION that OF THE appears DESERT on MOUNTAIN the cover CONFERENCEof the Booklet for the 2017 Series of AnnualANNUAL Conferences, CONFERENCE YEAR TWO: The Season of T SEPTEMBER 13 – 16, 2017 Epiphany of the Fifth Episcopal District Quadrennial Calendar, in Rev. Jonathan Rhone, Host Presiding Elder addition to showingRev. D. Charles our Wharry, logo for Co-Host the PresidingSeason Elder - an open Bible in candle light - it also has deepRev. Dr. personal Jennifer Leath, meaning Host Pastor for me. HOTEL SITE I came upon DOUBLEthis painting TREE (FRONTAGEby Vincent RD. Van AT Gogh, I-70) Still-life With Bible, 4040 QUEBEC STREET while in seminary. It immediatelyDENVER, CO 80216 fascinated me. In fact, I have added to my bucket list a trip to(303) Amsterdam 321-6666 to view the original painting. CONFERENCE SITE (ACTIVITY) What fascinatedSHORTER me most COMMUNITY was the AME artist’s CHURCH thoughtful selection of the 3100 RICHARD ALLEN CT. three objects that appearDENVER, in the CO painting80205 and how meticulously each was placed. The candle,(303) though 320-1712 nearly spent, its flame but a flicker, still offersPREACHERS/SPEAKERS enough light to reveal FOR ANNUAL vital information CONFERENCE about the objects that share its space. By candlelight, we see that the Bible is open to OrdinationIsaiah 53, “Surely He has borne our griefsRev. Arthur and B. carried Carter our sorrows…the Annual Sermon Rev. Sherilyn Curry-Lasley Closingchastisement Commissioning of Sermonour peace was upon BishopHim, Clementand with W. Fugh His stripes, we are healed.” At the foot of the Bible is a novel titled, Le Joie de Vivre (The INSTITUTE Rev.Joy Dr. of Benjamin Life), N.written Thomas bySr. the French author,Conference Emile Dean Zola. The novel is the story of Pauline and the fulfillment that she receives from a life lived in African Methodist Episcopal Church COMMITTEES service(To to Be others. Elected) Ministerial Efficiency, Judiciary, Finance, Trustees

BOARD OF EXAMINERS Fifth Episcopal District Rev.Irrespective Benjamin N. Thomas,of the meanings Rev.Timothy thatE. Tyler, Van Rev. Gogh Jennifer who Leath, aspired Rev. Sheriolyn to priesthood Currybut Lasley, was Rev.rejected John Hill, because Rev. Arthur of Carter,his failure Rev. Margaret to master Redmond. Latin may have been STATE OF THE CHURCH Rev.trying Jackson, to Rev.convey, Benjamin the Watson,message Rev. was William resoundingly Cornick, Rev. clear Margaret to me. Redmond, The candle Rev.Gloriaspeaks Barrett; of long Delegates life, not – Shorter spent (Denver), in isolation Jordan (Denver),but in giving Greater illumination.Bethel (Phoe- The nix), Prince Chapel (Tucson) Joy of Life chronicles the many paths that one takes in his or her quest STATEto live OF THEand COUNTRYto be and to explore this wonderful world. The Bible, the Rev. Gerald Richard, Rev. Michael Permillion, Rev. Judy Cato, Rev. Arnold Jackson, Rev. Gloriamost Barrett; prominent Delegates –Tannerobject, (Phoenix), puts our FAME faith (Pueblo, at the Murph center (Phoenix), with Campbell the assurance Chapelthat (Denver), regardless Murph where (Phoenix) the paths of life may lead, the promises of God TEMPERANCEremain unchanged. Rev. Michael Permillion, Rev. Stephen Garnett, Rev. Warren Robinson, Rev. Berry Wilson; Delegates – (Phoenix), St. Paul (Winslow), Trinity (Salt Lake City) This understanding is essential as we set about restoring the Temple order. 29 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

EVANGELISM Rev. Jennifer Leath, Rev. Geleta Smith, Rev. Sheriolyn Curry Lasley, Rev. Minnie Wharry; Delegates – Embry (Ogden), Mt Moriah (Maricopa), New St. John (Chandler), Greater New Bethel (Phoenix), Murph (Phoenix), Allen Chapel (Cheyenne) CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Rev. Ozetta Kirby, Rev. Nurjhan Govan, Rev, Alen Pettis; Delegates – New St. John (Chandler), Tanner (Phoenix), Jordan (Denver), Campbell Chapel (Denver), The Word of God (Rio Rancho) CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP Rev. Arthur Carter, Jr, Rev. Warren Robinson, Rev. Benjamin Watson, Rev. Edwin Donaldson; Delegates – Tanner (Phoenix), FAME (Pueblo), Prince Chapel (Tucson), Murph (Phoenix), Holt Trinity (Mesa ) ABANDONED PROPERTY Conference Trustees MEMORIALS Rev. Dr. Naomi Harris, Rev. Alen Pettis, Rev. Stephanie Duncan, Rev. Angela Miller, Rev. Bernard Reynolds; Delegates – Trinity (Salt Lake City), Tanner (Phoenix), Greater Koinonia (Gilbert), Allen Chapel (Cheyenne), Holy Trinity (Mesa) RESOLUTIONS Rev. John Hill, Rev. Nurjhan B. Govan, Rev. Benjamin Watson, Rev. Arnold Jackson; Delegates – Jordan (Denver), Grant Chapel (Albuquerque), Payne Chapel (Colorado Springs), Tanner (Phoenix) Owen Chapel (Alamogordo) CLASSIFICATION OF CHURCHES Rev. Margaret Redmond, Rev. Stephen Garnett, Rev. Warren Robinson, Rev. William Cornick, Rev. Judy Cato; Delegates – Tanner (Phoenix), FAME (Pueblo), Murph (Phoenix), Campbell Chapel (Denver) MISSIONS, CIRCUITS AND STATIONS Rev. Gerald Richards, Rev. Stephen Garnett, Rev. Gloria Barrett, Rev. Margaret Redmond, Rev.Edwin Donaldson; Delegates –St. Paul (Winslow), Harbert (Flagstaff), Campbell Chapel (Denver) CLASSIFICATION OF MINISTERS Rev. Margaret Redmond, Rev. Edwin Donaldson, Rev. Arthur Carter, Jr., Rev. Stephan Garnett; Delegates – Embry Chapel (Ogden), Payne Chapel (Colorado Springs), Greater New Bethel (Phoenix), St. Paul (Winslow) LOCAL CHURCH INSURANCE Rev. John Hill, Rev. Michael Permillion, Rev. Judy Cato, Rev. Warren Robinson; Delegates – St. Paul (Winslow), New St. John (Chandler), Shorter Community (Denver), Allen Chapel (Cheyenne)

30 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

SOCIAL ACTION Rev. Jennifer Leath, Rev. Gloria Barrett, Rev. Arnold Jackson, Rev. Gerald Richard; Delegates - Murph (Phoeni), Grant Chapel (Albuquerque), Shorter Community (Denver), FAME (Pueblo)

PRESIDING ELDER APPORTIONMENT Rev. Timothy E. Tyler, Rev. Benjamin Thomas Sr., Rev. Arthur Carter, Jr, Rev. Jennifer Leath, Rev. Sheriolyn Curry Lasley, Rev. John Hill; Presiding Elders: Jonathan Rhone and D. Charles Wharry

CHURCH GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Rev. Arthur Carter, Jr., Rev. Shiame Okunor, Rev. Ruther Handy, Rev. Edwin Donaldson, Rev. Stephen Garnett; Delegates – Embry Chapel (Ogden), New St. John (Chandler) Payne Chapel (Colorado Springs), Greater New Bethel (Phoenix), St. Paul (Winslow)

PUBLIC RELATIONS Rev. Marcia Williams, Rev. Sylvia Bills, Rev. Gloria Barrett; Delegates – Grant Chapel (Albuquerque), Embry (Ogden), Mt Moriah (Maricopa), Payne Chapel (Colorado Springs), Greater New Bethel (Phoenix), St. Paul (Winslow)

WOMEN’S MISSIONARY SOCIETY Episcopal Supervisor, Mrs. Alexia Butler Fugh Conference President, Ms. Stephanie Townsend

31 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church About the Cover:

he painting that appears on the cover of the Booklet for the 2017 TSeries of Annual Conferences, YEAR TWO: The Season of Epiphany of the Fifth Episcopal District Quadrennial Calendar, in addition to showing our logo for the Season - an open Bible in candle light - it also has deep personal meaning for me.

I came upon this painting by Vincent Van Gogh, Still-life With Bible, while in seminary. It immediately fascinated me. In fact, I have added to my bucket list a trip to Amsterdam to view the original painting.

What fascinated me most was the artist’s thoughtful selection of the three objects that appear in the painting and how meticulously each was placed. The candle, though nearly spent, its flame but a flicker, still offers enough light to reveal vital information about the objects that share its space. By candlelight, we see that the Bible is open to Isaiah 53, “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows…the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes, we are healed.” At the foot of the Bible is a novel titled, Le Joie de Vivre (The Joy of Life), written by the French author, Emile Zola. The novel is the African Methodist Episcopal Church story of Pauline and the fulfillment that she receives from a life lived in service to others.

Fifth Episcopal District Irrespective of the meanings that Van Gogh who aspired to priesthood but was rejected because of his failure to master Latin may have been trying to convey, the message was resoundingly clear to me. The candle speaks of long life, not spent in isolation but in giving illumination. The Joy of Life chronicles the many paths that one takes in his or her quest to live and to be and to explore this wonderful world. The Bible, the most prominent object, puts our faith at the center with the assurance that regardless where the paths of life may lead, the promises of God remain unchanged.

This understanding is essential as we set about restoring the Temple 32 order. A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church About the Cover:

he painting153RD SESSION that OFappears THE CALIFORNIA on the cover CONFERENCE of the Booklet for the 2017 Series of AnnualANNUAL Conferences, CONFERENCE YEAR TWO: The Season of T SEPTEMBER 27 – OCTOBER 1, 2017 Epiphany of the Fifth Episcopal District Quadrennial Calendar, in Rev. Cedric V. Alexander, Host Presiding Elder addition to showingRev. Booker our T. Guyton, logo forCo-Host the PresidingSeason Elder - an open Bible in candle light - it also has deepRev. Robinpersonal T. Hood, meaning Host Pastor for me. Rev. Philip R. Cousin Jr., Co-Host Pastor Rev. Carietta Cain Grizzell, Co-Host Pastor I came upon thisRev. painting Larry Holloway, by Vincent Co-Host Van Pastor Gogh, Still-life With Bible, Rev. Robert Cox, Co-Host Pastor while in seminary.Rev. Loretta It immediately Dickerson-Smith, fascinated Co-Host Pastor me. In fact, I have added to my bucket list a trip to Amsterdam to view the original painting. DOUBLE TREE BY HILTON HOTEL 2001 POINT W. WAY What fascinated meSACRAMENTO, most was the CA artist’s 95815 thoughtful selection of the (916) 929-8855 three objects that appear in the painting and how meticulously each was placed.PREACHERS/SPEAKERS The candle, though FOR ANNUAL nearly CONFERENCEspent, its flame but a flicker, Ordinationstill offers enough light to reveal vitalRev. information Dr. Tyrone Hicks about the objects Annualthat Sermon share its space. By candlelight, Rev. we E.see Teresa that Nelson the Bible is open to Closing Commissioning Sermon Bishop Clement W. Fugh Isaiah 53, “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows…the INSTITUTE Rev.chastisement Anthony Hughes of our peace was upon ConferenceHim, and Dean with His stripes, we are healed.” At the foot of the Bible is a novel titled, Le Joie de Vivre (The COMMITTEES Joy of (ToLife), Be Elected)written Ministerial by the Efficiency,French author, Judiciary, EmileFinance, Zola.Trustees The novel is the story of Pauline and the fulfillment that she receives from a life lived in African Methodist Episcopal Church BOARD OF EXAMINERS Rev.service Anthony to Hughes others. (Dean), Rev. Harold Mayberry, Rev. Tyrone Hicks, Rev. Carietta Cain-Grizzell, Rev. Sandra Blair, Rev. E. Teresa Nelson, Rev. Ayisha Benham, Rev. Da- Fifth Episcopal District monIrrespective Powell of the meanings that Van Gogh who aspired to priesthood STATEbut OFwas THE rejected CHURCH because of his failure to master Latin may have been Rev. Cubie Finley, Rev. George Mason; Delegates – Bethel (Marysville), St. Paul (Pixley) trying to convey, the message was resoundingly clear to me. The candle STATEspeaks OF THEof long COUNTRY life, not spent in isolation but in giving illumination. The Rev. Patricia Colvin, Rev. Bernard Benson, Rev. Sharon Avril, Rev. Delores Stephens; DelegatesJoy of – LifeBethel chronicles (Chico), Brooks the Chapel many (Tulare) paths that one takes in his or her quest to live and to be and to explore this wonderful world. The Bible, the TEMPERANCE Rev.most Gayle prominent Lockhart, Rev. object,Dominique puts Holland, our Rev. faith Michael at the Porter; center Delegates with – Brookins the assurance (Oakland),that regardless St. Andrews where(Sacramento) the paths of life may lead, the promises of God EVANGELISMremain unchanged. Rev. Boaston Woodson, Rev.Sharon Avril, Rev. Hugh Wesley; Delegates – Allen Chapel (Sacraemento), Carter Memorial Fresno) This understanding is essential as we set about restoring the Temple order. 33 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP Rev. Hugh Welsey, Rev. Cubie Finely, Rev. Phyllis Hicks, Rev. Antoinette Miles; Delegates – Bethel (San Francisco), Ebenezer (Stockton)

RETIREMENT SERVICES Presiding Elder Cedric V. Alexander, Presiding Elder Booker T. Guyton, Rev. Tyrone Hicks, Rev. Harold R. Mayberry, Rev. Philip R. Cousin, Rev. Robert Cox, Rev. Anthony Hughes, Rev. Vernon Burroughs, Rev. Robin Hood, Rev. E. Teresa Nelson; Delegates – St. Paul (Berkeley), Bethel (San Francisco)

RESOLUTIONS Rev. Sharon Avril, Rev. Hugh Wesley, Rev. Antoinette Miles, Rev. Donnell O. Miles, Rev. Gayle Lockhart; Delegates – St. James (Modesto), Wright Chapel (San Francisco)

MISSION, CIRCUITS, AND STATIONS Presiding Elders Booker T. Guyton, Presiding Elder Cedric V. Alexander, Rev. Vernon Burroughs, Rev. Larry Holloway, Rev. Dominique Holland, Rev. Cubie Finely; Delegates –First (Oakland), Bethel (Marysville)

SPECIAL MINISTRIES Rev. Sandra Smith Blair

PRESIDING ELDER APPORTIONMENT Presiding Elder Booker T. Guyton, Presiding Elder Cedric V. Alexander, Rev. Harold R. Mayberry, Rev. Tyrone Hicks, Rev. Carieta Cain-Grizzell, Rev. Anythony Hughes, Rc. Philip R. Cousin Jr., Rev. Vernon Burroughs, Rev. Robin T. Hood, Rev. E. Teresa Nelson; Delegates – Bethel (San Francisco) and First (Oakland)

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Rev. Joe David Sales, Rev. Marianne Williams, Rev. Michael Porter, Consultant LaTrenda Easton; Delegate – St. Andrews (Sacramento), Everett Chapel (Oakland)

PUBLIC RELATIONS Rev. Robin Hood, Rev. Bernard Benson, Sister Francine Goodson, Dr. Annette Shelton

MEMORIALS Rev. Michael Porter, Rev. Bernard Benson, Rev. Patricia Colvin; Delegates – St. Paul (Vallejo), St. Paul (Fowler)

MISSIONARY SOCIETY Mrs, Alexia B. Fugh (Episcopal Supervisor), Mrs. Alice M. Johnson (President), Mrs. Karen Marshall (YPD Director), Jocelyn Iglehart (YPD President) , Local Area Directors

SPECIAL RESOLUTIONS Rev. E. Teresa Nelson, Carieta Cain-Grizzell; Delegates – St. Andrews (Sacremento), St. James (San Jose)


34 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

CHURCH GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Rev. Harold R. Mayberry, Rev. Tyrone Hicks, Rev. Boaston Woodson, Rev. Anthony Hughes, Rev. Vernon Burroughs, Rev. Robin Hood, Rev. E. Teresa Nelson; Delegates – Bethel (San Francisco), Parks Chapel (Oakland)

HEALTH COMMISSIONS Sister Jovine Hankins (Conference Director), Dr. Brazil Carter, Dr. Patricia Hatton; Delegates – Bethel (San Francisco), Parks Chapel (Oakland)

LAY ACTIVITIES Sister Sue Sheldon-Ward (President) and the Executive Committee; Delegates – First (Oakland), Bethel (San Francisco)

PRAYER Rev. Dorisalene Hughes, Rev. Cynthia Gerald, Rev. Grace Nunley

35 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church About the Cover:

he painting that appears on the cover of the Booklet for the 2017 TSeries of Annual Conferences, YEAR TWO: The Season of Epiphany of the Fifth Episcopal District Quadrennial Calendar, in addition to showing our logo for the Season - an open Bible in candle light - it also has deep personal meaning for me.

I came upon this painting by Vincent Van Gogh, Still-life With Bible, while in seminary. It immediately fascinated me. In fact, I have added to my bucket list a trip to Amsterdam to view the original painting.

What fascinated me most was the artist’s thoughtful selection of the three objects that appear in the painting and how meticulously each was placed. The candle, though nearly spent, its flame but a flicker, still offers enough light to reveal vital information about the objects that share its space. By candlelight, we see that the Bible is open to Isaiah 53, “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows…the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes, we are healed.” At the foot of the Bible is a novel titled, Le Joie de Vivre (The Joy of Life), written by the French author, Emile Zola. The novel is the African Methodist Episcopal Church story of Pauline and the fulfillment that she receives from a life lived in service to others.

Fifth Episcopal District Irrespective of the meanings that Van Gogh who aspired to priesthood but was rejected because of his failure to master Latin may have been trying to convey, the message was resoundingly clear to me. The candle speaks of long life, not spent in isolation but in giving illumination. The Joy of Life chronicles the many paths that one takes in his or her quest to live and to be and to explore this wonderful world. The Bible, the most prominent object, puts our faith at the center with the assurance that regardless where the paths of life may lead, the promises of God remain unchanged.

This understanding is essential as we set about restoring the Temple 36 order. A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church About the Cover:

he painting163RD SESSION that appears OF THE MISSOURIon the cover CONFERENCE of the Booklet for the 2017 Series of AnnualANNUAL Conferences, CONFERENCE YEAR TWO: The Season of T OCTOBER 4 – 8, 2017 Epiphany of the Fifth Episcopal District Quadrennial Calendar, in Rev. Darlene Singer Smith, Host Presiding Elder addition to showingRev. Edmund our Lowe, logo Co-Host for the Presiding Season Elder - an open Bible in candle light - it also has deepRev. Steven personal Sheppard, meaning Host Pastor for me. HILTON ST. LOUIS AIRPORT I came upon this10330 painting NATURAL by Vincent BRIDGE VanROAD Gogh, Still-life With Bible, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63134 while in seminary. It immediately(314) 426-5500 fascinated me. In fact, I have added to my bucket list a trip to Amsterdam to view the original painting. PREACHERS/SPEAKERS FOR ANNUAL CONFERENCE OrdinationWhat fascinated me most was the artist’sRev. Dr. thoughtfulRobert A. Strode selection of the Annual Sermon Rev. Karen Anderson Closingthree Commissioning objects that Sermon appear in the paintingBishop Clementand how W. Fugh meticulously each was placed. The candle, though nearly spent, its flame but a flicker, INSTITUTE Rev.still Lee offersClayton Goodman,enough Esq.light to reveal vitalConference information Dean about the objects that share its space. By candlelight, we see that the Bible is open to COMMITTEES Isaiah (To53, Be “Surely Elected) MinisterialHe has borne Efficiency, our Judiciary, griefs andFinance, carried Trustees our sorrows…the

BOARDchastisement OF EXAMINERS of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes, we are Rev.healed.” Lee Clayton At Goodman, the foot Esq., of Rev.the SpencerBible Lamaris a novel Booker, titled, Rev. Charles Le Joie Norris, de Rev.Vivre (The Steven Shepard, Rev. Clinton Stancil, Rev. Claudine E. Murphy, Rev. Beverly Stith, Rev. RenitaJoy Green,of Life), Rev. Karenwritten Andeerson, by the Rev. French Dr. Roger author, Richardson Emile Zola. The novel is the story of Pauline and the fulfillment that she receives from a life lived in African Methodist Episcopal Church STATE OF THE CHURCH Rev.service Clinton to Stancil, others. Rev. Dr. Cassandra Gould, Rev. Rodney Moody, Rev. Martinous Walls; Delegates –Bethel (Paynsville), St. Luke (Elmwood Park), St. Paul (St. Louis), Ol- Fifth Episcopal District iveIrrespective Chapel (Kirkwood) of the meanings that Van Gogh who aspired to priesthood STATEbut OFwas THE rejected COUNTRY because of his failure to master Latin may have been Rev. Anthony McPherson, Rev. Lee Clayton Goodman, Esq., Rev. Kevin Jacques, Rev. Debbietrying Thornton, to convey, Rev. Terrance the message Small; Delegates was resoundingly – St. James (St. clearLouis), to Imani, me. Buren The candle Chapelspeaks (Herculaneum) of long life, not spent in isolation but in giving illumination. The CLASSIFICATIONJoy of Life chronicles OF MINISTERS the many paths that one takes in his or her quest Rev.to Karen live Anderson,and to beRev. and Claudine to explore Murphy, Rev.this Keith wonderful Cornelius, world.Rev. Earl Strauther;The Bible , the Delegates – Bethel (Louisiana), Tri-Union most prominent object, puts our faith at the center with the assurance TEMPERANCEthat regardless where the paths of life may lead, the promises of God Rev. Stephen Lamkin, Rev. William Harrold, Rev. Violet Ewell, Rev. David Malcom; Del- egatesremain – St. Peter, unchanged. Christ Our Redeemer

This understanding is essential as we set about restoring the Temple order. 37 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

EVANGELISM Rev. Terence Small, Rev. Sheila Scott, Rev. James Boler , Rev. Dr. JoAnn Owens, Rev. Charley Johnson; Delegates – St. John (Kennett), Parks Chapel (Webster Groves), Olive Chapel (Kirkwood), Rock Chapel (St. Louis)

MINISTRIES TO THE YOUTH Rev. Charles Norris, Rev. Lori Beason, Rev. Dawn Price, Sister Cassandra Gay, Brother Robert McRath (Boy Scouts)

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Rev. Janice Parker, Sister Cheryl Hairston, Rev. Charley Johnson; Delegates – Evangelist Ailen Wynne (St. Paul), Evangelist Kathy Hamilton Thomas (St. James), Sister Delores Jarrett (Gregg Chapel), Brother Samuel MacCauley (St. Peter)

RETIREMENT SERVICES Rev. Charles Norris, Rev. Steven Shepard, Rev. Sheila Scott, Rev. Dr. Roger Richardson; Delegate – Gregg Chapel (St. Louis), Quinn Chapel (Jefferson City)

CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP Rev. Spencer Lamar Booker, Rev. Clinton Stancil, Rev. Karen Anderson, Rev. Donna Simms; Delegates – Bethel (Sikeston), St. Luke (Elmwood Park)

ABANDONED PROPERTY Presiding Elder Edmund Lowe Sr., Presiding Elder Darlene Singer Smith, and Conference Trustees

MEMORIALS Rev. Debbie Thornton, Rev. Zelldrick Preston, Rev. Dr. JoAnn Owens; Delegates – Quinn Chapel (St. Louis), St. James (Cape Girardeau)

CHURCH SCHOOL Rev. Zelldrick Preston, Rev. Sharl Smith, Exhorter Helen Clay (Parks Chapel)

RESOLUTIONS Rev. Beverly Stith, Rev. Dr. Cassandra Gould, Rev. Martinous Walls, Rev. Carolyn Kent; Delegates, Rock Chapel (St. Louis), Bethel (Paynesville), Brown Chapel (Popular Bluff), Gregg Chapel (St. Louis)

CLASSIFICATION OF CHURCHES Rev. Renita Green, Rev. Sandra Burton, Rev. David Malcom, Rev. Edith Reed; Delegates – Allen Chapel (Hannibal), Perry Chapel (Charleston), Tri-Union (St. Louis)

MISSIONS, CIRCUITS, STATIONS Rev. Rodney Moody, Rev. Steven Shepard, Rev. Earl Strauther; Delegates – Ward Chapel (Mexico) St. Paul (St. Louis), Olive Chapel (Kirklwood), Parks Chapel (Webster Groves)

38 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

PRESIDING ELDER APPORTIONMENT Presiding Elder Edmund E. Lowe Sr., Presiding Elder Darlene Singer Smith, Rev. Spencer Lamar Booker, Rev. Charles Norris, Rev. Steven Shepard, Rev. Clinton Stancil, Rev. Lee Clayton Goodman, Esq., Rev. Karen Anderson, Rev. Dr. Roger Richardson, Rev. Claudine E. Murphy

MEN’S MINISTRY Rev. Clinton Stancil, Rev. Roger Richardson, Rev. Terrence Small, Rev. Earl Strauther, Brother Price (St. Paul), Brother Joe Anderson (Ward Chapel)

LAY ORGANIZATION Sister Pamela Williams (St. James), Brother Lamar Rose (COR), Sister Nona Simpkins (Gregg Chapel), Sister Florette Hampton (Tri-Union)

WOMEN IN MINISTRY Rev. Karen Anderson, Rev. Regina Lowe, Rev. Janice Parker, Rev. Debbie Thornton

CHURCH GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Rev. Dr. Roger Richardson, Rev. Spencer Lamar Booker, Rev. Clinton Stancil, Rev. Dr. Cassandra Gould, Rev. Renita Green, Presiding Elder Edmund Lowe Sr., Presiding Elder Darlene Singer Smith

HEALTH MINISTRY Sis.Louise Welch, Sis. Cheryl Fair, Sis. Mary Ethridge, Sis. Sallie Bradford, Rev. Regina Lowe

PUBLIC RELATIONS Rev. Martinous Walls, Rev. Donna Simms, Rev. Terence Small; Delegates – St. James (Cape Girardeau), St. Paul (Columbia), Perry Chapel (Charleston)

WOMEN’S MISSIONARY SOCIETY Mrs. Alexia B. Fugh (Episcopal Supervisor), Sis. Dorothy Powell (President) , Lady Michelle Franklin (Director)

39 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church About the Cover:

he painting that appears on the cover of the Booklet for the 2017 TSeries of Annual Conferences, YEAR TWO: The Season of Epiphany of the Fifth Episcopal District Quadrennial Calendar, in addition to showing our logo for the Season - an open Bible in candle light - it also has deep personal meaning for me.

I came upon this painting by Vincent Van Gogh, Still-life With Bible, while in seminary. It immediately fascinated me. In fact, I have added to my bucket list a trip to Amsterdam to view the original painting.

What fascinated me most was the artist’s thoughtful selection of the three objects that appear in the painting and how meticulously each was placed. The candle, though nearly spent, its flame but a flicker, still offers enough light to reveal vital information about the objects that share its space. By candlelight, we see that the Bible is open to Isaiah 53, “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows…the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes, we are healed.” At the foot of the Bible is a novel titled, Le Joie de Vivre (The Joy of Life), written by the French author, Emile Zola. The novel is the African Methodist Episcopal Church story of Pauline and the fulfillment that she receives from a life lived in service to others.

Fifth Episcopal District Irrespective of the meanings that Van Gogh who aspired to priesthood but was rejected because of his failure to master Latin may have been trying to convey, the message was resoundingly clear to me. The candle speaks of long life, not spent in isolation but in giving illumination. The Joy of Life chronicles the many paths that one takes in his or her quest to live and to be and to explore this wonderful world. The Bible, the most prominent object, puts our faith at the center with the assurance that regardless where the paths of life may lead, the promises of God remain unchanged.

This understanding is essential as we set about restoring the Temple 40 order. A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church About the Cover:

he93RD painting SESSION that OF appears THE Southern on theCalifornia cover CONFERENCE of the Booklet for the 2017 Series of AnnualANNUAL Conferences, CONFERENCE YEAR TWO: The Season of T OCTOBER 25 – 29, 2017 Epiphany of the Fifth Episcopal District Quadrennial Calendar, in Rev. Allen L. Williams, Host Presiding Elder addition to showingRev. Roosevelt our Lindsey, logo forCo-Host the PresidingSeason Elder - an open Bible in candle light - it also has deepRev. Darryl personal E. Walker, meaning Host Pastor for me. HILTON LOS ANGELES AIRPORT I came upon this painting5711 W. CENTURYby Vincent BLVD. Van Gogh, Still-life With Bible, while in seminary. ItLOS immediately ANGELES, CA fascinated 90045 me. In fact, I have added to my bucketPREACHERS/SPEAKERS list a trip to Amsterdam FOR ANNUAL to view CONFERENCE the original painting. Ordination To Be Appointed AnnualWhat Sermon fascinated me most was the artist’sRev. Dr. thoughtfulRalph Williamson selection of the Closing Commissioning Sermon Bishop Clement W. Fugh three objects that appear in the painting and how meticulously each was placed. The candle, INSTITUTEthough nearly spent, its flame but a flicker, Bishop Clement W. Fugh Presiding Prelate still offers enough light to reveal vital information about the objects that share its space. ByCOMMITTEES candlelight, we see that the Bible is open to (To Be Elected) Ministerial Efficiency, Judiciary, Finance, Trustees, Isaiah 53, “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows…the BOARD OF EXAMINERS Rev.chastisement Kelvin Calloway of (Dean), our Rev.peace J. Edgar was Boyd,upon Rev. Him, Rosalyn and Brookins, with His Rev. stripes,Richard we are Rose,healed.” Rev. Michael At theW. Eagle, foot Rev. of theJohn BibleCager, Rev.is a Marknovel Whitlock, titled, Rev. Le DarrylJoie deWalker, Vivre (The Rev. Ralph Williamson, Rev. Ira Woodfin-Dickson, Rev. Larry Campbell, Rev. Melanie Mays,Joy Rev. of Life),J. Arthur written Rumph, byRev. the Francine French Brookins, author, Rev. Emile Clyde Oden,Zola. Rev. The Carolyn novel is the African Methodist Episcopal Church Baskin-Bell,story of Rev. Pauline Latisha and Smith. the fulfillment that she receives from a life lived in STATEservice OF THEto others. CHURCH Rev. Reuben Ford, Rev. John Cager, Rev. Mary Minor, Rev. Steve Atkins, Rev. Charles Wright, Rev. William Johnson, Rev. Norman Copeland, Rev. Timothy Coston, Jr., Rev. Fifth Episcopal District CarrieIrrespective Humphrey, Rev.of the Jeffery meanings Clark; Delegates that Van– Bethel Gogh (San whoDiego), aspired Patricia Bevelynto priesthood (Cainbut Memorial was rejected Bakersfield), because Angela ofBostick his (A.K.failure Quinn/Moreno to master Valley), Latin Patricia may Ellishave been STATEtrying OF toTHE convey, COUNTRY the message was resoundingly clear to me. The candle Rev.speaks Clyde Oden, of long Rev. life, Juliet not Hemphill, spent Rev. in Carrieisolation Humphrey, but in Rev. giving Kenneth illumination. Baker, Rev. The Donna Davis, Rev. Timothy Coston, Jr., Rev. Larry Campbell, Rev. Swayne Cofield, Rev. BernadetteJoy of Johnson;Life chronicles Delegates – Johnsonthe many Chapel paths (Santa that Ana), one Gladys takes Moore in (First his AME/or her quest LA),to Grant live (Losand Angeles) to be and to explore this wonderful world. The Bible, the CLASSIFICATIONmost prominent OF MINISTERSobject, puts our faith at the center with the assurance Rev.that Rubin regardless Ford, Rev. J.where Arthur Rumph,the paths Rev. Ralph of life Williamson, may lead, Rev. Jefferythe promises Clark, Rev. of God Francine Brookins, Rev. Kelvin Calloway, Rev. Rosalynn Brookins, Rev Rethis Murry, Rev.remain Timothy unchanged. Coston, Jr., Rev. B.J. Thomas, Rev. Carolyn Baskin-Bell, Rev. J. Edgar Boyd, Rev. Juliet Hemphill, Rev. Steve Atkins This understanding is essential as we set about restoring the Temple order. 41 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

TEMPERANCE Rev. Michael Eagle, Rev. Lois Woodard, Rev. Bernadette Johnson, Rev. Jeffrey Clark, Rev. Ira Woodfin Dickason, Rev. Dwaine Jackson, Rev. Gregory McLeod, Rev. Rethis Murry, Rev. Denise Jackson. Delegates: Brown Memorial (Pasadena); Bethel (San Diego), Patricia Bevelyn; (Allen/Riverside), Bethel(Blythe), Flora Spiller

EVANGELISM Rev. Charles Johnson, Rev. Mark Whitlock, Rev. Norman Copeland, Rev. Darryl Walker, Rev. Ruben Ford, Rev. Woodard, Rev. Mary Minor, Rev. Antonio Dupre, Rev. Gregory McLeod, Rev. Rosalynn Brookins; Delegates – Parks Chapel (San Fernando), Mark Smith (St. Phillip/Santa Maria), Bryant Temple (LA), Bethel (Perris), Grant (Long Beach), Betty Weicks (Price Chapel/LA), Patricia Mayberry (Second/LA), Geneva McKinney

MINISTRIES TO THE YOUTH Rev. Rethis Murry, Rev. Phillip Ross, Rev. Bernadette Johnson, Rev. Charles Dorsey, Rev. Ralph Williamson, Rev. Kenneth Baker, Rev. Dwaine Jackson, Rev. Timothy Coston, Jr., Rev. Harvey Vaughn, Rev. Melanie Mays; Delegates – First (Santa Monica), Marvin Brown (St James/LA), Bethel (LA), Ward (LA), Walker Temple (LA), Darryl Bean

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Rev. Ralph Williamson, Rev. Joyce Kitchen, Rev. Francine Brookins, Rev. Richard Rose, Rev. Harrison Ridgeway, Rev. Larry Campbell, Rev. William Sheppard, Rev. Kenneth Baker, Rev. Dwaine Jackson; Delegates – Corona Community (Corona), Greater Harvest (Victorville), Price Chapel (LA), Patricia Mayberry, New Philadelphia (Long Beach), Donald Pitcher (Johnson Chapel/El Centro), Diana Shelton (Bethel/Perris), Cain Memorial (Bakersfield), Angela Bostick

CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP Rev. J. Arthur Rumph, Rev. Benjamin Hollins, Rev. Antonio Dupre, Rev. Michael Eagle, Rev. Mary Minor, Rev. Joyce Kitchen, Rev. Timothy Coston, Jr., Rev. Charles Wright, Rev. Carrie Humphrey, Rev. McLeod, Rev. Michael Carr; Delegates – Emmanuel (LA), Bethel (Oxnard), Errol Watson (St. Mark/LA), St. Paul (San Bernardino), Harvey Sanders (First/ LA), First (Santa Monica), Marvin Brown

ABANDONED PROPERTY Rev. Norman Copeland, Rev. Clyde Oden, Rev. Betty Hanna Witherspoon, Rev. Kenneth Baker, Rev. Ralph Williamson, Rev. Everett Bell, Rev. Delman Howard, Rev. BJ Thomas, Rev. John Cager, Rev. Carrie Humphrey; Delegates – Bethel (Barstow), Michael Arzu (Primm/Pomona), Anderson Johnson (Second/LA), Geneva McKinney (A.K. Quinn/ Moreno Valley), Patricia Ellis (Paul E. Kidd/San Diego), Margaret Brown (St. Phillip/ Santa Maria)

MEMORIALS Rev. Ira Woodfin Dickason, Rev. William Sheppard, Rev. Michael Eagle, Rev. Denise Jackson, Rev. Harvey Vaughn, Rev. Carolyn Baskin-Bell, Rev. Dwaine Jackson, Rev. T. C. Johnson; Delegates –(First/Indio), Kelly Nelson (Bethel/Monrovia), Bethel (Blythe), Flora Spiller (Paul E. Kidd/San Diego), Margaret Brown

42 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

CHURCH SCHOOL Rev. Ira Woodfin Dickason

RESOLUTIONS Rev. Francine Brookins, Rev. Donna Davis, Rev. Mary Minor, Rev. Gregory McLeod, Rev. Harrison Ridgeway, Rev. Jeffery Clark, Rev. William Sheppard, Rev. Dwaine Jackson, Rev. Antonio Dupre; Delegates – St. John Holy Trinity (Littlerock), A.K. Quinn (Moreno Valley), Patricia Ellis (Walker Temple/LA), Darryl Bean (Parks Chapel/San Fernando), Mark Smith

CLASSIFICATION OF CHURCHES Rev. Benjamin Hollins, Rev. J. Arthur Rumph, Rev. John Cager, Rev. Lois Woodard, Rev. Betty Hanna Witherspoon, Rev. William Johnson, Rev. Harvey Vaughn, Rev. Timothy Coston, Jr., Rev. Dwaine Jackson, Rev. Charles Wright, Rev. Donna Davis; Delegates – Prince Chapel (La Jolla), Alberta Smith (Parks Chapel/San Fernando), Mark Smith (Bethel/ Fontana)

MISSIONS, CIRCUITS, STATIONS Rev. Rosalynn Brookins, Rev. John Cager, Rev. Everett Bell, Rev. Michael Eagle, Rev. Mary Minor, Rev. Clyde Oden, Rev. Timothy Coston, Jr., Rev. Carolyn Baskin-Bell, Rev. Latisha Smith, Rev. Kenneth Baker, Rev. Nicolette Wilson, Rev. Antonio Dupre; Delegates – Brookins (LA), Paul E. Kidd (San Diego), Margaret Brown (Primm/Pomona), Anderson Johnson (Grant/Long Beach), Betty Weicks (Grace Community/Temecula), Calvin L. Holder (St. James/LA), Fountain of Hope (Las Vegas), Stanley Allen (Corona Community/ Corona)

PRESIDING ELDER APPORTIONMENT Elder Roosevelt Lindsey, Jr., Elder Allen Williams, Sr., Rev. Mark Whitlock, Rev. Delman Howard, Rev. Carolyn Baskin-Bell, Rev. Latisha Smith, Rev. Ira Woodfin Dickason, Rev. J. Edgar Boyd, Rev. Kelvin Calloway, Rev. J. Arthur Rumph, Rev. Darryl Walker, Rev. Larry Campbell, Rev. John Cager; Delegates – Murph Chapel(Valinda), A.K. Quinn (Moreno Valley), Patricia Ellis (Rose Of Sharon), Shirley Longmore

CHURCH GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Rev. Timothy Coston, Jr., Rev. Nicolette Wilson, Rev. Ira Woodfin Dickason, Rev. John Cager, Rev. Mark Whitlock, Rev. Carolyn Baskin-Bell, Rev. Kenneth Baker, Rev. William Johnson, Rev. Francine Brookins, Rev. Ralph Williamson, Rev. May Minor, Rev. Charles Johnson; Delegates – Holy Trinity (Las Vegas), Aquilla Todd (Ward/LA), First (Pasadena), Johnson Chapel (Santa Ana), Gladys Moore (Christ Our Redeemer/Irvine), Dorothy Locke (First Providence/Lompoc)

PUBLIC RELATIONS Rev. Charolyn Jones, Rev. Dwaine Jackson

WOMEN’S MISSIONARY SOCIETY Mrs. Alexia B. Fugh (Episcopal Supervisor)

LOCAL CHURCH INSURANCE Rev. Gregory McLeod, Rev. Ruben Ford, Rev. John Cager, Rev. Joyce Kitchen, Rev. Mark Whitlock, Rev. Francine Brookins, Rev. Ralph Williamson; Delegates – Holy Trinity (Long Beach), Murph Chapel (Valinda), New Allen (Delano) 43 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church

SOCIAL ACTION Rev. Kirkpatrick Tyler, Rev. Carrie Humphrey, Rev. William Johnson, Rev. Joyce Kitchen, Rev. Kelvin Calloway, Rev. John Cager, Rev. Michael Carr, Rev. Antonio Dupre, Rev. Mark Whitlock, Rev. Bernadette Johnson, Rev. Francine Brookins, Rev. J. Edgar Boyd, Rev. Rethis Murry, Rev. Michael Eagle; Delegates – St. Mark (LA), Bethel (Perris), Emanuel (LA), Walker Chapel (Oceanside), Stacy Porter (St. Paul/ Santa Barbara), Georgette Moten

44 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church



And are we yet alive, And see each other’s face? Glory and praise to Jesus give, For His redeeming grace!

Preserved by power Divine To full salvation here, Again in Jesus’ praise we join, And in His sight appear.

What troubles have we seen, What conflicts have we passed, Fighting without and fears within, Since we assembled last.

But out of all the Lord, Hath brought us by His love; And still He doth His help afford, And hides our life above.

Then let us make our boast, Of His redeeming power, Which saves us to the uttermost, Till we can sin no more.

45 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church


A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify, A never dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky.

To serve the present age, My calling to fulfill; O may it all my powers engage, To do my Master’s will!

Arm me with jealous care, As in Thy sight to live, And O, Thy servant, Lord, prepare, A strict account to give! Help me to watch and pray, And on Thy self-rely Assured, If I my trust betray, I shall forever die.


46 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church


Go, preach my Gospel, saith the Lord, Bid the whole earth my grace receive, Explain to them my sacred Word Bid them believe, obey and live.

I’ll make my great commission known, And ye shall prove my Gospel true, By all the works that I have done, And all the wonders ye shall do.

Go, heal the sick; go raise the dead; Go, cast out devils in my name; Nor let my prophets be afraid, Though Greeks reproach and Jews blaspheme.

While thus ye follow My commands, I’m with you till the world shall end; All power is trusted in My hands; I can destroy and can defend.

47 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church


St. Matthew 28: 18 – 20 (NIV)

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

48 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church



Leader: This evening we celebrate and remember those members of the Annual Conference and Connectional Leaders who have died since we last gathered together. (announce the list)

Bishop: We give thanks to You O God for servants of the Connectional Church who this year have finished their labors… (announce the list) Absent from the Body.

People: Present with the Lord.

Leader: We give thanks to You O God for our ordained clergy who this year have finished their labors… (announce the list) Absent from the Body.

People: Present with the Lord.

Bishop: We give thanks to You, O God, for those whom we name in our hearts and who have been faithful to Your call and glorified You with their life and work…(moment of silence) Absent from the Body.

People: Present with the Lord.

All: O God, we thank You for all those remembered here. Let us cherish their memory, celebrate their ministries, continue their work, and live in hope that we shall once again meet face to face. Amen.

49 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church


The Statement of Purpose In the Name of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, let us enter into this service of the retirement of preachers from active work in the ministry of the church. Let us pray.

The Invocation Direct us, O Lord, in all our doings, with your most gracious favor, and further us with Thy continual help, that in all our work, begun, continued and ended in you, we may glorify your Holy Name, and finally by your mercy obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Presentation of Preacher Bishop Fugh, The______Annual Conference desires formally to recognize at this session the completion of the active service of ______minister(s), ______. As secretary of the Annual Conference, I present to you this/these faithful ministers for this service of recognition and honor, in appreciation of their untiring labors in the Christian ministry.

The Response Those who go out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, carrying their sheaves. (Psalm 126:6)

The Statement of Achievement Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Indeed, by faith our ancestors received approval. (Hebrews 11:1-2)

The Tribute Presiding Elder or Bishop

The Response of the Retiree

The Closing Remarks

The Benediction 50 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church


1. Who are the preachers admitted on trial? 2. Who remain on trial? 3. Who are admitted or readmitted to full connection? 4. Who have been elected and ordained Deacons? 5. Who have been elected and ordained Elders? 6. Who have been located this year? 7. Who have been elected by the General Conference to superintend the African Methodist Episcopal Church? 8. Who are the supernumerary Preachers? 9. Who are the superannuated Preachers? 10. Who have been expelled from the Connection by this Conference? 11. Who have withdrawn this year from this Conference and the Connection? 12. Are all the preachers blameless in life and Conversation? 13. What members of the Conference have died this year? 14. Have all the preachers subscribed to The Christian Recorder and also the AME Review, The Voice of Missions, The Journal of Christian Education, The Secret Chamber, or The Missionary Magazine? 15. What preachers are indebted to any of the Departments or the church publications? 16. Does each station, circuit, or mission in this Annual Conference have a Lay Organization? (b) If not, what stations, circuits, or missions do not have a Lay Organization? 17. When shall this Annual Conference next meet? 18. Where shall our next Annual Conference be held? 19. Where are the preachers stationed this year? 51 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church


52 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church


53 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church


54 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church About the Cover:

he painting that appears on the cover of the Booklet for the 2017 TSeries of Annual Conferences, YEAR TWO: The Season of Epiphany of the Fifth Episcopal District Quadrennial Calendar, in addition to showing our logo for the Season - an open Bible in candle light - it also has deep personal meaning for me.

I came upon this painting by Vincent Van Gogh, Still-life With Bible, while in seminary. It immediately fascinated me. In fact, I have added to my bucket list a trip to Amsterdam to view the original painting.

What fascinated me most was the artist’s thoughtful selection of the three objects that appear in the painting and how meticulously each was placed. The candle, though nearly spent, its flame but a flicker, still offers enough light to reveal vital information about the objects that share its space. By candlelight, we see that the Bible is open to Isaiah 53, “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows…the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes, we are healed.” At the foot of the Bible is a novel titled, Le Joie de Vivre (The Joy of Life), written by the French author, Emile Zola. The novel is the African Methodist Episcopal Church story of Pauline and the fulfillment that she receives from a life lived in service to others.

Fifth Episcopal District Irrespective of the meanings that Van Gogh who aspired to priesthood but was rejected because of his failure to master Latin may have been trying to convey, the message was resoundingly clear to me. The candle speaks of long life, not spent in isolation but in giving illumination. The Joy of Life chronicles the many paths that one takes in his or her quest to live and to be and to explore this wonderful world. The Bible, the most prominent object, puts our faith at the center with the assurance that regardless where the paths of life may lead, the promises of God remain unchanged.

This understanding is essential as we set about restoring the Temple order. 55 A Holy Nation | African Methodist Episcopal Church